List of drugs prohibited while driving. Drugs while driving prohibited and permitted

Medicines significantly affect the human body. At the same time, they not only help to cure a disease or get rid of pain, but also affect the perception of the world and the reaction to it. An ordinary pill can change the coordination of movements or make the driver extremely drowsy. Therefore, many medicines are prohibited for drivers.

What drugs are prohibited

Drugs that are prohibited for drivers to take interfere with free control of the situation while driving. These substances are not recommended to be taken before vigorous physical and mental activity. Substances that affect:

Sleeping pills are the main type of medication prohibited for drivers. This substance helps fast falling asleep, because of which there is a risk of loss of control and the occurrence of an accident. Also, their small doses affect the body like drugs, so the driver's reaction at this time may be non-standard.

Drivers are also prohibited from taking anesthetic-based medications. Although they practically do not affect the perception of the world around them, a small dose of tablets can significantly reduce the reaction rate.

Drugs prohibited for drivers often include medicines taken for a common cold. They contain various components that affect the perception of the world and reduce the reaction rate.

Interesting! Although a drug may not be directly on the list of prohibited substances for drivers, it may be a derivative or analogue of a prohibited drug. Such medications are also prohibited before driving.

During the period of taking any medication, you should refuse to drive a car.

List of prohibited drugs for drivers

It is extremely difficult to provide a complete list of drugs prohibited for drivers, because medicine is constantly creating various analogues and new substances that have a narcotic effect. Therefore, it is worth limiting yourself from the main ones that affect a person and can prevent him from driving a vehicle. Among them:

  1. Pentalgin i sedalgin. They contain codeine, which is used for pain relief. Codeine has a mild narcotic effect.
  2. Tramadol. A popular pain reliever that also falls under the definition of a narcotic.
  3. Spasmoveralgin Neo. Used for pain relief various bodies. Contains codeine.
  4. Buprenorphine. Narcotic analgesic with analgesic effect.
  5. Butarphanol tartrate. Similar in properties to Buprenorphine, it is also used against pain.

All of these items have a narcotic effect, so their use while driving is dangerous and can lead to loss of control.

It is also worth noting the means that have a strong hypnotic or inhibitory effect. Among them:

  1. Sibazon. Combines sedative and narcotic action.
  2. Cinnarizine. Helps improve blood circulation and affects the speed of reaction.
  3. Amitriplin. Has a strong sedative action.
  4. Alprazolam. Possesses hypnotic effect used for depression.
  5. Midazolam. It also has a sedative effect.
  6. Carbamezepine. Affects the reaction of a person, reducing it.

Many drugs are forbidden to be taken while driving, even if they do not contain sedatives or drugs. This applies to many substances for lowering blood pressure, because their action leads to a slow reaction. Among them are Adelfan, Kristepin and other similar medicines.

Drugs for hypertensive patients are also dangerous. They cause confusion, dizziness and weakness. This various means, like Atenolol, Ternomin, Clonidine and others.

Drivers should not take various antiallergic drugs that cause drowsiness, lethargy, and can also enhance the effect of other substances. Among them are Diphenhydramine, Claritin, Suprastin and other drugs with similar action.

Also, substances that do not directly belong to these groups have an effect on the body and brain of the driver. The same Valocardin and Lomeramide can cause lethargy and lethargy. Therefore, it is worth monitoring the composition and action of such drugs, not taking them before driving.

Advice! Often, in the instructions for the tool, its action is written, and also the effects on the reaction, thinking and general state person. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to it before you get behind the wheel.

Duration of action of drugs

When taking sedatives, painkillers and sleeping pills, you should pay attention to their duration. After all, a medication taken at bedtime can still act in the morning and even the whole next day. Therefore, the duration of the effect is important nuance, which should be taken into account when taking.

Most painkillers and sedatives have an effect, the duration of which does not exceed 12 hours. So in the morning it might be light impact, which disappears over time and practically does not interfere with driving. However, sleeping pills can have a long-term effect that disappears over a long period of time. Often the drug is excreted only after 10 days, all this time affecting the body (although not as significantly as after administration).

Therefore, it is worth paying attention to the instructions for the drug, which indicate its effects and their duration. If you drive a car, avoid any long-acting sleeping pills. There are analogues much safer, the duration of which does not exceed five hours.

Important! With diseased filtration organs (kidneys or liver), the substance can be excreted for an extremely long time, affecting the driver's body the next day.

Consequences of illegal drugs

Similar drugs V varying degrees affect the reaction of the driver, the perception of the surrounding world, motor skills and other functions of the body. Therefore, it is impossible to accurately describe the harm from them, because each substance affects the body in different ways. It also depends on the type of drug, because narcotic, sedative and hypnotic substances have a different effect on a person.

A driver exposed to such substances has increased risk get into an accident. He is more distracted, does not respond to stimuli and is able to ignore even the obvious prerequisites for an accident. The effect of such funds on the driver is often equated with a narcotic or alcohol intoxication.

Interesting! It is almost impossible to determine the effect of the drug "on the spot". It is necessary to go to the clinic and take tests.

However, it is extremely difficult to determine the presence of such substances in the driver's blood. Comprehensive analyzes are required. It is worth remembering that driving safety is necessary for you, so you should not drive under the influence of such drugs.

And for a better acquaintance with the drugs prohibited for the driver and obtaining information about their action, you can see next video:

Attitude to various drugs every driver is special. After all, taking medication while driving, a person is at particular risk, because the body's reactions to external stimuli. Among these substances, there are those that are easy for the driver to use.

After all, driving a car, the driver performs big number various operations at the same time. For example, making an assessment of the traffic situation in the field of view of his attention, he understands the events taking place in 1/24 of a second. However, when you slow down, it only takes 1/10th of a second to do so.

Everyone knows that there are drugs that inhibit the reaction, even twice. What are these drugs?

Prohibited Substances

To protect yourself and your loved ones, it is necessary to exclude from use those medicines that are capable of:

  • change functionality nervous system;
  • disrupt the coordination of movement;
  • relax muscles;
  • slow down reactions
  • weaken attention.

These medicines are prescribed by a doctor, and they can only be dispensed with his prescription.

The main substance that falls under this category should be considered a hypnotic. It provides normalization of a dream and promotes fast falling asleep. Doses prescribed by doctors act on the body like soft drugs.

Sleeping pills "Donormil"

Are ordinary medicines dangerous?

Ordinary pills that are taken for headaches (asfen, novocephalgin, fenalgin, pirafen, citramon, nomigrofen) in medicinal purposes, especially the driver is not affected. Such pills (mainly for headaches), which contain at their core sleeping pills(diaphene, verodon) are capable of inhibiting the central nervous system and causing an accident. They reduce attention and ability to quickly respond to the situation and reduce the reaction.

Seduxen - tranquilizer

They are able to reduce emotional (mental) stress, reduce uncertainty and arousal, and even out mood. However, tranquilizers are the culprits in slowing down the reaction, relaxing the muscles and creating moods of indifference to the outside world.

If you take a large dose of such drugs, they cause coordination disorder and drowsiness. Such reactions of the body disappear only after one or two days after the end of the medication.

When allergic and other diseases are treated (in which the body's reactivity changes), diprazine, diphenhydramine, suprastin and other similar drugs are used. antihistamine action. They are able to calm, prevent development and alleviate allergic reaction etc.

There are times when taken in the morning"dose" of diphenhydramine causes such irresistible cravings to sleep that it is simply impossible to overcome it. And it happens that the evening taking of such a medicine can continue its effect even until lunch of the next day. The danger for drivers of drugs of this action is huge.

To reduce high blood pressure with hypertension and other similar diseases, they often take drugs containing alkaloids (rauvazan, reserpine, etc.). The action of which slows down the transmission and speed of passage nerve impulses. Therefore, in order to reduce arterial pressure, use sleeping pills and tranquilizers. In this regard, the driver must always be on the alert.

Such medicines, which are prohibited for the driver, in most cases can cause a traffic accident. They are used when the driver, due to a decrease in attention or disability, cannot drive.

It happens that a person who is ill diabetes, before starting to drive a vehicle, will inject himself with an increased dose of insulin. In this regard, when driving a vehicle, the amount of sugar in the driver's blood will decrease to such a level that he will lose consciousness. Of course, such cases are very rare, but the fact remains.

At the same time, it is impossible to clearly indicate the list of drugs prohibited while driving, because such drugs are prescribed by a doctor. Of course, when he writes out a prescription, he advises the driver to stop driving. In this case, the responsibility for all the consequences falls on the shoulders of the patient and his conscience.

It happens in this situation that cannot be prevented, especially when the conscience of the driver is asleep. Have you ever struggled with sleep while driving? Leave your stories of brilliant victories in the comments.

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If you drive a vehicle during any treatment, be it acupuncture or systemic medication, you automatically fall into the risk group.

The effect of some drugs can manifest itself in the most unpredictable way, including the next morning after their evening use.

There is a judicial precedent when a driver was deprived of his license due to the presence of alcohol in his blood, although he did not take alcohol either the day before or on the day of the incident. A few drops of valocordin did their job just before the trip. It is for this reason that you should not take sedatives and nullify many days of driving training before surrendering your license. Carefully review the instructions for use of the medicines you are about to take for restrictions on driving.

How not to lose your driver's license?

Are the essentials forcing you not to drive?

Unfortunately, sometimes the desire to improve health turns into certain difficulties for car owners. For example, when taking antiallergic, hypertensive, painkillers, colds and some other drugs, it is better to completely refuse to drive a car, since these drugs contain substances that reduce concentration and slow down the reaction.

These drugs include antiallergic "old generation", many painkillers, medicines for cardiovascular disease, anti-cold, drugs for diarrhea. They cause a feeling of fatigue, and this is very dangerous on the road. If you really can’t do without a car, then it’s better to use new generation drugs for allergies.

Is it possible to drive after dietary supplements?

As it turned out, many homeopathic remedies and nutritional supplements can have unpredictable effects on the nervous system. Such precedents were, and it is worth considering. The fact is that sometimes medicines are easier to bring to the market under the guise of food additives. In this case, large-scale studies of the drug are not conducted. Therefore, always be extremely careful when using over-the-counter products on the advice of a friend or advertising on TV.

For reference, such herbs in the composition of fees, infusions and additives, such as motherwort, lemon balm, valerian, peony, act depressingly on the nervous system, inhibit reactions and enter into drowsy state. So after taking them behind the wheel, you can only sit down after 12 hours.

The most dangerous drugs while driving

The list of drugs that are incompatible with driving a vehicle is headed by the strongest in terms of their effect on the reaction rate and adequate behavior behind the wheel:
> - Sleeping pills.
- Tranquilizers. These drugs reduce anxiety, relieve tension, but at the same time inhibit the reaction and affect the body like sleeping pills.

At the time of taking these drugs, it is recommended to refrain not only from driving, but also from activities that require increased concentration of attention, for example, the same driving training.

Modern combined medicines may contain up to a dozen active substances, many of which can cause various side effects. As a rule, the instructions for the drug indicate a list of possible negative reactions organism. In particular, we are talking about the impact that reduces the reaction, concentration, ability to make informed decisions - that is, those qualities that are considered indispensable for the driver.

Unfortunately, such instructions are rarely read, guided by the fact that a particular medicine is praised by acquaintances or the media. Meanwhile, doctors and pharmacists themselves are concerned about this problem, because the list of drugs is growing at a rapid pace. Things have come to the point that even the traffic police are forced to admit that taking one tablet of banal validol is enough to detect traces of prohibited substances in the body. And such a driver can theoretically be punished, and it is practically impossible to prove that he took validol, and not a drug (you need to conduct an expensive examination).

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On the other hand, the fears of legislators are also quite understandable: according to statistical calculations, about 20% of accidents can be associated with the reception medicines. And what is most offensive is that drivers may not even be aware of this. There is a collision, the methods of solving which will be discussed in this article.

Types of intoxication provoked by taking medications

If you follow the letter of the law, then all drugs prohibited for drivers can be divided into three broad categories:

  • containing alcohol, narcotic components or psychotropic substances;
  • which do not contain these substances, but which give positive results when testing for their presence in the blood;
  • drugs that have an effect on the body similar to that of drugs or alcohol.

very many modern medicines produced using alcohol solutions, whole groups of drugs include narcotic or similar components in therapeutic dosages. Taking them before a trip or directly while driving can have an effect comparable to the signs of a drug / . From the point of view of the law, it does not matter at all what caused such a state - in any case it is punishable. So drivers should be very careful with the medications they take, because often the punishment will not match in any way. therapeutic effect from pills.

What threatens a driver who has taken illegal drugs

The list of drugs prohibited for drivers is not just extensive - it is constantly updated with new names. Even having pharmaceutical education It is extremely difficult to remember all these medicines. And yet, this circumstance is not taken into account from the point of view of the law. If tests reveal a banned substance in your blood, and medical examination this confirms that punishment is inevitable. You can try to prove that there was no malicious intent, but usually the court is not on your side. And the responsibility for intoxication of a person driving a vehicle is very serious.

Punishment for driving under the influence of drugs

With regard to the distribution and use of drugs, Russian legislation is considered quite severe. The list of psychotropic / narcotic drugs, in respect of which the state exercises special control, is determined by government decree number 681 (the document was adopted on 06/30/98, the last adjustments were made on 05/25/17).

Drug addicts themselves are considered socially dangerous to society. And if a driver is under the influence of narcotic substances, this is doubly dangerous, since it poses a threat not only to other drivers, but also to bystanders and pedestrians.

The punishment for such an offense is the deprivation of a VU for a period of 1.5-2.0 years or a pecuniary penalty (30,000 rubles).

The bad thing is that many drugs, in particular painkillers, contain a certain dosage of narcotic components. And to prove that you are not a drug addict will not be easy.

Punishment for driving under the influence of alcohol

Although the statistics on drug addiction in our country are far from comforting, with domestic drunkenness things get even worse. Meet a driver with great experience who has never sat down in his life while in best case"under the closet", today it is almost impossible.

Meanwhile, according to the degree of impact on the body, alcohol is no less dangerous than drugs. And in view of the mass nature of this phenomenon, more than 50% of accidents occur with the participation of drivers who have taken a certain dose of alcohol.

It should not be surprising that the responsibility for such an offense is identical to the punishment for driving while under the influence of drugs. If the violation is committed repeatedly, instead of administrative punishment, criminal liability is provided.

Drug/alcohol intoxication is far from the only condition that makes driving difficult or impossible. Forbidden medical preparations for drivers should be supplemented with drugs that impair qualities vital for the driver behind the wheel. We are talking about a deterioration in reaction, a weakening of attention, a decrease in the ability to concentrate, etc.

Without going into specifics and describing full list medicines that cannot be taken while driving, then you can limit yourself to listing groups of medications that are not recommended to be taken if you are driving your own car:

  • sedatives;
  • alcohol-containing;
  • tranquilizers;
  • diarrhea remedies;
  • eye drops;
  • medicines for colds;
  • sleeping pills;
  • analgesics;
  • neuroleptics.

As you can see, even the list of groups of medications that are not recommended for drivers is impressive. Still, it makes sense to consider these groups in more detail.

List of prohibited drugs for drivers containing a component such as ethanol, is very extensive, and the antiseptics used for processing open wounds, and antibacterial drugs.

Ethanol is also found in vitamin complexes(for example, liquid biovital), immunostimulants (quite common aflubin), homeopathic preparations(lymphomyosot), vascular (gutron). In a word, the official list of alcohol-containing tablets prohibited from driving is really extensive, and it is extremely difficult to learn it even for a person with an excellent memory. But there are also drugs that are not on the list of prohibited, but have ethanol in their composition - for example, Corvalol or Valocordin. In principle, memorizing the list is not required - just read the instructions carefully before using a particular medicine.

Medications containing prohibited substances

Inclusion combined medicines minimum dosages of agents included in the list of substances subject to in the territory Russian Federation special control(psychotropic, narcotic, alcohol-containing), makes them potentially dangerous for drivers, despite the fact that their concentration is so low that, for example, they are not able to cause intoxication. An example is Pentalgin N. The composition of this medication includes a whole bunch active components including codeine and phenobarbital. These are substances related to drugs, but they are contained in a tablet in therapeutic dosage that has no effect on the body. However, when examining urine using an immunochromatographic method, they will be detected.

And from the point of view of the letter of the law, substances that can cause alcohol / drug intoxication are prohibited for use by drivers. Therefore enough positive result tests to significantly increase the likelihood of losing a driver's license for a very painful period.

According to statistics, the most common drugs that cause Russian motorists to experience serious problems with the law, belong to the following:

  • corvalol;
  • tetralgin;
  • valocardine;
  • codeterpine;
  • andipal;
  • valoserdin;
  • pyralgin;
  • the aforementioned pentalgin H;
  • plivalgin;
  • tedeine;
  • phytoelixir.

As you can see, in this list there are medications representing different pharmaceutical groups, there are even dietary supplements that are not officially classified as drugs, but are actively sold in pharmacies on an over-the-counter basis.

Moreover, the risk of becoming a delinquent exists even for the driver who decided to have a snack in a nearby cafe with a poppy seed bun. In this case, studies can reveal the presence of morphine in the body.

A false-positive reaction (there is such a term in medicine) to the same narcotic substance will give the use of the drug senade, which is a laxative. Amixin contains another banned substance - methamphetamine.

Often, doctors prescribe medications to patients that drivers should not take - antipsychotics, anticonvulsants, antihistamines, antidepressants. All of them are at risk - if the traffic police inspector decides that you need a medical examination, the results will be disappointing for you.

Valocordin and Corvalol are generally very common pills that almost all adults drink. And they are also potentially dangerous. And in order to prove that the dosage present in the urine corresponds to the tablet one, one will have to undergo additional expensive studies using a gas chromatograph, and then far from a guaranteed result.

So every driver should learn a simple truth: if a prohibited substance is found in your blood / urine, regardless of its concentration, the doctor will have to indicate in the medical report that the patient was intoxicated. And from the point of view of qualification of an administrative offense, it does not matter how many pills you have drunk.

IN judicial practice such cases are by no means uncommon. That is, a driver who simply unknowingly used a single tablet is equated to a drug addict or alcoholic and runs the risk of losing the opportunity to travel on his own for a year and a half or two years. vehicle. At the same time, after the expiration of such an unfair punishment, he will have to undergo a second medical examination.

Is there a way to avoid this fate? Unfortunately, the only way limit the use of such drugs - their release by prescription, but on this moment more than 70% of drugs prohibited for drivers are dispensed on an over-the-counter basis.

Medications that impair attention, reaction, coordination

If alcohol-containing drugs are well known to many, and those that include narcotic substances, partially limited in free sale, then drugs that change for the worse the qualities necessary for the driver belong to the largest group. And most of them can be purchased without any restrictions. But the saddest thing is that their action after evening use can manifest itself in the morning of the next day.

The greatest consequences for the psyche of the driver are the reception psychotropic pills, in particular, from the group of sleeping pills - ivadal, imovan, donormil.

No less risky will be the use of tranquilizers (tazepam, rudotel, elenium and a number of others). They are prescribed to relieve conditions such as anxiety or fear, but at the expense of inhibitory physical activity effects, worsening the reaction and often causing a state of drowsiness, which is extremely dangerous for the driver.

A significant effect on the human psyche, causing behavioral inhibition, is exerted by such medications as tegretol, chlorpromazine, chlorpromazine, finlepsin, sonapax, thioryl, tizercin, neuleptil, percyazine, eglonil, triftazin.

Another group of drugs that should be used with caution are antidepressants (eg, amitriptyline, imipramine). Medications latest generation(Prozac, Paxil, Deprex, Fluval, Coaxil) worsen coordination of movements to a lesser extent, but their use while driving should be abandoned.

Antiallergic pills of previous generations have bad influence on the nervous system (diphenhydramine, tavegil, donormil, pipolfen). Some of them are characterized by an accumulative hypnotic effect, causing fatigue in the driver, slowing down the reaction and reducing the ability to concentrate on the traffic situation.

Analgesics are also able to affect the brain, causing inadequate reactions (tramal, tramadol, ketorolac, pentalgin, sedalgin, migrenol, solpaflex) - these pills should also not be drunk while driving.

Atropine can impair vision, like some other eye drops.

Ways to avoid punishment for taking illegal drugs

All drivers know that the decision of the traffic police inspector. But, alas, such advice cannot be called effective - often legal costs are comparable to the fine itself, and there are few chances to prove one's case, except with the use of expensive additional research.

So most in an efficient way to avoid unpleasant incidents with the use of drugs is a careful study of the instructions. Usually we take pills as prescribed by a doctor, so it will not be superfluous to consult a specialist about this.

However, the metabolism different people may differ significantly - for some, one tablet of a psychotropic medication is enough for noticeable change physiological state, for others, a more impressive dose will not have any noticeable effect on the body. Age should also be taken into account - older people are more sensitive to drugs than young people.

So if you have been prescribed a long course of taking a drug that is not recommended for driving, refuse to use your car for this time. This will protect you from the risk of getting a punishment, and from the likelihood of making a mistake while driving.

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Today is an important topic, drugs that are prohibited while driving. What can not be taken by the driver and why? The easiest of the problems - do not pass the examination of the representatives of the traffic police. It will be possible to argue with them as much as you like, but the device, after using certain substances, will joyfully show the excess of permissible ppm. Drugs prohibited while driving and permitted - in our table. The worst thing that can happen to a driver behind the wheel is sudden health problems that can lead to a serious accident or even cause loss of life. It is clear that any medicine affects the body in one way or another, and this is its meaning. And that one pill is often better than a man with a terrible migraine while driving. Let's see what you CANNOT and what you CAN use while driving. Remember! That every year a lot of new drugs appear, which often contain the same active substance. Therefore, no list of drugs prohibited while driving can be complete. In each case, study the instructions for the ability to drive a car, consult with your doctor and, of course, soberly assess your condition. Remember that not only your safety depends on this, but also the safety of those around you.

Medications prohibited while driving

Medication type Cause Examples
AntipsychoticsInhibit the work of the central nervous system, worsen the reaction timeAminazin, Neuleptil, Periciazin, Periciazin, Sulperide
AntidepressantsChange the coordination of movements. Completely incompatible with drivingAmitriptyline, Ranolazine, Clomipramine, Clominal, Anafranil, Imipramine, Melipramine, Maprotiline, Mianserin, Miansan, Lerivon
Tranquilizer drugs (most often - drugs that relieve fear, anxiety)They slow down the reaction rate, relax the muscles, make a person less receptive to what is happening. Large doses cause drowsiness, lead to an inability to concentrate and follow the roadElenium, Seduxen, Sibazon, Valium, Valium Rush, Trioxazine, Diazepam Tazepam, Diapam, Relium, Apaurin, Phenazepam, Tranquezipam, Fezanef, Elzepam, Nitrazepam, Rudotel, Meprotan, Relanium, Meprobamate
Lithium-based preparationsWith prolonged use, they weaken concentration. Absolutely incompatible with alcohol.Lithium carbonate, Lithium oxybutyrate
sleeping pillsIt would seem that everyone understands that taking sleeping pills while driving is not worth it. To put it mildly. But many do not take into account how long the active substance is excreted from the body. The drugs are excreted through the kidneys or liver, therefore, with a disease of these organs, the process of cleaning the body can be greatly delayed.Barbital, Phenobarbital, Corvalol, Pentalgin (contains phenobarbital), Radedorm, Nitrazepam, Eunoctin, Donormil, Imovan, Ivadal, Nitrest, Oniria, Sanval, Oniria, Zolpidem, Valocordin, Reslip, Spazmoveraglin
Medicines for motion sicknessContains hypnotic or sedative ingredients, so see table for appropriate items
Sedative drugs Cause drowsiness, inhibition of the reaction, worsen the reaction, cause apathyTramal, Tramadol, Ketorol, Ketanov, Pentalgin, Sedalgin, Solpaflex, Solpadein, Buprenofin, Nalbufin, Sedalgin.
Dental anesthesiaIf you are going to the dentist - go to him for public transport. After taking it, it is possible It's a dull pain, weakness, low blood pressure, nausea. After using anesthesia based on lidocaine ( local anesthesia) you can not drive for 12 hoursAlocain, Anestecain, Molkain, Helikain Dineksan, Xylocain, Luan
Cough and cold medicinesThe main banned active ingredient here is codeine. It is found in prescription and non-prescription drugs. In addition, many cold medicines contain antihistamines that cause drowsiness.Codterpin, codtermopsis, Solpadein, Panadein, Perdolan, Prodein, Pentalgin, Caffetin, Coldrex, Nurofen, Loreine, Hexapneumine, Fervex, Theraflu, Codterpin, Codelac
Medicines to lower blood pressure, hypotensiveThese drugs directly affect the central nervous system, slow down the rate of transmission of nerve impulses, and reduce the response time of a person.A delfan, Kristepin, Sinepres, Trirezide K, Brinerdin, Clonidine, Gemiton, Dopegit, Estulik, Cint
Beta blockersWhat are beta blockers? These are substances that block the so-called beta-adrenergic receptors, as a result of which adrenaline has less effect on the heart, it begins to contract less often, as a result of which blood pressure decreases. Such drugs are generally prohibited while driving. Anaprilin, Vero-Anaprilin, Inderal, Hemangiol, Obzidan, Propranobene, Propranolol, Atenolol, Metoprolol
Antihistamines (allergy medications)First-generation drugs change the reactivity of the body, disrupt the perception of the situation, cause a feeling of fatigue, slow down the reaction rate, and cause drowsiness.Diphenhydramine, Suprastin, Diazolin, Tavegil, Pipolfen, Diprazine
Means for the gastrointestinal tractMedications containing m-anticholinergics affect vision: dilate the pupils and make the image less clear. Moreover, the effect can be observed up to several days after cancellation.Gastril, Gastrozem, Gastrocepin, Pyrene, Buscopan, Scopolamine, Bellalgin, Becarbon, Bellastezin, Besalol, Belloid, Aeron, Bellataminal
Remedies for nauseaCause lethargyRaglan, Cerucal
Diarrhea remedies based on loperamideCause inhibition of the nervous systemDiarol, Diasorb, Imodium
Means for examination and / or treatment of eyes based on atropineExpands the pupil, making vision blurry. The effect persists for several days after cancellation.
StimulantsThey can disrupt balance, coordination of movements. After the cessation of their activity, a sharp decline in activity, lethargy, and drowsiness occurs. Therefore, if you want to sleep at the wheel, it is better to stop
Phytopreparations or dietary supplements. especially purchased without a doctor's prescriptionCan't take medicine causing drowsiness possessing sedative effect. In no case should such preparations be combined with drugs that increase overall activity.Containing: valerian, motherwort, peony, passionflower, skullcap, lemon balm, mint, kava kava

Medications that can be used while driving

AntihistaminesDo not cause drowsiness drugs of the second generation. According to many doctors, medicines based on loratadine, ceterizine, fexofenadine are acceptable.Claritin, Clarotadin, Lomilan, Zyrtec, Cetrin and Allercet, Telfast, Fexofenadine
From a coldParacetamol-based medications will help or acetylsalicylic acid without combination with antihistamines or codeine.Paracetamol, chest collection
For a headacheTolerate headache harmful, plus they scatter attention and interfere with driving. The medicines listed on the right are safe if not exceeded. allowable dose Askofen, Asfen, Citramon, Nofocephalin, Pirfen, Novomigrofen, Koalgin, Fenalgin
for diarrheaThere is a drug that does not suppress the reactionMotilium


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