What to do with severe symptoms of delirium tremens? What to do during delirium tremens.

The post-alcoholic state that occurs with severe abuse of alcoholic beverages is called “delirium tremens.” Such acute psychosis is popularly called “squirrel”, and in medicine – delirium tremens (translated as “stupefaction”).

Many people often confuse this syndrome with the characteristic state of a drinker, but delirium tremens occurs due to a sudden exit from a long binge or a significant reduction in the dosage of alcohol. Delirium tremens syndrome is dangerous both for the alcoholic himself and for those around him, so you need to know how to prevent and stop its attacks.

Delirium tremens is not a “mild” symptom that will simply go away after a while, but a real threat to life if not properly treated

To whom does delirium tremens “come”

Most often, delirium tremens occurs as a result of prolonged drinking. The condition is provoked by withdrawal syndrome and begins to manifest itself approximately 2-3 days after stopping drinking alcohol, usually in the evening or at night.

Important! In some cases, delirium tremens may occur after a single dose of alcohol.

Who gets delirium tremens:

  1. For alcoholics who have a history of alcohol abuse for more than 5-8 years, and are already in the second or third stage of alcoholism. Moreover, if these individuals have previously had “encounters with a squirrel,” then the likelihood of delirium tremens occurring is high even with a small amount of alcohol.
  2. In persons who do not regularly abuse alcohol, but may from time to time significantly exceed the dose of alcohol, especially if the alcohol is replaced with denatured alcohol. This group also includes people who periodically indulge in strong libations and who have suffered traumatic brain injuries in the past or have disorders of the central nervous system.

The occurrence of delirium tremens can be suspected if, after a binge, the alcoholic begins to behave strangely:

  • A person develops an aversion to alcohol—at the sight of alcohol, the patient feels disgusted and refuses to drink it.
  • A sharp change in mood occurs: a person experiences attacks of anxiety and melancholy, he is tormented by severe depression, which can be replaced by complete apathy. The patient does not sit still, behaves restlessly, and constantly talks.
  • There is a tremor of the limbs, which does not stop and gradually intensifies.
  • Sleep disturbances occur - short-term sleep, accompanied by nightmares, and then insomnia sets in, increasing the feeling of restlessness, anxiety, and fear.
  • Hallucinations appear that can last for several hours or several days.

With any of the listed manifestations, one should begin to sound the alarm, otherwise subsequent stages of development may end disastrously for the patient.

If you experience any of the above symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor, otherwise the outcome of the current situation will be disastrous.

Symptoms and stages of delirium tremens

The first symptom of delirium tremens is the alcoholic’s sudden refusal to drink alcohol after a long binge. Then, within 2-4 days, the patient’s condition begins to change dramatically, and the following signs of delirium tremens appear in men and women:

  1. Hallucinations– a classic symptom of “squirrel”, which manifests itself in most patients.
  • Visual hallucinations. The attacks begin with the onset of darkness, more often at night. The patient sees a large number of illusory visual images. He may imagine insects crawling on him, it seems that he is being chased by scary spiders, snakes, worms, and mice. The patient may feel as if he is caught in a web or rope. In especially severe cases, the alcoholic sees monsters, murderers, and devils chasing him. At the same time, a person can scream, because It seems to him that he is being tormented and killed, and can fight off invisible monsters.
  • Auditory hallucinations. The patient hears various sounds and rustles, voices threatening him or his loved ones, the hissing of snakes. The alcoholic begins to feel fear and anxiety, it seems to him that something terrible is happening around him.
  1. Changes in facial expressions, movements, speech. Associated with the appearance of hallucinations. The patient's face may express confusion, horror, and anxiety. An alcoholic can brush off non-existent ghosts and shake off insects. Some start looking for something, others hide, and others hide in a corner. The patient’s speech loses its meaning: phrases are abrupt and short, the person talks with imaginary images. In this state, the alcoholic becomes dangerous to himself and others - he can jump out of the window or attack loved ones.
  2. Disorientation in time and space. An alcoholic ceases to understand where he is and does not recognize those around him. It is characteristic that the patient always remembers his data perfectly and can give his own first and last name even in this state.
  3. Physical changes:
  • A sharp increase in temperature, sometimes to life-threatening levels (40 degrees);
  • Increased blood pressure;
  • Strong body;
  • A sharp loss of strength - the patient cannot move, lies in bed all the time;
  • The appearance of increased sweating and chills, while the sweat has a specific odor, similar to the smell of dirty socks;
  • Severe redness of the face, the rest of the skin has a pale tint;
  • Jaundiced whites of the eyes (due to liver dysfunction).

In particularly severe forms of fever, the alcoholic’s consciousness becomes completely clouded; he can imagine that he is at work and clearly perform all professional actions, or, on the contrary, lie in bed, constantly muttering and stroking and feeling everything around him. This is a very dangerous syndrome that can be fatal.

Note! Delirium tremens worsens at night and if measures are not taken in time in the morning, by the evening the “squirrel” will return with renewed vigor.

Delirium tremens after binge drinking goes through several stages, which are characterized by certain symptoms:

  1. First stage (threatening). Occurs in the first days after the cessation of binge drinking. It manifests itself as incoherent muttering, tremors of the limbs, the appearance of hallucinations, feelings of anxiety and concern, and unreasonable fear. This condition can persist for 1-2 days and then go away on its own.
  2. Second stage (complete delirium). Clinical manifestations are vivid - ordinary visions are supplemented by auditory and tactile hallucinations. The patient feels that he is constantly being pursued, threatened with death, attacked or strangled. It is dangerous to treat this condition on your own, and it requires immediate hospitalization of the patient. If a person has delirium tremens and there are additional pathological factors (deep alcoholic depression, severe traumatic brain injury, hereditary tendency to delirium), then the second stage very quickly moves into the next.
  3. Third stage (life-threatening). The patient's speech becomes meaningless and incoherent, his speech rate drops sharply, his reaction to others disappears, and convulsions occur. This is a phase of acute psychosis that can last up to five days. In this condition, there is a high risk of developing coma, cerebral edema and death.

The timing of each stage and the severity of clinical manifestations depend on the individual characteristics of the patient, his alcohol history, state of health and duration of binge drinking.

In addition to tremors of the limbs, with delirium tremens, a person may experience prolonged hallucinations and a complete aversion to any type of alcohol.

Consequences and complications of delirium tremens

Delirium tremens is a deadly condition that results in complete recovery only in very rare cases. The most likely consequences of delirium tremens are:

  • Partial recovery. A complication of delirium tremens is an organic psychosyndrome, which is characterized by a decrease in the level of intelligence, weakening of control over emotions, and memory loss. After delirium tremens, the functions of many organs and systems are disrupted, resulting in the development of pathological processes in the liver, kidneys, cardiovascular, and genitourinary systems.
  • Death. It is recorded in ten cases out of a hundred, more often when hospitalization is refused medical care. If the patient is not hospitalized in a timely manner after delirium tremens, disorders incompatible with life (fever, high blood pressure) may occur. With “squirrel” the patient often commits suicide - he can throw himself from a window or under a car, cut his veins, or hang himself.

If a squirrel “came to an alcoholic” at least once, then the attack will return with one hundred percent probability, even with a small dose of alcohol and short binges. Each attack of fever exhausts the patient - a survivor after 2-3 episodes of delirium risks getting a complication in the form of cerebral dropsy or falling into a coma with subsequent death.

Important! A patient in a state of delirium tremens is dangerous to others, because during visions and hallucinations, an alcoholic can attack the first person he meets, injure or kill him.

Delirium tremens has a poor prognosis and is characterized by a high mortality rate. Often the condition ends for a person with dementia with complete or partial loss of memory, and this process is irreversible.

It is possible to completely recover from delirium tremens in very rare cases, so a person who is faced with such an illness can expect only two outcomes - death or partial recovery

How to cure delirium tremens

Treatment of delirium tremens at home is not recommended, because This condition threatens the life of the patient and others. The best solution in case of a squirrel attack is to place the patient in a specialized clinic, where all symptoms will be relieved within the first hours of admission to the hospital.

But, if for some reason the patient cannot or does not want to go to a psychiatric hospital and the disease is at the first stage, you can try treatment at home.

What to do at home:

  • Try to calm down, calm the patient down, put him to bed. If a person behaves hostilely and inappropriately, his limbs should be tied and objects that could harm himself or others should be removed from the field of view.
  • Place a damp bandage on the patient's forehead and provide plenty of fluids.
  • Make an effort to make the patient fall asleep. To do this, you can give the person sedatives, sleeping pills, motherwort or valerian tincture.
  • Do not leave the patient alone unattended.

Treatment at home can last from two to twenty days, but remember that self-medication may cause more harm than good. Without adequate therapeutic measures, it will be difficult for the patient to overcome this condition.

How to treat delirium tremens in a hospital setting:

  • Relief of anxiety and agitation (diazepam solution).
  • Normalization of water balance and metabolism (sodium chloride solution with dextran, vitamins C, B, P).
  • Restoration of blood circulation and breathing.
  • Elimination or prevention of liver and kidney dysfunctions.
  • Prevention of cerebral edema.
  • Treatment of concomitant diseases.

The duration of treatment for an attack of fever in a hospital setting, as a rule, does not exceed eight days.

Folk remedies for the treatment of delirium tremens are not valid, because... They are mainly aimed at causing an alcoholic’s aversion to alcohol, and not at relieving the condition.

In complex forms of fever, the patient is taken to the intensive care unit.

Treating a patient with a similar diagnosis at home is a big risk, therefore, if possible, it is best to send the patient to a psychiatric hospital, where the chances of recovery will be many times higher


How long does delirium tremens last? Depending on the complexity of the case, an attack can last from several hours to several days, with symptoms intensifying at night and weakening during the day.

Why does delirium tremens occur? This condition is the result of prolonged exposure to alcohol breakdown products on the human brain.

An attack of delirium tremens may go away on its own? If a person realizes that something wrong is happening to him and seeks help from loved ones in time, he can do without specialized medical care.

Is it possible to die from delirium tremens? If the attack is not stopped in time, the probability of death in patients with alcoholic delirium is 12% of the total number.

How to avoid delirium tremens? Only complete abstinence from alcohol can help prevent an attack of delirium tremens.

We often hear: “I got drunk before the squirrel.” As a rule, in the philistine environment, the term “squirrel” or “delirium tremens” refers to any inappropriate behavior somehow related to drinking alcohol. And, as often happens with one’s own interpretations, this generalization does not reflect the essence. In this article we will try to understand in more detail what kind of delirium tremens this is, which doctors call with the clever term “delirium tremens”, where it comes from, and most importantly - what to do if it comes to someone from our immediate environment .

Why is white fever?

First of all, it should be noted that delirium tremens, also known as delirium tremens, is a state of alcohol withdrawal. That is, it occurs only if for some reason the flow of alcoholic beverages into the body that is accustomed to them stops. Disorders of the psyche and behavior during alcohol intoxication are not considered delirium tremens.

The literal translation of the term delirium tremens from Latin is “shaking darkness.”

The term itself was formed due to the specifics of the course of alcoholic delirium in the old days, before the advent of effective medicines. The patients suffered from high fever, but their skin was not red, as usual with hyperthermia, but pale, white. The scientific term “delirium” reflects a specific mental state with agitation, disorientation and hallucinosis. Delirium varies in origin, and the adjective “alcoholic” in this case reflects the cause.

Conditions for the occurrence of alcoholic delirium

Naturally, delirium tremens can only occur in alcoholics or, as they are now commonly called, persons with. Such conditions are typical only for drunkards with the experience necessary for profound changes in brain metabolism.

Alcohol is the cause of delirium tremens

This experience is individual. Previously, it was a minimum of 5 years. Nowadays, due to the abundance of alcoholic surrogates of dubious origin, and, let’s not be honest, the low quality of completely legal products, the experience required to achieve delirium tremens has a persistent tendency to decrease.

Adding fuel to the fire are problems and diseases of the brain that exist in parallel - the consequences of injuries and types of meningitis; acute and chronic pathologies of other organs and systems that lead to brain hypoxia; severe psycho-emotional state at the time of alcohol withdrawal, and so on. In addition, if delirium tremens has already occurred at least once, the next time it will most likely begin without the mentioned “aggravating circumstances.”

How does delirium tremens develop?

In order not to overload the reader’s brain with an abundance of cumbersome and not very useful terminology for the common person such as “biosynthesis of catecholamines” or “dopaminergic synaptic transmission,” we will try to simplify the pathogenesis of alcoholic delirium as much as possible to improve the level of understanding of this problem.

Normally, there are two “mainstream” processes occurring in the nervous system of any person. This is excitation and inhibition. The balance of these processes determines the current state of the psyche and not only it. For example, when awake, excitation processes are more pronounced, and when a person is asleep, inhibition processes dominate. What does alcohol do to us in this area?

In general, ethyl alcohol, so generously contained in strong drinks, is far from a foreign substance to the body. In addition, it is directly involved in the braking processes. Alcohol that comes into us from the outside has the same properties. The only catch is that for normal functioning the body needs very little of its “own” alcohol, and therefore even the lightest of alcohol-containing drinks contains ethanol in quantities much larger than needed.

As a result of the regular intake of alcohol from the outside, we wean ourselves from synthesizing our own. Of course, the body thinks, why bother synthesizing measly fractions of a milligram, since here quantities that are thousands of times larger are supplied absolutely for nothing. Everything is fine. Moreover, our body, trying to cope with regular forced inhibition, not only reduces the production of alcohol, but also increases the resources and reserves of excitation processes.

In terms of addictive power, alcohol is in no way inferior to cocaine, but, nevertheless, from a legal point of view, it has not yet been recognized as a drug.

And then the alcohol suddenly stops flowing. Thus, inhibition in our nervous system was left without its stable overseer and inspirer, because the body had already forgotten how to produce its own ethanol. And the processes of excitation, let us recall, in this situation have already managed to increase, and therefore are much more pronounced in comparison with the norm. And it begins.

Predelirium - what is it?

The patient becomes restless and irritable. As a rule, his paranoia increases - the person begins to invent something that does not exist. This is the first phase of the process.

At the same time, general well-being worsens - tremor (shaking) of the limbs increases, gradually affecting the entire body, the temperature may rise, etc. The pulse quickens. Sweat begins to appear heavily. Nausea and vomiting also occur. Sometimes, if there are problems with the convulsive threshold of the brain, there may be seizures of the epileptic type (alcoholic).

Sleep is disturbed, becoming superficial and full of heavy dreams. At first, in the first days of alcohol withdrawal, the patient may see the first signs of approaching hallucinations - illusions of perception. Voices or music can be heard in the sound of flowing water, the pattern of a familiar carpet begins to come to life and move, and any sharp sound can cause unmotivated panic. Fear sets in, a feeling of painful foreboding of impending disaster.

When insomnia occurs, it means that the “squirrel” is already on the doorstep. The already excited brain is left without any rest at all. Just a little more and delirium will begin.

Symptoms of delirium delirium

Any delirium is characterized by a triad of symptoms - psychomotor agitation, disorientation and hallucinations.

Psychomotor agitation is a state of the body in which a person loses calm in the broadest sense. He can be simply fussy and annoying, or very aggressive and dangerous to others. Can yell, run, break things. Emotional, in a state of passion. Typically verbose. Physical strength increases significantly.

Normally, any person is correctly oriented in three things. In himself, that is, he knows who he is. In time, that is, at least approximately knows what day it is. And in space, that is, he knows where he is. Disturbances in one of these types of orientation are called disorientation. A patient with delirium tremens is oriented in himself, but disoriented in time and space. This is important in order to distinguish alcoholic psychosis from the true one - very often mentally ill people, being in an outwardly similar state, are disoriented in their own personality.

And hallucinations. They are very diverse, as are the people who experience them. Most often, patients see the so-called. zoohallucinations, that is, something living - worms, insects, snakes, etc. But there may be aliens, work colleagues, and otherworldly creatures such as devils - alas, there are plenty of variations of the hallucinatory syndrome in delirium delirium. As a rule, these hallucinations are threatening in nature; a person sees something scary for him, because this is the state of his soul at the moment. Under conditions of excessive excitement, even quite ordinary events are interpreted by the feverishly working brain as a threat, and sometimes this happens quite quickly - the patient has just been talking to you normally, but suddenly “realizes” that you are in fact a demon in disguise, and jumps right out the window to to be saved.

There may be more “peaceful” variants of the course of alcoholic delirium. Patients are simply cheerful and talkative, communicating with their “glitches” without expressing any signs of anxiety. But this option is just a dangerous illusion of a successful course, indicating either that the concentration of substances that carry excitement in the blood is too high and brain cells are no longer susceptible to their bombardment (which is a serious risk to life), or there is no way for delirium to occur. you need large “stimulating” concentrations of the necessary neurotransmitters, i.e. the brain already has some kind of predisposition to hallucinatory disorders. So if the “squirrel” goes easily, this is not a reason to relax.

It would not be superfluous to mention that where there are hallucinations, there is, as a rule, delusion. In other words, the patient comes up with motives and explanations for surrounding events on the fly. Events, let us remind you, are often imaginary. Therefore, one cannot hope for coherent, calm communication with such patients.

“To drink or not to drink?” - practice of treating delirium tremens with alcohol

There is such an old, but, alas, quite common practice in our age of advanced medicine as treating a sick “squirrel” with a small amount of alcohol. Yes, indeed, if you give an organism suffering from a deficiency of inhibition processes a little ethanol, then delirium can go away. But at the same time, due to the different susceptibility of different cells to alcohol, a too severe imbalance between the processes of excitation and inhibition may arise, which can ultimately lead to serious consequences, including disability and death. Therefore, this practice is relevant only in conditions where, for some reason, medical care is not available.

What to do if a “squirrel” comes?

If you personally have problems with alcohol, then carefully monitor yourself if you suddenly stop drinking. If any of the listed symptoms occur, cast aside shame and contact a narcologist at your place of residence, because it is better to say to yourself and others “I am an alcoholic” than to wait for the moment when there is no one to say this. Alcoholic delirium without timely treatment carries with it a serious risk of dying from.

If you have problems with one of your friends or relatives, then, again, do not hesitate to call a specialized specialist. In case of a rapid increase in symptoms, give the patient something sedative (but be sure to remember the name and dose so that you can tell the doctor later, this is very important), try to somehow find a common language with him and relax him. It’s not bad if the patient agrees to take a cold shower or at least hold an ice pack or a cold heating pad on his head.

If excitement increases, then the person must be tied to the bed. But before you try to do this, you must remember the following. This measure is extreme, because it will aggravate the patient’s existing mental disorders, confirming what paranoia helpfully whispered to him. Do not try to tie a patient with a “squirrel” alone - his strength sometimes increases several times. For the same reason, knit with strong ropes or belts. The arms, legs, and also, preferably, the torso should be tied in order to immobilize the patient as much as possible, who, as a rule, struggles very intensely. Do not leave him unattended for even a minute - sometimes such patients are so resourceful that they would give a hundred points head start to Harry Houdini and David Copperfield combined.

Please know: delirium delirium is a life-threatening disease for which mandatory hospitalization is indicated. Any delay in this matter rapidly increases the risk of death. So if you ever recognize the symptoms of delirium tremens described in this article in someone, call an ambulance immediately before taking any action of your own!

Video about delirium tremens

In our country, the problem of alcoholism is very acute. And, unfortunately, it concerns not only older people, but also young people. In addition to the fact that people drink a lot and often get stuck in so-called drinking bouts, a huge number of different problems can also arise when they come out of them. One of them is delirium tremens. Symptoms, treatment at home for this disease, the causes of its occurrence - this is what I want to talk about now.


Initially, you need to understand what delirium tremens is. So, it should be noted that this is the popular name for this problem. In medicine, this condition is called delirium delirium. A problem arises in alcohol-dependent people with stage 2-3 patients. However, delirium tremens can also occur in those who do not drink alcohol too often. But in this case, you must first take low-quality alcohol, the so-called surrogate.

Causes of delirium tremens

When considering the topic “Delirium tremens: symptoms, treatment at home,” you also need to talk about the main causes of this problem. Thus, delirium tremens may appear:

  • After heavy and prolonged drinking bouts.
  • After consuming low-quality alcoholic products.
  • With pronounced
  • With organic brain damage.

It is also important to note that the pathogenesis of delirium tremens is not yet fully understood. However, scientists argue that the main problem in this case is a disruption in the exchange of neurotransmitters in the central nervous system, as well as severe intoxication of the body.

First signs

Initially, you need to tell us when the first symptoms of delirium tremens may appear in alcoholics. So, it is worth noting that very often people do not identify them as such. Often they are simply confused with the so-called budun or otkhodnyak. Delirium tremens is indicated by trembling of the hands, increased sweating of a person, fluctuations in body temperature, redness of the eyes and face. However, these problems are often mistaken for symptoms of a disease that has absolutely nothing to do with the consequences of drinking alcohol. In this case, the patient’s relatives should pay attention to his sleep. So, he will be weak and restless. And before going to bed, outbursts of anger can often occur. Deviations in human behavior, mental breakdowns and fluctuations in the functioning of the nervous system also indicate a problem.

Stages and main symptoms

What other symptoms of delirium tremens are there after binge drinking? So, the manifestations of this problem also depend on the stage of its development:

  1. Korsakov psychosis. This is the first stage when the patient experiences memory, attention, and sleep disorders. Those. neurological disorders are present.
  2. Rave. This is a more serious stage. Psychosis has not yet become severe as long as there are no hallucinations. But the condition is gradually worsening.
  3. The third stage in medicine is called severe. All sorts of neurological disorders are already manifested here. It is in this case that they talk about classic delirium tremens.

Symptoms that may appear in a patient:

  • Migraines, tinnitus, headache.
  • Lack of appetite.
  • Increased anxiety.
  • Aggressiveness, sudden mood swings.
  • Tremor of the limbs.
  • Increased sweating.
  • Hallucinations: tactile, visual, auditory.
  • In some cases, seizures occur.


Having understood what delirium tremens is, the symptoms, what to do if such a phenomenon occurs - you definitely need to talk about it. And all because this condition is fraught with serious complications, which may affect not only the alcoholic himself, but also his relatives and close people. Very often, being captured by hallucinations, patients commit suicide or try to fight their fears with other dangerous methods, putting their lives at risk. Despite the danger of the consequences of hallucinations, the state of delirium tremens is extremely negative for the entire body: organs, systems. Often, after this condition, the patient is found to have serious liver damage. Bleeding and digestive disorders of varying complexity occur. During alcoholic delirium, the immune system is also significantly weakened, which leads to the fact that a person can easily become infected with various viruses and bacteria. The most serious and irreversible complication is death.

First aid

Understanding what delirium tremens is, its symptoms, what to do first if a person is in a state of alcoholic delirium, this should also be discussed. Initially, it should be noted that this problem lasts on average from three to seven days (rarely it happens longer). When the first symptoms appear, you need to do the following:

  1. The patient must be put to bed, despite all his attempts to resist this. If the person is violent, you can also tie him up. This point is important, because it is worth protecting a person who is in a state of alcoholic delirium.
  2. Next you need to call a doctor. After all, it is extremely difficult to cope with this problem on your own.
  3. It is important to remember that the patient needs a lot of fluid, so you often need to give him something to drink. You also need to periodically cool the human body, which is easiest to do in the shower.
  4. It is important to remember that the patient must first be reassured. Therefore, the use of sedatives is important. In this case, you may need the medicine "Diphenhydramine" or "Piracetam".

It is important to remember that you should not swear or shout at the patient. After all, words in this state will simply be useless (a person simply will not perceive them).

Treatment within the walls of the house

Having studied what delirium tremens is, its symptoms, treatment at home - this is what is also important to dwell on. After all, it often happens that there is simply no way to take the patient to the hospital or call a doctor. That is why it is important to know what you can do on your own in this case.

The main tasks that therapy at home should adhere to are:

  • Reducing body intoxication.
  • Maintaining vital body functions at a safe level.
  • Prevention of various problems that may arise as a result of delirium tremens.

If you have a fever, treatment at home should definitely include detoxification therapy. In this case, you need to force diuresis (give as much fluid as possible, you can use various enterosorbents, for example, Enterosgel, that work well in this direction).

It is very important to remember that it is necessary to maintain water-salt and electrolyte balance in the body at a normal level. In this condition, the loss of potassium is extremely dangerous, so you need to try to make up for the loss of this trace element.

You can also use drugs that enhance metabolism. However, most often such drugs are infused into the patient’s blood through droppers in medical institutions (glucose solution or the drug “Cytoflavin”). So, delirium tremens and symptoms are considered. Treatment at home should also include symptomatic therapy. That is, we must remember that it is necessary to treat not only delirium tremens itself, but also other problems that may arise against its background.

The use of folk remedies

For a problem such as delirium tremens, treatment with folk remedies is also relevant. However, it is worth remembering that there are practically no ancient recipes for how to overcome this disease. However, you can try to prevent this problem from occurring. In this case, you can put two bay leaves in a glass for the patient and when all this has been infused with vodka for about half an hour, you should give the alcoholic the remedy to drink. This drink can cause disgust in him. And this will prevent the possible occurrence of another alcoholic delirium.

Alcoholism is a dangerous disease that directly affects not only the alcoholic, but also his loved ones. Delirium “Delirium tremens” is expressed as a clear mental disorder. The patient is unable to adequately perceive the surrounding situation, and this is complicated by auditory and visual hallucinations.

Symptoms of delirium tremens begin to appear 3-4 days after the start of binge drinking. The first time this condition occurs after prolonged drinking, subsequent attacks can occur during a short period of drinking.

The main symptoms of delirium tremens

  1. Before an attack of delirium, the patient experiences an aversion to alcohol, up to a complete refusal to drink the strong drink.
  2. The alcoholic begins to rush from side to side, not understanding what to do. There is a sharp change in mood, from bouts of joy to hysterics with tears.
  3. Added to these symptoms is severe depression, accompanied by unjustified fear and melancholy.
  4. While sleeping, the patient suddenly wakes up from a nightmare. Begins to wander mindlessly and is frightened by non-existent images and sounds.
  5. To avoid such mental manifestations, a person suffering from alcoholism must be shown to a doctor and comprehensive treatment begun without any alcohol intake.

Delirium tremens most often occurs at night. The attacks are constantly intensifying, the patient begins to see heaps of insects around him, balls of poisonous snakes, rats running all over the floor, spiders, etc. These creatures can terrify any healthy person, and in an alcoholic these images are even more intense. A person may feel as if he is caught in a web and cannot get out. Or a huge rat starts gnawing on his leg, and he is unable to drive it away. The patient screams hysterically, breaking and breaking everything that comes to hand.

During auditory hallucinations, an alcoholic may feel like someone is yelling at him or threatening him with violence. This can lead to groundless aggression, when a person rushes at everyone around him. During such an attack, he can be very dangerous; his behavior is unpredictable. At best, the alcoholic is afraid of any knowledge and hides, huddling in a corner. The condition may manifest itself as an unjustified attack of jealousy, in which case the patient also becomes dangerous to his family and friends.

All hallucinations that the patient feels are reflected in his facial expressions and movements. Speech becomes slurred and intermittent. An alcoholic communicates with non-existent images, confusing them with reality, sometimes noticing people nearby in the forms that appear in his brain.

Squirrel can be life-threatening for the alcoholic himself and for the people nearby at the time. During an attack, a person may unexpectedly throw himself out of a window, under a car, train, etc. While under the influence of a hallucination, the patient may feel that he must save someone or that there is a threat to his life behind him. These attacks are very dangerous. A person in an unconscious state can harm his health or even commit unintentional suicide.

In a state of delirium tremens, a person clearly understands who he is, what his name is and where he lives. He cannot decide in space, does not understand where to go and what they want from him. An attack of delirium tremens may worsen at night; during the day, these symptoms usually weaken and enlightenment of consciousness is possible.

With delirium, a complication of the condition may occur, such as muttering syndrome. In this case, the person can no longer fight his fears or even move. The patient simply lies there, unable to move and makes strange muttering sounds. The facial expression changes to a distorted grimace. This condition is very serious and can be fatal.

In severe cases of the disease, the patient experiences severe dehydration, increased heart rate, and increased blood pressure. The patient is no longer able to move independently, he is thrown into chills, then fever, the temperature rises to 40 degrees. and higher. An unpleasant odor emanates from the human body, the skin changes color from pale gray to purple (with increased pressure).

At the first stage of alcoholism, deaths due to delirium tremens are observed in only 15% of cases. With progressive poisoning of the body (stages 2-3), deaths occur much more often, while the alcoholic experiences severe liver damage, brain tumors or hemorrhage, or a heart attack.

Korsakov psychosis

Korsakoff psychosis is the third stage of alcoholism, which affects people after 50 years of age. This disease appears when the body is poisoned by various surrogates such as cologne or vodka of poor quality. Patients with this type of psychosis suffer from damage to the nervous system of the brain.

Brain changes lead to severe amnesia, when the patient cannot remember who he is, what his name is, what he did for 5 minutes. back. It’s useless to ask him anything, he can’t remember the person he just talked to. The patient does not feel time; he is visited by a feeling of anxiety and fear. The further course of the disease is accompanied by complete euphoria and withdrawal. The patient is unable to take care of himself; any touch to the body becomes painful.

In most cases, if comprehensive and long-term treatment is not started, the person becomes paralyzed and remains bedridden for the remaining days.

To get out of this state, a complete abstinence from alcohol and a long course of treatment and recovery (2-3 years) are required. After recovery, brain functions are restored, but performance is lost.

Treatment of delirium tremens

When signs of delirium tremens appear, the person must be urgently hospitalized in a drug treatment or psychiatric hospital. Without professional help from doctors and a special course of treatment, a person can die.

First aid:

When an attack of delirium tremens occurs, the patient must be kept in bed by any means until the doctors arrive (maybe even tied up). To maintain a normal condition, the patient must be given as much fluid as possible and apply cold compresses.

Give the person a sedative or sleeping pill and do not move one step away from the patient so that he cannot injure himself.

While in the hospital, the patient takes medications that reduce toxicity, stabilize metabolic processes and restore water-salt balance. An alcoholic is prescribed medications that restore the body’s cardiac and respiratory function.

For delirium tremens, the patient is given Relanium and small doses of Peridol (suppresses hallucinations, reduces agitation). To calm the patient and relax, he is administered diphenhydramine and seduxen.

Intoxication is relieved with the help of intravenous drips: glucose, hemodez, rheopolyglucin and many other drugs (depending on the severity of the poisoning).

Drugs that restore cardiac function and brain activity are administered. As a general therapy, a course of vitamins is prescribed.

Since the first signs of improvement occur on days 2-8, the patient is in the intensive care unit under constant medical supervision. At night, attacks may recur and intensify. The best recovery method is long and sound sleep.

A drinking person is always a problem in the house, since alcohol abuse often leads to the development of delirium tremens.

Where to call in this case, who to turn to for help? If a person has a complication caused by alcohol, these questions are very relevant and worry many. The precursor to delirium tremens is always a hangover, after which a person experiences a wave of fear, a feeling of thoughtless anxiety. One of the symptoms of delirium tremens is sleep disturbance; it becomes extremely restless and nightmarish. The development of insomnia and further hallucinations occurs after a few days. Moreover, such hallucinations are characterized by special mobility and brightness.

Patients see in front of them webs of cobwebs floating in the air, many kinds of insects, rodents, some observe the appearance of imps, snakes, etc. From time to time, such hallucinations can be supplemented by unimaginable pictures and images. In addition, visual hallucinations and illusions can be supplemented by auditory disorders. For example, some patients claim that they are mocked, mocked, and called offensive names.

A symptom of delirium tremens is tactile hallucinations. In such cases, it seems to the patient that mice are walking around the body and insects are moving. While under the influence of an attack, the patient does not realize that what is happening is unreal. He enters into dialogue with non-existent voices, brushes aside devils, tries to shake off insects that are not really there.

Need to know the signs

In order to act correctly if a person close to you develops signs of delirium tremens, you should know what to do and how this condition manifests itself. Common symptoms include mood swings. A person can very quickly go from an excited or irritated state to a calm state, rage is replaced by good nature, indifference by interest, and so on. As a rule, the development of delirium tremens occurs at night, and the apogee of this phenomenon is reached closer to the morning. After this, the patient feels better, and he thinks about what to do next, and can talk about his dreams. Often patients are fully aware that they are sick.

People should know that fears return in the evening, and loved ones should be prepared for such behavior of the patient. The person becomes lost, he becomes worried. This means that it is returning, the attack begins. Usually the disease lasts several days, and all this time the patient either does not sleep for a minute, or his sleep is very restless, the person sleeps little.

Delirium tremens is called delirium tremens and is accompanied by many autonomic disorders. Severe sweating is most noticeable in this case. In addition, you need to know that during delirium tremens there is a rush of blood to the eyeballs and facial skin. The heart rate increases and blood pressure also rises.

Serious types of disease

If drinking alcohol continues for a long time, a more serious type of delirium tremens may occur. This happens if a person mainly used surrogates. In addition, similar manifestations can occur in patients who have suffered a traumatic brain injury. Before the onset of psychosis, patients in this group who abstain from alcohol experience vomiting, severe migraines, speech becomes sluggish, and other disorders of a neurological nature appear.

The prognosis is aggravated by symptoms such as severe cramps of the limbs, elevated temperature, and sudden agitation. Particularly unfavorable symptoms indicating a risk to the patient’s life are worsening disturbances of consciousness. At the same time, the person seems to be cut off from reality; he can fall into a state of coma or stupor.

Another serious complication should be considered an increase in the number of disorders affecting the autonomic system. Basically, this is a sharply reduced blood pressure, a serious disruption in the rhythm of the heart.

Carrying out emergency assistance

Emergency assistance consists in stopping the patient’s agitation. It is equally important to eliminate sleep disturbances. It is known that normal sleep is confirmation that psychosis is receding. Considering that the patient's condition is quite serious, the most rational approach would be to provide emergency care, taking into account the latest resuscitation principles. This means that significant results must be achieved in the next 24 hours. If positive changes have not been achieved within 24 hours, treatment for delirium tremens is required in the psychiatric department of the hospital. There are better conditions there that allow adequate resuscitation.

Drinking alcohol can cause terrible complications, and delirium tremens is a serious reason to seek professional medical help. If the patient's condition does not improve and all signs of delirium tremens are present, immediate hospitalization is required, even if the patient himself objects to such emergency measures. If you remain inactive, the outcome of the syndrome may be extremely severe and may even result in death. In addition, a person suffering from delirium tremens cannot control himself, so those around him are also at risk.

How to help - first steps

If your husband or someone close to you has a similar condition, the first thing you need to do is call an ambulance. Before the doctors arrive, you need to do the following:

  1. Transfer the patient to a horizontal position; if necessary, you can immobilize him.
  2. Giving the patient more to drink is necessary, since in such a situation the body suffers from dehydration.
  3. If the patient is feeling unwell, place a cool compress on his head; a cold shower will also help.

How is delirium tremens treated?

When treating delirium tremens, modern medicine acts in two directions: the physiology of the patient and the psyche. In this regard, the use of certain psychotropic drugs and agents that promote the removal of toxic substances from the body can be considered justified. Maintenance therapy involves the administration of medications that restore water-salt balance and normalize organ function. This is necessary because this disease is serious, it affects the heart, respiratory system, and kidneys.

All medications in the treatment of delirium tremens must be selected adequately, moderate doses are prescribed, allowing the patient to be relieved of delirium and visions. They are also aimed at quickly stopping the toxic effects on the brain and extinguishing its rapid excitation. Treatment in a hospital can last several days, sometimes longer. It is important not to forget that exacerbation of the disease occurs in the evenings, closer to night, and during the day the patient’s condition can be close to satisfactory. A prerequisite for recovery is long, deep sleep.

If the person next to the patient does not have a medical education, there is no need to try to treat someone suffering from delirium tremens on your own and choose medications for him only on the basis that it helped someone else in a similar situation. The therapy is carried out by a narcologist, and always in an inpatient setting. Delirium tremens requires a careful approach. In each individual case, treatment is individual, since it is necessary to take into account many nuances associated with the patient’s condition.

Thank you for your feedback


    Megan92 () 2 weeks ago

    Has anyone succeeded in ridding their husband of alcoholism? My drink never stops, I don’t know what to do anymore ((I was thinking about getting a divorce, but I don’t want to leave the child without a father, and I feel sorry for my husband, he’s a great person when he doesn’t drink

    Daria () 2 weeks ago

    I have already tried so many things, and only after reading this article, I was able to wean my husband off alcohol; now he doesn’t drink at all, even on holidays.

    Megan92 () 13 days ago

    Daria () 12 days ago

    Megan92, that’s what I wrote in my first comment) I’ll duplicate it just in case - link to article.

    Sonya 10 days ago

    Isn't this a scam? Why do they sell on the Internet?

    Yulek26 (Tver) 10 days ago

    Sonya, what country do you live in? They sell it on the Internet because stores and pharmacies charge outrageous markups. In addition, payment is only after receipt, that is, they first looked, checked and only then paid. And now they sell everything on the Internet - from clothes to TVs and furniture.

    Editor's response 10 days ago

    Sonya, hello. This drug for the treatment of alcohol dependence is indeed not sold through pharmacy chains and retail stores in order to avoid inflated prices. Currently you can only order from official website. Be healthy!

    Sonya 10 days ago

    I apologize, I didn’t notice the information about cash on delivery at first. Then everything is fine if payment is made upon receipt.

    Margo (Ulyanovsk) 8 days ago

    Has anyone tried traditional methods to get rid of alcoholism? My father drinks, I can’t influence him in any way ((

    Andrey () A week ago

    I haven’t tried any folk remedies, my father-in-law still drinks and drinks



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