Natural diuretics. Diuretic drinks, herbs and berries for swelling of the legs and face

Swelling - characteristic feature urological diseases, kidney pathologies and urinary tract. Excess accumulation fluids in tissues, problems with urine output are eliminated not only with synthetic drugs.

Homemade diuretics are as effective as medications. Properties, action, proven recipes for diuretic decoctions, list of natural diuretics - helpful information for people of any age. It is important to choose plants, fruits, vegetables to remove excess liquid without side effects And negative impact on the body.

general information

Prescribed for disturbances in the outflow of urine, accumulation of fluid in the intercellular space, and the appearance of swelling. Diuretics also lower blood pressure and remove toxins.

Violation of the filtration function of the kidneys is a reason for taking diuretics. The use of diuretic compounds prevents intoxication of the body, reduces pain when fluid accumulates in the organs of the urinary system.

Features and Benefits

Multicomponent mixtures, herbal decoctions, and some products have a positive effect on water-salt balance, reduce swelling, and stabilize blood pressure. A characteristic feature is a diuretic effect without negative influence on the heart, blood vessels, bladder, kidneys. Another important point is the possibility of taking natural diuretics in courses over a long period.

Benefits of natural diuretics:

  • remove excess fluid from the body;
  • act “softer” than synthetic drugs;
  • many names are suitable for elderly people, children, pregnant women, patients with chronic pathologies;
  • have a positive effect on the body, saturate tissues with useful microelements and vitamins;
  • exhibit antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory effects;
  • normalize work of cardio-vascular system(in combination with other means);
  • enhance the effect of antibacterial compounds;
  • do not irritate mucous membranes Bladder, ;
  • lead to normal water-salt metabolism;
  • actively flush the kidneys, prevent stagnation of urine, against the background of which inflammatory diseases often develop;
  • improve the filtration properties of the kidneys;
  • You can easily find several types of herbs with a diuretic effect in the pharmacy;
  • have a positive effect on the outcome of complex therapy;
  • reduce the activity of pathogenic microorganisms.

Important! Positive result appears only if you follow the rules for preparing and using decoctions, tinctures with high concentration biologically active substances. When selecting herbs, you need to take into account the tendency to allergic reactions, if there have previously been cases of urticaria, intolerance to certain types of food and medications.

Indications for use

Natural diuretics and folk diuretics are prescribed for pathologies various organs and systems:

  • disturbance of urine outflow;
  • , (acute form);
  • pronounced swelling due to heart failure;
  • intoxication due to use alcoholic drinks, poisons, potent drugs;
  • arterial hypertension with swelling of the legs;
  • remission in chronic pyelonephritis.


When selecting natural diuretics, the urologist takes into account the following limitations:

  • individual sensitivity to active substances;
  • pregnancy (certain herbs cannot be used);
  • children under 6 years of age;
  • lactation period (nursing mothers should not take some decoctions and berry teas);
  • nephritis, nephrosis (it is forbidden to use herbs that irritate the parenchyma of the lobes);
  • prostate adenoma.

How to take diuretic herbs

  • always consult a urologist, nephrologist, cardiologist, gastroenterologist (depending on the type of pathology);
  • take into account limitations;
  • during pregnancy, during natural feeding be sure to consult a gynecologist;
  • strictly adhere to the recipe, rules of administration, observe the one-time and daily dosage;
  • If allergic reactions or discomfort in the abdominal area occur, stop taking diuretics and make an appointment with a specialist;
  • drink healing decoction until 15-16 hours: evening intake of diuretic compounds disrupts sleep.

Natural diuretics at home

List medicinal herbs and products with a diuretic effect are quite large. With stagnation of fluid, swelling, high blood pressure It’s easy to find an inexpensive one, effective remedy. Natural diuretics must be approved by your doctor.

Diuretic products

Natural diuretics remove fluid well:

  • watermelon;
  • celery;
  • cranberries;
  • fennel;
  • pumpkin juice;
  • rosehip decoction;
  • juniper berries;
  • viburnum juice;
  • cucumbers;
  • tomatoes;
  • melons;
  • parsley;
  • green tea.

Decoctions and tinctures

Traditional medicine offers many recipes based on berries, roots, and medicinal herbs. In pharmacies and in the garden there are all the components for preparing medicinal compositions.

The rules of nutrition and diet for oxalate kidney stones are described on the page.

Go to the address and read about treatment methods chronic cystitis in women using tablets.

Proven recipes:

  • rosehip decoction. Natural raw materials - 3 tbsp. l., water - 1 l, boil the composition for 15 minutes, be sure to let it brew for 30 minutes. A good diuretic to drink half a glass daily. Cannot be consumed healing agent at peptic ulcer ;
  • Mint tea. Put chopped leaves (a teaspoon) into a glass, pour in boiling water (200 ml), wait a quarter of an hour, drink the infusion. An aromatic drink with a mild diuretic effect is also useful for headaches;
  • collection No. 1. Combine a tablespoon of knotweed and chamomile, pour into a thermos, add 500 ml of boiling water, leave for 40 minutes. Accept healing tea a third of a glass in the morning and shortly before lunch;
  • collection with diuretic effect No. 2. Combine horsetail, cornflower flowers, birch leaves in equal proportions, take a couple of tablespoons of the mixture, pour hot water(half liter). Boil the mixture for 5 minutes, cool, filter. Take 100 ml of diuretic composition twice a day;
  • horsetail decoction. Preparing a diuretic is easy. In a bowl, combine half a liter of water and a tablespoon of natural raw materials, simmer over low heat for 15 minutes, remove from the stove, and let the mixture brew. After 30 minutes, strain, drink the horsetail decoction warm twice a day, always before meals;
  • bearberry infusion. A strong diuretic is prepared from 2 tsp. leaves and 500 ml of boiling water. It is enough to keep the composition in a thermos for 35-40 minutes. Bearberry infusion actively removes excess fluid. Ready product distribute into three doses, drink before meals;
  • nettle infusion. Tea made from the leaves of a burning plant actively cleanses the blood, removes toxins, and has a mild diuretic effect. Proportions: a glass of boiling water + a teaspoon (without a slide) of chopped herbs. Leave the product covered for half an hour. Drink healthy tea for two times.

A few more recipes for natural diuretics:

  • decoction of corn silks. Collect natural raw materials, chop, take 3 tablespoons, place in a saucepan, pour in 700 ml of liquid. Simmer the diuretic over low heat for 5 minutes. Wait until the composition cools down and put it in a cool place. Drink 150 ml of decoction a third of an hour before breakfast and lunch;
  • infusion of lingonberry leaves. Grind dry or fresh raw materials, steam in a thermos (take 500 ml of boiling water for 2 tablespoons of leaves). Healing drink ready after forty minutes. Drink the diuretic composition daily for 14 days, 100 ml before breakfast and lunch;
  • tea with cranberries. Pour 100 g of berries into a glass container, add a tablespoon of sugar, crush natural raw materials, pour in 0.5 liters of boiling water, cover the jar with a lid. In half an hour the tea is ready. Take the diuretic composition warm, 150 ml twice a day. To enhance the taste, add a teaspoon of honey;
  • decoction of parsley root. This effective remedy is not suitable for pregnant women: the diuretic composition increases the tone of the uterus. To prepare a diuretic decoction, take the roots, chop them into small pieces, and take a couple of tablespoons. For this amount of natural raw water, take 1 liter. Keep the container with the broth on low heat for 10 minutes. Strain the cooled product and consume 100 ml twice a day before meals.

It is important to use diuretics based on natural raw materials at home after consulting a doctor. Healing herbs, berries, roots have a positive effect on the body only if the rules of preparation and use are followed. The duration of the course is determined by the urologist/nephrologist individually for each patient.

Video - review of effective folk diuretics:

Diuretics are included in the treatment of many diseases. Traditional recipes provide a large selection of techniques and methods that have a diuretic effect on the body.

Excess fluid accumulates in the body due to various reasons, but it must be removed. Exist special drugs, affecting the human body in such a way that water is recycled.

Medicines have side effects, and many people prefer natural remedies chemical drugs, therefore they use traditional methods getting rid of excess liquid.

Diuretics are always prescribed according to indications. Many diseases can retain water in the body; a person’s condition can worsen if there is a lot of fluid in the body.

Diseases requiring diuretics

  1. Arterial hypertension;
  2. Cardiovascular diseases;
  3. Sodium retention;
  4. Kidney failure;
  5. Ascites;
  6. Osteoporosis;
  7. Glaucoma;
  8. Edema;
  9. Cirrhosis;
  10. Pregnancy;
  11. Excess weight.

Depending on the patient's condition, he requires diuretics of varying strengths. For many ailments, you can get by with drugs that are weak in this regard, and some diseases require large volumes of fluid removal. Like medicines, folk remedies also vary in the intensity of their effect on the body.

In some cases, the doctor prescribes active therapy, which means constantly taking strong diuretics. Sometimes patients are prescribed maintenance therapy, which means the patient must constantly take weak diuretics.


Diuretics have not only useful action, they are also capable of providing harmful influences on the body. First of all, you need to take into account that, along with excess fluid, they are washed out of the body. necessary substances- potassium, calcium, magnesium and others.

How stronger effect diuretic drug, the more the body will lose useful microelements. When taking such medications regularly, it is necessary to replenish lost substances with a complex of vitamins. Some diseases also serve as contraindications to taking diuretics.

Diseases - contraindications for diuretics:

  • decompensated cirrhosis of the liver;
  • hypokalemia;
  • respiratory failure;
  • acute renal failure;
  • diabetes;
  • ventricular arrhythmia;
  • heart failure (with caution).

Chronic use of diuretics can worsen the course of many diseases. Only a doctor can understand specific situation, and decide whether to take diuretics.

  1. Before using one or another folk remedy that has a diuretic effect, you need to carefully study all its effects on the body;
  2. Before drinking any herbal preparation, you should consult your doctor;
  3. Every natural natural remedy has a short shelf life when prepared, so you need to carefully monitor so that such medicine does not spoil;
  4. Anyone can have an allergic reaction to any component folk product for treatment, this means that you cannot take such a drug immediately, in full dosage;
  5. When taking diuretics, it is necessary to replenish lost microelements.

Diuretic folk remedies for edema

Edema can appear for various reasons; it is necessary to quickly get rid of it. By using traditional medicine you can not only remove excess fluid from the body, but also heal and strengthen your body, as well as saturate it useful substances.


  • infusion of birch leaves;
  • cornflower tincture;
  • Dill seeds;
  • watermelon;
  • cucumbers;
  • cranberry;
  • green tea;
  • apple peel compote and others.

Swelling is not necessarily visible visually. There is always a danger of hidden edema, which is not visible, and a person does not even suspect its presence. This pathology cannot occur on its own, it is only a symptom of a disease. Pregnant women often suffer from edema, and they first need to become familiar with the methods traditional treatment such a state. Synthetic diuretics are not suitable for expectant mothers due to a large number of side effects.

How to use folk diuretics for weight loss

Many believe that with the help of diuretics you can lose weight significantly and easily. Yes, indeed, kilograms are lost from taking such drugs, but at what cost.

Weight loss due to the diuretic effect is based on a large loss of fluid from the body, leading to dehydration.

There is an opinion that adipose tissue consists of 90% water, and this is the reason for many to take diuretics in order to lose weight.

When taking diuretics, only water leaves, fat remains. However, you can take diuretic drugs for weight loss, the main thing is not to increase the dose recommended by your doctor.

Diuretics for weight loss:

  1. A decoction of berries and lingonberry leaves;
  2. Horsetail infusion;
  3. Sauna or bath;
  4. Ginger tea with lemon;
  5. Beet juice mixed with celery and plum juice.

Thanks to its mild diuretic effect on the body, it is possible to improve water balance, get rid of cholesterol plaques, restore blood vessels, reduce the risk of many diseases. Restoring the activity of all parts of the body and its systems contributes to rapid decline weight. Drink strong diuretics very dangerous, it leads to serious consequences for good health.


  • heart rhythm disturbance;
  • dizziness;
  • severe decrease in blood pressure;
  • hallucinations;
  • collapse;
  • blurred vision.

Side effects from diuretic abuse can harm a person and even cause death.

Use of traditional medicine for hypertension

Hypertension is a disease that manifests itself constant increase blood pressure. The course of treatment for this disease necessarily includes diuretics. Instead of pills, it is quite possible to take folk remedies that cause a diuretic effect.

Traditional diuretics for hypertension:

  1. Collection (valerian, motherwort, knotweed, calendula);
  2. Collection (chamomile, oregano, barberry);
  3. Juniper berries;
  4. Vegetables (spinach, cucumbers, asparagus, carrots);
  5. Fruits (melon, persimmon, watermelon);
  6. Berries (currants, lingonberries, cherries).

For hypertension, it is very important to adhere to therapeutic diet And proper routine day. Eliminate salt, fatty and fried foods, smoked foods, and limit physical activity. By constantly eating vegetables, fruits and berries that have a diuretic effect, and taking medicinal decoctions from herbs, you can completely abandon synthetic drugs diuretics.

The most powerful herbal folk remedies

Among the representatives of the plant world there are herbs that have a very strong diuretic effect. Such products must be used carefully, as they can cause a number of side effects.

  • floor pala (erva woolly);
  • horsetail;
  • bearberry.

These herbs are recognized as the most powerful in terms of removing excess fluid from the body. Before taking, you need to make sure the dosages are accurate. You can include these plants in medicinal preparations.

  1. Corn silks, fallen floor, succession;
  2. Bearberry, chamomile, elderberry;
  3. Dill, lingonberries, bear ears, horsetail.

Each of the herbs has a huge range of beneficial substances. In addition to removing excess fluid, these natural healers will restore immunity, relieve inflammation and restore the functioning of all parts of the body.

Elena Malysheva will tell you the causes of leg swelling, as well as the most popular traditional methods of treatment.


Nutrition is an important component of every person's life. Use junk food leads to the occurrence of many diseases. The right diet, on the contrary, restores the body and promotes the good functioning of all organs and systems of the body. There are foods that have a diuretic effect; by eating them constantly, you can refuse diuretic tablets.

  • dried fruits. In addition to a huge range of vitamins and useful elements, this product helps to recycle water from the body;
  • cranberry. This berry is able to remove fluid from the body and also heals infectious diseases urinary tract;
  • tomato. This product can be compared to watermelon in its diuretic effect. Consumption of tomatoes should be limited due to their high levels of oxalic acid;
  • pomegranate. This fruit is incredibly healthy due to its rich vitamin composition, and also quickly removes water from the body;
  • grape. Has diuretic properties, eliminates toxins, bad cholesterol, uric acid from the body.

Drinks and fruit drinks using these fruits will be tasty and useful medicine diuretic action.

  • celery. In addition to removing excess moisture from the body, it can provide a large amount of vitamins and microelements and slow down aging;
  • radish. Diuretic natural origin. Cleanses the blood and normalizes kidney function;
  • carrot. Diuretic vegetable. Restores hair, skin, nails, bones, liver;
  • watermelon juice A strong diuretic berry. Juice promotes rapid removal of fluid;
  • green tea. It has a lot of useful substances and is a good diuretic;
  • cocktails made from several types of juices (cherry, pomegranate, peach).

There are many herbal remedies that are excellent for removing water from the body. By including such food in your diet, you can forget about swelling.

Homeopathy and diuretics

Homeopathic medicines have a gentle diuretic effect and are prescribed for the treatment of children and pregnant women, as well as those who have contraindications to taking herbal and medicinal products.

Homeopathic medicines:

  1. Diuretic;
  2. Hina;
  3. Populus compositum;
  4. Acetate compounds.

Such remedies do not cause adverse reactions, and can safely remove water from the body.

Diuretic drugs can be different, folk recipes contain a huge selection of such drugs. It is important that before taking traditional medicine, be sure to obtain a doctor’s permission to use a particular product.

Why homeopathic medicines do they work? Details in this video.


Diuretics are necessary for people with various diseases, but we must not forget that such drugs have contraindications that can seriously harm the body.

Herbs can cure almost any ailment. Among the methods of treatment with herbal preparations, there are strong diuretics that can cope with the task of removing excess fluid, no worse than medications.

Nutrition should benefit the human body. Some products can provide healing effect on the body, including diuretics.

Many people suffer from edema, especially women. With the help of herbs it is quite possible to get rid of such an unpleasant symptom.

Will help greatly in the process of losing weight herbal remedies. If you supplement your diet herbal teas, the weight will decrease faster.

Homeopathy for some is the only way out. These drugs do not harm human health, while providing a diuretic effect.

In contact with

Edema problem of various origins is very common among the population. Unfortunately, the lack of obvious visible to the eye swelling on one or another part of the body is not a guarantee that there is none - there are so-called hidden edema, the danger of which is very high.

Edema itself is not a separate pathology, but is part of a symptom complex characteristic of specific disease or states, of which there are many. Just as there are many causes of edema, there are many remedies and methods to combat them. So huge list synthetic diuretics are replenished daily.

The purpose of this group of drugs is clear from the name - they help remove excessively accumulated or retained fluid from the body through the urinary system. But not everyone is a fan of official medicines.

Alternative to chemical medicines traditional medicine offers a diuretic created by nature itself and tested over many generations, it is effective, safe and not addictive a way to rid your body of excess fluid.

When are diuretics indicated?

Diuretics are indicated for many conditions and diseases:

  • Cardiovascular pathology
  • Hypertension
  • Diseases of the urinary organs
  • Liver diseases
  • Pregnancy
  • Allergy
  • Tendency to swelling
  • Errors in a diet with a predominance of spicy and salty foods
  • Overweight

If the use of diuretics is associated with a specific disease, a person is often doomed to a lifelong struggle with excess fluid accumulated by the body. Folk diuretics for hypertension can keep it under control dangerous disease and avoid critical surges in blood pressure.

In a condition such as pregnancy, swelling can lead to serious health problems. Well, what about the fight with overweight is simply impossible without diuretic therapy, be it medicinal or folk, since excess fluid is overweight on our body.

Tips for the safe use of folk diuretics

There is an incredible a large number of popular recommendations and recipes for the preparation and use of diuretics. But before using even the most seemingly safe of them, you should still consult a qualified specialist about the possibility of such treatment.

  • Allergic reactions

It should also be remembered that many plants are allergenic and can cause corresponding reactions in humans. Therefore, when using a new folk method for the first time, you should reduce the recommended dose several times and observe the body’s reaction for 6 hours. If an allergic or any other pathological reaction develops, the composition should be discontinued.

  • Replenish magnesium and potassium deficiency

Even taking into account the fact that folk diuretics for edema and pregnancy do not have an aggressive effect on the body, unlike medicines, they are also capable of outputting healthy salts from the body, such as . To replenish their deficiency, you should add oatmeal, raisins or grapes, apricots or dried apricots, as well as rice and bananas to your diet.

To prevent edema, it is best to combine traditional methods with proper nutrition, for this you need to consult with doctors - a nutritionist, a herbalist, who can help in adjusting the diet and replenishing the deficiency in the heat mineral salts no foods rich in salt.

Folk diuretics for edema

Effective folk diuretics for edema help really quickly and safely. If you use natural diuretics correctly, as opposed to synthetic diuretics, you can achieve no loss of minerals and electrolytes.

  • Decoction of the roots of sageweed

He is universal remedy from edema, especially if the cause of the swelling could not be determined. In addition to the diuretic effect, the plant strengthens vascular wall. A decoction is being prepared in the following way: 1 tablespoon of chopped sageweed roots is poured with a glass of boiling water and kept in a steam bath for at least half an hour, after which the broth is allowed to brew for 20 minutes and filtered. The resulting volume is diluted boiled water so that you end up with a full glass of broth. The composition is taken three times a day, half an hour before meals, 2 teaspoons at a time.

  • An infusion of knotweed and birch leaves has a good diuretic effect.

The infusion is prepared simply: 1 teaspoon of the specified plant mixture is poured with a glass of water and boiled for a quarter of an hour, after which it is infused for about half an hour. The infusion is taken twice, in the morning and at evening time half a glass, regardless of food intake.

  • Burdock is considered an effective natural diuretic

To prepare the infusion, use: 1 teaspoon of crushed raw materials, pour a liter of boiling water and leave to infuse overnight. This volume is divided into equal parts and taken over the next day.

  • Cucumbers, pears, tomatoes, parsley, melon, watermelon, cranberries have a natural diuretic effect.

These vegetables and fruits can be consumed on their own or used in dishes, combining tasty food with benefits for the body. Many people's favorite green tea, which can be brewed in half with fennel, another natural diuretic, copes well with edema.

Diuretics during pregnancy

Long-known folk diuretics during pregnancy are widely used today, since not a single future mom doesn't want to use medications chemical origin, and the problem of swelling during pregnancy is very relevant.

As stated earlier, a pregnant woman can eat vegetables and fruits that have a diuretic effect without the risk of harming herself and the baby. It is necessary to reduce the amount of liquid consumed - it is better to drink more often, but in small portions. It is also unacceptable to consume over-salted, spice-rich foods, smoked and fried foods with high content fat

  • Freshly prepared monocomponent juices from pumpkin, carrots, and viburnum can be used twice a day, half a glass.
  • Birch sap perfectly quenches thirst and helps remove accumulated fluid, but you can take it no more than 100 grams in a single dose 2 times a day.
  • Freshly squeezed juices from blackberries, serviceberries or chokeberries are used three times a day, 1 tablespoon.
  • It’s very easy to make drinks from cranberries or lingonberries: just grind these berries with sugar and add water, and drink 3 times a day.
  • Among medicinal herbs and herbs during pregnancy, you can only use: lingonberry leaf, buds and leaves of birch, bearberry leaf, orthosiphon leaves. But even these folk diuretics should be taken only after consulting a doctor.

Diuretic herbal remedies such as strawberries, parsley root, bearberry, and juniper fruits are dangerous during pregnancy because they contribute to uterine contractions.

Diuretics for weight loss

People who are facing a problem excess weight and they fight it, they know that there will be no effect if the body is not freed from excess fluid. This helps not only to reduce the number on the scale, but also to cleanse and improve the health of the body.

  • A strong folk diuretic for weight loss

This is a well-known and previously mentioned green tea, which becomes the main drink consumed during the day for those who want to lose weight. It removes accumulated fluid and accelerates fat burning, and also thins the blood. The basic rule is to take the drink before meals, and not to wash it down with food. And, of course, no sugar.

  • Collection of senna, parsley, dandelion, mint and dill

Tea from plants that are taken in the following volume works well: 20 grams of senna, 20 grams of parsley, 20 grams of dandelion, 20 grams of nettle and 10 grams of mint and Italian dill. After mixing the components, pour 1 teaspoon of the mixture with a glass of boiling water and infuse. Use tea for weight loss with increasing and then decreasing volume - start with one glass and gradually increase the volume to three glasses per day, then gradually reduce it again to one glass. One glass of tea is also a maintenance dose for those who have already lost weight. Take this tea after meals for about a month. This tea contains both diuretic and kidney-activating components, which explains its effectiveness.

Diuretic folk remedies for weight loss are not just herbs and other plants. Active image life and adequate physical activity help the body naturally remove the liquid that is excess and interferes with normal life(cm. ).

Diuretic folk remedies for hypertension

With the help of diuretics of traditional medicine, swelling due to hypertension can also be cured. Here are a few such ways:

  • Honey, lemon, beets, cranberries and vodka

You will need one lemon, 2 glasses of cranberry and beet juice, 250 gr. honey, 1 glass of vodka, combine and take 3 times a day on an empty stomach. Another recipe without alcohol, mix 1/2 cup of honey and raw beets (grated) and also take 1 tbsp 3 times a day. spoon.

  • Chokeberry

300 gr. sugar and half a kilogram of chokeberry are ground to obtain a paste, which can be taken 2 times a day, 100 grams. You can also use another folk way With chokeberry- pour 2 teaspoons of rowan (crushed) into a glass of boiling water, strain after 30 minutes, use 3 tablespoons in the morning and evening, store all mixtures in the refrigerator.

  • Onions, honey, partitions walnuts, vodka

You will need partitions from 10 pcs. walnuts, 1 kg. onions, 150 gr. honey, 150 ml vodka. Mix vodka, honey with onion juice and nut partitions, leave for 10 days, you can take 3 times a day, 1 tablespoon.

Traditional medicine recipes with herbs

  • Bearberry, nettle, rosehip, plantain

Take an equal amount of all herbs and berries, chop and mix. Then brew one tablespoon of the mixture with half a liter of boiling water, let it brew for an hour, then strain and take this volume of infusion 3-4 times during the day.

  • Burdock with sugar or honey

Burdock roots should be crushed, pour 1 liter of boiling water over 3 tablespoons of the root, boil until half the liquid has evaporated, add honey or sugar to the broth to taste. Drink 0.5 cups 3 times a day.

  • Lovage root, licorice, juniper berries

Chop equal amounts of fruits and roots well, mix, first pour one tablespoon cold water and wait six hours, then boil the mixture for 15 minutes, strain, take 4 times a day, 1/4 cup.

  • Greens and parsley root, lemon

Grind the root, add the same volume of greens, pour half a liter of boiling water over 1 glass of the mixture, leave for 10 hours, then pour into a separate container, strain and add the juice of 1 lemon, take 1/3 tbsp in the morning and afternoon. Make 3 day break and continue this regimen until swelling decreases.

Folk remedies from berries and vegetables

  • Pumpkin, raisins, apples

An affordable and effective remedy for edema is pumpkin; in addition to combating edema, it perfectly helps eliminate toxins and bad cholesterol from the body (see). A kilogram of pumpkin is crushed along with 3 sour apples, mixed, raisins are added, and the mixture is stored in the refrigerator. It should be taken before meals, 3 tablespoons.

  • Cranberries and lingonberries

If you use a mixture of cranberries and lingonberries, this is the most useful, safe and correct folk remedy, which is not only a diuretic, but also fortified. how excellent antimicrobial agent. To prepare the infusion, you need to boil a handful of lingonberries and cranberries in 3 glasses of boiling water for 10 minutes, let the broth brew for 3-4 hours, strain, and drink this volume in several doses a day.

  • Cucumbers and celery

This cocktail of celery and cucumber is very healthy; to prepare it, just one cucumber and 3 celery pods are enough, grind in a blender, dilute with water and drink half a glass 4 times a day.

Review of medicinal herbs with diuretic properties

Featured below medicinal plants have diuretic properties to one degree or another, it makes no sense to say that any of them is more effective, since everything is very individual, what works well for one person may be useless to another, and even cause side effects or allergic reactions. Even herbal preparations should be used as prescribed by a doctor, preferably a herbalist. Therefore, we provide only a list of these folk remedies, brief description their actions.

Lingonberry leaves

Indicated for diseases of the kidneys, heart, and edema during pregnancy. It has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, choleretic, diuretic, astringent, demineralizing effects.

  • Price: 40-50 rub.


Has anti-inflammatory and diuretic effects. Contraindicated in nephrosis, nephritis, nephrosonephritis.

  • Price 35-45 rub.

Shown when inflammatory diseases urinary tract. Contraindicated during pregnancy. It has a diuretic, bactericidal, antispasmodic effect.

  • Price: 35-45 rubles, filter bags 60 rubles.

Have moderate antimicrobial effect, has a diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect. Indicated as a diuretic for edema.

  • Price: 45-50 rub.

It has choleretic, diuretic, wound healing and moderate anti-inflammatory effects.

  • Price: 25-45 rub.

Cannot be used for kidney disease. It has an antipyretic, diuretic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, expectorant, choleretic, stimulates appetite, increases lactation in nursing mothers.

  • Price: 30-40 rub.

Among others useful properties(expectorant, antispasmodic, choleretic, cardiac) has a diuretic, anti-inflammatory effect.

  • Price: 20-30 rub.

It is used as a sweatogenic, laxative, anti-inflammatory, expectorant, diuretic, mild laxative, to remove salts from the body.

  • Price: 50 rub.

It has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, diuretic, wound-healing, expectorant, hemostatic effects.

  • Price: 50-70 rub.

Kidney tea (orthosiphon)

Indicated for edema, hypertension, cholecystitis. It has a diuretic, choleretic, analgesic effect, and increases the secretory activity of the stomach.

  • Price: 45-50 rub.

Highlander pochechuyny

It has a pronounced diuretic effect, analgesic, laxative, and is used to remove small stones and urates from the kidneys, as an antihemorrhoidal, antimicrobial agent.

  • Price: 20-40 rub.

Used for cystitis, urethritis, kidney diseases (edema),
atherosclerosis, hypertension, bronchitis and bronchial asthma.

  • Price: 45-50 rub.

Fluid retention in the body develops in diseases of the kidneys, heart, arterial hypertension, liver pathologies, endocrine disorders. You can take synthetic diuretics to eliminate swelling and normalize lymph flow, but you cannot rely on drugs alone.

Diuretic foods and drinks without side effects cleanse the body, remove accumulated fluid, and saturate cells with useful substances. List of vegetables, fruits, herbs, medicinal teas with diuretic effect will be useful to everyone who cares about their health, wants to improve skin tone, get rid of unsightly swelling on the body and cellulite.

Indications for use

Natural diuretics are used when fluid accumulates in the body. Swelling is not only unsightly, but also harmful: the intercellular substance contains not only an increased concentration of water and salts, but also toxins that are not removed from the body in time. Swollen eyelids, legs, thighs are a sign of problems with the kidneys, heart, and other organs.

Diuretic products, herbs and drinks help with many diseases accompanied by fluid retention:

  • diabetes;
  • hypertonic disease;
  • polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • chronic hepatitis;
  • congestive heart failure;
  • cellulite, obesity;
  • bloating.

Benefits of natural remedies

Synthetic diuretics act effectively, quickly eliminate swelling, remove accumulated fluid with toxins, but often provoke negative reactions in the body. Many medications have a long list of contraindications and are often not suitable for children and pregnant women.

There are other “advantages” of natural diuretic names:

  • suitable for long-term use;
  • nourish cells, enrich valuable microelements, vitamins, useful components;
  • contain few calories: for this reason they are suitable for patients who want to get rid of extra pounds;
  • maintain water and electrolyte balance;
  • reduce flatulence, normalize the functioning of the digestive tract;
  • Pleasant to the taste, increase the diversity of the diet;
  • do not contain irritating components;
  • safe for pregnant women and children;
  • often exhibit not only a diuretic, but also a mild laxative effect, cleanse the intestines of accumulated toxins and breakdown products, and help fight constipation.

Diuretic foods and drinks

The list of items with a diuretic effect is quite long: it’s easy to choose useful species food to relieve swelling. It is important to create a menu that includes vegetables, fruits, and drinks throughout the year: properly frozen items are just as healthy as fresh ones.

TOP - 15 diuretic products:

  • Cucumber. A good diuretic, the vegetable contains water and sulfur, improves kidney function, and flushes out toxins well.
  • Watermelon. The juicy pulp contains vitamins and microelements, actively flushes the kidneys, and removes salts and excess accumulated fluid well.
  • Melon. The healthy, aromatic pulp actively cleanses the kidneys and eliminates accumulated toxins.
  • A pineapple. The exotic fruit saturates the body with potassium, activates metabolism, and removes swelling.
  • Parsley. Proven diuretic, source of potassium, vitamins, high percentage of antioxidants.
  • Strawberry. The vitamin berry contains a lot of arbutin, arginine, calcium, potassium, and actively removes excess fluid.
  • Beet. Lots of sodium and potassium, diuretic, mild laxative effect. Low in calories, great for overweight patients.
  • Fennel. A popular spice with a diuretic effect. Contains potassium, iron, sodium, has a calming effect.
  • Asparagus. Asparagine as part of a useful product cleanses the body, accelerates metabolism and urine formation, and helps remove toxins. Asparagus - excellent remedy from rheumatism, swelling, inflammation of the joints.
  • Celery. A root with a characteristic taste and aroma not only burns extra calories, accelerates metabolic processes, but also exhibits a diuretic effect. Aromatic greens have the same effect. For people losing weight, soup made from celery and other vegetables is useful.
  • Lemon. Juicy citrus is a source of potassium and ascorbic acid, strengthening not only the immune system, but also blood vessels. The optimal level of the microelement ensures water and electrolyte balance, supports the functioning of the heart muscle, and normalizes the process of fluid removal. The combination of weak black tea with lemon and honey perfectly tones and improves the functioning of the urinary tract.
  • Ginger. A natural diuretic contains antioxidants, vitamins, and microelements. Suitable for weight loss and getting rid of edema ginger tea with lemon and honey. Beneficial root should not be used if mucous membranes are irritated gastrointestinal tract, high blood pressure.
  • . Active diuretic properties explain the popularity of the natural diuretic. The juicy berry contains fiber, minerals, vitamins, water, cleanses the body well, dissolves stones in the bladder, ducts, and kidneys. If you have a peptic ulcer, you should not eat sour berries. Cranberries with honey, a small amount of sugar, and as part of fruit juice are useful.
  • Pumpkin. Orange vegetable is rich in valuable minerals, biologically active substances. Pumpkin is easily digestible, has a beneficial effect on the kidneys, digestive tract, liver, suitable for dietary nutrition. The baked pulp is especially useful. Pumpkin juice provides an active diuretic effect (½ glass per day is enough).
  • Peach. Juicy fruit rich in vitamins, fiber, antioxidants. For patients with urinary tract diseases, doctors recommend a useful product for the accumulation and appearance of uric acid. In addition to the diuretic effect, peaches and freshly squeezed juice have a mild laxative effect.

TOP - 5 diuretic drinks:

  • Green tea. A proven remedy for eliminating swelling, a good rejuvenating, toning effect.
  • Diuretic cocktail. Combine half a watermelon, a small handful of pomegranate seeds, two medium peaches, and grind in a blender. A healthy, tasty smoothie with a diuretic, “mild” laxative effect, take twice a day.
  • Decoction of rose hips. The drink is rich in vitamin C, has a general strengthening effect, and actively flushes out the urinary tract.
  • Berry juice. For cooking healthy drink with a diuretic effect, cranberries or a mixture of berries are suitable. Course use healing liquid enriches the body with vitamins, helps in the fight against edema.
  • Dried fruits compote. The drink quenches thirst well, removes toxins, saturates the body with vitamins, and reduces swelling.

The best herbal infusions and folk diuretics for removing fluid:

  • Diuretic tea made from lingonberry leaves.
  • Chicory root decoction.
  • Infusion of parsley leaves and roots.
  • Bearberry decoction.
  • Mint tea.
  • A decoction of knotweed herb.

On a note! Good effect gives a diuretic collection. You will need lingonberries, strawberries (berries and leaves) + calendula and chamomile flowers + oats + rose hips + dried herb. An equal amount of diuretic plants is required. Grind the names, take two heaped teaspoons of the natural mixture, and steam in a thermos (take 500 ml of boiling water). Drink 80 ml three times a day.

You can get rid of stagnant fluid not only with the help of herbs, drinks, fruits and synthetic drugs with a diuretic effect. Doctors recommend following simple measures to prevent stagnation of blood and lymph. Correction of diet and lifestyle has a positive effect on the functioning of the body, swelling on the legs and eyelids disappears, mood improves, and the risk of relapse of chronic pathologies decreases.

How to proceed:

  • limit salt, which retains fluid in the body. Excess sodium disrupts metabolic processes, the heart muscle suffers, and swelling increases;
  • move more to prevent stagnation;
  • quit smoking. Edema appears with constant oxygen starvation cells, accumulation of toxic substances;
  • eat right, don’t overeat, steam, bake, eat less spicy, fried food, don’t snack on the go. Important point- 40 minutes before bedtime, drink a glass of kefir with honey: a simple intake improves digestion, prevents swelling, and normalizes morning bowel cleansing;
  • visit the gym or exercise at home: during exercise, metabolism is activated, the risk of lymph and blood stagnation is reduced, and the heart muscle is trained. It is important to choose the optimal complex for regular exercise, consult a doctor physical therapy for pathologies of the kidneys, liver, hypertension. Scientists have proven: sedentary lifestyle life worsens general state, increases swelling;
  • Do not drink alcohol, which contains many toxins. For acute and chronic pathologies even small doses of strong drinks, beer, and energy drinks have a negative effect on weakened blood vessels and organs.

Go to the address and read about characteristic symptoms and treatment methods acute pyelonephritis kidney

Natural diuretics during pregnancy

While expecting a baby, it is important to combat swelling with the help of approved drinks and foods, and not to use synthetic diuretics unless absolutely necessary. The list of suitable natural names with a diuretic effect should be checked with a gynecologist, urologist and nutritionist.

Useful for pregnant women moderate amount consume:

  • watermelons;
  • melons;
  • pumpkin;
  • green tea;
  • low-fat kefir with honey;
  • berry juice;
  • dried fruits compote;
  • oatmeal jelly;
  • boiled beets with vegetable oil;
  • black currant;
  • peaches;
  • lemons;
  • pineapples;
  • cucumbers

Juniper berries, parsley root, strawberries, chamomile tea Pregnant women should not use: The tone of the uterus increases, and a threat to the fetus appears.

To eliminate swelling, urologists recommend not only synthetic diuretics, but also healthy, safe drinks and foods. Correct technique vegetables, fruits, berry juices, teas - important element dietary nutrition in the treatment of diseases of the liver, kidneys, heart, bladder against the background of fluid accumulation in the tissues.

Video about products that will help get rid of excess fluid in the body without leading to dehydration:

Excess water in the body can cause harm no less than dehydration. Typically, excess fluid is observed in people with kidney, heart, liver diseases, with hypertension, radiculitis, lack of proteins, amino acids or B vitamins, with excess salt and sugar, during pregnancy. In most cases, patients develop swelling of the limbs or organs, which can be eliminated with the help of diuretics.

There are also synthetic products. The latter are stronger, but their use can cause a number of undesirable effects. side effects. At the same time, natural diuretics have a weaker, albeit safer, effect on the body, so when serious illnesses they are recommended in addition to the main treatment, but not as a replacement for it. But when functional disorders properly used natural diuretics can be a worthy alternative drug treatment. Therefore, the selection of natural diuretics should be carried out by a doctor who understands what herbs and products can help in the treatment of a specific disease, and what contraindications there are to taking them.

You should also understand that if fruits or vegetables are chosen as natural diuretics, then it is better to consume them raw, but it is better to steam various herbs and drink them as tea.

The most accessible natural diuretics are:

  • Asparagus- normalizes kidney function due to its high content aspartic acid;
  • Apple vinegar- helps optimize potassium concentration in the body;
  • Tomatoes- saturates the body with vitamin C, improves metabolism and promotes the removal of excess fluid;
  • Cranberry juice - increases the frequency of urination and improves kidney function;
  • Brussels sprouts- normalizes kidney function;
  • Dandelion leaves- increases diuresis thanks to high content potassium;
  • Juniper berries- help increase kidney filtration;
  • Beet juice - removes excess water and salts from the body.

The above natural diuretics, when used rationally and regularly, will not only normalize the amount of fluid in the body, eliminating swelling and relieving hypertension, but will also saturate it with microelements and vitamins.

As already mentioned, some diuretics of natural origin (cat whisker tea, rose hips) have a highly specialized effect and are prescribed only for certain diseases. But decoctions of horsetail, nettle, mint, dill and many other herbs have a general spectrum of action and can be used as a diuretic for any disease.

Thanks to general action, herbs can often be seen for sale in pharmacies and stores, sold as natural diuretic for weight loss. Such ready-made teas can be used for their intended purpose (as natural diuretics) for various diseases. Convenience ready fees the fact that there is no need to select the concentration of ingredients, you just need to take a bag of the mixture and steam it as regular tea. It is best to use general action for edema caused by diseases of the liver, heart and kidneys. They are also good as a detoxifier.

When taking natural diuretics, the patient should monitor their diet, since natural diuretics, as well as synthetic ones, remove salts and minerals from the body along with water.

Treatment with natural diuretics should take place in courses. Otherwise, the kidneys may get used to the additional simulation, which will significantly impair their independent functioning.

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