“Chronic cystitis in women: why treatment does not help and how to get rid of the disease?”. The main signs, causes and methods of treatment of chronic cystitis

Chronic cystitis is a fairly common disease. By the way, in women, an attack of the disease occurs more often. Physicians explain this fact by several factors. Firstly, the anatomical features of women - the urethra is much shorter and wider than the male, and is located closer to the anus. This means that the risk of infection in the bladder is much higher. In addition, very often, for the sake of beauty, women neglect warm clothes - trousers on the hips, short skirts, thin tights on a frosty day have become commonplace.

Moreover, cystitis affects mainly very young women. Again, unlike men, who, if they suffer from cystitis, then, as a rule, in old age. Although, of course, there are exceptions to this rule - any person has a risk of getting cystitis.

What is cystitis?

What is cystitis? The cavity of the bladder, like most other internal organs, is lined with a mucous membrane. And in the event that under the influence of any factor inflammation of this mucous membrane occurs, doctors talk about cystitis. In the same case, if a person has two or three relapses of this disease during the year, he will most likely be diagnosed with chronic cystitis.

The reasons that can cause the development of chronic cystitis are quite different:

  • General hypothermia of the body and hypothermia of the legs especially.
  • Violation of the normal process of urination - most often in women.
  • Violation of the normal functioning of the circulatory system.
  • Various types of injuries of the bladder and urethra.
  • Various kinds of infections and pathogenic microflora - viruses, bacteria, etc.
  • Dystrophy of the walls of the bladder, especially in the advanced stage.

In addition, very often the impetus for the development of chronic cystitis in women can be an active sex life - especially after prolonged abstinence. Doctors note such cases quite often. Therefore, this risk factor must be taken very seriously. It is highly recommended not to radically change the usual course of sexual intercourse - both its artificial extension and interruption.

Speaking about the causes of the development of acute cystitis, one cannot fail to mention another very delicate point. In the event that you practice anal sex, you must be especially careful. With this type of sexual contact, the risk of bladder infection increases in both partners - both in men and women. And women have a higher risk. Therefore, be sure to use a condom and do not forget about the need to maintain personal hygiene. Don't give illness the slightest chance.

Remember also that almost all pathogens of sexually transmitted diseases are also capable of provoking the development of cystitis - first acute, and then chronic. Again, women are at higher risk. Therefore, treat your health with close attention - be careful, avoid casual sexual intercourse, use personal protective equipment. At the first symptoms of the disease, be sure to seek medical help from a doctor.

In addition, in women, a very powerful impetus to the development of chronic cystitis can be the suppression of the urge to urinate. This is explained very simply - if you regularly restrain the urge to urinate, various dysfunctions of the bladder will inevitably arise. The muscles of the bladder begin to work out of sync, which has a very negative effect on the functioning of the entire urinary system, and in particular, provokes the development of chronic cystitis.

And in some cases, the development of chronic cystitis is possible without any apparent reason. Why this happens - doctors find it difficult to answer, but the fact remains: not a single person is immune from the risk of getting cystitis. Therefore, information on how to deal with this disease is very relevant for everyone without exception.

Another question that is often asked to doctors is the question of how does infection occur if cystitis is caused by an infection? There are several different ways to damage the bladder:

  • Ascending method of infection

This method of infection occurs most often - with it, the infection enters the bladder from the urethra (urethra). Most often, this phenomenon occurs with various sexually transmitted infections - along the ascending path they enter the urethra. Moreover, in the event that sexual intercourse does not bring the woman proper satisfaction, the development of cystitis is possible even without any pathogenic microflora. The impetus for the disease is precisely congestion in the pelvic organs, especially in the bladder.

  • Descending method of infection

In this case, the infection descends into the bladder from the kidneys. This, as a rule, occurs if a person is sick with pyelonephritis, especially its purulent form. Moreover, with this type of infection, cystitis is especially difficult and pronounced, with a high temperature.

In addition, infection of the bladder can come from the lymphatic system. This happens if inflammatory processes occur in any organs of the small pelvis - for example, in the ovaries or the prostate gland. More rarely, but still there are cases when the infection enters the bladder through infected blood. This happens with diseases such as pneumonia, influenza and others.

Methods for diagnosing the disease

In order to successfully cope with such a misfortune as cystitis, it is necessary to diagnose the disease in a timely and correct manner, to identify how severe the dysfunction of the bladder is, to determine how severely the mucous membrane is affected. And, of course, it is very important to establish what exactly caused the development of chronic cystitis. As you might guess, it is simply impossible to do this on your own. Therefore, when the first symptoms of cystitis appear, it is necessary to seek medical help as soon as possible. We will talk about the symptoms a little later.

Modern medicine has a variety of ways to diagnose cystitis. However, the most effective were, are and will be ordinary laboratory tests of urine, including bacteriological, which allow us to find out the type of pathogen. In addition, urinalysis allows you to get an idea of ​​the degree of damage to the bladder and the intensity of the inflammatory process.

After that, to clarify the diagnosis, the doctor may prescribe such types of studies as cystography and cystoscopy. These studies allow us to clarify the type of disease, the degree of damage to the mucous membrane of the bladder. In addition, it is these studies that can accurately determine whether there are tumors, stones, fistulas and ulcers in the bladder, as well as other foreign bodies. In addition, it is cytoscopy that can reveal some concomitant diseases that often accompany chronic cystitis.

In severe cases, a bladder biopsy may be needed. Or rather, its mucous membrane. Such studies are most often assigned to people suffering from a chronic form of cystitis. In addition, doctors may order a biopsy to rule out more serious diseases, such as bladder cancer, if the signs are vague.

Symptoms of cystitis

So, how can you understand that a person is faced with cystitis? As a rule, this is not difficult to do - the disease has very pronounced symptoms and gives the sick person a lot of discomfort. Feeling much worse. Therefore, it is simply impossible not to notice these symptoms:

  • Difficulty urinating

For a person with cystitis, the toilet turns into a real torture chamber. During urination, a sick person experiences pain, pain and burning. Moreover, all these symptoms are characteristic of both acute and chronic forms of the course of the disease. In women, they are very pronounced.

  • Frequent urination

In sick women, the number of urination increases many times - their number can reach up to 40 - 45. Very often there are so-called false urges to urinate - they also greatly annoy the sick person.

  • Change in color, odor and clarity of urine

In addition, one of the very first signs is a change in the color of urine - as a rule, it becomes darker, often cloudy, with various impurities. In most cases, urine with cystitis has a very specific smell, sometimes very unpleasant. Especially if cystitis has taken a neglected form.

  • Blood in the urine

In the event that a person has been sick with cystitis for more than one year, even blotches of blood may appear in his blood. In this case, you can’t hesitate any longer for a day - seek medical help as soon as possible. In women, menstruation should be excluded.

  • Painful sensations

Cystitis is nothing more than an inflammatory process in which the bladder is involved. Therefore, it is quite natural that a sick person may experience constant pain in the lower abdomen or in the lower back. During an exacerbation of cystitis, these pain sensations become even more intense, completely depriving the sick person of rest.

  • General malaise

In chronic cystitis, a sick person constantly experiences a feeling of general malaise. Weakness, drowsiness, fatigue, pain in muscles and joints become constant companions for a person suffering from cystitis. These symptoms are very similar to influenza.

  • Increase in body temperature

In acute cystitis, a strong increase in the body is almost impossible to avoid - it can reach up to 39 - 40 degrees. But even in the chronic course of the disease, it often has an increase in body temperature, although not so significant - up to 37.5 degrees. A similar body temperature, without appropriate treatment, can persist for many months.

Treatment of chronic cystitis

Of course, chronic cystitis should by no means be ignored. It needs to be treated and treatment should be started as soon as possible. In the event that the treatment is chosen correctly and started in a timely manner, the chances of a full recovery are very high. The infection will be destroyed by special preparations, the inflammatory process, localized on the mucous membrane of the bladder, is stopped, the disease completely recedes.

But once again we want to draw your attention - a favorable outcome of the disease is possible only if the doctor correctly diagnosed the disease and chose the treatment. After all, very often you can observe the opposite picture - incorrectly selected drugs simply eliminate the symptoms of the disease for a while, masking it. But there is absolutely no benefit from such treatment - one continuous harm. By the way, that is why in no case should you self-medicate.

But let's look at this issue in order. By the way, the treatment of acute cystitis is carried out according to the same principle:

  • Step one - the destruction of pathogenic microflora

Treatment of the inflammatory process does not make any sense if the pathogenic microflora that provoked the development of cystitis is not destroyed. Therefore, first of all, a sick person is prescribed pharmacological drugs that normalize the microflora of the bladder. The doctor selects antibiotics strictly individually, taking into account the course of the disease and the individual characteristics of the organism. The second step is the elimination of the inflammatory process.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to get rid of cystitis by one elimination of pathogenic microflora. It is necessary to eliminate the existing inflammatory process. For this, the doctor also selects the necessary anti-inflammatory drugs. To date, there are very effective and effective uroseptics - drugs that not only destroy pathogenic microflora, but also eliminate the inflammatory process.

As you can see, the treatment of cystitis is not such a difficult task. But not only doctors, but also the sickest person will have to work hard:

  • Compliance with doctor's recommendations

First, you must strictly follow all the recommendations of your doctor without exception. Take medication responsibly - skipping just one injection or pill can cast doubt on the success of the entire treatment. In the event that the doctor has prescribed physiotherapy for you, in no case ignore them. Very often people mistakenly believe that they are absolutely useless. But this is not at all the case - physiotherapy treatment can significantly speed up recovery.

  • Compliance with a therapeutic diet

Pathogenic microflora feels most at ease in an acidic environment - reproduction occurs very quickly. And human urine, which has high acidity, is the very ideal environment. And the acidity of urine changes to a greater extent due to the diet.

Acid, spicy and fatty foods can provoke such a change. For the duration of treatment, they must be completely excluded from the menu of a sick person. In addition, chocolate and sweet pastries are banned. In the event that you show willpower and refuse the above products, the treatment will take much longer.

In addition, a similar imbalance can be caused by the most common beriberi. In the event that the human body lacks certain vitamins and minerals, an imbalance in urine acidity develops very often. Therefore, be sure to ensure that the diet is balanced and complete. It is also recommended to take additional vitamin E and a multivitamin complex during treatment. Which one - your doctor will tell you.

  • Drinking regime

Proper drinking regimen is perhaps no less important component, without which it is impossible to treat chronic cystitis. A sick person should take as much liquid as possible. You need to drink at least three to four liters of fluid per day. However, watch what the patient drinks.

Very often, from "well-wishers" you can hear advice to drink beer - they say, it is an effective diuretic. However, this is not at all the case - alcoholic beverages in chronic cystitis are strictly contraindicated, since ethyl alcohol greatly worsens the course of the disease. Treatment of chronic cystitis and alcohol intake are incompatible.

Incidentally, the same is true for coffee and other caffeinated beverages. You should also not drink too sweet juices, compotes, and even more so carbonated drinks. Even carbonated mineral water is strictly prohibited. It is best to drink non-carbonated table water, unsweetened fruit drinks or dried fruit compote. In the event that you tolerate milk well - and women often have the opposite - you are very lucky - milk in this case is very useful.

Treatment of cystitis folk methods

There are several very effective traditional medicine recipes that also fight chronic cystitis very effectively. However, remember that all these prescriptions can only serve as an addition to the main treatment prescribed by your doctor. In no case should it be replaced by traditional medicine alone. Otherwise, the consequences of such treatment will not be the most favorable.

In addition, be sure to consult with your doctor before using this or that prescription. And you can start treatment only after his approval and permission. So let's take a look at these tools:

  • Decoction of chamomile

Pharmacy chamomile is an indispensable assistant to a person in the treatment of a huge number of diseases. Including, you guessed it, chronic cystitis. For treatment, you will need a decoction of chamomile, but not quite ordinary. Prepare five tablespoons of aloe juice and three tablespoons of dried chamomile flowers. Place the chamomile in an enamel pot, pour 0.5 liters of water and bring to a boil. After that, reduce the heat and cook the chamomile for ten minutes.

Turn off the heat, cover the pot with a lid and wrap with a towel. Squeeze out the juice at this time. After about 15 minutes, strain the decoction with gauze and mix with aloe juice. The sick person should drink this solution during the day, in small sips. Treatment should last at least a month, even if the symptoms of the disease disappear much earlier. In the event that you have acute cystitis, this recipe will also be very relevant.

  • Infusion of calendula

No less effective is the infusion of calendula. Calendula has not only aseptic, but also anti-inflammatory effect. To prepare the infusion, place three tablespoons of the decoction in a thermos and pour one glass of boiling water over it. Insist during the day. Then strain the infusion with gauze. A sick person should drink this decoction every morning, on an empty stomach, half a glass.

The duration of such a course of treatment is 14 days. Pay attention to one important point: for the duration of treatment, you must stop drinking black tea, even in small quantities. As a rule, a feeling of relief occurs already on the third or fourth day of treatment.

Prevention of chronic cystitis

Well, is the principle of treating cystitis more or less clear? Amazing! But do not forget that it is much wiser to prevent the development of the disease than to treat it later. And it does not matter at all whether you are a professor of urology or have nothing to do with medicine - the prevention of cystitis is very important.

  • Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene

One of the main reasons for the development of cystitis is a violation of the rules of personal hygiene. Remember that keeping the genitals clean is an excellent prevention not only of cystitis, but also of many other diseases. Also keep your underwear clean.

  • Proper nutrition

It has already been mentioned above that during the treatment of chronic cystitis it is necessary to reconsider your diet. Of course, it is extremely difficult to live in such a strict regime all the time. However, it is still worth revising your menu - talk about it with your doctor. It will help to determine the prohibited products. This will greatly increase the likelihood that you will never experience an exacerbation of chronic cystitis again.

No one is immune from acute cystitis. An attack of the disease can happen at any time. But in order for acute cystitis not to take on a chronic form, it must be treated immediately. Otherwise, the consequences in the form of many months of discomfort and painful long-term treatment are provided to you.

Frequent urge to urinate, pain in the urethra during and after emptying the bladder, pain and heaviness in the lower abdomen are signs of cystitis in women. Every fourth inhabitant of our planet faces this disease. Given the prevalence of this problem, we want to tell you how to treat cystitis in women in order to get rid of it quickly once and for all.

Cystitis is an inflammation of the bladder. Women are six times more likely to have this disease than men. Moreover, women of reproductive age are most prone to cystitis. This trend is explained by the fact that the urethra in the fair sex is wider and narrower than in men. This anatomical feature facilitates the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms from the external environment into the bladder.

Depending on the course, acute and chronic cystitis are distinguished.

Acute cystitis in women has a sudden onset, that is, its symptoms appear almost immediately after exposure to an adverse factor.

Chronic cystitis is characterized by a long course with periods of exacerbation and remission of symptoms. Most often, this type of disease occurs against the background of other diseases of the internal organs, primarily the genitourinary system.

Chronic cystitis is more dangerous than acute, because in the course of the disease, bladder epithelial cells change and cysts form, which can degenerate into a malignant tumor.

Why does cystitis appear in women?

The main reason for the development of cystitis is the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the cavity of the bladder. The causative agent of the disease can be bacteria, viruses, fungi and even protozoa. Most often, cystitis of a bacterial nature is observed, when the causative agent is Escherichia coli.

The most common variants of cystitis in women are defloration and associated with sexual intercourse.

In addition to pathogenic bacteria, the following factors can be the causes of cystitis:

  • taking certain medicines, such as ifosfamide or cyclophosphamide;
  • ionizing radiation, which is used in the treatment of cancer;
  • a foreign body, which can be a urethral catheter;
  • exposure to chemicals that are part of personal care products;
  • other diseases of the genitourinary system, for example, urolithiasis, prostatitis;
  • damage to the spinal column, etc.

In some cases, it is not possible to determine the cause of the disease, so this cystitis is called interstitial.

There are also a number of factors contributing to the development of the inflammatory process in the bladder, which include the following:

  • local or general hypothermia of the body;
  • stagnation of urine in the bladder;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • unbalanced and unhealthy diet (eating a lot of spicy and spicy foods);
  • pregnancy;
  • childbirth;
  • non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene;
  • wearing tight or synthetic underwear and clothing;
  • genital infections;
  • surgical interventions and invasive research methods on the organs of the reproductive and urinary systems.

How does cystitis manifest in women?

The first signs of cystitis in women may be as follows:

  • frequent urge to urinate;
  • feeling of fullness in the bladder;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • pain and burning along the urethra after urination;
  • the appearance in the urine of pathological impurities (mucus, blood, pus).

In severe cases, the clinical picture of cystitis can be supplemented by symptoms of general intoxication of the body, namely: fever, general weakness, chills, excessive sweating, etc.

If you are concerned about the above symptoms, in no case do self-diagnosis and self-treatment, as this does not always bring the expected result.

Which doctor treats cystitis in women?

A urologist deals with the diagnosis and treatment of cystitis. Only a specialist knows how to properly treat this disease in order to avoid chronic inflammation and not harm health.

Therefore, if you have at least one of the above signs of cystitis, contact the nearest clinic for an appointment with a urologist. The doctor, after conducting a comprehensive examination of the body, will make an accurate diagnosis and select the most effective treatment regimen for you.

What studies are carried out with cystitis?

To confirm cystitis, the specialist must prescribe the following studies to the patient:

  • general analysis of urine;
  • urinalysis according to Nechiporenko;
  • bacteriological examination of urine;
  • cystoscopy;
  • ultrasound examination of the bladder and abdominal organs, including the kidneys.

In urine with cystitis, you can find a large number of white blood cells, bladder epithelium, as well as the bacteria that caused this disease.

Urine culture allows you to determine which microbe caused cystitis and to which antibacterial drug it is sensitive and to which it is resistant, which greatly facilitates the selection of an effective treatment regimen.

Protein in the urine with cystitis, regardless of its amount, should in no case go unnoticed, since its appearance may be a sign of impaired kidney function.

Cystoscopy is an endoscopic examination of the bladder, which is performed using a special device - a cystoscope. A cystoscope is a metal tube equipped with a video camera and a set of instruments that is inserted through the urethra into the bladder. With the help of this study, you can carefully examine the bladder mucosa, take material for histological analysis, and, if necessary, perform a minor operation, for example, remove a polyp.

Ultrasound examination of the bladder and kidneys is carried out in order to assess the condition of the organ itself and surrounding tissues.

How to treat cystitis?

Treatment of cystitis is mainly carried out on an outpatient basis under the guidance of a urologist. Indications for hospitalization of patients may be severe intoxication syndrome, the spread of the inflammatory process to the kidneys or cystitis in pregnant women.

It is possible to treat cystitis at home only after consulting a urologist, since all drugs have side effects, and folk remedies are not effective enough to cope with bacterial inflammation.

An experienced specialist will cure acute cystitis quickly, in about 2-3 days, but the fight against chronic inflammation of the bladder can take several weeks.

Before treating chronic cystitis, it is necessary to find out the cause, because only by eliminating it, you can achieve a positive effect of therapy.

In the treatment of cystitis, specialists are guided by the following principles:

  • bed or semi-bed rest throughout the entire period of acute symptoms of the disease;
  • medical food. The diet for cystitis should be lacto-vegetarian, that is, the daily diet of the patient should be dominated by dairy products, vegetables and fruits. Fried, spicy, salty and spicy dishes, as well as alcoholic beverages are strictly prohibited;
  • antibiotic therapy. Antibiotics are prescribed first with a broad spectrum of action, and after receiving the result of urine culture and antibiogram. An antimicrobial drug is used, to which the causative agent of cystitis is sensitive;
  • pain therapy. With severe pain in the bladder, patients are prescribed painkillers and antispasmodics;
  • installation of antiseptics in the bladder;
  • phytotherapy. Diuretic herbs and fees are used. Let's look at it in more detail below;
  • physiotherapy treatment (electrophoresis, phonophoresis, inductothermy, UHF and others).

There are also cases when chronic cystitis in women has to be treated with the help of surgical methods. The operation is necessary if the outflow of urine from the bladder is disturbed by a stone, tumor or foreign body. Also, one cannot do without surgical intervention when the walls of the bladder are wrinkled, when, under general anesthesia, an antiseptic solution is injected into it to straighten it.

What antibiotics treat cystitis?

Antibiotics are central to the treatment of acute and chronic cystitis. The selection of an antibacterial drug should be handled exclusively by a specialist, since self-medication can lead to irreversible health consequences.

Consider the most effective antibiotics used for cystitis in women.

Nitroxoline is a derivative of eight-hydroxyquinoline and belongs to the oxyquinolones. The drug is active against most gram-positive and gram-negative microbes, as well as some fungi, in particular candida.

Nitroxoline is indicated for cystitis, urethritis and pyelonephritis.

Scheme and doses: 2 tablets (100 mg) 4 times a day with meals for 14-21 days.

The cost of the drug: 120-170 rubles.

Monural is a broad-spectrum antibiotic with bactericidal properties, which is obtained by processing phosphonic acid.

Monural is prescribed for acute cystitis and urethritis of a bacterial nature. In addition, this drug can treat cystitis with blood, as well as asymptomatic bacteriuria in a pregnant woman, since the drug is harmless to the fetus.

Scheme and doses: for adults, the drug is prescribed once (3 grams), but if necessary, the reception can be repeated in a day. Children are recommended to take only a single dose of 2 grams.

Monural is the strongest antiseptic, so before using it, you do not need to do a urine culture and an antibiogram.

Before taking the granules, dissolve 60 ml of warm water and drink the solution on an empty stomach or at bedtime.

Cost: 380-500 rubles.

Furadonin is a representative of a number of nitrofurans, the main purpose of which is the treatment of urinary tract infections. The drug is active against most gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms, but resistance is often developed to this agent.

Furadonin is prescribed for the treatment of cystitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis, as well as for the prevention of urinary tract infections after invasive diagnostic methods (cystoscopy, urography, etc.).

Scheme and doses: adults are prescribed 100-150 mg 3 to 4 times a day after meals for 7-10 days. The drug should be taken with plenty of liquid.

Cost: 80-160 rubles.

Furamag belongs to the antimicrobial drugs of the nitrofuran series, which have a wide spectrum of action. There is practically no resistance to this drug. In addition, Furamag not only destroys pathogenic bacteria, but also reduces the synthesis of their toxins, and also strengthens the body's defenses.

Furamag is used for cystitis, urethritis and pyelonephritis, as well as for some gynecological infections.

Scheme and doses: 1-2 (50-100 mg) tablets three times a day after meals. Children: 1-2 (25-50 mg) tablets 3 times a day. The duration of treatment is determined by the attending physician and usually takes from 7 to 10 days.

Cost: 480-700 rubles.

Nevigramone is an antibacterial drug that has a detrimental effect on almost all known pathogenic bacteria.

Nevigramone has an impressive list of indications, including urinary tract infections, in particular, cystitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis, pyelitis and others.

Scheme and doses: adults are prescribed 2 tablets (1000 mg) 4 times a day for a week. For children older than two years, the daily dose is 60 mg / kg, which is divided into 3-4 doses.

Cost: 5400 rubles.

Herbal remedies for cystitis

Cystitis and urethritis in women can also be treated with herbal remedies, which are not inferior in effectiveness to synthetic counterparts. Let's consider them.

Kanefron is available in the form of dragees or drops, which consist of rosemary leaves, lovage and yarrow roots.

Kanefron effectively eliminates pain in the urethra and reduces the severity of the inflammatory process in the bladder. It can also be used to prevent exacerbations of cystitis.

Scheme and doses: adult women are prescribed two tablets or 50 drops three times a day before meals.

Cost: 410-480 rubles.


Monurel is an extract of cranberries in combination with ascorbic acid. The drug has antimicrobial, diuretic, immunostimulating properties.

Monurel is used both for the treatment and prevention of exacerbations of cystitis.

Scheme and doses: 1 tablet at bedtime for 30 days.

Cost: 470 rubles.

Cystone is a medicine that consists of more than ten herbal ingredients. The drug has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antimicrobial and diuretic properties. Cystone also dissolves stones in the urinary tract and prevents their formation.

Scheme and doses: two tablets twice a day for 2-3 weeks.

Cost: 380 rubles.

The drug is available in the form of tablets and drops. The composition of Urolesan includes components such as wild carrot extract, fir oil, peppermint extract, oregano and hop cones.

Scheme and doses: one capsule three times a day with plenty of water, or 10 drops per sugar cube three times a day.

Cost: 330-380 rubles.

How to treat cystitis with folk remedies in women at home?

You can treat cystitis at home with folk medicines. Just before starting such treatment, you should consult with your doctor. It is also necessary to understand that alternative methods and remedies are not effective enough to cure cystitis completely, therefore, they can be used exclusively as an addition to the main therapy.

To your attention the simplest and most effective methods of treating cystitis with folk remedies.

Dill seeds

At home, in women with cystitis, dill, or rather its seeds, has been used for a long time. For treatment, both decoction and infusion are suitable.

To prepare the infusion, pour one tablespoon of dill seeds with boiling water, cover with a lid and leave for 2-3 hours.

The decoction is prepared as follows: one tablespoon of dill seeds is poured into a glass of water and put on fire, after the potion boils, the intensity of the fire decreases. Boil the broth for 4-5 minutes. After that, the finished medicine is removed from the heat and filtered through a fine sieve.

A decoction or infusion of dill seeds is taken one glass three times a day until the symptoms of cystitis subside.


A decoction of millet will help to quickly cure cystitis and urethritis in women. To prepare such a medicine, you will need two tablespoons of millet, which you need to pour 500 ml of boiling water and boil over low heat for 4-5 minutes. After that, the broth should be removed from the heat, let it brew for 10 minutes and drain the liquid into a glass.

On the first day, with an acute attack of cystitis or urethritis, a decoction of millet is taken 20 ml every hour throughout the day, on the second day - 60 ml every hour, and on the third - 100 ml every hour. The course of treatment is one week.

pharmacy chamomile

10 grams of pharmacy chamomile should be poured with 250 ml of boiling water, covered with a lid and let it brew for 15-20 minutes.

60 ml of the finished medicine is drunk 30 minutes before meals until the disease subsides.


Berries and leaves are widely used for diseases of the urinary system. Berries can be consumed daily, preferably before breakfast, and an infusion is prepared from the leaves.

One tablespoon of crushed fresh leaves of the plant is poured with 250 ml of boiling water, covered with a lid and allowed to brew for 2-3 hours. In an acute attack of cystitis, it is recommended to drink 60 ml of infusion three times a day for 4-5 days.

Baking soda

A solution of baking soda can be taken orally or used to flush the bladder.

The solution is prepared at the rate of one tablespoon per 4 cups of boiled water. Drink a similar medicine 15 ml three times a day.

Herbal baths

Warm baths for cystitis perfectly relieve spasm and pain in the bladder and urethra. But such procedures are contraindicated if cystitis with blood in women has been diagnosed.

For the bath, you can use an infusion of sage, pine needles or horsetail with oat straw. The prepared infusion is poured into a wide basin and another 2-3 liters of warm water are added. The optimum solution temperature is 40-42 °C. They sit in the pelvis so that the water covers the external genitalia. The procedure is carried out for 15 minutes before bedtime.

As a result, I would like to repeat once again that cystitis is mainly a bacterial inflammation of the bladder, so antibiotics cannot be dispensed with during treatment.

It is also important to understand that any drug or folk remedy has its own side effects and contraindications. Therefore, taking any medication must be approved by the attending urologist. In addition, remember that self-medication does not always give a positive result, and in some cases contributes to the transition of an acute form of cystitis into a chronic one.

Watch a video about the treatment of cystitis.

Cystitis should not be confused with another disease. Intensively increasing pain during urination and a persistent feeling of discomfort ...

If chronic cystitis in women is treated as early as possible and competently, the treatment will give 100% relief.

Many women are faced with this pathology. It is known that cystitis develops into chronic in 35% of cases.

Chronic cystitis is dangerous due to changes in the walls of the bladder. With this disease, the main function of the bladder is disrupted due to the pathological process in it.

Most often, pathology occupies the representatives of the weaker sex, who have an anatomical or hormonal predisposition to it.

Chronic cystitis is able to settle in the bladder for many years, either manifesting itself, or as if disappearing. The chronic form requires special diagnosis and proper therapy under the supervision of a qualified specialist.

The abnormally frequent incidence of this form of cystitis, which is very often not amenable to etiotropic therapy, becomes a significant problem for physicians.

After transformation into a chronic form, inflammation develops for several months. During this period of time, the mucous membrane and the deep layers of the bladder wall are affected. If you let everything take its course, cystitis causes a wrinkling of the bladder.

This inflammatory process is divided into persistent and interstitial. Often occurs due to infection in the bladder.

Here are the possible provocateurs of pathology:

  1. staphylococci;
  2. gonorrhea, tuberculosis, mycoplasmosis;
  3. herpes candidiasis, etc.

The vast majority of exacerbations of the chronic form of cystitis occur under the influence of other infections. Sometimes ulcers and signs of hyalinosis appear on the walls of the bladder.

If effective therapy is not applied at the first signs, the pathology can develop into a dangerous form.


The chronic form of cystitis can begin its development due to pathologies of the genitourinary system or due to infection in the bladder. This leads to chronic inflammation.

Here are the most common causes of chronic cystitis in women: incomplete emptying of the bladder during a visit to the toilet, infections (pyelonephritis, caries, etc.), which weaken the protective properties of the bladder.

There are various ways of penetration of infection into the bladder, namely:
  1. ascending(from the vulva and urethra;
  2. descending(from the upper urinary tract);
  3. with lymph flow(from the pelvic organs);
  4. with blood flow(from remotely located foci of infection);
  5. contact(through the wall of the bladder from the foci of inflammation located next to it).

Cystitis is rightly attributed to female pathologies. After all, the anatomical features of the location of the urethra favor the entry of microflora from the vagina and anus into the bladder. This happens after intercourse or when ignoring hygiene standards.

Provoking factors also include:

  1. diabetes;
  2. uncomfortable and tight underwear;
  3. frequent constipation;
  4. avitaminosis;
  5. personal predisposition to such pathologies;
  6. expectation of offspring or menopause;
  7. freezing or vice versa;
  8. failure to comply with the basic requirements of personal hygiene;
  9. very active unprotected intimate life;
  10. abuse of spices;
  11. nervous breakdowns.


It proceeds without severe symptoms, with infrequent or frequent exacerbations. It can declare itself once a year, or maybe more than 3 times during the same period, in the form of an ongoing sluggish process or with very noticeable symptoms.

With a sluggish form, there are no complaints, and inflammation is detected only with a thorough examination.

Pain during urination is one of the main symptoms of cystitis in women.

Signs of chronic cystitis in women in the acute stage are the following:

  1. pain during urination;
  2. constant urge to go to the toilet, when visiting which either not a drop comes out at all, or the bladder does not empty completely;
  3. pain in the pubic part, flowing into the lower abdomen;
  4. cloudy urine, often with blood;
  5. insignificant;
  6. pulling sensation in the pelvic region.

Sometimes there are more characteristic symptoms of chronic cystitis in women:

  1. uncontrollable desire to urinate at night;
  2. persistent desire to empty the bladder.

If a person encounters such a deterioration in well-being more than twice, the diagnosis is unequivocal - chronic cystitis.

The pathology proceeds in two stages. The exacerbation is rich in all the symptoms. Remission declares itself with frequent urination, mild pain in the lower abdomen when lifting weights and after intercourse.

Do not fight on your own with this serious pathology. Competent therapy at the initial stage is the key to a successful cure for pathology.


When you need to relieve an attack of acute pain in chronic cystitis, you can take "No-shpa" in the amount of 2 tablets or "Monurel" according to the instructions.

Treatment of pathology is carried out only with the use of medications.

Selected individually.

To determine an accurate diagnosis and determine competent therapy, you need to contact a urologist, gynecologist and therapist for examination.

The first stage of treatment carries the task of improving the patient's well-being. The main thing is to get rid of the pain. For this, they often use: No-shpa, Papaverine or other antispasmodics.

Pain reliever No-shpa

The second stage is a course of antibiotic therapy. Sometimes antiviral or antifungal agents are prescribed, depending on the causative agent of the pathology. Diclofenac and Nimesil have a powerful effect on inflammation. Pain when taking them passes during the first day.

Effectively help to get rid of this disease: Monural, Normaks, Tsiprolet A. These are very powerful drugs, so the dosage is prescribed by the attending physician individually for each. The course of treatment is one to one and a half weeks.

To cope with chronic cystitis, you need:
  1. eliminate its original source;
  2. remove the pathogen;
  3. normalize the outflow of urine;
  4. remove the stones from the bubble.

For better treatment, immunomodulators may be prescribed.

In some cases, the patient is prescribed surgical correction of urodynamic disorders.

The use of physiotherapy gives a considerable effect. Physical factors will help eliminate inflammation, normalize urination, improve urine flow and relieve pain.

For the purposes of physiotherapy are used:

  1. electrophoresis inside tissues;
  2. decimeter wave therapy;
  3. ultrasound therapy;
  4. infrared laser therapy;
  5. paraffin and ozocerite compresses;
  6. vibrotherapy;
  7. exposure to infrared rays;
  8. mud treatment;
  9. diadynamic therapy;
  10. therapeutic baths (sitting).
For effective and safe treatment, it is important to follow all the recommendations of your doctor. It is necessary to comply with all appointments and take only what is prescribed. The result will not keep you waiting, giving a complete and painless healing from chronic cystitis.

Related videos

A video about a new effective method for the treatment of chronic cystitis in women:

There are a lot of traditional medicine recipes for the treatment of this pathology. Before starting self-treatment, you should discuss this with a specialist so as not to exacerbate already unsafe symptoms.

Forever? Any chronic diseases require a detailed examination and sometimes long-term treatment.

Chronic diseases of the bladder in urology are not uncommon.

The most famous problem in women is cystitis and its chronic manifestation. Fifteen percent of all women have experienced it for themselves.

Cystitis is an inflammation of the walls of the bladder, which leads to pathology in the work of this organ. Chronic cystitis occurs in every third case, especially if it has not been treated.

The walls of a healthy bladder and with cystitis

As a rule, not all women go to the doctor with this problem, but try to treat the disease on their own. As a result, the process is further aggravated and becomes chronic. Sometimes the symptoms disappear on their own and many people think that they are cured, but this is erroneous. Only a doctor can make a conclusion that a remission has come.

In advanced cases, disturbances in the functioning of the bladder become irreversible, moreover, complications may arise due to infection in other organs and even lead to problems with reproductive function. Moreover, it is unacceptable to ignore the disease during pregnancy. It always causes complications.

Chronic cystitis mainly affects women of middle and older age, less often men and children. This is due to anatomical features.

The causes of chronic cystitis are:

  • bacterial or viral infection, which can penetrate from the vagina into the urethra. This can happen after intercourse or with poor hygiene of the genitals;
  • congenital anomalies. In rare cases, there are abnormalities in the body that make emptying difficult and bacteria accumulate in large numbers;
  • weak immune system which passes bacteria and violates the acidity of the mucosa. As a result, the infection enters the kidneys;
  • comorbidities: diabetes mellitus, in the bladder, allergies, nervous stress.
If you get cystitis more often than 2-3 times every six months, then this is a serious reason to consult a urologist for advice.


Symptoms of chronic cystitis:

  • slight or sharp pain in the lower abdomen;
  • frequent and at any time of the day;
  • false urge to urinate or incontinence;
  • high temperature up to 40 degrees with an exacerbation of the disease;
  • general weakness, dry mouth.

Sometimes, in the chronic form of the disease, the symptoms may disappear, but then appear with any provoking factor: hypothermia, stress, colds, injuries, active sex life. In the latent course of the disease, symptoms may not appear at all.

If you have two or more symptoms, you need to be examined.

It is not difficult for an experienced doctor to diagnose chronic cystitis.

To do this, at the initial stage, you will be prescribed: a general urinalysis, a urinalysis tank, a complete blood count, cystography (examination with contrast with the power of an x-ray machine), cystoscopy (examination of the internal walls of the bladder with an endoscope), ultrasound of the bladder and kidneys. You may need additional tests and examination by a gynecologist. Only after a complete examination will you be prescribed therapy.

Self-medication is extremely dangerous, you risk not only not curing chronic cystitis, but adding complications and disrupting the work of other organs. If the infection is not stopped, it will begin to rise higher. One of the most common development options is pyelonephritis. This means that the infection has begun to affect the tissues of the kidneys.


Treatment of chronic cystitis does not require a hospital stay of the patient, all drugs are taken on an outpatient basis.

Depending on the source of the disease, therapy is prescribed as follows:

  • antibiotic therapy- if the bacterium that caused the disease is known, as well as its sensitivity to antibiotics, drugs are prescribed, mainly antibiotics;
  • anti-inflammatory therapy- treatment aimed at relieving acute inflammation of the walls, to alleviate the patient's condition;
  • physiotherapy- is prescribed to eliminate inflammation and restore the functioning of the bladder. Physiotherapy includes: electrophoresis, ultrasonic radiation by devices, infrared, laser irradiation, thermal wrapping, mud therapy, drinking mineral water;
  • preventive therapy- impact on the body with the help of herbal teas, tinctures, other herbal preparations;
  • local therapy- carried out with the help of antihistamines, which are injected directly into the bladder. They are aimed at fighting germs, viruses and bacteria.
If stones are found in either polyps, treatment is carried out with surgical intervention.

The right lifestyle for cystitis

It is very important in the question of how to cure chronic cystitis forever, also the correct behavior during the day.

For a complete cure for chronic cystitis, it is important:
  • observance of hygiene rules (washing away after each emptying, proper use of toilet paper after defecation, frequent change of tampons, panty liners, wearing the right underwear made from natural materials);
  • proper nutrition (refuse fast food, spicy, fried, salty and smoked foods). Include more vegetables, fruits, fresh berries and dairy products in your diet;
  • drink at least 1.5-2 liters of water, fruit drink, juice per day to cleanse the body of pathogenic flora;
  • active additives that restore the body after antibiotics;
  • empty your bladder as often as possible. Urine should not stagnate. This is especially important after intercourse;
  • do physical education;
  • refusal of alcohol.
There are also methods of alternative treatment of chronic cystitis. This is the use of certain products: parsley, cranberries, melons, watermelon, lingonberries. They have an antibacterial effect and increase immunity. But they should be used only after consultation with your doctor.

Useful video

Video on how to properly treat cystitis at home.

Cystitis is an inflammatory disease of the lining of the bladder. The chronic form of the disease proceeds as a continuous process with constant changes in urine or with individual relapses and remissions, during which all signs of cystitis are absent.

Basic principles

It is possible to cure chronic cystitis forever using an integrated approach. You can not count on the fact that the course of taking the drugs will achieve the desired result. Focusing on the form of the disease, a combination of therapeutic methods and necessary procedures is determined, such as:

  • drug therapy;
  • physiotherapy procedures;
  • phytotherapy and folk remedies.

Combining different methods will help to get rid of the disease forever. The treatment itself does not require hospitalization and may take several months. Its necessary conditions are also the observance of bed rest, a full-fledged balanced diet, proper drinking regimen and personal hygiene rules.


After receiving the results of a blood and urine test, as well as cystoscopy, the doctor prescribes antibiotics, antispasmodics, anti-inflammatory drugs. If necessary, immunomodulators, diuretics and other drugs are prescribed.

Antibiotic therapy

Since bacteria are most often the cause of the disease, antibiotics are the first step in treatment. For the treatment of chronic disease, the following drugs are used:

  • Monural;
  • Nolicin;
  • Norfloxacin;
  • Palin;
  • Furagin;
  • Furadonin;
  • Rulid;
  • Cyston.

In order for the treatment process to be productive and fast, you need to undergo an examination, according to the results of which the medicine and its dosage are selected.


Suppositories, or suppositories, are often used for chronic cystitis. Depending on the method of introduction into the body, they are:

  • vaginal - are inserted directly into the vagina: Hexicon, Palin, Macmirror;
  • rectal - injected into the anus: Diclofenac, Voltaren, Indomethacin.

Vaginal suppositories are intended for women, rectal - for children and men. All suppositories have indications and contraindications for use, therefore, they are prescribed only by the attending physician.

Physical Therapy and Alternative Medicine

Physiotherapy and alternative medicine methods are used to eliminate the inflammatory process and restore bladder function. Physiotherapy methods include electroanalgesia, laser therapy and magnetotherapy. These procedures are carried out by the contact method in the conditions of the urological office. Alternative medicine methods are taking infusions and decoctions, mud therapy, thermal wrapping, therapeutic baths, drinking mineral water, etc.

Methods of physiotherapy and alternative medicine are applied separately or in combination.

Folk recipes

For the treatment of chronic cystitis at home, various folk remedies are used, including herbal preparations, individual plants and herbal products. Of these, you can make decoctions, infusions, tinctures, bath decoctions that can be added to baths.

Baking soda

Baking soda is used in the treatment of bladder inflammation:

  1. To prepare a soda solution, combine and mix thoroughly 1/3 tsp. baking soda and 250 ml of warm boiled water. We use it in equal parts in the morning and in the evening. We repeat the reception of the solution in a day.
  2. For douching. We mix 1 tbsp. l. soda and 1 liter of hot boiled water. After the agent has cooled to room temperature, pour it into a syringe and rinse the genital tract. After the procedure, we take a horizontal position and rest for 30 minutes. Douching is carried out 2 times a day.
  3. For sitz baths. Combine and mix 2 tbsp. l. baking soda and 2 liters of warm water. The resulting solution is poured into a bath or other volumetric container with water, after which we sit down in it. We take a sitz bath until the soda solution has completely cooled.

For the use of soda therapy, it is necessary to observe the drinking regimen. Drinking baking soda by mouth increases the risk of dehydration because baking soda has a diuretic effect. To avoid dehydration, you need to drink at least 2 liters of water per day. It is equally important to observe bed rest. If a person is worried about acute pain, a warm heating pad can be placed on the lower abdomen.


In diseases of the bladder, millet is used not only in the form of grain dishes, but also as an infusion and decoction. To prepare an infusion of millet, we insist 2 tbsp. l. washed grain in 2 cups boiling water for 30 minutes. Then we take the resulting drink in equal portions 4-5 times a day. The course of treatment is 3 days.

To prepare millet broth, pour 2 tbsp. l. washed grain with 2 cups boiling water and bring to a boil. Then we wrap the contents with a decoction and insist 3 hours. We accept 1 tsp. every 4 hours for 14 days.

Dill seeds

A decoction of dill seeds is prepared according to the following recipe: pour 3 tbsp. l. seeds 1 liter of water and leave for 15 minutes in a water bath. Let the broth brew, filter and take 50 ml 3 times a day.

birch leaves

An infusion of birch leaves is prepared according to this recipe: we combine 1 tbsp. l. pre-shredded leaves and 250 ml of hot water. Leave the infusion for 45 minutes, then filter and take in equal parts in the morning and evening.

rosehip root

To prepare a rosehip broth, combine 5 tbsp. l. plant root and 900 ml of water. Simmer the broth over low heat for 30 minutes. Then we take it in 2 tbsp. l. every 3 hours throughout the day.

calamus root

An infusion of calamus roots is prepared according to the recipe: pour 1 cup boiling water 1 tsp. calamus roots. We insist the mixture for 25 minutes and filter. We drink a glass of the resulting infusion in equal parts throughout the day.

elderberry flowers

An infusion of elderberry flowers is effective for difficult urination. To prepare it, pour 1.5 tbsp. l. fresh or dried flowers 1 cup boiling water. Leave to infuse in a warm place for 60-80 minutes. We accept 2 tbsp. l. infusion 3 times a day.

Chamomile officinalis

Anti-inflammatory infusion of chamomile is prepared from 1 tbsp. l. flowers and 250 ml of hot water. Leave for 45 minutes, then filter and take 50 ml every 4 hours.


Horsetail is used to prepare the infusion according to the recipe: pour 2 tbsp. l. dried plant 1 liter of water and boil for 15 minutes. Let it brew for 30 minutes, then strain. We take 200 ml 3 times a day.


For the treatment of the chronic form of cystitis and the prevention of other pathologies of the bladder, herbal preparations are used.

The composition of the collection number 1:

  • marshmallow flowers - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • common heather - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • dried rose hips - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • peppermint - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • wild chicory root - 1 tbsp. l.

The composition of the collection number 2:

  • large plantain leaves - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • oregano - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • flax seeds - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • cyanosis azure roots - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • roots of the burnet officinalis - 1 tbsp. l.

Urological fee

The algorithm for preparing fees is the same. Grind raw materials and pour 500 ml of cold water. Boil the broth for 10 minutes, stirring constantly. We insist at least 5 hours, and preferably all night. We do not filter the broth and take 50 ml 4 times a day 30 minutes before meals. We alternate weekly collections.

Right lifestyle

For a complete cure for a chronic disease, it is important:

  • observe the daily routine;
  • give up junk food and alcohol;
  • exercise;
  • drink 1.5-2 liters of water per day;
  • follow the rules of personal hygiene.

Despite the positive effect of sports on the body, people with chronic cystitis should avoid exercises that put a lot of stress on the pelvic organs.


Good nutrition can not only help in the treatment of chronic cystitis, but also in the prevention of this disease. The therapeutic diet includes the use of a large amount of plant foods, especially vegetables and fruits, which have a diuretic effect. The following foods are completely excluded from the diet:

  • smoked meats;
  • spicy and spicy dishes;
  • marinades and canned food;
  • fried foods, including deep-fried foods;
  • caffeinated drinks;
  • preservatives;
  • alcohol;
  • rich broths;
  • carbonated drinks.

It is also necessary to limit the consumption of acidic fruits and vegetables that have an irritating effect on the inflamed bladder (onions, garlic, horseradish, celery, sorrel, etc.). From dairy products, it is best to use sour-milk, from drinks - fruit or milk jelly.

Errors in treatment

  1. Untimely appeal to a specialist for help. In most cases, the first signs of the disease are perceived as malaise.
  2. Uncontrolled medication, which, instead of curing, often only aggravates the existing problem.
  3. After drug therapy with incorrectly prescribed or unprescribed antibiotics, the symptoms of cystitis disappear for a while, which is fraught with frequent relapses of the disease in the future.

Chronic cystitis in women: symptoms and treatment

Chronic cystitis. Possibilities of homeopathic treatment.

I and traditional medicine, treatment of chronic cystitis,

Medications for Cystitis: An Overview of Antibiotics

Only complex treatment will help get rid of chronic cystitis forever. After all, the antibiotics prescribed by the doctor relieve symptoms, but not from possible relapses, and chronic cystitis is a disease that can reappear with the slightest cold or the abuse of junk food.



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