Is it possible not to take a 7 day break? How long should the break be? Do I need to take scheduled breaks from training or not?

Hello Julia.

Hormonal oral contraceptives are among the most reliable means of contraception. However, high contraceptive effect can only be achieved with their correct use.

The course of the contraceptive "Janine" that you used involves taking 1 tablet daily for 21 days, after which a break is taken for 7 days, during which the woman experiences a reaction to drug withdrawal - menstrual-like bleeding. If a woman continues to need protection from unwanted pregnancy, then she can continue taking birth control pills according to the same scheme - “21 + 7”. However, many people have a question about how long they can take contraceptives and whether they need to take breaks to rest the body.

Breaks between courses of taking COCs

The use of hormonal contraceptives is a kind of intervention in the hormonal balance of the body, because hormones enter the body from the outside. They affect the processes of ovulation, the condition of the endometrium, etc. As a result of this, the independent production of sex hormones changes, the ovaries enter the so-called functional rest phase, when the woman stops ovulating. Moreover, in the first 3 months of use, minor side effects, because the body is just getting used to the effects of the contraceptive, but in most cases they subsequently go away.

If a woman decides to become pregnant, she can stop taking the contraceptive, and over time her ability to conceive is restored, but on average it takes up to 3 months. An exception is when, after short-term (no more than 3 months) use of the drug, a woman’s ovarian function is activated. This phenomenon is called the “rebound effect” and is very often used to treat problems with conception.

Imagine that when you took the first package of the drug, your body was at rest because the hormones came with the pills. The next month you did not continue contraception, i.e. you had a break during which the ovaries had to produce hormones. Now you have again decided to protect yourself with a hormonal drug. Unfortunately, this situation is severe stress For female body, and most often it leads to a change hormonal balance body, which may result in disturbances menstrual cycle, amenorrhea, the appearance of spotting blood between menstruation, etc.

It is also worth warning that during such “breaks” a woman often becomes pregnant due to the “rebound effect”, so you need to pay attention Special attention alternative ways contraception.

Naturally, such consequences of unreasonable use of contraceptives do not manifest themselves in everyone, because everything depends not only on the individual characteristics of each woman’s body, for example, on her natural hormonal status, but also on the drug itself, namely on the amount active substances in it, because there are micro-dose, medium-dose and high-dose contraceptives.

It is also worth saying that very long-term use contraceptives may also have Negative consequences, for example, lead to problems with future pregnancies, cycle irregularities, and even complete absence menstruation - amenorrhea.

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Genus. 1984 Trained since 1999 Trained since 2007. Candidate of Masters in powerlifting. Champion of Russia and South Russia according to AWPC. Champion of the Krasnodar region according to IPF. 1st category in weightlifting. 2-time winner of the Krasnodar Territory championship in t/a. Author of more than 700 articles on fitness and amateur athletics. Author and co-author of 5 books.

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Such a question begins to torment a person when he has already studied quite a bit. for a long time without rest. He plows for a year, two, three, and then he begins to think. And these are the questions that arise in his tired brain:


2. If “yes,” then how do you know when and how often?

3. And how long should the break be?

4. And should I stop training completely or switch to light training?

5. Who am I and what am I doing here?)))

And if it is better to look for the answer to the last question in religion and philosophy, then I will now try to answer the remaining 4 questions. Let's go.

Do you need to take a break sometimes?

Need to. Sooner or later you get tired of any activity. Moreover, both physically and mentally. It becomes uninteresting to train, apathy and a persistent reluctance to go to the gym sets in.

In addition, training in the gym is a load not only on the muscles, but also on the joints and tendons. And they take longer to recover than muscles. Therefore, injuries and “fatigue” of the musculoskeletal system are steadily increasing from month to month, from year to year. You can, of course, drink, but practice shows that this is usually not enough.

Even professionals take a break. Even the best of the best. What can we say about ordinary amateurs, for whom health is more important than titles and awards. After all, it is said in the “Book of Changes”: If the bow string is kept constantly taut, then the string weakens and loses its strength.

How to understand: when and how often?

It's all very subjective. If you're already very tired in general and have no desire to do any kind of workout, then it looks like it's time to rest. It’s also time to rest if you have accumulated a lot of injuries and your whole body constantly hurts. And, it's not.

How often? Personally, I rest 1 month a year. That is once a year. You can also rest once every six months or even once every 3-4 months. But not more often. That is, approximately 1 – 2 times a year. Well, fanatics can do it once every 2 years. In general, something like this.

How long should the break be?

Depends on how tired you are and how often you rest. I believe that the break should be at least 1 week and no more than 1.5 - 2 months.

If there is only fatigue, but no special injuries, then it will be enough to rest for 2 – 3 weeks. If injuries are added to fatigue, then a month or even more.

However, you need to understand that the longer you rest, the more time it will take you to get back on track. If the rest is a week, then this will not affect your results in any way. If 2 - 3 weeks, then 1 - 2 weeks you will then enter the usual training regime.

Should I stop training completely?

Sometimes yes, sometimes no. Again, it depends on your subjective feelings. If you do not want to do any specific program, and injuries and fatigue are not so great, then you can simply switch to light training for 30 - 50 minutes 2 times a week. Then you can do only what you want in “light” mode, without particularly bothering yourself with the number of repetitions and weights.

The advantage of this approach is that after such a rest you do not need to get into a rut and after rest you will immediately be in full combat readiness. This is exactly how professionals almost always rest, since they constantly lack time to prepare.

Well, if you can no longer see this gym at all, then it makes sense to stop working out altogether for a while. Just don’t need to torture yourself with remorse in this case. Just enjoy your vacation.


As you can see, there are a lot of options. From frequent (once every 3-4 months) short (1-2 weeks) rest in the form of reducing the load, to global (1 - 2 months) hammering the bolt into the entire training process.

Remember that the most important thing in training, as in any activity, is consistency. If you continue to train year after year, you will make progress, even with rest. I would even say more. Rest, if it is in place and at the right time, helps speed up progress. During rest, you gain strength and heal your injuries. Therefore, rest, and may the force be with you.

Many women try to eliminate the possibility of unwanted pregnancy with the help of contraceptives.

Most often they use hormonal drugs.

They are characterized by ease of use, which is why they use high level popularity.

Contraceptive medications are hormonal medications to prevent unwanted pregnancy.

During the period of taking these drugs, there is a delay in women, which eliminates the possibility of fertilization.

Taking medications for unwanted pregnancy is allowed after the first menstruation.

There are several types of contraceptive medications. They are available as:

  • Mini-pill
  • Combined funds
  • Emergency contraceptive drugs

If a woman takes medications regularly, this will provide almost one hundred percent protection against pregnancy.

The action of medicines is aimed at reducing and reducing the amount. Some medications can combat the pain that often occurs during menstruation.

The action of drugs is also aimed at reducing acne. Can be stabilized with medication monthly cycle. If you take medications during the course of endometriosis, this leads to a decrease in discomfort.

PZ medications are excellent prophylactic ovary. Medicines provide protection against ectopic pregnancy.

Contraceptive medications help not only protect against pregnancy, but also solve a variety of women's health problems.

How long can you take birth control pills?

Most women who have not given birth use contraceptive medications for guard. In this case, it is recommended to select hormonal drugs, not providing negative influence on a woman's fertility. That is why, after finishing taking medications, fertilization may occur in a representative of the fairer sex. It is recommended to take medications only after consulting a doctor.

Nulliparous women are advised to give preference oral contraceptives, which are characterized by a higher level of safety. It is best to take medications latest generation, since they include minimal amount.

They do not have a negative impact on reproductive function women.

Jess is an effective contraceptive

Taking medications should be carried out in courses. Taking breaks is recommended to restore the full functionality of the female body.

The choice of drug and course of treatment should be determined only by the doctor after conducting an appropriate examination.

Taking contraceptive medications by a woman will only be effective if they are correctly selected in accordance with individual characteristics body.

Do I need to take a break when taking Jess' PZ medications?

Jess is a monophasic oral, which is characterized by the presence of an antiandrogenic effect. During the period of taking the medicine, there is a decrease in the activity of male sex hormones, as a result of which excessive oily skin is often diagnosed, as well as acne. In order to solve these problems, girls over 14 years of age are allowed to take medications. The medication is also taken to eliminate pain during menstruation.

The medicine is released in pink and white. Pink medicines must be taken daily at the same time, one piece from the first day of menstruation until the 25th day of the cycle. After this, white tablets are taken for 3 days. During use this tool There is no need to take breaks due to unwanted pregnancy. You can take medications regardless of meals.

Jess are universal tablets that are characterized by a high level of safety. It is still recommended to consult a doctor before taking them.

Do I need to take a break while taking Regulon PZ medications?

Regulon is combined contraceptive, which is produced on the basis of the estrogen component. During the period of taking the medicine, the production of gonadotropins is blocked, which eliminates the possibility of an unwanted pregnancy. Medicines increase density cervical mucus, which eliminates the possibility of sperm penetration.

Taking the medication should begin on the first day of menstruation. At the same time, use additional methods contraception is not needed. If the medicine is started from the first to the fifth day of the cycle, then additional contraceptives are necessary.

If more than 5 days have passed since the day of menstruation, it is necessary to postpone taking it until the next menstruation.

The medication is taken once a day, one tablet. The course of treatment with the drug is 21 days. After this, the woman should take a break for 7 days. At this time, the beginning is observed. After a week, it is recommended to start taking the medication again.

After the birth of a child, women are allowed to take the medication if they are not breastfeeding. breast milk three weeks after birth. If during this period the woman had sexual relations, then the medication begins after the next sexual intercourse.

If Regulon is taken more than three weeks after childbirth, this requires the use of additional contraception for a week.

The medication is characterized by the presence certain contraindications, which manifest themselves in the form of migraine, thrombosis, hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. Also, the medicine should not be taken for bleeding, endogenous tumors, etc.

Contraceptive drugs are good remedy protection against unwanted pregnancy. In addition, with their help, it is possible to solve other women's problems. Taking drugs should be carried out in strict accordance with the instructions, which will eliminate the possibility of unwanted effects.

ABOUT contraceptives more on video:

For a whole year I trained in gym, from Monday to Friday, without a single miss. Because it's summer now: 07/08/2015 I decided to take a planned rest (break) in my bodybuilding training, pampering myself (after all, this will also be beneficial “in terms of muscle building”: D).

Wow, so wat, and the topic for release to my blog was born =) when friends, relatives and just acquaintances who are interested in this type sports, they began to bombard with questions in the style of what else is a “planned break”, “what is it for”, “what does it give”, “did it hurt”, etc.))

Scheduled break- most important aspect long-term progress in bodybuilding, the essence of which is to specifically (according to plan) completely stop lifting weights (training), causing “controlled detraining.”

In general, controlled detraining is of two types:

  1. When you significantly reduce the working weights in your training(let’s say you trained for a week/month or some time with maximum 100% working weights, and now for a week/month or some time with 30-50% of one hundred, in general, typical periodization).
  2. When you don't exercise at all (eliminate exercise completely), this is exactly our case (planned break from bodybuilding).

In both cases, you specifically cause DISTRESS (controlled).

What does it give, many will ask?

The fact is that when you train with light weights (with a load that is easy for you, this is point No. 1. above) or do not train at all (point No. 2. above) your muscles become weaker and, accordingly, the level of their adaptation to stress is significantly reduced. This means that later, when you return to your working weights, they will again be a big stress for your muscles, which means that the muscles will adapt to this stress, and therefore grow. ComprendO? =)

This is the whole essence (trick) of a planned vacation. This is exactly why I arranged it.

How to train properly after a planned break?

This is extremely important nuance which you will need to take care of.

Training program, number of approaches, exercises, etc. may remain the same, it is not as important as the working weight (weight) in a particular exercise. In other words:

It is very important (this is the whole point) to start training not at the limit of your capabilities.

Some people missed 1-2 weeks of training (some didn’t even miss it as planned, it just happened to them, for example, a business trip or something else unexpected) and when they return, they immediately start working as before (with the same working weights ).

For example, a person did a bench press of 80 kilograms, missed 2 weeks of training, then ran to the gym and again from the very first training began to bench press his maximum (those same 80 kg).

You can’t do this (it’s wrong / unacceptable). If you don't take this into account, your planned break from training loses its meaning because:

Firstly, after a break in training = any load (even the smallest) is stress for your body (organism). But imagine, you immediately take 100% working weights, what do you think your body (organism) feels like? ... if anyone doesn’t understand, you are only harming yourself.

And secondly, not only will you harm yourself, you will also deprive yourself of the possibility of regular progression of loads, without which muscle growth is in principle impossible. In bodybuilding, constant progress is important (even if it is very tiny, even insignificant, but progress), and not MAXIMUM at a time. In other words, it is much better to increase working weights over months/years from training to training, rather than to take it and squeeze out the maximum at one time (training).

In general, it is very important to start training with 30-40% of your maximum and gradually progress from training to training. Well, for example, if you bench pressed 80 kg (this is your maximum), then after the planned break, you will need to start benching no more than 30-40 kg. And gradually increase it from workout to workout, that is: 35 kg in one workout, 40 kg in another, 45 kg in the third, 50 kg, 55 kg, 60 kg and off we go. Do you understand?

It is very important. That's the whole point. YOU CAN'T COME IMMEDIATELY AND REACH THE MAXIMUM. This will not do any good, only harm. I hope I explained everything clearly, because this, as I said earlier, is an extremely important aspect.

Do I need to take scheduled breaks from training or not?

Regardless of your training experience, definitely yes. But, you need to do this CORRECTLY (according to your mind), and not when and how much horrible.

In my mind it means: break for short span time (1-2, well, maximum 3 weeks, no more) and not systematically (not often), I personally do it 1-2 times a year, no more often, and usually it’s summer (in general, summer is the ideal period of time, but not dogma).

P.s. Many people take a break from training when their progress has stalled (when they can no longer progress the load, their working weights do not increase, etc.). As I said earlier, if there is no progression of the load, then the muscles do not grow. Consequently, going to the gym becomes pointless, which is why the guys take a break when they have a plateau (stagnation).

Pps. It just so happens that it’s SUMMER for me now and, besides, my progress has stalled (the weights aren’t growing, I can’t progress at all), so I decided to take a rest (do a planned detraining). Thanks to her, I deliberately take a step back in order to then take two steps forward (progress). Do you understand? This (as I said earlier, in other words) is the whole point of a “planned vacation”.

About nothing long break(1 month or more) and whenever you please (10 times a year) is out of the question (this is not at all the same, don’t think/confuse). Re-read the above as many times as necessary. Well, that's all. I have nothing more to say.

Sincerely, administrator.

Good afternoon My husband's high blood pressure. After passing all the tests, the doctor prescribed him to take pills. Lozap and Concor - one each in the morning, and Trombo ACC and Atoris - one each in the evening. He has been drinking them for four months now. My question is: should I take a break? Or do they now need to be taken constantly? Will the body get used to it? And will there be any effect from them later? Thank you.

Andreeva Olga, Noyabrsk

ANSWERED: 08/23/2013

These drugs are prescribed for life. There will be no getting used to them. Another thing is that hypertonic disease may develop such a course that new classes of drugs will have to be added. It is important to control the pressure and not allow it to rise above 140/90 mm Hg.

clarifying question

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