I smell it strongly why. Causes of increased sense of smell in men

To clean a chrome surface, they use not only industrial products, but also wash it the old fashioned way with soda, vinegar or citric acid. When choosing household chemicals, you need to read the composition; faucets cannot be washed with products containing active acids, alkali and chlorine, as this will cause the coating to become cloudy and covered with dark spots. Below we will talk about how to clean the faucet from limescale without damaging the chrome layer, how to restore the damaged coating, clean the aerator, shower holes and what to do if the faucet is jammed.

The cause of limescale deposits is calcium and magnesium salts, which are contained in excess quantities in tap water. A whitish coating spoils appearance plumbing and even sometimes leads to the fact that the taps jam, and the holes of the shower head become clogged with scale flakes.

Soap deposits and limescale are not a big problem, even if the holes in the aerator or shower head are clogged. Any housewife can cope with this task on her own without the help of a plumber.

It is much more difficult to choose the right products to care for chrome surfaces in the kitchen and bathroom. Mistakes in choosing household chemicals can result in a dull surface, scratches and black spots; it is very difficult to restore such plumbing fixtures. You will have to put up with the damaged coating or replace all the damaged parts with new ones, which will cost a pretty penny. How to choose suitable remedy:

  1. Never scrub plumbing fixtures with steel wool, even if it seems to you that all other means will be powerless. It only seems like it to you!
  2. The product should not contain abrasive particles; the only thing that can be used is a paste of baking soda or table salt.
  3. Products containing acids will spoil the chrome surface, black spots will appear on it, and a little later, possibly rust. Particularly dangerous are hydrochloric, phosphoric and sulfuric acids, as well as chlorine and alkalis. But vinegar and citric acid will not ruin your plumbing; they can be used without fear. If as a result wrong choice cleaning products have already damaged your taps, then at the end of the article you will find a recipe that will help mask the traces of inept handling household chemicals.
  4. Do not mix different industrial products with each other, otherwise you risk getting an unpredictable result.
  5. When choosing a product, make sure that it is suitable for chrome-plated products, and strictly follow the instructions during use.

Folk remedies against limescale

It’s worth saying right away that if you properly care for chrome surfaces, then limescale will never appear. You just need to wipe them dry after each use. What to do if the plaque has already appeared? How to remove limescale from a tap using products that are found in every home:

Baking soda

Dilute baking soda with water to form a thick paste. Using a sponge, apply it to all surfaces that require cleaning and leave for 1 hour. It is important to remember that there is no need to rub in the mixture; baking soda will already soften soap and lime deposits quite well. After an hour, carefully remove the remaining pulp. If there are whitish spots left here and there, lightly rub them with the hard side of a dish sponge, rinse the mixer with water and wipe dry.

Laundry soap

Grate the block, add a teaspoon of soda and a little hot water, mix thoroughly. Soak a rag in the resulting liquid and thoroughly wash the faucet, taps, shower hose and watering can. To clean shower head holes and other hard-to-reach places, use an old toothbrush. cotton swabs and a toothpick. Don't forget to rinse off any remaining soap with water. This product can be used to wash all surfaces in the house, from the bathtub to the kitchen table top. Laundry soap hypoallergenic and at the same time perfectly disinfects.

Table vinegar

We will need 9% vinegar, it doesn’t matter whether it’s apple or white, whatever you have in your cupboard, a rag and some water. Dilute vinegar with water 1:1, wet a cloth and wipe all places where there are traces of soap and dried drops. Don’t forget to rinse off any remaining product and wipe the plumbing fixtures with a dry cloth.

Lemon acid

There are several ways to remove limescale using citric acid, we will describe two:

  • Cut a lemon in half, dip in salt and lightly rub all stained surfaces. Use the lemon as if you had a sponge in your hands.
  • Dip a damp kitchen sponge in citric acid and treat problem areas, leave for a while and rinse with water.

Citric acid is an irreplaceable thing in the household; with its help you can remove not only limescale and scale, but also...

Household chemicals against “water stone”

If you don’t trust folk remedies, you can use household chemicals.

Read the instructions carefully, don't forget to wear rubber gloves to protect your hands from harmful effects chemistry.

On sale you will find many products designed specifically for the care of steel and chrome surfaces; they will help not only clean the plumbing, but also polish it to perfection. perfect shine. All these products are divided into two categories: cleaners and polishes; it is advisable to have both at home.

Cleaners: " Top House for stainless steel"(Germany), " CILLIT BANG for metal surfaces"(Russia), "Pufas Glutoclean" (Germany), "Sanox" company Stork Peter, "Cif" (Hungary), " electrolux stainless steel cleaner spray"(Sweden), " Selena Shine of steel"(Russia), "NEOBLANK" (maintains and lubricates movable metal joints) country of origin Germany, "Ravak Cleaner Chrome" (Czech Republic), "HG" (Netherlands), "SVOD-Effect" (Ukraine) and many others.

Polishes: “Wpro 29945”, “Domax”, “Indesit”, “HG Steel Polish”, etc. The polish is applied with a soft cloth to a dry, clean surface and polished to a mirror shine. Cleaners and polishes can be used not only for plumbing fixtures, they are also suitable for caring for any metal surfaces: steel plates, sinks, refrigeration equipment, chrome-plated furniture parts, stainless steel utensils.

Some metal care products create a thin film that temporarily protects the chrome surface from corrosion, limescale and greasy fingerprints. Instead of polish, you can use glass washing liquid; of course, it does not create protection, but with due diligence, a beautiful shine is guaranteed.

What to do if the faucet is jammed?

It also happens that due to improper operation or prolonged inactivity, the faucet or Bath-Shower switch stops rotating. Is it possible to cope on your own? Yes, if the cause of the breakdown is limescale or rust.

  1. First, wash the faucet with one of the products described above; perhaps the problem will be solved at this stage.
  2. If this does not help, use hot vinegar, soak a rag in it and wrap it around the faucet, wrap the structure with cling film so that the vinegar does not evaporate, and wait a couple of hours.
  3. If mobility is not restored, then try treating the problem area with WD-40, it can be purchased at any auto store. Apply the substance into the gap between the tap and the mixer, wait a few minutes and try turning the tap.

If the tap does not work, you will have to resort to the help of a plumber.

To prevent the taps and shower switch from jamming, you need to regularly clean the plumbing fixtures from limescale deposits, and also from time to time lubricate the moving joints with silicone grease, for example: “Huskey™ LVI-50 PTFE Grease” or “CIATIM 221”.

Cleaning the aerator

Cleaning soap deposits on outside tap is only half the battle. Modern faucets are equipped with aerators - this is a small metal nozzle with a mesh on the spout of the tap. This small part serves to enrich the water with oxygen, thanks to which it performs a number of useful functions:

  1. Reduces the noise level of flowing water due to the fact that many small bubbles soften the flow of water.
  2. Reduces splashing.
  3. Additional filtration from small debris that occasionally occurs in tap water.
  4. The aerator helps by maintaining good pressure with minimal water consumption. Savings depending on the model can range from 50 to 80%.

It often happens that the aerator becomes clogged with lime flakes and ceases to efficiently cope with its functions. In this case, it needs to be removed and cleaned.

How to understand that it’s time to clean the aerator:

  • The tap is fully open, but the water barely flows
  • The water flows unevenly, the flow either increases or decreases
  • There is water in the system, but it does not pass through the mesh holes

To work, we will need pliers, a rag and a container with detergent.

Carefully wrap the nozzle in a rag, pinch with pliers and turn clockwise. And here awaits the owners of cheap Chinese plumbing fixtures an unpleasant surprise: Aerators for such faucets are most often made of extruded aluminum or plastic coated with a shiny coating, both materials are fragile and often break when trying to unscrew them. If the aerator bursts during dismantling, do not despair, buy a new one. High-quality plumbing aerators made of steel or brass last much longer.

If the nozzle is jammed, then use WD-40 or vinegar, wet a cloth, wrap it around the nozzle, wrap it with a plastic bag on top and leave until the mobility of the thread is restored, this is about 2-3 hours.

After you have unscrewed the aerator, rinse it from large contaminants under the running tap, and then place it in a glass with 9% vinegar. The exposure time depends on the degree of contamination and varies from 1 to 12 hours. After the time is up, rinse the aerator clean water, if necessary, clean the holes with a darning needle.

Assemble the clean nozzle and screw it into place; there is no need to tighten it, so you can easily unscrew it with your fingers at any time and wash it. It is advisable to remove and rinse the nozzle once a week, then the aerator will work properly.

How to clean the holes in a shower head?

If the holes of the hydromassage nozzle are clogged, we will use heated vinegar; by the way, vinegar is a universal home remedy which housewives use for various purposes. With its help you can, rooms and even from various kinds household pollution.

Unscrew the shower head, disassemble it into parts and soak them in heated vinegar for 1-2 hours, after which, armed with a darning needle, thoroughly clean all the holes and reassemble everything as it was. Instead of vinegar you can use " CilitBang"and old toothbrush. When the limescale is finished, reassemble the watering can and attach it back to the hose.

Wax shampoo

Some housewives have found a way to not only clean the taps, but also protect chrome parts from limescale for a week. To do this, they use waxy car wash shampoo. This product is designed to protect the car body from adverse weather conditions. The wax included in the shampoo forms a thin water-repellent film on the surface, protecting the metal from corrosion. You can buy wax shampoo at any auto store.

Apply a drop of shampoo to the sponge and thoroughly wash all chrome surfaces in the kitchen and bathroom. Polish with a soft cloth or microfiber cloth to a mirror shine. That's all, you can forget about limescale for at least a week.

Restoration of darkened plumbing fixtures

I may disappoint readers, but it is impossible to restore chrome plating at home. However, you can significantly improve the appearance of a faucet damaged by acid or chlorine and partially restore its lost shine. To do this, use polishing paste for chrome car parts, for example: “ AREXONS Mirage Cromature Brillanti"(Italy), Goi paste (made in the USSR) or another similar product. Wide choose Similar products are available in any car store, ask the seller and he will advise you on a suitable polish.

You need to apply the paste to the damaged surface and polish it for a long time with a piece of felt; if you have a sanding machine with a felt attachment in the house, then the work will go much faster. Since the coating is already damaged, then similar procedure you will have to repeat it from time to time.

Anastasia, November 13, 2016.

Tap water always contains numerous minerals, on the concentration of which not only the hardness of the life-giving moisture, but also the condition of the faucets installed in the bathrooms. A difficult-to-remove whitish coating begins to appear on them, the presence of which no housewife will ignore. And in order for the taps to shine with their chrome-plated sides again, their cleaning should be approached comprehensively and competently. How to clean a bathroom faucet correctly?

What are faucets made of?

Before you clean your bathroom faucets, you need to understand what they are made of. Most often, such products are made from copper, brass, bronze, or their various alloys, chrome-plated or in kind. For example, on the market you can find taps made of stainless steel and nickel with an enamel coating.

But since enamel chips easily and quickly, and nickel can provoke allergic reactions, it is more common to use brass faucets in everyday life. They are budget-friendly, have a wide range of products, are easy to install and fit literally any style of bathroom, from minimalism to high-tech. Fans of classicism and retro will like bronze or copper taps, which not only look noble and impressive, but are also easy to maintain. For comparison, nickel-plated products have to be removed from plaque for a long time and diligently, while bronze ones can only be wiped with a dry cloth.

If we talk about what faucets can be made of, then we cannot fail to mention plastic and ceramic taps. The first ones are still quite rare in free sale, although they are becoming popular among the end consumer. And that’s all, because plastic is a budget material, devoid of all the disadvantages of metal: it does not rust and is not covered with limescale. The only negative is the fragility of plastic taps, but experts are already working on solving this problem.

For your information: Ceramic faucets are almost an ideal solution, which simultaneously combines all the advantages of plastic and metal, but they are quite expensive.

Cleaning brass taps

Brass is a tarnishable material that can always be restored to its original shining appearance. Moreover, for this you do not always need to use expensive chemicals and in sophisticated ways. We offer several options for how to clean a bathroom faucet. , made from brass:

  • The surface of the mixer can be wiped with a soft viscose cloth soaked in a hot and concentrated soap solution. Difficult places are cleaned with a brush.
  • Interesting, but tomato paste Removes even the most stubborn stains from brass. It is simply applied to the metal surface, left for half an hour, and then washed off with plain water and a brush/napkin.
  • A little salt is poured onto half a lemon, and the tap itself is cleaned with it, like a brush.
  • If things are really bad, you can prepare a liquid mixture of salt, table vinegar and flour. The tap is removed and completely immersed in this composition for an hour, after which it is washed well.

In order to wonder as little as possible about how to clean a bathroom faucet made of brass, you do not need to use metal brushes or hard cloths, intending to make it shine. You can also renew the old varnish layer, if available. And if it is not there, then apply it for the first time.

Advice: Linseed oil- This is an excellent remedy against tarnishing of brass, so periodically apply it to the faucet for preventive purposes. Maintain systematic cleaning and polishing, and do not neglect industrial products aimed specifically at brass products.

Cleaning copper taps

Before cleaning a bathroom faucet made of copper, it is advisable to determine the degree of contamination. If it is not high, then you can get by with lemon-salt rubbing, as is the case with brass faucets. However, when the problem is advanced, the device will have to be dismantled and proceed as follows:

  • Place in boiling water for half an hour, to which a little ordinary kitchen utensil has been added. detergent. The faucet is then rinsed and polished.
  • Boil it in a vinegar-salt solution, remove, cool and rinse, then grate.

Again, the discolored stains commonly found on copper faucets are eliminated different ways. Green ones are washed with 10% citric acid, yellow ones with ordinary vinegar, and reddish ones with a 5% ammonia solution.

Bronze taps: how to clean?

Such devices quickly become covered with a patina, which not everyone likes. As with copper, before cleaning bathroom faucets made of bronze, the degree of contamination is determined. The original appearance of the mixer can be restored using purchased products such as TRILON-B or GOI. The latter is sometimes mixed with gasoline to obtain maximum cleaning effect. Among the traditional methods, we can recommend the following:

  • A mixture of water and chicory powder;
  • Boiling a dismantled tap in pea broth;
  • Wiping with solutions of sodium or potassium hydroxide, but only in extremely advanced cases.


Finally, a little about how to clean chrome-plated bathroom faucets. Typically used for these purposes purchased product, which does not include abrasive particles. But you can also get by with home methods, such as wiping with dishwashing detergent, scrubbing with soda or a small amount of table vinegar.

Enjoying smells is a great gift that allows us to smell different smells. The sense of smell is such an invisible physiological process that we practically do not notice it.

But sometimes a glitch occurs - a violation of this physiological process, which can become a curse for its owner. The most common disorders are: hyperosmia - heightened sense of smell and hyposmia - decreased sense of smell.

Each of them has its own causes: congenital or acquired.

Smell disorders, the causes of which are quite extensive, can ruin a person’s life. They can be quantitative and qualitative. Hyperosmia and hyposmia, as well as anosmia - complete loss of smell, are quite common.

In addition, the disorder may relate to a qualitative pathology, which is divided into the following types:

  • Cacosmia – constant feeling bad smell.
  • Dysosmia is an incorrect perception of smell.
  • Parosmia - the smell is felt even in the absence of a stimulus.

A heightened sense of smell is inherent in women. Women's sense of smell is sharper than men's, and during pregnancy it can become even more acute.

The sense of smell can be impaired for a number of reasons:

  • Congenital disorders;
  • Inflammation in the body. Thus, hyposmia most often appears as a result of rhinitis, accompanied by blockage of the nasal passages;
  • Injuries;
  • Tumors;
  • Air pollution;
  • Use of medications;
  • Hormonal imbalances;

Treatment varies depending on the cause of the disorder olfactory functions. Appointed various methods therapy, its timing and drugs used in treatment.

Hyperosmia is characterized by the fact that all odors become very pronounced and constantly accompany the person. If for ordinary people Some odors are completely indistinguishable, but a person who has this disorder can feel them even at a considerable distance. Contrary to the belief that this “gift” pleases its owner, such a perception can significantly ruin a person’s life. Troubles that become almost constant companions of hyperosmia include migraines, dizziness, painful sensations in the nasal sinuses. Sometimes there is some change in work internal organs, leading to serious consequences.

The person becomes irritable and emotionally unstable. IN in rare cases this leads to mental disorders.

There are 2 types of smell dysfunction:

  • Respiratory type. It is also called conductive. Related to changes in respiratory processes when there is a failure of air flow through nasal cavity. This may be a consequence of recently past diseases associated with the nasopharynx.
  • Neurosensory type. In another way it is called perceptual. Problems arise in the conductor and central department olfactory analyzer. This may include changes in hormonal levels, for example, during pregnancy.

Most often we can notice that the sense of smell has become more acute due to migraine, hysteria, some mental illness, cancerous brain lesions.

Some medications can increase the sensitivity of our olfactory system.

Increased sense of smell during pregnancy is a common occurrence. The fact is that during this period a restructuring of the woman’s body occurs, the hormonal background changes, since the woman needs to bear the fetus. A pregnant woman experiences partial hyperosmia. Only some smells become more obvious: very unpleasant ones or, on the contrary, smells that are loved and dear to the heart. Pregnant women should avoid sources of strong aromas: spicy, flavored cosmetic preparations, crowded places. If the smell becomes an irritant, a woman may experience vomiting and dizziness.

First of all, you need to see a doctor so that a high-quality and timely diagnosis. The doctor should conduct a visual examination using a mirror. This method allows you to examine the width of the nasal sinuses, the olfactory area. Special smell tests are also carried out. In some cases, the treating ENT specialist may refer you for a consultation with a psychiatrist or neurologist.

In the process of treatment and diagnosis, it is very important correct definition root causes. Then general restorative therapy is prescribed, the purpose of which is to restore the functions of breathing and air exchange in the sinuses, or other methods of treatment.

If the cause of exacerbation of the sense of smell is mental instability or neurological problems, the specialist selects a drug treatment regimen that includes serious medications that affect the psycho-emotional background. In this case, treatment is carried out jointly between an ENT specialist, a neurologist or a psychiatrist.

In some cases, the sense of smell may be exacerbated due to excessive hormone production thyroid gland. Then an impact can be prescribed radioactive iodine or even surgery.

Traditional medicine has also not avoided such a disorder as hyperosmia. It is based on the use of honey, herbs, bark and tree leaves. There are recipes with buckwheat. The effectiveness of such methods has not been proven; most likely it is a placebo effect. Traditional medicine is based on natural ingredients, but can cause significant harm to human health. Therefore, you need to treat it with extreme caution.

Hyposmia, on the other hand, is a condition in which the sense of smell is weakened. Highlight:

  • Essential hyposmia is a focal disorder of the area of ​​the brain responsible for the sense of smell. Develops due to injuries and brain tumors, malfunctions nervous system, strokes or Alzheimer's disease.
  • Receptor hyposmia is a blockage of air to the olfactory receptors. Air does not flow due to a runny nose, smoking people, as well as due to mucosal injuries.

The attending physician can determine the presence of hyposmia based on a thorough diagnosis. Once the diagnosis is made, an X-ray of the skull is taken. The ENT specialist also refers the patient to other specialists to rule out certain diseases: cancer, allergies, neurological diseases.

If the patient has receptor-type hyposmia, therapy is prescribed to improve the condition of the mucosa. Quitting smoking is mandatory.

The essential type is more difficult to treat. Recovery is rare.

If you have a disorder of smell, whether it is hyperosmia or hyposmia, a specialist should first look for the origins of this disorder. Correct diagnosis– deposit proper treatment And get well soon. It's better not to try to use the funds traditional medicine without prior consultation with doctors.

Smell is one of the 5 most important senses of our body, which requires careful attention and timely intervention in case of dysfunction respiratory system.

An increased sense of smell is medically called hyperosmia. In this case, even faint odors seem very rich and intense to a person. Strong reaction considered for fragrances painful condition and often accompanies certain pathologies. So, what is this condition associated with?

Responsible for the analysis and recognition of aromas olfactory analyzer. It contains a special type of epithelium that includes different kinds cells. These include supporting, basal, and olfactory.

Thus, olfactory cells are localized in the structure of the nasal mucosa. On their surface there are olfactory cilia that capture fragrant molecules. All cells are attached to nerve fibers. They are united into special bundles called axons.

These structures transmit impulses to certain areas of the brain. They are instantly analyzed. Due to the definition key characteristics odor - intensity and quality - its classification is carried out. The aroma can be pleasant or unpleasant.

Exacerbation of odors is called hyperosmia. This term means high sensitivity to the aromas that are present in environment. If a person's sense of smell becomes acute, he can detect and recognize even the faintest odors.

In addition to hyperosmia, there are several other types of perception of aromas. These include the following:

  • hyposmia - is a decrease in the sense of smell;
  • anosmia - in this case, a person is not able to perceive aromas at all;
  • cacosmia - in which the patient constantly feels a stench;
  • parosmia - implies a distortion of the information received, which is interpreted by doctors as a kind of olfactory hallucinations.

Symptoms, causes and treatment methods vary significantly depending on clinical picture. To choose the optimal therapy, you should consult a doctor who will conduct a detailed examination. Based on its results, the specialist will be able to choose adequate treatment.

Causes of a heightened sense of smell

The sense of smell is a kind of boundary that is responsible for filtering odors coming from outside. If for a certain reason a failure occurs at some stage, the development of olfactory dysfunction is observed.

TO key reasons exacerbations of the sense of smell include the following:

A situation in which a person says “I sense smells acutely” can provoke long-term use certain medicines. These include, in particular, amphetamines and thiazides. If you exclude the use of such means, you can short time restore your sense of smell.

Sometimes smells are irritating mental disorders. Hyperosmia may be the first sign of such anomalies:

  • schizophrenia;
  • depression;
  • hysteria;
  • neurasthenia.

A sharp increase in sensitivity to various aromas can be a symptom of chronic pathology. The main diseases that cause the appearance of this symptom include the following:

  • diabetes;
  • hepatitis;
  • Turner syndrome;
  • hypothyroidism is a diffuse toxic goiter.

Sensitivity to all kinds of aromas changes significantly throughout the day. Doctors note that there is a minimum level of perception. When it is reached, a certain level of aroma molecules causes a reaction from the analyzer.

Men have lower sensitivity to fragrances. They very rarely experience a condition in which they note “I react strongly to odors.” Representatives of the weak are much more likely to experience hormonal fluctuations. Therefore, they are much more susceptible to hyperosmia.

Experts also note that children have a much lower threshold for smell perception than adults. Therefore, babies react quite sharply to various aromas and much more often complain about unpleasant or pungent odors.

In some situations, a feeling of increased smell appears during pregnancy. This condition is caused hormonal changes, which arise in female body. After childbirth, balance is gradually restored. This helps completely eliminate acute sensitivity to odors.

Also, in women, reactions to fragrances can change significantly over the course of a woman's life. menstrual cycle. This is due to normal fluctuations in hormone balance. Most often, an exacerbation of the sense of smell is observed before the onset of menstruation. Also the reason this state ovulation may occur.

Often increased sensitivity to aromas becomes the result of consumption oral contraceptives. Also, a provoking factor in the development of hyperosmia can be hormonal treatment.

Clinical picture (symptoms)

With the development of hyperosmia, all odors seem very strong and intense. A person begins to smell aromas that other people with a normal sense of smell cannot sense. At first glance, it seems that such opportunities should be encouraging. However, in reality everything is not so simple.

In fact, hyperosmia often causes various problems. The main disorders include the following symptoms:

  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • painful sensations in the sinuses;
  • psychological instability;
  • migraine;
  • dysfunction of some organs;
  • psychical deviations.

Thus, instead of unique abilities, a person gets a depressed and irritable state. Many people with this diagnosis experience an irresistible desire to plug their nose and lock themselves in a sterile room.

Traditional Treatments for Increased Odors

If your sense of smell has increased, you should immediately contact a qualified otolaryngologist. This diagnosis is made by a specialist based on visual inspection using a mirror. Thanks to this, it will be possible to determine the width of the olfactory zone. Specific tests are also required to determine the level of smell.

In addition, consultation is often required narrow specialists. If hyperosmia is suspected, the patient must be referred to a neurologist and psychiatrist.

  1. Treatment for this condition is selected depending on the provoking factor, since exacerbation of the sense of smell is not an independent pathology, but only a symptom of a certain illness.
  2. If the development of the disease is due to infectious lesion organs of the respiratory system or nasopharynx, restorative treatment is indicated. It should be aimed at normalizing respiratory functions and improving air circulation in the sinuses. Chronic pathologies, such as sinusitis or cyst, require conservative therapy or undergoing surgery.
  3. If the provoking factor is emotional instability or neurological abnormalities, an effective drug treatment. It implies the use sedatives. There may also be a need to use psychotropic drugs. In addition to drug therapy techniques are often used to influence psycho-emotional state person. For this purpose, you should contact neurologists and psychiatrists.

In the presence of hormonal problems- especially hyperthyroidism - appropriate therapy is indicated. Conservative treatment is to use special medicines, which contribute to the destruction of hormones produced by the thyroid gland. The radical approach involves the action of radioactive iodine. IN difficult situations it is not possible to do without surgical intervention.

During pregnancy, contact with sources should be avoided strong odors - using new cosmetics, visiting crowded places, consuming spicy food etc.

If severe hyperosmia is observed, which causes pain, migraines and other serious manifestations, it is recommended to install a blockade. For this purpose, a solution of novocaine is injected into the nasal cavity. .

Before performing these manipulations, the mucous membranes must be anesthetized. The procedure is carried out both in a hospital setting and in a clinic. But in any case, in the first half hour after using the solution, the person should remain under the supervision of a doctor. This is required in case of developing allergies or individual intolerance facilities.

Effective folk remedies

Such recipes should be used depending on the provoking factor for the appearance of this symptom. One of the most common causes of pathology is diffuse toxic goiter.

In this situation, you should use this recipe:

People who decided to use folk remedies, must take into account that this tactic therapy can cause serious harm. Thus, there is a threat of developing allergies, increased sensitivity to aromas, or, conversely, a complete loss of smell.

Sometimes folk recipes provoke lesions digestive system, inflammatory changes in the nasopharynx and other undesirable changes.

Hyperosmia, or heightened sense of smell, is enough serious violation, which can lead to unpleasant symptoms. To cope with this condition, it is very important to establish the reasons for its development. To do this, you need to conduct a detailed diagnosis. Based on its results, a qualified doctor will be able to select adequate therapy.

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