Bacterial meningitis in newborns: causes, symptoms, treatment. Meningitis in newborns: causes, consequences, symptoms, treatment, signs

Meningitis - inflammatory process in the lining of the brain, triggered by an infection entering the body. Due to the fact that this disease can occur in absolutely all patients age categories, meningitis can also affect newly born babies.

It is extremely important for the child’s parents to understand the prerequisites of the disease, to be able to identify its symptoms, in order to know how to behave correctly when the disease manifests itself. It is worth learning more about the causes and consequences of meningitis in newborns. Reviews about the course of the disease are completely different. But, if it is treated in a timely manner, the risk of complications and consequences can be reduced.

Danger of meningitis

Meningitis in infants from the moment of birth until one year of age is very dangerous because in 30% of cases the disease is fatal. Complications of the pathology can also lead to disability: hearing impairment, vision impairment, and mental retardation. After long-term therapy, the child also has serious threat the appearance of an abscess in the brain. The complication can develop at any time, so for 2 years the baby should be under constant monitoring doctors.

The threat of this disease also lies in the fact that children do not always show pronounced signs of pathology, for example, high fever. The reason for this is the lack of developed thermoregulation in infants. Therefore, for any symptoms similar to meningitis, you should immediately call ambulance and not indulge in self-medication.

Risk factors

In infants, this disease develops as an independent disease. The cause of meningitis in newborns is the penetration of infection into the body. The most common pathogens in this case: staphylococcus, streptococcus and intestinal infections. High risk The disease exists in children with damage to the central nervous system that occurred before or at the time of birth. And if the baby is weakened the immune system or there is intrauterine pathology, the risk of meningitis also increases significantly. Babies born prematurely are also at risk.

Statistics show that meningitis occurs more often in boys than in girls.


Symptoms of meningitis in newborns are most often non-specific. In children, slowness is noticeable, from time to time giving way to anxiety, appetite decreases, they reject the breast and spit up. Exist following symptoms meningitis in infants:

  • pale skin;
  • acrocyanosis (blue-violet tone of the tip of the nose, earlobes);
  • bloating;
  • signs of increased intracranial pressure (tense or bulging fontanel, increased head volume, vomiting).

In addition to those mentioned, doctors also note such signs of meningitis in newborns as shuddering, floating movement eyeballs, hyperesthesia, the occurrence of seizures.

Signs of later stages

Rigidity of the neck muscles ( painful sensations when trying to tilt the head towards the chest), as a rule, occurs in the later stages of the disease. At the same time, neurologists discover that an infant has meningitis and following signs:

  1. Babinski reflex. With streak irritation of the sole along the outside of the foot from the heel to the beginning thumb an involuntary outward bending of the thumb and plantar flexion of the remaining fingers occurs (this reflex is physiological until the age of two).
  2. Kernig's sign. If the child is lying on his back, then the doctor cannot straighten his leg, bent at the knee and hip joints, at a right angle (up to 4-6 months of life, this reflex is considered physiological).
  3. Lasègue reflex. If the baby straightens his leg in hip joint, then it cannot be bent more than 70 degrees.

In infants, to diagnose meningitis, doctors rely on the general clinical picture in combination with manifestations of Flatau's syndrome - enlarged pupils with a sharp tilt of the head forward, and Lessage - pressing the infant's legs towards the tummy in a suspended state.

Types of disease

The following types of meningitis most often develop in newborns:

  • Viral - appears against the background of influenza, measles, chickenpox and paratitis, for this reason it is difficult to recognize.
  • Fungal - occurs in babies born prematurely and in children with weakened immune systems. The baby runs the risk of becoming infected directly if hygiene rules are violated.
  • Bacterial is the most commonly diagnosed type. It is caused by various purulent inflammations if an infection has taken hold. With blood, it reaches the layers of the brain and forms purulent foci.

Purulent meningitis in newborns occurs when infected with such types of microorganisms as Haemophilus influenzae, meningococcus and pneumococcus. In 70% of cases, infection occurs with meningococcal infection. It occurs by airborne droplets through the nose or mouth. As a rule, such a disease develops rapidly, and after 8-12 hours the baby may die.

All types of the disease require different methods of treatment, which the doctor must determine by establishing correct diagnosis.

Cerebrospinal fluid examination

If a disease is suspected, a lumbar puncture is performed in newborns. The diagnosis can be proven or excluded only on the basis of a study of cerebrospinal fluid. So, with acute purulent meningitis, cerebrospinal fluid, dull or opalescent, flows under high pressure, stream or rapid drops. A huge number of neutrophils can be found in it. In addition to significant neutrophilic cytosis, purulent meningitis is characterized by an increase in protein levels and low glucose saturation.

In order to establish the type of pathogen, a bacterioscopic and bacteriological study of the liquor sediment is carried out. The analysis of this fluid is repeated every 4-5 days until the newborn is completely recovered.

Rare form

Tuberculous meningitis in newly born children is very rare. Bacterioscopic examination of the cerebrospinal fluid in this type of meningitis can give a negative result. Tuberculous meningitis is characterized by precipitation within 12-24 hours in the collected sample. cerebrospinal fluid while she is standing. In 80% of cases, Mycobacterium tuberculosis is detected in the sediment.

Bacterioscopic examination of cerebrospinal fluid in cases of suspected meningococcal or streptococcal meningitis is considered a simple and accurate express diagnostic method.


At meningococcal meningitis the disease goes through a number of stages:

  • First, the pressure of the cerebrospinal fluid increases;
  • then a small number of neutrophils are detected in the cerebrospinal fluid;
  • later changes characteristic of purulent meningitis are noted.

Therefore, in approximately every third case, the cerebrospinal fluid examined in the first hours of the disease looks normal. In the case of improper therapy, the fluid becomes purulent, the concentration of neutrophils in it increases, and the protein level increases up to 1-16 g/l. Its saturation in the cerebrospinal fluid reflects the severity of the disease. With appropriate therapy, the volume of neutrophils decreases and they are replaced by lymphocytes.


Pediatricians, neurologists and other doctors draw up personal treatment regimens for meningitis in infants. The direction of treatment depends on whether it is viral or purulent, the type of pathogen and the severity of the symptoms. Doctors individually select doses of medications depending on the weight and age of the newborn.


For viral meningitis, dehydration therapy with diuretics is performed to reduce intracranial pressure. Anticonvulsants and antiallergic drugs are prescribed, which reduce the body's sensitivity to toxins and allergens. In addition, the child needs antipyretic and painkillers, as well as antiviral drugs and immunoglobulin. In most cases, babies recover within 1-2 weeks.


For bacterial meningitis in newborns, antibiotic therapy is used, to which various types of microorganisms are susceptible. Since the study of cerebrospinal fluid taken during puncture takes 3-4 days, empirical therapy with bactericidal substances begins immediately after blood and cerebrospinal fluid analysis. The results of the express study can be obtained within 2 hours. When determining the causative agent of infection, medications are prescribed to which the detected microorganisms are more susceptible. If the baby’s condition does not improve at all 48 hours after the start of antimicrobial therapy, a secondary puncture is performed to clarify the diagnosis.

Meningitis in newborns caused by Haemophilus influenzae bacillus can be prevented by vaccination. used in the Russian Federation, is administered to children from 2-3 months. And from the age of one and a half years, babies are vaccinated against meningococcal infection with our meningococcal A and A+C vaccine. The imported MENINGO A+C vaccine, issued in the Russian Federation, is injected into newborns if someone in the family has a similar infection.

Meningitis in newly born children is most dangerous. Its results for infants may be unpredictable, so at the first doubt about the child’s well-being, you should consult a doctor. Only the help of a professional will help protect the life and health of the newborn.


Preventive measures will make it possible to avoid the development of meningitis in children:

  1. If the baby was born weak, he should be vaccinated against of this disease. Although vaccination does not provide absolute safety from germs and infections, it significantly increases it.
  2. To prevent the child from getting sick viral meningitis, you should adhere to the rules of hygiene and do not use your own items to care for the child.
  3. If a relative who is ill stays in the same area of ​​residence as the baby viral disease, he should be limited from communicating with the baby.
  4. The room must be regularly ventilated.
  5. You cannot overcool a child, just as you cannot overheat. It is necessary to dress it according to the weather.
  6. After consulting a doctor, it is allowed to give the baby complex vitamin complexes and minerals.
  7. At breastfeeding the mother is obliged to eat correctly and comprehensively. Through her body the child receives a variety of nutrients that can help cope with illnesses.
  8. If any deviations in the baby's behavior or well-being occur, you should immediately contact a doctor.

To date, there is no reliable means to protect newly born children from meningitis. Experts say that only children with strong immunity can protect themselves from the disease. For this reason, mothers should take care during pregnancy own food and organize the right lifestyle.

Let's sum it up

Meningitis in a newborn child is especially dangerous; its outcome for babies is in most cases negative. As already mentioned, children who have had the disease remain at risk of developing a brain abscess; for this reason, the baby is required to undergo constant examinations by a pediatrician for another 2 years. The consequences of meningitis in newborns even after long-term treatment Serious visual and hearing impairment may occur. The child may be developmentally delayed, suffer from bleeding disorders, hydrocephalus, and central nervous system disorders.

The prognosis for the described pathology depends on the cause and severity of the disease, as well as on the adequacy of the treatment provided.

Signs of the disease are the same as for sepsis: irritation of the central nervous system (for example, lethargy, convulsions, vomiting, irritability, rigidity occipital muscles, convex or full fontanel) and anomaly cranial nerves. Treatment: antibacterial therapy.

Bacterial meningitis of newborns occurs with a frequency of 2:10,000 full-term children and 2:1000 newborns with low body weight, mostly boys get sick.

This disease is detected in approximately 15% of newborns with sepsis, and sometimes develops in isolation.

Causes of bacterial meningitis in newborns

Main pathogens:

  • group B streptococci (mainly type III);
  • Escherichia coli (especially strains containing K1 polysaccharide);
  • Listeria monocytogenes.

Enterococci, group B streptococci, Haemophilus influenzae type B, Neisseria Meningitidis, Streptococcus pneumonia are also causative agents of bacterial meningitis in newborns.

Bacterial meningitis of newborns is most often the result of bacteremia developing in neonatal sepsis: the higher the number of colonies of microorganisms when cultured from the blood, the higher the risk of meningitis. Bacterial meningitis of newborns can develop as a result of damage to the scalp, especially with defects that lead to communication of the skin surface with the subarachnoid space. Rarely, the disease spreads to the central nervous system when otitis media (eg, otitis media) develops.

Symptoms and signs of bacterial meningitis in newborns

Often only symptoms typical of neonatal sepsis(eg, unstable temperature, respiratory distress, jaundice, apnea). Central nervous system manifestations (eg, lethargy, seizures (especially focal ones), vomiting, irritability) more accurately indicate the presence of neonatal bacterial meningitis.

So-called paradoxical irritability, in which hugs and comfort from parents irritate rather than comfort the newborn, is more specific in diagnosis. A convex or full fontanel is detected in approximately 25% of cases, and rigidity in 15%. The younger the patient, the less common these signs are. Cranial nerve abnormalities may also be present.

Meningitis caused by group B streptococci can develop in the first weeks of life, accompanied by early-onset neonatal sepsis and often initially manifesting as systemic disease With pronounced signs respiratory failure. However, more often meningitis caused by group B streptococci develops after this period, that is, in the first 3 months of life as an isolated disease.

Deterioration of previously stable neonates with meningitis is characterized by a progressive increase in intracranial pressure caused by an abscess, hydrocephalus, or rupture of an abscess into the cerebral ventricular system. Ventriculitis often accompanies bacterial meningitis of newborns. Organisms that cause meningitis in conjunction with severe vasculitis, particularly C. diversus and Enterobacter sakazakii, are also likely to cause cysts and abscesses; E. coli and Serratia sp can also cause brain abscesses.

Diagnosis of bacterial meningitis in newborns

The final diagnosis is made by examining the cerebrospinal fluid through a lumbar puncture, which should be performed in all newborns with suspected sepsis or meningitis. Heavy clinical condition patient ( respiratory failure, shock, thrombocytopenia) makes performing a spinal puncture difficult. If lumbar puncture is delayed, the newborn should be considered for clinical signs as having meningitis.

When performing a spinal puncture, it is necessary to use a trocar needle to avoid the introduction of epithelial particles and the subsequent development of epithelioma. Cerebrospinal fluid, even if there is no blood or cells in it, should be examined by culture. Approximately 15-30% of newborns with negative blood cultures have positive cerebrospinal fluid culture results. Spinal puncture is repeated after 24-48 hours if the clinical response is questionable and after 72 hours if gram-negative microorganisms are involved (to confirm sterility).

The spinal puncture does not need to be repeated at the end of therapy if there is a positive change in the child’s condition.

The diagnosis of ventriculitis is made when there are more white blood cells on ventricular puncture than on spinal puncture, positive Gram staining or culture results, and high blood pressure in the ventricles of the brain.

Prognosis of bacterial meningitis in newborns

Without treatment, the mortality rate from neonatal bacterial meningitis approaches 100%. During treatment, the prognosis is influenced by birth weight, the severity of the child’s condition and clinical manifestations. The mortality rate for neonatal bacterial meningitis caused by gram-negative bacteria is 15 to 20%, and for those caused by gram-positive bacteria (eg, group B streptococci) it is 6-10%. Microorganisms that cause vasculitis or brain abscess (necrotizing meningitis) can cause a mortality rate of up to 75%. Neurological complications(eg hydrocephalus, hearing loss, mental retardation) develop in 20-50% of surviving children who had an unfavorable prognosis due to the fact that the causative agents were gram-negative intestinal bacilli.

The prognosis also depends in part on the number of microorganisms. Duration of receipt positive results Cerebrospinal fluid culture tests have a direct correlation with the incidence of complications. With meningitis of gram-negative etiology, culture tests remain positive longer - on average 2 days.

Treatment of bacterial meningitis in newborns

Empirically: ampicillin + gentamicin, cefotaxime or both drugs, followed by determination of specific antibiotic sensitivity.

Empirical antibiotic therapy. Initial empirical treatment depends on the patient's age and is still under debate. Most experts recommend ampicillin + aminoglycosides, 5th generation cephalosporins (eg, cefotaxime), or both. Ampicillin is active against group B streptococci, enterococci and listeria. Gentamicin provides synergistic action and additional effectiveness against these microorganisms and normal gram-negative flora. Cephalosporins have good effect against gram-negative flora, but do not have a synergistic effect with ampicillin against gram-positive microorganisms and may contribute to the formation of some resistance in microorganisms. Hospitalized neonates who have received antibiotics (eg, sepsis with early onset), may carry resistant microorganisms; fungal diseases can occur after prolonged hospitalization in newborns without congenital infection. Sick neonates with hospital-acquired infections should first be given vancomycin and aminoglycosides, with or without a third-generation cephalosporin. Antibiotic therapy is adjusted upon receipt of the results of a cultural study of the cerebrospinal fluid and data on the sensitivity of microorganisms. Gram stain results should not alter antibiotic therapy.

Antibacterial therapy specific to microorganisms. Recommended initial therapy Streptococcal group B meningitis in newborns less than 1 week of age is treated with benzylpenicillin or ampicillin plus gentamicin at a gestational age of 32-35 weeks. If clinical improvement or sterile cerebrospinal fluid is detected, gentamicin can be discontinued.

To treat diseases caused by enterococci or L. monocytogenes, ampicillin + gentamicin is usually used.

Meningitis is difficult to treat. When using the traditional regimen of ampicillin with aminoglycosides, mortality can reach 15-20% with high level complications. If antibiotic resistance is suspected, aminoglycosides and 3rd generation cephalosporins can be used until sensitivity is established.

Parenteral administration of drugs for gram-positive meningitis is continued for at least 14 days, and for severe gram-positive or gram-negative meningitis - for at least 21 days.

Additional measures. Since meningitis may be considered part of ongoing neonatal sepsis, treatment of this disease in newborns should also be additional measures in the treatment of sepsis in newborns. Glucocorticoids are not used in the treatment of meningitis in newborns.

Meningitis is a severe infectious disease characterized by inflammation of the membranes of the brain and spinal cord. It occurs both independently and against the background of other infectious diseases.

No one is immune from meningitis, but data shows that children under 5 years of age, young people aged 16 to 25 years and older people over 55 years of age are at risk. Meningitis is severe most often in children and can lead to irreversible consequences, and in some cases, fatal. The disease affects the brain, so if not treated correctly, the person remains disabled. Most often, newborns suffer from severe consequences; in adults, meningitis is not so acute and is quickly treated.

Depending on the causes of meningitis, it can be bacterial, fungal or viral. The most complex form of the disease is bacterial meningitis. According to the type of inflammatory process, purulent and serous meningitis. Serous meningitis is divided into two types: primary and secondary. The primary form of meningitis occurs due to low immunity and infection by various enteroviruses. The secondary form of the disease occurs after a previous infectious disease: measles, mumps, chickenpox and others.

Tuberculous meningitis is caused by the tuberculosis bacillus. Previously, this disease was not treated and the person died. Modern medicine can cure tuberculous meningitis, only 15-25% of all cases are fatal. Cryptococcal meningitis is a form of fungal meningitis. The process of inflammation of the brain and spinal cord is caused by the fungus cryptococcus. Encephalitic meningitis - this type of disease begins when an encephalitis infection enters the body. It is transmitted through a tick bite or by drinking raw milk from an infected animal.

Causes of meningitis

The main cause of meningitis is viruses or bacteria that penetrate the soft membranes of the brain and spinal cord. In adults, bacterial meningitis is most often caused by streptococcus and meningococcus bacteria. If they are in the nasal cavity or throat, the disease does not develop, but in case of infection of the blood and cerebrospinal fluid, soft tissues of the brain, they provoke meningitis.

Other types of bacteria are also identified as causes of meningitis. This is group B streptococcus, which often affects newborns infected during or after childbirth. Listeria monocytogenes bacteria can cause meningitis in babies and older adults. After suffering an infectious disease, a person may develop meningitis, since his immunity is weakened and cannot resist bacteria. People with and are especially susceptible to this disease. Various head injuries can cause meningitis.

Ways of transmission of meningitis

A pressing question among patients is whether meningitis is transmitted by airborne droplets, like most infectious diseases. The answer to this question depends on the cause of the disease. So, if meningitis develops as a result internal processes, occurring in the brain, it is not contagious to others and is not transmitted. In the case when the disease is provoked by the penetration of a pathogenic microorganism into the membrane of the brain, meningitis is transmitted by airborne droplets.

It is characteristic that meningitis is transmitted from person to person not only in the traditional way when infected with infectious diseases. Become infected with meningitis, in addition to airborne, Can by food or any contact with a carrier of the disease. In this case, the ways of contracting a disease such as meningitis are varied: sneezing, coughing, kissing, sharing dishes and household items, staying in the same room for a long time with a sick person.

Prevent the transmission of meningitis healthy person You can strictly adhere to the rules of prevention of infectious diseases and personal hygiene. This may include: wearing a medical mask in crowded places during outbreaks of the disease, avoiding prolonged exposure to public places. This also necessarily includes complete cessation of contact with the carrier of the infection for the period of his treatment.

However, if you still become infected with the disease, it is important to know that self-medication will not bring relief, but will only contribute to the development of complications. In order to quickly get rid of the disease meningitis, at the first symptoms of the disease, you need to consult a doctor. With qualified diagnosis and correct treatment, it will recede irrevocably.

Symptoms of meningitis

Symptoms of meningitis develop quickly and are easy to detect immediately. The temperature rises sharply to 40 degrees, pain in muscles and joints occurs, and general weakness and lethargy are observed. Among the characteristic symptoms of meningitis in adults are the formation of a rash, runny nose and sore throat, as with a cold, pneumonia, and disorders gastrointestinal tract, disruption of the salivary glands.

One of the most pronounced and common signs of meningitis is acute headache, spreading throughout the entire region. The pain grows and cannot be tolerated. Then nausea appears and severe vomiting. The patient cannot tolerate sound and light stimuli.

Symptoms of meningitis appear in all patients in varying degrees. As a rule, they have strong tension occipital muscles. A person feels severe pain when tilting his head to his chest and straightening his legs at the knees. To relieve symptoms, the patient lies in a certain position. The person lies on his side, throwing his head back strongly, pressing his hands to his chest, and bending his legs at the knees and pressing them to his stomach.

Symptoms of meningitis in children are the same as in adults, but may be additional signs diseases. Among them are: diarrhea and regurgitation of food, drowsiness, apathy and weakness, constant crying and loss of appetite, swelling in the fontanel area. Meningitis develops rapidly; at the first signs, you should not hesitate and immediately go to the hospital. Incubation period illness lasts from 2 to 10 days. The symptoms of meningitis are very similar to ordinary meningitis. The speed of development of the disease depends on the child’s immunity level: the lower it is, the faster it affects the body.

One day after the first symptoms appear, the person’s condition becomes critical. The patient may become delirious, apathy, drowsiness, and irritability occur. Swelling of the tissues of the meninges begins, which impedes the flow of blood to organs and tissues, as in the case of a stroke. If help is untimely, the person falls into a coma and quickly dies.

Aseptic meningitis

Aseptic meningitis is an inflammation of the membranes of the brain and spinal cord, provoked in the human body, most often by a viral pathogen. This disease can develop in patients of all age categories.

Typically, a disease such as aseptic meningitis is diagnosed and treated fairly quickly. However, for timely diagnosis of the disease, it is necessary to know and understand the causes of the disease and the signs of its manifestation. This is exactly what this article will discuss.

Reasons for the development of the disease

The main cause of aseptic meningitis in the human body is the causative microorganism. In this case, the causative agent of the disease is a virus (enterovirus).

The virus enters the human body through the traditional, airborne or food route through contact with a carrier. Then, penetrating through the tissues of the gastrointestinal tract or upper respiratory tract and palatine tonsils into the blood, enteroviruses spread throughout the body. When the body’s defense reaction is weakened, pathogens transported by the circulatory system penetrate the membranes of the brain or spinal cord and provoke the development of the disease.

As mentioned above, enteroviruses are the cause of the disease in most cases. As for the reasons that, in addition to viral microorganisms, lead to aseptic meningitis, then, according to the nature of their origin, they can be divided into two categories: infectious and non-infectious.

As for non-infectious causes of the disease, these include previous injuries or diseases, as a result of which aseptic meningitis can develop. These include: infectious diseases, inflammatory processes, tumors, concussions and injuries, exposure to chemotherapy.

A feature of the aseptic type of disease is, in particular, that the bacteria and viruses that provoked the disease are extremely difficult to identify conventional methods. This presents some difficulty, but is not an insurmountable task. Rather, on the contrary, it narrows the circle possible diseases to make a diagnosis.

Signs of aseptic meningitis

The symptoms of a disease such as aseptic meningitis appear quite clearly and are the first persistent signal that it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor. It is extremely important to remember that such a dangerous and fraught disease must be treated with early stages. And for this you need to respond in a timely manner to the signs exhibited by the disease.

First of all, you should pay attention to general indicators health status. Typically, they are subject to the following changes:

  • significant and rapid increase in temperature;
  • state of fever, chills;
  • throbbing headache.

More specific signs characteristic of other types of meningitis, with aseptic form appear rather weakly and develop at a slow pace. But, nevertheless, their presence can be traced.

The main symptom of the development of any form of meningitis is meningeal syndrome. It manifests itself when the patient, who is laid on his back, cannot tilt his head to his chest without bending his knees. Moreover, the bending of the legs occurs uncontrollably.

The danger of this type of disease lies precisely in the fact that specific signs of meningitis appear 4-5 days after the onset of the disease, which can lead to serious consequences. Therefore, in the presence of high temperature, mild meningeal syndrome, headache and fever, you should not wait for further symptomatic confirmation.

Bacterial meningitis

Bacterial meningitis is an infectious disease expressed in inflammation of the tissues of the spinal cord and brain, and provoked in the body by bacteria of the streptococcal group. The prevalence of this disease is quite insignificant, but the disease can easily be transmitted from person to person and cause epidemics among the population.

This type of disease has its own characteristics of occurrence (causes), symptoms and treatment methods that are different from other forms of meningitis. This is exactly what will be discussed in this article.

In addition to the genetic predisposition of some people to develop meningitis, there are also reasons why this disease can affect the body of each patient. These include the health status and age of the patient, as well as external pathogens diseases.

Bacterial meningitis, like any other form of this disease, is provoked in the human body when a pathogenic microorganism penetrates into it. In the case of the form of the disease discussed in this article, the role of such a pathogen is played by harmful bacteria of the streptococcal group.

Bacterial meningitis, like any infectious disease, is transmitted by traditional, airborne or foodborne routes. This usually occurs upon contact with a carrier of the infection through a handshake, kiss, sneezing, or shared utensils and household items, which naturally suggests the need for strict adherence to personal hygiene rules.

The penetration of streptococcus bacteria into the body does not end the process of infection and development of the disease. Moreover, after transmission of infection has occurred, there are two options for the development of events: meningitis and its absence.

The fact is that for the development of the disease, appropriate conditions are needed. In the case of meningitis, this is: weakened immunity and a missed reaction of the body. Only with such additional factors harmful bacteria that cause the disease penetrate the blood and are transported to the brain. Therefore, if there is chronic diseases, bad habits or undergoing a course of therapies that negatively affect the immune system, the chance of getting meningitis increases significantly. This also explains the high susceptibility of patients to the disease younger age.

Amoebic (encephalitic) meningitis

Amoebic or encephalitic meningitis is a dangerous inflammation of the membranes of the brain, which is provoked by small free-living amoebae, quite often for a long period of time, living in the human body.

This disease usually affects younger patients, putting children, adolescents and adults under 30 years of age at risk. Encephalitic meningitis has different causes of development, symptoms and signs of manifestation, as well as treatment methods and consequences from other forms of the disease. A detailed discussion of each of these factors will be provided in this article.

With a weakened protective reaction of the body, harmful microorganisms easily penetrate into the blood, and then, transported through the circulatory system, reach the central nervous system, namely, the lining of the brain. After this, amoebic meningitis begins to develop and the first signs of the disease appear.

Purulent meningitis

Purulent meningitis - infectious inflammation membranes of the brain, accompanied by the formation and release of purulent masses. This disease can occur in patients belonging to any age category. Purulent meningitis often occurs in children.

In order to understand how to deal with this disease, you need to know and be able to identify its symptoms. The described form of the disease has its own characteristics of manifestation, causes of development and methods of treatment. These are the ones that will be discussed in this article.

The causes of a disease such as purulent meningitis are the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the membranes of the brain. The causative agents in this situation are usually harmful bacteria. These include streptococci, pneumococci, staphylococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and other pathogenic microorganisms. Most often, staphylococci are involved in the development of the disease, which is why it is often this meningitis are called staphylococcal.

As for how purulent meningitis is transmitted, there are several stages. Entry of the pathogenic microorganism into human body, most often occurs through the traditional airborne or food route.

Infection can occur through any contact with a carrier of the infection. Coughing or sneezing, shaking hands, or sharing common household items is enough to transmit harmful bacteria.

Then, penetrating through the tissues of the upper respiratory tract or stomach, harmful bacteria enter the blood. And the causative agent of meningitis reaches the membranes of the brain through the hematogenous route, transported by the circulatory system. Then, after entering the tissues of the membranes of the brain, the development of the disease begins.

A special characteristic of this disease is that its development, and indeed the penetration of bacteria into the blood itself, is possible only with a weakened immune system. Then the disease progresses quickly and without obstacles. This fact also explains why the disease so often affects children’s bodies, whose immunity is not yet fully developed.

Tuberculous meningitis

Tuberculous meningitis is an inflammation of the meninges that occurs as a secondary disease after tuberculosis. This form The disease is quite rare and, in most cases, occurs in people with or who have recovered from tuberculosis.

The cause of a disease such as tuberculous meningitis is the spread of harmful pathogens from the source of inflammation in the respiratory system to the brain. As mentioned above, most often, this type of disease is secondary, against the background of the development of tuberculosis. The main causative agent of both diseases is acid-fast bacteria, or, in other words, tuberculosis microbacteria.

Tuberculous meningitis is transmitted, like tuberculosis itself, by airborne droplets or food through contact with a carrier of the infection. In the case of the spread of this disease, people, animals and even birds can be carriers of dangerous tuberculosis microbacteria.

It is also characteristic that when hit harmful microorganisms In the body of a healthy person, whose immune system works well, tuberculosis bacteria are almost always destroyed. Therefore, the conditions necessary for the full development of the disease include weakened immunity and a low rate of the body’s defense reaction. It is the poorly developed immune system that is the reason that tuberculous meningitis occurs in children.

First of all, when it enters the respiratory system, the disease is localized there. Then, penetrating into the blood, tuberculosis microbacteria are transported by the circulatory system to meninges. It is from this moment that the development of a secondary disease called tuberculous meningitis begins.

Viral meningitis

Viral meningitis is an inflammation of the membranes of the brain and spinal cord, which is triggered by the entry of the disease-causing virus into the human body. This disease can affect quite large groups of patients, in terms of age categories, and is quite dangerous. Viral meningitis occurs most often in children.

This disease is one of the most curable forms of meningitis, but it also has its dangers. In order to clearly understand all the features and deterioration of this disease, you need to know the features of its manifestation, the reasons for its development, as well as the features of its course and treatment.

The main cause of this disease, as mentioned above, is a virus that causes a disease in the child’s body. This provocateur enters the child’s body, as with any other infectious disease, through airborne droplets or food through contact with a carrier of the infection.

Feature further development disease is that when normal operation immune system, this virus may not provoke serious violations work, and even be destroyed. This is why viral meningitis so often affects children. The child’s body’s immunity is not fully developed and cannot cope with the virus of this disease.

Thanks to these conditions, the causative agent of meningitis penetrates the blood and reaches the central nervous system through the blood vessels. After reaching the brain, the virus promotes the development of inflammation of its membranes.

Serous meningitis

Serous meningitis is an infectious disease characterized by the manifestation of a serous inflammatory process in the tissues of the membrane of the brain and spinal cord. Children of preschool and school age are most susceptible to this disease, which is why the question of how serous meningitis manifests itself in children is relevant for all parents.

This disease is dangerous and spreads extremely quickly from person to person. Therefore, every adult needs to know and understand what can provoke meningitis, what are the symptoms of its manifestation and characteristics of its course, as well as methods of treatment.

The cause of serous meningitis is the penetration of the microorganism that causes the disease into the human body. Such microorganisms can be viruses, bacteria or fungi. However, due to the fact that in more than 80% of cases, the disease is provoked by viruses, it is often called, especially when manifested in children, as serous viral meningitis.

Most often, this disease occurs due to enteroviruses entering the body. This also explains the fact that serous meningitis often occurs as a secondary disease as one of the viral diseases (measles, syphilis, AIDS, etc.).

It has been established that entry of enterovirus into a child’s body can occur in two main ways: airborne and waterborne. Airborne transmission of infection from a carrier to a healthy person is the traditional route for diseases of this kind. With any contact with a sick person (no matter with a child or an adult), the disease virus enters the child’s body: hugs, coughs, sneezing, kisses, shared dishes, household items (toys).

As for waterway transmission of the disease, then in this case we are talking about a high content of harmful microorganisms in water bodies in summer. This explains the periodic epidemics of diseases in the warm season.

Entering a child’s body with a still weak immune system, the disease virus easily penetrates through the skin and mucous membranes into the blood. Then, transported by the blood circulation, the pathogen reaches the membrane of the brain. And after this, the development of serous meningitis begins.

Infectious meningitis

Infectious meningitis is a dangerous inflammatory disease that affects the tissues of the spinal cord and brain. As a primary infectious disease, meningitis is provoked by various microorganisms, which explains the diversity in the course of the disease, the expression of symptoms and treatment.

This type of disease can be easily transmitted from person to person and can affect patients of different ages and both sexes equally. Infectious meningitis has its own characteristics of occurrence (causes), symptoms and treatment methods that are different from other forms of meningitis. This is exactly what will be discussed in this article.

The main reason why a disease such as infectious meningitis develops in the human body is the penetration of the causative microorganism into it. Moreover, the role of such a pathogen in this case can be played by harmful viruses, bacteria or even fungus.

Infectious meningitis, like any disease of this type, is transmitted by traditional, airborne or foodborne routes. This usually occurs upon contact with a carrier of the infection through a handshake, kiss, sneezing, or shared utensils and household items, which naturally suggests the need for strict adherence to personal hygiene rules. In this regard, the ways of transmitting the infection of a disease called meningitis to another person are not much different from other diseases.

The peculiarity of the development of the disease is that the infection process is not limited to the mere fact of penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the body. Moreover, with normal functioning of the body's defense system, meningitis may not occur.

Cryptococcal meningitis

Cryptococcal meningitis (cryptococcosis) is an inflammatory disease that affects the membranes of the brain and has a fungal nature of development. This disease It has no age limits in affecting patients, therefore it is equally dangerous for all age groups of patients.

For timely diagnosis and treatment, as well as to prevent the development of the disease, it is worth knowing and understanding the causes, symptoms and characteristics of the disease. A description of all described parameters can be found in this article.

As mentioned above, cryptococcal meningitis has a fungal nature of development. And, therefore, like other infectious diseases, the cause of the occurrence of this disease in the patient’s body is the pathogenic microorganism. In this case, a fungus.

Penetration of the pathogenic microorganism into the tissue of the brain membrane occurs in a standard way for this disease. The fungus enters the surface of the tonsils and upper respiratory tract by airborne droplets or food. Then, subject to reduced work protective systems body, the pathogen enters the blood and, thanks to the smooth operation of the circulatory system, moves to the brain tissue.

A distinctive feature of the occurrence of cryptococcosis is that, as an independent disease, it is extremely rare. All diseases of the nervous system of the body that have a fungal nature of development usually develop in people who have already suffered from diseases that have weakened their immunity, including those with hemoblastosis, diabetes, AIDS, malignant tumors. A disease such as cryptococcosis is a fairly common case after long-term therapy using antibacterial, corticosteroid, and immunosuppressive drugs.

Symptoms of disease development

Symptoms of a disease such as cryptococcosis are extremely difficult to identify. This is explained by the parallel or subsequent development of meningitis after another illness. Therefore, for tracking purposes, additionally developing illness, during the course of the underlying disease, it is periodically recommended to carry out diagnostics for inflammation of the meninges.

Symptoms of a disease such as cryptococcal meningitis can be divided into two categories: general infectious and specific meningeal. At the same time, signs common to all infectious diseases can easily get lost against the background of the main illness, which cannot be said about specific ones.

General infectious signs of this type of meningitis are usually chronic nature. These include:

  • an increase in temperature by several levels (up to 37.8-38? C);
  • state of fever.

Against the background of constantly elevated, albeit slightly, body temperature, diseases of the respiratory tract, ears, oral cavity. That's why lasting change body temperature indicators should serve as a signal that meningitis is developing in the body. In combination with specific signs of the disease, one can obtain a strong basis for a preliminary diagnosis.

As for the specific symptoms of the disease, these include the usual signs of brain damage. Their list includes:

  • intense throbbing headache;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea and vomiting not associated with meals;
  • photophobia and sound sensitivity;
  • soreness of the neck muscles;

The main symptom indicating the development of meningitis in the patient’s body is meningeal syndrome. Its manifestation is that the patient’s legs will involuntarily bend at the knees if, when taking a horizontal position, he tilts his head towards chest.

Meningitis in infants

This disease is quite rare in newborns. The incidence of meningitis in infants ranges from 0.02% to 0.2%, depending on the weight of the newborn and his health status.

It is extremely important for the baby’s parents to know the causes of the disease, be able to recognize its symptoms and understand the features of treatment in order to know how to behave if a baby develops meningitis. All of the above issues will be described in this article.

Symptoms of meningitis in newborns

There is a set of signs of the development of the disease that can appear in both infants and adult patients. However, due to the fact that a newborn child cannot show or talk about what hurts, in this case it is worth paying attention to a larger range of factors. So, the symptoms of a disease such as meningitis in an infant will manifest themselves as follows:

  • significant increase in temperature;
  • state of fever, chills;
  • convulsions and twitching;
  • enlargement and pulsation of the fontanel;
  • diarrhea;
  • nausea and profuse vomiting;
  • decreased or complete lack of appetite;
  • state general weakness body.

Signs of meningitis in infants are also reflected in the child’s behavior. A newborn baby, due to a severe headache due to inflammation, is very excited, restless, and the state of irritation is replaced by drowsiness. An experienced parent will be able to notice that the complex of signs of the disease listed above can be inherent in any illness of an infectious nature. That is why, in order to accurately diagnose the disease, there are specific signs of the disease.

Meningeal syndrome

Meningeal syndrome is the main specific symptom, determining the presence inflammatory disease meningitis in the meninges. The peculiarity of its manifestation is that if you try to tilt the patient’s head towards the chest while he is in horizontal position, his legs will bend uncontrollably at the knees. This check good for both children and adults.

Lesage's symptoms

Due to the fact that in newborn children the symptoms of a disease such as meningitis are very mild, to confirm suspicions, an examination of the fontanelle (unfused bones of the skull) is carried out. When meningitis occurs, this area becomes inflamed and pulsates.

Lesage's sign is also called the pointing dog pose. Its essence lies in the fact that when a baby is held by the armpits, he involuntarily pulls his legs towards his stomach and throws his head back.


Infection of a newborn child usually occurs in a way that has become traditional for this type of disease. It's about about the transmission of pathogens by airborne droplets from a carrier of infection, which can be adults or small children.

Treatment of meningitis

It is quite easy to determine meningitis, but the diagnosis must be confirmed by a doctor. Since the disease develops rapidly, you cannot hesitate for a minute. Treatment of meningitis is carried out only under the supervision of doctors in the hospital, it cannot be treated at home. To confirm the disease, as well as determine the pathogen, the patient undergoes spinal tap. If you consult a doctor in a timely manner, meningitis can be treated well and does not cause complications. Treatments for meningitis include several drugs and vaccines to eliminate the pathogen:

  • The main treatment for meningitis is antibiotic therapy. At the first symptoms of the disease, antibiotics are immediately used wide range actions from the group of penicillins, cephalosporins and macrolides. Broad-spectrum medications are prescribed to immediately eliminate the pathogen. The results of a cerebrospinal fluid analysis will not be ready immediately, and it is almost impossible to determine the causative agent of meningitis in a blood test. Antibiotics are administered to the patient intravenously, and when severe forms For diseases, medications can be injected into the spinal canal. Course duration antibacterial treatment determined by the doctor, but the patient will receive medications for at least a week after his normal temperature has stabilized.
  • Diuretics can be used to treat meningitis. When using diuretics, fluid is simultaneously injected into the patient's body. Diuretics promote strong leaching of calcium from the body, so the patient is prescribed a vitamin complex.
  • For meningitis, detoxification therapy is used. It is necessary to reduce the symptoms of intoxication. The patient is given intravenous saline, glucose solution and other drugs.

The duration of treatment for meningitis varies and depends on the degree of development of the disease and the patient’s condition. In children, this disease can cause various complications, in adults it is quickly treated without consequences. After completing therapy in the hospital, it is necessary to continue treatment at home and strengthen the immune system. The patient can recover health within one year, so it is not always possible to return to work or school.

Prevention of meningitis

Measures to prevent meningitis primarily include mandatory vaccination. Vaccination will help prevent the development of many diseases that lead to meningitis. Vaccinations should be given to children at an early age. Vaccines against bacterial and viral meningitis include vaccinations against Haemophilus influenzae type B, against infections that cause pneumonia and other diseases. Vaccination should be given to children aged 2 months to 5 years, as well as children over 5 years old who suffer from serious illnesses. Before the invention of the vaccine, bacteria were considered the most common cause of bacterial meningitis, but vaccination has been able to combat it.

The meningococcal vaccine can protect against the main bacteria that cause meningitis. It must be done for a child aged 11-12 years. This type of vaccination should be given to students living in dormitories, military recruits, patients with immune deficiencies, as well as tourists and workers traveling to countries where a meningitis epidemic may break out, for example, African countries. It is necessary to carry out compulsory vaccination from other infectious diseases:, and others.

Other measures to prevent meningitis include maintaining personal hygiene and cleanliness:

  • avoiding contact with people with meningitis;
  • after contact with an infected person, it is necessary to receive a preventive course of medication;
  • wear a disposable medical mask during epidemics of influenza and other infectious diseases;
  • wash your hands before eating, after transport and public places, use antibacterial agents;
  • not to drink raw water, process vegetables and fruits with boiling water, boil milk;
  • avoid swimming in stagnant bodies of water;
  • strengthen the child’s immunity from an early age.

Consequences of the disease

Meningitis is dangerous because its untimely or incorrect treatment can lead to serious complications that will remind you of long years. Moreover, it does not matter at what age the disease was suffered. Consequences after meningitis occur in both adults and children.

In older patients, a list describing complications after meningitis includes: regular headaches, decreased hearing, significant blurred vision, epileptic seizures and many other deteriorations in the body’s functioning that can haunt the patient from several months to several years.

As for the consequences of meningitis for children, in this case the situation is even more dangerous. If the disease occurs in the first years of a child’s life, the probability of death is very high. If the disease was successfully defeated, then it can cause mental retardation, disruption of the basic functions of the brain and the entire nervous system of the child’s body.

Moreover, the threat fatal outcome The disease does not only exist for children. To answer the question of whether it is possible to die from meningitis, let's talk about one of its most serious complications. We are talking about .

This complication is more common in younger patients, but is also common in adults. When this complication of the infectious disease meningitis occurs, the patient’s indicators begin to change dramatically blood pressure and palpitations, shortness of breath increases and pulmonary edema develops. The result of this process is paralysis of the respiratory tract. It is not difficult to guess what the consequences are after such a complication of meningitis - the death of the patient.

Another complication called infectious-toxic shock leads to the same consequences. Without contacting doctors at the first manifestations of the disease, complications of the disease cannot be dealt with.

If we talk about general list, the consequences of meningitis affect the health of men, women and children. This indicates the urgent need for correct treatment and proper rehabilitation after illness.

The most common consequences of meningitis include: disruption of the nervous system, mental disorders, dropsy (excessive accumulation of fluid in the brain), hormonal dysfunctions and others. This disease, even during treatment, can have Negative influence on the body. When the drugs are administered, blood pressure decreases significantly and work deteriorates. urinary system, calcium is washed out of the bones.

It is important to know and always remember that timely diagnosis and correct treatment can save not only the patient’s health, but also his life. Therefore, in order to avoid consequences that pose a real threat to life, at the first symptoms of the disease, you need to consult a doctor.

Meningitis is an inflammatory process of the membranes of the brain or spinal cord. An infectious disease - it is infection of the body by a certain bacterium that leads to the formation purulent cavities in the brain.

Among newborns and infants, meningitis is quite common; if treatment is not started immediately, complications and serious consequences may occur, in the worst case, the child dies.

Features of the disease in newborn infants

Newborn babies most often develop due to birth trauma, prematurity or sepsis.

Often the infection enters through the umbilical vessels or placenta during the mother's illness with pyelitis or pyelocystitis during pregnancy. Infectious agents: streptococci, staphylococci and Escherichia coli, other types of bacteria are rare.

Meningitis in infants is characterized by a severe form of the disease, dehydration, disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract, and the absence of high temperature.

Severe excitability or complete lethargy - these manifestations are similar to other pathologies, so the diagnosis can be confirmed in a hospital setting by taking cerebrospinal fluid for examination.

Completely like this little patient it is not always possible to cure. They have large percentage complications in the form of central nervous system disorders:

  • mental retardation;
  • limbs and cranial nerves.

These children have been under the supervision of specialists for a long time and undergo regular examinations to avoid re-infection.

Danger of disease

Meningitis in infants from birth to one year is very dangerous because half of the cases of the disease end in death, and the other half, having recovered from the disease, receive complications leading to disability: deafness, blindness, mental retardation.

After treatment, the baby begins long-term rehabilitation, the first 2 years of which he must be under the constant supervision of specialists, since there is a risk of occurrence - a complication can develop at any age and lead to sharp deterioration child's health.

The danger of this disease is also that the child does not always have pronounced symptoms, for example, high fever. This is due to the lack of established temperature regulation. Therefore, if symptoms similar to meningitis occur, immediately call an ambulance rather than self-medicate.

Risk factors

In a newborn baby, meningitis develops as an independent disease; the cause of its occurrence is infection in the infant’s body. The most common pathogens in this case are staphylococcus, E. coli and streptococcus.

There is a high likelihood of the disease in those children who have suffered damage to the central nervous system before or during childbirth. If a child has a weakened immune system or has developed a pathology in utero, the child is at greater risk of developing meningitis.

At risk are children born ahead of schedule. Statistics show that meningitis affects boys more often than girls.

Features of the clinical picture

The clinical picture of meningitis in newborns is manifested by general neurological symptoms:

  • lethargy;
  • decreased motor activity;
  • drowsiness;
  • frequent regurgitation and vomiting;
  • breast refusal;
  • breathing with a groan and signs of suffocation.

Children weighing more than 2 kilograms may suffer from rapid promotion temperatures up to 39 degrees. In infants, signs of meningitis can be seen in swelling and increased pulsation of the fontanelle, convulsions and throwing the head back.

In premature and low weight babies, clinical picture may look different, occur in a sluggish form and manifest itself only at the height of the disease. This applies to the absence of bulging and pulsation of the fontanel, throwing back the head. This “erased” clinic occurs with children who were born prematurely and received antibiotics from birth.

The disease can develop rapidly, or it can be protracted, depending on the age, weight and condition of the child. This creates difficulties in diagnosis, but a correct diagnosis can be made by performing a spinal tap.

Types of disease

Infants most often develop the following types meningitis:

  1. – occurs against the background of influenza, measles, chickenpox and paratitis, so it is difficult to diagnose.
  2. Fungal– occurs in newborns born prematurely and in children with weakened immune systems. A child runs the risk of contracting it right in the maternity hospital if hygiene rules are not followed.
  3. – occurs most often, caused by any purulent inflammation if an infection has penetrated. With blood, it reaches the membranes of the brain and creates purulent foci. Purulent meningitis in newborns they are formed during infection with such types of bacteria as Haemophilus influenzae, meningococcus and pneumococcus. In 70% of cases, infection occurs with meningococcal infection, which can be transmitted by airborne droplets, through the mouth or nose, and from there into the blood. A large number of bacteria entering the blood causes a rapid progression of the disease and after 10-12 hours the child may die.

All types of disease require different methods treatments that a doctor should prescribe after making an accurate diagnosis.

Diagnosis and differentiation

Diagnosis of meningitis in a newborn is carried out based on identified symptoms and blood sampling for general, biochemical analysis And PCR research.

A puncture is also performed to collect cerebrospinal fluid for examination, and a diagnosis is made based on the presence of an inflammatory process.

In special and advanced cases, computed tomography can be performed, and it is also prescribed for differential diagnosis. It is necessary to identify the causative agent of the disease in order to select the appropriate antibiotic for the treatment of meningitis.

Differential diagnosis is carried out according to signs that are specific this species meningitis. For example, it manifests itself as an acute onset, vomiting, high temperature, and convulsions and impaired consciousness appear later.

Moreover, in the absence of pathology of internal organs, meningococci and an increase in protein in the cerebrospinal fluid are present in the baby’s blood. So, all types of meningitis have their own characteristic symptoms, which are used to determine an accurate diagnosis.

A special approach to therapy

It is important to know that treatment of meningitis occurs only in a hospital setting. Do not self-medicate or use folk remedies. Therapy should begin by establishing the cause of the disease.

In case of bacterial infection, broad-spectrum antibiotics are used that pass well through the BBB (blood-brain barrier):

  • Ceftriaxone;
  • Cefotaxime;
  • Gentamicin;
  • Amoxicillin and other similar drugs.

Medications are administered in maximum doses for a long course, changing them after 12 weeks. If the disease is viral or fungal, then antiviral or antifungal agents. Intravenous injections.

The baby is also given detoxification, anticonvulsant and dehydration therapy. If it occurs, Dexamethasone is used.

In case of a viral or fungal infection, the baby recovers in one to two weeks. Bacterial meningitis in infants takes much longer to treat and depends on the severity of the disease and the body’s resistance to the disease.

Severe consequences and poor prognosis

This dangerous disease for newborns does not always end favorably; complications always occur in young children, even
long-term therapy in this case is powerless, the consequences are disorders in the central nervous system, lag in mental development, deafness, blindness, bleeding disorder.

Within two years there is a risk of a brain abscess.

In the case of the disease in infants, mortality rates reach 30% and 65% if it is formed.

The prognosis for meningitis of all types depends on the cause of the disease and the form of its course. Bacterial meningitis occurs in an acute form and can result in the death of the baby. Even if the baby survives, he will still have complications that last a long time.

Such a child remains registered with pediatricians and infectious disease specialists for a long time and undergoes regular examinations. If the disease occurred in mild form, then the child recovers in a few weeks without consequences.

Viral meningitis occurs in a milder form and goes away within 2 weeks if treatment is started in a timely manner.

What can be done for prevention?

For prevention purposes, babies born severely weakened need to be vaccinated. Because the various forms The disease has many, even vaccination cannot guarantee protection against meningitis.

Viral meningitis is spread by airborne droplets and in order to avoid becoming infected, it is necessary to maintain personal hygiene and heat treat food and objects that are used by all family members.

When there are patients with acute respiratory infections or acute respiratory viral infections in the family, then small child must be isolated from the patient. All family members should use Interferon three times a day for a week - this will also reduce the risk of infection.

Also, for prevention, you should drink a complex of vitamins and minerals, eat fortified foods, do not get too cold and do not walk in crowded places. This will help protect the family from contracting meningitis, including the newborn baby.

In the case of meningitis, the main thing is to quickly begin treatment, this is what will help avoid the death of a newborn child and help him recover and increase his chances of survival. Experts say that proper nutrition And good immunity will help your child avoid illness.

Meningitis is a severe inflammatory process in the membranes of the brain and spinal cord. Meningitis occurs as an independent disease, as well as as a complication after another illness. There are several types of meningitis depending on its nature, method of infection, and frequency. It can be bacterial, viral, purulent, acute, chronic, primary and secondary. The disease is very dangerous for newborns and babies under one year of age.


In a newborn, the occurrence of meningitis most often appears as a independent disease. The reason why the disease may occur is the occurrence in children's body various infections. It can be E. coli, staphylococci and others dangerous pathogens. The likelihood of developing meningitis is especially high in infants who have suffered damage to the central nervous system before or during childbirth. With weak immunity or due to developmental pathology during pregnancy, the newborn’s body is prone to meningitis.


It is not difficult to recognize abnormalities in a child’s body. Signs of the development of the disease appear abruptly. Any mother will notice the following symptoms in her child:

  • Sudden change in body temperature;
  • Difficulty in breathing;
  • Change in skin color: becomes yellow;
  • The appearance of seizures;
  • Weakness, passivity;
  • Excessive anxiety;
  • Loss of appetite;
  • Nausea followed by vomiting.

Many babies with meningitis have increased fluid in the lining of the brain. This can be easily seen by the convex fontanel. Also, a baby infected with meningitis tries to turn his head when crying due to tension in the neck muscles. If you notice any of the above symptoms or some of them in your child, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Diagnosis of meningitis in a newborn

The doctor will be able to determine the diagnosis of meningitis based on pronounced symptoms when examining the baby. But for an accurate diagnosis, a spinal cord puncture will be performed. But this procedure is unacceptable for newborns who experience shock or disseminated intravascular coagulation syndrome. Method spinal puncture allows you to find out the level of glucose and protein in the body, determine sensitivity to antibiotics and find out other important indicators. After the examination, the doctor will be able to accurately determine the diagnosis of meningitis and prescribe appropriate treatment.


Meningitis is a fatal disease for a newborn. In most cases it occurs death. In cases of recovery, children notice deviations in development and organ function. Children who have had meningitis as newborns suffer poor eyesight, hearing. In these babies, irreversible processes occur in the brain and nervous system due to the development of infection. For this reason, it is necessary to consult a doctor in a timely manner in order to stop pathological processes as early as possible.


What can you do

If a mother notices the first signs of meningitis in a newborn, it is necessary to call an ambulance. You cannot self-medicate or use folk remedies. The sooner parents turn to a doctor for help, the higher the likelihood of quickly stopping the development of the infection. After the doctor determines the diagnosis, he will prescribe treatment. The mother will have to adhere to this treatment and also inform the doctor about any changes in the child’s behavior.

What can a doctor do?

After inspection and results laboratory research, the doctor will prescribe necessary treatment. For infants, antibiotics are commonly used. Precise dosage required medicine. A course of taking one drug cannot last more than 3 months. As additional treatment For meningitis in newborns, certain types of therapy may be prescribed: detoxification, dehydration, and also anticonvulsant. If cerebral edema occurs, additional medications are prescribed. Treatment is carried out within the walls of the hospital under the continuous supervision of doctors.


  • Preventive measures will prevent the development of meningitis in newborns.
  • If a child was born weakened, he needs to be vaccinated against this disease. Although vaccination does not guarantee complete protection against viruses and infections, it significantly increases it.
  • Since there are several types of meningitis, it is necessary to know about preventive measures in each case.
  • To prevent the baby from getting viral meningitis, it is necessary to follow the rules of hygiene and not use personal care items for the baby.
  • If there is a person suffering from a viral disease in the same area of ​​residence as the baby, he must be restricted from communicating with the baby.
  • The living space should be ventilated and disinfected.
  • You can’t overcool your baby, just like you can’t overheat. You need to dress it according to weather conditions.
  • After consulting a doctor, it can be given to a newborn vitamin complexes and minerals.
  • When breastfeeding, the mother must eat properly and nutritiously. Through her body the baby receives various immune cells that help cope with diseases.
  • If any deviations in the behavior of a newborn child or his well-being appear, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Currently, there is no reliable means to protect newborns from meningitis. Many doctors say that children with high immunity can protect themselves from the disease. Therefore, during pregnancy, mothers need to monitor their diet and healthy image life.



2023 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs