Physalis in cooking. Physalis: useful and medicinal properties and contraindications

Distance and the imperfections of logistics have deprived humanity of many opportunities throughout its history. But today, any resident of a metropolis who wants to can enjoy fruits grown thousands of kilometers away, wear clothes made in another country and use a car assembled on a neighboring continent. In such a situation, physalis will not surprise anyone that this can be found in the nearest supermarket.

Difficulties with the delivery of goods

Communication has never been perfect:

  • For thousands of years, goods have been transported by rivers and seas. Shipping has been one of the least expensive methods of transporting goods.
  • The profession of a merchant has always been profitable business. Under such conditions, "cheating" by 2-3 times did not bother anyone.
  • On the way, accompanying the caravan, one could die. Not only from raids of robbers, no one canceled infectious diseases.
  • For the successful conduct of business, it was necessary to know the peculiarities of a foreign culture, the languages ​​​​and dialects of the neighbors.

The whole economic system, in a simplified version, was something like this:

  1. The manufacturer sells his goods a little more than the cost price to merchants.
  2. Merchants send caravans to distant and not very lands to resell at a higher price.
  3. New trade routes and markets are in the process.
  4. Competition pushes the development of technological progress.

Sounds just fine, if you forget about robberies, death rates and banal economic failures.

poisonous physalis

Decorative items have always been in vogue, no matter what in question. The same physalis is not ubiquitous throughout the globe, suitable for its growth:

For other regions, this is just an outlandish fruit that you want to try if only because there is not a single similar plant within a radius of hundreds of kilometers.

Physalis is a representative of the nightshade family, popularly called it " Chinese lantern for the appearance of the berries.

Why flashlight? Due to a kind of cover covering it from all sides, which looks like paper "lanterns". In fact, berries are more like tomatoes familiar to us, only yellow color.

Physalis growing in our country unfit for food. It is not an ornamental plant and is not used for food or medicinal purposes. And all because of toxic substances found in berries.

Eating them can be a reason to call an ambulance, so culinary delights will have to be abandoned.

In this video, Tamara Mazova will tell you what physalis grown in the country tastes like:

Can you eat Physalis?

The berries of the plant are edible, but only if if they are not collected on the territory of Russia. In our area, physalis absorbs not only the best of the vast expanses, but also toxins. Therefore, having stumbled upon the edge and seeing a familiar plant, you should not rejoice, and even more so - pick berries and try to cook something from them.

If you want to please yourself and your loved ones with an unusual dish, it is better to visit the nearest supermarket:

  1. The berries sold there are edible.
  2. Depending on the exporting country taste qualities product.
  3. Before buying, it is better to try a little to make sure that this is exactly what you are looking for.
  4. Physalis is not only possible, but even needs to be washed.

Culinary use depends, first of all, on the taste of the berries themselves. Sweet can be put on the filling for pies and pies, but bitter ones will go for various sauces and as seasonings.

Physalis contains many useful substances. You should first make sure that the product was bought in a store, and not collected in the nearest blueberry. For such an oversight, you can pay with your health. In this case, the economy really "turns sideways."

Physalis - benefit and harm

Doctors say that berries have the following effects:

  • Anti-inflammatory.
  • Aseptic.
  • Immunomodulating.
  • Hemostatic.
  • Painkillers.
  • Diuretic.
  • Cholagogue.

All of them are really available, but not as pronounced as we would like. Therefore, doctors do not treat with fruits or berries alone, prescribing a whole mountain of pills for this.

But eating physalis, if available chronic pain or persistent nosebleeds, can move things off the ground.

This is facilitated by the berries included in the composition:

  1. Vitamin C.
  2. Lemon acid.
  3. Carotene.
  4. Phytoncides.

The list of positive effects can give false hope. You should not fully rely on these berries, they can have some slight effect only if you follow the appropriate diet, take prescribed drugs and follow medical prescriptions.

A few words need to be said about reverse side medals." On the territory of Russia, physalis grows wild, its fruits are toxic and dangerous to the body. They should not be eaten in any form. if you don't want to get food poisoning.

What is physalis?

Physalis belongs to the nightshade family and grows in Bulgaria, the Caucasus and South America. This herbaceous plant gives the world its berries, covered with a kind of cover, which at first glance can be mistaken for a "Chinese lantern". This is where its second name comes from.

In appearance, the peeled berry looks like a small yellow tomato. But the taste depends on the degree of maturity and the region in which the physalis grew.

The product is used in cooking:

  • Sweet berry pie filling will help surprise guests.
  • A good option for exotic jams. You can indulge yourself on cold winter evenings.
  • The sauce for any dish will look much more interesting.
  • Juice is best added to meat when cooking.
  • Dried and candied berries are a real treat.

AT traditional medicine physalis is not used, but doctors periodically recommend including it in the diet, thanks to its positive effects. The most pronounced anti-inflammatory, choleretic and diuretic.

Everyone can enjoy exotic berries today, just by finding physalis in the nearest supermarket, what our grandparents did not even suspect. If you haven't been to Central Asia. And here we can admire yet another advantage of progress.

Video: how physalis grows

In this video, Margarita will talk about the "pineapple" variety of physalis, show the harvest of these unusual berries:

Our country is distinguished by its natural diversity and richness of the healing properties of plants, but it is worth learning about interesting representatives of the flora of other countries and continents that can be grown in our conditions. One of these plants is physalis, the largest species diversity of which grows in the countries of South and Central America. It is known to most people for its orange or bright red berries, similar to Chinese paper lanterns.

Physalis (from the Latin Physalis - bubble) is a genus of plants close to tomatoes of the nightshade family. Popularly known by the names " emerald berry”, “earth cranberry”, “bubbler”, “marunka”, “dog cherry”. Many people know it as a decorative element with bright lanterns that are fused sepals. After flowering, the calyx grows faster than the fruit, forming a natural defense. In the homeland of origin (South America), the "case" protects the ripening berries from the hot sun. After maturation, it dries up and changes color.

What does it look like

Physalis is a perennial plant that every year produces new angularly curved erect shoots up to 1 m high from the root. root system branched, with woody creeping processes, therefore physalis grows in large bushes. The leaves are ovate, soft, serrated at the edges. From the bud emerges a pale yellow, five-lobed flower that resembles a bell. Fruit appears after flowering spherical shape, which immediately closes with sepals that form a bell-shaped calyx with triangular denticles.

When ripe, the color of the cup changes from light green to red, orange or purple, depending on the variety, the place where the plant grows. Ripe berries change color from green to bright yellow or orange. By appearance very similar to cherry tomatoes. Inside they are fleshy, with scattered bones. There are berry and vegetable varieties of physalis, so many summer residents know it as a berry, unpretentious, well-bearing plant. In addition to decorative functions, it is eaten, healing properties are used in medicine.

Where does it grow

Physalis native habitats are South and Central America - from here it was introduced into North America and Southern Europe. The species "Physalis vulgaris" showed resistance to cold snaps, due to which it spread to China and Japan, here it was recognized as one of the important decorative elements at the holidays. The ability to tolerate cold has made perennial growth possible in temperate countries. In the conditions of Russia, varietal cultivation is carried out through seedlings into a fertile soil mixture for tomatoes and peppers.

Types of Physalis

There are about 120 varieties of physalis, common feature which is a 5-10 lobed flower. When ripe, it takes on different bright colors, which remain after drying and are used for decorative purposes when creating flower arrangements, bouquets. Berries of ornamental varieties of bladderwort have bitter taste are not used for cooking. This is one of the few plants whose edible varieties include berry and vegetable varieties. In texture and taste, they are more like vegetables, but biological structure bush - for berries.


The cultivation of ornamental varieties of physalis dates back to 1894. Ornamental physalis has the names Alkekengi (Physalis alkekengi) or Franchet (Physalis francheti), was named after Rene Franchet. French botanist pioneered the study this plant. The basis of decorative interest in the variety are even flowers-lanterns with a diameter of 6-7 cm. On a stem up to 90 cm long, 10-15 lanterns can be located. The fruits of ornamental varieties are poisonous, so they are not suitable for food.


Eaten varieties of bladder are divided into vegetable and berry varieties. Vegetable or Mexican, glutinous, Physalis ixocarpa Brot. used raw and for canning, cooking. The Mexican physalis fruit has a bitter-tasting sticky film that can be easily removed by blanching (dissolving in hot water). Berry varieties are Peruvian (Physalis peruviana), strawberry (Physalis pubescens). They do not have a bitter adhesive film, they are used for making jams, compotes.

Physalis edible

Edible varieties of bladderwort do not have such bright cap colors as ornamental varieties. The berry is large, has a bright sweet taste, without heat treatment can be used by children and adults. The most famous edible varieties are:

  • Strawberry;
  • Pineapple;
  • Confectioner;
  • Plum jam.

To understand the usefulness of the plant, it is worth analyzing the composition of fruits that contain sugar, pectins, quercetin, tannins, phytoncides, citric, malic, succinic, tartaric, sinapic, ferulic and coffee organic acids. In addition, berries are a multivitamin complex rich in trace elements (thiamine, iron, magnesium, phosphorus) and include:

  • 32 calories per 100 g;
  • cholesterol - 0%;
  • potassium - 8%;
  • Vitamin C - 20%;
  • Vitamin K - 13%;
  • Vitamin B6 - 3%;
  • Vitamin A - 2%.

What is useful

Useful properties of physalis are supplemented a wide range healing components of the remaining parts of this plant. The roots contain several types of alkaloids - pseudotropine, tegloidin, tropine, kuskigrin. The leaves are saturated with steroids - sitosterol, campesterol and isofucosterol. Some varieties contain carotenoids - alpha-carotene, beta-carotene, zeaxanthin, lutein, zeaxanthin ester, cryptoxanthin, physoxanthin. Seeds can give up to 25% fatty oil.

All parts of the plant found wide application for creating medical preparations and means of prevention in traditional medicine. Medicines based on physalis have the following healing properties:

  • have diuretic and choleretic properties;
  • relieve inflammation, anemia;
  • have a hemostatic, antiseptic, analgesic effect;
  • help against hypertension, stomach ulcers, chronic cholecystitis, hypoacid gastritis;
  • are used to prevent metabolic disorders.

Bladder fruit contains antioxidants that prevent mutation healthy cells and rebirth at oncological diseases. For maximum use all the healing components of the plant at home can be prepared:

  • decoction of physalis fruits - for the treatment of kidney diseases, nephrolithiasis, Bladder, gout, for the treatment of bronchitis, tracheitis, cough, other diseases respiratory tract, at pain attacks, spasms of the stomach, intestines;
  • diuretic tea- with cholelithiasis, cystitis;
  • juice from fresh fruits- used externally for fungal skin diseases;
  • liniment based on physalis - in the treatment of rheumatism;
  • wine tincture - in the treatment of kidney diseases;
  • alcohol tincture- for the treatment and prevention of rash, fungal skin diseases.

How to eat physalis

Rarely there are plants that have vegetable and berry fruits. Physalis has different directions culinary applications. Berry physalis contains high concentration pectin, which increases the gelling properties, promotes the use in the preparation of jams, jelly, preserves, sweets, candied fruits, marshmallows. All listed products can be preserved, they will keep well until the next harvest. Dried or dried fruits are used instead of raisins when baking pies, creating puddings, and desserts. Vegetable varieties are used for cooking:

  • first courses;
  • vegetable caviar, sauces;
  • canning in salted, soaked, pickled form.

Harm and contraindications

Physalis fruits are covered with a sticky film, so use without prior blanching will give the berries a bitter aftertaste that can cause frustration, nausea, and diarrhea. Multivitamin Complex the plant is indicated for many diseases, but the high sugar content can be dangerous for diabetics. Organic acids can negative impact for people with high acidity. The fruits of ornamental varieties look like edible, but are poisonous. It is necessary to use preparations based on physalis under the supervision of doctors.


You've definitely seen physalis at some point. it amazing plant resembles a Chinese lantern, pleases the eye with the brightness of colors, and, most importantly, has a huge amount of useful applications. We are accustomed to seeing it more in flower beds and consider it an ornamental plant. The flower really looks great, but today we will not talk about aesthetic qualities, but about beneficial features physalis.

About physalis

Physalis is a plant from the nightshade family, reaching a height of 1 meter, with bright colors that resemble a paper lantern. Inside is a small but extremely useful fruit with a tart and sweet taste. This wonderful “flashlight” comes from South and Central America, and even the Incas knew about its beneficial properties at one time.

As soon as physalis is not called in different parts of the Earth - golden berry, Mexican tomato, earthen cranberry, pineapple cherry, Peruvian gooseberry .... And the very word "physalis" came to us from Greek, which literally means "bubble".

There are three main types of plants:

  • Physalis vegetable (edible)

He is also a "Mexican tomato". The berries are green, yellow or even purple. It tastes a bit like a tomato. Used fresh, canned and dried.

  • Physalis decorative

The most common and familiar to all look. It has several varieties, but you can not eat it. It is used as a decoration, and only.

  • Physalis strawberry or berry (edible)

It has very sweet and tasty, with a strawberry flavor, fruits of an amber-yellow hue. There is a variety of "physalis pineapple", which is distinguished by even sweeter fruits with a pineapple hue.

Physalis composition

It should be mentioned that such an interesting physalis contains:

  • fructose and glucose, the content of which reaches 5-6%;
  • vitamins of group B (B1, B6, B2, B12), as well as C, A, E, K;
  • trace elements in large quantities - potassium, calcium, iron, zinc, copper, selenium, manganese, phosphorus, sodium;
  • organic acids - succinic, citric, tartaric;
  • pectin;
  • lycopene is a strong antioxidant.

What is Physalis good for?

Let's figure out what exactly is the use of physalis, and when it is especially needed:

  • Obesity

Thanks to the energy value plants is only 40-50 kcal (B / F / U - 13-28-49%), this product will perfectly diversify the diet of any losing weight. The reason for this is simple - with a low calorie content, our "golden berries" have large quantity nutritional and minerals. It is important that due to the presence of pectin, physalis has the ability to remove salt from the body. heavy metals and cholesterol.

It is also a great addition to the diet of vegetarians who may not be getting desired set nutrients.

  • Diabetes

It has been scientifically proven that physalis fruits can slow down the breakdown of carbohydrates into simple saccharides. This will undoubtedly be extremely beneficial for people who suffer from diabetes. In this case, it is necessary to use an infusion of dried fruits.

  • Cancer Prevention

Physalis contains a powerful antioxidant - lycopene, which prevents the development of cancerous tumors.

  • Diseases of the liver, kidneys

Due to the fact that the composition of the fruit includes substances that have anti-inflammatory and antiseptic actions, you can effectively use them to treat cystitis, pyelonephritis and urolithiasis.

  • Prevention of the immune system
  • As well as

Physalis will help with lung diseases, flu, laryngitis, bronchitis, prevention coronary diseases hearts.


Undoubtedly, physalis is a “golden” plant, and its benefits are irrefutable. But you need to remember that you can not eat the bract, as well as wild plants and any unripe fruits.

And the rest Bon appetit and more benefits!

This herbaceous plant of the nightshade family is native to South America. Before you use physalis, whose beneficial properties are really multifaceted, you should know that most species are grown for decorative purposes. Amateur gardeners are attracted by compact bushes with white, lilac, yellow and orange flowers. The height of the stem can reach 1 meter, large fleshy fruits have a yellowish or bright orange color.

Among edible varieties, vegetable and berry physalis are distinguished. The fruits, the taste of which varies from bitter-burning to soft strawberry, are enclosed in a box formed from sepals, reminiscent of paper lanterns popular in China.

The benefits of physalis and its harm to human health began to be studied in the mid-20s of the last century. Academician N.I. Vavilov believed that physalis is great for growing in climatic conditions Russia and offered to organize a large-scale production of this culture for the needs Food Industry. Today, edible fruits are used mainly for the synthesis citric acid, and from decorative varieties, substances are obtained for dyeing textiles.

The benefits of physalis - 13 useful properties

    Physalis fruits are rich potassium and sodium, which positively affects the composition of the blood, allows you to regulate the level of glucose and insulin. In addition, under the influence of potassium, the lumen of blood vessels expands, the load on the heart decreases, and the supply of oxygen to organs improves. Due to the high fiber content, the use of physalis helps to eliminate "bad" cholesterol from the body, which reduces the likelihood of atherosclerosis, stroke and heart attacks.

  1. Prevention of oncological processes

    In the fruits of physalis, components were found that act as antioxidants and have anti-cancer and antibacterial properties. Under the influence of these substances, the mutation of healthy cells is prevented, their degeneration into tumor neoplasms is blocked. Vitamins A and C in combination with flavonoids protect the body from the occurrence of lung and oral cavity cancer.

  2. Reducing the risk of joint disease

    Physalis vegetable is one of the leaders in content vitamin C(15.4 mg per 100 g of pulp), which can cover the body's daily need for vitamins by about 20%. The use of physalis is recommended for people suffering from joint pain, as well as for the prevention of gout that occurs with an excess of uric acid.

  3. Help in the treatment of diabetes

    Physalis berries, the beneficial properties of which are high content vitamins, can be entered in the menu of patients with diabetes. This will regulate blood sugar levels and also increase efficiency. medications prescribed by a doctor for this disease.

  4. Improving eye health

    The physalis plant is valued for its presence in its fruits. beta carotene, which is a derivative of vitamin A. By eating juicy berries, you can avoid vision problems such as cataracts, degeneration yellow spot clouding of the lens.

  5. Strengthening immunity

    Thanks to the content a large number vitamin C, physalis will bring health benefits to people prone to frequent colds and viral infections. With the intake of this vitamin in the body, the production of white blood cells, which serves as a defense against invading alien agents. Vitamin C increases the body's resistance to various diseases, accelerates metabolic processes, activates the production of collagen, responsible for maintaining skin elasticity, blood vessels and muscle tissues.

  6. Increasing bone density

    So high content vitamin K not a single vegetable or fruit can boast. Physalis, depending on the amount eaten, is able to satisfy the body's daily need for this vitamin from 10 to 25%. 100 grams of juicy berries contain 13.3 micrograms of vitamin K, which is necessary for maintaining healthy bones and preventing osteoporosis. as show Scientific research, vitamin K prevents bone demineralization, minimizing the risk of chronic diseases of the limbs and spine.

  7. Normalization of digestion

    Like most vegetables, physalis is famous for its high content vegetable fiber. When using this delicious berries digestion of food improves, manifestations of flatulence, bloating, constipation, spasms are eliminated, which can prevent the occurrence of stomach ulcers and colon cancer. In addition, vegetable fibers regulate the rate of release of simple sugars, which helps maintain optimal blood glucose levels.

  8. Slowing down the aging process

    The benefits of edible physalis cover the harm done to our body free radicals. Due to the high content copper, when using the fruits of this plant, the condition of the skin improves, the appearance of wrinkles and age spots. In 100 grams of juicy pulp, there is about 0.1 mg of copper, which corresponds to 11.5% of daily requirement organisms in this trace element.

  9. Acceleration of wound healing

    Physalis berries, whose beneficial properties can hardly be overestimated, are rich in iron, which stimulates the formation of red blood cells, increases hemoglobin. Saturation of organs and tissues with oxygen increases the rate of cell regeneration, as a result of which postoperative wounds, household abrasions, scratches, burns and cuts heal faster.

  10. Help in weight loss

    Physalis can be called an ideal product for people who want to get rid of extra pounds. The fruits of this plant, with a high content of vitamins and trace elements, are low in calories. In addition, fiber stimulates digestion and metabolism, which is very important in the fight against excess weight.

  11. The benefits of physalis for women's health

    According to the data medical research published in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, manganese deficiency in female body provokes the occurrence premenstrual syndrome , expressed in mood swings, headaches and muscle pain, unmotivated depression. The use of physalis fruits will make up for the lack of manganese and thereby prevent PMS symptoms.

  12. Useful properties of physalis for men

    In berries edible physalis there is one of the important human body B vitamins - niacin. This element is responsible for the quality of enzymatic processes, helps break down food into components that increase the energy balance of the body. Thus, men who do not deny themselves the pleasure of eating physalis will be able to improve their physical performance, reach high results In sports, labor activity and other areas of everyday life.

How to use physalis - medicinal recipes

The fruits of physalis edible in fresh and dried form are used in the treatment of certain diseases. Here you will find the most popular recipes used in traditional medicine to combat various ailments.

For influenza, bronchitis, laryngitis, mumps and orchitis

Prepare a decoction of their dried medium-sized berries up to 4 cm in size, pour 9–15 grams of raw materials in 1–1.5 glasses hot water. The liquid must be brought to a boil, wait until it cools, and then strain through cheesecloth. Take a decoction in small sips 2-3 times a day.

With pneumonia

People who are observed inflammatory processes in the lungs, it is recommended to drink a decoction of physalis, prepared according to the previous recipe, but less concentrated. For the same number of fruits, you need to increase the volume of water by 2 times.

With diabetes

To adjust the balance of glucose in the blood, it is recommended to take an infusion of several dried fruits brewed with a glass of boiling water. Having drunk in the morning healing tea, do not throw away the berries - they can be brewed a second time.

With epilepsy

Physalis fruits can relieve the symptoms of this disease nervous system. To reduce the frequency and severity of attacks, it is enough to eat 8-10 fresh or dried berries daily.

Physalis - harm and contraindications

In addition to useful properties, there are contraindications to the use of physalis.

    It must be remembered that medicinal infusions it is permissible to take for a short time, no more than 10 days in a row. Then you need to take a break, lasting 1-2 weeks.

    With serious chronic diseases before proceeding to self-treatment, consult your doctor.

    Physalis can harm the body of people suffering from malfunctions thyroid gland, gastritis and stomach ulcers.

    Pregnant women and nursing mothers should not include these berries in their diet.

    Beware of eating physalis without making sure that you have an edible variety of this plant in front of you. Ornamental fruits, as well as those that grow on uncultivated calcareous soils, as a rule, poisonous.

What else is useful?

Physalis is often called a tomato because its fruits are similar to those of a tomato, and the plant itself belongs to the nightshade family.

It reaches one meter in height.

Its berries are securely covered with a yellow-orange cover, which is compared to a Chinese lantern.

Short description

The cover is obtained from the connected sepals.

Their growth outstrips the growth of fruits, and when they finally ripen, they change color.

The flowers of the plant come in different shades:

  • bright yellow,
  • rich orange,
  • milky white (rare)
  • lilac.

Fruits that look like small tomatoes have very different colors and tastes:

  • from greenish-yellow color to orange;
  • from a pleasant sweet taste (similar to grape, pineapple and strawberry)
  • to bitter and spicy.

There are two edible species of physalis:

  • strawberry,
  • vegetable.

In the people, the plant is called differently, for example:

  • sleepy grass,
  • earthen cranberries,
  • jewish apple,
  • posh,
  • dog cherries.

Where is found

Physalis grows both in forests and in vegetable gardens. Chooses open places lit by the sun:

  • edges,
  • ravines.

Many gardeners consider physalis to be weed grass and throw it out. Others, on the contrary, are grown as a vegetable for the table or for attractive flowers.

Most often, physalis can be found in:

Fruits grow in the Central Asian states and in the Caucasus. In Russia, there is an inedible species of physalis - immortelle. Its berries are easy to poison.

Where applicable

Some types of physalis that can be eaten are used in two areas - medicine and cooking. The fruits are sent for jam, sauces.

They are harvested for the winter - salted in jars, pickled. They make delicious candied fruits and fillings for pies.

Berries of certain varieties are dried and consumed like raisins. To taste, it is surprisingly similar to ordinary grape due to the sugar content in the composition.

Gourmet cooks add physalis juice in fish and meat dishes, and this greatly improves the taste of dishes. And the fruits in the boiled form are used to decorate cakes and cakes.

Folk recipes

edible physalis- a very useful plant.

In all its components great amount biologically active components therefore, in cooking and medicine, both fruits and leaves, roots and even seeds are used.

The fruits of the plant are rich in sugars, vitamin C, pectin, carbohydrates.

The leaves are rich in flavonoids., carotenoids (on the benefits and harms raw carrots written in the article), steroids. Roots are used for alkaloids. Oil is extracted from seeds.

Berries have been used in medicine as a drug with a wide spectrum of action. They are:

  • disinfect,
  • stop the process of inflammation
  • relieve pain.

Berries have a choleretic and diuretic effect.

They are often used to treat:

  • respiratory ailments,
  • lowering blood pressure (about treatment folk remedies read ),
  • getting rid of dysentery
  • elimination of symptoms of dermatosis.

If you take a decoction / tincture of physalis fruits, you can recover from hepatitis, rheumatism and cystitis.

With the tool, you can:

  • remove swelling,
  • remove kidney stones
  • overcome bronchitis and gout (),
  • relieve the pain of an injury.

The roots are boiled in order to get rid of cough and pain in case of colds and other diseases. With their help, menstruation is restored, the cycles of which have gone astray.

From leaves and sheaths, in which the fruits are dressed, they prepare healing teas for hypertensive patients.

If you get gonorrhea, develop dysentery or dermatosis, drink juice and eat fresh physalis fruits.

These same parts of the plant cope with respiratory diseases.

Residents of Central Asia treat anemia with physalis fruits and recommend it to older people who develop age-related constipation.

lovers traditional medicine it is advised to eat fresh washed fruits without any processing, 5-10 pieces several times a day on an empty stomach.

Patients with high blood pressure traditional healers prescribe teas brewed on the leaves and shells of fruits.

Bulgarians prepare decoctions from physalis berries and drink to recover from:

  • gout and jaundice,
  • relieve back pain with rheumatism and gastrointestinal colic,
  • ease urination,
  • eliminate hemorrhoids.

Those diagnosed with cholecystitis are also advised to take fruit decoctions physalis.

Treatment of children

Interestingly, residents of the Garm village of the Republic of Tajikistan treat their children with physalis.

They extract the juice of the plant, and grind the fruits into gruel.

Then combine these components with milk and put on low heat. A ready-made and slightly cooled drink is given to children with laryngitis, tonsillitis or stomatitis.

According to Tajik doctors, taking the medicine 3-4 times a day cures the child in four days. And if you continue treatment even after full recovery, the disease will not come again.

When to Collect

In ancient times, people specially went to the forests to collect physalis fruits: they were eaten to cure diseases of the endocrine and digestive systems.

Beneficial features

The ancient scientist and physician Ibn Sina claimed that physalis is similar in properties to nightshade.

Today physalis is used to treat stomach ulcers duodenum, diabetes, cholecystitis and hypertension. It is used as a multivitamin.

To get the effect, you need to use only fresh and ripe physalis fruits. If they are small, then 15 pieces can be eaten at a time, and if the berries are large, then 5-6 pieces. Eat a quarter of an hour before meals.

For those who are observed hyperacidity gastric juice, other dosages:

  • 5-7 small fruits or 2-3 large ones should be eaten right before meals.

Gradually, if health improves, portions are increased to 8-15 berries.

Physalis fruits are used and how homeopathic remedy. They treat urolithiasis.

One edible berry contains 53 kilocalories. Carbohydrates in the composition of the fetus - 11.2 grams, much less protein - about two grams, and fat - 0.7 grams.

How to grow physalis, which can both feed and cure, see the proposed video.



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