Juniper use. Juniper, medicinal properties

Juniper has been used since ancient times for both medicinal and magical purposes. Juniper belongs to coniferous plants, which are considered not quite ordinary in their properties. So, juniper, like spruce branches, was used in funeral rituals, as well as for protection from evil spirits.

For these purposes, it was burned in bonfires, on an open fire, or branches were hung inside the house (on the walls, under the bed, in visible places) and outside. In addition, it is believed that juniper, by its magical abilities, can protect people and livestock from the spirits of disease, from spoilage, the evil eye, the loss of livestock and various ailments. For this reason, it was hung not only in dwellings where people themselves live, but also in barns where domestic animals and cattle live.

It is used in the rituals of all the peoples of the world who live in the territories of its growth. Amulets and amulets are made from juniper. Juniper branches (like our Christmas tree branches) in some countries pave the way for the deceased, burn the plant at the funeral. In addition, juniper is used against snakes. For example, in the myth of the Argonauts, it was with the help of juniper that Medea and Jason lulled the snake monster that guarded the golden fleece.

It is worth mentioning the well-known magic wand". There is an assumption that this wand was made from a juniper twig. Such a wand can enhance magical abilities a person, will help to make his word and actions stronger. It is believed that the juniper branch is in itself an amulet, a talisman against evil forces and people from bad thoughts or intentions. Attached thread to front door can scare away evil spirits or a person who is unclean in thoughts, as well as attract good luck. For the same purpose, juniper was grown right in front of the porch (mainly on the north side).

A living bush can scare off thieves. They also smoked juniper, that is, they set fire to a branch and walked with it throughout the house, building or venue of the festival, the place of the ceremony, treatment, etc., so that the smoke penetrated into all places and drove away bad entities. It is believed that those natives of Navi who are inherently hostile to man, do not tolerate the smoke of this plant. In order to drive away the disease, a person was fumigated with juniper smoke and allowed to inhale it. It is worth saying that when burning branches, a small part of special "narcotic" substances is released, which can affect a person if he inhales an excessive amount of smoke.

During normal fumigation of premises, these substances do not affect a person. Shamans, magicians, sorcerers claim that this is not a drug in its true form, but a special enzyme that can open secret vision - magical, extrasensory, in order to see the world of spirits, and communicate directly with people from Navi.

fumigation of the sick, ordinary people, houses, animals juniper smoke is especially common in southern Siberia. It is possible that earlier this had the same distribution in other regions of Russia and in the territory of the settlement of the Slavs, but now this tradition has fully remained only in Tuva and some other regions. Without fumigation with juniper smoke, not a single ritual, not a single rite, treatment of the patient, holiday or funeral ritual activity can do here. For a Tuvan shaman, a special lamp-smoker with juniper twigs is one of the most indispensable attributes.

The Slavs fumigated dwellings in case of illness, epidemics, misfortunes, suspicions of the evil eye, damage, love spells and other negative magical effects. Fumigation was also performed for preventive purposes and on special holidays, when it was believed that evil spirits penetrate from Navi to Yav and can greatly harm people. For the same purposes - the removal of magic, evil spirits and diseases - animals were fumigated.

If you believe the dream books, then the dreaming juniper promises good luck in business, happy changes in life, love, recovery for the patient, and so on.

Juniper is so versatile in its uses that it has been used in almost every area of ​​magic. For example, juniper berries were strung on a string, and the resulting beads were constantly carried with them to attract good luck in love affairs, to increase attractiveness, and even for potency. A juniper branch, which is always with a person, can protect against accidents. juniper broom for a bath can strengthen the spirit and drive away all ailments.

Pharmacological properties and methods of using juniper for medical purposes:

Juniper is used in traditional medicine and in modern (official) medicine. The scope of its application is quite diverse. Possessing good diuretic and biliary properties, the plant is used for rheumatism, gout, cystitis, kidney disease, liver disease. In addition, preparations from juniper help cleanse the blood, as well as cleanse the body of toxins.

The fruits of the plant, which are used in the treatment most often, contain substances such as: essential oil, sugar, resin, organic acids, vitamins. Fruit infusion has a beneficial effect on many functions and areas of the body. It stimulates appetite, normalizes disturbed digestion, is disinfectant for internal organs.

It also has a number of other properties: it increases the elasticity of blood vessels, reduces arterial pressure, reduces pain during menstruation, it is used for obesity and cellulite, for inflammation of the skin (acne, eczema, scabies, dermatitis, fungal diseases), promotes rapid regeneration skin(with burns, abrasions, wounds).

Used for hemorrhoids, varicose veins, cracked skin, inflammation of the gums, gout. It can be used as a relaxing agent, with overwork or as a sleeping pill. Is a good remedy for the care of normal and oily skin, as it cleanses pores and has drying properties. Can be used for baldness, dandruff and hair problems.

An interesting recipe: a method of application for sanitation or purification, disinfection of indoor air. 10-20 grams of finely ground needles or juniper wood is poured into 100-200 ml of water and boiled for 10-15 minutes. In this case, it is not necessary to cover the dishes with a lid, since during boiling the essential oil and other useful material evaporate together with water, disinfect the air in the room and even aromatize it. In addition, the evaporating moisture, coupled with juniper, can act as an inhalation for people who are in close proximity.
In folk medicine, a decoction of cone-berries, as well as juice is used. The juice is diluted one to one with honey and taken 1 tablespoon 3 times a day. Also, a decoction is made from berries, which are poured with boiled cooled water and insisted for 10-15 hours, or boiled for 10-15 minutes in a sealed container, after which the decoction is decanted and drunk 3 times a day half an hour before meals.

If earlier juniper was used in the bath as a broom, now, when each apartment has its own bath, it was invented for this. new recipe applications. A handful of juniper berries are poured with three liters of water and boiled for half an hour. After that, it is poured into the water that the bathroom is filled with. 15-20 minutes in such a bath will bring relaxation, soothe nervous system and will beneficial effect for the whole organism.

There is also a recipe for a decoction of this miraculous plant, which helps with hair loss. If you have such a problem, then for this you need to take juniper branches and birch leaves in approximately equal proportions. Branches and leaves are boiled in 3 liters of water for 5 minutes. After boiling, the broth is allowed to brew for 1 hour. The finished decoction can be used to wash the head, but after that rinsing is necessary.
Essential oil is also made from juniper.

Such oil due to the fact that it contains many useful components(pinene, camphene, cadinene, terpineol, borneol, juniper camphor), used for cleansing the body, to remove toxins, salts, excess fluid from the body. In addition, essential oil is used to treat gout, rheumatism of the joints, spinal osteochondrosis, bronchitis, pneumonia, SARS, influenza, adenovirus infection. Juniper oil, removes harmful substances, reduces temperature, improves immunity, fights infections, reduces the risk of complications. This characteristic of this miraculous plant speaks for itself.

Method of application for kidney diseases, decreased appetite, flatulence: during the first day, chew and swallow 4 berries (spit out the seeds). Each subsequent day, add 1 berry. So continue for 15 days, then reduce the dose by 1 berry every day until the same 4 berries remain. After this, the treatment must be completed. This method of eating berries will also have a choleretic, diuretic and disinfectant effect on your body, will contribute to the normalization of the digestive tract, and cleansing of toxins.

Juniper is an excellent assistant in the treatment of diseases respiratory tract. It can be tuberculosis or some chronic diseases. For these purposes, essential oil inhalation is used. In this case, inhalation can be hot and cold. For hot inhalation, pour boiling water into a bowl and add a few drops of essential oil, after which the patient should inhale steam from boiling water for 3-10 minutes. With cold inhalation, essential oil, or rather its vapor, can be inhaled directly from the vial or other vessel in which it is located, for the same period of time.

Juniper essential oil has its own dosages, which are better not to increase. Below you can read the recommended dosages, which can also be regarded as recipes:
1. 1-2 drops per tablespoon of oil for internal use.
2. 4-5 drops per 10 ml vegetable oil for therapeutic massage.
3. 5-6 bath drops.
4. 6 drops for applications
5. 6-7 drops for compresses

Contraindications for use!

Juniper (berries, preparations, tinctures, decoctions, and so on) should not be used for inflammation of the kidneys, nephritis, nephrosis, stomach ulcers. Contraindicated in acute glomerulonephritis. Cannot be used during pregnancy. Dosage must be observed. In case of poisoning or overdose of juniper, it is necessary to do a gastric lavage and consult a doctor. Juniper preparations should not be consumed for a long time as this will irritate the renal parenchyma.

When collecting juniper, one should not confuse common juniper, which is fit for consumption, with Cossack juniper, since this type of juniper is poisonous to humans. You can check which juniper is in front of you in this way: the fruits of an ordinary juniper have 3 seeds inside the berry-fruit, the Cossack (poisonous) has 2 seeds. Cossack differs from the ordinary one in that it is a creeping plant and grows for the most part in width, which is why it received widespread for decorative purposes.

Juniper (Juniperus communis L.) is an evergreen plant from the Cypress family. In medicine, the fruits of the plant are used, as well as juniper essential oil. In ancient Rus', it had the name "cerebellum" and "veres". It is not known for certain where this name came from, but there are three assumptions that: spruce forest, brain and mozhzha (knot).

Juniper is a small tree that looks like a shrub or a small Christmas tree. An adult juniper reaches a height of 5-6 meters. It grows very slowly, but the age can reach from 600 to 3000 years. It grows in dry spruce and pine forests, on the edges, in clearings. Gives fruit in autumn. The fruits look like cone-berries. Ripe berries contain 42% sugar, almost as much as grapes.

Medicinal fruits harvested in autumn(in October) when they are fully ripe. Often the juniper itself is planted artificial method in parks, recreation areas, sanatoriums and so on, since juniper is a very good air ozonizer. Scientists have determined that no other tree emits such a large number of phytoncides, like juniper. Due to this, it has very high bactericidal properties. It is estimated that one hectare of this plant can purify the air of a big city in just a day.

Since juniper berries are very complex due to the fact that it has many prickly needles, it is best to spread the fabric under the plant bush and shake it off. ripe berries on her. If drying of berries is required, then it is best to do this in a ventilated area, protected from sunlight. Branches and needles are harvested both in autumn and in spring after active vegetation.

Juniper has been used at all times and for various medicinal purposes. So, for example, it was burned and fumigated with smoke in rooms in French hospitals to fight epidemics of smallpox, plague and other diseases. Juniper has been used in ancient world not only how treatment plant, but also used in everyday life. Khaki-colored paint and greenish-yellow paint were made from the bark. Since the wood of this plant is very strong, it was used to make furniture, dishes, toys, musical instruments, amulets and much more. Very strong threads were obtained from juniper, with which even boats and schooners were sewn together. In addition, such wood has a very nice smell. So, for example, it has long been noticed that in jars made from this tree, milk does not sour even on a very hot day; pickled cucumbers, tomatoes, mushrooms and other vegetables do not spoil in juniper wood barrels. For the same purpose, barrels - new or already used, but preparing for a new seaming, are steamed with juniper, thus disinfecting them. To do this, water is poured into the barrel, juniper branches and hot stones are placed in this water, after which the barrel is closed for several hours.

The abilities of the miraculous plant were used not only by the Slavs, but also by other peoples of the world, for example, the Indians North America. It has been noticed that in the place where the juniper grows, the air is much cleaner and saturated with useful substances. volatile substances. Emaciated, sick or injured animals often come to juniper bushes to eat its fruits and other parts. This renders extremely positive impact for any disease. American Indians placed tuberculosis patients and people with other diseases skeletal system or respiratory tract into such thickets, so that the air saturated with volatile substances has a beneficial effect and heals the patient.

The magical properties of the plant Juniper

Juniper has been used since ancient times for both medicinal and magical purposes. Juniper belongs to coniferous plants, which are considered not quite ordinary in their properties. So, juniper, like spruce branches, were used in funeral rites, and for protection from evil spirits. For these purposes, it was burned in bonfires, on an open fire, or branches were hung inside the house (on the walls, under the bed, in visible places) and outside. In addition, it is believed that juniper, by its magical abilities, can protect people and livestock from the spirits of disease, from spoilage, the evil eye, the loss of livestock and various ailments. For this reason, it was hung not only in dwellings where people themselves live, but also in barns where domestic animals and cattle live.

It is used in the rituals of all the peoples of the world who live in the territories of its growth. Made from juniper. Juniper branches (like our Christmas tree branches) in some countries pave the way for the deceased, burn the plant at the funeral. In addition, juniper is used against snakes. For example, in the myth of the Argonauts, it was with the help of juniper that Medea and Jason lulled the snake monster that guarded the golden fleece.

It is worth mentioning the famous "magic wand". There is an assumption that this stick was made from a juniper twig. Such a wand can enhance the magical abilities of a person, help to make his word and actions stronger. It is believed that the juniper branch in itself is an amulet, a talisman against evil forces and people with bad thoughts or intentions. A branch attached to the front door can scare away evil spirits or an unclean person, as well as attract good luck. For the same purpose, juniper was grown right in front of the porch (mainly on the north side). A living bush can scare off thieves. They also smoked juniper, that is, they set fire to a branch and walked with it throughout the house, building or venue of the festival, the place of the ceremony, treatment, etc., so that the smoke penetrated into all places and drove away bad entities. It is believed that those people from another world, who are inherently hostile to humans, do not tolerate the smoke of this plant. In order to drive away the disease, a person was fumigated with juniper smoke.

Fumigation sick, ordinary people, houses, animals juniper smoke is especially common in southern Siberia. It is possible that earlier this had the same distribution in other regions of Russia and in the territory of the settlement of the Slavs, but now this tradition has fully remained only in Tuva and some other regions. Without fumigation with juniper smoke, not a single ritual, not a single rite, treatment of the patient, holiday or funeral ritual activity can do here. For a Tuvan shaman, a special lamp-smoker with juniper twigs is one of the most indispensable attributes.

The Slavs fumigated dwellings in case of illness, epidemics, misfortunes, suspicions of the evil eye, damage, love spells and other negative magical effects. Fumigation was also performed for preventive purposes and on special holidays, when it was believed that evil spirits could greatly harm people. For the same purposes - the removal of magic, evil spirits and diseases - animals were fumigated.

If you believe the dream books, then the dreaming juniper promises good luck in business, happy changes in life, love, recovery for the patient, and so on.

Juniper is so versatile in its uses that it has been used in almost every area of ​​magic. For example, juniper berries were strung on a string, and the resulting beads were constantly carried with them to attract good luck in love affairs, to increase attractiveness, and even for potency. A juniper branch, which is always with a person, can protect against accidents. A juniper broom for a bath can strengthen the spirit and drive away all ailments.

Pharmacological properties and methods of using juniper for medical purposes:

Juniper is used in traditional medicine and in modern (official) medicine. The scope of its application is quite diverse. Possessing good diuretic and biliary properties, the plant is used for rheumatism, gout, cystitis, kidney disease, liver disease. In addition, preparations from juniper help cleanse the blood, as well as cleanse the body of toxins.

The fruits of the plant, which are most often used in treatment, contain substances such as: essential oil, sugar, resin, organic acids, vitamins. Fruit infusion has a beneficial effect on many functions and areas of the body. It stimulates appetite, normalizes impaired digestion, and is a disinfectant for internal organs.

It also has a number of other properties: it increases the elasticity of blood vessels, lowers blood pressure, reduces pain during menstruation, it is used for obesity and cellulite, for inflammation of the skin (acne, eczema, scabies, dermatitis, fungal diseases), promotes rapid regeneration of the skin (with burns, abrasions, wounds). Used for hemorrhoids, varicose veins, cracked skin, inflammation of the gums, gout. It can be used as a relaxing agent, with overwork or as a sleeping pill. It is a good treatment for normal to oily skin as it cleanses pores and has drying properties. Can be used for baldness, dandruff and hair problems.

Interesting recipe: method of application for sanitation or purification, disinfection of indoor air. 10-20 grams of finely ground needles or juniper wood is poured into 100-200 ml of water and boiled for 10-15 minutes. At the same time, it is not necessary to cover the dishes with a lid, since during boiling the essential oil and other useful substances evaporate together with water, disinfect the air in the room and even aromatize it. In addition, the evaporating moisture, coupled with juniper, can act as an inhalation for people who are in close proximity.

In folk medicine, a decoction of cone-berries, as well as juice is used. The juice is diluted one to one with honey and taken 1 tablespoon 3 times a day. Also, a decoction is made from berries, which are poured with boiled cooled water and insisted for 10-15 hours, or boiled for 10-15 minutes in a sealed container, after which the decoction is decanted and drunk 3 times a day half an hour before meals.

If earlier juniper was used in the bath as a broom, now, when each apartment has its own bath, a new recipe has been invented for this. A handful of juniper berries are poured with three liters of water and boiled for half an hour. After that, it is poured into the water that the bathroom is filled with. 15-20 minutes in such a bath will bring relaxation, calm the nervous system and have a beneficial effect on the entire body.

There is also a recipe for a decoction of this miraculous plant, which helps with hair loss. If you have such a problem, then for this you need to take juniper branches and birch leaves in approximately equal proportions. Branches and leaves are boiled in 3 liters of water for 5 minutes. After boiling, the broth is allowed to brew for 1 hour. The finished decoction can be used to wash the head, but after that rinsing is necessary.

Essential oil is also made from juniper. Due to the fact that it contains many useful components (pinene, camphene, cadinene, terpineol, borneol, juniper camphor), this oil is used for cleansing the body, to remove toxins, salts, excess fluid from the body. In addition, essential oil is used to treat gout, rheumatism of the joints, osteochondrosis of the spine, bronchitis, pneumonia, SARS, influenza, adenovirus infection. Juniper oil removes harmful substances, lowers the temperature, improves immunity, fights infections, and reduces the risk of complications. This characteristic of this miraculous plant speaks for itself.

Method of application for kidney diseases, decreased appetite, flatulence: during the first day, chew and swallow 4 berries (spit out the seeds). Each subsequent day, add 1 berry. So continue for 15 days, then reduce the dose by 1 berry every day until the same 4 berries remain. After this, the treatment must be completed. This method of eating berries will also have a choleretic, diuretic and disinfectant effect on your body, will contribute to the normalization of the digestive tract, and cleansing of toxins.

Juniper is an excellent assistant in the treatment of respiratory diseases. It can be tuberculosis or some chronic diseases. For these purposes, essential oil inhalation is used. In this case, inhalation can be hot and cold. For hot inhalation, pour boiling water into a bowl and add a few drops of essential oil, after which the patient should inhale steam from boiling water for 3-10 minutes. With cold inhalation, essential oil, or rather its vapor, can be inhaled directly from the vial or other vessel in which it is located, for the same period of time.

Juniper essential oil has its own dosages, which are better not to increase. Below you can read the recommended dosages, which can also be regarded as recipes:

1. 1-2 drops per tablespoon of oil for internal use.

2. 4-5 drops per 10 ml of vegetable oil for therapeutic massage.

3. 5-6 bath drops.

4. 6 drops for applications

5. 6-7 drops for compresses

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Juniper in cooking

Juniper is also used for food preparation, in cooking, in the preparation of drinks, spices, seasonings and so on. Juniper can be used to smoke fish or meat. Gourmets around the world appreciated the taste sauerkraut, to which juniper fruits are added. In the old days, juniper alcohol was made from it (wine, vodka, cognac, beer). Below are some delicious and healthy recipes:

Tea. To make tea, you need to take 2 tablespoons of juniper fruits, pour them with 4 cups of boiling water. Such tea is not only tasty, but also helps with inflammation of the liver and is tonic.

Tincture. A tincture can be made by mixing the ingredients in a ratio of 15 grams of fruit to 100 ml of alcohol. Let it brew for 5-10 days. This tincture helps with rheumatism and acts as a pain reliever.

Kvass. Prepare ordinary kvass and add a decoction of juniper berries a few hours before it is ready. A decoction of juniper berries is prepared from a ratio of 10 fruits per 1 liter of water.

Beer. Pour 200 grams of juniper berries with 2 liters of water and cook for half an hour. After this, the broth must be filtered and allowed to cool. After the broth has cooled down, you need to add 50 grams of honey and 25 grams of yeast. All this must be thoroughly mixed and put for fermentation. After the yeast rises to the top, the whole consistency must be stirred again and bottled. Tightly corked bottles should be left for 3-5 days in a cool place, after which the beer will be ready to drink.

Livka. 10 grams of berries (fresh or dry) boil for 15 minutes in water (a small amount). After that, strain the broth, add 50 grams of honey, 1 liter of vodka and insist for 5-10 days.

Contraindications for use!

Juniper (berries, preparations, tinctures, decoctions, and so on) should not be used for inflammation of the kidneys, nephritis, nephrosis, stomach ulcers. Contraindicated in acute glomerulonephritis. Cannot be used during pregnancy. Dosage must be observed. In case of poisoning or overdose of juniper, it is necessary to do a gastric lavage and consult a doctor. Juniper preparations should not be used for a long time, as this will lead to irritation of the renal parenchyma.

When harvesting juniper, one should not confuse common juniper, which is fit for consumption, with juniper Cossack, since this type of juniper poisonous for a person. You can check which juniper is in front of you in this way: the fruits of an ordinary juniper have 3 seeds inside the berry-fruit, the Cossack (poisonous) has 2 seeds. Cossack differs from the ordinary one in that it is a creeping plant and grows mostly in width, which is why it is widely used for decorative purposes.

Juniper Cossack poisonous

Cossack juniper poisonous

Cossack poisonous juniper

The fruits of the Cossack juniper

Common juniper

Common juniper

Juniper Cossack (poisonous) video:

Video. Benefits of Juniper:

Juniper - that is, "growing between the firs" - has been known to people for many centuries. And at all times the people knew about it healing properties. The berries of this plant are especially useful, but the roots and needles are also used in medicine. And yet, before using parts of the plant in any form, it is worth getting to know the healing properties and contraindications of juniper, so as not to harm your health.

The chemical composition of juniper

The chemical composition of this coniferous shrub is quite complex. Berries contain different kinds sugars general composition which reaches 40%. Also, they found about 9 - 10% of resins, as well as tannin, pectins, about 2% of valuable essential oil, wax, malic, acetic and formic acids, mineral salts and dyes.

Juniper needles, in addition to essential oils, contain significant amount vitamin C. Therefore, in the northern regions, people chewed pine needles, drank a decoction of it to escape scurvy.

Juniper: medicinal properties

Juniper is increasingly found on garden plots, and for good reason. His medicinal qualities can be listed for a long time.

  • Berries are very useful in diseases of the kidneys. They are diuretic, anti-inflammatory, bactericidal action help to get rid of edema.
  • Common juniper fruits are used and how cholagogue and as a mild laxative.
  • Juniper is very good for anemia, loss of strength, loss of appetite.
  • Treat with it and sore joints.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the benefits of this plant for men and women.

For Women's Health

With the help of a decoction of berries, the fair sex is successfully treated for colpitis and thrush, and baths help relieve the symptoms of inflammation of the appendages.

Juniper is very useful during menopause, as it helps to normalize hormonal levels.

Alcohol infusion and a visit to the bath with a broom of thorny branches increase libido.

What is useful for men

For men, the same tincture of alcohol helps with impotence, similar action also has a decoction of berries. After using such a remedy, depression recedes, which is also important for sexual dysfunction.

Juniper wood is incredibly fragrant - the specific, pleasant woody smell of juniper is its hallmark.

Many people know him from souvenirs from the Crimea: coasters for mugs and hot dishes, combs, various memorabilia.

This plant has been known to mankind since time immemorial, and even in ancient times, the then healers widely used juniper for therapeutic purposes.

But what about today? The benefits of civilization and the achievements of modern pharmacy have not diminished the healing significance of juniper.

Until now, people actively use it in medicinal purposes, and how exactly we will tell further.

General information and interesting facts

Juniper - typical representative evergreen conifers, cypress family, the people also know him under the name Veres.

It grows in almost the entire northern hemisphere: in Europe, Asia, in Transbaikalia and Yakutia, in the Crimea and other regions with different climates.

Juniper is very hardy, on average it can live up to 500 or even 1000 years! You can talk about such a plant as juniper for hours - it is so unique and has a rich history.

Here are just a few of the facts that most nature lovers know about:

Juniper groves existed on our planet 50 million years ago.

As already mentioned, a tree can live and bear fruit for almost half a thousand years.

Juniper berries are tiny cones because the tree is a conifer.

Juniper has no equal among the representatives of the plant world in its ability to purify the air.

It has been proven that a juniper plantation with an area of ​​1 hectare per day is able to completely cleanse the atmosphere of a huge metropolis from most bacteria and dangerous compounds. Such an array releases 30 kg of phytoncides in 24 hours. Impressive, isn't it?

Juniper branches are an invariable component of bath accessories, they not only disinfect all bath utensils, but also have a powerful healing effect for those who come to the steam room.

IN Ancient Rus' the wood of this conifer was used to make dishes for long-term storage of finished products, in such a case even milk in the heat is not sour, so strong antibacterial effect has a juniper tree.

Over the years, juniper wood only gets stronger. Aged raw materials are used to make beautiful and expensive canes, as well as stationery pencils.

But the most interesting thing is that juniper is beneficial not only in reality, but also in a dream: a dreaming juniper tree promises very quick and very positive changes in life, as well as health and wealth.

In addition, juniper is an excellent addition to various culinary experiments. With it you can cook an unusual fruit drink, spicy meat, spicy vegetables and other interesting dishes.

Therefore, on occasion, be sure to plant this amazing, beautiful and incredibly useful tree or shrub on your site.

Juniper - medicinal properties

In terms of bactericidal properties, juniper has no equal, but this plant is not only famous for this.

Like all conifers, it is rich in bioactive oils, phytoncides, bitterness and other elements that can cure even the most complex diseases.

IN medicinal purposes use needles, roots and cones of juniper

1. With the help of juniper, you can disinfect any items, up to the bed linen of people suffering from contagious diseases.

2. Means prepared on juniper roots completely heal ulcers and other stomach ailments, excellently treat tuberculosis, even advanced.

3. water decoction juniper branches - an excellent cure for dermatitis (eczema, diathesis, allergic rashes relieves itching from insect bites).

4. Juniper cleanses the kidneys, relieves swelling, removes toxins - it has very high diuretic properties.

5. Promotes the outflow of bile, has a beneficial effect on the condition of the liver.

6. Has an analgesic effect, relieves toothache, headache, juniper oil helps with migraines.

7. Pillows stuffed with juniper shavings and placed at the head of the bed calm the nervous system, promote quick falling asleep and sound sleep.

8. Juniper good tonic during the season of colds and increased loads.

9. Juniper smoke is suitable for fumigating rooms, it kills germs and pathogenic bacteria.

10. Infusions disinfect the organs of the urinary system.

11. Alcohol tinctures of juniper- salvation for arthrosis, arthritis, joint pain, swelling, tumors, diseases of muscle tissues.

12. Used in gynecology, treats trichomonas colpitis.

13.Juniper - a natural antidepressant, normalizes high blood pressure, replaces pharmaceutical sedatives.

14. During viruses and colds, juniper is the first helper. In case of influenza, ARVI, juniper preparations are drunk, dripped on the nose, rubbed into the sternum and neck, and aromatize the premises.

15. Yes sinusitis treatment prescription based juniper oil: 2 drops of oil per 50 ml warm water mix and use the liquid for washing the sinuses.

16. Juniper remedies improve appetite, eliminate flatulence.

17. Juniper oil cauterizes herpetic eruptions.

18. Juniper improves metabolism.

19. Ephedra berries cleanse the blood- they need to be eaten dry, starting with 5 pieces, increasing daily by 1 piece, reaching 15 berries - reduce by one per day until returning to the original 5 cones.

20. Juniper improves the condition with nervous disorders, normalizes blood circulation.

For therapeutic effect use juniper baths or rubbing the whole body with a decoction of pine needles.

21. Juniper oil is diluted with water and instilled into the ears to treat otitis media.

22. Water-alcohol remedies treat a variety of dental problems- inflammation of the oral mucosa, periodontal disease, bleeding gums, bad smell from the mouth and others.

Not everything juniper is capable of can be covered by the volume of one publication. It's beautiful natural remedy from a hundred diseases.

It must always be at hand and, before going to the pharmacy, try to use its miraculous abilities for the benefit of health and longevity.

Juniper - contraindications

Can't say how powerful medicinal plant, as juniper is of exceptional benefit. If used carelessly, it can cause serious trouble.

It is better not to use juniper-based products during pregnancy.

People with acute illnesses kidneys and organs of the excretory system.

Children up to three years old.

For those who constantly suffer from excessive low pressure and not enough active work heart muscle.

In any case, despite huge list useful properties juniper, before you start using it to treat existing ailments, do not be lazy, consult your doctor. Be healthy.

Every day more and more people are trying to use the power of nature for their health and beauty.

Huge healing abilities has juniper.

Juniper is a genus of evergreen coniferous shrubs and trees of the Cypress family. Common juniper is also known as veres. Wikipedia

Let's understand what they are and how to use them correctly.

Latin name: Juniperus communis L.
Pharmacy name: Common juniper
Other names: brudevelnik, mozhevel, juniper, grouse berries, heather, grouse bush
Sem. cypress - Cupressaceae
Parts used: roots, juniper berries, infusion, oil.
Harvest time: Autumn (October - November),

What is juniper?

It is known that juniper appeared on Earth more than 50 million years ago.

This plant is a long-liver. Small evergreens that look like cypress can live from 600 to 3000 years. Height can be from 2 to 12 meters.

Juniper may look like a tree and have one main trunk, or it may resemble a sprawling bush in appearance.

Juniper bark is brown, in older plants with a grayish tint.

The leaves resemble coniferous needles, and the fruits are round or oval blue-black cones with a sweet taste and rich aroma.

Juniper prefers a temperate climate, but it can be found anywhere in the world.

People have been using its power for a long time. in Greece and Ancient Rome juniper was considered the best protective agent from snake venom.

A little later, his diuretic abilities were discovered.

In Russian villages, dishes were made from the bark of a tree. It not only differed in durability, but also helped to keep products fresh longer. Even in the heat, the milk in juniper jugs did not turn sour.

Afraid of the scent devilry. The branches of the plant are still consecrated in the temple and stored in a treasured place to this day. And it also saves animals from diseases.

Although skeptics say that there is no miracle.

And the fact that diseases stop in the house and the barn, insect pests disappear, etc. can only be explained huge amount volatile, which contains juniper needles.

The composition and main active ingredients of juniper

The healing effect of juniper on the body is explained by its rich composition.

Essential oils and resins (most of all found in berries), sugar, organic acids, wax, vitamins, iron, copper and many other components complement each other's action, give the plant:

  • antibacterial;
  • disinfectants;
  • expectorant;
  • healing;
  • painkillers;
  • choleretic;
  • soothing;
  • invigorating;
  • strengthening and many other abilities.

Healing properties of juniper

Preparations prepared on the basis of juniper are used for violations of the bladder.

They perfectly help to cope with edema, contribute to the dissolution and gentle removal of stones.

But it should be understood that they irritate the kidneys, so they are forbidden to be taken if there are problems in their work.

Juniper has a positive effect on digestive tract. It stimulates the appetite, stimulates the intestines, normalizes the separation of bile.

The plant is indispensable for the fight against influenza, acute respiratory infections, diseases of the upper respiratory tract. The patient's chest is rubbed with oil, used for aroma lamps, decoctions are taken orally.

The same procedures can also be carried out in diseases of the nervous system.

Astringent, slightly smoky aroma helps relieve stress, distract from problems, and normalize blood and intracranial pressure.

Juniper occupies a leading position in terms of disinfectant and antibacterial properties.

Even if there is a seriously ill person in the house, treatment with plant-based products (maybe fumigating the room, washing the floors with water with the addition of decoction, etc.) will help protect other family members from infection, and significantly speed up recovery.

Dental and Ear ache are also effectively eliminated with juniper. Moreover, this is not a temporary pain relief, although this is also very important, but a real treatment.

Medicinal properties different parts plants are different.

Most useful in fruits and young shoots, but other parts of the plant are also used in traditional medicine and cosmetology.

So it is juniper root that is more effective in the treatment of tuberculosis, stomach ulcers and duodenum. But the branches help to quickly overcome allergies.

Essential oil can be bought at a pharmacy, but decoctions, infusions and tinctures are not at all difficult to prepare on your own.

By the way, ripe berries can be chewed just like that (unless, of course, you are sure of their environmental cleanliness and security). It is believed that this the best remedy against every disease, and especially against seasonal infections.

For men, the abilities of juniper are especially valuable as natural aphrodisiac. With sexual impotence, the decoction is taken orally.

You can also use it in the bath. A couple of drops of oil at times increase the healing effect obtained in the steam room.

Juniper is indispensable for women. His abilities are used not only for health, but also for beauty.

Medicinal recipes with juniper

The following medicines are prepared from the fruits and roots of juniper:

  • Juniper decoction

For taking the medicine inside and for cooking, a decoction is most often prepared.

For this 2/3 table. spoons of the collection are poured with a glass of water, brought to a boil over low heat, boiled for 3-5 minutes, allowed to stand for half an hour.

After filtering and taking 1-2 tables. spoons or as directed by your doctor.

  • Juniper Root Tincture

For cooking alcohol tincture Pour the crushed roots into a jar by 2/3, pour ordinary vodka or moonshine to the top.

Remove for 2 weeks in a dark place, then strain.

You can take 30 drops orally with a glass of big amount water, can be used to rub the joints, to prepare compresses.

If you use juniper root tincture only externally, you can use medical alcohol, only by dissolving it with water beforehand to a strength of 40-45%.

You can prepare such a remedy not only from the roots. But if the above-ground part is used, the volume of raw materials must be doubled.

  • juniper tea

Although every day you can brew delicious and very healthy tea. 2 tsp berries pour half a liter of boiling water, leave for about 10 minutes.

The tea has a pleasant aroma, slightly tart aftertaste. You can improve the taste by adding a spoonful of honey.

  • juniper kvass

It turns out very tasty kvass. It is prepared from a decoction of juniper.

It must be poured into a jar, pour a handful of raisins and 2 tablespoons of sugar (per three liters), for the first time you can add yeast.

Tie the neck with gauze and put in the sun until fermented.

Kvass perfectly quenches thirst, and also normalizes the digestive tract and has a positive effect on the figure.

  • homemade gin

It will take 330 ml of real alcohol with a strength of 96%. Pour 100 g of water into it, mix and pour the resulting 25 g of juniper berries.

Clean in a dark place for 3 days, then add 3 tsp. coriander and 2 tsp. cumin (you can still have a couple of clove buds or a sprig of cinnamon) and leave it like that for 5 days.

It remains only to strain and the gin is ready.

Ways to use juniper

You already know how to prepare medicines based on juniper, and now we will draw up a memo on their use.

ProblemMode of application
Flu, colds, acute respiratory infectionsRub the oil on the chest and neck.
Runny noseDilute the oil 1:10 with water, instill 1-3 drops. You can rub your sinuses.
SinusitisAdd 2 drops of oil to 50 ml of warm water, rinse your nose 2 times a day.
HerpesMoisten a cotton pad in oil, apply for a quarter of an hour to the affected area. Do it every 4-6 hours.
Painful jointsSteam the sore spot, and then rub it with essential oil and wrap it well. Do it twice a day for one and a half to two weeks.
Problems with the nervous systemTake a bath with the addition of essential oil, light an aroma lamp.
To increase appetite, with vomiting, nausea and flatulenceChew 5 berries three times a day, drink a quarter cup three times a day.
Dry cough, bronchitisRub the chest with oil, take 30 drops of tincture three times a day, drink ¼ cup of the decoction three times a day. You can make an inhalation with a hot decoction or drop a couple of drops of oil into the water. In not too advanced cases, sputum begins to depart after the first procedure.
For skin diseasesWipe the affected area with a decoction, make compresses, take baths, in parallel drink tincture 30 drops three times a day or drink a quarter cup also three times a day.
Ear painInstill tincture in 2-3 drops, after diluting it in half with water. Rubbed several times a day behind the ear.
DiureticSqueeze the juice from the berries, mix with honey in proportions of 1:2, take at the table. spoon twice a day.
stomach ulcerPour 100 g of berries with 400 ml of water, boil until syrupy, take a teaspoon three times a day.
Blood PurificationYou have to eat berries. The first day is 1 piece, the second - 2 pieces, and so on up to 18 per day. And then in descending order: 17.16, etc.

Juniper in cosmetology

Use the ability of juniper and in cosmetology.

Rubbing the skin with tincture can solve many skin problems. This product perfectly cleanses and refreshes.

You can also do excellent tool to strengthen hair.

For this table. Pour a spoonful of raw materials with 300 ml of boiling water, insist until cool. Then massage into the scalp, distribute through the hair. Put a bag over your head and wrap a warm towel on top. It is enough to do this simple procedure once a week and the result will not keep you waiting. Hair loss will stop, dandruff will disappear, density and healthy shine will appear.

Also, a wonderful essential oil is obtained from juniper fruits, which is widely used in cosmetology.

Juniper in cooking

Juniper is used not only in traditional medicine.

Berries are often used in cooking during the preparation of marinades, sauces, and also as a seasoning for meat, fish, etc.

Juniper powder goes well with cumin and rosemary, as well as parsley, cloves, garlic and onions.

Incredibly tasty sausage is obtained with the addition of this seasoning. Many cannot even understand what the secret of taste is, but in fact everything is very simple.

Try it too. You don't have to cook something amazing.

Add a little seasoning when sauerkraut or pickling cucumbers with tomatoes. Unusual taste and pleasant smell of pine needles will give a special originality to the usual snacks, and simple recipes will give excellent results.

What is useful juniper - video

How to harvest juniper?

For self-preparation of medicines from juniper, you can buy ready collection in a pharmacy or prepare raw materials yourself.

Fruits should be harvested only when ripe in late September - early October. But shoots, on the contrary, in early spring. The younger they are, the more benefit they will bring.

Part can be used for the preparation of medicines immediately, and the raw materials that will be stored must be dried.

To do this, you need to spread the collected thin layer in a well ventilated area. Then put into paper bags.

Properly harvested juniper can be stored for up to 3 years.

You can buy real fruits of common juniper here b

Contraindications for use

Preparations prepared on the basis of juniper are forbidden to be taken by pregnant women, because. it can cause miscarriage, but use in small amounts for aroma lamps or healing baths even recommended.

This has a positive effect on general condition future mother, strengthens the immune system, supports the nervous system.

Chronic diseases of the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract can be exacerbated by taking drugs from juniper inside.

And remember!

For medicinal purposes, you can use only common juniper. Other varieties bring irreparable harm to health.

Now you know the benefits of juniper and how to use it for your health and beauty. Just remember about contraindications, do not take risks.



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