Features of the treatment of cholecystitis with drugs. Treatment of chronic cholecystitis with folk methods

Pancreatitis is a disease of the pancreas in which enzymes do not enter the small intestine, and remaining in the gland begin to destroy it. Constipation in pancreatitis is one of the consequences of indigestion.

Literally, "pancreatitis" is translated as inflammation of the gland. This process can be acute, chronic or recurrent. According to the nature of the damage to the gland, two forms are distinguished: edematous and destructive. In the edematous form, single elements of the gland are affected, with destruction, necrosis of the pancreas occurs.

Constipation in pancreatitis

The clinic of an acute process and a chronic one is different. After suffering an acute, relapses or chronicity of the process are possible. Acute pancreatitis is characterized by pain in epigastric region, which gives to left side torso, vomiting, there are stool disorders: constipation or diarrhea.

Diagnosis of pancreatitis

Pain in any form of pancreatitis is always associated with the use fatty foods, alcohol, accompanied by nausea. With chronic disease, anemia, indigestion, accompanied by alternating stool retention and diarrhea, cholestasis, and weight loss may occur.

One of the functions of the pancreas is secretion. It produces enzymes and hormones, therefore, to diagnose its diseases, they examine biochemical composition blood, urine, and feces.

Diagnosis of pancreatitis

In the biochemical analysis of blood, an increase in alpha-amylase, lipase, glucose, a decrease in the content of albumins is observed. Also noted increased activity C-reactive protein.

A reliable method of examination is ultrasound. This research method allows you to assess the condition of the pancreas, size, ducts. Ultrasound signs of the inflammatory process: expansion of the duct, heterogeneity of the pancreas and a decrease in tissue echogenicity. At chronic form there will be an increase in the size of the organ, foci of hypoechogenicity, pseudocysts.

Computed tomography provides more information about the degree of damage to the gland, size, the presence of fluid in abdominal cavity. The disadvantage of the method is its high price.

The disease should be differentiated from cholecystitis. They have very similar symptoms, connection with eating. Constipation in pancreatitis and cholecystitis are persistent, may alternate with diarrhea. With cholecystitis, pain is most often localized on the right, it can radiate to the chest.

Disorder of the stool with pancreatitis, what to do?

Constipation in pancreatitis is associated with biliary dyskinesia of the hypomotor type, decreased motility of the colon. Next comes diarrhea. In more late stages For clinical picture their alternation will be characteristic. Most often, a violation of the stool by the type of relaxation is characteristic of inflammation of the pancreas caused by long-term use a large number alcohol.

Alcohol provokes the development of pancreatitis

What to do? Violation of the stool is not a pathognomonic sign of pancreatitis, if other symptoms are detected and detected, you should consult a doctor. Since the cause of this nosology is most often malnutrition and alcohol intake, the treatment includes a diet.

The diet for pancreatitis is based on the use of foods that reduce the load on the pancreas, improve the patient's condition and normalize bowel function. The diet excludes foods that, when broken down, release acid and active enzymes. Constipation in pancreatitis and cholecystitis prevents foods such as boiled lean varieties meat (chicken, rabbit), fish, vegetable soups and broths.

You can eat cereals that are boiled in water, steamed vegetables, a small amount of sour-milk products, baked apples. You can drink compotes and tea.

Sparing nutrition implies the exclusion of alcohol, fatty meats, smoked meats, pickles, meat broths, any fried foods, spicy seasonings. You should also stop drinking coffee, sweet carbonated drinks. It is necessary to exclude sour fruits and berries.

In case of acute inflammation of the pancreas, hunger is prescribed in the first 2 days. Mineral waters are prescribed, for example, Borjomi. It is necessary to drink 5-6 glasses. This stimulates the production of pancreatic juice into the intestinal lumen, thereby relieving pain and promoting the elimination of toxins.

All food should be boiled or steamed, always fresh. Recommended fractional nutrition: 5-6 meals. For efficiency diet food it must be observed for at least six months.

Compliance with the diet is essential in the treatment of pancreatitis
  1. First course: soup of cereals and vegetables with not big amount chicken or fish.
  2. Second: boiled chicken, rabbit, fish or a couple of boiled chicken eggs.
  3. Eat cereals, pasta from cereals coarse grinding, bread with bran.
  4. Sweet fruits only in baked form.
  5. Dessert: jam, honey. At acute course or exacerbation, the use of any sweet pastries is prohibited; in the remission stage, a small amount of yeast pastries is possible. In the absence of insulin disorders, a small amount of easily digestible carbohydrates can be taken.
  6. Drinks: weak tea, compotes.
  7. Be careful with the use of milk and dairy products. Some patients may experience milk intolerance.

Sample menu:

  • Breakfast: oatmeal with milk or water, boiled meat, weak tea;
  • Snack: baked apple, compote;
  • Lunch: soup with vegetables, chicken meatballs steamed, compote;
  • Snack: cottage cheese, weak tea;
  • Dinner: fish, tea.

Recommended for a diet to cook food for a couple

Products can be varied, the main thing is not to violate general rules, because any error in the diet adversely affects the pancreas.

Medical treatment

Enemas and laxatives are used to treat stool retention. symptomatic therapy. To cure constipation, treatment should include drugs for the treatment of the underlying disease.

Enema is used for long delay stools accompanied by intoxication. This procedure can be carried out no more than once every 48 hours. Therefore, it is preferable to prescribe laxatives. To get rid of constipation in pancreatitis, drugs containing lactulose are not used.

Guttalax is preferred. The active substance is sodium picosulfate. In the intestine, it is broken down by the action of microflora. The components of the drug enhance intestinal motility, retain water in the lumen. The substance stimulates the mucous membrane, softens the feces, stimulates defecation.

After taking the drug, the drops unchanged enter the colon. The effect is achieved after 6-12 hours. Practically not absorbed into the bloodstream. Indications for use: atonic constipation. Contraindications peritonitis, diseases of the urinary system, dehydration, intestinal obstruction, internal bleeding. It should be taken at bedtime, usually starting with 8-10 drops. Before taking, dilute them in warm water.

Treatment of pancreatitis

Macrogol - a drug that is available in powder form, is used as a laxative. It is used if constipation in pancreatitis does not require long-term therapy, and for fast withdrawal symptom. Active substance this tool promotes fluid retention, softening of the stool, stimulation of peristalsis. Macrogol, unlike other osmotic laxatives, does not disturb the water and electrolyte balance. When canceled, the drug does not cause side effects. Can be used in patients with diabetes. The drug is used before various diagnostic procedures and before surgery on the intestines. The drug is used in the morning during breakfast. The dosage is calculated depending on the weight of the patient patient. The drug is contraindicated in people suffering from nonspecific ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, kidney disease. Nausea and vomiting may occur as side effects, which subsequently disappear. Macrogol is active substance in such preparations: Osmogol, Forlax, Fortrans.

The onset of cholecystitis is preceded by anxiety symptoms to which few pay attention. It's about about painful bowel movements, bloating and a feeling of heaviness in the stomach. More often than not, we tend to attribute everything to used products, overeating and nervous rhythm of life. However, regular pain and discomfort in the abdomen, as well as persistent problems with gastric emptying should not be considered normal.

The following processes contribute to the appearance of constipation:

  • Bile production dysfunction, which reduces the body's ability to digest food.
  • Due to insufficient intake of bile, an increase in pathogenic flora is observed.
  • Decreases normal level acidity of the stomach, which also leads to the ingestion of undigested pieces of food into the intestines.
  • The development of intoxication of the body due to insufficient elimination of toxins.

More than 80% of patients with various forms cholecystitis is observed constant constipation and difficulty with bowel movements. Such conditions are characterized by well-defined symptoms and discomfort. In addition, trauma to the anus can occur with hard feces, which leads to inflammation and bleeding. anus, the appearance of hemorrhoids.

Frequent constipation in cholecystitis

It should be noted that chronic course cholecystitis can last for several months or even years, so the symptoms of the disease may not be so pronounced. Often in such cases, it is violations of stool discharge that can "suggest" about the presence of problems in the gallbladder. Also similar signs can provoke violations of the outflow of bile when the ducts are blocked with stones, the formation of cysts or tumors in the organ, and other problems.

Treatment of constipation in cholecystitis

The symptoms of cholecystitis are characteristics, so the diagnosis usually consists of ultrasound examination gallbladder and ducts. You may also need laboratory analysis bile to detect possible change composition. The chosen treatment tactics should be aimed at eliminating the inflammatory process in the organ, as well as restoring the normal production of the enzyme.

The therapy includes several stages:

  • Medical treatment with specially selected drugs.
  • Changing the diet and diet, maintaining a sparing diet.
  • Lifestyle changes after pain relief.
  • The need for surgical intervention in case of ineffectiveness of conservative therapy.

The decision on surgical intervention is made by a specialist after a thorough examination of the patient and comparison of the dynamics of treatment. Usually, the removal of the gallbladder is carried out only if it is impossible to correct the problem with medication, as well as irreversible processes in the organ.

Medical restoration of stool in cholecystitis

After examining the gastrointestinal tract and making a diagnosis of cholecystitis, the specialist will prescribe the optimal treatment. You can not use self-prescribed drugs for these purposes, or completely abandon drug treatment by replacing medications folk recipes. Constipation with cholecystitis cannot be considered as a separate ailment, rather it is a consequence of disturbances in work digestive system and not a separate problem.

What drugs are used in such cases:

  1. Antibiotics will help relieve inflammatory process in the organ.
  2. Cholesteric (choleretic) agents help increase the concentration of the enzyme.
  3. Drugs of the nicotinic group have complex impact to the site of inflammation.
  4. Hepatoprotectors are used to protect negative impact on liver tissue.
  5. Antispasmodics help relieve pain syndrome with spasm of smooth muscles.
  6. Laxatives are used infrequently, only during the period severe exacerbation diseases, when excessive muscle tension can aggravate the situation.

Often, to relieve the inflammatory process, the use of sulfonamides is more effective. These antibacterial agents affect the activity of gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms and protozoa. Most often they are used in cases where the inflammatory process has spread to the walls of the large intestine. In general, the application similar drugs most effective in complex therapy prescribed taking into account the degree of spread of the disease and individual characteristics patient.

The basics of proper nutrition

The unconditional rule of a successful recovery will be a strict diet and revision familiar image life. Often the cause of cholecystitis is precisely sedentary image life, constant overeating and the use of a large number of products harmful to the stomach. Eliminate these negative factors everyone can do it, so you should know what can affect the successful treatment of cholecystitis.

How to eat right with cholecystitis:

  • The diet must be divided into four to five fractional portions, without increasing the volume. Pledge good digestion- eat in small portions, but often.
  • Avoid overeating, because in this case, the digestive system will be more difficult to cope with the increased volume of food.
  • It is imperative that sufficient drinking regimen to prevent hardening of the feces.
  • During periods of exacerbation of the disease, strict diet the patient must be at least two weeks old, after which some relaxation of the regimen is possible.
  • You should definitely stop drinking alcohol and smoking, because these bad habits will only provoke a deterioration in the condition.
  • In the first days after the onset of the disease or during exacerbation of chronic cholecystitis, it is worth observing bed rest. Further physical exercise administered gradually so as not to provoke a deterioration in the condition.
  • Do not ignore home choleretic agents. After consulting with your doctor, you can choose the best medicinal decoction that promotes the excretion of bile.

The diet of a patient with cholecystitis should be boiled or vegetable stew, weak broths, soups and cereals. It is preferable to use lean meats and fish, to give up strong tea and coffee. Fruit and berry decoctions and jelly help well, as well as jelly based natural products, homemade sweets and desserts. It is worth completely abandoning purchased cooking, rich pastries and fresh flour products. Over time, at successful treatment cholecystitis, the diet is gradually expanding due to fresh vegetables and fruits, flour "yesterday's" products and other dishes. When introducing new products, you should definitely evaluate the reaction of the body, if necessary, adjusting the diet.

Constipation after cholecystectomy

Progressive forms of cholecystitis often lead to the need to remove the gallbladder. Such surgical intervention is called cholecystectomy. After the operation, the patient may experience an unpleasant and often even inevitable symptom - stool retention. Constipation after cholecystectomy is permanent and can lead to additional problems. To prevent this from happening long time after the operation it is necessary to take special digestive enzymes compensating for the production of bile in the body.

Subsequently normal function of the digestive tract is restored, which is facilitated by a moderate diet, a change in diet and feasible physical activity. If the problem persists or even worsens, you should definitely consult a doctor to rule out other possible problems. Stool retention can be provoked not only by problems with the gallbladder, but also by malfunctions in the work of other organs of the gastrointestinal tract, the presence of cysts and tumors of the intestine, as well as a weak prostate function of this organ.

Constipation with cholecystitis occurs quite often, and indicates problems digestive function, blockage of the bile ducts with stones or other pathologies. To effectively get rid of this problem, there are special methods of diagnosis and treatment that give the maximum result.

A bowel disorder that is manifested by a delay in defecation or insufficient emptying of it is called constipation. Some scientists attribute constipation to certain diseases, in the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD-10), it is even assigned the code K59.0. Other doctors consider constipation a manifestation of another ailment (for example: constipation with cholecystitis and pancreatitis), i.e. symptom.

Normal defecation occurs 3-4 times a day or 1-2 times every three days. Both options are not a deviation from the norm. Difficulty emptying the intestines is when the volume of feces decreases, their dryness increases and discomfort appears during fecal eruption. In today's article, we will talk about the features of constipation in cholecystitis and pancreatitis and how to prevent it.

Why does constipation occur with cholecystitis?

Constipation is a constant companion of cholecystitis. More than 80% of patients indicate the appearance of this symptom on different stages diseases. Constipation can disturb a person in both acute cholecystitis and chronic.

With cholecystitis, bile necessary for the body for food processing, including fats, is not produced in the right amount. As a result, food enters the intestines, which is not fully digested. This leads to thickening and compaction of feces.

Symptoms of constipation in cholecystitis?

Constipation accompanying cholecystitis has distinctive features:

  • He is accompanied increased gas formation and bloating;
  • Feces have a dense texture with pieces of undigested food;
  • There is a taste of bitterness in the mouth;
  • There is nausea and sometimes vomiting;
  • There is pain in the abdomen, which is concentrated in the right hypochondrium;
  • Appetite worsens.

Most often, constipation occurs with chronic cholecystitis.. Adjusting the diet and taking a laxative for a while can get rid of the problem, but after a while it comes back again. In such cases, patients should consult a doctor who will help determine the cause of the concern and prescribe the necessary medications.

Features of constipation in pancreatitis

Inflammation of the pancreas or pancreatitis begins to develop when its duct is blocked for any reason (stone, tumor, cyst). Enzymes and digestive juice, which were supposed to enter the small intestine, accumulate and begin to destroy their own tissues of the pancreas and organs close to it.

Pancreatitis - dangerous disease, which without timely treatment can lead to the death of the patient.

Important! Sometimes against the background of pancreatitis develops diabetes which can also lead to constipation

Constipation is more common with acute pancreatitis, at chronic inflammation The patient has diarrhea. But in each individual case, the disease can develop according to an individual scenario. The symptoms that accompany constipation in pancreatitis are similar to those of this problem in cholecystitis. Therefore, it is not possible to distinguish diseases on the basis of signs alone.

But there are some features of feces that may indicate a disease:

  • The feces become oily and fetid,
  • Undigested food particles appear in the stool,
  • The color of the feces changes, most often it becomes discolored.

Attention! Sometimes a strict diet and some medications that are prescribed to a patient with pancreatitis can provoke constipation.

How to treat constipation with pancreatitis and cholecystitis?

Constipation in cholecystitis and pancreatitis significantly complicates life and causes discomfort to the patient. If the problem has become regular, then reflux enteritis, inflammation of the rectum, or cracks may develop. Therefore, constipation cannot be ignored. Doctors do not recommend getting rid of the problem on their own, without knowing its cause.

Treatment of constipation with cholecystitis and pancreatitis has general rules:

  • Power adjustment. By changing the diet, the load on the pancreas and gallbladder is reduced. The basis of the dishes includes lean fish and meat, boiled or steamed. Food should be taken often, but in small portions.
  • Drinking regime. The amount of water drunk per day should be doubled.
  • Selection of adequate laxatives.
  • With pancreatitis, drugs are prescribed that normalize blood sugar levels.
  • With cholecystitis, treatment begins with the intake of choleretic drugs.

With pancreatitis and cholecystitis during the period of exacerbation, the patient may need hospitalization and bed rest. This will keep the patient's condition under control, reduce the burden on the body. During the treatment period, it is forbidden to take alcoholic and sweet carbonated drinks, to smoke. It is not recommended to take medications on your own without the appointment of a specialist.

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Constipation in gallstone disease is a constant companion of people suffering from gallbladder pathology. Gallstone disease (GSD) develops against the background of the formation of stones in the cavity of the bladder, as well as in its ducts.

How is the appearance of constipation associated with cholelithiasis, what are the folk and medications to combat an unpleasant symptom - all this is described in the article below.

Systematic constipation due to pathologies of the gallbladder (GB) is a widespread phenomenon. Any inflammatory process of this organ is manifested by difficult discharge of feces. In turn, stool retention is caused by pathologies such as:

  • cholecystitis - acute and chronic;
  • gallstone pathology;
  • biliary dyskinesia;
  • consequences of cholecystectomy.

In all of the above diseases, the factors of their occurrence may vary, but defecation disorders are their unifying feature.

In the cavity of the gallbladder, formed from particles of salts and cholesterol, disrupt the entire digestive system, which is manifested by symptoms such as constipation, bloating, nausea, hepatic colic. When infected, it is possible that the body temperature rises.

In addition, stool retention may occur after cholecystectomy. Constipation after gallbladder removal is a fairly common problem.

Removal of an organ of the digestive system invariably leads to malfunctions in its work. To avoid unpleasant consequences only possible if you follow a special diet.

Causes of stool retention

For diseases of the stomach main reason difficult defecation - an insufficient amount bile in the intestines. Its regular accumulation occurs in the bubble, after which it becomes concentrated.

Due to its concentrated composition, bile is able to break down fats that enter the intestinal cavity along with food.

Bile helps improve contractile function the walls of the organ and contributes to the slow release of the secretion of the duodenum.

Gallstone disease can occur as a result of stagnation of bile, and can cause its difficult discharge due to blockage of the ducts by stones.

In cholelithiasis, stones often damage the walls internal organ which in turn leads to inflammation. Acute cholecystitis, which occurs against the background of this disease, prevents the normal production of bile secretions.

Its lack inhibits the digestion of food, makes it difficult for the passage of feces in the intestines, which causes frequent constipation.

The postoperative period of cholecystectomy in absolutely every patient is accompanied by stool retention.

The reason for this is:

  • the absence of the necessary enzymes that the remote organ produced;
  • reception medications that violate the intestinal microflora;
  • hypodynamia in the postoperative period.

All these factors disrupt the processing of food and provoke its stagnation in the digestive tract.


Defecation disorders in cholelithiasis are accompanied by various unpleasant symptoms, which include:

  • dry and hard stool with particles of undigested food;
  • strong gas formation;
  • cracks and wounds in anus during emptying;
  • stomach ache;
  • loss of appetite;
  • bitterness in the mouth;
  • increased fatigue;
  • bilious colic.

With chronic inflammation of the gallbladder, stool may be absent up to 4 days, its delay leads to bloating, which is accompanied by painful sensations and increased gas production.

Treatment Methods

Proper treatment of stool retention involves the use of various measures that are recommended to be performed in combination.

To such therapeutic actions relate:

  1. Fighting hypodynamia and bad habits, sports.
  2. Compliance with a strict dietary regimen prescribed by a gastroenterologist.
  3. Sufficient water intake, especially mineral water.
  4. Taking medications prescribed by a doctor.
  5. Physiotherapy courses, massages.
  6. Classes physical therapy aimed at improving bile outflow and intestinal motility.
  7. Treatment in the sanatorium-resort zone.

Elimination of constipation in cholelithiasis includes medication and non-drug therapy aimed at combating the underlying pathology.

It must be remembered that patients are strictly forbidden to self-medicate by taking laxatives. Medications without a doctor's prescription can lead to various side effects and make the situation worse.

Diet regimen

To normalize the stool, it is very important to follow a special diet, in this case, diet No. 5 is used. Its principle is as follows:

  • fractional diet (up to five times a day);
  • eating according to the schedule (at the same time);
  • regular meals, no hunger.

Fried and fatty foods, high-calorie foods should be excluded from the diet. It is not recommended to use hot spices, chocolate, smoked meats and alcoholic beverages.

To prevent difficult emptying, you need to eat dairy products and food. plant origin. Useful for digestion will be cereals cooked in milk, as well as vegetable soups.

Constipation is treated with a diet consisting of the following rules:

  • refusal to eat and drink on the first day after the operation;
  • the use of rosehip broth without sugar;
  • inclusion in the diet on the third day of tea, low-fat kefir and dried fruit compote;
  • on the fourth day, pureed vegetable soups and mashed potatoes, boiled fish are included;
  • heavy food is excluded and fractional nutrition is organized.

Approximate diet

In diseases of the gallbladder, leading to a delay in emptying, a special diet is recommended.

Here are some rules regarding the patient menu:

  1. Meat should be cooked in the form of meatballs, and fish and chicken should only be eaten boiled.
  2. To improve peristalsis, you need to add to your daily menu bran.
  3. Use raw vegetables and fruit is better to limit.
  4. It is recommended to drink tea and decoctions of wild rose, compotes, drink at least 2 liters of liquid per day.

It is allowed to use:

  • dairy products;
  • dry white bread;
  • cottage cheese;
  • greens and grated vegetables;
  • protein omelet.

Spicy spices, as well as vegetables - onions and garlic - are strictly prohibited.

With gallstone pathology in the acute stage, the diet is as follows:

  1. In the first three days, you should refuse to eat, you can only drink clean water.
  2. Then you can move on to carrots, pears, cucumbers and beet juice, and also include kefir and cheese in the diet.
  3. Twice a day should be taken orally a tablespoon of olive oil.
  4. Become banned meat dishes, yolks, spices and sugar, coffee and alcohol.

To prevent bile stasis, at night you can eat a low-fat product, for example, an apple or kefir.

In the morning, it will not be superfluous to drink a glass of kefir or mineral water, and before eating, eat a couple of spoons of carrot and cabbage salad - this improves the activity of the gallbladder and prevents stagnation of feces.

Folk remedies

Therapy folk remedies- a common method that perfectly copes with defecation disorders in cholelithiasis and other pathologies of the internal organ. The most famous folk recipes:

  1. Plantain is an effective tool for treatment of cholelithiasis and its symptoms. It is rich in soluble fiber, which binds cholesterol deposits in the bile, preventing the growth of new gallstones. To normalize the stool, you need to dissolve a tablespoon of plantain in a glass of water and drink 0.5 cup twice a day. Plantain has the ability to absorb water, so during treatment you need to drink plenty of fluids.
  1. Pears- their sufficient use alleviates the symptoms of gallstone disease, coping with pain and difficult fecal discharge. Pectin, which is rich in pears, softens stones and removes them from the body. When treating, mix 0.5 cups of juice and the same amount hot water. Add 2 tablespoons of honey to the diluted juice and drink it three times a day for 2 weeks. You can cook pear compote, for this they are cleaned of seeds and peel, cut into small pieces and boiled for 20 minutes.
  1. Castor oil – effectively fights stones and has a large amount healing properties. It also has an anti-inflammatory effect, relieves pain and has a beneficial effect on lymphatic system. Castor oil is taken orally at the rate of 1 kg of body weight - 1 gram of oil. Take 1 time per day for three days.
  1. Dandelion- its decoction has a mild laxative property, enhances bile secretion, eliminates spasms and removes excess cholesterol. To prepare a decoction, pour 6 grams of grass with a glass of water and boil for about 10 minutes. Then the broth is cooled, filtered and drunk 1 tablespoon three times a day before meals.

Medical therapy

Drug treatment of difficult fecal discharge consists in the appointment of laxatives by the doctor. It must be remembered that these drugs are short-acting, not eliminating the very cause of difficult stool discharge.

Laxatives include:

  1. "Bekunis" - herbal preparation, based on cassia holly. It improves intestinal peristalsis and promotes rapid emptying.
  2. "Bisacodyl" - the effect of this drug begins 6 hours after ingestion.
  3. Probiotics - stimulate growth beneficial bacteria in the intestine.
  4. "Microlax" - a means fast action, the effect of which is manifested after 10 minutes.
  5. Enema - used no more than 1 time per week.

It is forbidden to constantly take laxatives, because addiction can occur. This will lead to lethargy of the intestines and the impossibility of self-emptying. This condition is fraught with dehydration.

TO effective means treatments include courses of physiotherapy, for example, electrical stimulation of the intestines.

Most often, cholecystitis occurs in women over 40 years of age.


Inflammation of the gallbladder does not occur for no reason.

In most cases, cholecystitis develops against the background of cholelithiasis. Gallstones in the gallbladder lead to damage to its wall and / or to obstruction of the outflow of bile. In more than 60% of patients with cholecystitis, an infection is found in the bile, for example, coli, streptococci, salmonella, etc. In gallbladder pathogens can enter with the blood or lymph flow, and also make their way from the duodenum.

May also lead to inflammation leakage of pancreatic enzymes into the gallbladder. Often this situation is a companion of inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis).

The development of inflammation of the gallbladder contribute to:

  • its congenital deformity;
  • dyskinesia biliary tract;
  • gallbladder injury;
  • tumors in the abdominal cavity;
  • metabolic disorders (diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis);
  • violation of the diet (long breaks between meals, dry food);
  • constipation, sedentary image life
  • pregnancy;
  • allergic reactions;
  • age-related violation of the blood supply to the gallbladder.

What's happening?

In the gallbladder, as a result of damage to its wall and (or) a violation of the outflow of bile, an inflammatory process begins. Over time (after months and years), the walls of the bladder thicken, become less mobile, its mucous (inner) shell ulcerates and becomes scarred. This, in turn, contributes to a further deterioration in the outflow of bile and the formation of new stones. Chronic cholecystitis develops.

In chronic cholecystitis, a person periodically feels:

  1. dull pain in the right hypochondrium;
  2. bloating;
  3. nausea, vomiting;
  4. violation of the digestion of fatty foods (diarrhea after eating).

Exacerbation of chronic cholecystitis most often occurs 2-4 hours after eating fatty, smoked, fried foods. Also, an attack can be provoked by shaking (for example, riding a tram or cycling), hypothermia, stress and prolonged physical exertion.


If you have problems with the gallbladder, in no case do not postpone a visit to a gastroenterologist. To clarify the diagnosis, you will be assigned a general and biochemical analysis blood, ultrasound of the abdominal cavity. If the process is not in the escalation stage, it may be necessary x-ray examination biliary tract and gallbladder - cholecystocholangiography. In this case, the contrast is administered directly through the mouth or intravenously.

In some cases, endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography or ERCP is used). Wherein contrast agent injected directly into bile ducts using an endoscope.


In chronic cholecystitis, it is mandatory to appoint diet. Smoked meats, spicy and fried foods, canned food, sausages, spicy cheese, cocoa, chocolate, alcohol, carbonated drinks are excluded from the diet. Dairy, vegetarian and fruit soups are useful, from the second courses - boiled vegetables, cereals, puddings, boiled fish and meat. From drinks, tea, compote, jelly, juices, milk and dairy products, mineral water.


  • choleretic drugs (holosas, cholenzim, cholagol, liobil, etc.);
  • decoctions choleretic herbs (corn silk, immortelle flowers, etc.);
  • antispasmodics (in particular, no-shpa, baralgin) - for pain;
  • in some cases - antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs.

Often appointed duodenal sounding or probeless tubage. The purpose of tubage is to flush the biliary tract and stimulate the secretion of bile in order to empty the gallbladder. Carried out with the help gastric tube(duodenal zoning) or without it ("blind" tubage). The most common "blind" tubage, as it is easier to tolerate and performed at home.

Method of "blind tubage" In the morning on an empty stomach drink 1-2 glasses of warm water. mineral water(or decoction of choleretic herbs, or powder magnesium sulfate), then put a heating pad on the right side and lie down to rest for an hour and a half. When positive result the stool acquires a greenish tint, indicating an admixture of bile.

The number of procedures is prescribed by the doctor. It is recommended to carry out probeless tubage at least once a week, the duration of the course is at least 2-3 months. Tubage is contraindicated in exacerbations of cholecystitis, peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum.

If cholecystitis is caused cholelithiasis then carry out its treatment, including surgical methods.

Outside of exacerbation, patients with cholecystitis benefit from physiotherapy and recreation at the resorts of Essentuki, Borjomi, Zheleznovodsk, Truskavets, Morshyn, Dorohovo, etc.



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