How does the anti-pregnancy device work? Pros of the intrauterine device

(IUD) by a gynecologist into the uterine cavity. A special thread is attached to the end of the spiral, which runs through the uterine canal and then exits out into the vagina. It serves to make it convenient for the doctor to remove the spiral if the need arises.

Types of IUDs

There are two types of intrauterine devices that are most common:
-hormonal coils (containing a special hormone levonorgestrel), such coils are effective for 5 years, and also perform a therapeutic function;
- copper-coated spirals are very IUDs that can remain in the uterine cavity for up to 10 years.

How the IUD works

All types of spirals have the ability to mechanically prevent the implantation of a fertilized egg into the uterine wall, as well as damage sperm. Hormonal IUDs change the consistency of mucus in the cervical canal, making it more viscous. Thanks to this, penetration into the uterus is almost impossible. In addition, hormonal IUDs help reduce the amount of discharge and reduce its intensity.

Copper-coated coils cause damage to sperm by exposure to copper ions, as well as the release of prostaglandins, enzymes and leukocytes into the uterine cavity, which have the ability to block sperm activity.

Why is an IUD inserted?

To prevent unwanted pregnancy, the intrauterine device is the most effective means. It can also be used within 5 days of unprotected intercourse. The effectiveness is much higher than that of pills for emergency pregnancy prevention.

The spiral is removed the moment the woman is ready. It is also necessary to remove and replace with a new spiral, a certain number of years after its installation, this time ranges from 3 to 10 years, depending on the type of spiral and the recommendations of its manufacturer.

Contraception with an IUD is considered most suitable for most women, including nulliparous women and adolescents. The IUD can be installed immediately after, 10 minutes after the placenta has come out, as well as after a spontaneous or conscious abortion.

Contraindications for the installation of an IUD are: pregnancy, any anatomical changes in the uterine cavity, unexplained bleeding and pelvic infections. If these contraindications are present, complications may occur after IUD installation.

Contraceptives are varied. Every woman can choose the right one. Commonly used are hormonal drugs and agents for insertion into the uterus. The anti-pregnancy device is often used by women who already have children. Let's consider it, focusing on types, uses, advantages and contraindications.

The principle of operation of the intrauterine device

The product is highly effective and prevents conception in 98% of cases. In order to explain this fact, it is necessary to understand how the intrauterine device works. The mechanism is based on the multidirectionality of the effect:

  1. Creates a mechanical obstacle in the path of a mature egg. Penetration of the female reproductive cell into the uterine cavity is difficult. As a result, it does not have time to penetrate and implant into the uterus due to its limited period of viability. After leaving the follicle, the egg must be fertilized within 48 hours. Then destructive processes occur and she dies.
  2. Reduced activity and viability of sperm due to the release of certain substances by the coil from pregnancy.
  3. Increased viscosity of cervical mucus due to disruption of circulation processes. As a result, a natural barrier is created in the path of male reproductive cells that do not reach the egg.

Installation of an intrauterine device

A woman who decides to use such a remedy will first have to undergo a lengthy examination procedure. It includes:

  • smears from the vaginal cavity and cervical canal;
  • blood tests for HIV and RV, hepatitis;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs;
  • general urine analysis;
  • exclusion of existing pregnancy;
  • studies for sexually transmitted infections.

When an intrauterine device is placed, the woman comes to the medical facility with the results of the examination. The installation of the IUD itself is carried out within the first 7 days from the start of the cycle. This eliminates the possibility of its release outward due to contractile movements of the myometrium, which is noted during menstruation. Before the intrauterine device is installed, the doctor treats the cervix with an anesthetic gel. The product is administered in a gynecological chair using mirrors and a dilator. The procedure lasts no more than 5-10 minutes. Women who have signed up for manipulation are tormented by the question of whether it is painful to insert the IUD during pregnancy. The use of anesthetic components reduces pain. It cannot be completely eliminated due to the procedure for enlarging the cervical canal. Therefore, a certain discomfort and mild pain is experienced, which goes away after 1-2 hours.

Removing the intrauterine device

Removal of the IUD is carried out at will, when a decision is made to plan a pregnancy. In addition, there are certain deadlines, depending on the type of material from which the contraceptive is made. On average, it can be used for 5 years. The time comes when the intrauterine device can be removed, and the woman goes to a medical facility.

The procedure is carried out during menstrual flow. This fact is due to the fact that at this time there is a physiological opening of the cervical canal, and this facilitates the extraction process. It is produced using threads that are attached to the IUD. The success of the manipulation is monitored using ultrasound.

Intrauterine device - types

The female IUD for pregnancy is selected individually, taking into account the anatomical features of the reproductive system. This fact determines the large number of varieties of IUDs. As they improved, the shape and material from which such contraceptives were made changed. There are 4 generations:

When considering the types of IUDs, it is necessary to separately talk about what a pregnancy coil looks like. Depending on the form there are:

  • similar to the letter "T";
  • in the form of a loop;
  • ring-shaped;
  • resembling a twisted spiral, an umbrella.

Golden intrauterine device

The low prevalence of this type of IUD is due to its high cost. But the intrauterine device with gold is the option of choice for women who decide to use this method of contraception. The advantage of this version of the spiral is the fact that it is absolutely not susceptible to corrosive changes. As a result, it can be used for 7 years. Allergic reactions are excluded.

Silver intrauterine device

Not having to frequently change contraceptives is very important for women. The intrauterine device with silver is one of these. It is worth noting that the core (inner part) is made of copper. Coating with silver ions not only extended the service life (5 years), but also reduced the incidence of inflammatory processes. It is impossible to completely exclude the lack of reaction to the IUD from pregnancy on the part of the female body.

Copper intrauterine device

This type of IUD is an old method of contraception. Simplicity of manufacture and low cost have led to the widespread use of the device. Structurally, it consists of a plastic body around which copper wire is wound. Due to the fact that it is susceptible to corrosion, such a contraceptive device requires replacement after 2-3 years of use. Metal ions actively affect sperm and reduce their motility. Fertilization of the egg does not occur.

Hormonal intrauterine device

A distinctive design feature is the fact that a special plastic container contains levonorgestrel. The T-shaped spiral, like oral contraceptives, affects the ovulatory process at the hormonal level, in addition to creating a mechanical obstacle to the implantation of a fertilized egg into the endometrium.

The ring-shaped intrauterine device similarly contains hormones. They are released evenly, every day. Side effects such as nausea and weight gain, which is observed with long-term use of oral contraceptives, are excluded. This is due to the fact that hormones do not enter the general bloodstream of the female body.

Intrauterine device - which is better?

The question regarding how to choose a contraceptive device worries a woman most of all. Doctors do not give a definite answer to this. This is due to the fact that the selection should be carried out exclusively by a specialist. Based on the data obtained, after examination in a gynecological chair, the type is selected. Because of this, there is no such thing as the “best contraceptive IUD.” Doctors take into account many nuances when selecting them.

Intrauterine device - pros and cons

Like any contraceptive, the IUD has advantages and disadvantages. Considering this fact, no doctor can unequivocally answer the question: which is better, the IUD or birth control pills. Among the advantages of this method of protection are:

  • high efficiency 98%;
  • Duration of use - 3-10 years;
  • no need for continuous monitoring;
  • rapid restoration of reproductive function after extraction.

Among them are:

  • lengthening, increasing the volume of menstrual flow;
  • pain during menstruation;
  • prolapse of the IUD - expulsion;
  • increased risk of ectopic pregnancy;
  • allergic reaction;
  • reduction in endometrial thickness.

Intrauterine devices are considered one of the most effective means of modern contraception. Their reliability has been recorded in 98% of cases. Modern industry produces various types of these means of protection against unwanted pregnancy.

The intrauterine device comes in a variety of structures, levels of rigidity, and principle of operation. In each individual case, the doctor prescribes an individual type. Depending on the anatomical features of the patient and the studies performed.

There are discussions in medical circles regarding the safety, reliability, and justification of using this drug. The effectiveness of using this type of medication largely depends on both the woman’s health and the correctness of determining which IUD spiral the patient needs.

Contraindications for the use of the spiral

Like any other contraceptive, this one also has a number of contraindications. Namely:

  1. Any type of neoplasm;
  2. Inflammatory pathologies in the body;
  3. Deviation from the norm in the development of the uterus and its cervix.

And these are just the main, most common reasons why an IUD cannot be prescribed. In addition, it is prescribed only in situations where the girl has one permanent and reliable sexual partner. This feature is due to the fact that the IUD method of contraception for women increases the chances of any type of infection of the uterine cavity.

In addition, doctors note that there is a real risk when the contraceptive may spontaneously fall out. And not always, a woman can determine this on her own. In such situations, the chances of becoming pregnant unintentionally are very high.

But, at the same time, it should be noted that modern, improved models, for example, the Mirena type, have medicinal properties and are even prescribed specifically for therapeutic purposes for a number of gynecological ailments. Photos found on the Internet on request will help you visually familiarize yourself with it - pictures of an intrauterine device.

Positive properties of the IUD

As for the positive aspects of using this method of protection, among them:

  1. Reliability;
  2. Duration of effect (up to 5 years);
  3. Indicated for use even during breastfeeding;
  4. Fast recovery period of the body after extraction.

However, despite all the pros and cons, this means of protection against pregnancy can only be prescribed by an experienced gynecologist after an individual examination and a series of tests.

What types of IUDs are there?

This type of contraception is available in various types. They are: ring-shaped, spiral, T-shaped. The last type is the most common. To understand what each model looks like individually, it is best to look at the IUD intrauterine device photo.

They may contain hormones and metal alloys, which, along with the main function of protection, can perform a therapeutic function. Most modern models have a T-shaped appearance (see photo). They have an improved design. In addition, this type of contraception is characterized by ease of use.

It’s clear what an intrauterine device looks like. But which type is preferable? Hormonal types, as well as models containing copper, received impeccable recommendations from many doctors.

The first type of spiral is the most reliable. As for the copper types, their popularity is due to the ease of insertion and removal, as well as the ability to produce an anti-inflammatory effect.

  1. Video

Anti-pregnancy spiral: types and features

IUDs are a mechanical means of contraception and are metal or semi-metallic structures containing active substances that suppress sperm activity and change the endometrium of the uterus, preventing the attachment of a fertilized egg to it.

Types of IUDs are distinguished by the type of materials and their components from which they are made:

  1. The first generation IUD - "Lipsa Loop" - is a type of neutral contraceptives made of polyethylene, has a spiral structure, and comes in four sizes. At the moment, it is practically not used as an anti-pregnancy device, reviews of which indicate its low effectiveness.
  2. anti-pregnancy device photoMetal-containing intrauterine contraceptives - come in the form of the letter T, the letter U, or in the form of a ring, made of a metal base coated with copper, silver, gold or platinum ions. These substances have bactericidal and contraceptive effects. Such IUDs are the most in demand; their service life ranges from 1 to 5 years.
  3. Medicinal IUDs - containing steroid hormones - gestagen or levonogetrel. They have a T shape and are used for contraceptive and medicinal purposes. Duration of use – 1-3 years.

You can independently buy an anti-pregnancy device whose quality you liked, but this does not guarantee that this particular product will suit you in all respects.

When choosing spirals, the following factors are taken into account:

  • Age
  • Presence of children (number of births, their course, number of terminated pregnancies)
  • Hormonal status
  • Features of sexual life (regular, irregular, number of partners)
  • Presence/absence of pathologies and chronic diseases.

During the consultation, the gynecologist must inform the woman that pregnancy with the IUD is possible - the signs by which this can be determined are very specific and, if you pay close attention to yourself, they are not difficult to notice.

Who can and cannot use the IUD for pregnancy?

  1. anti-pregnancy coil photoCan only be used by women who have given birth.
  2. The optimal age is from 30 years.
  3. The presence of some hormonal problems is an indication.
  4. Regular sex life with one regular partner.
  5. Absence of inflammatory and erosive processes of the reproductive system.
  6. Reluctance to get pregnant for 1, 3, 5, 8 years.

The installation of an IUD lasts on average 3-5 years. It is not recommended to use the spiral for more than five years, but it is allowed. This is due to the possible ingrowth of the body of the spiral into the endometrium of the uterus.

The anti-pregnancy device, a photo of a sample of which is presented, has contraindications for installation.

IUDs are contraindicated for nulliparous women who have pathology of the genital organs, have inflammatory and erosive processes, and have irregular sex life with many partners.

After installing the IUD, the abundance of menstruation and its duration may increase, aching pain may be observed before or after menstruation, accompanied by scanty discharge. A man often feels the presence of antennae in the vagina, which sometimes causes discomfort.

How to install the IUD for pregnancy

The installation of the spiral is carried out by a gynecologist during an inpatient stay in a hospital. This process is carried out after the necessary examination and takes about 10-15 minutes.

Before deciding to insert an IUD, you must:

  • Conduct a study of a smear taken from the vagina for the presence of pathogenic microflora, blood and urine tests.
  • Undergo a gynecological examination in a chair using a gynecological speculum to examine the condition of the mucous membrane of the vagina and cervical pharynx in order to exclude possible diseases.
  • To exclude pregnancy with the IUD and the presence of erosive processes in the cervix and uterus, an ultrasound of the genital organs is required.
  • If any diseases or prerequisites for them are detected, undergo a course of treatment with antimicrobial, antihistamine, anti-inflammatory drugs prescribed by a doctor.

pregnancy IUD photo

After carrying out all the necessary preventive and diagnostic measures, the patient agrees on the day of the operation with the doctor.

As a rule, insertion of an IUD is most safe and painless on days 2-4 of the menstrual cycle, when the opening of the cervical canal is naturally slightly open and has a loose structure.

Pregnancy IUD - you can see a photo of it in advance to understand what it looks like, installed on a gynecological chair.

The external genitalia are first treated with a disinfectant solution, then the doctor uses a gynecological speculum to examine and widen the entrance to the vagina.

In order for the pregnancy coil (reviews of the IUD can be studied to obtain extensive information) to be noticeable during a routine examination, the device is equipped with elastic tendrils that extend from the cervix into the vagina. If necessary, a woman can independently check the presence of a contraceptive by feeling the antennae with her fingers.

Is pregnancy possible with an IUD?

IUDs have a high level of effectiveness - 96-98%, their effect is equivalent to hormonal contraceptive pills. Out of a hundred women using the IUD, six have a chance of becoming pregnant.

There is still no explanation for the fact of fertilization in the presence of a spiral in the uterine cavity and there is no consensus on the advisability of terminating pregnancy in this case.

pregnancy spiral photo

Despite the high level of contraception, pregnancy with the IUD is possible; the signs by which it can be determined are:

  • Nagging pain in the lower abdomen.
  • Long-term absence of menstruation (when using non-hormonal IUDs).
  • Toxicosis, weakness, drowsiness.
  • Increased rectal temperature – above 37° C.

With the help of ultrasound, fears can be confirmed or refuted. If the pregnancy is acceptable, the IUD is immediately removed by the doctor.

Intrauterine device with copper.

In general, the anti-pregnancy device has mostly positive reviews and most women have preferred only this contraceptive for many years.

Intrauterine devices - a reliable method of contraception for women

The use of an intrauterine device is the most popular type of contraceptive among women. Indeed, this is an extremely convenient method when planning a pregnancy.

Reliability of protection is 88-99%, depending on the type of spiral. The gynecologist selects individually for each patient the type of contraceptive that is suitable for her, basing his choice on the results of the examination.

Pros and cons of the intrauterine device

There are positive and negative aspects to the use of an intrauterine device for women and, of course, the patient should be aware of them.

The positive aspects of these contraceptives include:

  • their effectiveness and sufficient reliability;
  • do not require preparation for sexual intercourse and do not cause inconvenience during it;
  • almost complete absence of complications and side effects, in contrast to hormonal contraceptives taken in other forms;
  • liberation from the complexes that a woman experiences in fear of becoming pregnant;
  • when using a spiral, a woman’s body is not deprived of active substances that it receives along with sperm;
  • long-term use of the intrauterine device - it is set for a period of three to ten years;
  • the possibility of using the method during breastfeeding, while the use of hormonal agents is extremely undesirable, in order to avoid harm to the child’s health;
  • the intrauterine contraceptive does not affect future pregnancies in any way, and if she wants to conceive a child, the gynecologist removes the device from the woman;
  • the intrauterine device is the most cost-effective method of contraception;
  • When the IUD is installed, it is not prohibited to take other medications.

No matter how convenient such a contraceptive is, there may also be cases that are unpleasant for a woman’s health. The negative qualities of the spiral include:

  • possibility of ectopic pregnancy;
  • there is a possibility that the IUD will fall out unnoticed by the woman - this can happen due to its incorrectly chosen type or size;
  • the possibility of contracting infectious diseases through accidental unprotected sexual intercourse cannot be ruled out, since the IUD leaves the uterine cavity slightly open;
  • Possible heavy, painful menstruation;
  • There is no certainty that when installing the IUD the uterus will not be damaged or bleeding will occur. It all depends on the qualifications of the doctor performing this procedure.

To minimize the likelihood of negative consequences when using this method of contraception, certain conditions must be met:

  • the IUD must be administered in a clinical setting and by an experienced, qualified gynecologist;
  • it is necessary to avoid unprotected sexual contacts with casual partners;
  • Be sure to visit a specialist doctor at the end of the first menstruation after inserting the IUD. Next, follow the visit schedule - once every six months.

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The principle of operation of the intrauterine device

The action of the spirals is aimed at preventing the fertilization of the egg. Acting as a kind of foreign body, the contraceptive accelerates several times the passage of a fertilized egg through the fallopian tubes into the uterus, without achieving its full maturation. In addition, the spiral does not allow the embryo, even in the case of fertilization, to be implanted into the uterine mucosa.

The inclusion of certain materials or hormonal drugs in the IUD, in addition, significantly weakens the activity of sperm and creates a mucous plug in the cervix, preventing their penetration inside.

The spiral can stimulate the occurrence of artificial aseptic inflammation of the endometrium, which is not dangerous to the woman’s health, but disrupts the process of ovulation and fertilization.

To understand what kind of spirals there are for women, you need to consider the types and their differences.

Currently, there are about fifty different types of this contraceptive, which have different shapes, are made of different materials, each operate according to its own principle, and differ in size.

The most common coils in use today are S-shaped, ring-shaped, or T-shaped. They can be made of polyethylene or nylon with the addition of copper, silver or gold plate or wire.

Intrauterine devices can also be divided according to the following criteria:

  • The first generation spirals are non-medicinal, polymer, and do not contain any inclusions. Their reliability is 97%;
  • Second-generation contraceptives are considered to be coils that contain copper. They are divided into two categories - for women who already have children and for those who have not yet given birth. Their reliability is estimated at 99.7%. Under the toxic influence of copper ions, sperm die without fertilizing the egg; There are combined models of copper-containing intrauterine devices with silver and gold - these additives increase the reliability, but can increase menstrual bleeding.
  • Hormone-containing IUDs have become third-generation contraceptives. This combination of intrauterine and hormonal contraception has today the highest reliability index of 99.9%. Its advantage is the therapeutic effect of menstrual pain, endometrial hyperplasia, initial development of adenoma, etc.; Of all the third-generation products, the Mirena hormonal intrauterine device is singled out as the most effective and convenient. It is T-shaped, with a reservoir installed around the central rod, which is covered with a polydimethylsiloxane membrane, which regulates the frequency of hormone release into the uterus.
  • The gold intrauterine device can be highlighted in a separate line. This natural contraceptive is perfectly compatible with human tissue, it is not rejected by the body, and has not only a contraceptive effect, but also an anti-inflammatory effect. Its only drawback is its high price.

By medical standards, the intrauterine device has its own indications and contraindications, since they, especially representatives of the third generation, are perceived differently by the body.

Indications for use

For some groups of women, the introduction of an IUD is simply necessary for a number of serious reasons:

  • the presence of contraindications to other contraceptive medications;
  • contraindications to pregnancy for a number of women’s diseases;
  • contraindications to pregnancy due to genetic diseases of the spouse.


  • uterine hypoplasia;

How to place an IUD for pregnancy

After childbirth or abortion, the female pregnancy device is inserted into the uterine cavity three months later. The procedure should only be performed by a gynecologist. The principle of operation of the anti-pregnancy device is quite simple: it prevents the fertilized egg from settling in the uterus.

The procedure itself does not cause any discomfort to the woman; the duration is approximately ten minutes. Sometimes local anesthesia is required to perform the manipulation.

After a month, the patient should come to the doctor, who will do an examination and make sure that the spiral is installed correctly. After this, you can be sexually active without worrying about an unplanned pregnancy. For preventive examinations, it is enough to visit a doctor approximately once every six months.

The spiral can be inserted at any period, but the best period for establishing this contraceptive is the fourth to eighth day of menstruation. It is better to do this at this time because pregnancy these days is theoretically impossible, and the uterine mucosa is not so vulnerable, while the cervical canal is slightly open, so the spiral is inserted almost painlessly.

The woman does not experience discomfort during sexual intercourse. Very rarely do men feel the ends of the threads. If this causes inconvenience, the patient can come to the doctor. A specialist will shorten the threads quickly and painlessly.

The effectiveness of this method is very high and is almost 100 percent. The service life of the spiral is from two to five years. Many people think that after its removal there will no longer be the ability to conceive. Yes, this happens, but very rarely. This mainly occurs due to an incorrectly performed procedure for introducing the spiral. Here is another reason why it is necessary to approach the issue of choosing a gynecologist especially carefully.


Externally, spirals of different types are similar to each other. Their shape is the letter T. As mentioned above, a thin copper or silver (less often) wire is wound on the base. The plastic base is made with the addition of barium sulfate, so that it is possible to obtain data on the location of the intrauterine device using an x-ray.

There are two types of anti-pregnancy devices: those containing metals and those containing hormones. In the first case, the leg of the spiral is braided with copper. In the second, a spiral with synthetic hormones affects the level of viscosity of the uterine mucus and changes the adhesive properties of the mucous membrane. This prevents the fertilized egg from attaching to the walls of the uterus.

What else you should know

The anti-pregnancy device is recommended for women who have a regular sexual partner: this contraceptive does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases. Before placing it, the specialist must make sure that there are no contraindications. The patient must pass all the necessary tests and undergo an ultrasound of the uterus. The procedure should only take place in specialized institutions.

It is important to understand that the IUD may increase the length of the menstrual cycle. If this causes discomfort to a woman, the doctor prescribes special hemostatic drugs that eliminate various unpleasant sensations. If this does not help, it is better to carry out the procedure to remove the spiral.

A woman may experience pain in her lower abdomen and may also begin to bleed. This usually occurs in nulliparous women during the first time after the procedure. There are cases (1-2 percent) when this contraceptive falls out of the uterine cavity.

Contraindications and side effects

There are contraindications under which the procedure should never be performed:

  • pregnancy;
  • genital cancer, etc.

If you do not know how to choose an anti-pregnancy device, you should consult a doctor who, based on your tests and research, will select the most suitable option for you. He will also take into account the budget that you can allocate for the purchase of the product. So, he will tell you which anti-pregnancy device is best and suits you most.

It is worth mentioning the side effects that the IUD has for pregnancy:

  • bleeding;

Among contraceptive methods, the intrauterine device is the undoubted leader due to its high reliability, the percentage of which is close to 99%.

An intrauterine device is a small device that is inserted into the uterus and thus can prevent unwanted conception.

What do you need to know?

Modern medicine offers women the latest generation of spirals that can provide reliable protection. Today, different materials are used to produce intrauterine devices:

  • copper;
  • silver;
  • gold;
  • titanium alloys;
  • plastic.

Of course, devices made of gold and silver are valued quite highly, but in addition to protecting against pregnancy during an undesirable period, they have a healing effect on the body, namely, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory.

The base used is medical polyethylene, which contains barium sulfate.

How it works?

The operating principle of all types of spirals is based on two important functions:

  1. eliminate the possibility of attachment of an egg fertilized by a sperm in the uterine cavity;
  2. neutralize the vital activity of sperm. This effect is achieved due to the presence of fluid in the body, which appears as a result of a minor inflammatory process from the presence of a foreign body.

As a result, the process of the spiral is very simple and quite effective. Modern models of intrauterine devices contain hormones that make pregnancy impossible.

The validity period of the spiral is usually five years.

What types of spirals are there?

Undoubtedly, you should not choose a spiral on your own; it is better to use the help of a specialist who will choose a contraceptive taking into account the individual characteristics of each female body.

It is difficult to choose the best model of the intrauterine device; you can choose the most modern and popular one.

Today, four contraceptive options are considered the most common.

Remember that only a gynecologist can competently select the necessary intrauterine device.

In what cases are complications possible?

Often, all complications associated with the use of the IUD are due to the fact that the doctor does not take into account some significant contraindications.

Contraindications to use a spiral:

  • inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • pathologies in the activity of the cardiovascular system;
  • for chronic menstrual irregularities;
  • with poor blood clotting;
  • for diabetes mellitus;
  • for pathologies of the immune system;
  • with periodic uterine bleeding.

The most common reason that provokes women’s health problems is violation of the terms of use of the contraceptive. In this situation, there is a high probability that the spiral will grow into the uterus.

If, after installation, pain is felt in the lower abdomen and bloody discharge is observed, you should immediately consult a doctor. These are signs that the contraceptive was chosen incorrectly and caused individual intolerance.

There is a possibility, albeit quite insignificant, of a puncture of the uterus. Signs:

  1. dizziness;
  2. bleeding;
  3. weakness;
  4. pain in the lower abdomen and lumbar region;
  5. chills;
  6. nausea.

In this case, you need to visit a doctor. It is also important to consult a specialist if this happens rejection intrauterine device. In this case, it is better to choose it as a contraceptive.

What to do if conception occurs?

Pregnancy is possible if the IUD installed incorrectly. However, there are so few cases of pregnancy in a woman with an IUD installed that these are exceptions to the rule rather than the norm.

Often, conception occurs when the spiral partially displaced from the uterine cavity or decomposed from prolonged deadline use. In this case, it would be incorrect to say that pregnancy occurred with an intrauterine device installed.

If all the specialist’s recommendations are followed, then the likelihood of conception is excluded. One of the recommendations is prohibition of lifting heavy loads. However, many women neglect this prohibition, as a result of which the spiral is displaced in the body and there is a danger of pregnancy.

If pregnancy does occur, the IUD cannot cause miscarriage or other pathologies and complications. Some time later leftovers contraception on your own will leave the body. You can contact a specialist and carefully remove the spiral if the threads are visible. It is strictly forbidden to try to remove the coil at home.

Remember that pregnancy with an intrauterine device installed is a real gift.

When can you get pregnant after removing the IUD?

If, after removing the IUD, you want to become a mother again, then you must refrain from trying to conceive. approximately 4 to 6 cycles. During this time, the body will stop removing the egg.

After six cycles, you can plan a pregnancy, which usually occurs in the next six months.


The contraceptive device is placed in a woman's uterus; after installation, it is not felt in the body. This system is small in size (three and a half centimeters in length) and weighs very little. The IUD contains the hormone levonorgestrel, and the system releases a small dose of it every day. Since the hormone immediately reaches its destination, the body only needs a really tiny amount. This hormone in a daily dose is seven and a half times less than in conventional contraceptives.

The intrauterine hormonal device acts in three directions at once. Under the influence of levonorgestrel, the mucus in the cervix thickens significantly, which prevents the penetration of infections. In addition, its thickening interferes with the movement of sperm. In addition, the hormone creates an uncomfortable environment for sperm in which they lose mobility, so that even if one of them managed to overcome the cervical mucus, it has very little chance of reaching the egg. In addition, under the influence of levonorgestrel, the inner layer of the uterus thins, to which the fertilized egg should attach. After installing the IUD, the uterus cleanses itself from the inside, which has a beneficial effect on its health; moreover, even if a tenacious sperm manages to fertilize the egg, it simply will have nowhere to attach. It should be noted that the moment is considered to be the moment of attachment of the fertilized egg to the wall of the uterus, since this does not happen, the hormonal IUD cannot be considered an abortifacient method.

A hormonal IUD is installed by a doctor for a period of three years. Please note that in the first months there will be an adaptation period, which may cause a number of inconveniences. First of all, this is due to the thinning of the endometrium (the inner layer of the uterus) and its removal to the outside, which affects menstrual flow. During the two to three months between periods, a large amount of additional discharge may be present. Don't be alarmed, this is a normal process. After the end of the adaptation period, they most often decrease, become less abundant and painful.

If you have installed such a device for the first time, it is advisable to check with a doctor during the adaptation period. It is best to do this after ten days to see with an ultrasound how well the spiral has “set up”, and then three months after the end of adaptation to check the condition of the body. After this, you need to visit a gynecologist every six months for the purposes of prevention and health monitoring.

Today, the problem of contraception has many solutions, among which is the use of a contraceptive device, which allows one to avoid the use of hormonal drugs that negatively affect a woman’s body.

The contraceptive device is one of the most common intrauterine contraceptives that are inserted to prevent the onset of pregnancy.

The intrauterine contraceptive device (IUD) can be of a medicated or non-medicated type. A non-medicated IUD mechanically closes the entrance to the uterine cavity and thus prevents sperm from penetrating inside. However, today non-medicinal ones are not used.

The first type of spirals is a copper wire that wraps around an elastic rod. Its length is from 3 to 4 centimeters. Two nylon threads are attached to the ends, with the help of which the spiral is subsequently removed from the uterine cavity.

The contraceptive effect of the IUD is determined by two components. Firstly, a medicated IUD, being a foreign body, mechanically prevents the penetration of sperm. Secondly, copper has a spermicidal effect and has a detrimental effect on the vital activity of sperm. Copper also shortens the stage at which the egg is ready for fertilization. Thirdly, the contraceptive device, touching the walls of the uterus and fallopian tubes, stimulates their contraction, which leads to a special controlled inflammatory process. The silver contained in the IUD, which has an aseptic effect, does not allow any complications to develop due to this inflammation. Such specially created conditions prevent the fertilization of the egg and its attachment to the uterine mucosa.

However, a common problem with copper-containing IUDs is an allergic reaction, so many women are inclined to use an IUD with a synthetic hormone - levonorgestrel, which, in addition to the above effects, also affects the viscosity of mucus in the cervix. It becomes much thicker, which slows down the movement of sperm until they become immobilized.

A special feature of this type of contraception is that it is required by a gynecologist. In addition, before the procedure it is necessary to undergo examination to ensure that there is no transmitted infection.

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2023 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs