Physical culture: Influence on the efficiency and health status of the periodicity of rhythmic processes in the body.

Psychologists often refer to the well-known division of people according to
from the period of their activity to "owls" and "larks". It's hard to get up first
early in the morning, and the peak of their activity falls on the evening and night hours.
The latter, on the contrary, are active in the morning, and by the evening they quickly lose reserves.
energy. Interestingly, in many African countries there are practically no “owls”,
this is due to the fact that many towns and cities are not electrified, but
so when the sun goes down, local life stops. In addition to "owls" and
"larks" there is also a transitional option - these are the so-called
"pigeons", which combine the features of both categories: such people can
wake up and equally actively and effectively do business in different
Times of Day. In addition, there are two more types of people: low sleepers and
"sony". Sleepers are active both early in the morning and late in the evening, and for
they need only 3-4 hours of sleep to restore strength (for such people
included, for example, the famous inventor T. Edison). Sony
on the contrary, they are inactive, feel tired and tired at any time of the day.
Knowing the laws of the biological clock will help you correctly
plan the day. The following is an example of a table of periods of activity
different systems of the average person by the hour:

*04:00.* Beginning of the circadian rhythm. At this time, the body releases into the blood
stress hormone cortisone, which triggers the mechanisms of basic functions
and is responsible for our activity. This hormone helps you wake up.
people who prefer to get up early.

*05:00-06:00.* Awakening of the body. During this period, the exchange
substances, the level of amino acids and sugar increases, which do not allow
man to sleep soundly in the morning.

*07:00-09:00.* The ideal time for light physical activity is when
you can quickly bring the body relaxed after sleep into tone. In it
time the digestive system works well: the absorption of nutrients
occurs faster, which helps to efficiently process food and
convert it into energy.

*09:00-10:00.* The period when the energy received from the reception is mastered
food. During this time, a person is able to cope well with
tasks for attention and intelligence, as well as successfully use
short term memory.

*10:00-12:00.* The first peak of health, the period of maximum
mental activity. At this time, a person copes well with
tasks that require high concentration.

*12:00-14:00.* Deterioration time when it is necessary to give
rest for a tired mind. This period is suitable for a lunch break,
as the work of the digestive tract accelerates, the blood goes to
stomach, the mental activity of the body is reduced.

*14:00-16:00.* It is better to devote this time to calm digestion
eaten, as the body is in a state of slight fatigue
after lunch.

*16:00-18:00.* The second peak of activity and efficiency. organism
received energy from food, all systems again work in full mode.

*18:00-20:00.* The best time for dinner, the body will have time for the food received
digest until the morning. After eating, you can take a walk or after an hour
exercise, go to the gym.

*20:00-21:00.* This time is suitable for doing sports, visiting sections,

*21:00-22:00.* The period when the ability of the brain to memorize increases.
At this time, eating is not recommended.

*22:00.* Beginning of the sleep phase. Restorative processes start in the body
processes, the hormones of youth are released. The body goes into a state of rest.

*23:00-01:00.* At this time, the metabolic process is at its maximum.
slows down, body temperature and pulse rate decrease. The phase is coming
deep sleep, when our body is at its best resting.

*02:00-03:00.* The period when all chemical reactions are slowed down, hormones
are practically not produced. Lack of sleep during this time can lead to
to the deterioration of the condition and mood throughout the day.

/*Note:* there is a slight shift in the cold season
described processes of physiological activity in time ahead./
*Sleep.* The realities of the modern world are such that many people either take sleep
not enough time, or regularly sleeping more than is required for
organism. In both cases, this negatively affects the physical condition.
person and his activities. A clear daily routine and properly allotted
time for sleep allow all human life support systems
recover and rest, and also help to avoid sleep disorders and
nervous system.

So, the ideal time for sleep is the period from 23.00 to 7.00 in the morning.
On average, an adult should sleep about 7-8 hours a night, although
there are many cases when people slept much less (3-6 hours a day).
day), but felt great and effectively fulfilled their
work. Among the famous successful low-sleeping people, it is worth noting Julia
Caesar, Leonardo da Vinci, Benjamin Franklin, Napoleon Bonaparte,
Thomas Jefferson, Salvador Dali, Nikola Tesla, Thomas Edison,
Winston Churchill and Margaret Thatcher. However, do not resort to extreme
cases and neglect healthy sleep altogether. During clinical
experiments, isolated cases were observed when people did not sleep anymore
250 consecutive hours. By the end of this period of time, doctors noted
patients with attention disorder, inability to focus on
subject for more than 20 seconds, psychomotor disturbance. Great harm
such experiments did not bring health, but knocked out the human body
out of the normal state for a few days.

For many people looking to straighten out their schedule and learn how to lie down
early, the actual question is “how to fall asleep” at the scheduled
time. Here are some recommendations:

* Instead of watching detective series on TV
or surfing the Internet before going to bed is better to read a book;
* Exercise a few hours before bed
exercise, running, just walking;
* Do not eat heavy meals at night;
* Before going to bed it is useful to ventilate the room;
* In this way, draw up your daily routine so that during the departure
By sleep, the body felt tired.
* Even if you can’t fall asleep for a long time in the evening, in the morning you still need
get up at the scheduled time. You won't get enough sleep one day, but already in
you can fall asleep earlier the next night.

The performance of each person is subject to certain fluctuations that occur within the framework of a natural rhythm. They usually speak of the "morning man" or "lark" and the "evening man" or "owl." The former can work particularly well in the morning, but quickly get tired in the afternoon and need to finish work accordingly earlier. The second ones really get into shape only closer to noon, they work best in the evenings (until late at night).

None of these basic types work better or worse than the other, they just work differently. Their peak performance occurs at different times of the day. The average statistical fluctuations in working capacity (TFR) during the day can be described using the following curve (TFR graph).

The “100%” axis on the graph sets the average value of daily physiological performance, and the shaded zones above and below the axis are approximately the same in area.

The absolute peaks and troughs of productivity vary from person to person, but what is the same for all people is relative, rhythmic fluctuations.

The phases of higher activity are adjoined, respectively, by two-hour pauses, during which the body works in a “sparing mode” and should not be excessively loaded.

What conclusions from all this follow in relation to your working day?

. The peak of efficiency, as a rule, falls on the first half of the day, when the stomach, pancreas, spleen and heart function most actively. This level is then no longer reached during the day. And for this reason, tasks A should be done early in the day.
. After lunch, when the small intestine is actively working, there is a well-known decline in productivity, which many people try to overcome with coffee. At this time, do not work against your rhythm. Relax with a cup of tea and use the break for social contacts and routine activities (tasks B).

Each of us can adapt to these fluctuations with our work capacity. Do not try to work against your natural daily rhythm (which you can change, if you can, then only slightly), but use these patterns in your daily routine.

The graph of average statistical fluctuations in working capacity (TFR) is obtained as a result of hundreds of thousands of measurements in all industrialized countries. If the daily rhythm is disturbed, marriage, errors in work, accidents occur; conveyors, for example, in the automotive industry, according to the work schedule, accelerate or slow down during the day, work at night differently than during the day, etc. Another example from another area: the highest number of nighttime accidents occurs between 2 and 4 o'clock.

However, individual values ​​of the normal schedule may not correspond to fluctuations in your individual performance.

Each of us has more or less significant deviations from the norm in the individual work schedule. Stimulants such as coffee, tea, nicotine, or drugs can speed up the morning rise, but they also predetermine the subsequent deeper decline.

The study of circadian rhythms is of great interest to scientists, this issue is the subject of numerous studies. Human rhythms reflect the organization of various functions of the body, and respond to any changes in life. Human circadian rhythms are a constant physiological pattern, which is built on the basis of hereditarily fixed and acquired elements during life:

  • the ability of the human nervous system to concentrate excitatory and inhibitory processes in time
  • elements of the working day of the body, for an afternoon nap, work and rest

The change in the phase of sleep and wakefulness is a rhythm that has evolved over the centuries. This is a rhythm in which a person's sleep is associated with the dark part of the day, and wakefulness is associated with the light part of the day.

Conventionally, the daily cycle is divided into three parts:

  1. recovery phase - the first half of a person's sleep;
  2. phase of preparation for vigorous activity - the second half of sleep;
  3. phase of activity, which is characterized by wakefulness.

The daily rhythm of a person is determined by a variety of physiological functions, and all these functions, depending on the time of day, manifest their activity in different ways.

The daily rhythm of a person depends on age. For example, if you measure the pulse of a fetus, then it will be uniform throughout the day. However, after birth, this rhythm will change. Full-term babies “equalize” body temperature, pulse, skin electrical resistance, etc. earlier. Newborns sleep much more than at the age of 14, and even more so at 20, etc.

In old age, the reverse process occurs - the daily rhythm begins to collapse.

There are daily rhythms of metabolism, body temperature, brain function, etc.

Scientists managed to derive averaged data on the rhythms of the physiological functions of the human body.

1 a.m.: Tyrosine levels are at their lowest. The body begins to prepare for the working day. The activity of the heart is minimal.

1-3 am: the maximum activity of the gallbladder, as well as glycogen in the liver.

1-4 a.m.: Respiratory rate and blood pressure are at their lowest. The person becomes very sensitive to pain.

1-5 hours - body temperature drops. Hearing sharpens.

From 1 o'clock in the morning to 5 o'clock in the morning, the level of cholesterol in a person's blood is significantly reduced.

5-6 hours - there is a feeling of hunger. The pressure starts to rise gradually.

6-7 hours: time of maximum lung activity. At this time, the immune defense of the body increases.

7-9 hours - the activity of the large intestine increases, the work of the stomach and bile ducts decreases.

8-12 hours - the first increase in working capacity. From 8 to 16 hours in the blood there is a maximum amount of cholesterol.

At 9-10 o'clock the maximum amount of glucose in the blood, the first peak of drowsiness occurs.

At 11-12 o'clock the first feeling of hunger appears. In young men from 10 to 14 hours there is a minimum excretion of calcium and magnesium in the urine.

12 o'clock - the peak of hunger.

13-15 hours - the second peak of drowsiness in humans.

15 hours - a sharp decrease in the efficiency of the circulatory system. The period of activity has passed and fatigue sets in.

15-17 hours - increased activity of the small intestine.

15-19 hours - the second rise in human performance.

16 hours - blood glucose level rises.

16-20 hours - the maximum blood pressure in the human body.

17 hours - the third peak performance.

18 hours - the maximum body temperature. Gradually, mental vigor begins to decrease.

20-21 hours - a sharp feeling of hunger. The memory of a person is sharpened.

21 hours - a sharp drop in performance.

22-23 hours - decrease in activity, the body begins to prepare for sleep.

24 hours - the peak of false activity and hunger in "owls".

From 24 to 6 hours - a period of sleep and minimal excretion of 5-hydroxyindoacetic acid and urine.

Knowing about the peculiarities of the human brain can help you plan your day correctly so that it is productive, all things are easy, and you don’t feel tired in the evening.

During the day, our brain “changes its mood”. For example, if in the morning he wants to work, then by the evening he is no longer able to perform many of his functions well. How do the time of day and clock affect its activity?

Brain activity by the hour

  • 6 am to 7 am Long-term memory works best. Any information received during this period of time is very well absorbed.
  • 8 am to 9 am- Logical thinking works great. According to scientists, this time is most suitable for any kind of activity.
  • From 11 to 12 days At this time, it becomes difficult to focus on one thing. During this period of time, the brain needs a break. Do not torment him with intellectual activity or analysis. At this time, it is important to relax and, for example, listen to calm music.

  • From 13 to 14 days- Dinner time. Recharging is required not only for your stomach, but also for your brain. Stimulate his work with something tasty that he will like: berries, seafood, nuts, seeds, fruits.
  • From 14 to 18 pm- an ideal time for active brain activity. As a rule, most of the work is done during this period of time.
  • From 18 to 21 pm- Brain activity is gradually declining. The brain needs rest and relaxation.
  • From 21 to 23 pm- there is a complete rest of the brain and the entire nervous system.
  • From 11 p.m. to 1 a.m.- at this time, the recovery of subtle energies of the human body occurs. In Feng Shui, this energy is called Qi, yogis call it prana, and scientists call it muscular and nervous force.
  • From 1 am to 3 am- emotional energy is restored.
  • 3 am to 6 am- the work of the brain begins to activate, even despite sleep. This makes it possible to get up early and feel alert as early as 5 am.

Knowing the so-called daily routine of the brain, you can use it most effectively. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

07.07.2015 08:57

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There are rules for organizing the working day. Here are the main ones:

Starting day rules:

    Start the day in a good mood.

    Start work at the same time whenever possible.

    Rechecking the plan of the day drawn up the day before.

    First, the key tasks.

    In the morning, doing difficult and important things.

    Coordinating the plan of the day with the secretary.

Rules for the main part of the working day:

    Good preparation for work.

    Influence on fixing the deadlines for the execution of work.

    Rejection of additional problems that arise.

    Timely pauses, measured pace of work.

    Rational completion of the work begun.

    Maximum use of time.

    Making time for yourself.

Rules for the end of the working day:

    Completion of the undone.

    Control over results and self-control.

    Making a plan for the next day.

    Home - always in a good mood.

Natural daily rhythm (performance chart)

The performance of each person is subject to certain fluctuations that occur within the framework of a natural rhythm. They usually speak of the "morning man" or "lark" and the "evening man" or "owl."

The former can work especially well in the morning, but get tired quickly in the afternoon and need to finish work accordingly earlier. The second ones really get into shape only closer to noon, they work best in the evenings (until late at night).

None of these basic types work better or worse than the other, they just work differently. Their peak performance occurs at different times of the day. The average statistical fluctuations in working capacity during the day can be described using the following curve (TFR graph).

The “100%” axis on the graph sets the average value of daily physiological performance, and the shaded zones above and below the axis are approximately the same in area.

The absolute peaks and troughs of productivity vary from person to person, but what is the same for all people is relative, rhythmic fluctuations!

The phases of higher activity are adjoined, respectively, by two-hour pauses, during which the body works in a “sparing mode” and should not be excessively loaded.

What conclusions from all this follow in relation to your working day?

The peak of efficiency, as a rule, falls on the first half of the day, when the stomach, pancreas, spleen and heart function most actively. This level is then no longer reached during the day. And for this reason, tasks A should be done early in the day!

After lunch, when the small intestine is actively working, there is a well-known decline in productivity, which many people try to overcome with coffee. At this time, do not work against your rhythm. Relax with a cup of tea and take advantage of the break. For social contacts and routine activities (tasks B).

In its most general form, the schedule of changes in working capacity during the working week looks like this:

The beginning of the week is associated with the period of working out, when the level of working capacity after the weekend is still quite low. Normally (if a person has a good rest during the weekend), “entrance” to work takes no more than 0.5-1 day (that is, only Monday or even part of it). If a person did not have the opportunity to have a good rest on the weekend, then the period of development can stretch until Wednesday.

It has been experimentally proven that the beginning of the weekly biorhythm (the “entry” stage) is associated with a reduced level of mental functioning: mental processes are somewhat inhibited, poor concentration of attention, reaction time is slowed down, etc. There is also numerous statistics, according to which the peak of accidents at work and traffic accidents also occur on Monday.

Thus, folk wisdom is right: Monday is indeed a "hard day." When drawing up a plan for the week (in particular, a plan for Monday), it is impossible to plan the solution of complex and responsible tasks on Monday at least before lunch. Unfortunately, this rule is rarely observed in many organizations, where Monday mornings are often set aside for a briefing or meeting. There is a certain logic in this (starting the week by setting tasks for the week), but the meeting itself is likely to be ineffective, taking too much time and effort from the participants.



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