Nettle properties for scalp hair. Nettle decoction for hair: what blondes should beware of, and how to neutralize the green tint with lemon and chamomile

March 15, 2019

Stinging young nettle leaves have long been used to strengthen and accelerate hair growth. Today, this plant is added to shampoos, balms and other cosmetics, and a nettle hair mask is often used at home, reviews of which speak of its effectiveness. Let's see what are the benefits for curls, what are the features of its use and the reviews of people who have already experienced its effect on themselves.

Cosmetologists and trichologists distinguish nettle from other plants, as it is considered one of the most useful herbs, restores and nourishes the hair.

This plant has a beneficial effect in the composition of masks due to its unique composition which includes components such as:

With regular correct application masks with nettle after a few weeks you will notice the following results:

  • dandruff and peeling will be eliminated;
  • hair loss will stop;
  • work is normalizing sebaceous glands;
  • the hair structure will be restored;
  • dullness and lifelessness, brittleness and split ends will disappear;
  • will shine and saturated shade, shining and iridescent in the sun;
  • the hairstyle will be easier to style and comb;
  • wounds and irritations on the scalp will heal, itching will disappear.

Important! Nettle as a part of ready-made or self-made cosmetic masks increases the absorption of other substances.

Application features

For the preparation of hair masks, you can use both fresh and dry nettles. The use of this plant in the care of curls has a number of subtleties that experts recommend taking into account during the procedure.

Among the features it is worth highlighting:

  1. After the nettle mask, the hair will become a little stiffer and dryer. Therefore, if your curls are too dry and damaged, you should choose recipes with oils, sour cream, kefir and others. fatty foods. Also in this case, it is recommended not to distribute the product along the entire length, but to apply only to the roots.
  2. Nettle slightly tints hair. Because of this, your hair may take on a slightly greenish tint, which will wash out after a few washes. However, this feature of nettle masks does not allow blondes and light blonds to use them. To reduce the risk of a greenish tint, you can add a spoon to any recipe you like. lemon juice.
  3. It is advisable to apply a nettle mask on wet hair if the composition is thick, and on dry hair when it is too liquid.
  4. The duration of nettle masks on the head may vary depending on the type of your skin and hair. Usually it is 10-60 minutes. You can’t leave masks with nettles on your head for the whole night.
  5. After applying the product to the hair, wrap hairy part heads with cling film, and wrap a towel on top.
  6. Rinse off nettles carefully. Make sure that the remnants of the mask do not get into the eyes and do not sniff out irritation of the mucous membrane. After rinsing, use your regular shampoo and conditioner.
  7. It is impossible to store the finished nettle mask for longer than 1-2 hours, even in a refrigerator.

Important! Nettle, when applied to the skin, can cause allergic reactions. Therefore, before the first use of the nettle mask, be sure to do a sensitivity test. Apply a couple of drops of the finished mixture to your wrist or back side elbow, and then watch the reaction. If none unpleasant symptoms did not occur even after 15-20 minutes, then you can start using nettle masks.

Nettle mask recipes

We have selected for you some of the most convenient recipes for preparing and applying nettle masks, which are distinguished by their effectiveness.

Nettle juice mask for improvement hair growth and stimulation of recovery processes them after staining and other cosmetic procedures. Grind a small bunch of herbs in a food processor or blender, strain the mass through a fine sieve or clean cheesecloth. You can use a juicer. Use the resulting juice to apply to the hair roots.

Mask for fatty hair to normalize production sebum. Grind a bunch of fresh nettles in a blender, add a spoonful of finely ground sea salt to the resulting mass. Mix everything well and use to apply to the hair roots with massaging movements. Such a tool stimulates the processes of tissue regeneration, helps to improve metabolism and blood circulation in the scalp, helps exfoliate dead cells, accelerate hair growth.

mask for enhanced nutrition and recovery hair. Mix 3-4 tablespoons of chopped fresh nettle with juice in a glass container with a spoonful of natural liquid honey and a spoonful of burdock, olive or castor oil. Nettle mixture is recommended to be applied to the hair in a warm, but not hot form.

Mask against falling out and for strengthening hair. Grind a small bunch of fresh nettles in a blender, add a few large spoons of fat sour cream, kefir or yogurt to the mass. If desired, you can add a spoonful of chopped peppermint or 1-2 drops of peppermint oil.

Dry nettle mask for strengthening and anti-fall. Grind dry nettle leaves to a powder state, brew them with a small amount of boiling water and let it brew under the lid. Then add to the nettle mask (after cooling to room temperature) a spoonful of honey and yolk chicken egg. Mix everything well and apply the composition to the roots, and then spread over the entire length of the hair.

Vitamin summer cocktail for dry, brittle and lifeless hair. A few medium strawberries, half a ripe banana, a quarter cup of thickly brewed dry nettles. To the resulting mass, add a spoonful of any vegetable oil or egg white. Mix everything and apply the mask on clean hair.

Multi-herbal mask. 2 spoons chamomile, 3 tablespoons of dry nettle, 0.5 tablespoons of calendula mix, chop as much as possible. Brew with boiling water so that a thick slurry is formed. After cooling, mix the mixture with 2-3 tablespoons of vegetable oil (linseed, burdock, olive or any other).

Important! In addition to nettle masks, you can use rinsing with a decoction of this plant. Such procedures are also very beneficial for health and well-being. appearance hair. You can use a strained nettle decoction diluted with water for the final rinse after each shampooing.

Nettle has healing and very useful properties. It contains vitamins, chlorophyll, essential oils, acetic, formic and folic acid. In medicine, nettle is widely used to treat many diseases. It is also used to improve the appearance and health of the hair.


Nettle is especially useful for weakened strands. The substances that the plant contains promote hair growth, they become more vibrant and strong.

The use of decoction and nettle juice contributes to greater saturation with oxygen and nutrients. skin heads.

It is possible to identify the main beneficial features nettle for hair:

  • accelerates growth;
  • strengthens hair follicles;
  • fights dandruff;
  • regulates the production of sebum;
  • has a tonic effect;
  • gives volume and shine.


Nettle is used in the form of masks and decoctions, combining it with other components or as independent remedy. It can even be used to make medicinal oil. IN fresh nettle is more effective, but dry powder can also be used.


Self-prepared nettle oil retains all the beneficial substances contained in the plant.

Nettle oil is being prepared in the following way: 2 tablespoons of dry nettle leaves pour 200 ml olive oil and insist in a dark place for 2 weeks. After the time has elapsed, the oil must be filtered and stored in a dark glass bottle.

Nettle oil is used to treat split ends and damaged hair. Apply to curls and wash off after an hour.

A mixture of nettle, castor oil or burdock oils will enhance hair growth and give them a healthy shine.

Do not add oil to the shampoo, just hold it on your hair for 2-3 minutes.


It is very easy to prepare a decoction of nettle, which fights hair loss and has nutritional properties. To prepare it, brew 1 tablespoon of dry nettle leaves in a glass of boiling water and hold the broth in a steam bath for about 30 minutes.

To achieve a healing result, you need to rinse your head with a decoction after each wash. In summer, you can use fresh nettle juice, diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 1.


Through abundance folk recipes homemade masks based on nettle can solve hair health problems in living conditions without resorting to the services of specialists and the use of expensive cosmetics.

For dry hair

Recipe 1.
Mix 0.5 cup dry crushed nettle leaves and 3 teaspoons colorless henna. Pour boiling water over the mixture so that it has the consistency of sour cream. Whip 1 egg yolk and add it to the mixture.

Apply the mask on the scalp and distribute along the length. Wrap your head with polyethylene and a terry towel. Wash off after 2 hours. The mask should be done 1-2 times a month.

Recipe 2.
Bring 1 liter of purified water to a boil and add 60 grams of dried nettle and the same amount of coltsfoot collection. Boil the composition for 10 minutes and insist for half an hour.

When the broth has cooled, dilute it with 1.5 liters of warm purified water. Lubricate the hair with infusion and insulate. After 25 minutes, rinse the mask with the rest of the decoction. Do not rinse.

Recipe 3.

  • 200 ml of nettle decoction;
  • 50 grams of brewer's yeast;
  • 60 ml olive oil;
  • 70 grams of honey.

Mix all the ingredients until smooth, apply to the hair and rinse after 15 minutes.

For oily hair

Recipe 1.
Grind 200 grams fresh leaves nettle and mix with 1 tablespoon of sea salt. Mask 2 times a week for 15 minutes, carefully rub into the hair roots. It reduces oiliness and gives hair a healthy shine.

Recipe 2.
Dilute 60 grams of blue clay with a nettle decoction and mix with nettle gruel. Apply the mask to the hair, wait for the clay to dry completely and rinse.

Recipe 3.
Boil 150 grams of dried nettles in 400 ml of boiling water. Add 200 ml of juice to a warm broth fresh berries sea ​​buckthorn. Treat the curls with the mixture. There is no need to wash off the mask.


Recipe 1.
Mix 60 ml of apple cider vinegar, bread kvass and nettle broth. Treat the strands with a solution and do not rinse.

Recipe 2.
Blend until smooth:

  • 20 grams of rosemary seeds;
  • 20 grams of gruel from nettle leaves;
  • 20 ml burdock oil;
  • 210 ml filtered water.

The composition should be lubricated at the roots of the hair. The mask is suitable for daily use and does not require rinsing.

Recipe 3.
Prepare a decoction of oak bark. Add 70 ml of nettle decoction and 30 ml of olive oil to it. Cover the hair with a mask, insulate with cellophane and a scarf, leave for one hour. Wash off in the usual way.

For growth

Recipe 1.

  • 50 grams of fresh nettle;
  • 30 ml of olive oil;
  • a pinch of salt.

Grind nettles thoroughly, drain the resulting juice and combine it with oil and salt. Approximately 20 minutes before washing, the mask should be applied to the scalp.

Recipe 2.
Combine 210 ml of vodka and 120 grams of dried nettle collection and infuse in a dark glass bottle for 7 days. Apply the infusion to the hair, distributing it along the entire length. This composition may not be rinsed off.

Recipe 3.
Make separate decoctions of nettle and burdock root. Then mix them in the same amount and treat the hair with the product after washing. Do not rinse off the mask and do not dry with a towel.

For straightening

Recipe 1.
Pour 40 ml of apple cider vinegar into 120 ml of nettle broth. Apply the composition to the head and hair. After half an hour, rinse the strands with the remnants of nettle broth.

Recipe 2.
Add 30 grams of gelatin to a mixture of 120 ml of nettle broth and 40 ml of tonic from natural ingredients and achieve complete dissolution. The mask should be washed off the hair after 25-30 minutes.

From falling out

Recipe 1.
Boil 2 tablespoons of nettle leaves in a glass of boiling water, insist and strain. Add 15 ml of burdock oil to the infusion. Hold the mask on your head for 15-20 minutes and rinse clean water. Use for a month 2 times a week.

Recipe 2.
Twist the leaves of young nettle in a juicer or meat grinder. Take 3 tablespoons of the resulting juice and lubricate the scalp with it. Leave to act for 1 hour. Then rinse off with running water.

Recipe 3.

  • dried geranium and nettle;
  • 4 drops of any essential oil.

Pour the herbal mixture with a glass of boiling water and mix. Cover the container with the solution and wait until it cools to room temperature. Before use, the solution should be filtered. While massaging, apply the product on hair part heads. After 30 minutes, rinse with cool water without the use of additional funds.

From dandruff

Recipe 1.
Pour 25 grams of nettle with a glass of cold water and bring to a boil. To 3 tablespoons of the finished broth, add 15 ml of apple cider vinegar and the pulp of black bread. Mix and apply on the scalp in a dense layer. The mask can be applied every other day, keeping on the head from 20 minutes to 1 hour.

Recipe 2.
Nettle rhizomes finely chopped and poured over mustard oil in a ratio of 1:2. Let the composition brew for 20 days, shaking it occasionally. After the time has elapsed, filter the mixture and rub into the hair roots.

Recipe 3.
To prepare the mask you will need:

  • hop cones;
  • horsetail grass;
  • burdock;
  • nettle leaves.

Pour all components in equal proportions hot water and insist for several hours. Then beat the infusion with a blender. Apply the product to the contaminated strands and cover with a towel. Apply until dandruff disappears.

To strengthen

Recipe 1.

  • 3 tablespoons finely chopped young nettle leaves;
  • 200 grams of low-fat kefir;
  • 2 teaspoons minced mint leaves.

Pour nettles and mint with kefir at room temperature. Mix all the ingredients and apply on the scalp. Hold the mask for 20 minutes and rinse.

Recipe 2.
Add 40 grams of liquid honey to 50 ml of nettle juice. Stir the composition, cover the head and curls with it. Warm with a film and a terry towel. Wash off after 25 minutes.

For clarification

Recipe 1.
Add two tablespoons of chopped nettle and chamomile herbs to the protein of two eggs. Mix well, rub the mixture into the scalp and insulate. The mask must be washed off no later than after 7 minutes. Blondes are advised to replace nettle leaves with root so that curls do not acquire green tint.

Vitamin decoction of nettle for hair with a rich aroma is used in cases where your hairstyle needs urgent help. Regular rinsing with tinctures of nettle leaves can restore the most damaged curls and roots.

The benefits of this herb, especially in combination with other plants, in hair care have been known for many centuries. Our great-grandmothers also knew about its regenerating and strengthening properties. Modern ecology, destroyed by human vigorous activity, and the use in cosmetology of synthetic and chemicals made natural and natural ingredients very valuable. Therefore, folk recipes for rinsing and masks have gained unheard of popularity these days.

What is useful decoction of nettle for hair

Treatment of hair with a decoction of nettle allows you to get rid of many problems of the scalp and hair condition that each of us faces. The plant in question eliminates dandruff and itching, fights excessive fat content, strengthens the hair roots, reduces the section, and also such home remedies for hair make them obedient and soft.

Systematic use of nettle decoction:

  • Increases blood flow to the head, strengthening the roots and reconstructing the structure of existing hair.
  • Normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands.
  • Enhances hair growth and stops hair loss.
  • Relieves seborrhea.

Even cosmetic shampoos and balms, which include nettle herb, very effectively help to solve problems with hair.

Active ingredients

Recovery occurs as a result of saturation hair follicle useful substances contained in nettle leaves:

  • Formic acid, histamine and acetylcholine. During the preparation of decoctions, they break up into components that moisturize the strands and displace dirt and sebum from them.
  • Retinol (vitamin A) is ideal for strengthening hair, as it is responsible for repairing damaged and awakening dormant follicles.
  • Vitamin C is responsible for the shine and smoothness of the hair. Ascorbic acid has a positive effect on the production of collagen and elastin, and also stimulates blood flow to the skin, strengthening the roots and enhancing growth.
  • Carotene. Hydrates curls & controls sebum production.
  • Tannins are removed inflammatory processes and irritation, relieving dandruff.
  • Flavonoids, which strengthen and nourish the roots, relieve brittleness (especially during off-season beriberi).

The healing and restorative properties of nettle for hair appear after the first application.

Procurement of medicinal raw materials

Preparing a decoction at home and on your own is simple. To do this, it is enough to have vegetable raw materials on hand, which can be purchased at any pharmacy or herbal store. But more useful substances has a decoction of fresh nettle. Therefore, it must be able to properly assemble.

  1. It is collected in May or June before flowering. Required condition- absence industrial enterprises close to dry weather.
  2. Only healthy plants without damage are suitable for harvesting.
  3. At tall plant only the top is cut off, in a small one - the entire stem under the root.
  4. The collected material is thoroughly washed with running cold water.

If you plan to immediately use raw materials for the preparation of masks and balms, then this stage is the final one for you. In the case when you want to prepare a plant for the winter, processing continues.

  1. In a ventilated room, where direct rays of the sun do not fall, the material is laid out on a dry newspaper.
  2. It must be turned over several times a day to avoid staleness and allow it to dry evenly.
  3. The grass is dried for about 10-14 days.

Dry nettles are stored for two years in a cardboard box or paper bag.

Recipes for rinsing hair with nettle

Nettle mask, tonics, decoctions, scrubs and tinctures, made by hand at home, outperform the cosmetic care products created by chemically. In addition, homemade remedies can simply be mixed with regular store-bought shampoos or balms.

Below you will find ways to prepare nettle potions for hair.


One hundred grams of fresh or dry leaves are poured into a glass container, which are poured with boiling water (1 liter). Infused under tight pressure for 10 hours. Used in pure form after any application of shampoo and does not require rinsing. The procedure strengthens the hair, making it manageable and silky.

Hair Growth Rinse

4 tbsp. spoons of ground dry leaves are poured with boiling water and infused for half an hour. After that, a teaspoon of honey is added, stirred and infused for another 30 minutes. Strain the mixture. Wash your hair with the rinse aid diluted with warm water after shampoo. Massage it into your hair and leave it under a towel for 10 minutes without rinsing. Do the procedure at least once every seven days.

nettle oil

100 g of the dried plant is poured into 300 ml of olive oil and infused in cool room 2–3 weeks. Nettle oil is used as an independent remedy for moisturizing split ends or as additional component in shop masks and balms.

Scrub for dandruff

300 g of fresh leaves of the herb in question are ground and mixed with sea ​​salt. The mixture is rubbed into the skin with massaging circular movements and left warm for ½ hour, then washed off. Apply twice a week.

nettle decoction for hair

A decoction of nettle and burdock with hop cones, used for rinsing after double shampooing, is popular. The ingredients are crushed. Three tablespoons of a mixture of herbs are poured with a liter of water. The solution should boil for an hour on very low heat. After straining, it is ready to use.

This mixture of nettle and burdock for hair can be turned into a tonic by dropping a little essential oils(fruits or flowers and trees - at your discretion). After washing the head with infusion, rinse, then rinse. Regular procedures relieve dryness and mechanical damage hair during combing and seborrhea.

Nettle mask for hair growth

A raw egg is beaten with a tablespoon of olive oil and two tablespoons of fresh juice nettles. The resulting ointment is applied to the scalp, after which a special cap is put on and a towel is wrapped. After thirty minutes, rinse thoroughly with running water. The mixture not only relieves seborrhea, but also stimulates blood circulation, normalizing the work of the roots.

Advice! Keep ready-made funds it is necessary in a dark cool room or refrigerator and not for long. The absence of chemical preservatives leads to the fact that the drug "blooms".

Contraindications for use

Like any other plant, nettle can cause allergic reactions people who are sensitive to it active components. Therefore, before using trichologists, it is recommended to conduct a susceptibility test. Just apply a small amount of the drug to the area of ​​skin behind the ear.

Vitamin K and carotene contained in nettle not only gives natural shine and shine to the hair, but also has a pigmenting effect. Therefore, the constant use of folk remedies with this burning plant in its pure form is prohibited for blondes - the strands will acquire a reddish tint. Add a few drops of lemon juice or chamomile decoction to the mixture before use.

As you have noticed, it is not difficult to prepare any remedy for shine and treatment of hair and scalp on your own at home. Thanks to the usual stinging nettle dioecious your hairstyle will always be healthy and shining to the envy of others.

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nettle for hair

It has been scientifically proven that many cosmetic problems develop due to nervous tension, on the background constant stress. The skin becomes dull, wrinkles appear, the hair becomes brittle, constantly falling out.

But not everything is so sad, you can restore the beauty and health of your hair with the help of herbal medicine. Benefit natural herbs is undeniable: since ancient times, people have used tinctures, decoctions and masks to treat ailments and eliminate cosmetic problems. Few people know that the common nettle (Urtíca dióica), which grows in wastelands and in the forest, is a real storehouse of beauty and health. Since ancient times, people have been striving to solve two riddles: how to turn ordinary stones into gold and how to get an elixir eternal youth and health. Of course, nettle tincture cannot claim to be a mystical elixir, but it is definitely capable of prolonging the beauty and youthfulness of hair.

With the help of this common, one might say weed plant, many severe and dangerous ailments. Nettle helps with beriberi, facilitates the course urolithiasis, cures many ailments of the upper respiratory tract. This plant is used in the treatment of tuberculosis. Nettle is valued for its bactericidal properties, for its vitamin-rich composition, for the ability to improve blood clotting. But it turns out that this is not all the useful properties of nettle.

How to heal hair with nettle

Hair that shines with health is the goal of almost all women in the world. Many of the fair sex spend unthinkable cash to achieve their goal, storming beauty salons or buying tons of cosmetics. Nettle decoction is the simplest, and most importantly, cheap way to restore health and beauty to hair. It is very easy to prepare it. All you need is nettles and water. If possible, it is better to use a fresh green plant. But they are quite suitable for these purposes and dried leaves. In addition, nettle root is used for hair. Dry leaves and rhizomes of nettle can be bought at any pharmacy.

How to brew nettle for hair

Green nettles need to be cut, washed in cold water and throw into an enamel pan. Next, this "compote" should be slowly brought to a boil. It is not desirable that the leaves and stems are boiled in boiling water. for a long time, useful properties will be significantly reduced. Next, the broth must be allowed to cool. If time is running out, then hot water can be added cold, diluting the broth to desired temperature. If used dried nettle, then the broth should cool on its own, it is not advisable to dilute it. Further, everything is very simple: after the hair is washed, you need to rinse it healing decoction. If the liquid has not cooled down yet, then there is no need to be heroic, it is better to dilute it to an acceptable temperature, because self-care should be a pleasure.

A decoction of plants preserves the density of hair, preventing hair loss, nourishes the follicles. When harvesting a plant, there are certain nuances: it is best to pluck young shoots, they are the most burning and contain a maximum of useful substances. It is also not advisable to use flowering nettles. If plants without flowers were not found, then before brewing, small flowers should be removed from the stems.

Useful properties of nettle for hair

Nettle is a versatile plant that has a comprehensive beneficial effect on the hair. She happens to be effective tool from dandruff, and also gives shine to hair, strengthening and revitalizing them.

Nettle for hair: recipes for decoctions, tinctures and masks

Fresh nettle for hair

Squeeze the juice from fresh nettle and rub it into the hair roots, after washing and drying your hair, wrap your head and leave for 30-40 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Similar procedure strengthens hair and accelerates their growth. Fresh nettle hair mask is done every other day for 3 weeks.

Nettle infusion for hair

Pour dry nettle leaves (4 tablespoons) with 400 ml of boiling water, let it brew for 5-7 hours. Rub the resulting infusion into the scalp. Nettle tincture for hair will enhance growth and improve hair. The procedure should be carried out every other day.

nettle decoction for hair

Take 1 tbsp. l. dry leaves and rhizomes of nettle, pour 250 ml of water and simmer for 20-30 minutes, let the broth cool, then rub it into the hair roots and do not rinse. Nettle for hair growth is used after each shampoo.

Nettle hair mask with essential oils

In addition to decoctions, nettle masks remarkably heal hair. They are also very easy to use, the gruel from the plant and essential oils must be applied to clean head. Next, the hair should be carefully wrapped with soft cellophane and wrapped with a towel on top. Keep the mask for about half an hour and then rinse. You can learn about the properties of essential oils.

Mask with nettle and burdock oil for hair

The composition includes burdock oil, ground young nettle in a blender or meat grinder and natural honey. Two tablespoons of gruel from plants, a spoonful of honey and a spoonful of oil should be thoroughly mixed together and applied to the hair, left for 30-40 minutes, then washed off. Nettle and burdock hair mask is applied 2-3 times a week.

Nettle vitamin mask for hair

Take 1 yolk 150 ml of nettle decoction and 1 ml ampoule vitamins B1 and B6, mix and apply the resulting mixture along the entire length of the hair, wrap your head and wait 40-50 minutes, then wash your hair with shampoo. Such nourishing mask for hair should be done 1-2 times a week.

Nettle mask for oily hair

A few spoons of nettle gruel, the same number of spoons of ground fresh chamomile and protein from two eggs. These ingredients also need to be mixed and applied to the hair. But you need to keep it on your hair for no more than 10 minutes, as the protein tightens the skin on the head.

Nettle and burdock for hair

Take a decoction of nettle and a decoction of burdock roots, 150-200 ml each, rinse your hair with it after washing your hair. Rinsing the hair with nettle can be done regularly after each hair wash. Nettle and burdock hair mask will make your hair silky and healthy.

Hair mask with nettle and yeast

In 200 ml of nettle broth, add 50 g of yeast, 4 tbsp. l. liquid honey, 3 tbsp. l. olive oil, apply the resulting mixture to the hair and leave for 10-15 minutes, then wash your hair with shampoo.

Nettle and honey hair mask

Squeeze the juice from fresh nettles and add 2 tbsp. tablespoons of honey, rub the resulting mixture into the hair roots and wait 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Instead of fresh nettle juice, you can make 100 ml of nettle decoction. Such nettle mask nourishes and strengthens the hair roots.

Nettle hair mask with henna

Take 5 tbsp. l. dry nettle leaves and 4 tsp. colorless henna, pour boiling water, mix thoroughly and let it brew, add whipped broth to the cooled broth egg yolk. Apply to hair, wrap your head with a towel, wait 20-30 minutes and rinse with shampoo.
Mask with nettle and henna for hair can be used 2 times a week.

Stinging nettle hair mask

In a deep container, mix together 2 tablespoons of finely chopped mint, a glass of zero-fat kefir, 3 tablespoons of ground nettle. Peppermint helps to cool the scalp and reduces oil production.

Nettle and Vinegar Hair Mask

When boiling nettles, pour apple cider vinegar into the water in a ratio of 3:1. Rinse clean hair and let dry naturally. Nettle Vinegar Shine Hair Mask makes hair smooth and manageable.

Nettle infusion for dandruff hair

To rinse your hair, you need to prepare a simple infusion: three tablespoons of chopped coltsfoot leaves and three tablespoons of chopped nettle. Plants are poured with a liter of hot water and infused in a dark place for an hour. Before use, the liquid must be filtered. Next, washed hair should be rinsed with a decoction and dried without using a hair dryer.

Nettle coltsfoot mask for coarse, unruly hair

Take 60 gr. nettle and coltsfoot per 1 liter. water, bring the broth to a boil, then let it brew for 30 minutes, strain. Pour the resulting solution into a basin, add warm water about 2 liters. and let your hair down for a few minutes, then rinse your head with this solution, do not rinse. Such a recipe for a decoction of nettle for hair will make them soft and obedient.

Nettle decoction for hair loss

Mix 150 gr. nettles with one glass sea ​​buckthorn juice(it is better to take freshly squeezed juice). Pour boiling water over and let steep for 20-30 minutes. Rub the resulting mixture into the hair roots in a circular motion for 5-10 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Nettle for hair loss is applied every other day.

Lightening hair with chamomile and nettle

It turns out that with a simple herbal decoction You can give your hair a slight golden hue and shine. The main ingredient in this brightening decoction is chamomile flowers. Nettle does not affect hair color, but heals them. To prepare a decoction, you need to take one tablespoon of crushed chamomile flowers and nettle stalks. Pour plants with hot water, but not boiling. The liquid should be infused for about an hour, then it must be filtered and used to rinse the hair. After this procedure, the head should be wrapped in a towel for 15 minutes. Chamomile and nettle for hair irreplaceable means that will make your hair beautiful and healthy.

After beauty treatments you can pamper yourself light massage heads. It is not only pleasant, but also useful. Touch improves blood flow, which contributes to more better assimilation skin nutrients from decoctions and masks. Nettle hair reviews are positive, in addition, it is affordable and easy to use.

Nettle decoctions and infusions are useful and effective, but it is worth remembering that each person has individual characteristics, do not forget to test the skin for sensitivity to the components of the nettle hair mask.

On April 17, Moscow will host a conference by Mesopharm "Scientific Approach to Aesthetic Medicine. Actual Issues and Industry Trends."

Market Analytics

Nettle is a very common plant found in many countries, on virtually every continent, on almost every roadside. Maybe that's why people don't pay enough attention to it.

Meanwhile, it helps with such diseases as inflammation of the gallbladder, respiratory diseases, tuberculosis, poor blood clotting and others.

Decoctions from it are quite popular in cosmetology, as they are very effective and at the same time simple, publicly available, and sometimes free. Nettle strengthens the bulbs, saturates the hair with vitamins and gives them shine and silkiness. How to brew and use it as decoctions, masks and oils will be discussed in this article.

How to collect and dry nettles

You will need scissors, gloves and a bag or basket where the grass will be folded.

Choose an undamaged plant with green, old leaves. It is best to collect it in the morning, when the dew dries and the weather is dry (a wet plant can simply rot). cut off upper part nettle stalk.

A thin layer of it is laid out on paper and dried either in the shade on fresh air or in a ventilated area. After about five to seven days, if turned over from time to time, the plant will be ready.

Since nettle can be brewed for washing hair within two years after assembly, it must be stored properly. Suitable for this glass jars, paper bags or cotton fabric.

Beneficial features

Many consider nettles to be just a weed. And meanwhile she is enough useful medicine. Apart from their others healing properties, the plant is useful for It gives them shine, silkiness and softness.

How it works

Nettle contains many useful substances:

  • vitamin A helps hair growth, awakens bulbs and heals wounds;
  • vitamin C - enhances blood circulation and oxygenates tissues;
  • vitamin K - makes shiny and saturated;
  • carotene - normalizes sebaceous glands, which is especially useful for ;
  • organic acids improve metabolic processes in the roots.


  • saturate and improve the hair structure vitamins C, K, E, group B, sulfur, iron, manganese, aluminum, barium, phytoncides, tannins, flavonoids;
  • By ascorbic acid nettle is ten times richer than lemon.

Also this plant:

  • prevents hair loss and promotes hair growth;
  • relieves dry skin;
  • regulates the activity of the sebaceous glands, soothes itching, eliminates dandruff;
  • prevents split ends.

How to brew nettle for hair

For rubbing, the leaves and roots of the plant are crushed, two tablespoons are poured with two hundred milliliters of water and boiled for half an hour over low heat, after which they are cooled and filtered. This cooking method is suitable for roots.

To make the remedy more effective, you need to know how to brew it correctly. Five hundred grams of leaves are taken, poured with water and brought to a boil. After cooling and filtering, the decoction is ready for use. Do not cook nettle for rinsing in boiling water, as many of its beneficial properties that are good for the condition of the hair will be lost.

How to brew fresh nettle for rinsing hair

Usually, the strands are rinsed after shampooing and using conditioner. The broth should be filtered through a fine sieve so that the leaves do not remain on the hair.

To achieve the optimal effect, it is necessary to follow certain rules on how to brew nettle for rinsing hair:

    decoction diluted in warm water in a ratio of one to four;

    to soften, you can add one teaspoon of soda;

    the diluted liquid is poured into the basin;

    they bend over it and water their hair for five minutes;

    hair dries gradually at room temperature.

Rinsing is carried out in a complex, every other day, for a month. After that, you can take a month break and repeat the procedure again.

Recipes for dry hair

For this type, a combination of nettle and chamomile is perfect, even if you just rinse the curls after brewing nettle for hair. These herbs are especially suitable for natural blondes and dyed ones, because they do not have a coloring effect.

You can prepare a mask based on a decoction of nettles, where to add chamomile and apply to your hair, holding the mixture for at least one hour.

For weakened dry strands, a combination of nettle and dioecious coltsfoot will benefit. After brewing nettle for hair, you need to cool the broth - and you can rinse your curls with it.

Another recipe for dry hair is a mask, which includes honey, sea buckthorn and nettle. The berries are crushed, honey is added to them, and then three tablespoons of nettle broth. In addition to the nourishing effect, the mask will help lighten the hair if lemon is added to the ingredients.

You can also make cream. To do this, take a balm that suits your hair well, nettle tincture and vitamins B12 and E. The prepared conditioner will be a good nutrient, so that the curls will gain strength and shine, and will also become easier to comb.

Oily Hair Recipes

To increase the tone, the owners of this type of hair need to use minerals. For these purposes, a normalizing and cleansing mask of nettle and blue clay is suitable, which are mixed in a ratio of one to two and applied. The composition must be left on the head until dry. It is better to wash off such a mixture with nettle decoction, so it will stronger effect. How to brew nettle for rinsing hair is described above.

To get rid of dandruff, a decoction of the plant is mixed with apple cider vinegar and a crumb of bread. The mask is rubbed into the roots. The procedure is repeated every other day.

To thicken thinning hair, gelatin and tonic are added to the broth (to make it easier to wash).

Another good recipe: rosemary seeds, burdock oil and nettle are taken in equal proportions. The mixture is poured with a glass of water and rubbed into the roots once a day.

A quick effect can be achieved using celandine and nettle. dried herbs poured with hot water, calendula and motherwort are added. The liquid is rubbed into the hair, from the roots to the tips, for two weeks. As a result, both the scalp and hair are restored. And the motherwort, which is part of it, will also heal the damaged ends and protect the strands from the external aggressive environment.

Hair Growth Recipes

For curls to please their owners every day, not only general condition, but also in quantity, use nettle to prevent loss. However, it is not recommended to use it on too dry, blond-dyed hair, as ethanol can dry out the strands.

Two tablespoons of vodka and broth are mixed. You can also add hop flowers in oil or infusion. The prepared mixture is applied to the roots and left for two hours.

From seborrhea and baldness, a decoction of nettle and horsetail will help. Herbs are crushed into powder, poured with hot water and infused for six hours. The decoction helps reduce itching and helps strengthen the strands.

Here is how to properly brew nettle for hair in case of baldness in old age: calamus is added to the prepared leaves, poured with black tea and applied to the hair after a few hours.

Nettle masks

In addition to brewing nettle for rinsing hair, make masks from it from time to time, this is useful. This will help saturate the roots and accelerate the growth of curls. Depending on the purpose, the ingredients for them may vary. All masks are applied to clean hair for half an hour. After applying, put on a shower cap and wrap your head with a towel. This way you will be able to achieve the best result.

Here are some interesting recipes.

Vitamin mask: Grind nettle leaves with a blender or food processor. You should get two tablespoons of powder. A spoonful of burdock oil and a spoonful of honey are added to it.

To accelerate hair growth: the leaves must also be crushed, after which they are mixed with chamomile and the protein of two eggs. Such a mask is applied to the hair for only five to six minutes, so that the protein does not have time to tighten the skin.

To strengthen the roots: three tablespoons of the powder are mixed with an incomplete glass of low-fat kefir and one tablespoon of mint.

nettle oil

This remedy helps with dandruff, brittleness and hair loss due to the content a large number vitamins and Oil can be purchased at any pharmacy, but it is not difficult to prepare it yourself.

To do this, you need to take four tablespoons of a dry plant and a glass of olive oil. The ingredients are mixed and left to infuse in a dark place for two weeks. Next, the oil is filtered through cheesecloth. Store it in a closed container in a dark place at room temperature.

It is best to collect grass in May, as at this time it has the most nutrients.

The plant can also be consumed internally. Thus, slagging will decrease, and toxins will be removed from the body.

For natural lightening, nettle is mixed with chamomile, and caffeine is added for a good tonic effect.

So how to brew fresh nettle for hair? You just need to add hot water to it, not boiling water.

You can also add a decoction to shampoo or cream, enhancing their effect.

If for some reason it is not possible to collect the plant, and there is no time to apply all the recommendations on how to brew nettle for hair, then you can buy ready-made mixtures at the pharmacy, which are very cheap.

In addition, there are many domestic manufacturers that make hair cosmetics with the addition of nettle.

Many underestimate high efficiency folk recipes, ignore them and use exclusively cosmetics purchased in stores, or visit beauty salons. However, the means of pharmacology will eventually bring more harm than favor. Preferring folk remedies, you can quickly get rid of dandruff, strengthen hair, stop or prevent hair loss. Curls will quickly become soft and silky.

If you follow all the simple rules described, how to brew nettle for hair and use it, the condition of the curls will improve significantly. Regular use of recipes with this plant will restore their health without expensive salon procedures.



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