Steam smoking device. Comparison of electronic hookah and vape

An electronic smoking device is an analogue of conventional cigarettes, in which tobacco has been replaced with a special liquid. As a result of heating, the liquid evaporates using a wick with a spiral. Devices of this type are manufactured in different options, differ from each other in power, size, shape and design.

Reasons for popularity

Smoking devices are gradually becoming more popular. They are used as those who are trying to stop smoking regular cigarettes and those who have never smoked. We will understand the design of the device, find out how it differs from electronic hookah, what advantages and disadvantages it has and whether there is really no harm to the body when using it.

The principle of operation of smoking devices

Devices of the type in question work on the same principle, although they can be called differently:

The e-liquid is made up of several harmless components such as nicotine, glycerin, propylene glycol and flavors to give vapor pleasant smell. Correct Proportions- the basis for the transfer of taste and volume of steam generated.

Flavors allow you to fully appreciate the palette of tastes. Due to the presence of nicotine, it is possible to give these tastes astringency and strength.

Classes and varieties of vapes

Electronic smoking devices differ in standard sizes. Classic devices are produced in the form of pen-styles, and manufacturers also offer mini and super-mini models. In addition, you can pick up mods, a pipe or a cigar.

The last of these options are improved models, because they are purchased much more often. In turn, mods are divided into box mods and mechanical vapes. Boxed variations are characterized by the presence of an electronic board in the internal part and the equipment of an external display, which allows automatic control of the device operation and obtaining statistical data.

The function of boxing is to implement control important indicators- voltage, resistance and battery charge. With this element, optimal energy consumption is ensured. those who prefers to use classic products without any "bells and whistles", mechanical models of mods are more suitable.

it's the same the best choice for those who want to save money, since such technical means the cheapest. The main difference between mods and other vape variations is the ability to replace any components if necessary.

Design of smoking devices

The device is represented by a case, which is equipped with a connector and a rechargeable battery. But the main detail is the atomizer. The evaporator provides for the presence of a wick and a spiral that receives current. The volume of steam and flavor transfer are determined by the quality of the wick and the material from which the coil is made.

In most cases, the winding of the spiral is made using kanthal, because this material is versatile, has an affordable cost and a long service life, allows you to enjoy as long as possible pleasant taste aromas.

An important advantage of the material is the ease of winding. Using kanthal, even an inexperienced person will cope with this task, a minimum number of workouts is enough. A good alternative is stainless steel. However, working with such material is more difficult and the battery must be more powerful. There is also positive moment- the device is less susceptible to the formation of plaque and soot, it functions properly longer.

For user comfort, branded cotton wool is most preferred. Why is that? It's simple: in such a wick there are no carcinogens and impurities. This means that its use will not affect the slurry palette in any way, and a full-fledged taste transfer will be preserved.

Mods for beginners

First of all, you should decide on the goals of soaring. If at present you just want to experience the possibilities of vapes, get disposable models. It can be either a mini or supermini version. Such devices are stylish, outwardly they look like an ordinary cigarette.

The charge is designed to perform 100 puffs, which allows you to fully enjoy the vaping and decide on the purchase of an advanced reusable vape model. The sale of such products is carried out in tobacco shops and vape shops.

For more perfect x versions of vapes provide replaceable cartridges and recharging. Often, beginners are advised to choose automatic mods, devices that help to avoid many mistakes.

Box mods for beginner vapers are most convenient:

The presence of these nuances has a positive effect on the state of the device itself and the user's impressions. Deciding on the vape model, You should also focus on the content of nicotine in liquids:

  • Saturated compositions differ in the content of 24 mg of nicotine, when they are used, discomfort in the throat is felt.
  • Liquids containing no more than 16 mg of nicotine are allocated to a separate class.
  • The lightest liquids are made using only 3-6 mg of nicotine.

You can refuse if you wish. from the intake of nicotine in the body and purchase nicotine-free e-liquids. If the selected product contains glycerin, the effect will be softer.

Comparison of electronic hookah and vape

Let's figure out the difference between an electronic hookah and an electronic cigarette. Both devices are now equally popular, the difference lies in the following: weight, dimensions. A cigarette is smaller and not as heavy in weight as a hookah:

Real hookah-type units are offered only by three factories located in China. Devices from other manufacturers are not genuine, they are just fake.

The benefits of vaping

Electronic units designed to replace conventional cigarettes, similar to them, began to go on sale in 2003. They were called and continue to be called safe means compared to tobacco smoking. In this case, no herb is required, fluids are used instead.

Later it turned out that nicotine is still present among the ingredients of liquids, but there are no other carcinogenic and very dangerous substances for health, without which the production of cigarettes is indispensable.

Judging objectively, there are indeed advantages and they are as follows:

At first sight, it's a pretty harmless unit., because tobacco is not used and there are no toxins, combustion products that can lead to the development of cancer. But if you make a thorough check of the device, it turns out that it is not possible to call it completely harmless, as the manufacturers say.

Disadvantages of electronic cigarettes

Like any other product, electronic devices for vaping also have certain disadvantages:

According to the data received during the execution special studies, addiction to nicotine is minimally determined by exposure to chemical substances. These components only increase the likelihood of developing such an outcome by 15%. Otherwise, the regular use of electrons leads to addiction.

It's like a ritual: once you get used to it, it's hard to do without it. It is difficult for a person to refuse not the consumption of nicotine, but the process itself. It is for this reason that the use of special patches and chewing gums does not lead to significant results. If you smoke cigarettes containing tobacco and a lot of unnecessary components, in your case an electronic device is the right choice.

At least you will reduce the negative load on the body. Doctors say that vaping cannot replace smoking, but this option can be implemented as a way to get rid of addiction.

Do you plan to quit smoking completely or do you think it is impossible to do so? Then it's better to go anyway for electronic cigarettes. If you do not smoke, but decided to test a new invention on yourself, first pay attention to the absence of serious medical research units of this kind. For example, some countries have banned vaping, namely Canada, France, Turkey, Australia and the United States. Do you really need it? Make an informed choice.

An electronic cigarette is an analogue of a real one, but it involves the use of a special liquid instead of tobacco. The liquid falls on the wick with a spiral and, under the influence high temperature, evaporates. Electronic smoking devices today are a range of products that differ in shape, size, power, capacity and design.

Operating principle

Regardless of the configuration, the devices function in the same way:

Electronic cigarette liquid consists of propylene glycol and glycerin, nicotine substance and flavorings. The ratio of PG and VG determines the flavor transfer and the volume of vaporization. Nicotine adds strength and astringency, and aromas form a palette of flavors.

Classification and varieties

The main difference between electronic smoking devices lies in the design of standard sizes.
Classic pen-styles stand out (devices made in the form of original pens), mini and super-mini (disposable models), cigars, pipes and fashion - the most advanced types of devices.

Mods are divided into mechanical and box variations. Box mods come with an internal electronic board and an external display. Due to this, you can automatically control the vaping process and get useful statistics. Boxing helps to determine the level of battery discharge, resistance and voltage, set optimal mode energy consumption.

Mechanical mods will appeal to fans of classic vaping without unnecessary "bells and whistles". In addition, as practice shows, such equipment is many times cheaper.

The main difference between mods and other modifications is the ability to fully service, change all components.

What is a smoking device?

An electronic smoking device includes a housing with a battery and a connector. However, the key detail is the atomizer.
The evaporator contains a coil to which current is supplied and a wick. Taste transfer and vaporization depend on the material of the spiral and the quality of the cotton wool (wick).

The most common helix material is kanthal. This is an affordable and versatile option that lasts a long time and does not spoil the taste of the aroma. The main thing is that the kanthal is easily wound. Even a beginner will be able to carry out a comprehensive vape service after a short training.

An alternative solution is stainless steel. Stainless wire is wound more difficult and involves the use of a more powerful battery. But the product lasts longer and is protected from soot and plaque.

To smoke comfortably electronic cigarette, it is recommended to use branded cotton wool. Such a wick does not contain impurities, carcinogens, which means it does not spoil the taste transfer and reveals the entire palette of liquid.

What to choose for a beginner?

The choice depends on the purpose of soaring. If you want to try it, you should start with disposable mini and supermini. These are stylishly made devices that look no different from an ordinary cigarette.

The mini charge is enough for 100 puffs, which is quite enough for daily smoking. You can buy products in any vape shop or tobacco store. More perfect models Rechargeable and replaceable cartridges.

Buying an automatic mod for a beginner is a priority. These are technically advanced and user-friendly devices. Box mod will save a novice vaper from typical mistakes:

As parameters for choosing vapes, you can take the level of nicotine in the liquid. These are super strong formulations, where the nicotine substance is added in a volume of more than 24 mg. These are tart slurries that give swipe down the throat. The next class is medium-strength liquids with nicotine levels up to 16 mg.

Not everyone knows how you can smoke steam and smoke steam as it is called. More and more people are quitting regular cigarettes. On the one hand, one can rejoice at this fact, but on the other hand... these same smokers do not quit smoking, but simply switch from smoking regular cigarettes to electronic ones.

The history of the development of vaping culture

It is thanks to the steam that the full impression of a full puff is created. The dense vapor exhaled by a smoker is indistinguishable in appearance from smoke. You can even let spectacular rings out of smoke. Thanks to the thick vapor, this type of smoking was called vaping - inhalation and exhalation of steam, with an exact translation from English. And they call such smokers - vapers.

What is the correct name for smoking steam, it became known from abroad, it was there that they came up with and brought the idea to life. To us this direction came a long time ago, but gained popularity only in 2016.

Vapers are already a separate subculture, this occupation is becoming fashionable. Access to updated gadgets is increasing every day. A major role in contributing to this is the possibility of purchasing goods through an online store, not only in Russia, but also abroad.

There are many such smokers among popular people, and millions of their fans strive to imitate them in everything.

The main slogan of people in this direction is smoking without harm to health.

Complete rejection of tobacco and addiction to modern technological innovations, which, by the way, are not cheap. In addition to pipes of mass production in a standard format, there are also single unique copies on sale. They have different name, structure, color and shape.
For single copies, at the request of the customer, precious metal can be used, Genuine Leather or wood, fantasy is limited only by the budget of the customer.

Vapers hold congresses of like-minded people, where they flaunt their pipes and amaze the public with invisible forms and a number of devices for personal use.

Having visited such an event, it is difficult to say that electronic cigarettes contribute to smoking cessation. Yes, and many states are prohibited from giving such information when advertising smoking equipment.

Feature of smoking electronic cigarettes

Smoking or vaping is now fashionable. A special device for smoking - an electronic cigarette - allows you to soar. It consists of several main parts:

What to choose: steam or smoke

There are no disputes about the dangers of smoking in the world. It definitely does not add health to the human body. Much has been written about this scientific works and a lot of research has been done. But the question of what and how to smoke, and what is more harmful is still relevant. Manufacturers of electronic cigarettes claim that their product is much safer. This is what their marketing is based on.

As part of the fight against smoking in Russia, a ban on smoking has been introduced in in public places and administrative liability is imposed on those who disobey. This was done in order to reduce the number of passive smokers. After all, when smoking an ordinary cigarette, the smoker himself and everyone who nearby inhales the combustion products of tobacco: tar, carbon monoxide, ammonia, lead, benzene, formaldehyde and arsenic. In an electronic cigarette, all this is not present, its smoking allows you to get nicotine in pure form, without harmful impurities. And this, it would seem, is an indisputable plus.

Recently, a group of doctors conducted a study in this area and came to the conclusion that the plus becomes a minus and carries no less danger to human health.

This is justified as follows: a legislative project imposes restrictions on traditional smokers, bad smell smoke, the taste of a cigarette in the mouth, allow not only to enjoy nicotine, but also to put the pack aside for a long time. A vaping smoker can do this almost anywhere. No smoke or bad smell. Zizka can be chosen with different pleasant flavors.
Nicotine comes in its pure form, which means that a person gets pleasure without interference. It will be more difficult to stop and soaring turns into a continuous process at any opportunity. Nicotine is a narcotic substance, it is addictive and, like any drug, poisons the body in case of an overdose. It follows from this: an excess of nicotine causes poisoning of the body, and an ambulance is required to save a person's life. medical care. Ambulance statistics on cases of poisoning when smoking nicotine vapor indicates an increase in the number of such cases. Poisoned by ordinary cigarettes, much less.

In both cases, nicotine, in addition to being addictive, contributes to the development of cancers in the lungs, for future generations. smoking parents threatened by chromosomal mutations.

Yes and concomitant diseases lots of.

Deciding which is safer after all of the above is difficult. Both ways of relaxing are harmful.

Which method is cheaper

Assessing the harm to health, it is difficult to make a choice in someone's favor. The amount of costs for those who smoke is also no less important. To understand what is cheaper, you need to make simple arithmetic calculations. Here, too, everything is clear. There are cheap and expensive cigarettes, someone smokes two or three cigarettes a day, and someone barely has enough packs. Electronic cigarettes are a modern gadget, and a good gadget is not cheap. Their price is influenced by: the name and popularity of the manufacturer, the arrangement of the piece and its filling additional features, quality of smoking liquid.

If we take into account the highly averaged statistics, smoking an electronic cigarette is a cheaper activity, we are talking about the amount of 7,000 rubles a year, when 21,000 rubles are spent on ordinary cigarettes over the same period of time. Focusing on these figures, we can say that it is more profitable not to smoke the old fashioned way, but to soar.

Electronic cigarettes have different forms and types, there are disposable and reusable devices. And there are a lot of additional replaceable blocks for reusable samples, improved expensive modifications constantly appear on sale, and if you get carried away with modernization and the pursuit of the latest fashionable novelty, the cost of maintaining an electronic smoking pipe can significantly exceed the annual amount of a classic smoker.

Having studied scary statistics deaths from smoking, having learned about the huge number of overdoses of nicotine from electronic cigarettes, it is better to make a choice in favor of complete failure from smoking. It is not without reason that this occupation, regardless of the method, has age limit 18+, and at the legislative level there are programs of counteraction.

In contact with

What is the difference between an electronic cigarette and an electronic hookah? In order to identify the differences between these devices, it is best to compare them with "natural" prototypes, and then with each other.

Principles of operation of conventional and electronic smoking devices

Natural smoking devices necessarily contain an organic mass (for example, tobacco), which decomposes under the influence of fire, begins to smolder, releasing smoke with very active, most often toxic substances.

An ordinary cigarette consists of the following parts:

  1. Paper case in the form of an elongated cylinder.
  2. Crushed tobacco that densely fills this body.
  3. Filter. But in many types of cigarettes, it may be absent.
  1. Batteries supply electricity to the heater.
  2. The heating element heats up the liquid in the cartridge.

A person inhales not tobacco smoke, but steam, which, according to fans of fashionable devices of this type, is much safer. Thus, new types of devices differ from traditional smoking devices by the principle of operation.

General properties of electronic cigarettes and hookah

These devices are very similar in terms of their effect on the smoker, namely:

  1. Both designs do not tobacco smoke, which would affect nearby standing people, that is, there is no such thing as a passive smoker.
  2. A person who uses a fashionable device on electricity does not have yellow teeth.
  3. An unpleasant smell does not come from the mouth of an "electronic" smoker.
  4. The convenience of using such devices in comparison with traditional devices is manifested in the fact that fire is not needed.
  5. Electric analogues of traditional smoking devices are practically not addictive, it is possible to use cartridges with liquid without nicotine.
  6. It is possible to inhale fragrant steam from the described electrical devices after ½ minute, since they do not need to be smoked.
  7. Not required for electronics special conditions storage.

The main inconvenience in the use of fashionable devices of this type is the need for frequent replacement of cartridges.

Accumulators of devices calmly withstand from several months to a year, it all depends on the intensity of use of cigarettes or hookah. Many cartridges have flavors added to produce the desired flavor vapor.

What is the difference between a hookah and a cigarette?

These two fashionable devices differ in several ways. In practice, the principle of their operation is the same, but there are the following differences:

  1. Dimensions and weight. A cigarette is much lighter than a hookah and has a smaller size. By design, a hookah is an electronic cigarette built into a housing that imitates a natural device. Although there are models of hookahs the size of an electronic cigarette.
  2. Power sources. The battery of a cigarette has less power than that of a hookah.
  3. The device for air intake on a hookah-type apparatus differs in design from the suction block of a cigarette.
  4. The contents of the cartridges of these two types of devices differ.
  5. The duration of hookah use reaches 40 minutes, which cannot be said about other types of devices.
  6. In some types of devices in the form of a cigarette, instead of cartridges, so-called tanks are used, which are not yet used on hookahs.
  7. A cigarette is used to simulate smoking by inhaling nicotine-containing vapor, and a hookah creates a smoking effect similar to the classic use of a traditional aggregate.

Since 2004, real devices of this type have been produced by only three factories in China. All other externally similar devices are nothing more than a fake.


The differences between an electronic hookah and a cigarette are small. They can be considered insignificant. Compared to traditional analogues, such devices have advantages, for example, less nicotine gets into the lungs of a smoker or there is no nicotine in the vapor inhaled by a person at all, there is no such thing as passive smoking.

Investing in glass tubes is always good option. What for? Glass smoking pipes have thermal cooling properties and provide a cleaner, more neutral tasting than a ceramic or metal pipe. Cleaner and healthier than a joint, the best glass pipes release a powerful rich scent. And when it comes to a variety of glass smoking pipes, smokers can choose from glass cigarettes to the most impressive avant-garde pieces that can be shown in art galleries and cost $50,000. For the regular marijuana smoker looking to invest some of their money in a new glass pipe, consider the following types 2018.

Pyptek Prometheus pocket pipe

Want to pack a plan for concealed smoking and still want one of the best glass pipes on the market? Try Pyptek's Prometheus Pocket Pipe for $85.00 in lots different colors. The tube is small enough to fit in your pocket or palm. In addition, this tube has a borosilicate glass smoke path but maintains a protective outer layer of aerospace grade aluminum. Easy to take apart for quick cleaning, this glass and metal duo is required attribute for the smoker on the go.

Marley Glass and Wood Walnut Bubbler

Look at this stylish smoking pipe! Like Hugh Hefner smoking in a tuxedo jacket, this hybrid water and dry pipe delivers a dose of sophistication. Large base provides a large number of water filtration, and its ball-shaped percolator also provides a well-filtered puff. Combined with easy-to-clean removable parts, this beautiful Bubbler is worth the money - $162.00.

Chameleon Glass Bonehead Glass Pipe

Some of the best glass pipes emit more thrill. Take the impressive Bonehead Glass Pipe for example. This little piece is only 4.75 inches long, making it perfect for smoking on the go. This skull tube is available from affordable price$34.19. And this is an unmistakable coincidence for any inveterate lover of joints.

Grav Labs 7″ Helix 3-In-1 Multi Bubbler Pipe

Hey, we got her. You are a marijuana connoisseur and love to smoke weed whenever you get the chance. So feel liberated with this glass contraption that packs the versatility of three glass smoking pipes. Three nozzles fit Helix. And the "Venturi Chamber" includes micro-perforations that allow for outside air and smooth puffing. The rounded base adds the benefits of water filtration along with downward diffusion. Made from borosilicate glass, this eye-catching 3-in-1 contraption can easily be carried anywhere. This way you will be able to impress the crowd who also like to smoke. Although the price is $119.99, this thing cannot be corrupted for that price.

Empire Glassworks Avocado Hand Pipe

Maybe you have something trendier than the classic glass smoking pipes on this list. Maybe if you're going to be investing in one of these best glass pipes, you want your smoking friends to post something on Instagram after you've been smoking a joint. Look out for pieces from Empire Glassworks if you want to wow your friends with smoky art that will make them green with envy. This bowl will definitely evoke a cute feeling due to the realistic texture of the avocado skin. This thing costs $80. But hey, you can't put a price on art.

Grav Labs Upline Hammer Bubbler Pipe

Grav Labs is no slouch when it comes to innovation in glass smoking pipes. Their Upline Hammer Bubbler pipe is no different. Its design includes a futuristic set of constraints that act like their own percolation station. So smoke with the benefit of science. The Upline Hammer has a diffused base, carburetor design and mouthpiece. With thick glass and directional airflow, this piece will let you see the future of the finest glass pipes and cannabis. And what's the best? It can be in your hands for $79.99.

Chameleon Glass Firefly Glow in the Dark Spoon

Have you ever woken up in the middle of the night, casually looking at your pipe on the bedside table to puff and go to deep sleep? Chameleon Glass senses that you have a problem, but immediately offer a solution with Firefly Glow Glass Pipe. Inexpensive option for the average cannabis user, this glass pipe glows in the dark so it's easy to find in most dark rooms or street corners. Non-toxic and quality controlled with full melt on inside pipes, this neon marvel is safe to use. Priced at $39.99, this gizmo is a must-have for camping or mushroom picking trips.



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