Why do the soles of the feet itch. Itching on the back of the foot

Every attentive person at least once noticed that the soles of his feet itch, the reasons were unknown. Light scratching did not cause anxiety and was even pleasant. It indicated that a lot had been done during the previous day, and soon there would be positive results. But, if there is itching in the feet, pain, then you should understand in more detail why the legs itch. When the cause is found, they proceed to treatment and restore the natural state.

What needs to be determined

First of all, you need to look for rashes, calluses, cuts or other damage on the soles. Such a reaction can be to food, drinks, tight shoes. To view, you will have to strain yourself or use two mirrors. Itchy areas on the legs can also occur with burns, frostbite, allergies, insect bites, scabies, fungal infections of the feet.


Allergies can be accompanied by a rash, redness, blisters or just discomfort. An allergic reaction is associated with the use of certain foods, drinks, medicines. It can also appear on certain types of cosmetics, clothing, dust, plant pollen. To combat allergic dermatitis, antihistamines (Fenistil, Fenkarol) and external allergy ointments are used.

What causes itchy feet

Feet may itch from:

  1. obvious and imperceptible burns;
  2. any cases of frostbite;
  3. fungal infections of the feet;
  4. scabies;
  5. insect bites (mosquitoes, beetles, bees, wasps);
  6. wearing tight shoes;
  7. calluses.

Burns and frostbite can be of different nature. From the weak action of these irritants, there are no pronounced wounds or ulcers. The feet may itch from mild exposure to an infectious disease, peeling, or the appearance of small papillomas. The action of mycosis is accompanied by itching and burning of the feet and fingers. Itching is caused by a fungal infection. This is especially evident in the cold season, when a person puts on warm socks. The development of a fungal infection, accompanied by itching, contributes to the wearing of tight shoes and a decrease in immunity.

Other possible causes of itching can be:

  1. Dry skin, especially in the cold season or when wearing synthetic socks.
  2. Hypovitaminosis.
  3. Endocrine diseases such as diabetes mellitus, thyroid dysfunction, etc.
  4. Various liver diseases.
  5. Varicose veins, which is accompanied by eczema and itching. To eliminate discomfort, it is recommended to wear special compression stockings, use venotonics (Lioton, Hepatrombin G).
  6. Irritation after shaving the legs and the wrong choice of depilation method. You can not shave early in the morning, it is better to do it before going to bed.
  7. Pregnancy. An increase in the level of female sex hormones causes bile retention. The accumulation of bile acids provokes itching of the skin. To eliminate discomfort in the legs, expectant mothers are recommended to take activated charcoal, hepatoprotectors (Essentiale, Karsil).
  8. Dermatological ailments in the form of neurodermatitis, psoriasis, seborrhea, etc. In this case, special antipruritic agents are used: tincture of salicylic acid, diphenhydramine, menthol ointments, water with vinegar, salt. Baths with decoctions of string, chamomile, dill, oregano, nettle are also taken.
  9. Psychical deviations.

What causes feet to itch

Signs of why the legs itch can be different cases. To prevent this factor, you must:

  • Wash your feet regularly with special products or a moisturizer.
  • Wear cotton socks and change them regularly.
  • Shave legs according to hair growth.
  • Wear only your own shoes.
  • Do not use tight shoes made of artificial materials.
  • Use a sharp razor for shaving, special creams before and after shaving.
  • Drink plenty of fluids.
  • Eat properly.
  • Take vitamins, trace elements.
  • Avoid allergens.
  • Use cosmetics from trusted brands.
  • In public areas, baths, saunas, wear your own slippers.

Feet scratching

Burning in the legs sends a signal that indicates circumstances that need to be dealt with. From what the sole of the feet itches and the reasons for this are often associated with the use of foods that affect it. Various alcoholic drinks, chocolate, citrus products negatively affect the human body. In addition, the sole of the feet itches from infection.

Infection with dermatophilic fungi is possible through a sick person or his personal belongings.

Such infection is often found in baths and other public places. Itching of the feet initially appears in the toes or on the side of the foot. You can get rid of itching by completely destroying the fungus. The infection is treated with antifungal drugs of general and external action. Lamisil, Clotrimazole, Miconazole and other ointments help from infection. In addition, general tonic drugs, immunomodulators and drugs that prevent sweating are used.

Other causes of itchy feet

The reasons why the sole of the feet itches can be various conditions and diseases. Sometimes the legs itch from stressful situations or experiences. At the same time, itching of the sole on one leg is noticed. Why the leg itches should be found out. The leg may itch from dry skin or other manifestations.

Itching of the legs can occur due to the following factors:

  1. frequent hair removal or shaving;
  2. using too hard water;
  3. extremely dry indoor air.
  4. There are cases that itching of the feet is associated with a large load on the legs, excessive walking and stress on the legs.

What to do

To prevent itching of the legs, you should determine the cause of this and choose the necessary medicine. You should also adhere to personal hygiene products and do not wear tight and uncomfortable shoes. When visiting public places, you should wear your own flip-flops, do not walk barefoot.

People often turn to the problem that itchy feet. Basically, the feet begin to itch when the top layer of the leg (foot) is damaged. The main thing you need to know in this situation is that you do not need to diagnose and treat yourself. It is unlikely that such amateur performance will harm, but the quality of treatment will be much worse. The sooner the patient sees a doctor, the sooner the doctor will be able to determine the causes and prescribe the proper treatment.

And yet: “Do your feet itch?” There are many factors that cause itchy feet. Several reasons can be identified. These include: fungal infections, burns, stress or nervous excitement, insect bites, the body's reaction to allergies. These reasons can provoke severe itching in the feet.

Symptoms of itchy feet

Itching in the feet can be caused by various reasons, it is worth noting that most of them are associated with diseases. These include: varicose veins, scabies, mycosis of the feet, allergies, stress. Depending on the disease, the patient may have different symptoms.

If scabies is skin, then the patient will have it pronounced. In particular, the disease will reach not only the feet, but also the abdomen with palms. The most severe itching begins to appear at night, when the body is at rest. Itching can be so severe that it is simply impossible to sleep. The cause of severe scabies may be hiding in the scabies mite. You can identify its appearance by gray paths under the skin on the body, these are tick tunnels.

Itchy feet are more common due to an allergic reaction. When scabies is caused by an allergy, the back of the hands, nose, ears, and, of course, the feet may itch. In some rare cases, the larynx may swell and nausea with headaches may occur. For complete healing, it will be enough to remove the causative agent of the allergic reaction.

The next cause of itching of the feet and lower legs is most often manifested in the fairer sex and it is associated with vascular diseases. In such a situation, the patient begins to peel the skin, heaviness in the limbs and severe fatigue appear, and the legs swell. Do not joke and delay with this, approach the treatment of this problem seriously: be sure to sign up for an examination with a doctor. Most likely, he will prescribe vascular treatment, this will relieve the itching and discomfort that it causes.

For a long time, a person can be bothered by itching, which subsequently appeared as mycosis. You can catch this infection in public places. For example: saunas, shared showers, swimming pools, as well as through personal hygiene items or general use items: slippers, socks, towels, washcloths, scissors, tongs. A special characteristic of a fungal disease can be reddening of the skin layer between the fingers, as well as its uncharacteristic thickening. In addition, cracks may appear in the infected area. The trouble is that the affected area itches, and through a combed crack, an infection can enter the body and form an intertriginous type of mycosis. Due to the introduction of infection into the body, treatment can be greatly delayed, and the consequences can be more serious. The problem is that not fully cured mycosis will manifest itself over and over again. Because of this, the treatment process can be painstaking, as one must make sure that the disease is eliminated and does not reappear.

Also, itching can occur due to stressful situations, strong neurosis, constant irritability, as well as excitement.

Itching treatment

It has been repeatedly said that as soon as there is a constant and severe itching on the feet, you should immediately contact a dermatologist. Without a correct diagnosis of the disease, it will be impossible to find its basis and cure it completely. Only a doctor can prescribe the correct and effective treatment.

Everyone is well aware that if it itches a lot, then you can’t scratch it, this is what the disease is counting on. But it is very difficult to resist, so antihistamines such as Erius, Zirtek, Suprastin, Loratadin, Tavegil and many others can be prescribed for relief. Itching can be so severe that you want to swallow the entire package of the drug. But do not forget that such drugs can seriously affect the nervous system, slowing it down. If the medication was prescribed by a doctor, then he may warn that driving a car is not desirable after taking the medication.

As soon as itching of an allergic nature begins to appear, it is advisable to use antiallergic drugs, in addition, it is necessary to completely stop contacting with allergens.

Varicose veins need to be treated with medications that tone up the veins and also strengthen their walls. It is impossible to cure varicose veins with the help of pills alone. Usually drugs are prescribed in combination with electroacupuncture stimulation or magnetic and laser therapy.

Mycosis, in turn, must be treated immediately and in a timely manner with the help of antifungal drugs. If the stage is not initial and the skin lesions are significant, then first the upper layer of the epidermis is removed with the help of keratolytic substances.


It is very simple to secure and rid yourself of annoying itching in the future, it does not take much time or effort. Just be careful about your health and personal hygiene. For prevention, you must follow the following simple rules.

  • wear quality shoes that have ventilation.
  • do not use someone else's shoes or personal hygiene products.
  • If you hurt your foot, you must definitely and immediately process it.
  • If your feet sweat a lot, then you should use products that reduce unpleasant odors and reduce sweating (Algel, Formidron).
  • Treat the heels with pumice stone several times a week, if the skin is not rough, then once is enough.
  • Do not be lazy before going to bed to wash your feet and wipe them dry.

Do not forget that itching is not a disease, but a consequence of the disease, so you do not need to take drugs that relieve symptoms, you need to deal directly with the disease. Only a dermatologist can correctly diagnose the disease and prescribe the right treatment.

Get serious about treating your feet, because untreated diseases can appear again and again, and secondly, the sick person is a walking carrier of serious fungal diseases.

Many are faced with a situation where the feet itch. An unpleasant feeling is accompanied by inflammatory processes - there are wounds, acne, blisters. What is the cause of discomfort in the area of ​​​​the fingers, heels and soles? Why do the feet itch? To figure out what to do about it, you need to find out the problem of itching.

If itching causes discomfort all the time, it can be assumed that it is caused by an allergen. In this case, you need to analyze what kind of food was consumed the day before. Perhaps the reason is in low-quality products. Allergies can be caused by synthetic clothing. This is especially true for a child.

During the colder months, itching can be caused by vitamin deficiencies or dehydration.

Varicose veins and associated diseases

Sometimes the foot itches due to a fungal disease.

In this case, discomfort worries in one area.

If itching bothers you in the evening, this may be the result of overwork or neurosis. It happens that as a result of the outflow of blood with varicose veins, eczema develops. In this place, the skin becomes thin, and it can be easily combed. The result is irritation that is difficult to eliminate. Tightening tights, special ointments, and walking will help to slightly improve the situation.

Itching can be soothed with novocaine combined with vodka, in the proportion of 4 ampoules per 50 ml of vodka. By treating the problem area in this way, the unpleasant sensation can be temporarily eliminated. After washing the feet, it is advisable to treat the problem area with a solution of boric acid. Lemon juice will also help to get rid of discomfort for a while.


In the case of diabetes, the entire surface of the body itches, but sometimes itching bothers only the feet or palms.

For a while, you can eliminate the trouble with a bath, in which starch or nettle decoction is added.

In the case of diabetes, the main thing is to control sugar levels, follow a diet, and folk remedies only help relieve symptoms.

baby waiting

In the sixth month of pregnancy, the content of estrogen in the body of a woman rises. This slows down the flow of bile to the liver. During this period, the whole body itches, and the surface of the skin may give off yellowness. Often at this time, the feet itch. There is irritability and depression. What to do in this case?

A contrast shower will help solve the problem. After taking it, it is desirable to treat the body with cosmetic milk or cocoa butter. To make the liver work better, you can drink No-shpu. Before using drugs, be sure to consult your doctor in order to avoid complications.

While waiting for the baby, you need to drink plenty of water, moisturize the skin with substances based on cocoa butter and aloe.

To eliminate the symptom, it is also useful to drink activated charcoal, use special talkers. Products containing alcohol can aggravate the situation, so their use is contraindicated.

Sometimes the legs of pregnant women itch due to allergies. To eliminate its symptoms, you should temporarily adhere to a special anti-allergic diet.

Cause of itchy feet in children

In a child, the feet and palms may itch as a result of allergies. Itching can be disturbing due to the bite of mosquitoes and other insects. In this place, pimples, redness or blisters appear. Irritation in a child may appear after contact with certain drugs or household products. A child who is prone to allergies should be kept away from harmful foods and polluted environments.

For treatment, antiallergic drugs are used. Allergic disease is inherited. With it, the neck itches, the places of the folds of the upper and lower extremities, palms, face, knees itch. If the patient is not provided with timely treatment, eczema may appear.

It is better not to bring it to this point, but to respond to the problem in time and, when necessary, resort to antibiotics.


Sometimes itching can occur due to mycosis (fungus). A person with mycosis has an itchy area in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fingers and feet.

Later, peeling of the skin occurs, blisters appear, inside which fluid accumulates.

A fungus that damages the nail plate is especially unsafe. If the disease is started, then the deformation of the nail can no longer be corrected. But that's not even the problem. At the advanced stage, the waste products of microorganisms emit harmful substances, as a result of which intoxication of the whole organism occurs.

Mycosis can be contracted as a result of contact with a sick person. In any case, when the first symptoms appear, you should not ignore the problem.

Photo of the disease. Might be hard to watch


The scab causes painful itching not only on the feet, but also on the abdomen and hands. It causes especially unpleasant sensations at night. Scab symptoms are small blisters connected by thin red stripes. These are the routes of passage of bark mites.

This disease is treated exclusively with medication.

It cannot be eliminated by any folk methods. Plus, it's contagious. If one of the family members falls ill, everyone will have to be treated. Children are most susceptible to the disease. You can get infected in any way, even in public transport.

Other causes of itching

Itching also occurs for other reasons:

  • as a result of stress;
  • due to a burn;
  • as a result of frostbite;
  • after wearing tight shoes.

There can be many reasons for discomfort. Lost time can negatively affect the general condition of the body. In order not to harm your health, it is important to do the necessary procedures, avoid complications and contact specialists in time who will fix the problem and prescribe a course of treatment in a timely manner.

The occurrence of unpleasant sensations, especially itching, on the legs in the anatomical range - from the foot to the knees, cause discomfort, a feeling of anxiety, both physiologically and morally. But, in addition, such symptoms indicate deviations in health in the human body.

The main causes of itching on the legs from the foot to the knees

The reasons that cause itching on the legs from the foot to the knees can be quite a lot, but usually distinguished in the area:

As can be seen from this considerable, unfortunately, list, not necessarily unpleasant symptoms are associated with problems in the musculoskeletal system, and often on the contrary, itching on the legs from the foot to the knees indicates other pathologies.

Note! In order to make a more accurate diagnosis, firstly, you need to contact a specialist in the clinic, and secondly, undergo a clinical examination, on the basis of which the exact cause is determined.

The main feature of the causes can be considered the fact that if they are detected at the primary stage and during a preventive examination, then there is a possibility of their correction and complete prevention of the disease of which they are symptoms.

At the primary stage and during a preventive examination, that is, the likelihood of their correction and complete prevention of the disease of which they are symptoms.

However, itching on the legs (approximately from the foot to the knees) is often accompanied by additional signs of health problems.

Additional symptoms include:

Given all the factors of the severity of the consequences of such symptoms, you should not wait for them to worsen, better, without delay, consult a doctor.

Dermatoses and dermatitis

Everyone knows that the skin is an indicator, one might say, a “litmus test”, which allows you to find out about internal and external problems in the body. So, exactly according to the nature of the direction of exposure and distinguish dermatitis.

Dermatitis is a non-infectious disease, the form of rashes and the number of inflammatory foci depends on the etymology and type of the disease.

Dermatitis is a non-infectious disease, the form of rashes and the number of inflammatory foci depends on the etymology and type of the disease.

A symptom of a disease of the viscera (or infection of the dermis) is considered toxidermia on the legs.

More a complex case of this type of dermatitis - atopic eczema, its chronic, often recurring form is also called inflammatory dermatosis.

It often occurs in people with hereditary IgE-type hypersensitivity, which produces a reaction to a variety of food and drug allergens.
Due to external influences of various kinds of irritants, contact dermatitis is determined.

The influence of any chemical composition, for example, a cream, can lead to itching.

The factors that provoke and contribute to the development of pathology include:

  1. Physical and mechanical - the influence of critical temperatures, burns, friction, pressure, shock.
  2. Chemical - the influence of any chemical composition, for example, cosmetics, household cleaning products.
  3. Biological - fungi, viruses.

allergic reactions

A common cause of itchy legs from the feet to the knees can be considered an allergic reaction.

Allergy happens to such means:

  • environmental, household (plant pollen, animal hair, household dust, etc.);
  • food (eggs, citrus fruits, etc.);
  • medicinal.

Basically, an allergic rash looks like hives, and in more complex versions it merges into inflamed, reddened areas with a pronounced itchy effect.

Allergies happen to a variety of drugs.

To everyone's chagrin, the number of people prone to allergies is growing. Due to the growth and mutation of the allergens themselves, there is a risk of uncertainty about the main causes of developing symptoms.

Skin diseases

In addition to dermatitis, skin diseases include unpleasant ailment, initially associated with the autoimmune system of the body - psoriasis. Its symptoms always include a constantly disturbing itching, and not only on the legs from the foot to the knees.

Papules and plaques are very flaky and tend to form solid, extensive foci in addition to the area of ​​​​the knee joints, but also on the hips, even on the head under the hair.

Papules and plaques are highly flaky and tend to form continuous, extensive foci in addition to the area of ​​the knee joints, but also on the hips, even on the head under the hair.

Chronic pathologies of the epidermis are also distinguished among skin diseases.- lichen planus, Dühring's dermatitis (herpetiform type), which are accompanied by intense itching.

In such cases Animal hygiene and frequent cleaning required(disinfection) of shared premises.

It is necessary to observe the hygiene of animals and frequent cleaning (disinfection) of the premises of joint residence.

Diseases of the endocrine system

It would seem, how can diabetes affect the condition of the skin and cause uncomfortable emotions, undergoing itching?

This affects patients with a long history that is difficult to treat. With the aggravation of the flow in conjunction with varicose veins, non-healing ulcers may appear and the "diabetic foot" syndrome may form.

Neuropathy in this disease is capable of producing such side effects, perhaps even a combination of pain and "goosebumps" in the limbs.

Fungal infections of the skin

The genesis of infection of the skin with various kinds of fungi is such that at first the integrity of the epidermis is violated, for example, by an insect bite or a mechanical wound, and then a fungus enters the site, which causes itching on the legs, the root cause of allergies, and not vice versa.

Correctly determine the localization (for example, from the foot to the knees), the degree of the disease and Only a dermatologist can make a diagnosis based on laboratory tests.

First, there is a violation of the integrity of the epidermis, for example, by an insect bite or a mechanical wound, and then a fungus enters the site, which causes itching.

With well-chosen treatment, problems with both fungal infections and allergies disappear.

Neuralgic problems

Violations of the functions of the nervous system entail changes in nerve endings(fibers) and skin receptors. For example, itching on the legs from the foot to the knees is just a clear symptom of a neuralgic disease called neurodermatitis.

Defined as chronic dermatosis with the appearance of many papules and the development of secondary lichenification due to endless scratching.

Violations of the functions of the nervous system entail changes in nerve endings (fibers) and skin receptors.

Treatment for itchy feet

Before starting treatment, it is advisable to consult a specialist, which examines in detail a person with itching of the extremities.

Initially, external observation of the skin takes place., the history of the course and the occurrence of discomfort is clarified. The doctor will definitely ask the rest of the family about similar symptoms, make palpation of the lymph nodes, spleen, etc.

After that, he will appoint a conclusion, based on which he diagnoses “classic” dermatosis (dermatitis) or determines that itching is a symptom of some more serious disease.

Before starting treatment, it is advisable to contact a specialist who examines in detail a person with itching of the extremities.

However, it is sometimes impossible to accurately conduct and eliminate sources, then general therapy is prescribed - symptomatic, in order to alleviate the patient's condition. If the underlying disease is identified, which causes itching on the legs, then generally accepted methods are used to treat such diseases.

Medical treatment

This area of ​​therapy includes:

  • sedatives;
  • anxiolytics;
  • detoxifiers, adsorbents;
  • antihistamines.

The latter type of medication is usually taken orally.(inside) and in combination with the rest, because they help relieve itching.

Antihistamines, as a rule, are taken orally (by mouth) and in combination with the rest, because they help relieve itching.

In addition to the "internal" means, there is an external therapy, antipruritic solutions are used as a treatment for inflammatory foci.

These solutions include:

In addition to liquid preparations, wounds are pre-disinfected(anestezin 5%, glucocorticosteroid external agents), and then apply ointments, pastes (Sinaflanu, Psilo-balm, Mesoderm) and even sometimes special powders.

If the cases are neglected and complex, then novocaine blockades of certain nerves are done.


The goal of physiotherapy treatment is to have a tonic, antipruritic, anti-inflammatory, detoxifying effect and become a catalyst for certain medications, thereby accelerating the patient's recovery process.

The purpose of physiotherapy treatment is to provide a tonic, antipruritic, anti-inflammatory, detoxifying effect. For example, electric sleep will help.

Carefully! There are contraindications, for some diseases it is impossible to apply individual procedures, having a tumor, kidney and liver damage, inflammatory skin processes at the peak of their condition.

For the rest, welcome to the physiotherapy room for:


When the balance of mediators of the nerve endings of the epidermis is disturbed, endless “itchy” urges arise against the background of general irritability and anxiety. That is itching is a side symptom of stress, depression, anxiety.

Then, in combination with the main treatment, psychotherapy is used. under the guidance of a specialist. It will help to correct the patient's attitude towards others and change the approach to the perception of what is happening, as a result, eliminate irritation on the skin.

In combination with the main treatment, psychotherapy is used, under the guidance of a specialist. It will help to correct the patient's attitude towards others.

If the legs from the foot to the knees are still itchy and cause a lot of trouble, don't delay going to the doctor, because it is better to diagnose the disease in the early stages in order to quickly and effectively cure it.

This video will tell you about the possible causes of itching and a disease such as psoriasis.

From this video you will learn about the causes of itching and eczema on the legs.

In this video, the doctor will tell you why itchy skin appears.

Itching of the foot is often accompanied by burning, peeling and redness of the skin. If these symptoms occur systematically, then you should not postpone going to the doctor. The most common cause of itching is a fungus (mycosis). But this is far from the only pathology that can provoke the appearance of discomfort in the foot area.

Itchy feet may indicate a fungus

Why do the feet itch?

Itching can act as a symptom and indicate the presence of hidden diseases. A person may itch the palms and feet, fingers, knees, face, inguinal region. Many infectious and fungal diseases, as well as allergic reactions, are localized in these areas.

The fungus on the foot manifests itself in the form of peeling and burning of the skin

The feet can also itch due to insect bites. Itching appears against the background of somatic diseases, neurosis, HIV infection. An unpleasant symptom can occur after alcohol, since drinking alcohol leads to intoxication of the body. Often the legs begin to itch a lot after swimming in the pool or swimming in the river, which directly indicates dirty or contaminated water.

Itchy legs during pregnancy

Itching during pregnancy is due to hormonal changes in the body. Discomfort can be localized in any part of the body, but most often it affects the areola of the nipples, feet, palms and abdomen. An equally common cause of itching is swelling that occurs on the legs in the second and third trimester of pregnancy.

Also, do not forget about chronic dermatitis, which worsens during pregnancy. If a woman has any skin diseases, then they can remind themselves of themselves through itching, peeling and irritation of the epidermis in different places.

Expectant mothers who take a large number of drugs (in particular, vitamin complexes) may develop hepatosis. This disease is localized in the liver, the disease is also accompanied by itching.

Any disorders of the liver, as well as an increased level of bilirubin (liver pigment), lead to itching. This is another reason for the appearance of scabies syndrome after drinking alcohol.

Pregnancy increases the level of estrogen (steroid female hormones). Because of this, not only the feet, but also other parts of the body can begin to itch. If the estrogen level does not exceed the permissible norm, then you should not worry.

For the treatment and prevention of diseases caused by Candida fungi (including nail fungus), our readers successfully use an antifungal agent - an effective remedy for foot fungus, unpleasant odor and itching. Peppermint essential oil will give you coolness and eliminate unpleasant odors after a hard day at work. And: Get rid of fungus...

Itchy feet in a child

In children, the skin is more delicate and susceptible to various infections and bacteria. In infants, itching of the foot may appear due to an allergic reaction to cosmetics, fabric or food. As a rule, the discomfort caused by allergies is accompanied by a rash and burning sensation. Itching at night can also indicate scabies. Because of this, the child will not sleep well, act up and fidget.

Often, enterovirus infections appear in children, the causative agents of which are enteroviruses, as well as Coxsackie and ECHO viruses. Pathogenic microorganisms from these categories are found in water and food. Viral infection leads to itching, rash, as well as to the development of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

A child may develop beriberi due to a lack of useful trace elements in the body. Both the lower and upper parts of the body suffer from this. Peeling appears on the arms and legs, the skin becomes dry and painfully pale. This symptomatology is most often caused by a lack of vitamins from group B.

A lack of vitamins can cause itching and flaking of the feet in a child.

Methods for treating itchy feet

What to do if the soles of the feet itch? You definitely need to see a doctor. Self-treatment will not give a 100% guarantee of recovery, and in some cases will only make things worse. It is not recommended to take any drugs without medical advice. For therapy, ointments and creams can be used, since they do not have a negative effect on the body.


At the very beginning of treatment, you can use emollient creams. They are suitable for children and adults. Such funds do not penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin, but they are able to relieve itching due to dermatitis or an allergic reaction. For children, you can use funds from the company Mustela (Mustela). The cheapest option is the usual Vaseline, which has a softening and caring effect.

For adults, pharmacy creams from the Vishy company (from the Normaderm series) are suitable. These products are the safest and most effective when compared with other pharmacy cosmetics.

In no case should you use salicylic ointment with increased dryness of the skin. It can only be used for dermatitis and eczema. To get rid of itching, it is better to use zinc ointment (it is allowed even for pregnant women).

Medications that can relieve itching:

  1. . Ointment containing menthol, boric acid and petroleum jelly. It has a calming, analgesic and antiseptic effect. The product should be applied to the feet with a thin layer 1-2 times a day. The ointment quickly relieves itching and softens the skin. The cost of the drug: within 100 rubles.
  2. Oxycort. The drug should not be used by pregnant and lactating women. The drug contains oxytetracycline, petrolatum and hydrocortisone acetate. Ointment is used to treat various dermatitis, pruritus. It helps to get rid of burns, frostbite. The product should be applied up to 3 times a day. Apply to the affected areas in a thin layer. The course of treatment for children should not last longer than 7 days. The cost of the ointment (for 10 grams) is 250-300 rubles.
  3. Irikar. The drug has anti-inflammatory and antipruritic effect. This tool can be used to treat children. It should be applied in a thin layer 3 times a day. Severe itching should disappear after 1 day of use. The ointment contains tropical liana extract and lanolin. The cost of the drug: about 1000 rubles.

Ointment Boromenthol eliminates itching and moisturizes the skin

Before using each product, it is necessary to test for an allergic reaction. To do this, a small amount of the drug should be applied to any area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin and left for several hours.

Folk remedies

You can get rid of itching by using affordable and cheap components. Folk remedies are not suitable for the treatment of serious diseases, since their action is superficial and is aimed only at relieving discomfort.

Baby cream and essential oils

It is best to buy baby cream with chamomile extract. This medicinal plant is known for its soothing and anti-inflammatory effects. Vaseline can be used instead of cream, but it will need to be melted first. The following oils should be used in this recipe:

  • tea tree;
  • jojoba;
  • menthol (or mint).

Tea Tree Oil Helps Relieve Itching

It will be necessary to add 2 drops of each oil to the base (cream or petroleum jelly). The resulting remedy should be smeared on the heels 2-3 times a day.

Essential oils can be used alone as they work well for itching. To do this, apply funds to a cotton pad and wipe the affected area. It should be borne in mind that oils greatly dry out the skin.

Soothing baths

To make a soothing bath, you can use sea salt, a decoction of chamomile or lavender. An important rule: the water should not be hot. For 10 liters of water, you need 100 ml of medicinal decoction or 100 g of sea salt. It will be much more economical to dilute one basin. In principle, if the legs do not itch much, even a cold shower will help.

Sea salt is suitable for the preparation of soothing baths.

alcohol solution

An excellent remedy to help relieve itching from insect bites. For 100 ml of water, 20-30 ml of alcohol will be required. The finished product must be applied locally with a cotton swab, as it can provoke the appearance of peeling on the skin.

Baking soda is also very good for itching. One glass of soda should be added to the bath or to the basin. The water should be warm (ideally cool). In the resulting solution, you will need to lower your legs for 30-40 minutes.

Baking soda helps relieve itching


The sole of the feet may itch due to beriberi or malnutrition. Therefore, in case of itching, you need to reconsider your diet. Especially if all kinds of medicines do not have a positive effect.

To begin with, you should give up alcoholic beverages and excessively fatty foods. You should reduce the consumption of citrus fruits and sweets. It is also recommended to add more foods containing vitamin B (tomatoes, nuts, cereals, beef) to the diet. For the best effect, you need to give up caffeine.

If your feet itch, stop drinking coffee


Many causes can cause skin irritation around the feet. Despite this, each person can protect himself from itching.

The main rules of prevention:

  • do not wear someone else's shoes;
  • do not abuse alcohol;
  • refuse narrow, squeezing foot shoes;
  • get rid of shoes made of synthetic materials;
  • do not use expired, low-quality foot creams;
  • do not swim in dirty water;
  • refrain from close contact with people who show symptoms of scabies or fungus.

To avoid irritation on the feet, avoid wearing uncomfortable shoes

These rules will help protect yourself from the most common diseases that cause itchy feet.

It is also worth understanding that scabies syndrome can occur against the background of stress and neuroses. If itching appears constantly and for no apparent reason, then it is worth drinking soothing tablets or decoctions.



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