What is burdock oil used for? Burdock hair oil

One of the main attributes of female beauty has been and remains a rich flowing mane of healthy hair. Burdock oil is a long-standing and proven remedy for caring for hair, activating the growth of strands, their nutrition and treatment. This natural effective remedy is used both in its pure form and as part of various masks, balms, shampoos, healing formulations. About its properties, composition, impact, how to properly use burdock oil for hair growth, read further in the article.

What is the principle of operation

Burdock (burdock) oil is a herbal natural product, an infusion of the base oil on an extract from the roots of the plant.

Burdock oil helps to grow and improve hair quality, fights dandruff, moisturizes the scalp, improves blood flow and at the same time nourishes the follicle. Fatty acids restore the structure of the hairs, smoothing the scales and sealing the split ends.

It is sometimes difficult to wash off oil masks, so it is optimal to treat strands on weekends, and for washing off, use a mixture of five tablespoons of rye flour with warm water. It is mixed until creamy and applied to the strands, held for up to 10 minutes, then washed well.


The main contraindication may be a possible allergic reaction., which can be checked in the usual way - apply a little money on the back of the elbow bend and wait a while. In case of redness or itching, the product should be discontinued.

Terms of Use

How to use burdock oil for hair growth:

  1. Heat the oil a little, moisten the hair a little with water.
  2. Apply to the strands alternately, starting from the roots of the hair, rubbing a little with massage movements into the skin.
  3. Oil is distributed over the entire length of the hair with a plastic or wooden comb, you can moisten it a little with the product.
  4. The head is wrapped with a film or a plastic cap is put on, and a thick towel is wrapped on top (this activates beneficial substances, opens the pores of the skin and will contribute to the intensive absorption of the product).
  5. Hold for 60 minutes with oily strands and scalp, up to 1.5–2 hours with dry hair.

Instructions for use provide for a course of treatment, usually at least 1.5–2 months, with one or two masks per week.

Advice. You should not take too much money, the strands should not “drown” in it, since it will be difficult to wash it off later. Enough 1-2 teaspoons per procedure, for short hair even less.

You can add oil to the shampoo 1-2 drops to improve the structure of the hair. It is good to add yolk to oil masks so that the product is better washed off.

homemade butter recipe

It's easy to prepare:

The roots are crushed, put in glassware, poured with base oil (olive, linseed, any suitable). The raw material must be completely closed. Defend in a dark place for 14 days. Then filter, pour into glassware. Aromatic components, vitamins E, A, D are added to the dishes, if desired.

Photos before and after

Mask Recipes

One of the most effective ways to achieve density, an excellent type of hair is a mask for hair growth with burdock oil. There are many recipes, here are the most popular.

For strengthening, giving hair elasticity, density

Melt the yeast in milk (40 ml), add honey (10 ml), mix everything, keep warm for 20 minutes. Add burdock and castor oil (15 ml each). Put a few drops of the mask on the hair, let it drain, distribute with a comb, wrap, hold for an hour, rinse.

Natural vegetable oils solve many problems related to appearance. Many are interested in the benefits of burdock oil for hair. There are many good reviews about him, but little concrete information.

The composition of burdock oil

The popularity of this tool is not accidental. It contains very important components that are widely used in various branches of cosmetology:

  • retinol;
  • vitamin C;
  • toropherol;
  • B vitamins;
  • calcium;
  • iron;
  • stearic and palmic acids;
  • inulin.

All these elements are extremely important for maintaining healthy looking hair. They are part of the structure of the protein from which the strands are formed.

Useful properties of burdock root oil

When applied to the hair, this preparation forms a protective film that prevents the loss of moisture and nutrients. Thanks to inulin, there is an additional cleansing of the scalp and curls from accumulated micro-pollutions.

More intensive blood circulation is being established, due to which the roots receive good nutrition and are supplied with oxygen. Starts rapid hair growth. Damaged strands and skin are restored. The work of the sebaceous glands improves.

Indications for use

The main symptoms that burdock oil will help relieve are:

All these problems can be solved if you undergo a course of therapy using a natural component. The procedure will have to be carried out at least 1 time per week for two months. After a while, you can repeat them. But a greater healing effect can occur only with complex therapy using multivitamins. It is also necessary to use only high-quality preparations from burdock root for hair restoration.

How to make butter at home

The recipe for self-creation of the drug is quite simple. You need to find all the ingredients and get to work. First you need to prepare the main thing - burdock roots. They are cleaned of dirt, washed well, dried and cut very finely. Then they take 200 ml of any vegetable oil (olive, linseed, sunflower, sesame, almond) and pour the crushed root placed on the bottom of a glass jar into it.

Everything is carefully closed and left in a dark place for a week. After everything has been infused, the mixture is poured into a saucepan and boiled over low heat for a quarter of an hour, cooled and passed through cheesecloth. The finished solution is poured into a container with a lid and removed from a cool place.

If there is no desire to prepare all the components and carry out further manipulations, you can simply buy the finished product at any pharmacy.

Types of burdock oil

Often in industrial preparations from burdock root or in homemade recipes, you can find additional ingredients that enhance the cosmetic effect and bring useful trace elements.

  • Red pepper

It mainly solves the problem of hair loss and their slow growth. Hot pepper stimulates the metabolic processes of the scalp and improves the nutrition of hair follicles.

This component also has contraindications. It can cause severe allergies or burns. It must be applied with caution.

  • Nettle

A decoction of this plant is a very popular ingredient in various hair care products. It is highly valued for its beneficial properties. The extract helps to normalize the production of sebum and strengthens the hair well.

Together with burdock oil, it has a healing effect on the scalp, heals minor injuries, and improves blood circulation. It also significantly improves the appearance of the hairstyle, gives shine to the curls.

  • vitamins

Despite the fact that burdock root oil itself is rich in trace elements, various components that are beneficial for hair are often added to it. The most popular are retinol and vitamin E.

These substances are able to return the hair to a well-groomed appearance and smoothness. They nourish the strands and prevent moisture loss. The strands stop drying and flaking at the ends.


The beneficial properties of burdock oil for restoring hair and protecting curls from aggressive environmental factors make it a very popular cosmetic product. You can buy the drug in a pharmacy or prepare it at home, which guarantees its naturalness and effectiveness.

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The hair of a modern woman is constantly subjected to various stresses and tests. In addition to the natural need to be beautiful, expressed in dyeing, bleaching, curling, tight hairstyles and overdrying of hair, there are environmental factors, as well as systemic diseases that affect the scalp. Genetically modified foods, hormonal residues in meat (especially in chicken and pork), pesticides, smog in large cities and excessive insolation in villages - all this leads to a deterioration in the quality of the hairline.

Burdock oil helps to mitigate the effects of these unpleasant circumstances, restore elasticity to the hair and strengthen their roots.

Conditions in which burdock oil is used

Dermatologists recommend burdock oil for excessive oily skin, especially for seborrhea of ​​various origins. As an element of complex treatment, it can be prescribed for various types of alopecia, dandruff, section of the hair shaft and other similar symptoms.

Photo gallery: indications for use

In its pure form, burdock oil is not a remedy - a dermatologist must determine the main cause that caused dandruff or brittle hair. For this, mycological and bacteriological examination of the head, consultation of a gastroenterologist (for metabolic disorders), allergic tests and much more can be recommended.

The chemical composition of burdock oil - the role of the substance in the treatment of diseases of the hair and scalp

Burdock root extract contains many nutrients

The extract from the root of burdock (i.e. burdock) contains a large amount of inulin, vitamins B, A, E, C, R. In addition, burdock oil is a source of essential oils, tannins, salts and minerals.

With regular use, burdock oil relieves inflammation, stimulates hair follicles, destroys certain types of pathogenic microorganisms, improves blood circulation and skin regeneration.

Inulin is an excellent adsorbent, it makes the skin less oily, which prevents hair loss and is very useful in the treatment of seborrhea.

Application features for different types of hair

Burdock oil can not be used more than 2 times a week, otherwise the hair adsorbs too many lipids, becomes heavy and oily in appearance.

To strengthen thin and dry hair, it is precisely this frequency of use that should be followed, and every 3 months it is necessary to take a break for 2 months.

Different types of hair have their own conditions for the use of burdock oil.

If the goal is to moderately strengthen and maintain healthy hair, the procedure is performed once a month.

The oil is applied to the scalp and the hair itself in a heated form (warm in a water bath) with soft massaging movements from the skin of the scalp to the ends of the hair. We warm the structure with a bag and a towel. Leave the mask on for an hour, then wash your hair with regular shampoo.

It is necessary at the same time to know for sure that you do not have allergic reactions to a particular shampoo.

Making burdock oil at home

Burdock oil can be made independently, or you can buy it at a pharmacy

Buying burdock oil is quite easy, but the quality of the product may not meet our needs. This is due to the addition of silicone and some other unacceptable ingredients. As a rule, chemical additives are recognized by their characteristic smell, so it is useful to know how natural burdock oil should smell.

Grind fresh burdock roots and pour refined sunflower oil (you can take almond or olive oil, depending on olfactory preferences) in a ratio of ⅓. The mixture is infused for a day in a dark room, after which it must be brought to a boil and kept on low heat for 20 minutes. After cooling, the oil is filtered.

Burdock oil for hair growth

Burdock oil can also stimulate hair roots in its pure form. To do this, it is applied with a swab on the skin of the scalp 2 times a week. A slightly more effective method are special masks to accelerate hair growth. These funds contain additional stimulants, softening and strengthening components.

Photo gallery: components of firming masks

Here are the main recipes:

  • mix burdock oil with castor oil and add birch sap (1/1/2), then apply the mixture on dry hair half an hour before washing your hair;
  • honey, lemon juice and burdock oil (2 tablespoons each) are heated until dissolved, then add 2 yolks and mix. The resulting mask is applied to wet hair, rubbing in a circular motion into the skin. The mask is applied for 2 hours with warming up to 4 times a month;
  • mix burdock oil and cocoa in a ratio of 2/1, add two yolks. We apply the mixture for an hour and a half;

Cocoa is a powerful immune stimulant and contains a lot of antioxidants (rejuvenates the skin). Unfortunately, this recipe is contraindicated if you are allergic to chocolate.

In addition, burdock oil is often combined with traditional hair growth stimulants - mustard, pepper, onion juice, cognac and yeast.

Hair Loss Treatment

Inulin - a substance that prevents hair loss

Inulin plays a key role in this process. The substance strengthens local immunity, preventing the development of local infectious processes (mycoses and bacterial infections), strengthens hair follicles.

As a rule, for a complex effect (growth and prevention of loss) in the treatment of alopecia, a combination of burdock oil with circulatory stimulants - pepper or honey is used. Oddly enough, Miramistin applications can also be used for this purpose, especially with severe fungal infection.

Treatment of hair loss with burdock oil is carried out in courses of 6 months. The frequency of procedures does not change - up to 2 per week.

Here are the two most common masks for hair loss with burdock oil:

There will almost always be a burning sensation during stimulation of this kind, however, in case of hypersensitive skin or an allergy to one of the components, the treatment should be stopped and a dermatologist should be consulted.

  • a tablespoon of flower honey is mixed with two tablespoons of burdock oil plus two yolks. The mask is applied for 40 minutes once a week for 2 months.

Contraindicated in case of skin reactivity in response to bee products.

Application of a product for elasticity and silkiness of hair

In this case, the hair itself is treated first, so the mask is carefully applied along the entire length.

A drop of essential oil will give the product a pleasant aroma.

A teaspoon of cocoa butter (you can use pharmaceutical butter, or grated natural cocoa) is mixed with 3 tablespoons of burdock oil, 3 yolks. You can add 3 drops of an oil solution of vitamin E and A to the mixture for a better effect. Apply with massaging circular movements to the hair roots, then to the hair and wrap the head with heating for one hour. After that, the mask is washed off, and the hair must be rinsed with a weak solution of lemon juice (15 ml / l of water).

Pure burdock oil can also help in restoring volume and natural color, but for this it is better to buy pharmacy oil - it is better washed off and does not smell. Regarding the smell - in any mask, you can add a couple of drops of any essential oil to taste.

Burdock oil for the treatment of seborrhea and physiologically oily skin

The key effect of burdock oil in this niche is the normalization of the sebaceous glands. It is important to understand that burdock oil stimulates blood circulation and reduces the effect of an infectious agent, but, like any oil, it clogs pores.

For this reason, the mask cannot be kept longer than the specified time, otherwise it can provoke blockage of the glands and exacerbate the inflammatory process, which leads to hair loss, itching and redness of the skin.

Combing with oil - a solution to problems with oily skin

As a compromise option for using burdock oil for oily skin, combing is used. This is done as follows: a little oil is rubbed into the scalp with massaging movements (the oil should be warm), after which combing is carefully performed, distributing the substance along the entire length of the hair. After 40 minutes after application, the oil is washed off.

A mask for oily skin is prepared with the addition of drying and cleansing ingredients. The popular version of such a mask includes kefir or yogurt in a ratio of 1/1 to oil.

Excess oily skin and hair loss is a reason for consulting a gynecologist-endocrinologist, masks with burdock oil should be combined with the treatment of hormonal imbalance. In this case, the effect of therapy will be maximum.

Strengthening brittle hair

Coloring, blow-drying and perm make hair brittle. In addition, there are a huge number of diseases and conditions in which the hair needs additional nutrition and support.

Here are recipes that restore the structure of the hair shaft:

  • nettle decoction and oil (3/2) plus yolk for each spoonful of burdock oil;
  • tincture of calendula and oil (½) plus yolk;
  • castor and burdock oil (1/1). This recipe is good after an unsuccessful bleaching attempt.

Physician-therapist of the city polyclinic. Eight years ago she graduated from the Tver State Medical University with honors.

The range of use of burdock oil is very wide, first of all, it is a wound healing and antimicrobial agent. It is valuable for hair due to its composition, which contains fatty acids in excess, as well as vitamins A, E, B and C. This complex, together with essential oils, promotes hair growth, improves their appearance, and gives them shine.

With the help of burdock oil, the activity of the sebaceous glands is also regulated, blood flow to the hair follicles is activated, and the flavonoids and tannins present in the oil relieve irritation, itching and help fight dandruff. Therefore, burdock hair oil can be used both as a therapeutic and as a prophylactic agent.

Burdock oil is not obtained from burdocks, as its name suggests, but from the rhizome of this plant, better known as common burdock.

How to use burdock oil for hair

The easiest and most versatile recipe is to rub the oil into the scalp 30-40 minutes before washing it. But you can try more complex and useful masks. From dry dandruff, a mixture of burdock and nettle oils, taken in equal amounts, will help. To stimulate hair growth, burdock oil is mixed with castor oil.

A nourishing mask for any type of hair will be a mixture of a tablespoon of honey, egg yolk and a teaspoon of burdock oil. For falling hair, a tablespoon of dry red pepper is added to burdock oil and this mixture is rubbed into the roots of the head for a quarter of an hour.

Masks must be done twice a week for a month. Then the hair should rest for two weeks and the course should be repeated again.

Burdock oil can be made on your own, but it is much easier to purchase it at a pharmacy, since the process of processing the roots and directly obtaining the raw materials is quite laborious.

What else do you need to know

In a complex of procedures with burdock oil, rinsing the hair with a decoction of burdock root is no less useful. To do this, it must be brewed with boiling water and kept in a water bath, a decoction taken in the proportion of 1 part of dry matter to 15 parts of water, a quarter of an hour. After filtering, it must be diluted with boiled water to a volume of 500 ml and rinse already clean hair, then dry it with a towel.

For the period of the course of masks from burdock oil, hair coloring, perm or other procedures that injure curls should be abandoned. It is also advisable not to use a hair dryer or tongs during this time, and then in a month the hair will take on a much healthier look.

There are many available plants that help preserve beauty almost more effectively than expensive cosmetics. One of these gifts of nature is, the benefits of which are invaluable, especially for hair health.

The composition of burdock oil

The composition of this oil, which can be easily purchased at a pharmacy at an affordable price, includes vitamins B, PP, A, C, E, as well as a whole range of minerals, ranging from zinc to copper and iron. The oil also has a special quality: the tannins present in it help to get rid of a number of skin problems, and unsaturated fatty acids normalize metabolism and the activity of the sebaceous glands.

The inulin present in the oil deserves special mention, as it is believed that this component helps the vitamin composition to be better absorbed by the skin.

The benefits of burdock oil

The range of application of burdock oil is quite wide. It is used in as a dressing, helping to fill the lack of vitamins in the body. Oil is also taken for medicinal purposes to alleviate the course of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, but only a doctor can set its dose. Burdock oil is especially popular. Along with castor, it is part of many masks and helps to strengthen and grow not only hair, but also eyelashes.

To prepare burdock oil at home, you need to pour a glass of sunflower oil 5 tbsp. burdock root, insist in a warm day and cook in a water bath for a quarter of an hour with constant stirring.

Burdock hair oil

In hair care, the use of burdock oil has a long history and its effectiveness has been proven by practice. It actively nourishes the bulbs, stimulating hair growth, fights seborrhea, makes the hair itself shiny, which is especially noticeable on long curls. Also, lipid metabolism in the scalp is normalized and the hair becomes less greasy, itching stops. It can be used not only as a treatment, but also as a prophylactic for any type of hair, but the course of masks should be long enough.

simple recipes

The easiest way to use the beneficial properties of burdock oil for dandruff or as a strengthening vitamin complex is to rub it in its pure form into the roots of the head before each wash, keeping the hair wrapped in a towel for at least half an hour.

A mask to stimulate hair growth is prepared from a mixture of aloe juice and oil in equal proportions. Rub the composition also before washing your hair. A restorative mask for hair that has lost its shine consists of a tablespoon of oil, the same amount of liquid honey and egg yolk. It must be distributed along the entire length of the strands also for half an hour.

Burr oil made from the root of a biennial plant from the Compositae family - burdock. Each of us knows this weed with an inflorescence in the form of thorns that stick to clothes when in contact with it.

In folk medicine, burdock tinctures have been known for many years for their healing properties. They were used mainly for drinking, oil - for external use. Women already in those days used burdock oil for hair loss. Burdock oil is unique in terms of the content of the complex of active biological substances. It contains more than 50 useful substances, including organic acids, minerals, vitamins, tannins. It contains phosphorus, potassium, cobalt, chromium, iron, zinc, silicon, sodium, thiamine and magnesium.

Manufacturing methods

For many years, burdock oil has been made using the simple method of extraction. To do this, the burdock root was crushed, then poured with high quality oil, left to infuse for several weeks, and then filtered.

Modern manufacturing methods, in order to obtain the maximum percentage of nutrients, use the method of extracting carbon dioxide. With this method, the amount of beneficial active substances extracted from burdock is much greater than with the extraction method.

Equally important is the choice of oil, which is used as a base. As a rule, mineral, vegetable, soy, almond oils are used. This fact also affects the price of the finished product, its properties and ability to wash off. The cheapest oil and difficult to wash off is obtained from mineral oil. Burdock oil made from olive oil is highly valued.

Burdock oil is easy to make yourself. You will need the following ingredients:

  • glass jar with a lid;
  • burdock root, cut into small pieces;
  • vegetable or olive oil.

Cooking: put chopped burdock root in a glass jar and pour it with oil. Approximate proportion is 1 to 3. Close the jar and put it in a dry, dark place and leave to infuse for 6 weeks. About once a week it needs to be opened to release air bubbles. Then strain the resulting mixture and the oil is ready for use.

Useful properties of burdock oil and indications for use

Benefits of using it:

  1. Burdock root contains polyacetylenes - phytochemicals that kill certain infections (urinary tract, acne, and ringworm) Burdock's antibacterial properties help heal wounds and even treat ulcers.
  2. Besides, burdock root is used to treat gastrointestinal diseases, stomach diseases, stimulate the digestive system.
  3. Promotes the influx and ejection of bile, which helps in cleansing the liver.
  4. Widely used in various skin diseases (psoriasis, seborrhea, dandruff), as well as in the manufacture of various acne treatment creams.
  5. An equally important advantage of burdock oil is ability to combat hypoglycemia. Burdock contains a good proportion of the insulin-producing reagent found in the human body.
  6. Burdock oil is indispensable for hair restoration after thermal and chemical treatment. It promotes their growth, restoration of their natural beauty and shine, prevents hair loss.

Useful tips for using burdock oil:

  • for moisturized and healthy hand skin, just add a few drops of oil to your cream;
  • wipe wounds and insect bites with a cotton swab soaked in oil;
  • for temperature and fever, use a cold compress with a few drops of burdock oil;
  • add a few drops of oil to your daily and your hair will look healthy and clean;
  • for the growth and strengthening of eyelashes;
  • when you add a few drops to the bathroom, you will feel relaxed.

Since burdock oil is a natural remedy, it has practically no contraindications. Before applying the oil to the skin, it is recommended to first make sure that there are no allergic reactions to the components of its composition. To do this, apply a small amount of it to the bend at the elbow and, if no reactions occur, you can safely use it.

It should be used with caution in combination with anticoagulants and drugs that help thin the blood to avoid blood loss and bleeding. These drugs include aspirin and ibuprofen.

Burdock hair oil

The most popular use of burdock oil in the world is a hair product. It is especially useful for damaged, lifeless, dull hair. Oil performs a number of effective functions:

  1. Helps restore metabolic processes in hair follicles and scalp, strengthens capillary blood circulation in the scalp, which helps to strengthen the hair and accelerates natural growth.
  2. This natural remedy fights hair loss. Active ingredients are able to penetrate deep into the roots through the hair follicles, preventing hair loss and forming a protective film on each hair. Therefore, it is often used after and during a course of chemotherapy. It helps to keep hair follicles alive, activates their growth.
  3. Useful for hair that has been dyed, chemically permed. Restores them after exposure to the sun, swimming in the sea or pool with chlorinated water.
  4. Restores the condition of the hair after the use of potent drugs, work in adverse working conditions.
  5. Using it by men on a regular basis can delay the death of hair follicles by at least 15 years. thereby preventing premature baldness.
  6. Helps fight dandruff, flaking and itching scalp.

Burdock hair oil application

The classic healing mask requires the use of pure burdock oil.

Execution procedure:

  • wash your hair and lightly dry your hair with a towel, they should be damp, but not damp;
  • apply slightly warmed oil on the scalp and roots with circular massage movements;
  • distribute the oil with a plastic comb along the entire length;
  • put on a hat or a plastic bag;
  • wrap with a towel;
  • leave on the head for at least one hour. For very dry and lifeless hair, you can leave it on all night;
  • Rinse thoroughly with shampoo and conditioner.

In order to restore hair and get the proper result, it is recommended to perform such a mask 2-3 times a week for two months. Doing it every day is not recommended, otherwise the hair can become heavy.

Traditional medicine recipes

Depending on the effect you want to get, the composition of the burdock mask may vary slightly. Modern traditional medicine offers various options for masks that are easy to make on your own.

For hair growth:

  1. Ingredients:
  • 5 st. spoons of burdock oil;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of dry mustard;
  • 2 yolks.

Execution procedure:

  • dissolve the mustard in a small amount of warm water to make a mustard paste;
  • combine all the components and apply to the roots;
  • cover your head with a shower cap or plastic wrap and wrap with a towel;
  • leave the mask on your head for 20-30 minutes.

The mask should be washed off immediately with a strong burning sensation.

The mask produces a heating effect, thereby stimulating the hair follicles, and hence their growth. It also helps to significantly improve the thickness of the hair.

Since she is very active, she should not be performed more than once a week. For best results, it is recommended to do it for 7 weeks.

You can not do it if you are allergic to the components of the mask, sensitive scalp or skin diseases.

  1. Ingredients:
  • 5 st. l. almond oil;
  • 5 st. l. burdock root oils;
  • 2 tsp vitamin E oils.

Execution procedure:

  • mix almond and burdock oil in equal proportions and add vitamin E oil;
  • rub with massage movements into the roots, and then along the entire length of the hair;
  • leave for 2 hours, for best results - all night.

The combination of these three oils produces an incredible result. This mask strengthens the hair, nourishes the bulbs and activates their growth. You need to do this mask 1-2 times a week for best results.

Before use, be sure to check that there is no allergy to one of its components.

  1. Ingredients:
  • 1 banana;
  • 7 art. spoons of oil.

Execution procedure:

  • chop the banana with a blender and mix with oil;
  • Apply with massage movements to the roots, then distribute along the entire length;
  • wait 30 minutes, then rinse thoroughly.
  1. Ingredients:
  • 1 st. l. tinctures of red pepper;
  • 2 tbsp. l. burdock root oil.

Execution procedure:

  • heat a little pre-oil and mix with pepper tincture;
  • apply to the roots and leave for 1 hour;
  • then rinse off.

If you feel a strong burning sensation, the mask should be washed off immediately.

This mask is very active and stimulates the hair follicles well. One of the most famous masks for accelerating hair growth. You will see the result after 5 applications. You need to perform this mask 1-2 times a week.

It is not recommended for sensitive scalp.

From falling out:

  1. Ingredients:
  • half a glass of burdock oil;
  • 2 yolks;
  • 3 art. l. honey.

Execution procedure:

  • heat a little burdock oil in the microwave;
  • combine all the ingredients and apply to dry hair, starting from the roots and ending with the tips;
  • keep on the head for 1.5 hours;
  • wash off the mask preferably with cool water, then using shampoo.

For maximum results, perform at least once a week.

For fine hair:

To give volume and restore thin hair, it is recommended to make softer masks:

  1. Ingredients:
  • 2 tbsp. l. burdock oil;
  • 1 st. l. castor oil;
  • 2 tbsp. l. sea ​​buckthorn oils.

Execution procedure:

  • all ingredients are mixed and heated in a water bath;
  • apply to hair;
  • leave for a few hours, preferably overnight.

For good results, you need to do it every two days.

  1. Ingredients:
  • 2 tbsp. l. burdock oil;
  • 2 tbsp. l. grated onion.

Execution procedure:

  • mix ingredients;
  • apply to hair for several hours;
  • wash off.

To eliminate the unpleasant smell of onions, you can rinse your hair with vinegar diluted in water.

For dyed and damaged, permed hair:

To give softness, obedience to hair, as well as for their shine, a mixture of burdock oil with various aromatic oils is recommended:

3. Ingredients:

  • 2 tbsp. l. burdock oil;
  • 2 tbsp. l. almond oil;
  • 2 tbsp. l. peach oil

Execution procedure:

  • wash your hair and dry your hair a little with a towel;
  • apply a mixture of oils;
  • leave it on your head overnight.

For dry hair:

  1. Ingredients:
  • 1 st. l. honey;
  • 1 yolk;
  • 1 st. l. burdock oil.

Execution procedure:

  • heat honey to a liquid state, add the yolk and oil;
  • apply the resulting mixture to the hair along the entire length;
  • leave for 40 minutes, then rinse.

For oily hair and dandruff:

  1. Ingredients:
  • 1 st. l. tinctures of calendula
  • 1 st. l. burdock oil.

Mix the ingredients and apply only on the roots for half an hour, rinse.

  1. Ingredients:
  • 1 st. l. burdock oil;
  • 2 tbsp. l. dry blue clay;
  • 1 st. l. mineral water or tea.

Mix everything and apply to the roots. Leave for half an hour, then rinse with a strong stream of water without shampoo. Soft blue clay helps eliminate oiliness and gives hair elasticity.

For normal hair:

  1. Ingredients:
  • a bag of colorless henna;
  • yogurt;
  • 2 tbsp. l. burdock oil.

Dilute henna in water, then add yogurt and oil. Apply with a brush from roots to ends. Leave for half an hour and rinse. Such a mask creates an invisible protective film on the hair, which protects them from the harmful effects of the environment (sun, wind, water).



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