Why dream of collecting crayfish with your hands. big live cancer

What is associated with cancer? For some, this is a delicious snack for beer, and for others, a wayward animal with claws. In a dream, you need to take into account the circumstances under which you see this animal. Fantasy in the realm of dreams can increase cancer to a gigantic size, or it can give it unusual features. They may be a reflection of you. internal state. Many people tend to believe that dreaming of cancer is certainly a symbol of trouble. Try to actually use dreams as a warning. A dream about crustaceans portends good luck and happy relationship those who would like to start a family. Next, find out why crayfish dream using the details of dreams.

In a dream, you need to take into account the circumstances under which you see this animal.

Dreams involving crayfish are interpreted by different dream books in completely opposite ways. In one dream book you can see what fate has in store for you an unpleasant surprise, and in the other - a large profit flows to you. Let's look at the main values.

Psychologist Z. Freud gives the following interpretation:

In the Tarot dream book:

  • Cancer dreamed - put off important things for a later period;
  • A large concentration of arthropods is an amazing journey.

Vanga interprets the dream as follows:

  • Crayfish - you are surrounded by evil friends;
  • Catching is a happy marriage;
  • Eat - enjoy the feeling of joy and happiness.

Nostradamus writes about this animal in his dream book:

  • There are boiled crayfish - there will be a severe drought, and all crops will be destroyed;
  • Live cancer means excessive slowness and caution in business.

In a modern dream book:

  • Catching them with your hands - your friends will support you in any endeavor;
  • Cook - you will experience a sense of shame for your words and deeds.

Why do crabs dream (video)

To dream of living crayfish in the water

  • Living crayfish cling to your clothes themselves - you will be the keeper of someone's secret, friends will share good news with you;
  • selling live crayfish - to the disease;
  • crayfish in the water move back - the person you trust and love is capable of deceit and betrayal;
  • to see crayfish crawling at the bottom of the stream - you are guaranteed success in an important matter;
  • the water was clean, cold - harmonious relationships in an intimate way;
  • in muddy water- you should be more decisive, otherwise the past will be a cause for concern and insomnia;
  • catch of crustaceans in a bowl - you will receive an offer, but the deal will seem unprofitable to you;
  • floats along the bottom of the aquarium - take care of your health, danger will suddenly arise.

To see crayfish crawling at the bottom of the stream - you are guaranteed success in an important matter.

Why do women dream of cancer

  • A woman who dreams of pregnancy, having seen a dream with crustaceans that swarm around her, can be sure that she will soon be in the desired position.
  • Cooking crayfish is an unexpected meeting with an old acquaintance, where you will spend time in a very interesting and fun way.
  • To be afraid of crayfish - you will not be able to find the strength in yourself to overcome obstacles.
  • A young girl caught cancer - on the threshold of a meeting with a man to create a family.
  • The girl caught, but missed him out of her hands - a missed pleasant acquaintance, there will be no wedding yet.
  • Eating raw crayfish is a nuisance: you too often succumb to the influence of strangers.
  • Collect crayfish - urgently change your attitude to life, your behavior causes disapproval of people close to you, this threatens not only a quarrel, but also complete break relations.
  • To see how the cancer moves back - you do not want to load yourself extra work, try to find cover so that you are not touched.
  • An unmarried girl dreams that cancers are crawling away from you - you provoke situations that destroy your happiness in love affairs.

Eating raw crayfish - trouble

To see a dead animal - do not buy expensive things, hand-held equipment, the purchase will be fake.

Catching crayfish with your hands in a dream

This dream has many interpretations:

  • catching small crustaceans with your hands is a small profit, which will cause a lot of trouble;
  • caught and hold a large cancer in your hands - a big trouble awaits you;
  • catch crayfish, and they crawl away and hide - they will put in front of you challenging tasks, but you can handle them;
  • bitten your hand - in the near future you will reconsider your plans for life and change your worldview;
  • watch from the sidelines how someone catches crayfish - friends will help in getting to know your soulmate, love will cover you with your head;
  • if you catch them from minks with your fingers, take care of your health;
  • to catch and carefully consider it in the smallest detail - make decisions carefully and carefully;
  • set up nets, crayfish - your work will not be appreciated, you will receive less profit than you expected.

Caught and hold a large cancer in your hands - a big trouble awaits you

cooked crayfish

In general, sleeping with boiled crayfish means joyful and pleasant news.

  1. A lot of boiled crayfish in a bucket on the table - profit;
  2. Arrange on plates - you will soon meet guests, a pleasant meeting with friends;
  3. If in life you don’t eat crayfish, because you are allergic to them, but in a dream you enjoy them - expect another bout of illness or trouble;
  4. Unpleasant taste - to diseases of the stomach;
  5. Eat crayfish with caviar - replenishment in the family awaits you;
  6. You were treated to this delicacy - there comes a period when you can just enjoy life;
  7. To see how someone eats crayfish - you are surrounded by friends who should not be trusted;
  8. To taste the meat of a peeled red cancer in a dream - you will receive not only an increase in salary or bonus, but also fully realize your potential;
  9. Eat them with beer - do not follow the lead of the people around you;
  10. Boiled crayfish are eaten with pleasure - happiness awaits you in everything;
  11. A dish was brought to you from cancer necks- your susceptibility to the influence of other people will teach you to live, adhering to your own opinion;
  12. For entrepreneurs, such a dream means a successful deal, profit, the period of stagnation will move.

Large boiled crayfish on your plate - you will enjoy, good news

Large boiled crayfish on your plate - you will enjoy, good news. For girls, such a dream promises a pleasant acquaintance, a rich groom.

Strange dreams about crayfish

Fight, fight with a giant red cancer - you just don’t want to change anything in your life, so you suffer from your own laziness. It's time to start changing.

  • order lobsters, crayfish for dinner in a restaurant - you will receive an increase in career ladder;
  • black cancer - obstacles in business, but you can overcome them;
  • open a chest with crawling crayfish, and they have huge claws - you will receive outside help;
  • throw cancer into the oven - to death;
  • cooking large crayfish is a harbinger of death from an accident of someone from the inner circle;
  • fight among themselves - you will be embroiled in a risky business, material problems cannot be avoided;
  • boiled monsters grab your arms and legs - they are trying to save you from major troubles.

In a dream with crustaceans, you need to pay attention to details. Meaning can be both good and bad. You can experience all the troubles - illness, loss of friends, unsuccessful trip. Or a dream will give you a feeling of harmony and tranquility - meeting nice people, getting a promotion at work or pregnancy.

Cancer in the dream book (video)

Cancer in a dream is a warning that you should be honest with yourself and be ready to change anything in your life to improve the atmosphere around you. The future can be corrected if you correctly interpret the dream and make efforts to change your behavior.

Attention, only TODAY!

Dreams in which you saw crayfish most often symbolize slowness and indecision. To obtain more accurate and extended information, it is necessary to take into account other important details dreams: what they looked like, what you did with them, etc. In addition, it is important to take into account the events of reality. Thanks to this, you will be able to get the most accurate information.

Why do crabs dream?

Many dream books consider such dreams to be negative. In the future, problems await you in business and in other areas of life. If you see an arthropod moving backwards, this is a symbol that you yourself will destroy the existing relationship. A dream where cancer bites warns that you should prepare for betrayal from the outside. loved one. If you see an arthropod crawling along the bottom of a reservoir, it means that difficult times will soon come, and in order to achieve what you want, you will have to cope with many obstacles. Seeing a dead cancer means that in the future you will be deceived when buying expensive things.

Why dream of boiled crayfish?

Such a dream is an unfavorable sign that predicts disappointment from the news received, and you may have to experience shame. If you cook crayfish, this is an unfavorable sign that is a harbinger of death and this can affect not only you, but also loved ones. The dream interpretation is lit that this could happen due to an accident. There is also information that such a dream is an omen of good news. If you see a dream in which boiled cancer crawls and tries to attack, this is a harbinger of a fun pastime with friends.

Why dream of live cancer?

If arthropods clutched at clothes, it means that soon you will meet with an old friend who will give a lot positive emotions. Such a dream can also symbolize that you will give up a fairly profitable business, which will make you very sorry in the future.

Why dream of eating red crayfish?

If you ate crayfish meat, then soon you will have a chance to realize your plans and move up the career ladder. A night vision in which you eat crayfish in a restaurant is a symbol that you may soon receive an offer for a new profitable position. There are crayfish, and drink them with beer, which means that in reality you often follow the lead of the people around you.

Why do big crayfish dream?

Large arthropods indicate that you will spend a lot of effort to carry out your plan, but the result will be disastrous, and you will regret the efforts spent. If a big cancer bitten, it means that some event will happen soon, because of which you will reconsider your priorities and start life from scratch.

Why dream of catching crayfish?

Such a dream indicates that friends are ready to help at any time, as they value and respect you. If you caught crayfish with your hands and were afraid that they would bite, then you can find a way to reconcile with sworn enemies. Not being afraid when catching arthropods with your hands is an indication that you are surrounded by insincere people, so you need to be as careful as possible. For a young girl, a night vision where she caught crayfish predicts a meeting with a worthy partner with whom she can create a strong family. A dream in which you successfully catch crayfish without haste is an omen of the onset of a successful period in life.

Why dream a lot of crayfish?

A large number of living arthropods predicts an interesting journey. If you see a lot of boiled crayfish, then there will be problems in the financial sector in the future.

Dream interpretation: why dream of cancer

Most people associate cancer with three things: serious and dangerous disease, zodiac sign or delicious snack for beer. What does it mean if you saw cancer in a dream? To answer this question, we suggest turning to several dream books for help.

Why dream of cancer: dream book from A to Z

If you dream that you are catching crayfish, then in real life you can count on significant support from friends or sponsors. If in a dream you eat cancer, then be careful in reality: you can incur great misfortune by inadvertently spilling some secret. Dead cancer is a sign that you may soon be deceived when buying some very expensive thing. If you are treated to crayfish, then you will soon be invited to a grand celebration or feast.

Why dream of cancer: esoteric dream book

This dream book states: if in a dream you catch crayfish, then your life will be easy and carefree. If you cook or butcher cancer, then you will experience commotion and turmoil in the house, as well as unexpected news and events. If in a dream you eat crayfish, then you will have to take part in some kind of amateur performance. If you dream of cancer as a disease, then you should not worry too much: perhaps you are too afraid to really get cancer, but in fact the likelihood of this is extremely small. In general, the dream cancer symbolizes the collapse of some plans or failure in business.

Why dream of cancer: dream book XXIcentury

If you dream of boiled crayfish, then you are threatened with financial losses and losses. The living cancer that haunts you predicts serious disagreements and quarrels with close friends. If you catch cancer, then in real life you will be able to build relationships and find mutual language with a person who in the past was your enemy or wished you harm. The fight against cancer of enormous proportions symbolizes the internal struggle of a person with himself. It is considered a very good sign if a person born under the zodiac sign of Cancer dreams of this animal. Fate will smile at you, presenting success in business and personal life. Why dream of living crayfish swarming in some kind of vessel or on the ground? If a woman saw such a dream, then there is a high probability of her pregnancy in the very near future.

Why dream of cancer: the alphabet of dream interpretation

This source claims that the dream in which crayfish appear is a symbol of a return to bygone times, and is also a reflection of the slowness that is characteristic of these funny creatures. If in a dream you catch and eat crayfish, then such a dream predicts success, health and a quiet life for you. If you see a huge cancer or a large number of crayfish, then such a dream should be regarded as a warning and a reminder of your inherent laziness and inertia.

Why do crabs dream: a large universal dream book

This source interprets the dreamed cancers as confirmation of the problems in your personal life, namely, the complexes inherent in you that prevent you from completely relaxing in the company of a loved one. Boiled crayfish symbolize possible losses or troubles. Living crayfish predict an early departure or rejection of something very desirable.

Why do live crayfish dream?

A dream in which there are a lot of crayfish and they just crawl can be interpreted in different ways, it all depends on what is happening in a person’s life now. If he plans a trip, then it will still be unexpected for him, since he will have to go on the road much earlier. Also, having seen such a dream, you need to be prepared for a meeting with enemies, unpleasant news and the fact that there will be no opportunity to fulfill some of your desires.

Why dream of live crayfish with huge claws? Such a dream portends unexpected help in business that a complete stranger will provide you with.

I dreamed of living crayfish that crawl everywhere, but do not attack - you need to wait for the gossip that close people spread. To avoid unpleasant conversations, you need to carefully choose your friends and try to talk about your personal life to a limited circle of people.

A dream in which living crayfish fight each other predicts material problems, bankruptcy and even poverty, a risky business will burn out and bring only losses. AT rare cases may dream that a person eats live crayfish. But if this happened, then this is a bad sign that warns that you should not succumb to the influence of people, you should always have your own opinion.

live crayfish

Dream Interpretation Live Crayfish had a dream, why do you dream of living Crayfish in a dream? To select the interpretation of sleep, enter keyword from your dream to the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see live Cancers in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Cancer

Dream Interpretation - Cancer

Dream Interpretation - Cancer

Dream Interpretation - Cancer

Dream Interpretation - Crayfish

Dream Interpretation - Cancer

Dream Interpretation - Cancer

Dream Interpretation - Cancer

Dream Interpretation - Cancer

Cancer (disease) - You dream that you have cancer - your suspiciousness can actually invite trouble, do not think about the bad. Someone has cancer - "fear has big eyes." around you this terrible disease will not, but the one who is sick will recover.

crayfish boiled

Dream Interpretation Crayfish boiled had a dream about why boiled crayfish dream in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see boiled Crayfish in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Cancer

Seeing crayfish in a dream portends good luck to those who intend to start a family. Sometimes a dream about crayfish portends a journey or trip, which, however, will not be quick or short, since crayfish cannot move quickly. A dream about cancer can also portend slowness in some business or a stop in this business. But if in a dream you see that the cancer has moved forward, then your business will begin to move forward. If, contrary to your expectations, the cancer begins to move back, then the dream predicts obstacles in your business due to someone's indecision or stubbornness. Buying crayfish in a dream means worrying about your hasty actions that caused grief or caused misfortune to other people.

Dream Interpretation - Cancer

The circumstances of your life will tell you why this image appeared in your dream. Cancer in a dream can be associated with the expression: “Find out where the crayfish hibernate” (experience the trouble to the fullest) or “Until the cancer whistles on the mountain” (wait a very long term), and also the subconscious mind can signal that the pace of development of your affairs is too slow, since the cancer moves very slowly, besides, it moves backwards. In a dream, to see cancer crawling along the bottom is a harbinger of difficulties in business, obstacles to the fulfillment of the plan. If you caught cancer, then this means that you will be able to find a way out of a predicament. If in a dream a cancer pinched you with a claw, then this is a sign of future troubles, perhaps the betrayal of one of your friends. There are boiled crayfish in a dream - despite a long period stalemate and not quite good days, You will be rewarded for your patience and perseverance, things will go smoothly, expect profits from successful transactions.

Dream Interpretation - Cancer

One or many crayfish boiled crayfish - at a loss. Live cancer crawling after you everywhere - disagreements with friends. Catching crayfish for fear of their bites - you will find a common language with a former enemy. To fight with giant cancer- start fighting with your own inertia. Highly good dream. Those born under the sign of Cancer dreamed of their zodiac sign - the turn of your destiny to success and victory. To see swarming crayfish - for women to pregnancy.

Dream Interpretation - Cancer (animal / disease)

Crawling crayfish dream of a safe departure somewhere. If the cancers spread into different sides you cancel your trip. Touch crayfish with your hands - have false friends. Sometimes: to see boiled crayfish - to the disease, and for the sick - to recovery. Catch crayfish - happily marry or fall in love, get the help of friends. There are crayfish - for fun and all sorts of pleasures. Ordering in a restaurant is to be a leader among loved ones. Get sick with cancer in a dream - experience difficulties in doing the assigned work in reality.

Dream Interpretation - Cancer

A dream in which you catch crayfish portends the support of friends and sponsors. There are crayfish - bring trouble on your head, blurting out a secret. A dead cancer portends that you will be cheated when buying an expensive item from your hands. If in a dream you are treated to lobsters in a restaurant, it means that in reality you will be invited to a celebration that will end with a plentiful meal and a libation. CANCER (disease) See the interpretation of the TUMOR symbol in the dream book

Dream Interpretation - Crayfish

Seeing a crab crawling along the bottom of a stream, catching live crayfish or buying them - such a dream portends success in business. If you see a cancer sitting or climbing on you, this is a warning about the disease. Imagine that you are throwing a cancer off yourself and it runs away from you in horror. However, see a doctor and get tested.

Dream Interpretation - Cancer

If you dreamed of live cancer, then you have some problems in your personal life. Some complexes prevent you from relaxing in bed. We treated ourselves to crayfish in a dream - get to know a representative of the opposite sex and enter into a close relationship with him. Boiled crayfish dream at a loss. Alive - for an early departure or rejection of something useful. If in a dream cancer crawls behind you everywhere, then problems and disagreements await you.

Dream Interpretation - Cancer

The dream of cancer symbolizes a return to times long past, and also reflects the slowness inherent in these creatures. Catch, eat crayfish - health, success and peace of mind in life. "the quieter you go, the further you'll get". Seeing a huge cancer or a crowd of crayfish is a warning about one's own laziness, inertia.

Dream Interpretation - Jam

There is jam - a pleasant surprise awaits you, a love adventure or a romantic trip together with your loved one (sleep is very favorable for singles and lovers). Cook jam - the love nets that you skillfully wove around the object of your attention will bring the desired results. Treat with jam - you will be asked for friendly help in resolving love issues. Carry jam - expect good news from a person who is very dear to you. Buying jam - you will have to spend a lot of effort to achieve the location of the object of your attention. Remember the taste and aroma of jam. On the day of sleep, be sure to treat yourself to jam.

Dream Interpretation - Cancer

Cancer (disease) - You dream that you have cancer - your suspiciousness can actually invite trouble, do not think about the bad. Someone has cancer - "fear has big eyes." This terrible disease will not be around you, and the one who is sick will recover.

The interpretation of what crayfish dream of depends on many details. Interpretations of various sources also differ.

Dream Interpretation: to see crayfish in a dream

According to Miller's dream book arthropods mean culinary delights. Catch them - get help from friends in time.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation interprets crayfish not so favorably. According to the Bulgarian prophetess, this is a warning about false friends.

According to Medea's dream book cancer means a return to the past. An old problem will become relevant again.

One huge or many crayfish is a reflection of the dreamer's personal qualities. He was taken over by laziness, and it's time to fight inertia.

Modern dream book suggests that fish and crayfish on the shore are disappointing. Scheduled events will not take place.

But if you dream of crayfish in the water, you can rejoice. The case, in the completion of which few believed, will come to a successful ending.

Who dreamed of crabs in a dream

crayfish woman married and dreaming of replenishment in the family, they promise that soon this happy event will happen. For a lady who meets a man, such a dream portends a too long period of courtship. The partner will tire with indecision.

If you dreamed of crayfish girl, and she was able to get them herself and not get hurt, this good sign. Soon there will be a fateful meeting.

The body is in a state of overwork, that's what cancer dreams about pregnant. Don't try to do more than you can do.

crayfish man married symbolize harmonious relationships in the family. However, for entrepreneurs, the dream indicates that a lot of resources and work will have to be applied to solve seemingly trifling problems.

If you dream of cancer guy lonely, soon there will be a chance to meet a wonderful girl. After that, the wedding will not be far off.

What crayfish did you dream about

live crayfish represent anxiety state dreamer. The fear of failure forces you to abandon the project.

The dead symbolize deceit. It is advisable not to make deals, and trust strangers less.

boiled crabs are a symbol of shame. In reality, information is likely to arrive that will greatly disappoint.

Delicious crayfish in a dream, which happened to be eaten, mean pleasant pleasures. Spicy amorous adventures are possible. Nasty taste - a symbol of trouble. However, they can only be blamed for their own sluggishness.

Red crayfish - a sign of embarrassment for their actions or the actions of loved ones. I dreamed that a scarlet arthropod was crawling in your direction - a good symbol. Ahead of a fun pastime with nice people.

Black crayfish - a warning. There are delays in business ahead.

has a dual meaning big crayfish. On the one hand, this is a harbinger of a long journey that will pass quietly. On the other hand, an indication that it will be very problematic to achieve the goal.

small crustaceans appear in a dream as a sign of an anxious period. The dreamer is overwhelmed by many troubles.

dreaming river crayfish prophesy an attempt to get away from problems. However, difficulties cannot be avoided.

Actions with crayfish in a dream

When you dream of crayfish caught in a net, this is a good sign. Family dream portends harmony, free - a meeting with love.

To interpret what it means catch crayfish with your hands you have to remember the feeling. Fear indicates the possibility of reconciliation with an old enemy. Thanks to tact, it will be possible to conclude a reliable business alliance. If in a dream it was not scary, this is a reflection of a hypocritical environment. Beware of fake friends.

cook crayfish is one of the most unfavorable plots. In reality, there will be a major quarrel with loved ones, or the loss of a good person. However, there is an amendment: if the day before it happened to cook a delicacy, it makes no sense to decipher the dream. It will only be a reflection of impressions.

There is crayfish, enjoying the taste and aroma, to frivolous adventures. Eating raw is too much to be led by others, forgetting about your own point of view. Eating crayfish in a restaurant is a career growth in reality.

The story has the same meaning. treat crayfish. You are about to enter a more prestigious position.

Understanding what crayfish dream of, you will have to face a lot of warnings. They will help you avoid problems in real life.

Crayfish are known to be amphibious and can be seen both in and out of the water. Oriental female dream book offers an option when the sleeper catches crayfish with his own hands, while he “bites” the sleeper’s fingers with claws. This dream is interpreted as a strong recommendation to take care of your own health.

Another option is to eat crayfish with beer. In this case, the dream is interpreted by the presence of a certain tendency to yield to others and follow their lead.

There is also another option in which in a dream you can see cancer at close range and see it perfectly. Interpretation this dream focuses on caution and the possibility in reality in the near future to be as careful as possible in the area of ​​decisions.

If consulted with Modern dream book, then, in accordance with it, catching crayfish in a dream is interpreted as an opportunity to become happy in marriage.

If you just see cancer in a dream, then everything indicates the presence of fake friends in the immediate environment. If you buy them, then you should expect a situation, the result of which will be grief and shame. If you eat crayfish in a dream, then the sleeper is predicted to be happy in absolutely everything.

According to Hasse's dream book, dreaming crayfish portend a journey, and eating them indicates the presence of a certain addiction. The dream book of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima interprets the appearance of cancer in a dream as a harbinger of a safe departure, its dimensions will indicate the duration of the trip. He also answers the question of why one dreams of catching crayfish - to a happy marriage.

Tsvetkov's dream interpretation interprets dreams in sufficient detail and approaches this process from different angles. Crayfish seen in a dream portend a departure and a journey, a cluster of amphibians warns of gossip.

If in a dream they saw crayfish swarming in a heap, then we can assume early pregnancy women. If in a dream you have to fight with a huge cancer, then you can expect a serious struggle with your own weaknesses, including inertia. Noble dream book, just like Denise Lynn's dream book interprets crayfish in a dream as an indicator of emotional instability or anxiety, which can only be resolved through the right way of expressing one's emotions. And also from the reaction to certain problems and questions.

The esoteric dream book interprets the process of catching cancer in a dream as an opportunity to get out of a difficult situation. As can be seen from the foregoing, not only dream books can be different, but also interpretations of the same dream. Cancers in a dream can reveal not only the circumstances of each person's life, but also reflect the real state of affairs.

And is it a fiction or a reflection of reality - it is already up to the person himself to decide based on the situation and circumstances. After all, to believe or not, and who to believe, is a matter of personal preference. In any case, this is just a dream, as a reflection of emotions.


Dream Interpretation of Medea

dream of cancer- symbolizes a return to times long past, and also reflects the slowness inherent in these creatures.

Catch, eat crayfish- health, success and peace of mind in life ("quietly you drive, you will continue").

Seeing a huge crab or a bunch of crayfish- a warning about one's own laziness, inertia.

Freud's dream book

If you dreamed of live cancer- it means that in real life you are intimately concerned about something. Some kind of complex prevents you from objectively perceiving yourself and your capabilities. Maybe you are not satisfied with some features of your body.

Treat yourself in a dream to crayfish- such a dream promises you an acquaintance with the opposite sex with a smooth transition into a very close relationship.

Aesop's dream book

Crayfish- the circumstances of your life will tell you why this image appeared in your dream.

Cancer in a dream- may be associated with the expression: “Find out where the crayfish hibernate” (experience the troubles to the fullest) or “Until the crayfish whistles on the mountain” (wait a very long time), and the subconscious may also signal that the pace of development of your affairs, since the cancer moves very slowly, besides, it moves backwards.

In a dream, see a cancer crawling along the bottom- a harbinger of difficulties in business, obstacles to the fulfillment of the plan.

If you caught a cancer- this means that you will be able to find a way out of a difficult situation.

If in a dream a cancer pinched you with a claw- this is a sign of impending troubles, perhaps the betrayal of one of your friends.

There are boiled crayfish in a dream- despite a long period of stagnation and not entirely successful days, you will be rewarded for your patience and perseverance, things will go smoothly, expect profit from successful transactions.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

Crayfish in a dream- a sign that you may be trying to hide from problems and troubles by withdrawing into yourself. If the general atmosphere of sleep somehow burdens you, then such a dream suggests that your isolation will only harm you.

Dream interpretation for the whole family

Live cancer clinging to you with claws- you will meet a friend whom you have not seen for a long time, and you will learn from him unexpected, but pleasant things.

Red boiled crayfish- you will receive news that will disappoint you.

If a red cancer crawls and tries to attack you- You will have a good rest with close friends.

Sleep from Wednesday to Thursday- says that your house is guarded by good forces, comfort and warmth in it will keep your loved one without much difficulty (although he did not think to leave).

Sleep from Saturday to Sunday- empty; Sunday to Monday- warns that you need to be extremely careful and not show excessive curiosity.

Modern combined dream book

Seeing crayfish in a dream- to an amazing treat.

Catching crayfish in a dream in a river- a sign that you can rely on the help of friends even in the most difficult task.

To dream of living crayfish that are spreading in different directions- means that in real life you will refuse a very profitable business, which you will regret later.

If you dreamed of boiled crayfish- it means that the risky business you have undertaken will not succeed. You will suffer big losses because of this.

There are crayfish in a dream- a bad sign. You are very influenced by other people. Remember that you should always defend your own opinion.

To see a dream in which you order crayfish in a restaurant- a sign that soon you will be offered a profitable position that you could only dream of.

Eastern female dream book

If you dreamed that you were catching crayfish with your hands and they grabbed your finger with claws- this is a strong advice: pay attention to your health so that one morning you do not wake up with a completely sick person.

A dream in which you eat boiled crayfish with beer- testifies: sometimes you tend to follow the lead of others.

The latest dream book of G. Ivanov

If you catch crabs- to surrender their seemingly strong positions; live crayfish in the aquarium- to a sudden danger to health; boiled- will be ashamed.

Complete dream book of the New Era

Crayfish- The need to be honest with yourself. The need to change direction.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in May, June, July, August

Crayfish- you have to blush for someone and worry.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of September, October, December

If you're on a mission, don't back down.- this is a dream messenger that everything will be fine with you.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in January, February, March, April

eat crayfish- to cancer.

Dream Interpretation Hasse

Cancer see- surrounded by fake friends; buy- experience shame catch- happiness in marriage; eat- happiness in everything.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

A dream in which you catch crayfish- portends the support of friends and sponsors. There are crayfish - bring trouble on your head, blurting out a secret.

Dead cancer- portends that you will be cheated when buying an expensive item from your hands.

If in a dream you are treated to lobsters in a restaurant- it means that in reality you will be invited to a celebration that will end with a plentiful treat and libation.

General dream book

live cancer- predicts a pleasant journey.

If you dreamed of several crayfish crawling in different directions- soon you will be offered to make an interesting trip, but you will be forced to refuse it for family reasons.

In a dream you were catching crayfish- you know, you have lying friends.

A dream in which you watched someone catch crayfish- soon you will fall in love, and one of your friends will help you get to know each other.

Boiled crayfish- warns of illness.

There is- to a pleasant company.

Purchase- warns of a broken arm.

Sell- to illness.

In a dream, you are cooking some kind of crayfish dish. Remember, your happiness is in your hands.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

Crayfish- Is something eating you emotionally? Try to express yourself. Say what is in your heart. Be honest with yourself.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

See one or many boiled crayfish- at a loss alive- to an early departure or refusal of something useful.

Cancer that follows you everywhere- means disagreements with friends.

Catching crayfish for fear of their bites- means that in reality you will find a common language with a former enemy.

Fight giant cancer means to fight against one's own inertia. A very good dream if people born under the sign

Cancer, dream of their zodiac sign- this, no doubt, means the turn of your destiny to success and victory.

See swarming crayfish for women- to pregnancy.

Dream Interpretation of Lovers

A dream in which you see a live cancer- means that in reality you are worried about your sexual life. Do you doubt that your intimate relationships everything is fine with your partner, and it seems to you that everything is not as it should be. However intimate life may not go well because of physiological features organism.

If you eat crayfish in your sleep- this suggests that you will meet a person whose relationship will go beyond friendship.

Dream Interpretation Dasha

Crayfish- the circumstances of your life will tell you why the image of cancer appeared in your dream. It can mean to experience trouble to the fullest: “find out where the crayfish hibernate.” Or it may signal that the pace of development of your affairs is too slow.

Lunar dream book

crayfish- Safe departure.

Dream Interpretation Dream Interpretation

Cancer see- there is a sign of discord, sadness and annoyance; this dream also means slowness in the fulfillment of your intentions.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Crayfish- sudden departure internal tumors and inflammations.

Culinary dream book

Seeing one or many boiled crayfish- loss; but alive- quick departure or refusal of something useful.

Cancer crawling all over you- grief, disagreement, disagreement.

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

crayfish see- Safe departure, safe journey.

Seeing a lot of crabs- gossip.

See swarming crayfish- a woman to pregnancy.

Fight giant cancer- start fighting with your own inertia.

Also crayfish- a negative, pathogenic beginning in the body associated with fluid exchange / suffocation / spasms.

Small Velesov Dream Interpretation

Crayfish- a safe departure / change in work, being drunk, a tedious road, sadness, annoyance, intentions will not be fulfilled soon, they will disgrace; hefty- slow road; raw- nothing; boiled- accept shame, enemies, gossip; catch- beware of false friends; cook- death; there is- sadness, stagnation in business.

live cancer- Safe departure.

Esoteric dream book

Cancer catching- to a serene life.

cook, cut- turmoil in the house, unexpected events.

Eating crayfish or a dish of crayfish- you have to participate in amateur performances, home or school concert, performance.

If you are a professional artist- you are waiting for foreign tours or other tempting business.

Ukrainian dream book

crayfish- this is bad, shameful, someone will shame. There will be great shame.

Catch crayfish- beware of insecure people, false society.

Cooking, baking crayfish- to death there is- sadness, stagnation (in trade).

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

Crayfish- safe departure; big- far away.

Collection of dream books

Crayfish- something gnaws at you on an emotional level.

Crayfish- the proposed work will be performed with great difficulty.

Cancer in a dream- travel; eat crayfish- addiction.

Crayfish- parting; "retreat" from love relationships.

Crayfish- inhibition, postponing things for later.

If you saw black crayfish in a dream- in your affairs there will be small difficulties.

Dream Interpretation to Catch Crayfish

Why dream of catching Cancers in a dream from a dream book?

Catching crayfish in a dream - to a measured life, full of prosperity and prosperity. And in the family, and in work, and in creativity, you will have a long period of inspiration, good luck, peaceful happiness.

The prediction is especially true if fishing gives you pleasure and takes place in an atmosphere of calm, and you slowly take the crayfish out of the nets.

How did you catch crayfish in a dream?

Catch crayfish with your hands according to the dream book

If you dream that you are catching crayfish with your hands, this can be interpreted in different ways. To understand what the dream is about, you need to listen to your own inner state.

The absence of fear indicates the likelihood of betrayal, moreover, ill-wishers must be sought among the immediate environment. Be careful and try not to give rise to gossip and rumors.

If you are afraid of being bitten when fishing, what you see portends unexpected turn events. Exists Great chance friendly relations with your sworn enemy, moreover, this friendship has every chance of becoming strong, sincere and for life.

Why do crabs dream? I took them by hand


Elena Nikolaenko

It's for the wedding :)


ovit crayfish - beware of insecure people, a fake society. Sometimes a dream about crayfish portends a journey or trip, which, however, will not be quick or short, since crayfish cannot move quickly. A dream about cancer can also portend slowness in some business or a stop in this business. But if in a dream you see that the cancer has moved forward, then your business will begin to move forward. If, contrary to your expectations, the cancer begins to move back, then the dream predicts obstacles in your business due to someone's indecision or stubbornness. Buying crayfish in a dream means worrying about your hasty actions that caused grief or caused misfortune to other people. A live cancer that clawed at you - you will meet a friend whom you haven’t seen for a long time, and you will learn from him completely unexpected, but nice things. Red boiled cancer - You will receive news that will disappoint you. If a red cancer crawls and tries to attack you, you will have a good rest with close friends.

Valentin Sholokhov

Why dream of cancer. Seeing cancer in a dream is not very auspicious sleep, which can promise you some negative changes in life. ... If you dreamed that you were trying to catch crayfish in a dream with your bare hands, and they also bite, then in real life, pay special attention ...
Why dream of cancer. Cancer in a dream portends a long journey. ... Catching cancer with your bare hands in a dream means that in life you often do rash acts, which is very harmful to your career, creates a reputation for you as a windy person.

Catching crayfish with your hands

Dream Interpretation Catch crayfish with hands dreamed of why in a dream Catch crayfish with your hands? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see Crayfish in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Cancer

Seeing crayfish in a dream portends good luck to those who intend to start a family.

Dream Interpretation - Cancer

Dream Interpretation - Cancer

Dream Interpretation - Cancer

Cancer disease)

Dream Interpretation - Crayfish

Dream Interpretation - Cancer

Dream Interpretation - Cancer

Dream Interpretation - Cancer

Dream Interpretation - Cancer

Cancer (disease) - You dream that you have cancer - your suspiciousness can actually invite trouble, do not think about the bad. Someone has cancer - "fear has big eyes." This terrible disease will not be around you, and the one who is sick will recover.

Why do crabs dream?



Idiomatic dream book

Dream Interpretation Cancer - “Backing back like cancer” (stagnation, regression), “when cancer (on the mountain) whistles” (never - unrealizability).

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of September, October, November, December

Why Cancer is dreaming - If you get down to business, do not back down, this is a dream messenger that everything will be fine with you.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in May, June, July, August

Why Cancer is dreaming - you will have to blush for someone and worry.

Small Velesov Dream Interpretation

Why dream of Cancer - A safe departure // a change in work, being drunk, a tedious road, sadness, annoyance, intentions will not be fulfilled soon, they will disgrace; hefty - not an easy road; raw - nothing; boiled - you will accept shame, enemies, gossip; to catch - beware of false friends; cook - death; there is sadness, stagnation in business.

Russian folk dream book

Dream Interpretation Cancer - The circumstances of your life will tell you why the image of cancer appeared in your dream. It can mean experiencing trouble to the fullest: finding out where the crayfish hibernate. Or it may signal that the pace of development of your affairs is too slow.

Aesop's dream book

Dream Interpretation Cancer - The circumstances of your life will tell you why this image appeared in your dream. Cancer in a dream can be associated with the expression: “Find out where the crayfish hibernate” (experience the trouble to the fullest) or “Until the cancer whistles on the mountain” (wait a very long time), and the subconscious may also signal a too slow pace the development of your affairs, since the cancer moves very slowly, besides moving backwards. In a dream, to see cancer crawling along the bottom is a harbinger of difficulties in business, obstacles to the fulfillment of the plan. If you caught cancer, then this means that you will be able to find a way out of a predicament. If in a dream a cancer pinched you with a claw, then this is a sign of future troubles, perhaps the betrayal of one of your friends. There are boiled crayfish in a dream - despite a long period of stagnation and not entirely successful days, you will be rewarded for your patience and perseverance, things will go smoothly, expect profit from successful transactions.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

Why Cancer Dreams - The dream of cancer symbolizes a return to times long past, and also reflects the slowness inherent in these creatures. Catch, eat crayfish - health, success and peace of mind in life ("quieter you drive, you will continue"). Seeing a huge cancer or a crowd of crayfish is a warning about one's own laziness, inertia.

Dream interpretation for the whole family

To see Cancer in a dream - A living cancer clinging to you with claws - you will meet a friend whom you have not seen for a long time, and you will learn completely unexpected, but pleasant things from him. Red boiled cancer - you will receive news that will disappoint you. If a red cancer crawls and tries to attack you, you will have a good rest with close friends.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

Dream Interpretation Cancer - Safe Departure; big - departure far away.

Freud's dream book

Why Cancer is Dreaming - If you dreamed of live cancer, it means that in real life you are intimately concerned about something. Some kind of complex prevents you from objectively perceiving yourself and your capabilities. Maybe you are not satisfied with some features of your body. To treat yourself to crayfish in a dream - such a dream promises you an acquaintance with the opposite sex with a smooth transition into a very close relationship.

Dream Interpretation of Kopalinsky

Dream Interpretation Cancer - Parting; "retreat" from love relationships.

Ukrainian dream book

Dream Interpretation Cancer - Cancers are bad, stray, someone will shame. There will be great shame. Catch crayfish - beware of insecure people, fake society. Boil, bake crayfish - to death, eat - sadness, stagnation (in trade).

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Dream Interpretation Cancer - Seeing one or many boiled crayfish - at a loss, live - for an early departure or rejection of something useful. Cancer crawling after you everywhere means disagreements with friends. Catching crayfish, fearing their bites, means that in reality you will find a common language with a former enemy. Fighting giant cancer means fighting your own inertia. Very good dream if l

Lena Simchuk

To trouble or delay in business, in solving some issue or problem.

Sergey K

I think to BEER!

Gala Galina

The dream says that you will be surrounded by wealthy friends in your life.

Catching big crabs

Dream Interpretation Catch big crayfish dreamed of why in a dream to catch large crayfish? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to dream of Catching large crayfish by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Cancer

Seeing crayfish in a dream portends good luck to those who intend to start a family.

Sometimes a dream about crayfish portends a journey or trip, which, however, will not be quick or short, since crayfish cannot move quickly. A dream about cancer can also portend slowness in some business or a stop in this business. But if in a dream you see that the cancer has moved forward, then your business will begin to move forward. If, contrary to your expectations, the cancer begins to move back, then the dream predicts obstacles in your business due to someone's indecision or stubbornness. Buying crayfish in a dream means worrying about your hasty actions that caused grief or caused misfortune to other people.

Dream Interpretation - Cancer

The circumstances of your life will tell you why this image appeared in your dream. Cancer in a dream can be associated with the expression: “Find out where the crayfish hibernate” (experience the trouble to the fullest) or “Until the cancer whistles on the mountain” (wait a very long time), and the subconscious may also signal a too slow pace the development of your affairs, since the cancer moves very slowly, besides, it moves backwards.

In a dream, to see cancer crawling along the bottom is a harbinger of difficulties in business, obstacles to the fulfillment of the plan.

If you caught cancer, then this means that you will be able to find a way out of a predicament.

If in a dream a cancer pinched you with a claw, then this is a sign of future troubles, perhaps the betrayal of one of your friends.

There are boiled crayfish in a dream - despite a long period of stagnation and not entirely successful days, you will be rewarded for your patience and perseverance, things will go smoothly, expect profit from successful transactions.

Dream Interpretation - Cancer

One or many crayfish boiled crayfish - at a loss.

Live cancer crawling after you everywhere - disagreements with friends.

Catching crayfish for fear of their bites - you will find a common language with a former enemy.

To fight giant cancer is to fight your own inertia. A very good dream.

Those born under the sign of Cancer dreamed of their zodiac sign - the turn of your destiny to success and victory.

To see swarming crayfish - for women to pregnancy.

Dream Interpretation - Cancer (animal / disease)

Crawling crayfish dreams of a safe departure somewhere.

If the crayfish spread in different directions, you will refuse the trip.

Touch crayfish with your hands - have false friends.

Sometimes: to see boiled crayfish - to the disease, and for the sick - to recovery.

Catch crayfish - happily marry or fall in love, get the help of friends.

There are crayfish - for fun and all sorts of pleasures.

Ordering in a restaurant is to be a leader among loved ones.

Get sick with cancer in a dream - experience difficulties in doing the assigned work in reality.

Dream Interpretation - Cancer

A dream in which you catch crayfish portends the support of friends and sponsors. There are crayfish - bring trouble on your head, blurting out a secret. A dead cancer portends that you will be cheated when buying an expensive item from your hands.

If in a dream you are treated to lobsters in a restaurant, it means that in reality you will be invited to a celebration that will end with a plentiful meal and a libation.

Cancer disease)

See the interpretation of the TUMOR symbol in the dream book

Dream Interpretation - Crayfish

Seeing a crab crawling along the bottom of a stream, catching live crayfish or buying them - such a dream portends success in business. If you see a cancer sitting or climbing on you, this is a warning about the disease.

Imagine that you are throwing a cancer off yourself and it runs away from you in horror. However, see a doctor and get tested.

Dream Interpretation - Cancer

If you dreamed of live cancer, then you have some problems in your personal life. Some complexes prevent you from relaxing in bed.

We treated ourselves to crayfish in a dream - get to know a representative of the opposite sex and enter into a close relationship with him.

Boiled crayfish dream at a loss. Alive - for an early departure or rejection of something useful.

If in a dream cancer crawls behind you everywhere, then problems and disagreements await you.

Dream Interpretation - Cancer

The dream of cancer symbolizes a return to times long past, and also reflects the slowness inherent in these creatures.

Catch, eat crayfish - health, success and peace of mind in life.

Seeing a huge cancer or a crowd of crayfish is a warning about one's own laziness, inertia.

Dream Interpretation - Cancer

Cancer (disease) - You dream that you have cancer - your suspiciousness can actually invite trouble, do not think about the bad. Someone has cancer - "fear has big eyes." This terrible disease will not be around you, and the one who is sick will recover.

Dream Interpretation - Cancer

Cancer (disease) - You dream that you have cancer - your suspiciousness can actually invite trouble, do not think about the bad. Someone has cancer - "fear has big eyes." This terrible disease will not be around you, and the one who is sick will recover.

Catching crayfish with your hands

Dream Interpretation - See your hands, densely covered with hair

Promises strong and courageous partners and competitors in work.

It is possible that such a dream warns you of the futility of intrigues against those who are truly devoted to you.

Dream Interpretation - Catch fish with your hands

The dream is auspicious. Life is churning and good sign, as for the everyday side of life, your work will require significantly more application labor, especially physical and minor chores. There may be an affair at work or an infatuation with someone who is lower in the hierarchical ladder, he may be younger in age or easier in rank. There comes a time when there is the possibility of marriage or just cohabitation, the image of a fish usually indicates the conception or birth of a child.

Dream Interpretation - Catch fish with your hands

The dreamer finally "saw" her situation in a dream (a transparent stream that all the stones at the bottom are visible - the dreamer is so pure and inexperienced that she, of course, has little difficulty in love in connection with this - a small fish cannot swim further and splashing in place). Little Rybka (in this case) is the dreamer herself, young and inexperienced, who really wants to "swim" in bright emotions falling in love (bright blue stream), and she will succeed very soon, but I want to warn you that during her habitual life will change dramatically (the dreamer takes the fish to another stream). That's about it DREAM. Sincerely, LIVIA.

Dream Interpretation - Hand

The dream reflects your temporary difficulties in your relationship with life (hands), but everything will pass, so to speak, bloodlessly, at the level of feelings (left).

Dream Interpretation - Hands and rings

You "guess" your destiny in this person. (holding hands, rings). Reflections on the union, the desire to be together. (considering)

Dream Interpretation - Sore Hands

Irritation (burning), impatience (itching), shown by you in relation to someone or something. Waiting for participation.

Dream Interpretation - Sore Hands

If in your dream you paid attention to your own, then this may indicate urgent problems, as well as the possibility or impossibility of solving them. Sores on them portend failures in business or quarrels with someone.

Dream Interpretation - Hand palm

Obviously, in real life, strong and reliable support in business awaits you. Not the fact that this support will be male, but it will definitely be good.

Dream Interpretation - Raki-bully

The dream is that the dreamer is evaluating the situation this way and that, trying on certain decisions, but in the end, instead of leaving his fears and insecurities, he decides to leave them to himself. Like, I’ll cook and eat, at least I’ll please myself and my loved ones, since they are trying to bite me. Cancers are driven thoughts, displaced hopes. Their attempts to pinch symbolize that concern for the predictable and measured course of the dreamer's life, which is associated with attempts to realize bold hopes and dreams. It turns out that the essence of the decision that the dreamer is trying to make comes down to the principle of neither ours nor yours. I, they say, are ready for changes, but let them be incomplete, less traumatic for that little world in which the dreamer hid today as comfortably as in a mink. Everything is predictable there, which means - according to the dreamer - it is manageable. In the context of the life situation dreamers such an approach is unacceptable. Will have to choose. And the longer the choice lasts, the less likely a happy outcome is. From myself personally: Meanwhile, everything is simple: if you love, follow your heart. If there is doubt, then this is not love. And you don't have to continue

Why dream of an abortion

Traditionally, dream books attribute a rather serious symbolism to the cancer that appeared in a dream. It means a return to the past, and also personifies such qualities as confidence mixed with slowness. An extended interpretation will help you find out exactly what crayfish are dreaming of.

With due attention to detail, the dream itself will help determine what crayfish are dreaming of and understand what should be done in the circumstances. If the dream is filled with dark colors, then this is a clear indication of opening up to the world. Perhaps this is a subconscious clue that things have come to a standstill.

Cancers dream of a new feeling and news

Why else dream of cancer? Catch them - general health, calmness and confident success. If you caught a cancer in the river, then you will certainly be able to find a way out of a hopeless situation in your opinion.

A live crayfish floating in an aquarium reflects a threat, and a boiled one can be a shame. If in your dream you had to watch someone catch these river creatures, then you will certainly fall in love soon.

If you dreamed that he pinched you, then get ready for trouble and betrayal of a familiar person. This dream also marks a meeting with an old friend who will delight you with unexpected news.

See cancer in a dream for success and a party

If in a dream you happened to eat boiled crayfish, then after a period of stagnation, a sharp rise in business awaits you, and your patience and efforts will be rewarded at their true worth.

Boiled crayfish of bright red color also represents news that will disappoint you. If he suddenly comes to life and attacks you, then in reality you will have a party with friends.

There is another interpretation of boiled crayfish from the dream book, which claims that you have started a risky venture that may end unsuccessfully.

Eating a dish of crayfish means that you are influenced by other people. After such a dream, it is worth rethinking your behavior and finally starting to live with your own mind.

If, in your night dreams, you ended up in a restaurant and ordered crayfish, you will soon receive a high and well-paid position that you did not even dream of.

Cancers in a dream report: Do not be lazy!

Appearance in a dream a large number crayfish reminds you of your own laziness and inaction. If they creep in different directions, then in reality you will refuse a worthy offer, and later you will regret it.

Living crayfish symbolize an early departure, a change of residence and a journey. Fighting huge cancer in a dream means fighting your own negative habits. But women dreams about cancer can dream of pregnancy.


  • Tamara GLOBATo escape from lack of money once and for all, in 2018 make it a rule to carry with you ...

Dreams about cancer can be interpreted in different ways. In order to independently understand the meaning of a dream about cancer, it is necessary to remember which crayfish appeared before the dreamer - fried or boiled crustaceans, dead or alive, large cluster or just one. The actions that a person performs in a dream in relation to crayfish are also important.

1 What can dreams about cancer mean?

Positive interpretations:

  • Grishina's dream book, as well as the Russian and Lunar dream books, prophesy an imminent departure to another country. The trip will be successful.
  • Dream Interpretation of Medea. Something or someone from a past life will appear in life.
  • Modern dream book, as well as Miller's dream book. The dreamer may expect to try the unusual and tasty dish which has not been eaten before.
  • Family. This dream book speaks of good luck in any endeavor.

Negative interpretations:

  • American dream book. A person who sees crayfish is worried about something.
  • Wangi's dream book says that crayfish dream of the appearance of false friends in life.
  • Vasiliev. You can expect disappointment in life.
  • Denise Lynn. Self-doubt, which does not allow you to sleep peacefully. You need to understand yourself and your problems.
  • Idiomatic. It is worth waiting for problems in the professional sphere.
  • Islamic. There will be an opportunity to make money dishonestly.
  • Karatov. Things will move very slowly.
  • Kopalinsky. You should expect problems in your personal life. It is possible to break off relations with a loved one.
  • Culinary. You will suddenly have to leave, which will upset your plans.
  • New. At work or at ordinary life there will be cases that will be difficult to cope without outside help.
  • Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus says that a person is very insecure and withdrawn into himself.
  • Russian folk dream book. You can expect an early failure in personal affairs or in business at work. Solving them will be difficult.
  • Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer. If crustaceans dream, then in the body occur inflammatory processes health is at risk.
  • Tarot. Don't start new things.
  • Ukrainian. There is a threat to get into awkward situation that will make you feel ashamed.

What a fight can dream of - interpretations of various dream books

2 Who had the dream?

To find required value, you need to remember all the details of sleep. Thanks to these details, it will be possible to find out the approximate meaning of the dream.

Dream scenarios can be very diverse. The interpretation of a dream about cancer depends on many factors, so the meaning does not match everywhere. The dreamer's own feelings that he experienced from this dream will also help to interpret the dream.

Why do mice dream

3 woman

If a young girl has a dream, then she will soon meet a new acquaintance with a man. This acquaintance can turn into a serious and strong relationship.

When a young woman sees crayfish or married woman, she can expect news of the pregnancy. If a woman is already carrying a child, then she should take care of herself and relax. Such a dream speaks of fatigue. A lot will be demanded of a woman, but nothing needs to be done through force.

Why dream ex-husband- interpretations in dream books

4 Man

If cancers dream married man, calm and complete idyll awaits him in family relationships. Family problems will be sorted out.

If a bachelor dreamed of crayfish, then soon he would meet a soul mate, and then create a strong family with her. Often, crayfish in a dream portends problems in business; you will have to spend a lot of time and effort on solving them.

5 Live or boiled?

Living arthropods clinging to clothes portend a quick meeting with an old friend whom the dreamer for a long time did not see. This meeting will bring a lot of positive emotions.

Loss of a profitable business proposal may also occur. This will make the dreamer greatly regret the wrong decision.

Boiled crayfish do not bode well. This kind of dream is bad sign. You can expect anything: disappointment from the news, failure in business, or soon you will have to experience shame.

If you had to cook crayfish, then you should wait for the death of a loved one. This will affect the dreamer himself and his environment. Death is most likely due to an accident.

6 Large cluster

When you dream of a large number of live crayfish, you can expect the opportunity to go on a long-awaited journey. The journey will be joyful and successful.

And if there are a lot of boiled crayfish in a dream, then there may be problems in business and the financial sector. Problem solving needs to be done responsibly.

7 Catch crayfish

Catching crayfish is most often a good sign. If the dreamer is clean water catches crustaceans - this means that in his life there are many good friends who appreciate and respect him.

If the dreamer catches crayfish with his hands with fear, then he will have the opportunity to make peace with former friends or find a common language with enemies. When crayfish are caught without fear, there is a possibility that among the environment there are insincere people who are capable of betrayal. It is worth being more attentive to new acquaintances.

8 Eat crustaceans

When in a dream a person eats boiled crayfish meat, then career advancement should be expected.

If the dreamer eats crayfish meat in a restaurant, then very soon a proposal will appear on new job or positions. There are crayfish with beer - you can expect betrayal or deceit.

And some secrets...

The story of one of our readers Irina Volodina:

I was especially depressed by the eyes, surrounded by large wrinkles plus dark circles and swelling. How to remove wrinkles and bags under the eyes completely? How to deal with swelling and redness? But nothing ages or rejuvenates a person like his eyes.

But how do you rejuvenate them? Plastic surgery? I learned - not less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - photorejuvenation, gas-liquid peeling, radiolifting, laser facelift? A little more affordable - the course costs 1.5-2 thousand dollars. And when to find the time for all this? Yes, it's still expensive. Especially now. So for myself I chose a different way ...


Every dream has a lot of meanings. All dreams are dreamed by people for a reason. Sometimes images from a dream can tell a lot. For example, it can be events of the future or present.

Seeing crayfish in a dream, you can talk about an unusual treat. If in a dream you had to catch them in the river, then the person who had such a dream has reliable friends, whose help he can hope for even in too difficult times. When you dream of cancer that is spreading in different directions, you will have to really give up a very profitable business, and as a result, you will have to regret it.

Boiled cancer dreams in the form of a warning that a risky business will be unsuccessful and can bring a huge loss. Eating crayfish in a dream may indicate that a person is strongly influenced by loved ones. Such a dream will remind you that you should always have a personal opinion and be able to defend it. Only in this way can success be achieved.

Sometimes the interpretation of what cancer is dreaming of can remind you of an upcoming trip or a trip that will not be soon. Dreams of cancer also portend slowness in any business or the suspension of this business. But if in the process of sleep it was possible to see that the cancer is moving forward, then in such a situation things will move forward.

If, despite all your expectations, cancer begins to move back, then the dream indicates obstacles in work due to human stubbornness or indecision. Acquiring cancers during sleep speaks of feelings due to too quick action that cause harm or cause trouble to others. Dreams about cancer great amount interpretations, but to a greater extent they are related to work.

If you had to treat yourself to crayfish in a dream, then this dream speaks of acquaintance with the opposite sex. At the same time, there is a smooth transition into a fairly close relationship. Such a dream has a positive effect on the human psyche.

Many are interested in why they dream of catching crayfish with their hands. If at the same time the crayfish grab the hand with claws, then this dream is strong advice. You should pay attention to your own health, so that one fine morning you do not wake up a sick person.

If living cancer is incredible big size appeared in a dream so that you can easily see every detail, then in reality such a person should be very careful with his decisions. At the same time, it is important not to miss the chances. If you dreamed of cancer in a living form, then this means that in reality a person is worried about something in the intimate sphere. Some kind of complex constantly prevents him from objectively understanding himself and his own capabilities. Perhaps even such a person is not satisfied with any features of his body.

If you believe esoteric dream books, then a dream where you had to catch crayfish promises a serene life. Also, a dream tells about the turmoil in your own house, where you have to cook crayfish. When a professional artist dreams of cancer, such a dream promises foreign tours or other useful offers. Cancer can also dream of a party, a meeting of guests.

When crayfish dream on Thursday, then this dream suggests that good forces help you, feed the hearth, help maintain excellent relations with your soulmate without much effort. Still these dreams can be dreamed on Sunday. It doesn't mean anything at all. Dreams with cancers are interpreted very simply. To do this, you need to know both positive and negative interpretations.

When you dream of cancer, you should not think about negative things, then everything terrible will pass by. The image of cancer in a dream is interpreted in different ways, the main thing is to remember all the elements of sleep. It is in this case that you can easily understand what the dream is about.

If in a dream you have to fight with a huge cancer, then this is a sign of a future struggle with your own inertia. A dream with cancer is considered positive enough if it is dreamed by a person born under the sign of Cancer. This, of course, testifies to the turn of his fate towards victory and success. For a woman who catches crayfish, a dream speaks of pregnancy.

When you dream of a live cancer that has clung to a person with claws, then the dream may remind you of a meeting with a friend with whom communication has been interrupted for a long time. From him you can learn completely unexpected, but quite pleasant things. If the dreamed cancer is red, then this indicates the receipt of news that can disappoint. If a red cancer tries to crawl and attacks a person, then the dream is interpreted positively. He talks about wonderful holiday with relatives and friends.

If you dreamed of crayfish, then this is evidence that a person, most likely, is trying to hide from troubles and problems, withdrawing into himself. If the general atmosphere of the dream was somehow burdensome, then this dream suggests that isolation can only harm a person. According to the Slavic dream book, one can also say that a person who dreams of cancer lives past life, which is irreversible. Such people should be helped. They need the support of family and friends.

If a non-living cancer appeared in a dream, then this is the main evidence of a good expensive purchase. It can be something from technology, from cosmetics, from goods that have long been dreamed of. These dreams have a very positive effect on people and practically do not carry any negativity.

You can interpret dreams without resorting to the help of astrologers. At the same time, the main thing is to remember what you dreamed about and to know at least a few basic interpretations of the image from the dream. Knowing what the dream portends, you can fix a lot of things in your life.


Idiomatic dream book

Cancer is dreaming, what does it symbolize?

“Backing back like a cancer” (stagnation, regression), “when the cancer (on the mountain) whistles” (never - unrealizability).

Autumn dream book

Why dream of cancer in the fall?

If you got down to business, do not back down, this is a dream messenger that everything will be fine with you.

Summer dream book

Why dream of cancer in the summer?

Seeing a dream about Cancer - You will have to blush for someone and worry.

Small Velesov dream book

Why dream of Cancer, interpretation of sleep:

A safe departure // a change in work, being drunk, a tedious road, sadness, annoyance, intentions will not be fulfilled soon, they will disgrace; hefty - not an easy road; raw - nothing; boiled - you will accept shame, enemies, gossip; to catch - beware of false friends; cook - death; there is sadness, stagnation in business.

Russian folk dream book

Why dream of Cancer - interpretation of sleep:

The circumstances of your life will tell you why the image of cancer appeared in your dream. It can mean experiencing trouble to the fullest: finding out where the crayfish hibernate. Or it may signal that the pace of development of your affairs is too slow.

Aesop's dream book

Why do you dream of Cancer in an everyday sense?

The circumstances of your life will tell you why this image appeared in your dream. If in a dream a cancer pinched you with a claw, then this is a sign of future troubles, perhaps the betrayal of one of your friends. There are boiled crayfish in a dream - despite a long period of stagnation and not entirely successful days, you will be rewarded for your patience and perseverance, things will go smoothly, expect profit from successful transactions.

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

Why dream and how to interpret Cancer?

The dream of cancer symbolizes a return to times long past, and also reflects the slowness inherent in these creatures. Catch, eat crayfish - health, success and peace of mind in life (“you drive more quietly, you will continue”). Seeing a huge cancer or a crowd of crayfish is a warning about your own laziness, inertia, this is how what you dream about is deciphered.

Family dream book

Why dream of Cancer in a dream?

A live crayfish clinging to you with claws - you will meet a friend whom you have not seen for a long time, and you will learn completely unexpected, but pleasant things from him. Red boiled cancer - you will receive news that will disappoint you. If a red cancer crawls and tries to attack you, you will have a good rest with close friends.

Esoteric Dream Interpretation E. Tsvetkov

Why dream of Cancer in dreams?

Safe departure; big - departure far.

Dream Interpretation of Psychologist Z. Freud

Why Cancer is dreaming, dream analysis:

If you dreamed of live cancer, it means that in real life you are intimately concerned about something. Some kind of complex prevents you from objectively perceiving yourself and your capabilities. Maybe you are not satisfied with some features of your body. To treat yourself to crayfish in a dream - such a dream promises you an acquaintance with the opposite sex with a smooth transition into a very close relationship.

Polish dream book of V. Kopalinsky

Parting; “retreat” from love relationships, this is the interpretation of Cancer according to the dream book.

Ukrainian dream book

Why dream of Cancer folk beliefs Little Russia:

Cancers are bad, fear, someone will shame. There will be great shame. Catch crayfish - beware of insecure people, false society. Boil, bake crayfish - to death, there is sadness, stagnation (in trade), as the interpreter reports about the essence of the dream that you are dreaming of.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Why dream of Cancer in night dreams?

Seeing one or many boiled crayfish - at a loss, live - for an early departure or rejection of something useful. Cancer crawling after you everywhere means disagreements with friends. Catching crayfish, fearing their bites, means that in reality you will find a common language with a former enemy. Fighting giant cancer means fighting your own inertia.

Spring dream book

Why dream of cancer in the spring?

There are cancers - to cancer.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer (T. Smirnova)

Sudden departure; internal tumors and inflammations, in the next interpreter you can read a different interpretation of what you are dreaming of.

French dream book

Why dream and how to interpret Cancer from a dream book?

If you saw black crayfish in a dream, there will be minor difficulties in your affairs.

Big dream book

Why dream of Cancer in a dream book:

The proposed work will be performed with great difficulty.

Dream Interpretation Tarot

If Cancer is dreaming, how to understand it:

Braking, postponing things for later

Culinary dream book

Cancer dreams in a dream, why?

Seeing one or many boiled crayfish is a loss; and the living, a quick departure or rejection of something useful. Cancer crawling everywhere behind you - grief, disagreement, disagreement.

Azar's Bible Dream Book

Cancer, according to spiritual sources, why do you dream?

There are boiled crayfish A dream that occurred in the spring is for departure; in summer - to unpleasant news; in the fall - to a meeting with a secret enemy; in winter - to the strengthening of desires and the lack of opportunities to fulfill them. Boil crayfish A dream that occurred in the spring is a quarrel with a good man; in the summer - to spoiled rest; in the fall - to an empty waste of time; in winter - to the loss of money. Why dream of crayfish - A live crayfish with large claws is an unexpected help.

Christian dream book

What does Cancer mean in a dream:

Crayfish - Unless the crayfish are sitting on you, a dream portends success in business. If you see a cancer sitting or climbing on you, this is a warning about the disease. Imagine that you are throwing it off yourself, and the cancer is running away from you in horror. However, see a doctor and get tested.

Old dream book

Why dream of Cancer in a dream?

Cancers to see - a safe departure, a safe road. To see a lot of crayfish in a dream is gossip. Crayfish is a negative disease-causing principle in the body, associated with an abundance of fluid; choking spasms. Digging crayfish to see in a dream - a woman for pregnancy. To fight a giant cancer is to fight your own inertia.




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