What to do if the team does not accept a new employee? At a new job.

If the HR manager sees that the team does not accept a new employee, he should not stay away from this problem. It is urgent to find out the reasons for this situation. To do this, it is better to have conversations with the new employee, the head of the department, with the informal leader of the team and with its key members. If the team is small, it is better to have conversations with each employee. Having understood the causes of the conflict situation, the personnel manager needs to understand who is to blame for it. It can be both the employee himself and the team. In this situation, the personnel manager becomes almost a surgeon who needs to either "cure" the employee (or team) or perform a "surgical intervention" (transfer the employee to another unit, dismiss or disband the team).

How to treat

There are many causes of conflict in the team and even more ways to eliminate them. If the team and the new employee are equally important for the enterprise, then in this case it is necessary to carry out "treatment". It consists in correcting the behavior of a beginner or a team (or all together). To do this, it is necessary to conduct corrective conversations, trainings aimed at eliminating the conflict situation. In the future, exercise control by periodically holding conversations with the newcomer and members of the team. In my opinion, team building training could be an interesting event, but it is advisable to conduct it at the last stage of the conflict resolution process - to consolidate the success achieved.

I will tell you about the individual causes of conflicts that need to be eliminated only by surgery.

When the cause of the conflict in the team

In one of the FMCG companies, the warehouse workforce became a destructive force, abuse and theft flourished in it, and encouraged by mutual responsibility. The new employee wanted to work honestly and became a hindrance to the rest. The team repeatedly tried to force the newcomer to do the same as they did, but he turned out to be a decent person. An additional investigation of the current situation was conducted with the involvement of the security service of the enterprise. The negative facts have been confirmed. The team was disbanded. The new employee continued to work successfully in the company.

When the cause of the conflict is an employee

A sincerely believing (churched) person was hired in one of the Russian banks. The team of modern companies, unfortunately, often does not accept such people. A believer did not participate in indecent (meek according to the church) conversations, did not smoke, refused to drink alcohol, and dressed very modestly. He became an outcast in the liberated secular collective. This situation was hard for both the employee and the team. Then it was resolved by the fact that after a conversation with the HR manager, the employee decided to voluntarily leave the bank and go to work in a charitable organization. Peace reigned in the team.

In order to prevent such conflicts (the team is a novice), it is necessary, when selecting personnel, to carefully evaluate the personal and business qualities of a job candidate and to know the team where a new employee is required. It is necessary to presume in advance that the new employee is close to the team in terms of culture, worldview, spirit and interests, and not only in terms of professional suitability.

Olga Olevskaya, Project Manager of the Human Resources Directorate of Energy Consulting / Business Service LLC

In my opinion, the main efforts to avoid such a conflict should be applied at the stage of candidate evaluation. The HR manager must know the type of corporate culture of the company, understand the goals and strategies, relationships within the team. When evaluating a candidate, it is necessary to take into account not only the level of his competence, but also the compliance of his motivation and personal qualities with the company's policy. Unfortunately, it often happens that there are very few candidates on the market who meet the requirements, and as a result, the HR manager, having no choice, makes a positive decision on a candidate who cannot initially join the team. I think that this is a mistake that brings with it many negative consequences, ultimately leading to material damage to the company in one way or another. In my opinion, preference should be given to an employee who can establish working relationships with the team, even if he loses in terms of professional training.

Maria Kremlyakova, HR Manager, StroyPlast LLC

In order to avoid such situations as the rejection of new employees by the team, it is necessary to initially form a conflict-free team, even at the stage of its creation and recruitment. It is necessary to create conditions for normal operation:

  • provide physical and psychological comfort with the help of a well-organized workspace;
  • observe the principles of justice in the distribution of material wealth;
  • clearly define the responsibilities of each employee and their place in the structure of the company;
  • establish information exchange in the company and develop communications.

At the same time, you need to understand that the appearance of a new employee in the team is in any case associated with a violation of some stability of an already close-knit group. In most cases, people are wary of everything new.

Of course, the process of adaptation of new employees is mainly the concern of the HR manager, although the employee himself, his colleagues, and the company as a whole are interested in successful adaptation. Employees are expected to perform well first and foremost. Good relationships with the team just help the beginner to work more efficiently, that is, social adaptation contributes to the speedy professional adaptation.

Many HR professionals now recommend tackling onboarding issues through mentoring. Some companies introduce special allowances for mentors. It is very good if the mentor belongs to the group of informal leaders: it is the informal structure that determines the nature of relations between team members, the style of work and the ways in which employees interact. Such a mentor will be able not only to advise the newcomer on work issues, but also to help him join the team. To choose the right mentor, the HR manager must know the relationship between the formal and informal structure of the organization.

A new employee must be presented at a general meeting to the team, his duties and powers should be announced. If the company is large, you can even print a kind of booklet for newcomers with a schematic representation of the premises, indicating working and rest hours, a list of employees and indicating their positions and wishes for success at the end of the booklet. A new employee is always motivated to work, and the main thing for the company is to keep this enthusiasm in him.

If the team does not accept a new employee, the HR manager must find out the reasons for such rejection. If this is an isolated case, then most likely the matter is in the employee himself. Perhaps a person is generally difficult to adapt, or simply poorly aware of the norms and rules of the organization. If the rejection of newcomers occurs constantly, then this is a big problem for this team. One HR manager can't do it here. Fundamental changes and intervention of the company's management are needed.

Galina Zinich, HR Manager, Newcom Port LLC

At the very beginning of our work in a new company, we go through the stage of adaptation, that is, getting used to, and not only we get used to the company, but it also to us. With an established system of adaptation and a mentoring procedure, the period of "discomfort" may be less painful and prolonged, but it cannot be completely avoided.

The area of ​​responsibility of the employee himself is to “join” the team, that is, to learn how to work in this team. To reduce the time for joining the team, it is important for a newly hired employee to correctly position himself as an open, friendly person who is ready to help at any moment.

The area of ​​responsibility of the HR manager is the correct selection (taking into account the corporate culture), the adaptation procedure and the correct appointment of a mentor (as my practice shows, it is best if this is an informal leader in the team), and, of course, just talking with an employee when necessary.

At my previous job, we introduced a 3 day internship. That is, the employee has the opportunity to come to us for 3 days - to see the team, get acquainted with the tasks and projects, assess the situation from the inside. At the same time, the team is eyeing the potential employee. And if everyone is satisfied with everything, then the potential employee goes into the category of employees. I deliberately omit the issue of applying for an internship, work, financial aspect: each HR manager will be able to solve them himself, taking into account the specifics of the company.

The only chance to make a first impression should always be used wisely. Especially when it comes to work. After all, the place where you will spend most of your day (and what is there - life) should be not only useful for you, but also pleasant. So, what rules should be followed in order to join the team as quickly as possible, and what to do if he did not accept?

According to the results of a study by the Superjob portal, it turned out that more personnel officers advise newcomers to “listen and be silent”, that is, to wind what they say, observe what is happening, so that later, based on a large amount of information, they correctly present their position to colleagues in team. However, this takes time, and the first impression must be created from the first day of its appearance. What should be done besides quality work and friendly behavior?

How to join the team without loss?

1. Avoid coalitions

In almost any community, there are groups that hold their own views, usually sit at different tables at dinner and communicate more with each other than with anyone else. As a rule, already from the first days of the appearance of a newcomer, these groups begin to "probe" him for the similarity of interests or even push him to join them.

You will still end up in some group, so it’s better to communicate with everyone the same way at first, and then the choice will be made by itself - just give yourself time. Take a neutral position in controversial issues.

Even if someone suddenly showed a genuine interest in you and helps in everything, do not rush to think that this is a gift from heaven. Be careful, but, of course, kindly and with gratitude. Now is the time to get comfortable and find out what kind of people surround you, and the decision on who to communicate with is better to make later.

If you immediately suddenly begin to communicate with some group of people more, then you may be considered an overly influenced person, and it’s not a fact that you will really enjoy being in this group.

2. Ask questions, be interested, ask for advice

Humility is the first quality that most beginners show clearly. And often it is modesty that plays a bad role in your entry into the team.

New to the team

Each job loves initiative people, but “humble” people do not, and such people are often used in the team. In addition, the team may consider you too arrogant or arrogant, since you cannot ask for help in such a seemingly trifling matter - settling in a new place.

So get over yourself and if you have a question, ask it! You can start simple - ask where, how and when it is customary to dine. Well, there are more questions to come. The main thing is not to ask personal questions (is the boss alone or that handsome guy from the first floor), and nevertheless, first try to solve some difficulty on your own, and then ask for help.

Consult with colleagues, smiling, thank them for their help. This way you will make friends faster.

3. Adjust to the existing order

Everyone knows that they don’t go to a foreign monastery with their own charter. So try to do things the way your new company does. Even if this is unusual for you, having already joined the team, it will already be easier for you to tell everyone what you are used to doing differently. Then it will not cause a negative reaction.

For example, have lunch in the dining room with everyone, even if you are used to carrying lunches with you. Or offer a donation or even help organize a colleague's birthday. If there is a queue of those who run to the store for coffee and chocolates, do not refuse to participate.

Of course, all this should be done not to the detriment of work or yourself. If everyone smokes, then you don’t have to stand with everyone in the smoking room, but you can quite support a few “habits” of the team.

Also, you can not criticize the existing order, give advice and constantly complain. The phrases “Turn the music down”, “turn off the air conditioning”, “don’t slam the doors” are guaranteed to make you an outcast. However, this does not mean that you need to endure: maybe you are being tested to see if you are able to voice your opinion? If you feel cold from the constantly open window, put on a sweater, if no one offered to close it, offer it yourself. But don't download rights as soon as possible.

4. Tell us about yourself

It is better to do it yourself voluntarily than to fend off gossip and speculation later. There are questions that are almost always interesting: are you married or dating someone, do you have children, where did you come from, where and how do you live.

New to the team

When you manage to get into the conversation of colleagues (say, at dinner), feel free to wedge in these pieces of information to yourself, as if in between times, without forcing everyone to talk about yourself, your beloved. Believe me, even something interesting said as if between words will be remembered and will be transmitted, because the team is always very attentive to the personal information of a beginner. Such is nature. So take the chance to introduce yourself, otherwise someone else might do it tomorrow.

5. Follow your job descriptions clearly

And first, get to know them, because not all companies provide the employee with job descriptions, limiting themselves to a general description of the position. Find out also who your immediate supervisor is and to whom you "owe". This will save you from others who want to give orders to beginners.

It's no secret that in many teams they like to dump routine work on newcomers. Refuse, citing the fact that you would be happy to help (it helped), but you better focus on your duties at the moment, you need to get used to it. Or agree, but immediately explain that you only agree to help, because you have time for this, but you can refuse for the future, since this is not your responsibility.

Do all this as calmly and friendly as possible and do not go too far in one direction or the other. You can transfer folders from one table to another without fear that the annual report will be dumped on you right there. And making a report for someone, you run the risk of carrying folders for someone later. In other words, don't let yourself be abused.

More about the rules of behavior for a newcomer in a team, as well as how to say “no” and not turn into an “errand girl”, see the video clip.

What to do if the team does not accept?

Do not panic and do not perform chaotic actions in order to please colleagues. All you need to do is to understand the cause and, based on it, look for a "cure". Here are the possible reasons and options for your behavior:

You took "someone's" place: because of you, an old employee was fired or one of your current colleagues claimed the place
If you can’t stand the attitude of the team anymore, they openly laugh at you and mock you, try to bring together at least part of the team and honestly admit that you can’t work like that, that it’s hard for you, that you are a good person and would like to become part of the team. Apologize for the fact that you yourself, unwittingly, have become someone else's problem.

If you think that you can infiltrate the team by starting to express favor to everyone, or by becoming friends with the employee who is most disposed to you, then life will put you on the bench more than once. It's time to stop believing in mirages instilled by a naive belief in positive thinking, this article will show you the shortsightedness of such behavior.
I don't mind if it was that simple.. but life is full of sarcasm. Those who try their best to please others look pathetic, especially in the eyes of callous and selfish people. At best, your communication will be neglected, and at worst, they will be humiliated or used.
Let's try to figure out the possible reasons why the team does not accept you:
1. You are not interesting to others. They practically do not notice you, they push routine work onto you. It's all about your shyness. If you are different from the team, you are not interested in their conversations, and you try not to show it, then it is completely in vain. Of course, you should not climb with moralizing and teach everyone how to live. Your task is to start doing what you think is right, hold on confidently, and when you receive surprised looks from your colleagues, just continue to be yourself. Learn to stand your ground if they again try to throw off work that you are not obliged to do, adhere to the general rules adopted in the team, and do not let yourself be neglected. Such behavior does not have to be rude, everything needs to be done with favor and understanding of the situation. A polite no is better than a patient yes.

2. You are too eccentric, you attract a lot of negative attention. The fault is most likely that you are too infantile. The team does not accept you because everyone (not only you) has their own responsibilities, the work process is concentrated, and if you start to exclaim and resent something out loud, counting on the reaction of others, then most of them you will be very annoying. Everything is simple here - stop behaving overly emotionally. Your problems and experiences are no more serious and important than those of others, accept the fact that not everyone is interested in knowing about them.

3. You know best what to do. If you often think like this, then I will disappoint you, you are very mistaken, it is impossible to be always right. And if at the same time you feel that the team does not accept you, then this is quite natural. People don't like being lectured on, it's enough to express your position once and stick to it. And even if those around you are greatly mistaken in something, you should not argue with them to the last breath and, even more so, shame them. It is possible at this stage for them to make a mistake - this is the only way to understand something, although it is also possible that it is you who are mistaken ...

A slightly different case is if you are not accepted in a new team. This is a normal situation for many, and it all depends on the old employees. Why are they not ready to accept you into the team?

The hardest thing for a recruit is to fit into an environment of people who are completely different from you. And in such a situation, the main thing is to understand what exactly distinguishes them. If we are talking about a mismatch of your professional skills, insufficient responsibility for work, or inability to work in a team, for example, then, of course, your task should be to catch up to the required level as soon as possible. The absence of these objective reasons will help you to be accepted into the team, if there is a healthy corporate atmosphere in it. However, a healthy atmosphere in the team is too utopian a story...
It is quite another matter if something personal distinguishes you from the team. In this case, at first it is better to stay apart. After all, a non-receiving team may also consist of unpleasant people, they may not accept you even because you do not drink tea with them every hour, do not run to the smoking room, do not support conversations about cars and football, do not sit on a social network, do not take kickbacks. In this case, be sure to remain yourself, do not bend, even if the local ringleader, standing at the cooler and folding his arms over his chest, is trying to increase his self-esteem by ridiculing your eccentricity. If it comes to this, then remember that trolls are everywhere, and they need to catch on at least something, and your task is not to get into a skirmish, be laconic, answer calmly and to the point. If you wish, you can subtly pry it, putting it in place, it will not be difficult, because such people are usually notorious and not realized. The topic of the insolvency of such office jokers sooner or later pops up on its own. But here the decision is already yours, the main thing is not to get carried away, you still came to work, and not to mark the territory, no one will definitely pay you for this.

American psychologists have found that labor productivity can directly depend on relationships at work with colleagues. According to social psychologist Norman Triplet, cyclists perform best when they compete against each other rather than against a stopwatch. He extended his conclusion to group activity in general, suggesting that the presence of colleagues can positively influence how a person works. Psychologists Glenn Sanders, Robert Baron, and Danny Moore argue that people are always distracted from their work if they are concerned about the evaluation of their activities by others. And if someone feels like a "black sheep", then this affects not only the quality of the performance of duties, but also their well-being. “Among the causes of work-related stress, overwork is in second place,- says psychologist-consultant Tatiana Shakina. — And on the first - problems in interpersonal relationships. And if their influence is not reduced, then you can earn diseases of the heart and blood vessels..

By her own

« When I used to go to the office- says Alena (25), - I got up very hard in the morning - I didn’t want to go there. At work, I felt completely unbearable - I constantly had to talk to someone, find out something. The boss went forward, and now I write my texts at home: it turns out better than in the editorial office. Individualistic employees can do an excellent job, but they do not really like being in a team and making connections: loneliness and communication with themselves are more pleasant and productive for them. If an understanding boss comes across who takes into account the psychological characteristics of a valuable employee, then joint work will continue to mutual satisfaction. Western society has met these people halfway by offering various forms of cooperation: individual projects, freelancing, mobile offices. But in Russia, things are somewhat more complicated. “In our country, the “family” principle of work is very common, when an organization, even if employees are not relatives, is perceived by them as a big family,- says social psychologist Elena Rybkina. — In Soviet times, for example, such expressions as “native factory”, “work is a second home” were practiced. They could say about the mentor “he is like a father to me”. And now the CEO can be called "dad". With this approach, a person who keeps apart is considered a “prodigal son”, who must certainly be “returned to the family” and, perhaps, even punished for apostasy.. Of course, if frequent planning meetings are practiced in the team, where everyone participates in discussing the tasks and projects of everyone, and in their free time, employees with their families go on excursions and to rest homes, a person who avoids all this will look like a black sheep.
And it’s good if they look at him disapprovingly and leave him alone. However, there are leaders who involve all subordinates in collective activities under the threat of deprivation of the bonus.

Exit attempt. Carefully think over the conversation with the boss and try to explain to him that you, as a specialist for the company, are very useful, and your dislike for social events will not affect labor productivity in any way. If you can't convince the boss, take on some small additional responsibilities - for example, buy theater tickets for everyone. At the very least, look for another job, one where individualists are treated with loyalty.

At a new job

“I have already changed several jobs,- says Luda (23), - and every time, settling in a new place, I dream that I will make friends there, that we will meet, go to visit each other ... But everywhere the same thing is repeated that was at school: I sit gloomily in the corner, and the rest are laughing and talking.” Problems with communication usually first arise in childhood, and then manifest themselves in all the groups in which a person falls. This may be due to excessive pressure from parents forcing the child to play with other children when he did not want to. Or an injury - in the yard they teased because of glasses, hair color or excessive fatness, and there was no desire to be friends with children. You grew up a long time ago communication at work it’s still difficult, also because the skills haven’t been developed: you feel awkward, you don’t know how to approach your colleagues, what to ask, how to smile…
“Actually, they go to work not to find friends, but for other reasons, and you should not compare the official situation with the one that developed at school, where friendships, quarrels and romances were much more important than lessons,- says Olga Gradova, a specialist in management psychology. — You can look for friends elsewhere, but at work it’s enough just to establish good relationships. ” But if in the middle of the day you find yourself thinking not about business, but about whether you will be able to join a company of colleagues at dinner or will have to eat alone again, it will be useful to undergo communication training. There are enough of them now, and a specialist will help you understand how to change behavior at work.

Exit attempt. To get started, bring something tasty to work and invite everyone to try it. Ask a respected person in the department to explain something, praise someone's new hairstyle. But you need to do this unobtrusively: the desire to please everyone can repel anyone. As well as gloomy sitting in the corner - people are unlikely to approach you, because they will decide that you yourself do not want to communicate with anyone.

Relationships at work

“Usually at a new job, I immediately understand who I will be friends with,- admits Karina (29). — Everyone says that it is easy with me, so friendly relations develop almost instantly. But this time, for a year now, I have been feeling like in a song: “There are completely strangers around, they have a completely different game.” The topics that they discuss are not close to me, but they are not close to what I propose to talk about. I don't like them."
In this case, there are different sets of values: it is difficult for you and your colleagues to understand each other. For example, having learned that you most often do your own manicure, your car is inexpensive, and has not yet reached Switzerland, office ladies pour icy contempt on you and continue a fascinating conversation about the sweet life. But it can also be the other way around: the conversations of colleagues seem stupid to you, and they themselves are too primitive, and you decide not to condescend to them, which also does not contribute to building relationships. “It is important to understand who exactly erects the barrier - a person who does not fit into the team, or a team that does not want to accept it,- says Tatiana Shakina. — For a while, fix your own and other people's smiles, a friendly tone, polite treatment, as well as a cold look, an arrogant expression on your face and silence. That way you'll find out who's really causing the coldness. It’s also a good idea to involve friends to clarify the situation - it may seem to the person himself that his face looks neutral when communicating with a colleague, but in fact a negative attitude is read on it.

Most likely, current colleagues will not become your friends. But they usually get a job in order to gain knowledge, make a career and earn money.

And if your company is really able to provide you with all these opportunities, you will have to put up with something. And in your free time, think about what hurts you the most in the conversations of your colleagues. Thus, you can find some kind of flaw in yourself. As you know, what irritates us most in others is what is in us, only we are not always ready to admit it to ourselves.

Exit attempt. If the conversation of colleagues does not affect the sphere of your interests, you can simply not take part in it - one way or another, you will still communicate on professional topics, and you can talk heart to heart after work, with friends. Also note that there may be other departments in your organization, and they have good people.

Who's new?

“I was very lucky at my first job: the boss brought me to the department, introduced me, told me about my colleagues,- says Taya (26). — Maybe it happened because I was 18 at the time and I was very worried. In the future, I had to do all this myself, but I still want someone to be with me on the first day at a new job who knows how things are here - this greatly facilitates the process of joining the team.
Coming to a new job, you turn out to be white
crow is just the default. You hardly know anyone, you don’t know who is friends or enemies with whom, you have no idea if the company has a special routine, and what pitfalls you can expect. In addition, in many organizations, newcomers are generally wary. “A good tactic is to listen carefully to the explanations of colleagues and not be shy to ask questions,- recommends Elena Rybkina. — Take a closer look at the details: is there a dress code in the company, how it is customary to address each other, what behavior is not categorically welcomed, are there any rituals, traditions that colleagues observe. Be friendly and be sure to bring a small treat to your department on the first working days, in accordance with the principle of “registration” common in our organizations. At the table, it will be possible to better understand what kind of people you now have to work with, and try to become your own for them. However, there may be completely different goals - as one of the heroes of Honore de Balzac said, "you need to sneak into society like a plague, or break in like a cannonball." Maybe you just want to convince your bosses that you need to work, look and behave in a completely different way, and only then the company will begin to succeed. In this case, you will have to break into the team like a cannonball and remain a black sheep, hoping that others will share your beliefs.

Exit attempt. Even in a well-coordinated team, different people work, and you simply cannot please everyone. Take a closer look at them and try to make friends with two or three colleagues who are close in spirit: they will talk about the procedures adopted in the organization, help you fit in, build communication at work, or provide moral support if you want to radically change everything.

TEXT: Zhanna Sergeeva



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