How to transfer a part-time employee to the main place of work. We draw up an additional agreement

Method 1. Dismiss the employee from a part-time job and take on the main job. Fill out the documents as with a normal dismissal or with and with an employee. After that, accept it to work in .

If there is a record of part-time work in the work book, make the usual records of dismissal and hiring.

If there is no part-time record, make a job entry, indicating the part-time period. For example, "Accepted as a cashier, from 04/16/2018 to 04/23/2019 she worked as a part-time worker" Letter.

Method 2. Sign an additional agreement to amend the employment contract. Write from what date the part-time job became the main one. Adjust the conditions on the mode, working hours and wages.

If there is an entry in the work book about part-time work, issue an order recognizing part-time work as the main one and make an entry about this in the work book. For example, "Part-time work as a cashier has become the main one since April 23, 2019" Letter of Rostrud dated October 22, 2007 N 4299-6-1.

If there is no part-time record in the work book, indicate the part-time period in the employment record.

Sample additional agreement on recognizing part-time work as the main job

Sample order recognizing part-time work as the main job

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14.06.2017, 11:07

Part-time work becomes the main one for the employee. He quit his permanent job and was hired full-time in an organization where he worked part-time. An additional agreement was signed and an order was issued to transfer him to the main job. Now you need to make an entry in the labor record about the transfer of a part-time job to the main place of work. How to do it right? Our experts will answer this question and offer a sample, using which the personnel officer can easily make the necessary entry.

Transfer of a part-time worker to the main job

When the additional agreement is signed and the order is issued, you can proceed to filling out the work book (for more details, see, "", "").

Depending on whether an entry was made about part-time work in the employee's work book, the procedure for registering a transfer entry will differ.

There is no record of part-time work in the work book

In most cases, there is no record of part-time employment in the work book. In such a situation, an entry in the labor record about the transfer of a part-time job to a permanent job is done as follows (letter of Rostrud dated October 22, 2007 No. 4299-6-1):

  • in column 3 of the section “Information about work”, make an entry: “Employed (name of position and structural unit, if any) from (date of commencement of work on a part-time basis). From (date of commencement of work on a part-time basis) to (date of the end of part-time work) he worked as a part-time worker”;
  • in column 4 of the section "Information about work" it is necessary to indicate the details of the order for hiring a part-time job and the order for hiring for the main job.

A record of part-time work has been made

If a part-time entry is made in the employee’s work book, then the entry in the work book about the transfer of a part-time job will be different (Rostrud letter dated 10/22/2007 No. 4299-6-1):

  • indicate the full name of the organization, as well as the abbreviated name (if any) after the record of dismissal from the previous job;
  • in column 3 of the “Information about work” section, make an entry: “Work in the position (position name) from (the date the employee moved from part-time to full-time) became the main one”;
  • in column 4 of the "Information about work" section, you must specify the details of the order to transfer the employee to the main job.

You will need

  • When transferring a part-time job from one position to another:
  • - statement of the employee;
  • - transfer order;
  • When transferring from a part-time job to the main job:
  • - work book of a part-time job with a record of dismissal from the main job;
  • - application and order for employment;
  • When transferring from the main job to part-time jobs:
  • - letter of resignation and order of dismissal;
  • - an application, an order to accept a job and an employment contract with reservations about part-time work.


More or less clear is the situation when , performed according to part-time, becomes the main one for a person. In this case, he must quit his previous main job. And in the place where he previously worked on part-time, an order is issued to hire him and an entry is made in the labor in the general order. There are also situations when a person quits his main job, and wants to remain a part-time job at a parallel one. Legally speaking, there are no barriers to this. He continues to work on part-time. But if in his work book there is an entry about part-time work, and he decides to leave this job without getting a job with another main one, he will have no one to write about.


  • part-time job dismissal

Advice 4: How to arrange a part-time job in a work book

Employees work two jobs, either in one organization or in two or more. Often, a work book is issued to them only at their main job, and confirmation of the second is an employment contract. In labor book it is allowed to make a record about part-time work. This is spelled out in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

You will need

  • document forms, part-time work book, company seal, pen


When an employee works in two positions in one organization, he needs to write an application addressed to the first person of the company with a request to make an entry. The employee puts his signature and the date of writing the application. The director of the enterprise puts a resolution on the application. The content of the resolution should be as follows: “Make an entry in the labor book About work ". The head of the organization puts his signature and date.

Since the organization has rather drawn up an employment contract and issued an order for admission to a part-time job, the personnel officer has an entry in the labor book about part-time work. Puts the date of part-time admission, the serial number of the entry, and the part-time entry must follow the entry about the main job. The basis is the order for hiring part-time. The personnel officer writes his position, puts his signature, certifies the record with the seal of the enterprise.

When an employee works part-time in two organizations, he needs to request from the enterprise where he works part-time a copy of the order for hiring part-time in this organization, an extract from this order or an employment contract. But it would be most correct to request a part-time certificate on the letterhead of the enterprise, where the personnel worker writes that the employee really works in a certain position in this organization from a certain date. The certificate is signed by the company, it is certified by the seal of the enterprise.

At the main place of work, the personnel officer makes a record of part-time work in another organization after the record of the main job. The basis is a certificate from a part-time job. Moreover, it is glued into the labor worker. The record is certified by the seal of the enterprise from the main place of work. The personnel officer also signs, puts a transcript of the signature and his position.

Tip 5: How to transfer an employee from one organization to another

The transfer of an employee is carried out from one organization to another to a similar position, both by decision of the employee himself, and by agreement between enterprises. For this, a specialist must be fired from one company by transfer, and in another organization, apply for a job by transfer.

You will need

  • Forms of relevant documents, employee documents, documents of both organizations, seals of both companies, a pen, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.


If the employee decides to transfer to, he needs to write a letter of resignation by transferring to the name of the first person of the company. On it, the employee puts a personal signature and the date of its writing. If the employer agrees, the director affixes a resolution with the date and signature on the application. From the head of another organization, it is necessary to write a letter of intent to hire this employee and send it to the address of the location of the enterprise where the employee currently works.

If organizations have agreed between themselves on the translation of this specialist, then they need to write an agreement signed by the heads of both companies and certified by the seals of the enterprises. Write a notice to the employee, indicating the conditions of work in it. On this document, the employee puts a personal signature and date, thereby familiarizing himself with it and giving his consent.

Draw up a dismissal order by transferring to another employer in the T-8 form, to which assign a number and date. In the administrative part, write the position held, last name, first name, patronymic of the dismissed employee, as well as the date of termination of the employment contract with him. Certify the document with the seal of the company. The right to sign the order has the director of the company indicating the position, surname, initials.

In the employee's work book, put the serial number of the entry, the date of dismissal in Arabic numerals. In the information about the work, enter, referring to paragraph 1 of part 1 of article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, that the employee was fired by transferring to another employer. The basis for making the entry is the dismissal order, indicate its number and date. Certify the entry with the seal of the enterprise, the signature of the person responsible for maintaining work books, indicating the position, surname, initials.

Having received the work book in his hands, the specialist writes an application addressed to the director of the company in which he is accepted by transfer. The head, in turn, issues an order for employment, signed by him and certified by a seal. Sign an employment contract with the employee. Moreover, the probationary period for such an employee is not established. It is accepted on a general basis. In the work book, in the information about the work, enter the name of the enterprise, the name of the position, the structural unit where the specialist was accepted. Indicate the name of the organization from which this employee left in the order of transfer.


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Due to medical indicators and other reasons, the employer has the right to transfer the employee to another structural unit. Moreover, it should be located in the same area where the current place of work of the specialist, his labor function should not differ significantly from the duties performed in the current position.

You will need

  • - employee's documents;
  • - enterprise documents;
  • - seal of the organization;
  • - Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
  • - pen.


The written consent of the employee to move to another place of work is not required, but the condition must be met that the rights and obligations specified in the employment contract with the employee do not change. To carry out the transfer of a specialist to another job, the structural unit of the director of the enterprise should issue an appropriate order. The basis for its compilation is a memo from the head of the structural unit in which this specialist works. The document is sent to the first person of the company for consideration, who, in case of consent, puts down a resolution on it with a date and a signature.

If the initiative to move to another place of work comes from the employee, he needs to write an application with a request to be transferred to another position, structural unit, while the employee's labor function does not change. The specialist signs the document and puts on it the date of its writing. The director also affixes the resolution to the application with a date and signature.

Draw up an order, in the header of which enter the full and abbreviated name of the enterprise, indicating its organizational and legal form. Assign the number and date of publication to the document, write the name of the city in which the organization is located. Specify the subject of the order, which in this case corresponds to the movement of the worker. Describe the reason for compiling the document, the reason for moving this employee to another place of work, structural unit. In the administrative part, enter the last name, first name, patronymic of the specialist, his personnel number, the title of the position held and the name of the position, the structural unit where he is being moved. Assure the order with the seal of the organization and the signature of the director of the enterprise. Familiarize the employee with the document for signature.

There is no need to draw up an additional agreement to the employment contract, since the main labor function of the employee has not changed. It is not necessary to make entries on the movement in the work book of the employee. This is spelled out in article 72 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.


  • Temporary transfer of an employee and relocation

Labor relations with a part-time worker are regulated by article 282 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. A fixed-term or open-ended employment contract is concluded with both the main employee and the part-time worker, the head of the enterprise issues an order and, if the part-time worker wishes, an entry is made in the work book.

You will need

  • - a statement from an employee;
  • - documentation;
  • - employment contract (or additional agreement);
  • - order form T-1;
  • - official duties.


If an external part-time job is arranged for you, whose main job is at another enterprise, ask the employee to write an application for part-time employment, present a passport, documents on education, qualifications and other documents required by the specifics of the job. This can be a sanitary book if your company specializes in food products, a category if a part-time worker gets a job, access to machinery, etc.

The part-time work book is located at the main place of work, therefore you have the right to demand only an extract from it, since this document is issued to employees only in case of dismissal. If the part-time worker wants an entry to be made in the work, then you must issue a certificate. The entry will be made in the personnel department at the main place of work (Article 66 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Conclude a fixed-term or open-ended employment contract with a part-time worker with the obligatory inclusion of a clause that the work is a combination of professions (Article 68 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Issue an unified form T-1 order. The basis for issuing the order is the employment contract signed with the part-time worker.

Familiarize the employee with the internal regulations of your company and job responsibilities.

When hiring an internal part-time job, you do not need to request a package of documents for registration of labor relations. A part-time job entry must be made in your employee's personnel department, that is, it is not mandatory and is made at the request of the part-time job.

As well as in the case of an external part-time job, you are required to issue an order of the T-1 form on the basis of an additional agreement or a separate employment contract.

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Advice 8: How to transfer an employee to a part-time job from the main place of work

If your main employee is registered in accordance with the norms of labor legislation, and you would like to transfer him to part-time workers, then you should carry out the procedure for dismissing him. After the employee gets another job as the main one, you can accept him on a part-time basis.

You will need

  • - employee's documents;
  • - forms of relevant documents;
  • - enterprise documents;
  • - seal of the organization;
  • - labor legislation.


Upon dismissal main worker you should accept a statement from him. In it, the employee must register his request for dismissal of his own free will. The application must contain the following information: personal data of the specialist, date of dismissal, title of the position, department in which the employee is registered. The document is signed by the employee and endorsed by the head of the enterprise to whom it is sent for consideration.

As a rule, the fact of dismissal should be documented. In this case, a dismissal order is mandatory. In it, write down the personal data of the employee, the name of his position and the service in which he worked. In the administrative part, indicate the date of dismissal. Properly certify the document and familiarize worker with him.

The accounting department must calculate all payments due to the employee upon dismissal. Personnel employees should make an entry about the dismissal in the specialist's work book, issue it on the last working day, along with funds for unused vacation, actually worked time.

When an employee registers for another enterprise on a general basis, accept him for a part-time position. Carry out the acceptance procedure in accordance with the labor laws governing the work of a part-time worker.

Accept an application from the employee with a request for a part-time job, conclude an employment contract in which you specify the conditions under which it is accepted. Please note that a part-time worker can only work in his spare time from the main work time. The employer must pay for the performance of the official duties of such an employee so that his salary does not exceed 50% of the salary of specialists drawn up on a general basis.

Draw up an order for admission to the position and make a note about part-time work. If the employee wishes to formalize the employment relationship in the work book, then you will not be able to do this, since the entry of the additional position remains with the main employer.

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  • Is it possible to transfer an employee from the main place of work to a part-time job?

You can work part-time in the same company with the same employer or combine your main job with a part-time job with another employer (Chapter 44 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). If an employee wants to switch to permanent labor relations at the place of part-time employment, then they can be issued at the discretion of the employer (Article 72 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

You will need

  • - employee's passport;
  • - a statement from an employee;
  • - employment history;
  • - a document on education (other documents stipulated by the specifics of the work);
  • - additional agreement (employment contract);
  • - order;
  • - job descriptions.


The law does not give clear explanations about the re-registration of labor relations with part-time workers, so you can choose from three options - a new one from a permanent place of work, transfer from one organization to another by agreement, or draw up an additional agreement to the contract.

If you decide to apply a new employment relationship, then the part-time worker must leave the place of work, and also write a letter of resignation from the part-time job. Make a full payment with him for part-time work, issue a dismissal order. Next, make the usual registration of labor relations, as with any newly hired employee. Get an application for employment, a work book, a certificate of education, and other documents required by the specifics of the job. Draw up an employment contract, order, familiarize the newly hired employee with job responsibilities, make an entry in the work book and personal card.

To arrange by transfer, agree with his employer, for whom he works constantly about the transfer. The employee will make an entry in the work book about the transfer, you will conclude an employment contract with him, issue an order stating that the previous contract has become invalid, as well as the day, month and year when the employee will start working on a permanent basis. Familiarize him with job descriptions, make an entry in the work book and personal card.

To draw up a part-time job by means of an additional agreement to the employment contract, draw up an agreement, indicate that indefinite labor is concluded, the amount of salary that will be remuneration for work, and other conditions. Issue an order, make an entry in the work book and personal card that the transfer has been made on a permanent basis. Most often, such relationships are concluded with internal part-timers.

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On permanent basis transfer employees who worked under a temporary employment contract or part-time. To formalize a permanent employment relationship, you need to re-register a number of documents and renegotiate an employment contract. There is no need for a temporary employee to leave. All documents are processed by translation.

You will need

  • - a statement from an employee
  • -order
  • - unlimited employment contract
  • -job description
  • - an entry in the work book about the transfer to a permanent basis


To formalize a permanent indefinite employment relationship, an employee must submit an application for a transfer to work. The application must be written before the end of the temporary work or immediately after its end, so that there is no break, and the prescribed annual leave is preserved. In the application, you must indicate all the details of the company, your full name, position, put the date and signature.

Based on the application, the employer issues an order indicating that the temporary work order has become invalid and the employee has been transferred to permanent work and affixed from what date, month and year to produce on permanent work.

With all the documents drawn up, the employee is introduced against receipt. The following ordinal number is put in the labor record and a record is made that the employee has been transferred from temporary work to permanent position, order number, and from what date it was issued.

Everything else is done in the same way as above. The employee writes a statement, an order is issued, a job description is drawn up and an entry is made in the work book about the transfer of the employee to permanent basis.

Tip 11: How to transfer part-time workers to a permanent job

In order to transfer an employee working part-time to a permanent place of work, it is necessary to issue a dismissal from both the main place of work and part-time work. Then accept the employee for a position on general grounds in accordance with labor legislation as the main place of work.

The main service is a source of income to which everyone devotes most of the time of professional activity. At the same time, in order to improve their well-being, many are arranged to work additionally. Moreover, there is both an internal part-time job, when an employee is employed as a part-time job at the place of the main job, and an external one, when the second position is in another company. Each category has its own characteristics, including sick leave, vacation, as well as the conditions under which a transfer from one type of employment relationship to another is possible. These questions will be covered in the presented article.

Sick leave at the main place of work and part-time

At the enterprise, the employee is required to make payments when providing a sick leave. Their size depends on the insurance experience, in which you can get 100% of the salary. For this, the experience must be more than 8 years. When paying contributions by the insured person for 5-8 years, he is paid 80%, and with less than 5 years of experience, compensation will be 60%. The calculation of the sick leave is carried out by calculating the percentage due, depending on the length of service, from the average salary of the employee.

Part-time workers are also entitled to sick leave, but only on condition that the admission to an additional vacancy was carried out with the signing of an employment contract. This condition is mandatory, because only then the employer makes the necessary regular contributions for health insurance.

According to the Labor Code, receiving sick leave in both positions is possible only when the employee has worked in both positions on a permanent basis for more than two years. If the length of service is less, then he has the right to count on receiving payment from only one working enterprise.

Leave at the main place of work and part-time

Vacation at the main place of work and part-time leave are paid and calculated on the basis of. Whether part-time leave should coincide with the main place of work is also answered by this article. The employer is obliged to allow the employee to receive leave in both positions at the same time. If the vacation for additional work activities is shorter, then you need to apply at your own expense. The employer cannot refuse such a right. There is a situation when the part-time worker has not yet worked out the allotted time for granting him leave. Then it can be provided to him in advance, while making full payment.

Transfer from part-time to the main place of work - how to apply

The transfer of an employee to the main place of work from a part-time job has some difficulties in registration. It will be easier to fire an employee, and then draw up a new work contract. However, because of this, the employee loses certain benefits, as well as the right to a guaranteed vacation period. Therefore, translation often takes place.

How to transfer an employee from a part-time job to the main place of work? First of all, it is necessary to understand what kind of part-time job is being considered - external or within the same company. In case of external, first of all, dismissal from the main professional activity is issued. On the additional one, it is necessary to draw up an application for transfer, after which an additional agreement is drawn up, after which an order is issued. If the employee is an internal part-time worker, then it is possible to transfer him in two ways:

  • Contracts are terminated in both positions, and then a new one must be drawn up;
  • The agreement is canceled only in the main position, and in combination, an additional agreement is reissued, in which the revised terms of the previous contract are noted.

The first option always has a negative reaction from employees, as they lose vacation days and can get a probationary period.

Application for transfer to the main place of work from part-time - sample

An application for transfer must be drawn up in an arbitrary format, since a unified law does not establish. It must contain the following:

  • Name and position of the subordinate and employer;
  • Document's name;
  • Request to transfer from a specific date;
  • Date and signature.

This application must be approved by the manager, after which follow-up actions must be carried out in accordance with legal regulations.

Order on transfer from part-time to the main place of work - sample

After writing the application, it is required to revise the content of the employment contract, and then issue a transfer order. The regulation of professional relations in this way provides for a unified form of the T-1 order. Its sample contains the following information:

  • Date and order number;
  • Information about the need to transfer an employee from a certain date;
  • Grounds for transfer;
  • Date and signature.

The document is mandatory, therefore, in order to carry out this procedure according to the law, one should adhere to the basic rules.

Transfer from part-time to the main place of work - entry in the labor

Information about part-time work is entered in the work book at the place of the main job. If the positions held at the same enterprise, the entry in the labor is based on a change in working conditions, which is indicated along with the date and order number. If the part-time worker works in another company, you must first terminate the employment relationship at the main job. Here, the entry in the work book will contain information about the dismissal, then the data on the transfer.

Thus, these working conditions have a certain relationship. If necessary, it is possible to make a transfer, in which the part-time worker can re-register this position as the main one.

29.05.2017, 16:08

The part-time worker plans to go full-time, moving from part-time work to permanent work in the organization. The fact is that he is going to quit his main job. The manager does not mind transferring this employee to a full-time position. It remains to correctly arrange such a transition. In particular, it is necessary to issue an order to transfer the part-time worker to the main place of work. We will help the personnel specialist to cope with the task of the management and prepare the necessary order without errors.

You need to start with an additional agreement

All changes to the employment contract are made on the basis of an additional agreement between the parties to the employment relationship (Article 72 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). It is impossible to make changes to the employment contract unilaterally, for example, by issuing an appropriate order.

Only after the employer and employee sign the additional agreement, you can proceed to the issuance of the order

After signing an additional agreement, an order must be issued

When the parties have agreed on working conditions and signed an additional agreement, you can proceed to issuing an order. We must say right away that the form of the order to transfer a part-time worker to the main job is arbitrary. It needs to specify:

  • details of the additional agreement that became the basis for issuing the order;
  • employee's position;
  • date of transfer to the main job;
  • salary after transfer.
  • Name;
  • Date of preparation;
  • the name of the organization that compiled the document;
  • place of the transaction;
  • operation description;
  • signature and full length of the signature of the responsible person, as well as the name of his position.

To help a personnel specialist cope with the task assigned to him and draw up the necessary document, our experts have prepared a sample order for transferring from a part-time job to the main place of work.

Limited Liability Company "U-Stroy"
TIN 7733123456, KPP 773301001, OKPO 12345678

ORDER No. 25-k
on the transition from part-time work to the main job

Moscow 18.05.2017

In connection with the transition from part-time work to the main job, E.P. Somova in accounting as an accountant (additional agreement dated May 18, 2017 No. 1 to the employment contract dated February 15, 2017 No. 15)
1. Somova Elena Petrovna to start the main work, provided for by the employment contract dated February 15, 2017 No. 15, as an accountant with a salary of 22,000 (twenty-two thousand) rubles. since May 18, 2017
2. Chief Accountant Yu.S. Samarina from May 18, 2017 to accrue E.P. Som salary for the main job as an accountant.



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