Seeing a big Christmas tree in a dream. Miller's Dream Book: Joyful Events Ahead

Often what cannot be grasped by logic seems unattainable or incredible to us. How wrong we are! Now it is no longer a secret that any person does not develop his abilities at all, he has simply forgotten how to do it.

Only a few try to listen to what the Universe tells them. In the hierarchy of her signs, dreams occupy not the last place. Let's talk about their meaning. And let’s look at why we dream of a Christmas tree after all?

Select a dream:

Dream about a New Year tree

Since the tree is associated with the holidays, its image in night visions is sometimes interpreted from this point of view. If you saw the New Year at an “inopportune” time, that is, in the summer or spring, then get ready for pleasant surprises.

New Year's holiday in a dream - to an extraordinary miracle in life. Where should we expect joy? It depends on the circumstances of the dream. If the holiday was bright and noisy, then surprises of the most pleasant kind will be in society (most often at work).

If you simply dream of a Christmas tree with needles and leaves, then there will be profit. It is unpleasant if toys or tinsel looked gloomy, ugly or sloppy. That is, when you wake up, you understand that something was wrong in the elegant tree. This means that some important event that you have been waiting for a long time will be postponed or will not take place at all. That is, the subconscious hints that you will lose a well-deserved, from your point of view, holiday.

Decorating a Christmas tree in a dream means pleasant chores. It's especially good if you do it in a company. After such a dream, you can be sure that there are faithful and reliable people next to you who you can rely on in difficult times.

If you remove decorations from a tree and are preparing to throw it away, it means that changes are coming to you. Something that has been occupying all your attention lately fades into the background. You will develop new interests. This does not mean trouble, life simply develops, sometimes taking sharp turns. At the same time, you have to part with something familiar and familiar, letting in the unknown.

Why do you dream of a living green Christmas tree in the forest?

It is very good if the image of a green tree is woven into night visions. It is important that instead of leaves there are thorns. When you like a tree, get ready for a smooth flow of life. All plans will be executed in a timely manner and without hindrance. In general, not life, but pleasure.

If you see yourself in a dark spruce forest, scary and creepy, then get ready to repel the attacks of enemies or unfavorable circumstances. In addition, fear experienced in a dream speaks of heart disease. If such images recur, it would be a good idea to go to the doctor. It happens that you dream of a strange Christmas tree. This image is a special sign of the subconscious. Read more about him.

Interpretation of dreams about a strange Christmas tree

If the crown of the tree is of an unnatural color or, then you will have to face strange people or unusual vicissitudes of fate. What matters is how you yourself react to the color of the needles. I like it - everything will be surprising, but fun. It frightens, causes discomfort, then you will get into trouble. More often than not, the tree speaks about people rather than circumstances. That is, after such a dream, you need to take a closer look at new contacts, and take a closer look at old acquaintances. You don't know everything about them.

Spruce is unmistakably associated with a festive New Year's atmosphere, which gives warmth and comfort to everyone without exception. Sometimes dreams unexpectedly present us with a pleasant gift in the form of a dreamed green Christmas tree, and sometimes we see broken branches, broken Christmas tree decorations or dry needles in our dreams. How to understand such a dream? Why do you dream of spruce and what to expect after sleep? Let's figure it out in order.

Interpretations of various dream books promise in this regard interesting events or warn of possible troubles. It all depends on what the plot of the night vision was, what the tree was like and what impressions were left after the dreamer woke up from sleep. Let's try to understand all the possible meanings of the dream.

Why do you dream of green Christmas trees?

In itself, a green tree with a pleasant pine aroma seen in night dreams is a wonderful sign. Healthy and beautiful tree Almost all dream books associate exclusively with pleasant news, sensations and actions in the foreseeable future.

Fluffy a green beauty in night dreams foreshadows the dreamer that events will soon develop for the better. See her outside the house in a dream - to the appearance in the life of a sleeping person of the right person, whose wisdom will more than once save you in difficult moments.

Why do you dream of green Christmas trees with cones? Cones on a fragrant tree mean gifts of fate that may await the dreamer in the near future if he learns to accept them with gratitude. If dreamed of a lush crown in the snow , then a surprise awaits the sleeper just around the corner - a win or an inheritance. A bump that fell on your head may be a symbol of slander.

It is worth paying attention to dreams with a green thorny tree for those people who have not checked their health for a long time. Some dream books warn that you can no longer ignore the signs of the subconscious. Sick people who remember the dream Tothe turnip smell of spruce , can expect a speedy recovery.

Blue spruce may be seen in night visions by those people who are subconsciously trying to make a certain choice in life.

Why do you dream about planting Christmas trees? A dream with such a plot promises improvement in relationships, at work and in the creative field. Your financial situation may improve.

What does it mean to see in a dream lonely tree outside the window ? Many interpreters claim that such dreams are seen by lonely people who are disappointed in their friends. But if a person in a dream experiences pleasant emotions from the fact that a thorny tree has grown in the yard, then this means receiving recognition.

Broken Christmas tree in a dream, according to the compilers of one of the dream books, is regarded as a hint from the subconscious that excessive internal relaxation can play a cruel joke on the dreamer in real life.

What to expect when you dream dried spruce ? Some dream books urge the dreamer to pay attention to his loved ones before it is too late.

According to the Psychoanalytic Dream Book, the dried crown of a Christmas tree is a symbol of stagnation in the dreamer’s sex life. If this meaning really coincides with the dreamer’s current situation, then interpreters assure that a change of situation will correct the situation.

If you dream that the dreamer got lost in the forest among many firs , the dream book of the Winter spouses advises them to reconsider their plans; perhaps the current situation can only lead to a dead end.

chop a green beauty in a dream - to problems with others due to the excessive impulsiveness of the sleeper.

The exact opposite of a living green spruce is an artificial tree, which can also be seen in a dream. Why do you dream faux Christmas tree ? Some say that after a dream you should take a closer look at your surroundings - perhaps, among others, there will be a person who is acting out friendship or love.

If you dreamed of a Christmas tree

It’s worth making a reservation right away regarding the date of the dream. If you dreamed about a Christmas tree on the eve of the holiday , then the dream can only be an echo of the New Year’s bustle, and not carry any hidden meaning. But seeing a night vision with a Christmas tree decorated with toys outside of the holiday season promises several possible options for the development of impending events.

Why do you dream of a New Year tree in a good way?Miller's Dream Book interprets this dream sign very positively, the main thing is that the dream leaves good emotions. Decorating a Christmas tree, admiring it or celebrating around it is good.

Why do you dream of decorating a Christmas tree? If young girls If you dream of decorating a Christmas tree, then the groom will appear soon, and if he is already there, then the dreamer can safely wait for a proposal. For married ladies dreams with a pleasant pre-New Year bustle at the Christmas tree promise the imminent appearance of a child.

The opposite meaning is conveyed by a dream in which the dreamer seems to be saying goodbye to the New Year holidays: remove decorations and toys from the tree, break them, or feel sad and angry next to the New Year tree in a dream - expect trouble in reality.

Why do you dream about a decorated Christmas tree? Usually, bright decorations and lights promise a series of pleasant events in the near future, the main thing is to live in the present moment, otherwise you can miss it, interpreters assure.

What else can you expect if a Christmas tree with toys appears in your dream? The dream book, one of many, announces that in the near future an interesting person will appear in the dreamer’s life. However, over time, a new character may unpleasantly surprise the sleeper.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z promises people who dream of themselves buying and decorating a Christmas tree a lot of pleasant emotions in the near future. This will apply specifically to family relationships. The same dream book interprets a dream in which a person takes the tree out of the house after the holidays as a sign that the dreamer maintains balance in relationships with family members.

Fallen Christmas tree promises the dreamer disappointment or separation.

Dreamed of a decorated tree on the street - a sign of the dreamer’s balance.

Family dream book warns that if the Christmas tree in the dream was already almost “naked”, and toys kept falling off her , then the worst thing that can happen soon is a betrayal committed by a loved one, but if this does not happen, then some disorientation in family life will still happen.

IN Meneghetti's dream book it is said that if in a dream a person looking for gifts under the New Year tree , but they are not there, then the dreamer will face downtime in his favorite activity in the near future. Look for food under the tree in the form of gifts - subconsciously the dreamer is tired of hypocrisy.

Negative meanings regarding dreams about a New Year's tree is different Esoteric dream book. According to interpreters, a Christmas tree in its most beautiful form promises the dreamer betrayal, deception or imminent insults.

Autumn dream book Why do you dream of a Christmas tree according to the dream book:

Christmas tree -

Summer dream book Why do you dream of a Christmas tree according to the dream book:

Christmas tree - Decorating a Christmas tree in a dream means hope for the best. Removing decorations and toys from a Christmas tree in a dream means an irreparable loss, as the dream book says about this dream.

Dream book for the whole family Why do you dream about the Christmas tree?

Dream Interpretation: seeing a Christmas tree in a dream -

Idiomatic dream book Why do you dream of a Christmas tree according to the dream book:

Seeing in a dream Why do you dream of a Christmas tree - (Associated with the Christmas, New Year and evergreen tree) gifts, festive mood, joy.

Dream Interpretation of Esotericist E. Tsvetkova Dream Interpretation: What does a Christmas tree mean?

Christmas tree - Gift.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Why do you dream about the Christmas tree - Gifts, wish fulfillment.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Fedorovskaya In a dream, why does the Christmas tree dream:

Seeing a Christmas tree in a dream is not so much a dream of death as it represents the path in general and the path to the next world.

Dream Interpretation Christmas Tree (New Year's) –

Spring dream book Why do you dream of a Christmas tree according to the dream book:

A Christmas tree in lights or a shiny decoration on a woman who is not who she really is - A catch, getting something that is not what you expect.

Biblical dream book of Azar Dream Interpretation: Seeing a Christmas tree in a dream

Why do you dream of a Christmas tree with toys - a valuable gift

Dream book of psychologist A. Meneghetti Why do you dream about the Christmas tree:

Christmas tree (Christmas tree) - O6paz associated with the holiday, the beginning of a new life, gifts, joy. However, this is not entirely true. The image of a Christmas tree, especially without edible gifts, is a symbol of duplicity, falsehood, and deception. Why you dream of a New Year tree and the holiday around it is not necessarily connected with a person’s personal contribution; it is a reflection of the desire for life itself to change and become more pleasant for him, as if by magic.

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Hasse Dream Interpretation: Christmas tree in a dream

Christmas tree - Seeing a Christmas tree in a dream means family happiness; light candles - bring joy to others; cleaning up the Christmas tree means a happy family life.

Why see a Christmas tree in a dream?

The Christmas tree is a symbol of the main winter holiday - the New Year, which many associate with the beginning of a new stage of life.

According to the dream book, a Christmas tree in a dream is also a harbinger of change.

Whether they will be good or not depends on the nuances of your dream. Remember all the details of what you saw and read the interpretation of your dream!


The dream book interprets a Christmas tree growing in the forest as the approach of a turbulent period. A lot of troubles await you, which will fall on your shoulders.

But you shouldn’t be too upset - worries will be everyday, mostly household ones. You just need a little more strength and patience.

A dried up Christmas tree foreshadows quarrels and misunderstandings in the family. To avoid them, you should pay close attention to your partner’s wishes. Don't abuse his kindness and trust. If you act wisely and measuredly, the dream book writes that scandals can be avoided.

  • Dreaming of spruce branches - to recovery.
  • A decorated Christmas tree in the forest is a surprise.
  • Walking around her means doubting yourself.
  • A lonely spruce in a clearing means loneliness.
  • A green tree with pine cones means additional income.

If in a dream a tree grows in the yard, then the dream book promises you the arrival of relatives. A green Christmas tree means that these will be pleasant people. And the blue one warns that guests you don’t want to see will come to your house.

New Year

You dream of a New Year tree decorated with toys when you are on the verge of interesting events. If a tree is in your house, then changes will come in family life. And to see a Christmas tree in a store means to feel changes in the financial sector.

A pleasant holiday with loved ones is what you dream of about the Christmas tree that you decorate. The tall New Year's beauty says that the time spent with family will not be overshadowed by any troubles. A small tree warns of upcoming conflicts in the family.

The New Year tree against the backdrop of a snowy landscape is interpreted in the dream book as the arrival of guests and a luxurious feast. Everything will work out well if you don’t get into pointless arguments and drink too much alcohol. Otherwise, misunderstandings and conflicts are possible.

  • Seeing a bright garland means a new love affair.
  • A Christmas tree with balls of the same color - your partner is faithful to you.
  • A lot of “rain” means empty talk.
  • Cotton wool in the form of snow on the branches - your best friend is not sincere with you.
  • An artificial Christmas tree means deception.

If in a dream about a Christmas tree Santa Claus and Snow Maiden were present, then the dream book recommends that you pay more attention to your friends. In your worries, you may not notice that they are in trouble. If you continue to maintain warm relations with your comrades, be sure to take part in solving their problems.

Your actions

Planting a coniferous tree is a rather favorable sign in the dream book. In the coming days, fate will give you a chance to take a new, promising position. Don't be afraid of the difficulties that will arise at work. By overcoming them, you can make a stunning career.

Cutting a Christmas tree in a dream means being the head of a family in reality. Your loved ones always listen to your opinion, respect and love you. If you answer them in the same way, the dream book guarantees that family life will be long and happy enough.

If you want to quickly and truthfully interpret a dream about a spruce, a dream book will help you with this.

Why do you dream of decorating a Christmas tree?

The Christmas tree is a symbol of change and hope for the best. If a person dreams that he is decorating a Christmas tree, but it is not the end of December, such a dream indicates that this year of his life is not the last. If you have such a dream on the eve of Christmas, it means there will be many joyful days ahead.

If the tree in a dream is beautiful and fluffy with many cones, it means that the coming year will be happy and generous in income for the dreamer. Seeing a festive tree askew and falling means that there will be troubles in family life in the new year. Decorating the Christmas tree and lighting candles is a surprise. Hanging beautiful toys on a tree is a sign of joy. If the sleeping person decorates the New Year tree with all kinds of sweets and candies, this is a sign of prosperity. Breaking beautiful Christmas tree decorations in a dream is a sign that a person’s hopes in the new year will not come true.

Decorating a Christmas tree in a strange, unusual room in which twilight reigns means that the dreamer will soon meet a wealthy, interesting person who will have a significant impact on his life.

Seeing a burning New Year tree foretells that in the near future the sleeper will have to experience the collapse of hopes for an improvement in his financial situation. Putting a New Year's decoration on the top of a tree means that the sleeper will achieve success in some important matter.

Buying a Christmas tree in a dream foretells that unexpected expenses associated with sad news will come. Finding a gift desired in real life under a New Year's tree in a dream means that the sleeper will be able to overcome all difficulties and achieve his goal.

Decorating a Christmas tree with your ex-spouse in a dream is a sign that the dreamer’s hopes for restoring the relationship between them in real life will be justified. Seeing in a dream how a child decorates a New Year tree means that joyful and amazing events will happen in a person’s destiny.

If a person sleeping alone decorates a Christmas tree, this dream foretells him a life full of disappointments. Seeing a decrepit, feeble old man decorating a New Year's tree is a sign that in the near future there will be a danger of getting a serious illness.

The details of the dream will tell you why you dream of decorating a Christmas tree. Decorating a New Year's tree with Christmas tree rain means that the dreamer's relationship with his other half will be on the verge of breaking. Decorating a Christmas tree in a cheerful, noisy company is a sign of joy.

If the sleeper discovered in a dream that banknotes suddenly appeared on the decorated Christmas tree, it means that profit awaits him in the near future. If there is snow on the branches of the New Year's tree, this is a sign that his feelings for his other half will soon cool down.

Why do you dream about Spruce, dream book about Spruce, what does it mean to see in a dream?

Pastor Loff's Dream Book

Why do you dream about Spruce in a dream?

According to the dream book, spruce is a majestic and beautiful tree, but in a spruce forest a person experiences a certain painful feeling, since such forests are usually dark, and when making your way through them, it is easy to get scratched by needles. But spruce is also a symbol of the New Year, one of the most beautiful and cheerful holidays, with which people associate renewal in their lives and from which they expect changes for the better. If you dreamed of a non-Christmas tree, that is, without decorations, then it may represent your sad and dejected state caused by the lack of joys in life and the need to work a lot and hard. But if you saw a festive tree decorated with toys and lights, then this is a sign of a happy turn of affairs, as well as some event that will bring a fresh breath into your life, as the dream book predictor reports.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Evdokia

Why do you dream of Spruce in a dream?

Seeing a Spruce in a dream means Spruce. Christmas tree - for joyful events; seeing her jewelry being removed is a sign of short-lived sorrows. Green spruce means profit, dry spruce means losses, this is how such a dream is interpreted according to the dream book.

Freud's Dream Book

Why do you dream about Spruce according to the dream book?

To see Spruce in a dream - Spruce characterizes your essence. You are a romantic person and cannot imagine sex without love. Intimate relationships are just an addition, a physical component of real feeling. Of course, this approach is highly moral, but in sex it prevents you from liberating yourself, as a result of which you do not get pleasure from making love, as the dream book predicts.

Ancient dream book

What does it mean to see a spruce tree in a dream?

According to the dream book Spruce - If you saw a spruce in a dream, then in reality you are a supporter of such relationships where tender affection plays the main role. You don't want to have sex with your partner unless you have love for that person in your heart. There is an incurable romantic inside you who will never betray his feelings and will not give up innocent tenderness and unpromising caresses.

Summer dream book

Why do you dream about Spruce:

Spruce - Spruce dreams of divorce, this is what the dream book says about this dream.

Psychological dream book

Why do you dream about Spruce in a dream?

Dream Interpretation: Spruce - Dreams of forced loneliness, but this state of affairs is temporary

Spring dream book

According to the dream book El:

Spruce - seeing a spruce in a dream means the health of your parents. Growing - learning new things about yourself; Christmas - to be in danger.

Autumn dream book

If you dream about Spruce, what is it for:

Spruce (Christmas tree). - Spruce dreams of a straightforward statement addressed to you.

Christmas tree in summer

Dream Interpretation New Year tree in summer dreamed of why you dream of a New Year tree in the summer? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a New Year tree in a dream in the summer by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Christmas Tree (New Year's)

Joyful events.

Dream Interpretation - Christmas Tree (New Year's)

A decorated Christmas tree symbolizes a holiday of sensuality and sexuality. You will wish for something new, amazing in sex. Very soon you will discover that your sexual partner, whom you considered calm and even somewhat cold, is capable of giving you unexpected sexual sensations; this person will amaze you with his original fantasy and impulsiveness. In addition, there is a high probability that an ordinary party or meeting with old friends will lead to unexpected changes in your personal life.

Dream Interpretation - Christmas Tree (New Year's)

Symbolizes duplicity, falsehood and vampiric emotional and sensual attractiveness, if edible gifts are not hanging on it.

Dream Interpretation - Christmas Tree

Dream Interpretation - Christmas Tree

In a dream, as in life, a Christmas tree is associated with fun and joy, especially if it is decorated. When a young woman sees that decorations are being removed from the New Year tree or needles are beginning to fall off the tree, then soon she, like the Dragonfly from Krylov’s fable, after a lot of fun, will need to think about real problems that will not be slow to arise.

Dream Interpretation - Christmas Tree

Seeing in a dream how you decorate a Christmas tree is a sign of joyful events. Removing decorations from the tree is a disappointment.

Dream Interpretation - Christmas Tree

Dream Interpretation - Christmas Tree

Dream Interpretation - New Year's Eve

Seeing New Year's Eve and preparations for it in a dream means a happy year for you.

Carry the Christmas tree

Dream Interpretation Carry a Christmas tree dreamed of why you dream of Carrying a Christmas tree? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Carrying a Christmas tree in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Tree (Christmas)

A Christmas tree in a dream is a harbinger of family happiness and the fulfillment of best hopes. Seeing her dressed up in a dream is a sign of joy and receiving gifts and news from loved ones. Sharing Christmas gifts in a dream is a lucky sign. After such a dream, expect pleasant surprises, family happiness, and reciprocity in love. Seeing or receiving them is a sign of love and prosperity. Hearing Christmas carols in a dream is a sign of great happiness. Singing them yourself is a sign of peace and tranquility in the family. Lighting candles on the Christmas tree is a sign of joy and good news. Decorating a Christmas tree in a dream is a sign of happy changes in life. Seeing in a dream how it is being dismantled is a sign that a sad period is beginning in your life.

Dream Interpretation - Christmas Tree

The New Year tree symbolizes joyful events.

If in a dream you saw decorations being removed from a Christmas tree, then joy will be replaced by sadness.

The Christmas tree is dreamed of by romantics who do not recognize close relationships without love.

Dream Interpretation - Christmas Tree

In a dream, as in life, a Christmas tree is associated with fun and joy, especially if it is decorated. When a young woman sees that decorations are being removed from the New Year tree or needles are beginning to fall off the tree, then soon she, like the Dragonfly from Krylov’s fable, after a lot of fun, will need to think about real problems that will not be slow to arise.

Dream Interpretation - Christmas Tree

Seeing in a dream how you decorate a Christmas tree is a sign of joyful events. Removing decorations from the tree is a disappointment.

Dream Interpretation - Christmas Tree

Decorating a Christmas tree in a dream means hoping for the best. Removing decorations and toys from a Christmas tree in a dream means an irreparable loss.

Dream Interpretation - Christmas Tree

The Christmas tree portends happy meetings and pleasant acquaintances. For a girl, a dream in which she decorates a Christmas tree means that she will be happy in anticipation of meeting her beloved.

Dream Interpretation - Christmas Tree (New Year's)

Joyful events.

Imagine that the tree you dreamed of is being decorated. It will be good if you can imagine that you are the one decorating the tree and lighting the holiday lights on it.

Dream Interpretation - Carry

If in a dream you are carrying a large and very heavy load, a long life awaits you, full of worries, love and mercy. Carrying your heavy luggage, refusing the services of a porter due to lack of money - such a dream portends you a major loss, loss of property or family squabbles.

For a young girl, a dream in which she carries a full bucket means a happy choice of groom, and if the bucket is empty, an upset wedding.

A strange dream in which you are in a hurry somewhere, carrying a rusty saw in your hands, means that, despite the failures that have befallen you recently, all is not lost for you and you will be able to return what you have lost with interest. Carrying a basket full of mushrooms or berries foreshadows a happy coincidence that will allow you to achieve unprecedented success. If you were carrying a basket, tripped and spilled all its contents, you will be dissatisfied with your own activities and change your activities.

If in a dream you carry a burning lamp, illuminating your way in the dark, this means that you will achieve the independence and independence you dreamed of, but this will not make you happy. Carrying an unlit lamp is a sign of misfortune and loss.

Carrying jam or pickles for sale in a dream means you will read flattering reviews about yourself in the press. Carrying an umbrella over you in the rain is a sign of future worries and doubts.

A dream in which you bring home a salary foreshadows a variety of changes in life. Carrying a large sum of government money means poverty and deprivation.

Dream Interpretation - Christmas tree

Dream Interpretation - Christmas Tree

Draw a Christmas tree

Dream Interpretation Draw a Christmas tree dreamed of why you dream about drawing a Christmas tree? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Drawing a Christmas tree in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Tree (Christmas)

A Christmas tree in a dream is a harbinger of family happiness and the fulfillment of best hopes. Seeing her dressed up in a dream is a sign of joy and receiving gifts and news from loved ones. Sharing Christmas gifts in a dream is a lucky sign. After such a dream, expect pleasant surprises, family happiness, and reciprocity in love. Seeing or receiving them is a sign of love and prosperity. Hearing Christmas carols in a dream is a sign of great happiness. Singing them yourself is a sign of peace and tranquility in the family. Lighting candles on the Christmas tree is a sign of joy and good news. Decorating a Christmas tree in a dream is a sign of happy changes in life. Seeing in a dream how it is being dismantled is a sign that a sad period is beginning in your life.

Dream Interpretation - Christmas Tree

The New Year tree symbolizes joyful events.

If in a dream you saw decorations being removed from a Christmas tree, then joy will be replaced by sadness.

The Christmas tree is dreamed of by romantics who do not recognize close relationships without love.

Dream Interpretation - Rice

Eat pancakes or rice - portends unfulfilled desires.

Reaping standing rice while harvesting means peace and prosperity in the family.

Selected rice - wealth and happiness.

Getting standing rice and unexpectedly losing it means establishing order, acquiring the correct sequence.

Wheat and rice - portends great wealth.

Scattered rice - unfortunately.

Rice grains are piled up - fortunately.

You see yourself among the standing rice - great happiness and benefit.

You sow rice in the field yourself - you go on business.

Sitting or lying on rice and wheat means great happiness.

Alternating rows of rice and wheat is great happiness.

Dream Interpretation - Rice

Eating rice in a dream means getting a lot of money and improving your mood.

A woman eats rice in a dream - foretells the imminent birth of a child.

The guy sees in a dream how he eats rice - for an imminent wedding.

Trade rice.

- to prosperity and reliable friends.

A sick person eats rice in a dream - to health.

Giving rice to another means trouble and misfortune.

Receiving rice as a gift means prosperity, respect and a rich life.

Dream Interpretation - Christmas Tree

In a dream, as in life, a Christmas tree is associated with fun and joy, especially if it is decorated. When a young woman sees that decorations are being removed from the New Year tree or needles are beginning to fall off the tree, then soon she, like the Dragonfly from Krylov’s fable, after a lot of fun, will need to think about real problems that will not be slow to arise.

Dream Interpretation - Christmas Tree

Seeing in a dream how you decorate a Christmas tree is a sign of joyful events. Removing decorations from the tree is a disappointment.

Dream Interpretation - Christmas Tree

Decorating a Christmas tree in a dream means hoping for the best. Removing decorations and toys from a Christmas tree in a dream means an irreparable loss.

Dream Interpretation - Christmas Tree

The Christmas tree portends happy meetings and pleasant acquaintances. For a girl, a dream in which she decorates a Christmas tree means that she will be happy in anticipation of meeting her beloved.

Dream Interpretation - Christmas Tree (New Year's)

Joyful events.

Imagine that the tree you dreamed of is being decorated. It will be good if you can imagine that you are the one decorating the tree and lighting the holiday lights on it.

Dream Interpretation - Rice

Rice dreams of success in love and friendships.

If you ate rice in a dream, then fate will give you family happiness and a cozy home.

Contaminated rice portends illness and discord with friends.

If a girl cooks rice in a dream, then pretty soon she will have new responsibilities that will make her happy and rich.

Boiled rice portends a lack of material resources.

If you ate boiled rice, you will have to spend the savings that you have saved up for years.

Taking out the Christmas tree

Dream Interpretation Taking out the Christmas tree dreamed of why you dream about taking out the Christmas tree? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Carrying out a Christmas tree in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Tree (Christmas)

A Christmas tree in a dream is a harbinger of family happiness and the fulfillment of best hopes. Seeing her dressed up in a dream is a sign of joy and receiving gifts and news from loved ones. Sharing Christmas gifts in a dream is a lucky sign. After such a dream, expect pleasant surprises, family happiness, and reciprocity in love. Seeing or receiving them is a sign of love and prosperity. Hearing Christmas carols in a dream is a sign of great happiness. Singing them yourself is a sign of peace and tranquility in the family. Lighting candles on the Christmas tree is a sign of joy and good news. Decorating a Christmas tree in a dream is a sign of happy changes in life. Seeing in a dream how it is being dismantled is a sign that a sad period is beginning in your life.

Dream Interpretation - Christmas Tree

The New Year tree symbolizes joyful events.

If in a dream you saw decorations being removed from a Christmas tree, then joy will be replaced by sadness.

The Christmas tree is dreamed of by romantics who do not recognize close relationships without love.

Dream Interpretation - Christmas Tree

In a dream, as in life, a Christmas tree is associated with fun and joy, especially if it is decorated. When a young woman sees that decorations are being removed from the New Year tree or needles are beginning to fall off the tree, then soon she, like the Dragonfly from Krylov’s fable, after a lot of fun, will need to think about real problems that will not be slow to arise.

Dream Interpretation - Christmas Tree

Seeing in a dream how you decorate a Christmas tree is a sign of joyful events. Removing decorations from the tree is a disappointment.

Dream Interpretation - Christmas Tree

Decorating a Christmas tree in a dream means hoping for the best. Removing decorations and toys from a Christmas tree in a dream means an irreparable loss.

Dream Interpretation - Christmas Tree

The Christmas tree portends happy meetings and pleasant acquaintances. For a girl, a dream in which she decorates a Christmas tree means that she will be happy in anticipation of meeting her beloved.

Dream Interpretation - Christmas Tree (New Year's)

Joyful events.

Imagine that the tree you dreamed of is being decorated. It will be good if you can imagine that you are the one decorating the tree and lighting the holiday lights on it.

Dream Interpretation - Christmas tree

Seeing is family happiness; light candles - bring joy to others; cleaning up the Christmas tree - happy family life

Dream Interpretation - Christmas Tree

A Christmas tree with toys is a valuable gift.

Dream Interpretation - Christmas Tree (New Year's)

A decorated Christmas tree symbolizes a holiday of sensuality and sexuality. You will wish for something new, amazing in sex. Very soon you will discover that your sexual partner, whom you considered calm and even somewhat cold, is capable of giving you unexpected sexual sensations; this person will amaze you with his original fantasy and impulsiveness. In addition, there is a high probability that an ordinary party or meeting with old friends will lead to unexpected changes in your personal life.

Disassemble the Christmas tree

Dream Interpretation: Disassemble the Christmas tree had a dream, why do you dream about taking apart a Christmas tree in a dream? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Christmas tree taken apart in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Tree (Christmas)

A Christmas tree in a dream is a harbinger of family happiness and the fulfillment of best hopes. Seeing her dressed up in a dream is a sign of joy and receiving gifts and news from loved ones. Sharing Christmas gifts in a dream is a lucky sign. After such a dream, expect pleasant surprises, family happiness, and reciprocity in love. Seeing or receiving them is a sign of love and prosperity. Hearing Christmas carols in a dream is a sign of great happiness. Singing them yourself is a sign of peace and tranquility in the family. Lighting candles on the Christmas tree is a sign of joy and good news. Decorating a Christmas tree in a dream is a sign of happy changes in life. Seeing in a dream how it is being dismantled is a sign that a sad period is beginning in your life.

Dream Interpretation - Christmas Tree

The New Year tree symbolizes joyful events.

If in a dream you saw decorations being removed from a Christmas tree, then joy will be replaced by sadness.

The Christmas tree is dreamed of by romantics who do not recognize close relationships without love.

Dream Interpretation - Christmas Tree

In a dream, as in life, a Christmas tree is associated with fun and joy, especially if it is decorated. When a young woman sees that decorations are being removed from the New Year tree or needles are beginning to fall off the tree, then soon she, like the Dragonfly from Krylov’s fable, after a lot of fun, will need to think about real problems that will not be slow to arise.

Dream Interpretation - Christmas Tree

Seeing in a dream how you decorate a Christmas tree is a sign of joyful events. Removing decorations from the tree is a disappointment.

Dream Interpretation - Christmas Tree

Decorating a Christmas tree in a dream means hoping for the best. Removing decorations and toys from a Christmas tree in a dream means an irreparable loss.

Dream Interpretation - Christmas Tree

The Christmas tree portends happy meetings and pleasant acquaintances. For a girl, a dream in which she decorates a Christmas tree means that she will be happy in anticipation of meeting her beloved.

Dream Interpretation - Christmas Tree (New Year's)

Joyful events.

Imagine that the tree you dreamed of is being decorated. It will be good if you can imagine that you are the one decorating the tree and lighting the holiday lights on it.

Dream Interpretation - Christmas tree

Seeing is family happiness; light candles - bring joy to others; cleaning up the Christmas tree - happy family life

Dream Interpretation - Christmas Tree

A Christmas tree with toys is a valuable gift.

Dream Interpretation - Christmas Tree (New Year's)

A decorated Christmas tree symbolizes a holiday of sensuality and sexuality. You will wish for something new, amazing in sex. Very soon you will discover that your sexual partner, whom you considered calm and even somewhat cold, is capable of giving you unexpected sexual sensations; this person will amaze you with his original fantasy and impulsiveness. In addition, there is a high probability that an ordinary party or meeting with old friends will lead to unexpected changes in your personal life.

according to Miller's dream book

A dream about a Christmas tree promises quick, very joyful events for you. If you watch the decorations being removed from the tree, this promises you sorrows that will replace fun.

Why do you dream about a Christmas tree?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book


Why do you dream about New Year?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

at other times - satisfaction with the progress of affairs, fulfillment of hope, the quality of fulfillment depends on how it is celebrated in a dream, what feelings.

I dreamed about the New Year

according to Miller's dream book

Celebrating the New Year in a dream means prosperity in the future. For young people, this is a harbinger of a happy marriage. If you are tiredly thinking about the New Year's Eve and it does not make you happy, there may be complications in relationships with loved ones.

I dreamed about the forest

according to Miller's dream book

If in a dream you see a tree with young foliage, it means that all your plans and dreams will come true. Dead trees symbolize sadness and loss. Climbing a tree in a dream means quick promotion. Cutting down a tree in a dream or uprooting it means that you will waste your strength and wealth. Seeing a forest in a dream means changes in business. Green forests promise good luck, while leafless forests promise changes that will be detrimental to your interests. A forest fire promises completion of plans, well-being and even, perhaps, prosperity. If in a dream you are busy chopping wood, then this foreshadows the beginning of a struggle for success, which will end brilliantly for you. If in a dream you are wandering in a dense forest, then you will face failures in your career and family disagreements. If at the same time you are cold and hungry, an unpleasant trip awaits you. Admiring the majestic green crowns in a dream, you receive a sign of future success and glory. Fallen leaves rustling under your feet can promise you loss. If you dream of a dead forest with withered trees, expect disappointment.

Why do you dream of a forest?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

foreign side; walking through the forest - romantic love affairs, new acquaintances; walking in the forest - difficulties in your personal life; chop - to well-being; seeing thick trees in the distance is sadness; ice and snow in the forest are empty hopes; sitting or lying in a green forest - personal improvement; for the sick - to recovery (Chinese), the same means to lie down, sit in the Garden or in the Park.

Seeing a forest in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

When we hear the word “forest”, various epithets come to mind: magical, frightening, majestic, sacred, dangerous or phallic. The forest is associated with feelings of pleasure, space and fear, as well as the need to pass through it. These are the central points for interpretation. If all the events of the dream take place in the forest, it means that it can be considered as an ordinary - calm and favorable, or vice versa - a scene for unfolding events. Such dreams show how the sleeper perceives his surroundings in reality. If the forest has to be crossed, who does it and for what purpose? To gain something or to avoid something? If you go into the forest alone in search of special abilities, strength and wisdom from the hermit who lives there, then the forest in this case acts as a place of testing and search. If you have to hide in the forest, perhaps this is an attempt to escape the intrusive influence of business and the consequences of the technological revolution. You apparently need renewal and a sense of peace in life. A trip to the forest by an opposite-sex couple should be considered from the perspective of Freud's psychoanalysis. The forest is a romantic place where our desires and potential are revealed. What associations do you primarily associate with the forest in real life - relaxation and tranquility, fear of getting lost, unlimited choice or discovery? Do you feel that life is pressing on you so much that you are not even able to see individual trees in a single forest?

Did you dream of decorating a Christmas tree? The dream book calls such a plot a harbinger of joyful events, pleasant troubles, and improved relationships in the family. A vision in a dream promises improvement in business, good rest and even the fulfillment of a dream. Details will help you correctly interpret what this action means in a dream.

Prosperity, successful activity

Decorating a Christmas tree in a dream means: prosperity and prosperity await you. Things will improve and will bring great satisfaction and benefit.

To decorate it - according to the dream book, the sleeper will spend a long time preparing for some undertaking or studying a new business, mastering a profession. This activity will prove to be very successful.

Harmony of family relationships

Did you dream of hanging toys and garlands on a forest tree, decorating it with tinsel? The interpretation of the dream is as follows: since the Christmas tree is a symbol of family peace, the dreamer will have harmony, prosperity and love at home.

Why do you dream about buying a Christmas tree? As the dream book indicates, the plot symbolizes your desire to improve relationships with loved ones. Steps taken in this direction will certainly bring success, and the positivity from communicating with children will warm the soul.

Have you richly removed the New Year's beauty in your dream and are you lighting candles on it? Bring joy to your household in reality.

Gift, pleasant cares

Did you dream of decorating a New Year's tree? The dream book promises: you will soon receive a great gift that will make you very happy. In the summer, such a dream promises the fulfillment of an old secret dream. However, if you take her toys off, prepare for failure.

Decorating a Christmas tree on the eve of the holiday means joy awaits, some extraordinary happy event will happen. Seeing this tree in all its glory in a dream means: there is a lot of trouble ahead about something good.

What was the Christmas tree like?

The interpretation of the dream depends on the type of tree:

  • large, lush - great joy, improvement in all areas of life;
  • small, fluffy, with beautiful bumps - the course of affairs will be favorable;
  • ugly, with sparse branches - the profit from the undertaking will be less than expected;
  • artificial - hopes will not come true.

Miller's Dream Book: Joyful Events Ahead

Why do you dream of decorating a Christmas tree? A dream about a beautiful Christmas tree promises the dreamer: joyful events will soon happen for him.

Celebration with loved ones, relaxation

Seeing someone decorating a Christmas tree or watching someone do it? The dream book promises: you will spend time together with relatives, loved ones, and friends. Perhaps there is a family celebration or a fun holiday in nature.

A dreamed vision promises a pleasant rest, relaxation, which will have a beneficial effect on a person, giving him the opportunity to gain strength before new achievements.



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