Baby parameters at 12 weeks. Characteristic features of the fetus. attitude to alcohol

Pregnancy is a wonderful time for a woman, it is natural physiological process changing the outlook of the expectant mother. She experiences a lot of new sensations, some of them make her rejoice, like the first weak jolts of a baby, some scare her. A pregnant woman must definitely know all the features of the changes taking place with her in order to meet them without panic and nervous breakdowns but calmly and confidently. This also applies to the twelfth week, in which a few pleasant surprises await the woman.

What is meant by 12 weeks

According to obstetrical calculations, the twelfth week of pregnancy is the tenth week of the fetus's life. That is, exactly ten weeks have passed since conception, and from the day last menstrual period- two weeks more. The first trimester ends precisely at this time, and toxicosis, and the fear of losing the baby, and maybe thinking about terminating the pregnancy, go away with it.

  • The end of the first trimester is marked by several large-scale changes in the maternal body:
  • The level of sex hormones has stabilized;
  • The placenta has reached six times the weight of the fetus and takes on the functions of providing for the child;
  • Nutrients stay in the blood longer to be delivered to the baby.

Signs, symptoms, sensations

Changes in a woman's well-being are so obvious that it is simply impossible not to notice them.

  1. One fine morning future mother notices that the excruciating nausea has magically disappeared. This means that the hormonal background has stabilized and there will be no more toxicosis.
  2. Night-time trips to the toilet and constant absences to the bathroom at work have also stopped, and hormones are also to blame. From this moment until about seven months, the woman does not feel frequent calls to urination.
  3. Emotional lability, expressed in tearfulness, a sharp change in mood and resentment, also passed without a trace to return after childbirth.

External signs of pregnancy appear more clearly, the tummy may be slightly rounded, and the chest has become even larger. The pigmentation of the midline of the abdomen and nipples is getting stronger, but after childbirth it will disappear. Some women have dark spots on the face, which will also disappear later.

Pain and spasms

  1. Pain in the abdomen may appear due to some stretching of the ligaments of the uterus, while minor pain can be felt only on the sides, without spreading to the lower abdomen.
  2. Sometimes relaxation of the ligaments of the uterus and the preparation process pelvic bones can cause childbirth stabbing pain in the pubic area. it normal symptom pregnancy.
  3. The constipation that accompanies this period is associated with a decrease in muscle tone under the influence of progesterone. Regular stools are stimulated by the fiber found in vegetables, as well as by exercise.
  4. Itching in the mammary glands, skin of the thighs and abdomen is the influence of hormones, and in order to prevent the formation of stretch marks, it is necessary to use special creams and oils from this period.


Vaginal discharge most often becomes more abundant, but uniform and light in color, with a slight sour smell. Since the immune system is weakening, they can be triggered by candidiasis, which lived asymptomatically in the vagina. For clarification infectious nature discharge, it is enough to take a smear during a routine examination. Any genital infections are potentially dangerous for a pregnant woman, so they must be treated.

Description 12 weeks

What happens to the mother's body

Since the placenta takes to nourish the fetus a large number of oxygen and useful substances, then the mother's body is forced to increase the volume of blood flow by forty percent. This is due to an increase in the rate of circulation of blood in the vessels, for which the heart increases the number of beats. Cardiopalmus - common symptom end of the first trimester.

The twelfth week is perfect time for a woman when she can fully enjoy her pregnancy. Toxicosis and low blood pressure are no longer a concern, the tummy has just begun to appear, the weight of the fetus and uterus is still quite small and does not interfere with walking or enjoying trips. Doctors recommend taking a vacation during this period, walking more or going to the sea, doing whatever you want.

Fetal development

  • At this time, the baby already resembles a real little man, which is especially noticeable in the photo taken with the help of ultrasound. It grows up to 9 centimeters and already weighs 14 grams. The head is disproportionately large in relation to the body, the eyes are closed, but there is already a reaction to light.

  • The external genitalia are still being formed, so one hundred percent certainty It's impossible to tell if it's a boy or a girl.
  • The fingers are divided, nails are formed on them, the child can already make arbitrary, chaotic movements, the signals for which come from the spinal cord.
  • Appears swallowing reflex, the baby drinks amniotic fluid, which is excreted in the form of drops of urine. The fetus can "breathe", at a rate of eighty "breaths" per minute, the blood pours oxygen into its vessels. Thumb sucking is also a reflex reaction, which manifests itself when a finger enters the baby's mouth.
  • All the main organs have already been formed, and from this moment they are developing. Starts work small intestine, slight peristalsis is recorded. The kidneys work by excreting urine.


Cooking rules

Toxicosis no longer torments the expectant mother, so she can eat all kinds of useful and natural products. There is no need to follow a special diet, it is only important to place in the refrigerator fresh vegetables and fruit, beef or poultry, cottage cheese and cheese. You should not think that a pregnant woman should eat plentifully, since only one hundred additional calories per day are needed to cover the increased needs of the body.

Particular attention is paid to the cooking process, since the preservation of all nutrients is a priority in the kitchen of a pregnant woman. Meat can be boiled, baked or stewed, steam cutlets or zrazy can be cooked from minced meat. Use only fresh cottage cheese, or cook it yourself, as this product is an excellent breeding ground for microbes.

Fried foods and pastries, as well as cakes, chocolate and other harmful excesses are not recommended, but at this time you can treat yourself to delicious delicacies, barbecue or salted fish. The load on the kidneys is not yet as strong as in the third trimester.

Eligible Products

  1. Boiled eggs or scrambled eggs sea ​​fish and nuts are necessary products for the expectant mother. Carbohydrates, which help to save energy, should be taken from oatmeal and buckwheat porridge, boiled vegetables and grain bread.
  2. Sunflower seeds - necessary for all pregnant women, as they contain selenium, which is important element for normal functioning nervous system. Doctors know that those mothers who ate a lot of seeds during pregnancy, babies are born with clear skin, they have better developed reflexes at birth.
  3. It is advisable to use vegetables baked or boiled, so the body spends less energy on their absorption. Fruits and berries can be consumed in unlimited quantities, fresh or after heat treatment.

Foods that are harmful during pregnancy

The twelfth week is only the first third of the long journey that the expectant mother and the baby in her stomach will make. The effect of pregnancy on a woman's body is not yet particularly great, she can lead her former lifestyle by slightly adjusting it:

  • Set a stricter daily routine, go to bed earlier, get enough sleep;
  • Accustom yourself to regular and healthy snacks between meals;
  • Start taking special vitamins for pregnant women;
  • Walk more;
  • Monitor regular bowel movements;
  • Do not be nervous, concentrate on your position, enjoy it.

Sexual relations at the end of the first trimester can bring many pleasant moments, as a woman feels great, her libido increases, and the fear of a possible miscarriage disappears. But caution and tenderness during intercourse are still required from a partner. Sex is not recommended only with the threat of miscarriage, uterine hypertonicity or other pathologies.

Venous congestion or exacerbation of thrombophlebitis can begin already in this period, so you need to regularly wear special compression stockings, as well as use creams that tone blood vessels.

convulsions calf muscles, especially pestering at night, are well removed light massage with anyone massage oil and increasing calcium and magnesium in the diet.

Danger signs

For any incomprehensible and disturbing symptoms and sensations, be sure to consult a doctor. Most of them are quite normal and can be explained by the changes that occur to a woman, but there are a number of signs in which you should immediately go to the emergency room:

  • Bloody discharge from the vagina;
  • Brown discharge accompanied by pain and tension in the uterus;
  • Watery, copious (more than one tablespoon) discharge;
  • Temperature and pain in the lower abdomen.

These warning signs may be a harbinger of spontaneous abortion or serious infection, and need immediate medical attention.

ultrasound of fetal development

In the twelfth week, a woman expects pleasant procedure the first ultrasound, which will show how well the baby is developing, and they can also perinatal screening if the doctor deems it necessary. With the help of ultrasound, the doctor determines:

  • The level of development of the placenta;
  • The condition of the walls of the uterus, hypertonicity and the presence of tumors or other neoplasms;
  • The presence of malformations and chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus;
  • Determination of Down's syndrome by the thickness of the collar zone, if it exceeds 3 millimeters, then the doctor recommends additional studies;
  • Quality and Quantity amniotic fluid;
  • fetal heart rate;
  • The gender of the baby.

Ultrasound is considered absolutely safe for the baby, so it can be carried out on the most early dates, however, it is not advisable to undergo this study on your own and too often.

Pregnancy 12 weeks photo

At this time, the first trimester of the obstetric period ends, the period of formation of the fetal organs is coming to an end. Now nature will improve her work. Early toxicosis stops in most expectant mothers, with the exception of those who endure multiple pregnancies. For them discomfort toxicosis, if any, will end after a few weeks.

What happens to the baby at 12 weeks?

Although the organs and systems of the vital activity of the unborn child are fully formed and are already functioning, they continue to improve. The intestines are already located in the abdominal cavity and are starting to contract little by little. The liver produces bile, the kidneys excrete urine, the nervous system coordinates the work of a small organism.

Fetal parameters at week 12:

    Weight - 14 g;

    KTP - from 6 to 9 cm;

    The volume of amniotic fluid is 50 ml.

At week 12, the cerebral cortex is formed, at this stage its projection is similar to the silhouette of a butterfly. New opportunities allow the baby to move freely, moving in the uterine cavity, move his arms and legs, touch his face with his fingers, put them in an open mouth, and make a face. The development of skin receptors increases the sensitivity of the fetus, it feels the movements of the mother, her cough, sneezing through amniotic fluid.

Marigolds have already begun to form on the fingers and a unique skin pattern on the pads has already begun to form. The top layer of the skin (epidermis) began its first renewal, peeling off all over the body. On the face, in the place where the eyebrows and eyelashes will be, as well as on the chin and on upper lip, the beginnings of vellus hair appear.

AT circulatory system there have also been changes Bone marrow began to produce leukocytes, now, together with erythrocytes, they create the immune system.

Fetal heartbeats are clearly audible during Doppler ultrasound. The thyroid gland and pituitary gland begin to produce their own hormones. Formed small joints, bone tissue matures.

At this stage of pregnancy, the uterus begins to rise above the level of the womb, since it no longer fits in the small pelvis. A pregnant woman will immediately feel these changes, since the uterus no longer presses so hard on the bladder, the frequent urge to urinate stops. Now it may appear new problem- due to the growing uterus, intestinal motility is disturbed, appear.

The width of the uterus at 12 weeks is approximately 10 cm. Hormonal background pregnancy is fully supported by the placenta. The hormone estradiol is produced in a volume that is 5-6 times higher than the same indicators before pregnancy. Estradiol and progesterone ensure the growth of the uterus and reduce its contractility.

The belly of a pregnant woman is not yet visible, although in thin women who are carrying a child for the first time, roundness below the waist is already noticeable. In the second and subsequent pregnancies, as well as in the case of twins, an increase in the abdomen can be noticeable by clothes that suddenly become tight.

Weight of a pregnant woman at 12 weeks

From this period of pregnancy, a stable weight gain begins. Every week, body weight will increase by 0.5 kg. If not, when a woman loses some weight due to poor appetite, then before this period there was already an increase in weight by 1.5-3.5 kg. Too high a rate of gaining kilograms is undesirable, as it is an additional burden for the body, which already has to work “for two”.

The body weight of a pregnant woman increases due to an increase in the weight of the fetus, amniotic fluid, uterus and placenta, breast tissue and subcutaneous fat. To control the figure, you will have to limit frequent “snacks”, change sedentary image life for feasible physical education, walks on fresh air.

Symptoms of toxicosis are a thing of the past, and with them emotional instability and mood swings go away. Due to the growth of the uterus and impaired blood flow in the vessels of the small pelvis, there may be a predisposition to. To prevent this condition, wear compression tights, stockings, bandage legs elastic bandage. Such measures will help to avoid excessive blood filling of the veins. lower extremities. An increase in blood flow can also cause dizziness and headaches.

Fluid retention in the body can cause swelling of the face, arms and legs. To prevent this condition, you should reduce the salt content in your food, normalize the drinking regimen.

The hormone prolactin contributes to the increase in the mammary glands, their preparation for breastfeeding. At this stage of pregnancy, the first stretch marks may appear on the skin of the chest and abdomen - striae. Their occurrence can be partially prevented by rubbing a moisturizer, olive oil into the skin.

Due to the action of progesterone, which has a relaxing effect on the tissues of the body of a pregnant woman, the septum between the esophagus and stomach loses its tone. A small amount of gastric juice is thrown into the esophagus, and the pregnant woman feels heartburn.

Possible preventive measures:

    Drink clean cool water;

    Drink 1/2-1 glass of milk;

    Eat often, in small portions.

Feelings in the abdomen, what is happening, ultrasound, symptoms, screening, doctor's advice:

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fetal ultrasound

12 weeks is the most best time for the first ultrasound fetus, if it has not been done before.

Ultrasound results:

    Condition of the uterus and placenta, uterine tone;

    Exact gestational age possible term childbirth;

    Fruit size, number of fruits;

    The presence or absence of deviations in the development of the child.

If the ultrasound presumably identified fetal malformations, found signs of genetically determined pathologies, the woman is sent for an in-depth examination, for a consultation with a geneticist. Complex pathologies may require termination of pregnancy.

Is it harmful to do an ultrasound at the 12th week of pregnancy:

What determines screening at 12 weeks of gestation?

A comprehensive study on the pathology of fetal development is carried out in each trimester, and the first of them is at 11-13 weeks of pregnancy. In addition to ultrasound, screening includes a double test - biochemical analysis blood:

    Determination of the concentration of free chorionic gonadotropin;

    Determination of the concentration of PAPP-A (A-plasma protein).

During ultrasound, the parameters of the collar zone of the fetus are examined - the area of ​​fluid accumulation between skin tissues. This variable indicator gives informative results only from 11 to 13 weeks. The sizes of the collar zone are different in the norm and in the presence of chromosomal anomalies such as or.

Definition increased amount HCG in the blood of a pregnant woman will help to detect the risk of trisomy 21 (Down syndrome) in a child in time, reduced amount- risk of trisomy 18 (Edwards syndrome). The results obtained are not a verdict, they require more confirmation. precise analyzes, for example, an exceptionally informative examination of the fetal chorionic villi. A woman with suspected fetal chromosomal abnormalities or genetic pathologies must receive a consultation with a geneticist.

In addition to screening studies, a woman who has not previously registered for pregnancy undergoes the following tests:

    On blood biochemistry;

    General blood analysis;

    Blood group and Rh factor;

    General urine analysis;

    A smear for urogenital infections;

    Pap smear;

    Blood for AIDS, hepatitis, syphilis.

If the pregnant woman has already visited the doctor in the early stages antenatal clinic, and feels satisfactory, tests are limited to the delivery of a general blood and urine test.

Normally, at this stage of pregnancy, a woman can feel the lungs drawing pains right, left and lower abdomen. They are explained by stretching of the ligaments that support the growing uterus, as well as a shift in the center of gravity and the reaction of the vertebral discs to this.

Another cause of pain in the lower abdomen -, or inflammation Bladder, often found in different reasons during pregnancy. The site of infection in urinary tract should be immediately eliminated by contacting a urologist. You need to tell your doctor about your pregnancy so that he can choose safe drugs. Strict adherence to the recommendations will help to avoid the transition acute cystitis into a chronic form.

It is dangerous if the pain in the lower abdomen is accompanied by bloody discharge from the vagina. Their spasmodic nature, duration of at least 2-3 hours should alert the woman. These are the symptoms of a miscarriage that has begun, which should be eliminated in a hospital setting. Timely treatment will help to avoid placental abruption and keep the pregnancy without consequences for the fetus.

Bleeding and its causes

If the vaginal discharge is red or Brown color clotted blood, accompanied by pain in the lower back and lower abdomen, you need to urgently get a qualified medical care. It is possible that this is an abortion that has begun, posing a threat to the life of the child. If bleeding is caused by sexual intercourse or manipulations by a gynecologist, this is most likely a symptom. Such a diagnosis must be confirmed and a course of treatment should be carried out after childbirth.

Vaginal discharge

The appearance of discharge at this stage of pregnancy is due to the action of hormones - progesterone and estrogen. The secretions have a small volume, they are transparent or milky white, homogeneous, practically odorless. Deviations from the norm, the appearance of pus, mucus in the discharge, the addition of an unpleasant odor, a change in structure - a sign of infection of the vagina, a symptom of an STD or. All pathologies should be treated as soon as possible, since the waste products of pathogenic bacteria can penetrate the placental barrier.

Colds associated with high temperature, can affect a pregnant woman due to a temporary weakening of immunity. Complications of acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections can adversely affect the health of the fetus, cause its hypoxia, spontaneous abortion. Can't self-medicate colds, since some drugs are contraindicated during pregnancy.

Possible therapeutic measures:

    Bed rest, rest;

    Plentiful drink - tea, lingonberry and cranberry fruit drinks, currant infusion;

    Cough treatment warm milk with honey or mineral water"Borjomi";

    Washing the nose and rinsing the mouth with saline.

Complications of the common cold severe cough, appearances are treated in a hospital setting.

Temperature rise

Progesterone still affects a woman's health and raises her body temperature to +37+37.5°C. If a general analysis blood, which a woman donates regularly when visiting a gynecologist, shows elevated level leukocytes and high speed erythrocyte sedimentation, which means that the temperature is due to a latent flow infectious process or exacerbation of somatic diseases.

Hyperthermia can jeopardize pregnancy, cause miscarriage, so this condition cannot be ignored. The temperature is reduced by wiping with a damp cloth, taking minimal doses of paracetamol.

Video about the causes of miscarriage, the condition of the fetus at week 12:

attitude to alcohol

toxins ethyl alcohol capable of penetrating the body of the fetus, causing him violations intellectual activity, malformations and even alcohol addiction. Even if a child is born outwardly healthy, he can still experience minimal damage to brain structures, which later leads to persistent school failure and antisocial behavior. To do this, it is enough to take minimum dose alcohol during the formation of the central nervous system of the fetus.

Sex and pregnancy

No contraindications for intimate relationships at 12 weeks no, except for the threat of miscarriage and multiple pregnancy. With a low location of the placenta, it is desirable to limit sexual intercourse. If a woman does not feel negative changes in well-being, sex will not bring pregnancy complications.

Diet at 12 weeks

A sufficient amount of fiber in the diet, most of which is consumed raw, in vegetable and fruit salads, will help to avoid constipation. The main dishes of the diet of a pregnant woman are dairy and lactic acid products, low-fat baked fish or meat. It is advisable to move the main meal to the first half of the day, leaving it for the evening light dinner, a fruit snack and a glass of milk, fermented baked milk or kefir at night. You should not try to eat "for two" - it will become a burden for the body, it will create an undesirable load on the cardiovascular system.

At week 12, a woman may develop vascular "asterisks" on the skin of her thighs, arms, and face. This is a temporary phenomenon, as well as pigmentation on the face and neck, caused by metabolic changes. After giving birth, everything should return to normal. The same problem includes a dark strip on the skin of the abdomen, which appeared under the action of melanin.

From this period of pregnancy, weight will begin to increase rapidly, so it is better to get comfortable clothes in advance that do not restrict movement and breathing. It is better if it is made of natural fabrics, allowing the skin to "breathe".

It is better to postpone the resolution of conflicts at home and at work until later, but for now only receive positive emotions from communication with nature, art, friendly interlocutors. In culture different peoples there is a tradition forbidding a pregnant woman to look at unpleasant things and events. It is important to remember how the child feels emotional condition mother, so you need to protect his peace.

Now your baby has an anniversary - he is 12 weeks old! It is already so good that only details will be improved further. All major organs and systems have already been formed and are actively working. Dear mothers, just imagine: the crumbs are already updated upper layer skin - the epidermis, the "old" cells from which are exfoliated.

Fetus at 12 weeks pregnant: gender, weight and size

In place of eyebrows, eyelashes, on the chin and on the upper lip, fluffy hairs are born. The fingers and toes have already separated and are covered with nails, a skin pattern is formed on the pads - a unique "fingerprint".

And although all organs have already been formed by this time, they continue to develop. The intestine "stood" in its place and is periodically reduced. pituitary and thyroid they produce hormones and iodine, the liver produces bile, in addition to red blood cells, leukocytes appear in the blood, the kidneys, the nervous system work, muscles strengthen, bone tissue continues to mature.

The baby is growing fast and now its length is more important indicator than weight. The amount of amniotic fluid increases - at week 12 it reaches 50 ml. The uterus is growing at a rapid pace. Before pregnancy, the uterus is located in the pelvic area and has modest parameters: it weighs 70 g and holds no more than 10 ml. But as the fetus develops and grows in it, it goes beyond its former location and fills abdominal cavity. At 12 weeks pregnant, you can already feel and feel it. Interestingly, by the end of pregnancy, the volume of the uterus increases to 5-10 liters, and the weight after childbirth is more than 1 kg!

The fetus is already very similar to a baby, it weighs about 14 g and has a length from the coccyx to the crown of the head 6-9 cm. On a special device - - you can already listen to the baby's heartbeat.

Future mom

From the 12th week of pregnancy, you will begin to gain weight up to 500 g every week. Until this time, your increase, if the pregnancy develops normally, should have been 1.8-3.6 kg. If you were tormented, you may even have lost a little weight. But from the second trimester expectant mother should noticeably feel better - the corpus luteum is becoming obsolete, the placenta is actively involved in the work. However, if , then it can “storm” even further.

It's time to start controlling yourself in food: do not overeat, forget about harmful snacks, remember the needs of your and child's body in calcium and iodine, as well as the risk of constipation. Drink compotes, eat dried fruits, vegetables, do exercises.


At 12 weeks, they gradually become a thing of the past unpleasant symptoms toxicosis. If pregnancy is “traditional”, then nausea and vomiting, and with them irritability, emotional instability, capriciousness and tearfulness - all the “intrigues” of hormones - will become only bad memory. True, if mom is expecting twins or triplets, then toxicosis will make itself felt for some time - you will have to be patient.

You may have noticed that you have become less likely to go to the toilet in a small way compared to the beginning of pregnancy. But all your internal organs are still working hard, you may feel that your heart is beating faster because of the large volumes of blood.

The uterus continues to grow in size, but this does not yet affect the size of the abdomen, usually by the 12th week of pregnancy, the tummy has not yet rounded. However, if motherhood is the first for a woman, and depending on the physique, in some cases, such a “hint” to interesting position in the form of a slightly protruding belly. In any case, a woman personally can already feel some “roundness” of forms and physical changes even if they are not visible to others.

The breast is pouring more and more, the mammary glands are preparing for lactation. As this preparation progresses, some itching of the skin on the chest is often felt. Itching in the chest can be accompanied by itching on the abdomen and hips - keep in mind that you have a predisposition to the formation of stretch marks, and now take care of prevention. Do not be afraid if one morning you find on your face or vascular formations- after childbirth, they will disappear, but now you have to be patient. Also a short-lived phenomenon is a dark strip on the abdomen, going down from the navel, which future mommy can acquire at 1 week of pregnancy. This strip is a consequence of the accumulation of melanin substance, it does not pose any danger, it is not a defect, and after childbirth it will disappear on its own.

Now you can feel a certain relief associated with the disappearance of the need to often go to the toilet for a little. The uterus rises higher, ceases to put pressure on the bladder, respectively, it now does not require frequent emptying. Instead, another problem may arise - increased gas formation and constipation: instead of the bladder, now the uterus begins to put pressure on the intestines, impairing its peristalsis.

It is possible that as early as week 12, the expectant mother will experience episodic heartburn. True, this symptom is more often characteristic of more late dates pregnancy, but from time to time heartburn can appear now. The reason is the weakening of the septum between the stomach and esophagus under the influence of progesterone, due to which gastric juice travels down the esophagus, causing a burning sensation.

At week 12, it is already quite possible to take care of the issue of choosing a new, “pregnant” wardrobe. Now you should definitely get enough sleep and rest, choose comfortable shoes with low soles, indulge in good emotions more often. Think more about the baby, about your friendly happy family, indulge in spiritual thoughts, learn to relax and be at peace. The most fertile period of the entire pregnancy is approaching - the second trimester.

Belly at 12 weeks pregnant: pulls, hurts

pain different nature and different localization not uncommon for pregnant women. One of the most common complaints regarding pain is a complaint of abdominal pain.

Experts reassure: if abdominal pain occurs from time to time, and at the same time "nests" on the sides of the abdomen, periodically giving to the lower back or groin, it usually does not pose any danger. Such symptoms are usually explained by the "intrigues" of progesterone, or rather, its effect on the ligaments that support the uterus, which are now softened and more and more stretched as the abdomen grows.

Anxiety should be caused by pain in the abdomen that occurs in its lower part, aching and pulling, possibly cramping. In the presence of such pains, and even more so when they are also aggravated by smearing brown or bloody vaginal discharge, you should contact your doctor immediately. After all, this picture indicates the danger of spontaneous abortion, which can be prevented by reacting in time and taking all necessary medical measures.

Discharge at 12 weeks pregnant

While progesterone “rules the ball” in the body of a pregnant woman, the discharge remains slightly thick, of a uniform consistency, of a light or milky hue, without any unpleasant odor, with a slight sour smell. Any change in the color of the discharge towards yellow or green gray, the appearance of secretions with bad smell, with impurities of pus, frothy or curdled discharge indicate the addition of an infection.

Now, during pregnancy, when the woman's immune system is weakened, genital infections are not at all uncommon. Most often, women during pregnancy are faced with thrush, or candidiasis, an infectious disease caused by fungi of the genus Candida. Changes in secretions can also be caused by the pathogenic effects of chlamydia, trichomonas, cocci. And almost always infectious diseases genital tract are accompanied, in addition to atypical discharge, as well as discomfort in the perineal region - itching, burning, which are aggravated after urination. In the presence of the above symptoms, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible and undergo specialized treatment to prevent infection from reaching the fetus.

"Signal" to immediate appeal to the doctor should also become brown or bloody issues. Bloody discharge against the background of pain in the abdomen indicates increased risk disruption of pregnancy. If the separation of blood is not accompanied by pain in the abdomen, and is usually observed after a medical examination or sexual intercourse, most likely, erosion of the cervix takes place. Both in the first and in the second case, one cannot do without consulting a specialist. And if spotting is associated with the risk of miscarriage, you may also have to go to the hospital for preservation on the recommendation of a doctor.


Week 12 usually becomes the very first meeting of parents with their baby: the first planned ultrasound, if a woman is disciplined registered at 6 weeks, falls on this particular week. But if for mom and dad, ultrasound will be a way to see the baby on the monitor and experience genuine joy from this, then for the doctor leading the pregnancy, ultrasound is an invaluable method for assessing the condition of the uterus and fetal development.

During an ultrasound examination, the doctor will examine the condition of the uterus and its tone, see the location of the placenta, and set the estimated date of birth. The task of ultrasound at the 12th week of pregnancy is also the size and dynamics of the development of the fetus. Already at this stage, ultrasound examination allows you to determine the risks of developing congenital pathologies or chromosomal abnormalities. But it should be remembered that the results of an ultrasound scan can in no way be regarded as a diagnosis: if after the session the specialist has any suspicions, the mother will need to pass additional tests and undergo an in-depth detailed examination.

The doctor compares all the indicators obtained during the ultrasound with the indicators indicated in the table of normal values. Again, the results of the first ultrasound will later be used to compare with the results of subsequent ultrasound studies - so the specialist will be able to track the progress of the pregnancy and monitor the development of the baby.

Specially for- Elena Kichak

At the 12th week of gestation, the first trimester of pregnancy ends. Now you can breathe a sigh of relief as this moment the placenta matures functionally and morphologically. One of the main tasks of the placenta is now the production of pregnancy hormones, which were produced up to this point by the corpus luteum.

Such a symptom as early poisoning occurs due to hormonal activity. corpus luteum up to the 12th week of gestation. After that, in most patients, these symptoms appear less frequently or completely disappear. They do not pass only during the first, complicated and multiple pregnancy.

What does an embryo look like at 12 weeks?

At the 12th week, the fetus is already a miniature man. The basic organs (brain and spinal cord, heart, a small number of blood vessels, intestinal tube) and systems have already been formed, the kidneys with the liver are already working, urine and bile are starting to be produced. In parallel formed musculoskeletal system, cartilage, skin. The germ begins to make involuntary movements- moves his head and hands, sucks his fingers, can even do somersaults.

As for the nervous system, it continues to form, but the brain is already a reduced copy of the adult brain. The embryo at 12 weeks is the size of an average chicken egg. The growth of the embryo is approximately 6-9 cm. The mass is from 0.01 to 0.015 kg.

The thickness of the nuchal space of the embryo (hereinafter - NT) at the 12th week is one of the indicators for diagnosing chromosomal abnormalities. Normal TVP is about 0.3 cm. If the value exceeds the norm, then it is recommended to perform a biopsy of the fleecy membrane to diagnose chromosomal abnormalities, including Down's disease. But it often happened that with a TVP exceeding 0.5 cm, completely healthy babies were born.

Measurement of the anatomy of the embryo (fetometry) at the 12th week is required in order to establish a more accurate gestation period, monitor the development of the baby, and fix visible disturbances in its development.

The biparietal size of the head of the embryo (hereinafter - BDP) at the 12th week should be equal to 2.1 cm and above, the abdominal circumference (AC) - from 2.6 cm, the coccygeal-parietal size (KTR) - from 6 cm, length hips (DB) - from 0.9 cm, diameter chest(DHA) - from 2.4 cm.

How to behave to the expectant mother for a period of 12 weeks?

The embryo at 12-13 weeks becomes very active, vigorously swallowing amniotic fluid, moving its arms and legs, nails are barely visible on the arms, the intestines begin to contract. Regarding the patient, the size of her uterus increases. It rises above the small pelvis, but you can still not wear maternity outfits. It should be borne in mind that the outfit should be loose, not tight-fitting.

Since the uterus increases in size, everything is on the intestines. more pressure and there is a high chance of constipation. Therefore, it is necessary to diversify own diet food that contains a lot of fiber (various fresh vegetables, buckwheat, oatmeal and wheat groats). At the same time, it is necessary to limit the consumption of white rice, since it fixes and contains insufficient vitamins in its refined form.

In parallel with this, doctors advise to reduce the consumption of meat, which can be poorly thermally processed (barbecue, shish kebab, grill). Eat more stews or boiled meats, as this reduces the likelihood of toxoplasmosis, to which the embryo is very sensitive, especially at this stage of development.

Naturally, one should also not overcool and try not to catch respiratory infections, because at the moment the nervous system is being laid and therefore it is still unstable.

In addition, the expectant mother should often walk in the fresh air and move, because the child develops the skeleton and muscles, which increases the flow of oxygen to his organs.

At 12 weeks of pregnancy comes to an end. You can breathe a sigh of relief, because it is at this moment that the placenta matures morphologically and functionally, taking over the main role in the production of pregnancy hormones, previously performed by the corpus luteum. Such a phenomenon as early toxicosis is due to the hormonal activity of the corpus luteum before the 12th week of pregnancy. Now these phenomena will significantly weaken or even disappear, although not for everyone. The exception will be multiple pregnancies, complicated pregnancies and first pregnancy.

What does an embryo look like at 12 weeks?

At 12 weeks, the embryo already resembles a small copy of a person - it has formed the main organs and systems - the head and spinal cord, intestinal tube, heart and a small number of blood vessels, the liver and kidneys are already functioning, the production of the first bile and urine begins. At the same time, the skeleton develops - muscles, cartilage, skin. The embryo begins to make involuntary movements - he sucks his finger, moves his head, makes movements with his arms and can even somersault. The nervous system of the future baby is still developing, but the brain already resembles the brain of an adult, only in a miniature version. The size of the fetus at 12 weeks is comparable to the size chicken egg medium size. Fetal growth at 12 weeks ranges from 6 to 9 cm. Fetal weight at 12 weeks can be 10-15 g.

TVP or the thickness of the collar space of the fetus at 12 weeks is one of the criteria for diagnosing chromosomal pathology. The norm is considered to be TVP up to 3 mm, with large values ​​it is recommended to do a chorion biopsy to diagnose chromosomal abnormalities, in particular Down's disease. However, it is not uncommon for quite healthy children to be born with a TVP of 5 mm or more.

Fetometry of the fetus at 12 weeks is necessary for a more accurate determination of the gestational age, monitoring the development of the baby, as well as for assessing visible violations in the development of the embryo.

BDP or biparietal size fetal head at 12 weeks should be at least 21 mm, coolant or abdominal circumference - at least 26 mm, KTR or coccyx-parietal size - at least 60 mm, DB or thigh length - at least 9 mm, DHA or chest diameter - not less than 24 mm.

How to behave to the expectant mother for a period of 12 weeks?

The fetus at 12-13 weeks becomes very mobile, actively swallows amniotic fluid, moves its arms and legs, the nails are barely visible on the arms, perilstatics appears in the intestines. As for the future mother, the size of the uterus increases - it begins to rise above the small pelvis, but there is still no need to wear clothes for pregnant women. It is important to remember that clothing should be loose and in no case tight. Since with an increase in the size of the uterus, pressure on the intestines increases, and may appear, you should enrich your diet with foods rich in fiber - these are all kinds raw vegetables, cereals - oatmeal, buckwheat, millet. However White rice should be limited, as it fixes and in a polished form contains few vitamins.

At the same time, doctors advise to reduce the intake meat products, in which there is a probability bad heat treatment- barbecue, grill, barbecue. Give preference to boiled and stewed meat, this will reduce the risk of toxoplasmosis, to which the fetus is especially sensitive at this stage of development. Undoubtedly, both hypothermia and respiratory viral infections should be avoided, since the nervous system is being laid down and it is very vulnerable.

It will also be useful for the expectant mother to be in the air more often and move more, as this contributes to the development of the skeletal muscles in the baby and will increase the flow of oxygen to its tissues.



2022 "" - ultrasound examination of human organs