How to calculate when to conceive a boy. Is it possible to conceive a boy with absolute certainty

Many couples planning to replenish the family are thinking about how to conceive a baby of a certain gender. The reasons for this desire of parents are different: religious, psychological, social, and even personal preferences. In order for a baby of a suitable sex to be born, moms and dads use any methods and recipes. The most curious thing is that most couples around the world strive to be the first to conceive a boy. Probably, parents see in the little man the future heir and protector of the family. And boys are really born more often than girls, especially if the mother's birth is the first.

At all times, married couples have invented various ways, sometimes strange and sophisticated, thanks to which they hoped to conceive a boy. Chinese women wishing to give birth to a male child, during intimacy, lay their heads to the north. Among the Germanic tribes, the conception of a future knight was possible only on a fine sunny day. The Slavs, in order for a hero to be born, before the onset of sexual intercourse, put some male little thing under the pillow. And the ancient Egyptians believed that it was possible to get pregnant with a boy on a full moon.

Of course, this is all superstition. However, the conception of a boy can indeed be planned. There are methods by which, although not 100%, it is still quite possible to calculate the sex of the baby. These methods give very large errors, as they are based on the physiological characteristics of men and women, and the human body is capricious and often behaves unpredictably. Therefore, you should not particularly hope and count on them, although you can try. Having planned a boy, one should prepare not only for success, but also for failure.

First method. Conception of a boy according to the ovulation calendar

Only a woman who knows exactly the beginning of ovulation can conceive a boy using this method. If the timing of the release of the egg varies from month to month, then it is better not to use this method. Male Y-spermatozoa are livelier and more active than their female X-brothers, but are less stable and die quickly. But it is the Y-spermatozoa that produce the male embryo during fertilization of the egg.

Therefore, in order for the conception of a boy to become the most likely, you need to guess the sexual intercourse exactly at the time of ovulation. If you have sex before ovulation, male Y-tadpoles may not live to see the egg. To reliably determine the right time for fertilization, you can buy ovulation tests or keep track of the ovulation calendar.

For the same reason, it is better not to have sexual intercourse about five days before ovulation, so that tenacious X-spermatozoa do not lurk inside the female genital organs. Also, according to the ovulation method, it is important that the woman experiences the orgasm earlier, and not the man. The fact is that orgasm provokes the formation of an alkaline environment in the female organs, in which Y spermatozoa survive, and tadpoles with X chromosomes die. The ovum released from the ovary occurs only with spermatozoa that carry the male genome. But with the next sexual intercourse, you should already use condoms.

Second method. Conception of a boy according to the theory of Shettles

For couples who want to give birth to a boy, the Shettles method can be recommended, which is based on the different activity of spermatozoa with the Y and X chromosome set. This method of conceiving a male baby is quite effective: in 80 out of 100 couples, the result is successful.

The principle of operation of this method, in general, is similar to the option of fertilization according to the ovulation calendar. If you make love on the day the egg leaves the ovary, and always with a female orgasm, but ignore intimacy a week before ovulation, then the conception of a girl is unlikely to occur.

Hidden in the genital tract of women after previous copulations, X-spermatozoa are heavy and clumsy; in an alkaline environment, they do not survive until the next ovulation. And light and nimble Y-tadpoles, having got rid of competitors, quickly get to a new egg.

Third method. Conception of a boy according to the lunar calendar

The doctors of ancient India had their own ideas about what day you can probably conceive a boy. They believed that it was useless to try to do this on the 11th and 13th lunar days. According to the lunar calendar, it is optimal to have sexual intercourse for conceiving a boy when the moon is in the sky in the male zodiac signs: in Sagittarius, Leo, Gemini, Libra, Aquarius, Aries. But if the moon is in the female zodiac, that is, in Virgo, Scorpio, Taurus, Capricorn, Pisces, Cancer, then the likelihood of becoming pregnant with a girl increases. The period of the full moon and new moon is unfavorable for the conception of a male child.

Fourth method. Conception of a boy according to the couple's number table

This table can contribute to the conception of a boy. You just need to find the number of the pair in it. The month in which the man was born is marked in the horizontal line, the month in which the woman was born is marked in the vertical column. The number of the pair is at the intersection of the row and column. For example, if a woman was born in June and a man was born in March, then their pair number is 6.

On the next chart, you need to find the number of the couple and see in which month it is most possible to get pregnant with a boy. It is immediately clear that a couple with the number 6 is most likely to conceive a male child in October, and least likely in March and April.

Fifth method. Conception of a boy according to the mother's age calendar

You can try to get pregnant with a boy using the mother's age calendar. A woman just needs to find her age in the table and see when the probability of conceiving a male baby is greatest for her. For example, if the expectant mother is currently 24 years old, then it is best to have intimate relationships in January, March, April, June, July.

Sixth method. Conceiving a boy in Japanese

Japanese scientists claim that parents who smoke have a sharply reduced ability to give birth to a boy. According to studies, couples who do not part with a cigarette are more likely to give birth to girls, and boys prefer to be born to mothers and fathers who choose a healthy lifestyle.

Seventh method. Conceiving a boy in German

But German scientists from the World Population Institute came to the conclusion that women who are a little nervous and worried are pregnant with boys. One pattern prompted them to such an interesting thought: in turbulent years for Germany, for example, during the destruction of the Berlin Wall, far fewer boys were born than in peaceful periods of history.

Eighth method. Conception of a boy in Italian

Italian researchers have their own opinion about the likelihood of conceiving a male child. They believe that girls are mostly born to thin women, and boys are born to plump mothers. The Italians conducted an extensive experiment, as a result of which it turned out that it is better to get pregnant with a boy in women weighing more than 54 kg. Therefore, mothers who dream of giving birth to a boy can indulge in gastronomic pleasures.

Folk methods of conceiving a boy

  • Sexual intercourse should take place at night, but not during the day.
  • Before an intimate process, both partners should not take a hot bath or shower.
  • A woman must have an orgasm.
  • A man needs to dominate during sex, to be in a position on top.
  • Sexual intercourse is desirable to carry out on odd days of the month.
  • After sex, a woman needs to completely relax, just lie down without moving.
  • Both partners should eat enough salty foods.

Diet for conceiving a boy

  1. Any meat can be eaten. Salinity and smoked meats are allowed in moderation.
  2. Fish and seafood are also used any. Only shellfish are undesirable.
  3. Bread and pastries without yeast. Pancakes and pancakes are prohibited.
  4. Sweets without milk or eggs. Honey, jam and jam are recommended.
  5. Porridge should be consumed any, as well as pasta.
  6. Vegetables without limits. It is very good to eat potatoes, any beans, corn, mushrooms.
  7. Fruit is a must. Oranges, plums, peaches, bananas, cherries, apricots are recommended. It is undesirable to eat cherries and grapefruit.
  8. Tea, coffee, mineral water in moderation. Natural juices regularly. Cocoa, milk and other dairy products are prohibited.

A woman who wants to give birth to a boy needs to consume a lot of vegetable oils, as well as salt, since her body must have an abundance of potassium and sodium ions. The main thing is not to overdo it with salty foods. After all, it is not for nothing that they say that if you are very drawn to pickles, there will be a boy. In general, it is not so important who will be born. It is important that the child is desired and healthy.

Often, parents plan the gender of their baby. And for some of them, it is important to give birth to a son, especially if there are already girls. For many centuries, couples have been trying to find heirs. Therefore, they always face the question of how to get pregnant with a boy? There are various ways to solve it. Let's consider them in more detail.

How to conceive a boy using scientific methods

Y-spermatozoa take part in the conception of a boy. They are lighter, smaller, move quickly, but do not live long. Therefore, if sexual intercourse occurs a few days before ovulation, then the Y-spermatozoa die. If it happens at the time of ovulation or immediately after it, then there will be a son, since fast spermatozoa are more likely to reach the egg. These are favorable days for conceiving a boy.

It is desirable that the contact occurs on the first day of ovulation, moreover, at this time the environment in the vagina becomes alkaline, in which Y-spermatozoa survive. The accuracy of this method is considered to be very high. However, it is necessary to correctly calculate the date of ovulation. For this, basal temperature is measured, ovulation tests are done, and follicles are monitored using ultrasound.

In addition, before ovulation, doctors recommend a few days to refrain from sexual intercourse. A female orgasm is also desirable. As a pose for conception of a boy, it is worth choosing the one in which the man will be from behind in order to ensure better contact of the cervix with the sperm. It is in this case that the penis will be inserted deeply.

You can conceive a boy with the help of in vitro fertilization. This method is expensive, but the most reliable. To do this, with the help of special preparations and a laser, the spermatozoa are separated into male and female, and then the eggs are fertilized by the IVF method.

How to conceive a boy using a table

Many couples use not only scientific methods, but also various tables, and often they have a baby of the desired gender. So, how to conceive a boy according to the table? Let's take a closer look at two of these methods.

Japanese table

The conception of a boy according to the Japanese table is easy to calculate. To do this, use the two tables below. In the first of them, the months of birth of the parents are used as initial data. For example, the future father was born in December, and the mother - in June, in the corresponding columns of the table you need to find them and draw lines perpendicular to each other. This is how the family figure is determined. In this case, it is the number "6".

Next, in the second table, you need to find the family figure and see in which months the chance of having a boy is higher. The more crosses are drawn, the higher the probability of the birth of one or another gender. In this case, the couple will be able to conceive a boy in February and October, with a higher probability in October.

Chinese table

This table was used in ancient China, so it is considered one of the most effective. The conception of a boy according to the Chinese table is calculated in the following way:

  1. First of all, in the left column you need to find the age of the mother. But at the same time, it is very important to take into account that in China a person is almost a year older than he actually is. This lies in the fact that his age is considered from the very conception, and not from birth. Therefore, in order not to get confused in the calculations, a woman should simply add one year to her real age. That is, if the expectant mother is 20 years old, then 21 years are taken into account.
  2. Next, in the top line, you must select the month of conception.
  3. At the intersection of a row and a column is the letter "D" or "M", the latter means that there will be a boy. For example, a woman at the age of 21, in order to give birth to a boy, needs to conceive him in January.

The blood renewal technique is also quite popular for calculating the sex of the baby. The blood of future fathers is renewed every 4 years, for mothers - every 3. If the father has the last blood, then a son will be born. The conception of a boy according to the blood method is calculated as follows:

  1. The full age of the father is divided by four, that is, if he is 25 years old, it looks like this: 25:4=6 (remainder 1).
  2. Then we proceed in a similar way with the age of the mother: 23:3=7 (residue 2).
  3. After that, you need to compare the residuals. In our case, the couple is expected to have a boy, since the blood of a man is younger.

However, it is worth remembering that in case of blood loss after abortions, miscarriages, childbirth, operations, etc., this date is considered the last blood renewal. Also, for the conception of a son, the Rh factor of the parents is also taken into account. The chance of having a boy increases if mom and dad have different Rh factors, that is, one is positive and the other is negative. The blood type also affects the gender of the child, details can be seen in the table:

How to increase your chances of conceiving a boy

Scientists, thinking about the question of how to conceive a boy, conducted a series of studies. Thanks to them, some points became known:

  • Boys who smoke are less likely to have boys.
  • Women weighing less than 54 kilograms tend to give birth to girls. So, it is worth getting better in order to conceive a son.
  • In those families where the leadership position belongs to the father, most often, sons are born. It is believed that such activity is associated with the hormonal background of the spouse.
  • In addition, if the father is older than the mother, then the son is more likely to be the firstborn. Young spouses also have a high probability that the first child will be a boy if there were no miscarriages or abortions in the anamnesis.
  • There is also a theory that the longer a woman tries to get pregnant, the more likely it is to have a son. Therefore, very often, after infertility treatment, a couple develops it.
  • In order to become pregnant with a boy, you need to learn how to relax, as it has been noticed that girls are often born in stressful situations.
  • If parents dream of a son, then the wish can come true. This method is based on psychological visualization. Moreover, it is desirable to represent your son in all the small details.

Diet that promotes the conception of a boy

There are various ways to conceive a boy. For example, recently a special diet has become widely used, thanks to which you can get pregnant with your son. To do this, you need to use the following products:

  • any kind of meat and fish, sausages;
  • egg white;
  • coffee, tea, fruit juices, soda;
  • rice, semolina, biscuits, bread, cookies;
  • mushrooms, potatoes, lentils, dried peas, white beans;
  • dates, prunes, bananas, oranges, cherries, apricots, peaches;
  • black chocolate;
  • canned food, salty foods, yeast.

The above products should be emphasized in order for the conception of a boy to occur. This diet is based on limiting the amount of calcium, so that a son can be born.

At the same time, a man must also follow a diet. In his main diet, it is necessary to include soups on lean meat or poultry, a small amount of bread. It is recommended to actively eat vegetables, greens, drink fresh juices, fruit drinks, jelly and compotes. Moreover, all nutrients must be obtained in full, alcohol must be excluded. Also, experts say that you need the right regimen of the day, the rejection of bad habits and good rest for both spouses.

All of the above methods cannot give a full guarantee that a boy will be born. However, if you adhere to all the conditions, you can increase your chances. And this is a low price to achieve your dreams.

If the gender of the unborn child is important to you, then pregnancy planning should be approached more responsibly. Over the centuries, various signs and calendars have been created that, with a certain probability, can promise a birth. But keep in mind that everything is relative, and none of the methods can guarantee the gender of the baby you need.

Japanese and Chinese calendars

Very often, when planning a pregnancy, they look for a boy conception calendar. The Japanese table, for example, proposes to determine the future sex of the baby, depending on the months of birth of the parents and the date of conception of the crumbs. But it does not guarantee a 100% chance of conceiving a baby of the gender you need. The table and graph only indicate that in a certain month there are more chances of a boy, and in another - a girl.

To calculate the possible gender of the baby according to the Chinese table, it is not necessary to know the month of the father's birth. For this method, only the month of conception and the age of the mother are important. Agree, this method of determining the sex of a child is very doubtful.

Agree, both the Japanese and Chinese boy conception calendars are not very convenient for pregnancy planning. Indeed, in this case, it is necessary to try to conceive a child only in certain months. And if nothing happens, transfer attempts to the next suitable date. It is unlikely that many will have the desire to miss a few months just because of the hypothetical possibility of conceiving a girl instead of the desired boy, and vice versa. By the way, practice shows that there is no clear relationship between the indicated tables and the real sex of children.

Old Russian method

But in Russia they chose a different approach. By the way, many use the calendar for the conception of a boy of our ancestors to this day. Of course, it was not preserved in its pure form, but the principle remained the same. Many gynecologists also talk about this modified method if you ask them about planning the baby's sex. Although this method does not give a 100% guarantee, but in its modern form it has at least some logical explanation.

So, the Slavs believed that the sex of the unborn child depends on the day of the onset of menstruation. Each period corresponded to one of the seven Beginnings, which were called Rozhanitsy. According to the beliefs of the ancient Russian people, there were seven of them: Merya, Zhiva, Moryana, Didiliya, Golden Mother, Zizya, Makosha. Each of them patronized either the masculine or the feminine. Depending on what day of birth was at the time of conception, they calculated what gender the child would be. That is how in Russia they determined how to conceive a boy. The calendar says that this can be done on the days of the patronage of Rozhanitsa, whose name is: Alive, Golden Mother, Zizya. On other days, when Moryana, Merya, Didilia and Makosha are responsible for conception, a girl will turn out.

To find out which Rozhanitsa is the patron, you need to count the days of the monthly cycle. Even in antiquity, it was noticed that it is impossible to get pregnant until the 10th day from the onset of menstrual flow. From the 11th day, Rozhanitsy were distributed as follows:

  • 11th day - Alive;
  • 12th - Moryana;
  • 13th - Merya;
  • 14th - Golden mother;
  • 15th - Didylia;
  • 16th - Zizya;
  • 17th - Makosha.

From the 18th to the 21st day, conception was considered unfavorable. And from the 22nd to the 28th day it is no longer possible.

Modern interpretation of the Slavic method

One of the current methods of planning the sex of a child is similar to the old Russian one. It also involves the calculation of the days of the cycle. Only this method helps to conceive a boy by ovulation and is not tied to any pagan deities. It is based on the mobility and survivability of male spermatozoa.

It has already been scientifically proven that the sex of the baby depends only on which sperm fertilizes the mature egg. If the carrier of the Y-chromosome takes part in the conception, then a boy will be born. If there is only X in his genetic set, then a girl will appear. In addition, it has been found that male spermatozoa are more mobile, but their life expectancy is much shorter. But those that contain the girl chromosome are more tenacious, but move more slowly. Based on these facts, you can calculate on which days to conceive a boy.

How to calculate baby gender by ovulation

So, if you want only a male heir, then it is better to plan intimacy directly on But for the appearance of a girl, refrain from sexual intercourse on the day the egg is released. Of course, this method also does not give any guarantees, but at least it is based on scientifically proven facts, so the likelihood of obtaining the desired result is higher.

Of course, you can use this method only if you have a stable cycle and you know exactly the date of ovulation. But even if you cannot boast of regular menstruation, then you can also plan the sex of the baby using this method. True, you will have to additionally figure out how to determine ovulation.

Favorable days for conception

Before planning your baby's gender, figure out your cycle. Normally, it lasts 28 days, ovulation occurs on the 14th day. In this case, there are no obstacles to finding out favorable days, but it is possible to calculate the boy's conception calendar for any cycle. To do this, you will need a regular thermometer, with which you will measure the basal temperature and record the values. Before the day of release of the egg, the temperature will be minimal, and after its release, it will rise sharply. The next day it will be 0.4 degrees Celsius higher.

In addition, you can determine the day of ovulation using special tests that are freely sold at the pharmacy. But if you want to be 100% sure when exactly you ovulate, then you should track it with an ultrasound.

Moon calendar

Another method of planning the sex of the child is to observe the moon. Everyone knows that it affects many processes. According to some astrologers, the calendar for the conception of a boy, which takes into account the position of our satellite, is quite accurate. The error is about 2%, and in 98% - a baby of the desired gender is born.

So, it is believed that the girl will be conceived on those days when the moon passes through the female constellations. These include Capricorn, Pisces, Cancer, Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio. But in the days and hours of passage through the male constellations, a boy will be conceived. So, expect the appearance of an heir, if at the moment the Moon was in Leo, Aries, Gemini, Aquarius, Sagittarius, Libra.

But keep in mind that the date of intimacy and conception can differ not only by several hours, but also by days. Therefore, if you planned to "make" a boy during the reign of a male sign, but ovulation occurred a few days later, then in this case the probability of having a girl increases several times.

If a married couple decides to have a child, then the future parents must go through a series of special preparatory procedures. It is important to take tests and make sure of your own health. It is also necessary to determine the exact day of ovulation. It is advisable to make a calendar for several cycles at once. However, the process should be carried out after a detailed acquaintance with this process.

In contact with

Features of the reproductive system

The conception calendar is compiled from the first day of menstruation.

It will also need to additionally indicate favorable days and ovulation itself.

Thanks to this, it will be possible to increase the chances of fertilization of the egg with a sperm cell by several times.

Only some women can determine the days of ovulation by symptoms.

The process usually goes through the following steps:

  • Several vesicles form in the ovary, which contain a certain amount of fluid inside. This process begins immediately after
  • Only one of the cells begins to grow much faster than the rest.
  • The follicle should reach a size of about 20-25 mm. At the same time, the activity of the remaining bubbles noticeably decreases.
  • Later, the cell will need additional energy in order to break through the shell and break out. It is at this moment that a woman has the most favorable time for conception. At the same time, the ovulation schedule drops sharply, and then begins to rise rapidly.
  • The cell continues its movement along the genital tract. If fertilization occurs, then she will need to further infiltrate the endometrium. Only after implantation does it begin directly by itself process of active growth and.
  • The cell lives only 24 hours. If fertilization is not performed, then its remains will be brought out along with menstrual bleeding.
  • When the membrane is ruptured, the corpus luteum begins to actively grow. Due to it, an additional amount of hormones is formed in the body. It is at their expense that the embryo will be able to grow and develop properly in the future.

ovulation timing calculator

Today, a conception calendar can be found online or you can do all the calculations yourself.

Later, based on the data, it will be possible to calculate the most favorable moment for conception:

  • In order to understand how to calculate the most favorable day for conception, you should clarify. It is she who is the key to determining ovulation and conception. As a rule, the frequency ranges from 25 to 29 days. However, deviations may occur from time to time. A cycle with a length of 21 to 35 days is also considered normal. In this case, it would be useful to consult a gynecologist. It is possible to suspect violations in the functioning of the organs of the reproductive system. The clinical picture may change if a woman reconsiders her lifestyle and nutrition. To improve overall well-being, it is also recommended to take vitamins or hormones that are prescribed by your doctor. Thanks to their influence, it is possible to normalize the cycle within a short period of time.
  • You need to know how to determine ovulation correctly. For this, the length of each cycle is taken into account. Ideally, it should be the same, but quite often there are various errors. If there are significant fluctuations, then you will need to draw up an ovulation calendar with an irregular cycle. Calculating the ideal time for conception can be difficult. Changes in duration occur due to stress or hormonal imbalance. Climate conditions can also play a negative role. Such a failure after a certain period of time becomes insignificant. It is important to recognize the causes in time and direct all efforts to eliminate them. In some cases, it is impossible to do without a deep examination. A one-time failure is nothing to worry about. Once a year it is considered even quite normal.
  • Before calculating ovulation, it is recommended to observe the course of menstruation. Normal is the same duration and abundance of discharge. It should not change from time to time. Significant jumps indicate the presence of pathologies in the process. However, it is additionally recommended to take into account age. Often, failures occur in a young girl or woman in a premenopausal state.

Carrying out basic calculations

Calculate the ovulation calendar will be useful for all couples who plan to have a baby. It is on this day that the follicle comes out, therefore maximum chance of fertilization.

The second indicator is always easier to determine, because the first is already known. Let's take a cycle of 27 days as an example. It is necessary to carry out the following calculations: 27-14=13.

This means that on the 13th day after the start of the menstrual cycle, the follicle will already be completely ready for fertilization. It is on this day that optimal conditions for conception are created.

  • It is easy to predict the date of the next menstruation.
  • Depending on these indicators, it will be easier to calculate the length of the first phase of the cycle in the future.

To date, a large number of sites offer to carry out all the necessary calculations instead of a woman. The services are very popular. They also make it possible to predict who will be with the couple. To get the exact date that is favorable for conception, the following data will be required:

  • the total duration of one period;
  • the first day of the last bleeding;
  • duration of heavy bleeding;
  • the total number of months for which the forecast is made.

For a woman after 30 years, this option is also convenient. With it, you can monitor rhythms and failures. In some cases, it is advisable to calculate the date of ovulation every month.

Determination of the sex of the child

It is possible to calculate the ovulation calendar for the conception of a girl or a boy. It directly depends on the date of sexual intercourse and directly the fertilization itself.

However, this will require know exactly when you ovulate and its immediate attack.

If a couple dreams of a girl, then it is best if fertilization occurs three days before ovulation.

Boys are obtained if sexual contact occurred on the day of ovulation or on the eve of it.

That is why every married couple will be able to calculate a calendar for conceiving a boy or girl. It's not just a theory. She found confirmation in the process of scientific research.

Note! In each period of the cycle, a certain group of hormones affects the body. In this case, a woman will be able to observe changes in the functioning of her body. This makes it possible to recognize a specific process.

Video: how to calculate the days of ovulation


Thanks to a correctly compiled calendar, a woman will be able to predict the day of conception. She also gets the opportunity to try experimenting with the floor. This prediction method helps to observe failures that may be in the cycle. It is also used to determine "safe" days. This calendar method has long been used by women. To date, it has not lost its relevance.

For a few months ahead, use our calculator! You can turn on the forecast of the sex of the unborn child in order to additionally highlight the days in the calculation results on which the probability of conceiving a boy or girl is higher.

Ovulation calculator with baby gender prediction

Calculation option:

Prediction of the sex of the child:

Start date of last menstrual period:

Start date of penultimate period:

Cycle duration:

The duration of the cycle is from 21 to 35 days. On average 28 days.

28 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 days

Length of menstruation:

The duration of menstruation is from 2 to 7 days. On average 5 days.

5 2 3 4 5 6 7 days

Number of months to calculate:

6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 months

The exit of a sexually mature cell into the female genital tract is called ovulation, which our online calculator will help you calculate. But it is very important for a woman to be able to determine these moments herself, because it helps to plan her life and control the normal course of internal processes.

body observations

First, let's look at what an ovulation calendar and calculator are. Often these are the marked days of the expected ovulation on the calendar for months. It is often called a calculator because of the need to calculate these dates. Usually, an existing menstrual calendar is used for this, in order to more easily control cycles. There are also online calculators, the principle of operation and operation of which we will consider below.

To determine ovulation, a calculator and a calendar are our first helpers. Preparing for a happy event, a girl needs to start a calendar in advance in which to paint over the first days of menstruation.

Based on this information, you can make miscalculations, get important indicators and even conclusions regarding the normality of current processes:

  • Cycle length. By counting the number of days between the marked numbers, you can calculate this important indicator. It should be in the range of 25-30 days. For other values, it is worth consulting with your gynecologist. Perhaps some malfunctions or disturbances occurred in the body, which affected the length of the cycle. A standard of 28 days is considered ideal.
  • Regularity. It is necessary to compare the indicators for different months with each other. Normally, they should be equal. There may be a deviation of 1 day. If a failure occurs once (no more than once a year), this does not cause concern if after that the cyclicity returned to normal. At different values ​​in each period, the cycle is considered irregular. This does not always indicate health problems, but it will not be superfluous to take tests and enlist the opinion of your doctor. The inconvenience of such a rhythm is the difficulty in detecting ovulation, which is not easy to calculate on a calculator with an irregular cycle. Here, more serious observations and methods are often required.
  • duration of bleeding. Usually, 3-7 days is a normal indicator, provided that it does not change monthly. A confirmation of the normality of the childbearing function is also considered the same degree of shade, density and abundance by day.

Ovulation Period Calculations

Having preliminary indicators, compiling an ovulation and conception calculator and calculating the best moments for it is quite simple. There is a special formula developed by specialists based on observations of the processes of cell nucleation. To understand where the numbers in the formula come from, you need to understand the phases and their length.

Phases of the menstrual cycle

Each time a woman's cycle includes three periods:

  • Follicular. A follicle is formed in the ovary, which increases significantly in growth from 5-9 days after menstruation. A cell is born in it, which, when it reaches a size of 22-24 mm, is considered mature. Growth and maturation time is different for each and depends on the level of estrogen and the rate of its increase as the cell develops. The average is 11-16 days.
  • Ovulation. Having reached the peak of maturity, the cell breaks the walls of the follicle and passes into the fallopian tube. Her path lies towards the uterus and it is desirable at this time for her to meet spermatozoa so that fertilization occurs. The phase depends on the length of the cell's life - 24-36 hours.
  • Luteal. It is characterized by an increase in the corpus luteum at the site of rupture of the membrane. It produces a hormone that prepares the uterus to receive the embryo. In the absence of fertilization, the cell dies, and the corpus luteum structurally collapses. The duration of the period is 14 days.

Therefore, such an accurate calculation of ovulation and a calculator or a well-designed calendar are necessary - after all, the cell lives only a day and being late will lead to the need to expect conception as early as next month.

So, we have learned the length of each period. It can be seen that only the last one is identical for all girls. There are, of course, exceptions when the luteal phase lasts 11 or 12 days, but this phenomenon is very rare.

Formula for calculating the day of ovulation

Therefore, the formula sounds like this: subtract 14 days from the length of the cycle. The resulting indicator indicates the magnitude of the first stage and helps to understand the moment of ovulation. Consider an example of a calculation algorithm:

  • If the last time the girl had blood discharge was on the 12th, and the length normally corresponds to 29 days, then the calculation is as follows: 29-14 \u003d 15.
  • Now you need to count 15 days from the 12th (the value of the calculated first period). It turns out 27.
  • The calculator shows the expected day of ovulation on the 27th of the current month.
  • It is necessary to plan a sexual life taking into account the reserve: every day in the period of the 25th-28th.

The margin is required not only to take into account some errors. It is associated with the vital activity of cells. Since the female lives for a day, her fertilization is possible even after the moment of exit from the follicle. And some male cells live up to 3 days, i.e. can function normally for a couple of days, until the rupture of the follicle occurs and the cell appears in the fallopian tube.

The video talks about the most common and reliable ways to determine ovulation

Irregular cycles - how to confirm ovulation

If the girl’s rhythms are irregular, a mathematical calculation can be carried out according to this principle:

  • Compare the cycles for several months.
  • Select the minimum value.
  • Take it into account in the formula.

It is clear that in this situation it is problematic to calculate the days of ovulation on a calculator and make a calendar for several months. The calculation takes place only for one month, after which you need to confirm it with additional methods or based on your feelings.

The structure of secretions during ovulation

The day of rupture of the follicle is best characterized by discharge from the cervix - thick, plentiful, viscous. They are compared with egg protein due to external and structural similarities. It is not possible to confuse them with other types of mucus, since from the beginning of menstruation they are practically absent. Recall how the structure of mucus changes at different moments:

  • follicular period. Mucus thickens due to the action of estrogen. Outwardly, it does not appear, therefore this time is called "dry". The function of mucus in this phase is to protect the uterus from microbes, because it forms a kind of “plug”. This also makes it difficult for sperm to move, since now they are not needed due to the lack of a cell. By the time the bubble matures, the discharge liquefies and to a small extent comes out.
  • Ovulation. A certain balance of the hormonal background is created: estrogen is reduced, progesterone increases, luteinizing - splashed out when the follicle ruptured. This changes the discharge to "egg white". This structure is most favorable for the movement of spermatozoa. Even if the ovulation calculator for conception failed, then having noticed such discharge, you can safely diagnose the imminent release of the cell. The period lasts 1-3 days, i.e. before and after the breakup.
  • luteal phase. The concentration of progesterone increases, the mucus thickens again. It does not differ in abundance and practically remains without attention. Before menstruation, there may be a slight liquefaction and a watery structure.

Breast changes after ovulation

Already after the release of the cell, when progesterone increases its effect in order to prepare the uterus for the adoption of the embryo and the breast for feeding, there is a slight increase in the mammary glands. The breasts may become tender and slightly sore. This will also report the presence of a cell in the genital tract.

Tests, measurements and medical procedures to confirm ovulation

In addition, girls with irregular processes can use tests, rectal temperature measurements (scheduling) and observe ultrasound.

The last option is the most reliable in this situation, since the doctor will inform you in advance about the moment of rupture of the follicle.

Online payments - features and capabilities

Having the calculated indicators at hand, you will need to enter them into the calculator columns:

  • Date of last menstrual period
  • Cycle duration
  • Number of days of bleeding
  • Set months for calculation

As a result, the girl has calendars for the number of months she ordered with the numbers already marked: menstruation and expected ovulation. The convenience of the service is undeniable. By saving or printing the result, it is easy to control your life and plan important events for conception. Of course, one should not forget about the error, confirming the marked dates.

If the girl did not keep observations, nothing will prevent her from doing the calculation if she remembers the dates of two menstruations. By choosing this ovulation calculation, you need to enter only two numbers into the online calculator. Having received the result, it is already possible to conduct analytics and note discrepancies. So you can identify deviations, re-calculate the cycles and make a new calculation according to current data.

Calculation of ovulation on an online calculator with an irregular cycle

If the cycle is not regular, you need to enter its smallest length. In this situation, you need to be prepared for a large degree of error in the received calendars. Since the calculations for a girl with a lack of regularity are not relevant, she should apply the basal chart method, guided by the following rules:

  • In the morning every day, measure the temperature rectally.
  • Mark it as a point on the graph.
  • After a period, connect the dots.
  • The moment when the curve descended sharply indicates the approaching moment of rupture of the follicle.
  • Almost immediately after this, a sharp “peak” occurs, indicating the release of the egg.

Starting next month, the girl will be able to accurately identify these "peaks" and plan sexual intercourse. You need to be prepared that any external factor can affect the temperature. Therefore, measurements are recommended to be done first, without even leaving the bed. When consuming alcohol or taking medication, you need to mark if the indicators differ in order to understand what caused the change.

With such a graph, you can confirm the calculation data of the ovulation calculator online or refute it. By the way, on it you can even notice the moment of attachment of the embryo to the uterus. But the changes in values ​​occur in tenths of a degree, which is the reason for the difficulty of recognizing the result from the graph.

Calculation of the sex of the child by the date of ovulation on the calculator

On our calculator, girls are offered an additional opportunity to calculate the sex of the child by the date of ovulation.

The following numbers are marked on the calendars:

  • Three days in which it is more likely to conceive a daughter.
  • Two days, optimal for a son;
  • The day of ovulation is the probability of having a son.

These parameters are scientifically justified and depend on the characteristics of male cells that affect the sex of the embryo. But it should be understood that mathematical data carry an error and do not take into account some additional factors.

Predicting the gender of the baby - what you need to know

If you want to influence the gender of your baby, it is better to do the calculation yourself by adjusting the indicators of the online adviser. So, first you need to remember which chromosomes determine the sex of the embryo and their main characteristics:

  • XY - a male embryo, obtained by fertilization of a female cell (X) by male ones, which are endowed with Y chromosomes.
  • XX - a female embryo, when fertilized by male X-type cells.

To correctly apply the online ovulation calculator to conceive a girl or a boy, you need to remember a few simple characteristics inherent in each type of male cell:

  • Y: active, fast, mobile. Under equal conditions, they will be far ahead of the X-cells and will reach the goal sooner. They live very little - up to 24 hours.
  • X: do not differ in speed, move slowly along the genital tract. They are distinguished by high vitality - up to 3 days. Sometimes - up to 5 days.

So, we know all the information needed to make a prediction. Now it is important to figure out at what point it is better to plan sexual intercourse in order to get the desired effect.

Conception of a boy

Experts recommend that we use the ovulation calculator to conceive a boy, assigning sexual intercourse clearly at the moment the cell exits, or when it is already in the genital tract. Let's take a look at what happens:

  • The cell is already in the desired position or is about to fit it.
  • Y-cells rapidly overtake her, leaving X far behind.
  • Fertilization takes place.

As you can see, everything is quite simple. We are offered to carry out the act on the day before and immediately after. In the second case, it is not worth abandoning the act in order to confirm the result. But do not consider it the main date, because the female cell may already disappear, since it lives only 24 hours. If you choose the day before, you need to be clearly sure of the exit of the cell. For example, if tests have confirmed a gap or specific discharge has already appeared. If there is no indirect evidence, it's not worth the risk, otherwise the Y-cells may not wait for the female one (they live 24 hours, as we remember).

conception of a girl

To conceive a girl by the date of ovulation, the online calculator advises us a few days before. Ideally, choose a date 2 days before the expected appearance of the cell and not repeat the acts later. In this case, the following processes take place:

  • A day after the act, Y-type cells die. At this time, there is still no female, therefore the conception of a son is excluded.
  • A day later, a cell appears in the genital tract, where its slow X-cells have already reached and are waiting for a long time.
  • Fertilization occurs with the predestination of the female sex.

All the days that the online forecast offers can be used in this situation. It's just not worth expecting a significant effect from earlier acts. Most likely, X-cells will not be able to hold out for so long, because their maximum lifespan of 5 days is extremely rare.

How to increase the likelihood of gender prediction

The whole difficulty lies in the fact that it is necessary to understand very clearly when ovulation occurs in order to calculate a favorable day for conceiving a girl on a calculator. Indeed, in this situation, neither tests nor observations will help - they show the day before, but 10-24 hours before, and we need a larger margin of time. Therefore, it is worth contacting specialists here to trace your processes on ultrasound. 2-3 days before the rupture, the doctor will already know the moment, based on the growth rate of the follicle.

You can also use microscopes that analyze saliva. They are able to show the change in salt crystals on the eve and on the day of ovulation. It is enough to follow the drawings of crystals for one month every day before ovulation in order to unmistakably understand in the next month which drawing falls 2 days before it.


Knowing how to make a calendar and correctly calculate the moment the cell appears, you can safely predict the best periods for conception, and even having the opportunity to predetermine the sex of your baby. In general, the online ovulation calculator helps you monitor your health by monitoring the timeliness of normal processes.



2022 "" - ultrasound examination of human organs