What if it rings in the right ear. Ringing in the ear: the interpretation of an ancient sign

Despite the fact that doctors say that tinnitus is usually caused by excessive excitability of brain cells, popular rumor says otherwise.

Pay attention to the fact that as soon as our ears are ringing, we involuntarily, on an intuitive level, try to make a wish and be sure to “find out” from the other person which ear is ringing? Why do people do this? Maybe it really is “medicine is medicine”, and folk signs are “implanted” into us by genes at birth?

What do the signs say about this?

  1. If the ringing is heard in both ears, it means they are saying something about the person (as they used to say in the old days, “they are whispering about you”). In principle, such a ringing is considered a bad and unpleasant sign. You will soon be able to hear a lot of new news that will affect you. Such news is not always pleasant for a person.
  2. Immediately after a ringing in your ear (any ear), you need to make a wish. If nearby standing man After that, if you guess which ear is ringing, then your wish will certainly come true. If he doesn’t guess correctly, it means the wish won’t come true.
  3. Ringing in the right ear is considered a harbinger of not only joy and well-being, but also quick success in your endeavors.
  4. When you have ringing in your ears, your guardian angel tells God about your sins. At this time, the angel is arguing with the devil. To help his angel, a person must immediately cross himself and not make any wishes, so that at this moment he does not sin even more and does not help evil prevail.
  5. The weather will change soon. Most likely it will start strong wind, perhaps even a hurricane or storm.
  6. There is a ringing in your right ear, which means you can expect warmer weather soon and the weather will change dramatically. If your left ear is ringing, then you can’t expect warmth; on the contrary, it will get colder.
  7. When your ears “ring” too often, you need to go under the belfry several times and listen to the ringing of the bells. After several visits the ringing will go away.

Every person has experienced tinnitus in their life. Ringing in the ears is normal and does not pose any danger, but its regular occurrence, sometimes accompanied by a headache, indicates the presence of problems that need to be identified and treated. Extraneous noises may be symptoms serious illnesses: from elevated blood pressure before oncology.

What is tinnitus

“Tell me, dear child, in which ear is my ringing?” The phrase from the cartoon did not raise any questions for anyone, because tinnitus affects every person. Short-term noise in the ear, buzzing, buzzing, squeaking, whistling, which is audible only to the person himself - this is movement eardrum or other parts. It’s worse when the ringing is repeated constantly, causes discomfort, and interferes with full life. Such manifestations are already a sign of pathology, hearing impairment, and damage to the hearing aid.

Why does my ears ring? The mechanism of noise formation itself is determined by the complexity of the structure of the hearing aid. The eardrum is in direct contact with the capsule, which contains bones that sense vibrations and transmit signals to the brain. Pulses are defined as sounds of varying pitches. At the same time, if a person believes that he is in complete silence, then this may not be the case. Ultrasound and infrasound are also processed by the brain, but it considers them unimportant and does not signal them, but the sound still affects the body.

Ringing in the head can be divided into objective and subjective. In the first case, the hearing mechanism itself is responsible for the creation of sound, its damage or direct exposure to external noise, the presence of diseases that, at first glance, are in no way related to the ears. Subjective ringing is a phantom sound phenomenon that often indicates psychosomatic disorders.


Tinnitus does not occur on its own: external or internal factors are needed to create the sound. Impact loud music, wind, prolonged exposure to noise (concert, construction site, factory floor, even city ​​street), constant stress can provoke independent sound formation when conditions change and hearing aid adapts. This process is sometimes painful, but is completely natural. Internal factors– a consequence of an illness or injury that must be identified. Causes of tinnitus:

Ringing in the left or right ear

side from which it is heard extraneous sound, ringing in the ear, which does not exist in objective reality, indicates the direction of development of the inflammatory process. Even with acute respiratory infections and respiratory diseases The lymph nodes are not inflamed identically, so the sound reaction sometimes occurs only in one ear. With osteochondrosis and other diseases, the sound migrates and does not constantly appear on one side.

Sound is clearly distributed in otitis and similar diseases when a specific auditory canal is affected. In case of injuries to the head, eardrum, or prolonged noise exposure, the ringing will be observed on the side where the greatest impact occurred (if we take, for example, being at a concert, the channel through which the person was closest to the speakers is injured). In all other cases, the side on which there is noise in the ear is only the starting point for the search. the real reason effect.

In the ears and head

If both ears and head ring at the same time, this indicates problems with blood pressure. Hypotension, hypertension, barotrauma, cerebral atherosclerosis, Meniere's disease and many others can cause ringing inside the head. Sometimes this symptom appears due to overwork or stressful extreme situations. It is worth mentioning separately the change atmospheric pressure– it often happens unnoticed, but in weather-sensitive people the effect of extraneous noise and ear congestion is possible (this has been observed by almost everyone who has flown on an airplane).

Persistent tinnitus in old age

Hearing loss in older people is often associated with two reasons. First - age-related changes bones that affect the auditory ossicles (the presence of otosclerosis). They thicken and eventually stop transmitting normally low frequencies. If you do not take medications to prevent these processes, hearing loss and complete deafness develop.

The second reason is natural problems with blood pressure, when its increase or decrease causes noise in the head. This problem can also be solved by taking medications and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Sometimes to characteristic sounds and noise can be caused by an incorrectly selected denture. Don’t forget about common age-related diseases that affect hearing.

Headache and tinnitus

Strong headache accompanied by a pulsating noise, in addition to the above reasons, may be based on stress and overwork. Even a person with healthy cardiovascular system may experience such attacks due to nervous overstrain. In this case, blood pressure (blood pressure) is normal, and the blood vessels of the brain are narrowed or dilated. To get rid of this condition, you just need to rest. However, if the sound is accompanied by dizziness and nausea, then you should consult a doctor, as there may be pathological changes brain

For a cold

ARVI and acute respiratory infections provoke the release of mucus in the patient’s nasopharynx, which is directly connected to the hearing aid through eustachian tube. Due to edema and exudates, airflow becomes difficult, which leads to the creation of negative pressure during inhalation. This produces unusual pressure on the hearing aid, which is how extraneous sounds appear. At timely treatment cold sound effects disappear along with the disease.

For otitis media

Otitis is a disease of the hearing aid that is associated with infectious diseases such as ARVI or external provoking factors. Due to the processes occurring inside ear canal and inflammation of the eardrum, extraneous unpleasant sounds may appear (clicks, noises, a feeling of fluid pouring inside when purulent otitis). Based on the location of the disease, the duration of therapy may vary, and for the internal form of the disease it is required hospital treatment.

For sinusitis

Sinusitis, serious disease, which provokes violation and even blocking normal movement air between the ear and nose. Because of this, unnatural pressure is formed in the ear canal, which provokes the appearance of congestion, extraneous sounds, and painful shooting of the eardrum. The problem is solved by treating sinusitis, because the symptoms will appear again, even if it is treated medications.

Under pressure

A pulsating ringing appears when the pressure of the blood vessels in the brain increases. When it decreases, deafness appears. The reasons become hypertonic disease, spasms of blood vessels in the brain, a sudden change in pressure, which may be associated with a sudden sharp physical activity. If the disease is chronic (as in older people), then this condition can be treated with medication, but if this has not happened before, then this is a reason to consult a doctor to prevent possible development pathology.


Primary medical examination performed by an ENT doctor. With pronounced colds, sinusitis often develops otitis media. Examination of the ear canal and eardrum will reveal inflammation, mechanical damage external auditory canal or the presence of cerumen plug. In the absence of such formations, the otolaryngologist will refer for more specific surveys to compile an anamnesis. There can be no specific recommendations, because there are many reasons for ringing and noise.

For Meniere's disease, gas and dehydration tests are performed. Audiography helps determine the mobility of the eardrum and auditory ossicles. X-rays, MRIs and similar methods reveal pathological changes in the inner ear, and vascular diagnostics– patency of the vessels involved in the hearing aid. Diagnosis of extraneous noise in the head begins with an appointment with an ENT specialist.

How to get rid

The ringing problem can only be solved by identifying the source of the problem. One-time congestion and loud noise in the ears can be eliminated by the so-called blowing (exhale into the nose pinched with your fingers). This method works when flying in an airplane, climbing mountains or descending below sea level. All other methods of eliminating noise and extraneous sounds, treatment methods are determined only by the disease that provokes the sound effects.

Traditional treatment

How to treat tinnitus? Drug and manipulative therapy are prescribed only after a clear diagnosis has been made. Self-medication can completely destroy hearing and lead to additional inflammatory processes. For example, internal otitis can lead to inflammation of brain tissue. Therefore it is important accurate diagnosis to successfully eliminate the cause and its symptoms. Some common diagnostic cases and their methods of treating tinnitus:

  • sulfur plug: washing to remove excess sulfur (however, you must remember that when chronic otitis media performing the procedure is contraindicated, it may cause aggravation);
  • otitis externa, mesotympanitis: drops as prescribed to calm inflammation (Sofradex, Otipax), antibiotics, painkillers, warming (in acute cases of suppuration, the eardrum is pierced to remove pus);
  • pathologies of cerebral vessels: Cavinton, Betasecr, Cinnarizine, others are prescribed vascular drugs;
  • stabilization of blood pressure in case of noise in the ears and head associated with surges in blood pressure (drugs are prescribed by the attending physician);
  • traumatic or chemical injuries, damage to the hearing aid (use of aggressive drugs in the treatment of other diseases) are almost not subject to therapy;
  • psychosomatic sound symptoms are treated exclusively under the supervision of a psychiatrist and neurologist.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies Treatments for tinnitus can be roughly divided into those that are directed at the hearing aid itself and those that are taken orally. Again, it must be repeated that time-tested grandmother’s remedies can be used only with the consent of the doctor. For example, when acute otitis media You should not instill hydrogen peroxide, and if you have arrhythmia, you should not drink untested decoctions that change blood pressure (in medications you can calculate required dosage). However, some recipes deserve attention:

  1. Sulfur plug can be dissolved oil drops. Regular will do olive oil, which should be instilled warm overnight into problem ear and cover with a cotton swab. In the morning, use a syringe without a needle to rinse with water (you need to carefully adjust the pressure so as not to damage the eardrum).
  2. For atherosclerotic murmurs, take infusions of rowan bark, clover, and lemon balm. Recipes can be found online in specialized forums. The main thing is that there is no allergy to these herbs.
  3. For acute headaches and tinnitus caused by overwork, compresses should be made: 2 tablespoons of ammonia per 0.5 liter of water, put a cloth soaked in the solution on the forehead for forty minutes. Alcohol solutions for tinnitus should be used very carefully, they can damage the eardrum.

Complications and prevention

The main complication to be wary of is constant noise in the ears, this is possible deafness. Moreover, it is not the extraneous sounds themselves that lead to it, but the diseases of which they are symptoms. Therefore, timely accurate diagnosis and treatment are absolutely necessary. Plus, the extraneous sound is annoying. nervous system, leads to insomnia, stress, loss of performance. memory disorders.

Prevention of ringing and tinnitus consists of two key factors. The first is to respect the sound ecology: do not listen to music through headphones at maximum volume, use earplugs in noisy workplaces, keep your ear canals clean, avoid loud sounds which lead to damage to the eardrum. The second factor is to monitor your own health, healthy image life and be sure to carefully monitor the medications that a person takes (some medications can damage the middle ear when long-term use).


Ears, according to popular belief, can not only pick up sounds environment, but also feel on a more subtle energy level.

Since childhood, we have been familiar with the belief that when your ear rings, you can make a wish. To do this, you need to ask the first person you come across which ear is ringing, and if the person answers correctly, then your wish will come true.

However, there are also more ancient superstitions in this regard. For example, our ancestors believed that a person had a guardian angel behind his right shoulder, and a demon behind his left. A ringing in your ear means that at this very moment one of the invisible companions over your shoulder is complaining about your sins to “higher authorities.” A ringing in your right ear meant that an angel was tattling on you, and in your left - that a demon sitting behind your left shoulder was reporting your sins.

The sign about why your ears are ringing has several meanings. Here it is important to consider in which ear the ringing is happening - in the right or in the left, or maybe in both at once. Let's try to figure it out.

Ringing in the left ear traditionally does not bode well. The sign about why the left ear is ringing has the following interpretation options.

Someone is spreading gossip about you. This is a sign that your ill-wishers have become more active and are washing your bones behind your back. Perhaps someone in your environment is planning something evil against you.

In order to prevent your enemies from ruining your reputation, you need to urgently identify the spiteful critic. Remember, maybe in the recent past you greatly offended someone or provoked envy with your boasting. Bad news, hypocrisy and deception await you. Be careful, don’t take for granted everything that people tell you. Don't jump to conclusions.

If your left ear is ringing, the omen also promises a change in weather. Cooler temperatures will set in soon, and rain and thunderstorms are possible. However, this interpretation also has a caveat. Ringing in the left ear in those born in the spring-summer period, on the contrary, indicates impending warming.

Sign: ringing in the right ear

The right ear, in turn, promises more pleasant events. Ringing in the right ear is a harbinger of good news. You should expect changes for the better, positive mood and favorable events.

It can also mean that other people are talking about you, but they only say good things. They praise you, they admire you, perhaps they want to promote you or thank you for something.

If at that moment when you were thinking about your plans or projects, you suddenly felt that your right ear was ringing, then you will be lucky in this matter. Feel free to start bringing your ideas to life. Rang in the right ear - wait for warming. It rings in winter - there will be a thaw, in summer - a hot dry time will come. But for those born in the cold season, this ringing, on the contrary, foreshadows a cold snap.

In England, however, there is a different idea of ​​what rings in the left ear and what in the right. It is generally accepted that ringing in the ears means that one of your parents has remembered you. Ringing in the ear on the left - your mother is thinking about you, ringing on the right - father.

Ringing in both ears

Esotericists give their explanation for ringing in the ears. Thus, it is believed that noise or ringing in the ears occurs in those people who do not want to listen to their own intuition, inner voice. This phenomenon also occurs among those who try to isolate themselves from the outside world, deny their true desires and needs.

However, the more common version of tinnitus is that someone is whispering about you in your absence.

In America, the interpretation of this sign is especially gloomy. There, ringing in both ears is considered an omen of the death of someone who is close to you at that moment.

This phenomenon is also commonly associated with changes in weather conditions. Noise in both ears at the same time may indicate sudden change weather, and in some cases - strong gusty winds, hurricanes or tornadoes.

How to neutralize a sign

IN Ancient Rus' it was believed that ringing in both ears was nothing more than a trick evil spirits. The only way to get rid of it was to ring a bell. It was necessary to go to church service, then take communion and stand for a while in front of the church bell. If the ringing does not stop, you need to do everything described several times.

To avoid negative consequences signs, you need to bite your little finger. It is believed that after this your enemies will stop gossiping and discussing you behind your back.

To neutralize the sign, you also need to cross yourself three times and repent to God of all your sins.

When our ears burn, we immediately remember folk signs and ask ourselves: “What is this for?” People say that ears burn for a reason. There is an explanation for everything.

Why is my left ear burning?

If it's on left ear , it means that your close relative or friend says something bad about you. It could also mean that you are being scolded. Moreover, negative statements can be said not out loud, but to yourself.

Why does the ear at a distance react to negative statements? It's simple. If they talk about a person in a negative way, then he feels it even from a distance. And it is the ears that give him this sign.

Among the people there is another meaning of this sign. Some people believe that if your left ear is burning, then someone you know simply mentioned your name in a conversation. But in this case, the ear does not burn so much, since the name was mentioned in a neutral way.

Why is my right ear burning?

If it's on right ear , then you are praised. If you start listing everyone possible people who can praise you in this moment and guess the name, then the ear will immediately stop burning.

If you believe another folk superstition, then the right ear burns when someone speaks very emotionally about you.

There are a few more signs about ears. Have you ever wondered why your ears are ringing? Perhaps this is also some kind of sign?

Why is there ringing in my ears?

Tinnitus also has a hidden meaning. The meaning of this superstition depends on which ear is ringing.

  • If your left ear is ringing, expect good news and good luck.
  • If on the right, expect bad news and troubles.

People have an interesting belief. If you have a ringing in your ear and there is someone next to you, then immediately make a wish and ask the person: “Which ear is ringing?” If he guesses right, then your wish will come true. If not, then what you want will not happen.

Pay more attention to the signals your body is giving you. Perhaps all these signs and superstitions are based on something more than just observations or fantasy? We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

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Even young children know that when there is an incomprehensible ringing in the ears, you need to ask in which ear they rang. Only after receiving a correct or incorrect answer, not everyone understands what it could mean. Some people rush to make a wish before the unidentified sound disappears, and then wonder if it will come true.

To find answers to all these questions, one must turn to the origins of Russian culture. Folk signs can clarify and suggest a lot to a person, the main thing is to choose the right interpretation.

There is a belief that if you manage to make a wish in those few seconds while the ringing continues, and the person next to you has time to correctly guess which ear “communicates” with you, then the wish will come true. Just do not be very upset if your interlocutor could not guess in which ear your ringing, because he could simply be mistaken. If your wish is destined to come true, then it will definitely happen.

What does the mysterious ringing mean?

  • A bad sign that portends the arrival of unpleasant news, unwanted conversations;
  • When both ears ring at the same time, then at that very moment someone is whispering about you;
  • If there is a ringing in the right ear, then it may become good sign. It is possible that soon you will enjoy your success and financial well-being.

Mystical sign

People believed that ringing in the ears occurs at the time when an angel reports to the Lord God about your sins. At this time, the devil is trying to confuse the forces of light and lead you into even greater sin, forcing you to make a wish in order to then use it against you. Don't give in to provocations evil force, better cross yourself 3 times and think about something good.

Tinnitus predicts the weather

If your ears are very ringing, and the weather outside is sunny and there is no sign of a storm, then it is better to prepare for its sudden change. At first, a strong wind may disperse, and then turn into a hurricane.

If only in the right ear the ringing is heard, this may indicate imminent warming; if only on the left- that unexpected cold snap. All this can be predicted at any time of the year.

How to predict the name of your betrothed?

There is another very interesting sign about ears. If you have not yet gotten married and want to find out the name of your betrothed, then ask someone to name any number at the time you heard a ringing in your ear. When the number is named, count so many letters in the alphabet. Whichever letter the count stops at, the name of the future spouse will begin with.

Good or bad sign?

Here the signs vary a little; according to some descriptions, you can rejoice at an unexpected ringing in the ears, as it promises the fulfillment of a wish; according to others, on the contrary, nothing good can come from ringing in the ears. If you want to believe in one of the signs, then it is better to choose the one that you like best. Try to remember it 2-3 times while you hear an extraneous sound in your ear, and then analyze what happened next.

If you managed to make a wish and soon it came true, then you can safely take this sign into service. If a hurricane began a few hours later, then your ears warned you about it, and will continue to warn you about it.

Or maybe in the process of observation it will happen that you discover completely new sign, which no one knew about before and it will become your personal. Indeed, since ancient times, people have collected folk predictions and omens in this way, passing each of them through their experience.



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