What does an increased number of platelets in the blood of a child mean. Decreased platelet count

Parents may be faced with the result of an analysis that showed that the baby has elevated platelets. A person without due experience in this area may panic. However, at the first stage, it is necessary to establish the causes of the process and familiarize yourself with all the options for treating the pathology. The number of these blood cells is associated with the health of a small patient. Elements are also necessary for the process of restoring the walls of the vascular system. Thanks to them, the blood can quickly clot. The normal life of children occurs only if there are enough of them in the body. Platelets help the child grow and develop properly.

What is considered the norm?

The platelet norm is determined by conducting a general clinical analysis. Only a doctor can decipher it correctly. Additionally, it should be noted that the result is indicated for 1 cu. mm.

An infant is characterized by a rapid growth process. Against this background, blood vessels also increase. When analyzing the results obtained, the number of platelets in newborns should be taken into account depending on their age:

  • A situation is considered normal when the number of these blood cells in an infant is in the range from 100 to 420 thousand.
  • If the child is already 10 days old, then this indicator is fixed at the level of 150 to 350 thousand days.
  • The platelet count becomes constant when the child reaches two years of age. Their number is individual for each, but should not go beyond 180 to 320 thousand.

Parents should be aware that for infants, the number of platelets in the blood should be less than 100-180 thousand. Otherwise, the baby may suffer from any sudden bleeding.

Additionally, it should be noted that during the analysis, the laboratory assistant also pays attention to the number of monocytes. These bodies develop in the presence of infection, inflammation, or any other chronic disease in the body.

Why can the number of platelets be increased?

Elevated platelets in infants are established if the analysis showed their deviation from the norm by at least 20 units. Parents should not try to eliminate this negative manifestation on their own. Only a doctor can solve the problem. He will prescribe all the necessary diagnostic procedures. They are necessary to detect diseases in the body of the baby.

Pediatricians claim that platelets in the blood are increased most often against the background of the negative impact of the following reasons:

  • Hematological disease, which is congenital or acquired.
  • The baby had previously been diagnosed with meningitis, pneumonia, or hepatitis. The manifestation also accompanies oncological diseases.
  • The infant had had serious spinal injuries in the past.
  • The symptom develops against the background of surgical intervention.
  • The baby was in a state of stress or excessive nervous strain.

The reasons directly influence the choice of further course of treatment. The first time the number of platelets should be determined by the child upon reaching the age of three months. However, it is advisable to carry out the study much earlier if the child has pathological conditions.

You can find out the number of platelets at any time. This factor directly affects the health and development of the infant. If the malaise is detected in time, then it will be possible to quickly and effectively get rid of the serious consequences and the transition of the disease to a chronic form.

Required indicators are determined on the basis of a blood test

Thanks to timely diagnosis in a newborn, it is possible to detect colitis in time. The disease gives the baby a lot of trouble, so he is constantly naughty and crying.

Features of the manifestation of the pathological condition

High platelets disrupt the child's body.

In this case, parents can recognize the following symptoms:

  • Periodic occurrence of bleeding from the nasal cavity.
  • In the feces of the child, parents will be able to see the streaks of blood.
  • Systematic tingling or pain appears at the fingertips.
  • Bruises appear on the skin. At the same time, the obvious reasons for the process are completely absent.
  • The baby's eyesight is deteriorating.
  • The baby is constantly in a lethargic and apathetic state.

Elevated platelets are very dangerous. In the presence of these negative manifestations, it is recommended to immediately seek advice from your doctor. The situation requires immediate diagnosis and treatment, otherwise the risk of developing serious complications increases.

Thrombocytosis in medical practice is divided into three types:

  • In the clonal form, the child has a lesion of stem cells. The situation is also typical for oncology. A child has disorders in the body that lead to the spontaneous formation of red blood cells.
  • The primary form of the disease is diagnosed if blood cells are formed spontaneously due to the rapid growth and development of red bone marrow. During the diagnostic process, doctors are able to identify a large number of these cells that have significant mutations in terms of shape and size. The disease is most often congenital.
  • The secondary form of the disease occurs against the background of the presence in the body of crumbs of various diseases. During the analysis, only minor deviations from the normal indicator will be detected. Most often, the situation develops against the background of inflammation or the active manifestation of oncology, tuberculosis or cirrhosis.

Thrombocytopenia can be correctly selected only in case of timely diagnosis. The exact cause of the disease can be determined by a hematologist based on the results of the tests.

Features of treatment

High or low platelets are not considered normal. The doctor is required to determine the cause of this negative condition in a timely manner. Otherwise, the therapy will not work, and the child's blood will continue to thin.

The most difficult thing is to bring the situation back to normal if the child has few platelets. The opposite clinical picture is regulated much easier. At the first stage of treatment, it is important for the doctor to establish what type of thrombocytosis is: primary or secondary.
To eliminate the symptoms and manifestations of primary thrombocytosis, Mielosan, Myelobromol and other drugs that have a cytostatic effect on the body are used. Their composition within a short time normalizes the number of platelets. Additionally, it is possible to restore the overall microcirculation of blood.

Bananas make blood thicker

Medications containing acetylsalicylic acid help to get rid of secondary thrombocytosis. With its help, it is possible to thin the blood for a short time. Thanks to properly selected drugs, it is possible to bring the number of platelets back to normal. Plateletpheresis is advisable to use only if this indicator in a child has already reached a critical point. The procedure involves the use of a special apparatus that removes the necessary components from the blood.

Diet is important. When diagnosing an increased number of platelets in the blood, one should not only take medications, but also start eating right.

Parents must adhere to a number of simple rules without fail:

  • The baby should drink as much water as possible during the day. However, it cannot be replaced by carbonated drinks. The diet should contain natural fruit drinks and juices in sufficient quantities. A composition of sea buckthorn, cranberries and viburnum has a positive effect on the body. To improve the healing properties of the drink, lemon, fish oil and olive oil are added to them. Thanks to this combination, it is possible to obtain the maximum therapeutic effect.
  • In the diet of the crumbs should not be fatty and fried foods. Spicy and smoked dishes also have a negative effect on the body.
  • A positive and healing effect has the use of a large number of fruits and vegetables. It is best to buy red fruits. Their total amount, which is planned to be eaten during the day, should be distributed evenly.
  • If platelets deviate from the norm, you should eat as much celery and figs as possible.
  • Regular consumption of plant foods in sufficient quantities helps to normalize a small imbalance in food.

If the disease was found in an infant, then his mother will need to eat on a special diet. In this case, all red fruits should be excluded from the diet. For a newborn, they are dangerous, because they can lead to the development of allergies or diathesis. A negative picture in the baby's body may also be due to mother's milk. She must feed him only with her breast. A negative impact is recorded in the case of feeding on cow's milk.

A drug to normalize the number of platelets in the blood

Prevention of the development of the disease

All doctors are sure that the disease is much easier to prevent than to deal with its consequences later. The general state of health of the crumbs directly depends on the mode of sleep and rest, nutrition. Parents should make sure to provide him with all the necessary resources.

You can prevent an increase in platelets in the blood by following the recommendations of a pediatrician:

  • Fruits and vegetables should be present in the diet of crumbs every day. Mom is obliged to buy only those of which she is completely sure of the quality.
  • Bananas, nuts and pomegranates noticeably increase blood viscosity. That is why they should be completely eliminated from the diet for a while.
  • The child should receive a sufficient amount of fluid every day. It is allowed to give him only clean water.
  • Parents should establish a rest regimen for the child. He must sleep at least 8 hours. It is best if he also rests for a few hours during the day.
  • Walks in the fresh air should be daily.
  • Equally important is the regular ventilation of the room. The procedure should be carried out at any time of the year.
  • Regular exercise helps improve health.

An increased number of platelets indicates a serious disorder in the child's body. This symptom should not be ignored. Only a qualified doctor will be able to correctly determine the cause of the deviations. Parents should understand that the earlier treatment is started, the more likely it is to achieve a positive effect in a short time. The task of any family is to raise a healthy child. That is why it is important to strictly follow all the recommendations of doctors.

And hello again to everyone who came to my blog! I am glad to both regular readers and beginners - everyone who is interested in the topic of development, education and health of our children! Today, my dear ones, I want to talk to you on a very serious topic, which can hardly be divided into safe and dangerous components, as often happened before. I often tell you that you should not panic for any reason and without. Now I urge you to do the same: keep a cool head, which will help you adequately respond to what is happening, make the right decisions and not lose your “orientation in space”. After all, today we will talk about a symptom that is alarming (or even dangerous) almost always. Let's discuss why platelets in infants can be elevated.

To begin with, of course, you need to know approximate guidelines in order to understand for sure when the indicators have already “overflowed their banks”.

Platelet norms

  • - for a newborn baby, the presence in the blood of 100 to 420 thousand platelets per cubic millimeter is considered normal;
  • - in the interval from 10 days to one year of age, this is already 150-350 thousand;
  • - after a year (now until the end of life) - 180-320 thousand.

Therefore, if your baby, for example, at 3 months old, has a newborn norm, you can safely talk about such a deviation as thrombocytosis. It arises, in simple words, “in different ways”:

  1. - with increased production of them in the body;
  2. - in case of violation of the regulation of their number (destruction of superfluous ones);
  3. - with their uneven distribution in the blood.

Various factors can cause such changes, we will return to them later, but now let's figure out what kind of attack this is, and where it can come from.

What kind of "beast" is this?

And this "beast" is, in fact, unpleasant, to say the least. It means your baby's blood is clotting too fast. In this case, the blood begins to form blood clots in the vessels. There are several types of thrombocytosis:

  • - clonal (with a defect in bone marrow stem cells, the formation of platelets goes uncontrollably);
  • - primary (occurs with hereditary or acquired blood diseases, enlarged platelets are present in the smear);
  • - secondary, or symptomatic, reactive (develops for many reasons).

What causes secondary thrombocytosis?

It can occur in such cases:

  • - an inflammatory process, when an increased production of platelets is provoked in the body;
  • - malignant tumors produce substances that stimulate large-scale production of platelets;
  • - removal of the spleen - a direct factor in the occurrence of thrombocytosis. At the same time, the mechanism for utilizing excess platelets disappears, while new ones do not cease to form;
  • - as a response, the body may respond by increasing the number of platelets to permanent blood loss (with cirrhosis of the liver or intestinal ulcer).

Yes, girls, I want to draw your attention to the fact that a small percentage of exceptions do exist. Sometimes an increase in platelets can occur due to fairly safe factors:

  • - when using certain drugs (corticosteroids, adrenaline, epinephrine or antibiotics);
  • - emotional overstrain;
  • - hypothermia.

Therefore, taking platelet tests with your baby, consider these factors, they can give a false result.

Therefore, if your baby has an increased number of platelets during the next examination, this is either a consequence of one of the above diseases that your little one has already been diagnosed with (you already know about their presence), or a reason to urgently find out exactly where the problem lies, and start treatment. Because, as you can see, most often it requires medical treatment (sometimes quite complicated).

Looking for the source of the problem

Of course, based on the platelet level alone, the doctor will not be able to make an accurate diagnosis, but on the other hand, he will have a direction in which to look for the root of the problem. He will prescribe several different examinations, tests, ultrasound of the internal organs.

Perhaps the pediatrician will send you for a consultation with a hematologist - a specialist in blood diseases, as well as a nephrologist, gastroenterologist, oncologist, infectious disease specialist - to understand why platelet growth actually occurs.

In addition, as you understood from everything that I said above, platelets can sometimes rise slightly for no significant reason - if the baby is overcooled or very nervous. Therefore, let's learn how to properly test for platelets.

  • In small children, blood is usually taken from the heel, or toe;
  • An analysis is taken on an empty stomach, only drinking is allowed (in infants - no earlier than 2 hours after eating);
  • It is necessary to exclude the “distorting” factors that I have already mentioned (cold, drugs, strong emotions);
  • For a more accurate picture, the analysis should be carried out at least 3-4 times with a break of several days.

We mobilize all forces

But still, girls, if the platelet count is not significantly increased (by 100-200 thousand), this is most likely a percentage of error due to distorting circumstances. In this case, with several repetitions of the study, this value will gradually come to normal values.

So, if your baby, say, with bronchitis, has a little jump in platelets, do not rush to worry. Wait until the baby recovers, and retake the analysis a few more times “to a healthy one”. But more significant numbers (600-800 thousand) are definitely a deviation that requires treatment.

But even in this case, you should not despair: modern medicine can do a lot, and sometimes it just works wonders. Your optimistic attitude and faith, love and care will also contribute to this to a large extent. Fight, don't give up, use every opportunity to help the baby.

Be prepared for the fact that doctors will prescribe your fry the treatment of the disease itself, and along with this, the treatment of thrombocytosis caused by it. These will be drugs to thin the blood, reduce clotting, improve microcirculation. For sure, you will be advised on a fortified diet (perhaps a course of age-related multivitamins).

There are a few things you can do for your little one to help ease their condition. For example, provide him with plenty of fluids. If you have already introduced complementary foods. exclude bananas, mangoes and rose hips from the child's diet, they contribute to thickening of the blood. But tomato juice or beets, which thin the blood, let's do it more often (of course, provided that the child has received them before, and these are not new foods in his diet).

Finally, I want to once again wish you sanity, strength and patience, my dears. And most importantly, of course - a favorable prognosis for doctors and a positive outcome of treatment! And even better - let the worries turn out to be unfounded!

As before, I urge you not to forget about my blog, to look at its pages more often - there is always new useful information here. Likes on social networks are also welcome! Good luck with raising your kids! May they be healthy! After all, the health of the child is the main happiness of his mother. Am I not right?


Elevated platelets in the blood of a child

A blood test showed that the child's platelets were elevated. What to do? What pathologies can such a deviation indicate? What treatment options does modern medicine offer? The number of platelets in the blood of a child is one of the most important indicators of health and general well-being. These elements of blood play an important role: they participate in the restoration of the walls of blood vessels, help to quickly clot blood, stop bleeding, and allow the body to fully develop and function.

Norm indicators for a child

Since the child is growing and developing rapidly, his body and blood vessels increase in size, the number of platelets at each age will be different:

  1. Platelets in the chest within the normal range range from 100 to 420 thousand.
  2. In children from 10 days to a year, these figures will be in the range of 150-350 thousand.
  3. Starting from the second year of life in children, the number of platelets will normally be from 180 to 320 thousand.

Pediatricians allocate a special place to blood tests and focus the attention of parents on the fact that the norm at any age should not be less than 100-180 thousand. In this case, the child may experience sudden bleeding.

When studying a platelet blood test in a child, the doctor pays special attention not only to red blood cells, but also to monocytes. It is these indicators that allow him to suspect the development of an infectious, inflammatory, acute or chronic disease.

Platelet increase factors

Elevated platelets in the blood of a child are indicators that differ from the norm by 20-30 units. You should not independently look for the cause of the deviation, you need to contact a specialist for additional diagnostic procedures and the identification of diseases.

Pediatricians say that high platelets can be for the following reasons:

  • hereditary or acquired hematological diseases;
  • development in the body of meningitis, pneumonia, hepatitis;
  • development of oncology;
  • received spinal injuries;
  • transferred surgical interventions;
  • severe stressful situations, nervous tension.

The number of platelets in the blood of a child is first determined at the age of three months. Parents can ask the doctor to take the test earlier if the child has serious health problems.

By determining the platelets in the baby, you can always control the correct physiological development of the child, avoid the occurrence of serious diseases and their transition to a chronic form.

In many cases, it is this analysis that makes it possible to diagnose colitis in the early stages, which disturb newborns, cause them constant crying and anxiety.

Platelet manifestations and types of thrombosis

An increased number of blood cells can be suspected by the symptoms that appear in children:

  • systematic bleeding from the nose;
  • the presence of blood streaks in the feces;
  • tingling or pain in the fingertips;
  • the appearance of bruises for no apparent reason;
  • decreased visual acuity;
  • lethargy, weakness, apathy.

If at least one of the listed symptoms is present in children, or it repeats at a certain frequency, then it is urgent to contact a pediatrician for additional diagnostics. What does the enlarged PLT analysis indicate? It indicates serious deviations in the work of the body.

To date, doctors distinguish 3 types of thrombocytosis:

  1. clonal thrombocythemia. A lot of platelets indicates damage to bone marrow stem cells or oncological formations. The baby's indicators are strongly deviated from the norm, and the process of formation of red cells becomes uncontrollable.
  2. primary thrombocythemia. In this case, the high platelet count is due to the uncontrolled growth of areas of red bone marrow. When diagnosing a child, doctors are faced not only with an increased number of blood cells, but also with altered shapes and sizes. Primary thrombocythemia is most often congenital.
  3. Secondary. The cause of its occurrence are various diseases. In this case, deviations in indicators will be insignificant. Having diagnosed secondary thrombocythemia, the doctor should examine the child for possible inflammatory processes, the initial stages of oncology, tuberculosis, chronic infections or cirrhosis of the liver.

Why is correct diagnosis important? The exact cause of the pathology is determined only after a bone marrow examination by a hematologist.

Treatment options

If the level of platelets in the blood is elevated, then the doctor first of all establishes the cause of this condition. Any treatment will be aimed at eliminating the cause, and only then will blood thinning follow.

As practice shows, an increased level of platelets is easier to return to normal than a low one. Also, to determine the treatment regimen, it is extremely important for the doctor to find out what kind of thrombocytosis the baby has - primary or secondary.

If primary thrombocytosis is diagnosed, then the following drugs are used:

  • Mielosan;
  • Myelobromol;
  • cytotoxic drugs.

They help to normalize the platelet count, improving the microcirculation of the blood fluid.

With secondary thrombocytosis, preparations based on acetylsalicylic acid are offered. They thin the blood, help to reduce platelets in the blood of a child. If platelets are elevated in a child to critical levels, then plateletpheresis can be used. In this case, a special device is used that removes platelets from the bloodstream.

Diet is one of the main treatment options. If a child has elevated platelets in the blood, then doctors strongly recommend that, along with drug therapy, adjust the diet.

Exceeding the norm can be corrected if the following rules are observed:

  1. The child should drink the maximum amount of fluid per day. It is strictly forbidden to give the baby carbonated drinks. Fruit drinks and juices from such berries perfectly thin the blood: sea buckthorn, cranberries, viburnum. If you add lemon juice, fish oil, linseed or olive oil to drinks, you can also get a wonderful therapeutic effect.
  2. Remove fried, fatty, spicy and smoked foods from the diet.
  3. Introduce more fruits, berries, vegetables into your diet. It is worth giving preference to red fruits and evenly distributing them throughout the day.
  4. Introduce celery and figs into dishes.
  5. If a child has a slight increase in platelets, then their number can be returned to normal by excluding food of plant origin.

If a newborn child who is breastfed suffers from such a problem, then the mother will have to follow the diet. From the listed list, she should not eat red fruits, they can cause diathesis in the baby. A baby can also suffer from milk. In case of a slight excess of the norm, the mother should refuse fresh milk, especially cow's.

Preventive actions

Any disease is easier to prevent than to treat. The correct functioning of the whole organism of the child directly depends on the daily routine and nutrition that the parent provides for him.

To avoid a sudden increase in platelets in the blood, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Eat vegetables and fruits every day. They must be natural, environmentally friendly.
  2. Limit your intake of bananas, nuts, and pomegranates. They increase the viscosity of the blood at times.
  3. Provide your baby with enough fluids. In addition to juices, compotes, the baby should have clean, filtered water during the day.
  4. Follow the daily routine. The child should fully rest, sleep at least 8-10 hours at night and 1-2 hours during the day.
  5. Every day you need to walk in the fresh air.
  6. Ventilate the room at any time of the year and in any weather.
  7. Do active sports.

Increased platelets in the blood of a child is a serious signal. A timely visit to the doctor will help to diagnose the cause of the deviation at an early stage and treat it. Every parent should understand that a child's illness is a test not only for a small organism. It is better to think over the day and diet of the baby in such a way that he grows up strong and healthy.


What does an increased number of platelets in the blood of a child mean?

The health of the child should be monitored throughout his growing up. It is important to evaluate not only the external signs of the general condition, but also to conduct a regular blood test of the baby. This study is shown to be carried out at least once a year and allows timely detection of various abnormalities in the blood plasma. What to do if platelets are elevated in a child. What does this mean, and what measures should be taken?

Analysis and norms

How many platelets in the blood plasma is determined during the clinical analysis. It is also called a general blood test. The material is taken from the patient's finger. After that, the resulting blood is mixed with special reagents. The final stage of the study is counting the number of platelets using a magnifying device.

Before taking blood, you must fulfill the standard requirements that are set for any analysis. It is necessary to refrain from eating, to exclude heavy physical exertion and stress. If the child is small, you can give him clean water. In infants, material is taken 2 hours after breastfeeding. Parents should try to calm the child before the analysis.

The number of platelets in the blood of a child must be monitored constantly, it is especially important to take an analysis if the baby is too tired, you notice that he often has nosebleeds or bruises. Also, the reason for going to the doctor should be if the child has increased bleeding of the gums, dizziness, and he has lost his appetite.

The plt norms for children are as follows:

When is the analysis done?

For the first time, platelets in infants are determined even in the maternity hospital. This analysis is necessary in order to timely identify or exclude the presence of congenital pathologies of the internal organs. After that, a blood test is taken from the baby at 3 months, during a preventive examination. Further down the schedule, analyzes are performed at 1 year, 2 years, 3 years, 6 years, and adolescence.

If the doctor has no reason to prescribe additional tests, this is enough to monitor the health of the crumbs.

If the doctor prescribes an additional analysis, this may mean that the child is often sick or the doctor suspects some abnormalities, such as iron deficiency anemia, fungal diseases, disorders in the internal organs, etc. An analysis is also prescribed to track the results of treatment, recovery in the postoperative period etc. Today, a clinical blood test is a fairly informative study that allows you to identify any abnormalities in the body in the early stages. Diagnosis is of particular importance for children under one year old, when an elevated platelet count is mortal.

Increasing performance

Why did a lot of platelets appear in the blood test? Elevated platelets in a child may indicate the development of thrombocytosis. This condition is dangerous by the possibility of blood clots in the vascular system. This pathology develops against the background of the following diseases:

  • Erythremia.
  • Violation of the functions of the spleen.
  • Stress.
  • Physical exercise.
  • infectious diseases.
  • Fungal infections.
  • Worm infestations.
  • Lack of iron in the blood.
  • Pathology of the liver.
  • Oncological diseases.

In addition, increased platelets in the blood of a child may be due to the intake of certain drugs, after extensive injuries or surgical treatment. Any deviation from the norms in the blood test in the direction of a decrease or increase indicates a violation of the child's body. It should be remembered that the age of the baby is the main factor for calculating the norms.

Symptoms of thrombocytosis

Thrombocytosis, what does it mean? The diagnosis of thrombocytosis is made to a child only when the number of platelets in the blood is several times higher than normal. Parents should carefully monitor the child's condition. High platelets can be suspected if the following symptoms are present:

  • Frequent headaches.
  • Enlargement of the spleen.
  • The presence of thrombi.
  • Numbness of hands and feet, with characteristic tingling.
  • General weakness.
  • Frequent dizziness.
  • Itching of the skin.
  • Disorders of the nervous system.
  • Pain in the region of the kidneys and impaired urination.

Also for childhood, with an increase in plt in the blood test, nosebleeds, bleeding gums and inexplicable bruising on the body are characteristic. All these manifestations indicate that the child has a disturbed balance of platelets in the blood, and an urgent need to consult a doctor.

Parents should remember that platelets in children play an important role in maintaining the health of the whole body.

Today, doctors distinguish three types of thrombocytosis - primary, secondary and clonal. Primary and clonal thrombocytosis develops against the background of a violation of the bone marrow. However, most often in medical practice there is a secondary form of thrombocytosis in children. It develops against the background of infectious, fungal or viral diseases. Also, frequent bleeding and trauma contribute to its development.

Elevated platelets in the blood today are successfully treated, which significantly reduces the development of dangerous consequences. First of all, if the plt analysis showed an excess, you need to look for the reasons for the deviation. For this, the child may be assigned additional examinations and consultations of narrow specialists, such as:

With an increase in plt in a blood test, a small patient needs to conduct additional tests, among them:

  1. Determination of serum iron and ferritin.
  2. Control of C-reactive protein and seromucoid group.
  3. Blood coagulation test.
  4. Ultrasound examination of internal organs.
  5. Bone marrow analysis.

These studies and diagnostic procedures will help to identify the true cause of high plt in order to prescribe adequate and effective treatment. Until the results of the analysis are obtained, the baby may be prescribed drugs from the group of cytostatics. In the case when the plt in the blood test is increased tenfold, doctors can perform plateletpheresis to remove excess cells from the blood. Further treatment depends on the primary disease and the form of thrombocytosis.

In addition to drug therapy, the child must definitely adjust the diet. Foods such as bananas, walnuts, rose hips, and mangoes can increase platelet count. These products should be discarded in the children's menu. Lower platelets contribute to fresh berries, beets, vegetable oil, tomato juice, compotes and fruit drinks. The diet should be made after consultation with a hematologist and nutritionist. An infant with an elevated platelet count should be fed mother's milk for as long as possible.

Children who are already one year old should definitely include dairy products, seafood and red meat in their diet. You also need to make sure that the child eats a sufficient amount of vegetables and fruits. Rational nutrition will help the baby to fully develop and get rid of the problems of desolation of the blood.

According to the observations of doctors, with an increase in platelets in children, they most often encounter in the summer. Summer is not only a time of rest, but also a period of spread of various infections. Also in the summer months, the level of platelets in the blood can exceed the level of banal dehydration, which happens from a long stay in the sun or as a result of vomiting and diarrhea from infectious diseases. To maintain a normal level of platelets at this time will help to drink plenty of fluids, vitamin food and the correct daily routine.

Every parent should remember that careful monitoring of the child's condition and timely access to a doctor will help to identify any abnormalities at the earliest stages. Thrombocytosis in childhood is a danger to the health of the crumbs, and therefore a blood test is a necessity for assessing the condition of the child. Any indisposition of the baby should be the reason for going to the doctor, remember that the health of the child is your responsibility. Your actions will determine how healthy your baby will be in adulthood.


How to find out about the health of a small person when he himself still does not know how to communicate with the outside world? The easiest and most effective way is to take his blood for analysis. This amazing substance is like a biological hospital card: it will tell everything that happens inside the child's body. Among these informants will be platelets - blood cells, which play a special role.

What are platelets?

The life of platelets is short (up to 10 days), but very responsible. After all, thanks to these cells, a person does not bleed from wounds, the wounds themselves do not remain forever, but heal, moreover, platelets help our body to steadfastly defend against various viruses and bacteria.

Platelets are produced in the bone marrow and destroyed in the liver and spleen. This process is continuous - some cells are just being born, others are dying - so that at the same time in the human body there are young and old platelets, mature and already incapacitated. Therefore, their quantitative composition in the blood is not constant - plus or minus 10% of the norm.

It would seem that if these are such important cells, then is it worth using such a concept as the norm in relation to them? Yes, it’s worth it: an excess of platelets is just as dangerous to health as their deficiency. The body must maintain a balance between newly formed cells and those that have already served their purpose. And this balance must be checked by pediatricians in their little patients.

What is the normal platelet count in children?

The number of platelets depends on many factors, and above all on the age of the child and his physical condition at the time of the test. Since this indicator is “floating”, its normative boundaries are defined quite widely.

The norm of platelets in children of different ages:

In order to determine the number of platelets in the blood of a child, he needs to pass a general blood test. It is recommended to do this at least once a year in order to timely detect deviations from the norm, which may indicate the presence of health problems.

If the platelet count is below normal

Thrombocytopenia is a disease in which there is a low level of platelets in the blood. In children, it can be provoked by the following reasons:

  • heredity;
  • oncology;
  • anemia, which is caused by a lack of vitamins;
  • toxoplasmosis;
  • pathologies of the thyroid gland;
  • allergies;
  • transferred infectious diseases (for example, measles and rubella);
  • taking medications, in particular antibiotics;
  • prolonged bleeding.

Thrombocytopenia is recorded in every second premature baby. Babies whose birth was accompanied by asphyxia, children with insufficient weight and with weak immunity can suffer from it.

The following facts should cause alertness among doctors and parents:

  • in case of injuries, the wounds do not heal for a very long time, it is difficult to stop the blood with cuts and abrasions;
  • there are a lot of bruises on the child’s body for no apparent reason;
  • nose often bleeds;
  • gums bleed.

This indicates a very low blood clotting, which is due to a lack of platelets.

If the cause of thrombocytopenia is a serious disease in which the level of platelets is significantly reduced, then the child is shown additional diagnostics and subsequent treatment in a hospital setting. If the deficiency of blood cells is not critical, then it can be replenished independently.

If the platelet count is higher than normal

If the number of platelets deviates from the norm towards an increase, then we are talking about thrombocytosis - a phenomenon in which the blood becomes very thick and viscous. There may be several reasons for this. They are divided into two groups - primary and secondary.

Primary thrombocytosis is called thrombocytosis, in which too many platelets in the blood are caused by pathological processes in the bone marrow, that is, where platelets are produced. Tumor degeneration of cells leads to their excessive formation.

Secondary thrombocytosis is noted as a consequence of various diseases. The most common causes of thrombocytosis are:

  • diseases of the liver and kidneys;
  • oncological diseases;
  • viral infections;
  • tuberculosis or pneumonia;
  • iron deficiency in the body;
  • damage to internal organs or surgery;
  • taking certain painkillers, antifungal and anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • excessive physical activity.

The child's body is constantly in development, which means that it is constantly experiencing physiological stress. In such conditions, the chances of a threat of thrombocytosis are very high. It is a threat, since this disease is dangerous due to potential blockage of blood vessels by blood clots.

How to normalize the level of platelets in the blood

If the excess or lack of platelets is not caused by critical reasons that require urgent medical intervention, then you can restore the balance of these blood cells at home. The most effective method is to make the right diet.

With a lack of platelets, foods rich in vitamins B, K and A, iron, folic acid and taurine will be useful. The list of daily children's menu must include:

  • buckwheat;
  • red meat and fish prepared in any way;
  • beef liver;
  • hard cheese;
  • legumes;
  • eggs, especially yolks;
  • apples;
  • bananas;
  • walnuts;
  • vegetables and greens, especially cabbage, spinach, dill and asparagus.

Extremely useful for thrombocytopenia will be juices of chokeberry and pomegranate, decoctions of wild rose and nettle.

Foods that thin the blood are contraindicated in platelet deficiency. This list includes:

  • olive oil;
  • some berries, in particular blueberries, raspberries;
  • ginger;
  • chocolate.

With thrombocytosis, that is, an excess of platelets, you should pay attention to foods rich in antioxidants, iodine and vitamin C, which, on the contrary, contribute to better blood thinning and prevent thrombosis. So, on the dining table, at which a child with a high platelet count in the blood sits, there should be:

  • tomatoes;
  • olive or linseed oil;
  • ginger;
  • onion and garlic;
  • figs;
  • citrus;
  • chocolate.

Of the drinks, sea buckthorn and orange juices, green tea, and cocoa will be useful. In general, with an excess of platelets, it is recommended to drink as much liquid as possible - this will help reduce the density of the blood.

You should be afraid:

  • from fruits and berries - chokeberry, mango, pomegranate, bananas;
  • from everyday food - carbohydrate and fatty foods, as well as animal fats.

Never drink carbonated drinks.

Remember that proper nutrition is not a panacea if some serious illness has become the cause of the platelet imbalance in the child's blood. You should not neglect the advice and recommendations of a doctor. As for preventive measures, fresh air and physical education are what a child should make friends with in order to have the maximum chance of healthy blood.

Small plates of blood, platelets, like erythrocytes and leukocytes are equal and no less significant elements of the blood.

In a newborn, it is necessary, since the quality of coagulation depends on their quantity.

In case of damage to any area, it first occurs among themselves, and then adheres to the site of damage to the vessel. The formed thrombus eliminates bleeding.

Decreased level of platelets in the blood

Important: If in newborns the normal number of platelets is from 100 to 420 thousand units / μl of blood, then with growing up it fluctuates and from 10 days to a year it is from 150 to 350 thousand, and in one-year-olds and older it is from 180 to 320 thousand units / μl . (µl - 1 thousandth of 1 milliliter)

If the indicators of blood platelets are below the indicated limits of the norm, then they speak of a disease - which can be primary and secondary.

Causes of primary thrombocytopenia:

  1. The fetus and mother have incompatibility for platelet antigens
  2. The fetus and mother have blood type incompatibility
  3. The child was born from a mother with lupus erythematosus

Causes of secondary thrombocytopenia:

  1. Anemia
  2. Introduction during resuscitation of various drugs, for example, hormones, analgesics, antibiotics
  3. Viral, infectious diseases of the respiratory system
  4. allergic reactions
  5. Lack of vitamin B-9 (folic acid), which is responsible for the formation of blood cells, leading to insufficient production of platelets by bone marrow cells
  6. Fetal prematurity, postmaturity
  7. Acute asphyxia in nature

All of these children have a fairly high mortality rate. More often, infants with low body weight and those who received the necessary intensive care were subject to this problem.

Possible consequences of low platelets

When, when the blood becomes liquid, it does not coagulate well, even minor bruises cause bruising on the child's body.

Minor scratches bleed, not to mention cuts. There is always a risk of massive bleeding.

Parents should pay attention to the appearance of bleeding gums, causeless bleeding from the nose.

Particularly alarming factors are the staining of urine in pink color, vomiting with blood and black stools.


What to do with thrombocytopenia? This will be resolved after the cause of this pathology is identified.

In the case of a secondary etiology of a decrease in the level of platelets, the identified diseases of the child are treated.

With a primary cause, bed rest is mandatory. Treatment is long, possibly several months. Feeding only donor milk.

Hormonal preparations, immunoglobulins are introduced, a donor platelet mass selected especially for a particular child is transfused.

Askorbinka, rutin, which strengthen the vascular wall, are shown. It is possible to remove the spleen, where “poor-quality” blood platelets coming from the bone marrow are deposited.

If the removal of the spleen did not bring the expected result, it is necessary to use the method of suppressing the patient's immunity.

Such a decision is taken, of course, not from a good life, only as an extreme measure. Moreover, previously administered hormones also suppress immunity.

The drugs of choice are Vincristine, Cyclophosphamide. But even with careful selection of drugs, it is not possible to predict the result.

The treatment is long, three to five months. Possible complications - the development of tumors, infectious diseases.

Sometimes plasmapheresis is performed (), when plasma with toxins is removed, and red blood cells are returned to the vascular bed.

If a child has elevated platelets in the blood, this indicates, first of all, an imbalance in hematopoiesis, when more PLT cells are produced than are consumed.

What leads to an overproduction of platelets and why can a child's test for PLT cells be increased? The reasons for the deviation of test results from the norm in children are mainly physiological, temporary. High platelets in a child caused by bone marrow disease are, according to statistics, extremely rare.

Thrombocytosis in children

Platelets in the blood of a child are responsible for the efficiency of the coagulation system, which is manifested by a quick stop of bleeding through the formation of a dense blood clot. An increase in the number of platelets is accompanied by:

  • nosebleeds;
  • pallor, coldness of the skin;
  • tingling, pain in the fingertips;
  • skin itching;
  • blurred vision;
  • tissue swelling;
  • fast fatiguability.

If the platelet count in a child is higher than normal, then this condition is called thrombocytosis. The excess of indicators for thrombocytosis, compared with the value of the upper limit of normal for age, is more than * 10 9 / l.

Normal indicators for children are considered values ​​​​(* 10 9 / l):

  • in the first 2 weeks of life -;
  • from 2 weeks to 10 months -;
  • at the age of 10 months - 1 year -;
  • from 2 years of age - up to 5 years20;
  • from 5 years - up to 10 years -;
  • from 10 years to 15 years -;
  • from 15 to 18 years old - 180 - 320.

In girls during menstruation from 14 to 18 years old - 75 - 220.

According to the origin of the increase in the content of platelets, thrombocytosis is distinguished:

  • primary (essential) - caused by accelerated production of platelets in the bone marrow;
  • secondary or reactive - arising from various diseases, taking medications, as a concomitant phenomenon of natural physiological processes.

Primary thrombocytosis

An increase in platelets caused by a disease of the bone marrow and a violation of the reproduction of stem cells in the bone marrow occurs in children, for example, in the initial stages of polycythemia vera (erythremia). With this disease, the number of erythrocytes, platelets and leukocytes increases.

Pathology is rarely detected in childhood, but erythremia in a child is more severe than in an adult. The disease is manifested by an increase in platelets, an increase in plasma viscosity, and the formation of blood clots.

In a blood test, a child has a significant excess of the platelet norm:

  • indicators of PLT increased by more than 6 times and amount to 0*10 9 /l;
  • large platelets, as well as platelets with various structural defects, can be found in the smear;
  • increased neutrophils with a shift to the left, i.e. with the appearance of young immature forms;
  • sometimes slightly elevated eosinophils;
  • enlarged spleen.

Primary thrombocytosis is characterized by a chronic course. Without treatment, the number of platelets constantly increases. With treatment, the prognosis is favorable.

Causes of secondary thrombocytosis

An increase in the level of blood platelets in children is noted in diseases:

  • hematopoiesis with iron deficiency;
    • hemolytic anemia;
    • large blood loss;
    • chemotherapy;
  • removal of the spleen or part of it, asplenia - congenital absence of the spleen or atrophy of this organ;
  • inflammatory;
    • osteomyelitis;
    • sarcoidosis;
    • Kawasaki disease;
    • rheumatoid arthritis;
    • chronic hepatitis;
    • collagenosis;
    • scleroderma;
    • dermatomyositis;
    • hemorrhagic vasculitis;
    • pancreatitis;
    • enterocolitis;
  • infectious;
    • bacterial - pneumonia, meningitis;
    • viral - diseases of the liver, digestive tract, encephalitis;
    • fungal - infection with Candida fungi, aspergillus;
    • worm infection;
  • oncological;
    • neuroblastoma;
    • lymphomas;
    • hepatoblastoma;
  • taking medication;
    • sympathomimetics;
    • corticosteroids, including inhaled;
    • antimitotics - anticancer drugs;
  • injury.

An increase in platelets in the blood of a child most often does not pose a threat to life, and serves as a compensatory mechanism that contributes to the restoration of affected organs after an illness. The body produces more platelets, since platelets are needed to repair the inner lining of damaged blood vessels and build new capillaries.

Increased production of PLT cells in children develops after an infectious disease. The reason for the increase in the content of blood platelets can be transferred pneumonia, colds, bronchitis, osteomyelitis.

Drug-induced platelet increase

A child may have an elevated platelet count if treated for many days for cough or sinusitis with inhaled corticosteroids such as dexamethasone.

Among the side effects of the action of certain drugs containing glucocorticosteroids, the possibility of increasing platelets is also found. Corticosteroids dexamethasone, hydrocortisone, prednisolone are part of complex drops from the common cold.

Bronchial asthma, allergies, allergic rhinitis, urticaria are treated with the use of a sympathomimetic (vasoconstrictor drug) ephedrine. Ephedrine is available in tablets, injections, and is also part of various drugs that are prescribed for children with otitis, cough, and runny nose.

This means that when elevated platelets are found in a child’s blood, especially after a recent acute respiratory viral infection or otitis media, this violation does not necessarily indicate a serious illness.

Increased analysis rates may be due to side effects of drugs. And this is another argument against self-administration of any medicines and self-medication.

An increase in platelets provoked by medication refers to temporary physiological abnormalities that do not require treatment and resolve on their own. But a doctor must prescribe medications, and the course of treatment should be monitored by laboratory tests.

Increased platelets in children under one year old

In newborns, platelets are elevated compared to the norm in adults. And the test results often scare parents. But are elevated platelets in a child under one year always a sign of a congenital pathology or illness?

Dr. Komarovsky points out that in children of different ages, the norms of PLT cells are different, and this suggests that, before concluding that a child is ill, when platelets are elevated, one should familiarize himself with the decoding of the analysis and the norms of their content in the blood.

In a child under one year old, platelets may be elevated due to a temporary physiological disorder caused by:

  • previous respiratory or intestinal infection;
  • surgical intervention;
  • anemia in newborns;
  • withdrawal syndrome at birth from a mother suffering from alcoholism or drug addiction.

An increase in the number of PLT cells in infants can be caused by a violation of the drinking regime, passive smoking. Increased platelets in the blood in the acute stage of iron deficiency anemia in infants born prematurely. The rise of platelets in premature babies with iron deficiency anemia can exceed 500 * 10 9 /l.

However, in babies up to a year, increased thrombocytosis, in general, does not cause complications in the form of thrombosis or spontaneous bleeding - hemorrhages. Even when platelets in the blood of an infant are overestimated to 1300 * 10 9 / l, the body is able to compensate for the violation on its own.

For a successful recovery, the child must be under medical supervision. You can learn about ways to reduce platelets on another page of the site.

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Elevated platelets in a child

Platelets are tiny blood cells that do not have a nucleus. They are produced by megakaryocytes, cells in the bone marrow. The main function of platelets is to ensure blood clotting, that is, these are elements that stop its outflow.

The deviation of their number from the permissible norm up or down is fraught with serious negative consequences.

For example, low clotting can lead to death even in the case of minor tissue damage. But high levels of platelets are also dangerous to health.

What to do when platelets are elevated in a child? The answer to this important question can be obtained by familiarizing yourself with the properties of this blood component and its effect on health.

Mechanism of action

It may seem strange that such tiny blood cells have such a significant role in the life of the body. How does it happen?

The bottom line is this: platelets accumulate in large numbers where there is tissue damage, accompanied by blood loss. Here they combine and collapse, forming a protective sphere in the form of a blood clot, which stops the bleeding.

In addition to performing this function, platelets provide nutrition to the protective layer of blood vessels - the endothelium.

Platelet norm

The detection of high platelets in the blood of a child does not make it possible to make an accurate diagnosis, but determines the direction of further actions in the examination.

Exceeding the permissible values ​​indicates the presence of pathology. That is why it is so important to know the level of these elements.

In laboratory tests, the platelet count is abbreviated as PLT (from Platelets - plate).

The number of blood cells changes with age, as clearly evidenced by the table, which indicates the permissible values ​​of the norm:

Numerical indicators (in microliters - µl)

In a newborn baby

First week - month

1 to 6 months

For a child under one year old

A physiological feature is significant deviations from the norm in girls at the beginning of the menstrual cycle. These values ​​can be otdomkl.

Indicators in children under one year

High values ​​of platelets in the first years of life are explained by the intensive development of all organs and systems of the baby. Accordingly, the number of platelets, which ensure normal blood clotting, is rapidly increasing.

In an infant, the maximum values ​​\u200b\u200bare considered the norm. The content of platelets stabilizes from 3 to 8 years. The average platelet volume of 0000 µl remains until adulthood.

The need for timely examination

In order to regularly monitor the child's health, on the recommendation of a pediatrician, it is necessary to systematically conduct a complete blood count. This will make it possible to track all the processes occurring in the body.

Determining the level of platelets is an important part of such an analysis.

The course of the procedure

Blood for research is taken from a vein or a finger. In infants - from a wreath on the leg, sometimes from the heel.

Despite the fact that no preparation is required before the analysis, you should still follow simple rules:

  1. Do not eat or drink before the procedure.
  2. In infants, blood for analysis is taken before feeding or 2-3 hours after it.
  3. Eliminate emotional and physical stress.
  4. Avoid hypothermia.
  5. Warn your doctor about taking any medications.

All of these factors can affect the results. To obtain the most reliable indicators, a blood test is recommended to be carried out 3 times at intervals of 2-3 days.

Blood sampling to determine the content of platelets is carried out in the district clinic or a specialized diagnostic center. Test results can be obtained within a few hours.


Of particular concern should be:

  • the appearance of bruises in a child;
  • nosebleeds;
  • gum bleeding.

You can not ignore the baby's complaints of headache, lack of appetite, drowsiness.

Primary thrombosis is accompanied by an increase in the spleen, the formation of blood clots in the vessels, bleeding in the digestive organs.

At the same time, it is observed:

  • severe itching;
  • pain in the fingers and toes;
  • high heart rate;
  • jumps in blood pressure;
  • coldness in limbs.

Such symptoms should not be ignored and require a mandatory visit to the doctor in order to identify the cause of this condition.

Indications for examination

The need for regular blood tests arises if the following pathologies are observed:

  • anemia caused by a lack of iron in the child's body;
  • viral and bacterial infections;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • oncological pathologies of the blood;
  • spleen diseases.

Examination in the presence of such pathologies should be carried out strictly on the recommendation of a doctor. In other cases, with a preventive purpose - once a year. Timely detection of deviations from the norm will be a prerequisite for preventing serious consequences.

Causes of violations

In most cases in childhood (including infancy), the following pathological conditions are the main cause:

  1. A significant excess of the production of flat blood cells by the bone marrow. This is erythremia.
  2. Violation of the process of utilization of blood platelets, observed due to the removal of the spleen.
  3. Redistribution of platelets in the bloodstream. Manifested as a result of emotional stress, depression.

The diagnosis of “thrombocytosis” is made with significant deviations from the norm: lower and higher. Temporary changes in indicators after SARS and other colds are corrected in the course of an adequate course of treatment.

Varieties of thrombocytosis

Identification of the root cause of high platelet counts is possible only on the basis of the results of a thorough examination of the blood, followed by examination of the patient using instrumental devices.

A complex disease, which is accompanied by an increase in the content of platelets in the blood, has two etiological forms. They develop due to the manifestation of a number of factors:

  1. primary thrombocytosis. This is a hereditary disease. Less commonly, it develops against the background of myeloid leukemia and erythremia.
  2. secondary thrombocytosis. The provocateur of this type of pathology is viral and bacterial infections: hepatitis, pneumonia, toxoplasmosis and even SARS. Any inflammation caused by an infection is accompanied by a significant increase in platelets.
  3. In the blood test, in addition to the cases described, a high count of blood cells is found after surgery. Most often after removal of the spleen.

The stress or physical overwork suffered by the child becomes a prerequisite for an increase in platelets.


The main direction of therapeutic treatment are measures that thin the blood. This is due to the fact that when platelets in children are overestimated to a large extent, this is accompanied by a thickening of this biological fluid.

Methods such as taking medications and following a diet that includes eating foods that help normalize the level of squamous blood cells are used.

This takes into account the fact that blood thinning alone cannot eliminate the root cause that contributes to the increase in performance.

Medical therapy

Depending on the type of pathology, an individual course is selected for small patients:

  1. In the treatment of primary thrombocytosis, Mielosan and Myelobromol from the group of cytostatics are prescribed.
  2. Complex forms of the disease require the elimination of platelets using a special procedure - thrombocytopheresis.
  3. In order to prevent the likelihood of blood cells sticking together, drugs are used to improve blood microcirculation - Aspirin, Trental. Appointment of Aspirin is allowed only in the absence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  4. The detection of blood clots or symptoms of ischemia suggests the appointment of Bivalirudin, Argotoban and Heparin. In this case, the number of platelets is examined daily.
  5. Treatment of secondary thrombocytosis necessarily involves the elimination of the pathology that was the root cause of the excess of normal values. This prevents the formation of blood clots.

Increased values ​​of blood cells are normalized after the elimination of the underlying disease.

In the presence of hematopoietic defects, one cannot do without the use of special drugs that help thin the blood and lower the number of platelets. But they should be taken strictly according to the prescription of a pediatrician or hematologist, observing the recommended dosage.

The role of nutrition

In addition to drug treatment, it is recommended to pay special attention to the use of products in the child's menu that help reduce high platelet counts.

It is desirable for a child up to a year to provide breast milk feeding, but at the same time, the mother needs to reconsider her diet, enrich it with vitamins and essential trace elements.

For older children, to consolidate the effect of the use of drugs, it is necessary to introduce products into the menu that have the property of thinning the blood.

The most beneficial effect on the level of platelets in the blood is the use of the following foods:

  • red beets;
  • lemon juice with pulp and chopped zest;
  • cranberry and sea buckthorn fresh;
  • seafood;
  • pomegranates;
  • garlic;
  • dairy products - sour cream, cottage cheese, kefir.

Also, the use of grape juice, red meat contributes to a decrease in platelets. An obligatory component of a balanced diet should be fish oil and linseed oil.

The use of fluid in sufficient volume also has a beneficial effect on the level of platelets, prevents blood clots. In addition to simple boiled water, the child is offered compote, vegetable decoction, green tea.

Possible consequences

The greatest danger is the likelihood of blood clots. They can block the lumen of the vessel. As a result, edema, vascular stenosis, ischemic disease, thromboembolism, and infarction appear. This is fraught with a threat not only to health, but also to the life of the child.

Prevention of thrombocytosis, in addition to proper nutrition, provides for timely access to specialists when alarming symptoms appear.

It is also important to conduct a thorough examination not only in case of detection of elevated rates, but also for preventive purposes twice a year.

Attentive attitude to well-being, following the doctor's instructions, following the recommendations on proper nutrition are the key to good health of the child.

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Increased platelets in the blood of a child - why and what to do?

Platelets are the smallest blood cells that do not contain nuclei in the form of platelets, which are responsible for the process of blood clotting, i.e., for stopping the bleeding that has occurred. These plates essentially provide a liquid state of blood, are involved in the formation of clots called blood clots.

Platelets are produced by special cells in the red bone marrow (megakaryocytes). Platelets are short-lived cells: they live only up to 10 days, and then they are destroyed in the spleen and liver. Instead of the "old" destroyed platelets (as platelets are also called), new ones are formed. This process is continuous. Why the platelet count in the blood of a child can be increased and what to do in this case, we will analyze in this article.

Normal Platelet Counts in Children

The number of platelets is determined in the general clinical blood test in terms of 1 cubic millimeter. The number of platelets is an important indicator of health, because it characterizes the ability of the child's body to cope with bleeding, to assess blood clotting.

Depending on the age of the child, the number of platelets is different:

  • for a newborn, their content is normal from 100 thousand to 420 thousand;
  • at the age of 10 days to a year, the norm is already 150-350 thousand;
  • in children after a year, platelets are normally 180-320 thousand;
  • in adolescence in girls in the first days of menstrual bleeding, the number of platelets is 75-220 thousand.

An increased number of platelets in the peripheral blood is called thrombocytosis or thrombocythemia, and a decrease in their number is called thrombocytopenia. In the first case, a deviation from the norm may indicate the possibility of increased thrombus formation, and in the second, bleeding. In both cases, the relationship between the formation of new platelets and their destruction is disturbed.

The number of platelets is determined by examining blood from a finger or from a vein. In newborns, blood is usually taken from the toe or heel. This study does not require special preparation. Donate blood should be on an empty stomach (you can drink a child). In young children, a fence is made before the next feeding or 2 hours after the previous feeding.

Before passing the analysis, physical and emotional stress is undesirable for the child. Even hypothermia can show distorted analysis results. The use of certain drugs (corticosteroids, antibiotics) can also change the number of platelets. To verify the reliability of the identified increase in the number of platelets, it is recommended to take a blood test three times with breaks of 3-5 days.

The result of the blood test is ready on the same day (in some cases, the analysis is performed urgently in a shorter time). Platelet counting in a blood test is done quite often for children, especially for those who often have nosebleeds, hematomas (bruises) often appear on the body, bleeding gums are noted. Parents may be alerted by the child's complaints of weakness and dizziness, often resulting in swelling of the limbs.

Indications for counting platelets are such diseases:

Causes of thrombocytosis

The cause of thrombocytosis can be:

  • increased production of platelets by megakaryocytes of the red bone marrow (with erythremia);
  • delayed utilization of platelets (when removing the spleen);
  • violation of the distribution of platelets in the bloodstream (with physical or mental overstrain).

When an elevated platelet count is detected, it is very important to establish the cause of this condition. Only a pediatrician or a hematologist (specialist in blood diseases) can identify this cause.

Thrombocytosis as a disease can develop in children at any age. But such a diagnosis is made with a significant increase in the number of platelets - more than 800 thousand / l. More often, there is a mild increase in the number of platelets due to a number of reasons or in a number of diseases.

With clonal thrombocythemia, there is a defect in the stem cells themselves in the bone marrow (damage to them by a tumor process). They do not respond to the stimulation of the process by the endocrine system, and the process of platelet formation becomes uncontrolled.

A similar mechanism is observed in primary thrombocythemia. It is associated with the growth of several sections of the red bone marrow and, as a result, with an increase in the number of newly formed platelets. The causes of this condition can be hereditary (congenital) diseases or acquired (myeloid leukemia, erythremia).

With primary thrombocytosis, the number of platelets can be different: from a slight increase to several million in 1 μl, but high rates are more characteristic. In addition, their morphology also changes: platelets of huge size and altered shape are found in a blood smear.

The mechanism of development of secondary thrombocytosis can be different:

  • when the spleen is removed, old or obsolete platelets do not have time to collapse, and new ones continue to form; in addition, antiplatelet antibodies and a humoral factor are produced in the spleen, which inhibits the production of platelets;
  • during the inflammatory process in the body, a hormone (thrombopoetin) is intensively produced, which contributes to the maturation of platelets, which help to cope with inflammation; biologically active substances (for example, interleukin-6) are anti-inflammatory cytokines that stimulate platelet synthesis;
  • in malignant diseases, the tumor produces biologically active substances that have a stimulating effect on bone marrow megakaryocytes and platelet production; this is more often observed with lung sarcoma, kidney hypernephroma, lymphogranulomatosis;
  • thrombocytosis also develops as a response of the body to recurring blood loss (with ulcerative lesions of the intestine, with cirrhosis of the liver),

Secondary thrombocythemia (symptomatic or reactive) can develop in a number of diseases:

Secondary thrombocytosis is characterized by a less pronounced increase in the number of platelets: in very rare cases, their number exceeds a million in 1 μl. The morphology and function of platelets are not disturbed.

In any case, the identified thrombocytosis requires a complete examination and clarification of the cause of its occurrence.

In addition to diseases, it can also be caused by the side effects of drugs (Vincristine, epinephrine, adrenaline, corticosteroids, etc.). There are no specific symptoms of thrombocytosis.

With the initial detection of an increased number of platelets, it is necessary to conduct such studies:

  • determination of serum iron and serum ferritin;
  • determination of C-reactive protein and seromucoids;
  • analysis of the blood coagulation system;
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and small pelvis;
  • if necessary - consultation of a hematologist;
  • bone marrow examination (only as prescribed by a hematologist).

Symptoms of thrombocytosis

In primary thrombocytosis, the size of the spleen is enlarged, thrombi of different localization may form, but bleeding in the digestive organs may also occur. Blood clots can also form in large vessels (veins and arteries). These changes contribute to the development of prolonged hypoxia or ischemia, which is manifested by severe itching and pain in the fingertips, and gangrene of the fingers may even develop. Hypoxia of tissues and organs leads to a violation of their function: there may be violations of the central nervous system, kidneys.

Clinical manifestations are due to the underlying disease, a symptom of which is thrombocytosis.

In children, as noted above, there may be frequent nose and gum bleeding, bruising on the body with the slightest injury or even for no apparent reason. Vegetovascular dystonia (fluctuations in blood pressure, headaches, cold extremities, increased heart rate), iron deficiency anemia may develop.

Reactive thrombocytosis is clinically mild and may be asymptomatic.


For the treatment of primary thrombocytosis, cytostatics Mielobromol, Mielosan and others are used for a long time until the result is obtained.

In severe cases, in addition to cytostatics, thrombocytopheresis is used (removal of platelets from the bloodstream using special equipment).

Also used are drugs that improve microcirculation and prevent the adhesion of platelets (Trental, aspirin, etc.). Aspirin can be used only if erosive changes in the digestive tract are excluded.

With clonal thrombocytosis, antiplatelet agents (Ticlopidine or Clobidogrel) are used in an individual dosage.

In the event of thrombosis or ischemic manifestations, anticoagulants (Heparin, Argotoban, Livarudin, Bivalirudin) are used under daily laboratory control of platelet count.

With secondary thrombocytosis, treatment includes the treatment of the underlying disease and the prevention of thrombosis associated with an increased platelet count. As a rule, reactive thrombocytosis does not lead to thrombohemorrhagic complications, therefore, special therapy is not required. The prognosis is usually favorable.

In addition to drug treatment for thrombocytosis, it is important to provide the child with a balanced, rational diet rich in vitamins (especially group B). Breastfeeding is the most favorable for babies.

  • rich in iodine (seafood, nuts);
  • rich in calcium (dairy products);
  • rich in iron (offal and red meat);
  • freshly squeezed juices (pomegranate, lemon, lingonberry, orange), diluted with water 1:1.

Thinning effect on the blood have: berries (cranberries, sea buckthorn, viburnum), lemons, ginger, beets, fish oil, linseed and olive oil, tomato juice and a number of other products.

It is very important to drink enough liquid (at the rate of 30 ml/kg). In addition to water, green tea, compotes and vegetable decoctions should be consumed.

Bananas, mangoes, rose hips, walnuts contribute to blood thickening.

Phytotherapy should not be used without the consent of a hematologist - after all, medicinal herbs are quite serious medicines and, if chosen incorrectly, can significantly aggravate the child's condition.

Summary for parents

Careful monitoring of the health of the child, his timely examination will help to diagnose any disease in the early stages, including thrombocytosis. With an increase in the number of platelets in the blood of a baby, it is important to establish the cause of its appearance. A refined diagnosis will help the doctor decide on the need for treatment and prescribe the necessary medications.

Which doctor to contact

If the child has an elevated platelet count in the blood, you need to contact a pediatrician, and after an initial examination, a hematologist. With the secondary nature of thrombocytosis, it is necessary to treat the disease that caused this syndrome with the help of an appropriate specialized specialist - an oncologist, an infectious disease specialist, a gastroenterologist, a traumatologist, a nephrologist. It will also be useful to consult a nutritionist to select the right nutrition for thrombocytosis.

Help the children

Useful information

Contact the experts

Telephone appointment service for doctors in Moscow:

Information is provided for informational purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first sign of disease, consult a doctor.

Editorial address: Moscow, 3rd Frunzenskaya st., 26



2022 "kingad.ru" - ultrasound examination of human organs