What to eat with beriberi in the spring. What is spring beriberi? Symptoms and methods of struggle

If you have never read about medicine and drugs in a satirical way, but want to try it, then the book Modicina by Nikita Zhukov is for you. If you need a list of medicines that have not been proven effective by research, it's right there in the book. And if you do not know what vitamins to buy, then just read this short passage - as scientific as it is caustic and uncompromising.

Vitamins are non-nutrients that need to be in the diet for proper metabolism. Nonnutritive means what they don't have energy value(unlike fats, proteins or carbohydrates), but the functioning of our body without them is impossible.

In past centuries, the lack of only one of the vitamins as a result national characteristics nutrition of the population or isolation from normal food(at sea, for example) led to the death of hundreds of thousands of people, and the damage from this was incomparably higher than the participation of countries in wars (this disgrace continued until the 50s of the last century).

Vitamins are considered an evolutionary group of substances that the human body (and other living beings - even bacteria need vitamins) cannot produce on their own, just like 8 essential amino acids; perhaps due to the fact that there are already quite a lot of them in environment. So we have to use them.

Most a large number of they fall on plants due to the fact that all kinds of herbs are producers in the food chain - that is, they are produced from simple substances complex, which are then transformed into the meat of primary consumers - herbivores. But they do not accumulate vitamins in the same way as we do, therefore, in meat food less vitamins.

Does this mean the triumph of veganism? No, it doesn’t, because although plants contain both nutrients and vitamins, there are very few of the most expensive and valuable in them, we are, of course, talking about protein. So meat is for the rich, Earth is for earthlings, grass is for vegans.

I always remember when the frosts pass and the sun appears. Spring blooms not only with allergic rhinitis / flowers, but also with exacerbations: from ulcers and schizophrenia to asthma; so spring also needs to be treated.

So, how not to catch all the flu and runny nose again?

  • For example, walk a lot. Not on the Internet, but on the street; ideally where less people and more clean air.
  • Your favorite multivitamins are not medicines, but vile dietary supplements that all pharmacies are filled with, and pharmacists themselves usually do not know what to sell you. Do they need to be taken? Unless to calm the soul - you don’t have any beriberi.

Who needs vitamins?

“In the morning I give the child a complex vitamin, and it becomes so calm in my soul - the child received all the necessary vitamins!”

Everyone in a row does not need multivitamins, especially children (I say this in the hope that they eat normally with you). Young children need to prevent rickets with vitamin D and walks in the sun, drop by drop once a day, for artificial people half a drop daily or drop by drop every other day (instruction for those living in the taiga, the rest - to the pediatrician).

Hypovitaminosis of a specific vitamin or microelement - the doctor will suspect him and if he proves it with an analysis, he will prescribe the right wheel.

“All sorts of different doctors in all clinics and pharmacies prescribe multivitamins“ for pregnant women ”to everyone in a row.”

With pregnancy, the situation is this: everyone needs to eat right, and pregnant women need to eat right more than everyone else. Sometimes you can add only folic acid (in fact, the amount of folic acid during pregnancy does not decrease, and its reserves during proper nutrition quite enough. The WHO bases its recommendations on folic acid on underdeveloped starving countries, to which this country is almost no longer a member.)

There is no evidence of the benefit of pregnant women taking vitamins of group B, as well as C, D, E and magnesium. The same is with iron: if there is no shortage of it, it is not necessary to give it at all. But people have not even heard about hydremia of pregnant women. They have any decrease in hemoglobin -. There is insufficient data on the benefits of vitamin C during pregnancy, and there has been an increase in premature birth in the context of his admission. Load doses vitamins during pregnancy excessive load on the liver and can provoke allergic reactions afterwards.

“When I don’t take multivitamins, my nails begin to exfoliate.”

Multivitamins are such dyes for urine that make it more expensive (great for urine therapy); the effect of them speaks for iron deficiency (in complex preparations almost always iron) - and chronic iron deficiency (except for bleeding) in most cases occurs when there is a deficiency in the diet of meat or at least fish. Other common causes of flaky nails are (hypothyroidism) and fungus. When confirmed by analysis, this real deficiency can be cured for a long time, and it is better to smear fats from the outside, then they will at least visually help.

Vitamins are essential for specific treatment- anti-tuberculosis drugs should be combined with taking B6, and cytostatics (Methotrexate) with folic acid.

And also if you are a bum / drunk / vegan / raw foodist with your special strict diet, then it is not surprising that sooner or later your body will lack something.

With a long-term real lack of any vitamin, people can lean back, yes, yes.

So if you - healthy man, do not sit on a hellish mono-diet, do not live in a God-forsaken country, do not feed a helminth in yourself and do not drink the strong drugs mentioned, and also drink not so hard that you are hungry, then you do not need any vitamins and multivitamins. Yes, even the most expensive ones.

There is one point that allows you to think: after all, for the cost of a jar of vitamins for whole month(300 rubles) you will not be able to constantly provide for yourself fresh fruit and vegetables, so maybe pills are simpler?

No. Do not forget that we get these irreplaceable substances with any food, and supplementing it with just a couple of apples or a bunch of greens is not so expensive. Yes, yes, even winter greenhouse “inflated” fruits are quite well fortified.

Most a prime examplescurvy, which used to be a thunderstorm for sailors and mowed them down with whole ships, until they figured out how to make them drink lemon juice barrels (without grimacing) - the answer lurked only in the deficiency of vitamin C.

Alcoholic beriberi(if not very tightened) are excellently treated with an injection of a punitive cocktail of vitamins directly into the upper outer quadrant of the buttocks; if the element is at least a little social, you can spare him and find a vein.

malignant anemia (pernicious anemia) is a deficiency of B12 and folic acid, which does not allow your school red blood cells to ripen to adults, develops rarely and due to enough specific reasons like going vegan, having your stomach removed, or a wide ribbon. It threatens with funicular myelosis, that is, the destruction of the lateral and posterior cords spinal cord, the first manifestation of it is a feeling of goosebumps in the limbs.

“So, doctor, my beautiful kitty doesn’t need vitamins before the show either?”

The article is about people, do not torture the animal - they often really need vitamins, since they are in captivity in your apartment, where it is unrealistic to recreate their natural diet (especially for exotic animals).

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Thank you. I agree, but for the older generation, the style of scoffing will prevent them from perceiving the content. The wrapper matters...

Comment on the article "What vitamins to drink in the spring. Pharmacy vitamins: good or bad"

Section: Medical issues (which vitamins can be taken instead of for pregnant women). ...I started taking vitamins, but instead of multivitamins they advised me to eat more. I drink prenatal vitamins. what vitamins do you take? which now from...


I took elevit with my first child and now I also take it. The first child was born in 3200 - I think that this is the norm. And during the entire breastfeeding, she also took elevit. Additionally, I still take iodine.

DV! My doctor said that she does not believe in vitamin complexes at all and does not advise. just like you drank magne for 3 months in a row (and it was difficult to leave) and duf. They left me one tablet of folic acid, although you can not drink it. also iodomarin and calcid. She said she didn't need anything else. In general, the body draws vitamins only from food, vitamin complexes synthetic and not absorbed by the body. I didn't drink them.

Vitamins for children. Medications. Children's medicine. Child health, diseases and treatment, clinic, hospital, doctor, vaccinations. I want to consult with you, spring is beriberi, the child is sluggish, he walks often, he often wants to sleep ...

Conference "Planning pregnancy" "Planning pregnancy". Section: Vitamins (How long can I take vitamins for pregnant women when planning?) From one of you I adopted a vitamin regimen for planning pregnancy.


Vitamins have the ability to NOT ACCUMULATE in the body. that is why in winter, and more towards spring, vitamin deficiency occurs. Vitamins are absorbed by the body exactly in the amount in which they are required at the bottom moment. The rest is excreted by the excretory system. By the way, my gynecologist recommends drinking pregnant vitamins as usual. Because there is more of everything.

Drink a package of complex vitamins + folic acid, and then take a break for complex vitamins for a month. And folic is better to drink constantly during planning. For a month of rest from vitamins, the body will not have time to deplete !!!

prenatal vitamins. Nutrition, vitamins, medicines. Pregnancy and childbirth. I OK understood, you vitamins for pregnant women need? If just like that, not Vitamins. Does anyone have information on vitamins for pregnant women - Vitrum Prenatal Forte?


Vitrum prenatal forte + additional iodine

I alternate Vitrum forte with iodomarin and folic acid, as prescribed. It seems normal, although the endocrinologist said that vitrum is synthetic vitamins. Yes, maybe they are generally "dummy", who can give a guarantee in a pharmacy now? -)) So I chew fruits and vegetables. Husband and mother strangled with grenades, because. I have low hemoglobin.

02/18/2007 11:08:52 PM, nave

What vitamins do your children take and why? Avitaminosis is a serious disease. Now it occurs only in homeless children and patients (for example, healthy children at home can only have hypovitaminosis - a decrease in the content of vitamins in the body. I don’t think ...


I'm leaning towards Complivit-Active. Someone who took it, I would like to see your opinion :) Thank you :)

10/16/2006 03:54:20 PM, Antoine

No vitamins, especially multi-complex ones, should be given. And doctors, as a rule, answer the question "Which vitamins are better?" naming those whose manufacturers well "spud" these doctors. The safest vitamin is ascorbic acid, revit. How more complex vitamins and minerals, the more likely that the body will not take anything from these dragees, syrups. Vitamins should be taken if there are signs of beriberi. Wherein fat soluble vitamins must be taken separately, B vitamins are also in a separate complex, etc.
You yourself think, initially vitamins enter the body in the form of provitamins in combination with biostructures (in food), and then, after passing through a certain chain biochemical processes enter the body. Like naked chemical formula can be absorbed by the body
Given that many manufacturers do not strictly control the content of vitamins in their preparations, they add flavors and dyes. What are the benefits of these vitamins?

The end of winter is often accompanied by spring beriberi. Over the long winter months, the supply of vitamins and microelements is depleted, and the lack of a sufficient amount of high-quality vegetables and fruits in the diet does not allow maintaining the required level of nutrients.

However, many experts believe that this disease is not seasonal. It is associated only with malnutrition, which can be at any time of the year. Therefore, when they talk about the importance of preventing beriberi, they mean the state when the body does not receive enough vitamins, as a rule, several at once. This is hypovitaminosis, or vitamin deficiency.

Signs of a lack of vitamins in the body in women and men. The manifestation of beriberi

All people spring beriberi can manifest itself in different ways, depending on the lack of a particular element in the body.

Vitamin A deficiency not in the best way affects the condition of nails, hair, provokes the appearance of dandruff. It also manifests itself in the form of decreased visual acuity and photophobia.

Vitamin B1 responsible for the general condition of the body. Its lack leads to insomnia, shortness of breath, muscle weakness, fatigue, apathy and lack of appetite.

Small intake in the body vitamin B6 leads to depression, the formation of inflammation on the skin, mainly in the nasolabial folds and under the eyebrows.

About shortage vitamin B12 He speaks yellowish color face, hair loss, earlier appearance of gray hair, dizziness, numbness in the limbs.

Vitamin P deficiency does not have the best effect on the digestive system: metabolism is disturbed, problems with stools and a perversion of taste appear. In addition, the deficiency leads to pallor of the lips and mental disorders.

Vitamin C deficiency can provoke a decrease in tissue regeneration, a feeling of chilliness, sleep disturbance, pain in the joints and ligaments, bleeding gums.

Increased sweating, bone pain, and weight loss may indicate a deficiency. vitamin D.

The main symptoms of spring beriberi

Summarizing all of the above, the main symptoms can be identified:

  • frequent and prolonged viral diseases,
  • bleeding gums while brushing teeth
  • dryness and flaking of the skin,
  • hair loss and dryness
  • delamination and brittleness of nails,
  • decreased vision,
  • failure in the digestive system,
  • bad breath,
  • numbness of the hands and feet, tingling in the limbs,
  • fatigue, lethargy and apathy,
  • decrease in performance
  • memory impairment,
  • increased irritability, depressed mood,
  • insomnia.

How to deal with spring beriberi

To prevent the consequences of spring beriberi, many begin to take complex vitamins in tablets. This approach is not justified. Firstly, there is a risk of oversaturation with vitamins, in which the body does not lack. Secondly, the use synthetic vitamins calls . Thirdly, they are not absorbed by the human body, since they do not contain protein bases (unlike plant products), which contribute to the penetration of all important micro and macro elements. Therefore, taking complex vitamins does not make sense.

Eat right

by the most effective method to resist spring beriberi is a complete and balanced diet. The diet should be dominated by fresh vegetables, fruits and herbs.

seasonal products

Yes, in spring herbal products good quality pretty hard to find. In this case, it is recommended to give preference to products that are stored for a long time (pumpkin, cabbage, carrots, beets, zucchini, apples, etc.). Growing greens at home is easy.

Vitamin A, B, D and C found in large quantities in green onions, garlic, Brussels sprouts.

Tomatoes, kiwi, cauliflower, broccoli, bell peppers are very rich in vitamin C. To preserve as many nutrients as possible when cooking, use a double boiler or oven, and try to consume at least 70-80% of vegetables without heat treatment.

Rejuvenate skin and avoid vitamin deficiency C, B1, B2, B6, PP and E carrots will help, eat them mostly raw, this vegetable is a champion in carotene content, which minimizes vision problems.

Beets are a great helper with spring depression and avitaminosis. Extremely rich in vitamins B1, B5, B9, C, A, and E.

To maintain normal metabolism and general tone do not neglect the use various kinds nuts, sunflower seeds, flax, pumpkin.

If you stocked up on berries, then that's great. They are saturated with vitamins and microelements, which the body lacks after winter cold. In addition, when frozen, their value is practically not lost. Drink berry teas and smoothies made from red and black currants, raspberries, gooseberries, strawberries, blueberries, cranberries.


Try superfoods. They are distinguished by an increased concentration of nutrients, and therefore serve as a real salvation when it becomes difficult to find real plant products on store shelves. These include: honey, flax, hemp and chia seeds, spirulina, germinated cereals and legumes (green buckwheat, wheat, mung beans, chickpeas, etc.), wheatgrass juice, raw cocoa beans, etc.

You can buy "superfoods" in specialized stores (shops healthy food, for yogis, Ayurvedic shops), as well as on the Internet.

Try folk remedies for beriberi

The fruits of the plant and herbs can be bought at a pharmacy, specialized stores or collected independently.

✔ 1-2 tbsp. rose hips (mountain ash or black currant) pour 1 l hot water. Let it brew a little. Take the resulting drink 0.5 cup 3 times a day.

✔ In early spring, be sure to collect young nettles. It perfectly restores strength and helps to cope with beriberi.

Collect the young shoots, rinse them with warm water and finely chop into vegetable salad. It is even more effective to squeeze nettle juice and drink half a glass of it every day. After regular intake of the drink, you will notice a surge of strength and energy.

✔ 1 tsp collection (1 tsp viburnum fruit + 1 tsp sage + 0.5 tsp lemon balm) pour hot water. Let it brew for 60 min. Take a drink of 100 ml 1 time per day after meals.

✔ 1 tsp crushed rose hips, 1 tsp. St. John's wort, 1 tsp chamomile pour boiling water and add a slice of fresh lemon. Wait 30 min.

Drink a tonic drink 1 cup 1 time per day. For a greater vitaminizing effect, add honey.

Breathe fresh air and move more

The ideal solution is regular physical exercises on the fresh air. Jogging and light walks in the park or square will be enough. It is very important to saturate your body with oxygen, which is necessary for the proper flow of all vital important processes. As it gets warmer - get out into nature, breathe, walk and bask in the warm sun.

Be sure to ventilate the room, especially before going to bed.

Consume enough fresh vegetables and fruits, keep a varied and balanced diet, drink more water, be outdoors more often, and the problems of spring beriberi will bypass you.

If you have your own secrets for dealing with spring vitamin deficiency, be sure to share them in the comments. ;)

But do we know what we're talking about?

Most people understand the word "avitaminosis" not quite what it really means. This disease is a pathological condition of the body, which occurs due to acute shortage vitamins. It's pretty complex illness requiring examination and treatment by a doctor. What most people usually take for beriberi is called hypovitaminosis in the medical community, which means a partial lack of a certain vitamin (s) in the human body.

What is avitaminosis?

Vitamins are biologically indispensable active substances, which serve as catalysts for various enzyme systems or are part of many enzymes. Without their participation it is not possible normal exchange substances, renewal and growth of tissues, biochemical support of many body functions. vitamin deficiency leads to disruption of enzymatic reactions. Fortunately, "real" beriberi, i.e. nearly absolute absence vitamins in the body, a rather rare phenomenon: it is often found among the population of the far north.

Avitaminosis is characterized by seasonality: it usually takes you by surprise in winter or spring. After all, if in the summer we prepare fresh salads and eat a lot of juicy berries and fruits, then in the cold season we switch to flour, fat and sweets. But experts convince that the disease has long ceased to be exclusively seasonal: many people have a lack of vitamins throughout the year.

The main reasons for such chronic deficiency valuable substances are

  • malnutrition and impaired intake of vitamins with food,
  • violation of the absorption of vitamins in the body - problems with digestion and work gastrointestinal tract,
  • violation of the synthesis of vitamins in the body,
  • long-term use antibiotics,
  • series of stressful situations
  • taking antivitamins (for example, dicumarol or syncumar, which are used for increased blood clotting),
  • bad habits(Smokers, for example, need 5 times more vitamin C than non-smokers).

In children and the elderly, the appearance of beriberi is often associated with some age characteristics metabolism.

Types of beriberi

Avitaminosis is not harmless disease. Lack of one or another vitamin in the human body can lead to very serious consequences, for example, to the development of various diseases: night blindness - lack of vitamin A, beriberi - lack of vitamin B1, scurvy - lack of vitamin C, rickets - lack of vitamin D, pellagra - lack of vitamin PP.

Vitamin name
and its function

daily requirement

vitamin A
Required Products
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)

immune functions of the body, the stability of the nervous system, the health of the gums, skin, hair, visual acuity, concentration, deep sleep overcoming stress.

at least 70

Bleeding gums, tendency to catch colds, increased fatigue,
insomnia, depression,
poor concentration,
early education wrinkles,
hair loss,
deterioration of vision.

It is formed in plants and accumulates in leaves, fruits, tubers, roots.

red rosehip,
black currant,
red sweet pepper, cabbage (fresh and sauerkraut), raspberry, radish, wild strawberry, dill, sea buckthorn, parsley

Vitamin A
supports healthy skin, mucous membranes of the stomach, intestines, bronchi,

child growth factor

healthy blood,

cancer prevention.

4 - 5

Dry skin, acne,

brittle hair and nails

blurred vision,

growth retardation in children

lack of appetite,

"night blindness"

Yellow-orange vegetables and fruits - carrots, sweet peppers, apricots, tomatoes.

Sorrel, green onion, lettuce, parsley, mountain ash, sea buckthorn.

Liver, butter, fish fat, eggs, cream, sour cream.

Vitamin D

bone formation, dental health, calcium balance, nerve and immune system, optimism.

Tooth decay, muscle weakness,
nervous disorders, insomnia, painful thickening of the joints.

Found predominantly in animals butter, milk, egg yolk, in the liver and kidneys of animals) and fish products (cod liver, fatty herring, sprats, caviar).

Plants contain provitamin D, which is converted to vitamin D when exposed to ultraviolet light.

Vitamin E
prevention cardiovascular disease, reducing the risk of tumor formation
15 - 20 Weakening of visual acuity, muscle weakness, nervousness, irritability, fatigue,
Various oils, cereals, germinated wheat and corn grains
Vitamin B1
an important role in metabolism, strengthening the nervous system, wound healing; appetite
2-3 Impaired heart function, sleep and appetite, poor concentration, irritability Found mainly in foods plant origin. Particularly rich in vitamin B1 are yeasts, outer parts and germs of grains of cereals and legumes.

From animal products, milk, eggs, liver, heart, kidneys are rich in vitamin B1.

Beef, veal, pork, cereals, bread, peas, spinach

Vitamin B2
participation in the process of tissue renewal, visual acuity, condition of hair, skin and nails, cheerfulness, freshness
6 - 8

Cracks on the lips

skin inflammation,

deterioration in the perception of colors.

Liver, milk and dairy products, kidneys, heart, cereals, bread, asparagus
Vitamin B6
promotes the absorption of proteins, prevents inflammatory processes in the skin
4 - 6 poor appetite, irritability, depression, inflammation of the skin and tongue, caries, anemia Walnuts, liver, hazelnuts, garlic, yeast, buckwheat
Vitamin B12

productive work of the brain and nervous system, metabolism, production of red blood rings,

muscle activity,

growth processes
5 - 6 Fatigue, weakness, dizziness, palpitations, anemia Offal - liver, heart, kidneys; meat, fish, eggs

Symptoms of beriberi

So, avitaminosis usually has the following signs which, alas, many are familiar with firsthand.

The lack of vitamins makes the skin dry and flaky. And sometimes you can even observe the appearance of rough scaly scales of the epidermis.

Watch out if your lips are constantly cracked or peeling, suddenly appeared acne, as well as cracks and sores in the corners of the mouth. The appearance of inflamed skin, large bruises, or an unusual reaction to jewelry or clothing can all be signs of a vitamin deficiency.

2. Nails peel off

With a lack of vitamins, nails become dull, brittle, and even care products for them - oils or special varnishes - do not save the day. The lack of vitamins is also indicated by the pallor of the nail plate, the appearance of dimples, stripes or spots on it.

3. Hair falls out

The main sign of a lack of vitamins on the part of the hair is their fragility and a tendency to fall out. But the unexpected appearance of dandruff, gray hair, sores and pimples on the scalp or its constant itching.

4. Eyes turn red and watery

Decreased vision, especially at dusk, is the most serious sign vitamin deficiency. In addition, hypovitaminosis can cause redness and swelling of the eyelids, constant itching and discharge from the eyes, and frequent inflammatory diseases. Often the result of a lack of vitamins is intolerance to bright light, glare, double vision, and even developing cataracts.

5. Bleeding gums

Increased bleeding gums, sores on the cheeks and tongue, loose teeth with sensitive enamel and a tendency to crumble, as well as a swollen, coated or discolored tongue - also clear signs lack of vitamins.

The appearance of edema on the face and hands, not associated with addiction to marinades or yesterday's alcohol intake, should alert. Sudden joint swelling, numbness, muscle pain, cramps, and poor coordination can also be symptoms of a vitamin deficiency.

7. Smell changes

In addition, muscle weakness, burning under the skin and in the joints, as well as constant feeling coldness and even increased or changed body odor.

8. Apathy, poor concentration

Our nervous system also reacts to the lack of vitamins. Inability to concentrate, insomnia, depression, apathy, irritability, lack of energy, constant irritability These can all be signs of a vitamin deficiency.

9. Failure in digestion

Constipation, diarrhea, change taste preferences, weight gain, increased blood cholesterol levels, nausea, and malabsorption of nutrients in the intestines are symptoms of a vitamin deficiency. And even loss of appetite, smell and taste...

10. Lack of desire

In many cases of decreased sexual desire, it is not fatigue that is to blame, but unbalanced diet.

Making up for the deficiency

If you have most or at least 3 of these symptoms, don't wait for your health to return by itself, and energy to fill up like magic - take action!

In the spring there is urgent need in the main vitamins - primarily A, C and D, vitamins B and E are also needed.

Vitamin A or betacarotene will help lead to normal condition skin weakened by long cold.

Vitamin C has long been known as the best defender of the body against colds, because it is the main building material for the immune system.

Without vitamin D hair and nails will not do in any way, and vitamin E will give the body energy.

As for B vitamins , then they saturate the tissues of the body with oxygen, which relieves a person of fatigue.

The most important weapon in the fight against beriberi is a balanced daily diet, providing the body with the intake of the necessary complex of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Throughout the year, and especially in winter and spring days, you need to eat plenty of vegetables (if you run out of fresh ones, then canned tomatoes and cucumbers can be a good alternative to them, sauerkraut), various greens, fruits (both fresh and frozen), fish and poultry (for better preservation of vitamins, their meat should be baked in foil). All these products are rich in many valuable components, incl. and easily digestible amino acids.

If during the diagnosis (sometimes a blood test for vitamin levels) a clear lack of a certain vitamin is revealed, you will have to lean on foods with a high content of it. In addition, with beriberi, doctors, as a rule, prescribe vitamin-mineral complexes.
Spring for good nutrition the body also requires trace elements - calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron and many others. Both vitamins and microelements can be found today in any pharmacy - in special complexes they are already contained in ready-to-use better assimilation form and in huge assortment. They are produced in tablets, powders, dragees, lollipops. But their most optimal form is considered to be a capsule - thanks to several protective shells, they allow you to correctly combine vitamins with each other and avoid mutual neutralization. Moving through the intestines and losing layer by layer, the capsule allows the vitamins to be gradually absorbed one by one inside.

Vitamin complexes are best taken in the morning, for the body to properly adjust to daily activity. When taking vitamins, be sure to follow the instructions that come with them.

Traditional medicine recipes for the treatment of beriberi

Here are some recipes traditional medicine, which will help to cope with spring beriberi

Additional Steps

* For a speedy recovery, adjust your regimen. In the spring, you need to rest more, eat right and regularly, lead an active lifestyle so that the body starts producing energy again.

* Every morning, do exercises in front of an open window, take a contrast shower.

* Be sure to eat an apple before breakfast - it contains a substance that helps the body rid the body of toxins.

* Try to consume dairy products daily.

* Lean on citrus fruits - they strengthen the immune system and nervous system. And bananas help fight stress! Energy is charged with fish, nuts and cereals. A couple of pieces of dark chocolate will give new strength.

* Drink a tincture of eleutherococcus, ginseng or echinacea, but do not overdo it, because they should not be taken with nervous overexcitation.

* Let there be a lot of bright colors around - change the dark curtains to lighter ones or buy bright bedding. And if green and orange tones are present in the living room and in the kitchen, this is very good, because they charge with positive energy.

* Arrange general cleaning in the apartment. Wash curtains, clean carpets, change sofa covers, do not be too lazy to wipe cabinets on top and wash chandelier shades. Then it will become noticeably easier to breathe in your apartment.

* To restore strength, you will need more time to sleep. Those who usually need eight hours now need ten. Sleep with the window open.

* Smells are able to tone up well - in the spring, add a few drops of invigorating oils with extracts of rose, geranium, lemon and sandalwood to the bath.

final blow

Any disease is better to prevent than to treat it. severe consequences. Since vitamin deficiency is directly related to the diet, make sure that the diet is balanced and restores the consumption of nutrients in the body.

To achieve an overabundance of vitamins in our climate zone very difficult (especially for vitamin C), so we are constantly running out of our resources. It's never too late to start - pay close attention to the products of your table now. When buying vegetables and fruits with a special predilection, inspect them appearance- the greens should not be wilted, and the fruits should be strong. During the period of spring beriberi, it is preferable to use not fresh vegetables, but frozen ones. Quick freezing preserves all vitamins and minerals.

A common mistake is the idea that the lack of vitamins can be filled only with onions and garlic. Of course, these products are useful, but they are by no means a panacea for all diseases, and besides, their role in the prevention of beriberi is somewhat exaggerated. To restore the body, it is better to use homemade preparations: jams, vegetables and fruit juices. For example, sauerkraut retains all the vitamins found in fresh cabbage, and it is also enriched with organic acids during the fermentation process.

You should not lose sight of such sources of vitamins as dried and frozen berries. The leader of usefulness during the period of spring beriberi is rose hips, from which it is easier to easily prepare a healing infusion or just brew tea.

In order to restore the body, it is also necessary to pay attention to the methods of culinary processing of products and choose those that help to preserve useful vitamins and minerals. Based on this, steamed or baked vegetables are most useful. AT last resort, it is better to boil them in an enamel bowl. Before cooking, do not soak vegetables in water, as it takes away the vitamins we need from them. Do not store vegetables and fruits cut or peeled - they lose their nutrients.

All these simple but effective action will definitely help restore the body during the period of spring beriberi.
According to www.km.ru, ivona.bigmir.net, nmedik.org

Spring is the most anticipated time of the year when everything comes to life and blossoms. But the spring sun, birdsong and murmuring streams do not please? This is a sure sign of the development of beriberi. Deficiency of vitamins that the body has used up in winter period, manifests itself very sharply and in most cases affects the fair sex. So, avitaminosis is characterized increased weakness, drowsiness and lethargy. Appearance suffers significantly: hair becomes dull, nails brittle and exfoliate, and the skin acquires a grayish tint.

Avitaminosis is acute illness, which is characterized by the complete absence of one or more vitamins. Provokes such a state of malnutrition or malnutrition. This pathology can cause a number of complications. For example, a lack of vitamin D provokes the appearance of rickets, and element A contributes to visual impairment.

It is important to distinguish vitamin deficiency from hypovitaminosis. In the first case, it is a disease; in the second, pathological condition caused by a low content of vitamins in the body. Avitaminosis in its pure form is diagnosed extremely rarely and develops in people who have poor digestibility of individual vitamins. All negative symptoms, which occur in the spring, it provokes hypovitaminosis.

Causes of beriberi

Many factors can provoke the development of beriberi. First of all, it is the presence of diseases or pathologies that disrupt the absorption of certain vitamins. The second most popular reason is an improper, unbalanced diet, in which useful substances and vitamins are completely absent. These are primarily semi-finished products, fast food, etc. The third reason is the lack of fresh air, sun and physical activity.

Symptoms of beriberi

Signs of spring beriberi depend on which vitamin is deficient in the body.
The lack of vitamin A causes night blindness”, in which vision is significantly reduced, coordination in space is disturbed in evening time. About the deficit given element also indicates the appearance of dandruff, dull and brittle hair, the appearance of white stripes on the nails and pustules on the skin. There is also tearing, which is aggravated by the sun, the sensitivity of the body increases, especially to pain.

Vitamin B1 deficiency is indicated by a violation psycho-emotional state. Thus, the patient constantly experiences irritability, lethargy, causeless anxiety, insomnia at night and drowsiness during the day. A person suffers from headaches and memory impairment is observed. In some cases, vitamin deficiency provokes a violation of the stool.

The lack of vitamin B2 is manifested by weakness, lack of appetite, which provokes weight loss. Cause digestive problems muscle weakness, and insomnia can vitamin B3 deficiency. In addition, such a pathology negatively affects the condition of the skin, causing the appearance of inflammation and age spots.

Lack of vitamin B5 is characterized by increased fatigue, muscle pain, numbness of the limbs and nausea. A lack of vitamin B9 is manifested by insomnia, anxiety and problems at work. digestive system.

Vitamin B6 deficiency is characterized by the appearance of convulsions, stomatitis, and nervous disorders - lethargy, irritability and anxiety. The lack of vitamin B12 is manifested by rapid fatigue, increased nervousness and the development of inflammatory processes in the oral cavity.

A lack of vitamin C leads to frequent viral and colds, provokes an exacerbation of chronic diseases and increases the fragility of blood vessels.

Vitamin D deficiency is manifested by sleep disturbance, deterioration of vision and the condition of hair, nails and teeth. In addition, this condition disrupts appetite and provokes a burning sensation in the mouth. A low content of vitamin E is expressed, dermatitis, a violation menstrual cycle and inflammatory diseases skin.

Vitamin F vitamin deficiency worsens the condition of hair, nails and skin, in particular, acne and. The results of a lack of vitamin H are muscle pain, dandruff, pallor of the skin, and inflammation of the mucous membranes. Deficiency of elements P and K is characterized by the appearance of bleeding gums, the formation of hematomas on the skin and various bleeding.

Diagnosis of the disease

Vitamin deficiency can be diagnosed based on visual inspection patient and study the nature of the symptoms. To rule out the possibility of developing other diseases, laboratory tests- general and, urinalysis. In some cases, they take skin tests and a study of the organs of the digestive system (ultrasound) is performed. In order to clarify which vitamins are lacking in the body, special tests are carried out.

Treatment of beriberi

The treatment of vitamin deficiency consists in taking vitamins that are contained in the body in not enough. For this purpose, they can be used special complexes or drugs. The most popular are Undevit, Supradin, Decamevit, etc. Only a doctor should prescribe such drugs after clarification general condition patient and establishing a vitamin deficiency.

Not less than important role plays and food. So, depending on what deficit is missing, you should enrich your diet with the appropriate products:

In order to save maximum content vitamins in foods, they must be properly stored, prepared and consumed. So, keep food in a dark, cool place. Greens, fresh vegetables and fruits are not subject to long-term storage and do not need to be subjected to a long heat treatment while cooking. Meat and fish are best baked in the oven or steamed. The finished dish should be consumed immediately after preparation.

Some folk methods will help to cope with beriberi:

Prevention of spring beriberi

In order to prevent the development of spring vitamin deficiency, it is necessary to review your diet in the winter. First of all, you should enrich the diet with seasonal vegetables and fruits - lemon, orange, kiwi, beets, cabbage and carrots. Do not forget about the benefits of high-quality meat, fish and dairy products. If possible, you should drink freshly squeezed dates or vitamin infusions (on rose hips, viburnum or mountain ash).

To prevent spring beriberi, it is often necessary to walk in the fresh air, perform simple physical exercises that strengthen health and improve general well-being. Do not forget about good rest and enough sleep.

Spring beriberi is a low content of vitamins B, C, A, E, D, K in the human body. Of course, normal life is not possible without such substances. A significant lack of vitamins leads to scurvy.

It is worth noting that the concept of "avitaminosis" characterizes the complete absence of vitamins in the body. The lack of such substances is correctly called hypovitaminosis. This is the term used by qualified doctors.

Spring beriberi needs treatment, since such a condition harms human health, deprives him normal working capacity and life activity. It is very important to monitor the state of health in the spring, when food is the least rich. useful substances, and the body has depleted the reserves of such components since last season.

Vitamin deficiency in the body has its own symptoms that you should be aware of.

If a smaller amount of vitamins is supplied with food than is consumed, this affects all organs and tissues of the body.

Mucous tissues begin to function incorrectly. Bone tissue can be destroyed, muscles weaken. The skin becomes dry.

Reduced immunity. A person feels a breakdown, which is accompanied by bad mood. AT adolescence may slow growth. Derivatives of the skin - nails, hair lose their attractive appearance.

Vitamin A deficiency in the spring, first of all, is reflected in top layer skin. It starts peeling and peeling off. Nails become very brittle, acquire a dull shade.

In babies, signs of dermatitis and diaper rash appear on the skin.

Spring beriberi with an insufficient amount of retinol, also called vitamin A, is accompanied by a weakening of visual acuity.

When a person enters a light space from a dark one, the picture before his eyes may blur. The organs of vision with a deficiency of retinol take longer to adapt to insufficient lighting in dark rooms.

Spring, during epidemics respiratory diseases beriberi affects human immunity.

Increases the likelihood of getting the flu or SARS. In severe cases, the process of new cell division may slow down.

Mental activity slows down, which can cause failure in school or work. Such signs of vitamin deficiency are not uncommon today.

AT without fail this condition should be treated and preventive measures. Very often, the cause of beriberi is malnutrition.

It should be noted that hypovitaminosis can be detected by laboratory research. The concentration of vitamin A in the blood should be more than 0.7 µmol/l.

Vitamin B1

All B vitamins are called beauty vitamins for a reason. In the spring, its deficiency is very often formed.

Signs of beriberi, in which the body lacks vitamin B1, are as follows:

  • pain in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • gagging;
  • discoloration of the tongue, which becomes bright red and dryish;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • decreased tendon reflexes;
  • visual impairment;
  • irritability.

When a similar beriberi is found, treatment should consist in the intake of vitamin B in the body. There are drugs in the form of injections and tablets. In the spring, for the purpose of prevention, you can take special vitamin complexes that are sold in any pharmacy.

There should be no less than 14.8 mmol / l of vitamin B1 in the blood. Otherwise, hypovitaminosis can be diagnosed, which will be accompanied by all the symptoms listed above.

People with liver disease are especially susceptible to this condition. gastrointestinal tract. Prevention of vitamin deficiency consists, first of all, in the use of foods rich in this useful component.

Among them are the following:

  • oatmeal;
  • Brewer's yeast;
  • ordinary yeast;
  • peanut;
  • buckwheat;
  • pork meat.

Vitamin B2 is also called riboflavin. This component is extremely important for the development of the fetus during pregnancy.

Its deficiency can affect the development of the neural tube of the fetus. Vitamin B2 affects immune reactions in the body. It is very important to prevent vitamin deficiency of such a substance in people with visual impairments, as this can aggravate the disease.

Sometimes a lack of riboflavin causes stomatitis. Can be compacted skin, including in the region of the eyelids. In babies, such beriberi can cause convulsions, since vitamin B2 affects the nervous system.

The concentration of such a substance in the urine should be at least 100 mcg per day.

Prevention of beriberi is the use of foods rich in this component, and the intake of vitamins inside. It is advisable to include in the diet milk, eggs, almond nuts, baker's yeast, peanuts, mackerel.

Vitamin C

Such a component is very important for maintaining good immunity. If its deficiency is observed in the body, this entails the disease of scurvy. In severe cases, the elasticity of blood vessels is lost. This leads to the formation of bruises on the body and bleeding gums.

Such manifestations are caused by an insufficient content of collagen, in the formation of which ascorbic acid is involved. Anemia may develop. In advanced cases, teeth fall out. Avitaminosis, accompanied by a deficiency ascorbic acid, worsens general well-being, slows down thought processes. A person feels lethargy and loss of strength.

If avitaminosis is accompanied viral infection, it is especially important to make up for the lack of a component. Exist special tablets ascorbic acid. A large amount of it is found in citrus fruits, bell pepper, greens, pineapple, avocado, broccoli, horseradish, radish.

Vitamin D

It is very important to understand that with a lack of vitamin D, the most different forms hypovitaminosis.

In this case, the fragility of the bones is observed, since this component performs a building function. bone tissue, because it is responsible for the content of calcium.

Deficiency can lead to depressive states and emotional stress.

Pain in the muscles and head may be felt. Moreover, this type of beriberi is often manifested by problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

The person may feel nauseous, suffer from diarrhea and loss of appetite. dangerous manifestation is osteoporosis, which is quite difficult to treat.

Insomnia and weight loss are also symptoms of vitamin D deficiency. This component is synthesized in the body. This is facilitated by eating fish, dairy products and exposure to the sun. Thanks to ultraviolet rays production of such a vital substance. This fact is very important to consider in the treatment of beriberi.

A set of measures for the treatment of beriberi

With a significant deterioration in well-being, you should immediately consult a doctor. Only laboratory research able to identify the problem and help in the formulation accurate diagnosis. In the spring, the number of visits to the doctor increases, because it is at this time that hypovitaminosis makes itself felt. In severe cases, vitamin injections are prescribed.

If the disease is not running, special vitamin complexes help. There are drugs intended for children, adolescents and adults, pregnant women. You can separately purchase tocopherol, retinol, ascorbic acid.

All vitamins are divided into two large groups: fat-soluble and water-soluble. For their normal assimilation, it is very important to drink a sufficient amount of water and eat food rich in healthy fats. The diet should be balanced, contain a large number of vegetables, fruits, cereals, meat, fish.

Spring avitaminosis is a frequent and widespread phenomenon. To prevent its development, you need to eat right, give up different diets for weight loss, vegetarianism, fast food. It is very important to monitor the condition of the child, since vitamin deficiency negatively affects his development.



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