Vitamin B 4 instructions for use. Vitamin B4 - the benefits and beneficial properties of choline

Many experts still cannot form a consensus on whether it is possible to consider vitamin B4 complete vitamin. Some prefer to call it a vitamin-like substance, a kind of precursor to acetylcholine. Despite the fact that choline has been known to scientists since the 19th century, its importance for the human body was proven only in 1930. As for its role, the debate on this matter has not yet been completed, as well as numerous studies regarding the significance of vitamin B4 .

Useful properties of vitamin B4

A significant benefit of vitamin B4 lies in the fact that it is one of the main elements that regulate metabolism in the human body, positively affects the functioning of the intestines and becomes the main substance necessary for the transmission nerve impulses. Many scientists note its importance for normal operation memory and intelligence, and also mention the ability to slow down the inevitable aging process that takes place in the cells of the brain and other organs of the human body.

The role of choline in normal functioning liver work, because his important functions are the normalization of the excretion of fats from the human body, as well as the responsibility for the regeneration process taking place in the cells. Sufficient quantity vitamin B4 in the body is capable of naturally protect against atherosclerosis, heart attack and stroke. Also, a choline-containing diet can be an excellent prevention against Alzheimer's disease or memory loss.

Scientists have proven that the use of products containing vitamin B4 or synthetic multivitamins, which include choline in certain amounts, can significantly improve brain function in old age, and memory improvement in children has also been noted. school age taking choline.

What foods contain vitamin B4

It is known that nai large quantity choline is found in foods of animal origin. But herbal products can also saturate the human body with vitamin B4. This is, for example, unrefined vegetable oil, peanuts and bran. One of the champions among such sources is yeast, and a lot of choline can be found in spinach, cabbage, carrots and tomatoes.

Particular attention should be paid to the full consumption of vitamin B4 for vegetarians who prefer to get it from synthetic medicines. Doctors note that the indiscriminate use of lecithin (a synthesized choline substitute recommended by pharmacists) can lead to an imbalance of B vitamins and various negative consequences. There are two ways out: either to refuse synthetics altogether, which will be optimal, or to use measuredly and deliberately.

A great influence on the question of the significance of choline was the fact that B4 is able to be synthesized human body and doesn't really need to get it from food. In addition, the ability to assimilate it from the most various products nutrition allows (in the absence of diseases and disorders of the body) to receive B4 in sufficient quantity for the body. For the same reason, there are no well-defined recommendations regarding the daily intake of choline for the body.

Lack of vitamin B4

Deficiency of this beneficial substance can manifest itself as a violation of memory functions, and lead to the complete disintegration of the psyche, characteristic of the senile organism. In this case, in the human body there is a constant slowdown of all metabolic processes, fatigue, apathy, and sometimes depression appear.

Also, a lack of vitamin B4 can provoke a significant increase in blood pressure, problems with the digestibility of fats, as well as arrhythmia, indigestion and tinnitus.

Vitamin B4 overdose

Cases of an overdose of choline in medicine have not yet been described, however, it is known that exceeding the norm of B vitamins in the body can provoke the appearance bad smell mouth, diarrhea, and constipation. It is also a known fact that getting an overdose from foods natural origin almost impossible. All cases of overdose with B vitamins were recorded as a result of taking synthetic drugs or medications containing a certain vitamin. Therefore, we advise you to abandon synthetics and give preference to natural products, fresh vegetables and fruits.

What products contain? How much is his daily requirement? How does choline affect the human body? What substances are its "enemies"? Preparations with vitamin B4. Signs of excess and deficiency.

Choline is called vitamin B4, although it is considered a vitamin-like substance that is synthesized in our body. He protects cell membranes from damage, normalizes cholesterol. Promotes metabolism in the nervous tissue, reduces body weight, improves short-term memory, prevents the appearance of gallstones.

It was discovered in the second half of the 19th century when studying animal tissues, but its role in the human body was studied in detail in 1930. Choline is Greek for bile.

The action of B4 on the human body

When a person needs to concentrate, the body starts biochemical reactions, after which the accumulated vitamin B4 is converted into acetylcholine. Acetylcholine, in turn, conducts impulses along nerve tissues. It helps to activate the work of the brain, which improves the ability of a person to memorize and concentrate attention (important for schoolchildren, students and workers). mental labor). Prolonged deficiency threatens the destruction and death of nerve cells.

Choline is also needed for the lining of nerves and brain cells, or rather, to maintain its constant consistency. Without it, cholesterol forms seals in the cells, which is why nutrients comes less and less. bad cholesterol eventually "kills" the cells and leads to clogging of the brain's signaling channels. It is difficult for a person to formulate his thoughts, he becomes inattentive, absent-minded, emotionally unstable.

Vitamin B4 is involved in the functioning of the genital organs, helps in the formation of a hormone in prostate improves sperm motility.

This substance also normalizes blood sugar levels by strengthening the membranes of beta cells needed to produce insulin. It is involved in the growth process, promotes hematopoiesis, protects the liver from the damaging effects of alcohol and other lesions.

Enemies of Choline: alcohol, water, estrogens, sulfa drugs, food processing.

Preparations with vitamin B4: Duovit Memo, Vitrum Beauty.

Interaction with other substances:

  1. Choline deficiency can occur with low acid intake and.
  2. Vitamin B4 deficiency leads to a decrease in the synthesis of carnitine, which is necessary for the work of the heart, muscles and fat utilization.

Although vitamin B4 is independently produced in the liver and intestinal microflora, this cannot fully cover all the body's needs for this compound.

Animal sources: egg yolk, dairy products, animal heart and liver.

Plant Sources: oatmeal, germinated wheat grains, cabbage, green leafy vegetables, brewer's yeast, soy, spinach.

daily requirement of choline

For an adult is 0.5 g (500 mg) per day. Higher doses (up to 10-20 g) are required for diseases and all kinds of stress. Vitamin B4 is recommended for intensive sports, exhaustion nervous system, stress (read which ones arise), damage to parts of the brain, polyneuritis and other diseases of the nervous system.

Signs of deficiency

  • high level blood cholesterol
  • bad memory
  • overweight
  • lactation disorders in breastfeeding women
  • dysfunction of the genital organs
Deficiency causes the accumulation of fat in the liver, the appearance of fatty infiltration, which is fraught with the death of some cells, replacing them connective tissue and development of cirrhosis of the liver.

signs of excess

  • nausea, diarrhea
  • increased sweating and salivation
  • lowering blood pressure
  • increased peristalsis of the intestines
  • cardiac depression

Choline or vitamin B4 has not decided on a place in the classification among vitamin substances. On the one hand, it is produced by our body, which does not correspond to a representative of the B-vitamin group. On the other hand, it works great in conjunction with such characteristic water-soluble compounds as folic acid and cobalamin.

However, this syrupy liquid with predominantly alkaline characteristics is not considered a vitamin and should be referred to as vitamin-like substances or partial vitamins.

The role of choline in the human body

For the first time, choline was obtained by a scientific group led by A. Strecker in 1892 from bile, from which it got its name.

Vitamin B4 in the human body is necessary for the creation of substances critical for life, acetylcholine and lecithin (phosphate dicholine). The first is used as a neurotransmitter, to ensure communication between the cells of the nervous system. This property important for mental, emotional and behavioral activity. And the second, fatty substance is involved in the formation of cell membranes. Choline in the body regulates the process of involving liver lipids in biochemical reactions in order to utilize them. Otherwise, the liver "floats" with triglycerides. Moreover, there is evidence that vitamin B4 binds and the latter does not settle on the walls blood vessels or in gallbladder.

Choline is one of the few substances that can cross the blood-brain barrier to increase the production of memory-enhancing compounds in the brain. There is an opinion, and it is not unreasonable, that vitamin B4 lowers blood cholesterol levels and also counteracts Alzheimer's disease.

German doctors use in drug therapy choline as a remedy for liver and kidney diseases, such as hepatitis and others toxic origin. And finally, its essential role in the biosynthesis of adrenaline, creatine, methionine, purine and pyrimidine nucleotides, and phospholipids has been proven.

Daily requirement, excess and lack of choline

daily requirement choline is not regulated. One way or another, a person should have at least 300 mg in the body during the day. The consumption of the substance of this vitamin compound is in direct relation to the amount of protein, cobalamin and folic acid. Vitamin absorption from food high content choline occurs in a direct way - by diffusion, and food poor in substance - activates transport system for the purpose of finding and delivering a useful component.

Symptoms of choline deficiency in humans medical workers not described. However, B4 deficiency in animals is accompanied by fatty infiltration of the liver, hemorrhagic degeneration of the kidneys, and impaired reparative processes. circulatory system and disorder of conditioned reflex activity. Cases of hypervitaminosis with choline are exceptional, only a one-time intake of 10 g of vitamin B4 contributes to dry skin, up to the appearance of scabs.

What foods contain vitamin B4

A sufficient amount of choline in products is found where there is lecithin. If we consider it from a chemical point of view, then it includes phosphate dicholine, in which 15% of vitamin B4. The consumption of such products (for example, egg yolk) saturates the body with lecithin, which breaks down into a number of substrates, including choline, which is used, if necessary, as a base for the formation of acetylcholine and phosphate dicholine.

In a small dose, vitamin B4 is found in all products, both animal and plant origin. Particular attention should be paid to lecithin-containing products with the most high concentration choline substance: eggs, red meat, liver, caviar. Among vegetable crops, foods rich in vitamin B4: zucchini, cabbage, legumes, rice.

Vitamin B4 or choline(from the Greek - bile) - called a vitamin-like substance. It was first isolated in the 19th century from bile. But its true meaning was investigated in 1930 in animal tests. It is able to synthesize itself in the body, but doctors recommend additionally receiving it with food. During heat treatment, it is destroyed immediately.

With the help of choline, our body, tissues and cells are “built”. It is an integral part of lecithin, which is indispensable in the work of cells. So the importance of vitamin B4 should not be underestimated.

Choline and its compounds are used as food additive under the number E1001.

The action of vitamin B4 (choline)

Choline through biochemical processes prevents disorders of the central nervous system. As a hepatoprotector, it prevents the formation of gallstones, restores tissues damaged by toxins from alcohol, drugs, and drugs.

Vitamin B4 has a very important effect on the liver, its deficiency can lead to its obesity. In principle, it helps to speed up metabolism and stimulates the absorption of vitamins A, D, E, K. By lowering cholesterol levels, choline cleanses the walls of blood vessels, is prophylactic for cardiovascular diseases.

Still very important point: with its help, carbohydrates are broken down in the pancreas and insulin production is normalized. Helps a lot in stabilizing diabetes Type I and Type II.

The most important role for men is the observance of the norms of the content of choline - it is a vitamin of "new life", increases sperm motility, regulates the functioning of the prostate gland.

Choline as a medicine to strengthen memory and improve brain activity

Today you can often hear in jest from fairly young people about "senile sclerosis" and girlish memory. But the sad part is that it's mostly true. People start looking expensive medicines, and the reason is just a deficiency of vitamin B4.

The use of choline by pregnant women subsequently significantly affects the brain activity of the child. It has a positive effect on the growth of the child. This amino acid protects the functions of the brain from the birth of a child and until old age a person does not suffer from dementia, moreover, he is distinguished by excellent intelligence.

So far, scientists have conducted experiments only on animals, but they argue that the use of choline by pregnant individuals determines the brain structure already in the embryos. As the dose increased, the brains of the cubs functioned more and more actively. And with age, the sharpness of the mind did not dull, unlike animals whose mothers did not consume vitamin B4.

Consequently, it has been proven that it is the nutrition of the mother during pregnancy that significantly affects the construction of the brain and its further activity. And it is choline that turns out to be the most important component.

But what to do if, out of ignorance, the moment was lost? Unfortunately, choline is not able to rebuild the structure of the brain, but, nevertheless, the need for it does not disappear. Breast milk mothers are rich in choline and this provides another argument in favor of breastfeeding, in baby food, although enriched, it is less.

Choline will support brain activity throughout life, it is a catalyst for the work of neurotransmitters responsible for memory function. Based on choline, drugs are being created for Alzheimer's disease, dementia and strokes.

It was tested on students to what extent vitamin B4 affects memory or intellectual ability. It turned out that increased reception choline sharpened memory the most, from which it was concluded that the addition of lecithin was able to eliminate the deficiency of choline in the body. Studies in humans have had a similar effect. retirement age having too low level choline. In adults, such features have not been identified, because. in middle-aged people, the supply of choline to the brain worsens. However, its role in the functioning of the brain is invaluable at any age. In addition, it contributes to the absence of mental and emotional stress in your life.

Daily rate

The required amount is about 0.5-1 g per day, but largely depends on the type of food. So, for example, food with a lack of protein requires an increase in dosage.

The maximum was established by scientists and physicians within the following limits: for school children up to 2 g, for adults from 3 to 3.5 g.

Vitamin B4 (choline) deficiency

Choline deficiency can be caused different factors. First of all, the most direct reason is its limited intake with food, in particular, protein. Toxic alcohol and nicotine have a significant destructive effect, long-term use strong drugs and antibiotics.

In addition, with a low intake of B12 and folic acid, the absorption of choline is significantly reduced.

Do not forget that the lack of vitamin B4 leads to unpleasant consequences:

The use of synthesized vitamin B4 in tablets or ampoules can largely solve the problem of choline deficiency. If you are unable to fully comply with the diet, you can buy multivitamins, in which the amount of vitamins is balanced. One such agent is lecithin in a pharmacological form.

Too much vitamin B4 (choline) in the body

With an excess of choline, they begin to observe constant nausea, increased perspiration and salivation, reduced arterial pressure and "fishy" body odor.

Sources of Choline

Choline is also rich in products of plant origin: bran, cabbage, tomatoes, carrots.

Do not do without tea brewed on medicinal herbs from hawthorn, chicory, dandelion and nettle. There are benefits in all herbs, the only contraindication is your body intolerance to any of them.

Indications for appointment

Choline has an impact on the treatment of many complex diseases:

  • Hypertension, hypertension and ischemic disease hearts.
  • Anemia.
  • Diseases associated with impaired liver function.
  • Alzheimer's disease, memory impairment.
  • neurological diseases.
  • Alcoholism.
  • Choline is able to be independently produced by the body and is only traditionally called a vitamin. In the conditions of modern environment this amount is not enough, so it is recommended to increase its content in the body with food.
  • AT quail eggs contains more choline than chicken eggs.
  • Physical overload causes a lack of choline and, as a result, reverse effect- weight loss does not occur, weight is gained. Conclusion - everything should be in moderation.

Minimum daily rate of this vitamin of group B - 500-1000 mg. The amount strongly depends on the consumption and state of health, as well as the presence of stress and mental stress. The maximum allowable daily amount for children is 2000 mg, and for adults - 3500 mg.

Avitaminosis can occur different reasons. For example, if a person is exposed to stress, then the body consumes trimethylethanolamine in double the amount. In this case, the body may try to replenish the content of B4 by using other substances, but this can cause serious harm to health.

Deficiency symptoms include:

  • sleep problems
  • irritability, nervous breakdowns,
  • noise in ears,
  • memory problems,
  • headache,
  • arrhythmia
  • sudden weight gain
  • deterioration in concentration and coordination,
  • increased cholesterol.

If the body does not receive choline for long term, then the development of hypertension, atherosclerosis, gastritis, the appearance of problems with growth, the functioning of the liver and genital organs is possible.

Although the lack of vitamin B4 is dangerous, you should not bring the body to a state of hypervitaminosis. This will threaten you with fishy breath, loss of appetite, increased pressure and problems with the gastrointestinal tract. To address these issues, it is enough to reduce the consumption of foods rich in choline.

Features of interaction

In some cases, other substances can enhance the effect of vitamin B4 or, on the contrary, it improves their work.

  • If present with choline pantothenic acid, then B4 is synthesized into acetylcholine. We have already written about it in more detail before.
  • Combined use with B8 improves liver metabolism and reduces plaque buildup in blood vessels.
  • You can enhance the work of nutrients by adding cobalamin and folic acid to trimethylethanolamine.
  • Choline helps to neutralize the harm from nicotinic acid.

Undesirable combination of vitamin C oral contraceptives. They destroy up to 50% of the useful substance. Antibiotics also have a harmful effect, alcohol solutions and steroids. They reduce the benefits of choline by almost half.


If it is not possible to restore the health of the body by establishing a nutrition system, then people often resort to the use of drugs.

For example, Vitrum Beauty tablets contains almost all representatives of group B, including B4. The instructions for use indicate dosages for adults - two tablets per day, after meals. For children, the complex is prohibited.

The maximum effect can be achieved by increasing the dose to three tablets, but prior consultation with your doctor is necessary.

One of the options for vitamin b4 in ampoules is called Choline chloride. This is a 20% solution, which must be applied in a teaspoon (the volume should not exceed 5 ml) up to five times a day. The course lasts two or three weeks.

A one percent solution can be administered intravenously with droppers. The price starts from 60 rubles.

As part of vitamin complex Duovit Memo contains choline, as well as lecithin, which is important for the functioning of B4. Duovit is useful for high mental load, nutritional problems, constant stress, and is also a means of combating the lack of vitamins of the B group. Take three plates a day with food.

Gleacer - ampoules containing choline alfoscerate. It is prescribed as a nootropic agent, it is also an anticholinergic. Gleacyr renders beneficial effect on the passage of blood and metabolism of the central nervous system. Can lead to regression neurological pathologies, improve the reactions of people with brain diseases such as encephalopathy.

Has a number side effects on the gastrointestinal tract general state and skin, so you can not independently prescribe Gleatser for yourself. The same applies to any other medication- You should always consult with a knowledgeable doctor first.

The price of choline alfoscerate is from 250 rubles.

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Stay strong!

Artem and Elena Vasyukovich



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