How to restore immunity after taking antibiotics. How to increase the immunity of a child and an adult after an illness

The following "immune" tips will help you prevent colds, flu and chronic diseases.


We start with garlic. It contains a substance called allicin, vitamins, C, E, minerals selenium, sulfur and zinc (all of which are important for the full functioning of the immune system). Garlic protects against infections, colds, flu, and also has antibacterial, fungal and viral properties. You can simply add some crushed garlic to pasta, sauces, salads, or liquids.


Seaweed time. Not only are they highly nutritious, but they also boost the performance of the immune system, reducing the risk of disease and infections. Seaweed is an excellent source of zinc and antioxidants, which are also important for the immune system. Brown seaweed, red seaweed or arame (a type of Japanese kelp) can be added to soups, salads and fried foods.


It needs some sun. Vitamin D protects against a number of chronic diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Sunlight is the easiest way to replenish this vitamin, so it is recommended to spend 10-15 minutes under the sun every day without using any protective face and hand cream.


Echinacea line. It contains phenol derivatives that increase the number and activity of immune cells (macrophages and t-cells), making their attacks on influenza and cold viruses and bacteria more effective.

Echinacea can be taken in the form of tablets, liquid extracts, or tea (three cups a day is ideal).


Vitamin C is one of the most effective means of improving the performance of the immune system. Being a powerful antioxidant, it protects cells from the harmful effects of free radicals, and also has antiviral, antibacterial and anti-allergic properties. It is recommended to consume more citrus fruits, parsley, berries, red capsicum and kiwi.


It's time for yogurt. This type of fermented, highly nutritious food improves digestion and immunity.

Live bacteria (Bifido and Acidophilus) are beneficial to health and promote the growth of vital intestinal micro-organisms.


You need zinc. It plays an important role in the production of white blood cells that protect the human body from colds and infectious diseases. Zinc has antioxidant properties by binding free radicals.

The most well-known sources of the mineral are meat, dairy products, whole grains, although most of it is lost during cooking. If we talk about tablets, it is recommended to take about 45 milligrams per day.

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Dear readers, I would like to cover in detail in this article how to restore immunity after a protracted illness on my own, consider methods for increasing immunoreactivity and common mistakes.

To strengthen the immune system after an illness, the rules will help, adhering to which systematically and purposefully, a person will restore vitality.
It is important to take care of recovery after an illness, if poor health persists - reduced efficiency, lethargy and dizziness. The same applies to conditions that were treated with a course of antibacterial drugs.

After a protracted cold, the doctor will advise not to go to work for 3-4 days after recovery (these days will go to the hospital bill), eat well and walk daily. More detailed recommendations are provided below.

After operation

The duration of recovery after surgical treatment depends on the volume of intervention, the condition of the person and other factors. Serious surgical intervention at the rehabilitation stage requires restorative measures, as well as sparing, because it is during this period that there is a high risk of “catching” ARVI, which easily leads to the development of complications in the case of a weakened body.

Restorative measures are important after significant blood loss, extensive surgical intervention, and therefore, to restore immunity, it is necessary:

  • introduction of an appropriate therapeutic diet taking into account the disease with a gradual expansion of the table, and after that - with a transfer to a common table; with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, a strict diet is necessary;
  • gradual introduction strenuous physical activity;
  • leisure with family and friends;
  • reception of restorative products with adaptogenic properties, which will allow you to quickly restore immunity;
  • Periodic ventilation of the room, short walks.

After the flu

How to improve immunity after illness? Having been ill with the flu, a person still feels the consequences of the infection for some time. This is largely due to toxic substances produced by the pathogen, which remain in the body for a certain time, which is manifested by reduced performance, lethargy, malaise and other unpleasant manifestations.

Restore immunity after the flu will help means-adaptogens, vitamin complexes, phytopreparations. Also, regular walks in the fresh air and exercise will not hurt.

Taking special preparations to restore beneficial microflora after antibiotic therapy is usually not required - it is restored on its own.

Strengthening immunity after pneumonia

Pneumonia- inflammation of the lungs, a disease of a predominantly infectious nature. In the absence of adequate treatment, especially in severe immunodeficiencies, pneumonia is fatal.

The recovery period after pneumonia is longer than after SARS, but the measures for restoring immunity are the same - taking adaptogens, regular ventilation of the room, balanced nutrition to restore strength. Exposure to fresh air has a beneficial effect on well-being.

After a sore throat

After a purulent tonsillitis, the “echoes” of the disease may disturb the recovered person for a long time. In the treatment of purulent tonsillitis (an acute process in which purulent films or vesicles are found in the lacunae of the tonsils), along with the treatment of antibiotics, local treatment is indispensable - rinsing with solutions.

Even after recovery, to maintain local immunity, you should gargle. Instead of a solution of iodine, salt and soda, you can use decoctions of medicinal herbs (decoction of wild rose, chamomile, and others). At least for two, such procedures should be carried out, and it is also necessary to treat tonsillitis - with reduced immunity, purulent tonsillitis treated without antibiotics turns into a chronic process that cannot be cured, but only periodically maintained.

To restore immunity after a sore throat, inhalations are made with herbs or ordinary saline, they take tinctures of radiola rosea, ginseng and others.

In order not to irritate the mucous membrane once again, hot drinks and spicy foods should be avoided after treatment. If there are infectious foci of the oral cavity, treat them in a timely manner. For example, caries.

After mononucleosis

The causative agent of the disease is the Epstein-Barr virus. With infectious mononucleosis, the patient remains incapacitated for a long time, and restorative treatment is especially important, including at the stage of recovery.
You can use tinctures of lemongrass, echinacea, eleutherococcus and others that increase immunity after illness.

After scarlet fever

In scarlet fever, in addition to lesions of the oropharynx and exanthema, a characteristic pronounced intoxication is associated with the high toxicity of group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus, the causative agent of scarlet fever. A person is very susceptible to this infection, and the immunity formed after the infection is type-specific, which means that a person does not have acquired immunity to other types of pathogens of this group, and he can also get sick again.
It is dangerous for people with weakened immune systems to be in the same room, even with those who have already recovered a few weeks ago. That is, convalescents remain contagious. There are those who, being carriers, do not get sick - the pathogen is simply located on the nasopharyngeal mucosa and is released into the environment, which is also dangerous for people with weak immunity. That is why in autumn, spring, during periods of increased morbidity, immunity should be strengthened.

After rubella

With rubella, a viral, infectious disease, intoxication is less pronounced when compared with mononucleosis and scarlet fever, but after recovery, patients still need at least a week's rest, regular walks and restorative drugs.

After antibiotics

All of the above diseases require the use of antibacterial agents. With adequate prescription of antibiotics, the patient recovers on his own within a certain time, however, as a preventive measure for further immunodeficiency conditions, adaptogenic agents can be used - tinctures, decoctions, vitamins.

The main rules for a quick restoration of immunity are a balanced diet, taking vitamin preparations, daily walks.
You can read more about strengthening immunity on our website in a separate article.


Vitamin complexes can be connected if necessary, especially in the autumn and spring periods for general strengthening purposes after an illness.
Taking vitamins may be required not only after infectious diseases. At the stage of recovery after surgery, in some cases, vitamin complexes are prescribed. Such drugs are also suitable for asthenic, weakened people with a labile nervous system, autonomic dysfunction - vitamins will help them quickly restore immunity after an illness and improve overall well-being.

Complexes that are trusted: Complivit, Vitrum, Multitabs Immuno +, Alphabet.

Vitamins are in no case purchased "from the hands" or on sites that are not trusted. It should be purchased at pharmacies and on the official websites of pharmacies. Although they are not drugs, vitamin compounds are indispensable participants in the metabolic processes in the body, and their deficiency after an illness slows down the process of restoring immunity and general well-being.


In some cases, after a protracted illness, immunomodulating agents are used - Likopid, Galavit and others that are not self-prescribed - only by prescription.

You should not expect too much from taking dietary supplements - these drugs are not medicines. However, some drugs have excellent restorative properties, so they use their main drugs prescribed by a doctor (immunomodulators, for example).

Folk remedies

Folk remedies are rarely effective, but there are good recipes that even doctors approve. One such recipe is a vitamin blend rich in vitamin C and other important compounds. After the flu, a mixture of natural ingredients helps to restore immunity after an illness.
The choice of components is individual, depending on preferences, propensity for allergies, etc. For cooking you will need the following products:

  • Nuts - cashews, walnuts, peanuts, etc.
  • Dried fruits - prunes, dried apricots, figs.
  • Medium lemon. Other citrus fruits and berries are added to taste.

The mixture is carefully crushed and infused for a day. The ratio of products should be such that the mixture does not turn out to be too acidic for the patient: for 1 lemon, take 3 cups of dried fruits and nuts together.

“I often get colds, especially in the off-season. And recently I ended up in the hospital and now I can’t restore my strength in any way. Tell me how to strengthen the immune system after an illness?
Anastasia Fedorova, Tula

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Clinical Allergology and Immunology of the Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry Natalia Ivanovna Ilyina answers the reader's question.

If a person has had an acute illness, but it ended successfully and did not give any complications, then nothing special needs to be done. The body will slowly recover on its own. Help him with good nutrition, include proteins, fats and carbohydrates in your diet. Forget about diets for a while. And live in the usual rhythm.
You can even actively play sports, go to the pool. But, of course, you do not need to immediately lift the bar or play with dumbbells. After illness, physical activity should be small, and they need to be increased gradually. And outdoor walks are especially recommended.
But if, after an illness, a person quickly gets tired, feels weak, his temperature periodically rises, then this infection makes itself felt. In this case, good nutrition and regimen should be supplemented with multivitamins, immunomodulators or drugs that improve metabolic processes.
Which method of drug administration to choose - pills or injections - the attending physician will advise. It is also worth abandoning very active modulators. They are prescribed for serious failures of the immune system, and if taken unreasonably, they can cause harm.

- And what drugs would you recommend?
– In pharmacies today you can find many effective drugs aimed at strengthening human immunity. You can call "Polyoxidonium", "Immunofan", "Lekopit", "Galavit". Natural immunity helpers - Chinese magnolia vine and ginseng tincture.
But I especially want to highlight a plant called Echinacea purpurea. It is part of many medical preparations to strengthen the immune system, such as immunal.
It happens that during the off-season a person literally does not get out of colds. In this case, it is simply necessary to take a course of any drug based on echinacea, even without consulting a doctor. And such prevention will not harm a practically healthy person.
But in the summer it is better not to take additional drugs to strengthen the immune system. As long as there are fresh vegetables, fruits, berries on the market, you need to use the gifts of nature.

- Should I periodically donate blood for preventive purposes to check the state of the immune system?
- Doctors still prescribe treatment based on the results of all clinical indications, not just tests.
In addition, they are quite expensive, and it does not always make sense to study the full spectrum. Most often, the doctor needs indicators of only one part of it. For preventive purposes, donating blood for immune status is not necessary.

- Antibiotics are often prescribed for treatment. It is no secret that even the most modern of them, in addition to the undoubted benefits, also give some complications. Maybe you should use a blood purification procedure to renew it?
- Let's start with the fact that antibiotics are not prescribed for any colds. The common cold is a viral infection, and antibiotics do not work against viruses. But if a person has pneumonia, chronic bronchitis, sinusitis or furunculosis, then one cannot do without such drugs.
The procedure for purifying blood plasma is called plasmapheresis and refers to extracorporeal methods of treatment. And for all these special methods there are very limited indications. Their unreasonable use can lead to serious complications.
Moreover, sometimes during blood purification, a part of the plasma is taken without compensation, for example, with immunoglobulins. As a result, the body may become weak. Trust nature, because the blood itself is updated quite successfully.

- And will rest at sea under the bright sun help you recover as soon as possible?
- Now, weekly trips to Thailand, Cyprus, Turkey are really very popular. But rest is different. Few people understand that such short-term trips with a sharp change in climate can bring not an improvement, but a new shake-up of the immune system.
It is much better and more effective for health after an illness to rest in the middle lane.

- Many consider artificial sunbathing sessions in the solarium to be a good way to strengthen the immune system. Is it so?
– In our country today, solariums are mainly used to achieve a cosmetic effect. From such procedures, I, as a doctor, do not see any benefit. In addition to gaining psychological comfort from their own appearance. Although phototherapy as a physiotherapy can be very effective, the system of this treatment should be determined by the doctor.

Do you need to lean on some special foods in your diet if you want to recover faster?
“It’s better to just stick to a balanced natural diet. You should include meat, fish, fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet. Foods enriched with vitamin C are very helpful in boosting immunity. For example, sauerkraut. Also, you can not refuse the natural protein found in meat. Broiler chicken is best. The main thing is the freshest, not frozen and not canned products. Fresh vegetables are good - beets, tomatoes, cucumbers, radishes, carrots.

- Are there any features to strengthen the immune system in women?
– No, in this case everyone is equal before nature. Not only nutrition should be balanced, but also the mode of work and rest. It's time to be a little selfish: sleep more, rest and eat better.
The only thing is that after an illness, women need to pay attention not only to immunity, but also to hormones, especially the thyroid gland.
In general, the immune system requires training. If a person rarely takes walks in the fresh air, dresses warmly all the time, adheres to a sparing regimen, his body begins to fail.
You do not need to create greenhouse living conditions to maintain your health. Anyone who tries to limit himself as much as possible from external contacts, from active life, often gets the opposite result - he starts to get sick.


It's no secret that just a hundred years ago people were healthier than they are today. Although medicine was not at all at the same level as it is now. Frequent colds, when an adult is forced to take sick leave at work several times in the autumn-winter period, no longer surprise anyone. Restoring the body's immunity has become an urgent problem, especially for residents of megacities.

The main factors that reduce the body's defenses

Failure of the immune system can be caused by:

  • taking strong drugs when you have to be treated with toxic drugs;
  • chronic diseases (diabetes mellitus, vascular pathology, etc.);
  • bad habits;
  • frequent stress;
  • lack of physical activity;
  • improper and irregular nutrition;
  • hormonal disruptions in adolescents;
  • operations.

All of the above conditions adversely affect a person's ability to withstand the negative effects of bacteria and viruses. In women, the body weakens after pregnancy and childbirth, when all resources are spent on bearing a child.

Signs of a weakened immune system

Symptoms of immunodeficiency:

  • fatigue, weakness;
  • Bad mood;
  • frequent rashes on beeches;
  • aches in the joints;
  • frequent acute respiratory infections that occur more than six times a year;
  • insomnia.

Types of immunity

There are two types of immunity in medicine:

1. Congenital, which is passed down from generation to generation:

  • absolute, when people are not susceptible to diseases that affect animals;
  • relative.

2. Acquired. His person receives during his life:

  • artificial: triggered by medication. It happens active when the patient is vaccinated, and passive - is formed after the introduction of serum;
  • natural: does not require special medical intervention. It turns on during the intrauterine development of the child and after an infection (for example, chickenpox or measles).

It is important to understand that quickly, in a second, the launch of the immune system will not happen. The formation of a protective barrier occurs throughout life, when the human body is forced to adapt.

Restoration of immunity

  • After antibiotics

As soon as penicillin was discovered, it seemed that antibiotic therapy could possibly cure all diseases (documentary films testify to this). Today, both doctors and ordinary people understand that antibiotics are both beneficial and harmful at the same time. In particular, they have a negative impact on the work of the GI and reduce the immunological status, so it is necessary to restore resistance to infections:

  • synthetic vitamins or immunomodulators;
  • taking medications with ursodeoxycholic acid;
  • eliminating fatty and salty foods from the diet;
  • normalizing the intestinal microflora. This will help special preparations and dairy products with lacto and bifidobacteria.

After operation

Surgical intervention is always a serious blow to the body, requiring recovery:

  • give up unnecessary restrictions on food: eat a lot of fresh vegetables, fruits, meat, fish. It is important that the food is saturated with proteins and carbohydrates;
  • do therapeutic exercises;
  • to prevent infections, take multivitamin complexes;
  • Spend as much time outdoors as possible.

How to cure the immune system after surgery, the doctor determines. All procedures and activities are carried out under his supervision, so as not to harm. For example, physical activity should be balanced, and their intensity increases gradually.

It is known that the human immune system includes several organs. The most important are tonsils and appendicitis. An important role in strengthening the protective forces is given to the proper functioning of the digestive tract. There are signs by which a weak immune system is determined:

  • frequent colds occur;
  • chronic fatigue appears;
  • there are mood swings;
  • depression appears.

Strengthening immunity with folk remedies should begin with simple methods:

  • sleep regulation - night rest time is not less than 8 hours;
  • daily walks in nature;
  • the use of a contrast shower and foot baths;
  • use of bath procedures;
  • organization of a balanced diet;
  • use of recipes with natural ingredients;
  • the use of immunostimulating plants.

How to increase immunity folk remedies? It is worth finding out what features the ingredients that make up the recipes should have in order for the strengthening to be effective. Purpose of healing products:

  • increase vasodilation for better blood circulation;
  • contain vitamins to normalize metabolic processes;
  • contain phytoncides to kill viruses;
  • have antibacterial properties;
  • cleanse the digestive tract of toxins;
  • warm up the body
  • be natural immunostimulants.

Folk remedies for immunity

To assist in strengthening the protective forces of an adult and a child, as part of therapeutic agents and in their natural form, they use:

  • berries: cranberries, cranberries, gooseberries;
  • citrus;
  • sauerkraut;
  • garlic;
  • Bell pepper;
  • fish fat;
  • bee products: bee bread, propolis;
  • mummy;
  • medicinal herbs: St. John's wort, elecampane;
  • indoor plants: aloe, kalanchoe, golden mustache;
  • immunomodulators: ginseng, lemongrass, rhodiola rosea;
  • seafood: squid, algae;
  • germinated grain;
  • oats;
  • spices: cloves, ginger, turmeric, cinnamon.

Folk recipes for immunity

With frequent colds in winter, restoration of immunity with folk remedies is carried out using herbal teas with the addition of honey, lemon, raspberry jam. General strengthening properties have:

  • sour berries: fresh and frozen;
  • drinks with ginger;
  • tinctures of ginseng, lemongrass;
  • teas and decoctions from the collection of herbs;
  • vitamin mixture with honey, dried fruits, lemons.

Increasing immunity folk remedies based on honey

For the prevention of diseases and the rapid strengthening of the immune system for colds, traditional medicine recommends remedies that include honey. Trace elements, vitamins help to improve the body. Folk remedies for raising immunity using honey, adults take a large spoon twice a day, and a child - a teaspoon, preferably before meals.

A mixture of equal parts of garlic and honey helps to strengthen the immune system. There are many useful vitamins and microelements in the mix of nuts and dried fruits: raisins, dried apricots, prunes. 100 g of each type is crushed, the same amount of honey and lemon, which is finely chopped, are added. The mixture helps to strengthen the immune system:

  • 3 garlic cloves;
  • 100 g of honey;
  • lemon.

Folk remedies to increase immunity based on garlic

It is difficult to get a child to drink garlic medicine because of the peculiar smell. In this case, a glass of warm milk will help strengthen the defenses. Add 5 drops of garlic juice to it - the baby will drink with pleasure. Adults will love the recipe in which 2 heads of garlic are infused for 14 days in a bottle of red semi-sweet wine. Such an infusion is effective, which, like the previous one, is drunk in a spoonful before meals. On prescription:

  • pour 0.5 l of water;
  • add chopped lemon and finely chopped head of garlic;
  • withstand 5 days.

How to boost immunity folk remedies based on lemon

A pleasant medicine is obtained using lemon. It helps to strengthen the immune system along with other components. Traditional healers suggest drinking tea daily with a mixture in which 0.5 kg of grated lemons and half as much honey is added. A useful tool where the head of garlic is crushed with a citrus fruit and poured with half a liter of boiling water. After three days, they drink two tablespoons on an empty stomach, in the morning. A tasty and healthy drink that is taken three times a day. Dosage - one spoonful. For cooking:

  • take 250 g of honey;
  • add a glass of carrot, lemon, radish juice;
  • pour in 250 ml of Cahors.

Strengthening the immune system with medicinal herbs

How to support immunity folk remedies with herbs? Favorite drink is rosehip infusion. A handful of berries are poured with boiling water in a half-liter thermos, they drink like tea. In winter, you can collect coniferous needles. Boil a liter of water, put 4 tablespoons, leave for a day. Drink a cup for 21 days. Herbal preparations work well, which can be combined or used separately. Add 1.5 tablespoons of the mixture to a glass of boiling water, insist. Recommend to use:

  • sage;
  • thyme;
  • thyme;
  • nettle;
  • blackcurrant.

Combined remedies to strengthen the immune system

The formulations, which include several components, help support the immune system. Take them on a spoon before meals. It is recommended to grind 1 kg of walnuts and buckwheat. Pour everything with honey - 750 grams. A tasty and healthy remedy is to chop 2 apples, 100 grams of nuts, 2 lemons, mix with two tablespoons of honey. The mixture helps to strengthen the body's defenses:

  • juice of 4 lemons;
  • half a glass of aloe juice;
  • mashed orange;
  • 300 g honey, walnuts.

Video: folk recipes for raising immunity

Strengthening the immune system with folk remedies allows you to cope with diseases of adults and children, especially in winter. You can permanently solve the problem with colds if you drink vitamin infusions, herbal teas, use tasty and healthy mixtures. The video tutorials below will help you master the recipes of traditional medicine, study the correct cooking technology and the necessary proportions.

Garlic to boost immunity

How to boost immunity at home

Raising immunity with folk remedies according to Amosov



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