Consequences of sleep deprivation. The terrible consequences of lack of sleep

How much does a person need to sleep during the day and what is chronic sleep deprivation? These questions have been of concern to physicians, psychologists, ordinary people and even the military. Let's make an attempt to understand this issue and we.

The concept of sleep in antiquity

Previously, it was almost universally believed that sleep is a state in which the soul flies out of the human body and may not even return back.

Almost all ancient civilizations treated dreams with sacred awe. For example, in Ancient Egypt Dreams were thought to be a message from the gods. Almost universally, there is a belief that sleep is a brief state, like death, when a person's soul flies away to unknown distances and sometimes may not return back.

However, in addition to such explanations, some ancient thinkers tried to give some scientific interpretation to this phenomenon and use the state of sleep to treat certain diseases. For example, Hippocrates, Galen, Aristotle tried to distinguish between dreams that excite illness and those that heal it.

How scientists explain the mechanism of falling asleep

Despite significant progress in the study of the structure and functions of the brain, the state of sleep is still an unsolved mystery for many serious researchers. Currently, there are quite a few theories as to why we sleep and why we need it. The only indisputable fact is that every person spends almost a third of his life in a state of sleep.

It is believed that during wakefulness in certain structures of the brain, substances are already beginning to be produced, due to the action of which sleep subsequently comes (for example, melatonin, serotonin and other completely unexplored substances).

In general, for the body, falling asleep is a signal to switch to another mode of functioning and activity, a sign to launch many recovery processes and cleansing cells from various unnecessary substances.

For nervous system a dream also means the processing and comprehension of the information received during the day, analysis and search for a solution at a subconscious level.

Types of sleep

The process of sleep itself is heterogeneous in nature. During the observation of sleeping people, the researchers noted a certain cyclical nature of the ongoing processes: the presence of alternating periods of slow and REM sleep. In total, about 3–5 such cycles are observed during the night.

REM sleep

Scientists called fast sleep, during which the pupils move quickly closed eyes, although the body is motionless and quite relaxed. The electroencephalogram recorded during this period will resemble that of a waking person.

REM sleep is considered the fifth phase of sleep and usually occurs 1-1.5 hours after falling asleep. A person sees beautiful and memorable dreams in this phase, and its duration is about 10 minutes.

Interestingly, REM sleep is most often observed in newborns (probably they need it for normal development nervous system), and over the years, its number is significantly reduced.

If a person is deprived fast phase sleep, which some drugs do, you may develop one of the forms chronic lack of sleep nia when a person will feel overwhelmed and tired, sleepy all day.

slow sleep

Slow-wave sleep, compared to REM sleep, takes significantly more time in the sleep cycle. large quantity time. From the moment you fall asleep to the onset of REM sleep, it can last about 90 minutes.

On the electroencephalogram during this period, slow alpha waves are recorded, which are gradually replaced by theta waves. The heart rate slows down, pressure decreases, breathing becomes more rare.

In the end, the so-called delta sleep occurs, which is characterized by the presence of delta waves on the EEG. During this period of sleep, it is very difficult to wake a person, although it is in this phase that the phenomena of sleepwalking and nocturnal enuresis can be observed.

It is believed that during slow sleep the main energy costs are replenished, and the brain sorts and processes the information necessary, in its opinion, for memorization.

What else happens to the body during the night

  • Growth hormone is produced - somatotropin (not without reason they say that children grow in their sleep).
  • Prolactin is synthesized - a hormone that ensures the secretion of milk by a nursing mother during the day.
  • In those who suffer peptic ulcer 12 duodenal ulcer in REM sleep secretion level of hydrochloric acid can increase 20 times, which provokes hungry night pains.
  • Nocturnal angina attacks become more frequent during REM sleep.
  • All body systems are restored.

How much sleep does a person need

An adult needs to sleep 7-8 hours a day, at least 2 of which should fall before 24:00.

More than one generation of researchers tried to answer this question. It is believed that the average adult needs 7-8 hours good sleep, and 2 of which should fall on the period up to 12 o'clock at night. In general, women need 1 hour more sleep than men.

However, the facts are indisputable that for some people a significantly smaller number of hours of sleep is sufficient, while for others even 10 hours of sleep is not enough.

The most important criterion for "sleeping" is that after waking up, a person should feel rested and alert. If the rise is accompanied by weakness, bad mood and poor health, then sleep is clearly not enough.

Activities play a huge role in the overall need for sleep. thyroid gland. So, with insufficient production of its hormones (hypothyroidism), pathological drowsiness begins to be observed.

Consequences and symptoms of lack of sleep

  • Depression, decreased concentration, ability to concentrate and highlight the main thing.
  • Loss of sense of humor, increased irritability.
  • Hallucinations, lapses in thinking, occasional confusion.
  • Drowsiness during wakefulness, loss of a sense of the reality of what is happening.
  • Dizziness, headaches, periodic fainting.
  • Reduced immunity, increased susceptibility to cancer and infectious diseases.
  • Condition like .
  • Increased risk hypertensive crises development of diabetes and diabetes.
  • Increasing the number of serious errors medical workers after night shift.
  • A tendency to accumulate excess body weight (it is believed that if a person sleeps for 5 hours or less, then he runs the risk of gaining weight by 50 percent or more, since with chronic sleep deprivation, glucose is not utilized into muscle energy, but into fat).
  • Development of insomnia, impotence.

Who or what is stealing the dream

The most common sleep thief modern man is a computer, telephone and television. Oddly enough, a sedentary lifestyle also plays a very significant role in depriving a sufficient amount of sleep (with physical inactivity, it is very difficult for a person to fall asleep on time, and the need to be at work or classes makes waking up early - that's the amount of sleep is reduced).

late and big dinner, family quarrels in evening time, stimulant drinks, night shifts, overtime work– are also capable of stealing such precious hours of sleep.

Chronic sleep deprivation: how to deal with it

  1. Normalize and put your lifestyle in order: try to go to bed no later than 22–23.00, and wake up 7–8 hours after falling asleep.
  2. More during the day physical activity.
  3. Do not drink stimulant drinks, as well as alcohol, in the second half.
  4. Quit smoking.
  5. Use the bed only for sleeping.
  6. Take a short walk the night before bed. fresh air, forgive everyone (including yourself): let your emotions subside, passions settle down. Find at least 10 reasons to be grateful for this day. Take a warm bath, turn on quiet soothing music, and have a relaxing massage.

Well, if these measures do not help, seek help from a specialist.

Here is a small test that will help you determine if your body is getting enough sleep.

  • When the alarm rings, you move the arrows to more late time and sleep on?
  • Sometimes you don't hear the call at all?
  • When you wake up, do you find it difficult to get out of bed?
  • Dozing in transport, at lectures and meetings?
  • Do you sleep longer than usual when you don't have to go to work?
  • Lose your temper if your plans are ruined?
  • A glass of alcohol - and you carry?
  • Love to take a nap during the day?
  • Acutely feel the fatigue that has accumulated over the week?

If you answered yes to at least 2 questions, you should reconsider your daily routine. Otherwise, it will lead to serious illness.

Good sleep is an important part healthy lifestyle life. Many people forget about this, and mistakenly assume that having slept off on the weekend, they will return the lost hours to the body within working week. Chronic sleep deprivation contributes to the development of many diseases, including cancer, hypertension and diabetes. Even if a person will take vitamins, exercise and eat well, this will not help his body restore the need for healthy sleep.

Good sleep is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. Many people forget about this, and mistakenly assume that having slept off on the weekend, they will return the lost hours to the body during the working week. Chronic sleep deprivation contributes to the development of many diseases, including cancer, hypertension and diabetes. Even if a person will take vitamins, exercise and eat well, this will not help his body restore the need for healthy sleep.

Top 10 Consequences of Chronic Sleep Deprivation

Systematic lack of sleep is much more dangerous than staying awake for several days. A person who has not had enough sleep for two weeks begins to get used to it, and a five-hour sleep becomes the norm for him. The body simply adapts to such a rhythm of life and works with all its might. If a person does not restore a full eight-hour sleep, the body will not be able to hold out for a long time in such a rhythm.

1. Decreased memory

During sleep, new information that has come to us during the whole day is transferred to short-term memory. During each phase of sleep work various processes processing new information that turns into memories. In the event that a person does not get enough sleep, they are destroyed important cycles memory chains and the memorization process is interrupted.

Each of us could at least once feel for ourselves that a sleepy person does not remember information well, since he simply does not have the strength to concentrate and concentrate.

2. Slow down thought processes

As a result of research, it was found that lack of sleep causes a decrease in concentration. As a result of lack of sleep, it is easier to make mistakes and harder to concentrate - to solve even the simplest problems. logical tasks sleepy man unable to.

3. Sleep deprivation impairs vision

Constant neglect of sleep is detrimental to vision. Scientists have come to the conclusion that chronic sleep deprivation can provoke glaucoma, which can subsequently cause blindness. In the case of periodic lack of sleep, a person may experience ischemic optic neuropathy - vascular disease that occurs after waking up. ophthalmic nerve is affected due to insufficient blood supply, resulting in sudden loss vision in one eye.

4. Emotional instability in adolescents

Regular lack of sleep causes depression in teenagers. With a lack of sleep, the psyche of a teenager is extremely vulnerable - an imbalance in the activity of brain regions occurs. So, in areas of the prefrontal zone, which regulates negative associations, activity decreases and adolescents are prone to pessimism and a depressed emotional state.

5. Pressure increase

Chronic sleep deprivation after the age of 25 causes high blood pressure. American scientists have found that late awakening (sleep rhythm disturbance) also causes an increase in pressure and can cause overweight.

6. Reduced immunity

A person who does not systematically get enough sleep is more susceptible to viral diseases. This is due to the depletion of the body, protective functions which are reduced, giving pathogens a "green color".

7. Premature aging

Failure to comply with sleep-wake rhythms can lead to early aging organism. Melatonin is a powerful antioxidant important role in the prolongation of youth. For the body to produce enough melatonin, a person should sleep at least 7 hours at night (dark) time of the day, since as a result of good sleep we get 70% daily dose melatonin.

8. Life expectancy is decreasing

In case of lack or excess of sleep, the likelihood of the onset of premature death. This is evidenced by the results of research by American scientists. The life expectancy of people experiencing chronic sleep deprivation is reduced by 10%.

9. Obesity

Due to lack of sleep, a person is rapidly gaining weight. This is due to an imbalance in the secretion of hormones that are responsible for feelings of satiety and hunger. At hormonal failure a person experiences constant feeling hunger, which is difficult to satisfy. Also, the cause of metabolic disorders due to lack of sleep can be excessive production of the hormone cortisol, which also stimulates hunger. Changes and circadian rhythm secretion of thyroid hormones, pituitary gland, which causes functional and organic disorders many organs and systems of the human body.

10 Cancer

Lack of sleep can lead to cancer. Scientists explain the risk of oncology by a violation of the production of melatonin. This hormone, apart from antioxidant properties able to suppress the growth of tumor cells.

Sleep deprivation: health problems

The reason for lack of sleep can be not only a busy work schedule. Most of the time, we can't sleep because of objective factors that affect healthy sleep. By regularly making the same mistakes, we deprive ourselves of comfortable conditions for sleep, without even knowing it.

Chronic sleep deprivation leads to the following problems:

  • Nightmares, headaches, as a result of which we cannot sleep, may be the result of too slow blood circulation. The reason often lies in our habits - a tight elastic band on the hair, unkempt hair or too aggressive night masks.
  • Pain in the spine, back, muscle cramps, a feeling of cold may result from an improperly equipped bedroom. Please note that you need to sleep on a flat bed, a hard mattress, a pillow that supports your head, and does not bend your spine.
  • With dry skin, drying of the nasal mucosa, it is necessary to normalize the humidity in the room. The room should be regularly ventilated, especially before going to bed. Most comfortable sleep possible at temperatures up to 20 degrees.

Healthy sleep is an important component of beauty, health and longevity. Without proper quality rest, a person quickly gets tired and loses the ability to work productively. However, stress great amount incoming information, the need for constant urgent decision-making force a person to live according to a schedule that conflicts with his biological clock. These and other causes of sleep deprivation lead to poor health. Due to disruption of biological rhythms, many people who are sleep deprived or work in night shift are much more likely to develop infectious and other serious illnesses, including cardiovascular pathologies, diabetes and some forms of cancer.

According to WHO, the sleep duration of a modern person has decreased by 20% compared to the 19th century, although the norms healthy sleep have not decreased and are the same 6-9 hours a day. About 60% of the entire population suffer from chronic sleep deprivation, in every possible way ignoring the fact that lack of sleep provokes the development most dangerous diseases.

How to determine that you are in a sleepy state:

  • you have a hard time getting up in the morning;
  • feel a feeling of weakness and fatigue in the afternoon;
  • often feel sleepy;
  • frequent headaches;
  • dizziness;
  • irritability and melancholy.

In addition, lack of sleep may indicate such external signs like pallor, dark circles under the eyes, dull hair, brittle nails.

The harm of lack of sleep


Chronic lack of sleep provokes the development of obesity. For sixteen years, US scientists have been monitoring 70,000 American women. Women who slept less than normal were 32% more likely to gain excess weight. Weight gain with lack of sleep is due to a hormonal failure in the production of ghrelin, leptin and cortisol - hormones responsible for feeling full.


Constant lack of sleep provokes the development of colon and breast cancer. Case Western Research University in Cleveland conducted a study in which 1,240 subjects participated. 338 people were diagnosed precancerous condition colorectal adenoma, at the same time it turned out that they sleep less than 7 hours a day, unlike healthy comrades. Thus, it was concluded that lack of sleep by 50% increases the likelihood of developing oncological diseases.

Scientists associate the occurrence of cancer with lack of sleep with a lack of the hormone melatonin formed at night, which has the ability to suppress growth. cancer cells. Melatonin inhibits the development of such types of cancer in the body as breast cancer, ovarian cancer, prostate cancer.

Premature aging

Melatonin is a powerful antioxidant and neutralizes the effects of oxidative processes throughout the body by binding free radicals. It is known that they bring the aging of a person closer. The hormone is synthesized only at night - in the absence of light, with the peak of its production occurring at 2 am. A decrease in hours of nighttime sleep leads to disruption of hormone production and, as a result, to premature aging.

Elevated blood pressure

Chronic sleep deprivation leads to high blood pressure. This phenomenon was studied by private scientists research university Chicago. Reducing the sleep rate by just 1 hour a day increases the risk of developing hypertension over 5 years by 37%.

Decreased life expectancy

Sleep deprivation increases the risk of premature death. A group of American researchers over several years examined the data of more than a million patients. People who slept 7 hours a day lived the longest. At the same time, it was found that patients who took sleeping pills had more high risk the onset of death than patients simply suffering from insomnia.


An increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes is observed in people who are chronically sleep deprived. This was established by scientists from the University of Warwick (UK). Over 6 years of observation of almost one and a half thousand subjects, they came to the conclusion that sleeping less than 6 hours a day increases the likelihood of developing diabetes by 3 times. Insufficient sleep disrupts glycemic production, leading to impaired glucose regulation.

vision problems

Lack of sleep can provoke the onset of the development of ophthalmic diseases. A number of studies have been conducted on this topic by American ophthalmologists at the Mayo Clinic. Sleep deprivation increases the risk of developing glaucoma, one of the main causes of permanent blindness. A sleep deprived person is at risk increased development diseases such as optical opacity, edema optic nerve due to high intracranial pressure.

Viral and cold diseases

Regular lack of sleep, like insomnia, can cause a drop in immunity. Research on this topic was carried out by researchers from Carnegie Mallon University. Statistics have shown that people who regularly lack sleep get sick with colds and viral diseases 3 times more likely to observe healthy. On susceptibility colds the quality of sleep also affects: those suffering from insomnia are 5 and a half times more likely to catch colds and viral diseases.

The deterioration of men's health

A week of insufficient sleep (that is, about 5-6 hours) leads to consequences similar to aging the body by 10 years. Researchers at the University of Chicago tested 10 healthy men volunteers under the age of 24. During a week of insufficient sleep, their testosterone levels in their blood dropped by 10-15%, which corresponds to about 10-15 years of age. The hormone testosterone regulates sexual behavior in men. reproductive function, bone density and condition muscle mass.

What else affects sleep deprivation?

In addition to the above, the harm of lack of sleep lies in negative impact for mental and emotional condition human, deterioration mental abilities and memorization, deterioration of the skin condition due to a decrease in collagen synthesis, a decrease in the reaction rate, the occurrence of apathy and depression. Impaired blood supply to the brain provokes dizziness, headache and the risk of stroke.

Separately, it should be noted negative factor lack of sleep as drowsiness, which is even more dangerous if a person spends part of the time behind the wheel. According to world statistics, drowsiness while driving is the most common cause of car accidents. Sleep deprivation is similar to the state of alcohol intoxication. A chronically sleep-deprived person is capable, in any state, of abruptly plunging into an involuntary short-term sleep lasting several seconds, during which he completely loses control over the surrounding situation. No better and dizziness from insomnia, which can begin at any time.

How to compensate for sleep deprivation

In many Mediterranean countries there is a tradition of siesta - rest in the afternoon. This is a custom, the effectiveness and benefits of which have been scientifically proven. In the afternoon period from 13-00 to 15-00 hours, a person’s work activity drops sharply and his mood worsens. Productivity during this period of time is extremely low, so in Spain and Italy at this time they take a break of one to two hours. The same practice exists in some Asian countries - Japan and China, and in large concerns in America and Europe such as Google and Microsoft. This approach has a positive effect on the functioning of the brain and on general condition health. helps to improve concentration and memory, avoid emotional overload.

For daytime rest to be useful, you need to observe the correct intervals: either 20-30 minutes or an hour and a half. 20-30 minutes is a sleep that restores strength, after it comes the phase deep sleep. Waking up at this time is easy. An hour and a half sleep is full cycle sleep, after which a person feels a powerful surge of vivacity. It is believed that one and a half hours daytime sleep fully compensate for the lack of sleep at night.

Healthy sleep is the key to a long life

Everyone dreams of a productive day. What to do in order to fall asleep quickly in the evening, and wake up immediately cheerful and energetic in the morning? The most important thing is to carefully plan your day, do not sit in front of the TV in the evening and turn off the computer a couple of hours before bedtime. Practice good sleep hygiene and get as much sleep as your body requires.

List of used literature:

  • Neurology. Handbook of practical doctor. D. R. Shtulman, O. S. Levin. M. "Medpress", 2008
  • National Institutes of Health. NINDS Hypersomnia Information Page (June 2008). Archived April 6, 2012. (English)
  • Poluektov M.G. (ed.) Somnology and sleep medicine. National leadership in memory of A.N. Wayne and Ya.I. Levina M.: "Medforum", 2016. 248 pages

The duration of sleep for an adult should be 7-8 hours. This is the time it takes for the body to full recovery. But how often a couple of hours are not enough to complete all the planned tasks. Naturally, this time is “stealed” at the expense of rest. The result is chronic sleep deprivation. What threatens the health of such a condition?

What is chronic sleep deprivation

Initially, let's figure out what condition can be attributed to this pathology. A person who does not get enough sleep every day for several days and even weeks suffers from a lack of sleep. But talk about chronic pathology still too early. Of course, he faces the first negative signs this phenomenon. But chronic lack of sleep manifests itself in all its glory when a person limits his rest for several months.

Recently, a study was conducted at the University of Texas. It showed that residents who did not receive required amount sleep, had genetic changes. Such disturbances lead to the development serious problems with health. This disease is memory loss.

Therefore, people who sleep 6 hours a day, and sometimes less, should be aware of the serious risks they expose their body to.

Causes of constant lack of sleep

Insufficient night rest can be caused by both internal and external factors. TO internal reasons include a variety of psychological or physiological problems. And external are various circumstances that do not allow you to go to bed on time or fully relax.

Consider the most basic factors that most often lead to such a phenomenon as chronic lack of sleep.

Reasons for poor quality sleep:

  1. Stress. This is the most common reason for inadequate rest. In nature, insomnia may lie bad memories problems at work or personal life, financial or These factors lead to a decrease in the production of melatonin in the body. Instead, the synthesis of adrenaline increases. It is he who leads to overexcitation of the nervous system and provokes problems with falling asleep.
  2. Mental illnesses. Sometimes insomnia is a symptom of various abnormalities. It can indicate the development in the body of psychosis, neurosis, manic disorder, prolonged depression.
  3. Physiological ailments. Very often they cause insomnia in the elderly. Although not protected from such pathologies, even children. Diseases can worsen in the evening or at night. It gets in the way fast falling asleep. Sometimes unpleasant symptoms make you wake up at night. Most often, chronic sleep deprivation occurs against the background of the following diseases: diathesis, enuresis, angina pectoris, syndrome restless legs, hormonal failure, joint diseases (arthrosis, arthritis), hypertension, obstructive sleep apnea.
  4. Failure of biological rhythms. All human systems are arranged in such a way that in the period from approximately 8 to 10 pm, the processes occurring in the body begin to slow down. This causes the person to relax and fall asleep. If for a long time this moment is ignored and the person does not go to bed at the appointed time, then there is a violation of the biological rhythm. As a result, a person tosses and turns in bed for a long time and cannot fall asleep.

Main symptoms

In chronic sleep deprivation, the human condition is a bit like alcohol intoxication. Such a person is characterized by drowsiness, she may have hallucinations and even confusion.

Doctors are considering given state as a sleep disorder. The body is not able to fully recover. This leads to a number of negative violations. First of all, chronic lack of sleep affects the appearance, general condition and character of a person.

Symptoms affecting the nervous system:

  • inattention;
  • depression and apathy;
  • irritability;
  • increased emotionality (unreasonable tears or inappropriate laughter);
  • inability to concentrate;
  • cognitive impairment (thinking, speech, memory).

Signs of lack of sleep, reflected in appearance:

  • swelling of the eyelids;
  • redness of the whites of the eyes;
  • pale or earthy skin color;
  • education dark circles under the eyes;
  • rather untidy appearance.

Symptoms affecting body systems:

  • dizziness, headache;
  • deterioration in functioning digestive tract(diarrhea, constipation);
  • nausea, flatulence;
  • exacerbation of chronic ailments;
  • decreased immunity;
  • susceptibility to colds.

What causes lack of sleep

This condition is quite dangerous. After all, the body can try to compensate for the lack of rest. In other words, a person can fall asleep at any moment, regardless of whether he is at work or driving.

However, this is not the only negative factor that chronic lack of sleep can lead to. The consequences of neglecting rest for a long time can be much more serious.

Doctors, carefully examining this condition, argue that chronic lack of sleep can provoke:

  • stroke;
  • obesity;
  • diabetes;
  • severe memory impairment (up to the loss of brain tissue);
  • weakening of the immune system;
  • the occurrence of heart disease;
  • oncology of the breast or intestines;
  • hypertensive crisis;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • occurrence of depression.

Now, knowing what chronic lack of sleep leads to, let's look at how to get rid of this condition.

  1. Choose a mattress with medium firmness.
  2. Use a low pillow.
  3. Underwear and bed linen should be made of natural fabrics.
  4. Eliminate annoying factors (clock ticking, draft, flashing electronic sensor).
  5. Avoid watching movies or reading negative books before bed.
  6. For 3-4 hours before the rest, give up caffeinated products (energy, tea, coffee).
  7. Do not eat heavy, fatty foods 2 hours before bed.
  8. Go to bed no later than 10-11 pm.

Basic Treatments

If all the symptoms indicate that you have developed chronic sleep deprivation, what to do in such a situation? Initially, the cause of this condition should be eliminated.

In most cases, the following measures are sufficient to improve sleep quality:

  1. Completely eliminate daytime sleep.
  2. Try to move more during the day (walk, exercise).
  3. Before rest, carry out procedures that can eliminate nervous tension (watching humorous films, calm music,
  4. Be sure to ventilate the bedroom before going to bed.
  5. Try to go to bed at the same time.
  6. Do not use alcohol to fall asleep. It provides heavy and superficial rest.

If chronic sleep deprivation is based on psychological or physiological problems, then it is necessary to turn to professionals. For those people who don't have obvious reasons poor quality sleep, you should undergo a full examination.

Folk remedies

Do not ignore ancient recipes.

Falling asleep and proper rest can provide such means:

  1. Peony tincture (10%). It is recommended to use it three times a day, 30 drops for 1 month.
  2. Green tea with honey. It should be consumed daily, preferably at bedtime.
  3. Warm milk with honey. This is another great tool that normalizes night sleep. It is recommended to drink 1 glass of the drink before bed.

If all the methods above do not help you get your rest, you may need a special drug treatment. Therefore, consult a doctor who will select an adequate therapy.

The recommended sleep duration for an adult is 7-8 hours. This is how much time the body needs to recover. Chronic lack of sleep not only negatively affects the appearance, but also leads to a large number health problems.

Causes of chronic sleep deprivation

Factors that provoke problems with night rest and do not allow you to get enough sleep are divided into internal and external. TO internal factors include various physiological or psychological problems. External causes bad sleep are all possible circumstances related to the environment surrounding a person.


Stressful circumstances (problems in your personal life or work, financial or creative crisis, unpleasant memories from the past) are one of the most common reasons for a bad night's rest. Particularly affected are people with increased level suspiciousness that exaggerates the significance of negative events. suspicious person it is common to spend a lot of time thinking and analyzing the problem, and, as a rule, they do this before going to bed. This leads to the fact that the production of the sleep hormone (melatonin) in the body decreases and the synthesis of adrenaline increases, which provokes overexcitation of the nervous system and problems with sleep.
It is possible to determine the fact that lack of sleep is provoked by stress by a number of factors:
  • fear that sleep will not come throughout the night;
  • nightmares, disturbing dreams;
  • superficial sleep;
  • for some time before sleep, a rapid heartbeat begins;
  • long process of falling asleep (more than half an hour).
Chronic sleep deprivation due to insomnia can be a symptom of various mental disorders. These include neurosis, psychosis, prolonged depression, manic disorders. There is even individual disease, in which a person does not sleep at night, because he is afraid of sleep. This disorder is called hypnophobia.

Unhealthy sleep due to deviations mental health has a number of characteristic features:

  • panic and anxiety before going to bed;
  • frequent waking up at night;
  • a short sleep (as a rule, a person wakes up between 3 and 5 a.m. and cannot fall asleep after that).

Physiological diseases

Various diseases of the body are common cause sleep problems in the elderly. The manifestations of many diseases are aggravated in the evening or at night, which makes it difficult to fall asleep and makes you wake up at night. There are also some pathologies that provoke chronic lack of sleep in people in middle age and in children.

Diseases that can cause chronic sleep deprivation include:

  • diathesis (itching on the skin) - in children under the age of one year;
  • () - most often in preschool children;
  • hormonal failure (lack or excess of one of the hormones) - in women during pregnancy and after childbirth, it is also common in women during menopause;
  • restless legs syndrome involuntary movements feet at bedtime and in sleep) - in men and women aged 20 to 40 years;
  • angina pectoris (pain in the heart) - in people of middle and older age;
  • hypertension (high blood pressure) - most often affects people aged 40 to 60 years;
  • joint diseases (arthritis, arthrosis) - in people over 50 years old;
  • obstructive sleep apnea ( heavy snoring) is more common in the elderly and in those who are overweight.

Violation of biological rhythms

All body systems, including the nervous system, function in accordance with biological rhythms. That is, it is laid down by nature in such a way that in the period from about 20.00 to 22.00 all processes begin to slow down, the body and nervous system relax, and the person falls asleep. If, for a number of reasons, for some time a person does not go to bed at the appointed time, his biological rhythm is violated. Subsequently, already having the opportunity to fall asleep in the appropriate period, he begins to experience sleep problems that lead to chronic sleep deprivation.

To provoke a violation of biorhythms can:

  • frequent flights in different time zones;
  • night mode;
  • the birth and care of a child;
  • regular visits to nightlife.
A sign that sleep deprivation is provoked by jet lag is severe difficulty falling asleep and difficulty waking up.

Signs of chronic sleep deprivation

From the point of view of medicine, chronic sleep deprivation is considered as a disease (sleep disorder) that has a number of symptoms. Since the body does not get the opportunity to fully recover, a number of negative changes occur in it, which affect the appearance, character and general condition of a person.

Symptoms from the nervous system

Violations of the functionality of the nervous system is the very first symptom of chronic sleep deprivation, since it is the nervous system that “suffers” the most from the lack of night rest. As a rule, a disorder of the nervous system is manifested not by one, but by a number of signs that significantly reduce the quality of human life.

Dysfunction of the nervous system with lack of sleep is expressed in the following:

  • inattention;
  • inability to concentrate;
  • increased emotionality (inappropriate laughter or causeless tears);
  • apathy and depression;
  • cognitive decline (memory, speech, thinking).

With advanced forms of chronic lack of sleep, a fear of the onset of night can form, which causes the development of ritual behavior. This symptom is expressed in the fact that a person begins to take various measures that delay going to bed.

A person who suffers from sleep problems can be identified by a number of characteristic external features:
  • reddened whites of the eyes;
  • dark circles under the eyes;
  • swollen upper eyelids;
  • pale or earthy skin tone;
  • general untidy appearance.

Manifestations of lack of sleep on the part of other body systems

Chronic sleep deprivation is manifested by the following physiological symptoms:
  • headaches, dizziness;
  • nausea, excessive accumulation of gases;
  • dysfunction digestive system(constipation or diarrhea);
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • decreased immunity, frequent colds.

Consequences of chronic sleep deprivation

The consequences of constant lack of sleep have a negative impact on the social, personal, professional sphere of human life.

The consequences of long-term sleep problems are:

  • relationship problems . Irritability and other character changes characteristic of lack of sleep lead to the fact that a person begins to fence himself off from others, becomes more withdrawn. This behavior negatively affects relationships with family members, friends, work colleagues.
  • Depression . The development of this disease is facilitated by the fact that with poor-quality sleep, the production of the hormone serotonin, which is responsible for positive emotions, slows down.
  • Professional difficulties . inattention, constant sleepiness, decreased performance, frequent delays - all these factors contribute to the fact that a person begins to have problems at work. Lack of sleep is especially dangerous for drivers, as according to statistics poor quality sleep and associated fatigue are a common cause of accidents.
  • Deterioration in appearance . During sleep, collagen is produced, which provides skin tone. With lack of sleep, the synthesis of this substance decreases, as a result of which wrinkles begin to appear, the oval of the face “floats”, the muscles become flabby. In men, the volume of muscle mass decreases, since lack of sleep reduces the production of the hormone somatostatin, which is responsible for muscle growth. In addition, poor quality night rest contributes to obesity.
  • Disorders of sexual life . Lack of energy and weakened general tone lead to a decrease in libido ( sex drive). Also, men may have problems with potency.

Sleep hygiene rules

The concept of sleep hygiene includes a set of recommended measures aimed at normalizing night rest. Violation of one or more rules leads to the fact that the quality of sleep is reduced and chronic sleep deprivation develops.

To prevent this problem, read the rules of sleep hygiene:

  • a mattress of medium hardness (a hard mattress is recommended for osteochondrosis);
  • low pillow (for osteochondrosis of the cervical vertebrae, you should choose a low pillow or sleep without it);
  • bed and underwear made of natural materials;
  • absence annoying factors(drafts, ticking clocks, flashing electronic sensors);
  • refusal to read or watch stories with negative content;
  • refusal to use products containing caffeine (coffee, tea, energy drinks) 3-4 hours before bedtime;
  • refusal of fatty and heavy foods (meat, confectionery) 2 hours before bedtime;
  • going to bed should be no later than 22:00-23:00 hours.
The main indicator that the cause of sleep deprivation is poor sleep hygiene is a poor-quality night's rest. In other words, a person may have no trouble falling asleep or waking up, but still wake up tired and lethargic.

Treating chronic sleep deprivation

Treatment of this disorder involves the elimination of the factors that provoke it. So, first of all, you should audit your bed and correct all the points that are contrary to the norms of sleep hygiene. If the cause of lack of sleep is physiological or psychological problems, you should contact specialized specialists.

Pass the medical examination should be in cases where there are no obvious reasons for you that could provoke chronic sleep deprivation.

There are a number of steps a person can take on their own to improve their sleep. It should be noted that all these actions are optional, since the primary task is to eliminate the root cause of poor sleep.

Take the following steps to improve your sleep:

  • give up daytime sleep, even if you feel too tired;
  • include more physical activity in your life (go in for sports, give up public transport stop using the elevator)
  • master several techniques for falling asleep quickly (fast eye movement method, blinking method, mattress immersion method);
  • do things before bed to help you get rid of nervous tension(relaxing bath, calm music, watching humorous stories);
  • ventilate the bedroom before going to bed; if the air is too dry, put a humidifier;
  • keep a sleep schedule and try to go to bed at the same time;
  • do not use alcohol to combat sleep deprivation, as it can help you fall asleep quickly, but sleep will be superficial and heavy.

Folk remedies to improve sleep (video)

Ethnic medicine suggests using decoctions based on herbs that have a sedative (calming) effect to normalize sleep. Also, these plants can be used to prepare a special pillow for sleeping. For more information on which herbs will help with lack of sleep, see this video.

The cause of chronic sleep deprivation can be various factors- from an incorrectly chosen mattress to a latent serious illness. Therefore, if you experience regularly recurring sleep problems (for 1-2 weeks), you should determine the cause and take adequate measures to eliminate it.

Next article.



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