How to replenish B vitamins. Vitamin products

Truly happy is the one who realizes that happiness is inside, that it should not be sought in external phenomena and circumstances. Happiness should come from pure rays from the very heart. How can you learn to feel happy under any circumstances?

Biochemistry of psychosomatics

Yes Yes! You heard right. Let's start talking about happiness with the biochemical reactions that take place in our body. It is neurochemical substances that are responsible from the point of view of physiology for inner feeling happiness and harmony. At the moment when our brain recognizes positive phenomena, “hormones of happiness” begin to be produced and activated. At the level of psychosomatics, such biochemical reactions immerse a person in a happy state.

What are these magical hormones?

  • Serotonin makes a person feel his importance in society.
  • Oxytocin gives a feeling of inner comfort.
  • endorphin softens the pain, immerses in lightness and oblivion.
  • Dopamine makes a person joyful from the realization of the necessity and significance of their own actions.

These neurotransmitters make us feel satisfied with life in general.

The base is based on this happy life, which can be easily reached by following the simple nine tips.

Tip #1. Spend at least 10 minutes daily exercise. Realize how little time it takes to be guaranteed to rid yourself of depression for the rest of your life. Scientists have proven in numerous studies that a short daily workout is the best way to protect the body from stress, various diseases and depression. Playing sports helps to relax the body, increase brain activity, improve mood and increase self-esteem.

Tip #2. Keep stress under control. The "stress hormone" is cortisol, a surge of which in the cerebral cortex stimulates survival responses. It is thanks to cortisol that we experience fear, anxiety, panic, stress, which inspires us to take decisive action. How to get rid of negative feelings? It is simply necessary to understand that anxiety and stress are a response to a threat from the past. Recognition of old sensations will help not to look for fresh nourishment for them and get rid of the negative perception of the surrounding reality.

Tip #3. take care healthy sleep. Only a well-rested body is able to recover after a hard day and work productively. Lack of sleep makes a person extremely susceptible to negative emotions. Do you need it? Scientists have proven how quality sleep can make a person happy. It turns out that in a state of lack of sleep, the human body perceives more than 80% of information from the outside in negative light. How much and how well you sleep, completely depends on a positive and productive mood for the whole next day.

Tip #4. Train your brain to be positive. Identify positive neural connections for yourself. Let's take an example. Max wants to replace his craving for tobacco products on the craving for drawing, which he observed in early childhood. Since this hobby does not lead to negative consequences, he decides to pick up a brush every time he feels like smoking. neural connection rebuilt gradually. At first, Max doesn't like his work and is distressed by not being able to smoke a cigarette. However, gradually neural circuit, associated with drawing, intensifies and turns into a healthy competition for tobacco. As a result, Max begins to realize how to achieve a state of inner comfort for the benefit of his own health.

Tip #5. Go towards your goals. Each step towards the dream activates a small synthesis of a small amount of dopamine, and each result obtained leads to a large release of this hormone. Therefore, it is necessary to go to victory in small daily stimulating steps.

Tip #6. Create a support group around you. It can be friends, close people and like-minded people. When you know you can get outside support, you sufficient oxytocin is produced. It is he who helps to successfully cope with stress and switch to pleasant things. The habit of not only communicating, but also hugging loved ones is the best way to switch from negative emotions to positive ones.

Tip number 7. Devote as much time as possible to loved ones and remember that it is impossible to buy happiness with money. Time spent with friends and family members has a significant impact on mood. As for the rest of the things, they actually just help us spend more time with the people we love. Our relationships with others directly affect not only the duration of life, but also its quality.

Tip #8. Settle down to live close to where you work. To long road the body will never be able to adapt to work. Neither big house nor a high salary can ever compensate for this inconvenience. You can experience the joy of life only by not wasting your time and energy on tedious long trips to your place of work.

Tip #9. Smile more often. Smile raises mental capacity person, improves mood, reduces pain. Keep in mind that a fake smile will never give positive result On the contrary, it will exacerbate the state of dissatisfaction. A sincere smile, based on positive emotions, relieves suffering and pain, helps to focus on positive points, even when a person gets into a difficult life situation. A sincere smile is the key to your happiness and well-being!

No one will turn down advice on how to become happier. But what if this advice is given to you by recognized scientists? Find out ways to increase your level of happiness that science has already tested and confirmed.

Add personal to your workplace

Of course, making long personal calls at the workplace to talk to your spouse or anyone else will definitely not get you any extra points in the eyes of your boss. However, if you bring elements of your personal life in the arrangement of the workplace, this can have quite positive effects. Thanks to this, scientists were able to draw relevant conclusions about how to increase the level of happiness at work, in relationships and in life in general.

Get a plant

In addition to decorating your desktop, adding a piece of nature, according to scientists, will increase the feeling of happiness. One study that compared "clean" jobs to "green" jobs found that plants increased productivity by 15 percent.

Walk to work

Obviously not an option for those who live many miles from the office, however, a study of 3,400 people found that the mode of transportation used by participants was more strongly correlated with job satisfaction than the length of the trip. In particular, those who walk to work (weather-adjusted) have an 85 percent satisfaction rate, compared to 77 percent for those who drive to work.


One of the most common findings that emerge from psychological research is that meditation has positive impact the ability to concentrate and show high score at work. Meditation throughout the day permanent basis relieves feelings of anxiety and fear. Also, people who meditate more likely come up with more ideas than those who don't.

Head to the park

Just like having plants in your workplace, walking in the park for a few minutes and enjoying your natural surroundings reduces your stress level, even if you don't have a lot of plants around you. The study found that people who spend twenty minutes in the park have significantly more low rate stress compared to those who spent the same amount of time walking the streets of the city.

Take an eight day vacation

This point seems oddly specific, but it has scientific evidence. These results were obtained in a study involving people who spoke about their well-being before and during the holidays. The researchers found that positive emotions reach a peak by the eighth day of vacation, remain at this level until the eleventh day, after which they disappear. That is why scientists believe that eight days is exactly the time that will allow you to forget about worries, responsibilities and stress.

Start planning your vacation ahead of time

No matter how long your vacation is, it turns out that its effect disappears as soon as you return to work. However, according to researchers, feelings of happiness and relaxation usually increase before a trip due to positive impact impatient waiting.

Visit the bar more often

unhealthy habit overuse alcohol definitely doesn't have a positive effect on your happiness and enjoyment of life, but having a local bar where you know people and people know you and are interested in your life is very helpful. strong impact for your happiness.

Do something for somebody

One of the easiest ways to increase your level of happiness is to stop thinking about yourself and do something that will be useful to another person. Numerous studies have shown that prosocial behavior that focuses on others increases your happiness when you remember that moment later.

Rejoice for others

When it comes to how to bring happiness into a relationship, one of the surest ways to ensure positive feelings is to practice “capitalization”, that is, joy for the successes and achievements of other people. No one wants to share great news only to hear an uninterested response.

Do something new on a date

If a we are talking about happiness in relationships, another approach that can be used to improve satisfaction is to engage in new activities. In particular, one study found that when middle-aged couples spent 90 minutes a week doing something exciting and different, they were happier in their marriage.

Keep smartphones out of the bedroom

The blue light that smartphones and energy-efficient light bulbs give off can make your body think it's daytime, so you won't be able to sleep when you need to. This entails great amount negative consequences harmful to your well-being and happiness.

Hold on to positive thoughts

If you physically write down positive thoughts on paper and take them with you, this will help you internalize them properly. This was discovered in a study in which participants had to write down positive or negative thoughts about their bodies, as well as to carry records with you or leave them.

Turn off the TV

Or you can unsubscribe from Netflix. While all the stories about TV sitting causing cancer are nonsense, scientists have found that sitting in front of the TV for too long can hurt your happiness levels.

Exercise for at least a couple of minutes

The connection between a healthy mind and healthy body is not a new concept, however, although it is widely known that training brings positive effects for mental health, not everyone pays attention to the fact that physical activity actually needs to be constant for you to get these benefits.

it necessary step in order to support yourself in your ability to live a happy, fulfilling life, regardless of whether there is a man in it. Why is it so important?

The fact is that often from childhood we develop the habit of suffering more than feeling good. We have national feature- suffer, and we unconsciously also get involved in it.

Someone may call it “negative consciousness”, someone lives by the principle “life is a hard thing”, you can call it whatever you like, but the fact that many of us have a habit of suffering is a fact.

We find a thousand reasons for which we will worry, feel bad, experience pain, loneliness. And, of course, if a relationship with a man does not work out in a woman’s life, this is the biggest reason to feel bad and suffer. But a woman who suffers can only attract into her life a man who will also suffer; We only attract what we are!

One of my clients, having gone through 2 stages - clearing and setting goals, panicked: “What should I do now? I no longer want any superficial connections with men, even though they invite and call. I set goals, and I have formed so many free space, so much emptiness in life, and I don't feel very good."

In fact, these were the consequences of the fact that she did not know how to make herself happy, but was more accustomed to suffering, tormenting, thinking about something, worrying, being disappointed, it seemed to her that this is a fulfilled life.

But when she realized that this was just a habit of suffering and that this was not the relationship that was needed, a void formed. And here, of course, you need to start thinking about how you can make yourself happy. Do not wait for someone to do it or something around you to start happening - in fact, happiness is an exclusively internal state.

The habit of "suffering" or "being happy"

First step
start to realize what is more in your life: habits of suffering or habits of feeling happy

Start observing what your consciousness is more focused on. Do you listen more to songs about unhappy love or do you have music with positive words and mood in your player?

Do you tend to watch movies and cry when there is unhappy love or some kind of negative behavior of a man, or do you calmly, with pleasure, watch scenes of love, care, intimacy?

Do you focus more on what unhappiness happens in relationships with other women, or do you have acquaintances who have excellent relationships with their husbands?

Let's say you see a couple on the street - what flashes in your mind: "Oh, they must be fighting, he must be humiliating her" or " Oh, how he cares, how gentle he is, how attentive he is, how a woman feels protected, loved.»?

It is important to realize whether your brain is more tuned in to suffer, to see unhappiness, or to see confirmation that there are happy, close, loving relationships in life.

In addition, you can use your childhood memories, this is a very powerful therapeutic practice. Childhood memories are just a reflection of what our brain is tuned to now. If your attitudes change, the quality of childhood memories changes, you remember events in a different way, or they cease to be emotionally colored.

Write down 10 childhood memories that come to your mind first, and you can see from them what your mind is more attuned to. In your memories, men can be somehow cruel and evil, and women can be victims and sufferers. If this happens, it's not scary.

It is important to see this and understand that you have a habit of suffering. Perhaps you adopted it from your parents, or from your grandmother, aunt, or some other relative. You have noticed that it is hard for a woman, that she is humiliated, that she is a victim, that she suffers a lot from a man - this is just what is fixed in your mind, but this is not the truth of life.

How to tune your brain for happiness?

What you direct your consciousness to is what you will see in life, this is how to tune the radio to a certain wave.

You can tune in to a wave of suffering, experiences, and this wave will snatch confirmation from the whole variety of the world that everything and everywhere is bad, and will exclude, simply not fix the opposite manifestations: love, understanding, support, care.

Firstly, it is important to see it, to understand it, and secondly, it is important to just stop it, to tell yourself: “Stop. This is not what I want to look at, this is not what I want to do in life - to think about any suffering, experiences or difficulties. My goal is to see the positive around, tune my brain to the fact that the relationship with a man is wonderful.

And it's real, it's possible, I can feel wonderful and wonderful right here and now, regardless of whether there is a man next to me or not, whether I'm happy or unhappy, whether I have something or not. I can choose to feel great».

One of my acquaintances realized that she connects all her happiness with the appearance of a man, and decided to learn how to feel happy, regardless of whether a man ever appears in her life at all or not. And she began to train in every possible way to feel happy.

She made a decision to live completely fulfilled, happy and wonderful life, 100% life, even if a man never appears in her life again.

She can communicate, travel, she has an interesting job, and communication with friends, and creativity, and education - cool life, she can take care of herself, her appearance and style. This is very useful experience and the right decision on the way to happiness.

To be continued...

Irina Petrova

Lead Trainer GRC Relationship Centers.

For more than 15 years, he has been training in relationship building and leadership.

"How to feel happy?"

Daily routine and everyday life are sometimes oppressive, and a person ceases to feel that life is tasty, interesting and bright. It seems that for happy and interesting life It takes time, which is usually very short, and money. But fortunately, this is not the case at all. Enjoying life is simple and pleasant. What should be done?

.... Dedicate time to your favorite things.

You need to do this every day. You can set aside at least an hour to learn something, read something, watch something, engage in self-development. This will help you understand what you really like, help you gain self-confidence and broaden your horizons.

….Get rid of harmful things.

This applies not only bad habits, smoking, alcohol, but also the food that is consumed every day.

….Reading interesting books.

The main thing is to find something that will be interesting. You can start with three pages a day. Books allow you to escape from the daily routine, help to reconsider and rethink many life situations.

.... The weekend is the time to spend it with benefit.

Not just lying on the couch in front of the TV, but going to nature, playing sports, going to the cinema with friends and many more options. Only by doing something new and interesting, you can feel how rich and diverse life is.

….Setting global goals and developing stages to achieve them.

This will help you navigate your desires, as well as how to implement them. Sometimes one has only to plan an inaccessible goal, as it becomes clear that everything is as simple as shelling pears.

….Restrict news viewing.

About the main events will still become known from friends, on the radio or from colleagues. The constant negativity broadcast on TV only contributes to feelings of anxiety, helplessness and self-doubt.

….Communication only with nice people.

It is necessary to limit the influence on the life of whiners, manipulators, aggressive personalities and those who like to cut off their wings and say that nothing will work out.

….Sports and yoga.

Doing your favorite sport is not only good for physical health. Sport develops endurance, helps to distract, relieve stress, cope with negative emotions. Bad mood? - You just need to go for a run.

….Doing something for the first time.

Sometimes it’s worth changing something in life, but it’s scary. You can start small - go to work in a completely different way, go to a new place, enroll in some courses, try a new dish.

.... Get rid of the trash in the house.

Surprisingly, in the process of sorting things into the necessary ones, “junk” helps to put things in order, to find a solution in difficult situation, make the right choice.

p.s. Happiness is made up of such small things that sometimes you can’t even believe that everything is so simple. Sometimes it’s enough just to go out onto the balcony early in the morning with a cup of steaming coffee in your hand, meet the sunset, enjoy the chirping of awakened birds. Much in life is determined by the attitude towards it.



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