What happens if there is no sunlight. Help to neutralize the negative effects

Grossly disproportionate fears of skin cancer and a predominantly sedentary lifestyle within four walls mean that most healthy, well-nourished people don't get enough sunlight. Unfortunately, the modern urban population spends a lot of time, including leisure, within four walls, and this leads to an increase in vitamin D deficiency. The problem is especially acute in the high southern and northern latitudes, where the sun in the sky is always perceived as a gift. But even in sunny Australia, many people experience a lack of sunlight, which does not allow the skin to produce sufficient amounts of vitamin B.

That we need sunlight is an indisputable fact. Most vitamin E - 75 to 90% - is produced by skin exposure to ultraviolet B (UVB) rays. Just 15 minutes a few times a week can kick-start the synthesis of vitamin D, a compound that is more like a hormone than a vitamin. Without sufficient exposure to sunlight, there is a risk of vitamin D deficiency, which can lead to rickets, osteomalacia (softening of the bones) and osteoporosis (bone loss).

Importance of Vitamin D

Recent studies have confirmed that vitamin D and sunlight are important for more than just bone health. They appear to play a role in the early stages of schizophrenia (due to the impact of low intrauterine vitamin D levels on the developing brain). Many body tissues have vitamin D receptors. The active form of vitamin D (cholecalciferol) also seems to play an important protective role against the inception, development and spread of various types of tumors.

Specifically, vitamin D deficiency can trigger the development of prostate, breast and colon cancer, as well as a number of other immune disorders, such as diabetes type and multiple sclerosis.

The predominance of childhood type diabetes mellitus increases with increasing geographic latitude and decreases with sufficient intake of vitamin D in childhood. Also, with increasing latitude, there is a gradual increase in the frequency of multiple sclerosis. This is true for both high northern latitudes and high southern latitudes. For example, in Australia, the correlation between the average annual level of ultraviolet radiation and the frequency of multiple sclerosis is stronger than in the case of malignant melanoma. A large body of evidence confirms that UV stimulates the production of vitamin D, which is thought to protect against multiple sclerosis. Other explanations boil down to the idea that ultraviolet radiation affects certain parts of the immune system, suppressing autoimmune activity.

Sun and skin cancer

Of course, it is very easy to deduce a direct link between solar ultraviolet radiation and skin cancer. Less obvious (so almost ignored) is that the sun prevents other types of cancer. According to a recent review, intelligent exposure to sunlight is highly likely to prevent death from cancers ranging from reproductive to digestive cancers.

The use of sunscreens greatly reduces the production of vitamin E3 by the skin. Because of this, Dr. Gordon Einsleich of California believes that the use of protective creams actually causes cancer rather than prevents it. His work shows that the 17% increase in the incidence of breast cancer observed in the United States in 1991-1992 may be the result of the widespread practice of using sunscreens over the past decade.

Approximately 10,000 people a year die from skin cancer in the United States. However, some studies show that every year the number of premature deaths from cancers associated with too limited exposure to sunlight (breast, prostate and colon cancer) is more than double this figure or even more.

One study found that 21,700 people a year die from insufficient exposure to ultraviolet B rays. Dr. Einsleich believes that the real numbers are even higher than the assumption that in the United States, about 30,000 cancer deaths per year could be avoided if people introduced regular, moderate exposure to sunlight into their lifestyle.

Everything needs a measure

The problem will be solved by our adoption of the concept of the relative degree of risk of disease. What most people fail to realize is how wide of a gap there is between reasonable exposure to sunlight for health reasons and doses that cause skin cancer or eye damage. For example, people with relatively fair complexion living in Boston need to expose only 6-10% of the body surface (face, arms, hands) to the sun in spring, summer and autumn on sunny noon for 5 minutes to maintain sufficient levels of vitamin E. or three times a week. And for some people living in the more temperate zones of Western Australia, 14 hours of sun exposure each week may be enough to develop basal cell carcinoma (this form of skin cancer has a higher death rate than all others).

The lack of sun in winter turns into depression, weakness and chronic snot. We become lethargic, sickly, nervous and want to sleep all the time. "NT" dismantled the sun into useful parts and found out how to replace them in the conditions of the Tambov crown.

"Sunshine" Vitamin D

When the sun shines on us, under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, vitamin D is formed in the skin, which is involved in mineral and water metabolism. It also makes our bones stronger.

Vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium, without which bones and teeth suffer. The strength of the skeleton depends on its presence. If vitamin D is not enough, osteoporosis can develop - the bones become brittle.

Every day, a person needs from 5 to 10 micrograms of vitamin D. Unlike other vitamins, children need more D than adults, especially during active growth (the norm can be more than 10 micrograms). If a person is not in the sun, so much vitamin D must be obtained from food.

What to replace

- Calcium with vitamin D tablets.
- Egg yolks.
- Marine oily fish - mackerel, herring, tuna, mackerel, fish liver (more in halibut and cod), fish oil.
- seafood.
- cottage cheese, cheese.
- vegetable and butter.

Serotonin and endorphins ("happiness hormones")

Our biorhythms, that is, activity, depend on sunlight. Serotonin and endorphins are the two main substances that affect our mood. The hormones endorphins give a feeling of lightness, euphoria and calm the nervous system. They sober up in an extreme situation, dull pain and fatigue (certain nerve receptors are blocked). Due to the low level, depression, apathy, causeless longing occur.

The release of serotonin leads to improved mood and mobility. It is formed in the body from the amino acid tryptophan, and therefore foods rich in tryptophan lead to emotional uplift. These are a kind of natural antidepressants: the lack of serotonin leads to depression and depression. Antidepressants increase the level of serotonin in the body, but you cannot use medications without a doctor's prescription.

What to replace

- The room should be well lit. One incandescent lamp contains 100 lux of illumination. For comparison, on a sunny summer day, the illumination is 20,000 lux. Therefore, the illumination of the room should be at least 500 lux.
- Sports - running, swimming, tennis. “The high from the class” is the release of endorphins.
- Sex.
— Chocolate, cocoa, chili pepper.
- A fun way to get pregnant. From the third month of pregnancy, endorphins enter the bloodstream.

- Dark chocolate, nuts, dates, bananas, tomatoes, avocados, mustard, potatoes, cilantro, milk, paprika.


Due to the sun, melanin pigment is produced in the skin and it darkens. The tanning process is protective. The properties of melanin allow it to be a photoprotector. It absorbs harmful UV rays and converts them into harmless heat. Melanin allows you to dissipate 99.9% of harmful UV radiation and protect the skin from burns or destruction of cell DNA (the cause of melanoma).

What to replace

- Solarium - tanning type lamps contribute to the production of pigment and the skin acquires a brown tint. However, tanning lamps do not cause all the other reactions that the sun triggers (for example, they do not contribute to the formation of vitamin D).

— Special UV irradiators. They give medium-length ultraviolet light, which stimulates the production of vitamin D. There are in physiotherapy rooms. They used to be in kindergarten.

Strong immunity

Under the influence of sunlight, metabolic processes improve. The immune system gets stronger.

The beam of light is decomposed into a spectrum of seven colors (“every hunter wants to know where the pheasant is sitting”). Red and invisible infrared radiation stimulate the immune system. Under its influence, immune cells become more active. Therefore, we get sick less when it is warm and sunny. We do not have enough of these long waves in the autumn-winter period. Under the influence of the sun, eater cells are formed that eat foreign elements - viruses.

Therapeutic effects - anti-inflammatory, lymphatic drainage, vasodilator. Infrared light promotes weight loss.

What to replace

— Vitamins, fruits, dried fruits.
- good lighting.
- good mood.
- light therapy (system - a light source that combines the visible and infrared parts of the spectrum. There are many healthcare facilities).

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Let's take a look at how lack of sun affects our health in this article.

1. Not only too much, but too little sunlight is linked to the development of some forms of cancer.

Vitamin D deficiency leads to the development of prostate and breast cancer and increases the risk of dementia and schizophrenia.

2. Lack of sunlight harms your heart in much the same way as overeating cheeseburgers.

Studies have shown that a lack of vitamin D, caused by a lack of sunlight, doubles the risk of developing cardiovascular disease in men.

3. Your neglect of sunbathing leads to depression.

The less sun you get during the winter months, the higher your risk of developing seasonal depression. Symptoms can be very intense: mood swings, anxiety, sleep problems, and even suicidal ideation.

4. Women are 200% more likely to develop seasonal depression than men.

It is also important to remember that the average age at which seasonal depression is first diagnosed is between 18 and 30 years of age. But in people over 60 years of age, seasonal depression is almost never found.

5. Those who like to sit on the Internet at night, scrolling through the news feed on social networks, it's time to take care of their health.

If you like to turn on your electronic devices before going to bed in the dark, be careful, because the radiation that comes from them disrupts our circadian rhythms (the “internal clock” of the body), leading to sleep problems and even insomnia.

6. The more sleep you get, the more resistant you are to the flu.

You have to pay a high price for choosing a computer over sleep. How much you sleep affects the immune system and the body's ability to recover from diseases.

7. Lack of sunlight affects your child's vision.

Do you want your child to have sharp eyesight and be able to make out inscriptions in the distance? It turns out that children who spend more time in the sun have a reduced risk of developing myopia. So instead of video games, send your child to play outside.

8. Night vigils and night shift work significantly undermines your health.

A link has been found between the tendency to work under artificial light and the occurrence of breast cancer, prostate cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and obesity.

9. Sunbathing can prevent the development of obesity.

In addition to vitamin D, sunlight provides the body with nitric oxide (NO). It is he who regulates the most important physiological processes, including metabolism. Therefore, sufficient insolation will provide you with an ideal metabolism and prevent overeating.

The clock will be moved back an hour next weekend. The main reason for the transfer is economic. Thus, our working day to a greater extent will fall on daylight hours. In addition, the likelihood of depression will decrease, the growth of colds will stop, and the risk of tooth loss will become even less. In any case, our experts are sure of it.

The most active and valuable component of sunlight is ultraviolet radiation, - says Vladimir Ostapishin, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Director of the Scientific Center for Balneology and Rehabilitation of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of the Russian Federation. - Invisible and imperceptible by any of the senses, it is beneficial for the human body. Ultraviolet activates the immune system (in autumn and winter, sores begin to cling to a person), improves metabolism (weight gain is a constant companion of the dark season), increases efficiency (we become drowsy and lethargic in winter). There is evidence that the lack of sunlight adversely affects vision.

Teeth on the shelf...

Autumn melancholy is also a direct consequence of light starvation, - explains Roza Tsallagova, MD, head of the Department of Preventive Medicine and Health Fundamentals of the National State University of Physical Culture, Sports and Health. P. F. Lesgaft. Under the influence of sunlight, the body produces the hormone serotonin, which is also called the activity hormone. It appears exclusively during the day, and is regulated by the intensity of lighting. Serotonin is responsible not only for the regulation of sleep, but also for good spirits - the brighter the sunlight, the higher the dose of serotonin. By the way, some doctors are of the opinion that most depressions do not have any psychological prerequisites. This is pure physiology, they are based on the lack of light.

Have you noticed that your skin is itchy and flaky in winter? The reason is the same - the lack of ultraviolet radiation, due to which the process of formation of vitamin D in the body is disrupted (or stopped). It is converted in the skin from provitamin supplied with food, exclusively under the influence of sunlight. For the same reason, in winter, as a rule, the number of holes in the teeth increases sharply.

Pantry suns

How to make up for the deficit of the sun and neutralize its consequences?

Tip #1

Walk more. But remember: only walks during daylight hours will benefit. To gain the “solar” norm necessary for a normal existence, it is enough to expose your face and hands to the sun for 10-15 minutes a couple of times a week. By the way, it is useless to sunbathe in a solarium in order to replenish the reserves of ultraviolet radiation. The artificial sun cannot replace the real one.

Tip #2

Let the light into your home. Wash the windows (dirty ones block up to 30% of the light) and remove tall flowers from the windowsill (they take 50% of the sun's rays).

Tip #3

Vitamin D stores can be replenished with food. The main assistant is fatty fish. The largest amount (about 360 units per 100 g) of vitamin D is found in salmon. It is also rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which also help support heart health and reduce inflammation. But, even absorbing shock doses of vitamin D, you need to walk - in order for it to be absorbed.

Tip #4

The activity hormone - serotonin - can also be obtained from foods. It is found in dark chocolate, pineapples, bananas, apples and plums.

Tip #5

It is useless to fight drowsiness - it is better to surrender to it. The peak of drowsiness is from 13:00 to 17:00. At this time, it is better to take a nap in a chair for 15-20 minutes, and then wake up cheerful and healthy. A short rest perfectly restores working capacity. Plus, every hour you should be distracted from work and rest for 5 minutes.

Tip #6

You can enhance the synthesis of hormones with the help of physical activity - during training, their increased production occurs. Half an hour of intense physical activity increases the concentration of "happiness hormones" by 5-7 times. By the way, in the gym you can solve another winter problem - a breakdown. There is evidence that one of the reasons for this phenomenon is a lack of movement.

Lack of sunlight adversely affects:

  • skin regeneration, hair growth
  • mood
  • immune system
  • performance
  • cardiovascular system
  • hormonal status

To neutralize the negative consequences will help:

  • walks
  • sports training
  • good sleep
  • meals including
  • fish, fruits and dark chocolate

Let's try to figure it out. Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, the body produces serotonin and endorphins - the main "hormones of happiness". These substances have a positive effect on blood clotting processes, allergic reactions. If the hormones are at the level, consider that you are guaranteed a passionate personal life, cheerfulness and good mood.

Helped us:

Tatyana Lurie
Cosmetologist of the Beauty and Health Center "White Garden"

To compensate for the lack of serotonin, many begin to seize grief sweet: carbohydrate-rich food activates the release of insulin, which stimulates an increase in the level of tryptophan in the blood. What does the new characters have to do with it, you ask? Tryptophan is the amino acid from which serotonin is synthesized.. But it is difficult to call such a solution ideal: weight gain usually upsets modern citizens, and the circle closes.

But that's not all. As we know from the biology course, when the sun goes down the human body begins to experience a lack of vitamin D(calciferol). The latter helps to strengthen the immune system, the skeletal system and tissues, helps to remove heavy metals from the body, and makes it possible to assimilate other vitamins and minerals.

Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, metabolism is activated, the functioning of the circulatory system improves. The sun's rays affect the centers of the brain that control the reproductive and endocrine systems. The biologically inert nitrite NO3 is also released in the body and converted into nitrate and nitric oxide, which reduce blood pressure and reduce the likelihood of heart attacks and strokes.

The sun has an antibacterial effect, the number of acne, rashes decreases, wounds and cuts heal faster. Sunbathing is one of the best remedies for the treatment of rickets, osteomalacia, psoriasis, and is useful even for coronary heart disease.

In general, after all that has been said, it becomes clear why we flutter so carelessly and feel good on fine days. It's a pity that in the cool season, when the sun's rays are moderately intense and ready to bring only one benefit, there are beautiful clouds and freezing rain outside the window.

What to do?

  1. First, see a therapist. The doctor will assess your health and help you choose vitamin D supplement.
  2. Try to highlight several hours a week for fitness(best outside). Long walks accompanied by invigorating blood music are also suitable. Physical activity combined with fresh air is what you need to release endorphins and serotonin. It is ideal to complement sports activities with activity in the bedroom, but for this you will have to wake up one more person from hibernation.
  3. Sign up for a session at a beauty salon (or better, a course - consult a beautician about the duration) led therapy. Imagine: you are lying with a special mask on your face, and it glows either red or blue. These magical LEDs affect microcirculation and metabolic processes in the skin. This normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands, improves turgor, and wrinkles are leveled.


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