Children's dentist up to what age accepts children. Pediatric dentistry: important points

Caring for teeth from childhood

Ideally, the first meeting should not take place when the tooth hurts, but much earlier - about a year. Now often caries in babies appears as early as 8-10 months. Heredity, malnutrition of the mother during pregnancy, artificial feeding and, of course, the inability of adults to properly care for the first teeth of the child affect. In young children, tooth decay develops very quickly and often does not cause pain. Decaying milk teeth are a great danger for the rudiments of permanent teeth, and, in addition, an inflammatory focus in the body. Why is he afraid? Young children, as a rule, are not afraid of the doctor. They are afraid of the manipulations of the dentist during the examination. It is very important to teach them to a child from an early age. After each feeding, wipe the baby's gums, tongue, and then the teeth with a special dental napkin or use a bandage soaked in chamomile infusion. At about a year old, introduce him to a toothbrush. It should be borne in mind that children under 8-9 years old are not able to properly brush their teeth on their own, so parents need to control this process, and, in addition, help them with this. Fun and interesting. The easiest way to teach your baby to take care of his teeth is to play with him. For example, in a crocodile: Come on, open your mouth! Wider, wider, because the crocodile has such a big mouth!? Tell the child that in nature, small birds clean the teeth of the alligator and he even likes it very much. And you will play the role of a bird a small toothbrush. After 3 years, the child increasingly declares: I myself! Use this moment. Invite him to brush the doll's teeth, then to his mother, and then to himself. Play with him at the dentist: you can count the teeth by touching them with a coffee spoon. Have your child examine their teeth in a hand mirror while you shine a small flashlight on them. And you can also draw teeth or mold them from plasticine. And at the same time explain to the baby what caries is, playing a real fairy tale performance: “White and beautiful teeth lived together in the kingdom-state. But one day they were attacked by the evil Caries with his army - cunning bacteria and microbes. The teeth could not defeat the insidious enemies in any way. Fortunately, a Good Doctor appeared in the realm…” And so on. And, of course, you need to tell your child how important it is in everyday life to go to the dentist so that he protects his teeth from caries. Such games help the baby fearlessly perceive various manipulations in the mouth. He will begin to adequately assess what is happening, and he will no longer be afraid of the unknown waiting in the dentist's office. A special case But what if the child has a toothache or gum and he is terribly afraid to go to the clinic? Explain to him in an accessible form that the dentist will save him from evil microbes that gnaw his teeth, that there is no need to be afraid of the doctor - together with him you will catch and punish the evil Caries, and your teeth will no longer hurt. Fear can only be overcome through childish curiosity.

A good doctor will always be able to interest the baby and, of course, convince him that he must definitely come again and complete the treatment. By the way, now even in advanced cases, teeth can be treated without pain. The doctor selects the drilling speed, the cooling system of the dental tissue, and local anesthetics. It also makes sense to buy in advance some interesting little toy that the doctor will give to the child after finishing the treatment session. Your first visit. A family member who does not feel fear of the dentist should talk to the child. The child is very sensitive, he can feel your confusion and fear, and he will begin to be afraid. 1. When going to the dentist with your child, do not focus on this, do not emphasize the exclusivity and even more unpleasantness of the event. And never tell a child that the doctor will not do anything - this is a lie. 2. Tell your child about visiting a pediatric dentist as an interesting but ordinary event, such as meeting new friends. 3. Try to protect the child from unnecessary information about how scary it was to treat teeth before. 4. Do not discuss the upcoming treatment or your experience in any negative sense in front of the child 5. Call the pediatric dentist by name, explain that this is a doctor who will look at “what beautiful teeth you have”. 6. Do this no more than 1-2 days in advance, then the child will have less time to worry or hear “scary stories” from peers. 7. Choose a morning time for the first visit so that the child does not think about the upcoming whole day. In addition, young children tend to behave better in the morning. 8. Do not promise an expensive gift for good behavior - the child may think that he has to do something very difficult. 9. Do not say that he is “not afraid” or that “it will not hurt” or “it will be necessary to endure”. The idea that going to the pediatric dentist requires courage or can be painful may not have crossed the child's mind.

  1. Feed your baby before visiting the dentist. As an exception, you can even take him to a children's cafe.
  2. It is very important that the child does not get tired from the road to the clinic. Choose a medical facility closer to home.
  3. Do not strive to cure two or more teeth in one visit. The child will not sit in the chair for more than 20-25 minutes and, tired, will begin to act up.
  4. Be sure to support the child psychologically. Say that you will sit next to him in the doctor's office and help if necessary.

14. Do not tell your child about what they will do, especially when it comes to anesthesia, removal or filling of teeth. Your pediatric dentist will individually determine what your child needs to know before such a procedure. 15. One parent must accompany the child to the clinic. Take your child's favorite book or toy with you. Before you are invited into the office, sit down together and read aloud, look at the pictures, play. Take your first visit to a pediatric dentist seriously. A good impression from the first visit to the dentist can shape a child's attitude to the culture of dental health for years to come.

Why is milk teeth treatment necessary? Often parents underestimate the importance of caring for milk teeth and turn to pediatric dentistry when something hurts their child. Meanwhile, the condition of milk teeth directly affects the growth of permanent ones. You should be alerted to any discoloration of the enamel, stains, dots (both dark and white) on the child's teeth, redness or swelling of the gums. But the irregularities of the dentition at first can not be frightened: when chewing solid food, the milk teeth will move a little and gradually take the right place. The causes of diseases of temporary teeth are not very different from the causes of problems with permanent teeth. It:

  1. insufficient care for them (lack of proper hygiene),
  2. eating disorders,
  3. undermining immunity due to other diseases and taking certain medications.

Food leftovers also contribute to the rapid growth of bacteria in the mouth. A by-product of their activity is acid, which corrodes the enamel of a milk tooth, leaving its delicate base (dentin) unprotected. Further, the matter is small: microorganisms are introduced into the dentin and destroy it. This is how caries proceeds. Outwardly, a sick tooth may look normal for quite some time: a small black dot (the site of the lesion) is not too noticeable. But inside it can already be severely destroyed, since caries of milk teeth develops much faster than permanent ones due to the softness of their tissues. Traditionally, caries of milk teeth is treated “in haste”: a small child usually does not really want to endure while the doctor treats his teeth, so the doctor tries to somehow clean the damaged area and fill it with quick-curing material. As a result, the affected teeth remain untreated and may soon become inflamed again or completely collapse. It is a mistake to think that milk teeth can not be looked after very carefully on the grounds that they will fall out anyway. Destroyed, caries-affected teeth are a source of infection of surrounding tissues, including the rudiment of a permanent tooth. And through the bone tissue - the whole body. A diseased tooth in the mouth is a breeding ground for pathogenic bacteria that not only destroy other teeth, but also negatively affect digestion and ENT organs. Early untimely loss of temporary teeth in children does not allow the baby to fully chew food, articulate sounds with high quality. In addition, the adjacent teeth try to occupy the vacated space - they move. And when a permanent tooth begins to grow here, it simply does not have enough space in the dentition and will have to grow sideways, thereby provoking a pathological (incorrect) formation of a permanent bite. The change of temporary teeth to permanent ones begins at the age of 5-6, and ends by the age of 13. Temporary teeth give way to permanent teeth gradually, so that the alveolar process of the jaws does not remain without the support of the teeth. This ensures the normal development of the facial skeleton. That is why it is necessary to take care of milk teeth, it is necessary to treat them in time! Keep in mind that cavities develop much faster in children than in adults, so do not put off visiting a pediatric dentist if you find “suspicious stains” on your teeth. And also do not neglect the preventive visits of children to your pediatric dentist. Only the joint work of a pediatric dentist and you - parents can ensure the effectiveness of prevention in childhood! Parents! Proper care of milk teeth, namely: proper cleaning and regular preventive examination by a pediatric dentist, is the foundation for the health of permanent teeth. As adults, your children will thank you for their healthy and beautiful teeth!

A pediatric dentist is a doctor who specializes in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases and disorders of the teeth, jaws and other organs of the oral cavity and maxillofacial apparatus. Note that the pediatric dentist accepts children under the age of 14.

The work of a pediatric dentist involves examining the oral cavity, the condition of the frenulum and lips, identifying any pathological processes, assessing the hygienic condition of the teeth, monitoring teething, monitoring the implementation of recommendations.

What does a pediatric dentist do?

Mostly, a pediatric dentist deals with diseases and disorders such as:


If the child's chewing apparatus does not work enough;

Inflammatory processes of the gums and oral cavity.

How are teeth formed?

First of all, it is necessary to indicate that already at the 6-7th week of pregnancy, the fetus has an ingrowth of the epithelium covering the oral fossa into the underlying tissue, the so-called. parenchyma.

Two dental plates are formed, upper and lower, having the form of horseshoes. Flask-shaped epithelial growths form along the edge of these plates, ten on each plate, which corresponds to the number of future milk teeth. At this stage, pediatric dentistry without pain is possible.

Qualitatively different cellular elements differentiate from the initially homogeneous cells of the dental organ and the tissue that has grown into it, called the dental papilla. From the inner layer of the dental organ, cells (enameloblasts) are formed that are involved in the formation of enamel; odontoblasts are released from the dental papilla, and later - dentin. Around the dental organ and the dental papilla, a special membrane is formed from the mesenchyme - the dental sac.

Milk teeth begin to erupt at six months. This is a painful process for many children. The anterior incisors appear first. From the age of six, permanent teeth erupt, starting with the molars. Before the age of 25, a person should have a full set of teeth.

The edges of the dental sac continue to grow in depth, acquiring the outlines of a root. This process begins immediately before eruption and continues for about a year from the moment of eruption of milk teeth. As modern pediatric dentistry demonstrates, the bite in newborns is formed not by teeth, but by gums. The child is born, as a rule, without teeth; cases of intrauterine eruption are extremely rare.

By the beginning of the 2nd year of life, the child should have 8 teeth. At this stage, you need an appointment with a pediatric dentist - he will check the correct development of the child's teeth. By 2-3 years, the eruption of all 20 milk teeth ends. Having erupted, almost immediately the teeth begin to move a little to the sides. This is normal and is due to the growth of the baby's jaw and preparation for the eruption of large permanent teeth, while the milk teeth remain just as small.

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Dear patients!

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Dental treatment

A child can remove teeth only with parents or official representatives of the child (guardians). >(The ability of a citizen to acquire and exercise civil rights by their actions, create civil duties for themselves and fulfill them (civil capacity) arises in full with the onset of adulthood, that is, upon reaching the age of eighteen - paragraph 1 of article 21 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter - Civil Code of the Russian Federation)).

In order to sign up for a consultation with an orthodontist, you need to look around at the doctor on duty and take a referral to the orthodontist. With a referral, you will be recorded at the reception for a consultation, where you will receive all the information about all options for orthodontic treatment.

From the age of 4 on an outpatient basis, anesthesia can be done if there are no other contraindications.

Braces for the treatment of orthodontic pathology are not included in the CHI system.

The ability of a citizen by his actions to acquire and exercise civil rights, create for himself civil duties and fulfill them (civil capacity) arises in full with the onset of adulthood, that is, upon reaching the age of eighteen - paragraph 1 of Art. 21 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter - the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). Information about the state of health is provided to the patient personally by the attending physician or other medical professionals who are directly involved in the medical examination and treatment. With regard to persons under the age established in Part 2 of Article 54 (14 years) of this Federal Law, and citizens recognized as legally incompetent in the manner prescribed by law, information on the state of health is provided to their legal representatives.

In our clinic, children are treated until they are 18 years old. After 18 years, you can be treated with us for a fee, in a self-supporting department. According to the MHI policy, after 18 years of age, they are treated in a district adult clinic.

From 0 to 18 years of age, children receive dental care at a children's dental clinic or at a clinic licensed to provide dental care for children.

Since a child at the age of 14 is not solvent, all contracts, treatment plans are signed by the parents or official representatives of the child.

Our institution provides dental care to children attached to the clinic under the MHI policy, and on a contractual basis.

The doctor starts work at 8.30 for the first shift and at 15.00 for the second.

You can come for a consultation with a doctor - an orthodontist or make an appointment by phone 417-22-88- and you will be provided with all the information about possible treatment options within the framework of compulsory medical insurance.

Children are treated by a pediatric dentist under the age of 18

When contacting the clinic, the following documents are required - a medical policy, a birth certificate, SNILS, a passport of one of the parents. The orthodontist will advise and inform you about all possible treatment options for your child's orthodontic pathology.

You can make an appointment with the doctor on duty by calling the registry at 417-33-27, 417-22-88, via the Internet, through the doctor's appointment portal, through our website

Your daughter's complaints may be symptoms of a variety of dental conditions that may require both urgent medical attention and conservative treatment. We can recommend warm rinses with decoctions of herbs (chamomile, sage, green tea), if the child is not allergic to these drugs. If it is not possible to see a doctor, you can call 417-33-27 and consult with the doctor on duty, as there is not enough data to make a diagnosis and recommend treatment. Sincerely, DSP No. 4

When you first contact our clinic, you must have with you: Birth certificate of the child (passport from the age of 14), SNILS, medical policy, passport of one of the parents (for non-residents). When treating for a fee, you need a birth certificate of the child and a passport of one of the parents to draw up a contract. Sincerely, chipboard No. 4

Unfortunately, braces and treatment of orthodontic pathology with the help of non-removable equipment are not included in the CHI system.

You need to come in for a consultation with an orthodontist. Orthodontic pathology is different. If it is possible to treat your orthodontic pathology with devices included in the Territorial Compulsory Medical Insurance Program, they will be made free of charge. The orthodontist will tell you about all possible treatment options.

Good afternoon! If the child is 15 years of age or older, he has the right to make a decision on his own after receiving all the information about his health from the attending doctor. If the child is under 15 years of age, consent to all medical procedures is given by the official representatives of the child (parents, guardians, etc.).

An adhesive prosthesis is attached using a single abutment or, more commonly, two abutments adjacent to the missing tooth. This is a fixed structure; at the age of 15, such prostheses are not made, since the growth of the jaws is still ongoing. The presence of such a prosthesis can lead to uneven growth of the jaw and the formation of a pathological bite. In childhood, it is possible to make replacement removable dentures. The final consultation on the solution of your problem can be given by a doctor - an orthodontist.

Good afternoon! If there are no contraindications to anesthesia, then it can be done at the age of 15 without the presence of the mother.

Good afternoon! If the child is under 15 years of age, the treatment plan is agreed with the child's legal representative.

The polyclinic provides services included in the MHI (free of charge for the patient) and paid services.

Children 11 years old, if necessary, are given anesthesia for dental treatment.

Good afternoon! In our clinic, we do not treat teeth under anesthesia. We can give a referral for dental treatment under anesthesia to the St. Olga Hospital (2 Zemledelcheskaya St.) or for tooth extraction to the Children's Hospital No. Rauhfus.

Our clinic is located in St. Petersburg.

Good afternoon! If the child is 15 years of age or older, he has the right to make a decision on his own after receiving all the information about his health from the attending doctor. If the child is under 15 years of age, consent to all medical procedures is given by the official representatives of the child (parents, guardians, etc.).

When visiting a dental clinic by a child of 15 years old, you must have a passport, SNILS, and a medical policy with you.

Good afternoon! The cost of a filling from dental materials that are not included in the Territorial CHI program for children attached to our clinic ranges from 1000 rubles to 5000 (full restoration of the crown). The doctor can advise which filling to put, it depends on the depth of the tooth damage, on the degree of destruction of the crown, on the aesthetic requirements, etc. The choice will be yours. Sincerely, DSP No. 4

Good afternoon! All treatment that is included in the Territorial Compulsory Medical Insurance Program for children attached to our clinic, including children with disabilities, is free. A 20% discount is provided for treatment using expensive materials that are not included in the Territorial CHI Program for Disabled Children.

Good afternoon! The cost of orthodontic equipment depends on the type of bite pathology. Exact information will be given to you after consultation with an orthodontist.

Good afternoon! According to Art. 5 of the Federal Law 323-FZ, medical intervention includes any of the existing types of medical examinations and manipulations, ranging from questioning and administration of drugs. The patient or his legal representative signs an informed voluntary consent to medical intervention. In part 2 of Art. 20 of Law No. 323 defines the subjects who are provided with information about the upcoming medical intervention: - all sane capable persons over 16 years old; ... - one of the parents or legal representative of a minor under the age of 15 years ... etc.

You can come to the dental clinic without parents at the age of 15. You must have a passport and a medical policy with you.

Consultation and appointments with the orthodontist are free of charge within the framework of the Territorial Compulsory Health Insurance Program. An orthodontic plate or apparatus can be paid depending on the complexity and material from which they are made.

Good morning! Unfortunately, there are no benefits for the installation of braces for children whose parents are pensioners.

Good afternoon.! Unfortunately, the treatment of orthodontic pathology with the help of a bracket system is not included in the Territorial CHI program. Sincerely, DSP No. 4

During a preventive examination, the doctor determines the need for dental treatment, the hygiene index, conducts hygienic cleaning of the teeth or a hygiene lesson in case of unsatisfactory oral hygiene. Teeth fluoridation is carried out according to indications 1-2-3 times a year or as a whole course as part of remineralizing therapy, depending on the degree of caries activity, caries growth, and the state of the enamel. As a rule, doctors recommend therapeutic and prophylactic pastes and other oral hygiene products at the appointment, give recommendations to parents on dietary therapy and health-improving regimen.

Good afternoon! In our polyclinic, an orthodontist, after consultation, conducting the necessary mandatory and additional studies, establishes a diagnosis, draws up a treatment plan, and coordinates it with the patient and his legal representatives. Then he prescribes for treatment and writes out a prescription for braces, which the patient purchases on his own. Treatment of orthodontic pathology with the help of a bracket system is not included in the Territorial CHI program.

Good afternoon! All children under the age of 18 living in the Kirovsky district can contact our polyclinic.

All rates are on our website.

Yes, we use a special gel for topical anesthesia.

Hello! You need to come to an appointment with a doctor who will examine the oral cavity and give an answer to your question.

For the first time, you go to the duty room, which is given numbers at the reception at the beginning of each shift. The doctor on duty examines, if something bothers, provides emergency assistance and directs for further treatment. It is also possible to register for treatment online.

Sealing one tooth costs 590 rubles.

If you have already been consulted by a dentist-orthodontist in our clinic, then you can make an appointment with a doctor through the reception during the working hours of the doctor who consulted you. If you have not yet visited our orthodontist, then you need to take a referral to an orthodontist in the duty room and sign up for a consultation at the reception.

Good afternoon! We provide free services within the framework of compulsory health insurance for the children of the Kirov region and all children attached to our polyclinic.

Good afternoon! Restoration of teeth is best done after whitening after about 2 weeks, but it is better to consult with your doctor.

Good afternoon! Unfortunately, bite treatment with the use of braces is not included in the CHI system, therefore the treatment is paid, since the prices for braces in our clinic are minimal, there are no discounts. Sincerely, Rodina I.A.

Hygienic cleaning for children of the Kirovsky district is free of charge.

Good evening! The method of dental treatment using the ICON preparation has rather narrow indications: caries in the stain stage, superficial caries. Icon is not included in the list of drugs used in the CHI system. Therefore, the treatment of caries with the use of this drug is paid, after a mandatory consultation with the attending physician. There are other non-invasive treatments for temporary teeth that our doctors are proficient in. Only after an individual consultation, the doctor can tell the parents what method it is possible to cure a particular tooth.

In our polyclinic, operations under anesthesia are not performed, as this requires appropriate equipment, specialists and a medical license. In the case of medical indications for such an operation, we refer the patient to a hospital licensed to perform such operations.

Good afternoon! If a tooth hurts, then you don’t have to endure it, you need to cure it. In any case, it is better to consult with your doctor, if possible, exclude treatment at 28-32 weeks of pregnancy and at 38-39 weeks. The dentist will be able to assess the situation, reschedule the treatment, or maybe close it with a temporary filling, followed by treatment after childbirth.

Yes, we use the Icon method of treating initial caries after consultation with the treating doctor.

Extraction of teeth

In accordance with our legislation, a child cannot independently come to extract teeth without parents. The ability of a citizen by his actions to acquire and exercise civil rights, create for himself civil duties and fulfill them (civil capacity) arises in full with the onset of adulthood, that is, upon reaching the age of eighteen - paragraph 1 of Art. 21 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter - the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). Information about the state of health is provided to the patient personally by the attending physician or other medical professionals who are directly involved in the medical examination and treatment. With regard to persons under the age established in Part 2 of Article 54 (14 years) of this Federal Law, and citizens recognized as legally incompetent in the manner prescribed by law, information on the state of health is provided to their legal representatives.

Good morning! Our polyclinic is located in St. Petersburg, there is no hospital named after Seredavin in our city. If there is an attachment to our clinic, the 8s are removed after consulting a surgeon.

Good afternoon! You need to contact the branch on the street. M Govorova, 15 to the surgeon. The surgeon sees from Monday to Friday from 9.00-14.00 and from 15.00-20.00. The doctor will consult and, if necessary, the doctor will give a referral for tooth extraction under anesthesia.

If your child has a CHI policy, and if the child is registered in another city, then emergency dental care is provided free of charge on the first visit. In the future, you need to attach to our clinic. More detailed information can be obtained at the registration desk, tel. 746-52-68.

If the child is 8 years old, then it most likely hurts, and the temporary “five” “swings”. The sixth tooth is the permanent tooth. Stomatitis is an infectious disease, therefore, if it is necessary to urgently remove a tooth, then this is done in a hospital in order to avoid serious complications. If a baby tooth hurts because it is mobile and uncomfortable to eat, there is no urgency to remove such a tooth. It can be removed in our clinic in a planned manner after cured stomatitis.


Good afternoon! In our polyclinic, you need to come for an examination to the doctor on duty, who will give a referral, if necessary, for a consultation with an orthodontist. The orthodontist will give you all the information you need. There are no queues for orthodontic appliances in our clinic.

At the appointment with the dentist, you will receive complete information about further treatment. It is necessary to come to treatment with parents.

Good afternoon! You can make an appointment with an orthodontist. At the age of 17, you can come to the appointment alone. Information on registration by phone. 417-22-88

Good afternoon! Bruxism can be caused by both neurological and orthodontic problems. If a child needs orthodontic treatment, it is possible both under compulsory medical insurance and for a fee. You can get more complete information about all possible treatment options by signing up for a consultation with our orthodontists by phone. 417-22-88

I would advise you to consult an orthodontist once again, to get another opinion. Orthodontic pathology is different, sometimes, you can cope with the treatment with a plate at the age of 18, and if the pathology is serious, then braces are indispensable. An experienced orthodontist will tell you about all possible treatment options for your pathology.

Treatment of orthodontic pathology with the help of a bracket system at the age of 16 is possible on a contractual basis (treatment with fixed equipment is not included in the CHI system).

Good afternoon! The clinic has a system of discounts for preferential categories of patients. Please check with your treating doctor for the conditions for granting discounts.

Good afternoon! If you have lost a record, you need to make an appointment with your treating doctor, and the doctor will tell you all the possible options for continuing treatment.

You can come for a consultation with a doctor - an orthodontist or make an appointment by phone 417-22-88- and you will be provided with all the information about possible treatment options within the framework of compulsory medical insurance.

Good afternoon! Treatment of orthodontic pathology with removable appliances, included in the MHI or paid, does not depend on the age of the patient, but on the type of orthodontic pathology. You need to visit an orthodontist to get more information about all possible treatment options.

On the issue of remanufacturing an orthodontic appliance, you need to contact your doctor, who will acquaint you with all possible options.

There are no discounts for orthodontic treatment with braces.

Orthodontic treatment using a bracket system is not included in the Territorial CHI program and is paid. Our clinic provides discounts on orthodontic appliances (except braces).

Good afternoon! If a child has broken an orthodontic appliance, you need to contact your doctor and make an appointment. The conditions for repairing the device depend on the type of breakdown, the period of operation of the device, etc., more specific information can be given to you after consultation with the attending doctor.

Good afternoon! You get braces yourself according to the prescription that the doctor wrote out. And the installation of braces, correction, activation, observation, etc. is carried out in our clinic by the doctor who took you for treatment, drew up a treatment plan, took casts and will treat you. At the appointment, please ask everything that interests you, your attending physician. Mutual understanding between the doctor and the patient is the key to a good result of orthodontic treatment.

It is possible to correct the bite for free, for this you need to sign up for a consultation with an orthodontist, then, if treatment is necessary, you will be recorded in the order of the queue for treatment under compulsory medical insurance. telephone for inquiries 417 -22-88, 417 -33-27.

Braces are fixed on the upper and lower jaw in two visits (with an interval of several months). Payment is made for the fixation of braces for each jaw.

To apply for a tax deduction, you need to contact your doctor and order certificates. Documents will be prepared for you within 5 days or by agreement.

More than 90% of children need orthodontic treatment. In our polyclinic, children from the Kirov, Krasnoselsky, Lomonosov and other districts are treated. Our orthodontists are in demand and busy. You can attach and be treated by an orthodontist in any area of ​​the city.

If there is a breakdown of orthodontic equipment, you need to contact your doctor by phone and ask if you can wait 20 days before the next appointment or you need to come faster, it depends on the type of pathology, treatment conditions.

Diagnosis for orthodontic treatment is necessary for drawing up a treatment plan. Diagnosis involves a number of procedures that may differ depending on the diagnosis. Ask the doctor about the cost of diagnostics by calling the reception at tel. 783-50-92 (Na Zaitsev, 7 kor.2); 746-52-68 (at Govorov, 15).

It all depends on the type of pathology of your bite and, accordingly, on the type of orthodontic apparatus with which this bite will be treated. Only the simplest type of plate is paid for by the CHI system; complex orthodontic appliances are not included in the CHI system.

All information on making an appointment for a consultation with an orthodontist is available at the reception desk of the polyclinic. Depending on which branch you signed up for, you can call the registration desk at the branch on the street. Zaitseva 7, building 2 tel. 783-50-92 or to the branch on the street. M. Govorova, 15 tel. 746-52-68.

Orthopantomogram costs 500 rubles. The picture can be taken in the department at Zaitseva, 7, bldg. 2 on Mondays and Thursdays from 9.00-14.00 and from 15.00-20.00

Hello! Unfortunately, in our polyclinic there is no paid appointment for a consultation with an orthodontist.

If there are indications, then the bite can be treated with removable equipment (plates).

Good afternoon! Regarding orthodontics, if you belong to the privileged category of citizens, if the child is over 16 years old and if the child has already been treated by an orthodontist, then we can make an appointment for a consultation by phone. 783-50-92, but, unfortunately, there are no available rooms until May 5th. In other cases, call tel. Rodina I.A.

Good afternoon! A metal bracket system costs about 13,000 thousand rubles, in general, treatment for 2 years costs about 45,000 thousand rubles. All prices are on our website in the "Prices" section.

Children's dentistry

According to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, information about the state of health of citizens under the age of 14 (Article 54 Part 2) is provided to their legal representatives - parents or guardians. Therefore, it is necessary to come to the examination with parents who fill out and sign all the necessary documents (informed consent for examination, treatment, etc.).

There are no discounts for orthodontic treatment with braces.

In our clinic, you can remove a baby tooth for a child free of charge in the direction of an orthodontist.

Plastic surgery of the frenulum of the upper lip, lower lip and tongue is included in the Territorial CHI program

Documents required for presentation at the Children's Dental Clinic No. 4: 1. Birth certificate (from 14 years old - passport) 2. Medical policy of the child. 3. SNILS of the child 4. Passport of one of the parents (for non-residents) Sincerely, DSP No. 4

Good afternoon, all whitening procedures with active ingredients are recommended to be done only after the age of 19-22, since before this age there is still active remineralization of enamel (accumulation of nutrients in it), so at your age we can recommend you professional teeth cleaning.

In children, the period from 9 to 14 years is characterized by the presence of a large number of permanent teeth with incomplete mineralization. It is at this moment that girls (from 7 to 9 years old), boys (from 9-12 years old) have the lowest level of resistance to caries. Therefore, at this age, we recommend the obligatory use of basic hygiene products (toothbrushes and pastes) and additional ones (flosses, tooth elixirs and rinses). The use of calcium and fluoride toothpastes should be alternated. In the morning - with calcium, in the evening - fluoride toothpaste. Even in this age period, we recommend sealing the fissures of erupted permanent teeth and taking calcium preparations (in agreement with the pediatrician).

Good afternoon! Hygiene training is included in the compulsory health insurance program. With this question, you can contact any dentist-therapist of our clinic. Your child will be given a hygienic cleaning and you will be advised on hygiene methods and products.

Good afternoon! You need to come to the clinic for a consultation with a doctor on Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 8.30 to 11.00 in any of our departments. The doctor will examine the child, consult you and give recommendations.

Good afternoon, regarding anesthetics: they usually do tests for the following types of anesthetics - Septanest 1:100,000.1:200,000, Ubistezin 1:100,000, 1:200,000, Ultracain 1:100,000.1:200,000, Scandonest. If you remember the name of the doctor, then you can make an appointment with her by phone 783 50 92, if not, then on any day you can get to the doctor by the number given by the registry, unfortunately the number of numbers is limited.

Good afternoon! You need to call the reception, explain the situation, the registrar will find the card and look at the name of the doctor. Tel. registries at M. Govorova, 15: 746-52-68, at Zaitseva, 7 cor. 2: 783-50-92.

Good afternoon, there is no need to worry, this is not a blood clot, but a vessel that can appear during teething.

Dental treatment under general anesthesia is carried out for the following categories of patients: - children under 3 years old with multiple dental caries; with odontogenic abscesses; - children or adolescents with disabilities; with maxillofacial trauma, polyvalent drug allergy, prone to fainting, with bronchial asthma and other diseases incompatible with outpatient treatment; - children and adolescents with multiple dental caries and its complications with a pronounced negative attitude to treatment; in need of dental care. The need for general anesthesia is an extreme measure for a doctor in solving a child's dental problem. In most cases, a caring attitude, combined with a period of adaptation to dental treatment, allows the child to be treated on an outpatient basis, i.e. in the clinic.

Hello! After an injury, you can do without silvering, you just need to brush your baby’s teeth with toothpaste that is suitable for age (they are sold in pharmacies) and exclude excess consumption of carbohydrates, especially sugary drinks, juices consumed at night. And be sure to see the dentist in a month, even if nothing bothers you.

Good afternoon! Until September 15, there is a branch on the street. M. Govorova, 15. The doctor on duty sees from 8.30 to 14.00 and from 15.00 to 19.30. Preferred visiting time for parents with small children is from 8.30 am to 10.00 am. When visiting a polyclinic, the following documents are needed: a medical policy and a birth certificate of a child, a passport of one of the parents. From September 15, the branch on the street begins its work. Zaitsev, house 7, building 2. A prevention room will work, where on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 9.00-12.00 children under 3 years old are received.

Hello. Your doctor can answer your question. If restoration is possible, it depends on the degree of destruction, the age of the child, etc., then restoration can be carried out. The cost of a filling made of light-curing material is from 830 rubles.

Hello, yes it is possible if we are talking about a frenulum of the tongue, you need to make an appointment with a surgeon

Good afternoon! The attending physician can answer this question. If it is possible to cure a milk tooth (this depends on the pathology, on the age of the child, the degree of tooth decay, the general somatic status of the child, etc.), it must be treated.

Yes, in our polyclinic we can perform plastic surgery of the upper lip frenulum for your child in the direction of another dentist. You can sign up by phone. 746-52-68. The surgeon works according to the schedule: odd numbers - 8.30 - 14.00, even - from 15.00-19.30 in the department at st. M Govorova, 15. Operations are done only in the morning, by appointment.

Thanks for the very important question. The first meeting with the dentist should take place when the child is healthy and has not experienced a toothache! It is desirable that parents and relatives themselves do not worry and do not endure their excitement, perhaps their past negative experience of dental treatment on a child, since small children feel the mood and anxiety of their parents very much. It is not necessary to deceive a child, to say that they will not do anything to him, it is better to tell him that he will need to sit in a chair, open his mouth, and the doctor will count his teeth, write a certificate to the kindergarten, allow him to sometimes eat sweets, etc. d. It is advisable to tell the dentist about the psychological characteristics of your child. It is advisable to visit the clinic in the morning, preferably in the morning. After a visit to the dentist, it is necessary to reward the child with a small gift (toys, stickers, books) with what the child is interested in, you can take the gift with you and ask the doctor to give it, then the baby will remember his visit to the dentist with pleasure! Good luck to you!

Yes, if a child is registered in the Leningrad region and has a compulsory medical insurance policy, he can be treated in our clinic

You are doing everything right. You should start brushing your teeth as soon as one tooth erupts. Toothbrush and paste should be age appropriate, for such small children there are R.O.C.S. toothpastes. "Silver", SPLAT "Junior", Aquafresh kids.

Children under three years of age, for consultation, passing the commission to kindergarten, we accept according to the schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday - from 8.30 - 11.00, free of charge if the child has a compulsory medical insurance policy at st. Zaitseva, 7 building 2. You must have a child's compulsory medical insurance policy, a birth certificate, a passport of one of the parents with you. If your child has a toothache, then emergency care in our clinic is provided by the doctor on duty on a first-come, first-served basis at ul. M. Govorova, 15. From 8.30 to 14.00 and from 15.00 to 20.00. You must have a child's compulsory medical insurance policy, a birth certificate, a passport of one of the parents with you.

Work of the polyclinic

You can make an appointment with the doctor on duty for an examination on the Internet, by phone through the reception, and you can also come to the clinic and get a number for an examination with the doctor on duty. Sincerely, DSP No. 4

Good afternoon! You can come to the clinic, contact the reception and take a number for emergency care to the doctor on duty. Only, if you need to "deliver the medicine", you will have to come more than once. Sincerely, DSP No. 4

Good afternoon! Until September 5, the polyclinic operates according to the summer regime: at Govorova metro station 15: odd numbers 8.30 - 14.00, even numbers - 15.00-20.30; on Zaitseva 7 cor 2: even - 8.30 - 14.00, odd - 15.00-20.30; .. Ilyashenko Anna Sergeevna also works according to the schedule until September 5: odd 8.30 - 14.00, even - 15.00-20.30;, and after 5.09 she will work in her schedule: even 8.30 - 14.00, odd: 15.00-20.30; and sign up tel. registry in the office on M Govorov 417-33-27. Sincerely, Deputy Chief Physician for Medical Affairs Rodina I.A.

Good morning! We accept children up to 18 years of age. After 18 years of age, treatment in our polyclinic is possible on a contractual basis (for a fee). Sincerely, DSP No. 4

The polyclinic is open on May 5,6,7,8 as usual. A certificate for the university can be obtained at the department at 15 M. Govorova St., on May 9, 10, 11, the clinic is closed.

Other questions

The ability of a citizen by his actions to acquire and exercise civil rights, create for himself civil duties and fulfill them (civil capacity) arises in full with the onset of adulthood, that is, upon reaching the age of eighteen - paragraph 1 of Art. 21 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter - the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). Information about the state of health is provided to the patient personally by the attending physician or other medical professionals who are directly involved in the medical examination and treatment. With regard to persons under the age established in Part 2 of Article 54 (14 years) of this Federal Law, and citizens recognized as legally incompetent in the manner prescribed by law, information on the state of health is provided to their legal representatives.

Your medical card will be accepted by the school. The presence of caries is not a contraindication for admission to school.

Plastic frenulum of the tongue is included in the CHI. This operation can be done at our clinic or by referral to a hospital.

When contacting the clinic, the following documents are required: a child's birth certificate (passport from the age of 14), SNILS, a medical policy and a passport of one of the parents (nonresident).

Good afternoon! You need to contact the on-duty dentist in our clinic, who will give a full consultation about your problem. If necessary, the doctor on duty will refer you for an additional examination (Rg-image) or to a surgeon.

Good afternoon! When visiting a polyclinic, you must have with you: a birth certificate (passport after 14 years), a medical policy, SNILS.

Good afternoon! To draw up documents for the tax office, you can contact the head of the department where you were treated, leave your data (name of the patient, year of birth, school number, if the child is a student). Documents will be prepared for you within 5 working days. tel. 417-53-37, 417-31-67

We have three adult dental clinics in the Kirovsky district. You need to call the insurance medical company (it is indicated in your medical policy) and find out which clinic you are attached to. Attachment is carried out on a territorial basis.

You need to come with your child to the clinic for an appointment with a surgeon, to the department on the street. Govorova, 15.
Numbers to the surgeon are issued at the beginning of each shift in the registry.
Branch opening hours:
odd numbers - 9.00 -14.00,
even - 15.00 -20.00.
Phone for inquiries: 746-52-68.

Good afternoon, when providing paid services in our clinic, preferential categories of citizens have a discount. Therefore, it is advisable to provide a certificate at least once in order to put a mark on the medical card.

Good afternoon! Yes, we have a 20% discount for children from large families on paid services.

Good afternoon! To get a certificate of sanitation, you must come with the child for an examination at the clinic. The doctor will examine, if it is necessary to treat, prescribe for treatment, if everything is in order, write out a certificate.

Microprosthetics means an adhesive prosthesis - an artificial tooth in the area of ​​the removed one, using overlays as a support for adjacent teeth, with the possibility of completely refusing to grind the supporting teeth, which prevents a decrease in their wear resistance. There are certain indications and contraindications for microprosthetics, so a preliminary consultation with a dentist is necessary.

Good afternoon! The number that was given to you in the X-ray room is the registration number of your medical record in our visiograph. It is given so that when you visit us again, it will be easy to find your picture in our computer. An x-ray can also be found by last name, first name, but by registration number is faster. We do not post x-rays on the Internet.

An orthopantomogram (a picture of all teeth) costs 500 rubles.

Good afternoon! Do not worry, profuse salivation in a child of 2 years, when not all teeth have erupted, is the norm. If there is a lot of saliva, this is good, since it washes the teeth abundantly, natural cleaning of the teeth occurs, protective antimicrobial factors that are contained in our saliva work. If you are still worried about something, see our doctors and you will receive competent advice.

Yes, you need to make an appointment with the orthopedist Yanik B.B. by phone 783-50-92 on odd days from 15.00-19.00. The cost is from 1000 to 3000 rubles, depending on the complexity of the repair of the prosthesis.

You need to take an application at the clinic registry, in any department and contact your insurance company.

Children under one year old, up to three years old for passing the commission to kindergarten are accepted according to the schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday - from 8.30 - 11.00, free of charge if the child has a compulsory medical insurance policy at st. Zaitseva, 7 building 2.

During the first year of life, parents with babies should visit a number of doctors. The main purpose of the visit is to assess the rate of growth and development, as well as the exclusion of diseases. Infants are vulnerable to the development of numerous diseases, and the reason is physiological characteristics. Be sure to visit: a pediatrician, an ENT specialist, a surgeon, an orthopedist, an ophthalmologist, and a dentist. But sometimes parents underestimate the role of dental status and its relationship with the health of the baby.

Dental status of children

The connection between the state of the oral cavity and health has long been proven. It is known that some dental pathologies can provoke acute inflammatory diseases of the kidneys, digestive tract, etc.

Incorrect bite causes a violation of nasal breathing, and, as you know, mouth breathing is the cause of numerous diseases of internal organs. Caries and its complications, provoked by some representatives of streptococci, can also provoke tonsillitis and other diseases. Examples are numerous.

Important to remember: the body is a single system in which everything is interconnected, and any disease can provoke others, more complex ones.

Anatomical and physiological features of young children put them at risk for the development of numerous diseases. Analyzing the data, one can even highlight the relationship between age and certain diseases. It is on these principles that WHO (World Health Organization) has compiled a schedule for children to visit dentists.

Note that we are talking about scheduled inspections. But if the baby has alarming symptoms, it is necessary to visit the dentist immediately, regardless of the schedule and recommendations. .

The first examination of a newborn baby by a dentist

Even in the maternity ward, in the first minutes and hours of life, the baby is carefully examined by a number of specialists. Doctors evaluate the skin, reflexes, assess the Apgar scale, evaluate breathing, etc.

When examining a newborn, doctors are primarily interested in the size of the frenulum of the tongue.

Under the bridle is understood as an anatomical formation, which is woven with one end into the back surface of the tongue, and with the other into the bottom of the oral cavity. Its length determines the movements of the tongue.

If it is shortened, then the baby will not be able to fully take the breast and suck. To estimate the size, only a visual inspection and assessment of the movement of the tongue is sufficient. In some cases, the initial examination of the child's oral cavity does not give any results.

But later, literally after 5-15 days, a nursing mother may notice the following alarming symptoms of a shortened frenulum of the tongue:

  • The appearance of smacking sounds during feeding.
  • Prolonged sucking: the baby suckles at the breast, followed by a long break and sucking continues.
  • Unpleasant sensations that appear during feeding in the mother. Particularly alarming signs are the formation of pain and cracks in the nipples, and other unpleasant consequences.
  • Capricious behavior of the baby at the breast.
  • Low weight gain.

With the formation of such symptoms, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible and.

When should you bring your child to the dentist's office for the first time?

During the examination, doctors evaluate the following parameters:

  1. Development of the maxillofacial region . At the birth of a baby, for the possibility of full feeding, the upper jaw of the baby is significantly advanced in relation to the lower jaw, but gradually this difference is reduced. Violation of this process is a direct path to the formation of bite pathologies.
  2. Number of teeth . Teething is an important physiological indicator by which one can judge the development of the baby, diagnose some dangerous pathologies. By 9-12 months, a child should have 5-8 teeth in their mouth.
  3. Erupted teeth condition . As soon as the baby's teeth have erupted, they are in danger: caries does not sleep - especially if the baby receives artificial feeding. Also, dentists must exclude the presence of non-carious lesions of the teeth - hypoplasia, which increases the risk of developing caries and its complications.
  4. Condition of the oral mucosa . Children 6-12 months of age are at risk for the development of infectious diseases: intestinal infections, stomatitis - more often candidiasis or bacterial. Lack of timely treatment of stomatitis can lead to a number of undesirable consequences.

Inspection of the dentist at 9-12 months is often preventive in nature. At the appointment, dentists tell parents how to take care of their baby's teeth and gums: how to choose a toothbrush and paste, how to brush their teeth. And, of course, they set a schedule for subsequent visits.

Until the age of 2-3 years, you need to visit the dentist every 3-5 months.

Children aged 2.5-3 years at the dentist

By the age of three, the formation of a milk bite is completed, the crumbs should have all 20 milk teeth.

Statistics show: for the first time, caries is recorded at the age of 1.7-2 years, and in children it is characterized by rapid progression.

According to this, The main task of dentists is to detect caries in a timely manner, treat, prevent complications, and draw up an effective prevention plan. .

Parents should remember that the state of the milk bite is the key to full development and the absence of problems in the permanent. Timely diagnosis and treatment of caries is the best way to prevent the development of dental phobia , because sometimes the treatment of pulpitis is often associated with some unpleasant, and even painful sensations, not to mention fear. In addition to the condition of the teeth, dentists will be interested in the state of bite, growth and development of the jaws.

By the age of three, gaps should be visible between the baby's teeth - physiological trems. If the teeth are close to each other, this is a sign of pathology, indicating insufficient growth of the jaws and possible bite pathologies in the future.

Doctors also assess the condition of the oral mucosa, give advice to parents about caring for their teeth and gums. – and controlled by a controlled brushing procedure.

Controlled brushing - a dental procedure that involves cleaning the teeth of a baby in a doctor's office. Then the child is offered to dissolve the tablets that stain the plaque. As a result, children and parents clearly see the mistakes - and correct them under the supervision of a dentist.

The schedule of visits to the dentist is changing: with children after 2.5-3 years old, you need to visit the doctor once every 2-3 months.

Visiting the dentist at 5-6 years old

This age is the period of interchangeable dentition, when milk teeth are replaced by permanent dentition. The main task of dentists and parents in this period is the prevention of premature loss of milk teeth. .

Remember! Premature loss of milk teeth - removal for medical reasons long before the timing of their natural change. In 96% of cases, this is the main reason for the formation of bite pathologies.

For prevention, it is necessary to visit the dentist in a timely manner, identify and treat caries, adhere to the rules of prevention.

From this age, orthodontic treatment can begin, but not in full, and by no means by all methods. For some pathologies, dentists prefer to wait with treatment.

In the period of 5-6 years, the first permanent teeth appear in the baby's oral cavity - the first molars. Many dentists recommend fissure sealants. . Caries has favorite places of formation: fissures, contact surfaces, gingival region, etc.

- preliminary sealing (filling) of fissures of chewing teeth, which prevents the development of caries.

Visiting the dentist in this age period is necessary once every 2-3 months.

Visiting the dentist for children 8-10 years old

At this age, dentists control the processes of jaw growth - the development of bite; try to timely identify and treat caries, its complications.

A dental check-up should be done every 3-4 months.

But if the following symptoms occur, contacting a dentist should be immediate:

  • Difficulty teething : inflammatory formations, eruption cysts that resemble hematomas, worsening of the child's condition.
  • Eruption of a permanent tooth when its milk "ancestor" remained in the oral cavity. On examination, it can be seen that the teeth grow in 2 rows.
  • Eruption of two identical teeth at the same time - the appearance of supernumerary teeth.

Both supernumerary and milk teeth are removed when the permanent one has erupted! And the sooner this happens, the better!

At the age of 8-10 years old, dentists have more technical options for orthodontic treatment.

Teenagers at the dentist

When embarking on a complex and thorny path of turning boys into boys, and girls into girls, new threats are created for their dental health. Raging hormones cause the formation of a special type of gum inflammation - youthful gingivitis, or even juvenile periodontitis.

Juvenile periodontitis - inflammatory-dystrophic gum disease, characterized by resorption of the bone plate of the alveolus of the jaw, which poses a threat to irretrievable loss of teeth and other unpleasant complications.

Inflammatory gum disease associated with hormones is persistent and difficult to treat.

The main treatment prescribed by dentists is symptomatic. Its main goal is to prevent the transition of the disease into a chronic one, as well as the development of other unpleasant symptoms.

Instead of a conclusion: a schedule for visiting a dentist by a child from 0 to 18 years old

At each age, the most threatening conditions and diseases of the oral cavity of children can be traced.

For clarity and to help parents, the following table has been compiled:

Age What threatens? Necessary actions
From birth
  • Congenital pathologies
  • Malformations
  • Shortening of the frenulum of the tongue
  1. Assessment of the state and functions of the oral cavity
  2. The level of attachment of the frenulum of the tongue
  3. Evaluation of attachment and sucking of the breast
9-12 months
  • Disturbances in the process of teething
  • Anomalies of individual teeth
  • early caries
  • Stomatitis, inflammation of the lips
  • Zayed formation
  1. Assessment of the rate of growth and development of the child, the schedule of teething and the principle of pairing
  2. Exclusion of carious and non-carious lesions of the teeth
  3. Diagnosis and treatment of stomatitis
  4. Teaching parents how to brush their teeth and take care of their baby's oral cavity
From 1 to 3 years
  • Caries
  • Stomatitis
  • Malocclusion, supernumerary teeth
  • Oral injuries
  1. Treatment and prevention of caries, training in brushing teeth, selection of a toothbrush and paste, if necessary, additional hygiene products
  2. Control of growth and development of the maxillofacial region
  3. Child injury prevention
From 3 to 8 years
  • Premature loss of teeth
  • Malocclusion
  • Supernumerary teeth
  • Stomatitis
  • Caries
  1. Assessment of the development of the maxillofacial region (the presence of physiological three)
  2. Detection and treatment of caries and its complications, prevention
8-10 years old
  • Caries
  • Difficulty teething
  • Eruption schedule
  • Violation of the timing of the natural change of milk teeth
  1. Treatment and prevention of caries and its complications
  2. Control of eruption of permanent teeth and change of milk teeth, necessary treatment measures
  3. Evaluation of the development and growth of the maxillofacial region
  • Caries
  • Juvenile gingivitis and periodontitis
  • Occlusion pathologies
  1. Treatment of gingivitis and periodontitis itself, as well as prevention of complications, which is part of the symptomatic therapy
  2. Treatment and prevention of caries
  3. Control of development and state of occlusion


The developers of the document hope that the new rules will ensure the safety of patients and doctors, and especially children.

Now you can not treat children in dental offices for adults. Medical institutions are required to equip separate blocks for minors with their own reception and bathroom.

Treating children is unprofitable
However, according to Murmansk experts, the new sanitary rules worsen the situation of pediatric dentistry. Today, doctors and heads of medical institutions have no motivation to provide dental care to children. It is much easier for a doctor to cure an adult at a paid appointment than to persuade a child not to be afraid of a dentist's tool.

In addition, due to the lack of a clear regulatory framework, insurance companies pay medical institutions only for the “adult” work of doctors if they have a diploma in general practice dentistry.

- Therefore, today only children's dentists work with children (there are 6 of them in the city) and dentists of the old school, who have a specialized secondary education. But there are also few of them, and many of them are already over 60,” notes the chief city dentist Emma Tolmacheva. - On the other hand, adolescents aged 15-17, who are considered children by law, and therefore are served in pediatric dentistry, can be treated in adult clinics. After all, boys and girls are already physiologically formed. For example, athletes of two meters height, students, working or even young mothers come to us. And they serve with kids. These guys already have a passport and the right to sign consent for medical intervention. So why not relieve our children's dentists by transferring teenagers to adult clinics?

By the way, now many paid clinics in the city will probably not accept children - most of them will not equip a separate room for children.

Change patients and gloves
The new document also stipulates a number of requirements for the placement of the clinics themselves, the decoration of their premises, equipment, microclimate and lighting. For example, if several dental chairs are located in one office, they must be separated by opaque partitions at least one and a half meters high. According to experts, this part of the rules is feasible for newly built clinics. But not for those who work for many years in adapted premises.

In addition, in dental clinics, each employee must have at least three sets of sanitary clothing, and the doctor must use new rubber gloves for each patient. And the dentist during the treatment of the patient should not take notes, touch the phone, and also eat and use cosmetics in the workplace.

Relieve toothache ... mushrooms
Most Murmansk residents try to get free dental care not in private clinics, where prices are quite high, but in ordinary clinics at the place of residence. To get to the doctor, patients have to "catch" numbers sometimes for several days. Doctors joke that they can only take a breath for two months a year - in August and September, when Murmansk residents are busy harvesting mushrooms and berries.

“In order to solve the problem of queues now, we would have to at least double the number of doctors,” notes Emma Tolmacheva. “Under the current conditions, this is unrealistic. In addition, today, doctors in the treatment of adult patients have to disentangle the consequences of imperfect technologies of the 80-90s. In addition, public dental clinics have a social responsibility by participating in the program of preferential dentures. Thus, for 8 months of 2009, 5,852 residents of Murmansk have already received such assistance in the amount of 43.8 million rubles. These are war and labor veterans, home front workers, the disabled, rehabilitated, as well as ordinary pensioners.



2022 "" - ultrasound examination of human organs