Supplements for men to improve sperm count. How to improve sperm quality: review of medications and folk remedies

Products for hair and skin containing rosehip extract have proven themselves quite a long time ago; such a useful composition is still relevant today. The use of oil is found in the preparation of medicinal mixtures as a complementary component or the main product. This extract is obtained from berry fruits. Such products are beneficial for the scalp and face, and your hair, due to their fortified composition.

Special masks with effective rosehip oil restore the structure of curls, nourishing it with vitamins from the inside. An amazing product and its beneficial properties will help save hair that is severely damaged as a result of frequent dyeing, chemical perms, negative environmental influences, sudden changes in air temperature, water with a high degree of hardness, and active sun. This effect is guaranteed if you use rosehip oil for hair regularly and correctly.

Properties of a natural product

The predominant property of the oil is its ability to process cell regeneration. The restorative effect occurs due to the presence of fat-soluble vitamins (antioxidant tocopherol and others), fatty acids and carotenoids in the natural extract. This product also has anti-inflammatory properties, enhances the production of hormones, and due to active regeneration, it is used to restore the integrity of the skin from wounds. The beneficial properties of the oil have ensured its successful use in cases of not very serious skin burns.

Rose hip extract can be used to treat irritations on the skin of the face and body, get rid of small scars and lighten scar tissue. To achieve the desired result, you need to moisten the damaged area of ​​the skin of the body or face with a cotton sponge. Continue the procedure for about 5 days, depending on the improvement in the condition of the skin.

How to properly use rose hips for curls?

This product saturates not only the hair with useful elements; the properties of rosehip extract can affect your scalp and follicles.

Remember! Masks with the addition of rosehip oil can be used exclusively on curls with dry ailments. If this rule is not followed, the properties of rose hips will aggravate the problem.

An amazing feature of this product lies in its natural properties. For example, this extract goes well with most balms and shampoos, complementing their main function - squeezing the berries has a beneficial effect on your hair as a vitamin complex. The oil has an amazing effect on the overall condition of the hair and adds shine to your locks.

A recipe for a product that promotes curl growth and improves the skin of your scalp:

  • ½ tbsp. spoons of honey (it is better to use a liquid consistency);
  • ½ tbsp. spoons of rosehip berry extract;
  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of holosas (a product based on rose hips);
  • ½ tbsp. spoons of fresh onion juice.

All of the listed components need to be combined, then apply the resulting composition to the scalp, rubbing it into the roots. The duration of the mask should be about 90 minutes. The final stage is to wash off the product.

Numerous reviews on the Internet draw attention to the beneficial properties of berry decoction. It is recommended to soak your curls with this product regularly. The acidic environment of this product will give your hair elasticity and strengthen its structure. An additional advantage of using such a decoction is the beautiful color of the strands and a delicate shine.

Mask against split hair.

To prepare you will need the following components:

  • one chicken egg yolk;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of rosehip extract;
  • 125 ml beer.

Mix the ingredients, saturate the strands with the resulting mixture and leave it for half an hour, after which we thoroughly rinse your curls.

The use of rosehip oil when creating hair care products brings an amazing effect - it saturates the hair strands with natural vitamins and significantly strengthens the structure.

Skin type that benefits from the extract

Squeezing the fruit is ideal for dry and aging skin. Another option for using the product is young skin of the dry type (it is characterized by dehydration and flaking). In this case, the beneficial properties of the extract are manifested in the best possible way, without harming the skin.

Advice! Avoid exposure to rosehip extract if you have oily facial skin. The problem with such skin is the excessive formation of oil on the surface, resulting in pimples and acne. Rose hips will become a catalyst for the production of subcutaneous fats and will aggravate the situation.

To neutralize oily skin conditions, use a squeeze of grape seeds.

The benefits of rose hips in the medical field

The fruit extract is often used in medicine. Squeeze has proven itself to be a remedy that perfectly removes bile from the human body. This essential oil is often recommended for use for diseases associated with difficulties in the natural removal of bile from the body.

Be careful! Preparations containing rosehip extract should not be used for certain diseases. Therefore, before use, you should consult a specialist.

Constant use of juice helps lower cholesterol levels. This result has a positive effect on the overall health of a person.

Cosmetology and use of rose hips

The properties of the natural extract have become widespread in cosmetic procedures. The oil is recommended for dry skin and helps improve skin regeneration, which reduces the activity of cell aging. The effect of regular use of the fruit is deep hydration of the skin surface. Tips for home use:

  • After removing makeup, soak your face daily with a cotton sponge soaked in oil (for aging and dry skin).
  • In winter, the oil will help protect your lips from the cold. Use it the night before going outside.
  • The very first wrinkles (expression wrinkles) appear near the lips and eyes; they can be prevented with the help of rosehip oil. It is used as a stand-alone product, or combined with a cream that is used every day. This method can neutralize the appearance of crow's feet.
  • If your facial skin is of a combination type, exposure to oil on dry parts is allowed.
  • An excellent prevention against wrinkles is a facial massage with a small amount of fruit extract.
  • When preparing masks, remember that most of them can be supplemented with a squeeze of rose hips.
  • The regenerating properties of ether give amazing results, so this product should be used when the skin is damaged from cuts and burns. Also, its effect neutralizes unpleasant skin rashes.
  • When stretch marks appear on the skin, you can restore aesthetics by using the extract.
  • The popularity of rosehip extract in the field of cosmetology is explained by its high restorative ability. The effect of the oil is felt immediately and is consolidated with constant use. The tone of your skin improves, its level of firmness and elasticity increases, the cells are saturated with moisture and healthy vitamins.

A test of seminal fluid performed on men, determining their fertility or diagnosing infertility, as well as helping to identify potential ailments of the genitourinary system and other abnormalities that prevent the natural fertilization of the egg by sperm. The problem of male infertility in the modern world is very relevant - representatives of the stronger sex are to blame for the inability to conceive a child in a record large number (more than 50%) of cases, while just a few years ago it was women who were considered responsible for the absence of children in the family.

However, modern medicine can easily determine the cause of a man’s fertility problems, and prescribed medications and vitamins to improve sperm count can solve them.

Poor spermogram: causes and initiation of treatment

It is necessary to immediately clarify: bad results can be obtained for various reasons:

  • if semen is collected incorrectly for analysis;
  • in case of careless storage or movement of the test ejaculate;
  • when the portion of sperm submitted for analysis is too small;
  • if the patient has health problems.

Men should worry only in the latter case, and even this is not immediately clear - the spermogram will have to be repeated to confirm the negative readings, and only after that the andrologist will prescribe additional tests, identify the problem and determine treatment. However, certain drugs to improve sperm count can be prescribed after the first result is obtained, so that a repeat test will show improvements.

But before moving on to specific medications, it should be said that you should start improving the condition of seminal fluid with the simplest method - maintaining a healthy lifestyle, which includes, first of all, giving up bad habits. Alcohol (in particular, beer) is especially dangerous for male fertility - it increases the production of the female sex hormone estrogen, thereby lowering the quality of sperm. Smoking is another bad habit that reduces sperm production and morphology.

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Only an andrologist can prescribe the correct treatment

Taking medications prescribed to improve the quality of spermogram will have a greater effect if it is carried out against the background of proper nutrition, including a large amount of cottage cheese, eggs, fish, fresh fruits and vegetables. A reasonable diet is especially useful for overweight men - by returning to their weight category, they can get rid of problems with potency failures and improve spermogram data. You should exclude from your diet foods that stimulate the production of estrogen, that is, legumes, bran, and almost all types of cabbage.

A separate part of the therapeutic effect on poor quality of seminal fluid is the use of vitamins. The best results are provided by folic acid and ascorbic acid, which are found in significant quantities in fresh vegetables and fruits, and you should also pay attention to complexes including vitamins A and E, B vitamins, microelements with antioxidant properties - selenium and zinc, additionally magnesium and L-carnitine.

Drugs to improve sperm count

Tablets, capsules, powders and intravenous products that improve the quality of spermograms usually act in several ways, depending on what exactly was negative in the test results. The list of problems, in particular, includes:

  • low sperm production in principle;
  • a small number of motile male germ cells (mainly due to the increased viscosity of sperm);
  • a disorder with the production of a large volume of sperm with damaged morphology (pathology of the head or tail).

If there is a problem such as a small amount of seminal fluid produced and, accordingly, too much semen, the patient may be prescribed the following remedies:

  • Volume Pills;
  • SpermaPlant;
  • Semenax.

Volume Pills is a nutritional supplement composed exclusively of natural ingredients - medicinal plants that have a positive effect on increasing the volume of seminal fluid production in men, as well as filling his body with useful amino acids. Additionally, this product has an effect on male potency and erection, improving the functioning of the muscle system that provides the physical response to arousal.

The dietary supplement SpermaPlant is prescribed to men whose spermogram showed a low level of living and motile germ cells. Taking these powders promotes the effective and fairly rapid restoration of male reproductive function, generally increasing the fertilizing ability of seminal fluid. The drug contains useful microelements, thanks to which the body normalizes the production of the hormone testosterone, which, after completing a course of treatment, improves the condition of sperm.

Taking Semenax allows you to improve the fertilizing ability of ejaculate within 3 months

A medicine called Semenax, which, like the above-mentioned drugs, contains exclusively herbal medicinal components, is prescribed to restore the normal state of sperm - qualitative, quantitative and morphological. Taking Semenax allows you to literally improve the fertilizing ability of the ejaculate within 3 months, and additionally strengthen male sexual health, providing a longer erection and more vivid sensations during orgasm.

In case of increased viscosity of seminal fluid and associated weakening, the drug Speman is most often prescribed, which affects the rate of liquefaction of the ejaculate. This natural product, which is based on a large list of plant components, performs a lot of useful tasks:

  • prevents prostate diseases;
  • helps fight oligospermia (low sperm production and the release of a small amount of seminal fluid during ejaculation), low sperm motility, sperm viscosity;
  • supports sexual health by eliminating problems with weak erections and premature ejaculation.

Speman is often prescribed by specialists to men with age-related sexual dysfunction

To improve spermogram readings in the sperm morphology parameter, doctors usually prescribe Spermactin, a dietary supplement with natural ingredients. This remedy “treats” problems with spermatogenesis, improves the concentration of sperm, their quality and mobility. Spermactin activates the internal reserves of the male body, stimulating the natural process of restoring healthy formation and maturation of germ cells.

In addition to any drugs intended to improve sperm quality (which is reflected in the spermogram results), vitamin and mineral complexes can be prescribed. In particular, doctors prefer the drug “Velmen” - a powerful complex that enriches the male body with a large amount of useful substances that have a positive effect on the state of the reproductive system.

Separately about vitamins

Vitamins play no less important role than medications in modern medicine to improve sperm count. As in the case of medications, the doctor should determine which vitamins to take, however, it is guaranteed that complexes containing zinc, magnesium, selenium, L-carnitine and L-arginine, as well as vitamins A, E and B can be considered (the whole group), folic and ascorbic acid. Each of these components is important for the health of the male reproductive system:

Vitamins play no less important role than medications in modern medicine to improve sperm count.

  • vitamin C helps to increase sperm production and improve its quality (including from the point of view of the morphology of male germ cells);
  • Without folic acid, full maturation of sperm is impossible, and it is it that is primarily prescribed for a course of therapy in preparation for natural or artificial conception;
  • thanks to vitamin A, optimally healthy and rapid sperm production occurs in the man’s body;
  • B vitamins contribute to the normal production of testosterone and stimulate the activity of movement of male germ cells in the seminal fluid;
  • the positive quality of vitamin E is the ability to maintain an optimal level of production of male hormones, thereby reducing the production of sperm with pathological morphology;
  • the effect of zinc on the male body is its strengthening effect on the prostate gland, preventing its damage by inflammatory diseases, as well as improving the fertilizing function of sperm;
  • thanks to magnesium, the chemical composition of seminal fluid improves and, in general, the normal functioning of the reproductive system is restored;
  • selenium is a component that is an antioxidant that protects seminal fluid from damage due to the attack of various toxins, as well as a substance that enhances sexual desire;
  • L-carnitine and L-arginine are often included in dietary supplements prescribed for various problems with male fertility, as these substances strengthen the health of the prostate gland and improve the process of spermatogenesis.

Taking vitamins in combination with a course of medication and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including a healthy diet, will help improve your sperm count, and in a fairly short time.

  • sluggish erection;
  • lack of desire;
  • sexual dysfunction.

The only way is surgery? Wait, and do not act with radical methods. It is POSSIBLE to increase potency! Follow the link and find out how experts recommend treating...

The number of sperm depends on the volume of seminal fluid

Oligospermia is a disorder characterized by a decrease in the production of seminal fluid. This deviation is not dangerous for the male body. It does not affect the quality of erection and sexual life in general, but is considered the main cause of infertility.

The causes of oligospermia are:

  1. chronic pathologies, injuries of the pelvic organs;
  2. inflammatory processes in the reproductive system;
  3. age-related changes in a man’s body;
  4. consequences of stroke, diabetes, spinal injuries;
  5. abuse of alcohol, smoking, drugs;
  6. irregular sex life.

It has been scientifically proven that the less a man produces seminal fluid, the less sperm it contains. This can become a significant problem for those couples who decide to have a child.

Drugs to increase sperm volume

Drugs to increase sperm volume work as follows. Activating natural blood flow in the pelvic organs, they help saturate cells with nutrients. As a result, the patient produces seminal fluid much more actively.

An effective drug in this group is Volum Capsules - an organic product containing natural substances. Their action is aimed at restoring reproductive and erectile function. The minimum course of taking the supplement lasts three months.

Photo Volume Capsules 60 capsules

Product characteristics

Products that increase sperm production

To stimulate the production of seminal fluid, doctors recommend including healthy protein foods in the diet:

  • white and red meat;
  • fish, seafood;
  • dairy and fermented milk products;
  • legumes, nuts.

In order to improve sperm fertility, it is important to consume enough antioxidants. Antioxidants are found in fresh fruits (grapes, bananas) and vegetables (broccoli, Brussels sprouts). The most effective foods for increasing sperm production are cereals, pumpkin seeds and avocados.

Medicines affecting sperm

Medicines that negatively affect the quantity and quality of sperm include antibiotics:

  • aminoglycosides;
  • tetracyclines;
  • sulfonamides.

Steroids and hormonal drugs have a negative effect on the process of spermatogenesis. Long-term use of antidepressants also reduces the amount of seminal fluid.

Increase sperm quality at home

To increase seminal fluid fertility it is important to maintain a proper diet. The menu should include foods rich in vitamins and microelements beneficial to the body, namely:

  1. calcium (greens, nuts, legumes, seaweed, green vegetables, mushrooms, grains);
  2. beta-carotene (carrots, spinach, sea buckthorn, sorrel);
  3. zinc (pumpkin seeds, seafood, shellfish);
  4. saturated Omega-3 fatty acids (sea fish).

Video on how to increase sperm motility

From the video you can learn what to do to improve sperm quality.

Dietary supplements to improve sperm

A high-quality dietary supplement for improving sperm condition is Ashwagandha. The product consists of an extract of the plant of the same name. It helps stimulate libido, activate spermatogenesis, and normalize hormonal synthesis.

In addition, the drug has general strengthening properties:

  • increases immunity;
  • restores blood pressure levels;
  • improves the condition of soft tissues;
  • joints and blood vessels.

Dietary supplements also have a positive effect on the quality of semen:

1. Vuka Vuka
2. Peruvian Maca
3. Yarsagumba Forte

These nutritional supplements have a minimum number of contraindications, due to which they can be used in the complex treatment of infertility or other sexual dysfunctions.

A spermogram is an analysis of ejaculate, during which its qualitative and quantitative indicators are examined. With its help, the specialist detects deviations that may exist. These include, that is, a phenomenon in which there are no sperm in the semen, oligospermia - a small amount of ejaculate released, necrozoospermia - the complete absence of active sperm, and others. If the results of the analysis indicate deviations from the norm, it is necessary to take urgent measures to eliminate them. This article will discuss how to improve the quality of spermogram.

A spermogram is required if a man and woman do not use contraceptive methods and try to conceive a child within a year, but pregnancy does not occur. In this case, the likelihood of pathologies of the reproductive system organs in both partners should be considered.

Spermogram indicators make it possible to determine whether a man’s reproductive cells are capable of fertilizing an egg, as well as to identify conditions that prevent this.

Urologist-andrologist Alexander Nikolaevich Zakutsky talks about how to properly prepare for sperm tests and what types of tests there are:

To obtain reliable results, the examinee must take a responsible approach to preparation, as well as directly to the procedure for submitting the material.

3-5 days before the examination, a man must:

  1. Refrain from sexual intercourse;
  2. Stop taking any medications;
  3. Do not drink alcoholic beverages, as well as coffee and other liquids containing caffeine;

  1. Stop smoking;
  2. Refrain from going to the sauna or bathhouse, or taking a hot bath;
  3. Eat well, but don't overeat.

After the content of the ejaculate is analyzed, the specialist will be able to determine the reason that prevents fertilization.

To improve sperm count, a man is usually recommended to adjust his diet to include foods rich in microelements and vitamins, take vitamin complexes and special medications, and also review his lifestyle and habits in general.

Medicines to improve sperm count

The main way to correct the condition is to take medications to improve sperm quality.

Table 1. Main drugs used to improve sperm count

Name of medications Action
SpermPlant The drug contains substances such as L-carnitine, L-arginine, taurine. These components help increase sperm count. Their action is aimed at maintaining erectile function due to increased blood flow to the genital organ, increasing the number and improving the quality of germ cells.
Vitaprost The drug is often used in the treatment of infertility, since its active components improve the quality of germ cells and help increase their motility.
Wobenzym The medicine is used in the case of inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system. Wobenzym combines several plant-derived enzymes that help improve sperm quality. Taking the tablets guarantees the removal of the inflammatory process and the provision of an immunomodulatory effect.
Speroton The product is produced in the form of a powder, on the basis of which a solution for oral administration is prepared. It is rich in components such as zinc, vitamin E, beta-carotene, folic acid. Speroton stimulates the process of sperm formation, improves their motility, and increases the number.
Omnadren This is a hormonal drug because it contains fractions of testosterone.
Tribestan The medication increases libido, has a beneficial effect on testosterone production, and enhances erection. In addition to improving the indicators on which a man’s fertility depends, Tribestan has a negative effect on bacteria and viruses, helps eliminate headaches, and is also a preventative against atherosclerosis.
Speman When taking this drug, metabolic processes in the prostate gland improve, spermatogenesis and local blood circulation are activated. Sperm activity increases, and ejaculate viscosity decreases. Speman also helps reduce prostate hypertrophy.

Vitamins and minerals are also important for conception, on which the spermogram indicators depend (read how to independently decipher the spermogram data here). To improve the quality and quantity of ejaculate, men are also recommended to take vitamin complexes and dietary supplements. They should include the following elements:

  • Selenium. The substance has an antioxidant effect, allows you to increase sperm activity and increase their content;
  • Zinc, involved in the production of nucleic acids, carbohydrates, proteins and fats, and also has antioxidant activity;
  • Royal jelly, which improves sperm quality;

Vitamins to improve sperm quality:

  • Taurine. This substance allows you to increase the mobility of germ cells and increase their viability;
  • Folic acid. If it is contained in the body in sufficient quantities, the risk of defective sperm (with the absence of constituent parts) is significantly reduced;
  • B vitamins. They take part in the production of testosterone and improve the activity of germ cells;
  • Vitamin C. This element ensures blood flow to the genitals, participates in the production of male germ cells, and improves potency.

The list of vitamin complexes that contain the elements necessary for high-quality sperm includes the following names:

  1. Selenium Forte containing vitamin C and selenium;
  2. Alphabet. The complex contains taurine, Siberian ginseng extract, polyphenols;
  3. Men's Formula. The drug contains vitamins A and C, iodine, and potassium to improve sperm count.

The average price in pharmacies for vitamin “Alphabet for men” is 370 rubles

Medicines for men that affect the composition and quality of sperm should be prescribed by their doctor.

It is worth considering that unsatisfactory spermograms are often the result of testing. Surgical intervention is required if the pathological process is at the second or third stage of development. If varicocele was detected at the first stage, then there is a chance to improve the composition and increase the quantity of sperm. If infertility cannot be treated, alternative ways to conceive a child are ICSI, IVF or IUI.

How to improve sperm morphology at home?

Taking drugs that stimulate the production and motility of germ cells is the basis of treatment for pathologies that reduce male fertility. But medications are not the only means by which positive results can be achieved. Reviews from urological specialists indicate that the quality of sperm largely depends on how well a man eats, whether he plays sports, and whether he has bad habits. If, in parallel with taking medications, you follow a diet that includes foods rich in vitamins and microelements, and also stops drinking alcohol and smoking, the recovery process can be significantly accelerated.

Urologist-andrologist Andrei Aleksandrovich Lukin talks about methods for improving fertility:

It has been proven that the situation can be corrected using the following products to improve sperm count:

  • Walnuts;
  • Lemon;
  • Almond;
  • Vegetable oils;
  • Raisin;
  • Pumpkin;
  • Dried apricots;
  • Figs;
  • Cottage cheese;

  • Prunes;
  • Tomatoes;
  • Carrot;
  • Apples;
  • Celery;
  • Fish;
  • Greenery;
  • Citrus;
  • Pumpkin and sunflower seeds;
  • Seafood;
  • Beef liver.

Nutrition should be regular and balanced: you should limit only those foods and dishes that do not bring any benefit to the body.

A man can also learn to lead a healthy lifestyle at home. First of all, you need to get rid of bad habits - drinking alcohol, smoking. Alcohol and nicotine help reduce sperm count and reduce their activity. Those men who are planning to conceive are advised to give up cigarettes and alcoholic beverages 3 months before. During this period, the sperm will be renewed, in addition, the risk of pathological development of the fetus will be reduced.

You can improve your sperm count using folk remedies. The most common and popular recipes are the following:

  1. Infusion of honey and nuts. To prepare it, 10 walnuts are peeled, the kernels are crushed and mixed with 100 ml of water, left for 2 hours. After this, add 2 teaspoons of natural honey to the mixture and stir. The resulting amount of the remedy must be consumed throughout the day, taking 1-2 teaspoons at a time;
  2. Rose hip decoction. Take 0.5 liters of water, bring to a boil, add a handful of pre-washed rose hips. Cook for 5 minutes. Next, turn off the heat and leave the liquid for several hours. Rosehip decoction should be taken three times a day, 100 ml;
  3. Drone royal jelly. It is necessary to take half a teaspoon of this remedy every morning on an empty stomach, dissolving slowly.

Hirudotherapist Ivan Kurkin talks about the effects of leeches on the body, the course of treatment and contraindications:

Another folk remedy for treating infertility and improving the quality of ejaculate is hirudotherapy (treatment with leeches). The substance they inject, hirudin, has a positive effect on the endocrine system, regulating the production of important hormones, including sex hormones.

A man’s ability to conceive a child directly depends on the properties of seminal fluid. If for some reason the spermogram is unsatisfactory, the patient must undergo specific examinations to find out what is causing this. After making a diagnosis, the specialist prescribes medications that help improve the properties of the ejaculate. This gives the couple a chance to conceive and have a child.

Alas, an ideal spermogram is very rare in today's men. This is due to many factors, ranging from a sedentary lifestyle to poor nutrition based on alcohol, tobacco and fast food.

In addition, a modern man, constantly busy with activities at work, simply does not find time to not only have a normal lunch, but even a normal snack.

However, if you are seriously thinking about procreation, then you definitely need to know how to improve your sperm count at home.

In many cases, you don’t even need to use special medications for this - a balanced diet, vitamin supplements, as well as folk herbal recipes are enough.

Products that improve sperm quality

How to improve spermogram using folk remedies? First of all, pay attention to proper nutrition - it should be as balanced as possible and include everything necessary for the male body, including vitamins and minerals.

Nature dictates that a man should not be deprived of meat, so eating it is mandatory. You should not neglect offal, especially liver.

You can use dried fruits (especially dried apricots and dates), honey and nuts as snacks. And if your man is a big fan of greens, then pay attention to celery and parsley.

If you don’t want to eat foods separately, you can prepare a vitamin mixture. To do this, mix dried fruits, nuts, and lemon peel in equal parts.

All this needs to be ground in a meat grinder or blender, and then mixed properly. This mixture should be stored in the refrigerator and consumed 1 tbsp. 2 r. in the village

Additionally, various beekeeping products are very useful for males. Therefore, it is not forbidden to take propolis, as well as royal and drone milk.

Nuts are a real storehouse of health for the stronger sex. Those who allow themselves a handful of nuts at least once a day improve the morphology of sperm, as well as its concentration and vitality. And all this is due to the large amount of fatty acids found in this product.

If sperm are too “passive,” then doctors recommend eating more L-carnitine.

And of course, in addition to pumpkin seeds, you should eat pumpkin oil. It can be consumed not only in the form of an oily liquid, but also in the form of capsules.

Vitamins for men's health

There are several vitamins and minerals that are especially important for the male body.

For example, folic acid is very good for young people - it is what helps speed up the process of sperm maturation. It also affects their quality.

You need to increase your intake at least 3 months before you start conceiving. In addition, it should be consumed not only by men, but also by women.

Another element that has distinguished itself in this process is vitamin A. It is this that makes sperm reproduction much faster, and also regulates the functioning of sex hormones. In addition, this vitamin is a kind of antioxidant and “regulator” of the testicles.

If you need to increase sperm vitality, then pay attention to a mineral such as zinc. It also stimulates the production of testosterone and also has a positive effect on male potency.

Vit. also affects testosterone. group B, which simultaneously enhance sperm motility.

If you need to protect sperm from exposure to an aggressive environment, you should start taking ascorbic acid. In addition, the same vitamin also affects blood circulation.

One of the universal vitamins that can simultaneously reduce the number of pathological cells, increase the “fertility” of sperm, and also maintain normal hormones and germ cells is vitamin E. The same vitamin is also referred to as the “reproduction” hormone.

If a man's body is deficient in selenium, this can become the main cause of infertility. Therefore, this mineral is mandatory for married couples to take.

In order to increase sperm motility, as well as increase their fertility, you need to eat more foods containing magnesium.

If you need to take care of increasing sperm, then you need to eat arginine.

Folk recipes

Surely you are interested in which herbs improve sperm. Indeed, there are several such effective recipes.

And here are just some folk remedies for improving sperm:

  1. Plantain seeds work well in this case. So, it is enough to brew them in the amount of 1 tbsp. per glass of boiling water, and you can significantly improve the quality of sperm. As for the intake, you should drink the brewed seeds for at least a month, 2 tbsp each. 4 times a day.
  2. You can also improve your sperm count using folk remedies using walnuts. So, it is enough to grind it in the amount of ten pieces, and then pour in ½ cup of boiled water and leave for a couple of hours, after adding 2 tbsp. honey You need to take this medicine in two doses.
  3. For the same purposes, you can also use elecampane, the infusion of which is prepared as follows: 1 tbsp. Pour boiling water over the roots in the amount of 1 tbsp, then boil and cool. You need to drink 1 tbsp. 4 rub. in the village. The course lasts 3-4 days. After completing the course, you need to wait a week and then repeat the course again.
  4. As mentioned earlier, pumpkin seeds are especially valuable for men. There is no need to fry them - just grind them in a blender and mix with honey. It should be used in the morning, one tablespoon at a time. half an hour before breakfast.
  5. Wheat sprouts can also come in handy. They need to be washed thoroughly and then the “pacifiers” removed. Pour boiled water over the remaining grains, cover with a cloth or gauze, and then leave overnight. In the morning you need to eat 2 tbsp. of this composition with honey.


So, as you probably already understood, there are many folk recipes that can improve your sperm count.

You just need to choose the recipe that suits you and take it for the specified course.

At the same time, it makes sense to take vitamins and adhere to proper nutrition. And after that you can take the test and monitor the result.

Video: How to prepare for tests. Spermogram



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