Causes of pain in the left side. pain in the left side of the abdomen

Pain on the left side chest may signal the most different pathologies. Sometimes even experienced doctors do not immediately determine real reasons discomfort. Often this is heart disease. But, in addition to such ailments, pain may indicate problems with the respiratory system, gastrointestinal tract, spine, and central nervous system.

What does discomfort indicate?

Pain in the left side of the chest is most often provoked severe stress. In this case, the patient is likely to have a heart attack. Especially if the discomfort occurs unexpectedly and is sharp.

Along with that, there are various reasons pain that is not life threatening. But even in this case, the seriousness of such manifestations cannot be ruled out. Soft It's a dull pain in the left side of the chest, only at first glance it seems harmless.

Assess the severity of the disease concomitant symptoms. Listen carefully to your condition, whether your pain in the left sternum is associated with:

  • pallor;
  • shortness of breath;
  • dizziness;
  • fainting;
  • sweating.

Most importantly, even with minimal discomfort, see a doctor. The scheduled examination will allow timely detection of the disease and save you from further development pathology.

Common Causes

If the patient experiences pain in the left side of the chest, then the first diseases for which he will check experienced doctor, is a pathology of the cardiovascular system.

To ailments that provoke similar discomfort, relate:

  1. Angina. Due to ischemia (tissue damage provoked by hypoxia), pain occurs. Pathology appears after physical activity or stress. The patient needs rest and the use of nitrates.
  2. Myocardial infarction. Part of the heart muscle dies. The patient experiences severe left-sided (sometimes central) chest pain. Discomfort comes on suddenly. The pain may spread to left hand, shoulder, neck, jaw or abdomen.
  3. Pericarditis. The mucous membrane around the heart becomes inflamed. Discomfort is aggravated in the supine position. The condition is accompanied by cough. The patient experiences relief in sitting position or leaning forward. Difficulty breathing may occur fever, fatigue.
  4. Pulmonary embolism. With this pathology, blockage occurs pulmonary artery. Condition reminds heart attack. The pain suddenly starts, quite severe. As a result of blockage, lung tissue dies. With such a diagnosis, the patient has difficulty breathing, a cough occurs, containing bloody sputum, sweating, shortness of breath, dizziness, fainting, pallor with a bluish tint.
  5. Aortic dissection. There is an accumulation of blood in the wall of the aorta. The inner and middle layers begin to separate. There is a break. The patient experiences severe pain. It can be felt in the back, neck, abdomen, jaw. The condition is very similar to a heart attack.

Respiratory ailments

After excluding the pathologies of the cardiac system, a fair question arises: "Why does it hurt in the left side of the chest?" The answer to it may be hidden in the pathologies of the respiratory tract.

Some infections can cause frequent acute pain in the left chest area. They are usually accompanied by:

  • cough;
  • shortness of breath;
  • sputum;
  • fever.

If the source of discomfort is non-infectious pathologies, then hyperthermia, as a rule, is not observed.

Among the main reasons are the following:

  • bronchitis;
  • asthma;
  • pneumonia;
  • cancer (pleura, lung);
  • tuberculosis;
  • pleurisy.

Diseases of the peritoneum

Unfortunately, gastrointestinal pathology cannot be ruled out. Many organs of the peritoneum are located in this area. Quite often such diseases are shown as pains in the left part of a thorax.

Discomfort is aggravated in the supine position. More often we are talking about diseases that affect:

  • stomach;
  • spleen;
  • left kidney;
  • pancreas;
  • left lobe of the liver.

The most common sources of unilateral "left" chest pain are:

  • ulcers;
  • gastritis;
  • hiatal hernia;
  • pathology of the left kidney;
  • ailments of the spleen;
  • pancreatitis;
  • cholelithiasis.

Discomfort under the left breast

Determining the source of pain is sometimes difficult. There are muscles under the breasts, which can be spasmed by severe anxiety and stress.

At the same time, one should not forget that in this area there is:

  • spleen;
  • pancreas;
  • part of the diaphragm.

Constant pain in the left side of the chest can be caused by pathologies of these organs. Certain diseases lead to an enlargement of the spleen, and sometimes to its rupture (infectious mononucleosis). In this case, the patient experiences severe discomfort in the left chest.

Diseases of the stomach (ulcer, gastritis, cancer) can provoke pain. Diaphragmatic hernia also causes discomfort in the above area.

Pain in upper left chest

Such sensations most often occur with various pathologies of the heart. In the case of ischemia, pain in the upper left part of the chest is of a pressing, compressive nature. As a rule, it lasts 5-15 minutes. Discomfort spreads to the region of the left shoulder, arm. Sometimes it can even reach the little finger.

Excessive physical or mental overexcitation can provoke an attack of angina pectoris. The patient will also experience severe discomfort in the left chest. Ignoring these symptoms can lead to myocardial infarction.

Another disease that provokes pain in the left side of the chest (top) is cardioneurosis. Discomfort has a long aching character. At the same time, pain is felt in upper region chest.

Aching discomfort

This type of pain is most often hormonal changes. Therefore, often faced with this type of discomfort:

  • teenagers;
  • women during menopause;
  • individuals diagnosed with dysfunction thyroid gland.

If we are talking about teenagers, then most often the discomfort goes away on its own, after the end of the period of growing up. Doctors recommend such children:

  • vitamin complexes;
  • healthy eating;
  • some sedatives;
  • moderate physical activity.

Women experiencing pain in the heart during menopause should be examined by a doctor. Since the reduced production of sex hormones can affect the functioning of any internal organs. Only an examination will allow to exclude severe pathologies of the heart.

This also applies to patients suffering from thyroid disorders. Any pathology of it can seriously affect the internal organs. Consultation with an endocrinologist is the only right decision.

Stinging discomfort

The source of such sensations can be a change in the heart or in other organs. Stitching pain in the left side of the chest, which is paroxysmal in nature, constantly increasing, accompanied by shortness of breath - this is serious reason call an ambulance.

This type of pain can be observed with rheumatic heart disease, inflammation of the heart muscle. Painkillers can improve the condition somewhat.

Pain of a stabbing nature can be provoked by many other pathologies:

  • diseases of the digestive organs;
  • intercostal neuralgia;
  • pneumonia;
  • rib fracture;
  • pleurisy;

Feelings of dullness

Most often, such discomfort is directly related to pericarditis. Dull pain in the left side of the chest is constant. Sometimes it can be harsh and strong. Pericarditis is an inflammatory process of a special membrane that holds the heart in the required position.

Dull strong pain, localized along the spine, which is accompanied by weakness, may indicate a dissecting aortic aneurysm.

Chronic pathologies of the pancreas can also cause similar sensations in the left side of the sternum.

The appearance of discomfort is provoked and cancerous tumors stomach, lung. Especially strong sensations arise in the last stages.

Patients who feel a dull pain in the left side of the sternum should immediately abandon any load. This is especially true for walking.

At given state it's best to lie down. Or in last resort sit comfortably. The patient is given a Nitroglycerin tablet and, without delay, an ambulance is called. It is strictly forbidden to travel to medical institution. You should not delay visiting a doctor. Because we can talk about the patient's life.

Nagging pain

This discomfort can be caused by several reasons.

If the patient experiences unilateral pulling pain, then most often we are talking about a pathology in the thoracic spine - osteochondrosis. This disease is characterized by changes in the intervertebral discs.

The source can be the wrong load, impaired metabolism. Often, osteochondrosis develops as a result of a long stay in one position. For example, such a pathology is very common in office workers, drivers.

Pulling pain in the left side of the chest may signal the development of scoliosis. The reason is also hidden in the uneven and improper load on the spine.

If such pains are felt, then this means that there is a malfunction in the work of some organ located on the left side abdominal cavity. What to do if it hurts on the left side, read further in the article.

Possible reasons

Pain can cause a lot various factors, but only a doctor can accurately determine their cause. Therefore, there is nothing to play chamomile, it is better to understand the situation accurately and quickly once. Such pains in the left side can be caused by diseases of the stomach, pancreas, spleen, intestines, or diaphragm. So, with pain in the left side, they can disturb:



bowel loops,

left side diaphragm.

The spleen as a source of pain

Causes of pain in the left side caused by the spleen. Because spleen located close to the surface of the body, then pain in the left side of the abdomen is often associated with this organ. The spleen performs in the body important function disposal of dead red blood cells that are processed in it. The breakdown products of erythrocytes from the spleen enter the Bone marrow where they are renewed.

The spleen may increase in size with various diseases. In this case, the capsule in which it is placed is stretched, which causes pain in the side. Any careless, abrupt movement, as well as a blow or push, can cause a rupture of the enlarged spleen. it's the same possible reasons pain in the left side.

The spleen may rupture on its own. main feature rupture of the spleen is the so-called cyanosis of the skin around the navel. Dangerous rupture of the enlarged spleen due to abdominal trauma or infectious diseases, such as mononucleosis.

The intestine as a source pain on the left side

In this case, in addition to pain in the side, there will also be diarrhea or constipation, in feces may be blood or mucus. Body temperature may rise, but only slightly.

Pain in stomach problems

Causes of pain in the left side with stomach problems. Any irritant to the gastric mucosa with gastritis or functional dyspepsia sure to cause pain in the side. Irritants can be: alcohol, poor quality food, frequent use aspirin and more. This type of pain is usually not sharp, more often the pain is aching. In most cases, pain in the left side is accompanied by nausea and vomiting. Antacids will help a lot. But if the pain does not stop within 1 - 2 days, it is urgent to see a doctor, as this is a symptom. peptic ulcer.

The doctor will prescribe laboratory research, gastric endoscopy, and other procedures to help rule out or confirm the presence of a peptic ulcer or stomach cancer.

Hernia as a source of pain

Pain on the left side associated with education hernia diaphragmatic pain is often confused with pain in the heart area, as the pain may rise higher into the chest area. There is a difference. Unpleasant pain in the side from a hernia of the diaphragm is almost always aggravated by bending, as well as laying flat. Whereas heart pain does not respond to such movements of the body.

What if the pancreas is not working properly?

If the pain in the side is sharp, deep, accompanied by fever, nausea and vomiting, then in this case suspicions may fall on pancreas.

Pancreatic disease is called pancreatitis. Pain in the left side may indicate inflammation of the pancreas. Pain can be given both in the right side and in the center of the abdomen, since the pancreas is stretched through the entire upper section abdominal cavity. An advanced disease of the pancreas can turn into cancer.

When the pancreas fails, abdominal pain is quite characteristic. They are very sharp, encircling, radiating to the back. It seems that the pain is somewhere inside. There is also an increase in body temperature, nausea and vomiting occur.

At risk are people with a history of chronic alcoholism, smokers, people who are sick diabetes having asthma and arthritis. Especially if you have problems with gallbladder or you are taking diuretics or steroid hormones.

The main thing in treatment acute pancreatitis it's a relief pain attack, as well as finding out the cause of pain in the left side, which provoked this attack. The patient must strictly observe the strictest diet, with the exclusion of fats and carbohydrates from the diet, so as not to provoke a new attack of the disease.

In fact, such pains are difficult to diagnose and attribute to some specific disease without some necessary analysis.

Causes of pain in women and men in the left side

Most often, it hurts on the left side in pregnant women, starting from the 8th week, when the fetus grows, and with it the ligaments increase, the stomach may begin to hurt.

The ligaments begin to stretch, which is accompanied by pain, and this is quite natural, such pain in the side can be aching, most often it disappears after some time on its own, without the use of painkillers.

Sometimes such pains on the left in the side appear due to disturbances in the work of the stomach. Many pregnant women are quite sophisticated in their taste preferences, they, of course, eat a lot and often, sometimes products that are completely incompatible with each other. Best of all, during a diet, follow a diet, and do not try to eat whatever your heart desires.

Most often, the pancreas during pregnancy causes pain on the sides of the abdomen if the diet is not followed, a large number of meat and fatty foods makes itself felt, if, in addition, a woman smokes or drinks alcohol, then you should immediately run to the hospital. After all, such violations can cause irreparable harm to the baby.

Detachment of the placenta during pregnancy

The cause of pain on the left side in the side may be more serious, for example, such a symptom appears in pregnant women when placental abruption occurs, only in some cases, with timely diagnosis you can save the child, in most cases a miscarriage occurs. Most often this occurs, starting from the 8th week of pregnancy.

The causes of pain during detachment can be quite intelligible, for example:

And for reasons unknown to the doctor. Accident and frequent travel (jumping) may cause peeling. If it is small, then the woman is prescribed bed rest She is under constant medical supervision.

What to do in such a situation? If you experience pain in the abdomen, immediately consult a gynecologist, it will not be superfluous to do ultrasonography to make sure the child is safe.

Pain in men

This phenomenon is neither frequent nor rare. If it hurts in the left side of a man, it is impossible to say that this is a symptom of appendicitis. Rather, pain on the left side is a symptom male diseases. But there are also rare cases when, with pain on the left side of the abdomen in a man, the tail of the intestine rests against the back.

Pain on the left side of the abdomen can be caused by many reasons. And none of them can be ruled out and not thought about going to the doctor.

Serious causes of side pain in men can be diseases such as a hernia, cyst, inflammation of the testicles, pancreatitis, or roughage.

For those who decide to go in for sports, you should not worry about this pain, that's for sure. When it hurts on the left side of the abdomen in a man, this pain can talk about the usual unusual shaking for the internal organs and may be accompanied by a pulling tingling pain. In this case, you should just stop and catch your breath or skip a day of classes.

Inflammation of the testicles is a possible cause of pain in the left side. This disease can be caused colds(cold benches) and infection.

What to do with pain in the left side?

As you can see, there can be many reasons, and what exactly provoked pain in the left side is difficult to understand on your own. To carry out the correct and timely treatment you need to consult a specialist. For abdominal pain, first go to a therapist, he can refer you to a gastroenterologist, a surgeon, and, perhaps, women have abdominal pain due to “female” problems, then it’s better to go to a gynecologist.

If you are a woman in interesting position, and you are tormented by pain on the sides of the abdomen, then immediately go to the doctor. The gynecologist knows the state of your body, the details of the development of the fetus, is familiar with clinical picture, and after inspection will be able to tell you how serious the problem is. Most often, however, there is nothing to worry about, and the doctor will assure you of this.

What should men do with discomfort in the side?

Of course, the pain can always be muffled with analgesics, antispasmodics, which are many in the pharmacy, or contact traditional medicine, but you should definitely understand the cause of the pain, since it appeared for a reason and painkillers cannot cure the disease.

For example, a disease such as inflammation of the testicles, if it is started, can lead to the loss of opportunities to have children. One way or another, a man with pain in his side should see a doctor and undergo a series of studies. If you apply in time, the unwanted can be avoided.

It is not excluded with pain on the left side of the abdomen in a man and diseases such as a hernia and cyst. These two factors appear on their own and no one is to blame here. What to do with such symptoms? This can be prevented by giving the man vitamins and healthy foods nutrition. Also, these factors do not pass without surgical intervention, but, since such a situation has already turned out, you should carefully monitor your health.

Be that as it may, it is recommended to always remember about your health and not to forget that a negligent attitude towards him has never led to anything good, and girls and wives should always remember that if a man hurts on the left side, you need to urgently send him to the doctor to avoid unpleasant consequences.

Video: Causes of pain in the left side

Between the severity of pain in the region of the heart and the severity of the cause that caused it, only a weak relationship was noted. With pain in the left side of the chest, we first of all think of the heart. But with some diseases of the stomach or in violation of motor activity bile ducts, pain in the region of the heart may appear. Pain in angina pectoris is pressing, squeezing or burning, felt behind the sternum or in the left half of the chest, in the region of the heart, can be given to the arm.
If the chest hurts on the left side, this does not necessarily indicate heart disease.

Perhaps most people at least once in their lives experienced pain or other discomfort behind the sternum or to the left of it in the chest, exactly where the heart is located. These pains attract attention and cause anxiety more than many others - this is how we instinctively react to "malfunctions" in the location of such important body. Not without reason, pain in the heart area is the most common reason for seeking medical attention. medical care. Characteristic pains in the left side of the chest occur with myocarditis and pericarditis. Most often, pain in the heart area occurs with the so-called hypertension 3 stages, when an increase in blood pressure and impaired blood flow lead to severe disorders of the heart and other organs.

Pain in the region of the heart, that is, in the left or central side of the sternum, may be the most different reasons. Conventionally, all retrosternal pain can be divided into cardiological and non-cardiological.

Pain in this area is varied. They prick, crush, squeeze, bake, burn, whine, pull, pierce. They can be felt in a small area or spill over the entire chest, give to the shoulder, arm, neck, lower jaw, abdomen, under the shoulder blade. They can appear for a few minutes or last for hours, or even days on end, they can change with breathing, moving the arms and shoulder girdle, or changing posture ... Sometimes they occur during physical or emotional stress, sometimes - at rest or in connection with a meal.

There are many causes of pain in the heart area. They can be heart diseases such as angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, inflammation of the heart and its membranes, rheumatic lesions. But often the source of pain is outside the heart, as, for example, with neurosis, diseases of the ribs and thoracic spine, problems with gastrointestinal tract and many other diseases.

Why does the heart hurt

Pain in the heart is one of the most common causes calling people for an ambulance. Pain in the heart according to their origin can be divided into two main groups:

  • anginal pain arising at various stages of coronary disease;
  • cardialgia caused by inflammatory heart disease, congenital diseases and heart defects or vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Anginal(ischemic, angina pectoris) pain appear when there is a need to increase blood flow, which occurs when physical activity or emotional stress. Therefore, these pains are characterized by the occurrence of seizures when walking, emotional disorders, and ending at rest, fast withdrawal their nitroglycerin. The nature of ischemic pain is usually burning, pressing, squeezing; are felt, as a rule, behind the sternum and can give into left shoulder, arm, under the shoulder blade, in the lower jaw. They are often accompanied by shortness of breath. Very strong, pressing, squeezing, tearing, burning pain behind the sternum or to the left of it - one of the symptoms acute infarction myocardium, and this pain is no longer removed by nitroglycerin.

Cardialgia that occur when rheumatic diseases heart, myocarditis and inflammatory diseases of the outer shell of the heart - the pericardium, usually prolonged, aching or stabbing, spilled, occur to the left of the sternum, aggravated by breathing, coughing. They are not removed by nitroglycerin, but may weaken after the appointment of painkillers.

Often, pain in the heart area is not associated with diseases of the heart itself.

If the pain in the region of the heart changes with tilting and turning the torso, deep breath exhalation, movement of the hands, and taking nitroglycerin or validol practically does not affect the intensity, then it is probably due to thoracic sciatica or diseases of the costal cartilage.

Severe pain along the intercostal spaces is sometimes the first sign of herpes zoster, and short-term or periodic pain in the region of the heart, often concentrated in a small area, aching, stabbing or indefinite - frequent complaint patients with neurosis.

Stress and depression can manifest as pain in the neck and shoulder area. Those who run to the doctor in fear, believing that he has a "bad heart", return home reassured: the pain is associated only with the muscles. Often, shortness of breath, constricting or stabbing pains in the heart are caused by swelling of the intestines, which puts pressure on the heart and thereby impairs its function. If you can associate pain in the heart area with the intake of any particular food or fasting, then the cause may be in the disease of the stomach or pancreas. Also, the cause of pain can be infringement of the root of the heart nerve, weakened thoracic region spine, its curvature, osteochondrosis, etc.

How to find the cause of pain and what to do about it?

To clarify the cause of pain in the heart area, it is necessary thorough examination prescribed by a cardiologist and cardiac surgeon.

When examining the activity of the heart mandatory method is an electrocardiogram (ECG), a stress ECG (treadmill test, bicycle ergometry) - an electrocardiogram recording during physical exertion and an ECG Holter monitoring - an ECG recording that is carried out during the day.

To study heart sounds, the phonocardiography method is used, and the echocardiography method allows using ultrasound to examine the state of the heart muscles and valves, to assess the speed of blood movement in the cavities of the heart. The method of coronary angiography is used to study the condition of the coronary arteries. To determine the lack of blood supply to the heart muscle, the method of myocardial scintigraphy is also used.

For the exception " non-cardiac causes» pain in the heart, it may be necessary to conduct x-rays, computed and magnetic resonance imaging of the spine, you may need to consult a neurologist or orthopedist. You may need to visit a gastroenterologist or a medical psychologist.

By the way, according to the observations of cardiologists, if a person describes in detail and vividly his pains in the region of the heart, very often he takes observations about his painful sensations “on a pencil” and reads them to the doctor, most likely, these are not heart pains. If, in addition, a person believes that each time the pain is different, lasts a long time (with no signs of heart failure), is accompanied by a frequent heartbeat, sometimes more disturbing than the pain itself, cardiologists usually look for the cause of the disease outside the heart.

If the description of the pain is stingy, without unnecessary words, if the patient remembers the nature of the painful sensations well, this often indicates a serious heart disease. However, with any complaints of pain in the heart area, you should consult a doctor.

The cardiologist will prescribe treatment for you depending on established diagnosis. It is possible that the course manual therapy will be quite enough to save you from pain in the heart caused by "non-heart" diseases. And perhaps the only salvation for you will be surgery aimed at vascular plasty or creating a bypass for blood flow.

Remember - our heart was created for love, but we must also learn to love and cherish it.

If you systematically experience pain in the region of the heart, go to the doctor, undergo an examination and find out the reason for this.

Why the left side hurts can be explained by the development of so many diseases and pathologies. Discomfort and pain are associated with diseases of those organs that are located in the region of the left hypochondrium. This spleen , left side of diaphragm part of the stomach , pancreas ,bowel loops , pole of the left kidney . In violation of the functions of these organs, cramps, spasms and pains occur in this area.

Pain in the left side of the abdomen - what does it happen?

Initially, the boundaries of the hypochondrium area should be determined. This left-hand side abdomen - the left quadrant at the top, which is located under the ribs. Accordingly, what exactly hurts in this part of the abdomen in a man, woman or child, and which doctor you need to contact, can be determined by the nature of the pain, the period and circumstances of its occurrence. If the pain manifests itself in the upper abdomen in the center and radiates to the left side, we can talk about the development of various diseases.

Stitching pain that manifests itself during exercise

Those who are interested in why it hurts when running, and whether it is dangerous, should take into account that a similar symptom is also observed in healthy people. If tingling only periodically develops during movement, that is, during active physical activity, then this phenomenon can be considered normal. Such symptoms quickly disappear and they only indicate that an adult or a child did not warm up enough before starting sports and moved very sharply.

Before starting classes, it is necessary to conduct a thorough warm-up so that the body gradually adapts to the activation of blood circulation. Stitching pain sometimes develops with too active walking, which can be prevented by slowing down.

This condition is not dangerous if colitis occurs only during exercise and this happens to healthy people who do not suffer from heart disease. However, even healthy people, which strain too much, with the development of such sensations, you need to stop and relax, take a deep breath. When exhaling, you should press your palm on the place where the pain develops, and lean forward sharply. You can repeat these steps several times.

It is also important to make sure that when the lesson takes place, the breathing is deep, as when shallow breathing are happening small excursions of the diaphragm.

strong sharp pain on the left can also be noted if a person started training after eating. It is important that at least one and a half hours pass after eating before the start of classes, as digestive system must cope with the process of digestion.

Dagger sharp pain

Acute pain after an injury

If the occurrence of pain in this area is noted when inhaling after an injury, accident, fall, then there is a possibility that a person has seriously damaged internal organs. In this case, it is important to immediately contact a specialist, as there is a possibility of a life-threatening.

Dull aching pain in left side

Diffuse, aching pain, which manifests itself for a long time and occurs periodically, may be a sign of development chronic disease organs of the gastrointestinal tract. Probably inflammation in the stomach - and also pancreatitis , and others. To determine what can hurt in the left side, or to exclude the development of pathologies, it is important to consult a gastroenterologist, conduct tests and studies. Also nagging pain in the left hypochondrium develops with some blood pathologies , bacterial infections , sepsis , systemic diseases .

It's a dull pain

If it constantly aches in the hypochondrium, pulls, then the causes of heaviness under the ribs may be associated with the development duodenitis or sluggish. If at the same time the patient immediately experiences nausea and vomiting, then we can talk about the probability.

If the pain is not associated with problems in the functions of the gastrointestinal tract, it can be assumed that ischemic heart disease .

Causes of pain in the hypochondrium on the left

Thus, answering the question of what can hurt in the left hypochondrium, the following reasons should be mentioned:

  • cardiomyopathy , heart failure , heart attack ;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract cholecystitis , ulcer , gastritis , pancreatitis , duodenitis , colitis ;
  • enlargement or rupture of the spleen;
  • internal organ tumors ;
  • splenic infarction due to arterial thrombosis ;
  • rheumatic manifestations;
  • diaphragm injury, diaphragmatic hernia ;
  • left-sided pleurisy , and left-sided pneumonia developing in the lower part of the left lung.

It is imperative to take into account what is in the hypochondrium region of a person, as well as the nature of the pain (radiating to the back, aching, stabbing, just heaviness or discomfort) as well as factors that could determine the development of such pain (after eating, when inhaling during exercise and etc.).

The hypochondrium in front of a woman can hurt with. In this condition, pain is also manifested in the left hypochondrium from behind from the back due to strong pressure enlarged uterus on the internal organs. Sometimes expectant mothers complain that they periodically prick in their side.

Pain in the left hypochondrium in front can also be associated with past injuries - in this case, it can be felt as discomfort in front or dull pain in front, as well as severe, diffuse pain. In this case, the doctor should immediately determine the reasons.

Pain in the left side under the ribs, the mechanism of occurrence

Why it hurts on the left side under the ribs also depends on the mechanism of development of such pain. This indicator serves additional feature in the process of diagnosis, when the doctor is trying to determine what hurts in the left side under the ribs, what is on the right and causes such sensations.

The following division of pain in this area is known:

The nature of the pain Features of manifestation
Reflected pain They appear as radiating from organs located far away. It could be pain left sided pneumonia , heart attack , pleurisy etc. Can give pain in the ribs on the left front, back in the back, on both sides.
Visceral pain

Develop with spasms of the intestine or in case of violation gastric motility .

Also, visceral pain characteristic of the state of stretching of the muscle fibers of the digestive tract. A person may complain that his stomach hurts, if the disease progresses, pain can be felt in the center, as well as with right side. The patient sometimes complains that there is gurgling in the abdomen, pulling on both sides.

Diaphragmatic hernia develops during pregnancy, in people with, with strong physical exertion. Also similar diseases often occur in people in old age against the background of a weakening of the muscular apparatus. In some cases, there is a pinching of the stomach, then there is a sharp cutting pain in the stomach and in the left hypochondrium, sometimes the pain in the stomach radiates to the back.

Pain in intercostal neuralgia

Against the background of the development of neurological diseases, irritation or compression of the intercostal nerves may occur. When they get hit nerve cells, in patients intercostal neuralgia pain can be very wide range: cramping, throbbing, piercing, sometimes sharp or aching, dull or burning pains develop. A person complains that in the lumbar region, under the ribs, he presses, pulls, becomes numb, aching, bakes. Such sensations intensify when breathing - inhaling, when inhaling, exhaling, as well as when coughing, pressing on certain points on the back, chest, spine, with tension, changing the position of the body.

With attacks of neuralgia, it tingles under the chest, periodic muscle twitches, pallor or redness of the skin, and severe sweating are noted.

Patients with neuralgia are often interested in doctors what is on the left side of a person, since pain often radiates under the shoulder blade, is felt under the heart, in the abdomen from above, in the upper back under the shoulder blade, and also in other places when pressed. There is a feeling that it cuts, “interferes” and twitches in different places.

Pain sensations are manifested at any time of the day, and in those places where the nerve pathways were damaged, numbness is noted.

In the region of the heart, burning pain is not always associated with cardiac pathologies, because a person can be disturbed by organs from those under the heart. However, if aching pains appear on the left, under the left nipple, simultaneously with, nausea , frequent heartbeat , and this occurs both during exercise and at rest, the development of heart disease can be suspected. The patient may feel heaviness and burning under the sternum. Similar symptoms may appear when ischemic heart disease . If afflicted coronary arteries , there is a violation of the blood supply to the heart muscle, provoking the development of ischemia.

What hurts in the left side below the ribs is of interest to those who suffer cardiomyopathy . This is a number of diseases in which the function of the heart is impaired, but there is no arterial hypertension , valvular pathology , heart vascular disease . In patients with cardiomyopathy, the heart muscle is structurally altered. As a result, a person gets more tired, colic and a feeling of pain develop during physical exertion.

Pain on the left in diseases of the spleen

With the manifestation of pain on the left, one can suspect that the spleen is disturbing the person.

Where is this organ located and how does it hurt? The spleen is fragile, easily torn, so pain develops with any pathological condition this organ. If the spleen is in pain, the symptoms of a slight enlargement of the spleen are difficult to detect, especially in people with overweight , since the human spleen is located deep in the hypochondrium on the left.

Splenomegaly (that is, an enlarged spleen) is noted with infectious mononucleosis and other diseases, the causes of which - infection. But with this disease, the patient also manifests a temperature, , muscle pain, intoxication, enlarged lymph nodes and liver.

In the body, the spleen performs different functions, being the largest lymph node, most fine filter blood and the largest conglomerate of reticuloendothelial tissue.

Spleen hypertrophy occurs if it performs its functions in enhanced mode due to infectious diseases , hemolytic anemia , diseases immune complexes . Its increase in size as a result of this is sometimes the answer to the question of why the spleen hurts in humans.

In addition, there are other reasons why the spleen hurts. The reasons for this may be a tumor, trauma, infiltration, developmental defects. The most acute pain sensations appear after an injury or blow that leads to a rupture of this organ. What to do if this happens should be determined by the doctor as soon as possible. When the spleen ruptures, there is also cyanosis of the skin near the navel, pain gives off in the back area. Once such symptoms have been noted, emergency care should be called immediately.

Pain on the left in diseases of the pancreas and stomach

It should be remembered: if the left side of the abdomen hurts, it can also be a symptom of ailments of the stomach and pancreas.

With gastritis

Manifestations occur in most people. The gastric mucosa is very sensitive to the action of irritants, which in modern food products contains a very large amount.

When gastritis develops in the hypochondrium, aching pain, belching, nausea, sometimes in the stomach growls, rages, pulsation is felt. Develops pain in the epigastrium, vomiting, a feeling of pressure, heaviness. The listed signs appear in a child and an adult most often after eating. With gastritis, the patient is also concerned about pallor, dry mouth, a feeling of weakness, diarrhea , gas, bloating.

With gastric ulcer

The symptoms of this disease are similar to those of gastritis. The symptoms depend on how severe the disease is. But with pain, as a rule, occurs after a meal has occurred.

With an ulcer, the patient is concerned not only severe colic, but also vomiting, loss of appetite, belching, heartburn, rumbling and gurgling in the stomach.

At perforated ulcer colic in the lower abdomen and in the hypochondrium turn into a sudden dagger pain, why man may lose consciousness.

For diseases of the pancreas

What is in a person’s left side under the ribs worries people who are suffering. With this disease, strong girdle pain sensations appear on the left under the ribs at the top and a little lower. This condition is characterized by vomiting with bile, bitterness in the mouth, nausea. Sometimes the pain is so intense that the person has to sit bent over. The feces may become lighter and the urine darker.

If the disease becomes chronic form, pains are mainly disturbed after abuse junk food and alcohol. It is very difficult to establish oncological processes in the pancreas, since at the beginning of the disease the symptoms are almost not noticeable.

For oncological diseases of the digestive system

On early dates oncological processes may flow with dim severe symptoms. Therefore, you should be concerned different symptoms especially if they develop frequently or occur in older people. Periodic tingling - if it throbs and tingles in the lower abdomen or above, weakness, constant lack of appetite, anemia, rapid satiety, constant seething And periodic pain in the stomach, regular alternation of diarrhea and constipation - all this is cause for concern. It is also necessary to immediately consult a doctor if a seal, a bump has appeared in this area.

But if any of these symptoms appear constantly, only a doctor should draw conclusions about the disease and prescribe treatment.

Pain in the hypochondrium in women

Unlike men, in women, such sensations may be the result of physiological processes. Sometimes pricks in the left side during pregnancy, in the period before menstruation .

Why it is prickly in the left side of the lower abdomen during pregnancy is easy to explain by physiology future mother. A number of organs, which is located in the left side of the lower abdomen, are subjected to pressure from the growing uterus. Therefore, during pregnancy, especially on last dates, periodic pains are noted, both in the upper and lower hypochondrium. Sometimes the pain gets worse when the fetus moves. But, as a rule, it is easy. It can also disturb the seething in the intestines, the stomach often rumbles.

It happens that in women before the onset of menstruation, the body produces a lot of sex hormones resulting in spasm of the bile ducts. The woman notes nausea and distension, pain in the left side of the abdomen. In this case, you need to consult a gynecologist.

What should be done when pain occurs?

If pain in the left hypochondrium bothers the patient, and the diagnosis has not yet been established, initially you need to contact a therapist who can determine which specialist should be contacted next.

Sometimes an emergency call and subsequent hospitalization is required. So you need to act in the following cases:

  • with sudden sharp pains;
  • with aching pain that does not go away for one hour;
  • at stabbing pains in the process of movement, not passing for about 30 minutes;
  • at dull pains and vomiting with blood.

Self-medication is unacceptable. It is especially important not to warm the hypochondrium with a heating pad, as such actions can aggravate the course of the disease. Anti-spasmodics can interfere with big picture and complicate diagnosis. Cold compresses are allowed.

What does pain in the left side mean? This is a rather extensive area in which muscles, segments of the intestine, spleen, pancreas, stomach, organs are located. genitourinary system. Therefore, pain in the left side can signal the most various ailments, from inflammation of the kidneys to herniated discs. Let's take a closer look at the possible causes of pain and associated symptoms.

Pain in the left side in the lumbar region

If the cause of discomfort is associated with diseases of the musculoskeletal system, then the patient may experience two types of pain - aching and acute. Localization of pain impulses - lower back, back side of the side.

Aching, dull and drawing pain in the left side indicates chronic illness(most often spondyloarthrosis), it usually worsens when the position of the body does not change for a long time - at night, after sleep, after prolonged sitting.

Sharp pain in the left side in the lower back indicates acute course diseases, this can be a sign of a lumbago and even a hernia intervertebral disc. Such a symptom occurs after a temperature drop, intense massage, hypothermia, it is aggravated by movement, coughing, deep breathing.

Pain in left side under ribs

Pain in the subcostal area may indicate whole line diseases associated with cardiovascular system, pathology of the lungs, abdominal organs, trauma, as well as neurological problems.

If the left side of the abdomen hurts cardiological reasons, this may be a symptom of serious illnesses, How ischemic disease heart, cardioneurosis, pericarditis or myocarditis. With IHD, as a rule, retrosternal pain occurs after exertion and stress, combined with pain in the back, arm, mandible. The attack may be accompanied by shortness of breath, a feeling of interruptions in the heartbeat, rapid pulse. In severe cases, ischemic disease can lead to cardiac arrest. Harbingers of such a situation, along with the usual pain in the left side, may be psychological lability and fear of death. The disease is reliably diagnosed by ECG. In chronic heart failure, the feeling when the left side hurts under the ribs is combined with edema lower extremities and specific shortness of breath, due to which a person takes a forced sitting position.

If the pathology of the lungs became the reason that the left side hurts under the ribs, then in most cases we are talking about pneumonia. Symptoms are associated with acute fever and chills, it is aggravated by coughing and breathing, the cough is usually dry, and the sputum comes out in small quantities and with a characteristic rusty color. In addition, pneumonia is indicated by shortness of breath, weakness, fatigue, sweating at night or with any even the smallest physical exertion. Changes lung tissue diagnosed by x-ray.

With pathological mobility of the abdominal organs, when the left side hurts under the ribs, they are partially displaced into the chest through a natural or pathological opening in the diaphragm. There are so-called diaphragmatic hernia. Symptoms will depend on which organs have shifted. For example, if it is the esophagus, then not only the left side of the abdomen hurts, but heartburn, belching, and shortness of breath also occur. Their intensity depends on the abundance of food. On an empty stomach, the discomfort completely disappears. Sometimes vomiting brings relief. The most characteristic indicator is "gurgling and rumbling" in the chest. To clarify the diagnosis, an x-ray is performed using a contrast agent.

Traumatic pain in the left side occurs due to soft tissue bruises, falls, fractures of the ribs, cracks. Its origin does not raise unnecessary questions from patients. For traumatic pain X-ray in order to exclude or confirm cracks and fractures of the ribs.

The left side of the abdomen hurts with neuropathology, for example, with intercostal neuralgia. This phenomenon is caused by irritation nerve fibers, which increases with high physical activity. The feeling when the left side hurts under the ribs occurs with sudden movements, coughing, sneezing, palpation of parts of the body along the chest and is accompanied by muscle contractions or twitches, intense sweating, sometimes the skin in the area of ​​damage to the nerve fibers loses sensitivity. With osteochondrosis, the pain is girdle in nature, in addition, numbness and discomfort are felt when moving the hands. At lumbar osteochondrosis discomfort is aggravated by walking, bending over.

The left side hurts below - what is the reason

When the patient claims that the left side of the lower abdomen hurts, then, as a rule, he means the area from the costal soul to the pubic bones of the pelvis, namely, the place where the internal organs are concentrated. Unpleasant sensations in this area may be associated with pathology of the colon or small intestine, kidney and urinary tract, genital area, as well as with injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system and nervous system.

With pathologies of the small intestine, pain in the left side is concentrated in the navel. In addition, bloating and seething of the abdomen, as well as spastic contractions, can indicate the disease. If the pain is associated with the work of the large intestine, then dysbacteriosis, colitis, inflammatory diseases rectum and adjacent organs, hemorrhoids, venous congestion in the pelvic organs, etc. Symptoms depend on the specific disease.

Kidney disease is characterized by local and common symptoms. Pain in the left side corresponds exactly to the location of the kidney, while in the lumbar region there may be swelling, and the skin over the projection of the kidneys may turn red. Usually you can observe changes in urine - darkening, the appearance of bloody patches, etc., and it is also possible frequent urges to urination, discomfort or burning when trying to go to the toilet. In addition, kidney disease may indicate general weakness and fatigue poor appetite, headache, swelling of the eyelids in the morning, high blood pressure and pale color skin.

If the reason that the left side hurts below lies in the diseases of the genital area, to unpleasant sensations other symptoms are added, which depend on the nature of the disease. Discomfort in women caused inflammatory processes V fallopian tubes and ovaries, ectopic pregnancy. In men, this may be due to vesiculitis, prostatitis, epididymitis, orchitis, etc. As a rule, these diseases of an inflammatory nature are accompanied by an increase in temperature.

We hope that the recommendations we have described will help you understand the origin of pain in your left side and contact a specialist in a timely manner. Remember, in order to put accurate diagnosis, in most cases, it is necessary not only to determine exactly where it hurts, but also to make a series of tests. These recommendations cannot be the basis for self-treatment - establish exact reason the occurrence of pain and prescribe adequate treatment can only be a doctor.

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