Nemozol - instructions for use, analogues, use, indications, contraindications, action, side effects, dosage, composition. Suspension Nemozol - instructions for use for children - reviews

The drug Nemozol is a drug from pharmacological group benzimidazoles. Its active component has a pronounced anthelminthic activity, has a depressing effect on larvae and cysts. tapeworms(echinococcus, pork tapeworm), and for roundworms type intestinal acne of the genus Strongyloides stercolatis.

Composition and form of release

The drug Nemozole (Nemozole) is available in three main dosage forms- coated tablets oral intake, chewable tablets and suspensions. The active ingredient in all forms of release is albendazole, the content of which in one tablet is 0.4 g, and 20 mg in 1 ml of suspension. The full composition of the drug:

Auxiliary components suspensions Auxiliary components of chewable tablets Auxiliary components of coated tablets
Sorbitol solution, sodium carboxymethylcellulose, sorbic and benzoic acid, glycerol, potassium hydrochloride, polysorbate 80, flavors (ice cream essence), purified water. Corn starch, purified talc, povidone 30, sodium lauryl sulfate, colloidal silicon dioxide, lemon acid, sodium starch glycolate, magnesium stearate, aspartame, gelatin, methyl paraben, propyl paraben, pineapple and mint flavors. Corn starch, povidone, purified talc, sodium lauryl sulfate, colloidal silicon dioxide, sodium starch glycolate, magnesium stearate. Sheath: propylene glycol, titanium dioxide hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, methylene chloride, isopropanol.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

According to the instructions for use, absorption active ingredient drug from the gastrointestinal intestinal tract low, bioavailability no more than 30%. Simultaneous reception With fatty foods improves digestibility. Albendazole is biotransformed in the liver, its metabolites sulfoxide and sulfone have anthelmintic activity. The maximum concentration is recorded within 2 to 5 hours.

About 70% of albendazole sulfoxide binds to plasma proteins. The substance is distributed throughout the body, found in the liver, bile, urine, cerebrospinal fluid. In case of impaired renal function, bioavailability does not change, in case of impaired liver function, the time to reach the maximum concentration is prolonged. Metabolites are excreted by the kidneys as different products metabolism.

Indications for use

Instructions for use Nemozol contains an indication of possible use this drug as additional funds therapy after surgical intervention for removal echinococcal cyst. The main indications for use are the treatment the following diseases:

  • nematodosis (ascariasis, ankylostomiasis, necatoriasis, trichuriasis, enterobiasis, hookworm, trichinosis);
  • giardiasis;
  • strongyloidiasis;
  • toxocariasis;
  • neurocysticercosis caused by tapeworm larvae;
  • echinococcosis of the peritoneum, lungs, liver, caused by the larva of tapeworm echinococcus;
  • helminthic infestations mixed type.

How to take Nemosol

Before starting a course of treatment, you must pass all the prescribed tests, and consult with your doctor. The instructions for use of Nemozol contain the following recommended dosages for adults and children from three years of age:

  1. Nematodosis of all types - 1 tablet, once.
  2. Strongyloidiasis, taeniasis - 1 tablet per day, course of treatment - 3 days.
  3. Helminthiases caused by a liver fluke or Chinese fluke - 2 times a day, one tablet for 3 days.
  4. Toxocariasis - 1 tablet once a day, the duration of therapy is 10 days.
  5. Giardiasis - 1 tablet per day for 5 days.
  6. Cystic or alveolar echinococcosis, neurocysticercosis - with a weight of up to 60 kg - 15 mg / kg in two doses, more than 60 kg - 1 tablet twice a day. Maximum allowable dose- 800 mg / day. The duration of treatment for cystic echinococcosis is 28 days, for alveolar - 3 courses of 28 days with a two-week break between courses.
  7. Neurocysticercosis - from 7 to 30 days, one tablet daily. If necessary, after 2 weeks it is possible repeated course.
  8. Creeping rash - 1 tablet per day, from 1 to 3 days.

Chewable tablets

Unlike tablets in a shell for oral administration, Nemozol chewable tablets for adults and children over 3 years old, according to the instructions for use, must be cracked and thoroughly chewed in the mouth. This type of drug is absorbed faster, is prescribed to children from the age of three and adults in dosages similar to the dosages of regular Nemozol tablets. The scheme and duration of treatment is selected by the attending physician.

Nemozol suspension

  • Nematodosis - 20 ml, once.
  • Strongyloidiasis, taeniasis - 20 ml 1 time per day, the course of treatment is 3 days.
  • Toxocariasis - 20 ml once a day, the course of therapy is 10 days.
  • Polyhelminthiasis - 3 days, 20 ml, twice a day.
  • Giardiasis at the age of 1 to 12 years - 20 ml per day for 5 days.
  • Neurocysticercosis, echinococcosis - with a weight of up to 60 kg - 10 ml, divided into two doses, more than 60 ml - 20 ml twice a day. The duration of treatment is similar to the tablet form.
  • Adults with nematodosis, strongyloidiasis, teniasis - 20 ml, twice a day.

special instructions

According to the instructions for use of Nemozol, when long-term treatment it is recommended to monitor blood composition indicators (leukocyte level) and the activity of liver enzymes. With the development of leukopenia (decrease in the level of leukocytes), therapy should be suspended. With an increase upper bound the norms of indicators of activity of liver enzymes are two times or more, the intake of Nemozol is stopped until the norm is restored. For the prevention of hypertension in the first week of admission, glucocorticosteroids may be prescribed.

During pregnancy

The medicine Nemozol, according to the instructions from the manufacturer, is forbidden to be taken during pregnancy. If necessary, undergo treatment with the drug during lactation, feeding for the period of therapy is suspended. The appointment of the drug is carried out only after the exclusion of pregnancy, for the period of therapy it is necessary to use reliable methods of contraception.

Nemozol for children

drug interaction

Joint application Nemozol with enterosorbents and antacid drugs is not recommended, since in this case the therapeutic effect of taking the drug is significantly reduced. The main component albendazole, according to the instructions, accelerates the metabolism of many drugs due to an increase in the activity of the enzymes of the CYP system, therefore, with parallel treatment with other drugs, in some cases, their dosage needs to be adjusted.

Side effects of Nemozol

The instructions for use describe the following possible side effects against the background of taking Nemozol from the side of hematopoietic systems, digestion, nervous system:

  • nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain;
  • dizziness, headaches;
  • liver dysfunction;
  • moderate or slight increase in transaminase activity;
  • meningeal symptoms(signs of irritation of the membranes of the brain);
  • reversible alopecia;
  • inhibition of hematopoietic processes (leukopenia, pancytopenia, agranulocytosis, thrombocytopenia, granulocytosis);
  • skin rash, itching;
  • performance improvement blood pressure;
  • hyperthermia;
  • acute kidney failure.


If symptoms of an overdose appear (exacerbation of any side effects, abnormal liver function, renal failure), a patient in without fail prescribe gastric lavage, then - a course of enterosorbents, any symptomatic treatment, in which there is a need, in order to restore the disturbed functions of the body.


Taking Nemozol, according to the instructions from the manufacturer, is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation, when allergic reactions and other symptoms individual intolerance in lesions of the retina. Relative contraindications, in which the application requires increased caution, are:

  • liver dysfunction;
  • hematopoiesis disorders.

Terms of sale and storage

Nemozol is available in pharmacies by prescription. The drug of all forms of release is stored at temperatures up to 25ºС in a dark, dry place, keep away from children. Shelf life is three years.


In the presence of individual intolerance to one of the components of Nemozol, the doctor can replace the agent with one of the following analogue drugs:

The drug Nemozol can be purchased at a pharmacy; medical prescription. You can pre-familiarize yourself with the price range on specialized Internet resources. Cost per different forms release of the drug in Moscow pharmacies.

Nemosol is one of the strongest anthelmintics broad action. The active ingredient in Nemozol is albendazole. It destroys the surface membrane of intestinal worms and protozoa, disrupting metabolic processes and causing their death.

This effect is due to good absorption of the drug in the area small intestine, as a result of which albendazole is almost immediately absorbed into systemic circulation and is found in the liver and kidneys, partially affecting the organs of the central nervous system.

Release form

The release form of this drug is different - it can be purchased in the form of tablets and suspensions. Consider the composition this tool in the following table.

Suspension or syrup is usually given to children from the age of one. From the age of 2, a child can take chewable tablets. As a rule, the taste of these preparations is perceived by many children as normal, since fruit flavors are included in their composition.

Coated tablets have a bitter taste. They need to be swallowed without chewing, drinking enough water. This form of the drug is prescribed for adult patients.

The suspension is available in a vial. Shake it well before use.

The tablets are placed in contour cells and packaged in 1 or 2 pieces, depending on their number in the pack.

It is necessary to store drugs in a dark place at room temperature for no longer than 3 years from the date of production, protecting them from children.

The price of the drug in the form of tablets is 200–250 Russian rubles or 70–80 Ukrainian hryvnias. The cost of suspension is about the same.

Indications for use

Nemozol with worms is prescribed for children and adults. Systemic exposure and toxicity of this medicinal product prohibits its use as self-medication.

Long-term observations have confirmed that Nemozol effectively acts both against giardiasis and other protozoa. That is, its purpose is not limited to intestinal worms. In surgical practice, albendazole has earned confidence in the fight against echinococcal cystic formations.

Leave the body the way worms come out naturally after the action of albendazole, dead larvae and protozoa cannot. They have nowhere to go from the tissues after death, as a result of which intoxication develops in the body. For this reason, the Nemozol treatment regimen for infection with echinococci, trichinella and cysticerci should be carried out with extreme caution.

To avoid complications, treatment should be carried out in conjunction with a doctor. A person is not able to determine in himself a specific type of helminthiasis. Successful treatment drugs such as Nemozol depends not only on the effectiveness of the active substance, but also on compliance with the recommendations of the attending physician, who will tell you exactly how to take the drug and how long it will take to work.

Instructions for use (for children, adults)

NEMOSOL TABLETS. It is prescribed for adults and children, tablets should be drunk with meals, without chewing or crushing the drug in advance, unless the instructions say so. The hard-coated agent must fall unchanged into digestive tract, into the duodenum.

If the tablet is damaged before it is swallowed by the patient, there is a high probability that albendazole will begin to break down in the body before it enters the intestines. As a result, the effectiveness of the drug will be reduced.

The following table discusses the dosage and frequency of taking Nemozol, depending on the indications for use.

Nemozol 400 mg tablets is undesirable for a child. Of course, this possibility is not excluded, especially when the whole family is undergoing treatment, but it is safer to offer young patients the drug in the form of syrup - it is easier to dose in childhood, it is less toxic and has a pleasant taste.

NEMOSOL IN SUSPENSION. This form medicines designed for children. The amount of the drug that the child should take is indicated in the instructions, but often the dosage is calculated by the doctor individually, since it is important to take into account childhood, weight and type of helminthiasis.

Most pediatricians prescribe Nemozol for the treatment of children, according to the instructions for use, starting at 2 years of age. Since the drug is effective for any form of invasion, the course of treatment will be single, which is most optimal for the child's body.

To prevent the risk of side effects, before taking the drug, you need to evaluate general well-being little patient. If there are complaints of ailments, it is advisable to abandon the course of deworming until the child recovers. Once the drug is in the body, it is important to carefully monitor the condition of the baby, since albendazole is a provocateur of many undesirable effects.

So, how in practice you need to use the Nemozol suspension for children: consider in a small table.

After the end of the course of treatment, all family members who live with the child must undergo anthelmintic prophylaxis. 2 weeks after the expected recovery (taking last dose drug), you must pass additional examination and donate feces for research to obtain control results. It is recommended to do this if Nemozol has been used for Giardia. If the tests are negative and the symptoms of the disease have passed, we can talk about the recovery of the child.

Nemozol during pregnancy and lactation

Nemozol during pregnancy belongs to the list of prohibited drugs. The active component of the drug negatively affects the development of the fetus, provoking various deviations in it. It is also not recommended to use the drug for women who plan to conceive or are not sure that in this moment they are pregnant.

In this case, before taking Nemozol, you need to do a home pregnancy test, if it is negative, you need to combine taking the drug with effective methods contraception.

In progress breastfeeding should also be abandoned this drug, since albendazole penetrates into breast milk and may harm the child.

should be excluded at the time of treatment. breastfeeding, and temporarily transfer the baby to milk formulas.

Side effects

A person using Nemozol for therapeutic or prophylactic purposes may experience various side effects of a systemic nature.


Nemozol's instruction indicates a list of contraindications that exclude the possibility of taking this remedy. Let's list them:

  • Pathological changes in the retina.
  • Pregnancy and lactation.
  • Cirrhosis and other structural pathologies of the liver.

  • Albendazole intolerance.
  • Deterioration of hematopoietic processes in the body.

If the patient has acute disorder health on the background of the treatment, it is necessary to consult with a specialist. If necessary, the doctor will change the treatment regimen or select a similar drug with a more gentle effect.

Overdose of Nemozol

If you take Nemozol for an unreasonably long time or mistakenly exceed the recommended dose, an overdose of the drug is possible. In this case, a person may experience dizziness and impaired coordination of movements, weakness up to loss of consciousness, as well as vomiting, drowsiness and deterioration in visual acuity. If these symptoms appear after Nemozol, you need to consult a doctor and tell him what dose of the drug was taken for the subsequent correction of well-being.

Interaction large doses albendazole with liver cells leads to disorders of their functioning. As a result, the organ can increase in volume, react with soreness, indigestion, less often with the development of jaundice.

To avoid these complications, you need to take after taking an increased dose of Nemozol Activated carbon- 1 tablet per 10 kg of the patient's weight and rinse the patient's stomach. More detailed description first aid for an overdose of Nemozol will be given by the doctor, focusing on how much the dose was exceeded and the characteristics of the patient's well-being.

Nemosol and alcohol

Taking alcohol and Nemozol are things that are mutually exclusive. The fact is that alcohol enhances pharmachologic effect albendazole, increasing the severity and frequency of side effects. First of all, the liver suffers - a serious toxic load falls on it, this can be seen by external symptoms- the appearance of bitterness in the mouth, pain in the hypochondrium, a general deterioration in well-being.

Also, the compatibility of Nemozol and the alcohol taken after the end of treatment is doubtful. The drug cannot disappear from the body immediately, its metabolites remain in the liver and digestive organs for several weeks - this is normal.

If you drink alcohol at this moment, intoxication of the body cannot be avoided. Therefore, it is recommended to exclude alcohol for another 6 weeks so that the liver can fully recover after the treatment.

Nemozol for prevention

Of course, hygiene must be observed in any case - every day for each family member. But there are situations when hygiene skills alone are not enough, and then Nemozol is like, prophylactic, comes in very handy.

So, when is it appropriate to take anthelmintic for preventive purposes:

  • a child or adult has become infected in the family;
  • pets live in the house;
  • human activity is associated with open ground, for example, workers Agriculture or public utilities;
  • child visits kindergarten or playgrounds for children, enthusiastically playing in the sandbox;
  • a person regularly free time fishing, hunting, hiking or on the beach;
  • a trip to an exotic area.

Prevention with Nemozol should be carried out for all family members mainly twice a year - in spring and autumn. It is advisable to use chewable tablets for this purpose, since in addition to the active ingredient, they contain vitamins necessary for the body.

You need to take drugs according to the scheme:

  • the first day - a tablet of Decaris;
  • fourth day - Nemozol tablet.

In most cases, taking these drugs in combination is enough for them to be able to have a preventive effect.


Many analogues exist medicines, including Nemozol. This allows you to replace medicines if necessary without losing therapeutic effect. So, let's consider what drugs can replace Nemozol.

Nowadays, these drugs are trying to release with the least toxicity. But still, before taking them for therapeutic or prophylactic purposes, you need to consult a doctor.

Comparison of Nemozol and other means (which is better?)

NEMOSOL OR VERMOX? The active ingredients of these drugs are different: Vermox contains mebendazole, and Nemozol contains albendazole. Despite this, these anthelmintics have a similar mechanism of action and are applied to a wide range of worms.

SANOXAL OR NEMOSOL? As mentioned above, their composition is the same, so the result of exposure to helminths will be similar. One drug replaces another if necessary, that is, in this case, you do not have to think about what better Nemozol or drug with another active substance, for example, Decaris.

MACMIROR OR NEMOSOL? Macmirror acts as an antimicrobial, antiprotozoal and antifungal agent. This drug belongs to the group analogues of Nemozol - both of these drugs can successfully act in the treatment of giardiasis. Macmirror is no less effective than Nemozol for giardiasis. But despite their successful action against these parasites, Macmirror is less toxic to the body compared to albendazole. It contains two active substances - nystatin and nifuratel. The drug can be used in adults and children.

Associate Professor of the Department "Pediatrics-1" at Osh State University. Neonatologist-resuscitator
RS OMKB. Candidate of Medical Sciences.

The drug is indicated for the treatment of children, but only after the recommendation of a doctor. It is produced as a suspension and in the form of tablets. The medicine is prescribed for the following indications:

  1. Worm infestations and nematodes.
  2. Echinococcosis.
  3. Toxocariasis.
  4. Giardiasis.

IN liquid form the composition is produced as a suspension. Taken orally with meals. Improves the digestibility of the fatty food component. The suspension is suitable for children from one year old. duration of treatment and required dosages determined by the doctor.

Instructions for use for children will help to apply Nemozol correctly. Treatment of children under two years of age has features:

  1. The medicine is not prescribed to children under one year old.
  2. The doctor may prescribe a medicine for necatorosis, enterobiasis and ascariasis.
  3. At one time, a dosage of 10 ml is used.

When treating a child from two years old, certain rules must be observed. Use the medicine for hookworm, trichinosis and ascariasis. A single dose consists of 20 ml. With helminthiasis, it is recommended to use therapy with this medicine for the whole family.

Taking the drug depends on the type of disease:

  1. In Stroingyloidiasis or Taeniasis, the amount of the drug is 20 ml, but the treatment should last three days.
  2. For mixed form lesions, the same dose is recommended, but in the morning and evening for two days.
  3. With Giardiasis, a single dose is carried out, but for five days.
  4. Echinococcosis is treated with 20 ml of syrup with a weight of 60 kg. If the weight is less, then 15 mg is required for every 1 kg of weight. The dosage should be divided into morning and evening.

In severe lesions, the course is repeated. Complete treatment is 3 courses.

Suspension Nemozol - instructions for use for children - reviews

  1. Few side effects.
  2. Suitable for prevention.
  3. May cause stress on the liver.


Good anthelmintic

12.05.2018 17:47

Ascaris eggs were found in my son's tests at the age of two. The doctor prescribed Nemozol. The suspension should be drunk four times in 5 ml. My husband and I were told to drink Varmin. I was very worried about the child, but my son was whole hearty day and evening liquid stool twice


Convenient to dose

Easy to give to a small child




Adverse reactions - in our case, loose stools

Nizhny Novgorod

19.08.2018 14:477

At the beginning of summer, my daughter suddenly fell ill. They asked to be picked up from the kindergarten, as vomiting began. Was heat. I had to call a doctor who diagnosed intestinal infection. In the evening, during the toilet, a pink worm came out of the child. Although before that they took tests in which nothing was found. The pharmacy suggested trying Nemazol, I chose a suspension, which is more convenient for a three-year-old child.


Effective remedy

Easy to take

Wide spectrum of action


Not found during use

Suspension Nemozol - instructions for use for children - price

The drug in the form of a suspension has average price in the amount of 180 rubles. Depending on the region, the cost of the medicine may differ. The pharmacy has alternative means, among which, Sanoksal and Gelmodol - VM.

Nemazol tablets can be given to children from the age of three. Tablets must be crushed or chewed well before use with meals. The periods of therapy and the amount of medication are determined by the doctor.

Features of the drug:

  1. Ascariasis, Hookworm, Enterobiosis and Trichinosis are treated with a 200 mg tablet.
  2. For Toxicariasis, the drug is prescribed for 10 days, 1 tablet. To cure Strongyloidiasis and Teniasis, 3 days are enough.
  3. In the presence of mixed lesions, the drug is prescribed by tablet for 3 days.
  4. Children under 12 years of age with a diagnosis such as Giardiasis need to consume 1 tablet per day for 5 days.
  5. With Echinococcosis, the doctor prescribes tablets or suspension.
  6. The course of treatment for the "migratory larva" is to take pills for three days.

Note! If the child's condition worsens, vomiting, headaches and nausea appear, then you should immediately consult a doctor. You can not independently increase the dosage, since the active ingredient is strong and health problems may arise.

Nemozol tablets - instructions for use for children - reviews

Many speak of Nemozol as safe medicine By affordable price. The medicine should not be used during pregnancy, ophthalmic pathologies and at high sensitivity To individual components drug. With caution, you need to take the drug for liver pathologies and for problems with hematopoiesis. In addition, when using the drug, itching, increased pressure, skin rash and allergic insufficiency can be observed.


Works but has side effects

25.09.2018 16:53

I would like to warn you about possible consequences drug Nemazol. We have a dog at home, so we periodically take anthelmintic drugs for prevention. This time we used Nemazol. The whole family took pills. Son is 10 years old. After the drug, nausea and loose stools began. The next day, the condition returned to normal.


Affordable price


The child has experienced side effects

Nemozol 200 - instructions for use for children

Tablets with a dosage of 200 mg are biconvex and round shape. The main substance in the composition is albendazole. From auxiliary:

  • gelatin;
  • corn starch;
  • propylparaben;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • sodium lauryl sulfate;

When prescribing 400 mg per day, two tablets are used at once. Most often, two pills of 200 mg or one of 400 are used. The package contains 2 tablets of 200 mg.
Attention! Daily dosage should not exceed 800 mg for adults.

The drug can be taken by children from 3 years. A single dosage is 200 mg, that is, one tablet.

Packed with 400 mg regular pills and chewable. One tablet contains 400 mg of albendazole. Regular pills are white and round shape. Chewables differ in capsule-shaped and oval configuration with risks on one side.

For prevention, children can choose Nemozol syrup in the instructions for use, a suitable dosage is selected. 5 ml syrup contains 100 mg active ingredient albendazole. To keep the medicine alive for a long time and remained sweet in taste, purified water, benzoic acid, glycerol, potassium hydrochloride, sorbic acid and flavorings are added to it.

For better assimilation syrup, you can use it with fatty foods. The use of medicine for young children is not recommended without consulting a pediatrician. A prescription from a doctor is required to purchase the drug. The medicine must be kept out of the reach of children. The duration of the syrup is three years.


  1. Decaris at a dosage of 50 mg. The main active ingredient is levamisole. The drug has been used since the age of three.
  2. can be given to children from six months. The drug is available in tablets of 250 mg.
  3. Syrup Helminthox contains active substance pyrantel. It is prescribed for children from 6 months.
  4. In the composition of tablets

Self-medication can be harmful to your health.
It is necessary to consult a doctor, and also read the instructions before use.

Nemozol tablets: instructions for use


1 tablet, coated film sheath, contains: active ingredient: albendazole 400mg

corn starch, gelatin, sodium lauryl sulfate, povidone (PVPK-30), purified water, methyl paraben, propyl paraben, gelatin, purified talc, sodium starch glycolate, colloidal silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, titanium dioxide, polyethylene glycol.

Suspension for oral administration contains: active ingredient: albendazole 100mg in 5ml

microcrystalline cellulose and carboxymethyl cellulose sodium salt, carboxymethyl cellulose sodium salt, glycerin, benzoic acid, potassium hydroxide, sorbic acid, polysorbate-80, sorbitol solution, mixed fruit essence, ice cream flavor essence, purified water.


Film-coated tablets:

Tablets white or almost white color, round, biconvex, film-coated.

Suspension for oral administration: suspension from white to almost white.

pharmachologic effect

The main mechanism of action of albendazole is its inhibitory effect on beta-tubulin polymerization, which leads to the destruction of cytoplasmic microtubules of helminth intestinal tract cells.


Albendazole sulfoxide is converted in the liver to albendazole sulfone (secondary metabolite) and other oxidized products. Tie albendazole sulfoxide 8-12 hours. Excreted as various metabolites with urine.

Indications for use

Nematodosis (ascariasis, enterobiasis, hookworm, necatoriasis, trichuriasis, etc.). Mixed worm infestations.

Strongyloidiasis, neurocystecircosis caused by the larval form of the pork tapeworm (Taenia solium); echinococcosis of the liver, lungs, peritoneum, caused by the larval form of the canine tapeworm (Echinococcus granulosus). As aid at surgical treatment echinococcosis cysts.

Giardiasis, toxocariasis.


Individual intolerance (including to other benzimidazole derivatives), defeat retina eyes, pregnancy

Use with caution in violation of hematopoiesis, impaired liver function (before and after treatment, its functions are regularly monitored), breastfeeding.

Dosage and administration

The drug is taken orally, during or after a meal, the tablets are not chewed, washed down with water. The use of laxatives and special diet not required. It is recommended to carry out simultaneous treatment all family members. Standard dosage for:

Ascariasis, enterobiasis, ankylostomidosis for adults and children over 2 years old 400 mg or 20 ml of suspension inside once. With enterobiasis after 14 days, the course of treatment should be repeated in the same dosage and in the same mode.

With trichuriasis - adults and children from 2 years of age - 400 mg (20 ml of suspension) per day once for 3 days (for a course of 1200 mg).

With strongyloidiasis - adults and children from 2 years of age 400 mg (20 ml of suspension and) twice a day for 7 days.

With trichinosis - adults and children from 2 years old - 400 mg (20 ml of suspension and) twice a day for 14 days.

With giardiasis in children, 10-15 mg / kg once a day for 5-7 days.

With toxocariasis, adults and children over 60 kg - 400 mg 2 times a day for 7-14 days; less than 60 kg 200 mg 2 times a day for 7-14 days, for children - 10 mg / kg in 2 doses per day for 7-14 days.

Echinococcosis: adults and children over 12 years old (weighing more than 60 kg) 400 mg (20 ml suspension) 2 times a day, children 6-12 years old - 10 mg / kg / day of body weight in 2-3 doses after meals for 4 weeks.

Cysticercosis: adults and children over 12 years old (weighing more than 60 kg) 400 mg (20 ml suspension) 3 times a day, children 6-12 years old at a dose of 15 mg/kg body weight in 3 divided doses after meals. The duration of the course is 28-30 days.

Side effect

Impaired liver function with changes in liver function tests (mild or moderate increase in transaminases), depression of bone marrow hematopoiesis (leukopenia, granulocytopenia, agranulocytosis, thrombocytopenia, pancytopenia), fever, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, headache, dizziness, meningeal symptoms, increased blood pressure, acute renal failure, reversible alopecia, skin rash, itching, and other allergic reactions.


Treatment: symptomatic, gastric lavage, activated charcoal.

Interaction with other drugs

Dexamethasone and cimetidine increase the concentration of albendazole sulfoxide in the blood.

Application features

Among women childbearing age before starting treatment, a pregnancy test is performed. During therapy, reliable contraception is required.

Patients with neurocysticercosis should receive appropriate steroid therapy and anticonvulsants. Oral and intravenous corticosteroids are used to prevent a hypertensive attack in the first week of anticyst therapy. Recommended control cellular composition blood; with leukopenia, stop therapy. Blood tests should be performed at the beginning of every 28 daily cycle and every 2 weeks during albendazole therapy. It is possible to continue treatment with albendazole if the decrease general content leukocytes and neutrophilic leukocytes is moderate and does not progress.



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