Anticonvulsants for children with epilepsy. Anticonvulsants for children

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Anticonvulsants for cramps in the muscles of the legs and arms will relieve symptoms, improve well-being and reduce the frequency of manifestations.

The reason for the appearance of seizures may be:

  • neuralgia;
  • hypertensive crisis;
  • infections with high body temperature;
  • hormonal disruptions and disorders of the endocrine system;
  • pregnancy;
  • disturbed metabolism;
  • vascular pathologies and problems with veins, capillaries, arteries.


Detailed instructions are attached to each drug presented on the site, which must be read before use.

Depending on the composition, contraindications may vary, but remain unchanged:

  • intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • age (less than 6 years and older than 75);
  • serious violations of the liver;
  • overdose;
  • incompatibility with other drugs in complex treatment.

Release form

Preparations for leg cramps, presented in our catalog, are made in the form of:

  • suspensions,
  • tablets and capsules,
  • concentrate for infusions and solutions,
  • granules and syrup.

The magnesium-containing drug is taken orally or intravenously. It depends on the disease, the prescribed treatment and the individual characteristics of the organism.

Before taking, consultation with your doctor is required.

Manufacturing countries

The site presents medicines that have won the trust of patients. A wide selection of drugs will allow you to find an acceptable option for you based on the country of manufacture, form of release, cost and other features.

Here are the preparations of Russian and foreign manufacturers (from Europe, India, Puerto Rico, etc.).



  1. [i] Badalyan L.O., Golubeva E.L. Convulsions // Big Medical Encyclopedia: in 30 volumes / ch. ed. B.V. Petrovsky. - 3rd ed. - Moscow: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1985. - T. 24. Vascular suture - Teniosis. - 544 p. - 150 800 copies

Anticonvulsants for neuralgia are very popular in medicine. First of all, they solve the main issue - they eliminate the processes that provoke attacks of the body. But they can also have an analgesic, sedative and sometimes even hypnotic effect.

Anticonvulsants are a group of drugs that help relieve muscle spasms. Their mechanism lies in the fact that the transmission of impulses from the brain to departments in the central nervous system is stopped. Such drugs have a fairly large list of side effects and contraindications, and therefore can only be prescribed by the attending physician.

Depending on the type of disease, anticonvulsants for neuralgia can be used only for a certain period of time or, conversely, throughout life to maintain the necessary conditions for the vital activity of the body.

So, for example, antiepileptic tablets for trigeminal neuralgia can be prescribed for a single dose in order to relax the facial muscles. While, with diagnosed epilepsy, it may be necessary to take pills on an ongoing basis.

The main goal of taking anticonvulsants for neuralgia is to get rid of muscle spasms.

Anticonvulsants can have the following mechanisms of action on the body:

  • Stimulation of gamma-aminobutyric acid receptors. Thus, the frequency of production of impulses by neurons decreases, and the process of inhibition improves;
  • Slowing down the process of transmission of impulses between neurons due to the arrest of the functions of potassium and sodium channels in the region of nerve cells;
  • Decreased activity or complete blocking of glutamate receptors. In this regard, the number of electrical impulses in neurons decreases.

Despite the different mechanism of action of the drugs, their main goal is to rid the patient of involuntary muscle spasms.

The main groups of anticonvulsants

Anticonvulsant drugs can be prescribed for various types of disease, whether it is trigeminal neuralgia or sciatic nerve sciatica. But at the same time, it is important that the drug is selected by the doctor on the basis of the examination.

The classification of anticonvulsants used in neuralgia is as follows:

  • Valproates. Can be used orally and intravenously. They stimulate the processes of gamma-aminobutyric acid in the brain. Prohibited in the presence of hepatitis, porphyria and pregnancy;
  • Barbiturates. Their action is based on reducing the degree of excitability of the brain and providing a calming effect on the central nervous system. Often used as anesthetics. Their disadvantage is the possibility of addiction of the body and the need for this reason to increase the dose taken;
  • Iminoctilbenes. Carry out the synthesis of antipsychotic substances and analgesics. Calm the nervous system;
  • Benzodiazepines. Once in the body, they have a calming and hypnotic effect. They have a direct effect on the central nervous system, like tranquilizers;
  • Succinimides. They have the ability to reduce the sensitivity of the central nervous system to incoming convulsive impulses from the brain.

It is a known fact that taking any anticonvulsant drug will have a greater effect with the additional use of centrally acting muscle relaxants. But they, like anticonvulsant epileptic drugs without prescriptions, are not released, which means they require a doctor's prescription.

List of drugs

Medicines aimed at eliminating muscle spasms during a neuralgic attack are presented in a wide variety.

The most commonly used of these are:

  • Carbamazepine. Belongs to the group of iminostilbenes. In addition to inhibiting the process of seizures in the body, it acts as an antidepressant. Significantly reduces pain. But this process takes a little time, since the drug is cumulative and the effect can occur in 2-3 days. As a rule, the course of treatment is long-term. In some cases, the patient may experience dizziness and drowsiness;
  • Clonazepam. This drug is a benzodiazepine derivative. Its reception helps to relax muscles, calm the nervous system, and as a result, normalize sleep. It is especially relevant for neuralgia, characterized by increased muscle tone. A side effect can be increased irritability, lethargy and depression;
  • Phenobarbital. The drug is part of the barbiturate group. It also has a sedative, calming effect on a sick body and is often used as a sleeping pill. It is taken in small doses and requires gradual discontinuation. May cause high blood pressure and respiratory failure;
  • Phenytoin. A fairly strong drug, the action of which is aimed at inhibiting the receptors of the nervous system, as well as stabilizing the state of cell membranes. Side effects include bouts of vomiting, nausea, dizziness, and tremors throughout the body;
  • Sodium volproate. Has a wide spectrum of action. It is often used not only for neuralgia, but also for existing epilepsy. The drug normalizes the mental state of the patient, calming him and relieving him of anxiety. In some cases, when it is taken, indigestion may occur.

The presented list is far from the entire range of anticonvulsant drugs available today. But as you can see, each of them has its pros and cons, and therefore it is important to initially carry out the correct selection of medicines.

The action of anticonvulsants

The action of anticonvulsants is aimed at eliminating muscle spasms and epileptic seizures. Some of these drugs are taken in combination for best results. They not only relieve convulsions, but also facilitate the general condition of the body. The first attempts at such treatment were made at the end of the 9th and beginning of the 20th century. Then, potassium bromide was used to combat seizures. Since 1912 they began to use Phenobarbital. Since 1938, the list has been replenished with Phenytoin. Currently, modern medicine uses more than thirty drugs. Today, more than 70% of people suffer from mild epilepsy and are successfully treated with anticonvulsants. However, the treatment of severe forms of the disease remains one of the most urgent problems for scientists. Any prescribed medicine must have anti-allergic properties in the absence of effects on the central nervous system. It is also necessary to exclude addiction, a feeling of apathy and weakness.

The main task of each remedy is to eliminate spasms without suppressing the central nervous system of psychophysical disorders. Any drug is prescribed only by a doctor after a comprehensive examination and a part of the brain. Taking anticonvulsant drugs can last for several years, and in some cases throughout life. This happens in the case of severe heredity or a chronic form of the disease. In some situations, in addition to drug therapy, surgery is done on the affected area of ​​the brain.

Groups of anticonvulsants

Modern medicine classifies anticonvulsants according to the following scheme:

  • barbiturates;
  • hydantoin preparations;
  • oxazolidiones;
  • drugs based on succinamide;
  • iminostilbenes;
  • benzodiazepine tablets;
  • valproic acid products

Anticonvulsant drugs list

The main anticonvulsants are:

  1. Phenytoin. It is used for convulsive seizures with status epilepticus. Its action is aimed at inhibiting nerve receptors and stabilizing membranes at the level of the cell body. The drug has a number of side effects: nausea, trembling, vomiting, involuntary rotation of the eyes, dizziness.
  2. Carbamazeline is used for major convulsive psychomotor seizures. It stops severe attacks in the active stage of the disease. During the reception, the patient's mood improves. But there are a number of side effects: impaired blood circulation, drowsiness, dizziness. Contraindications are pregnancy and allergies.
  3. Phenobarbital is used in epileptic seizures in conjunction with other drugs. The medicine calms and normalizes the nervous system. Pego should be taken for a long time. Cancellation occurs very carefully and gradually, as the elements of the drug accumulate in the body. Among the side effects of blood pressure disorders, difficulty breathing. Do not use during lactation and in the first trimester of pregnancy. It is also forbidden to use with kidney failure, with muscle weakness and alcohol dependence.
  4. Clonazepam is used for myoclonic epilepsy and psychomotor seizures. The drug eliminates involuntary convulsions and reduces their intensity. Under the influence of tablets, the muscles relax and the nervous system calms down. Among the side effects are a disorder of the musculoskeletal system, fatigue, irritability, and a protracted depressive state. Contraindication to use is hard physical work that requires increased concentration, pregnancy, kidney failure and liver disease. During treatment, it is imperative to refrain from drinking alcohol.
  5. The action of the drug Lamotrigine is aimed at eliminating severe seizures, mild seizures and clonic and tonic convulsions. It stabilizes the activity of brain neurons, which leads to a reduction in seizures and eventually they completely disappear. A side effect can be in the form of a skin rash, nausea, dizziness, diarrhea, tremor. It is not recommended during the treatment period to engage in physical work that requires increased concentration.
  6. Sodium volproate is indicated for the treatment of severe psychomotor seizures, mild seizures, and myoclonic epilepsy. The drug reduces the production of electrical impulses of the brain, eliminates anxiety and stabilizes the mental state of the patient. Side effects are expressed by disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, circulatory disorders and blood clotting. You can not take the medicine during pregnancy and lactation, with diseases of the pancreas, as well as hepatitis in various forms.
  7. Primidone is used for psychomotor seizures and myoclonic epilepsy. The action of the drug inhibits the activity of neurons in the damaged area of ​​the brain and eliminates involuntary spasms. Due to the fact that the drug causes increased arousal, it is not prescribed to children and the elderly. Side effects include: nausea, allergies, anemia, headaches, apathy and addiction. Contraindicated use during pregnancy and lactation, as well as liver disease and renal failure.
  8. Beklamid stops generalized and partial seizures. It blocks electrical impulses in the head, reduces excitability and eliminates convulsions. Side effects include dizziness, gastrointestinal irritation, weakness, and allergies. Use is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
  9. Benzobamil is prescribed for children with epilepsy, as well as for focal seizures. This is the least toxic drug that has a sedative effect on the central nervous system. Side effects include weakness, nausea, lethargy, and involuntary eye movements. Treatment with the drug is contraindicated in heart, kidney failure and liver disease.

Non-prescription anticonvulsants

Anticonvulsants are prescribed only by a doctor for the treatment of serious diseases, so they can only be purchased with a prescription. Of course, you can try to buy them without a prescription, but this can seriously harm your health. If you order some medicines in an online pharmacy, then often you will not be asked for a prescription.

Anticonvulsants for the legs

If there is no epilepsy and inflammation of the nerves in the history of the disease, then the following drugs are prescribed for the treatment of convulsions:

  1. Valparin suppresses convulsive activity in epileptic seizures. It does not have a pronounced sedative and hypnotic effect.
  2. Xanax is a psychotropic drug that eliminates feelings of anxiety, fear and emotional tension. It has a moderate sedative effect.
  3. Difenin has a muscle relaxant and anticonvulsant effect. It increases the pain threshold for neuralgia and reduces the duration of convulsive attacks.
  4. Antinerval relieves convulsions, depression and anxiety. It is also used to prevent depressive disorders.
  5. Keppra is an anti-epileptic drug designed to suppress neuronal firing and relieve seizures.

In no case should you take these medicines on your own, since the cause of seizures can be hypothermia, trauma, flat feet, or a lack of certain vitamins.

Anticonvulsants for children

Anticonvulsant therapy for children provides an individual approach to each small patient. The frequency of attacks, at what time they occur, the overall clinical picture is taken into account. An important point in the treatment is the correct selection of medication and dose. Proper treatment helps in many cases to completely get rid of seizures. At first, small doses of the drug are prescribed, which gradually increase. It is necessary to keep accurate records of seizures and monitor their dynamics. Convulsive seizures in infants and toddlers are always an indication for emergency treatment. Delay can lead to swelling of the brain and damage to vital functions in the body. Initially, a 20% glucose solution is administered intravenously. If convulsions continue, then very carefully, controlling the work of the heart muscle, a 25% solution of magnesium sulfate is administered. If the effect does not occur, then pyridoxine hydrochloride is prescribed. The main drug is Phenobarbital. It calms the baby and has a dehydrating effect. The drug is prescribed according to age doses and depending on the nature and frequency of attacks. If after two or three days there is no improvement, then sodium bromide, Caffeine or Benzonal are added. In some cases, treatment is combined with the appointment of Difenin. It does not have cumulative properties, it can give side effects in the form of decreased appetite, nausea, irritation on the oral mucosa, stomatitis. Children with frequent seizures are sometimes prescribed Hexamidin in combination with Phenobarmital and Definin. In inhibited babies, such treatment significantly improves the condition. Contraindications are diseases of the kidneys, liver and blood-forming organs. At an early age, treatment with a mixture of Sereysky or its modifications is often prescribed. The main components of the drug are caffeine, papaverine, luminal.

Everyone has had leg cramps. This unpleasant symptom can indicate a serious illness or excessive load, it causes a lot of trouble, and at night it can deprive you of sleep for a long time. If cramps occur frequently, it is necessary to find out their cause and choose anticonvulsant drugs for the legs.

Spasms of the calf muscles are the most common.

Spasms can be caused by:

  • the use of medicines, mainly diuretics;
  • dehydration;
  • chronic stress;
  • violations of the sodium-potassium balance of the blood;
  • excessive muscle tension;
  • late stage of pregnancy;
  • kidney dialysis;
  • alcohol intake;
  • diseases of the thyroid gland and peripheral vessels.

If convulsions appear after taking a new drug, you need to see a doctor and change the drug.


Spasms in the muscles are accompanied by pain, as the fibers are overstressed and the muscle becomes hard. The pain may last for a few seconds or minutes, then relaxation and a feeling of fatigue occur. The calf muscles suffer, as well as the muscles behind and below the knee.

These are local convulsions, while generalized ones spread to the whole body, as in epilepsy.

Advice! With a single occurrence of a spasm, you should not worry, but with their regular action, you need to take action. As a preventive measure, doctors advise doing exercises to stretch the leg muscles. They should be regular and must be performed an hour and a half before bedtime.


The treatment procedure depends on the cause of the muscle spasms. Therapy includes taking medications, physiotherapy, therapeutic exercises and other activities.

Medical treatment

Often, patients go to the pharmacy on their own, hoping to purchase an anticonvulsant. However, this group includes drugs for the treatment of epilepsy, the mechanism of muscle spasms in which is completely different. Accordingly, their action will be ineffective and even harmful.

Important! Anticonvulsants for the legs belong to a separate category, acting on the cause of the spasm.

For example, if stress is the cause of the disease, then its impact should be reduced, vascular drugs are prescribed for varicose veins, and remedies that restore it if the water-mineral balance is disturbed. Since the occurrence of seizures is associated with the action of nerve cells, the patient is prescribed drugs that affect the functioning of the nervous system.

One of the means to relieve seizures is Difenin.

There is also a separate list of anticonvulsants for the legs, which includes:

  1. Valparin, which suppresses the activity of seizures and has a hypnotic and sedative effect.
  2. Difenin, which relieves spasms and relaxes muscles, reduces the duration of attacks and sensitivity to pain.
  3. Xanax refers to psychotropic drugs that reduce feelings of anxiety, emotional stress and fear, while it has a hypnotic effect.
  4. Keppra is used to extinguish neural firing and relieve seizures in epilepsy.
  5. Actinerval helps to relieve convulsions, while at the same time reducing the state of anxiety and depression, it is used as a prevention of depressive disorders.
  6. Panangin containing magnesium and potassium asparaginate, the lack of which is often the cause of convulsions.
  7. Vitamin and mineral complexes, including B vitamins, vitamin D, phosphorus and magnesium.

The use of folk remedies

The lack of potassium can be made up for by eating a baked jacket potato or dried fruit compote.

Folk remedies can also help if there are violations in the work of blood vessels. For clonic seizures, anticonvulsants for the legs suggest the use of lemon juice. They lubricate the calves at night, but do not rub. Another remedy is vegetable oil, in which bay leaves were infused for two weeks, it is used for rubbing. A mixture of one part of celandine juice and two parts of vaseline is also used.

Benefits of exercise

Massage and exercises are effective methods for such a phenomenon.

When cramps occur due to long standing or sitting, as well as in stressful situations, physical exercises for the legs help well.

You can relieve an attack with a massage, or by trying to pull your toes towards you.

Pouring hot water and pinching yourself in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe reduced muscle or sharp pressure on its middle also helps.

Another first aid method is to try to stand on your foot, holding on to some kind of support.

Anticonvulsants for leg cramps, after a stroke, for diabetes, Trental and other drugs. List of the best remedies for cramps in the lower extremities and hands. Which drug is better to choose, reviews and recommendations of doctors, a list of effective drugs.

Why leg cramps are dangerous

According to the medical point of view, convulsions are further stimulation of the activity of muscle tissues after the completion of the main function, that is, movement. Almost everyone had to face this unpleasant symptom, referred to as muscle spasm.

Mostly muscle spasms occur at night and are considered the result of physical fatigue, overwork, long walking. However, subject to a systematic appearance, they may indicate the presence of serious diseases and pathologies.

Often this condition is considered the cause of sleep disturbance and the development of insomnia. To eliminate the cause of muscle spasm, it is recommended to take anticonvulsant medication recommended by your doctor.

In the event that convulsions appear no more than once every couple of days and do not cause significant discomfort, they do not pose any danger. However, regular appearance may indicate the presence of serious health problems.

In addition, generalized muscle spasms that occur during epileptic seizures are of some danger. This is due to the fact that against the background of the occurrence of the patient may unconsciously inflict injury on himself.

Anticonvulsants and drugs - what is it

Similar medicines are used to eliminate the main causes of a convulsive state and prevent the transformation of a typical attack into a convulsive or epileptic one.

More often, muscle contractions are a sign of a lack of certain trace elements in the body. In this case, the selection of optimal vitamin complexes is carried out, the use of which will help replenish the supply of necessary substances in the body.

The causes of seizures are called stress, nervous strain, disruption of the nervous system. In such cases, you can get rid of them only by eliminating the underlying cause. To prevent possible negative consequences, you should take only medicines prescribed by your doctor.


In the field of pharmacology, they are divided into several groups, each of which has a similar composition, characteristics and pharmacological properties:

  1. Muscle relaxants.
  2. Succinimides.
  3. Barbiturates.
  4. Iminostilbenes.
  5. Hydantoin preparations.
  6. Valproates.
  7. Benzodiazepines.

What is released without prescriptions: a list of drugs

Due to the specific composition of most medicines, dispensing without a medical prescription is not acceptable. As an exception, we can name those that have a local effect, and contribute to the removal of such symptoms, like soreness and heaviness in the legs.

Anticonvulsants for leg cramps

Cramps in the legs occur mainly against the background of diseases of the vascular system, due to mechanical injuries and the lack of a sufficient amount of certain trace elements in the body, for example, magnesium and potassium.

After identifying the cause of seizures, the doctor may recommend taking the following medications:

  • troxevasin, Venarus, Aescusan. Eliminate diseases of the veins and blood vessels and reduce the symptoms of pathologies;
  • asparkam, Magnelis. Enriched with an increased amount of magnesium and potassium;
  • Ortho Taurine Ergo. It is used to eliminate and prevent spasms in diabetes and hypertension;
  • medicines based on horse chestnut extract. Stimulate metabolic processes, improve blood flow, eliminate diseases of blood vessels and veins.

Is it harmful for children

In children, including the younger age category, convulsive conditions often occur several times more often than in adults, due to the relative immaturity of the central nervous system. For treatment, it is necessary to identify the nature of the occurrence.

When taken by children, drugs can be dangerous only if the effect on the respiratory center is called as a side effect. In this situation, there is a risk of sudden respiratory arrest.

What can be given to children: at a temperature in a child up to a year

One of the reasons for the appearance of convulsive conditions in children of a younger age category is high body temperature. Under certain circumstances, this can be dangerous for the baby. To reduce the temperature is recommended to use. Example of drugs through the list:

  • calpol;
  • panadol;
  • nurofen;
  • efferalgan.

A common question that mothers ask is how children live after taking anticonvulsant drugs. No need to worry too much and think about all the bad things. As practice shows, children live well, there are no problems and further complications in the development of the child.

Cramps pass in the legs and arms, the child stops crying and suffers from temperature in the near future. The negative impact on the development of the child does not refuse. Can be given to newborns and children up to a year.

After a stroke

The main reason for the appearance of a convulsive state after a stroke is the negative effect of the affected areas of the brain on healthy tissues. To prevent seizures Patients are advised to take the following medications:

  1. Nootropics. Substances that stimulate brain activity and restore tissues.
  2. Medicines are required that improve blood circulation processes, which is necessary for the restoration of brain tissue.
  3. Drugs that help relieve attacks of excitability of certain parts of the brain, for example, Carbamazepine.


The price of such drugs is different and depends specifically on the drug chosen. You can buy at any pharmacy in the city, the price range is from 100 to 1700 rubles. Many are available without a prescription. If it is not possible to find it on the shelves of a pharmacy, the goods can be ordered and bought with home delivery through a pharmacy ru. The online pharmacy will deliver the medicine to any city in Russia.

  1. Moscow. Troxevasin gel 2% 40 g - the cost is 199 rubles.
  2. Venarus tablets 50 mg + 450 mg, 30 pcs - the cost is 513 rubles.
  3. Aescusan drops for oral administration, 20 ml - the price is 229 rubles.

If the drug is needed for children, ask the pharmacy what medicines are available for children under one year old. You will find an inexpensive and effective medicine.

Side effects

The occurrence of side effects is possible against the background of the use of almost all types of drugs, the signs, as a rule, depend on the specifics and pharmacological group. The main side effects are:

  • dizziness, headaches;
  • drowsiness, insomnia;
  • some digestive problems, such as nausea, bouts of diarrhea, vomiting;
  • negative reactions from the skin: rash, redness, severe itching;
  • multiple visual images.

Indications for use

Acceptable only if there are medical indications, which are called the following:

  1. epileptic convulsions.
  2. Convulsive conditions in case of poisoning, high temperature, certain diseases.
  3. Convulsions against the background of stress, nervous strain, neuroses.
  4. Partial seizures.
  5. Convulsive conditions that occur in children.

New generation drugs for trigeminal neuralgia

Currently, so-called new generation drugs are increasingly being used to eliminate convulsive conditions and treat the main causes of the symptom. These drugs have a wide spectrum of action, a minimum set of contraindications and risks of side effects.

The most commonly used for trigeminal neuralgia are:

  1. Difenin.
  2. Keppra.
  3. Zarontin.

The success of the therapeutic action directly depends on the regularity and well-designed diagram taking the medications listed above.

With epilepsy

The main goal of treating epilepsy through the use of drugs is to reduce the intensity and number of seizures. To achieve this goal, drugs of various spectrums of action are used, which have a positive effect on the activity of the nervous system and brain.

They are called, for example:

  1. Oxcarbazepine.
  2. Valproate.
  3. Topiramate.
  4. Phenobarbital.
  5. Phenytoin.
  6. Lamotrigine.
  7. Ethosuximide.
  8. Pregabalin.

Medical treatment for diabetes

Often, seizures are the result of various types of diabetes. Regardless of the form and stage of development of the disease, the main treatment is the repeated use of intramuscular injections of insulin.

Application schemes medication and dosage are calculated in accordance with the individual characteristics of the patient and the clinical picture. The combined use of a number of drugs, for example, immunomodulators, is acceptable.

But the indicated need is determined strictly by the doctor on the basis of the anamnesis and the results of the patient's tests.

For migraine

Migraine is a fairly common disease, which is completely difficult to cure. The main danger of this pathology is that migraine attacks can lead to epileptic seizures.

It is almost impossible to prevent a side effect of the underlying disease. However, regular intake of medications prescribed by a doctor for the treatment of the underlying ailment, that is, migraine, will help to significantly reduce the risk of relapse.

Folk remedies and herbs

To eliminate seizures at home, you can use not only various means and anticonvulsants. There are medicines prepared on the basis of plant materials and, due to the specifics of the disease, used for external use. The number includes:

  • laurel oil. Ordinary vegetable oil, infused with dry bay leaves, will help reduce pain and discomfort. Rubbing oil into the affected areas is required until the symptoms are completely eliminated;
  • lilac tincture. Lilac inflorescences, infused with alcohol, are a very effective and fast-acting remedy for spasms and headaches.

There are also home remedies for oral administration. It is recommended, for example, to consume a large tablespoon of linden honey every morning and drink a portion of this bee product with chamomile decoction.

What helps at home

The most effective remedy for cramps, which can be used at home, is an ordinary massage. The procedure can be carried out both during an attack and as a preventive measure. The affected limb should be kneaded for at least fifteen minutes, using therapeutic ointments, creams or oils for this.

Over the counter

name the most effective remedy against seizures is more than difficult, and this is due to the fact that patients can be prescribed various drugs, depending on the specifics of the underlying disease, the development of which directly results in convulsive conditions.

However, as the most effective means, the mechanism of action of which allows to achieve the desired result, doctors often call the following drugs:

  1. Phenobarbital.
  2. Carbamazeline.
  3. Phenytoin.
  4. Clonazepam.
  5. Lamotrigine.

You can buy and take medicines only if you have a doctor's prescription. Over-the-counter spasm medications are for external use only.

From night cramps

To alleviate the condition and elimination of discomfort during sudden attacks of spasms that occur mainly at night, it is recommended to use the most popular modern new-generation drugs for external use, such as, for example:

  1. Troxevasin.
  2. Troxerutin.
  3. Vaporub.

To obtain the most effective results, it is recommended to use warming ointments as the basis for therapeutic compresses.


Trental, made on the basis of pentoxifylline, is used to treat pathologies and diseases, the development of which is provoked by impaired functioning of the peripheral blood flow. The drug is presented in several forms: tablets and ampoules.

The use of the drug is possible through oral administration and the introduction of intravenous and intramuscular injections. The dosage and the optimal treatment regimen is developed by the doctor based on the characteristics of the patient's clinical picture.


Medication Depakine, presented in the field of the pharmacological market as a syrup and a substance for the preparation of injections, is effective an agent for the treatment of convulsive conditions in epilepsy, in trigeminal neuralgia and in alcoholic epilepsy.


With systematically recurring spasms, let's take Finlepsin, presented in the form of tablets and having antiepileptic And analgesic properties. The drug is used for pain caused by the development of diabetes, neuralgia, epilepsy and other diseases of similar pathogenesis.

The amount of a substance calculated for a single dose can vary significantly depending on the treatment regimen developed by the doctor, the age of the patient and the characteristics of the disease. Tablets are recommended to be taken regardless of the meal time.


One of the most effective medicines, the main component of which is the substance of the same name, which has hypnotic and antiepileptic properties. It is mainly used to treat epilepsy and acute seizures of a convulsive state.

Due to the wide range of diseases in the treatment of which the drug is used, the dosage and dosage regimens can vary significantly. It is recommended to take some time before daytime or nighttime sleep.

From muscle cramps: Detralex for legs

Detralex is one of the angioprotective and venotonic agents. Taking pills is recommended for forms of venous insufficiency, leg cramps, varicose veins and other diseases associated with blood flow disorders.

Depending on the form and degree of development of the disease, it may be recommended to take one or two tablets during the day. The course of treatment is from several days to several months.

Phlebodia 600

Effectively stimulates blood flow, increases the elasticity of venous and vascular walls, normalizes the composition of the hemolymph, making it less viscous. It is used as a remedy for the treatment of varicose veins, recurrent attacks of convulsive conditions and other diseases of a similar nature.

The course of treatment and dosage are determined by the doctor individually, but it is mainly practiced to take one tablet during the day.


Difenin is a powerful analgesic drug, presented in the form of tablets. Applies predominantly in neuralgia, epilepsy and other diseases of similar etiology. On the first day, it is recommended to take 3-4 milligrams of the active substance, then the dosage increases to 300-500 milligrams.


A narrowly targeted medication used to treat convulsive conditions, for example, in newborns and in children with febrile convulsions. To eliminate disturbing symptoms, it is recommended to take the medicine one to two tablets a day until the desired results are obtained.

Analogues are cheaper

The drugs, the list of which is given above, have some disadvantages, among which, first of all, the high cost is called. However, there are less expensive drugs. For example, the following drugs have an anticonvulsant effect:

  1. Depakin.
  2. Convulex.
  3. Acediprol.
  4. Orfiril.
  5. Venarus.
  6. Venoruton.
  7. Encorat chrono.
  8. Heparin.

It should be remembered that self-administration of any remedy can lead to undesirable consequences. Accordingly, before thinking about which of the drugs have an anticonvulsant effect, what are the pharmacological properties and what are the side effects, it is recommended to first consult with your doctor.

Feedback from doctors and patients

Eugene, Moscow. Medications are excellent for helping to cope with cramps, in addition, without side effects and further problems. I began to worry about cramps and I decided to seek advice. I began to develop varicose veins and was prescribed Trental with an ointment for external use. After 2 weeks it was all over. I recommend to try.

Anastasia, St. Petersburg. For the legs, the drug Venarus and Heparin help to overcome cramps. Excellent funds. As an antidepressant, I don’t know, but it solves the problem with the legs the first time. Buy herbal preparations, on a natural basis. You can make a horse chestnut tincture, which is in great demand in folk medicine.

Ivan, Moscow. Medicines are taken for the legs and for the hands. Taken for headaches, during pregnancy. From a headache they do not help directly, but the reception is possible to eliminate convulsions in any other diseases.

Olga Petrovna, Moscow. There are effective drugs that help to cope with seizures. I recommend buying Phenobarbital or Phlebodia 600. Compatibility with other drugs is normal, there are no consequences. I don't recommend injections. Pay attention to the remedy Mydocalm and Tremor. Modern with hand tremor. The muscle becomes not tense and the hand gets rid of cramps.

Alexander Vladimirovich, Moscow. I recommend buying Detralex at the pharmacy. It is considered number 1 drugs among similar ones. It is considered a venotonic and provides favorable conditions for the treatment of varicose veins. A remedy that relieves blood clots, thrombosis and hemorrhoids. If the matter does not concern the veins, only with stuttering will not help. To overcome varicose veins and hemorrhoids is the number 1 remedy in Europe and Russia. The drug is not from Germany, according to Wikipedia, the country of origin is France.


The cause of seizures in this case is a violation of the normal functions of neuronal brain cells. Most of the drugs developed for the complex treatment of epilepsy are designed to reduce excitability in the focal area.

With psychomotor and large convulsive seizures, the following is prescribed:

If there are small seizures with convulsions:

You can also use drugs indicated for major and psychomotor seizures.

In the case of status epilepticus, the following medications are recommended:

In alcoholic epilepsy, anticonvulsants are selected in the same way - depending on the type of seizures. Most often assigned:

  • valproic acid;
  • Ethosuximide;
  • Phenobarbital;
  • Phenytoin.

It is important to note that the listed drugs have a very strong effect on the neurons and receptors of the brain, inhibiting their activity. They are addictive, it is strictly forbidden to abruptly stop taking them. For these reasons, anticonvulsants are not available in pharmacies without prescriptions. They belong to a number of narcotic and steroid substances, provoke a lot of side effects, some of which are quite dangerous and fraught with serious health complications.

Anticonvulsants for neuropathy and neuralgia

The described types of nerve damage are characterized by acute pain, limited mobility of the limbs, impaired functioning of those body systems in which the nerve is inflamed.

For the treatment of such pathologies, anticonvulsants from the gabapentin series are used:

  • Finlepsin;
  • Gabantin;
  • Carbamazepine;
  • Tebantine;
  • Gabagamma;
  • Pregabalin (suitable for treating even diabetic neuropathy).

Lamotrigine is less often prescribed, only in the presence of recurrent intense attacks.

Anticonvulsants for feet and hands

If there is no history of epilepsy and inflammation of the nerves, convulsions are treated only after the exact cause of the pathology is established.

Mild anticonvulsants are used:

Common prescription drugs include:

It is important to note that it is impossible to take any of the listed drugs on your own, since the cause of convulsions in the legs or arms can be a common injury, hypothermia, flat feet. lack of vitamins and minerals in the body.

New anticonvulsant drugs for parkinsonism and Parkinson's disease

Therapy of the described diseases involves the use of medications that increase the activity of brain structures:

The listed drugs help only with symptomatic treatment (eliminate convulsive seizures), but after the abolition of clinical manifestations, as a rule, return.

There are many analogues of Zovirax ointment, which are absolutely no different in their composition and action. Most of these drugs are available in the form of tablets, dragees, ointments and gels, which are aimed at combating herpes viruses.

The drug Ketotifen copes well with many allergic reactions, such as allergic bronchitis, rhinitis or asthma. Learn from our article about how and when to take the medicine, as well as the necessary precautions when treating with Ketotifen.

Zovirax tablets are an antiviral and immunostimulating drug that is prescribed for the herpes virus, chickenpox, and immunodeficiency. However, they have a number of side effects that may occur while taking the medication. More about this in the article.

The popular cough medicine ACC is often used without a doctor's recommendation. Many women are sure that it is able to cope with any cough. But it's not! In this article, you can read about the indications for the drug and whether it can cure dry cough.



The action of anticonvulsants is aimed at eliminating muscle spasms and epileptic seizures. Some of these drugs are taken in combination for best results. They not only relieve convulsions, but also facilitate the general condition of the body. The first attempts at such treatment were made at the end of the 9th and beginning of the 20th century. Then, potassium bromide was used to combat seizures. Since 1912 they began to use Phenobarbital. Since 1938, the list has been replenished with Phenytoin. Currently, modern medicine uses more than thirty drugs. Today, more than 70% of people suffer from mild epilepsy and are successfully treated with anticonvulsants. However, the treatment of severe forms of the disease remains one of the most urgent problems for scientists. Any prescribed medicine must have anti-allergic properties in the absence of effects on the central nervous system. It is also necessary to exclude addiction, a feeling of apathy and weakness.

The main task of each remedy is to eliminate spasms without suppressing the central nervous system of psychophysical disorders. Any drug is prescribed only by a doctor after a comprehensive examination and a part of the brain. Taking anticonvulsant drugs can last for several years, and in some cases throughout life. This happens in the case of severe heredity or a chronic form of the disease. In some situations, in addition to drug therapy, surgery is done on the affected area of ​​the brain.

Modern medicine classifies anticonvulsants according to the following scheme:

  • barbiturates;
  • hydantoin preparations;
  • oxazolidiones;
  • drugs based on succinamide;
  • iminostilbenes;
  • benzodiazepine tablets;
  • valproic acid products

Anticonvulsant drugs list

The main anticonvulsants are:

Phenytoin. It is used for convulsive seizures with status epilepticus. Its action is aimed at inhibiting nerve receptors and stabilizing membranes at the level of the cell body. The drug has a number of side effects: nausea, trembling, vomiting, involuntary rotation of the eyes, dizziness.

Carbamazeline is used for major convulsive psychomotor seizures. It stops severe attacks in the active stage of the disease. During the reception, the patient's mood improves. But there are a number of side effects: impaired blood circulation, drowsiness, dizziness. Contraindications are pregnancy and allergies.

Phenobarbital is used in epileptic seizures in conjunction with other drugs. The medicine calms and normalizes the nervous system. Pego should be taken for a long time. Cancellation occurs very carefully and gradually, as the elements of the drug accumulate in the body. Among the side effects of blood pressure disorders, difficulty breathing. Do not use during lactation and in the first trimester of pregnancy. It is also forbidden to use with kidney failure, with muscle weakness and alcohol dependence.

Clonazepam is used for myoclonic epilepsy and psychomotor seizures. The drug eliminates involuntary convulsions and reduces their intensity. Under the influence of tablets, the muscles relax and the nervous system calms down. Among the side effects are a disorder of the musculoskeletal system, fatigue, irritability, and a protracted depressive state. Contraindication to use is hard physical work that requires increased concentration, pregnancy, kidney failure and liver disease. During treatment, it is imperative to refrain from drinking alcohol.

The action of the drug Lamotrigine is aimed at eliminating severe seizures, mild seizures and clonic and tonic convulsions. It stabilizes the activity of brain neurons, which leads to a reduction in seizures and eventually they completely disappear. A side effect can be in the form of a skin rash, nausea, dizziness, diarrhea, tremor. It is not recommended during the treatment period to engage in physical work that requires increased concentration.

Sodium volproate is indicated for the treatment of severe psychomotor seizures, mild seizures, and myoclonic epilepsy. The drug reduces the production of electrical impulses of the brain, eliminates anxiety and stabilizes the mental state of the patient. Side effects are expressed by disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, circulatory disorders and blood clotting. You can not take the medicine during pregnancy and lactation, with diseases of the pancreas, as well as hepatitis in various forms.

Primidone is used for psychomotor seizures and myoclonic epilepsy. The action of the drug inhibits the activity of neurons in the damaged area of ​​the brain and eliminates involuntary spasms. Due to the fact that the drug causes increased arousal, it is not prescribed to children and the elderly. Side effects include: nausea, allergies, anemia, headaches, apathy and addiction. Contraindicated use during pregnancy and lactation, as well as liver disease and renal failure.

Beklamid stops generalized and partial seizures. It blocks electrical impulses in the head, reduces excitability and eliminates convulsions. Side effects include dizziness, gastrointestinal irritation, weakness, and allergies. Use is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Benzobamil is prescribed for children with epilepsy, as well as for focal seizures. This is the least toxic drug that has a sedative effect on the central nervous system. Side effects include weakness, nausea, lethargy, and involuntary eye movements. Treatment with the drug is contraindicated in heart, kidney failure and liver disease.

Non-prescription anticonvulsants

Anticonvulsants are prescribed only by a doctor for the treatment of serious diseases, so they can only be purchased with a prescription. Of course, you can try to buy them without a prescription, but this can seriously harm your health. If you order some medicines in an online pharmacy, then often you will not be asked for a prescription.

Anticonvulsants for the legs

If there is no epilepsy and inflammation of the nerves in the history of the disease, then the following drugs are prescribed for the treatment of convulsions:

Valparin suppresses convulsive activity in epileptic seizures. It does not have a pronounced sedative and hypnotic effect.

Xanax is a psychotropic drug that eliminates feelings of anxiety, fear and emotional tension. It has a moderate sedative effect.

Difenin has a muscle relaxant and anticonvulsant effect. It increases the pain threshold for neuralgia and reduces the duration of convulsive attacks.

Antinerval relieves convulsions, depression and anxiety. It is also used to prevent depressive disorders.

Keppra is an anti-epileptic drug designed to suppress neuronal firing and relieve seizures.

In no case should you take these medicines on your own, since the cause of seizures can be hypothermia, trauma, flat feet, or a lack of certain vitamins.

Anticonvulsant therapy for children provides an individual approach to each small patient. The frequency of attacks, at what time they occur, the overall clinical picture is taken into account. An important point in the treatment is the correct selection of medication and dose. Proper treatment helps in many cases to completely get rid of seizures. At first, small doses of the drug are prescribed, which gradually increase. It is necessary to keep accurate records of seizures and monitor their dynamics. Convulsive seizures in infants and toddlers are always an indication for emergency treatment. Delay can lead to swelling of the brain and damage to vital functions in the body. Initially, a 20% glucose solution is administered intravenously. If convulsions continue, then very carefully, controlling the work of the heart muscle, a 25% solution of magnesium sulfate is administered. If the effect does not occur, then pyridoxine hydrochloride is prescribed. The main drug is Phenobarbital. It calms the baby and has a dehydrating effect. The drug is prescribed according to age doses and depending on the nature and frequency of attacks. If after two or three days there is no improvement, then sodium bromide, Caffeine or Benzonal are added. In some cases, treatment is combined with the appointment of Difenin. It does not have cumulative properties, it can give side effects in the form of decreased appetite, nausea, irritation on the oral mucosa, stomatitis. Children with frequent seizures are sometimes prescribed Hexamidin in combination with Phenobarmital and Definin. In inhibited babies, such treatment significantly improves the condition. Contraindications are diseases of the kidneys, liver and blood-forming organs. At an early age, treatment with a mixture of Sereysky or its modifications is often prescribed. The main components of the drug are caffeine, papaverine, luminal.


Anticonvulsants: a list of drugs and contraindications

The action of anticonvulsants

The purpose of anticonvulsant drugs is clear from their name. The purpose of these drugs is the reduction or complete elimination of muscle cramps and seizures of epilepsy. Many drugs are taken in combination to improve the effect.

For the first time this method of treatment was used on the border of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Initially, potassium bromide was used for this. a little later they began to use Phenobarbital, and starting from 1938, Phenytoin gained popularity.

Modern physicians use for these purposes more than three dozen anticonvulsants. No matter how scary it may sound, but the fact remains - in our time, about seventy percent of the world's population have a mild form of epilepsy.

But if in some cases anticonvulsants successfully solve the problem, then complex forms of such an ancient disease as epilepsy are not so easy to cure.

In this case, the main task of the drug is to eliminate spasms without disrupting the central nervous system.

It is intended to have:

  • antiallergic properties;
  • completely eliminate addiction;
  • prevent overwhelm and depression.

Groups of anticonvulsants

In modern medical practice, anticonvulsants or anticonvulsants are divided into different groups depending on the main active substance.

These today are:

  1. barbiturates;
  2. Hydantoin;
  3. Group of oxazolidinones;
  4. Succinamide;
  5. iminostilbene;
  6. benzodiazepine;
  7. Valproic acid;


The main drugs of this type:

  • Phenytoin. It is indicated if the patient's seizures have a pronounced epileptic character. The drug slows down the action of nerve receptors and stabilizes the membranes at the cellular level.

It has side effects, including:

  1. vomiting, nausea;
  2. dizziness;
  3. spontaneous eye movement.
  • Carbamazepine. Used for prolonged seizures. In the active stage of the disease, the drug is able to stop the attacks. Improves mood and well-being of the patient.

The main side effects will be:

  1. dizziness and drowsiness.
  • Phenobarbital. Perhaps the use in conjunction with other drugs. This medicine perfectly calms the central nervous system. As a rule, it is appointed for a long time. Cancellation should also be gradual.
  1. change in blood pressure;
  2. breathing problems.
  1. the initial stage of pregnancy;
  2. renal failure;
  3. dependence on alcohol;
  4. and muscle weakness.
  • Clonazepam. It is used in the treatment of myoclonic epilepsy. Fights involuntary seizures. Under the influence of the medicine, the nerves calm down, and the muscles relax.

Also among the side effects:

  1. increased irritability and lethargy;
  2. musculoskeletal discomfort.

During the reception is contraindicated:

  • pregnancy at different stages;
  • kidney failure;
  • alcohol intake is strictly prohibited.
    • Lamotrigine. It successfully fights both mild seizures and severe epileptic seizures. The action of the drug leads to the stabilization of brain neurons, which, in turn, leads to an increase in the time between attacks. If successful, the seizures disappear completely.

    Side effects may appear as:

    • sodium valproate. It is prescribed for the treatment of severe seizures and myoclonic epilepsy. The drug stops the production of electrical impulses of the brain, fixes a stable somatic state of the patient. Side effects are usually manifested in disorders of the stomach and intestines.
    1. pregnant women;
    2. with hepatitis and pancreatic disease.
    • Primidon. Used in psychomotor seizures, as well as in the treatment of myoclonic epilepsy. Slows down the activity of neurons in the damaged area, and reduces spasms. The medicine is able to activate arousal, therefore it is contraindicated in children and the elderly of the older generation.

    Related actions include:

    1. headache;
    2. development of anemia;
    3. apathy;
    4. nausea;
    5. allergic reactions and addiction.
    1. pregnancy;
    2. diseases of the liver and kidneys.
    • Beclamid. Eliminates partial and generalized seizures. The drug reduces excitability and eliminates spasms.

    As a side effect are possible:

    1. dizziness;
    2. intestinal irritation;
    3. allergy.
    • Benzabamil. Usually prescribed to children with epilepsy, as it is the least toxic of its kind. It has a mild effect on the central nervous system.

    Side effects are:

    1. lethargy;
    2. nausea;
    3. weakness;
    4. involuntary eye movement.
    1. heart disease;
    2. kidney and liver diseases.

    List of non-prescription drugs

    Unfortunately or fortunately, the composition of these medicines is such that they are forbidden to be dispensed without a doctor's prescription on the territory of the Russian Federation.

    If a pharmacist offers you to buy some kind of anticonvulsant, while saying that a prescription is not needed, know this is illegal and he does it only at his own peril and risk!

    The easiest way to get drugs without a prescription today is to order online. Formally, the courier, of course, will be required to ask you for a prescription, but most likely this will not happen.

    List of medicines for children

    As anticonvulsants for children, substances are used that can significantly reduce the excitability of the central nervous system. Unfortunately, many drugs of this type have a depressing effect on breathing and can be dangerous for the baby.

    According to the level of danger, drugs are divided into two groups:

    • The first includes: benzodiazepines, lidocaine, droperidol with fentanyl and sodium hydroxybutyrate. These drugs have little effect on breathing.
    • The second group includes: chloral hydrate, barbiturates, magnesium sulfate. Substances that are more dangerous for breathing. They have a strong inhibitory effect.

    The main drugs used in the treatment of seizures in children:

    1. Benzodiazepines. Most often from this series, sibazon is used, it is also seduxen or diazepam. An injection into a vein can stop a seizure within five minutes. In large quantities, respiratory depression is still possible. In such cases, it is necessary to inject physostigmine intramuscularly, it is able to eliminate the nervous system and facilitate breathing.
    2. Feitanil and droperidol. These drugs act effectively on the hippocampus (seizure trigger zone), but due to the presence of morphine, babies under one year old may have problems with the same breathing. The problem is eliminated with the help of nalorphine.
    3. Lidocaine. Almost instantly suppresses convulsions of any origin in children, when injected into a vein. In treatment, a loading dose is usually administered first, after which they move on to droppers.
    4. Hexenal. A strong anticonvulsant, but has a depressant effect on the respiratory tract, and therefore the use in children is somewhat limited.
    5. Phenobarbital. Used for treatment and prevention. It is prescribed mainly for not weak attacks, since the effect develops rather slowly from four to six hours. The main value of the drug in the duration of action. In young children, the effect can last up to two days. Excellent results are given by the parallel use of phenobarbital and sibazon.

    List of drugs for epilepsy

    Not all anticonvulsants are necessarily used to treat epilepsy. To combat this disease in Russia, about thirty drugs are used.

    Here are just a few of them:

    1. Carbamazepine;
    2. Valproates;
    3. Pregabalin;
    4. Ethosuximide;
    5. Topiramate;
    6. Phenobarbital;
    7. Oxcarbazepine;
    8. Phenytoin;
    9. Lamotrigine;
    10. Levetiracetam.

    At the end of the article I would like to warn. Anticonvulsants are quite serious drugs with special properties and consequences for the human body. Their thoughtless use can lead to very sad consequences. Such funds can be used only after consulting with your doctor.

    Do not self-medicate, this is not the case. Be healthy!


    Anticonvulsants - a list. The use of anticonvulsants in epilepsy and neuralgia

    Anticonvulsants for epilepsy

    Some funds are dispensed without a prescription, some only with it. Any pills for epilepsy should be prescribed only by a doctor in order to avoid side effects and not provoke complications. It is important to go to the hospital in a timely manner, a quick diagnosis will increase the chances of remission, the duration of the medication. Popular anticonvulsants for epilepsy are listed below:

    1. Feniton. Tablets belong to the hydantoin group, used to slightly slow down the reaction of nerve endings. It helps to stabilize neuronal membranes. It is prescribed, as a rule, for patients who suffer from frequent convulsions.
    2. Phenobarbital. Included in the list of barbiturates, it is actively used for therapy in the first stages, to maintain remission. The drug has a calming mild effect, which is not always enough during epilepsy, so it is often prescribed together with other drugs.
    3. Lamotrigine. It is considered one of the most powerful antiepileptic drugs. A properly scheduled course of treatment can stabilize the entire functioning of the nervous system without disturbing the release of amino acids.
    4. Benzobamyl. This drug has low toxicity, mild action, so it can be prescribed to a child who suffers from seizures. The remedy is contraindicated for people with pathologies of the heart, kidneys, liver.
    5. sodium valproate. It is an antiepileptic drug, prescribed for behavioral disorders. It has a number of serious side effects: the appearance of a rash, deterioration in clarity of consciousness, decreased blood clotting, obesity, poor blood circulation.
    6. Primidon. It is an antiepileptic drug used in severe epilepsy attacks. The drug has a powerful inhibitory effect on damaged neurons, which helps to stop seizures. You can take this anticonvulsant only after consulting a doctor.

    Anticonvulsants for neuralgia

    it is recommended to start treatment as early as possible, for this you need to contact a specialist after the first symptoms of the disease. Therapy is based on a whole range of medications to eliminate the causes and signs of nerve damage. Anticonvulsants play a leading role in treatment. They are needed to prevent seizures of epilepsy, convulsions. The following anticonvulsants are used for neuralgia:

    1. Clonazepam. It is a derivative of benzodiazepine, differs in that it has an anxiolytic, anticonvulsant, sedative effect. The mechanism of action of the active substance helps to improve sleep, relax muscles. It is not recommended to use without a doctor's prescription, even according to the instructions.
    2. Carbamazepine. According to the classification, the drug belongs to iminostilbenes. It has a pronounced anticonvulsant, moderate antidepressant effect, normalizes the emotional background. Helps to significantly reduce pain in case of neuralgia. The antiepileptic drug acts quickly, but the course will always be long, because due to the premature withdrawal of the drug, the pain may return.
    3. Phenobarbital. Belongs to the group of barbiturates, which act in the treatment of neuralgia as a sedative, hypnotic drug. This anticonvulsant is prescribed in small doses, it should be taken strictly according to the doctor's prescription, because the side effects of anticonvulsants are contraindicated in a number of other diseases.

    Anticonvulsants for children

    The choice in this case falls on medications that should significantly reduce the excitability of the central nervous system. Many drugs of this type can be dangerous for the baby because they depress breathing. Anticonvulsants for children are divided into two groups according to the degree of danger to the child:

    • Drugs that have little effect on breathing: lidocaine, benzodiazepines, hydroxybutyrates, fentanyl, droperidol.
    • More dangerous substances that have a depressing effect: barbiturates, chloral hydrate, magnesium sulfate.

    When choosing a medicine for babies, the features of the pharmacology of the drug are very important, adults are less susceptible to side effects than a child. The list of fixed assets that are used in the treatment of children includes the following medicines:

    1. Droperidol, Fentanyl - have an effective effect on the hippocampus, from which the seizure signal comes, but there is no morphine in the composition, which in infants under 1 year old can cause breathing problems. This problem can be eliminated with the help of nalorphine.
    2. Benzodiazepines - as a rule, sibazon is used, which may be called diazepam or sedkusen. Intravenous administration of the drug stops convulsions within 5 minutes, respiratory depression can be observed with large doses of the drug. The situation can be corrected by the introduction of physostigmine intramuscularly.
    3. Lidocaine. The tool is able to almost immediately suppress any type of convulsions in babies if given an intravenous injection. In therapy, as a rule, a loading dose is first administered, then droppers are used.
    4. Phenobarbital. It is used for prevention and treatment. It is prescribed, as a rule, for weak attacks, because the result from the application develops 4-6 hours. The main plus of the drug is that the action in children can last up to 2 days. Good results are observed when taken simultaneously with sibazon.
    5. Hexenal. A strong drug, but it has a depressant effect on breathing, which greatly limits its use in children.

    New generation anticonvulsants

    When choosing a medication, the doctor must necessarily take into account the origin of the pathology. Anticonvulsants of the new generation are aimed at solving a wider range of causes, causing a minimum number of side effects. Development is ongoing, so over time, more and more modern tools appear that cannot be bought in an online store or ordered home. Of the modern options, such effective antiepileptic drugs of the new generation are distinguished:

    1. Difenin - is indicated for serious seizures, trigeminal neuralgia.
    2. Zarontin (aka Suxilep). A tool that has proven to be highly effective, treatment must be carried out continuously.
    3. Keppra contains the substance Levetiracetam, the mechanism of its effect on the body is not fully understood. Experts suggest that the drug affects the glycine and gamma-aminobutyric acid receptors. A positive effect has been confirmed in the treatment of generalized epileptic seizures and partial seizures with Keppra.
    4. Ospolot is a new generation anticonvulsant, the effect of the active substance has not been fully studied. The use of the drug in partial epileptic seizures is justified. The doctor prescribes a daily dose, which should be divided into 2-3 doses.
    5. Petnidan - the active ingredient is called ethosuximide, highly effective in the treatment of absence seizures. Be sure to coordinate with your doctor.

    Side effects of anticonvulsants

    Most anticonvulsants are available on prescription and are not available commercially. This is due to the large number and high risk of side effects with an overdose of medications. The doctor can choose the right drug, based on the results of the tests, it is not recommended to buy medicines on your own. The most common side effects of anticonvulsants in violation of the rules of admission are:

    • uncertainty when walking;
    • dizziness;
    • vomiting, drowsiness, nausea;
    • double vision;
    • respiratory depression;
    • allergic reactions (rash, deterioration of hematopoiesis, liver failure).

    The price of anticonvulsants

    Most medicines can be found in the catalog on pharmacy websites, but for some groups of drugs you will need a doctor's prescription. The cost of medicines may vary depending on the manufacturer, place of sale. The approximate price for anticonvulsants in the Moscow region is as follows:

    I was looking for an analogue of Finlepsin, so that it would be similar in action, but inexpensive. Carbamazepine worked well, it is a domestic medicine for epilepsy. Both drugs showed effectiveness, the latter is much cheaper, so the choice fell on it. Before changing the drug, consulted with a doctor (this is mandatory).

    The doctor recommended changing Finlepsin to Retard, because in my case it fits much better. The new version is favorably distinguished by the fact that there is a sedative effect. Another plus I think the need to take it only once a day, and not three times a day. This anticonvulsant medication is easy to find in pharmacies.

    In adolescence, she was diagnosed with episyndrome (rare seizures), at first she simply tried to drink anticonvulsant herbs, but after a couple of seizures, when she got to the hospital, she decided to use drugs. Benzonal was prescribed 3 times a day, for 5 years of taking the attacks no longer recurred, but I reduced the dosage from 3 tablets to 1 per day.


    Folk remedies for seizures

    Spasm. cramp - an involuntary contraction of a muscle or group of muscles, usually accompanied by sharp and aching pain.

    There are spasms of striated (skeletal) muscles and smooth muscles - the vascular wall (for example, with angina pectoris), bronchi (bronchial asthma), esophagus (cardiospasm), intestines, etc. Skeletal muscle spasms impede movement. Spasms of smooth muscles disrupt various organ functions.

    Treatment of seizures is based on the correction of the underlying disease in combination with anticonvulsants; Absolute abstinence from alcohol and adherence to sleep are important.

    Muscle spasms, convulsive twitches, hiccups, nervous tics are caused by magnesium deficiency. Magnesium blocks excessive calcium influx into cells, thereby preventing excessive tension of skeletal muscles and smooth muscles, and promotes their natural relaxation.

    Only a doctor can determine the cause of seizures and prescribe treatment, and all folk remedies should be used only with his permission.

    Infusion of goose cinquefoil in milk: Pour 1 pinch of dry grass with 1 glass of hot milk. Take the infusion hot 3 times a day. Recommended for the prevention and relief of seizures.

    A decoction of the roots of the broad-leaved ragwort: pour 20 g of the roots into 0.2 liters of boiling water. Take 40 drops daily. It is recommended as an analgesic and sedative for acute gastric and intestinal spasms, convulsive constipation, exacerbation of peptic ulcer, inflammation of the gallbladder (cholecystitis), renal and hepatic colic, bronchial asthma, angina pectoris, convulsive conditions.

    A decoction of common thyme herb: pour 15 g of grass into 0.2 liters of boiling water. Drink 1 tablespoon 3 times a day. It is recommended as a diaphoretic, diuretic, anticonvulsant and sedative for convulsions, stomach cramps, and neuralgia.

    Infusion of anise fruits (1 part), fennel fruits (1 part), cumin fruits (1 part), peppermint leaves (2 parts): Pour 2 teaspoons of the mixture with 1 cup boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, strain. Take during the day in small sips for stomach cramps.

    Infusion of birch buds: Pour 2 teaspoons of buds with 1 cup of boiling water. Drink the infusion in 3 divided doses. Recommended for cramps and indigestion.

    Tincture of garlic: fill a bottle a third with chopped garlic and pour 60% alcohol or vodka, leave for 64 days, placing the bottle in a dark place and shaking daily. Take 5 drops in 1 teaspoon of cold water 3 times daily before meals. It is recommended for spasms of cerebral vessels and as a means of reducing blood pressure.

    Garlic oil: Crush 1 head of garlic until gruel is formed, put it in a glass jar and pour 1 glass of unrefined sunflower oil, put in a cold place for a day. Drink 1 teaspoon of garlic oil, mixed with 1 teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice, 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. The course lasts from 1 to 3 months. Then take a break for 1 month and repeat the course again. It is recommended for spasms of the vessels of the brain and heart muscle.

    Lubricate the soles of the feet with fresh lemon juice in the morning and evening until the juice is absorbed. The course is carried out for 2 weeks. Recommended for leg cramps.

    Rub mustard oil on sore spots when cramping the muscles of the arms or legs.

    A decoction of chamomile flowers: pour 4 tablespoons of dried flowers with 1 cup of boiling water, boil for 10 minutes, then strain. Drink 0.3 cup 3 times a day after meals. It is recommended for neurosis, rheumatic pains in the joints as a sedative and anticonvulsant.

    Decoction of prickly tartar leaves: pour 20 g of leaves into 0.2 liters of boiling water. Drink 1 tablespoon 3 times a day. It is used as an anticonvulsant and sedative.

    Infusion of small-leaved linden flowers: pour 1.5 tablespoons of finely chopped flowers with 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, strain. Drink 0.3 cups 2 times a day.

    A decoction of spring adonis herb: 1-2 teaspoons of dry chopped grass, pour 1 cup of boiling water. Drink 1 tablespoon 3 times a day. Children under 2 years old take 5-6 drops, 6 years old - 15 drops, 12 years old - 2 teaspoons 5-6 times a day. The remedy is recommended as a sedative for convulsions, coughs, colic.

    A decoction of wormwood roots (chernobyl) on beer: pour 30 g of roots into 0.5 liters of beer, boil for 5 minutes. Drink 1 tablespoon 1 time per day. Recommended for convulsions.


    Anticonvulsants: a list of the best for epilepsy and seizures

    Anticonvulsant drugs are used as a means to eliminate pain symptoms and muscle spasms, to prevent the transition from a state of pain attacks to convulsive and epileptic manifestations.

    The activation of a nerve impulse simultaneously by a group of certain neurons is similar to the signal given by motor-type neurons in the cerebral cortex. In the event of a lesion of this type, the nerve endings do not appear in tics or convulsions, but cause bouts of pain.

    The purpose of the use of anticonvulsants is to eliminate pain or muscle spasms without provoking oppression of the central nervous system. Depending on the complexity of the disease, these drugs can be used from several years to lifelong use in severe chronic or genetic forms of the disease.

    Attacks of convulsive activity are associated with an increase in the degree of excitation of nerve endings in the brain, usually localized in certain areas of its structure and diagnosed upon the onset of a condition characteristic of the onset of a convulsive syndrome.

    The cause of seizures can be a deficiency in the body of essential chemical elements, such as magnesium or potassium, pinching of a muscle nerve in the canal, or a sharp prolonged exposure to cold. Deficiency of potassium, calcium or magnesium provokes failures in the transmission of signals to the muscles from the brain, as evidenced by the occurrence of spasms.

    In the initial stage, the manifestation of the development of a neurological type of disease consists in local pain sensations emanating from the area of ​​the affected nerve cells and manifested by bouts of pain of varying strength and nature of manifestation. With the course of the disease due to the development of inflammatory processes or muscle spasms in the area of ​​pinched nerve endings, the strength of the attacks increases.

    In the case of an early appeal to a specialist, a complex of drugs is used for therapy, eliminating the causes and signs of damage to the nerve endings. Self-diagnosis and treatment does not allow choosing from a wide range of anticonvulsants the most suitable for stopping pain symptoms and eliminating the cause of discomfort.

    Most of the drugs used in the treatment of seizures have combined effects, and have many contraindications, on the basis of which, the unauthorized appointment and use of these drugs can pose a danger to the patient's health.

    When observed by a specialist, he evaluates the work of the prescribed drug by its effectiveness and diagnoses the absence of pathological changes after taking it according to the results of blood tests.

    Fundamentals of anticonvulsant therapy

    The composition of complex treatment for convulsive manifestations includes groups of drugs of various principles of action, including:

    • non-steroidal drugs with anti-inflammatory action. reducing temperature and eliminating pain, and a feeling of discomfort after the elimination of inflammation;
    • antiviral neuralgia pills. used to prevent the occurrence of disorders or reduce the degree of pain in case of occurrence;
    • analgesic drugs. having an analgesic effect are used to eliminate pain in a strictly dosed amount to eliminate the occurrence of side effects;
    • means for eliminating muscle spasms with manifestations of a paroxysmal nature, belonging to the group of muscle relaxants;
    • external agents in the form of ointments and gels for treating affected areas or injections for stopping the manifestation of muscle spasms;
    • drugs that normalize the functioning of the nervous system and sedatives;
    • anticonvulsant drugs. the action of which is based on the elimination of pain symptoms by reducing the activity of nerve cells, these drugs are most effective when the source of pain is concentrated in the brain or spinal cord, and less so for the treatment of disorders of the nerves of the peripheral part.

    Some of the prescribed drugs have the effect of inhibiting the development or preventing the occurrence of allergic-type reactions.

    The main groups of anticonvulsants

    Anticonvulsants are divided into several groups, a list of which is offered below.


    Iminostilbenes are characterized by an anticonvulsant effect, after their use, pain symptoms are eliminated and mood is improved. The drugs in this group include:

    Sodium valproate and derivatives

    Valproates, used as anticonvulsants and as iminostilbenes, help to improve the emotional background of the patient.

    In addition, when using these drugs, tranquilizing, sedative and muscle relaxant effects are noted. The drugs in this group include:


    Barbiturates are characterized by a sedative effect, help lower blood pressure and have a hypnotic effect. Among these drugs, the most commonly used are:


    Anticonvulsants based on benzodiazepine have a pronounced effect, they are used in the event of the appearance of convulsive conditions in epilepsy and prolonged attacks of neuralgic disorders.

    These drugs are characterized by sedative and muscle relaxant effects, with their use, normalization of sleep is noted.

    Among these drugs:


    Anticonvulsants of this group are used to eliminate spasms of the muscles of individual organs with neuralgia. When using drugs in this group, sleep disturbances or nausea are possible.

    Among the most used means are known:

    Anticonvulsants used for leg cramps:

    Hitting the nine convulsive "gates"

    The main anticonvulsants that are most often used for epilepsy, convulsive seizures and neuralgia of various origins:

    1. Finlepsin is used in cases of neurological diseases with lesions of the trigeminal and glossopharyngeal nerves. It has analgesic properties, anticonvulsant, antidepressant effects. The principle of action of the drug is based on calming the membrane of nerves with a high degree of excitation by blocking sodium channels. The drug is characterized by complete absorption by the intestinal walls for a sufficiently long time. Among the contraindications to the use of the drug are poor tolerance to Carbamazepine and increased eye pressure.
    2. Carbamazepine is used as an anticonvulsant to treat trigeminal neuralgia. has an antidepressant effect. The start of the drug should be gradual as the dose of the previous drug is reduced. Preparations containing Phenobarbital reduce the effectiveness of Carbamazepine, which must be taken into account when prescribing complex treatment.
    3. Clonazepam is characterized by an anticonvulsant effect and is used to treat neuralgia with alternating myoclonic attacks. It has pronounced sedative and hypnotic effects. Possible side effects when using the drug are a violation of the functions of the musculoskeletal system, loss of concentration and mood disorders. The remedy eliminates the feeling of anxiety, has a hypnotic effect, a sedative and relaxing effect on the patient's body.
    4. Phenytoin is used in cases of convulsive statuses with an action based on slowing down nerve endings and fixing membranes at the cellular level.
    5. Voltaren is used as an anticonvulsant for neurological disorders in the spine.
    6. Ketonal is used to reduce pain symptoms on the body that have different localization areas. When prescribing a drug for therapy, it is necessary to take into account the possible intolerance of the components and, as a result, the risk of developing cross-type allergies.
    7. Sodium valproate is used in cases of seizures associated with the therapy of mild forms, the epileptic nature of muscle contraction. The drug reduces the production of electrical impulses sent by the nervous system from the cerebral cortex, normalizes the state of the patient's psyche. Possible side effects of the drug are violations of the digestive system, changes in blood clotting.
    8. Benzobamyl. used for seizures of a focal type of manifestation, characterized by low toxicity and high efficiency in providing a sedative effect. Side effects of using the remedy are a state of weakness, a reduced emotional background, which is reflected in the degree of activity of the patient.
    9. Phenobarbital is prescribed for children, has a sedative effect, is characterized by a hypnotic effect. May be used in combination with other agents, such as vasodilators for nervous system disorders.

    Practical experience of consumers

    What is the situation with anticonvulsant therapy in practice? This can be judged by the reviews of patients and doctors.

    I take Carbamazepine as a replacement for Finlepsin, since the foreign analogue is more expensive, and the domestic drug is excellent for therapy with my illness.

    Since I tried both drugs, I can say that both drugs are highly effective, but a significant difference in cost is a significant disadvantage of a foreign remedy.

    After several years of taking Finlepsin, on the advice of a doctor, I changed it to Retard, since the specialist believes that this drug is more suitable for me. I had no complaints while taking Finlepsin, however, in addition to a similar action, Retard has a sedative effect.

    In addition, the drug is characterized by great ease of use, since, compared with analogues, it must be taken not three times a day, but once.

    The drug Voltaren helps with pain syndromes of moderate severity. It is good to use it as an addition to the main treatment.

    Time to collect stones

    A distinctive feature of anticonvulsants is the impossibility of a quick end of their intake. With a noticeable effect from the action of the drug, the term for canceling its use is up to six months, during which there is a gradual decrease in the rate of taking the drug.

    According to the popular opinion of doctors, the most effective drug for the treatment of seizure activity is Carbamazepine.

    Less effective are drugs such as Lorazepam, Phenytoin, Relanium. Seduxen, Clonazepam, Dormicum, and Valporic Acid, in order of decreasing therapeutic effect.

    It remains to be added that it is impossible to obtain anticonvulsants without prescriptions, which is good, since it is very dangerous to take them irresponsibly.

    Anticonvulsants are narrowly targeted drugs designed to relieve muscle spasms and other signs of an epileptic seizure. Some types of drugs can be taken in combination to achieve a better effect, and some are initially aimed at a comprehensive fight against the disease.

    Since tablets and medicinal powders not only relieve sudden convulsions, but also alleviate the course of the disease in general, they are often classified as drugs (AELS). The first successful attempts at treatment with anticonvulsants were made in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. In 1857, potassium bromide was used to combat epilepsy, in 1912 phenobarbital began to be actively used, and in 1938 phenytoin was added to the list of antiepileptic drugs. Today, all over the world, including the Russian Federation, more than thirty types of drugs are used to eliminate the symptoms of epilepsy.

    The main groups of medicines

    Anticonvulsants are used depending on the focus of the epileptic seizure and the severity of the key symptoms. According to the modern classification, several types of antiepileptic drugs are distinguished:

    • anticonvulsant barbiturates;
    • drugs derived from hydantoin;
    • oxazolidinone drugs;
    • preparations based on succinimide;
    • iminostilbenes;
    • tablets containing benzodiazepines;
    • medicines based on valproic acid;
    • other anticonvulsants.

    The main task of each group of drugs is to suppress spontaneously occurring muscle spasms without subsequent depression of the central nervous system and the formation of various psychophysical abnormalities. Any type of drug is prescribed by a doctor on a strictly individual basis after a comprehensive diagnosis of the patient and the determination of the affected area of ​​the brain. Since epilepsy occurs as a result of the formation of an excessive amount of intense electrical impulses in the neurons of the brain, the first step in the fight against the disease should be appropriate drug intervention, which involves suppressing the activity of the affected areas of the brain and normalizing the work of its other parts.

    Application features

    Taking anticonvulsants lasts for several years until the patient recovers completely, or throughout life if the causes of epilepsy lie in
    genetic predisposition or the disease has acquired a severe chronic form. In some cases, as an addition to drug treatment, it is proposed to perform an operation to eliminate the affected area of ​​the brain, followed by a course of rehabilitation for the patient. Surgical intervention is indicated only on the recommendation of a doctor after an appropriate diagnosis. Postoperative complications occur quite rarely and can be expressed in the form of numbness or short-term paralysis of that part of the body that was most susceptible to convulsive reactions, as well as the loss of some cognitive abilities due to the removal of one or another part of the brain.

    Anticonvulsants, in turn, have a number of side effects and contraindications, which must be familiarized with before taking the medicine for epilepsy. It is also worth being extremely honest with your doctor, because, depending on the presence of a different type of disease in the body, a specialist can prescribe additional immunity-strengthening drugs, as well as select the most benign pills that relieve convulsions. Particular attention should be paid to pregnant women, allergy sufferers, people with disorders of the central nervous system, psycho-emotional disorders, patients with liver problems, impaired blood circulation or kidney failure. You can read more about the side effects of each drug in the table below.

    Mechanisms of influence on the body

    Tablets and medicinal powders from epileptic seizures also differ in the mechanism of action on the body's main receptors. There are three main criteria by which the effectiveness of the drug is determined in each individual case of epilepsy:

    • Interaction with the main receptors of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), which is responsible for the reactions of inhibition and excitation of neurons. Stimulation of receptors with the help of medications can reduce the intensity of the production of impulses by neurons and improve the process of inhibition. Tablets based on valproic acid, anticonvulsant barbiturates (phenobarbital), drugs containing benzodiazepines (diazepam, clonazepam, etc.), vigabatrin tablets have a similar effect;
    • Decreased activity of glutamate receptors and their subsequent blocking. Glutamate is one of the main stimulating components of the nervous system; therefore, to effectively reduce the intensity of electrical impulses in neurons, it is necessary to reduce as many active glutamate receptors as possible;
    • Blocking the functions of sodium and potassium channels in nerve cells for slow synaptic transmission of impulses and, as a result, the elimination of involuntary muscle spasms. A similar effect is provided by drugs carbamazepine, valproic group tablets, phenytoin and others.

    To date, about 70% of people suffering from mild forms of epileptic seizures are successfully cured of the disease through the use of antiepileptic drugs. However, effective relief from the symptoms of epilepsy in more severe stages of the disease is still a topical issue for scientists and epileptologists from around the world. Any drug must meet special quality criteria, including the duration of the effect on the patient's body, high efficiency in a variety of partial and generalized seizures (especially in mixed types of the disease), anti-allergic properties, the absence of a sedative effect on the central nervous system, which consists in the occurrence of drowsiness, apathy, weakness, as well as drug dependence and addiction.

    Descriptions of medicines

    Anticonvulsants are divided according to the effectiveness of the impact on the body with a certain type of epileptic seizure. The table contains the main types of seizures, a list of drugs directed against the symptoms of a particular attack, as well as the main properties of each of the drugs.

    Types of epileptic seizureName of the drugProperties and contraindications
    Psychomotor and grand mal seizures
    status epilepticus
    PhenytoinThe drug is in the group of hydantoin derivatives. It is aimed at inhibition of active nerve receptors, stabilization of neuronal membranes of the cell body. Removes convulsive reactions of the body. It has a number of side effects: trembling, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, involuntary movement or rotation of the eyes. If you are pregnant, be sure to consult your doctor before taking the medicine.
    Psychomotor and grand mal seizuresCarbamazepineStops severe epilepsy attacks by inhibiting neuropsychic processes in the body. It has increased activity in the intensive stages of the disease. During the reception improves the patient's mood, but has side effects, causing drowsiness, dizziness, impaired blood circulation. The drug should not be taken with allergies and pregnancy.
    Psychomotor and grand mal seizures, status epilepticusPhenobarbitalIt has an anticonvulsant effect and is often used in conjunction with other antiepileptic drugs. It has sedative properties, calming and normalizing the patient's nervous system. It is necessary to take pills for a long time and to cancel gradually, since the medicine tends to accumulate in the patient's body. Sudden discontinuation of phenobarbital can provoke involuntary epileptic seizures. Side effects: suppression of the functions of the nervous system, blood pressure disorders, the appearance of allergies, shortness of breath. The drug should not be taken in the first three months of pregnancy and during lactation, as well as people with kidney failure, alcohol and drug addiction, developed muscle weakness.
    Psychomotor seizures, status epilepticus, mild seizures, myoclonic epilepsyClonazepamIt is used to eliminate involuntary convulsive manifestations, reduce their intensity during an attack. The tablets have a relaxing effect on the patient's muscles and calm the central nervous system. As side effects, disorders of the musculoskeletal system, nausea, development of prolonged depression, irritability, fatigue should be distinguished. Contraindicated in acute renal failure and liver disease, pregnancy, muscle weakness, active work requiring concentration and physical endurance. While taking the drug, it is recommended to give up alcohol.
    Psychomotor and severe partial seizures, mild seizures, tonic-clonic convulsionsLamotrigineStabilizes the activity of brain neurons, blocks glutamate receptors, without interfering with the free release of amino acids formed in cells. Due to the direct effect on nerve cells, it reduces the number of seizures, eventually completely eliminating them. As a side effect, an allergic reaction may develop or a skin rash may develop, in rare cases turning into a skin disease. Dizziness, nausea, vomiting, blurred vision, headaches, mental disorders, insomnia, tremors, diarrhea are also noted. While taking the medicine, it is not recommended to engage in activities that require a high concentration of attention and a quick psychomotor reaction.
    Psychomotor and severe seizures, mild seizures, myoclonic epilepsysodium valproateIt has an inhibitory effect on GABA receptors, thus reducing the intensity of the production of electrical impulses in the neurons of the brain. Eliminates the patient's emotional anxiety, improves mood and stabilizes the mental state. It causes side effects in the form of an upset gastrointestinal tract, impaired consciousness, tremor, the development of mental disorders, circulatory disorders and blood clotting, weight gain, skin rashes. The drug should not be taken in diseases of the liver, pancreas, various forms of hepatitis, hypersensitivity, hemorrhagic diathesis, pregnancy and lactation.
    Psychomotor and severe partial seizures, myoclonic epilepsyprimidonIt inhibits the activity of neurons in the affected area of ​​the brain, eliminates involuntary muscle spasms. Not recommended for children and the elderly due to the likelihood of motor restlessness and psychomotor agitation. The drug has side effects, expressed in drowsiness, headaches, apathy, nausea, anxiety, anemia, allergic reactions, drug dependence. Contraindicated in renal failure and liver disease, pregnancy, lactation.
    Various partial and generalized seizuresbeclamidIt has a blocking effect on the formation of electrical impulses in the neurons of the brain, thereby reducing their excitability and eliminating convulsive seizures. It has some side effects: weakness, dizziness, allergy, irritation of the gastrointestinal tract. Contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
    Status epilepticus in children, focal seizuresBenzobamylThese tablets are considered less toxic compared to phenobarbital and benzonal. The drug has a sedative effect on the central nervous system, relieves muscle spasms, and can cause a decrease in blood pressure. Among the side effects are apathy, drowsiness, lethargy, disorders of the musculoskeletal system, involuntary eye movements. Contraindicated in renal failure, liver disease, severe heart failure.

    The table provides a list of the most actively used anticonvulsants in medicine, which have a complex effect on the patient's brain activity. The use of each of the above antiepileptic drugs must be agreed with the attending physician and taken strictly according to the instructions. Then the treatment of epilepsy will be more intensive, which will allow you to forget about recurrent convulsive epileptic seizures as soon as possible.


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