Jack Russell Terrier - photo, description and character of the breed. A detailed description of the nature of the Jack Russell Terrier breed Jack Rusl

The Jack Russell Terrier breed is relatively young, the emphasis was on working qualities, and appearance was not important.

As a result, the breed was divided into two types, one of which gained fame in the Old World, the other characteristic features through the efforts of Australian cynologists.
The cost of dogs in puppyhood is quite high, and many unscrupulous people sell a baby that does not meet the breed standard, so be careful when choosing a pet.

Two types of breeding

There are two intrabreed types: Parson and Jack Russell Terrier, differing in height at the withers. More precisely, by the height of the paws, the Parsons look like a full-sized, proportional dog, while the Jacks have short legs. Dogs with short legs were not listed in Europe, they went to shows at the end of the ring, but the fate of the breed was decided by the importation of several individuals to Australia. On this continent, the breed gained wild popularity, and were acquired as companions.

Due to recognition in Australia, the long-standing confusion between the two types has ended, with Parsons even being shown in the Fox Terrier ring and Jackie in the Parson ring. In 2011, the final standard was adopted. It separates these two breeds, clearly limiting the upper limit of growth and the stretch index.

Short-legged dogs of this breed have three types of coat: smooth, hard and medium, intermediate. There is no particular difference between these types, wire-haired individuals need trimming, that is, plucking out wool that has already died. They have a nice moustache and beard on their faces, and in competition with other types in the ring, the rough-haired always win.

Smooth-haired beards do not have, look like a cheerful dog from the movie "The Mask", their short hair does not require special care, but falls out all year round. It is not possible to get rid of sharp, needle-like hairs stuck in clothes.

Recognizing a purebred pet

The cost of dogs in puppyhood is quite high, and many unscrupulous people sell a baby that does not meet the breed standard or is completely obtained from mating non-purebred dogs.

To determine whether a puppy corresponds to the declared breed, it is necessary to carefully examine it.

From a young age

Characteristics of the breed:

  • White color of almost the entire body, only bright brown or red spots are allowed on the head. On the body, small, single marks are allowed. The white color is important for the life of the terrier, it allows you not to confuse it with a fox.
  • Black rim around the eyes and dark lips, black nose, very dark eyes.
  • A neat, cropped or not too long tail, which should not be twisted into a ringlet. The tail is a kind of handle with which the owner can quickly pull the dog out of the hole.
  • If the baby is rough-haired, then already at the age of one month he has a small beard.
  • The coat of a smooth-haired puppy should be dense and durable to the touch.
  • Puppies usually grow unevenly, and at different ages the baby may look ridiculous, but always compact, moderately well-fed and muscular.

The paws are straight and even, the metacarpus is strong, the fingers are gathered into a ball.

The hind limbs are muscular and strong.

The general appearance of the puppy gives the impression of a lively, playful creature with a cheerful and restless character. Temperament is the basis of his breed, so the baby must be a curious and fearless prankster.

Never has

  • Timid and timid disposition, he cannot be lethargic and fearful;
  • Light or blue eyes, brown or pink nose;
  • Crooked front paws;
  • Humpback or arched back;
  • Soft or very long coat.

How to determine purebred

The standard describes in detail and clearly the appearance and temperament of an adult pet. Therefore, before acquiring a dog, you can ask the judge at the exhibition to describe the dog for compliance with the breed, or independently check the following points:

  1. A thoroughbred dog should give the impression of an energetic, compact dog, elegantly and harmoniously built.
  2. Height should not exceed thirty centimeters, weight - six kilograms.
  3. The dog should have dark eyes, a black nose, and a dark rim around the eyes.
  4. The neck is strong, of moderate length.
  5. The chest is deep enough that the dog can be clasped with two hands behind the ribs.
  6. The back is strong, even, the loin is slightly convex.
  7. The front legs are straight and strong.
  8. The coat of any type of Jack is hard and dense.
  9. The tail is moderately short and set high.

Where could I buy

Experienced cynologists do not advise buying a puppy or an adult pet in the market or in a pet store. There are several reasons for this, and the most important problem for the buyer can be dog illness. The dog may suffer from either a genetic anomaly, a hereditary disease, or a viral disease that he contracted while in a cage in a crowded place.

A good breeder will never sell puppies to a pet store. Babies should not only be brought up to two months with their mother. A puppy is vaccinated for up to four months, so it remains in quarantine and is at risk of getting sick if it comes into contact with other animals.

Toddlers must learn to live among people and children in order to be able to communicate with them, learn the skills of neatness. A small representative of the breed, sitting in a cage or aviary for the first few months or weeks, loses an important chance to learn a lot of things, acquires bad habits.


A potential owner of a true terrier who wants to have a pet of this breed should be aware that these dogs have some character traits that are not pleasant for everyone. This cannot be considered a fault, this is a hunting breed, and everything in it is adapted for hunting, in order to catch up with prey and engage in a fight with the beast.

So, unexpected sides of the breed for a city dog:

  • A short-haired dog is able to shed in such a way that long-haired breeds envy him;
  • The need for physical activity in these small dogs is much greater than even in representatives of large breeds;
  • Jack is quite aggressive towards large size dogs of the same sex;
  • Dogs, even well-trained ones, never lose their hunting instinct towards cats and other small animals or birds;
  • An adult dog or puppy will always respond with aggression to a child's attempts to hurt him;
  • They love to dig holes, they are able to turn a well-groomed lawn into a quarry in a few hours.

All problems in the behavior of the dog originate from the lack of activity of the pet. A few days spent within four walls dramatically change an adequate and cute pet, turning it into a destroyer. These dogs require constant attention, they pull all the emotions of the owners onto their person, leaving no free minute.


But these same hunting habits may be the beginning of his positive qualities, which delight the owners of this beautiful breed.

  1. Excessive activity is a plus for lovers of cycling or hiking, long hikes or parkour. A small, jumpy and hardy dog ​​can accompany the owner everywhere, if necessary, she feels great in a bicycle basket or backpack.
  2. A representative of the breed can be an excellent watchdog, they bark loudly at the slightest noise outside the door, they are always happy to stand up for the owner in front of a much larger dog.
  3. A calm attitude towards strangers allows you to safely let him go for a walk with children, whom he will gladly keep company.
  4. The extraordinary friendliness and adoration of all family members give the dog's cheerful disposition the peculiarity of a grateful dog for everything. If the owner dreams of the devotion and great love that his pets should show, then this breed is for him. A dog that lives for its owner, enthusiastically perceives his every action - this is the real Jack.
  5. A dog-ball, constantly in motion, instantly transforming when he sees a cat or a huge dog, and does not close his eyes while one of the owners is awake. They get along equally well in an apartment or in a country house, in a country house, but even a huge plot will not save the owner from daily, tiring walks.


Subtleties of education and maintenance

Principles of education

All puppies need education from the first days, it's hard. The cheerful and charming appearance of the baby provokes concessions to him. The owners must clearly and firmly adhere to the principle: the puppy does not do what an adult dog cannot do. Consistency and patience is what the baby needs.

Feeding a baby and an adult dog

Usually, small energetic terriers are fed ready-made dry food, which is high in protein and low in carbohydrates. The super-premium class of ready-to-eat food guarantees that the baby will have strong bones and teeth, good immunity and a long life.

It is preferable to give the following types:

  1. Royal Canin Jack Russell Adult - especially for dogs of this breed, costs 450 rubles per kilogram.
  2. Eukanuba Breed Specific JackRussel Terrier - created for the Russells, cost: 550 rubles per kilogram.
  3. Akana for small breeds - contains few carbohydrates, rice and oats, fish and meat. It costs 600 rubles per kilogram.

Natural food can be given as feed from the moment of weaning, raw beef, cottage cheese, dairy products, cereals and boiled vegetables are recommended. Tripe, sea fish and offal can diversify the pet's menu.

vaccination schedule

The puppy is given the first vaccination before the change of teeth, preferably up to three months, so after three weeks a second vaccination will be required. Babies are vaccinated with a pentavalent vaccine that protects against common viral infections, and does not put too much stress on a fragile body.

After seven months, the puppy is vaccinated again, then a yearly vaccine against major diseases and rabies is given, which is repeated annually. But if the puppy regularly walks outside the city, then rabies vaccination can be carried out from the age of three months.


The good health of dogs of this breed can be undermined by hereditary diseases:

  • Dysplasia - manifests itself at any age, leads to disability and lameness, can be treated with surgery.
  • Collie eye syndrome is a disease of the retina, which is manifested by its underdevelopment. Blindness.
  • Deafness is a congenital, but not interfering with the dog's life, a disease. It is transmitted genetically.

If the potential owner is not intimidated by the difficulties associated with breed characteristics, then purchasing a puppy will be an amazing and positive experience. A restless kid will turn a calm and boring life into an adventure full of surprises.

The need for loads

Representatives of the breed perfectly adapt and can feel comfortable both in a city apartment and in a country house. However, he will need daily exercise and long walks, at least 2 hours a day. At least once a week they need a serious load: hunting, sports, active games like Frisbee.

The main cause of hyperactivity and a complex character in the family is a sedentary lifestyle. Give your dog a workout - physical, emotional and mental - and the behavior problems will go away.

They love to dig, in a country house it is better to allocate a site for a pet where he can excavate. This is a more effective way than trying to wean your pet from a bad habit.

Each description of the breed mentions how jumpy they are. They can easily overcome a fence 1.5 meters high, so even on the site of a private house they will need constant supervision. It is better to build a spacious aviary for the pet and make a booth insideso that he can be on the street for as long as he wants.

flying dog

Jack was awarded this nickname not by chance: hovering in the air while catching flying saucers, sticks and balls is a dog's favorite pastime.

If you are not ready to play, run and train your pet from morning till night, buy a puppy of a calmer breed.

We must try to anger the naturally peaceful Jack Russell. On a walk, he will not become the instigator of a dog fight and will support any outdoor games with children.

It easily settles in both urban and suburban housing, not forgetting to periodically "let off steam" in nature.

Representatives of the breed adapt to any climate: in summer they frolic under the sun, in winter they rush through fluffy snow and are not afraid of frost.


Thanks to the coarse outer hair, it is capable of self-cleaning: two centuries ago, no one washed burrowing dogs, and breeders deliberately selected terriers with coarse hair.

If dog fur care is not in your plans, take a puppy with a smooth coat. Wirehaired are suitable if you suffer from allergies.

You will not notice the shedding of your pet if you regularly pluck out dying hairs. Afraid not to cope - contact the master who knows how to do trimming.

The coat is combed out once a week, alternately using combs with sparse or often spaced teeth.

After walking in forests and squares, the wool is examined in search of insects. As a preventive measure, use a special anti-flea collar, treat the coat with flea and tick preparations.

Wash the dog once a month or before going to the exhibition.

How often a dog needs to be trimmed is a very individual matter. It all depends on the dog itself, on the time of year and on the goals pursued by the owner. Pets that do not participate in exhibitions should be trimmed once every 6 months. However, the pet is unlikely to have a well-groomed appearance. Half of that time it will be either hairless or overgrown. Over such a long period, the wool overripes and is completely removed.

So that your eyes do not become inflamed, wipe them with a cotton pad (not cotton wool), after wetting it in weakly brewed tea.

Teeth are brushed 2-3 times a week with dog toothpaste using a brush or finger attachment.

Adding a slice of tomato to your diet will prevent tartar formation.

Make sure that the items that your pet tries by mouth do not hurt his gums.

Examine the auricles, gently wiping them once every 7 days with a damp cloth and trying not to touch the eardrum.

After walking the dog, they are thoroughly washed or cleaned with a damp cloth.

Trim nails with a nail cutter no more than 1-2 times a month. At the end of the pedicure, the cut edges are processed with a nail file.

To make life with a dog enjoyable for both of you, remember that these dogs require serious physical and mental stress. Getting a dog of this breed - you should be able to walk daily for a long time and actively walk with your pet. Walking for 10 minutes around the house is not an option for this breed. The pet will find where to put the energy in the apartment! Count on at least two hourly walks a day with an adult dog, during the walk the dog should actively move and play.

Characteristics of the breed Jack Russell Terrier

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  • Alexandra (Veterinarian)

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The breed originated at the beginning of the 19th century thanks to the efforts of the English priest and ardent admirer of hunting for foxes, John "Jack" Russell of Dartmouth, who actively crossed various breeds of terriers in order to develop a breed of dogs ideally adapted to his favorite type of hunting. So, as a result of the selection work of an amateur breeder, a fox terrier was bred (until 1900, the current Jack Russell Terriers were nothing more than old-style fox terriers) with a larger size and strong build than they differed from other English terriers. John Russell crossed the bred breed with dogs of a solid and colored color. Its main goal was to improve hunting qualities, the appearance was relegated to the background. Over the years, the animals have gone through several changes to suit different needs and breed standards set by different clubs.

The terriers, intended for burrow hunting, performed the following functions - they bravely climbed into holes and drove out the hidden animal from there or pulled it out during the fight. The dogs had to be small in order not only to penetrate the hole, but also to be able to move inside it, fighting with their target. That is why four-legged hunters traditionally did not exceed a height of 38.5 cm. At the same time, incredible courage, strength and agility were required from dogs to compete with an armed enemy. Terriers with short, smooth and coarse hair were considered the best for burrow hunting.

The first Jack Russell Terrier dog club was formed in 1914, but the English Kennel Club then refused to recognize them. Official recognition took place in 1990. In the same year, the breed was registered with the FCI. The American Club was founded a little earlier - in 1976, by a woman named Alice Crawford, one of the first breeders to develop these dogs in the United States. In 1999, the breed, originally called the Parson Jack Russell Terrier, was divided into short-legged (Jack Russell Terrier) and long-legged (Parson Russell Terrier) types.

In the UK, the Jack Russell Terrier is still very popular today as a farm, hunting and companion dog. In hunting for a fox and a badger, representatives of this breed have no equal. Terriers take an active part in the work along the trail along with the hounds, after which they get the most important part - to drive the animal out of the hole. In addition to burrowing virtuosity, the Jack Russell Terrier boasts successful hunting for water rats and hares. These dogs exterminate rodents with amazing success, one such example is a terrier named Vampire from Great Britain, who caught a ton of rats in 1977 alone. In France, representatives of this breed easily hunt in the forest, feeding downed feathered or fur game, including ducks (directly from the water), and also track down roe deer and rabbits, acting as hounds. It is safe to say that over the decades, the Jack Russell Terrier has absolutely not lost its amazing hunting inclinations, remaining a multi-talented hunter of small stature, a hardy and courageous beast.

Dogs of this breed are small in size - height can range from 25 to 35 cm, and weight varies from 5 to 8 kg, although it is not regulated by the standard. The exterior is represented by a harmonious build with an elongated square body and a narrowed chest. Not very long legs of the animal are well developed. The head is small, broad at the ears and tapering towards the eyes, slightly flat between the ears. The small, almond-shaped eyes are dark in color and have a lively, intelligent look. Semi-pendulous small ears in the shape of the Latin letter V are pressed to the head. The tail is set high.

The coat of dogs of this breed is adjacent, short, thick, with a well-developed undercoat. It can be of three types - soft, hard or a combination of both, the so-called "broken" type. Representatives of the latter type may have longer hair on the muzzle and tail. The color is presented in the following variants - on the predominant white color there may be black or red spots (from light to dark brown).

Jack Russell Terrier is a lover of active games, communication and all kinds of attention in his direction. Dogs of this breed can be described as intelligent, playful, funny and agile animals. At the same time, they have an assertive, independent and decisive character. These full of energy animals love space, games and long walks. It is necessary to constantly occupy your pet with something - a toy or give a bone to gnaw. In addition, they need a sufficient amount of attention, because its deficiency can lead to destructive behavior - the Jack Russell Terrier will always find something to do: gnaw on a sofa, armchair or dig up the lawn.

The process of training Jack Russell Terriers is often not the easiest task, but if you show patience and perseverance, efforts will certainly succeed, because they are very smart and quick-witted. The main thing is to correctly direct the excess energy of the pet. In the direction of other dogs, representatives of the breed tend to show aggression, and cats and other small animals are often pursued. Therefore, early socialization and the suppression of attempts to take the trail of pets are very important for them. Small pets in the form of rabbits and hamsters should be kept away from hunting terriers, otherwise such an acquaintance may end badly. It should be remembered that this is primarily a hunting breed that was bred to follow the smell, dig holes, explore the territory and bark. Jack Russell Terriers treat children quite well, especially if they grew up together. However, they will not tolerate excessive familiarity and abuse, even from children. It is important to know that these animals will never become "hand dogs", preferring a constant change of environment.

Dogs of this breed have great curiosity, which guides their activities almost constantly. It is this trait that can easily lead the animals into trouble. The owner needs to keep an eye on the pet and try not to lose sight of it during the walk, because. carried away by the process of pursuing prey, they can get lost. The ideal option for the Jack Russell Terrier is a large area with a fence, where he can run and have fun as he pleases. When doing this, you need to make sure that the fence is strong enough, because quick-witted terriers will always find a loophole to escape.

Jack Russell Terriers will make wonderful pets - they are extremely loyal, kind, loving to all household members. They do not like to be left unattended for a long time and are ready to follow the owner on the heels. Future owners of these loving animals should prepare for the round-the-clock company of a tireless best friend.

With all the positive qualities, not everyone can get hyperactive terriers. For example, it will be difficult for older people to cope with the ardor of little fidgets. These dogs are suitable for families with children or people leading an active lifestyle.

The average life expectancy of this dog breed is 15 years.

As is customary with real hunters, terriers are not demanding on living conditions. In food, they are not picky, and grooming is not particularly difficult. It is replaced by Jack Russell Terriers all year round, so it needs regular combing (3-4 times a week) and trimming (several times a year). Bathe dogs should be as dirty no more than 3-4 times a year, so as not to disturb the natural protective layer of the skin. It is advisable to teach pets to brush their teeth from childhood. It is important to include wiping the eyes and trimming the nails to regular procedures. And, of course, the main point of their content is the time spent in the open space, at least two long walks a day. As a rule, fidget terriers wake up very early and at the same moment are ready to start active entertainment.

The food of representatives of this breed can be of two types: dry or natural. The first should consist of premium and super-premium food containing quality nutritional components. The diet for natural nutrition should be made according to the following proportion of meat products to vegetable products: 3:1 for puppies and 2:1 for adults. It should include meat (poultry, beef, lamb), offal (liver, tripe, lungs), fish, fruit, fish oil and vitamins.

Among Jack Russell Terriers there are many celebrities. One of the most famous is a dog named Boti, who became famous in the early 80s. thanks to the journey in which he and his master, Sir Finnes, visited the north and south poles. Many members of the breed have become darlings in the arts - they often appear in movies, shows and on the pages of books. Films in which you can see these charming animals: "Problem Child 2", 1991, "Mask", 1995, "My Dog Skip", 2000, "Good Year", 2006, "Artist", 2011, "Water for Elephants!" , 2011, "Big Party", 2012, "Rental Luck", 2012, etc. By the way, a dog named Uggie, who played a role in the famous film "The Artist", was awarded the Golden Collar, an analogue of the Oscar for animals, and the Palm Dog Award at the Cannes Film Festival in 2011. Also, his paw prints flaunt near Grauman's Chinese Theater in Los Angeles. In August 2015, the famous dog actor passed away.

Dogs of this breed have played in many films. In general, they have acting talent, and a sharp mind and mobility complete the image of real actors. This breed became most recognizable, probably, after the movie "Mask". Yes, we are talking about a hero named Milo, and the breed of these dogs is called Jack Russell Terrier (see photo).

This small creature with a smart, sweet face has won the hearts of many. His liveliness, energy capture at first sight, they are able to dispel any boredom and depression. Even a photo of these cute dogs cannot leave anyone indifferent.

The Jack Russell is a hunter breed, but is now increasingly used as a companion and can also serve as an excellent watchdog due to its fearlessness.

The rating of this breed is really rather big, so many people are worried about how much a Jack Russell Terrier costs. The price of a dog depends on the characteristics that the standard prescribes. So, the price of show-class dogs of the Jack Russell Terrier breed (see photo) will be at least $1,000 and can reach up to $2,000. The cost of puppies of the breed class, that is, those that are often chosen for the purpose of subsequent breeding of Jack Russell Terriers, will be at least $ 700. And, finally, the price of a dog of the Jack Russell Terrier breed, which for some reason was rejected from the litter (it will be a pet-class puppy), will range from $200 to $500.

The price of puppies also depends on the breeder - the better his reputation, the higher the cost of his puppies will be. On the other hand, such a breeder is the key to a healthy, beautiful dog that will not bring surprises in the future.

If you are not afraid to take risks and want to save a lot of money, you can try to take the puppy "from hand". The price of such a dog will be no more than $ 200, but you will not have any guarantees.

History of the Jack Russell Terrier

This breed of dog originates in Great Britain in the 19th century. At this time, hunting for small predators was very popular, especially among the young nobility. In addition, farmers increasingly used terriers to protect their livestock from the same small predators, such as foxes, as well as in the fight against rodents. This led to a large prevalence of small terriers, they began to be specially bred, improving the qualities of a burrow hunter. This is how fox terriers appeared and immediately gained popularity among the local population.

During the prosperity of fox terriers, as well as burrow hunting, some breeders continued to breed terriers, improving exclusively their hunting qualities, not paying attention to the beauty of external data. The most successful among them was Pastor Jack Russell. Despite his spiritual title, this pastor was fond of hunting, as well as breeding hunting dogs. He also took part in the breeding of fox terriers, but went down in history as the creator of Russell's terriers.

Jack Russell bred dogs that were ideal for burrow hunting. For this purpose, the size, shape of the chest, color, shape of the ears, but especially the passion for hunting, as well as anger towards the beast, were taken into account. As the pastor himself put it, his terriers were bred not for exhibition, but for hunting. Therefore, these dogs did not have strict exterior standards. Some were taller, others squat or square. This diversity became the basis for the division of the breed. But this happened much later.

The working terrier called the Parson Jack Russell became a separate breed only in the 1930s. From this period, Pastor Russell's dogs began to gain popularity not only in Britain but also on other continents. Mostly they were long-legged dogs. But, in Australia, short-legged representatives of this breed were in great demand. It was there that a detailed description of the Jack Russell Terrier breed was formed, which in 2000 became part of its standard.

Yes, in 2000 the Russell Terriers were divided into the long legged Parson Russell and the short legged Jack Russell. Each received a separate breed standard and description. But still not everyone shares these terriers. Even seeing the dogs live, it is very difficult to distinguish them, not to mention the photo.

Description of the Jack Russell Terrier breed according to the standard

In general, the breed standard dictates that the Jack Russell Terrier be strong, flexible, and energetic. First of all, this is a working terrier, he must retain these qualities. It would seem, what a responsibility with growth up to 30 cm and weight up to 6 kg!


The body of the dog is a little more stretched in length, but not at the expense of the loin. It should be short, with well-developed muscles. The chest is deep, but not wide, allowing you to easily get into a variety of holes. The tail of the dog can be docked. An undocked tail may hang down, but is carried high in motion (see photo).


The head is located on a strong and flexible neck. Russell's head is proportional, gradually tapering towards the jaws. Jaws very strong, mobile, scissor bite. Nose medium size, black. The ears of the Jack Russell are also very mobile, in the normal state they hang down, covering the inner ear (see photo). The eyes of the dog are small, almond-shaped with a dark stroke on the eyelids. The standard of the Jack Russell Terrier prescribes an intelligent and penetrating look to the dog (see photo).


The hind limbs of the dog are more muscular than the front. Comparatively short limbs do not make the dog look squat. They are straight and parallel (see photo). At the same time, well-developed joints allow the gait to be springy and free. Paws are small, dense, round.

Wool and color

According to the breed standard, the Jack Russell can be rough-haired, smooth-haired, and with the type of coat “broken” or “broken” (see photo). The Wirehaired Terrier has not very long, but thick, dense coat that can protect it from any bad weather. The smooth coat has a close-fitting coat, but it is still hard enough to protect the dog from the elements. The transitional type of wool is the so-called "broken". From the photo it is quite difficult to distinguish between broken and hard wool. It does not lie close to the body, but is shorter than the coarse coat. With the Broken coat type, beards and eyebrows do not grow in dogs.

The main color of the color of the representatives of this breed is white. Characteristic are red or black spots, or both (see photo). The shade of red spots can be either very light or dark brown.

Temperament and upbringing of the Russell Terrier


It is important to remember that the Jack Russell is primarily a terrier. This characteristic of the breed is extremely important and determines its temperament. According to the description of the Jack Russell Terrier breed, behavior and character that are unusual for terriers are considered a vice. Nevertheless, Jack is distinguished from this group by greater friendliness, as well as a willingness to obey and execute commands.

The nature of the dogs of this breed is active, lively, which often becomes a stumbling block between him and his owner. At the same time, the dog is very smart, as well as balanced. He is distinguished by understanding and receptivity. Also, the character of the Jack Russell Terrier is not devoid of such qualities as friendliness, gullibility. That is why, despite the breeding of an exclusively working dog, this dog can rightfully be considered an excellent companion.

Many reviews about this breed contain statements about the uncontrollability of its representatives. At the same time, there are opposite reviews in which the owners talk about a sweet, loving and obedient friend. Of course, the key to this is the proper education of the dog. And we are talking not only about training, that is, the execution of a set of commands, but about the pet’s behavioral skills in a normal environment: what he can afford and what he will never do.

A flexible mind is an important characteristic of the Jack Russell Terrier breed. It is relatively easy to train him. But, if you are going to do the training yourself, you need to take into account the moment that the dog has a very restless character. He grasps all the new information, in the same way, commands “on the fly”, but he may not have enough to demonstrate his knowledge of endurance.

It is best to start training your dog from an early age. If you see that it is difficult enough to deal with a puppy, he does not obey, shows aggression and, in general, does what he wants, it is better, of course, to turn to specialists for help until the pet has eaten all your shoes.

From a very early age, it is worth stopping games such as catching birds or cats while walking, otherwise he may get carried away running away headlong. It is also worth taking care of his toys, which he will gnaw. This will save your shoes, furniture, etc.

Jack Russell health and care


Jack Russell is a fairly healthy dog, has no hereditary diseases. Of course, you need to take care of the necessary vaccinations for puppies. You also need to follow a little puppies under the age of 1 year. Do not allow them to systematically go down the stairs, as this may threaten with a curvature of the forelimbs. Also, during games, they should not be allowed to hang on something, holding on with their teeth, on a rope, for example. This can lead to the formation of a malocclusion, which will not only spoil the appearance of the pet, but also lead to oral problems.

Hair care

Pet grooming is simple and can be done at home. Of course, you will have to vacuum or remove white hairs from clothes a little more often. To have less wool in the house, comb your pet. The regularity of combing depends on the type of dog's coat. The Wirehaired Jack Russell Terrier sheds a little more than other subspecies, so trimming is useful. Doing it at home is quite difficult, but after that the dog will shed much less.

As for bathing, then, of course, it is not recommended to bathe dogs often. You can bathe your dog with a special shampoo no more than 1-2 times a year. But, with a Jack Russell pet, things can happen differently. After all, this indefatigable kid in the course of his games can get dirty from his feet, or rather, his paws, to his head. In this case, use just warm water without additional funds. Trust me, the dog will be clean.

What to feed a Jack Russell Terrier?

There is no consensus on what to feed the Jack Russell. Some advise to feed exclusively dry food, others prefer canned or natural food. Whatever it was, it is better to feed the dog with quality food. You can ask the breeder what to feed the puppy. The baby needs to be fed with the food to which he is already accustomed. If necessary, the transition to another diet should be carried out gradually. You need to feed a puppy much more often than an adult dog. As the Jack Russell Terrier grows older, the number of meals decreases and the portions become larger.

It is important to remember that the dog's diet should contain foods that contain a lot of protein, as well as serving as a source of energy. It is very good if you have the opportunity to feed your pet with lean meat, such as beef. Together with meat, it is better to give a variety of cereals, for example, rice, pearl barley, etc. If your pet eats only natural food, do not forget about the beneficial vitamins, as well as trace elements contained in raw eggs, dairy products, and vegetables.

Walks. Jack Russell apartment life

The size of the Jack Russell Terrier perfectly allows him to get along in a city apartment. But, at the same time, you must provide him with a sufficient amount of walks in the fresh air. An adult dog should be walked about 4 times a day, and a puppy even more often. In addition, walks should be long enough for this egoza to use up at least a little of its energy.

In this regard, some reviews of the owners of the Jack Russell Terrier contain categorical opinions about the life of this dog in the apartment. They recommend starting this breed only for those who have their own yard, where the dog can freely walk and play without harming home furniture. At the same time, the dog should still live in the house, and not on the street.

Jack Russell is not one of those breeds that will wallow with you on the couch. Feel free to take it for jogging, cycling and any other active activities. Believe me, this will bring joy not only to you, but also to your pet. Dogs of this breed are often very fond of a variety of games and toys. Therefore, take a Frisbee, a ball or other toys with you for a walk.

How will the relationship of the Jack Russell Terrier develop in the family?

Relationship with owner

The nature of this little dog is the embodiment of restlessness, pranks, fun. But, despite this, the little jack loves to spend time at home, along with the owner. He is very friendly, intelligent, understands everything perfectly, so he will become a true friend to someone who will be able to establish relations with the dog. And building a relationship with the cute fidget is easy, despite some not-so-good reviews. It is enough to give him a lot of attention, feed and, of course, love.

Relationships with children

Relations with children in representatives of this breed develop in different ways. Some breeders and owners recommend getting a dog of this breed to families with small children. They motivate this by saying that the energetic nature of the dog is perfect for a small child to play, and both will be satisfied. It is worth noting that this dog is by no means a nanny and what will be a fun game for him can turn into an injury for the baby. Therefore, such games should only be played under the watchful supervision of adults.

Some reviews of Jack Russell Terrier owners talk about dislike and even aggression of representatives towards children. Of course, the correct upbringing of a dog should exclude manifestations of aggression not only towards children, but also towards other family members.

Given all this, breeders still agree that it is better to play with a Jack Russell for children over 6 years old. But, at the same time, do not forget to teach children the correct behavior with a dog. In this case, active games will really bring a lot of fun to both the pet and the children.

Relationships with other animals

Puppies of this breed need early socialization. Introduce him to pets or other dogs on a walk. This will be a good start for your pet's friendship with other animals. Some reviews contain statements about Jack Russell aggression towards other dogs, as well as cats, even if they live together. Here you can repeat that your pet's aggression is most likely the result of improper or insufficient education. As practice shows, the dog gets along well in the same house, not only with dogs of other breeds, but also with cats. And reviews containing such information are far from isolated.

Many owners and breeders even recommend getting a friend for your pet - a dog of either the same breed or another. In the first case, you should not be afraid that two Jack Russells will smash your house to smithereens. On the contrary, they will be very passionate about playing with each other, so that you will only have the role of an observer. By the way, terrier games are quite tough and can not do without biting and growling. But, don't let that scare you. Pets will play enough and the pacified ones will come to you to give their love.

As for dogs of other breeds, there is also a place for excellent friendship, as evidenced by many reviews. This is especially true for large dogs, as in his crazy games, the jack can simply injure a small dog.

The Jack Russell Terrier has become extremely popular in recent years. And this despite the fact that the breed standards were approved recently. The Jack Russell Terrier breed belongs to the line of wire-haired fox terriers. Dogs were used for hunting along with a pack of hounds. They went into burrows and chased out the foxes. Excellent working qualities and to this day in the price of fans of this breed. True, in recent years, Jack Russell Terriers have been started by people who are far from hunting. The popularity of this breed was also facilitated by the fact that these dogs are often filmed in feature films.

History of the breed

The breed was bred over a hundred years ago by an amateur hunter, Devonshire priest Jack Russell, after whom it was named. In dog breeding circles, he was highly respected as an experienced judge and breeder. The creation of a new breed became the work of Russell's life. He set out to bring out a dog that could not only drive a fox or a badger out of its hole, but would also have the strength to pursue them along with the hounds for a long time.

Particular attention was paid to the color of the future breed. In those days, fox hunting was mainly used by red fox terriers. Because of their coloration, dogs often suffered from bullets from their owners, who confused them with foxes. It was necessary to breed a dog that had a bright, conspicuous color from afar.

breed standards

The dog has a fairly compact size, and at the same time strong and muscular. Growth at the withers in a male is from 25 to 30 cm, in a female from 23 to 26 cm. Weight is not more than 6 kg. The Jack Russell Terrier has a small head, strong jaws with a regular bite and well-marked, prominent cheek muscles.

The eyes are dark brown, almond-shaped. The ears are small, hanging, slightly raised on the cartilage and have the shape of a triangle. The back is strong and straight with a high set tail. At the request of the owners, the tail can be docked. However, this operation is necessary only if the dog will be used for hunting. The front and hind legs are strong and muscular. The coat is absolutely straight, close to the body and has a good, dense undercoat. The color is white, with black or red spots. Jack Russell Terriers live for about 15 years.


Jack Russell Terrier reviews from many owners are the most enthusiastic. Moreover, the growing popularity of this breed is difficult to explain. This dog is not distinguished by power, grace or pronounced decorative features. Outwardly, this is a typical yard watchdog, which can often be found on the street.

Not tall, with strong, slightly crooked paws, a sly expression of a smiling face and intelligent brown eyes. There is something simple about it and yet extremely charming. However, this is not accidental - after all, when creating the breed, first of all, attention was paid to working qualities. Breed creator Jack Russell wanted to breed the perfect hunting dog that could work productively while hunting foxes, badgers and other small predators.

The dog had to be small in stature in order to fit freely in a badger or fox hole. She had to have strong jaws, strong paws, and of course, a fighting spirit. To enhance the fighting and hunting qualities of fox terriers, they crossed with fighting dogs - such as bull and terriers. The appearance of the dog of the creator of the breed was of last interest. Therefore, outwardly, the Jack Russell Terrier looks like an ordinary small mongrel.

However, perhaps this is precisely the charm of this breed. These small, unsightly-looking dogs have won the hearts of millions of people. It is safe to say that the most popular dog today is the Jack Russell Terrier. Photos, reviews of the owners of these animals can often be found on the Internet. The owners of these dogs enthusiastically talk about their pets and create interest clubs.

Jack Russell Terrier: breed description, owner reviews

These are active, cheerful and very intelligent dogs. They do not show the slightest aggression towards a person, they get along well with children. However, if a puppy appears in a house where there is a small child, parents should be especially vigilant. Jack Russell Terrier puppies are quite tiny and fragile creatures. Dogs can easily be injured if handled carelessly. Growing up, these dogs become wonderful companions for the child in his outdoor games.

How to choose a puppy

Before getting a dog of this breed, consider whether you will have enough time for long walks. Jack Russell Terriers are very restless and agile dogs. Movement is their life. They just need to somehow get rid of an excess of energy. Otherwise, the dog will become simply uncontrollable. Calm people will not fit a dog of the Jack Russell Terrier breed. Reviews about the breed are evidence of this.

If you are a fan of outdoor activities and cannot imagine your life without hiking or just outings in nature, then this dog will become your perfect companion and bring a lot of positive emotions. Looking at a Jack Russell Terrier puppy, it's hard to believe that this plush toy will turn into a tireless sportsman and hunter. Jack Russell Terrier puppies, whose reviews indicate that they are playful, are also curious and are not able to sit in one place for a second.

It is best to take a puppy from experienced breeders or specialized kennels. In this case, you get some guarantees that your dog will not have health problems. Be sure to look at the parents of your future pet - at least at the mother. This will give you a better idea of ​​what your dog will be like when he grows up. Pay attention to the conditions of keeping puppies. The cleanliness of the surroundings suggests that the puppies were well cared for and should not have health problems.

It is best to take a puppy at the age of 2-2.5 months. At the same time, it is important that the puppies are constantly with their mother and fed with her milk. Some unscrupulous breeders, in an effort to get two litters a year from a female, take puppies from their mother and feed them with milk mixtures. This is done so that the puppies do not exhaust the mother, and she can recover faster for the next mating.

All this leads to sad consequences. Such puppies grow up into sickly animals with weak immunity. In addition, puppies taken away from their mother early have problems with socialization. Simply put, the mother does not have time to teach the puppies proper dog behavior. As adults, such dogs are distinguished by a painful attachment to their owners, cannot stand loneliness and panic at the sight of other dogs.

Of course, you will choose the puppy that will sink into your soul the most. But when making a choice, you should still pay attention to some important points. A Jack Russell Terrier puppy should be active and inquisitive, without any manifestations of cowardice or excessive aggression, without fear of approaching you.

After choosing a puppy, examine him to make sure that he is healthy, well-fed, with a wet, cold nose and clear eyes. The tummy is quite elastic and at the same time soft. Run your hand along the sides of the puppy. The ribs should not have any bumps or bumps. Examine the bite and make sure it is correct.

Jack Russell Terrier: reviews, care and features of the breed

These dogs are not picky eaters and do not need any special grooming. It will be enough to comb it once a week with a soft brush. You should bathe your dog no more than once a month, or even less. Reviews of the owners of these animals indicate that dogs are prone to allergic skin diseases. Therefore, when bathing a dog, special hypoallergenic pet shampoos should be used. For people with hypersensitivity to odors, it is very important that this breed does not have the dog smell inherent in dogs of other breeds.

Breed features

As already mentioned, the Jack Russell Terrier is a burrowing hunting dog. A big mistake is made by those who start these animals as decorative lap dogs. This dog will not be able to do without long walks. You can't leave her alone for too long. Bored in your apartment, the dog will not only chew on all the shoes, but also dig a hole in your sofa.

Going out into the street, your dog will hunt for all living things. He does not mind fighting with other dogs. Moreover, small but courageous dogs fearlessly engage in battle with an enemy that is two or even three times larger than them.

It should be remembered that this is a very active dog that needs constant movement. Most of all, they love to run and jump, and once in nature, the hunting instinct awakens in them, which is expressed in the fact that the dog rushes like mad, sniffs the ground all the time and, having attacked the trail, begins to dig holes, trying to track down prey.

Regular long walks are essential for your dog. After all, the blood of tireless and passionate hunters flows in their veins. For people who are fond of tourism and hunting, the Jack Russell Terrier breed is most suitable. Owner reviews testify to this.

Expectations and reality

The Internet is full of laudatory odes to these dogs. However, this is not surprising. Puppies of this breed are quite expensive. Having decided to choose a Jack Russell Terrier as a pet, you should read the owners' reviews very carefully. Moreover, you should get to know the owners of these dogs personally and observe the behavior of animals in real life. Only then can you make a decision to buy a puppy.

The Jack Russell Terrier dog breed reviews from owners are mostly good. True, these positive reviews come from people to whom the dog has approached. However, there is a category of owners who categorically could not accept the character traits of their wards and were forced to give the dog to other owners.

For people accustomed to a calm, measured lifestyle, a dog of the Jack Russell Terrier breed is absolutely not suitable. Reviews of the owners of these animals characterize them as cheerful and active creatures. It is easy to teach a dog all sorts of tricks, such as standing on its hind legs and catching a ball. However, serious dog training is quite difficult.

He's a big stubborn Jack Russell Terrier. Reviews about the nature of these dogs testify to their extreme love of freedom. During walks, dogs often run away and completely ignore the owner during their runs. For this reason, many owners walk their pets exclusively on long leashes. However, this is not the best way out - after all, this is a very active dog - the Jack Russell Terrier. Owner reviews say that this is an eternal "runner and jumper."

At the same time, the dog is distinguished by enviable perseverance. If she decides to run around, then she will bark loudly to get a walk from the owners. And at any time of the day. On a walk, the dog completely forgets about the owners and, immersed in its own affairs, rushes wherever it pleases. If the dog does not run into it (and it is very difficult to tire it), then it becomes extremely irritable and nervous. In these cases, the Jack Russell Terrier (owner reviews claim this) begins to growl and snarl at the caress.

People who dream of a lap dog will be very disappointed with the Jack Russell Terrier breed. Owner reviews indicate that these dogs do not even come close to the definition of decorative. Many dogs hate to be picked up, and even more so they try to carry them like a soft toy, and the Jack Russell Terrier especially does not like this. Owner reviews say that they desperately break out and even try to bite.

The desire to pick up food leftovers on the street can also be attributed to the unpleasant features of these dogs. Moreover, they cannot be weaned from this even with the help of an experienced instructor. The desire to find half-decomposed corpses of animals and birds, then fall out in this muck - this is what is inherent in the Jack Russell Terrier breed. Reviews of the owners of these dogs say that the puppy has a habit of disappearing for a walk in an unknown direction. After some time, he returns all "fragrant" and with a satisfied expression on his face. However, this habit is characteristic of many hunting dogs. Thus, they try to mask their own smell from potential game.

Hunting qualities

This Jack Russell Terrier is a tireless and reckless hunter! The responses of hunters are extremely negative towards attempts to make a decorative one out of this breed. They consider it necessary to preserve the character of the Jack Russell and its hunting qualities. This dog must be able to hunt in a hole - this is what it was originally bred for. Therefore, if you need a working hunting dog, then it is better to take a puppy through specialized hunting societies. There you can get the necessary advice on keeping, caring for and training your dog.


This dog has a tendency to be overweight, so its nutrition should be given great attention. An adult dog should be fed twice a day. You can feed both dry food and natural food. The dog is a predator. Therefore, her diet should be as close as possible to what she would have living in the wild. Dogs need raw meat. In order to prevent tartar from forming on the teeth, the Jack Russell Terrier should be given bones.

When choosing dry food, you should remember that this dog is prone to allergies. According to the testimony of many dog ​​breeders, the Canadian manufacturer's Akana food is considered the most optimal. The best food for the Jack Russell Terrier is Akana. Feedback from owners who switched their dogs to this type of food is positive. The feed is grain-free, which is its undoubted advantage. Indeed, manufacturers often add rice, wheat or oatmeal to cheap feed - this is done to increase the mass of feed. In dogs, these additives often cause obesity.

As additives, Akana food contains vegetables and seaweed rich in trace elements. The full composition of the food can be read on the packaging. It should be noted that it does not contain chicken meat, which is its undoubted advantage, since chicken meat often causes allergies in dogs. Most owners note the pleasant smell of this food, which distinguishes it from other brands of food.

The food contains lamb liver, white fish, duck meat, legumes (lentils, peas, red beans), as well as a wide variety of vegetables and herbs. According to the manufacturer, all ingredients are fresh. The food is very high-calorie and nutritious, so you should not give too much of it to the dog. It is best to consult your veterinarian about the optimal amount of food for your dog.

You should buy Akana food only in specialized stores. Buying on the market may result in the acquisition of counterfeit. Unfortunately, in Russia this food is often faked. The composition of the food is so balanced that in addition to it, the dog does not need anything else. Of course, we should not forget that the dog must always have fresh water. The only drawback of Akana food is its rather high price. However, according to dog owners, the cost of it is fully justified.

Raising a Jack Russell Terrier

Many owners of these dogs note a rather peculiar disposition of their pets. Someone finds a common language with them and believes that it is better not to find a friend. But there are those who categorically do not like the stormy temperament and pronounced hunting features of these animals.

However, with the right approach, you can train almost any dog. It is only important to be patient and remember that you need to train and educate a Jack Russell Terrier from the very moment he first appeared in your home. In case of difficult situations, consult with professional trainers and connoisseurs of this breed.

Often, inexperienced owners treat little Jack Russell Terrier puppies like toys. They are not let go, they are squeezed, they are allowed to sleep on the same bed with the owner. As a result, an absolutely uncontrollable dog grows up, with which the owners are sometimes forced to part. To prevent this from happening, never let your little puppy do anything you wouldn't want your adult dog to do. And remember that despite its diminutive size, the Jack Russell Terrier is a serious hunting dog. Therefore, the attitude towards it should be appropriate.

Jack Russell Terrier is not the most common breed in the CIS, but every year there are more and more owners of these charming and active dogs. It was such a smart dog that got a memorable role in the famous comedy with Jim Carrey "The Mask". In the USA, these dogs have long become one of the favorite breeds, because they are convenient to keep in apartments and are not afraid to start in a family with children. And although they are not as graceful and graceful as Dobermans, they are not particularly beautiful as decorative breeds, they are not as convincing as guards as a German Shepherd, but they are very funny and mischievous four-legged friends, as well as tireless and fearless hunters.

Jack Russell Terrier: the history of the breed

This breed of dog is considered relatively young. She is only 200 years old. This type of terrier was bred in Great Britain. The Jack Russell Terrier breed was named after its breeder. The purpose of creating this dog was quite pragmatic - hunting. The new one was planned as ideal for hunting fox, hare, raccoon and other small animals, as well as for penetration into their holes. His task is to drive the beast out or drag it in with a strong grip.

Also, these dogs are effective in tracking down prey, even a wild boar, show their abilities in hunting game birds, can get shot ducks out of the water, and they are also recognized masters in catching rodents that can even compete with cats. And all this is in the blood of the animal, which constantly boils and rages, therefore it is necessary to teach the dog to control his instincts, directing them in a different direction. Fox Terriers have similar skills, but Pastor John Russell enhanced his dog's hunting qualities by mixing the terrier with fighting breeds.

In the CIS, the Jack Russell Terrier appeared quite recently, around the end of the 1990s. The first national kennel club specializing in this breed was registered in 2003. It brought together fans of Jack Russell Terriers, their breeders and owners. Today, with the growing popularity and distribution of the breed, the number of nurseries and clubs has also expanded significantly. Most of them are concentrated in Russia, Belarus and Ukraine.

What is special about the Jack Russell Terrier breed? Photos of different dogs that can be seen on the network have common specific external features. Having paid the most attention to the development of the necessary qualities, the breeder did not pay any attention to the exterior of the new hunter. His appearance was formed as if by itself, but it looks especially interesting and charming.

Jack Russell Terrier - breed description

This is a small dog, its height is only 25-30 cm at the withers. The physique is distinguished by a slight disproportion due to short legs. The weight of an adult standard individual reaches a maximum of 5-6 kg. The coat color is dominated by white, but there may also be patches of black, red and brown. The Jack Russell Terrier breed includes three varieties that differ in coat texture. So, representatives of this breed may be or have broken hair.

The body of the dog is rectangular in shape, it is strong and flexible, has a deep chest and a fleshy, strong neck. The head is moderately flat, wide at the temples, narrowed towards the jaws. The muzzle has a clear transition from the forehead. The eyes are small, dark, with an attentive expression and mischievous brilliance. The Jack Russell Terrier breed standard has black pigmentation on the eyelids and nose, small erect ears with tips slightly lowered to the ear canal. Jack Russell Terrier puppies are born with tails, but docking is recommended, although this is not essential, solely at the request of the owner.

The nature of these dogs can also be considered their feature. They are reliable companions, get along well with children, become attached to the owner for life, and are also distinguished by mobility and playfulness. Most likely, it is the cheerful disposition that attracts so much in this breed.

dog character

Indeed, hunting passion cannot be taken away from them, as well as courage. Cheerful, charismatic, agile, quick-witted - all these are the main features that the Jack Russell Terrier received from nature. The description of this breed cannot do without a story about the internal qualities of its representatives, for which they are especially loved. The dog is notable for its harmlessness and friendliness to people.

To a person, the Jack Russell Terrier, whose breed description includes a whole set of excellent hunting qualities, is not at all aggressive. That is why it can be safely started as a pet for children. In addition to being safe with such a friend, he will be happy to keep a company for outdoor games on the street. The breed is suitable for a child between the ages of 10-12 years old. He already understands his responsibility for the pet, is ready to deal with him and is able to take care of him. But the help of a parent is still required.

The Jack Russell Terrier can be a great partner for morning runs. In general, this breed is very fond of athletes for their temper. He is wary of strangers, but not aggressive. The Jack Russell Terrier is also excellent as a watchdog. It will defend its own territory day and night, despite its not particularly intimidating appearance. These are the real smarties in the dog world. They understand everything and are able to remember many commands.

Character flaws

An important feature of Russells is that they like to be in the spotlight at all times. Therefore, they attract him as soon as they can. If they start playing, it is difficult for them to calm down, even after a few hours. The disadvantage of the breed can also be called the inability to constantly live on the street. Jack Russell Terrier loves warmth, his coat is short, therefore, in the cold season, in our climate, he freezes.

It is worth noting the extraordinary cunning and resourcefulness of the representative of this breed. The owner will have to study his character in order to be more cunning. Due to the hunting temperament, the reaction to other animals can be unpredictable. Good training eliminates the problem of chasing cats, it is even possible for them to live together in the same family.

How to choose a puppy?

If you decide to acquire such a miniature four-legged friend, are ready to give him enough attention and time, spare no effort for joint active pastime, then there is no need to look for obstacles to your happy reunion. Before you get yourself such a dog, you need to take into account the opinions of the whole family, because this is not just a pet, but a new inhabitant of the house, and with a very specific character. If no one is against his appearance, it remains to choose a puppy and plunge into the worries associated with care and upbringing.

It is best to look for a dog in a specialized kennel. This is the only way to be sure that Jack Russell Terrier puppies are purebred, healthy and meet the standards of their breed. This approach ensures the possibility of participating in exhibitions in the future. For this purpose, dogs with RKF metrics are suitable. Carefully study the pedigree of the baby. If possible, look at his parents, because when the puppy grows up, he will look like them.

When faced with a choice of when to settle on one of several options, of course, you can rely solely on your own feelings. But still, the voice of reason should not be ignored either. If you already liked the Jack Russell Terrier breed, the price of purebred representatives of which is quite high, try not to miscalculate and take your choice seriously. The cost of a puppy depends on its qualities, class and pedigree. From the hands of the owners, you can buy yourself a dear friend even for $ 200. Prices in nurseries are higher - from 200 to 1000 USD. e. A representative of the show class will cost even more - about 1300 - 1500 US dollars.

Puppy temperament and health

What should be a Jack Russell Terrier puppy? The description of the breed gives a clear idea of ​​its appearance and character. Even at a young age, he should not be cowardly, withdrawn, apathetic, and even more so aggressive. These qualities are not characteristic of this type of terrier, therefore, if you notice their presence when meeting a puppy, it is better to abandon it and look for a more typical one in habits. Quality Jack Russell Terrier puppies are active, inquisitive, cheerful and playful.

Temperament is sorted out, but physical health also needs to be controlled as much as possible. An examination will help to do this when meeting a dog. A healthy puppy has a wet and shiny nose. Its humidity should be natural, without secretions unusual for dogs. The coat is clean - do not hesitate to look even under the tail to make sure that the puppy is fine with digestion and stool. Feel each bone of the tail to make sure there are no kinks and fractures, as well as the ribs - they should be even, without tubercles. Feel the stomach - in a healthy dog ​​it is elastic. Look at the correct bite and the presence of a complete dentition, in accordance with age.

Content Features

The temperament of this dog is restless, therefore it needs long walks and sports loads. It is vital for her to expend her seething energy somewhere. These features of the Jack Russell Terrier breed must be considered before getting a pet at home. This dog is not for everyone. For people who are limited in time and prefer a quiet lifestyle, such characteristics look like minuses of the Jack Russell Terrier breed. Perhaps this is so, because in the face of a dog you find a demanding and constantly naughty child. Therefore, the main wish in education and maintenance is that this dog needs to be truly loved and live on the same wavelength with it.

The breed of owners is not created for the lazy, this is confirmed. Do not forget that he is a hunter at heart and needs to satisfy his instincts. Therefore, fresh air and movement are the main things that the Jack Russell Terrier needs. Breeders say that their pets are very trainable. A favorite activity for such a dog is to run, jump, carry objects on command, dig holes in the ground. If she does not get such an opportunity, it is quite possible that she will start doing dirty tricks at home. But there is no one to blame but yourself for this.

Training and education

The Jack Russell Terrier dog breed has a specific character that needs to be brought up from an early age. Training is very important for this breed, if you do not want to get a completely independent and uncontrollable dog. For beginner dog breeders, the best option is to ask a professional for guidance. As soon as the puppy appeared in the house, there is no time to waste, but to start training immediately, instill in him good habits and stop inappropriate ones.

Before a puppy finds a new home, its owners must prepare in advance for its move. The first thing to take care of is the place where the new family member will live. Take him your own corner, which you will introduce immediately and accustom gradually, daily. Also do not be stingy to buy a puppy a few toys. Let him gnaw them better than furniture or slippers. Trainers also recommend avoiding playing with the dog with his own hands, but only holding some object that he will regard as a toy. Otherwise, he will develop a habit of biting involuntarily, which will be a very unpleasant omission in education when the puppy turns into an adult dog, and small teeth become sharp fangs.

And in general, attempts to bite should be stopped from the very beginning. The dog must understand that the use of teeth in relation to a person is unacceptable. Even if you perceive your puppy as a child, do not allow weaknesses and a condescending attitude towards his puppy pranks. What you can teach him in childhood will remain with him forever, it is unlikely that he will be able to re-educate. The dog must understand who is in charge in the house, and put up with it, without claiming a dominant role in the family.

In training, use persistence and moderate severity. There is no need to talk about the fact that a dog cannot be beaten. This rule applies to all breeds. Jack Russell Terrier is very responsive to affection and praise, therefore, using them correctly, you can achieve a lot. The main commands that the owner is obliged to teach are “fu”, “next”, “to me”, “sit”, “place”, “lie down”, “fetch”, “give”. Be prepared for attempts to evade the execution of commands and tricks for the sake of getting a treat for "just like that." Be patient, act confidently and perseveringly until you achieve results.

Features of care

The dog of this breed is very clean, while it does not need special care for the coat. Only once a week, and less often, you need to comb it with a stiff brush. Despite the fact that the color is dominated by white, the pet will not cause trouble due to pollution. Its coat has the ability to self-clean. Of course, if you go for a walk after the rain, it is possible that you will come home, to put it mildly, not snow-white. In this case, you can bathe the Jack Russell Terrier. In everyday life, without real need, you can limit yourself to bathing once or twice a year. To do this, use warm water and dog shampoo. In general, this is almost an ideal dog for apartment maintenance in terms of hygiene, since it does not even emit the smell characteristic of many other breeds.

Ears and teeth are areas that the Jack Russell Terrier needs regular cleaning and inspection. For the ears, it is recommended to use cotton buds, and for the teeth, a special dog toothbrush. Many dog ​​breeders ignore these procedures. But those who care about the health and well-being of their pet will definitely follow the advice and will not be too lazy to spend a few minutes every one or two weeks for this.

The Jack Russell Terrier does not require any supernatural care or nutrition. He is completely unpretentious in food, but it is important to take into account his tendency to be overweight, so you need to pay attention to the diet and not allow the dog to pass. It is enough to feed her twice a day. Natural food is preferred. You can use dry food, but only very high quality with a complex of vitamins and essential trace elements. If you have the opportunity to choose, then, of course, stop at natural whole foods.

The life expectancy of terriers is about 13-16 years. But such a result can be achieved with proper care, good nutrition and optimal conditions that are required for this particular breed.

breed breeding

Many are interested in the question of how to breed dogs such as the Jack Russell Terrier. The description of the breed gives a clear idea of ​​how a standard individual should look and behave. Breeding makes sense if you have a classic representative of the breed that fully meets the requirements and characteristics, has documents from the cattery and a good pedigree. Such a bitch can not only become a pet, but also bring a decent profit to the owners, than fully pay for their maintenance.

At first glance, there is nothing complicated in this. In fact, such a business is quite laborious and requires certain investments, time and effort. As a partner for your beauty, it is best to choose a male from a kennel or breeding club. Breeders who work or are there will help with the choice of a male, and with practical advice on the characteristics of mating.

A more active breed than this is not known to mankind. In this compact inquisitive creature, it is as if a micromotor is hidden, which does not give a minute of peace. The Jack Russell Terrier is no ordinary dog. This is a real source of joy, energy and pranks. He is ready to jump up and start playing at any time of the day, as long as there is a company. At the same time, it is not so important for him with whom to frolic, with a child, an adult or other dogs, at home, on a walk in the park or at the stadium. Inexhaustible energy, constant positive and restless passion for entertainment - this is what awaits the owner of the Jack Russell Terrier.



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