Medicinal plants of the Middle Urals. Variety of frost-resistant unpretentious plants of the Urals and Siberia

Herbal treatment is the most common medical method throughout the world, this applies both to remote eras and to our time. At a certain stage in the development of all cultures, herbal medicine became the main medical system; its origin is no less ancient than that of man himself.

Almost certainly herbs are the most popular means self-medication for not very serious ailments, and it is they that lead people to natural medicine.

Attention! All unconventional means are given for reference! Before using them, be sure to consult a doctor!

Rose hip

AT folk medicine a decoction of rose hips is especially widely used as tonic for all serious illnesses and wounds, with stones in the liver, nephrolithiasis, with gastric and duodenal ulcers, with gastritis, colitis, anemia, malaria, women's diseases.

Crushed rose hips are used as a multivitamin, bactericidal, regulating secretory-motor function. gastrointestinal tract promotes bile secretion and improves general exchange substances means. They are used for hypertension, atherosclerosis, anacid gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers.

Infusion: pour 20 g of fruits into 500 ml of boiling water (possible in a thermos), take 100 ml half an hour before meals 2 times a day (be sure to filter through gauze or a silver strainer). Cook no more than 2 days.

In addition, it is useful to use strong green tea with rosehip extract instead of sugar, especially for headaches.


Rowan fruits are used in medicine as a multivitamin remedy, for the prevention and treatment of beriberi. Included in vitamin supplements.

Syrup from the juice of fresh, ripened rowan fruits is used for rheumatic pains, kidney and bladder stones, as a diuretic and laxative, and also as a high-vitamin agent (juice of 1 kg of rowan fruits is boiled with 600 g of sugar).

Also, the fruits of mountain ash are used as an appetite-increasing agent. Fresh Juice and dry fruits are used for dysentery and scurvy.


In folk medicine, a decoction of the bark is used as a sedative for insomnia, hysteria, neurosis, convulsions, headaches, asthma attacks, colds, various bleeding, scrofula, female diseases.

A decoction of the fruits of the plant is indicated for heart failure, palpitations, increased blood pressure, headache, water infusion of fresh berries - for gastritis, peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum, and juice - with bronchial asthma and hypertension. A decoction of berries with honey is used for colds upper respiratory. paths, bronchitis, diseases of the liver and gallbladder, diarrhea, hemorrhoids. Raw berries are recommended for headaches and as a laxative.

There is evidence that a decoction of the branches and fruits of the plant is used for cancerous tumors. Viburnum juice is considered a good external remedy. It is used for acne, eczema, wounds, ulcers, carbuncles, boils. Water infusion fruits are washed with pustular skin lesions.


Inflorescences-baskets and grass without the lower parts of the stem, collected during flowering, are used.

Inflorescences have anti-inflammatory and disinfectant action. Calendula preparations have a calming effect on the central nervous system.

Calendula preparations are used for gastric and duodenal ulcers, gastritis, liver diseases and biliary tract, with heart diseases accompanied by rhythm disturbance, with hypertension, in menopause.

Tincture, infusion, ointment are used to treat purulent wounds, carbuncles, boils, ulcers, burns, minor wounds and abrasions, with inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity and pharynx.

Calendula infusion is used for diseases of the liver and gallbladder, jaundice, diseases of the spleen, stomach cramps, stones in the bladder, cough, hypertension, heart neurosis, scrofula, rickets, and is especially widely used externally for wounds, cuts, ulcers, diseases oral cavity and pharynx, with erosions and discharge from the female genital organs (trichomonas) in the form of douching, with cracks in the anus.

Calendula (leafy flowering tops) is used as an anti-inflammatory, disinfectant, antiseptic for liver diseases, gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, ulcerative colitis and externally with trichomonas colpitis, in collections.


Cranberry preparations are used as an antipyretic for various colds, as well as hypo- and beriberi. In addition, they stimulate the secretion of the glands of the gastrointestinal tract, so they are indicated for chronic gastritis with secretory insufficiency.

Fruit juice is recommended for fever, colds, sore throat, scurvy, high blood pressure, malaria, diseases of the stomach and kidneys, dropsy. Lotions from juice - with lichen, dry eczema, exudative skin processes, scrofula.


Valerian is used for chronic functional disorders central nervous system, neurosis, hysteria, insomnia, migraine, chronic disorders coronary circulation, pain in the region of the heart of a functional nature, palpitations, tachycardia and extrasystole associated with neurotic state cerebral cortex. It is also used for spasms of the esophagus, especially its cardial section, pain in the stomach of a spastic nature, disorders of the secretory activity of the gastrointestinal tract, flatulence, constipation.

To prepare the infusion, a tablespoon of crushed roots is poured into a thermos with a glass of boiling water and left overnight. Drink a tablespoon 3-4 times a day, with increased excitability, drink the infusion 3 times 1/3 cup. Valerian should not be taken for more than 2 months, as headaches, anxiety, and disturbances in the activity of the gastrointestinal tract may appear. Therapeutic action valerian purely individually. Some patients cannot tolerate it.


Chamomile flower baskets are widely used as anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, emollient, analgesic, antispastic, stimulating bile formation and bile secretion, soothing and aromatic agent. We use it for gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, colitis, dysentery, liver diseases, as well as for baths and douching with trichomonas colpitis.

1) 2 tbsp. l. chamomile flowers for 200 ml of boiling water insist 20 minutes, filter. Take hot 50 ml 2-3 times a day for intestinal cramps, flatulence, diarrhea, as a diaphoretic for colds;

2) 5 tbsp. l. chamomile flowers 500 ml cold boiled water(daily dose) insist 10 hours, filter. Take sips throughout the day with the above diseases. It is used for rinsing the mouth and throat, washing eyes, difficult-to-heal wounds, burns, frostbite and for washing the head in case of hair loss.

In addition, the infusion is an excellent remedy for dandruff.

Inhalation: 400 ml of water is heated to a boil, add 1 tbsp. l. chamomile flowers, 1 tbsp. l. honey, 1 tbsp. l. soda food. They breathe over the vessel, covering their heads with a towel for 10-15 minutes (for small children - no more than 5 minutes) 1-2 times a day for bronchial asthma, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, influenza, bronchitis, tracheitis.

Baths: 20 g of chamomile flowers per 1 liter hot water. It is used for rheumatism, gouty pains, sweating of the feet.

Poultices: 2-3 tbsp. l. chamomile flowers are stirred in 2-3 tbsp. l. boiling water. The gruel is applied to gauze and applied to a sore spot for rheumatism, bruises, edema, boils, burns, bruises, joint pain, headaches, eczema.


Plantain preparations are indicated in the treatment of peptic ulcer of the stomach and intestines, decoction - in dysentery and dyspepsia.

The drug is administered orally 1 tablespoon 3 times a day 15-20 minutes before meals.

An infusion of the leaves is one of the best expectorants for bronchitis and pulmonary tuberculosis.

In addition, the leaves are used for diseases respiratory tract, infections, intestinal diseases and as a hemostatic, enveloping, expectorant, wound healing agent. Outwardly - at erysipelas, wounds, ulcers, carbuncles; fresh, washed boiled water, crushed leaves are applied to the affected areas of the skin or treated with a tincture of the leaves. Plantain roots in the form of an extract are used internally for fever and cough of tuberculous origin, for insect bites, bees, vipers, and as an analgesic and tumor prevention agent.

Infusion: 3 tablespoons of leaves in a glass of boiling water, leave for 4 hours, strain. Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day.

Fireweed (Ivan tea)

The leaves of this plant serve as a good anti-inflammatory agent, especially for peptic ulcers. A large amount of vitamin C in the leaves (as in blackcurrant berries) and the presence of flavonoids make fireweed a valuable vitamin remedy.

In folk medicine, fireweed is treated for scrofula, headache, decoction and tincture are taken for metabolic disorders, gastrointestinal diseases, as a sedative, for insomnia, stomach ulcers, inflammation of the ear, throat, nose.

Fireweed is harvested during flowering and dried quickly with good ventilation in the shade.

Infusion of fireweed herb - art. a spoonful of herbs insist in a glass of boiling water for 4-6 hours, drink according to Art. spoon 3-4 times a day.

Sea ​​buckthorn

Sea buckthorn oil is used for burns, trophic ulcers, in the treatment of bedsores, for the treatment of cervical erosion, eye burns.

Treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcers with sea buckthorn oil helps to improve their condition, while acidity gastric juice does not change significantly.

Sea buckthorn oil is used for sinusitis, after tonsillectomy, for chronic tonsillitis, in the treatment of pulpitis, periodontitis.

Sea buckthorn oil - in the treatment of burns, bedsores, radiation damage skin on the cleaned surface sea ​​buckthorn oil apply with a pipette and apply gauze bandage which is changed every other day. Before applying the oil, the ulcerative surface is washed with an antibiotic solution.


It is not in vain that the ordinary touchy got its name: one has only to inadvertently touch the fruits of the plant, as the box, as if by a wave of a magic wand, opens and the seeds spill out. It is more accurate to call the touchy balsam - under this name, its special popularity as an ornamental houseplant. Forest balsam contains many useful substances, therefore, it is successfully used in herbal medicine.


Northern ginseng - this is how the Tibetan lofant, popular for its healing properties, is called in Siberia. Herbalists consider this plant a panacea for almost all ailments. Consider the features of this plant, as well as its use in traditional medicine recipes.


The northern lemon of the Urals is what the locals call barberries for the sour taste of its fruits. Despite this, the thorny shrub has gained great popularity among medicinal plants, thanks to its healing properties. Even the ancient Babylonian people used barberry in medicinal purposes, and the Egyptians valued the plant for its ability to purify the blood.


Henbane, also called dope grass or rabies, is a poisonous biennial plant of the nightshade family. Henbane blooms all summer. Her flowers are large, dirty yellow. But the plant begins to bear fruit only with the advent of autumn.

To date, 20 plant species are known. Among them are white henbane, black henbane, camerara, etc. Previously, a poisonous plant grew only on the Eurasian continent. Now it is also found on other continents.


Wintergreen round-leaved - modest, inconspicuous forest plant. But despite this, containing a large number of useful substances that can cure a wide variety of diseases

This evergreen plant stands out especially brightly in autumn against the background of yellowed foliage and withered grasses, as well as in spring, making its way through the melting snow. Wintergreen was named so because of the similarity of its flowers with the flowers of pears and apple trees.

Tall plant, reaching more than two meters. Peeled stems have a pleasant sweetish taste. In the spring, the cow parsnip has tender leaves and stems, then the stems peeled from the skin are mainly eaten. Before use, greens are scalded with boiling water to beat off Strong smell. Use in any form, for example, in soups or stewed vegetables.

Grows in wet meadows.

It should be remembered that not all types of hogweed are safe. Some of them can cause severe skin burns when touched, as well as blindness if the juice gets into the eyes. In this regard, it is highly discouraged to allow children to play with tubular stems and especially look through them.


It grows mainly in clearings, meadows, clearings and the edge of the forest. The period of flowering and maturation in the Northern Urals is highly extended and uneven, largely dependent on the weather, but approximately flowering begins in late May, ripens in early to mid-July, and then flowering and maturation can continue until frost.

For medicinal purposes, the whole plant is used. Lthe leaves are harvested during flowering,Lods are harvested as they mature, and the roots are dug up in autumn or early spring before flowering. Medicinal properties dried plants are stored for one year.

Strawberry leaf tea can be used as a general tonic, as well as the leaves applied to the wound accelerate its healing.

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Strawberry leaves contain ascorbic acid, tannins, flavonoids, alkaloids and other substances, have a tonic, diuretic and hemostatic effect, are useful for asthma, neurasthenia, periodontal disease, stomatitis. Regulate blood pressure.

Berries contain sugars, organic acids, fiber, pectin and tannins, alkaloids, trace elements, B vitamins, ascorbic and folic acid, carotene and other substances. They have diaphoretic, diuretic, anti-inflammatory, wound healing, hemostatic and astringent effects. Regulate metabolism, stimulate appetite, quench thirst and improve blood composition. (/spoiler)

Begins to grow in forests in May. Very short grass, grows almost at ground level, has triple leaves and white flowers. It can be eaten raw or added to salads and soups. The taste, as you might guess from the name, is very sour, a bit like sorrel.

A very common plant in our area, grows in meadows and forest clearings. Has anti-inflammatory, expectorant, bactericidal, diaphoretic, diuretic, anti-sclerotic properties. For the healing of purulent wounds and ulcers, to stop bleeding,use externallyfresh crushed leaves. Fresh juice will be effective for suppuration of the nail bed, skin tuberculosis, allergic disease eyes, inflammatory diseases of the ears and eyes.

growing in moss and peat bogs, as well as in swampy mossy pine forests.

Cranberry fruits have tonic, vitamin, thirst-quenching, antipyretic, diuretic, bactericidal properties, also stimulate the activity of the digestive glands, improve the functioning of the stomach and intestines, increase the elasticity and strength of the walls blood vessels, increase mental and physical performance. Pectins contained in cranberries have a high gelling ability, form insoluble compounds with heavy, radioactive metals and contribute to their excretion from the body.
In folk medicine, cranberries are used as an anti-inflammatory, diuretic, insecticidal, antimicrobial agent. Used to treat kidney disease Bladder, urinary tract, to improve appetite and digestion with reduced secretion of gastric and pancreatic juice, with tonsillitis, colds, bronchitis, rheumatism, hypertension. Also as a means for the prevention of hypo- and avitaminosis, inflammatory diseases of the urinary system and the prevention of the formation of kidney stones.

A well-known plant that grows almost everywhere where the soil is rich in humus. But it can be found anywhere else. All types of nettle are equally useful, but stinging nettle has more juicy greens. It is worth collecting young leaves and shoots, they are more tender. If you cut off the old stalks of the nettle, after a while, young shoots will begin to grow from the roots and the rest of the stem. Nettle is very rich in vitamins, including vitamin C, daily rate which is contained in only 30 grams of greens.

It is usually used in soups (shchi and borscht), but it is perfect for filling pies, salads, etc.

When collecting, do not forget that the leaves and stem of the nettle are very stinging, and the older the nettle, the longer and stiffer its thorns. Before use, you can pour over boiling water, after which it will no longer burn your hands.

Stinging nettle has a diuretic, hemostatic, weak choleretic, anti-inflammatory, vasoconstrictive, restorative properties. The preparations of this plantreduce blood sugar andnormalize blood composition, increase the number of erythrocytes, normalize disturbed menstrual cycle, enhance the regeneration of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract.

Along with other herbs, a frequent weed in vegetable gardens. It is found in meadows, fields and other open places. Rich in carotene. The leaves can be used in salads and soups.


It almost does not grow in the wild in the Northern Urals, it can mainly be found in the form of cultural plantings in cities and gardens, but nevertheless I consider it necessary to mention this plant. Linden flower tea is used for colds as an anti-inflammatory and diaphoretic. In addition, the lime blossom infusion has an excellent aroma that will decorate any tea..

Distributed almost everywhere, in nature it prefers meadows, glades, often grows along houses, fences and roads. It has diuretic, choleretic, diaphoretic, moderately analgesic properties.

Our ordinary onions have long been used by humans as food as a valuable medicinal plant.

Many wild onions to taste and nutritional properties are not inferior onion, and medicinally often surpass it.

According to scientific data, wild onions contain specific essential oils, which have a strong phytoncidal effect, a significant number of vitamins.

There is, of course, better in fresh, in salads, vinaigrettes and just like that, with salt. Excessive, improper culinary processing can drastically reduce or even nullify all physiological value food product. For example, prolonged boiling in first courses can lead to partial or complete loss of vitamins and some other very important for the body, but easily destroyed physiologically active substances.

Ramson appears at the end of April, when there is almost no greenery, not only in the garden, but also in the forest. After all, only vitamin C in wild garlic contains 10-15 times more than in the fruits of a lemon or orange. A dozen stems of this plant will replenish daily requirement body in vitamins-not C. Isn't this a storehouse of health? But, in addition to vitamin C, wild garlic contains many other physiologically active substances that are no less valuable than this vitamin. There are saponins, essential oils, organic acids, a large number of phytoncides here.

Only the combination of two most important healing factors for the body - vitamins and phytoncides - puts wild garlic among the best food and healing products of nature.

It is best to eat fresh wild garlic in any form: in salads, vinaigrettes. It is good to add to soups or to minced dumplings, passing with onions through a meat grinder. Wild garlic can be fermented. It is an excellent seasoning for many dishes, especially meat.

It is necessary to collect wild garlic in early spring, cutting off the aerial part of the plant with a garden knife, like a sickle. It is impossible to pull out the stems so as not to damage the rhizomes. You can use the whole plant, but it is in the leaves, and not in the stems, that the largest number vitamins.

For harvesting for the future, the best specimens of plants are selected. Rinse in cold water, crushed with a knife and, having salted heavily, poured into a wooden barrel, compacted and put oppression, as in sauerkraut. After some time or immediately after fermentation, it can be served as a side dish for potato and meat dishes put in salads.

As soon as the snow melts in the forest, young shoots of the lungwort appear among the last-year-old foliage.

Lungwort grows in sparse coniferous, mixed and deciduous forests, in floodplains, in mountain forest meadows. It is found in the European part of the country, in the Urals and in Siberia. There are several types of lungwort that have the same application.

Lungwort is one of the people's favorite food plants. Young stems and flowers are eaten fresh. Stems and leaves are crushed and placed in spring salads and soups.

A large amount of manganese was found in the plant, there is iron, potassium and other elements, as well as tannins and mucous substances, rutin, vitamin C and carotene. This is one of the most valuable medicinal plants, known in Rus' since ancient times.

Raw berries are useful for stomach and intestinal ulcers, for removing worms, and also as a diuretic. For this purpose, special teas are prepared in which juniper berries are combined with horsetail grass, couch grass rhizome, licorice root, bearberry leaves, birch buds, parsley fruits, cornflower flowers. A tablespoon of a mixture of these herbs is brewed with a glass of boiling water, insisted for half an hour, cooled, filtered and given to patients a little several times a day for 15-20 minutes before meals.

With neuroses, baths with juniper needles help well: 200 g of raw materials are boiled in 1 liter of water for half an hour, then filtered and added to bath water.

A decoction of juniper needles is used to treat obliterating endarteritis. It is also used for baths, the water temperature should be 37 ° C, the duration is 30 minutes. A decoction of juniper fruits helps well with lethargy of the gastrointestinal tract, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, and flatulence. A decoction is being prepared in the following way: 10 juniper berries pour 1 cup boiling water and boil for 15 minutes, then cool for 45 minutes, filter and bring the volume to the original boiled water. Take 1 tablespoon 4 times a day before meals.

Juniper fruit infusion can be used as a cholagogue. 10 g of dry crushed raw materials are poured into 1 glass of boiling water, infused until cool and filtered. Take 1/2 cup 3 times a day before meals.

Fruit decoction - good remedy for the treatment of cough associated with the common cold, purulent pleurisy and pneumonia. 1 tablespoon of dry raw materials is poured with 2 cups of boiling water, boiled for 20 minutes, then filtered and the volume is brought to the original boiled water. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

With pharyngitis, you can gargle with an infusion of fruits: 10 g of dry crushed raw materials are poured into 1 cup of boiling water, insisted until cool and filtered. Rinse your mouth with stomatitis with a similar infusion.

With pyelonephritis and cystitis, fruit infusion helps. 10 g of dry crushed raw materials are poured into 1 glass of boiling water, infused until cool and filtered. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day after meals.

For therapeutic and prophylactic purposes urolithiasis take an infusion of juniper fruit 1 tablespoon 3 times a day after meals.

An infusion of juniper fruit well stimulates the secretion of milk in nursing mothers, so it is recommended to take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day after meals.

Baths with a decoction of juniper needles are removed allergic itching. 200 g of raw materials are boiled in 1 liter of water for half an hour, then filtered and added to bath water.

With gouty pains in the joints, you can take baths with a decoction of fruits or juniper needles. The broth is prepared as follows: 200 g of dry raw materials are boiled in 2 liters of water for half an hour, then filtered and added to the bath. The duration of the procedure is 30 minutes, the water temperature is 37°C.

It is no less useful to take baths with a decoction of pine needles for sciatica and rheumatic pains in the joints. It is also recommended to drink 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day of infusion of juniper fruits.

For improvement quality composition blood, you can chew juniper fruits on an empty stomach, starting with 1 berry, adding one more daily and bringing the intake to 15 pieces, after which reverse side in the same way.

In no case should juniper preparations be used during pregnancy, as they cause uterine contractions, which can lead to miscarriage. In addition, their use is prohibited for persons suffering from any chronic disease gastrointestinal tract, kidney infections, or those who have had kidney infections in the past.

Edible dandelion. Do not refuse young dandelion leaves. They tear them before flowering baskets, that is, in the first days of May. In salads, such a gift of spring completely replaces spinach. Bitterness is beaten off in two ways: scalding or bleaching. The scalding itself does not present any difficulty, just the collected leaves are poured over twice with boiling water. For bleaching, dandelion is covered from the sun with boards or straw right on the vine. The leaves of this plant are exceptionally rich useful trace elements and are usually recommended for anemia and emaciation. Pickled dandelion buds - a refined seasoning for meat dishes, replacing capers.

Good for early spring vitamin salad from the leaves of primrose (rams), lungwort, angelica and field-howling colza. All these herbs grow so early, and the colza, in general, comes out green from under the snow, which will delight you with vitamin-rich food long before the appearance of garden vegetables - asparagus, spinach and radishes. Particularly inquisitive seekers of health springs can try a soup made from young shoots of bracken fern. Such shoots lend themselves to drying and can be stored all year round.

Very close to human habitation, another excellent edible grass grows - goutweed. With each spring, its trifoliate leaves violently start to grow. Gardens, parks, copses in places are completely filled with dark green thickets. And many do not know that cabbage soup cooked from gout is not inferior to cabbage soup in taste. Gather young unopened leaves and petioles. Delicate stems are also suitable for the table, only you need to remove the skin from them. Petioles and stems are good to put in a salad - they will add a piquant flavor, and they are also very useful.

Gout (stems and leaves) were eaten boiled, stewed, in the form of bits, caviar and, of course, in borscht and stews. After all, the very name of the herb "to sleep" in its meaning goes back to the concept of "food".

Snyt vulgaris(Aeqopodium podaqraria) belongs to the umbrella family. Its inflorescences are fixed on spokes, rays diverging in the radial direction.

The largest umbrella is apical, about the size of a fist. It has 20-25 slightly pubescent rays, and not simple, but branched. It is the apical umbrella that gives the seeds; the lateral umbels are small and usually sterile. The fruits of the gout are oblong, slightly compressed from the sides.

Snyt is shade-tolerant. But where there is little light, it does not throw out flowering stems, and the thickets consist entirely of leaves. The grass spreads there only with the help of rhizomes - long, thin, branched. Such rhizomes are called stolons. Outlets of leaves depart from their buds, and roots from the nodes. There are 3-4 leaves in the rosette, each of which is equipped with an unusually long petiole. But in sunny glades, in clearings and cuttings, gout acquires a rather high stem. A smooth, slightly furrowed stem is decorated with a blooming white umbrella by the end of May.

Like all umbrella plants, the flowers are small and ugly. That is why this plant is remembered only by the green palms of the leaves. The lower leaves of the goutweed are twice ternary: each petiole at the top branches into three petioles, and those, in turn, hold three lobules. In other words, the leaf blade consists of nine oblong lobules. It happens that neighboring lobules grow together, then their total number decreases. Stem leaves consist of only three leaves. When you walk through the thickets of goutweed, it is impossible not to notice that even in the heat, droplets of water hold on the leaves of this plant. They appeared through the water gaps in the green plates and represent perspiration: the plant seems to be sweating. Snyt settles on soils devoid of sod, or with weak sod. It is better if these soils are clayey, sufficiently moist and fertile.

When the thickets of goutweed begin to be decorated with umbrellas of inflorescences, the leaves of this perennial will begin to coarsen, and the pipes of the stem will completely outgrow. But even then sleepy is edible. Fermented leaves will turn out to be an original product for green cabbage soup in winter, and in any case they will compete with cabbage for some time. Since ancient times, snot has been chopped and salted like cabbage, it was mashed and stored long months. Wild greens were important as a nutritional and vitamin product that saved people from the painful effects of malnutrition.

There are such edible herbs in the green pantry of nature, acquaintance with which is pleasant in any situation and at any age. Here, for example, cumin, in another way anise. It grows in meadows, along roads, in glades. First, pinnate leaves appear, like carrot leaves, then a green stalk (it is suitable for seasoning a salad), and only in full summer - and white flowers collected in umbrellas. In August, cumin bears fruit, its seeds are harvested to flavor bread, as well as to flavor pickles and pickles. Young grass can be air-dried and stored in a jar for the winter.

And who only in the summer does not recognize him "by sight"? However, horsetail is suitable for food in the spring, when spore-bearing young shoots stick out like arrows in fallows, wet meadows with clay or sandy soil. Horsetail shoots are eaten in casseroles, pies, or boiled, or even raw. For centuries, he was held in high esteem on the peasant table. By the way, horsetail peanuts (nodules on rhizomes) are also edible: they are eaten baked and boiled.


It grows almost everywhere in our area, especially loves the edges of glades, clearings and dry banks of reservoirs. richest source vitamin C. Usually mature fruits are harvested, after which they are dried.

An infusion is prepared either by pouring boiling water over the fruits, or by pouring cold water and bring to a boil. But in no case should you boil it, because boiling rose hips destroys vitamin C.

Highly delicious drink, which can be used both for the prevention and treatment of colds.

On a green meadow, on a pasture, a meeting with sour sorrel is not uncommon. Large, juicy leaves on long petioles, a tall, not coarse arrow - all this is edible and is of considerable interest in spring gathering. Young fresh leaves of wild sorrel are perfect for soups, soups and sauces. May green botvinya with sorrel will be even more appetizing and beautiful.

This plant will completely make up for the lack of spinach, which not all families love and know how to breed. It is not shameful in the spring for an adult to feast on freshly collected sorrel. Young shooters are especially tasty: break and eat! Significant content of proteins, sugars and minerals you-move sour sorrel into a row of green healer vegetables. It is cultivated in vegetable gardens as a spinach plant. The characteristic taste of this wild vegetable is given by oxalate salt, abundantly contained in the leaves and tender stem.

On the slope of spring and at the beginning of summer, there are so many places of sorrel that smart owners store it for future use. The harvesting period is short, so they immediately try to pick up more herbs, pickle it like cabbage. Sorrel is salted in a tub, for this the greens are cleaned, washed and, putting it in a tub, sprinkled with salt (a glass of salt is placed on a bucket of grass). The filled container is covered with a circle and pressed down with a load from above. When the sorrel settles and the circle drops somewhat, a new portion of fresh leaves is loaded into the tub. Store such a product in a cellar or in a frost-free basement. Before use, salted sorrel is washed, chopped and put into a boiling broth.

Harvest sorrel for the winter and in the form of mashed potatoes. To do this, it is cleaned, washed in cold water, then passed through a meat grinder and put together with salt in glass jars. Seal them after boiling. It is even easier to dry sorrel: scatter thin layer under a canopy, and then put a dry sheet in a box lined with paper.

Talking about sour sorrel, let's mention its green counterparts: small and horse sorrel. The small sorrel is squat, its leaves look like spears, the panicles of the stems are scarce and hard. Only fresh leaves are torn from him, less acidic than those of common sorrel. horse sorrel revered more like medicine. Young leaves can be added to flour products.

#unfinished article

The Ural flora is extremely rich in medicinal herbs. Only in the Chelyabinsk region there are over 150 species medicinal plants. From this amount, you can assemble an impressive "first aid kit" that will save you from many diseases.

Medicinal herbs of the Urals

What herbs grow in the Urals and where can I find them? The answer to the second question seems obvious. However, herbs can be found not only outside settlements, but also in forest park areas, city parks and squares, as well as in household plots. But the first question cannot be answered so briefly. There are about 30 species near Chelyabinsk medicinal herbs growing in the Urals, many of which are familiar to almost everyone. Let's take a look at just a few of them:

  1. Hypericum perforatum

In Rus', St. John's wort was considered universal remedy from many diseases. For treatment, the tops of plants collected during the flowering period are used. St. John's wort is used for:

- pain and spasms;

- diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;

- arthritis;

- diseases of the kidneys;

- headaches;

- insomnia.

  1. Blooming Sally

Ivan Chai is known for being a substitute for regular tea. However, in folk medicine, this herb is indispensable, because it saves from:

- headache;

- stomach ulcers;

- gastric diseases;

- insomnia;

- with inflammation of the ear, throat and nose.

  1. male fern

With this plant, you should be extremely careful, as it is poisonous. And only the rhizome has useful properties, which is usually dug up before the leaves appear. Fern root will help with:

- convulsions;

- rheumatism;

sexually transmitted diseases;

- wounds and ulcers.

  1. Lungwort

Young stems and flowers of lungwort are eaten fresh and also added to salads. The plant is rich in iron, potassium and manganese, which will save you from:

- bronchitis, asthma;

- ulcers and gastritis;

skin diseases;

- diseases of the bladder;

female diseases.

  1. Oregano

Perennial plant with a pleasant aroma. Many have heard about oregano, but not many people know that this plant helps with:

- diseases of the upper respiratory tract;

pustular diseases skin;

- problems with digestion;

- violation of appetite.

Herbs for colds and flu

Almost every medicinal herb helps with colds. However, not all of them grow within the Urals. The most common anti-cold plants are: chamomile, St. John's wort, dandelion, yarrow, linden, sage. For proper effect, it is important to properly prepare herbs for use. There are 4 ways:

  • decoction;
  • tincture;
  • infusion;

Many confuse them, but there are still differences. And if everything is clear with herbs for tea, then how to cook the rest? In order to prepare a decoction, pour dry grass with cold water, and then boil this drink for about 10 minutes. Then the broth is cooled, filtered and ready for use. The tincture takes much longer. Herbs should be wrapped in gauze, making a kind of "tea bag". And then pour it all with alcohol and leave to infuse for 5 days. After that, the gauze with herbs is removed, and the tincture is poured into a dark container. What is the difference between infusion and tincture? The tincture takes longer to prepare, and also always on alcohol. The infusion can be prepared with water, alcohol or oil. The recipe for the infusion is simple. The liquid should be poured over a collection of herbs and let it brew for about a day. Moreover, you can pour not only cold, but also hot water.

Useful herbs of the Urals for brewing tea

It is worth noting that almost every herb has useful property which will help in the prevention of a particular disease. Prevention better treatment. Therefore, it is important to know which plant you can turn to for help at the first manifestations of a particular problem.

  1. Prevention of liver diseases.

The liver is "under attack" every day: the wrong food, nerves, drinking alcohol. Therefore, it is so important to monitor it and avoid failures in work. In this case, your assistants will be: calendula, strawberry roots, yarrow, dandelion, plantain, burdock and oats.

  1. Prevention cardiovascular diseases

With cardiovascular diseases, you should not rely solely on the help of herbs. After all, we are talking about prevention, not about full treatment. Therefore, to reduce the likelihood of cardiovascular diseases, one should resort to: hawthorn, valerian, centaury herb and rosehip.

  1. Prevention of kidney disease

The kidneys are one of the most vulnerable organs. Many factors affect their work: malnutrition or bad water. Therefore, it is worth approaching the issue of preventing their diseases more seriously. This will help you: flowers and fruits of elderberry, flax seeds, yarrow, stinging nettle, wild rose, chamomile, and also calendula.

A small herbaceous plant from the clove family with small oval leaves, tender, moist to the touch, recumbent stalk, often braids damp vegetable gardens, ditches. Thin white petals are divided in two, look like an elegant star. These flowers can be used to predict the weather: if the corolla of the flower has not opened before 9 am, then it will rain during the day. Wood louse blooms from June to late autumn. She lives 3-4 weeks, gives seeds that germinate. The stems are covered with hairs that hold water, so after the rain, the grass seems to be like crystal.

Chickweed is used for heart pain, relieves pain, fresh plant has bactericidal properties and promotes wound healing. In the Urals, steamed woodlice cover the legs with gout and make baths. Infusion and juice of fresh herbs are drunk with a stomach ulcer, with goiter, as a sedative. The plant contains many vitamins, so it can be eaten raw , as a salad and add to cabbage soup.

St. John's wort

A perennial herbaceous plant from the St. John's wort family, the stem is straight, reaches 30-60 cm in height. Leaves are opposite, sessile, fragrant. Inflorescence - corymbose panicle, consisting of yellow flowers with numerous stamens. Blooms from June to August. It grows on the edges, glades, clearings. It does not form large thickets.

For medicinal purposes, flowering and leafy parts of the plant are used, which are harvested during the period of full flowering. St. John's wort has an intense effect on albino animals, increases their sensitivity to sunlight, causing itching, swelling, ulcers and purulent inflammation of the skin, loss of appetite on the skin. In Rus', it was considered universal remedy. It is used as an astringent for diarrhea, stomatitis, to strengthen the gums, and to eliminate bad breath. Treat ulcers, wounds and female diseases. St. John's wort helps with sinusitis, pharyngitis, burns, neuralgia, rheumatism, liver disease, bedwetting, hysteria, insomnia, epilepsy, paralysis.

Wild strawberry

A well-known herbaceous plant from the Rosaceae family, with a brown rhizome and creeping rooting shoots. The leaves are compound, trifoliate, coarsely toothed, almost bare above, hairy below. White flowers with a subchalice and numerous stamens and pistils. The fruit is a bright crimson fragrant berry. Flowering time - June-July. Grows in sparse forests, forest clearings and forest edges, mainly in coniferous forests.

Fresh berries help with vascular sclerosis, hypertension, jaundice, constipation, diarrhea, stomach ulcers and especially gout, kidney and liver stones, eczema, gastritis, anemia. An infusion of the leaves is used for asthma and as a hemostatic agent, as well as for cancer of the larynx. An infusion of flowers is used for heart disease, hypertension, and a decoction of the whole plant - for uterine fibroids. Externally, an infusion of leaves in the form of enemas and washings is used for bleeding and inflamed hemorrhoids, and in the form of local baths, lotions and compresses - for the treatment of bleeding wounds.

Fireweed, Ivan tea

beautiful flowering plant from the fireweed family, up to 150 cm high, with lilac-purple, sometimes pinkish flowers, collected in tall brushes. Fireweed flowers consist of four fused sepals and four free petals, eight stamens and a pistil bent down. Leaves lanceolate, small. The fruit is a capsule in the form of a narrow long pod with numerous fluffy seeds. Ivan-tea got its name due to the fact that the Russian peasants of the village of Kaporye used it as a substitute for tea. Grows on fellings, forest fires, meadows, damp spruce and pine forests, on embankments.

In folk medicine, fireweed infusion is used for headaches, metabolic disorders and stomach ulcers (flowering tops are brewed and drunk as tea). Powdered leaves are sprinkled on wounds, and a decoction of the leaves is drunk with scrofula, gastric diseases and as a sleeping pill, for inflammation of the ear, throat, and nose. The roots are used to make flour and bake bread.

marsh cranberry

Creeping small semi-shrub from the lingonberry family, up to 80 cm in length, with wintering small narrow leaves. Dark pink drooping flowers appear in June-July. The berries ripen in September. It grows in abundance on marsh and peat soils of the Urals. Cranberries harvested in early spring are called snow cranberries, they are lower in quality than berries harvested in autumn, as they lose a lot of vitamin C during the winter. But in any case, they have a beneficial effect on the activity of the digestive glands and stimulate appetite.

Cranberries prepared with honey help with colds, rheumatism, tonsillitis, hypertension, pyelonephritis.

Bone stony

A perennial plant from the Rosaceae family, 10-25 cm high. Its rhizome gives long whip shoots and erect - flower, covered with hairs and spines. The leaves are trifoliate, with a long petiole, stiff hairs. The flowers are white, collected in corymbose inflorescences, appear in June-July. The fruit is a composite drupe consisting of juicy red fruits. Occurs in the taiga zone of the Urals. Harvest fruits, leaves and rhizomes.

In folk medicine, a decoction of herbs or leaves of the bone plant is used to treat hemorrhoids, hernia, tumors, suffocation, some women's diseases and stomach diseases. Decoction of rhizomes wash the head from dandruff. Leaves with rust spots fungal infections) are harvested to treat stuttering, epilepsy, tongue-tied tongue, and fright.

Stinging nettle

A perennial dioecious plant from the nettle family, with a straight simple stem, with burning hairs on it and on the leaves. The leaves are opposite, with stipules, oblong, heart-shaped at the base, large-serrated. Inflorescences are long, located in the upper axils of the leaves. The flowers are small, green. It occurs in shady forests, ravines, river banks, as a weed - near housing. Blooms in the second half of June and July.

FROM medicinal purpose Leaves are used more often, less often nettle roots. Leaves should be collected during flowering and without stems. In folk medicine, nettle herb is used in the treatment of gout, anemia, diseases of the kidneys, liver and bladder, dropsy, hemorrhoids. Nettle is a generally recognized remedy for radiculitis, rheumatism: sore spots are rubbed with fresh grass or baths are taken. Roots boiled in sugar treat chronic cough, gout, joint pain.

Potentilla goose

A herbaceous plant from the Rosaceae family, with long filamentous stems (whiskers). The leaves are pinnate, serrated, green above, white below, strongly pubescent. Yellow flowers have a double calyx and many stamens and pistils. Blooms from June to August. The fruit is a dry aggregate achene. It grows in damp places, near lakes, rivers, swamps, in meadows, along roads, in fields, and is found everywhere. Grass is harvested in June-August, roots - in September-October.

In folk medicine of the Urals, a decoction of herbs is drunk with severe uterine bleeding, painful periods, urolithiasis and is also used as an antiemetic for toxicosis of pregnant women. Potentilla roots help with heart pain, hernia, tumors, prolapse of the uterus, joint pain, epilepsy. Externally, an infusion or decoction of herbs is used to rinse with toothache, inflammatory processes oral cavity and pharynx, as well as to strengthen the gums.

Common cuff

Perennial herbaceous plant from the Rosaceae family. The lower leaves are long-petiolate, the upper ones are sessile, round shape, town-serrate. Small greenish-yellow flowers clustered in balls. Blooms in July-August. Stomata at the edges of the leaf secrete drops of moisture that appear when there is no dew. They were considered magical, and alchemists prepared an "elixir of youth" from them. The cuff grows in forests, forest edges, meadows.

In folk medicine, an infusion or decoction of the cuff herb is prescribed orally for sluggish intestinal motility, diarrhea, and as an expectorant for respiratory diseases. An infusion or decoction of the herb cuff on grape wine is taken for pain in the heart, liver disease, diabetes, various bleeding, dropsy, diathesis, epilepsy.


A perennial herbaceous plant from the Compositae family, with a long creeping rhizome and thin roots, from which cobweb-fluffy stems extend in early spring, covered with oblong pink-purple scale-like leaves with yellow flower heads. The leaves are large, dark green above, smooth, white below. bottom surface leaves are soft and warm (mother), and the top is cold (stepmother). From here Russian name- coltsfoot. It grows everywhere - along ravines, railway embankments, along roads, along clay cliffs. In medicine, leaves and flower baskets are used.

If you catch a cold on a hike, far from home, pick the green leaves of this amazing plant, throw them into the fire and breathe in the blue smoke - the cough will decrease. A decoction or infusion of leaves and flowers is drunk for asthma, bronchitis, inflammatory processes of the mucous membranes of the stomach, intestines, diathesis, it stimulates appetite, has a good wound healing property. Fresh juice of the plant with sugar is recommended to be taken (3-4 tablespoons per day) for patients with pulmonary tuberculosis.

Euphorbia rod-shaped

This plant from the euphorbiaceae family has an interesting feature: its flowers are without a calyx and corolla. The stamens and pistils are surrounded by leaflets, forming, as it were, a cup. Pistillate and staminate flowers are twisted together, with 10-12 stamens located around one pistil. Blooms from May to August. The plant contains a milky sap that is edible and poisonous, so livestock avoid it. The plant is found along roads, fields, water meadows, fallows.

In folk medicine, spurge is used in the treatment of hemorrhoids, constipation, intestinal colitis, metabolic disorders, eczema, purulent wounds are treated with milky juice. The plant can be used to kill leaf-eating caterpillars in gardens. For this purpose, 4 kg of faded plants are taken, crushed and boiled in a small amount of water. The broth is filtered and diluted in 10 liters of water. Fruit plantations are treated with this solution.

Dandelion officinalis

A perennial herbaceous plant from the Compositae family, with a tap root. The leaves are numerous, oblong, with notched or incised edges, collected in a basal rosette. Flower shoots, sometimes up to 30 cm in height, cylindrical, hollow inside, at a break - with flowing white milky juice. Basket single, large, consists of very bright reed flowers. It grows near housing, along roads, in gardens, orchards, in floodplain meadows.

For medicinal purposes, the root and aerial parts are used. The root is dug up in the fall, when the leaves wither, inflorescences and leaves - in May-June. In folk medicine, dandelion is used for diseases of the kidneys and bladder, sclerosis, thrombophlebitis, hypertension, inflammation of the lymph glands, boils, as a laxative and expectorant, for gout, hemorrhoids, and anemia. You can make a salad from tender spring dandelion leaves.

male fern

perennial spore plant from the fern family, with a dark brown rhizome and numerous thin roots. Dark green large leaves are collected in a bunch. Whole plant very poisonous . It occurs in the forest and forest-steppe belts of the Urals. Grows in moist shady places. In medicine, the rhizome is used. Dig it up in late autumn or early spring, before the leaves appear. Its decoction is effective tool against pinworms and tapeworms. Infusion of rhizomes also has anticonvulsant, analgesic and wound-healing effects.

Externally, it is used for baths, rubdowns and lotions for leg cramps, rheumatism, and also for festering wounds and ulcers. In folk medicine, a decoction of rhizomes is used orally for venereal diseases. Fern preparations should be used with great care and only by doctor's prescription .



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