One of the richest sources of proteins. All protein products

When you go to the supermarket, arm yourself with a list of 40 protein-rich foods and fill your diet with high-protein food!

Let's list the reasons forcing us to chase protein-rich foods. On the one hand, you need this generous macronutrient for muscle growth and repair. On the other hand, it plays an important role in stimulating lipolytic processes and copes with hunger pangs that make you look for vending machines selling all kinds of snacks. In addition, it slows down the entry into the bloodstream and thus prevents a sharp rise in blood sugar, which contributes to the deposition of fats and reduces the energy reserves of the body.

People who care about their figure should receive 2 grams of protein per 1 kg of body weight daily to maintain and gain muscle mass. To meet this challenge, you need to make sure your shopping list is well stocked with protein-rich foods. Unfortunately, modern supermarkets are bursting with synthetic food, which can ruin all your fitness goals.

In this situation, we simply have to make a shopping list with which you will confidently walk through the main departments of the supermarket and get the maximum protein for every ruble spent. With the help of this list, you will load the cart with the necessary building materials and create a body that even the ancient Greek gods would envy.

Protein in the dairy department

1. Greek yogurt

After removing the liquid, the delicious and thick Greek yogurt contains twice the protein of the regular version of this dairy product. In addition, you get probiotic microorganisms that are beneficial for the intestines and calcium that is necessary for bones.

Good to know. Plain Greek yogurt contains three times less sugar than its flavored counterpart.

2. Curd

Derived from curdled milk, this product is loaded with slow-digesting protein that provides growing muscles with a continuous supply of essential amino acids. Make cottage cheese your go-to treat, especially before bed.

Good to know. Cottage cheese is notorious for being high in sodium, but you can compare package labels and pick the one with the lowest sodium content.

3. Swiss cheese

Every gram of Swiss cheese gives you more protein than other varieties in the supermarket, making it the best muscle-building ingredient for sandwiches and sandwiches.

Good to know. If you're concerned about the calorie content of high-fat Swiss cheese, opt for low-fat varieties. The ratio of protein to fat in them is approximately 8 to 1, but the taste does not suffer from this.

4 eggs

These white balls are almost perfect muscle food. All thanks to the high biological value - an indicator that says how much food protein can be converted into protein in our body. The biological value of eggs is higher than any other product in the supermarket. The determining factor in biological value is the content of essential amino acids, and there are more than enough of them in modest eggs.

Good to know. Look for acid-fortified egg packages. This will make your morning scrambled eggs even more beneficial.

5. Milk, 2%

Milk remains a credible source of first-class protein, with a biological value only slightly inferior to eggs. But why drink watery, tasteless skim milk when you can enjoy the rich taste of 2% milk without going over your fat limit. In addition, milk fats will help your body absorb the fat-soluble vitamins of whole milk, for example,.

Good to know. Experiments show that organically raised cows produce milk that is richer in nutrients, including omega fats.

6. Soy milk

In most artificial protein dairy products, the cat cried, but soy milk is a pleasant exception to this rule. If you do not drink cow's milk for objective reasons, such as lactose intolerance, try pouring soy milk on oatmeal or other cereals. In addition, you can prepare post-workout shakes on it.

Good to know. To minimize gut-bloating sugars, look for a product labeled "sugar-free." And if you're trying to avoid genetically modified foods, look for soy milk labeled "organic."

Protein in the meat department

7. Steak (the flesh of the top or bottom of the beef thigh)

These lean cuts of meat have a fantastic ratio of 1g of protein for every 7 calories; in comparison, the meaty back gives you about 1 gram of protein for every 11 calories. Plus, the femur is considered one of the most cost-effective.

Good to know. If you cook the thigh and loin too long, it will become drier than the Sahara desert, so cook this meat quickly to medium rare.

8. Minced meat (lean 90%)

90% lean ground meat contains the minimum amount of fat needed to keep your meatballs and meatloaf from tasting like cardboard. In addition to an impressive serving of protein, red meat is also a good source of the almighty creatine.

Good to know. If you have extra money in your wallet, try grass-fed beef. There are more nutrients in it than in meat from livestock farms.

9. Pork Chops (Boneless Meat)

The generous dose of muscle-building protein in these quick-cooked pork chops is the perfect excuse to eat well and fill up.

Good to know. Soaking in brine contributes to the destruction of muscle tissue. Using this recipe, you can put even more tender meat on the table. Simply pour the pork chops in a brine prepared at the rate of ¼ cup salt to 4 cups water (do not skimp on the water, the meat should be completely covered with marinade), and refrigerate the meat for 30 minutes to 2 hours.

10. Chicken breast (boneless and skinless)

The staple of bodybuilding provides more protein than other parts of the bird, and therefore should be an integral item on your shopping list.

Good to know. To save money, make friends with the seller of the meat department of the supermarket. It will let you know when the bird is on sale at a significant discount.

11. Turkey breast

Like a chicken, this large bird can fill your muscles with a ton of protein.

Good to know. Like pork chops and chicken breasts, turkey breasts benefit from being marinated. And if you're concerned about the widespread use of antibiotics in poultry farms, look for turkey breasts labeled "antibiotic-free."

Protein in the seafood department

12. Yellowfin Tuna

This meaty swimmer will load your holds with highly digestible premium protein. The high content of tuna and selenium, a powerful antioxidant, will not be superfluous.

Good to know. Whenever possible, look for trawl or line-caught tuna. This is the optimal choice.

13. Halibut

Among white fish, halibut is considered the best choice when you need to build muscle at a champion pace. A 100-gram serving contains only 2 grams of fat, which automatically makes halibut the main catch of the day.

Good to know. Pacific halibut is generally better than Atlantic halibut.

14. Octopus

Numerous fish stores will gladly offer you this seafood. So, if you want to create truly granite muscles, ignoring the richest source of protein will be a big mistake.

Good to know. Frozen octopus is better than fresh octopus because the meat becomes more tender during the freezing process.

15. Sockeye salmon

Wild salmon, like sockeye salmon, is not only tastier than its farmed relative, but also contains about 25% more protein. Plus, you'll reap a rich harvest of healthy, long-chain omega-3 fatty acids.

Good to know. Look for salmon with intact scales - it tastes better.

16. Tilapia

Widely stocked in most fish stores, tilapia is an affordable, mild-tasting choice that will provide you with an impressive serving of protein and fuel your muscles.

Good to know. Try to buy tilapia grown in American fish farms. They are safer than fish imported from Asia.

Protein in the canned food section

17. Anchovies

Compared to other products, these tiny swimmers are surprising winners when it comes to canned protein. Due to their small size, they do not accumulate toxins, as large fish species do.

Good to know. To keep the anchovies from being so salty, soak them in their own juice for 30 minutes; then drain and dry gently.

18. Corned beef

The impressive protein content of this salted beef is sure to strengthen your muscles. And no, it's not the same as canned meat!

Good to know. Try sautéing corned beef with chopped vegetables and serving with rice, or use it as the main ingredient in sandwiches.

19. Light tuna

Frugal buyers take note: cheap canned light tuna actually contains more protein than more expensive canned white tuna.

Good to know. To reduce the calories from useless oil, choose tuna in its own juice instead of seafood in oil.

20. Chicken

For a quick shot of high-quality protein in your sandwiches and salads, opt for white meat chicken.

Good to know. Compare products from different manufacturers, choosing those that contain less salt.

21. Sardines

Canned sardines are often underestimated, although they are not only rich in protein, but also provide the body with omega-3 fats and vitamin D. Studies show that high doses of vitamin D can stimulate testosterone production.

Good to know. Look for tasty and convenient canned sardines.

22. Dark blue beans

Beans are a fantastically cheap source of protein, and among the most affordable canned legumes, blue beans hold the lead. One glass contains an impressive 13 g of dietary fiber.

Good to know. Some manufacturers do not use BPA stabilizer in their production.

23. Dried lentils

Often categorized as canned protein, cheap dried lentils will boost your protein intake while also providing you with plant-based fiber and a variety of essential vitamins.

Good to know. Unlike dried beans, lentils do not require annoying soaking. Simply soak it in water for about 20 minutes until it becomes soft. For a nutritious breakfast, combine lentils with turkey or chicken breast, vegetables, and lemon dressing.

Protein in the deli section

24. Roast beef

Beef delicacy for breakfast often contains more protein than other breakfast options. Most people are surprised to learn that roast beef is also one of the leanest meats.

Good to know. Look for brands that are free of nitrites and nitrates, which, when taken in high doses, can lead to certain diseases, including cancer.

25. Canadian Bacon

Made from lean pork tenderloin, Canadian-style bacon contains 6 times less fat than traditional bacon, giving it a significantly better protein-to-fat ratio.

Good to know. You may come across Canadian bacon by another name: pea bacon

26. Chorizo

Spanish Pork Sausage turns pasta, scrambled eggs, soups and salads into a high-protein dish.

Good to know. For those who are always in a hurry, we recommend that you take note that the Spanish chorizo ​​is already ready to eat. Mexican chorizo, however, must pass through the pan before being consumed.

27. Pepperoni

The outstanding amount of protein in pepperoni should give you enough motivation for a homemade pizza night.

Good to know. Sodium levels in pepperoni can vary widely, so compare brands and look for options with the lowest content of the trace element.

28. Fried Turkey Breast

Virtually devoid of fat, deli turkey wedges are a nearly perfect muscle-building protein. When it's time for a sandwich, add more.

Good to know. Avoid spiced turkey and other delicacies so you don't accidentally bring home unnecessary ingredients like salt, sugar, and artificial flavors.

Protein in snacks

29. Basturma

We are not deceiving you when we say that basturma is a snack that can help you build muscle. How can you not love her?!

Good to know. You can find brands that are free of monosodium glutamate and nitrites.

30. Peanut butter

Although not as trendy as other nut butters like almond butter, good old peanut butter still dominates the protein category.

Good to know. Forget low-fat butter. They just replace healthy fats with not-so-healthy sugars.

31. Assorted nuts

Like peanuts, cashews and almonds are a great way to add more protein and healthy unsaturated fats to your diet.

Good to know. If you're watching the amount of sodium on the menu, look for packages labeled "unsalted."

32. Bean chips

Good to know. For a high-protein snack while watching a football game, use bean chips as the vehicle that delivers Greek yogurt to your mouth.

Protein in the fruit and vegetable section

33. Smoothie

Homemade protein shakes are always preferable, but if you want a quick protein boost in liquid form, you can buy ready-made drinks.

Good to know. Make sure your drink of choice contains a source of protein on the ingredient list, for example, and not just fruit, which will quickly load your body with sugar.

34. Tofu

If you're looking for a meat-free Monday, betting on tofu is a sure bet that your protein content won't suffer too much.

Good to know. Firm tofu chunks work well deep-fried or grilled to infuse them with a bit of smoky flavor.

Protein in the frozen food section

35. Edamame

Although the frozen food section of most supermarkets is a minefield for your diet, packages of green soybeans will give your diet a boost of vegetable proteins, fibers, vitamins and minerals.

Good to know. To enhance the flavor, cook the edamame according to package directions, then season with lemon juice, smoked paprika, and a pinch of salt.

36. Green peas

Although most vegetables don't have much protein, green peas contain enough protein to make you want to always have a couple of packs of this product on hand. It is also an excellent source of plant-based fiber, which can help keep hunger pangs at bay.

Good to know. When buying frozen green peas, carefully feel the packaging. You should be able to feel the individual beans. Giant ice blocks indicate that the product has been thawed and refrozen, and this may adversely affect its quality.

37. Frozen Greek Yogurt

Icy and creamy like ice cream, but with twice the amount of high quality protein.

Good to know. Compare brands and look for the product with the lowest sugar content. Some firms list fruits before sugar in their list of ingredients. Go figure it out!

Protein in the cereal section

38. Wheat germ

Wheat germ consists of three components - endosperm, bran and germ. The germ is the most nutrient-rich part and contains a significant amount of plant protein. You can use sprouts as a protein supplement in oatmeal, hash browns, and even smoothies.

39. Soba

Good to know. To remove excess starch that can make the noodles sticky, rinse the soba after cooking.

40. Quinoa

Among whole grains, South African quinoa is the only one that contains a complete set of essential amino acids, which makes it a complete protein with powerful muscle-building potential.

Good to know. Roasting quinoa in a dry pot or skillet before boiling can enhance the natural nutty flavor.

A healthy lifestyle and an athletic fit figure are at the peak of popularity. Incredible diets are being developed, all sorts of new types of fitness are being promoted.

Useful properties of proteins for the body

In order not to get confused in countless information and approach the issue of healthy eating wisely, it is important to clearly understand what products are, what components they consist of. Proteins are a key element that plays an important role in weight loss.

Squirrels(or proteins) are substances of organic nature, created by the high-molecular interaction of alpha-amino acids, which are a chain based on the bond of peptides. Which products are among the proteins, is given below in the "Slimming Table".

Proteins in the body are, in fact, a key building block.

It is impossible to overestimate their importance, because they perform the following functions:

  • actually create new cells, taking an active part in the process of cellular synthesis;
  • supply all organs and tissues with vital vitamins, minerals and lipids;
  • amino acids, constituent proteins, activate metabolic processes and help the production of hemoglobin, participating in the formation of red blood cells and some hormones;
  • form general immunity;
  • stimulate brain activity;
  • strengthen not only internal organs, but also hair, nails.

The primary role of proteins is the regeneration of any tissues in the body. Therefore, they are the first assistants for athletes and people with increased physical activity. It is proteins that restore muscle fibers damaged during training, maintain a healthy muscle volume.

Note! Proteins are involved in the synthesis of about 30 different amino acids, 22 of which are not produced in the body on their own, therefore, proteins are their only sources.

The general effect of proteins on the body:

  • maintaining a normal growth rate in children;
  • ensuring the full functioning of the liver and gastrointestinal tract;
  • stabilization of the hormonal background;
  • normalization of the functioning of the heart and blood vessels;
  • maintenance of endurance and ability to work;
  • elimination of avitaminosis.

Is it possible to eat only proteins

Moderation is the main principle of a healthy lifestyle. Any nutritionist will tell you that eating only one type of food, even the most correct, will do more harm than good. A sense of proportion should be both in use and in limiting anything.

For weight loss, the use of only protein products is very popular, but proteins are such substances, the excess of which in the body cannot be stored for a rainy day, they must be processed.

What difficulties this brings to the body is presented in the table.

Refusal to take fats and carbohydrates leads to a sharp deterioration in mood, because proteins are not able to synthesize serotonin, the hormone of happiness.

Another unpleasant aspect of exclusively protein nutrition is bad breath, which occurs due to increased burning of internal fats, accompanied by the aroma of acetone. Plus, problems with digesting food and emptying the intestines add notes of rot to the breath.

With a mono-diet based on the intake of only proteins, there is a significant threat of a rapid return of weight after the restoration of the usual diet.

Animal and plant foods rich in protein

Proteins are what products?

Table for weight loss and sports nutrition, leading the most protein-rich foods, will necessarily contain 2 main categories:

  • proteins from plant foods;
  • animal proteins.

The first group includes vegetables, legumes, nuts, seeds and mushrooms. Their significant advantage is a low fat content with a high level of fiber. The leader in protein content is soy, followed by peanuts, sunflower, lentils, peas and white beans.

Important to remember! Legumes and nuts do not belong to dietary products, having a high calorie content.

Of course, meat belongs to the animal group of proteins. This includes game, poultry, and cattle. Dairy products: from milk itself to cheese, they are also a source of a large number of animal proteins. This includes eggs and fish.

Assimilated products with animal protein are much better than vegetable ones, but contain a high level of fat.

Protein diet, its features

Note! Whatever products make up the diet, would not be limited to a weight loss table, the body needs all the elements. These are proteins, and vitamins, and fats, and acids, and carbohydrates!

There is a myth that a protein diet is a gourmet feast when you eat your fill and lose weight at the same time. But everything is not so simple, there are pitfalls.

Key points of the diet:

  1. Reduced carbohydrate intake and increased protein intake. This is the main "trick" of the diet! The body is no longer provided with the usual energy from food and is forced to produce it from internal reserves - years of accumulated fat. There is a complete redistribution of metabolic processes: to maintain life, not external, but internal fats are burned.
  2. Lack of hunger. Proteins are foods that are presented in the nutrition table for those dreaming of losing weight, which obviously do not cause hunger. A protein diet does not imply restrictions on the amount of protein consumed: you can eat often, plentifully, though without overeating.
  3. No sudden increases in appetite. Since the intake of glucose from carbohydrates into the body is reduced, especially with simple sugars (buns, buns), then the insulin hormone is practically not produced, which keeps sugar at a constant level. This insures a person from a sharp desire to eat.
  4. Time limit - no more than 2 weeks. Such nutrition is unnatural for the human body, abrupt changes in the digestive system begin very quickly, and there is an acute shortage of carbohydrates. There is a "drying of the body", when the subcutaneous fat is split, with intense loads, a muscular relief is formed. But for a beautiful body, the liver and kidneys are paying, trying to cope with excess protein.

Why you can lose weight on a protein diet

The main driver of weight loss is not an excess of proteins, but the absence of carbohydrates:

Proteins (what products are these): weight loss table

For the convenience of forming a protein diet, the main products - sources of protein are presented in tabular form. In the first form, animal proteins are considered.

Product Content Percentage Percent digestion Degree of assimilation
Protein (proteins) fats


Carbohydrate (carbohydrates)
Eggs12,71 11,5 oh 796,9 1, oh
Cheese25, oh2o-3o- 93,1 1, oh
liquid dairy products2,3 3,o3,6 93,9 1, oh
Cottage cheese16,7 5,0 - 93,1 1, oh
Chicken meat2o,33,3 - 98,9 0,92
Beef13,9 12,4 - 95,1 0,92
Fish fillet21, oh7,3 - 94,9 0,9
lean pork16,41 27,9 - 93,1 0,63

Energy indicators of the main vegetable proteins.

Product Content Percentage Percent digestion Degree of assimilation
Protein (proteins) fats


Carbohydrate (carbohydrates)
Soya34,7 17,5 26,6 91,1 oh 91
Peas23, oh1,7 57,7 3ooh 67
Beans22,4 1,6 54,5 3ooh 64
Rice7, ohoh 673,7 36,1 oh 55
Buckwheat12,6 2,6 63 34,9 oh 67
Corn3,3 1,1 75 35,1 oh 6
nuts26,2 45,3 45,2 36,9 oh 51

Protein diet: menu for the week

There are enough protein-rich foods to make a very varied and tasty meal plan. The table shows only one of the many options.

Proteins are what products. The table for weight loss, as well as an approximate menu are given below

Sample weekly protein diet menu table

Days in order Eating episodes A variant of dishes containing proteins (which products are these): weight loss table
First1 protein omelet,

a glass of low-calorie kefir (low fat),

unsweetened coffee/tea

2 kefir/yogurt 2oo ml
3 boiled chicken breast
4 orange
5 baked fish fillet,

a glass of kefir

Second1 a couple of boiled chicken eggs,
2 kefir/yogurt 2oo ml
3 steamed meat,
4 Apple
5 canned tuna or sardines

green salad of cabbage leaves and cucumber,

a glass of kefir

Third1 muesli,

unsweetened coffee/tea

2 bread with low calorie cheese
3 steamed chicken fillet

handful of dark rice

tomato and bell pepper salad

5 steam fish
a glass of boiled beans liqueur/yogurt 2oo ml
Fourth1 low fat cottage cheese

tea, preferably green

2 a few nuts
3 low-fat chicken and vegetable broth,
4 Apple
5 baked meat or fish,

vegetable salad

Fifth1 vegetable salad
2 kefir/yogurt 2oo ml
3 chicken and broccoli mousse soup,
4 dried fruits - a handful
5 cabbage and green pea salad,

chicken fillet cooked with cheese and tomatoes

sixth1 ham omelet,

unsweetened tea/coffee

2 arbitrary fruit, banana is an exception
3 steamed fish fillet,

a handful of boiled rice and a tomato

4 kefir/yogurt 2oo ml
5 vegetable stew with meat,

a glass of kefir

seventh1 low-calorie cottage cheese with dried fruits,
2 nuts
3 a third of a glass of buckwheat with meat
4 orange
5 baked meat

Who is not suitable for a protein diet: contraindications

Any food restriction has its own prohibitions.

For a protein diet, there are the following contraindications:

  • advanced age;
  • obesity of the last stage;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in the acute phase;
  • disturbances in the work of the heart;
  • gout.

How to get out of the protein diet

Any diet is a test for the body both physiological and psychological. When embarking on any restriction, you need to clearly understand that this is only the beginning of the journey: after a couple of weeks of giving up your favorite foods, it will be the turn of the long-term stage of consolidating the results.

The protein diet is very effective, but if you get out of it incorrectly, the kilograms return right before your eyes.

The basic principles of consolidating weight loss after a protein diet:

  • Daily rate carbohydrate consumption - 60 g. This meager figure should be kept for at least six months, respectively, no buns and pasta for a very long time.
  • gradual increase consumption of vegetables and fruits, and optimally boiled.
  • Constant physical activity- Requires at least 3 hard workouts per week.

Proteins are undoubtedly important for the body, a protein diet will really help you lose weight, but it is dangerous to forget about the limitations and consequences of such nutrition. It is important to competently approach the issue, and if you are already engaged in your figure, then seriously and for a long time.

Proteins are what products? Products for weight loss on a protein diet in this video:

What foods contain proteins and how to lose weight on a protein diet (except for the Table), see here:

Decided to lose weight with the help of the Dukan protein diet? Or do you prefer the Atkins diet? Great, then you're probably wondering where to get the protein from. We will tell you about this, as well as about:

  • what is protein food (a list of products for weight loss is attached!),
  • reveal the secrets of the choice of protein products,
  • Let's touch on the topic of losing weight with the help of protein diets.

What is protein and what types of it exist

Protein is the material for building the body's cells. It makes up a good half of our body, if not most of it. Protein consists of 20 amino acids, some of which are synthesized in the body, and some come with food.

Every person should have protein in their daily diet. They are found in two forms: animal and vegetable. Ideally, their ratio in food should be 2:3 in the total mass of the resulting protein.

Animal protein contains some essential amino acids that are used to build body cells. However, in products containing it, there is a great danger of consuming fat along with protein. Nevertheless, animal protein is much more slowly absorbed by the body than vegetable protein, but gives a feeling of satiety for a long time.

Vegetable protein is found in legumes, some grains and nuts. It is quickly and easily absorbed by the body.

How to choose protein foods? Look at the protein and fat content in it. The more protein and less fat, the better the product.

Among meat products, pork and lamb are the most harmful in this regard. So we remove them from the diet. It remains beef without fat and poultry. But among birds, also some species contain a lot of fat, for example, goose. Duck is also fatter than other types of birds. Turkey and chicken are rightfully considered dietary, to be precise, this is turkey fillet and chicken breast. You can also eat rabbit meat.

So what foods are high in protein?

proteins, g fats, g
Mutton 22,00 17,20
Beef 25,80 16,80
Turkey 25,30 10,40
Rabbit 24,60 11,70
Chicken breast 21,62 8,30
Beef brains 11,70 8,60
beef liver 17,90 3,70
chicken liver 20,40 5,90
Pork liver 18,80 3,80
Beef kidneys 15,20 2,80
Pork kidneys 15,00 3,60
Pork boiled 22,60 51,60
beef heart 16,00 3,50
chicken heart 15,80 10,30
Pig's heart 16,20 4,00
Beef leg jelly 6,00 4,00
Veal 30,70 1,10
Duck 22,60 19,50

Fish and seafood

Following meat products, fish products have the highest protein content: tuna and salmon fillets, sardines, mackerels. They are also less fat. Salmon leads in the amount of protein and contains a minimum amount of fat.

Fish and seafood proteins, g fats, g
Vobla fresh 18,00 2,80
Pink salmon 21,00 7.80
Catfish 15,50 5,80
Flounder 12,00 3,30
carp 20,70 2,10
Carp 16,00 5,30
Baltic sprat 14,10 9,10
Bream 17,10 4,70
sea ​​bream 21,30 4,70
Mackerel 22,80 3,60
Pollock 15,90 1,00
capelin 13,10 11,50
Burbot 21,40 0,60
river perch 18,50 0,90
sea ​​bass 18,20 5,20
Sturgeon 16,40 10,90
Halibut 14,00 3,00
Haddock 17,20 0,20
Blue whiting 17,90 1,00
Crayfish 18,00 1,10
saury 18,60 12,00
Sardine 25,00 9,60
Fresh oily herring 17,70 9,70
Iwashi herring 20,50 15,40
Salmon 20,80 12,50
mackerel atlantic 18,00 11,90
horse mackerel 18,50 5,60
catfish 18,40 8,50
Zander 18,40 0,70
Cod 16,00 0,70
Tuna 24,40 1,00
Acne 14.50 30,50
Pike 18,40 0,80
Hake 18,50 2,20
Squid 18,00 0,30
Crab 16,00 3,60
Shrimp 18,90 2,20
Mollusk rapana 16,70 1,10
Pink salmon caviar 31,20 11,70
caviar 31,60 13,80
Pollack caviar 28,40 1,90
Sturgeon caviar 28,90 9,70

Legumes and cereals

Sources such as soy and other legumes stand out from plant proteins.

Legumes and cereals proteins, g fats, g
dried peas 20,50 2,00
Buckwheat 12,60 3,30
Semolina 10,30 1,00
Pearl barley 9,30 1,10
Pasta 1st grade 10,70 1,30
Premium pasta 10,40 1,10
Egg pasta 11,30 2,10
chickpeas 20,10 4,30
Millet 11,50 3,30
Soya 34,90 17,30
Beans 21,00 2,00
Flakes Hercules 11,00 6,20
Lentils 24,00 1,50


Among the mushrooms, you can also find protein-rich foods.

Protein in cottage cheese, eggs and cheese:

These products are good for a small snack, as they are very high in calories. And besides, they contain a large amount of fat.

Along with fats, there are also useful omega acids. Pumpkin seeds are the first in terms of protein content - 42 g. But there is also a lot of fat - 46 g. Peanuts contain 45.2 g of fat and 26.3 g of protein.

15 protein-rich foods for weight loss

    Almond. Contains important nutrients, magnesium and vitamin E.

    Chicken breast. The most affordable source of protein, easy to digest. 1 skinless fried chicken breast contains 53g of protein and 284 calories.

    Cereals. They are used in a healthy diet, are part of muesli. They contain fiber, magnesium and manganese, thiamine and other elements. Half a cup of dry cereal contains 13 grams of protein and 303 calories.

    Cottage cheese. It has a low fat content. Contains calcium, phosphorus, selenium, vitamin B12 and other nutrients. 1 cup of cottage cheese (226 g) with 2% fat contains 27 g of protein and 194 calories.

    Cheese. Parmesan (38g protein), Swiss cheese (30g protein).

    Greek yogurt. Contains 48 g of protein per 100 g of product. A 170 gram cup of yogurt contains 17 grams of protein and 100 calories.

    Milk. An excellent source of protein, however many people cannot tolerate it. If you are one of the lucky ones who can drink it, congratulations! Contains calcium, phosphorus and riboflavin. 1 glass of milk contains 8 g of protein and 149 calories.

    Lean beef. Delicious in taste, it contains a large amount of iron and protein. 1 serving of 85 g contains 22 g of protein and 184 calories.

    Tuna. The most popular type of fish to eat. It contains a large amount of useful omega acids. 1 cup of canned tuna weighing 154 g contains 39 g of protein and 179 calories.

    Lentils. A popular product for vegetarians. Contains 27% protein per 100% product. 1 serving (196 g) contains 18 g and 230 calories.

    Turkey. Dietary meat Contains very little fat and calories. Protein content 21 g of protein per 100 g.

By the way, the site has. There you can find the right recipe for you.

Protein diet is good for weight loss. However, it is contraindicated for those who have kidney problems. A protein diet allows you to quickly get rid of excess weight, but its long-term use is dangerous for those women who have a weak heart or diabetes.

Protein diets are used from 4 weeks to several months, depending on the type of diet. Constant carbohydrate restriction can lead to chronic fatigue and lethargy, headaches and other pathologies. Therefore, they are used for a short time: we lost weight, and again we eat carbohydrates.

As a rule, protein-rich foods are of interest to those who have taken on themselves, began to lose weight and go to the gym. However, it is worth it for any person to understand food, because without this it is simply impossible to create a healthy diet for yourself that would help maintain health and vitality at a high level. From this article, you will learn what foods are rich in proteins, as well as why they are needed and what will happen if the body lacks them.

Why do you need food rich in proteins?

Proteins (proteins, polypeptides) are an important element of human nutrition, the presence of which is necessary for a healthy. They perform a lot of important functions:

  • collagen forms the basis of all bones, tendons, cartilage, and is responsible for the elasticity of the deep layers of the skin;
  • keratin is the basis of hair and is important for maintaining their health;
  • protein is generally important for protecting the body from the accumulation of toxins;
  • a protein that is part of the blood and other fluids of the human body, is able to neutralize viruses and bacteria.
  • during digestion, the protein breaks down into amino acids - some of them are used to build muscle tissue, and some are converted into glucose, which gives energy.

Thus, including enough protein in your diet, you support health, beauty and various important functions of the body.

The most protein rich food

Foods that contain the maximum amount of protein are animal products. Scientists have found that proteins of this kind are better absorbed by the body. In addition, it is this category that is considered to be a complete protein food, because in addition to proteins, there is also a complete set of amino acids (unlike vegetable protein, in which the set is incomplete - the only exception is soy).

So, protein foods of animal origin include:

  • meat (beef, pork, game, etc.);
  • poultry (chicken, turkey, goose, etc.);
  • fish (trout, pollock, herring - any variety);
  • eggs (especially quail);
  • milk and all dairy products;
  • cottage cheese;

It is these foods that provide the longest saturation and benefits for the body. By using them daily, you help your body get all the necessary substances.

Plant foods rich in protein

Plant foods can also be protein, but, apart from soy, these products do not contain all the necessary amino acids (valine, leucine, threonine, tryptophan, methionine, isoleucine, lysine, phenylalanine). In order to get them in the right amount, you should take them in the right combinations:

  • mushrooms + cereals;
  • mushrooms + nuts;
  • legumes + cereals;
  • legumes + nuts;
  • legumes + legumes of another kind.

In addition to mushrooms, legumes and nuts, this list also includes seeds, persimmons, ginger, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts, avocados and asparagus. A complete list of protein-rich foods can be seen in the table.

Signs of protein problems

Knowing which foods are rich in protein, you can competently build your diet and prevent unnecessary deviations from the norm in both directions. After all, the diet should be, above all, balanced and harmonious. Consider the signs that your diet is not built correctly in terms of protein.

With a lack of protein in the body, the following symptoms are observed:

  • physical weakness;
  • decrease in sexual desire;
  • decrease in immunity;
  • metabolic disease;
  • amyotrophy;
  • in children - growth retardation.

High-protein foods can be called the alpha and omega of a healthy diet without exaggeration. Without them, it is difficult to lose weight and almost impossible to get better - unless, of course, the goal is muscles, and not rolls of fat on the sides. Without them, the body will not be able to ensure the normal functioning of internal organs. And food, poor in such important compounds, is unlikely to be truly satisfying. In other words, any person who cares about their physical form and health has many reasons not only to know high-protein foods by name, but also to regularly introduce them into their menu.
Protein is needed for more than just muscle growth.

What is the benefit of protein

In the scientific community, high-molecular organic compounds, which we simply call proteins, are proudly called the guardians and organizers of life. And this is no accident. Once in the stomach with food, they are broken down into amino acids, which immediately begin to take an active part in the physiological processes of the body:

  • participate in the production of hormones;
  • provide blood clotting;
  • regulate the work of the nervous system (lack of protein affects coordination);
  • affect the activity of the kidneys and liver;
  • the delivery of nutrients to cells is also under the responsibility of protein;
  • without it, neither the restoration of old tissues, nor the growth and construction of new ones, including muscles, is possible;
  • it provides the body with energy;
  • some proteins act as antibodies, resisting various diseases and strengthening the immune system.

No need to think that proteins are only meat and cottage cheese!

Some of the amino acids can be synthesized by the body itself. But this part is small, so our body cannot do without regular replenishment of its reserves from the outside. And you can’t do without a list of high-protein foods that you should print out and hang on the refrigerator, or better, memorize - you will have to refer to it often.

Top 10: first assistant athletes

Let's spend a few more minutes on a little clarification. No food on earth consists solely of proteins; it will always contain a certain proportion of fats or carbohydrates, which can slow down the progress towards the goal if your task is not only a beautiful relief, but also losing weight. In this case, preference should be given to high-protein foods that are low in fat and carbohydrates. Subject to regular training, the body will completely let them build muscle tissue and will not try to put them in the folds of the abdomen.

Knowing the secrets of a healthy diet, it is much easier to achieve your goals.

On the other hand, nutritionists argue that a small amount of fat and carbohydrates will benefit protein absorption. So do not rush to clean out all the controversial dishes from the menu, leaving only the most high-protein foods without “frills” among the allowed ones. Variety has never harmed anyone, but fanaticism often does.

If your goal is weight loss

What to focus on for those who set themselves the task of losing a few kilograms, so that the muscles not only do not suffer, but also continue to increase in size?

1. Fish. It consists of a quarter of protein (100 g of the product contains 20-25 g of pure protein), is easily absorbed by the body and is full of polyunsaturated fatty acids necessary for the body to function normally. It’s difficult to get better on fish, but if you are actively fighting for harmony or are on drying, choose low-fat varieties - tuna, trout, salmon - and often diversify your diet with seafood.

Fish can be safely included in any diet.

2. Meat. Here, the undisputed favorite of athletes and adherents of a healthy diet remains chicken breast. Just like fish, it is almost a quarter protein with a minimum of fat and almost no carbohydrates, especially if you opt for skinless chicken fillet. Following the chicken is lean beef, rich in iron and zinc, which are important for men, rabbit meat and turkey meat. But pork and lamb let us down: a large amount of animal fat negates the benefits of the product.

Less fat and oil, more spices!

3. Liver. Offal will help diversify meat and fish dishes. The liver, for example, is comparable in protein content to meat, but there is little fat in it - even pork contains, at most, 5%.

Don't discount offal

4. Fat-free cottage cheese. This protein is long-digestible, so it is not recommended to eat it after a workout in order to close the protein-carbohydrate window. But during the day and in the evening, cottage cheese is always a welcome guest on your plate. Moreover, from every 100 g of the product you will receive 15-20 g of protein, which will be loaded with calcium, which strengthens bones and relieves muscle cramps.

Sugar is banned, but herbs and spices are allowed

If your goal is muscle

For those looking to bulk up, another list of foods will come to the rescue.

5. Legumes. This is a real record for protein content! Soy consists of almost half of it, and peas, beans and lentils, although they lag behind their “relative”, confidently hold second place - for every 100 g of product there are about 20 g of the purest vegetable protein, as close as possible in composition to what found in meat. However, it was not without a fly in the ointment here either: a third of soybeans are fats, and other legumes are full of carbohydrates.

Pea porridge is as satisfying as mashed potatoes

6. Cheeses. Pleasant taste, 20-35% protein, calcium… What else is required from a product intended for sports nutrition? If cheeses had a little less fat, we would have an ideal source of protein. Alas, fat is sometimes present in equal proportions with protein, so use cheese with caution - it will significantly increase the calorie content of the diet.

A slice of cheese, an unsweetened cracker - and the snack is ready

7. Nuts. A good choice for a snack: filling, healthy and, on average, 20% protein. No wonder they are present on the menu of any bodybuilder who diligently builds mass. True, fat in strong nucleoli is at least twice as much as protein, so you need to eat them with caution.

Peanuts are high in protein, but almonds and walnuts are lower in fat

8. Eggs. 10-12% protein makes this product an indispensable assistant in mass gain, but if you are losing weight or are concerned about creating relief, you will have to give up the yolks. Too much fat is concentrated in them - up to 35%.

9. Cereals. Buckwheat, oats, rice, millet and barley will serve as a delicious side dish, a valuable source of protein (up to 15%) and will not hit the budget. One thing is bad, cereals, with all the desire, cannot be classified as high-protein foods with a low carbohydrate content: in some of them, the amount of these compounds dangerous for harmony can reach up to 70%.

Grains contain not only proteins and carbohydrates, but also minerals

10. Bread. Surprised? Meanwhile, bread contains 5-8% protein, which makes it an important contender for your attention. The main thing is to choose varieties with a lower content of carbohydrates, and a large amount of vitamins. Such as wholemeal rye bread, which can rightfully be called a bodybuilder's assistant both in losing weight and gaining mass.

If you do not get carried away eating bread, it will only benefit

comparison table

For better clarity, we present you a table of high-protein foods indicating the amount of fat and carbohydrates.

Video: 10 Cheap Protein Sources

10 of the cheapest, but at the same time effective mass gaining products according to the Kukharim channel:



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