Beneficial properties of watermelon for a woman’s body. How to eat watermelon

In your opinion, is watermelon a berry or a fruit? Or perhaps you consider it a vegetable, because it grows on the ground? People's opinions were divided for a long time until scientists determined that it was a melon crop with morphological structure berries. In other words, pumpkin. A watermelon doesn’t really look like a berry, so you’re least likely to meet a person in line shouting to the seller, “weigh me that 3 kg berry...”.

The topic of our conversation is “The benefits of watermelon.” How healthy is it and for what diseases is it eaten? We will tell you about the composition of the big berries in the world, calorie content, what is useful for watermelon and what vitamins are included in its composition. Watermelon also has contraindications, especially when the juicy fruit is consumed in unlimited quantities. Which Negative consequences Such unauthorized use can be expected by a person, you will find out at the end of the article.

Is watermelon king or queen?

The origin of the berry has two versions, but both of them are based on the reliable fact that the first watermelon appeared in the wild even BC. in Africa.

Some consider the wild “colocynth” to be the ancestor of watermelon, which still grows in South Africa. Another version says: DNA studies of the watermelon revealed that the ancestor of the watermelon is the “tsamma” melon, growing in the Kalahari Desert. To this day, this melon is a source of water for the Bushmen.

Surprisingly, the second version seems the most plausible. After all, watermelon is so juicy that it is impossible to eat it. But you can quench your thirst well. Even the ancient Romans and Egyptians enjoyed the gifts of nature and knew that watermelon had health benefits and valued the medicinal properties of red-fleshed pumpkin. Watermelon seeds were discovered in the 20th century BC. in the tomb of the pharaoh. Apparently, they were placed there as a means of nourishment for the soul and cleansing it.

Another interesting thing about watermelon seeds is said in one ancient Egyptian myth: “the first watermelon grew from the seed of the god Seth, who was madly in love with Isis...”. The romantic history and information about the seeds in the tomb allowed people to find medicinal components in watermelon seeds, and now they can successfully use this knowledge.

Later, the Chinese and Arabs became acquainted with watermelon. They believed that the benefits of watermelon for humans were colossal, supposedly this culture cleanses the body and soul, and removes illness from the body.

After some digression, let’s return to whether watermelon, a fruit given by nature, is healthy, because this is our main goal.

Watermelon - health benefits and harms

Watermelon is the perfect ratio minerals and vitamins. By interacting with each other in the body, they remove toxins and accumulate energy. WITH therapeutic purpose pulp is used, including subcutaneous pulp, peels, and seeds.

Fiber in the pulp improves digestion, and folic acid eliminates memory problems, improving cerebral circulation, relieves nervous tension. And, of course, the diuretic properties of watermelon always stand above the rest. People have known about them for a long time and, with the help of watermelon, even fight the formation of stones in the urinary tract and gall bladder.

Watermelon seeds - benefits and harm

Watermelon seeds - benefits and a real pantry healthy fats. They contain linoleic, carboxylic and linolenic fatty acids. Oil is extracted from the seeds, similar in composition to olive and almond.

Benefit watermelon seeds the fact that they contain a special substance - arginine, which is beneficial for the blood and regulates blood pressure, niacin - benefits the nervous system.

The benefits of watermelon for the body. Watermelon - calories, benefits, and harm

The unique composition of watermelon, which contains absolutely no harmful acids and few natural salts deserve special attention. But Mother Nature rewarded it with low calorie content (38 kcal) and alkaline elements - potassium and sodium.

Thanks to this, you can never harm your kidneys, but will only help them if you arrange fasting “watermelon days”. And the stomach, having had its fill, will only thank you. The main thing is not to overdo it; more than 2.5 kg of watermelon pulp per day is too much (in addition to cleansing, you can wash everything useful from the body).

100 grams of miracle berry pulp contains the following minerals:

  • Magnesium - 224 mg
  • Potassium – 65 mg
  • Sodium – 16 mg
  • Calcium 14 mg
  • Phosphorus – 7 mg
  • Iron – 1 mg

And, of course, here is the main composition of the fruit, allowing you to draw a conclusion about how watermelon is beneficial for the body and its dietary benefits:

  • Proteins – 0.7 g
  • Carbohydrates – 5-13 g
  • Pectin – about 0.7 g
  • Fiber – 0.5 g
  • Sucrose, glucose and fructose – from 5 to 13 mg

What vitamins are contained in watermelon?

It would seem, what is the benefit of watermelon and what vitamins can there be in watermelon, because it consists of 85% water... But as it turned out, watermelon pulp contains vitamins P, PP, C (ascorbic acid), B (thiamine, riboflavin, folic acid), A. The amount of each vitamin is minimal. But the vitamins in watermelon give us the right to say with confidence that the striped fruit is even more beneficial than we previously thought.

The beneficial properties of watermelon are manifested in gout, hypertension, arthritis, kidney stones, cystitis, nephritis, pyelonephritis. 1 glass with 1 tablespoon of honey should be taken in all of the above cases. This technique removes from the body excess liquid, salts and toxins.

Is watermelon a diuretic or not?

Even urolithiasis and cholelithiasis retreat before this juicy and useful fruit. The composition of vitamin watermelon is a healing union of water and magnesium, potassium and sodium.

If there are salts and sand in the kidneys and urine, then they will have no hope of salvation, watermelon juice washes away everything unnecessary, unnecessary for the body. And even dissolves small stones in the gallbladder.

If you have kidney and bladder diseases, you need to be careful; it is not recommended to take more than one glass of juice at a time. Best treatment Uric acid diuresis means eating watermelon in a warm bath, don’t be surprised, right in the water, on an empty stomach. In such conditions, the urinary ducts open better and salts, sand and small stones come out painlessly. ethnoscience advises eating watermelon with black bread in the bath or after it. Watermelon goes better with white bread when you want to improve digestion rather than heal your kidneys.

We do kidney prevention every summer by taking vitamins contained in watermelon - from the end of summer until the end of autumn, what about you? The main thing is to avoid shopping until mid-August, especially if you do not have a nitrate meter with you.

By purchasing early watermelons, you can get more harm than good. Read about how to choose a watermelon and to whom it is contraindicated at the end of the material. Now let’s talk about what other beneficial properties of watermelon are worth your attention.

Treatment of anemia

Availability vitamin complex and iron compounds makes watermelon an excellent assistant in the fight against anemia, that is, anemia. It will qualitatively increase hemoglobin without straining the gastrointestinal tract.

Chew watermelon and lose weight!

If you want to gain weight, then this trick will not work with watermelon, so watermelon can be called the No. 1 product of all those losing weight. Just 3-4 slices of watermelon are enough to feel your stomach full. Consumption of watermelon improves digestion and metabolic processes. There is a double benefit - the kidneys are cleansed, and waste products come out through feces and through sweating. This gets rid of excess cholesterol and constipation.

How is watermelon useful for a person if he has stomach problems? The advantage of watermelon is that it is alkaline product and does not irritate the walls of the stomach and intestines. Therefore, it is most often prescribed to be eaten for gastritis and ulcers. True, as quickly as the stomach fills, hunger is felt just as quickly. Therefore, you need to be careful with the watermelon diet. A fasting day can be arranged once a week, with the exception of diabetics (they need to eat more often). This diet can help you lose 2-3 kg of weight in a month.

The opinion of nutritionists is that watermelon can greatly stimulate appetite. Therefore, there is a risk that people who are becoming overweight will end up eating to their heart's content some time later. The important thing here is the ability to restrain your impulses. If there is no sense of proportion, then it is recommended to eat watermelon before meals or instead of dinner, breakfast, and best of all, as an afternoon snack.

To treat the heart and cleanse the blood

Here watermelon is strong due to the presence folic acid, magnesium in large quantities and of course potassium. All these components together have a good effect on hypertensive patients; sometimes 150 grams of fruit is enough to reduce arterial pressure and improve quality of life.

If you eat watermelons regularly, you can get rid of bad cholesterol, which destroys the walls of blood vessels and capillaries, adversely affecting the heart.

The benefits of watermelon for women

Women love watermelons with special frantic force, it’s all due to the subconscious desire to look perfect. Well, they were not mistaken in choosing a dietary product, because only watermelon can boast of the benefits that watermelon has for women!

But a watermelon can also bring psychological benefits– it helps produce serotonin (the hormone of happiness). It is useful if a couple in love tastes a few shares of the delicacy together, receiving a surge of endorphins in return. It follows that watermelon has a positive effect on the psychological state, calms the nerves, so it becomes clear why watermelon is useful for pregnant women, because their mood often changes.

How is watermelon beneficial for a woman’s body?

Lycopene protects the body from various oncological diseases, which is excellent for the female gender. And in for cosmetic purposes Watermelon is also well used: women make masks, scrubs, crush the seeds and make a paste - they use it as a bleaching agent. Made from crusts healing decoction and drink. This anti-edema medicine relieves and prevents age-related changes in the skin, making it elastic and radiant.

What are the benefits of watermelon for men?

The benefits of watermelon for men are manifested in the same properties as for all other people. And the presence of lycopene confirms that watermelon is excellent. It increases potency akin to Viagra, fights cancer and generally improves the body’s metabolic processes. So watermelon is good for men; they simply need to eat this berry!

Pay attention to the health of your kidneys, the presence of sand and pebbles is a warning that you need to consult a doctor before eating watermelon. After all, the ducts in males are much narrower than females and can become clogged with sand, after which surgical intervention may be required.

Is watermelon good for pregnant women?

Watermelons are good for children, the elderly, and of course, watermelon also has benefits for pregnant women. Can pregnant women eat watermelon, since they already have to be near the bathroom? Yes it is, but moderate amount watermelon juice or pulp will not harm, but will help you bear a healthy baby. In addition, the baby also needs the benefits of watermelon during pregnancy - folic acid for proper development, and vitamins and minerals.

Just at what rate should you use it? healing product? Each pregnant woman has separate recommendations; some are allowed 2 slices at a time, while others are allowed to eat up to 1 kg.

It all depends on the state of pregnancy and of course on the quality of the watermelon and the time of day (not recommended in the evening). Watermelon is very good for preventing swelling. In order not to stock up on nitrates instead of vitamins, and also to find out which watermelon to choose for pregnant women, what benefits and harms there are from it, read the following recommendations.

Watermelon - benefits and harm to the body. How to choose the right berry?

Here's what experienced experts advise:

  • Never try watermelon if it's not in season (usually watermelons are very cheap during the season)
  • Do not try cut watermelon at the market, especially if it has been there for some time. Bacteria could have gotten inside
  • When you get home, wash the watermelon thoroughly under running water.
  • To check for the presence of nitrates, cut a piece and place it in a glass of water; if the water is colored, it means there are nitrates; if it’s just cloudy, you can eat the watermelon
  • The presence of yellow rather than white veins is a sign of nitrate content
  • It is better not to eat watermelon after meals for those who suffer from gas formation, especially pregnant women.
  • You cannot store watermelon for more than a day, even in the refrigerator. Watermelon can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days, or better yet alone. It tends to accumulate bacteria and lose taste during storage. It is necessary to turn the watermelon cut side down onto a tray and wrap the entire structure with cling film.

Watermelon, which has beneficial properties and contraindications, is completely prohibited for people with abnormalities genitourinary system, diabetics with type 2 diabetes, with adenoma, colitis and diarrhea. You should also be more careful with fluid retention in the body; for such people, watermelon is both beneficial and harmful.

More often than not, those seeking the benefits of watermelon are interested in the question: what is healthier, watermelon or melon? There is only one answer to this question - they are almost identical in composition, and even the amount of water in them is the same. The only negative is for diabetics, they cannot eat melon due to the presence of a small amount of fat. Both melons are very healthy; nutritionists advise using them as an independent dish, without mixing them with anything else.

Greetings, my dears! How's yours? We will devote this fine Friday day to revealing the topic of why watermelon is useful? After reading, you will learn everything about this “berry”, namely, the nutritional profile, what benefits it brings, and what to look for when choosing it, i.e. learn how to buy a watermelon correctly.

So, make yourself comfortable, let's start broadcasting.

Why watermelon is useful: FAQ questions and answers.

Well, our summer series of nutritional notes is coming to its logical conclusion. We sorted out a lot interesting topics: found out, and also If you are still “not in sight”, then you are welcome, the notes are waiting for your participation. Of course, our cycle would not be complete if we did not pay attention to one of the main attributes of the summer table - watermelon, and therefore the corresponding note is in front of you.

Actually, let's start revealing this tasty topic.

For better absorption material, all further narration will be divided into subchapters.

Watermelon: what is this “fruit” and how is it useful?

Watermelon – annual herbaceous plant, a species of the Watermelon genus, Cucurbitaceae family. The fruit pulp of watermelon contains from 6 before 12% simple sugars (sucrose, fructose, glucose), and the concentration of the latter two predominates at the time of ripening, and sucrose accumulates during storage. Watermelon seeds contain up to 25% fatty oil (liquid fats plant origin) and in particular linoleic and linolenic acids. Watermelon normalizes metabolism, enhances intestinal motility and has some laxative effect.

The main advantages include:

  • low calorie content - approx. 30 kcal per 100 gr;
  • hydrated product ( 90% water) with a relatively low content of sugars and fat and high electrolytes;
  • is good source potassium, which controls heart rate and blood pressure;
  • contains sufficient quantity vitamin A B6(pyridoxine) and thiamine (vitamin B1);
  • relatively high content vitamin C – 8-10% daily value;
  • contains the amino acid citrulline, which has big number physiological effects, in particular, improves muscle nutrition, increases endurance and reduces fatigue after exercise;
  • Watermelon pulp contains carotenoids, incl. lycopene, which acts as an antioxidant in the human body - protects cells from free radicals;
  • rich in flavonoids: lutein, zeaxanthin and cryptoxanthin;
  • Relatively well quenches thirst and refreshes.

Concerning chemical composition pulp and nutritional value watermelon, then they are like that.

How is watermelon useful for a person who goes to the gym and simply leads a healthy lifestyle?

If you think that watermelon is just a sweet treat and has no other benefits, then you are deeply mistaken. Watermelon should be included in your diet for the following reasons: 2 -x useful properties.

Property No. 1

One of the unpleasant training factors is muscle pain after exercise. (or postponed until the next day). Often, beginners, when conducting their first (and subsequent) workouts, encounter pain in the muscles - they feel like they are breaking, and unpleasant sensations arise. painful condition. Moreover, this is also familiar to athletes who visit the gym quite often and conduct intense strength and relatively long training sessions.

And here, in resolving the issue of removing pain Watermelon eaten before training can help with muscles. The effect is achieved due to L-citrulline present in watermelon, an amino acid that protects muscles from overexertion and prevents muscle pain.

Property No. 2

Can benefit both sexes because... it concerns bedside issues, or rather love pleasures:), and to be even more precise, erectile function. When we eat watermelon, citrulline in our body is converted into L-arginine, a precursor of nitric oxide. An adequate amount of the latter in the body leads to relaxation of the walls blood vessels, which contributes to their expansion (increasing the lumen in blood vessels) and a rush of blood to them (including the loins).

A man's erection is affected by the concentration of nitric oxide in the blood, therefore increasing its content in the body through foods (particularly watermelon), the likelihood of satisfying your partner also increases.


The above properties can only manifest themselves if the rest balanced diet and corresponding human activity during the day, i.e. Eating watermelon alone without changing the rest of your regimen will not lead to health benefits.

Is watermelon sweet and will make me fat?

What woman doesn't love watermelon? Only the one who cannot afford it, due to the fear that it will be deposited on her extra pounds. However, ladies, there is good news for you - watermelon, with moderate and proper consumption, will not in any way affect the shift of the scales to the right.

The glycemic index of this “berry” is about 72 units, and by simple carbohydrates accounts for about 6 gr. Simple calculations give us the glycemic load 4 units (72/100*6 ) which corresponds to low level. In addition, watermelon consists of 90% from water and has low calorie content. All this prevents it from negatively affecting the figure in any way.

As for science, it was found that citrulline in watermelon contributes to less accumulation of fat in adipocytes (fat cells). Experiments have shown that citrulline has the ability (through a series of steps) block TNAP activity (tissue-nonspecific alkaline phosphatase), thereby forcing our fat cells produce less fat.

Conclusion: you can allow yourself to eat a day (behind 2-3 reception) 1/6 , a little more 1 kg (men) and 1/7 (women) average ( 7-8 kg) watermelon. It is advisable to consume most of the watermelon in the first half of the day (before 16-00 ) and several slices ( 2-4 ) before training (behind 30-45 minutes) in hot weather.

So, we have laid some theoretical foundation, now let’s get down to business practical side, namely, let's talk about...

Early watermelons. When and what kind of watermelon should you buy?

I don’t know about you, but here in Siberia, the first watermelons appear in mid-July, and, despite the sky-high prices per kilogram, I must say, they are sold well. However, in purchasing watermelons (from the point of view - “when?”) There is one rule - the later, the better. Optimal time Buying a good watermelon is the first weeks of August, that’s when they are brought ripe to the regions. Otherwise, you may end up with a nitrate watermelon.

It will help you to correctly navigate the time of purchase next reminder(clickable).

Well, in conclusion we will find out...

Why watermelon is useful and how to choose it correctly

The average person, approaching the point of selling melons, chooses a watermelon like this: “give me a good, sweet one” or “pick me a ripe watermelon for the table.” Moreover, this applies not only to women, but also to men. I think it’s not difficult to guess which watermelon is “slipped” to the buyer - one of the largest, because the greater the weight, the greater the profit of the seller.

Very often in the market you can observe a situation when a buyer comes to the point for the second time and starts a scandal about: “What did you slip me here!” Therefore, when it comes to choosing products, there is only one rule - your own responsibility and the same choice.

It is best for a male audience to buy a watermelon, because some manipulations need to be done with the “berry”. In any case, when purchasing, always keep the following information in mind and see if the watermelon in your hands satisfies it.

Actually, this was the last meaningful information left...


This was the last note from our summer cycle, and from it we learned not only what watermelon is good for, but also when and how to buy it. I am sure that now you will become an ace or ask :) in watermelon matters and will receive respect and respect from a grateful family! Well, how about watermelon?

That’s all, I’m glad that you invested this time in yourself, see you soon!

PS. What do you like more: watermelon or melon?

With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.

Watermelon is everyone’s favorite, juicy and sweet berry, whose appearance on the shelves has been awaited since the very beginning of summer. But you shouldn’t buy the first copies at the beginning of July. It is better to eat watermelons starting from the end of August. In this article we will tell you how watermelon is useful for the human body, what harm it can cause, and what is so valuable and useful about it.

How much water is in a watermelon

The percentage of water in arubuza is approximately 80% of its mass.

Useful properties of watermelon

Watermelon contains fructose, microelements and fiber. This composition will perfectly help with weight loss and is useful for normalizing work gastrointestinal tract.

Useful substances of watermelon:

  • Vitamin C;
  • Vitamin PP;
  • Beta-carotene;
  • B vitamins (riboflavin, thiamine, folic acid, pyridoxine);
  • Vitamin A (VE);
  • Vitamin E (TE);


  • Phosphorus;
  • Sodium;
  • Magnesium;
  • Potassium;
  • Calcium;


  • Iron.

Magnesium, which is part of watermelon, helps stabilize blood pressure; it can easily reduce nervous excitability.

It's nice that it's so delicious product contains only 38 calories per 100 grams.

Is watermelon good for pregnant women?

Watermelon contains a lot of vitamins that will definitely be useful for the expectant mother and the child growing in her womb.

Folic acid helps many metabolic processes proceed normally: hematopoiesis, synthesizes proteins, which is doubly important for pregnant women.

Micro- and macroelements, carbohydrates, fats, proteins, ash, organic acids, pectin and fiber determine the usefulness of watermelon for the body of pregnant women.

It contains practically no natural salts and acids, but neutralizing alkalis are concentrated in excess. This quality benefits the condition urinary system, will get rid of infectious diseases. If the second or third trimester of your pregnancy falls in September, then watermelon will become not only a delicacy for you, but also a medicine for your kidneys.

Watermelon will become indispensable natural remedy against edema, thanks to its diuretic properties.

This berry dissolves and removes toxins and waste. This property is especially useful for the body when consuming any medicines, antibiotics or after anesthesia.

Sugar, which is very abundant in watermelon, provides it with excellent taste qualities and such beneficial properties as improving mood and normalizing sleep.

With all this, watermelon promotes the formation of gases, and this causes discomfort for pregnant women.

How long can you store cut watermelon in the refrigerator?

After you have cut yourself pieces, it is recommended to immediately put the rest in the refrigerator. In a warm place, on a kitchen table or in the sun, after a few hours pathogenic microbes begin to become active in the fruit, and bad taste, and later it can no longer be eaten.
To store in the refrigerator, it is recommended to place the watermelon on a plate, turning it upside down, and leave it on the bottom shelf - it is usually colder there. And for up to two days you can enjoy regular servings of this melon.
It is better for pregnant women and children not to eat cut berries after 24 hours, even if they were stored in the refrigerator.

Is watermelon good for weight loss?

At the end of summer, the season of watermelons begins, which will help those who want to lose weight quickly and tasty. You can eat these berries in unlimited quantities. Watermelon has a diuretic property, removes waste, toxins and harmful substances from the body, along with which, thanks to vitamins B, A and C, body fat. A small laxative effect of watermelon, choleretic and cholesterol-lowering, is known.

The peels have a good effect on the body. After drying them, you can brew the crusts all year round. A decoction of them will relieve swelling and is useful for the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Is watermelon good for the liver?

This berry helps remove toxins from the liver and prevents fatty infiltration of the liver. Watermelon juice helps cleanse the liver faster after taking medications.

Watermelon is contraindicated:

  1. For diarrhea and colitis;
  2. If there are stone formations in the body;
  3. With flatulence;
  4. In case of disturbances in the outflow of urine;
  5. At diabetes mellitus.

How much watermelon can you eat?

You can eat the amount of watermelon per day that you feel full of.
Every day it can be consumed in unlimited quantities, but only if it is a high-quality fruit of normal ripening.

How to choose a ripe and sweet watermelon?

10 signs and methods that will help you choose the most sugary and delicious watermelon when buying in a store:

  1. Ripe watermelons appear towards the end of August and beginning of September. Therefore, you need to be patient, and even if at the end of June you see a quite attractive fruit on the counter, it is better to refrain from buying it, since there is a high probability that it was grown with the use of nitrates.
  2. It is better to choose a medium size, 4-5 kg.
  3. Good watermelons have a side yellow spot- the place where he lay on the ground while growing up. Of course, such fruits may not be so attractive in appearance, for example, with a white spot or without it at all. However, the presence of such a yellow or even slightly orange “mark” is a sign of a ripe watermelon.
  4. The rind of a ripe watermelon is hard and should be shiny. It should not be easily pierced with a fingernail. The stripes should be very contrasting, with a clearly defined striped pattern, without plaque, various cuts, cracks and soft areas.
  5. Another a clear sign ripe watermelon - its dry stalk (dry tail). When it fully ripens in the melon field, the need to feed from the bush gradually disappears, which means that the need to connect with the bush goes away. Therefore, the tail dries out and can be easily separated from the bush. When choosing a fruit, you can see with the naked eye where the tail of an unripe watermelon was simply cut and it dried out along the way, since an even cut will be noticeable.
  6. There should be no smell coming from the peel; this may indicate that the berries are not ripe.
  7. If you tap a watermelon with your palm, the sound from the ripened fruit will be duller. But for more precise definition maturity, a little experience will be required.
  8. The following method to ensure ripeness is mainly suitable strong men, because as a test you will have to squeeze the fruit in the middle with both hands. If, with such compression, you hear a slight crackling sound, then this indicates the ripeness of the fruit, but if there are no sounds, it means that the watermelon has not yet ripened, and you should not take it.
  9. By the bottom of the berry you can determine its o gender. “Girl” has a flatter and wider circle; such watermelons have more sugar and fewer seeds.
  10. When you get home, you can also check the ripeness of the watermelon by placing it in a container of water. A good watermelon floats in the water.

Where to buy watermelons

Try to purchase watermelons in specially equipped stores or pavilions, this way you will protect yourself and your family from unwanted microorganisms that enter the fruit through microcracks. Despite its thick skin, watermelon easily absorbs harmful substances from the air, especially if sold near highways. Try to choose a place of sale away from roads, construction sites and other polluting conditions, since melon quickly absorbs harmful elements environment. It is better if they are trusted sellers or on the recommendation of friends.

How to wash a watermelon

After you have chosen good watermelon When you get home, you need to wash it thoroughly under running warm water, possibly with soap or a brush. You never know exactly where and how the fruits were stored, and how exactly they were transported to their destination, so using such a simple procedure is better to protect yourself and your loved ones, especially if you are going to give this product to children.

Healthy recipes

Watermelon mojito

Prepare 4 servings of the drink.

  1. In a bowl, combine mint leaves, lime slices and 1 tbsp. spoons of sugar. Crush everything thoroughly with a masher until juice forms.
  2. Add 120 grams of finely chopped boneless pulp and crush again.
  3. Add 60 ml of white rum, ice, stir and pour the mixture into glasses.

To make a non-alcoholic mojito, add Sprite instead of rum.

Watermelon jelly

Prepare 4 servings of dessert.

  1. Mix 15 grams of gelatin with 50 ml of water. Leave for 5 minutes.
  2. At this time, combine 100 grams of sugar, a little salt and another 50 ml of water in a saucepan. Place on the fire and stir, bringing to a boil and the sugar is completely dissolved.
  3. Remove the mixture from the heat and combine with the gelatin mixture.
  4. Beat 1 tbsp in a blender. spoon lemon juice with 1.5 kg of watermelon pulp. Strain the resulting puree through a sieve.
  5. Mix watermelon puree with the gelatin mixture, mix and pour into bowls.
  6. Place in the refrigerator until hardened.

We hope that we have answered the question as fully as possible about whether watermelon is healthy. Health and bon appetit!

With coming summer days and until late autumn the sweetish-tropical smell of juicy watermelon can be smelled in every kitchen. This fruit is famous for its amazing taste and delicate aroma, which is associated with the fresh sea breeze, sun rays and a feeling of lightness and bliss. Mothers begin to treat their babies to watermelon almost from the first years of life, and this is quite reasonable - the candied pulp practically does not cause allergic reactions, easily perceived by sensitive digestive system and little sweet tooths like it that way. In addition, watermelon has a lot of useful properties, so including this fruit in your diet means not only pampering your family with a delicious delicacy, but also taking care of their health.

The benefits of watermelon for the human body

The watermelon season begins at the same time as most domestic berries and fruits - from mid-summer to mid-autumn. It is at this time that you can provide the body with a supply of vitamins and microelements for the whole year, and watermelons play an important role in this. The composition of the pulp of this amazing fruit amazes the imagination with its healing properties:

  1. Vitamin A. Retinol restores vitality, fills the body with energy and has a positive effect on the condition of skin, hair and nails. This substance will be especially useful for those who suffer from excessive dry skin or dermatitis.
  2. Vitamin B The group of these vitamins affects the quality metabolic processes, has a calming and relaxing effect. In addition, an increased content of B vitamins is indicated in the presence of cardiovascular disorders.
  3. Vitamin C The antioxidant properties of ascorbic acid are difficult to overestimate - this substance inhibits the aging process, protects against the effects of harmful ultraviolet radiation and background radiation environment. Vitamin C is also involved in the processes of hematopoiesis and blood circulation, helps overcome stressful situations and regulates the immune response.
  4. Organic acids It is these substances that enter the gastrointestinal tract that regulate the metabolic process, maintain a balanced pH and normalize digestion. In addition, some of them have pronounced antiseptic properties, which means they help relieve the symptoms of food poisoning.
  5. Plant fiber . The high fiber content in watermelon pulp is a guarantee of excellent digestion and metabolism. In addition, this substance lowers cholesterol levels and reduces the absorption of sugar, which means it acts as a preventative measure against cardiovascular pathologies.
  6. Calcium Calcium obtained from food strengthens skeletal system, has a beneficial effect on the condition of teeth and nails and normalizes heart function.
  7. Iron This valuable mineral serves as the basis for hematopoiesis and regulates the activity of endocrine system, helps maintain vital energy and improves immunity.
  8. Pectin. Cleansing the body, protecting against pesticides coming from outside, high antioxidant properties and the removal of toxic metals from the body - these are the main properties of pectin. In addition, this substance improves peristalsis and promotes efficient digestion.
  9. Magnesium This component has a beneficial effect on activity nerve fibers, has a mild antispasmodic effect, improves heart function and promotes balanced metabolism.
  10. Phosphorus.The macroelement promotes rapid cell regeneration and serves as the basis for strong bones and teeth, improves energy metabolism and has a positive effect on the functioning of the enzymatic system.

All these substances are contained in abundance in juicy watermelon pulp, which can become not only a tasty afternoon snack, but also a home “healer”.

What are the benefits of watermelon for the body?

5 irreplaceable properties

By eating watermelons at least 1-2 times a week, you can protect yourself from serious problems in the functioning of the body, get rid of unpleasant symptoms and forget going to the doctors. In what cases will this fruit be especially valuable?

  1. For kidney diseases. The diuretic properties of watermelon juice are known to everyone who has ever tried this miracle fruit. It is thanks to this that watermelon helps cleanse the kidneys, and with regular use, it helps get rid of sand and small stones.
  2. For liver diseases The high content of natural alkalis has a pronounced choleretic effect on the body.
  3. As a preventative against cardiovascular pathologies Micro- and macroelements, vitamins and minerals contained in watermelon not only improve heart function, but also prevent the deposition of cholesterol in blood vessels.
  4. For anemia Iron, which is part of watermelon pulp, is easily absorbed by the body, which means it quickly normalizes hemoglobin levels.
  5. For problems with the gastrointestinal tract Plant fiber along with folic and pantothenic acid improves intestinal microflora, stimulates metabolism and normalizes energy metabolism.

The benefits of watermelon for women, or What is the secret of beauty?

Leading cosmetologists have long chosen watermelon juice as a tonic lotion, which is suitable for any skin type. By regularly treating your face with this product, you will forget what irritation, excessive dryness and tightness of the skin are. And if you happen to spend a lot of time in the sun, make a watermelon mask by moistening a napkin with juice - this will relieve the unpleasant burning and redness after sunburn.

However, simply by eating watermelon, you can achieve no less tangible results. In a couple of weeks, the skin will become softer and smoother, and the first signs of aging will be a thing of the past.

Don't rush to throw it away watermelon rinds and seeds - a decoction based on them will be an excellent hair rinse and will return them natural shine, softness and silkiness.

The benefits of watermelon for a woman’s body during pregnancy

The healing properties of watermelon could not go unnoticed women's doctors who recommend regularly consuming this fruit, especially during pregnancy. In this difficult time female body period, the high content of folic acid, vitamins and microelements, which watermelon boasts, is simply necessary - these substances not only provide expectant mother everything necessary to maintain normal life, but also help the baby to form correctly in the womb.

Folacin (another name for folic acid) takes part in the formation of baby's DNA chains, regulates cell division and improves protein absorption. And although it contains a high percentage of water, swelling, which frightens many pregnant women, after eating watermelon you will not experience! On the contrary, your energy and positive attitude, A future baby will say “Thank you” for the generous portion of vitamins and minerals.

You should not give up watermelon after childbirth. This fruit will help quickly bring blood counts back to normal and restore energy balance. Especially healthy watermelon It will be useful for nursing mothers, as it will help improve lactation and speed up the production of breast milk.

The benefits of watermelon for men

Not only women will benefit from a watermelon menu - healing properties this fruit for men's health no less valuable. Cleansing the kidneys, normalizing the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, preventing heart pathologies, light weight loss and rejuvenating effects are no less significant for the stronger sex than for women, but there are also properties that only men can appreciate.

What are the benefits of watermelon for the stronger sex?

The prostate gland is one of the most vulnerable places male body. That is why leading urologists and andrologists recommend that the stronger sex regularly consume not only watermelon pulp, but also its juice - the antioxidants contained in this fruit and drinks prepared from it help prevent the development of tumors in prostate gland, relieve symptoms of inflammation and serve effective prevention oncological diseases.

Health benefits of watermelon: natural powers are better than drugs!

Taking care of your health is very simple! Using daily the right products, you can provide the body with everything necessary substances, avoid many problems and ailments. And if you get sick, you shouldn’t try so hard to drink as much as possible more pills– many diseases can be dealt with by including them in your diet healthy dishes, given by nature. It is precisely such a storehouse of health and vitality could become a watermelon! Add it to salads, eat it at pure form or squeeze the juice - one way or another, this fruit will become not only a delicious dessert, but also an excellent disease prevention.

The summer season is replete with vegetables, fruits and berries. And at the end of summer comes the time for watermelons. Many people associate summer time with watermelons. Especially in August, you want to constantly eat this tasty and juicy berry. But to enjoy it, you need to be able to choose it. If the watermelon was chosen incorrectly, it will not only be beneficial, but also harmful to the body. But, despite all the benefits of the sweet berry, eating it is not recommended for some people.

Watermelon refers to dietary products thanks to low content calories. There are only 28 kilocalories per 100 grams.

Watermelon pulp contains:

  • proteins – 0.6 grams;
  • fat – 0.1 grams;
  • carbohydrates – 5.8 grams.

In addition, the fruits contain a large amount of vitamins and microelements necessary for human life:

  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • iron;
  • B vitamins;
  • vitamin A;
  • vitamin PP;
  • beta carotene.

The fruits contain everything necessary for humans nutrients. Regular consumption of pulp helps improve the functioning of internal organs.

Among the beneficial properties of watermelon pulp are the following:

  • swelling goes away;
  • blood plasma filtration improves;
  • has a diuretic and choleretic effect on the body;
  • the functioning of the intestinal tract and stomach improves;
  • helps remove harmful cholesterol from the body;
  • the resistance of the immune system increases;
  • Watermelon contains lycopene, one of the antioxidants that has the greatest positive effect on the body;
  • waste products are removed from the kidneys.

It's hard to overestimate useful qualities, which the pulp has.

What can you eat?

Traditionally, only the red pulp is eaten. But the peel and seeds are thrown away. It is difficult to imagine that a person would like to eat seeds or watermelon rind. But, for example, watermelon seeds are considered useful product, they are no worse than pumpkin ones. And the peel is often used to prepare potions. folk recipes. Therefore, there is no need to rush and throw away the leftover watermelon. The peel and seeds may still be useful.


It's no secret that watermelon pulp is very healthy. It is used not only as delicious dessert, but also for weight loss. The pulp helps eliminate waste and toxins, eliminates swelling and removes harmful cholesterol from the body.

Including berries in the diet can improve the condition of the kidneys and liver, since the fruit has a diuretic and choleretic effect.

Thanks to the removal of cholesterol, blood vessels are cleansed and function is normalized of cardio-vascular system. Watermelon acts as a preventative against heart attacks and strokes. Vitamin B, which is contained in the berry large quantities, improves brain function and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the central nervous system.

Watermelon pulp is also used in cosmetology. Based on it they make nourishing masks for hair and face. Watermelon juice is frozen in the refrigerator and wiped on the face. After 15-20 minutes, the juice is washed off. Skin, thanks watermelon masks, acquires elasticity and a beautiful shade.


But not only the pulp is beneficial for the human body. Nutritional properties seeds also have. Medicinal properties sunflower seeds:

  1. Watermelon seeds contain amino acids that play important role in formation and growth muscle mass.
  2. Output heavy metals from the body, so they need to be eaten by people who work in hazardous industries.
  3. Help strengthen the immune system and prevent allergic reactions.
  4. Improves the condition of the skin.
  5. Normalize blood pressure and improve the functioning of the nervous system.
  6. Improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Prepared from watermelon seeds medicines according to traditional medicine recipes.

Watermelon peel

Few people know, but watermelon peel is also very beneficial for the human body. It should be used only if the watermelons do not contain harmful substances. Such berries are most often sold in early summer, when the season has not yet begun.

Nourishing facial masks are made from watermelon peel. They help moisturize the skin and regulate the functioning of sebaceous glands and relieve swelling. In addition, peel masks have an anti-inflammatory effect.

What are the health benefits of watermelon?

The benefits of watermelon for humans have long been known. Based on it, detox diets are carried out, which remove waste and toxins from the body. The main thing is to choose the right berry, which does not contain a high content of nitrates and other harmful substances. Berry poisoning in summer is common.

For men

For men, watermelon pulp acts similarly to potency enhancing drugs. The berry contains citrulline and lycopene. These substances help dilate blood vessels and increase potency. In addition, regular consumption of watermelon helps cope with stress, normalize blood pressure and improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system. This is important for the male body, because, as you know, most deaths among men occur due to heart problems.

For women

Women can experience the benefits of watermelon if they eat it regularly. Positive effects of watermelon pulp on a woman’s body:

  1. Quickly saturates the body and promotes weight loss.
  2. Has a beneficial effect on facial skin.
  3. Removes harmful substances from the body.
  4. Folic acid has a positive effect during pregnancy.
  5. Rejuvenates the body.

Watermelon is often used in cosmetology to prepare face and hair masks.

For children

The usefulness of watermelon for children is due to the high content of vitamins and microelements in the pulp of the berries, which are necessary for a growing body. Watermelon is given even to small children, provided that it does not contain harmful toxins. The main thing is not to give children watermelons in large quantities.

Due to the fact that the pulp has a diuretic effect, it creates additional load on the child’s kidneys, which are not yet fully formed.

What problems does the berry help to cope with?

Watermelon is considered one of the most healthy berries, which can be eaten even by those who are on a diet. Watermelon pulp helps improve human well-being and remove toxins from the body. In addition, watermelon is considered a dietary and low-calorie product that helps reduce weight when consumed regularly.

Normalization of digestion

Watermelon pulp has unique property normalize digestive processes. Thanks to the folic acid content in the berry, the intestinal microflora is restored. And beneficial microorganisms multiply more actively.

With regular consumption of watermelon pulp, the health of a person suffering from constipation returns to normal. If you eat 2 kilograms of pulp per day, you will be able to restore the functioning of the intestines and stomach. Watermelon juice is good for constipation. It is often used instead of a laxative.

Reducing caloric intake

For those people who want to lose weight, watermelon will become an indispensable product. Its caloric content per 100 grams is only 28 kilocalories. You can eat watermelons even before bed. The pulp quickly saturates the stomach, while no extra calories enter the body.

Cleansing the body

Watermelon pulp is often used to cleanse the body of toxins. In order to cleanse the kidneys, you need watermelon and black bread. But the procedure should be carried out only after the doctor’s permission. The course of cleansing is 5-7 days. For every 10 kilogram of a person's weight, 1 kilogram of watermelon is recommended. You should eat no more than 250 grams of black bread per day. This amount must be divided by 4 times. It is best to use bran or whole grain bread.

In the last two days of the watermelon cleanse at night (from 2 to 3) you need to take a hot bath - 30 minutes each. This measure is related to the peculiarities of the urinary system. Because of hot water the urinary ducts dilate, and blood circulates more actively through the blood vessels.

Prevention of cardiovascular system and diabetes

The berry is useful for those people who suffer from heart and vascular diseases, as well as diabetes. The fruits remove excess fluid from the body, thereby relieving the load on the heart and blood vessels.

The pulp helps reduce high pressure, strengthens the walls of capillaries and arteries.

Due to the high sugar content in watermelon pulp, it is not recommended for diabetics to abuse it. Preference should be given to not very sweet pink varieties.

Improving metabolism and skin condition

To improve your metabolism, you need to eat watermelon more often. If you arrange it periodically fasting days on berries, you can remove toxins, waste, sand and excess moisture from the body. In addition, a watermelon diet helps eliminate excess mineral salts.

The berry also has a positive effect on skin. Based on it, nourishing masks are made for the face, neck and décolleté. Masks help restore water balance and moisturize the skin. The skin becomes elastic and radiant. Watermelon pulp even helps with sunburn.

Normalization of pressure

Diuretic effect

Another useful property The berry has a diuretic effect. Thanks to the diuretic effect, it is possible to eliminate swelling that occurs due to heart failure, impaired lymphatic drainage and normalize kidney function.

Antioxidants that are part of the berry can become prophylactic against cancer, and also increase life expectancy.

Berry juice helps dissolve kidney stones and remove sand from the body. Those who want to cleanse their kidneys of stones and sand should definitely include watermelon in their daily diet. Just check with your doctor first.

If you have kidney disease, fasting days and cleansing of the body on a watermelon diet should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor. Otherwise, you can provoke a deterioration in your health.

Peculiarities of eating by pregnant women

On early stages It is beneficial for pregnant women to eat watermelon. But first you should clarify this point with your gynecologist. Bans on the consumption of fruits are imposed extremely rarely, but it would be a good idea to play it safe. Most pregnant women experience nausea in the morning. Watermelons help improve well-being and relieve attacks.

It is not recommended to eat berries often in the last trimester of pregnancy. Due to the diuretic effect, a pregnant woman constantly experiences the urge to go to the toilet, and this leads to an overcrowded bladder puts pressure on the fetus all the time.


Despite the fact that watermelons are one of the healthiest berries, they also have contraindications.

  • diabetes;
  • pancreatic diseases;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • nephrosis;
  • nephritis;
  • diseases of the spleen.

It is not advisable to eat the pulp for people who are allergic to the berry. It is not recommended to give sweet pulp to newborn babies. The berry causes colic in young children. It is also important to choose the right fruit. At the beginning of summer it is impossible to buy good berry. These watermelons have a high nitrate content. Therefore, people are often diagnosed with poisoning after eating early fruits.

Otherwise, watermelon is a healthy and tasty delicacy that has a positive effect on the body. You can eat it even late in the evening.



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