Why can't you eat early watermelons? Why does watermelon cause diarrhea? What are the benefits of watermelon for the body?

Watermelon season has arrived. For the benefit of health, we are encouraged to use this sweet berry as much as (!) from 2 to 5 kg per day. They promise that with its help you can lose weight, cleanse your kidneys, remove cholesterol - and many other exciting things. It's time to rush to the numerous tents and join the general excitement of watermelon health and weight loss. But it doesn’t happen that one miracle cure it was useful to everyone without exception. So what are the benefits and harms of watermelon? I invite you to discuss!

Watermelon diet

The calorie content of watermelon is only 38 kcal per 100 grams of product. For comparison: a banana has 95, walnuts– 645. At first glance, 38 kcal is very remarkable and you can “eat up” on a sweet berry without worrying about extra calories, and, therefore, overweight... But there is also a flip side to the coin: although watermelon is low in calories, it has a very high glycemic index of 75. (GI) shows which foods quickly and significantly increase blood sugar levels, and which ones slowly and gradually. It is good for health and, by the way, for maintaining your figure when the level of glucose in the blood increases gradually and slowly. Such products will have a GI no higher than 35.

What happens when we eat a high GI food? Glucose quickly and all at once enters the blood from the intestines. For walls blood vessels it is not safe, and a wise organism sends us help. To do this, the pancreas immediately produces a lot of the hormone insulin, which is designed to help glucose from the vessels enter the cells. Insulin does its job conscientiously, sugar enters the cell, and, accordingly, it drops sharply in the blood. Therefore, the person begins to experience again strong feeling hunger.

Products with a low GI (up to 35) slowly and gradually enter the bloodstream, so a comfortable feeling of satiety is maintained for a long time. By the way, when there is a lot of glucose in the blood, the body processes part of it into glycogen (this is a reserve of fuel or energy for the future), and when there is no room left for glycogen in the muscles and liver, glucose is processed into fats and stored where we would not like see the appearance of new fat folds.

Fructose, which watermelon is so rich in, is no less dangerous for weight gain. Although fructose does not directly increase blood sugar levels, a significant part of it is processed directly into fat in the liver. At the same time, fat from fructose does not create a feeling of fullness. After all, the feeling of satiety is affected by the level of glucose in the blood, and fructose goes directly to the liver. In America, researchers have found a link between increasing fructose consumption and the growing obesity epidemic.

Therefore, the benefits of the watermelon diet seem very doubtful.

Such a healing watermelon...

But a significant plus of watermelon is that it contains a rich set of useful substances. By feasting on sweet and juicy watermelon, we saturate our body with microelements: calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, manganese, vitamins: C, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, folic acid, carotene, useful amino acids. For example, the amino acid citrulline contained in watermelon juice and pulp is from lactic acid and urea.

These useful elements individually and in combination with other substances give different medicinal effects. For example, the pigment lycopene, which creates the bright red color of watermelon pulp, is also an excellent plant antioxidant. Lycopene actively works to prevent cardiovascular and oncological diseases. It has been observed that where people actively consume a lot of vegetables and fruits containing lycopene, heart disease and all forms of cancer are much less common. In addition, lycopene stimulates brain function, improves immunity, and reduces the effects of poor ecology in the body.

And one more important property: it protects the skin, improves intracellular metabolism, stimulates collagen production, and helps make the skin elastic and youthful.

Watermelon is also famous for its strong diuretic and choleretic effect, which helps remove waste and toxins, cleanse the body, and provide healing effect for diseases of the kidneys, urinary tract, problems with the liver or gall bladder.

Beneficial effect on metabolic processes in the liver, improvement in the functioning of the gallbladder is also associated with the rich set of essential elements in watermelon nutrients. Therefore, experts recommend using it for biliary dyskinesia, cholecystitis, anemia, anemia, hypertension, arthritis, atherosclerosis, gout, and rheumatism.

However, you don’t have to have any disease to enjoy watermelon. Of course, if there are no contraindications, then regular use quality product in high season and not large quantities will only improve your health. Children from 2 years old - up to 100 g per day, children under 6 years old - up to 200 g, and adults - preferably no more than 700 g per day.

Watermelon is not a panacea?!

Another thing is, is it worth seeing watermelon as a panacea for all of these diseases? And is it worth following the recommendations to consume from 2 to 5 kg per day of this sweet berry?

In such quantities, watermelon can be both beneficial and harmful. It all depends on the situation. Without knowing the person, without seeing his blood tests, one cannot give such advice. If a person diabetes he cannot eat even a gram of watermelon.

If a person has kidney stones, then cleansing with watermelon is by no means indicated for all types of stones, so here you also need to make a very balanced decision and consult with a specialist.

In case of flatulence, consumption of watermelon is not recommended, as it will significantly increase the processes of fermentation and gas formation. You need to listen to your body’s reaction, and not only to watermelon, but to different foods, you need to consult with specialists and understand for yourself the important points for your health. Watermelon is also contraindicated in cases of impaired urine outflow, diarrhea and colitis.

By the way, perfect time enjoying watermelon is precisely in the breaks between main meals. Since, if you combine watermelon with other dishes in a meal, then healthy person fermentation, bloating and flatulence will begin in the intestines.

Nitrates, nitrites, bacteria...

Another important point which we must take into account: if a watermelon is grown using nitrates, then there is a high risk of poisoning toxic substances. Such a watermelon will definitely only do harm, not good. Here we can advise you to buy watermelons in season, not to choose too much large fruits(no more than 4 - 5 kg) and pay attention to appearance pulp: there should be no light veins or compactions in it, which occur when striped berries are “fed” with nitrates for rapid ripening.

Why do experts advise purchasing watermelons during the season, that is, from the end of August to September? Because fast growth Early harvest, alas, cannot be done without “spurring it on” with chemical doping, and by the end of August, in September, the fruits, as a rule, already ripen on their own.

If the watermelon grew and ripened in little sunny weather and high humidity, then it will also accumulate a lot of nitrates. In the body they are processed into toxic nitrites and other harmful compounds that provoke cancer. By the way, when storing ripe watermelon for a long time, especially in an atmosphere of high humidity, the content of nitrites in it increases several times.

Nitrites bind hemoglobin, which is responsible for transporting oxygen to tissues. Hypoxia occurs - oxygen starvation tissue, which is especially difficult for children, as well as those who suffer from diseases of cardio-vascular system and respiratory organs.

That's how many factors can influence the fact that watermelon turns from a useful product with medicinal properties into a product harmful. It is difficult to insure against this, unless you yourself are engaged in growing organic crops.

To protect yourself and your family from poisoning, you should not buy melons near the roads, since after just a few hours of such roadside trade, the striped berries have time to absorb heavy metals contained in car exhausts. And, of course, we should not forget that before cutting, the watermelon must be thoroughly washed with soap, because the dirty rind is simply teeming with microbes, which, once on the sweet pulp, quickly multiply, capturing the sweet springboards for their colonies. By the way, for the same reason, refrain from purchasing cut fruits with damage to the rind or purchasing watermelon halves. And, of course, you don’t need to immediately put a dirty watermelon (and not just watermelon) on the table; wash it first so as not to leave a lot of germs on the surface of the table or tablecloth.


  • A high-quality watermelon, of course - useful product. It contains many nutrients that have a healing effect on the human body to prevent cardiovascular diseases, cancer, increase immunity, stimulate brain function, remove waste and toxins, improve the functioning of the liver and gall bladder.
  • The sweet berry has a beneficial effect on for cosmetic purposes: sweet pulp improves the structure of the skin, making it young and toned.
  • Watermelon has a high glycemic index, therefore it is contraindicated in diabetes mellitus.
  • Eating watermelon in large quantities can cause diabetes in a healthy person.
  • And in general, everything in food is good in moderation; you shouldn’t focus on one particular product and eat 2–5 kilograms of it a day, as some advisers encourage us. Variety, rotation and moderation are some of the important tenets of a healthy diet.
  • Watermelon is contraindicated for diarrhea, flatulence, some types of kidney stones, impaired urine flow, and colitis.
  • It’s safer to buy in season: late August, September.
  • When eating watermelon, it is important to maintain hygiene: do not buy it near roads, do not take cut fruits or halves, discard spoiled or cracked ones, and be sure to wash them thoroughly with soap before use.
  • Watermelon is best eaten between meals.

Your own nutritionist? It's possible!

Choose for yourself and your loved ones healthy menu you can do it yourself if you use the muscle testing method. This method allows you to high accuracy determine which products are useful for a particular person at a given time, and which ones are better to avoid.

You can master muscle testing techniques at our training on health system Touch for Health or “Healing Touch”.

It has long been known that the process of human perception of products is dynamic. For example, today potatoes, cottage cheese, nuts strengthen your body, but at other times they weaken or even harm it.

Using muscle testing, it is very easy and simple to choose a tasty and strengthening diet for yourself, your children, parents, friends and work colleagues. This way, you will not only improve your health, but also avoid spending on unnecessary products.

You don’t have to turn to nutritionists or for other people’s “culinary” advice - better diet your own body will tell you.

Watermelons have beneficial influence on the human body. Sweet fruits cleanse it of impurities and toxins. Diarrhea from watermelon can begin in lovers of early varieties. Unscrupulous farmers grow them using large amounts of nitrogen fertilizers. Thanks to chemistry they achieve accelerated growth fruits

What is the danger of nitrites?

The abundance of moisture and sun contribute to the accumulation of nitrates in sweet fruits. These substances are in digestive system humans are converted to nitrites. It is nitrites that cause cancer.

Nitrites disrupt transport function blood. After eating watermelon grown using chemicals, a person experiences hypoxia. Lack of oxygen affects all body systems.

Should you give watermelon to children under 2 years old?

To ensure that there are no harmful compounds in watermelon, each batch must be tested. But in spontaneous markets, products are not checked. There is a high probability of purchasing dangerous products that can cause serious harm to the body.

It is better not to feed children under 2 years of age watermelon. For children from 3 to 6 years old, 100-150 grams of sweet pulp per day is enough. And this is provided that the watermelon is of high quality.

Do not buy fruits damaged during transportation. Pathogenic microorganisms can enter the pulp of this berry through a damaged rind.

In a sweet environment, harmful bacteria multiply quite quickly. After eating such fruits, a person begins to experience diarrhea.

Consider the ripening time of watermelons. Remember that the fruits of this berry ripen only at the end of August. Earlier supplies are grown using chemicals.

Most often, watermelon, the benefits and harms of which are described in the material, is consumed only as a delicacy. However, if you eat it regularly and every day for several months, at least 200–300 g per day, then the benefits of watermelon for the body are manifested as a diuretic and decongestant (due to its high water content). At the same time, both the fruits themselves and the peel and seeds have beneficial properties. Made from seeds cosmetic oil, useful due to its restorative properties, from the crusts - confiture.

How to preserve watermelon?

Since watermelons are almost always large (5–6 kg or more), it is difficult to eat it at one time, even if consumed by a large family. Therefore, it is important to know how to properly store them in the refrigerator. Like any product containing sugar, oxidation and fermentation processes begin in them over time, especially after being in the heat (carbohydrates, in particular glucose, begin to break down under the influence of anaerobic microorganisms). The refrigerator can slow down this process, since low temperatures(below +10 degrees) fermentation is not so active (it is active at a temperature of 10 degrees, and its speed doubles every time the temperature rises by 10 degrees). Therefore, the pulp and peels can only be stored in the refrigerator.

To preserve the taste and to prevent the pulp from drying out, after eating the berry (pumpkin) you can cover it with cling film and store it in the refrigerator in this form. Oxygen will not penetrate under it and the cut will not become dry. It is not necessary to tighten the surface of the crusts, since their taste characteristics are not important. It can be stored in the refrigerator for 3-4 days (speed chemical reactions fermentation and oxidation decreases when the product enters a cold environment, but they still occur and after 3-4 days the differences in the taste of pumpkin will become noticeable).

You also don’t have to throw away the pumpkin rind after it’s eaten. The crusts produce confiture with a sweetish-herbaceous taste. You also need to store the peels in the refrigerator, as they can also ferment. But unlike pulp, they can be stored for 5–10 days (their sugar content is lower, and therefore the fermentation processes are not as active).

Many consumers are interested in whether watermelon is healthy after long-term storage? If you store pumpkin in the refrigerator, the properties of the peels, seeds and pulp are preserved for some time, because at low temperatures no fermentation processes occur.

Urinary system

The beneficial properties of watermelon, its rinds and seeds for the kidneys and for gout are manifested in its diuretic effect. Positive Action on health is high content water in the pulp. It has a diuretic effect, which helps to “wash” the kidneys of sand (if any) and does not allow infections to accumulate and stagnate in the kidneys and urinary tract (for example, with pyelonephritis). In addition, it is indicated after removal of the gallbladder and gout, because it removes harmful substances from the body (“bad” cholesterol, toxins are excreted in the urine).

An important aspect of why watermelon is good for the body in general and the kidneys in particular is that it has an alkaline environment, which means it does not irritate the kidneys and urinary tract. Since high blood pressure is often explained by edema (excess fluid puts pressure on the walls of blood vessels, reducing their lumen), this effect also explains whether watermelons and their rinds are good for a person with high blood pressure.

Eating pumpkin after pyelonephritis and infectious kidney diseases, removal of the gallbladder and for gout with benefits for the kidneys should be in accordance with the doctor’s instructions. He will tell you exactly how much of the product you can use. With pyelonephritis and after removal of the gallbladder, it is important not to “overload” the kidneys, which sometimes happens when drinking too much water.

If pyelonephritis and gallbladder removal have not occurred, pumpkin should not be consumed if you have kidney stones. An active flow of fluid can provoke the displacement of kidney stones and lead to blockage of the duct, which can provoke an attack.


How are watermelon and its rinds and seeds useful for blood vessels and blood pressure? Medicinal properties watermelon are revealed only for those who suffer from hypertension ( high blood pressure). Folic acid(8 mcg) and vitamin C (7 mg) have an anti-sclerotic effect, preventing the development of vascular atherosclerosis, that is, they do not allow the formation of atherosclerosis on their walls cholesterol plaques. As a result, the patency of the vessels does not decrease and pressure does not increase.

Also, the benefits of watermelon and products made from its rinds and seeds for blood pressure (and gout) are explained by its diuretic effect. Thanks to it, it is eliminated from the body excess water. Thus, when daily use, watermelon can eliminate swelling. How much should you take to get health benefits for hypertension and gout? You need at least 200–300 g per day (only in this case enough fluid will enter the body, but there will not be too much of it, so swelling will not appear). If you eat watermelon, the disappearance of swelling can help lower blood pressure in men and women, because excess water in the intercellular fluid puts pressure on the vessels, compressing them and reducing the lumen. The beneficial properties of watermelon for reducing edema also improve the condition during pregnancy, because during this period women often suffer from edema and high blood pressure. However, when breastfeeding It is not worth eating it and products made from the crusts (as well as giving it to small children). And you should not abuse it during pregnancy (eat no more than 100 g per day). This is because watermelons sold in supermarkets contain nitrates, which have been added to the soil to speed up ripening. Nitrates accumulate in milk and can cause colic in the baby, because it gastrointestinal tract has not yet fully formed and may be irritated by chemicals.


If you take watermelon daily, the liver can be cleansed of excess fats, and the entire body of cholesterol and harmful toxins such as free radicals, oxidation and breakdown products formed as a result of oxidative and breakdown processes (which is good for gout) due to its diuretic effect . But in order for watermelon to have an effect on the liver, you need to eat at least 200 g of pulp per day (along with it, enough liquid will enter the body for the effect to occur). The benefit of watermelon and its rinds for cleansing the body of men and women lies in its fiber content (0.4 g per 100 g when measured in the watermelon with the rind). It enhances intestinal motility and activates its work. After this the output harmful substances(oxidation and breakdown products, chemical and indigestible food components, “bad” cholesterol) accelerates (which is useful after removal of the gallbladder, for pyelonephritis, gout, since toxins can accumulate in weakened organs and provoke relapses).

Men and women who are concerned about their weight are wondering whether it is possible to gain weight from watermelon? The pulp of the fruit of this plant is used for weight loss. The benefits of pumpkin (berries) for weight loss are explained by the fact that 92% of its pulp is water. As a result, the product has low calorie content(27 kcal per 100 g), but increases satiety and helps overcome hunger. There is relatively little sugar in its composition (5.8 g per 100 g in pulp). However, even this sugar content makes it a good alternative to dessert when losing weight.

Watermelon is good for ulcers. Whatever the origin, an ulcer often occurs in conditions of high acidity in the stomach. At the same time, significant acidity as such increases the likelihood of developing an ulcer. Regular (even minor) consumption of the juice of this pumpkin (berry) reduces acidity, so you can use watermelon for ulcers.

An alkaline environment also has positive impact on the teeth. After consuming any product with increased acidity, tooth enamel begins to deteriorate. This happens until acid-base balance saliva will not be restored. Even a small piece of pulp will restore it and protect your teeth. The same environment is good for the kidneys during pyelonephritis and after removal of the gallbladder, because despite the diuretic effect, it does not irritate the mucous membrane.


Oil is used in cosmetology watermelon seeds. This oil is obtained by cold pressing from pumpkin seeds (berries). Suitable for the face of people of all ages. Characterized by restorative properties, because due to its alkaline environment it is capable of restoring the acid-base balance in hair tissue and facial skin.

As we age, free radicals accumulate in the skin cells of the face and body, causing it to lose its elasticity. The content of antioxidants in the oil (beta-carotene 0.1 mg and vitamin A 17 mcg) does not allow free radicals penetrate cells, settle there and accelerate aging. Using the product on the face gives good effect any age. Vitamin E (0.1 mg) promotes tissue restoration and rapid healing of microtraumas on the facial skin.

The product is applied directly to the face every evening.

Depending on the use, how much oil is needed is calculated. Before going to bed, you can apply it to the skin of your face in a thick layer, creating a kind of mask for better impact. There is no difficulty in how long to hold. When applied at night, wash in the morning. When applied during the day or early evening, the oil will be absorbed until the morning and there is no need to wash it off in the morning.

Important! In addition, there are edible varieties of oil. It is used for dressing salads and desserts. The oil gives dishes an unusual sweetish aroma. It must be stored in the refrigerator. Has more low degree cleaning, liquid consistency for ease of use.

Harm and contraindications

Despite the benefits of watermelon (for the kidneys during pyelonephritis and removal of the gallbladder, gout), peels and seeds for health, there are also contraindications for use.

The benefits and harms of watermelon discussed in the material are not categorical. During breastfeeding and pregnancy, you can eat up to 100 g and rarely (during pregnancy it helps cope with swelling). Occasionally it is not forbidden to give to a child younger age. Each person must decide for himself whether or not to eat pumpkin (and at what age to give it to a child), how much is acceptable to consume, taking into account contraindications.

  • increased sweating;
  • weakened immunity, frequent colds;
  • weakness, fatigue;
  • nervous state, depression;
  • headaches and migraines;
  • alternating diarrhea and constipation;
  • I want sweet and sour;
  • bad breath;
  • frequent feeling of hunger;
  • problems with losing weight;
  • decreased appetite;
  • night grinding of teeth, drooling;
  • pain in the abdomen, joints, muscles;
  • cough does not go away;
  • acne on the skin.

If you have any of the symptoms or are in doubt about the causes of your ailments, you need to cleanse your body as quickly as possible. How to do it .

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Until now, many people believe that watermelon has no benefit other than quenching thirst on a hot summer day. Indeed, this large part of 90% consists of water. But watermelon juice, its sweet pulp, contains a large number of essential microelements that have a healing effect on the human body.

So what are the benefits of sweets? striped berry? What is in a watermelon besides water? Let's find out right now. We’ll also talk about contraindications for its use:

What's in watermelon?

As we already said, it consists of 90% water. However, it is not rich in water alone chemical composition watermelon Watery pulp, itself watermelon juice contain many useful substances.

For example, the pulp contains a large amount of B vitamins, which normalize the function nervous system. These vitamins also help get rid of dandruff and prevent the occurrence of skin rashes, acne.

The pulp and juice of watermelon contain vitamin C, which is known to be necessary for normal operation immune system, prevents premature aging skin and the whole body. Vitamin PP helps fight fatigue and overwork. Helps improve mood, increases performance, fights insomnia, improves sleep.

Folic acid contained in the berry is necessary for pregnant and lactating women. This substance strengthens memory and improves brain function. In addition, watermelon contains valuable for skeletal system phosphorus, iron, calcium, magnesium.

All this makes watermelon very valuable food product. Due to its composition, consuming a small amount of pulp effectively removes from the body bad cholesterol, improves condition muscle tissue, makes the skin elastic. Thanks to your beneficial properties, watermelon helps stabilize blood pressure, improves liver and kidney function.

As you can see, in addition to water, watermelon contains a lot of useful substances. Just a small piece of its pulp per day is enough to provide the body with magnesium and potassium. Both of these elements are necessary to maintain cardiovascular health.

What are the benefits of watermelon for the body?

Thanks to its rich mineral, vitamin composition, watermelons have been used successfully for a long time traditional medicine. In particular, the pulp of the striped berry is recommended for use for diseases of the kidneys, liver, and intestines. Watermelons should be eaten for atherosclerosis and hypertension (in reasonable quantities). Fruit water effectively cleanses the body of various toxins and poisons, removing them naturally through the kidneys and intestines. Therefore, watermelons must be included in the diet of everyone working in hazardous industries.

Watermelon juice has an active diuretic effect. Therefore, it is useful to drink it when urolithiasis. This will rid the kidneys of sand and stones. To cleanse the kidneys, eliminate swelling, and lose weight, it is recommended to eat watermelon pulp with black bread. Replace dinner with this dish for a week and your health will improve significantly. But you need to know what treatment is kidney stone disease effective only for urate or calcium oxalate stones. When phosphate stones, treatment with watermelon will not bring any effect.

In addition to the kidneys, watermelons are effective for constipation, as their juice and pulp increase intestinal motility. Fiber, which is contained in abundance in their composition, is like a brush that cleanses the intestines of accumulated toxins. Due to the fact that watermelons remove excess cholesterol from the body, they should be used as a preventive measure for vascular and heart diseases.

Since in addition to water, watermelons contain substances that promote excretion from the body extra salts, pulp, juice of the berry is used for gout, arthritis, sclerosis. Effectively used for chronic failure blood circulation

At iron deficiency anemia you need to eat up to 1 kg watermelon pulp per day. This amount is enough to replenish the lack of iron in the body.


You need to know that in addition to the beneficial substances that the striped berry accumulates during its ripening, it pulls from the soil and accumulates a large amount of chemicals and nitrates. That's why you can't eat watermelons grown in large quantities somewhere unknown. It is better to buy watermelons from small farms, where they are grown using less great amount fertilizers, as in large fields.

When cutting a purchased fruit, carefully examine its pulp, if there are thread-like seals in it. yellow color, which means the pulp contains a lot of nitrates and chemical substances. Therefore, eating such watermelon can cause diarrhea, vomiting, and intestinal colic.

Limit the consumption of watermelons for nephritis, pyelonephritis, nephrosis. Diabetics and people with a diseased spleen should not eat it.

To prevent edema, it should not be abused during pregnancy. With caution, you can eat the pulp in small quantities when breastfeeding, as this may cause the appearance intestinal colic at the baby's. And, of course, before consuming you need to be sure that watermelon pulp is completely safe and does not contain harmful chemicals.

So be careful not to hurt yourself. Of course, on a hot day, watermelons are simply irreplaceable. Just always remember about contraindications, check the berries for nitrates and do not overuse the delicious, refreshing pulp. Be healthy!

One of traditional signs As August approaches in Moscow, large green cages appear throughout the city, in which the striped favorites of Muscovites and all Russians - watermelons - are languishing, awaiting their fate. Even the residents of the capital, spoiled by overseas fruits, are looking forward to the end of summer so that the whole family can enjoy the aromatic and juicy giant of about 10-12 kilograms. But the most impatient ones, instead of seventh heaven of bliss, risk spending a certain number of nights on the potty, or even ending up in a hospital bed.

The most popular watermelons in Russia are, of course, Astrakhan ones. This is a unique brand, a guarantee of taste and quality. Merchants know this very well and often unscrupulously take advantage of the gullibility of inexperienced buyers. How do residents of large cities in central Russia know that watermelons grow not only in Astrakhan, but also in Volgograd, in the North Caucasus, in the south of Ukraine and Moldova, in the republics of Transcaucasia and Central Asia. The price tag says “Astrakhan watermelons” - that means it is so.

However, nature is used to doing everything on time, and if watermelons are supposed to ripen by mid-to-late August, then it will be so. A reasonable question may arise: where do these delicious berries come from in our cities (and this is what the watermelon fruit is called from a botanical point of view) at the end of July?

After all, in Astrakhan, trial harvesting of watermelons takes place in early August, selective harvesting in the middle of the month, and mass harvesting begins on the 25th, so the indigenous striped “Astrakhanites” should appear in Moscow only by September.

Option one: early ripening varieties from other watermelon-bearing regions of Russia and neighboring countries, but this option is unlikely because they have not yet entered into widespread practice, in addition, even for them, according to the All-Russian Research Institute of Irrigated Vegetable and Melon Growing (VNIIOB), located in Astrakhan region, 53-55 days with a temperature of 25-30.C are required. It does not pose any threat to health, only benefits, but more on that below.

Option two: mid-season varieties (traditional Astrakhan watermelon), boosted by nitrogen fertilizers and, above all, ammonium nitrate. This option is more common and is absolutely not indifferent to health. Let's look at it in more detail.


Nitrates act on watermelons like anabolic steroids on bodybuilders: growth proceeds at an accelerated pace and impressive weight and volume of the fruit is gained very quickly. Everything would be fine, but the nitrates categorically refuse to leave the watermelon and safely move into the bodies of those who enjoy early watermelon.

This is where the fun begins. In Russia it is customary to eat a multi-kilogram minke whale in one sitting and with the whole family, so acute poisoning Nitrates are by no means uncommon at this time of year. It is especially difficult in children, since nitrates compete with oxygen for our hemoglobin, and, it must be said, they compete successfully. And instead of an oxygen carrier, hemoglobin (in the form of methemoglobin) becomes the cause serious problems with cellular respiration.

Nitrates have another bad feature - they accumulate in the body, causing chronic intoxication. Doctors call this the “cumulative effect.” Children overloaded with nitrates grow worse, get sick more often, adults become irritable, sleep worse.

The most interesting thing is that it is almost impossible to distinguish a “pumped up” watermelon from a normal one by eye. Special measuring instruments that determine the nitrate content in fruits and vegetables, similar to the portable “Marion”, can help.


The next danger that may lurk in a watermelon, as well as on its surface, is microbes. The fruit ripens on the ground, then is transported and stored - and all this is far from under sterile conditions. If a watermelon cracks during loading and unloading, the flowing juice not only attracts known carriers of various types of infection - flies - but also becomes an excellent breeding ground for wide range microorganisms that love human body, but with a rather strange love, causing acute intestinal infections.

A common trick of sellers is to prove the ripeness of a watermelon by cutting out a small pyramid from it, showing it to the buyer and inserting it back into the watermelon (selling “by cut”), which also does not bode well. Firstly, it is unknown what was cut with that same knife and whether it was ever washed. And secondly, even if there were no toilet fever pathogens inside the watermelon, now with a high degree of probability it can be said that they appeared there.

And an absolutely brutal way to sell watermelon (from the point of view of the stomach of a potential consumer) is to sell it in slices. You can add up all the above disadvantages and square them, or even cube them. All that remains is to eat such a dessert right away at the market - and you can go to the hospital.

Dietary diuretic

And now we need to say a few words in defense of a normal, ripe and healthy watermelon. This is truly a unique creation of nature. It is difficult to find something similar among the numerous fruits and vegetables.

Watermelon is a dietary product. In the sense that there are practically no contraindications for eating watermelon. Watermelon consists of water (up to 80 percent of the fruit's weight), fructose, a small amount of glucose, sucrose, trace elements and vegetable fiber. Fructose is unique in that it is absorbed by the body without the need for insulin at all. This means that even patients with insulin-dependent diabetes can eat sweet watermelon.

The striped delicacy also has a pronounced diuretic effect, literally washing the body from the inside, which makes it possible to recommend the aromatic pulp to those suffering from diseases of the heart, blood vessels and joints. Watermelon is also useful for heart patients for a reason that we will talk about in the next section.

Microelements warehouse

Watermelon is a real treasure trove of magnesium, which a person simply cannot do without. Chronic lack of magnesium in food leads to increased blood pressure. Magnesium and its partner calcium ensure the constriction and dilation of blood vessels, a mechanism that maintains blood pressure stability in the body.

Magnesium is important for bile secretion and deactivation of cholesterol, for binding oxalic acid salts (oxalates) and preventing the formation of kidney stones, for reducing nervous excitability, relieving muscle spasms, normalization of intestinal motility.

And 100 grams of watermelon pulp contains as much as 224 milligrams of this wonderful microelement - only almonds contain more. So to pay off daily requirement For a person in magnesium, it is enough to eat 150 grams of watermelon.

Watermelon is rich in potassium, although it is less than in dried apricots, bananas and persimmons, but if you compare the calorie content of the same bananas and watermelon, then the “Russian” who grew up on melons clearly finds himself in a more advantageous position - there are three times more calories in a banana.

How to choose a watermelon

So, it’s decided, let’s buy a watermelon! What should you pay attention to in order not to contribute to an increase in sales of antidiarrheal (in other words, antidiarrheal) drugs?

  • First of all, take your time. It is best to buy real Astrakhan watermelons at the end of August or at the beginning of September, when the chance is quite high that the fruits could ripen completely on their own, without saltpeter and other tricks.
  • Never buy watermelons near the roads, at the entrance to the city, from cars or in other impromptu trading places. This is an almost one hundred percent chance of running into low-quality products. Ask the seller for all the documents for the watermelons - including a certificate from the sanitary and epidemiological authorities; after all, you have the right to know what you are paying your money for.
  • Do not ask the seller to choose a watermelon for you “at his discretion.” The seller’s task is to sell, and what he sells to you depends on his conscience, and, unfortunately, not all people have it.
  • The watermelon should be without a matte coating - a clear reflection of the sun should appear on a clean watermelon. Carefully examine the fruit - if there is a small rotten place with a dot in the center, it means that saltpeter was injected into it with a syringe. Let the sellers themselves eat such delights. Do not take fruits with cracks, dents or other signs of violence on the watermelon face.
  • The “tail,” that is, the stem of the watermelon, should be yellowish and dried, but not completely dried out, since this is the first sign long storage and transportation. And if the tail is torn off, it means they are hiding something from you, put this watermelon aside.
  • It is advisable that the watermelon be with a small yellow spot(the so-called “patch” is the place where the watermelon came into contact with the ground) - this means it ripened on its own. If the spot is large, it means the poor guy was cold, he didn’t have enough sun and warmth, the taste will be watery and the sweetness will not be the same.
  • The watermelon should buzz loudly when tapped - unripe ones have dense flesh, and sound travels through its thickness with difficulty. Squeeze the watermelon with your hands (just don’t overdo it!) - the ripe fruit will crackle.
  • Choose a medium-sized fruit (optimally 5-7 kg) if you plan to enjoy watermelons in big company- it’s better to take several small watermelons than one 20 kilogram striped monster.
  • Never take watermelons “on the cut” or in slices; it’s easier to throw away any that end up at home. unripe watermelon, than to suffer with your stomach from a seemingly ripe, but populated like a microbiological laboratory, “minke whale”.
  • Do not eat watermelon immediately at the market or on the street. At home, wash it thoroughly, maybe even with soap, and rinse boiled water. While washing, you can check the watermelon again for ripeness - a ripe fruit will float in the water, and a green one will sink. You need to cut the watermelon with a clean knife. By the way, a ripe fruit will “disperse” under the knife with a characteristic crack, and the seeds will be dark brown or even black (not white).

A properly selected and properly prepared watermelon will bring moments of joy and benefit you and your family. Be healthy and bon appetit!



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