The benefits and harms of watermelon for the body. Properties of watermelon for the body

Watermelon benefits and harms for the health of the body of men and women

There are many fruits and berries that we look forward to every summer. They help saturate our body with vitamins and minerals. There is no person in the world who has not tried watermelon. This is a berry with scarlet, tasty pulp inside. The fruit has various vitamins and minerals. We will talk about the health benefits and harms of watermelon below.

Watermelon health benefits and harm calorie content

Let's look at the health benefits and harms of calories. The usefulness of the berry lies in its low calorie content, which is 38 kilocalories per 100 grams. Watermelon is almost 90% water, so it is not recommended to consume the berry excessively. It contains fiber that enters the stomach and creates the impression of fullness for a while.

Watermelon cannot be consumed together with other foods, as it prevents other foods from being digested. It is especially contraindicated to consume watermelon with bread, which increases the total calorie content of consumed products.

The beneficial properties of watermelon are great:

  1. Vitamins B;
  2. Vitamins C;
  3. Vitamins PP;
  4. Folic acid;
  5. Lycopene;
  6. Microelements;
  7. Organic acids;

The norm of consumption is no more than 2 kg per day. Experts advise children under 2 years of age to eat no more than 50 grams per day. Since I was two years old I have already weighed 100 grams.

Watermelon health benefits and harms for diabetics

Experts talk a lot about the benefits and harms of watermelon for the health of diabetics. Some say it’s possible, some say it’s not, but in general they come to the conclusion that a person with diabetes can add a tasty and sweet berry that has a small portion of carbohydrates to their diet. It contains a minimum of sugar and glucose. The sweetness of the pulp is given by fructose, which is acceptable for diabetics in small amounts (up to 30-40 grams per day), but subject to limiting alternatives carbohydrate products.

For diabetes of the second group, consumption limit is up to 0.3 kg per day. This tasty berry is useful in that it removes cholesterol from the body of a diabetic patient and alleviates gout and atherosclerosis.

Watermelon health benefits and harms for the liver

The liver is an organ that controls the entire body. The well-being of the whole person depends on the work of this gland. She's like a laboratory conducting various processes inside the human body. Methods for cleansing the liver are based on activating the processes of creating bile. At the same time, bile increases its fluidity.

So what are the health benefits and harms of watermelon for the liver? Lite mode fasting diet beneficial to the human body and liver. Watermelon is a fruit that can enhance urination and stimulate bile production and expel harmful waste from the human body.

To benefit the liver, doctors do not recommend eating it for a long time.

Liver cleansing needs to be done carefully:

  1. Cleansing takes 14 days;
  2. Reduce calorie intake to 25% of daily norm;
  3. Remove dishes with ingredients containing fats from your diet;
  4. You need to eat small meals five times during the day;
  5. Food should be stewed and boiled and exclude fried foods;
  6. Limit salt intake to 3-4 grams per day;
  7. Avoid gas-forming products;
  8. Consume up to 0.3 kg of berry pulp 0.5-1 hour before meals.

The result of this activation of the kidneys and liver will be:

  • Disappearance of discomfort after eating;
  • No bloating;
  • Disappearance of predisposition to constipation.

As a result, the body feels better, the skin looks fresher and a little weight is lost. The potential of the liver will be aimed at creative functions, and not at cleansing the body of waste and toxins, as well as other harmful residues.

Watermelon beneficial properties and contraindications

Beneficial properties can be obtained from the white part, which is located immediately under the peel. More precisely, juice, which can be consumed together with apple juice, but no more than half a glass at a time.

It is useful to sit on a fasting day for the liver using this delicious berry. This method is lightweight and can be easily tolerated by any organism. The method is useful for both the liver and hypertension:

  • Take up to two kilograms of scarlet pulp and divide it into five meals. That's it for the unloading part of the day;
  • The frequency of such days is 1-2 every 10 calendar days.

Thus, you get almost the same 14 calendar days as with the cleansing diet.

Contraindications of watermelon for the liver boil down to the oversaturation of this berry with nitrates. The liver will work to neutralize the effects of nitrates entering the body, with their further removal from the body.

You need to remember that buy it only from trusted sellers. Learn how to choose the right fruit and test it for nitrate content. And then you can have fun and, most importantly, it is absolutely harmless to the body.

Watermelon health benefits and harms when losing weight

What are the health benefits and harms of losing weight? As stated above, watermelon is a low-calorie berry. It is applicable when you need to carry out fasting days. Research has shown that sweetness increases the feeling of fullness. It can act as a snack. It can be used in conjunction with any diet to add variety. Thanks to its diuretic properties, body weight will decrease to 2 kilograms due to the removal of excess fluid from the body.

It is not recommended to go on a watermelon mono-diet, as a result of which you lose muscle mass rather than body fat. Doesn't satisfy hunger. You can't eat it in large portions. Experts advise consuming no more than 2 kg of watermelon per day and only in portions from morning until early evening.

Watermelon health benefits and harms during pregnancy

Health benefits and harms during pregnancy. Let's also consider this question - is it possible to eat watermelon during pregnancy? It must be remembered that no one is immune from poisoning. Watermelons are often fed with nitrates to increase their early ripening. Nitrates lead to nausea, diarrhea and vomiting. Such watermelon can have a negative impact on the formation of the fetus.

For a pregnant woman, it contains:

  1. Vitamins A, B, C and PP;
  2. Folic acid, essential for metabolic processes body and protein synthesis;
  3. Micro- and macroelements that support the expectant mother’s body in excellent condition.
  4. Vitamin B 9 is extremely useful for the proper development of the baby’s nervous system.

Thus, watermelon can be consumed during pregnancy, provided individual tolerance this berry.

Watermelon benefits and harms for men's health

Watermelon has certain benefits and harms for men's health. Scientists from Texas have found that its use is more effective than Viagra. The chemical composition contains citrulline and enhances potency. Therefore, consumption increases the level of sexual life. In turn, citrulline is transformed into arginine, which is necessary to improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system and improve blood circulation and vasodilation. A firm erection and high potency depend on the genital organs being filled with blood.

Lycopene and beta-carotene keep skin young and protect the heart and prostate from harmful effects. In particular, 8% lycopene is productive for sexual well-being and prevents the development oncological diseases internal organs.

Watermelon has few side effects (obesity, diabetes, flatulence).

Watermelons are useful for men who suffer from prostatitis. The seeds of this berry will balance the acidity level in the urethra and bladder.


  1. Impaired urine flow;
  2. Intestinal disorder or chronic illness;
  3. Those who have kidney stones of significant size;
Watermelon health benefits and harms video

Next, you will be offered unique video about the health benefits and harms of watermelon. It will cover the topic of why watermelon is beneficial, and will also tell you about contraindications that you need to remember when consuming this undoubtedly delicious berry.

As you can see, watermelon is more than useful. It contains many vitamins and minerals. With its help you can lose some weight and also clean some internal organs. The main thing is not to overuse it when eating. Do not forget about the precautions when purchasing this, of course, delicious berries. And then you can get unspeakable pleasure when using it.

Reviews women's forum mom womanik ru (pregnancy, children, treatment and more)

Beneficial properties of watermelon for humans

Everything about healthy eating› Useful properties of products › Berries ›

Juicy, sweet, amazingly tasty watermelon. Under our close attention are the benefits and harms of this huge berry. All its parts are useful for the body. The pulp contains antioxidants, folic acid, magnesium. It perfectly quenches thirst and cleanses the kidneys. Watermelon rind will help cope with headaches and problems with the urinary system. And the bone will speed up the treatment of inflammatory processes and jaundice.

In order to fully experience the beneficial properties of watermelon, it is important to choose wisely and store it correctly. This problem is especially relevant for the reason that for most regions of our country the berry is exotic and imported.


Useful properties of pulp

  • Watermelon is rich in folic acid, which is involved in the structure of DNA and helps the proper development of the fetus. The substance is necessary for complete hematopoiesis. Therefore, “folk” is prescribed for a speedy recovery after chemotherapy.
  • Just a few bites and you want to go to the toilet. The effect is explained by the diuretic properties of the treat. Watermelons are good at removing toxins from the kidneys, preventing the deposition of salts and stones, and cleansing the body.
  • Magnesium helps absorption minerals and vitamins. Strengthens nerve and muscle fibers. Helps stabilize mental condition, fights fatigue, irritation. Watermelon performs well as an antidepressant.
  • Every day a couple of pieces of watermelon are good for immune system. The berry is a source of many vitamins and minerals. Helps cleanse the liver. As a result, the body copes with stress more easily environment.
  • The pulp contains fiber, which helps lower cholesterol levels. Therefore, it is useful to eat berries if you have cardiovascular diseases.
  • Watermelon is one of the few treats allowed for diabetes. The glycemic index of sweet berries is 65-75. It's a lot. But 90 percent of the pulp consists of water. Therefore, carbohydrates have little effect on blood sugar levels. The glycemic load of a 100-gram serving of the treat is only 6.6.
  • The chemical composition of pink pulp contains lycopene, which reduces the risk of developing cancer of the breast, prostate, lungs, stomach, and intestines.
  • In watermelons - high level citrulline. The substance protects the cardiovascular system and strengthens the immune system.
  • Regular and long-term use allows progress in the treatment of gastritis.
  • Phenylalanine contained in striped berries helps prevent Parkinson's disease. Therefore, people in old age It is useful to feast on the juicy pulp.

Fresh watermelon is useful to include in the diet in the presence of heart disease, liver and gallbladder diseases, Botkin's disease, hypertension and urolithiasis, nosebleeds.

Watermelon is effective for weight loss. There is even a special watermelon diet, very popular among those losing weight. The benefits and harms of this method of getting in shape:

Why does weight loss happen? How does watermelon help? Its calorie content, benefits and harms:

  • excess fluid is removed from the body;
  • the pulp fills the stomach - a person feels full for several hours;
  • 100 g of product contains only 31 calories.

You cannot “sit” on a watermelon diet for more than five days. It is allowed to eat 1-1.5 kg of pulp per day. If overused, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, dehydration, and diarrhea may occur.

The safest diet option is watermelon fasting days.

Scientists have proven the benefits of watermelon for men. The chemical composition of the pulp contains citrulline. In the body, this substance is converted into arginine, which dilates blood vessels. As a result, potency increases.

What are the benefits of watermelon peel?

Let's take a closer look at the striped peel of the berry: what are its benefits and harm to health.

  • To relieve a throbbing, sharp headache, you need to apply watermelon rinds to your temples.
  • An infusion of the peel helps with colitis. Approximately 100 g should be poured into 0.5 liters of boiling water. Leave for a couple of hours. Drink the entire portion during the day, dividing into 3-4 doses. The duration of therapy is 15 days.
  • Watermelon peel powder is an excellent diuretic. Facilitates the flow chronic cystitis, nephritis, urolithiasis.

Seed properties

The chemical composition of watermelon seeds is similar to pumpkin seeds. Their benefits and harm to the body have been known to people for a very long time. But for some reason, watermelon seeds are not used so often in folk medicine. Although this is an amazing treatment

  • jaundice;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • bleeding.

In the presence of similar conditions prepare an infusion of 1 part crushed seeds and 10 parts fresh milk. Take half a glass on an empty stomach.

“Watermelon milk” helps to quickly cope with fever and high temperature. The crushed seeds are poured with cold water in a ratio of 1:10. You can add a little sugar. Drink 3 tbsp every two hours. l.


The main danger It’s not the watermelons themselves that carry with them, but the methods of their cultivation and storage. Unscrupulous producers fertilize plantations with harmful fertilizers to increase the weight of berries. Eating “poisoned” pulp can cause poisoning and a serious illness.

  • Due to shortage sunlight and high humidity, nitrates (fertilizers most often used by farmers) accumulate in watermelon pulp. Once in the gastrointestinal tract, they are transformed into dangerous nitrites and nitroso compounds. These substances stimulate the growth of cancer cells.
  • Nitrates are converted to nitrites in the berry itself during long-term storage.
  • Nitrites are bad for transport function blood. As a result, hemoglobin levels decrease and hypoxia may occur. Such conditions are especially dangerous for children, heart patients, and patients with pathologies of the respiratory and excretory systems.

Natural ripening of watermelons occurs at the end of summer - beginning of autumn. It is during this period that there is a greater chance of buying high-quality fruit.

Signs of poisoning by a “poisonous” berry (appears after 1-2 hours or 1-2 days):

  • weakness and nausea;
  • stool disorder;
  • sharp pain in the abdomen;
  • heat;
  • vomit;
  • headache.

The intensity of symptoms depends on the state of health, individual reaction body, the concentration of harmful substances in watermelons.


  • Children under 2 years of age (due to the high risk of exposing a child to nitrates and nitrites).
  • Disturbances in the outflow of urine (the diuretic effect of watermelon only aggravates the condition).
  • Large stones in the kidneys or ureters (the berry can provoke their movement).
  • Colitis or diarrhea.

Is it possible for pregnant and lactating women

Watermelons in moderation are beneficial for pregnant and lactating women:

  • vitamin B9 is involved in the formation of the fetal nervous system;
  • pulp promotes normal digestion expectant mother;
  • watermelon improves lactation, increases the amount of breast milk;
  • replenishes iron deficiency, which is often observed during pregnancy and lactation.

Overeating can cause discomfort and pain in the intestines.

Composition (vitamins and microelements)

The chemical composition of watermelon pulp contains essential amino acids:

  • arginine – 0.017 g;
  • valine – 0.01 g;
  • tryptophan – 0.008 g;
  • leucine – 0.02 g;
  • lysine – 0.06 g;
  • histidine – 0.007 g;
  • isoleucine – 0.03 g;
  • threonine – 0.03 g;
  • methionine (with cysteine) – 0.016 g;
  • phenylalanine – 0.02 g.

The juicy berry is rich in such essential amino acids as: alanine, aspartic and glutamic acid, serine, tyrosine, glycine, cysteine, proline.

How to cook

Salads, desserts, liqueurs, drinks, jam and honey are prepared from watermelons; They are also pickled, preserved, and salted. But the berry brings great benefits when eaten fresh.

  • Before cutting the watermelon, wash it thoroughly under running warm water and soap.
  • Eat the pulp, cutting off about 3 centimeters of the rind.
  • Offer children pieces cut closer to the core.


For long-term storage, homemade, independently grown fruits are best suited. Watermelon is removed from the vines approximately 5 days before full ripeness. Try not to damage the peel. Transported in boxes with soft bedding in one layer (in no case should they be piled up in a mountain).

Store-bought berries are also suitable for long-term storage. But only high quality ones.

Long-term storage conditions:

  • Each watermelon must first be washed and dried. Before planting, cover with straw for a day to dehydrate the bark.
  • The berry is best preserved suspended in a soft net. You can use shelves or drawers, lining them with dry rags.
  • The optimal temperature is 6-8 degrees above zero. Good ventilation is also needed.
  • Humidity in the storage room is 60-80 percent. In such an environment, the fruits will not lose moisture.
  • Before laying, the peel can be treated with two percent lime.

Under no circumstances should striped berries be stored in the same room as potatoes or other vegetables. Late-ripening varieties with a high pectin content (Volga, Central Asian) are best preserved.

The berries are inspected daily. If some become lighter or signs of rot or fungus appear on the bark, immediately remove them from storage.

If all conditions are met, watermelon can be stored for up to 3 months.

In a city apartment, a refrigerator, pantry, balcony, loggia, any a dark room. Even if it is not possible to create an optimal temperature regime, the watermelon will last for a month and a half.

Cut watermelon can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than three days.

How to choose

To buy high-quality, ripe, safe watermelon, follow the recommendations:

  • The crust should be intact, without cracks or chips. Don't buy cut watermelon. Bacteria multiply rapidly in the pulp.
  • Avoid roadside sales points. Melons easily absorb heavy metals.
  • Berries must be placed in commodity trays under a canopy in a place specially designated for trading. Since the seller offers food products, he must have a medical record, a sanitary permit, and a certificate of conformity (which will indicate where the watermelon came from).
  • Season for striped berry– end of summer – autumn. During this period we buy.
  • Do not take watermelons that are too large or small. Optimal weight– 4-5 kg.
  • Signs of ripeness are a light yellow or orange side and a dry tail. If you tap on the crust, you get a ringing and clear sound.
  • The peel should be hard, shiny, with maximum contrasting stripes, and odorless. If it can be easily pierced with a fingernail, the watermelon is not ripe. Do you feel herbal smell- the watermelon is not ripe.
  • A ripe berry floats if you completely submerge it in water.
  • The “girl” watermelon is sweeter and has fewer seeds in the pulp. A distinctive feature is a flatter and wider circle at the bottom of the berry.

The abundance of nitrates in the pulp is indicated following signs:

  • deep red color with a purple tint;
  • yellow fibers (threads should be white);
  • glossy smooth cut (should be velvety);
  • If you put the pulp in water, it will turn red (only cloudiness is allowed).

What goes with it?

According to nutritionists, watermelon should be eaten separately. An hour and a half after taking other products.

If you want to break this rule, then combine the juicy pulp of the berry with

  • any fruits,
  • nuts,
  • salad greens,
  • pickled cheese,
  • ice cream, yoghurt, milk,
  • purple sweet onions,
  • honey and mint
  • dried fruits and even smoked chicken.

Experiment and enjoy the amazing taste and great benefits of watermelon.

We recommend studying:

Watermelon - benefits and harm

Fruits and berries

For many people, the height of summer is associated with watermelon. The striped berry is a record holder in many respects: size, percentage of water in the pulp, and the ability of the root system to penetrate deep into the soil. But most of us are interested in watermelon from the point of view of health benefits and harm.

Chemical composition

The berry consists of 92-93% water, contains fiber, vitamins, fructose, micro- and macroelements. A piece of natural pulp weighing 100 g contains 1 mg of iron.

Other microelements:

  • calcium - 14 mg;
  • magnesium - 12 mg;
  • sodium - 16 mg;
  • potassium - 110 mg;
  • phosphorus - 7 mg.

100 grams of watermelon pulp contains the following amino acids:

  • vitamin A - 17 mcg;
  • B vitamins - 0.2 mg;
  • beta-carotene - 0.1 mg;
  • vitamin PP - 0.2 mg;
  • vitamin C - 7 mg.

These chemical elements and compounds improve the functioning of the heart, kidneys, and nervous system.

Calorie content of watermelon (100 g of pulp per in kind) - 27-38 kcal, less than apples (52 kcal), 7-7.5% carbohydrates, 0.5% fiber. It is used for detox diets and fasting days, however, eating only these fruits for more than 1-2 days is not recommended. The body needs proteins and fats, which fruits are not rich in.

Useful properties of watermelon

The juicy pulp of the striped berry is an ideal product for hot summers. With the release of sweat, minerals are lost, and your health worsens. With a low calorie content, it restores essential minerals and trace elements in the body - this is why watermelon is useful in the fight against dehydration.

Watermelon masks rejuvenate the skin and prevent photoaging. You can use a cube of watermelon pulp to massage your face.

The sweetness of the berry comes from natural sugar - fructose, the use of which is allowed for diabetes.

High (for plants) iron content normalizes hemoglobin.

Watermelon honey - bekmez or nardek - is an ancient natural delicacy that can be prepared in the fall. The technology of boiling the juice until thick without adding sugar allows you to preserve many of the beneficial properties of watermelon juice.

Medicinal and dietary properties

Lycopene, a pigment that gives watermelon pulp its red color, has a positive effect on the body, being:

  • Antioxidant - thanks to lycopene, capillaries and blood vessels are strengthened, free radicals are neutralized.
  • Antibacterial and antifungal agent Therefore, watermelons normalize the microflora of the stomach and intestines and improve digestion.
  • Fat burner - lycopene has a high ability to break down fats, fights excess weight, lowers cholesterol levels in the blood, which is the prevention of arteriosclerosis and obesity.
  • Antidepressant - improvement general condition the body has a positive effect on the psychological status.

Citrulline, an amino acid found in watermelon juice and pulp, improves blood circulation and reduces blood pressure.

  • anemia;
  • seizures;
  • heart diseases;
  • arteriosclerosis;
  • Alzheimer's disease.


Suggests using all parts of the fruit: seeds, juice, pulp and rinds.

  • Tinctures from crushed watermelon seeds treat colds and use them as anthelmintic.
  • The juice is used for gargling with sore throat, making tonics and lotions for the face with acne.
  • Dried and crushed peels are the basis for decoctions and tinctures with a diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect.
  • For 1st degree burns, you can make a compress from a thin slice of watermelon pulp.

Just 300 grams of watermelon pulp contains about 20% of the daily requirement of vitamins A and C, and a glass of fresh watermelon juice after training will improve muscle regeneration.

Watermelon for weight loss

This fruit is undoubtedly healthy; there is hardly any competitor to watermelon in terms of dietary properties.

  • The dense pulp and voluminous structure of the fruit creates a feeling of fullness for a long time, with minimal calorie content. The fruit is suitable for second breakfast, afternoon snack or even lunch.
  • The rather sweet taste of the berry will help replace sweets and cakes with a natural and healthy dessert.
  • Fiber and enzymes improve digestion and intestinal function.
  • The high electrolyte content improves kidney function and eliminates swelling, which also reduces weight.

More details about the watermelon diet in the video:

Can pregnant women eat watermelon?

All of the listed beneficial properties are relevant for pregnant women, but there are risks in which it is better to avoid this watermelon:

  • low pressure;
  • flatulence;
  • heartburn;
  • toxicosis;
  • inflammatory processes kidneys and bladder in the acute stage;
  • if watermelon is purchased before mid-August, there is a high risk of nitrate poisoning.

Contraindications and harm

Watermelon, the benefits and harms of it, like any product, depend on a sense of proportion.

For chronic diseases and diabetes, you can eat no more than 200-300 g of watermelon pulp per day.

  • 2-3 years - 100 g;
  • 4-6 years - 150 g.

It is better to replace watermelon with other fruits in the following conditions:

  • allergy to carotenoids, including lycopene;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • stomach ulcer, duodenal ulcer;
  • hypotension;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • prostate adenoma;
  • benign tumors of the genitourinary system;
  • other chronic diseases in acute stage.

Watermelons, despite their obvious benefits, can also be harmful to the body if they are grown with an overdose of fertilizers and growth stimulants. Like all seasonal products, they have ripening periods.

If a cut of the pulp does not show shimmering sugar grains, and the pulp, crushed in a glass of water, turns it red, this fruit may contain a lot of nitrates. It is also not recommended to eat the pulp to the rind; the nitrate content is higher in the outer part of the fruit and the rind.

The benefits of eating watermelon, contraindications for inclusion in the diet

Most often, watermelon, the benefits and harms of which are described in the material, is consumed only as a delicacy. However, if you eat it regularly and every day for several months, at least 200–300 g per day, then the benefits of watermelon for the body are manifested as a diuretic and decongestant (due to its high water content). At the same time, both the fruits themselves and the peel and seeds have beneficial properties. Cosmetic oil is made from the seeds, which is useful due to its restorative properties, and confiture is made from the peels.

How to preserve watermelon?

Since watermelons are almost always large (5–6 kg or more), it is difficult to eat it at one time, even if consumed by a large family. Therefore, it is important to know how to properly store them in the refrigerator. Like any product containing sugar, oxidation and fermentation processes begin in them over time, especially after being in the heat (carbohydrates, in particular glucose, begin to break down under the influence of anaerobic microorganisms). The refrigerator can slow down this process, since low temperatures(below +10 degrees) fermentation is not so active (it is active at a temperature of 10 degrees, and its speed doubles every time the temperature rises by 10 degrees). Therefore, the pulp and peels can only be stored in the refrigerator.

To preserve the taste and to prevent the pulp from drying out, after eating the berry (pumpkin) you can cover it with cling film and store it in the refrigerator in this form. Oxygen will not penetrate under it and the cut will not become dry. It is not necessary to tighten the surface of the crusts, since their taste characteristics are not important. It can be stored in the refrigerator for 3-4 days (speed chemical reactions fermentation and oxidation decreases when the product enters a cold environment, but they still occur and after 3-4 days the differences in the taste of pumpkin will become noticeable).

You also don’t have to throw away the pumpkin rind after it’s eaten. The crusts produce confiture with a sweetish-herbaceous taste. You also need to store the peels in the refrigerator, as they can also ferment. But unlike pulp, they can be stored for 5–10 days (their sugar content is lower, and therefore the fermentation processes are not as active).

Many consumers are interested in whether watermelon is healthy after long-term storage? If you store pumpkin in the refrigerator, the properties of the peels, seeds and pulp are preserved for some time, because at low temperatures no fermentation processes occur.

Urinary system

The beneficial properties of watermelon, its rinds and seeds for the kidneys and for gout are manifested in its diuretic effect. Positive Action health benefit lies in the high water content in the pulp. It has a diuretic effect, which helps to “wash” the kidneys of sand (if any) and does not allow infections to accumulate and stagnate in the kidneys and urinary tract (for example, with pyelonephritis). In addition, it is indicated after removal of the gallbladder and gout, because it removes harmful substances from the body (“bad” cholesterol, toxins are excreted in the urine).

An important aspect of why watermelon is good for the body in general and the kidneys in particular is that it has an alkaline environment, which means it does not irritate the kidneys and urinary tract. Since high blood pressure is often explained by edema (excess fluid puts pressure on the walls of blood vessels, reducing their lumen), this effect also explains whether watermelons and their rinds are good for a person with high blood pressure.

Eating pumpkin after pyelonephritis and infectious kidney diseases, removal of the gallbladder and for gout with benefits for the kidneys should be in accordance with the doctor’s instructions. He will tell you exactly how much of the product you can use. With pyelonephritis and after removal of the gallbladder, it is important not to “overload” the kidneys, which sometimes happens when drinking too much water.

If pyelonephritis and gallbladder removal have not occurred, pumpkin should not be consumed if you have kidney stones. An active flow of fluid can provoke the displacement of kidney stones and lead to blockage of the duct, which can provoke an attack.


How are watermelon and its rinds and seeds useful for blood vessels and blood pressure? The healing properties of watermelon are revealed only to those who suffer from hypertension (high blood pressure). Folic acid (8 mcg) and vitamin C (7 mg) have an anti-sclerotic effect, preventing the development of vascular atherosclerosis, that is, they do not allow cholesterol plaques to form on their walls. As a result, the patency of the vessels does not decrease and pressure does not increase.

Also, the benefits of watermelon and products made from its rinds and seeds for blood pressure (and gout) are explained by its diuretic effect. Thanks to it, excess water is removed from the body. Thus, when daily use, watermelon can eliminate swelling. How much should you take to get health benefits for hypertension and gout? You need at least 200–300 g per day (only in this case enough fluid will enter the body, but there will not be too much of it, so swelling will not appear). If you eat watermelon, the disappearance of swelling can help lower blood pressure in men and women, because excess water in the intercellular fluid puts pressure on the vessels, compressing them and reducing the lumen. The beneficial properties of watermelon for reducing edema also improve the condition during pregnancy, because during this period women often suffer from edema and high blood pressure. However, when breastfeeding It is not worth eating it and products made from the crusts (as well as giving it to small children). And you should not abuse it during pregnancy (eat no more than 100 g per day). This is because watermelons sold in supermarkets contain nitrates, which have been added to the soil to speed up ripening. Nitrates accumulate in milk and can cause colic in the baby, because his gastrointestinal tract is not yet fully formed and can be irritated by chemicals.


If you take watermelon daily, the liver can be cleansed of excess fats, and the entire body of cholesterol and harmful toxins such as free radicals, oxidation and breakdown products formed as a result of oxidative and breakdown processes (which is good for gout) due to its diuretic effect . But in order for watermelon to have an effect on the liver, you need to eat at least 200 g of pulp per day (along with it, enough liquid will enter the body for the effect to occur). The benefit of watermelon and its rinds for cleansing the body of men and women lies in its fiber content (0.4 g per 100 g when measured in the watermelon with the rind). It enhances intestinal motility and activates its work. After this, the removal of harmful substances (oxidation and breakdown products, chemical and indigestible food components, “bad” cholesterol) is accelerated (which is useful after removal of the gallbladder, with pyelonephritis, gout, since toxins can accumulate in weakened organs and provoke relapses) .

Men and women who are concerned about their weight are wondering whether it is possible to gain weight from watermelon? The pulp of the fruit of this plant is used for weight loss. The benefits of pumpkin (berries) for weight loss are explained by the fact that 92% of its pulp is water. As a result, the product has a low calorie content (27 kcal per 100 g), but increases satiety and helps overcome hunger. There is relatively little sugar in its composition (5.8 g per 100 g in pulp). However, even this sugar content makes it a good alternative to dessert when losing weight.

Watermelon is good for ulcers. Whatever the origin, an ulcer often occurs in conditions of high acidity in the stomach. At the same time, significant acidity as such increases the likelihood of developing an ulcer. Regular (even minor) consumption of the juice of this pumpkin (berry) reduces acidity, so you can use watermelon for ulcers.

An alkaline environment also has a positive effect on teeth. After consuming any product with increased acidity, tooth enamel begins to deteriorate. This happens until the acid-base balance of saliva is restored. Even a small piece of pulp will restore it and protect your teeth. The same environment is good for the kidneys during pyelonephritis and after removal of the gallbladder, because despite the diuretic effect, it does not irritate the mucous membrane.


Watermelon seed oil is used in cosmetology. This oil is obtained by cold pressing from pumpkin seeds (berries). Suitable for the face of people of all ages. Characterized by restorative properties, because due to its alkaline environment it is capable of restoring the acid-base balance in hair tissue and facial skin.

As we age, free radicals accumulate in the skin cells of the face and body, causing it to lose its elasticity. The content of antioxidants in the oil (beta-carotene 0.1 mg and vitamin A 17 mcg) does not allow free radicals penetrate cells, settle there and accelerate aging. Using the product on the face gives good results at any age. Vitamin E (0.1 mg) promotes tissue restoration and rapid healing of microtraumas on the facial skin.

The product is applied directly to the face every evening.

Depending on the use, how much oil is needed is calculated. Before going to bed, you can apply it to the skin of your face in a thick layer, creating a kind of mask for better impact. There is no difficulty in how long to hold. When applied at night, wash in the morning. When applied during the day or early evening, the oil will be absorbed until the morning and there is no need to wash it off in the morning.

Important! In addition, there are edible varieties of oil. It is used for dressing salads and desserts. The oil gives dishes an unusual sweetish aroma. It must be stored in the refrigerator. It has a lower degree of purification and a liquid consistency for ease of use.

Harm and contraindications

Despite the benefits of watermelon (for the kidneys during pyelonephritis and removal of the gallbladder, gout), peels and seeds for health, there are also contraindications for use.

The benefits and harms of watermelon discussed in the material are not categorical. During breastfeeding and pregnancy, you can eat up to 100 g and rarely (during pregnancy it helps cope with swelling). Occasionally it is not forbidden to give to a child younger age. Each person must decide for himself whether or not to eat pumpkin (and at what age to give it to a child), how much is acceptable to consume, taking into account contraindications.

Some symptoms of appearance:

  • increased sweating;
  • weakened immunity, frequent colds;
  • weakness, fatigue;
  • nervous state, depression;
  • headaches and migraines;
  • alternating diarrhea and constipation;
  • I want sweet and sour;
  • bad breath;
  • frequent feeling of hunger;
  • problems with losing weight;
  • decreased appetite;
  • night grinding of teeth, drooling;
  • pain in the abdomen, joints, muscles;
  • cough does not go away;
  • acne on the skin.

If you have any of the symptoms or are in doubt about the causes of your ailments, you need to cleanse your body as quickly as possible. Read how to do this here.

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To ensure that summer always leaves behind pleasant memories, Mother Nature generously gifts us with sweet fruits at the end of each hot season. Watermelon is considered one of the favorites; its benefits and harms always go side by side if the berry contains nitrates, and only “pure” fruit is an absolute source of beneficial properties.

The healing qualities of the sweet product help to heal the body and bring the body into good shape, returning him to his former harmony and beauty.

What beneficial substances are contained in watermelon?

Watermelon is a berry that is naturally endowed with a diverse chemical composition. The summer fruit contains almost all the useful elements that a person needs for full-fledged work internal organs and systems.

Each piece of sweet pulp is endowed with the most valuable medicinal substances for human health:

  • Vitamins of the group: A, B1, B2, B6, B, C, PP, E;
  • Fructose;
  • Pectin;
  • Microelements: phosphorus, magnesium, iron, potassium, sodium, calcium;
  • Plant fiber;
  • Proteins;
  • A powerful natural antioxidant, lycopene (this is the substance in watermelon that helps fight male infertility).

Availability of all of the above chemical elements allows watermelon to perform a whole range of functions in the body. The peculiarity of the melon culture is that it operates not locally, but everywhere, which undoubtedly indicates high value fetus

Read further in the article about the specific benefits of ripe berries for a healthy consumer, and how watermelon can help with existing diseases.

“Sunny berry” is perceived by many people as nothing more than delicious product nutrition. In fact, watermelon is medicine, with the help of which the body is renewed, cleansed and saturated with vitamins. By regularly consuming the fruit during its ripening season, you can significantly improve your health.

The beneficial qualities of sweetness are contained in its pulp, and they can affect the body in the following way:

  1. increase visual acuity;
  2. improve the functioning of the nervous system;
  3. strengthen immunity;
  4. satisfy the feeling of hunger;
  5. improve muscle function;
  6. contribute to the normalization of intestinal motility (you can read more about this topic in the article “”);
  7. participate in the structure of human DNA;
  8. constrict and dilate blood vessels, thereby maintaining normal blood pressure;
  9. act as a prevention of cancer, anemia, atherosclerosis, etc.

In addition to the above beneficial properties, the vegetable berry has many other functions necessary for human health.

The most valuable are diuretic and choleretic effects. It is these qualities of the fruit that are the main ones among other properties of watermelon, and it is they that have the most healing effect on the body.

The ability to remove excess fluid from the body is one of the main beneficial qualities of a vegetable berry, which it can boast over other vegetables and fruits.

Thanks to its strong diuretic properties, melons relieve edema caused by cardiovascular and kidney diseases.

The sweet fruit also removes salts and sand from the kidneys. This happens due to the fact that the alkalinity of urine, under the influence of certain substances in the berry, increases; accordingly, salts begin to dissolve and are excreted from the body without forming stones. However, when you already have kidney stones, you should wait to consume watermelon pulp.

Considering that the berry has a strong choleretic quality, it can be used to cleanse the liver and gall bladder of harmful substances (cholesterol, waste, toxins).

Such beneficial qualities are very important for the body suffering liver diseases, food poisoning, as well as intoxication of the body with all kinds of household and industrial chemicals.

You can read more about liver cleansing and eating watermelon for liver diseases in the following articles:

It’s easy to guess how beneficial the sweet fruit is for people who have recently completed a course of antibiotic therapy. Watermelon juice helps to “wash out” all harmful substances that enter the body along with medications. This product normalizes the functioning of the liver, preventing it from becoming clogged.

The healing properties of watermelon: who should eat it?

Having found out what properties a ripe berry has, we can safely say that it is useful for everyone who has no contraindications to its use. Read about those for whom watermelon is contraindicated in one of our articles.

Despite the fact that absolutely everyone can enjoy the red juicy pulp, nevertheless, there is a certain group of people for whom the seasonal fruit is strongly recommended for consumption.

This group includes people suffering from:

  • hypertension;
  • gout;
  • diseases of the heart, liver, gallbladder and gastrointestinal tract;
  • arthritis;
  • blood diseases;
  • cystitis;
  • obesity, etc.

With all these diseases, the usefulness of watermelon increases several times, because it can not only significantly improve the condition of a person suffering from one of the above-mentioned ailments, but also help him completely get rid of the disturbing disease.

The healing properties of watermelon + the pregnant body

A woman during pregnancy should treat watermelon not as a sweet, tasty fruit, but as a medicine that she needs for full development intrauterine fetus. Like all medicines, eating vegetable berries for a pregnant woman has its own dosage and limitations.

Pregnant women should not get too carried away with the melon culture, since the pros and cons of watermelon therapy can quickly change places. A woman in position is already prone to frequent urination, and eating watermelon will only increase these urges, causing internal discomfort.

However, you shouldn’t completely give up sweet medicine without good reason. You need to know moderation in everything, and then natural product will not be at all dangerous to the health of the mother and her baby.

As for the lactation period, it is necessary to adhere to the same rules as during pregnancy. If you eat watermelon daily in small portions, you will get much more milk, which means the feeding period will last longer.

Watermelon: benefits and harms for weight loss

There is an opinion that with the help of a tasty fruit you can lose overweight, and indeed it is. The weight-loss properties of vegetable berries are not a myth at all, but a completely proven scientific fact.

The question of whether there is any benefit, and most importantly, a result from such an unusual at first glance method of losing weight, torments many, but not everyone fully understands how excess weight is lost using watermelons?

It’s very simple: weight loss is achieved due to 2 main factors:

  1. Watermelon saturates the body very quickly. Just a few pieces of the juicy fruit can satisfy your hunger. It is also very important that with all this, the calorie content is 100 grams. This product is only 38 kcal. So you will be able to eat plenty and, moreover, will not gain extra calories;
  2. As mentioned earlier in the article, the berry has strong diuretic properties, and this ensures the removal of excess fluid from the body, which ultimately leads to getting rid of extra pounds.

Principles of the watermelon diet

Thanks to all these useful qualities, watermelon is often included in treatment menu people suffering from obesity. Sweetness is often used for purposes home weight loss. There is even a special watermelon diet, on which you can lose several kilograms in 2-3 days. The essence of such a diet is to give up staple foods, replacing them only with watermelon fruits.

You can stick to this diet for no longer than 3-4 days; longer “watermelon” weight loss threatens the body’s lack of necessary vitamins. On diet days, you can’t eat anything except berries.

The only thing you can afford is:

  • green tea;
  • mineral (still) water;
  • a couple of pieces of black bread (you can use them to eat the pulp of the watermelon).

You should not consume sugar and salt these days, they will negate all your weight loss results. The maximum amount of watermelon that can be eaten per day of the diet is 1.5 kg.

It is very easy to explain why it is useful to eat sweets in this particular volume. In order for the body to “cleanse itself” from the inside and at the same time not lose useful minerals, 1.5 kg of sweet pulp will be quite enough.

By consuming less, you may not get the desired result, and by eating more, you risk losing the nutrients your body needs, which are not fully replenished during the diet.

If the watermelon diet seems too harsh a test for you, then you can use its alternative - fasting days.

  1. It is advisable to unload no more than 2 times a week.
  2. These days you should consume only vegetable berries, just like during the diet, but not more than 1.5 kg. per day.
  3. You shouldn’t eat the whole watermelon at once in one sitting, try to divide the sweet into 5-6 meals.

By consuming fresh pulp little by little, you will feel full all day long, without overloading your stomach or causing it to become dehydrated. Losing weight in this way is considered the least stressful for the body, so you definitely won’t experience nervousness and irritability due to parting with food.

Sweet berries are not always used only as a food product. Recently, watermelon has been used in cosmetology as a natural beauty product.

To take advantage of nature's gift and improve your condition skin faces - keep it simple watermelon mask, which you can make with your own hands in a matter of minutes.

Watermelon: beneficial properties for skin

A mask made from watermelon juice is especially beneficial for the skin. It not only refreshes it, but also tones, moisturizes, and most importantly, gives it a healthy and attractive appearance.

Improving the color and condition of your skin is simple:

  1. squeeze some juice out of the watermelon;
  2. fold the gauze into 5 layers, then lower it into a container with freshly squeezed watermelon juice;
  3. apply moistened gauze to a previously cleaned face, and do not remove it for 15-20 minutes;
  4. After a quarter of an hour, remove the mask and wash warm water and lubricate your face with cream.

If none allergic reactions will not appear, then you can do this mask every day until the watermelon season ends. After just a few treatments, the skin will look fresher and younger.

Why is watermelon harmful?

Natural ripe fruit, grown without nitrates, will never become a threat to human life and health, because it simply does not contain harmful properties. If the berry contains nitrates, then the probability of poisoning with it is quite high.

This topic is especially relevant during the period early appearance on the shelves of the first watermelon stores. Traditionally, the fruits ripen by mid-to-late August, therefore, if you encounter vegetable berries on sale earlier than this period, be careful, the proportion of nitrates in such watermelons can be very large.

About how to choose a tasty one, and therefore healthy watermelon, – read our article devoted directly to this topic.

Considering that the sweet fruit has strong choleretic and diuretic properties, many lovers of the aromatic summer berry will be interested in the question: is watermelon harmful in large quantities? We all love to enjoy its juiciness and taste, especially since the product is seasonal and the period of its active ripening is not so long.

In fact, there are no restrictions on the consumption of the fruit by healthy people. You can eat watermelon as much as you want. Of course, you shouldn’t consume kilograms of it; it can cause discomfort in the stomach and an excessive increase in the urge to urinate.

It is unlikely that you can call such a day successful. But it’s very possible to eat one watermelon for a whole day. You will benefit and the joy from the “sweet” purchase will last longer.

And if you want to surprise your guests with a beautiful and practical cut, use the advice of our chef.

This is our favorite natural ripe watermelon. Its benefits and harms are clearly unequal, because Mother Nature has endowed the berry with full medicinal properties and completely deprived it of harmful qualities.

It is simply impossible not to appreciate such a gift from nature, which is why, every year, throughout the entire watermelon season, the fruit does not leave our diet. Don't miss the opportunity to enjoy delicious watermelon, eat sweets with pleasure and always be healthy!

Watermelon is a very juicy, tasty and healthy berry. Due to the large size of watermelon, many people consider it a fruit. But, in fact, it is just a berry. Also in Ancient China the product was famous for its healing properties. Therefore, the benefits of watermelon are simply undeniable. The berry was brought to the territory of Russia at the end of the 17th century. Almost immediately, watermelon became popular not only due to its benefits, but
And taste qualities. To be convinced of the benefits of the berry, you should familiarize yourself with its rich chemical composition.

Composition of watermelon berries

Before telling how watermelon is useful, you need to familiarize yourself with its composition. First of all, it is worth mentioning the calorie content of the product. So, how many calories are in watermelon? Why is it recommended to include berries in the diet when losing weight? In 100 grams of this product contains only 27 kcal. This is an excellent food for those who are on a diet. More than 80% of watermelon consists of water. But at the same time, it also contains easily digestible carbohydrates.

Watermelon contains quite a lot of substances that are vital for our body. Just like tomatoes, the berry is rich in lycopene, which gives the berry its bright red color. This substance is considered one of the antioxidants that only bring benefits to the human body. In addition to color, lycopene is necessary for the fruit to protect against sun rays, and oxidation. But, in human body Large amounts of lycopene can cause harm in the form of an allergic reaction.

It is worth noting that in modern medicine A large number of lycopene-based cancer drugs are being developed. Many people know that this fruit is not the most best source vitamins But, nevertheless, they are present in the berry. Even if not in record numbers. Thus, watermelon contains vitamins B, A, E, C, PP. A fairly decent amount of these microelements is found in the berry:

  • Iron;
  • Calcium;
  • Sodium;
  • Magnesium;
  • Phosphorus;
  • Potassium;
  • Copper;
  • Zinc;
  • Fluorine.

Also, the product is rich in fiber, which benefits the digestive system. That is why watermelon is considered a natural laxative product. To ensure the benefits of this fruit, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the detailed composition table:

The nutritional value Per 100 g of product Microelements Per 100 g of product Vitamins Per 100 g of product
Calorie content 27 kcal Calcium 14 mg A 17 mcg
Fats 0.1 g Magnesium 12 mg IN 1 0.04 mg
Squirrels 0.6 g Potassium 110 mg AT 2 0.06 mg
Carbohydrates 5.8 g Sodium 16 mg AT 6 0.09 mg
Water 92.6 g Iron 1 mg AT 9 8 mcg
Organic acids 0.12 g Phosphorus 7 mg WITH 7 mg
Ash 0.4 g Zinc 0.09 mg E 0.1 mg
Alimentary fiber 0.4 g Copper 0.047 mg RR 0.2 mg
Disaccharides 5.8 g Fluorine 0.02 mg PP (niacin equivalent) 0.3 mg

Useful properties of watermelon

Many people wonder: what are the benefits of watermelon? After all, there are not so many vitamins in it. The benefits of watermelon are truly undeniable. First of all, knowing how many calories are in watermelon, we can safely say that the product successfully fights overweight bodies. Berry helps improve performance digestive system, relieves constipation. Thus, all waste substances and toxins are removed from the human body. Also, the fruit has a mild laxative effect, as it enhances intestinal motility. Not every berry or fruit can boast of such benefits.

Numerous studies have found that regular consumption of watermelon significantly reduces the risk of developing stomach and intestinal cancer. Also, the product eliminates inflammatory processes in the human body. And lycopene provides benefits in the form of improved vision. In moderation, watermelon will only benefit a person.

But the main benefit of the berry is its diuretic effect. Due to the high water content in its composition, watermelon removes excess fluid from the body. In this way, swelling is eliminated and sand is washed out of the kidneys. Edema is caused by diseases of the kidneys and cardiovascular system. Watermelon juice is great source fructose, which is absorbed by the body much faster than simple sugar. Also, watermelon juice helps eliminate toxic substances from the liver, cleansing it. This benefit is extremely important in severe chronic liver diseases.

Experts recommend eating as much of this product as possible after treatment with antibiotics, and hormonal drugs. Not only the pulp, but also the peel and seeds of the fruit are beneficial. Watermelon rinds can be dried for long-term storage, and used as a diuretic. And by candiing pieces of peel, you get healthy and tasty candied fruits. By eating watermelon seeds you can get rid of worms very quickly. The peel perfectly fights severe headaches and migraines. It is enough to place a thick peel on your forehead and temples.

Thus, the benefits of watermelon can be seen in everything:

  • Satisfies the feeling of hunger;
  • Cleanses the liver, kidneys;
  • Has a diuretic effect;
  • Effective for constipation;
  • Fights excess body weight;
  • Removes helminths;
  • Improves the functioning of the digestive system;
  • Eliminates headaches;
  • Tones.

The benefits of watermelon are also observed in high content folic acid. It is extremely important for the process of blood formation, reproductive system. And high iron levels help prevent the development of diseases such as anemia. Irreplaceable benefits affects the fetus in the following diseases:

  • Gout;
  • Diabetes;
  • Arthritis;
  • Atherosclerosis.

Watermelon perfectly removes cholesterol from the body. Experts allow consuming up to 2.5 kilograms of pulp per day. But for this to be beneficial, this amount must be divided into several small doses. It is recommended to include watermelon in the diet for gallbladder diseases. After all, watermelon also has a choleretic effect. And more recently, Texas scientists found that watermelon can be associated with Viagra.

The fact is that the pulp of the berry contains a component called citrulline. This substance is metabolized into arginine, which leads to rapid dilation of blood vessels. Blood throughout the body begins to circulate faster. But all medications for normalization erectile function have vasodilating properties. So, the benefits of watermelon for men are obvious. With regular use of the product, your intimate life will become brighter and richer.

Some contraindications

This berry is useful to almost everyone without exception. But, like any other product, watermelon also has some precautions. The benefits and harms in this case are too close. It is strictly forbidden to consume berries in unlimited quantities. Otherwise, serious allergic reactions may occur:

  • Rhinitis;
  • Conjunctivitis;
  • Attacks of coughing and suffocation;
  • Quincke's edema;
  • Hives;
  • Itching and burning of the skin.

People suffering from severe kidney diseases are allowed to eat watermelon with caution. Diabetes mellitus is not a contraindication for use. But to get the only benefits from watermelon, you should eat it in limited quantities. You cannot combine the consumption of watermelon and salty foods, pickles. After all, salt will only contribute to fluid retention in the body, which will lead to edema.

It is very important to choose proper watermelon without nitrates. After all, today chemicals are used all the time. If you eat such a watermelon, a person may experience serious food poisoning. The patient will complain of sharp abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting. It is worth giving a person any enterosobrent to drink as quickly as possible in order to remove toxins from the body.

This sweet giant berry is delivered to the most remote corners of the world. Its size is surprising. The benefits and harms of watermelon are considered in different aspects. Everyone agrees on one thing - watermelon used to taste different. Why has not only the taste changed, but also the size of the giant berry?

The secret of productivity and harmful additives

First of all, let’s note why you need to choose a vegetable with reasonable caution. The beneficial properties and contraindications of watermelon depend on many reasons. In pursuit of profit, large agriculture mastered intensive technology for growing melons. By their nature, watermelons gratefully accept nitrogen-containing fertilizers. They fill up faster, but accumulate nitrates, which turn into toxic substances in the body. Therefore, the healthy berry receives harmful content.

This is the main reason to buy early watermelons not worth it. They have not gained sugar content, have a pale appearance, yellow streaks, indicating overfeeding. Such a berry will not benefit anyone except sellers. You can purchase watermelon with beneficial properties only in time from natural ripening, at the end of summer.

There are a few more prohibitions:

  • you can’t buy a watermelon from the ground near the road - it absorbs harmful emissions and becomes polluted;
  • You cannot cut an unwashed watermelon for testing;
  • You cannot buy watermelon that is damaged or cut;
  • When purchasing, you need to require a quality certificate.

A verified batch of watermelons with completed documents has normal quality indicators. To avoid getting poisoned, it is better to buy a watermelon at an official point of sale or grow it yourself. At the same time, it is better to use an eco-tester when purchasing green products, which will show the content of harmful components in watermelon.

Who shouldn't eat watermelon?

Contraindications of watermelon are related to its composition and ability to activate cleaning system. Even a properly grown vegetable will harm people with problems:

  • urinary disorders;
  • in case of urolithiasis, when the neoplasms are large:
  • stones in gallbladder they can also move into the duct, causing incredible suffering to the patient;
  • at loose stools and colitis.

There are no other contraindications to eating sweet berries, except individual intolerance. In childhood, you need to limit a single serving to 100 grams of the product so as not to overload the gastrointestinal tract. It is better not to give purchased watermelon to infants. Signs of poisoning may include lethargy, nausea, and vomiting. Sometimes the stomach hurts and there is diarrhea. It is best to consult a doctor, as the symptoms are similar to appendicitis.

What are the benefits of watermelon for humans?

If a watermelon is grown independently or purchased from a bona fide producer, its benefits are invaluable. Knowing how watermelon is useful surprises you with its set of components. The content of common elements of vitamin products in it is presented in almost in full force. Therefore, contraindications are associated with its very strong effect on the body.

Regular consumption of watermelon during the season strengthens the immune system and prevents cancer. The main property of watermelon pulp is its ability to remove excess water from the body, and with it waste and toxins. Salt deposits are washed out with excess liquid, and sand leaves the cleaning system. It is dangerous for those with large stones to eat it, they can also go.

Folic acid strengthens the hematopoietic system and has a beneficial effect on the formation of the fetal nervous system in the womb. The effect of this substance is healing for the entire body, and its amount in watermelon is higher than in other vegetables. Watermelon is useful for a nursing mother because it increases lactation.

For patients with diabetes, the sweet berry is a source of taste pleasure without compromising health. At the same time, watermelon will help remove cholesterol from the diabetic’s body and alleviate gout and atherosclerosis.

Beta carotene helps cope with stress. For people who constantly experience mental stress, it is an antidepressant. For older people, watermelon serves as a preventative against Parkinson's disease due to the presence of phenylalanine.

Lycopene prevents the development of cancer of internal organs. Citrulline, biologically active drug, necessary for stable functioning of the heart muscle. But it also dilates blood vessels and increases potency in men.

Watermelon is used in diets related to weight loss. In this case, the berry acts systemically. As a result of eating watermelon, fluid is removed from the body. The sweet taste gives a signal of satiety, so it becomes easier to reduce the intake of other foods and the body does not experience stress. A fasting day with watermelon is easier.

For ease of delivery of striped berries to long distances breeders developed square watermelons. They taste no different from the round and oblong varieties.

Rules for eating watermelon

Knowing about the health benefits and harms of watermelon, you need to approach the choice of vegetable responsibly. When buying berries, you should find out where they came from and check for the presence of nitrates. Watermelon should not be big, 5 kg optimal size. The tail of the berry should be dry, the peel intact, without spots or damage. hard crust, yellow spot on the side and a springy peel that responds with a ringing sound to a slap, they say that the watermelon is ripe.

You cannot cut a watermelon at the market, but at home you need to continue the research:

  1. Place the watermelon completely in the water, and if it is ripe, it will float up.
  2. Wash with soap and water and a brush and dry the crust.
  3. After cutting, you should take a closer look at the pulp. If it is unnaturally red, there are yellow streaks, it is better not to eat watermelon.
  4. A piece of pulp, mashed in a glass of water, gives a pink or red color - the watermelon is overfed with nitrogen fertilizers.

Such a berry can bring many problems and cause severe poisoning. But even if the research was satisfactory, you need to throw away three cm of the pulp from the crust. Give children a piece from the very core and eat the tasty vegetable in reasonable quantities.

We are used to the fact that watermelon flesh is red. However, varieties of yellow watermelons have appeared. They are still in little demand. They can only be found in supermarkets with organic products. Yellow watermelons do not have harmful components, but their taste is more like pumpkin. However, all useful substances are present in full.

Methods for storing and preserving watermelons

To extend the life of watermelons, they are stored at home in a cool, dry cellar for two months. The main condition is that the watermelons are whole, do not touch each other and lie in a container with sand until consumed. Another storage method is to dip each watermelon in hot paraffin and hang it in the cellar. At the same time, there should be no other vegetables in the basement.

But more often watermelons are salted. When salting, watermelons are immersed whole in brine; over time, the liquid is absorbed into the pulp. Watermelons are fermented together with cabbage or cucumbers. In Ukrainian villages in winter, salted watermelons are considered a good snack and addition to the holiday table.

Video about the beneficial properties of watermelon

Watermelon is a juicy berry with a unique taste, beloved by adults and children. The benefits and harms of watermelon for the human body depend not only on the available medical contraindications, but also on the growing conditions of melons.

Origin, calorie content and composition

The berry is of African origin and is now cultivated on almost all continents in fairly warm regions. Through the efforts of breeders, about 1200 varieties have been developed. Watermelons can be round or oval shape. Especially for convenient transportation, fruits are sometimes grown in boxes to give the berries a cubic shape.

The flesh is mostly pinkish-red, although yellow varieties are becoming increasingly popular. The peel is dense, uniform green in color or with light light green stripes.

The fruits are stored well at a temperature of about 0 degrees, retaining all their beneficial properties.

Watermelon is most often consumed raw. Also suitable for pickling, salting, drying, cooking.

The berry is a dietary product - the calorie content is 39 kcal per 100 g. The pulp consists of 92% structured water and also contains many substances that determine the benefits of watermelon:

  • folic acid - plays an important role in many biochemical processes in the human body; among products plant origin watermelon is the record holder for the content of this compound;
  • microelements – iron, magnesium, cobalt, fluorine, selenium, etc.;
  • natural sugars – glucose, fructose,
  • vitamins C, PP, A, group B;
  • cellulose;
  • pectin.

What are the benefits of watermelon?

First of all, the fruit is known for its diuretic and choleretic properties due to the large amount of structured water in the composition. Along with the fluid, dissolved waste and toxins are removed from the body. Pectin contained in the pulp actively binds and removes uric acid, which prevents the deposition of salts and the formation of stones in the kidneys and bladder. The berry is recommended as prophylactic against gout, arthritis, rheumatic diseases.

Watermelon contains a rich complex of vitamins and microelements. It is useful for adults and children to include the fruit in their diet for general strengthening body, increasing immunity and preventing vitamin deficiency.

  • Vitamin C is necessary for wound healing, has anti-aging and immunostimulating properties, promotes rapid regeneration of skin cells, improves the condition and complexion.
  • Vitamin A is important for eye health.
  • Magnesium and B vitamins strengthen nerve cells and muscle fibers. With high psycho-emotional and physical activity Watermelon pulp will help cope with stress and improve your mood.
  • Potassium removes sand from the ureter and promotes rapid recovery from cystitis.
  • Zinc and selenium prevent the development of inflammatory processes and the degeneration of benign tumors into a malignant form.
  • Iron prevents anemia and diseases of the circulatory system.

Coarse fiber fibers gently cleanse the intestines, heal microflora, remove cholesterol and prevent the development of atherosclerosis and other diseases of the cardiovascular system. The amino acids phenylalanines have the ability to prevent the development of Parkinson's disease, so older people are advised to include watermelon in their diet.

Not only the pulp, but also the seeds of watermelon have beneficial properties:

  • in Asian countries they are prepared and eaten fried in the same way as sunflower or pumpkin;
  • seed oil is not inferior in its nutritional and taste qualities to olive and almond;
  • seeds are used for production dosage form pectin, which is used in medicine for intensive care patients in the postoperative period.

Watermelon seeds are an effective preventive and remedy against worms of all types. To prepare the drink, 10 grams of dry seeds are ground in a coffee grinder and infused in 100 ml of hot boiled milk. Drink in the morning before meals and before bed for 7 days.

Why is watermelon harmful?

The striped berry has few contraindications for consumption. Watermelon is prohibited for chronic diseases of the urinary system, the presence of stones in organs and canals (when the cleansing process is activated, the stones can move into the duct, which will cause great suffering to the patient). You should also avoid watermelon snacks if you have colitis or an upset stomach. In case of pancreatitis, chronic gastrointestinal diseases, diabetes mellitus, the product can be introduced into the diet only after consultation with your doctor.

The main harm of watermelon for healthy people is associated with the ability of the pulp to quickly accumulate nitrates and other substances hazardous to health used in growing melons. An increased concentration of nitrogen-containing fertilizers can cause poisoning, which is accompanied by typical symptoms: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, fever. The chance of buying a poisoned fruit is especially high out of season or in natural markets.

You should avoid eating watermelon if there are signs of overfeeding the fruit with chemical fertilizers:

  • too bright red color;
  • yellow veins are clearly visible on the pulp;
  • glossy smooth peel.

Exists effective method determine the quality of watermelon. Dip a piece of pulp into a bowl of water. If the liquid has turned pink or red, this is a clear sign that the berry contains foreign coloring matter.

Watermelon diet - benefits and harms

The low calorie content and unique properties of watermelon make it possible to effectively use the fruit as part of weight loss diets. Due to the high content of natural sugars, the pulp of the fruit causes a feeling of fullness for a long time. It is much easier to spend fasting days on watermelon than on vegetables or cereals. The essence of a strict watermelon diet is to consume only the pulp of the fruit and water for 10 days - during this time you can lose up to 10 kg of extra pounds.

Unlike other products, nutritionists allow you to eat watermelon at night. But due to the high diuretic effect, this must be done 2-3 hours before bedtime, otherwise getting up at night to go to the toilet will negatively affect the quality of rest.

Eating watermelon in large quantities is strictly contraindicated in case of urolithiasis and elevated level blood sugar.

Watermelons are useful not only for women trying to get rid of extra pounds. A seasonal diet based on melons will help men lose excess fat and remove waste products and toxins. Fat deposits in the abdominal area are extremely harmful to the male body. They provoke stagnant processes in prostate gland and other organs of the genitourinary system, which leads to a deterioration in potency and the development of adenoma, which over time can develop into a malignant tumor.

Watermelon and pancreatic diseases

Pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas) is a disease in which Special attention need to be given proper and balanced diet. Indigestible plant fibers can cause increased gas formation, bloating and intense colic. Therefore, during the acute stage, you should refrain from eating any raw vegetables, fruits and berries, including watermelon. Even a small slice eaten during an exacerbation of the pathology will intensify inflammatory processes in the pancreas and provoke pain syndrome and flatulence, will increase the duration of the recovery period.

At chronic form during the period of remission it is allowed, and in some cases it is recommended, to include watermelon in your diet to strengthen the immune system and stabilize the gastrointestinal tract. You must first consult with your doctor and comply with the following conditions:

  • introduce the product in small quantities, first in the form of watermelon juice;
  • monitor the body's reaction; in the absence of negative consequences, you can consume the pulp in small portions - 100-150 grams 3-4 times a day.
  • Don't eat watermelon on an empty stomach.

Cleansing diet: watermelon with black bread

Recently they have become popular various diets aimed at cleansing the body. Doctors' attitude towards them is very ambiguous. A course diet on watermelon with black bread involves a complete abstinence from all other foods for 5-7 days. During this time you can eat:

  • watermelon pulp in unlimited quantities, ideally 1 kg for every 10 kg of weight;
  • no more than 250 grams of black bread per day in several doses.

At the end of the cleansing, it is recommended to take hot baths to dilate the ureters between 2 and 3 am - at this time the kidneys are most active. You can repeat the course cleansing after 2-3 weeks. It is permissible to use this method in the absence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and urinary system. The combination of components not only cleanses the intestines, but can also provoke an exacerbation of gastritis and stomach ulcers.

The benefits and harms of watermelon during pregnancy

Balanced and healthy diet especially important during pregnancy. The berry is recommended for the diet of the expectant mother due to common benefit for the human body and special properties:

  • thanks to its powerful diuretic effect, watermelon relieves swelling that affects many women;
  • folic acid plays a huge role in the development of the baby’s nervous system in the womb - a sufficient supply of the substance is necessary to minimize the risk of developing pathologies;
  • fiber stimulates the gastrointestinal tract, eliminates constipation;
  • a complex of vitamins, magnesium and potassium compounds have a calming effect on nervous system, prevent irritability and sudden mood swings;
  • the high iron content makes the berry especially useful for pregnant women, since during this period there is high risk development of anemia.

The benefits of watermelon for the human body when correct use invaluable. A lighter version of the watermelon diet during the ripening season - from August to October - will help cleanse urinary system and gastrointestinal tract from toxins and waste. If there are medical conditions, berries can be added to the menu only after consultation with your doctor.



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