Contraindications for treatment with leeches. Hirudotherapy (treatment with leeches) - benefits and harms, indications and contraindications, schemes for using medicinal leeches for various diseases, reviews from doctors

Treatment with leeches is one of the ancient techniques getting rid of numerous diseases. This method can save the patient from having to surgical intervention. Special leeches are used; there is no risk of infection upon contact with them. What is hirudotherapy, indications and contraindications of the method is a question that needs to be studied before using it. Unique property Leeches are considered to have the ability to sense diseased areas of the patient’s body.

If hirudotherapy is prescribed, the indications and many contraindications of the method are very important. Why leeches are useful:

  1. Leech saliva contains hyaluronidase, which is a kind of conductor that increases the sensitivity of human tissues. The enzyme promotes the rapid penetration of others useful components to the desired areas of the body, organs.
  2. The salivary glands of worms are capable of dissolving adhesions, eliminating scars and small tumors. This contributes active use hirudotherapy in cosmetology, gynecology, surgery, neurology.
  3. The secretion secreted by leeches resolves cholesterol and harmful fats. Worms are used as a means of combating overweight, increased level cholesterol, dysfunction of the digestive system.
  4. Human blood becomes enriched after being saturated with worm saliva nutrients, contributing to the improvement general condition. Rejuvenation and cleansing of the body from harmful components are noticeable. This factor makes it possible to actively use leeches in cosmetology, aesthetic surgery, and in the fight against cellulite.

Indications for the procedure

Hirudotherapy is carried out not only in specialized medical institutions. Treatment with leeches at home is an equally common technique. The acquisition of worms is considered a crucial moment. This must be done in pharmacies. At other points of sale there is a risk of buying ordinary swamps, and not medical specimens. It is necessary to correctly determine the points for hirudotherapy in advance. Subject to the specified conditions, sessions for a number of diseases.

What is treated with leeches:

  • gynecological diseases(fibroids, cystitis, infertility, inflammatory processes of the female genital organs, endometriosis);
  • cosmetic defects(acne, acne, pimples, psoriasis, skin allergies, need for rejuvenation skin);
  • cardiovascular diseases(stroke, ischemic disease heart, hypertension, vascular atherosclerosis);
  • venous diseases (varicose veins, thrombophlebitis);
  • neurological pathologies(osteochondrosis, migraine, radiculitis, epilepsy, insomnia);
  • endocrinological and autoimmune diseases(mastopathy, bronchial asthma, thyroiditis);
  • inflammatory processes of the eye organs (glaucoma, consequences of injuries or diseases);
  • urological diseases(treatment of hemorrhoids with leeches differs increased efficiency, renal colic, prostatitis, priapism);
  • cellulite and metabolic disorders ( excess weight, fat deposition);
  • diabetes mellitus (if the disease is present, you must first carefully study how hirudotherapy is carried out, indications and contraindications of the method);
  • rheumatological abnormalities (particularly effective in the treatment of arthritis, rheumatism, scleroderma);
  • diseases of the ENT organs (sinusitis, hearing problems, otitis media, congenital pathologies ENT organs);
  • illnesses musculoskeletal system(herniated intervertebral discs, arthrosis, spinal diseases, damage to bones and joints).

Find out more about what it is and treatment methods.

The scope of application of hirudotherapy covers all known areas of medicine. Some diseases can only be cured by leeches. Ion therapy is an effective addition to procedures with swamp worms. The sessions represent healing of the body with air. IN medical practice These techniques are used as a single complex. The cost of treatment due to the supplement will increase, but the result will improve several times.

The scheme of the hirudotherapy procedure differs when affecting different organs. If the liver is being treated, then swamp worms are placed in the lumbar region. If it is necessary to influence the ENT organs, leeches are placed in the submandibular area. Hirudotherapy for varicose veins is a kind of foot bath using water and several leeches. The price of the procedures is calculated taking into account the session time and the number of swamp worms involved.

Hirudotherapy in cosmetology is different high performance efficiency. Leeches make facial skin elastic, eliminate fine wrinkles, teenage or age-related changes, give a healthy shade. For women, swamp worms for medical purposes are irreplaceable. Hirudotherapy in gynecology is used no less frequently than in other procedures related to women's health.

Contraindications to the use of hirudotherapy

The use of leeches as a treatment is prohibited, subject to certain exceptions. Hirudotherapy has indications and contraindications. The list of prohibitions is short, it includes specific diseases and individual intolerance to the components that make up the saliva of worms. Placing leeches is prohibited for patients with anemia and hemophilia. The procedure is not performed for people with congenital incoagulability. Contact with leeches is prohibited if:

In other situations, hirudotherapy is harmless and will benefit any organism. Among experts, the opinion on the effectiveness of the technique is divided. Most of them consider the sessions useful not only when necessary, but also for prevention. If treatment with leeches is carried out, the pros and cons can be discussed with your doctor. In such a direction as hirudotherapy, the main indications and contraindications are clarified before the session - individually.

Video about leech treatment

The hirudotherapy procedure has its own characteristics. Visually, it seems that the worm’s bite is painful and causes agony. It's a delusion. The sessions do not make patients suffer. A clear example of how the procedures are carried out is shown in the video. Additionally, information is provided on when hirudotherapy is needed, the main indications and contraindications of the method.

Treatment with leeches is the oldest method of treating many, often completely diverse, diseases. Despite the fact that this method of treatment refers to methods alternative medicine, its unique healing properties are recognized by official medicine. This influence on a person is also indicated by popular name these organisms are a “living pharmacy”.

Did you know? Leech is a full-fledged medical product, and this fact has been recognized since 1990.

The body of the medicinal leech is smooth and elongated, reaching a length of 3 to 13 cm and a width of 1 cm, and is slightly flat in the abdominal region.
The body structure is ring-shaped, like earthworm, but less segmented. The body can be black, dark green or gray, brown-red with contrasting body color stripes of yellow, red or black.

The anterior and posterior ends of the body have suckers:

  • the front one is designed for attaching (suction) to objects; the mouth is located in the center of it. In the mouth opening there are three serrated plates designed to break the integrity of the skin and suck out blood;
  • the back one is designed to attach the body when moving.

These organisms have male and female sexual characteristics and are hermaphrodites, but for reproduction (laying eggs) they need the participation of a second individual.

There is no point in looking for medical specimens on wide sale - this is not a mass-produced product, although some pharmacies sell them. It is recommended to use these organisms under the guidance of a specialist in working with leeches (hirudotherapist) in a medical institution.
This approach will help avoid purchasing “low-quality goods”, because Unscrupulous scammers, under the guise of medical supplies, supply ordinary “river” ones.

Important! Ordinary freshwater (or river) leeches do not benefit the human body.

Supplies for hirudotherapy sessions are made from special biofactories where leeches are grown under sterile conditions. Such cultivation makes them safe and “tame,” which greatly simplifies the work of health workers with them.

The safety of the procedures performed will be indicated by the immediate disposal of organisms by a healthcare worker immediately after use.

The benefits of hirudotherapy sessions depend not only on the bloodletting process taking place, but also on the contents salivary glands leeches, the composition of which is unique and invaluable. At the moment of biting the skin and in the process of consuming blood, biologically active substances contained in saliva enter the human body. Among these substances, the most useful:

  • anticoagulant hirudin, which prevents blood clotting. In addition to thinning, it helps cleanse the blood of blood clots and blood clots;
  • the enzyme hyaluronidase, which increases the permeability of tissues and blood vessels to incoming active substances;

Did you know?Leeches are afraid of noise; excitement from high vibrations depletes and weakens their body, which can lead to their death.

  • enzyme destabilase, helping to reduce inflammatory processes in the body;
  • enzyme asperase, which helps reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol and prevents the formation cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels. This effect accelerates metabolic processes in the body, which promotes weight loss.

In one session, each leech consumes from 15 to 20 ml of blood, and no more than 7 individuals are used. As a result, the volume of blood in the human body decreases, but at the same time the supply of oxygen and nutrients increases.

Also, hirudotherapy is often compared to acupuncture sessions. The thing is that leeches stick only to biologically active points (acupuncture) on the body, which is comparable to the effect of punctures. This positive influence on the body also occurs in modern alternative medicine.

Indications for treatment are disturbances in the functioning of the body associated with:

  • with a metabolic failure to normalize it;
  • with violations in endocrine system to resolve it and receive normal indicators analyses;
  • with diseases of the spine to improve physiological norms and increase the amplitude of actions;
  • with disorders in the hematopoietic system, in particular, to reduce the likelihood of blood clots;
  • with diseases of the genitourinary area, to obtain a positive treatment result.

In addition, it is possible to use hirudotherapy sessions as prophylactic to rejuvenate the body and maintain energy balance.

The mechanism of action of a leech is that enzymes and other active substances contained in the saliva of a leech, in the process of saturation, enter the human body and spread to nearby tissues and organs, where they begin their effect.
A feature of this mechanism is the fact that biologically active substances begin to act in the place where it is needed.

Hirudotherapy as an additional method of treatment is prescribed for diseases:

  • in the field of gynecology for the treatment chronic inflammation appendages, endometriosis, cystitis, infertility;
  • in the field of dermatology for the treatment of dermatitis, psoriasis, allergic manifestations on the skin acne and acne;

  • in the field of cardiology and neurology for coronary heart disease, hypertension, atherosclerosis;
  • in the field of endocrinology, especially in diabetes mellitus;
  • in the field of urology for the treatment renal colic, hemorrhoids, prostatitis;
  • in the field of ophthalmology for the treatment of glaucoma and keratitis;
  • in the field of phlebology for treatment varicose veins veins and thrombophlebitis;
  • in the field of rheumatology for the treatment of rheumatic carditis, arthritis, hernias and other diseases of the spine.

It is impossible to list all the diseases that a leech can cure, because... medicinal and side effects depend on the characteristics of each person’s body.

Important! Same leech when used different people will not be transmitted from one person to another possible infections and illnesses because the blood she consumes cannot get back into the wound.

Contraindications for treatment

Despite the overall positive effect on a person and his body, hirudotherapy has some contraindications. Sessions cannot be held:

  • for chronic hypotension (low blood pressure);
  • with diagnosed hemophilia;
  • with anemia (anemia);
  • after a stroke or heart attack;
  • for cancer in severe forms;
  • during pregnancy;
  • with individual intolerance.

Start using leeches at home without preliminary preparation not worth it. It is recommended that you first obtain the necessary information about the staging rules from a specialist, because The process of hirudotherapy has its own characteristics.

To conduct home hirudotherapy sessions you will need:

  • leeches;
  • a jar of water where well-fed individuals will be placed;
  • tweezers;
  • a test tube or small glass vessel with a narrow neck for placing individuals there before staging;
  • dressings (cotton swabs, bandages);
  • hydrogen peroxide.

Did you know? Blood consumed by a leech can remain in its digestive organs for more than 3 months without coagulating and without signs of rotting.

Despite the fact that leeches can sense active biological points on the body, the placement location can be adjusted, but with prior consultation with a specialist. Each disease for which they are used has its own area for treatment.

The process of hirudotherapy occurs in the following order:

  1. the area of ​​the body where the leeches will be applied must be thoroughly rubbed, warming it up in this way;
  2. The leech, taken by the tail with tweezers, is placed in a glass vessel and applied to the skin in the required place. The vessel does not need to be removed immediately, but should be held on the body a little so that the leech attaches tightly;
  3. The session lasts until the leech is satiated and falls off on its own. Such an individual must be immediately placed in a jar of water. There is another way to conduct a session, when the leech is given the opportunity to suck well, but the process of its saturation is interrupted forcibly by applying a tampon soaked in salt water or iodine solution. This method has positive impact, and blood loss is not allowed;
  4. A clean napkin, a cotton swab and a bandage are applied to the bite site. on the first day, a certain amount of blood may be released from the wound;

Important! At copious discharge If there is blood at the site of the bite, an additional bandage is applied, and the first bandage applied should not be removed, even if it is completely soaked in blood.

Scope of application for applying leeches for certain diseases:

  • in area chest - for the treatment of heart and vascular diseases;
  • in the area of ​​the liver- for diabetes;
  • at the bottom of the legs- for the treatment of varicose veins;
  • in the occipital region of the head- for treatment hypertension;
  • along the spine- for the treatment of osteochondrosis and hernias;
  • V lower area belly- for the treatment of gynecological and urological diseases.

It is necessary to install leeches at intervals of 5-6 days, while it is important to use no more than 5-7 individuals in one session.

Leeches - unique organisms, capable of benefiting a person through the normal consumption of his blood. For treatment sessions, only the view is used medical leeches, which may differ slightly in their external manifestations, although this makes them positive traits do not decrease. And do not forget that it is still better to entrust the procedure to a specialist.

Hirudotherapy: placing leeches at home, what it treats, pros and cons

Hirudotherapy has a rather long history. For about two thousand years, bloodletting was considered the most effective method treatment of many ailments, among which the central place was occupied by diseases caused by cardiac and vascular pathology. By releasing a certain amount of blood from the patient, it was possible to stop the attack and thus help the person. However, a puncture or cut in a vein in those distant times was a real surgery, which could only be accomplished qualified specialist. The use of leeches turned out to be simpler and more sufficient in an accessible way treatment of diseases (and not only heart diseases) by extracting “unnecessary” or “bad”, as was considered in the Middle Ages, blood.

Dislike for the “exotic”, which some people consider a leech, makes many patients completely reject hirudotherapy, although others, on the contrary, love it very much.

A little history

Calling the leech a real living pharmacy, many scientists doctors thereby recognizing its unique medicinal properties. The reputation of this scary-looking worm-like animal has been formed over many centuries. Scientists who thoroughly study the path of the leech, how remedy, argue that the use of a “living needle” or “living syringe” for bloodletting, as the leech was later called, began in Ancient India and represents a branch of Ayurveda.

posing of leeches, engraving, 19th century.

The leech was used by the “father of medicine” Hippocrates, the Roman physician Galen, it was used by the great scientist Avicenna (Ibn Sina), the best healers of antiquity treated all diseases with its saliva and, thus, it quietly but safely reached the Renaissance. The most wide use hirudotherapy dates back to the 17th-18th centuries, leech was used for, tuberculosis, gonorrhea,. In general, under different and very distant pathological conditions.

By the end of the 18th and beginning of the 19th century, ideas about many things began to change and the leech was forgotten for some time. In Russia, the introduction of hirudotherapy in medical practice The famous doctor M. Ya. Mudrov was actively involved.

In the middle of the 19th century, the leech gradually faded into the background and began to be considered a past stage in medicine, although bloodletting still leads among other therapeutic measures, but is used for slightly different purposes and by other methods. Meanwhile, famous surgeon N.I. Pirogov, having his own convictions on this matter, continued to use these worms to stop bleeding, for fractures, tumors and others surgical diseases. Especially, the leech turned out to be useful during the Crimean War, in which N.I. Pirogov was a participant (and the chief surgeon of Sevastopol).

However, oblivion did not last long and at the end of the 19th century the study of this animal began seriously. A substance that prevents blood clotting (anticoagulant) was isolated from the leech extract, and an enzyme (hirudin) was obtained from its saliva, thanks to which the leech has therapeutic effect. This was in 1884. This is how the medicinal leech appeared ( Hirudo medicinalis), which differs in its properties from different types worm-like animals living in bodies of water. At the same time, production began pharmaceuticals based hirudin.

Until the 70s of the last century, jars with swarming black-brown worms could be seen in outpatient clinics and health centers, although they were placed less often. Hirudotherapy remained a priority in rural areas, where advanced technologies at that time did not reach, or, conversely, in large scientific centers, where eminent scientists worked who did not change their views on hirudotherapy (therapist G. A. Zakharyin, ophthalmologist V. P. Filatov). The scientific development of bdellotherapy truly began in the second half of the 20th century.

Return of the medicinal leech

The new birth of hirudotherapy falls on difficult times for Russia and the former republics of the USSR - the “dashing 90s”. The industry, including the pharmaceutical industry, is in decline, but it needs treatment. So I remembered folk remedies and unconventional methods of treatment. To give new life hirudotherapy, people who were especially active and knowledgeable in this regard began to create special “farms” for raising unique animals. Over time, these small “farms” grew into large certified biofactories that supply entire regions with live anticoagulants, which now allows people who are well versed in this method treatment and able to handle the medicinal bloodsucker.

Meanwhile, the rapid development of hirudotherapy in the 90s of the last century is explained not only by the decline of the economy and the emergence of various farms of all stripes on this basis. By that time, considerable experience had been accumulated in medicine. The influence of many synthetically obtained medicines on the human body with long-term use. It turned out that:

  • A very common anticoagulant, heparin, sometimes causes complications in the form of necrosis of subcutaneous fat;
  • Antibiotics lead to the development of candidiasis;
  • Hormonal drugs have a lot of contraindications, among which are indicated.

In short, different medicines obtained chemically, have their own side effects: allergic reactions, disruption of the vital functions of individual organs and entire systems, sometimes very severe, so scientists increasingly began to lean towards unconventional methods treatment (where possible), one of which (and the best) is hirudotherapy.

Hirudotherapy is currently used quite widely, because leeches have again gained the right to participate in healing process on a par with traditional methods treatment.

Properties of saliva, which contains a large amount of biologically active substances(BAS) can be used independently or to complement other measures, primarily as for the treatment of cardiovascular pathology.

In the secretion of the salivary glands of the leech, except hirudin, which has an anti-clotting effect, contains a very important enzyme - hyaluronidase, dissolving hyaluronic acid, which, in turn, accumulates around the source of inflammation, protecting it. After the process subsides, hyaluronic acid “cements” connective tissue, creating partitions that impede lymph and blood circulation, as well as reducing the functional abilities of tissues and organs. Hyaluronidase loosens these bridges, clearing the way for the movement of blood and lymph, which improves tissue nutrition and restores organ function, therefore, it can be used to influence adhesions. Taking into account the property of hyaluronidase, gynecologists often, using hirudotherapy, achieve positive results in the treatment of infertility, the cause of which was formed in fallopian tubes adhesions.

In addition to hirudin and hyaluronidase, the secretion of the salivary glands includes other compounds of proteins, lipids, carbohydrates that have high biological activity (histamine-like substance, prostaglandins, prostacyclins, platelet adhesion inhibitor, platelet activating factor inhibitor... and many other biologically active substances). It should be noted that not all components of the secretion secreted by a leech have yet been discovered and studied, that is, for scientific research in studying the properties of this small predator Scientists have a large field of activity left.

The secret is in her secret

A medicinal leech has a good understanding of human skin; it itself is able to find areas responsible for the functions of certain organs, but real professionals involved in natural therapy do not allow it such “liberties.” Her behavior is regulated by a specialist who knows the location of active points- he himself places the worm directly at the place of “work”. The leech, having attached itself to the designated point, takes a little blood (approximately 10 ml, but especially voracious ones can suck out 15 ml) and at the same time introduces biologically active substances (BAS) contained in its saliva into the wound, which act both locally and with the blood flow carries them to the organs in need of help.

It should be noted that biologically active substances act not only in affected areas, they have an effect on the body as a whole:

  1. Accelerate blood movement blood vessels and lymph by lymphatic;
  2. Reduce (hirudin increases blood fluidity);
  3. Slow down;
  4. Prevents the formation and helps dissolve existing clots;
  5. Improves microcirculation;
  6. Helps saturate the blood with oxygen;
  7. Normalize metabolic processes;
  8. Improve tissue nutrition;
  9. They have an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect;
  10. Stops spasm of cerebral, coronary and other vessels;
  11. Reduce;
  12. Promote the disappearance and resorption of infiltrates;
  13. Increases the body's resistance unfavorable factors, including infectious diseases, improve appetite and sleep.

It is obvious that the effect of the secretion secreted by a leech on the body is multifaceted and varied. We will return to the diseases that these predators treat and to the contraindications, but it should be noted that, having weighed the benefits and harms of treatment with leeches, the benefits will undoubtedly outweigh. The wound made by this animal never festers even when attacked by wild leeches while swimming in a dirty pond ( bactericidal effect secretion), in addition, the water in which animals are kept begins to acquire bacteriostatic properties.

However, before starting detailed description all the advantages of this type of annelid, you should make important note. Although cases of infection with viral hepatitis and HIV during hirudotherapy did not seem to have been recorded, but in order to prevent troubles and mental anguish for the patient (what if I could become infected with something?) the animal must be destroyed after use. This means that each patient is treated with his own leeches; like syringes, it is better not to borrow them from a neighbor after he has already been injected. And one more point (it worries many) is why there should be different leeches for each patient: I don’t even want to think that an individual used to fight hemorrhoids will be reused to treat stomatitis. The patient must be confident that this is the predator's first time trying human blood and this blood is his own.

Where to look for leeches?

leech farm

There is no certainty that we managed to convince the reader to be treated only by a naturotherapist (hirudotherapist) and, for sure, there will be people who study hirudotherapy on their own, ready to solve problems on their own at home - you just need to find medicinal leeches. As mentioned above, medicinal animals are “produced” in special biofactories, which must comply with all the rules for the cultivation and maintenance of high-quality worms of this genus, which must be confirmed by a certificate. Manufacturers offer their “products” wholesale and retail to medical institutions, pharmacies, and individuals.

When choosing a remedy for hirudotherapy at home, you should be careful. Small-sized specimens offered at low prices(50 rubles or less), perhaps yesterday they swam in the nearest pond. These are wild leeches - they will not provide a therapeutic effect, but the money will be wasted.

If you really want to, you can buy leeches at the pharmacy, although not all pharmaceutical establishments sell them. You will have to “get on the phone” or get information on the Internet (there is plenty of it there). The main thing for the reader to know is that he is buying a high-quality medicinal leech that has medicinal properties.

The benefits and harms of leeches and hirudotherapy

Advantages of a predator

And now, as promised, we will weigh the benefits and harms of treatment with leeches and try to give more detailed information, what diseases these small predators treat.

Ringed worms, represented by this species (medicinal leech), solve many problems in the treatment of various pathological conditions. In its favor, we can cite a list of actions that it has when attached to human skin:

Based on this, let's try to list scope of application of medicinal leech, the main task of which is to treat vascular pathology:

  1. (the name of the disease more familiar to patients is hypertension), leeches are especially effective for hypertensive crisis, they lower blood pressure well and quickly “restore order” in the circulatory system;
  2. Vertebro-basilar insufficiency (VBI), vertebral artery syndrome;
  3. Cardialgia of various origins;
  4. Conditions after suffered a heart attack myocardium;
  5. brain and coronary vessels;
  6. against the background of varicose veins and chronic thrombophlebitis;
  7. Conditions after heart transplantation, however, in Russia in such cases a leech is not used, but in some countries Western Europe(England) is included in the mandatory procedures;
  8. , cracks anus, .

Hirudotherapy is also used for diseases:

  • Gastrointestinal tract - chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver, stomach and duodenal ulcers, pancreatitis, but here I would like to make a small digression: many naively believe that bdellotherapy can cure viral hepatitis (B, C, etc.). Unfortunately, this is not the case, so you shouldn't place too much hope on it;
  • Bronchopulmonary system (bronchitis, bronchial asthma);
  • Kidney (glomerulonephritis, chronic renal failure, post-traumatic complications).

Small black-brown worm-like predators that prefer an aquatic habitat are even used in such areas of medicine as:

  1. Traumatology(bone fractures, chronic osteomyelitis, bruises, hematomas, bruises);
  2. Mammology(lactostasis, acute mastitis);
  3. Dermatology(furunculosis and other pustular diseases of the skin and subcutaneous fat)
  4. Otorhinolaryngology (vasomotor rhinitis, sinusitis, chronic otitis media, Meniere's disease, stopping nosebleeds);
  5. Ophthalmology(macular edema), supporters of the use of hirudotherapy for the treatment of eye diseases argue that a leech can help not only cure, but also diagnose some diseases, replacing expensive imported FA equipment (fluorescein angiography);
  6. Neurology(osteochondrosis, neuralgia various kinds, including the trigeminal nerve).

Leeches are used to fight disease reproductive system person. Hirudotherapists believe that the participation of leeches will be useful in the following cases:

It may seem incredible, but the use of hirudotherapy in dentistry also takes place. However, the information is still fragmentary; the authors of the methods conducted experiments on themselves and claim that with the help of these animals it is possible to treat inflammatory diseases oral cavity caused by pathogenic microorganisms, bleeding gums, caries and other pathological conditions.

Leech also helps cosmetologists, it promotes rejuvenation and healing of the skin, the disappearance of acne and other defects caused by inflammatory processes. The use of leeches in cosmetology has led to the creation of new cosmetics intended for skin care (hydrocosmetics of the Biokon series). We do not undertake to judge the effectiveness of the cream and other products based on leech extract (more precisely, the extract of the salivary glands of this animal), containing up to 80 names of biologically active substances (enzymes), which artificially We haven’t learned how to create yet. However, our topic is diseases of the cardiovascular system and their treatment, and it is better to obtain information regarding these drugs on the pages of specialized sites.

Video: what do leeches treat?

Contraindications and disadvantages

Meanwhile, with all the advantages of the leech, it also has disadvantages. The list of contraindications is short, but they exist. This:

  1. Hemophilia ( hereditary disease, sex-linked - affects men), in which a person has reduced blood clotting due to the absence or deficiency of factor VIII (hemophilia A, more common) or IX (hemophilia B);
  2. Thrombocytopenia of various origins;
  3. Acute disorders cerebral circulation(especially hemorrhage);
  4. Acute infectious diseases;
  5. (pronounced);
  6. Pregnancy;
  7. Individual intolerance.

Particular fear, a feeling of hostility and even disgust, of course, are not contraindications, but are considered significant shortcomings, since even brave people cannot overcome this barrier. Having persuaded such a patient to undergo hirudotherapy, then he will have to be treated for stress, so it is better not to convince him: if he can’t, he can’t. Such people can only use cream, tablets and ointments with hirudin.

One should also not place special hopes on bdellotherapy in terms of cure. incurable diseases or conditions requiring specific therapeutic (or surgical) measures. Still, this method of treatment is best considered as aid, rather than the main one. And it is advisable to consult with your doctor.

Responsible step

Having decided to independently undertake treatment at home using such unsightly in appearance and in best case scenario Not disgusting animals, a person must learn the basic rules, which we will remind you once again:

  • Thoroughly study the indications, find out if there are any contraindications and prepare for possible reactions(itching, urticaria);
  • It is better to buy a leech at a pharmacy or from a trusted manufacturer for more high price than to chase after a cheap product (it may turn out to be of poor quality and not capable of providing a therapeutic effect);
  • Learn the rules for keeping animals at home so that they remain healthy and can be used for treatment;
  • Familiarize yourself with the schemes for placing leeches in relation to your disease;
  • Do not treat the whole family with one batch of leeches (everyone may have their own diseases, including viral ones);
  • Place the same individual even for yourself, but in different places far from each other ( oral cavity, the area around the anus - how can they be combined?) is extremely undesirable - it will take a long time to treat a bacterial infection;
  • Repeated use of the same individual in the same patient and in the same areas is possible no earlier than after 2 weeks (preferably 3);
  • Do not try to cure every disease without exception, e.g. viral hepatitis“C” (bdellotherapy cannot solve it, but other problems can be acquired);
  • Before starting treatment you need to pass general analysis blood and it is very advisable to do so (perhaps the patient does not know everything about himself);
  • During hirudotherapy, try to avoid physical activity.

Like these ones simple rules must be observed so that the treatment does not turn into trouble. However, it doesn't matter It’s better to talk to specialists and your doctor.

So, let's start treatment

Having purchased a batch of healthy predators that meet all requirements, being confident in their medicinal properties, you cannot immediately place them in tap water, it often contains chlorine, and animals can die. Clean is best spring water or water from a well. But where can I get it? You should worry about this in advance. As a last resort, tap water is also suitable for therapeutic “tenants”, but it must first sit in an open container for several days so that the chlorine concentration decreases. Leeches need to change the water every 3 days. Keep “live syringes” in spacious glass containers (regular two- or three-liter jars in which cucumbers are preserved).

The number of procedures and the number of individuals participating in the treatment process will depend on the patient’s condition, however, fast treatment and there is no need to calculate the minimum consumption of “material”. Judge for yourself:

  1. Treatment should begin with minimum quantity individuals (2 - 4 to 6 pieces - max), because it is not yet known how the body will react to a new type of exposure - an allergic reaction to biologically active substances contained in the saliva of a predator is possible;
  2. If the first procedure went well, depending on the application area, the number of individuals can be increased to 10;
  3. First (if everything goes well the first time) you need to conduct 3-4 sessions in a row (every day);
  4. Then - 3 procedures every other day;
  5. The last 3 - 4 sessions are carried out with an interval of six to seven days (for example, the patient performs hirudotherapy on Fridays - that’s 3 Fridays);
  6. The entire course of treatment is 10 sessions.

If necessary (according to the patient’s condition), the course of hirudotherapy can be repeated. This can happen anywhere from 2 weeks to a month after last procedure first year If the patient planned repeat course Since those animals that were purchased at the beginning of treatment have been used and have had time to fill up with blood, then the water in which the leeches are kept must be changed daily. Before forcing the leech to be treated again, you need to lightly sprinkle it with salt so that the blood comes out of the animal’s stomach, then wash the worm thoroughly (“over-salting” is not allowed - the animal will die).

Schemes for placing leeches

Considering how many diseases a leech treats, list all staging schemes even with great desire will not work. However, there are many biologically active points, the main ones are presented in the image on the right, and we will give more detailed examples relating to the heart and blood vessels:

I would like to hope that short description The reader will not perceive hirudotherapy as instructions for the use of medicinal leeches. Self-treatment requires a more in-depth study of the issue (indications, application schemes, contraindications, setting technique, selection and maintenance of animals, handling of them).

Creams, tablets and ointments based on hirudin

This section is intended for people who feel panic at the sight of a medicinal product of animal origin, but want to experience the healing properties of leech extract on their own body. Pharmaceutical forms based on biologically active substances contained in leech saliva do exist: creams, gels, balms, tablets and ointments with hirudin, which thin the blood, prevent the formation of blood clots, relieve swelling, pain and fatigue. These drugs are mainly used for varicose veins, thrombophlebitis,:

  1. Popular cream “Sofya” for varicose veins lower limbs;
  2. Foot cream – “Leech extract”;
  3. Cream-balm with leech extract;
  4. Body gel "Girudovazin";
  5. Body balm "Girudox";
  6. “Piyavit” capsules (dry leech powder).

In any case, if the patient wants to buy an ointment (gel, cream, balm) at the pharmacy, then it is enough for him to say that he needs a leech extract or a medicine for varicose veins with hirudin. Most likely, he will be offered several options medicines for external use. By the way, it is good to combine the treatment of varicose veins of the lower extremities with gels and ointments with hirudin with the use of compression hosiery.

There are also more serious drugs with hirudin, which are administered intravenously in a hospital setting. under control - "Lepirudin", For example. These drugs are intended to prevent thromboembolic complications; their use requires special caution and is not available to patients for use on their own initiative at home.

Synthetic analogues of hirudin “Girulog” and “Girugen” have also not yet been found wide application in Russia: they are quite expensive, besides, pharmaceutical forms, intended for oral administration, are just being developed. Therefore medical medicinal leech will be with us for a long time. As they say, cheap and cheerful.

Video: hirudotherapy in the School of Health program

Medical leeches: Fig. 13 - pharmacy; rice. 14 - therapeutic; rice. 15 - Persian. Rice. 16. Horse leech. Rice. 17. False horse leech. (On the left is a view of a leech with dorsal side, on the right - view from the ventral side.)

Medical leeches have long been used as a blood extractor and anticoagulant. They inhabit shallow, well-warmed water bodies of the Caucasus; feed on the blood of large cattle. Medical leeches are bred at a biofactory in Moscow.

Horse leeches attack animals and people while swimming. They are dangerous because small young leeches can stick to the nasopharynx, pharynx, larynx, and cause difficulty breathing and swallowing; attempts to remove the leech instrumentally are usually unsuccessful and often end in throat bleeding. Surgery is required.

Medicinal uses of leeches(hirudotherapy) is based on the ability of leeches to secrete hirudin, which reduces, has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. Leeches are widely used for a number of diseases: glaucoma, etc. Leeches are used in 4-6 pieces (less often up to 20), repeating occupational therapy after 5-6 days if necessary. Leeches are placed along the affected vessel in case of thrombophlebitis, on the mastoid processes and to the back of the head in case of hypertension, in the area of ​​the liver in case of circulatory failure, in the area of ​​the heart in case of. The skin is pre-washed hot water without using odorous substances (soap, etc.) and wipe with cotton wool. The patient must lie down during the procedure. The leeches are placed in a test tube or glass, which is pressed tightly to the skin, and they wait until the leech attaches. If the leech does not stick for a long time, it needs to be replaced. Each leech sucks 10-15 ml of blood within 1/3-1 hour. If the leech does not fall off on its own or needs to be removed earlier, you should touch the head end of the leech with a swab moistened with alcohol. After the leeches fall off, apply to the wounds sterile bandage. The wounds bleed from 6 to 24 hours, sometimes longer. If the bleeding is too heavy and prolonged, use pressure bandage; at threatening bleeding, which is usually associated with reduced clotting blood of the patient, hemostatic agents are needed; in rare cases, braces are applied. Used leeches are not suitable for reuse. Leeches are contraindicated in case of anemia, exhaustion, diseases characterized by decreased blood clotting, hemolysis.

The therapeutic use of leeches (hirudotherapy, bdellotherapy) is based on the ability of leeches to have a variety of effects on the human body: hemorrhagic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory and local anticoagulant. The mechanism of action of leeches has not been studied enough, however, hirudotherapy is widely used for hypertension, thrombophlebitis, angina pectoris and myocardial infarction, congestive liver, diseases of the female genital area, neuritis and radiculitis, appendicular infiltrates, furunculosis, glaucoma, etc. Leeches are contraindicated in cases of collapse, hypotension, anemia, increased bleeding and general exhaustion. Leeches are used in 4-12 pieces (rarely up to 20), repeating hirudotherapy after 5-6 days if necessary. Leeches are placed on the area of ​​the organ that they want to influence: along the affected vessel with thrombophlebitis, on the mastoid processes and to the back of the head with hypertension, on the liver area with stagnation, on the heart area with angina pectoris, etc. The skin is first wiped with alcohol and washed with hot water. water without using odorous substances (soap, ether) and wipe with dry cotton wool. The leeches are placed in a glass or test tube, which is pressed tightly against the skin, and they wait for it to stick (Fig.). Each leech sucks 10-15 ml of blood within 1/2-1 hour. If the leech does not fall off for a long time, you need to sprinkle it with salt or touch the head end with a swab moistened with alcohol. After the leeches fall off, apply a sterile bandage to the wounds. The sores may continue to bleed for 6 to 24 hours. If this bleeding is profuse and prolonged, apply a pressure bandage; if bleeding threatens, the wound is sutured or a staple is placed on it. Used leeches are not suitable for reuse.

Attaching leeches: 1 - from a glass; 2 - from a test tube.

Rice. 1 - 3. Varieties of medicinal leeches. View from the dorsal (left) and ventral (right) sides. Rice. 1. Pharmacy medicinal leech. Rice. 2. Medicinal medicinal leech. Rice. 3. Persian medicinal leech. Rice. 4. Horse leech. View from the dorsal (left) and ventral (right) sides. Rice. 5. Life-size medical leech cocoon: a - whole; b - in a longitudinal section; c - in cross section. Rice. 6. False horse leech from the dorsal (left) and ventral (right) sides.

Do you remember what Duremar did in the fairy tale about Pinocchio? He caught worms in the lake, chanting: “My dear, very dear leeches.” Ancient hirudotherapy or treatment with medicinal leeches is getting a second wind these days, although they have been known to mankind since 130 BC, and their peak of fashion was in the 18th-19th centuries. The worms are the same age as dinosaurs, but they were less fortunate.

The healing worm mentioned in the Bible has not changed its properties at all since the times of the Egyptian pharaohs; it still reliably helps people overcome many ailments. Today, the list of diseases that are treated with leeches is updated almost weekly, scientists are discovering new ones beneficial features. Hirudotherapy is one of those treatment methods that fashion has played with cruel joke: doctors of the past prescribed up to 200 leeches to one person, why people began to avoid them. Subsequently, the beneficial capabilities of representatives of annelids were pushed aside by pharmaceutical companies.

The list of diseases that can be treated with leeches is constantly growing.

Hirudotherapy: how and why

The Latin word “hirudo” means medicinal leech. The jawed specimen is a worm from 5 to 10 cm long, although there are also giants. At both ends of the annelid there are suckers located on ventral side. Total number there are up to 38 holes on the body, they are needed to cleanse the open circulatory system. Through these openings the worm secretes metabolic products of blood and intracavitary fluid. The outer cover or skin simultaneously functions as kidneys and gills, as well as the nervous system.

The worm needs human blood for nutrition. IN natural environment habitat - a swamp or a lake - a representative of annelids attaches only to sick and weakened animals. A leech can increase in size up to 8 times in one “feeding”, and then digest what it eats for up to 2 years. Swallowed blood - up to 15 ml - does not clot thanks to the active substances, and satiety lasts for a long time. Pharmacy worms are kept so that they are ready to feed every 4-5 months.

A bite brings great benefits to a person. The diseases that are treated with leeches are varied. During suction, anti-inflammatory substances, an enzyme to increase tissue permeability and antithrombotic factors are released. This is far from full list those biologically active substances produced by a living being.

During suction, anti-inflammatory substances, an enzyme to increase tissue permeability and antithrombotic factors are released

Diseases of leeches have been little studied; these include the formation of nodes, yellowing and mucus.

The question “” can name more than 500 diseases and pathological conditions.

Therapeutic effects of leeches

These are 3 main actions:

  1. Bloodletting, known since the beginning of time. A simple reduction in the volume of circulating blood can quickly improve a person’s condition.
  2. The leech bites only the place on the body where it is biologically located active point. A hungry individual does not bite immediately, but first selects a specific place, guided by signs known only to it. The principles are the same as for .
  3. The salivary glands secrete a secretion that can reduce blood viscosity, increase blood flow and relieve inflammation.

These factors act simultaneously, reinforcing each other.

What do leeches treat?

Here sample list diseases:

  • Varicose veins, including hemorrhoids;
  • Almost everything cardiovascular diseases: hypertension, heart attack, ischemic disease, circulatory failure, myocarditis and others;
  • Eye diseases, especially inflammatory ones;
  • Diseases of the ENT organs (otitis, sinusitis, sinusitis);
  • Nervous diseases - isolated neuritis of various nerves, irritability, insomnia, fatigue, consequences of stroke, migraine, metabolic syndrome;
  • Chronic inflammatory processes of the genital organs in men and women;
  • Infertility, erection problems and prostate adenoma;
  • Kidney diseases, including urolithiasis;
  • Violations menstrual cycle and menopause;
  • Rheumatic diseases;
  • Skin diseases;

Leeches and hormonal levels

In recent years, many publications have appeared that hirudotherapy copes well with thyroid disease, accompanied by overproduction of its hormones.

“Extra” thyroid hormones poison the entire body: heart, liver, kidneys, nervous system. Metabolism reaches such speed that the body cannot withstand it. Thyrotoxicosis – complex problem, located at the intersection of many medical disciplines. Hirudotherapy allows you to normalize the level of thyroid hormones in a non-drug way within 3-4 months. Moreover, benign nodes formed in the thyroid gland are reduced by half. Of course, leeches are not used in isolation, but in combination with medications, but the effect of simultaneous use is undeniable.

Of course, leeches are not used in isolation, but in combination with medications, but the effect of simultaneous use is undoubted

The issue of optimizing the level of sex hormones by applying leeches to the area of ​​the coccyx and sacrum is being studied. Scientific basis I haven't found this method yet, but ethnoscience empirically discovered zones, when exposed to which sex hormones come into physiological norm. Justification is a matter of time.

Leeches and diabetes

Undeservedly forgotten creatures have not only a direct impact hypoglycemic effect, but also normalize metabolic processes throughout the body. They “respond” especially quickly and well to unusual treatment vessels damaged by excess glucose in them. Activating blood circulation helps normalize blood pressure, restore the intima or inner wall of blood vessels, and improve trophic processes. Patients who supplemented traditional treatment diabetes with leeches, they note the cessation of numbness in the extremities, improved vision, relief of heaviness in the body, and a decrease in fatigue. All these effects make the worm look inconspicuous at first glance. an indispensable assistant in the fight against diabetes.

Leeches after a heart attack

The prevalence and “rejuvenation” of myocardial infarction and other organs forces doctors and scientists to look for new ways to counteract this scourge. It turned out that hirudotherapy resists thrombosis - the main cause of blockage of blood vessels, due to which a heart attack occurs. The blood thinning produced by injected saliva is so high-quality and natural that it far surpasses many medications in effectiveness. A reasonable combination of medications and hirudotherapy improves the quality of life of chronically ill people.

Hirudotherapy resists thrombosis - the main cause of heart attack

Recent studies have identified a number of components of saliva:

  • Destabilase – dissolves blood clots and prevents the formation of new ones;
  • Apyrase – reduces total cholesterol levels;
  • Hirudin – thins the blood;
  • Hyaluronidase – resolves adhesions and scars;
  • Orgelase – relieves tissue swelling, accelerates the formation of new capillaries;
  • Bradykinins – stimulate the immune system;
  • Histamine-like substances - dilate the lumen of blood vessels.

Can you use leeches yourself at home?

It is possible, but only after consulting a specialist who will teach you how to use them and select installation zones for a specific disease.

Before installation, just take a shower. There is no need to disinfect the skin; the leech does not tolerate odors and most likely will not stick. On the eve of a thunderstorm and on a hot afternoon, a leech may refuse to “work”; it is also part of nature and prefers to hide. It is enough to place a hungry individual in the chosen place, and then it will do everything itself. No pain is felt; a painkiller is injected. Then you just need to wait until saturation occurs. A well-fed worm disappears on its own.

There are times when time is running, but the leech still doesn’t fall off. It is best to wait a little - most likely, she is not full yet. But if it irritates you, you can pour salt water on the suction cup and it will fall off. The wound may bleed for a short time; you need to apply a sterile bandage. It is better to perform all procedures in the morning to have the opportunity to rest and adapt to changes in blood pressure.

The maximum frequency of hirudotherapy sessions is 3 times a week, but it is better to do this once a week. We wish you health and to get sick as little as possible, and if illness happens, remember the miraculous use of leeches for many diseases.



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