What complications does sinusitis cause? Complications on the brain and spinal cord

Sinusitis is a fairly serious illness. Most often it is a complication of a previous infectious disease of the respiratory tract. It requires immediate treatment. The danger of the disease is that its advanced form will certainly cause complications.

If a person’s immune system is strong, then it will successfully cope with sinusitis. With general weakness of the body, it is extremely difficult to predict the further course of the disease. If sinusitis is not treated, its acute stage will quickly turn into a chronic form. Chronic sinusitis, the complications of which are insidious, is a difficult disease to treat.

What is sinusitis and what are its complications?

The basis for the occurrence of sinusitis is the introduction of pathogenic microbes into the mucous membrane (hence the name of the disease).

The pathological phenomena caused by the disease are varied. It all depends on the area of ​​the lesion and its degree.

With sinusitis, nasal breathing and the separation of mucus from the cavities in the upper jaw are disrupted. As it accumulates, it promotes the proliferation of bacteria, which causes an even more extensive inflammatory process in the maxillary sinuses. This creates a closed chain with further development of complications.

What types of complications are identified?

They are divided into two conditional groups. The first includes negative consequences affecting the state of the respiratory system.

Among them are:

  • transition of sinusitis from the acute to the chronic stage;
  • the occurrence of an inflammatory process in the pharynx and tonsils;
  • development of bronchitis and pneumonia;
  • spread of sinusitis to other sinuses;
  • the occurrence of an inflammatory process in the middle ear (otitis).

Complications of sinusitis in adults, belonging to the second group, go beyond damage to the respiratory system. In this case, many body systems can take a hit.

Among the complications include:

  • inflammatory process in the meninges during meningitis and encephalitis;
  • heart damage (myocarditis);
  • joint inflammation (rheumatoid arthritis);
  • impaired renal function (nephritis);
  • blood poisoning (sepsis).

Main symptoms of sinusitis

The transition of the disease from the acute to the chronic stage is difficult to establish, since the list of symptoms of the disease is quite extensive.

Manifestations of a chronic nature include:

  • asthenia;
  • persistent runny nose;
  • constant migraines;
  • discharge of purulent mucus from the nose, often they have an unpleasant odor.

The chronic course of sinusitis can be confused with a simple cold or overwork. One of the most striking manifestations of the disease is unilateral nasal congestion. This is due to the inflammatory process occurring in one maxillary sinus. After some period of time, nasal congestion may spread to the other side due to the fact that inflammation has invaded the adjacent cavity.

Conditions under which acute sinusitis becomes chronic

Sinusitis becomes chronic due to various reasons, among which are:

  • untimely relief of the disease;
  • non-compliance with doctor's recommendations;
  • decreased immunity;
  • the presence of concomitant respiratory diseases.

The transition of sinusitis to a chronic form can be caused by the presence of severe pathology of the cardiovascular system or respiratory system. In such conditions, the patient may complain of lack of air.

With chronic sinusitis, the mucous membrane of the nose and maxillary sinuses thickens and becomes inflamed. The person begins to breathe through the mouth, which contributes to the spread of infection to new areas.

The negative impact of mouth breathing lies in the inactivity of the nose and nasopharynx during the breathing process. Dry air, not moistened with mucus, is full of pathogenic microbes. They enter the pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi and lungs. Thus, sinusitis promotes the entry of microbes through the mouth and inflamed maxillary sinuses.

Visual impairment due to sinusitis

Complications of sinusitis can hardly be called typical. No one knows which organ or system it will affect. It happens that intensive use of antibiotics helps reduce resistance to them. Improper treatment of the disease may result in visual impairment. For example, sinusitis can cause swelling of the eye tissue, retrobulbar inflammation or thrombosis of the orbital veins.

If your vision is impaired, you should immediately seek help from a specialist.

Bone damage

If the inflammatory process has spread to the bone tissue, it causes osteoperiostitis. The disease can have either a simple or purulent course. This is a very serious complication with a severe clinical picture.

Therapy is based on the use of antibiotics. In this case, not only general medications are prescribed. Certain drugs are injected into the area of ​​inflammation. Sometimes this disease requires surgery.

Trigeminal neuritis

Complications after sinusitis are very diverse. Quite often the disease causes inflammation of the trigeminal nerve. In this condition, the nerve endings close to the cerebellum become swollen and inflamed, causing acute pain. The disease is difficult to treat.

Breathing problems

As a rule, a person does not attach importance to the fact that with sinusitis a runny nose and discharge appear. In fact, the condition of the maxillary sinuses greatly affects the entire body. For example, difficulty breathing through the nose can cause insomnia, which will lead to decreased performance and increased blood pressure. As a result, apnea syndrome (stopping breathing during night sleep) may appear.

Tonsillitis and adenoids

Complications of acute sinusitis involve the development of pathological processes in the nose and pharynx. With sinusitis, these areas take the brunt of the pain. Inflammation of the maxillary sinuses causes hypertrophy of their mucous membrane. Over time, benign neoplasms - polyps - may appear on the inflamed surface. They significantly contribute to difficulty in nasal breathing and cause even greater swelling of the mucous membrane.

In the pharynx, the tonsils are susceptible to infection. They are based on lymphoid tissue. The tonsils have a complex branched structure. Thanks to this structure, the infection easily takes root in them and multiplies quickly.

The inflammatory process in the tonsils is called sore throat. When the tonsils are damaged, adenoids are formed, which are somewhat reminiscent of polyps. But the place of localization is the pharynx.

Damage to the bronchi and lungs

As a result of the infection spreading from the maxillary sinuses downwards, it can affect the bronchi and lungs. As a result, bronchitis or pneumonia may develop.

Pneumonia is a serious disease. And if it was preceded by sinusitis, then the symptoms of respiratory tract intoxication will be more pronounced. Frequently recurring bronchitis can trigger the development of bronchial asthma.


All paranasal sinuses, frontal, ethmoid and maxillary, communicate with each other. Therefore, when bacteria are localized in one of them, inflammation may begin in other areas.

As a rule, the first reaction to inflammation of the maxillary sinuses is that it causes frontal sinusitis. In especially severe cases, the pathological process can spread to all sinuses. This condition is called pansinusitis. Its course is severe. The disease is accompanied by high fever and severe intoxication of the whole body.

Occurrence of otitis media

Very often, the inflammatory process, localized in the maxillary sinuses, spreads to the ears. As you know, the pharynx communicates with the middle ear through a canal located in the temple area. This cavity is called the Eustachian tube.

The infectious process from the maxillary sinuses spreads to the pharynx, and from there to the auditory tube. The penetration of microbes is facilitated by blowing your nose, which creates increased pressure in the throat. An infection with mucus enters the ear. This provokes the occurrence of otitis media.

The patient complains of congestion in the ear, then pain appears that bothers the patient at night. The pain is accompanied by the discharge of pus from the external auditory canal.


Otitis is scary not only because of the appearance of pain and pus. The middle and inner part of the ear is located near the membranes of the brain. The purulent process can easily spread to this area. Meningitis develops, which can be fatal.

First, the patient complains of a severe migraine and a sharp increase in temperature. Then specific neurological symptoms appear, characterized by partial or complete loss of consciousness. The inflammatory process can affect the substance of the brain, and meningitis will be aggravated by encephalitis.

The effect of sinusitis on internal organs

The maxillary sinuses, filled with pus, are the source of infection. Blood and lymph can carry it to all organs. In this case, complications of sinusitis such as damage to the myocardium, kidneys and joints are possible.

When exposed to the myocardium, the connective tissue structures of the heart valves are destroyed. When joints are damaged, cartilage degenerates. Infection in the kidneys causes a complication such as nephritis. This disease, in turn, provokes kidney failure.

Occurrence of sepsis

The most severe complication of sinusitis is blood poisoning. The development of sepsis is facilitated by weak immunity and a primary purulent focus. In this case, it is represented by the maxillary sinuses.

With the blood, bacteria are spread to all organs in which secondary foci of inflammation arise.

Sinusitis in children

Children suffer from infectious and colds more often than adults. Infections that are not completely cured can be complicated by sinusitis.

This does not apply to infants, since their maxillary sinuses are undeveloped. Children over 4 years of age may develop sinusitis. Due to the small size of the sinuses, symptoms may not be as pronounced.

The main complication of sinusitis in children is otitis media. Unlike adults, children's ears become inflamed much more often. Therefore, treatment of sinusitis should be carried out as quickly as possible. You should pay attention to a prolonged runny nose in a child. If you notice that the discharge has become yellowish-green in color and has a putrid odor, then this is a reason to visit the doctor's office.

In children, sinusitis does not always cause pain and fever.

Complications of sinusitis in children are as follows:

  • inflammation of the bronchi or lungs;
  • the appearance of otitis, ethmoiditis or frontal sinusitis.

In addition to these diseases, sepsis, impaired functioning of the kidneys and heart, and inflammation of the joints may occur.

How to prevent complications of sinusitis from developing? First of all, the disease should be treated promptly. Complex therapy involves taking medications that have anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effects. Antibiotics are also used.

Treatment of complications of sinusitis is sometimes difficult. It all depends on the area of ​​localization of the pathological process and the extent of inflammation.

Medicines against microbes for sinusitis (antiseptics) are used topically in the form of rinses, drops or irrigations.

Traditional methods have a good effect. But these remedies must be used in combination with medications prescribed by a doctor.

Hygiene is very important. The process of blowing your nose should not be intense. In this case, it is advisable to keep your mouth open so that mucus does not penetrate the Eustachian tube.

You should remember about general strengthening methods based on taking multivitamins and immune system stimulants. Meals should be nutritious, and the environment at work and at home should be optimal.

At the first suspicion of the development of sinusitis, you should immediately contact a laryngologist.

Sinusitis is a type of sinusitis, which is characterized by the development of inflammation in the area above the upper jaw. The maxillary sinuses are located under the eyes, on either side of the nose. Inflammation begins in one or both cavities, causing a number of treatable symptoms. Proper therapy will prevent the consequences of sinusitis. The disease appears at any age, but an adult has a better chance of avoiding it with proper prevention.

Important! Advanced sinusitis is not just a disease, it poses a danger to human life.

Complications of sinusitis quickly manifest themselves with insufficient antibacterial therapy. The main treatment course is aimed at relieving inflammation inside the skull.

Organs susceptible to infection:

  • meninges, substance;
  • eyes;
  • cellulose;
  • blood vessels;
  • skull bones.

Complications affecting internal organs can occur almost unnoticed. You should not treat sinusitis in the hope of self-healing - the body may not be able to cope. In general, potential complications are grouped into two categories: extracranial and intracranial. Each is characterized by a different clinical picture.

Extracranial complications

Such complications are characterized by the appearance of pus in the tissues around the maxillary cavity. The infection does not penetrate the skull. The most common causes are eye diseases. The appearance of pronounced symptoms means a worsening of sinusitis and the inadequacy of its treatment. You should immediately contact an otolaryngologist and ophthalmologist. Treatment at this stage will be carried out inpatiently.

Intracranial consequences develop much less frequently in the first category, but death from them occurs in almost half of the cases. These are dangerous complications that quickly turn into diseases:

  • meningitis (inflammation of the lining of the brain) - purulent or serous;
  • brain abscess - a purulent focus develops directly in the brain tissue;
  • cerebral blood clot;
  • blood poisoning.

Important! All diseases can lead to death, even with timely relief of symptoms. It is better to treat sinusitis on time.

Symptoms in these cases of brain damage are as follows:

  1. Headache.
  2. Acute sensitivity to light and sounds.
  3. Vision decreases.
  4. The temperature rises to critical levels of 40°C.

The patient cannot tilt his head, has slurred speech and hallucinations. It’s as if the skull is being pressed from the inside; it often feels like it’s about to “explode.” The patient feels out of place, wanting to find a more comfortable position for the body.

The condition is critical and requires immediate hospitalization and initiation of treatment. A cerebrospinal fluid puncture helps diagnose the disease. As a result of the tests, specific treatment is prescribed.

Why does sinusitis cause complications?

Many people do not even suspect how dangerous the consequences of sinusitis are in adults. Infection of the body begins with the maxillary sinuses, which are too close to the brain and main vessels. Under-treatment of sinusitis is also dangerous due to the likelihood of developing a chronically stuffy nose.

Complications develop under the following conditions:

  1. An accurate diagnosis was not carried out, an erroneous diagnosis was made. The clinical picture often coincides with the symptoms of rhinitis. The treatment is significantly different, as are the consequences of the two diseases.
  2. Carrying out unsuccessful therapy. The human body is structured differently, and the susceptibility of drugs varies.
  3. Neglect of doctor's orders. A patient’s carelessness regarding his health can result in much more serious problems.
  4. Unfinished therapy. It also happens that the main symptoms are stopped, but the source of infection remains. The patient stops treatment, hoping for his own cure.
  5. Weak immune system. The prescribed course of treatment and accurate diagnosis are useless, since the body, even with the help of drugs, cannot provide a sufficient resistance to the disease. Residual effects can manifest themselves at any time.

It is impossible to accurately determine the exact disease based on symptoms alone and try to treat it yourself. A striking example for this is rhinitis with a similar clinical manifestation. It’s a big mistake to try to simply stop a runny nose without consulting a doctor.

It is necessary to know the dangers of advanced sinusitis in order to prevent the development of other diseases in time.


The infection moves deep into the skull, spreading to the meninges. The development of an infection in the brain in itself is extremely dangerous, and meningitis at the last stage is not at all curable.

The disease is accompanied by clouding of consciousness and swelling of the meninges. Pus fills all available space. Meningitis mainly has two forms: serous and purulent.

The clinical picture at first is not at all different from the development of sinusitis. The patient’s general health deteriorates and severe pain in the joints and muscles appears. The classic picture: runny nose, red throat and high fever. This is why it is difficult to diagnose the disease at the very beginning, the symptoms are too general.

The main sign of meningitis, which already definitively confirms the diagnosis, is a rash on the skin. The rash most often appears on the back along the spine. In addition, clinical studies will reveal a greater concentration of white blood cells.

Other symptoms of damage to the meninges:

  • rapid heartbeat: tachycardia, bradycardia;
  • shortness of breath;
  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • pressing headache;
  • bouts of vomiting;
  • dehydration;
  • epileptiform seizures.

The disease enters a dangerous period when meningeal symptoms appear. The patient does not allow himself to be touched because of the pain that arises. Fear of light and sounds and increased sensitivity develop.

The disease is diagnosed by CT and MRI of the brain, blood tests and spinal tap. Treatment requires mandatory hospitalization, since some forms of the disease are contagious.

The infection can spread to the brain matter. The disease manifests itself as inflammation of the entire brain. Being a complication of sinusitis, the disease also has its own dangerous consequences: impaired coordination, psyche, and much more.

The clinical picture differs depending on the classification of the disease. But the general symptoms remain the same:

  • critically high temperature;
  • dizziness, headache;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • weakness of muscle tissue;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • fatigue.

The acute form of encephalitis can cause convulsions, loss of consciousness, and nervous excitement. The patient often hallucinates in reality.

A patient diagnosed with the disease should be hospitalized immediately. Full recovery from brain inflammation is possible only with proper therapy and rehabilitation.

Myocarditis, nephritis, inflammation of other internal organs

Of particular danger is the spread of infection throughout the body along with lymph and blood. Pathogenic microorganisms enter the internal organs, provoking the development of secondary lesions. Sometimes it is simply impossible to diagnose and eliminate all sites of infection.

Myocarditis- damage to the heart muscle. It is characterized by rhythm disturbances, pain in the heart area, shortness of breath and fatigue, even in young people. Blood circulation is impaired, sweating increases, and joint pain develops. The skin becomes pale, acquiring a bluish tint. Arrhythmia often develops, leading to death. It is not so easy to determine myocarditis - at first it is almost asymptomatic.

Nephritis- inflammatory kidney damage. The clinical picture also has practically no manifestations; they are easy to miss against the background of the development of other complications. Classic signs: malaise, headaches, constant thirst. The volume of urine is significantly reduced, appetite disappears, and tests reveal an increased protein content. Diarrhea and vomiting occur quite rarely. The patient's legs and arms swell.

Inflammation of other organs also has basic signs that are almost impossible to determine against the background of the development of sinusitis and its complications. Therefore, it is difficult to determine how deep the infection has penetrated into the body.

General blood poisoning is the most dangerous of complications and has a high risk of death. The primary cause of sepsis is a weak immune system. Sinusitis provokes bacterial foci that enter the circulatory system.

The symptoms of the disease are as follows:

  1. The critical change in temperature is from lower to higher, and vice versa.
  2. General malaise: headache, muscle weakness.
  3. Constant vomiting.
  4. Dehydration.
  5. Clouded consciousness.

The development of sepsis occurs rapidly, often the patient does not even have time to be diagnosed. A full-fledged infection of the body is difficult to overcome. The patient falls into a coma.

Bone damage

Speaking of bones, it is quite difficult to accept that they are also susceptible to infection. Common diseases: periostitis of the orbit and osteomyelitis of the jaw.

Periostitis is accompanied by inflammation of the periosteum of the facial and cerebral part of the skull. Visually characterized by tissue swelling and pain when touched. The affected area is expanding all the time.

Osteomyelitis is an inflammation of the bone marrow that affects the entire bone: periosteum, spongy and compact substance. Pus fills all available space. The clinical picture is typical: the area becomes painful, hot to the touch, and there is pronounced swelling.

In fact, they are the first to be hit by the spread of infectious diseases. Constant inflammation of the mucous membranes leads to hypertrophy. Afterwards, polyps form on it, interfering with breathing and promoting swelling.

Tonsillitis provokes enlargement of the tonsils. The acute form of inflammation is characterized by sore throat. Clinical signs remain typical: fever, malaise, sore throat, runny nose, cough. Infection of the pharyngeal tonsil leads to the formation of adenoids.

Occurrence of otitis media

The infection enters the ear canal, causing inflammation. A characteristic shooting pain and temporary hearing loss appear. Symptoms appear when blowing out mucus. As a result, the following diseases may develop: laryngitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, tracheitis.

Complications on the eyes

The eyes are the most vulnerable area and the most susceptible to complications. The infection affects the optic nerve, resulting in an abscess that leads to blindness.

Symptoms of the inflammatory process:

  • swelling of the eyelids;
  • hyperthermia of the skin of the lower eyelids;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • feeling of internal pressure;
  • displacement of the eyeballs;
  • difficulty moving the eyes.

Motor functions are limited and accompanied by pain. Swelling of the eyelids does not allow you to open your eyes widely. Quite rarely, but still exophthalmos occurs - the eyeball protrudes unnaturally from the socket. Severe intoxication of the body appears. High temperature rises, pain in muscle tissue. The patient loses his appetite, is constantly cold and feels weak.

Treatment takes several weeks. Sometimes surgical intervention is necessary - the abscess is opened to save vision.

Complications of sinusitis in the ears

The clinical picture is characterized by acute pain, recurrent attacks, congestion and temporary hearing loss. Exudate appears periodically. It is common to develop fever, which disappears after treatment of sinusitis.

Many people are interested in what will happen if sinusitis is not treated, and what consequences should be expected? The most common manifestation is the chronic form of the disease. The main clinical sign is loss of smell in only one sinus.

The peculiarity of the chronic course of the disease lies in the fact that the sides change, the inflammation flows from one sinus to the other.

Persistent symptoms:

  • pressing sensation under the eyes;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • swelling of the cheeks and eyelids;
  • persistent cough;
  • fatigue;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • purulent discharge with an unpleasant odor.

Treatment after loss of smell is prescribed by a doctor.

Nutrition for sinusitis

The diet for the development of sinusitis should include certain foods that have a beneficial effect on the immune system:

  1. Freshly squeezed vegetable smoothies: spinach, carrots, beets.
  2. Herbal decoctions of chamomile, St. John's wort. They moisturize the mucous membranes and facilitate the outflow of mucus.
  3. Mineral water - it is advisable to drink such water, since dehydration often occurs.

Treatment of sinusitis and almost all its complications requires surgical intervention. The purulent abscess is opened and drained. This procedure allows you to avoid the spread of infection throughout the body. After which antibacterial and antiseptic drugs are prescribed in large dosages.


The washing procedure relieves swelling of the mucous membrane, improves the immune functions of the epithelium, promoting resistance. The main focus is cleansing from stagnant mucus.

Carrying out the procedure:

  1. Relieve congestion with vasoconstrictor drops.
  2. Start douching your sinuses.
  3. You need to tilt your head to the side, insert the syringe without playing into the nostril and pour in the solution.
  4. Change the slope, wait until the solution flows back.
  5. Repeat until the mucus is completely released.

Washing is carried out with special solutions: salt and sea water. Medicines used: Dioxidin, Furacilin and propolis tincture.

Drug therapy

Antibiotics with a bacteriostatic effect are mainly used. Detoxification therapy is carried out by administering intravenous saline solutions. It is recommended to use broad-spectrum antiseptics, since complications can occur throughout the body.

Preventive measures include timely treatment of seasonal runny nose. This symptom significantly increases the risk of developing sinusitis.

Important! Eating plenty of natural vitamins (fruits, vegetables) and taking vitamin complexes will help strengthen the body's resistance.

Sinusitis often occurs against the background of other diseases. It is worth getting treatment on time, while avoiding provoking factors:

  1. Do not skip brushing, treat your teeth in a timely manner.
  2. Treat allergic reactions that occur in spring.
  3. Wash your hands before eating.
  4. Do not overcool the body.
  5. Get vaccinated.

In winter, humidify the air in the house so that the nasal mucous membranes do not dry out.


It is difficult to cure the acute form of sinusitis, but the chronic form is much more difficult. It is important to start treatment immediately if the first symptoms of sinusitis appear. Particular attention should be paid to the first signs of complications in order to stop them in time.

Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the maxillary sinuses (sinusitis) is caused by a violation of the free outflow of mucous secretions. In this case, there is a feeling of pressure from the sinuses and pain, which is localized in the temporal and frontal zone. The patient feels a general malaise, which is accompanied by an increase in temperature.

Sinusitis usually occurs in cold weather after a cold. As a rule, the disease begins acutely and unexpectedly.

If these symptoms occur, it is imperative to seek examination and begin treatment. Otherwise, the disease can lead to severe and serious complications.

Dangerous consequences of sinusitis

The sinuses perform a protective function and prevent infection from entering the body. However, when they are inflamed, the proximity of the purulent focus to the brain, eyes and lungs is very dangerous
If not treated in a timely manner, sinusitis provokes the development of diseases such as tonsillitis, pneumonia, meningitis, osteoperiostitis, sepsis.

Chronic sinusitis

The transition of the disease to a chronic form is the most common complication of sinusitis, which is not entirely easy to diagnose. The disease can often be confused with a common runny nose or fatigue. The patient feels weak, but the body temperature remains normal. The main sign of the chronic form is the occurrence of inflammation on only one side. Treatment takes a long time and occurs after prolonged use of medications.

The effect of sinusitis on vision

Prolonged sinusitis can affect the organ of vision. Complications can be of varying severity: from swelling of the tissue of the eyelids and orbit to acute purulent inflammation of the orbit and vein thrombosis.
If the disease is accompanied by swelling of the eyelids in the morning and inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes, then it can be assumed that the inflammation has spread to the soft tissues of the orbit. Gradually, with the development of the inflammatory process, vision can deteriorate sharply.


Another pathology that can develop as a result of sinusitis is osteoperiostitis or inflammation of bone tissue.
The disease is accompanied by swelling of the cheeks, swelling of the lower eyelids and conjunctivitis. In severe cases, the complication can cause displacement of the eyeballs, leading to limited eye mobility. Sometimes the disease can even lead to optic nerve dystrophy.

The effect of sinusitis on the hearing organs

As a result of sinusitis, otitis media can also develop. This pathological complication is difficult and its treatment requires a lot of effort. Purulent otitis is accompanied by fever and malaise, which can sometimes result in hearing loss. It is important to know that in some cases the disease may be asymptomatic.

Inflammation of the trigeminal nerve

Trigeminal neuritis, which is characterized by swelling and inflammation of the nerve endings, is also a very common complication. The disease is difficult to cure and is accompanied by severe and excruciating pain, which is often not relieved by conventional analgesics.


Meningitis is one of the most terrible consequences of sinusitis. The disease is accompanied by a sharp rise in temperature, nausea, vomiting and severe headaches. The patient experiences confusion, hallucinations and convulsions.

The course of the disease can be either latent or sluggish, or acute, when symptoms appear within a couple of hours from the onset of the disease. It is important to remember that if untimely or incorrectly treated, the disease can be fatal.

People suffering from a runny nose sometimes have no idea what consequences this symptom can lead to. Mucus in the nose is an ideal place for bacteria to live and multiply, which very quickly cause inflammation of the paranasal sinuses with all the ensuing consequences. When sinusitis develops, few people immediately rush to the doctor. Folk recipes and recommendations from friends are used, this leads to the loss of precious time and complications of the disease. Sinusitis is dangerous because the infection can quickly spread throughout the body and lead to a number of complications, some of which are more dangerous than the disease itself.

How does chronic sinusitis develop?

Sinusitis is an inflammation of the maxillary paranasal sinuses caused by various reasons. The chronic form of the disease begins if inflammation of the paranasal sinuses is not carried out for too long. The inflammatory process in the nose begins when viruses, bacteria or allergens enter the sinuses. They irritate the mucous membrane, which leads to increased mucus production and its accumulation in the paranasal sinuses. The nasal mucosa swells greatly, due to which the drainage of fluid is impaired. This leads to the accumulation of mucus in the cavities and severe inflammation. If a bacterial infection occurs, the contents of the appendages become purulent.

The development of the inflammatory process can be caused by nasal injuries, congenital and acquired defects of the nasal septum, as well as polyps. The cause of inflammation of the paranasal sinuses can be pathogenic fungi. In this case, white, brown or black mycelium particles come out along with the mucus.

Before you begin treatment for sinusitis, you must absolutely determine the cause of the disease. The treatment regimen for different forms of the disease is different.

Is sinusitis dangerous?

Sinusitis poses a great danger to health, and in some cases to human life. So, if a runny nose is not treated at an early stage, it can quickly lead to stagnation of mucus, which then puts pressure on other ENT organs. Most often, inflammation of the paranasal sinuses occurs against the background of acute otitis media.

The infection process can quickly affect the teeth. In this case, the roots of the teeth become inflamed, especially those located in close proximity to the maxillary sinuses. Just a few days after the development of sinusitis, the pharyngeal tonsils and cervical lymph nodes may become inflamed. This leads to sore throat, laryngitis and pharyngitis.

If a person continues to delay treatment, inflammation affects the lower respiratory tract. This leads to severe bronchitis and pneumonia. The most dangerous complications are those in which the inflammatory process affects the brain and organs of vision. The danger of advanced sinusitis is that it can cause inflammation of the brain and optic nerve. This, in turn, can lead not only to vision loss, but also death.

If sinusitis is not treated promptly, inflammation of the heart muscle may occur. This threatens heart failure and death.

What happens if sinusitis is not treated?

Inflammation of the maxillary sinuses is dangerous due to its consequences. Infection through the bloodstream quickly spreads throughout the body and leads to diseases of other organs and systems. There is a particular danger if blood particles are released when blowing your nose. This means that the blood vessels are damaged and the infection easily enters the bloodstream. Against the background of sinusitis, the following pathologies can develop:

  • chronic form of the disease;
  • diseases of the eyes and ears;
  • inflammation of the facial nerve;
  • sepsis;
  • meningitis;
  • periostitis.

The most minor complication is the chronic form of sinusitis. In this case, the disease occurs with periods of exacerbation and remission, so many people think that they have a cold. Chronic sinusitis is characterized by constant nasal congestion, periodic tinnitus, frequent headaches and abnormal fatigue. During periods of exacerbation, body temperature may rise. Only an experienced doctor can recognize the chronic form of sinusitis based on such signs.

With particularly advanced sinusitis, the temperature constantly remains at low-grade levels, and there may be an unpleasant odor from the nose, which is felt by both the patient himself and the people around him.

The diagnosis is made by a doctor based on the results of x-rays and tests. Treatment of chronic sinusitis always takes a long time.

Eye diseases

Advanced sinusitis can lead to thrombosis of the veins in the eyes, as well as retinal detachment. If the nasal sinuses are filled with purulent contents, then there is a high probability that the pus will enter the eye sockets. In this case, an inflammatory process begins in the eyes. The following signs may indicate the development of complications:

  • redness and swelling of the eyelids;
  • some blurred vision;
  • the mobility of the eyeballs is impaired;
  • temperature rises;
  • light pressure on the eye sockets causes a severe headache;
  • the patient's consciousness may be confused.

Quite often, inflammation of the paranasal sinuses is accompanied by conjunctivitis. In case of complications in the eyes, the doctor prescribes drugs of both local and systemic action.

Many antibacterial drugs, which were used to treat various infections just a few years ago, are now ineffective because bacteria have developed resistance.


The danger of chronic sinusitis is also that its symptoms are often not noticed, which means that the disease is not treated in a timely manner. Quite often, pathogenic microorganisms that multiply excessively in the nose cause inflammation of the brain and spinal cord. Meningitis manifests itself with the following symptoms:

  • severe headaches occur;
  • vomiting develops, which does not bring relief to the patient;
  • difficulty bending the neck;
  • the muscles in the back of the head are very tense;
  • it is difficult for the patient to look at bright lights and hear loud sounds;
  • temperatures can rise to high levels.

Inflammation of the meninges progresses very quickly. A person can fall into a coma just a few hours after the onset of the disease.

It is important to diagnose meningitis promptly and begin treatment. Therapy is prescribed for at least 2 weeks. In this case, intravenous infusions of glucose and saline are prescribed, and broad-spectrum antibiotics and a complex of vitamins are prescribed. For meningitis, lumbar punctures are also indicated, which can quickly remove bacterial breakdown products and reduce the symptoms of intoxication.

It should be understood that even with modern developments in medicine, meningitis is a deadly disease.

Inflammation of the periosteum

Periostitis often becomes a complication of sinusitis. In this case, antibacterial drugs that can penetrate the bone tissue are selected for treatment. Quite often, doctors prefer Lincomycin for the treatment of periostitis.

If conservative treatment does not produce an effect, surgical intervention is resorted to.


If the infection enters the bloodstream, blood poisoning may develop. The treatment regimen always includes antibacterial drugs, vitamins and immunomodulators. Sepsis must be treated in a hospital setting. If the pathology is severe, there is a high risk of death. This complication of sinusitis is extremely rare, but it cannot be discounted.

Chronic sinusitis is often accompanied by inflammation of the facial nerve. The inflammatory process can begin on any part of this nerve and soon cover it all. This pathology is accompanied by severe pain in the face on the side of the injury. There may be immobility of the affected area.

Treatment of inflammation of the trigeminal nerve is sometimes somewhat difficult, since antibacterial drugs do not reach the site of inflammation well. In addition to medications, physiotherapeutic procedures may be prescribed.

A complication of chronic sinusitis can be pneumonia or chronic bronchitis. In this case, the infection spreads through the bloodstream.

The danger of advanced sinusitis is that the infection, quickly spreading through the bloodstream, affects other organs and systems. To prevent the development of complications, treatment should begin.

Everyone needs to know that the consequences of sinusitis can be quite serious and dangerous if the disease is not treated on time or treated inappropriately. Complications caused by the disease can affect almost all organs adjacent to the maxillary sinuses. And sometimes they cause irreversible changes.

Therefore, it is best to prevent the onset of such troubles in advance by starting to properly treat inflammation in its early stages.

If sinusitis is left untreated, you risk experiencing dangerous consequences.

Sinusitis is an inflammatory process affecting the maxillary paranasal cavities. The disease begins after a viral, bacterial or viral infection and involves damage to the sinus mucosa, a violation of normal air circulation within. It leads to:

  • congestion and swelling;
  • activation of microflora.

Since the mucous membrane and other paranasal cavities are connected by excretory openings, the inflammatory process can quickly spread to other organs.

There are quite a lot of nerves and blood vessels in the nose. The formation of an infectious focus is an undoubted threat to health. Accordingly, the consequences of sinusitis can be more than serious.

Dangerous consequences

What happens if sinusitis is not treated? It will become chronic and, accordingly, become a dormant infectious source:

  • distributor of infectious agents;
  • cause of increased allergic sensitivity.

If left untreated, the disease becomes chronic, and complications can affect the brain

The manifestation of sensitization is possible in any organ and sometimes turns out to be quite severe (Quincke's edema, in which the throat swells and can be fatal).

You should not think that inflammation of the maxillary sinuses will subside on its own if you do not touch it. It is no less dangerous to diagnose yourself and prescribe treatment. All this can cause the disease to worsen.

Intracranial complications

Intracranial complications are encountered infrequently, but this possibility should not be discarded. Most of all, you need to be wary of the inflammatory process that has spread to the meninges - according to statistics, such complications usually occur not in adults, but in children.

The risk of death increases with:

  • brain abscess;
  • purulent meningitis;
  • sinus thrombosis.

Among the symptoms of meningitis that develops after inflammation of the maxillary sinuses, it is worth noting:

  • severe migraine;
  • convulsive reaction;
  • hallucinations;
  • periodic loss of consciousness.

Severe and persistent headaches may indicate meningitis

The course of such diseases is very difficult, and treatment requires a lot of effort and time. Meningitis with sinusitis is especially dangerous for a child!

Organs of vision

It is necessary to remember about the possibility of complications of sinusitis in the eyes. In particular, the eye orbits are affected. Typically, the “culprits” are viral infections or pathogenic bacteria modified by antibiotics.

Problems with the eye sockets begin after the development of the inflammatory process, the main area of ​​which becomes the ethmoid labyrinth.

In an adult, such troubles are caused by the chronic form of the disease. In a child, problems can begin even in acute cases. Infectious agents enter the orbit directly from the blood, but a contact method is also possible.

How to understand that the orbital tissue is affected? First of all, by:

  • swelling of the eyelids;
  • sensation of pain when touched;
  • suppuration or abscess (although sometimes the nature of the disease turns out to be non-purulent).

With non-purulent changes, the following changes may be observed:

  • limited eye mobility;
  • the conjunctival sac swells;
  • the eyes move forward (the phenomenon of exophthalmos);
  • the optic nerves become inflamed.

Sinusitis can negatively affect the quality of vision: for example, cause diplopia

After illness, vision can seriously deteriorate:

  • objects will begin to appear in two (diplopia);
  • the visual field will narrow;
  • the optic nerve becomes inflamed (neuritis phenomenon).

With the same neuritis, visual acuity will significantly decrease, and colors will become poorly perceived.

As for the purulent nature of the disease, there is a possibility of encountering:

  • abscess of the eyelids;
  • phlegmon of the eye orbits;
  • retrobulbar abscess (when the fiber melts).

At the same time, the temperature rises, chills appear, and the person may feel sick (and sometimes even vomit). Other signs of intoxication are also possible.

Bone tissue

Speaking about the complications and consequences of sinusitis, it is worth noting the inflammatory process affecting bone tissue.

Infectious agents can quite easily and quickly pass into the cranial bones from the maxillary sinus.

Young children often experience osteomyelitis.

Complications of sinusitis associated with damage to the bone tissue of the skull are especially dangerous.

The bone walls can also become inflamed, resulting in periostitis of the orbit. The main danger in this case is associated with the spread of inflammation to the meninges.

Respiratory system

Respiratory organs can also suffer if the disease described is not treated, both in adults and in younger people - this should be remembered!

In this case, you will have to additionally treat after sinusitis:

  • sore throat;
  • bronchitis;
  • pneumonia.

Since nasal breathing is impaired, normal pulmonary ventilation is disrupted. At first there may be a simple runny nose, which later develops into more serious problems.

Due to the purulent discharge that drains from the back of the larynx, infection of the lungs and bronchial tubes is possible. Increased sensitivity is caused by purulent exudate - as a result of this:

  • bronchial asthma may begin;
  • allergic reactions develop.

If inflammation is not treated promptly, there is a danger of apnea, when breathing suddenly stops while you sleep.

Bronchial asthma can also be a complication of sinusitis

Pregnant women should approach the treatment of the disease with special responsibility, since impaired breathing and oxygen deficiency:

  • will lead to oxygen deficiency in the fetus;
  • disrupt the development of important organs.

It is better not to encounter similar consequences of sinusitis in adults by starting treatment for this disease in a timely manner. But if they have already occurred, contact a medical specialist immediately so as not to worsen the situation.

The cardiovascular system

After insufficient or incorrect treatment, complications can affect the cardiovascular system, as a result of which you have to deal with:

  • venous thrombosis of the orbits;
  • increased pressure levels;
  • myocarditis, when the heart muscle becomes inflamed.

The trigeminal nerve may become inflamed, since its second branch is localized near the maxillary sinus (separated by the mucosa).

The sinus tissues become inflamed, and neuritis develops; skin sensitivity increases in the innervation zone.

Due to the nerve fibers of the trigeminal nerve, the pterygopalatine node is formed, which, in turn, innervates the auricular and also the ciliary node. Accordingly, the defeat may affect:

  • ciliary muscle;
  • pupillary sphincter;
  • cornea, as well as the eye membrane.

Sinusitis can even lead to myocarditis

Ganglionitis associated with an inflamed pterygopalatine ganglion suggests the following symptoms:

  • temporal pain;
  • discomfort in the back of the head;
  • lacrimation;
  • development of a runny nose;
  • flushed cheeks;
  • inflammation of the conjunctivitis sac.

There is a return of pain to the chest and arm.

Hearing organs

The consequences of sinusitis, if left untreated, can be associated with the ears, because the hearing organs are located anatomically next to the maxillary cavity.

Traditionally, one has to suffer from otitis media when the middle ear becomes inflamed.

In addition, there is a possibility of eustachitis, when the auditory tube becomes inflamed.

The cause of all these diseases is an infectious inflammatory process affecting the mucous membrane of the auditory tube and middle ear.

On the same side where the sinus is affected, the middle ear becomes inflamed, resulting in hearing impairment. Increased risk:

  • deafness;
  • ear noise;
  • hearing loss;
  • stuffy ears.

Such consequences are most often encountered in the chronic form.

Digestive system

Complications after sinusitis are sometimes associated with the digestive system, as purulent masses roll down behind the larynx and end up inside the esophagus and stomach.

Due to mucus, the gastric walls are irritated and a chronic inflammatory process is possible, affecting almost all organs of the gastrointestinal tract.

If complications of sinusitis are associated with the gastrointestinal tract, a symptom may be bowel dysfunction

The symptoms that adults and children have to face in this case resemble signs of intoxication:

  • malaise;
  • broken stool;
  • increase in temperature indicators;
  • abdominal pain;
  • nausea.

Such consequences of not treating the disease also do not bring anything pleasant - moreover, the patient does not immediately realize that the initial cause of the functional disorder of the gastrointestinal tract is inflammation of the maxillary sinuses.

Dangerous consequences of puncture

Usually they talk about the consequences of sinusitis if it is not treated. However, treatment sometimes leads to certain complications. For example, this can happen after a puncture, which helps remove pus from the sinus.

You need to understand that invasive procedures already imply compromised skin integrity, and therefore side effects are inevitable. Even after a regular injection, some redness and swelling remain - especially if we are talking about a puncture.

The severity of the consequences in this case is determined by:

  • severity of the disease;
  • the patient's immunity.

Most often, bleeding from the nose begins because the vessels are injured. There is a possibility of infection through the blood, especially since the brain is very close.

The puncture must be performed by a qualified and experienced physician

It is even more dangerous if there is air with pus in the bloodstream. The blood vessel can become blocked, resulting in impaired vision, the patient going blind and even dying.

What complications can occur if a Kulikovsky needle is used for puncture? It is a mistake to believe that any runny nose can subsequently turn into recurrent inflammation of the maxillary sinuses.

This procedure is contraindicated for:

  • small children;
  • diabetics;
  • hypertensive patients;
  • pregnant women.

In other cases, puncture is practically safe and allows you to remove pus from the sinus (that is, on the contrary, it helps). Serious side effects occur quite rarely (if, for example, the operation is performed by an inexperienced and/or unqualified doctor).


Recovery from illness requires special attention to avoid possible relapses and subsequent exacerbations.

Thanks to traditional medicine, it is possible to get rid of the main signs of the disease (including symptoms of meningitis after sinusitis in adults and other complications), but the focus of preventive therapy is related to strengthening the immune system.

The nature of rehabilitation treatment should be corrective. Symptoms and signs of recovery from sinusitis are associated with the elimination of all disorders, removal of purulent mucus from the sinuses and restoration of the normal functioning of the organs affected by the disease.

Strengthening protective forces, not least of all, is associated with protecting a person from factors that can cause a re-exacerbation. The likelihood of relapses is quite high, and after them a chronic form often develops.

At the same time, you don’t have to take a lot of medications – it’s not even necessary. The main thing is to achieve self-healing and strengthen the immune system. What needs to be done for this, first of all, is to change the traditional way of life:

  • Increase physical activity– don’t start playing professional sports, of course, but do physical exercise regularly. This will improve the intracellular process and provide the cells with vital energy.
  • Watch your diet– eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, and resort to eating synthetic foods less often. Don’t forget about the benefits of vitamins – it might make sense to take vitamin complexes.
  • Water treatments required– they will help remove toxic deposits from the body and help normalize blood circulation.

Physical activity strengthens the immune system and reduces the likelihood of disease relapse

Symptoms of complications and consequences after inflamed maxillary sinuses not only spoil a person’s quality of life, but often turn out to be a real threat to it. All this suggests that it is advisable to fight the inflammatory process at its very beginning in order to avoid encountering such problems.



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