Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese technique for treating and healing the body. Acupuncture treatment: benefits and harms of therapy Side effects from acupuncture

Acupuncture is one of the most ancient effects on the human body without the use of any drugs.

This teaching originated several thousand years ago in China. Its basis lies in the presence of energy points on the human body, when exposed to which you can completely change the circulation of energy in the body. It is thanks to this change that many effects can ultimately be achieved, including getting rid of serious diseases. All these points are affected with special needles, but they should only be inserted by a specialist who understands this science and knows which point on the body is responsible for the work of which organ. But remember, acupuncture has indications and contraindications, so a doctor must prescribe the procedure.

Acupuncture: indications

Acupuncture is used for many diseases:

But as we have already said, acupuncture (there are indications and contraindications) is not indicated in all cases, and only your attending physician can explain this to you; only with his recommendation should you begin this method of treatment. Every person should also know that acupuncture is used in combination with medications, diet and other therapeutic procedures.

Acupuncture for pregnant women

This procedure helps pregnant women cope with toxicosis, decreased tone and weakness throughout the body. A very good effect is observed from the tonic procedure, especially in cases where the course of treatment is started in advance. In this case, not only the productivity of contractions increases, but they are also not so painful.

But each procedure has its pros and cons, and acupuncture also has indications and contraindications, including when treating pregnant women.

Pregnancy is different for every woman, so the body’s response to this procedure may be different. It is for this reason that in order to prevent the condition from worsening, in no case should a tonic course be used in cases where there is a suspicion of miscarriage. Also, every expectant mother should remember that even if she was prescribed acupuncture, the placement of needles in the abdomen and thighs is contraindicated.

Acupuncture for children

Very often, in the treatment of childhood diseases, acupuncture is prescribed. But every mother should know that acupuncture has indications and contraindications for children, so you need to know exactly the cause of the disease and undergo a full examination before using it.

Adults and children have different attitudes towards this procedure. Acupuncture for children has its own characteristics. The first and most important thing is psychology. Children mostly resist and resist this procedure. If in some cases it is possible to place needles even in this state on a child, then in others it is necessary to achieve complete calmness and relaxation of all muscles. Therefore, before going for the procedure, it is better to prepare the child in the form of a game so that he is not afraid and does not resist.

In what cases will acupuncture (indications and contraindications for children are important for parents to know) be most useful? It is prescribed to small children under one year old for neurological pathologies and if treatment is started on time and medications are added to it, then quite severe consequences can be avoided, one of them is cerebral palsy.

For children after one year of age, acupuncture is most often prescribed for allergies, neuroses and cerebral palsy. But this procedure must be prescribed by the attending physician, who has been caring for the child since birth and knows everything about his condition, otherwise self-medication may aggravate the course of the disease.

Acupuncture contraindications

Acupuncture helps with many diseases, especially if the treatment is approached comprehensively, but you should not overuse it either. After all, acupuncture has indications and contraindications that can lead to irreversible processes.

Among the contraindications, the following points can be noted:

  • Child's age is up to one year. You must understand that the baby’s skin is too thin, and the needle can cause damage to internal organs, so in such cases this procedure is prescribed quite rarely and in the most difficult cases.
  • For tumors, it is also better not to use acupuncture, since this procedure improves blood flow in the body, which in turn can provoke rapid growth of tumors.
  • For blood diseases, it should also be used in very rare cases.
  • Mental disorders. It must be understood that this procedure can cause pain, and this in turn will cause an inadequate reaction in a patient with an upset psyche.
  • If you have fever, AIDS, alcohol or drug intoxication, it is better not to use this procedure.

Acupuncture: side effects

As we have already described in our article, this procedure may not always be beneficial. And this is due to the fact that needles need to be inserted into different points on the human body, and this causes pain and not very pleasant sensations that can lead to exacerbation of other diseases. As already mentioned, acupuncture has indications and contraindications; the photos in the article will indicate some of the features of the procedure. It can bring not only its advantages in treatment, but there are also negative results.

The procedure has several side effects:

  • Pain and minor bruising.
  • Through needles you can become infected with hepatitis, AIDS and other infections.
  • An inexperienced therapist may damage nerves and tendons when inserting a needle.
  • Injuries can cause tumors to grow rapidly.
  • Reduced blood pressure.

But we must remember that you can only get a positive effect from the procedure if it is performed by an experienced doctor. But be that as it may, even if acupuncture has indications and contraindications, people’s reviews still indicate its effectiveness.

Acupuncture is a fairly popular treatment technique, which is a type of reflexology that allows you to get rid of many ailments. During the procedure, external irritants are used - needles, which affect an extremely small area of ​​the skin surface, namely the nerve endings that are located in the tissues. However, this therapeutic manipulation has a number of contraindications, so it cannot be performed without a doctor’s testimony.

The treatment technique is based on the practical experience of oriental medicine - Chinese acupuncture was practiced before our era and is still popular in this country. Over time, the capabilities of the technique have expanded significantly, and today more and more diseases can be cured with the help of thin needles.

The uniqueness of acupuncture needles lies in the triggering of different reflex responses, which depend on the depth and method of placement of the needles. Reflex reactions are capable of changing the functional state of absolutely all parts of the nervous system and affecting tissue trophism.

Theories explaining the therapeutic effects of acupuncture

There are several theories that explain the healing effects of acupuncture.

    Changing the electrical discharge at the local level; when placing a needle at a certain point, the electrical discharge of the body changes. The potential from the acupuncture point spreads along the channel and further stimulates other reflex points.

    Bioelectric currents create resonance, which provides a therapeutic effect. When the wavelength and frequency of biocurrents coincide with the same indicators of the tissues of the diseased organ, a positive therapeutic effect occurs.

    Electrical theory.

    Histamine leveling. Normalization of levels of histamine and histidine, which are formed in the affected organs at the reflex level, due to the impact of needles on certain areas of the spinal cord and sympathetic central nervous system. This leads to normalization of capillary blood flow and metabolism.

    Theory of tissue therapy. It is believed that the therapeutic effect is exerted by protein breakdown products and necrohormones, which are formed at the point where the needle is inserted as a result of skin injury.

    The theory of normalization of capillary blood flow. The impact of needles provokes the normalization of blood flow through the capillaries, which has a secondary effect - eliminating the pathology of the system or organ.

    Thermoelectric concept. The needle is a thermal probe and is capable of influencing thermal homeostasis. When a needle is immersed in an electrolyte medium, an electrical potential is formed on it, which optimally affects the nervous system. In this case, a two-phase temperature is observed - during excitation, the local temperature increases as a result of activation of blood flow; during inhibition, there is a local decrease in temperature. Gold needles have lower thermal conductivity and have an exciting effect, while silver needles provide an inhibitory effect.

    Theory of hypnosis. Hypnosis is a special state of consciousness that allows you to have a targeted effect on memory and perception. Blood pressure during acupuncture increases to the level of response to a painful stimulus, but the analgesia is significantly higher than with conventional hypnosis. Unlike psychotherapy techniques, acupuncture works by irritating the peripheral nervous system and somatic receptors of nerve fibers.

Reflex mechanisms of acupuncture

The reflex principle of action is officially recognized by medicine, which explains the benefits of acupuncture. The reflex response involves neural and humoral mechanisms and the participation of most of the brain structures. Knowing the visceral and cerebral innervation, it is possible to purposefully influence certain functions of the body or a specific organ through external reflex action.

The choice of acupuncture points and the depth of needle insertion is based on the area of ​​influence and the structure of the irritated tissues. The response is realized through the nervous system. Stimulation of a reflex point causes the strongest reaction of the particular metamer or spinal segment with which the point is most associated.

This principle is called “metameric reflexology”. Today, this mechanism of action has a neuroanatomical basis, since spinal segments include not only skin areas, but also blood vessels, internal organs, bones, ligaments, and muscles.

How does a needle work?

Anesthesia. The needle irritates fast sensitive nerve fibers: thus, the nerve impulse is transmitted faster to the brain than the pain impulse from the affected organ, which spreads along the “slow” fibers. When the impulse from the needle enters the brain, it activates inhibitory interneurons that block areas of the brain that perceive pain from the diseased organ.

Improvement in general condition. At the acupuncture point there are nerve endings related to the endorphinergic system. The stimulation of such endings leads to the secretion of endorphins by the pituitary gland, which have an analgesic and relaxing effect that can be compared with the drug opium.

Activation of innervation and blood supply. The needle, through a reflex point, activates a part of the brain that is responsible for the functioning of a particular organ. Its blood supply is stimulated, innervation improves, which significantly speeds up the healing process.

The effect of acupuncture on the body:

    improvement of skin condition;

    normalization of hormonal levels;

    anti-inflammatory effect;

    increasing immunity;


    elimination of edema;

    improvement in mental state, which is manifested by stimulation of the central nervous system and relaxation;

    normalization of metabolism;

    improving blood circulation.

Acupuncture treatment - indications:

    respiratory diseases: chronic tracheitis, laryngitis, non-exacerbated chronic pneumonia, bronchitis, bronchial asthma;

    pathologies of the nervous system: nervous tics, hysteria, neurosis, nocturnal enuresis, migraine, dizziness, vertebral hernia, radiculitis, neuralgia, neuritis, vegetative-vascular dystonia;

    diseases of the musculoskeletal system: scoliosis, heel spurs, fractures, bursitis, sprains, myositis, arthrosis, periarthritis, osteochondrosis, arthritis. Quite often, acupuncture is used in the presence of osteochondrosis - a complete cure with acupuncture is impossible, but it is possible to significantly reduce the manifestations of the pathology. Acupuncture gives the best effect if there are problems in the cervical spine;

    allergies: urticaria, eczema, neurodermatitis, skin itching;

    eye diseases: decreased visual acuity, strabismus, oculomotor disorders;

    diseases of the female sphere: menstrual irregularities, menopause, ovarian dysfunction, infertility due to hormonal disorders;

    genitourinary diseases: nephritis, chronic cystitis, prostatitis;

    diseases of the digestive system: constipation, stagnation of bile (cholestasis), peptic ulcer of the duodenum and stomach, functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, gastroduodenitis, nausea, gastralgia;

    pathologies of blood vessels and heart: hypertension 1-2 degrees, hypotension, arrhythmias, heart block;

    endocrine diseases: hypothalamic syndrome, mild thyroiditis and thyrotoxicosis, hypothyroidism, type 2 diabetes mellitus;

    obesity. Acupuncture is especially effective for losing weight at turning points in a person’s life, when motivation and willpower leave the person who wants to lose weight;

    bad habits: drug addiction, smoking, alcoholism. Acupuncture for smoking and other addictions has a positive effect on the patient’s motivation on the path to getting rid of the bad habit.

You need to understand that acupuncture cannot act as an independent technique - it is effective only in complex therapy with drug treatment and diet therapy. Needles help most actively in treating the spine, but you shouldn’t expect miracles. For example, if treatment of a hernia is possible only through surgery, then acupuncture cannot be the main method of therapy.

Contraindications to acupuncture


    Children's age up to 1 year. Many people are interested in whether it is possible to perform acupuncture for children under one year of age if they have central nervous system pathologies in which this procedure can have a positive effect. In such cases, it must be understood that age under 12 months is an absolute contraindication for acupuncture, since there is a high risk of damage to thin skin and subcutaneous tissues and structures.

    Fever is a violation of the mechanisms that provide the therapeutic effect of the procedure.

    Drug or alcohol intoxication – an inadequate reaction on the part of the patient may also occur.

    Mental illness - even minimal discomfort and pain during the procedure can provoke an unpredictable reaction and an attack of agitation in the patient.

    Blood diseases (hemophilia, leukemia) - deterioration of the condition of the blood and hematopoietic organs.

    Benign tumors and oncological diseases - activation of blood circulation provokes an acceleration of metastasis and tumor growth.

    Complicated pregnancy - the procedure can stimulate uterine contractions, which can cause premature birth or miscarriage.

    Acute pain of unknown origin may be a manifestation of diseases for which this procedure is contraindicated.

    Diseases of the immune system – the risk of developing autoimmune diseases.

    Infectious diseases (open form of tuberculosis, AIDS, purulent inflammatory diseases, venereal diseases, hepatitis) - the procedure can contribute to the spread of pathology throughout the body.

Relative contraindications - the decision on the possibility of treatment is made only by the doctor on an individual basis:

    emotional stress, physical fatigue;

    period of menstruation in women;

    progressive muscular dystrophy;

    hypothalamic syndrome with neuroendocrine and trophic disorders;

    multiple sclerosis;




    the patient's age is over 70 years;

    pregnancy, in the second half of pregnancy this treatment method is not recommended, even in the case of normal pregnancy;


Local contraindications:

    scars, scars;

    varicose veins (it is prohibited to place needles in the projection of the veins);

    skin lesions of various origins at the site of needle placement;

    Acupuncture points on the face and front of the head are not used in children under 7 years of age.

special instructions

    During the procedure, a person needs to feel calm. Hypothermia is undesirable, since spasmodic blood vessels and muscles reduce the effect of treatment.

    During the first course of therapy, you should refrain from drinking alcohol.

    Before the procedure, it is not advisable to visit a bathhouse or sauna.

    You should tell your doctor about all medications you took before the procedure.

    You should not come to the procedure on an empty stomach or immediately after eating, and it is also undesirable to perform acupuncture after intravenous injections.

    Even official medicine recognizes that for treatment to be successful, the patient must believe in a positive outcome.

How is an acupuncture session performed?

The acupuncture room is equipped in such a way that the patient experiences a feeling of psychological comfort. If several patients are being admitted at the same time, then each should be provided with an enclosed couch or an individual booth. The procedure can be accompanied by light music, which has a good effect on the treatment of hysteria, neurosis and other diseases of the nervous system.

After disinfecting the skin, the doctor carefully screws the needles into certain biologically active points; the placement of the needles can also be done using a special apparatus. The points are selected depending on the pathology that is present in the patient (for example, in the presence of cervical osteochondrosis, the points for placing needles are located near the inner edge of the scapula).

Typically, one session involves the installation of 8-10 needles, which are present on the body for about 20-40 minutes. By the end of the procedure, the needles come out of the tissue on their own or are removed by the doctor.

The duration and frequency of treatment is determined individually, but in any case you need to be prepared for a course of 10-12 daily procedures. To treat pathologies that have arisen for the first time as part of complex therapy, 1 course of acupuncture is sufficient; in the presence of chronic diseases, a course of treatment is required once a quarter.

Some patients report significant relief after the first therapy session, while others see improvement several weeks after the end of the session. In any case, the effect of the procedure is an individual indicator, which depends on each individual organism.

How does the patient feel when the needles are inserted?

In general, the procedure is tolerated quite well and does not cause discomfort, and most importantly, severe pain. The sensations at the moment of placing the needles are purely individual and depend on the patient’s sensitivity threshold.

The needles have a rounded edge, so they do not pierce the skin, but spread it apart. During the procedure, the patient feels pulsation and slight pressure at acupuncture points. You may also experience slight warmth, itching, or tingling. Also in some cases there is a feeling of electric shock, numbness, and heaviness.

Harm of acupuncture, side effects

After an acupuncture procedure, some patients may develop undesirable effects:

    drop in blood pressure, even to the point of fainting;

    malingization of benign formations when they are damaged by a needle (keloid scars, moles);

    damage to underlying tissues as a result of violation of the technique of placing needles with low qualifications of the doctor;

    infection with blood-borne diseases (HIV, hepatitis B, C), which is associated with a violation of needle disinfection techniques;

    pain and bruising where the needles were inserted (due to damage to a blood vessel).

Acupuncture is a healing technique of traditional Chinese medicine. This involves inserting very thin needles into the skin. Needles are injected into certain points at different depths.

Its history goes back almost 3000 years. In 1997, the American National Institutes of Health documented and published the safety and benefits of acupuncture for the treatment of various diseases.

From a scientific point of view, the principle of acupuncture remains inexplicable. Some believe that it affects the balance of vital energy, others believe that it has a neurological effect. In any case, before using it, you should consult a doctor (most often, a neurologist, since acupuncture is usually used for osteochondrosis and other neurological pathologies).

The essence of acupuncture

Traditional Chinese acupuncture believes that health is the harmonious balance of the two complementary opposites Ying and Yang. Together they form the life force Ki, pronounced "Chi". According to the doctrine, illness is a consequence of an imbalance of these forces. Ki moves along the meridians, or pathways, of the human body. Acupuncture stimulates these pathways through 350 points on the human body - nerves, muscles, connective tissue. Different combinations of needles at these points help restore energy balance. Stimulation accelerates blood flow and enhances the activity of the body's natural painkillers.

How is acupuncture done?

What are meridians? Traditional Chinese medicine defines this concept as 12 large anatomical sectors. A meridian, or channel, groups certain blood vessels, nerves, and muscles. Each one also includes acupuncture points.

The image below is a visualization of these 12 acupuncture meridians as lines (see photo).

Each meridian is named after the organ with which it connects: lungs, spleen, heart, kidneys, liver, small intestine, large intestine, three-burner meridian, stomach, gall bladder, pericardium.

The points for inserting needles and relieving pain are selected based on the theory of how parts of the body are connected to each other. The procedure can be divided into 3 stages.

Definition of a “sick” meridian

The course of treatment for any disease begins with determining the exact source of pain and which meridian is affected and needs treatment.
Find a meridian that will restore balance. Each of the meridians is balanced by the others. This connection comes from a classical Chinese philosophical and medical text called the Ai Ching. This text ties together basic philosophical concepts with observations about the world and the human body.

Selecting points

After determining one or more meridians, you can begin selecting points. Remember, there are several points associated with each meridian. The answer lies in connection with the Chinese system of body mapping. The principle of its operation is familiar to many in the form of foot reflexology, where the foot reflects the entire human body. Impact on the foot in a certain place affects the corresponding part. In acupuncture, one part of the body is mapped onto another.

What is treated with acupuncture

Several studies have shown that acupuncture can relieve types of pain such as spine, neck, and osteoarthritis/knee pain. This technique can also help with severe headaches and prevent migraines.

Indications and contraindications for the procedure

Acupuncture, or acupuncture as it is otherwise called, is mainly used to relieve discomfort in the following conditions:

  • chemotherapy - nausea and vomiting;
  • toothache;
  • birth pains;
  • menstrual cramps;
  • allergic rhinitis.

Absolute contraindications are exposure to LI 4 points; SP 6; UB 60; UB 67

LI 4 SP 6 UB 60 UB 67

and sacral foraminal points B 31, 32, 33, 34 during pregnancy (see photo).

Acupuncture should not be performed on patients with uncontrolled movements. Needles should not be used to pierce swollen extremities with the risk of lymphedema.

Relaxation of the muscles around the spinal cord can cause spinal compression.

Do not insert the needle into scars, keloids, recent incisional wounds, or skin with sensory deficits. Relative contraindications are gout, oncology, diabetes, epilepsy, hemophilia and other bleeding disorders.

The benefits and harms of acupuncture

  • Properly administered therapy is safe;
  • side effects rarely occur;
  • helps control various types of pain;
  • alternative treatments are effective for patients who do not respond to medications.

Does acupuncture help with arm pain? Yes, and very effective, because the most effective points for influence are in the hands and feet.

Thus, needles help against carpal syndrome, arthritis, tendon inflammation, de Querwin's disease, sprains, and trigger finger syndrome.

What else is useful for acupuncture?

Acupuncture is effective against insomnia. In 2009, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine conducted a large meta-analysis showing the health benefits of acupuncture for insomnia. After adding acupuncture, patients taking medications and herbs for insomnia were treated more effectively than before, according to the study. Unlike sleeping pills, acupuncture sessions do not have harmful side effects.

Acupuncture also prevents cognitive decline such as Parkinson's disease. Studies have shown that acupuncture causes a neuro-response in areas of the brain such as the putamen and thalamus, which provides relief from symptoms of the disease. In 2002, the Department of Neurology at the Maryland School of Medicine administered 16 sessions of acupuncture to 20 patients. Upon completion of the course, 85% of patients experienced relief of individual symptoms without side effects.

Is acupuncture harmful?

Acupuncture can be harmful if used without taking into account existing contraindications. First of all, this concerns age - acupuncture is not recommended for people over 76 years old and under 3 years old. Further, a serious contraindication for acupuncture is the presence tumor diseases. Also, this method of treatment is not used in the presence of acute infectious diseases; respiratory, cardiovascular or renal failure; tuberculosis in the acute stage.

Can acupuncture be dangerous?

It cannot if the treatment is carried out by a qualified specialist in a specialized clinic in compliance with all rules. Maybe if the procedure is performed by a person without higher medical education and with dubious qualifications. All types of treatment are regulated by general laws in force in the field of medical practice. That is, a person can call himself a doctor only if he has a higher medical education, even if he is a hereditary healer.

The main task of the law is to protect citizens from the dangerous consequences of unqualified treatment.

Many people consider acupuncture to be dangerous due to the risk of infection. To exclude this possibility, you simply need to ask your doctor to open packages of disposable needles in front of you. You will have a guarantee of the sterility of the procedure.

Is acupuncture a competitive therapy?

Acupuncture is a promising solution for treating chronic pain. As with many natural therapies, their effect largely depends on how the patient feels about the treatment. This is why focused breathing techniques, acupuncture and other types of alternative healing are now being introduced into mainstream medicine.

Consult your physician before undergoing acupuncture treatments. He will examine your symptoms and medical history, evaluate your overall health, and determine whether acupuncture is right for you or not.

Acupuncture and knee arthrosis

Treatment of arthrosis of the knee joint is a very difficult task. Often the disease develops unnoticed by the patient, and he learns about the presence of pathology only after a while, when arthrosis manifests itself with severe pain. Later, deformation of the bone tissue becomes noticeable. Due to the thinning of the cartilage tissue in the joint, movement becomes difficult.

Acupuncture for arthrosis of the knee joint is effective in the initial stages of pathological changes. Before starting the procedure, you should undergo a complete examination of the body to identify possible abnormalities. Based on its results, the doctor will determine whether the planned treatment will be safe for the life and health of the patient and whether it will benefit him.

With proper influence on biologically active points, in several sessions you can get the following results:

  • relieve pain with minimal harmful effects on the body;
  • relax the muscles, thereby stopping the inflammatory process;
  • saturate the tissues with useful substances and oxygen, and thanks to this, reduce swelling.

It is better to come to your first acupuncture procedure accompanied by a loved one or relative, as severe muscle relaxation may make it difficult for the patient to move independently. If the pain intensifies, a feeling of dizziness, coldness, nausea or sudden sweating occurs, the session should be stopped.

>> application

As a result of studies of the influence principles of acupuncture per person and on the basis of knowledge accumulated over many centuries, a unique table of indications for acupuncture was created. With its help, any person can determine whether his illness can be cured by acupuncture methods.

It's been a long time since acupuncture treats allergic diseases such as rhinitis, urticaria, Quincke's edema and hay fever. Impact on biologically active points allows you to relieve pain syndromes in many organs, in particular wandering pain, pain in the hip, eyes, throat, chest, stomach, abdomen, anus, teeth, hands. Acupuncture also helps reduce pain in the shoulder blades, legs, groin area, liver, pelvis, mammary glands, bladder, esophagus, external genitalia, spine. She is able to overcome pain in the lower back, perineum, heart, back, joints, jaw, neck, ear, etc.

There are often cases when acupuncture helped heal gynecological pathologies such as adnexitis, infertility, vaginitis, vulvitis, dysmenorrhea and menopausal syndrome. Acupuncture is also an effective remedy in the fight against influenza, acute respiratory infections, mumps, etc.

Acupuncture allowed and for the treatment of children. They use it to treat cerebral palsy, delayed speech development, and some pathologies of the nervous system.

For pathologies during pregnancy and childbirth, acupuncture is used very carefully. It is used to treat hypogalactia, retained placenta, impaired dilatation of the cervix, weakness of labor, and toxicosis.

Acupuncture was one of the first to be used for pathologies of the autonomic nervous system. It is indispensable for Raynaud's syndrome, autonomic polyneuropathy, vegetative-vascular dystonia, ganglioneuralgia of the ear ganglion.

Currently masters acupuncture new Horizons. This method even treats eye pathologies: blepharitis, hemeralopia, glaucoma, dacryocystitis, conjunctival itching, iridocyclitis, cataracts, keratitis, strabismus, myopia, lacrimation and choroiditis.

Pathologies of the teeth and oral cavity have always been treated with a painful effect on biologically active points. Even now, acupuncture methods allow you to get rid of aching pain that has not given you peace for a long time.

In some clinics, acupuncture is used to treat skin pathologies such as acne, warts, vitiligo, dermatitis, itching, lichen, psoriasis, eczema and furunculosis. A good result when using a needle on certain points is achieved with anemia and thrombocytopenia. Acupuncture is used to treat azoospermia, male infertility, orchitis, prostatitis, epididymitis, and weakened erection.

As for pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, they have been treated with the help of painful effects on biologically active points for several millennia.

Acupuncture allows get rid of deforming arthrosis, osteochondrosis of the spine, periarthritis, gout, polyarthritis, scoliosis, etc. By acting on certain points, you can get rid of some respiratory diseases: bronchitis, cough, pleurisy, pneumonia, tracheitis and emphysema.

Acupuncture can help treat some diseases of the peripheral nervous system. It is known for certain that a FULL course of acupuncture helps to cure diseases such as intercostal neuralgia, neuralgia of the occipital, trigeminal, glossopharyngeal, femoral, tibial, oculomotor, facial and peroneal nerves, brachial, lumbosacral and cervical plexitis, polyneuritis.

Acupuncture is also effective for diseases digestive tract. It helps cope with diarrhea, dyspepsia, dysphagia, constipation, heartburn, belching, hiccups, flatulence, vomiting and nausea. Relieves the effect on certain biologically active points and spasms of the esophagus, and also relieves stomach diseases such as atony, gastroptosis, gastritis, gastroenteritis, and ulcers. Working with a number of points relieves intestinal colic, intestinal spasms, chronic enteritis and appendicitis, colitis, hemorrhoids, and duodenal ulcers.

Acupuncture also helps with diseases of the liver and gallbladder - such as hepatitis, biliary dyskinesia. For diseases of the pancreas, as well as the kidneys and urinary tract (nephritis, urethritis and cystitis), acupuncture treatment is combined with other methods of reflexology.

By influencing certain points, a professional doctor can relieve a patient from asthenic syndrome, insomnia, depression, hysteria, hypochondria, neurasthenia, drowsiness, anxiety, tics, phobias, enuresis, etc.

Pathologies of the cardiovascular system can be called the most serious, but they can also be combated with the help of acupuncture. It is effective for arrhythmia, hypertension, atherosclerosis, non-irocirculatory dystonia, angina pectoris, varicose veins of the lower extremities, etc.

Recently, exposure to biologically active points using needles has been used in the treatment of ankylosing spondylitis and rheumatoid arthritis. Often, acupuncture is used to treat pathologies of the ear, throat and nose, of which there are more than a dozen: these are anosmia, sinusitis, as well as deaf-muteness, laryngitis, nosebleeds, ozena, otitis media, polyps, rhinitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, tinnitus, etc.

But that's not all. By influencing biologically active points, you can cope with amnesia, hemiplegia, dysarthria, dizziness, as well as restore many functions in case of closed craniocerebral injuries, get rid of the consequences of a stroke, cure multiple sclerosis, torticollis and much more. Acupuncture treats hyperthyroidism, obesity, alcoholism, drug addiction and tobacco smoking.
In other words, it’s impossible to list everything. One thing is clear: with the help of acupuncture you can get rid of almost all ailments.

Acupuncture– this is the impact of needles on reflex points. According to Chinese healers, these points are located on the channels through which the “vital energy” qi circulates. This method of Chinese traditional medicine has other names: Zhen Ju therapy, acupuncture.

Scope of acupuncture extremely wide: relieving pain of various origins, treating allergy symptoms, accelerating bone healing after fractures, gynecological diseases, pathologies of the nervous and musculoskeletal system, combating bad habits.

Properties of acupuncture. The technique has a lot of positive effects for the body:

  • improves blood circulation and normalizes metabolism
  • improves mental state: relaxes or stimulates, depending on which points the reflexologist affects
  • relieves pain and eliminates swelling
  • improves immunity
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect
  • normalizes hormone production
  • improve the appearance and condition of the skin
Today, discussions continue in scientific circles about whether acupuncture can be considered a method of official medicine. The idea that energy circulates in the human body through special channels seems pre-scientific to some scientists. And since its existence could not be proven, acupuncture is more likely to be considered an alternative medicine.

History of acupuncture. The history of acupuncture goes back more than 6 thousand years. The first written evidence of the use of needles for medical purposes dates back to 1.5-2 thousand years BC. However, archaeological finds give reason to believe that the foundations of acupuncture were laid back in the Stone Age.

There is debate about where needles were first used to influence reflex zones. Traditionally, China is considered the birthplace of this method, but a number of serious scientific works confirm that acupuncture was invented by the Uyghurs. A mummy more than 5 thousand years old was found in the Tyrolean Alps. 15 groups of tattoos were found on the man’s body, which exactly corresponded to the points where the needles were inserted. This find suggests that Europeans also used acupuncture.

From the moment of its invention to the present day, this method has repeatedly experienced failures or been recognized as pseudoscience. In China, in 1822, the emperor issued a decree that abolished the study and use of acupuncture. Chiang Kai-shek tried to do something similar in the 20s of the 20th century.

Chinese pediatrician Chen Dan'an adapted acupuncture to modern medicine. He replaced thick needles with thin ones, summarized the knowledge of various acupuncture practices, and compiled an accurate map of reflex points, of which there are 664.

In the USSR, acupuncture began to be used in the 40s. This technique was recognized by the Ministry of Health more than half a century ago. It is widely used by physiotherapists and reflexologists, and large hospitals have entire acupuncture departments.

The mechanism of therapeutic action of acupuncture

Traditionally, acupuncture is based on the principles of Taoism, the teachings of yin and yang, and Chinese astrology. According to the ideas of Chinese healers, illness occurs when the movement of vital energy qi through special channels - meridians - is disrupted. Impact on reflex points helps to remove obstacles to the path of qi and restore harmony.

Modern medicine proves the effectiveness of acupuncture in terms of the functioning of the nervous system. The impact of needles on reflex zones triggers several mechanisms at once.

  1. The needle excites “fast” sensory nerve fibers. The nerve impulse enters the brain faster than pain impulses from the affected organs traveling along the “slow” nerve fibers. Once in the brain, the impulse caused by the needle activates special cells - inhibitory interneurons. They block those parts of the brain that perceive pain from the affected organ. This ensures the pain-relieving effect of acupuncture.

  2. At the reflex point there are nerve endings related to the endorphinergic system. Its centers are located in the nuclear raphe and central gray matter. Their stimulation leads to the release of endorphins by the pituitary gland, which have a strong analgesic effect comparable to opium drugs. As a result, the functioning of the nervous system and the general condition of the body improves.

  3. With the help of acupuncture, a part of the brain is activated that regulates the functioning of a particular organ. Thus, its innervation and blood supply improves, which contributes to a speedy recovery. This theory was confirmed using MRI and Doppler ultrasonography, and therefore is considered the most reliable.

  4. Acupuncture is partly based on the placebo effect, in other words, on self-hypnosis. Therefore, the stronger the patient believes in the success of the treatment and trusts the doctor, the higher the result will be. However, it should be noted that acupuncture helps children and animals, although self-hypnosis is absent in this case.
Conditions for successful acupuncture treatment
  • Complete trust in the method and in the doctor conducting the treatment session.
  • Only disposable or sterile needles should be used for acupuncture. This protects against infection by blood-borne infections.
  • You should not start treatment immediately before or after eating. The procedure should be carried out no earlier than 30 minutes before or after a meal.
  • Do not start treatment after intense physical activity.
  • It is not recommended to perform acupuncture after visiting a sauna or hot bath.
  • The patient should not become hypothermic during the procedure. This causes spasm of muscles and blood vessels, which reduces the effect of treatment.

Indications for acupuncture

  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system: osteochondrosis, arthritis, arthrosis, periarthritis, sprain, myositis, bursitis, fractures, heel spurs, spinal scoliosis.

  • Diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system: neuralgia, neuritis, radiculitis, vertebral hernia, vegetative-vascular dystonia, dizziness, migraines, neurosis, nocturnal enuresis, hysteria, tics.

  • Respiratory system diseases: bronchial asthma, chronic laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, chronic pneumonia without exacerbation.

  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system: arrhythmias, heart block, hypertension 1-2 degrees, arterial hypotension.

  • Digestive system diseases: nausea, gastralgia, functional gastrointestinal disorders, gastroduodenitis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, constipation, cholestasis (stagnation of bile).

  • Diseases of the genitourinary organs: prostatitis, nephritis, chronic cystitis.
  • Gynecological diseases: hormonal infertility, ovarian dysfunction, menopausal syndrome, menstrual irregularities.

  • Ophthalmic diseases: strabismus, oculomotor disorders, decreased visual acuity.

  • Manifestations of allergies: skin itching, neurodermatitis, eczema, urticaria.

  • Endocrine disorders: diabetes mellitus type 2, hypothalamic syndrome, mild thyrotoxicosis, hypothyroidism, thyroiditis.

  • Help in the fight against bad habits: smoking, alcoholism, drug addiction.

  • Treatment of excess weight.

Acupuncture is not an independent and universal method of treating diseases. It is used in combination with drug therapy, diet therapy, and other physiotherapeutic methods of treatment.

Contraindications to acupuncture

Like other types of reflexology, acupuncture has a number of contraindications. They are divided into absolute and relative.

Absolute contraindications:

  • Age up to 1 year. Young children have very thin skin, so inserting needles increases the risk of damage to internal organs.

  • Tumors. Acupuncture improves blood circulation and may therefore promote tumor growth and metastasis

  • Blood diseases(leukemia and hemophilia). Acupuncture can cause deterioration of the blood and blood-forming organs due to the acceleration of blood circulation.

  • Mental disorders. Since acupuncture may be accompanied by minor pain and stress, it can provoke an inappropriate reaction and an attack of agitation in the patient.

  • State of alcohol and drug intoxication. In such a situation, the patient does not behave adequately and cannot follow the doctor’s instructions.

  • Feverish conditions. Diseases accompanied by fever disrupt the functioning of the central nervous system. As a result, the mechanisms that provide the therapeutic effect of acupuncture are disrupted.

  • Infectious diseases(AIDS, open form of tuberculosis, hepatitis, venereal diseases, purulent inflammations) in this case, acupuncture can help spread the pathogen throughout the body. There is evidence that the use of reflexology can provoke an inadequate immune response and cause autoimmune diseases.

  • Acute surgical pathology(acute appendicitis, strangulated inguinal hernia, cyst rupture, perforated ulcer). In such cases, patients need emergency surgery. Delay and use of other treatment methods can be fatal.

  • Acute pain of unknown origin may be symptoms of diseases for which acupuncture is contraindicated.

  • Pathological pregnancy. Acupuncture can cause uterine contractions and induce premature labor.
Relative contraindications(increased risk of side effects and complications, the final decision is made by the doctor):
  • age over 70 years;
  • exhaustion;
  • uncomplicated pregnancy;
  • cerebrovascular accident (stroke);
  • progressive muscular dystrophy;
  • a state of severe physical fatigue or emotional stress.
Local contraindications(impact on points in the affected area is not recommended)
  • For children under 7 years of age, exposure to points located on the face and front of the head is not recommended;
  • skin lesions at the site of needle insertion;
  • scars;

Side effects of acupuncture

After the procedure, side effects may develop.
  • Soreness and bruising at the needle insertion site. Occurs when a blood vessel is damaged.

  • Infection hepatitis, AIDS can occur with repeated use of needles. Soaking in alcohol, hydrogen peroxide and boiling does not destroy all microorganisms and their spores. Therefore, using reusable needles carries the risk of infection.

  • Damage to blood vessels, nerves, tendons, internal organs. An experienced doctor inserts needles at an angle at certain points and to the desired depth. When important structures are damaged, sharp pain occurs. If bacteria gets into the puncture, inflammation develops.

  • Development of malignant tumors due to trauma to benign neoplasms, birthmarks, keloid scars. These formations contain cells that have a tendency to degenerate into malignant formations after injury.

  • Lower blood pressure, which is manifested by dizziness, tinnitus, weakness and nausea. In some cases it can lead to fainting. This complication develops in patients who are under stress or severe physical fatigue.
Let us note that the effectiveness and safety of acupuncture depends entirely on the experience and skill of the doctor, as well as on the patient’s attitude towards recovery.


2023 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs