Watermelon: can diabetics eat it? How to calculate your portion of watermelon. Beneficial properties of watermelon and melon for diabetics

Diabetes mellitus is a severe pathology endocrine system. main feature disease - disorder carbohydrate metabolism. For almost all types of diabetes, a low-carbohydrate diet is recommended, completely eliminating beetroot, cane and all other types of sugar. Of the fruits allowed in limited quantities, those with glycemic index within normal limits. One of the controversial products, with a glycemic index quite high for a diabetic, is watermelon.

Before drawing conclusions, you need to understand the composition of the fetus, and then the answer to the question “Is watermelon good for diabetes?” will appear on its own.

A little about the chemical composition of the berry

Probably even children are aware that biologists classify watermelon as a berry, not a fruit. It comes from the Pumpkin family, and in its properties, pumpkin is similar to the berry group.

A significant share watermelon pulp consists of water (up to 92%). The varieties and ripeness of the fruit determine the concentration of sugars: 5.5-13% mono- and disaccharides. These quickly digestible carbohydrates, on which the calorie content of the product depends, are represented in the berry by glucose, sucrose, fructose, the latter being the most abundant.

The rest of the mass is distributed as follows:

  • Proteins and pectins - approximately equally: 0.7%;
  • Microelements (Mg, Ca, Na, Fe, K, P);
  • Vitamin complex (B1, B2, folic and ascorbic acid, carotenoids).

Thanks to its unique composition, the berry has diuretic properties, removes excess harmful cholesterol, improves the condition of joints, normalizes blood circulation, strengthens the heart muscle, and facilitates liver function.

Is it possible to eat watermelon if you have type 2 diabetes?

We can talk for a long time about the healing capabilities of watermelons, but for a diabetic it is, first of all, sugar and water. What should you expect more from such a product – benefit or harm?

If you eat a ripe watermelon healthy man, carbohydrates will instantly appear in his blood. Sucrose and glucose will immediately raise the sugar level in the tissues and blood. To drive it into the cells, the pancreas must respond with a powerful release of insulin.

Fructose enters the liver, where it is processed into glycogen (from which the body will then receive glucose when it does not come from outside) and partially into fatty acids. In the near future for ordinary person such processes are not dangerous.

In non-insulin-dependent diabetes, blood sugar levels rise for a long time, since the pancreas responds slowly to such a powerful carbohydrate load due to the low sensitivity of cells to insulin.

You can reassure yourself that watermelon is a seasonal berry, all year round We don’t eat it, so we can afford a treat.

But before the watermelons there will be cherries, and after - grapes, and on normal readings The glucometer will have to be calculated only in winter. But the diabetic’s body does not get younger, and the aggressive effects of hyperglycemia bear fruit.

So, about watermelon at diabetes mellitus Should we forget 2 types? The verdict is categorical: until it is possible to normalize sugar - both before meals and a couple of hours after, until glycated hemoglobin will not return to normal, it is better not to tempt fate. When the craving for this particular berry is irresistible, you can eat 100 g of the product separately from other food. Such a slice will contain 10 g of carbohydrates, that is, pure sugar.

If a low-carb diet gives good effect: the glucometer readings are normal, I managed to lose weight and even reduce the proportion of pills, or even stop taking them altogether, then in a certain amount sweet berries you can pamper yourself. The serving size will depend on the information on the glucometer after one and a half to two hours. If the indicator exceeds 7.8 mmol/l, it is necessary to reconsider and general diet, and the volume of dessert. To stay within the normal range, you need to count carbohydrates.

Is watermelon good for type 1 diabetes?

It is easier for this category of diabetics to make a choice. Anyone who does not adhere to a low-carb nutrition program can enjoy this dessert freely in reasonable quantities. Of course, with the appropriate dose of insulin. When calculating medications, it must be taken into account that 100 g of watermelon pulp contains 5-13 g of carbohydrates (on average 9 g), the weight of the rind is ignored.

It is important to understand that watermelon has a high glycemic index, and insulin does not start working immediately, so you need to pause after the injection. How long to wait will depend on the initial readings on the meter.

How do processed berries affect the diabetic body? Watermelon juice It is not recommended to drink; the same restrictions apply to nardek (watermelon honey), which contains up to 90% glucose and its analogues. Watermelon oil (Kalahari) can be consumed without restrictions, it is better if it is unrefined, first cold pressed.

Gestational diabetes, which occurs during pregnancy, requires a special approach in both treatment and nutrition, since we're talking about about two lives. If a pregnant woman’s diabetes is not insulin dependent, but normal indicators sugar levels are maintained solely through thoughtful nutrition and muscle activity; endocrinologists do not recommend consuming watermelons. Sugar will rise unhindered, and at the same time the desire to repeat the experiment. Missing one season is not a problem; you can enjoy watermelons to your heart’s content even after giving birth.

With insulin therapy in a pregnant woman, restrictions apply only to the correct compensation of the calculated amount of carbohydrates with insulin. If a woman has already acquired the skill of compensating for sweet fruits with medications, there will be no problems with watermelon. It is important to control the total amount of carbohydrates in the diet, since excess weight gain is not beneficial for either the mother or the child.

How to calculate your portion of watermelon

The diet of a diabetic is composed according to two parameters: the glycemic index (GI) and the bread unit (XE). GI is a relative indicator that characterizes the rate of glucose entering the blood and processing. The calorie content of the dishes is not taken into account here. The GI of glucose is taken as the starting point - 100 units, meaning that when consumed pure product sugar will jump to 100%. For example, dried apricots change the glucometer readings even more.

Theoretically, GI characterizes the response of the endocrine system to a specific product for any amount of food. But it is the volume of food that affects the duration of the rise in glucose levels and the dose of insulin required to compensate for it. Now it’s clear why overeating, including that of melons, can bring real harm diabetic

The bread unit characterizes the glucometer readings after eating specific foods with carbohydrates. Here, a slice of bread 1 cm thick (if the loaf is a standard one) weighing 20 g was taken as the standard. To process such a portion, a diabetic will need 2 cubes of insulin.

Norm of bread units per day:

  • At sedentary life – 15 units;
  • For diabetes – 15 units;
  • WITH overweight– 10 units.

  • With compensated diabetes, a limited amount of watermelon can be beneficial: the body is saturated folic acid, microelements and others valuable substances. Failure to comply with the norm will cause a jump in sugar, and excess fructose will be converted into fat.

    For diabetics who are forced to control their weight, the high GI of watermelon is serious food for thought. The instantly digestible product only causes a feeling of hunger. The hand reaches for the next piece, and common sense reminds us of the limitations. Such stress will definitely not help patients fight obesity.

    To add to your diet even temporarily New Product, it is worth consulting with an endocrinologist. It is necessary to balance GE and CI, for this the diet is revised, excluding some foods with carbohydrates.

    1 XE is equal to 135 g of watermelon. This portion contains 40 kcal. The GI of watermelon dessert is quite high - 75 units. (the norm is 50-70 units), so it’s better to eat your portion in parts.

    How to use the product beneficially

    In the summer we look forward to the watermelon season so much that we often lose our vigilance. It begins no earlier than mid-August, but even at this time you should not buy the first fruits. It is known that the berry perfectly retains nitrates, and it is difficult for a non-specialist to distinguish a watermelon pumped up with something unknown from an environmentally friendly product. It is especially dangerous to give watermelon to children after such a vaccination. At the end of summer, full-fledged watermelons will appear instead of early ripening ones and the risk of poisoning will be much lower.

    The next mistake is not washing the fruit well before cutting or purchasing already cut parts of the watermelon. The likelihood of sweet berries being infected by pathogens is very high. To avoid gastrointestinal upset, experts recommend washing your purchase with soap and water. hot water, then pour boiling water over it and never buy watermelon in parts.

    Welcome, dear blog readers! Today we'll talk about nutrition again. Diet for diabetes mellitus prohibits big number sweet products. Often even your favorite berries and fruits fall under sanitization. But, fortunately, all people with glycemic disorders If you have diabetes, you can and even should eat watermelon.

    Let's start with the fact that in early autumn and late summer, watermelons are sold everywhere in stores and become frequent guests on our tables. They are tasty and healthy! Adults and children love this delicacy. People with diabetes are no exception, who also love this fruit, but do not know whether watermelon can be eaten if they have diabetes. Moreover, disputes on this topic often arise between doctors themselves.

    Watermelon is really sweet. But not due to sugar, but due to fructose. Moreover, if you recalculate its volume, then per day without special consequences you can eat about 300 grams of pulp! Watermelon also contains many vitamins, minerals and special substances, due to which it perfectly cleanses and heals the body.

    • phosphorus, iron, magnesium, potassium, calcium
    • Lycopene
    • Vitamin E, pyridoxine, riboflavin
    • Thiamine, niacin, beta-carotene
    • Ascorbic acid, folic acid
    • Pectins
    • Vegetable protein
    • Cellulose
    • Fixed oils

    Another obvious one benefits of watermelon for diabetes- it is a natural diuretic, which allows it to be recommended as prophylactic for the prevention of kidney diseases. Also sufficient quantity dietary fiber stimulates intestinal function and helps normalize stool. By the way, despite the sweet taste, this product is dietary.

    Concerning unique composition, then the lycopenes contained in the pulp are known for their anti-cancer properties. Accordingly, their regular consumption serves as antitumor protection. Also, the product almost never causes allergies and is well tolerated by children and adults. But a tasty berry can bring discomfort people suffering from indigestion and colitis, as well as impaired urine flow.

    For type 2 diabetes mellitus, watermelon you can eat. It is important to remember that a single serving should be no more than 150-200 grams, which is approximately 1 XE. This volume of product is normally absorbed without causing sharp fluctuations in blood sugar levels. It is also necessary to take into account individual reaction on the product.

    At the same time as eating watermelon, it is necessary to reduce the number of other carbohydrates; in this case, the fruit will only bring benefits. It is also necessary to understand that although this is a dietary food, overeating is unacceptable. In diabetes mellitus with obesity, you need to carefully calculate possible quantity watermelon per meal to meet the selected daily calorie intake.

    Enough great content magnesium has a beneficial effect on the state of the central nervous system, so all those who suffer from seizures, sleep disorders, and sleep disorders should pay attention to the berry. increased fatigue due to a lack of magnesium.

    It is worth noting separately that watermelon for type 2 diabetes is perfect for anyone who has and follows an appropriate diet. Here the fruit will be brought maximum benefit and will help fight accumulated toxins.

    Watermelon for type 1 diabetes

    Watermelon can also occupy a worthy place in the diet of people with type 1 diabetes. It is only necessary to correctly calculate the dosage of insulin, observe the exposure of the hormone and determine the possible volume of product for one meal. By the way, remember that the glycemic index of the product is high and equal to 76, so adjust your food intake to the effect of your insulin.

    Since watermelon is indeed very healthy, you should not deny yourself the delicacy. but moderation must be observed. A great option is watermelon instead of the usual snack. When eating berries, you should avoid other high-carbohydrate foods.

    Summer is watermelon season and many people will want to enjoy their favorite dish. The permitted serving of watermelon for diabetes depends on the type of disease. After eating a summer dessert, you need to monitor your blood sugar levels.

    Summer delights with amber clusters of grapes and the sugary core of ripe watermelons. You just have to try them once so that the sunny warmth of hot days is always associated with the aroma of these gifts of nature. Doctors do not advise patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes to eat sweet berries, because they can contain up to 50% of glucose that is harmful to them. What about watermelons? Can a diabetic eat them?

    Miracle berry watermelon

    More than 50 substances beneficial to the human body are contained in sweet watermelon pulp and seeds. This composition makes this fruit a real natural pharmacy:

    • vitamins – A, C and group B;
    • microelements – Ca, Na, K, organic iron, Mg, P, as well as alkaline substances;
    • proteins – 0.7%, including citrulline;
    • fats – 0.20%, including linoleic, linolenic and arachidonic acid in seeds;
    • carbohydrates in the form of sucrose, GLUiFRU - about 8.8%;
    • water – up to 90%.

    There are practically no contraindications prohibiting eating watermelons. But there are many benefits from them.

    1. Vitamins and microelements have a beneficial effect on the function of the digestive and hematopoietic organs. Rising internal secretion iron
    2. Diuretic and choleretic effect allows us to talk about the benefits of watermelon for cholelithiasis and the risk of oxalate kidney stones. Does not irritate the mucous membrane of the urinary system.
    3. Juice and pulp have anti-inflammatory, strengthening and vasodilating effects on cardiovascular system. Useful for anemia.
    4. Helps with liver diseases.
    5. Watermelon fiber enhances intestinal motility, giving a mild laxative effect.
    6. Normalizes thermoregulation and acid-base balance.
    7. The watermelon diet promotes weight loss.

    These factors allow us to consider watermelon to be very effective means with metabolic disorders. And here high content the sugar content in it is of concern to people with carbohydrate metabolism disorders. What aspects of pathology make patients think about whether they can eat watermelon?

    Can a diabetic eat watermelon?

    Watermelon contains easily digestible carbohydrates, which sharply increase glucose levels in the body. Such “sugar spikes” are contraindicated in diabetes of any severity. At the same time, the fruit helps normalize metabolism and contains a lot useful elements, so deficient in diabetics. So is it possible to treat yourself to watermelon if you have diabetes without causing harm to your body? The answer is clear - it is possible. You just need to know the extent and nuances of the disease.

    Type I diabetes

    You can monitor your blood glucose levels using personal glucose meters. Therefore, experienced patients can independently adjust the insulin dose short acting based on the carbohydrate content in consumed foods and instrument readings. Without such experience, it is better to adhere to the dose and injection schedule prescribed by the doctor. Before eating watermelon for type 1 diabetes, you need to know how to calculate the weight of the product.

    Be sure to remember: 260 gr. watermelon with peel corresponds to 1 HE!

    The allowed amount of the product for insulin-dependent diabetes is 800 g. per day. You can consume this amount under the “cover” of insulin.

    Type II diabetes

    The lack of “insulin safety net” in type 2 diabetes forces us to pay maximum attention to diet. Glucose and sucrose contained in the fruit upset the precarious balance and cause a sharp but short-term jump in blood sugar. Therefore, the presence of watermelon in the diet of such patients should be compensated by reducing the proportion of other carbohydrate-containing products.

    Be sure to remember: with type 2 diabetes, you can eat no more than 300 grams per day. watermelon!

    Should be considered

    Before you start eating watermelon, a diabetic needs to know the following.

    1. of this berry is 70, which is a significant figure. He says that very soon the feeling of fullness will pass and the person will go for a snack again. Simply put, the higher the glycemic index, the faster your appetite awakens.
    2. Sugar control and insulin dose adjustment are mandatory.
    3. A diabetic should not switch to the popular watermelon diet! This can lead to serious consequences.
    4. Do not consume more than the allowed daily portion: 800 gr. – SD type 1, 300 gr. – Type 2 diabetes.
    5. The diuretic effect of this product should be taken into account. If the body is dehydrated, then it is better to abstain from watermelon.
    6. For the time when watermelon is included in the diet, other carbohydrate-rich foods should be excluded from it.
    7. One portion should be small. You should not eat the daily amount at once.

    Watermelon for diabetes of any type also becomes a worthy replacement lactic acid diet during fasting days. After all, it activates metabolism fatty acids, which contributes to weight loss. Nourishing the body with beneficial nutrients and flushing out toxins, this miracle berry pleases with a sweet taste and a feeling of satiety.

    Watermelon is a healthy and tasty berry that helps quench your thirst on a hot summer day. But the presence of a large amount of sugar raises questions among diabetics about the possibility of consuming it if they have diabetes. Watermelon for diabetes is consumed with extreme caution, since excess fluid can provoke the development of swelling, as well as a rapid increase in blood pressure.

    Watermelon consists of 80% liquid, and the sugars included in its composition are easily digestible by the body. This berry is not only tasty, but also healthy due to its rich vitamin composition:

    1. Vitamin B 2 – takes Active participation in metabolic processes, helping to strengthen the immune system.
    2. Vitamin B 6 – prevents the development of degeneration of adipose tissue, providing the body with all the necessary enzymes, in the synthesis of which it takes an active part.
    3. Carotene and bioflavonoids - support the immune system, taking part in all metabolic processes.
    4. Amino acids: isoleucine, valine, oxylysine, citrulline.
    5. Salts of calcium, potassium, magnesium and iron.

    Watermelon pulp contains up to 13% sugars, of which:

    • fructose – up to 4.5%;
    • sucrose – up to 5%;
    • glucose – up to 2%.

    Beneficial features watermelon are as follows:

    1. Diuretic effect - stimulates the active removal of fluid from the body, which helps to avoid stagnation and swelling, which are very common in diabetes.
    2. Normalizes digestion – the beneficial substances contained in watermelon stimulate the digestion process, helping to effectively combat constipation and other stool disorders.
    3. Reduces cholesterol levels - watermelon, due to the large amount of liquid, increases the volume of circulating blood and also helps remove cholesterol, accumulations of which are observed in the blood vessels and liver.
    4. Choleretic effect - with the help of watermelon, the liver is provided with all necessary substances, which facilitate the synthesis of bile, preventing the development of its stagnation in the ducts.
    5. Flushes sand out of the kidneys - under the influence of a large amount of liquid and the diuretic effect of watermelon, self-cleansing of the kidneys occurs.
    6. Effectively fights constipation - the composition of watermelon allows you to normalize intestinal motility, and a large number of fluid facilitates the excretion of feces.
    7. Struggling with arterial hypertension– the decrease in pressure is due to the excretion excess liquid from the body and normalization of the volume of free circulating blood.
    8. Satisfies the feeling of hunger long time- thanks to the easy, but nutritional composition, watermelon can be used as a main meal.
    9. Easily absorbed and excreted by the body.

    Not only watermelon pulp has beneficial effect on the body. Bones are rich in fats and useful substances, which help fight helminths in the intestines.

    In the presence of diabetes mellitus, watermelon helps to normalize all metabolic processes, preventing the development of edema. It is included in the diet, but you should first consult a doctor. If you have kidney stones and bile ducts, watermelon can provoke the development painful sensations, the cause of which is the movement of stones.

    Indications for the use of watermelons for type 1 diabetes

    The benefits of consuming watermelon in the presence of type 1 diabetes are possible only when there are no contraindications, and the quantitative restriction of the product is observed. Type 1 diabetes is characterized by the administration of insulin, the dosage of which is selected individually. It is recommended to take watermelon 20-30 minutes after insulin administration.

    It is recommended to consume no more than 500 g of watermelon pulp per day. This portion is divided into 2-3 doses, excluding use in evening time. After 6 hours, kidney function and digestive system is somewhat slowed down, so swelling and a number of other unpleasant manifestations may develop, including headaches and arterial hypertension.

    When creating a menu that includes watermelon, it is important to maintain the maximum allowable amount of carbohydrates per day. For this purpose it is calculated the nutritional value product, after which other carbohydrate dishes are excluded from the diet.

    Do not exceed the recommended dosage of watermelon, since fructose is large quantities may provoke the formation of fatty deposits. Before consuming the berries, you should consult your doctor, as in some cases adverse reactions may develop.

    Watermelon is introduced into the diet gradually. The first dose is limited to a small piece, weighing 50-100 g. In the absence of edema and other adverse reactions, the serving size is increased to the recommended one.

    Watermelon for type 2 diabetes

    The non-insulin-dependent form of diabetes also requires compliance with the dose of watermelon. Moderate consumption of berries will allow you to obtain maximum benefits for the body, reducing the likelihood of developing adverse reactions.

    Doctors recommend eating one piece of watermelon per day along with the seeds. They can be either chewed or swallowed whole. They contain a large amount nutrients, allowing to normalize intestinal function and cope with pathogenic microflora of the digestive tract.

    Overeating can cause not only deterioration general well-being, but also the development of adverse reactions in the form of edema and increased diuresis. It is important to follow the recommendations of a specialist so that the berry benefits.

    The daily intake of watermelon for type 2 diabetes is 600 g, which is divided into 3-4 doses. The core of the berry is rich in sugars, so it is best to cut it out, eating only the pulp located closer to the peel.

    Since watermelon is a low-calorie product and is quickly digested, diabetics may develop an acute feeling of hunger 30-40 minutes after eating the berry. In this regard, doctors recommend eating a quarter of a slice of black bread along with watermelon, which will increase calorie content and also minimize the risk of diet failure.

    You should not eat the berry after dinner, as the pronounced diuretic effect contributes to constant awakening. In addition, in the evening the work of the urinary system slows down, which can provoke the development of edema.

    Doctors do not recommend drinking watermelon juice or any other dishes: honey, sorbet, nardek. These products are made with additional use sugar, which increases the load on the pancreas. Freshly squeezed juice contains up to 90% sugars, so you will also have to avoid drinking it.

    When found unpleasant symptoms After eating watermelon, it is recommended to inform your doctor and stop eating the berry until the cause is determined. Diabetes requires a responsible approach to diet, so self-control plays a key role in obtaining the benefits of nutrition.

    Before introducing watermelon into your diet, you should consult your doctor. Some patients with diabetes should avoid delicious berries due to the presence of contraindications, which include:

    • pathologies of the kidneys and urinary system;
    • diseases of the digestive tract;
    • individual intolerance.

    It is important to remember that watermelon is a seasonal berry. You should not buy it in winter, as there is no guarantee of the quality of the product grown in artificial conditions. Typically, such berries contain a large amount of nitrates, which has a detrimental effect on the health of an already sick person.

    One of the pathologies of the endocrine system that requires compliance special rules nutrition is diabetes mellitus. The disease is characterized by metabolic disorders and improper assimilation carbohydrates. Diabetes therapy is aimed primarily at eliminating sugar and eating limited amounts of foods with a high GI (glycemic index). This allows patients to maintain normal value glucose, reducing the risk of vascular damage and other complications. As a result of this diet, many fruits and berries, including watermelon, should be consumed in small quantities in case of diabetes.

    The watermelon season begins in August and lasts almost until late autumn. This period is the most difficult for lovers of melons, who are forced to limit themselves in eating this berry. Patients with endocrine disorder should know what foods are allowed for them, and whether it is possible to eat watermelon if you have diabetes.

    Berry composition and main characteristics

    Watermelon is considered a sweet product due to its fructose content. Carbohydrates and natural sugar are also present in the berry, but only in small quantities. Due to the predominance of fructose in watermelon, it is well absorbed by the human body and does not require a large consumption of insulin.

    The composition of watermelon is rich in many useful vitamins and minerals.

    These include:

    1. Magnesium.
    2. Potassium.
    3. Vitamin E.
    4. Iron.
    5. Thiamine.
    6. Pyridoxine.
    7. Beta carotene.
    8. Riboflavin.
    9. Niacin.
    10. Ascorbic and folic acid.
    11. Phosphorus.
    12. Calcium.
    13. Lycopene.
    14. Pectins.
    15. Fixed oils.
    16. Alimentary fiber.

    Characteristics of watermelon:

    1. 135 g of berry pulp - 1 XE (bread unit).
    2. This berry is a low-calorie product, as it contains 38 kcal per 100 g of pulp.
    3. GI is 75.

    Watermelon for diabetes: beneficial properties

    Watermelon has not only pleasant taste, but also very useful due to the components it contains. It is enough for the patient to consume about 150 g of the product per day in order not only to get enough, but also to provide the body with the necessary nutrients.

    Beneficial features:

    1. Reduces nervous excitability.
    2. Eliminates spasms that occur in internal organs.
    3. Improves the effect of intestinal peristalsis. The fiber included in the composition cleanses the intestines.
    4. Can reduce cholesterol within a few weeks of use.
    5. Stops and prevents the formation of gallstones.
    6. Watermelon is an excellent diuretic, so it is often used after the discovery of stones or sand in the kidneys.
    7. The pulp of the berry helps cleanse the body of harmful toxins. This fact is very important condition restoration of the body in case of impaired material metabolism.
    8. Strengthens vascular walls, heart.
    9. Removes cholesterol.
    10. Promotes weight loss.
    11. The product does not cause allergic reactions.
    12. Present in watermelon alimentary fiber promote the breakdown of glucose and the removal of its excess from the body, preventing absorption.

    Can you eat watermelon if you have diabetes?

    In diabetes, regular sugar is contraindicated, as it causes a sharp rise in blood glucose. Watermelon contains little sugar, mainly fructose. It has a different effect on the diabetic body negative impact. This melon crop contains less carbohydrates than oranges, apples or even green peas. Despite this fact, the use of the product by diabetic patients is limited.

    Watermelon for type 2 diabetes, as for type 1, is allowed, but with strict consideration of XE. The fructose contained in the berry will be beneficial for the patient if the rate of consumption of the product does not exceed 40 grams per day. This amount of watermelon pulp will require a small dose of insulin, so including watermelon in daily diet will not lead to dangerous consequences.

    For insulin-dependent patients, it is important to follow special instructions when using the berry. diet table No. 9, within which XE is calculated, and perform nutritionally appropriate insulin injections. Diabetics of the second type do not need to administer the hormone in the form of injections, but it is also necessary to take into account the amount of watermelon eaten so as not to exceed the permissible norm of XE. As a rule, such patients are prone to obesity, so their consumption of carbohydrates should be in moderation.

    Usage rate

    Watermelon, like any carbohydrate-containing product, can be included in a diabetic’s diet only under strict control of glucose levels. If the indicator is high, its use should be discontinued. Otherwise, the pulp of the berry will further aggravate the situation. Overeating on watermelon is prohibited due to high risk hyperglycemia.

    Watermelon can be included in the daily menu of a diabetic, but not more than 700 grams per day. This amount cannot be consumed at one time. Seven hundred grams should be divided into several servings and distributed for lunch, snack and dinner in equal shares. This approach to compiling daily menu prevents a rapid rise in blood glucose levels.

    It is important to consider that each patient has his own own peculiarity the body metabolizes carbohydrates. It depends on the severity of the disease. The average amount of fructose or sugar that can be consumed without consequences is about 40 grams. This is exactly what is contained in a whole kilogram of ripe fruit. This fact does not allow diabetics to eat a whole kilogram of watermelon per day, forgetting about permissible quantity HEH. Patients of the second type are recommended to limit themselves to 300 grams per day.

    How to eat watermelon correctly?

    The standard treatment regimen for diabetes involves the presence of no more than 10 XE in the patient’s diet. Considering that one bread unit contains 135 g of pulp, and no more than 700 grams are allowed per day, the patient can consume approximately 5 XE of watermelon. This amount is distributed among all meals during the day in such a way as to achieve normal sugar levels. It is important to understand that watermelon is also taken into account when calculating XE. The remaining amount of XE after taking watermelon is calculated in the following way: from total number bread units allowed per day, the amount of XE per berry pulp is subtracted. This means that patients need to give up some of their usual carbohydrates and replace them with watermelon (for example, you can eat the pulp of the berry instead of the usual bread or potatoes).

    Patients of the first and second types of the disease have several differences in dietary nutrition. The same product can be consumed by them in different quantities. Acceptable rate watermelon per day for people with type 2 diabetes is 300 grams. This is because such patients often have excess weight, so they are more limited in carbohydrates. They do not have the opportunity to adjust their sugar levels in a timely manner using insulin injections, so they are prohibited from going beyond the permissible XE value per day and abusing carbohydrates. Patients with type 1 diabetes can administer the right dosage hormone, so as not to cause a rise in glucose above normal.

    If the patient made a mistake in determining the dose of insulin that was required for the amount of watermelon eaten, then the sugar level will rise sharply. You should not wait until your glucose level drops on its own. A few hours after the last insulin injection, you need to perform a injection short insulin in a small amount to cover the lack of the administered hormone during the first injection. This will reduce glucose and reach a normal value. Insulin requirements may vary significantly among patients, so indicate average dosage for 1 XE of watermelon it is impossible. For patients of the first type, it is important to know the amount of insulin that the body requires to break down one bread unit. In this case, concepts such as watermelon and diabetes will be quite compatible.

    Only a doctor can help you select the dose. Most often this happens in a hospital setting, where glucose monitoring is carried out before the meal itself and two hours after its completion.

    What should you consider when consuming berries?

    To avoid deterioration in health after taking watermelon, it is important to consider the following points:

    1. The low calorie content of a product does not always indicate the possibility of consuming it in unlimited quantities. Watermelon is no exception here. Its pulp has increased value glycemic index, therefore leading to an increase in the patient's glucose level.
    2. You can’t get enough of watermelon for a long time. After consuming it, the feeling of hunger returns quite quickly.
    3. Watermelon not only promotes weight loss, but also increases appetite. Patients of the second type, after eating the fruit, may encounter stress that arises from hunger.
    4. Eating watermelon in any quantity leads to alkalization of urine excreted.
    5. The pulp of the berry should be introduced into the diet gradually and in small portions.
    6. Watermelon doesn't have everything necessary for the body patient useful components, so during the day you should not replace all the permitted XE with it. Such a decision should be agreed upon with a doctor, who, if necessary, will give recommendations on adjusting insulin therapy.

    The course of the disease may differ among different patients, therefore, only the attending physician knows for sure whether a particular patient can have watermelon for diabetes and in what quantity it should be consumed.

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