Slow carbs are better. Berries and fruits

With a lack of carbohydrates in the body, the intensity of training decreases, strength indicators and body tone decrease.

For weight training, slow (or, as they are otherwise called, complex) carbohydrates are especially important, as they can supply the body with energy for a long time.

Slow carbohydrates

According to chemical structure slow carbohydrates belong to the group of polysaccharides, and their molecule contains big number fructose, glucose and many other different monosaccharides.

Monosaccharides are involved in many processes occurring in the human body, in particular, they help process proteins and fats and improve liver function.

Experts recommend consuming foods rich in slow carbohydrates in the first half of the day, until carbohydrate metabolism in the body has not slowed down.

The body absorbs sugars in the form of glucose. The division of carbohydrates into fast and slow depends on the rate of conversion of saccharides into glucose. The rate of degradation measures special indicatorglycemic index. Slow carbohydrates have a low index. Foods containing slow carbohydrates increase blood glucose gradually, not abruptly.

The very process of digestion of foods with a low glycemic index, which begin to be absorbed even during the chewing process under the influence of the salivary enzyme, is also very important.

IN winter period the importance of slow carbohydrates increases. When it's cold outside, saccharides help produce a special hormone - serotonin, which helps the body warm up and affects mood.

So, main feature slow carbohydrates – low glycemic index, and, accordingly, long absorption. Slow Digestion complex carbohydrates does not cause a surge in insulin, which is responsible for processing excess carbohydrates into fat cells.

Taking slow-release polysaccharides after training is not recommended. At this time, the body needs a sharp influx of glucose to quickly restore energy balance. Slow carbs will do it in long time.

The ideal time to eat foods rich in slow carbohydrates is immediately after waking up, when glycogen is actively produced in the body.

Types of slow carbohydrates

As already mentioned, complex carbohydrates consist of several molecular chains with a huge amount monosaccharides in them.

There are many types of slow carbohydrates: starch, chitin, glycogen, glucomannan, dextrin, cellulose. The molecules of these compounds contain many thousands of monosaccharides, which is why their breakdown and absorption takes a long time, with a slow release of energy to the body.

Carbohydrates should be at least 50% daily norm person by total kilocalories consumed. It is recommended to take slow carbohydrates before starting strength training. The dose to be taken is at least forty grams. Being absorbed slowly, carbohydrates evenly supply the blood with glucose, ensuring the required level in the athlete’s blood. Medical studies have shown that under the influence of slow carbohydrates, fat is burned much faster and endurance increases.

A stable and constant level of energy is the main function of slow carbohydrates. Human for a long time does not feel hungry, which, accordingly, allows you to reduce the number of calories consumed.

One of the main types of slow carbohydrates is, of course, starch. Starch is broken down slowly in the gastrointestinal tract, gradually turning into glucose, and maintains the concentration of monosaccharide in the blood. Sources of starch are grains, legumes.

Another type of slow carbohydrates, glycogen, is broken down into glucose in the liver, without the participation of additional enzymes.

When there is a deficiency of carbohydrates in food, glycogen is synthesized in the liver from fats and proteins. The largest amounts of glycogen are found in beef or pork liver.

There is a lot of glycogen in seafood, crayfish and yeast cells.

Fiber is practically not digested in the body, however, it is necessary. The fact is that, passing through the digestive tract, fiber cleanses the body, removes metal salts, toxins and cholesterol from the intestines. In addition, it increases the feeling of fullness due to increased bile secretion. The breakdown of fiber in the intestines does not allow putrefactive processes to develop.

Another polysaccharide, inulin, is by-product breakdown of fructose. Inulin is found in plants such as chicory and artichoke. Inulin is used for diabetes as a sugar substitute.

Complex carbohydrates are very rich in fiber, which is why they have a positive effect on digestive processes. By gradually supplying the blood with glucose, slow carbohydrates maintain a constant energy balance in the body and maintain a feeling of fullness for a long time.

Slow carbohydrates for weight loss (porridge diet)

The slow digestibility of complex carbohydrates is actively used in the development different diets for weight loss.

Porridge diets involve the use of a variety of cereals, with the exception of semolina. It is permissible to add to porridge: fruits, nuts, cheese, berries, honey.

The benefits of cereals lie not only in their content of slow carbohydrates; in addition, cereals contain fiber, which cleanses the intestines. Today, two types of cereal diets are actively used in the fitness industry. The first diet is designed for ten days, the second – for seven. Both diets are quite effective if you follow some rules.

The weekly diet, despite the fact that it lasts seven days, is called “Six Porridges”. Porridge made from a certain grain is eaten every day. So, on Monday it is wheat porridge; on Tuesday - oatmeal; on Wednesday – millet; on Thursday - barley; on Friday - pearl barley; on Saturday - rice.

On Sunday, they eat any of the above porridges, or you can prepare a dish from all the cereals combined. You need to cook porridge in water without salt. A few days before the diet you should avoid fried, spicy dishes, from fast food and alcohol. The amount of porridge eaten is not limited.

A ten-day slow carbohydrate diet involves eliminating meat, sugar, fish, butter, poultry, baked goods, dairy products, bread, potatoes. These days you can eat any porridge (with the exception of semolina), prepared in water without adding salt, sugar or butter. Before eating you need to drink a glass of water.

It is acceptable to add a little honey, fruit or nuts to the porridge. The choice of cereals and the amount of porridge eaten depends entirely on your desire.

During a ten-day diet, you need to take additional vitamins so that the body does not feel a lack of them. It is permissible to carry out a diet on slow carbohydrates no more than once every six months. Exiting the diet is done gently, with the gradual introduction of other foods into the diet.

Main sources of slow carbohydrates

Slow carbohydrates are found in large quantities in cereals, cereals, bread products, and pasta. All these products mainly contain a type of complex carbohydrates such as starch, which, upon entering the body, undergoes hydrolysis, which leads to its breakdown into glucose and other monosaccharides.

Long-term absorption of starch becomes possible due to the special structure of its molecules.

When eating bread products, you need to be especially careful. For example, White bread contains compounds with a high glycemic index. Pasta and bakery products must be made from grain coarse, that is, undergo as few processing procedures as possible.

Natural sources of starch - corn and potatoes - have a high GI, so they cannot be considered sources of slow carbohydrates. It is better to give preference to cereals and all kinds of grains. Oatmeal, buckwheat and barley have the greatest value in terms of the presence of slow carbohydrates. These cereals have the lowest glycemic index, so the energy boost from one serving of pearl barley, oatmeal or buckwheat porridge will last for the longest time.

Legumes and nuts contain a large number of fiber, and they contain much less starch. But fiber is essential for digestion.

Grocery list

Many foods contain slow carbohydrates. In most cases, the polysaccharide contained in foods is starch. The taste of products is usually neutral, unsweetened, unlike those that contain fast carbohydrates.

If you ask the question which nutrient is the main source of energy, the answer is carbohydrates. Fats and proteins also act as “fuel” for the body, but with some features. The energy required to process proteins and fats will have to be spent significantly more than for carbohydrates. Let's look at the role carbohydrates For human body in details.

Types of carbohydrates.

Exist fast and slow carbohydrates, their difference is in the speed of assimilation. Slow ones should be taken before the start of training, so they will give off energy throughout the entire period of sports. And quick ones - after completing the training (within 30 minutes).

This pattern is due to our body’s need to restore resources that were spent during training. For example, glycogen is restored only by fast carbohydrates, and slow ones will take a long time to be absorbed, and the muscles do not receive the necessary component in a timely manner.

After the training process small dose fast carbohydrates (100-150 g) will help you restore spent energy and awaken “hunger”. This portion is enough so that the process of converting sugar into fats does not activate, and if we then, when eating, saturate our diet with proteins, then the body will begin to use its own reserves - fats of the subcutaneous layer. This is what it looks like perfect nutrition during training days.

Products with fast carbohydrates.

There is a list of products with big amount fast carbohydrates, however, there is no need to completely exclude them from the diet, because even among the protein components (in the form sports supplement) eat a small amount of carbohydrates. So here is a list of products with high content fast carbohydrates:

  • vegetables with a large starch component;
  • sugar;
  • flour products (this does not include brown bread);
  • drinks with a lot of sugar.

In details:

  1. potato dishes (frying, boiling, frying, stewing);
  2. soups that do not require long cooking;
  3. fruit juices, soda and still drinks with a lot of sugar;
  4. fruits with a sweet taste (bananas, watermelons, grapes);
  5. various vegetables (corn kernels, turnips, celery (root), carrots);
  6. cookies and other baked goods (sweet rolls, bread made from white or gray flour, bagels, rice biscuits, biscuits, donuts);
  7. syrups.

By the way, the glycemic index of these food options is at least 69 units. This is a significant level that affects the amount of sugar (glucose) in the blood.

Slow carbohydrates have a lower glycemic index, which does not have as much effect on the amount of glucose in the blood. However, we must not forget that foods that contain fast carbohydrates have different characteristics. For example, fried potatoes have an index of 95 units, but bread made from white flour has only 70 units.

Alcoholic drinks are also fast carbohydrates. In particular, beer has a glycemic index of 110 units.

For those who want to lose weight, there is a table:

Product Glycemic index
Potato 80-95
Fruits 63-100
Honey 89
Drinks, juices 65-75
Flour products 65-95
Sweets (waffles, cookies) 75-80
Vegetables 65-100
Food that doesn't require long cooking 66-93

This information allows you to navigate when choosing suitable nutrition. You just need to keep in mind that when choosing a product available in this table, you should take into account its glycemic index, it will be in the presented range of numbers.

It is recommended to consume less fast carbohydrates, and use them only when necessary (at the end of the training process). Otherwise, products with a large number fast carbohydrates will contribute to the appearance overweight bodies.

List of foods with slow carbohydrates.

There are special lists and tables of options for foods with slow carbohydrates that help reduce body weight (they have a low glycemic index).

Here detailed list:

  1. Dill, basil, lettuce.
  2. All legumes, including soybeans.
  3. Cereal porridge Oatmeal, pearl barley, and millet are preferred. Semolina has a high glycemic index, so it is better not to consume it.
  4. Pasta made from durum wheat.
  5. Low grade bread.
  6. Fruits containing little fructose (kiwi, apple, cherry, tangerine). You need to know that dried fruits have a higher (usually 10-15 units) glycemic index compared to their fresh counterparts. And this level also becomes higher during heat treatment. Therefore, it is better to eat fruits in in the usual form. Fruit juices, and freshly squeezed ones too (even if you don’t add sugar), due to the lack of fiber, have an index close to upper limit.
  7. Berries (plum, cherry, cranberry).
  8. Natural yogurt no fillers.
  9. Mushrooms.
  10. Nuts, chocolate (the amount of cocoa beans in it should exceed 75%), sunflower seeds. These foods are considered high-calorie, but are broken down by the body rather slowly.
  11. Vegetables (onions, cabbage, leeks, zucchini, tomatoes, spinach, Bay leaf, pepper).
  12. Papaya, sweet potato (yam), mango, corn, persimmon. These products have the highest glycemic indices among all slow carbohydrates. Therefore, they must be used very carefully.

Many people who read the information described above will most likely have a question:

Will the list have to be changed significantly? food products, bought in stores?

Here we can answer that everything will depend on the specific case. You should resort to fast carbohydrates after a big meal. physical activity. Otherwise there will be a loss of strength. Therefore, in this situation, you should eat foods that have a high glycemic index. They will be absorbed quickly enough and will replenish lost strength. However, people leading a sedentary lifestyle, or people trying to get rid of excess weight, should exclude completely, or quite significantly reduce these products and make up own diet based on slow carbohydrates. It should be kept in mind that the final decision must be made by the attending doctor and/or nutritionist. All the best, stay healthy!

Carbohydrates – the body’s “energy storehouse” – is a collective concept that includes different kinds sugars (monosaccharides, disaccharides, polysaccharides), along with starch and cellulose. These organic compounds are structural component cells and tissues of all living beings on Earth. They are involved in human digestion and metabolism, affect brain performance, help absorb lipids and proteins, which are so necessary for muscle growth. Almost all carbohydrates have vegetable origin and are formed during photosynthesis. Honey is a rare example of a sugar that appears to be made by animals such as bees. However, the product is actually obtained from flower nectar. And worker insects just collect and process the sweet “juice” to produce honey.

Dividing carbohydrates into fast and slow

Pasta is a carbohydrate

The class of carbohydrates is very broad and includes compounds with different molecular compositions and properties. Their functions are also not the same. And you need to know which of them are useful to include in your diet, and which ones are best avoided. This is especially true for athletes who set as their goal weight gain or, conversely, lose extra pounds.

Traditionally, carbohydrates are classified as two large groups: fast (simple) and slow (complex). Conditional division depends on the speed with which they are capable of splitting under the influence digestive system and be converted into glucose - the simplest sugar - main source energy for the body.

Simple carbohydrates: fast does not mean good

Simple carbohydrates consist of one (monosaccharides) or two (disaccharides) molecules. Food rich in such organic compounds has a sugary taste and increases the level of the pleasure hormone - serotonin. Most people love sweets, but you shouldn't overindulge in them. They do not contain many nutrients and microelements, and their high calorie content often causes obesity.

In addition to glucose, common fast carbohydrates are:

  • galactose – is part of milk and dairy products (cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, cheese);
  • sucrose - obtained from beets, cane sugar, black molasses;
  • fructose – found in some vegetables, honey and ripe fruits;
  • maltose – formed from malt and grapes, present in beer;
  • lactose – milk sugar– the only carbohydrate of animal origin.

Sugars that enter the body are instantly broken down into glucose and enter the blood. Almost immediately, the pancreas begins producing insulin, which “monitors” that the glucose level does not exceed the permissible limit. Otherwise, the blood fluid may thicken. This hormone stimulates the muscles and liver to absorb excess sugar and store it as glycogen. In this way, excess is safely removed from the bloodstream, and the muscles receive the necessary nutrition.

But the needs of muscle cells are not unlimited, and if they are already “full,” then something terrible happens: insulin gives a signal to fatty tissues to take lipids from the blood and store lipids, instead of breaking them down for energy. And in the liver, it starts the process of converting excess glucose into triglycerides. This is why people who lead passive image life, problems with excess weight arise.

Of course, there shouldn’t be much on an athlete’s menu. simple carbohydrates. But there are times when their use is necessary. After intense workout the muscles are exhausted, and the body’s energy reserves are in urgent need of replenishment. This is where they come to the rescue organic matter With high speed assimilation. It is important to eat foods containing fast carbohydrates within 40 minutes after physical activity. This is the “carbohydrate window” period when the body absorbs glucose as much as possible and starts the recovery process.

Slow carbohydrates: if you eat more quietly, you will be healthier

Based on their chemical structure, complex carbohydrates are classified as polysaccharides. Substances representing this group are absorbed into the blood at a slower rate, but more evenly. They help stabilize sugar levels, gradually replenish muscle glycogen stores and maintain constant energy levels. These organic compounds include:

  • fiber (cellulose),
  • starch,
  • glycogen,
  • insulin (formed from fructose residues),
  • pectins.

Cellulose is the most abundant carbohydrate produced by living things. Every year a trillion tons (10 12) of this substance are formed on the planet. It forms the basis of the walls plant cells and consists of 500 glucose molecules that are connected to each other in long, unbranched chains. The human digestive system does not absorb such fiber. However, the role of fiber in the diet is very important:

- stimulates intestinal motility,

- supports internal microflora,

- removes toxins, cholesterol and heavy metal salts from the body.

When plants produce sugars during photosynthesis, they store them as starch to later use as an energy source. A classic example is potatoes. The plant forms tubers in the ground that should survive the winter and provide a supply nutrients for the formation of young shoots in the spring.

The classic sports diet includes about 50-60% carbohydrates (of the total amount of food), of which 2/3 are slow. They provide the athlete’s body with strength for a long time and do not provoke a feeling of hunger, since they are absorbed longer than their fast “relatives”. The last factor is also important for those who want to dry out their body.

How do you know what type of carbohydrates are in a food?

It is believed that slow carbohydrates are included in foods with a GI of up to 69. These include:

  • cereals (pearl barley, buckwheat, barley, rice, millet);
  • wholemeal pasta;
  • vegetables (cabbage, spinach, cucumbers, zucchini);
  • “non-sugar” fruits (kiwi, apples, pears, grapefruits).

If the GI is above 69, then simple carbohydrates predominate. Examples of such provisions:

  • chocolate and candies;
  • cornflakes;
  • baked goods (bagels, pretzels, gingerbread);
  • White bread;
  • fried potatoes;
  • artificial sweet drinks (syrups, sodas).

Use the table of glycemic indexes of foods () when planning your diet. Remember that the lower the GI, the more complex the organic compounds, which means their absorption is slower and their quality is better.

According to research from the British University open education, an adult should eat 260 grams of carbohydrates every day. At the same time, the share of sugars accounts for no more than 90 grams.

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The effectiveness and efficiency of training directly depends on a balanced diet. Due to the lack of complex carbohydrates, body tone and strength indicators sharply decrease. This is especially negatively reflected in training with weights, since the athlete experiences a constant lack of energy.

Organic compounds that are classified as polysaccharides in their chemical structure are called complex and slow carbohydrates. Their molecule contains a variety of monosaccharides, a lot of glucose and fructose.

Many vital important processes in the body occur with the participation of monosaccharides. They promote the processing of fats and proteins and have a positive effect on the liver. Food containing a high concentration of slow carbohydrates is best consumed before lunch, when carbohydrate metabolism has not yet slowed down.

The body metabolizes saccharides in the form of glucose. The rate at which saccharides are converted into glucose divides carbohydrates into simple, that is, fast, and complex, that is, slow. Its indicator is reflected in the glycemic index of the product. In slow ones, it is quite low, and, therefore, the saturation of the blood with glucose does not occur abruptly, but slowly.

Products with a low glycemic index are absorbed by the body while chewing. The process is triggered by the action of an enzyme contained in saliva on food.

Slow carbohydrates show the greatest value in the winter. Thanks to saccharides, the production of such a special hormone as serotonin is stimulated. It has a positive effect on a person’s mood and also helps to keep the body warm.

A low glycemic index means that complex carbohydrates take a long time to digest. The low rate of digestion eliminates insulin surges, which provoke the processing of excess carbohydrates into adipose tissue, and, consequently, leading to obesity.

After training, the body needs to quickly replenish expended energy. Complex carbohydrates take a long time to digest. This is what it is main reason It is not recommended to eat slow polysaccharides after completing the training.

Foods rich in slow carbohydrates are best consumed in the morning. After waking up, the body actively produces glycogen.

Types of slow carbohydrates

The structure of a complex carbohydrate includes several molecular chains containing many monosaccharides. A similar composition is typical for starch, glucomannan, dextrin, glycogen, cellulose, and chitin. Each of these substances, referred to as slow carbohydrates, contains thousands upon thousands of monosaccharides, which ensures a long digestion process, during which energy is released slowly.

Carbohydrates should account for at least 50% of the total daily calories consumed. Complex ones are recommended to be consumed before strength training. One dose includes at least 40 grams. Slowly absorbed, it gradually and evenly provides the level of glucose in the blood necessary for the athlete.

Thanks to complex carbohydrates, according to medical research, endurance indicators increase, and the fat burning process accelerates. They maintain energy at a consistently stable level. By eating a portion of carbohydrates, a person does not feel hungry for a long time, which is the main key to success in reducing daily caloric intake.

There are many sources for obtaining this compound. The most common is starch. Its slow breakdown in the gastrointestinal tract, accompanied by conversion into glucose, does not allow monosaccharides in the blood to fall below the required level. Large amounts of starch are found in legumes and grains.

The breakdown of glycogen into glucose occurs in the liver. No additional enzymes take part in this process. Largest quantity glycogen contains pork and beef liver, a little less - yeast cells, seafood, crayfish.

Fiber is not completely absorbed, but it does important role. She, passing digestive tract, helps cleanse the body and remove cholesterol, toxins and metal salts from the intestines, and also prevents the development of putrefactive processes. By stimulating increased secretion of bile, it increases the feeling of satiety.

As a result of the breakdown of fructose, a by-product polysaccharide called inulin is formed. It is used as a sugar substitute for diabetics and is found in artichokes and chicory.

All slow carbohydrates are rich in fiber, which makes these compounds beneficial for digestion. Gradually breaking down, they turn into glucose, which evenly enters the blood, giving a long-lasting feeling of satiety and maintaining energy balance in the body.

Slow carbohydrates for weight loss (porridge diet)

The key to losing weight is to eat foods that do not cause sharp jumps glucose in the blood, saturate for a long time. Carbohydrates that are complex in their structure satisfy both conditions and are present in many diets, including weight loss with cereals. They are prepared from various cereals, but not from semolina; they may contain natural honey, feta cheese, fruits and berries, nuts.

Porridges are good for weight loss due to the content of complex carbohydrates and fiber, which helps cleanse the intestines. Based on this dish, two types of diets have been developed, differing not only in duration, but also in some other features:

Six porridges

Designed for a week. A diet lasting seven days involves eating porridge from a certain cereal from Monday to Friday in the following order: wheat, oatmeal, millet, barley, pearl barley, rice.

And if every day matches a certain type porridge listed above, then Sunday is a free day. On the seventh day, you can cook any of the listed cereals or all at once. The porridge is prepared without salt and only with water.

In order for the diet to have the desired effect, a few days before the start of the diet they refuse alcoholic drinks, fast food, fried and spicy food. There is no limit to the amount of porridge eaten.

Ten days

Assumes complete failure from potatoes, butter, white and red meat, fish, dairy products, sugar, bread. You can eat absolutely any cereal, except semolina. Porridge is cooked without salt, butter, sugar, and not with milk. Before eating, be sure to drink a glass of water.

It is allowed to add a small amount of nuts, honey or fruit to the porridge. Choose cereals at your own discretion. A week and a half is a fairly impressive period during which the body may begin to experience vitamin deficiencies. Taking vitamin complexes can help avoid this.

Any diet, including porridge, based on eating food rich in slow carbohydrates, can be maintained no more than once every six months. More frequent frequency can undermine health. You need to exit the diet as delicately as possible, gradually enriching your diet with additional foods.

The highest concentration of slowly absorbed organic compounds With chemical structure polysaccharides present in bread and pasta products, cereal crops And various cereals. These products are different high concentration starch. Its breakdown into monosaccharides, including glucose, occurs as a result of hydrolysis. Starch takes a long time to digest because it has a special molecular structure.

Bread products should be consumed with caution. They are not all harmless to the figure. White bread contains compounds with high rate glycemic index, and, therefore, the product is quickly absorbed and provokes the accumulation of fatty deposits. Only those pasta and breads for which the dough was made from coarse grains, in other words, have undergone minimal processing, are considered healthy.

Corn and potatoes also contain a large amount of starch, but are foods with a high glycemic index. It is recommended to limit their consumption, especially for those who are losing weight. Among natural source starch, preference should be given to grains and cereal porridges. Especially high value pearl barley, oatmeal, and buckwheat have.

The listed cereals have the lowest GI. One serving of buckwheat, oatmeal or pearl barley porridge allows a person to feel full for a long time, and also full of energy and strength, which is a direct consequence of the action of slow carbohydrates.

Nuts and legumes contain much less starch but are rich in fiber. The latter is required to maintain normal function digestive system and cleansing the body of harmful toxins and waste.

They represent a fairly large group, which mainly contains starch. Characteristic feature Such products have an unsweetened and neutral taste, which is strikingly different from what is typical for foods with fast carbohydrates.

To replenish your energy levels, you should eat the following foods rich in complex carbohydrates:

  • Pasta made from coarse wheat varieties.
  • Wholemeal bread.
  • Cookies without sugar.
  • Porridge (buckwheat, rice, corn, oatmeal, etc.).
  • Legumes.
  • Brown rice
  • White and red beans.
  • Lentils.
  • Turkish peas.
  • Hulled barley.
  • Pearl barley.
  • Dried apricots.
  • Apples.
  • Grapefruits.
  • Peaches.
  • Oranges.
  • Cherry.
  • Pears.
  • Avocado.
  • Spinach.
  • Zucchini.
  • Green beans.
  • Onion.
  • Pepper.
  • Brussels sprouts, white, cauliflower.
  • Broccoli.
  • Mushrooms.
  • Greenery.
  • Tomatoes.

Complex carbohydrates are practically the only way to replenish expended energy without the formation of fatty tissue. They can be consumed throughout the day, but optimal time falls in the first half or 60 minutes before strength training. After training, it is recommended to eat fast (simple) carbohydrates.

When starting to lead a healthy lifestyle, the first thing you need to pay attention to is: proper nutrition. For healthy and rational nutrition a person must consume sufficient quantity all components of waste products. If carbohydrates are not consumed sufficiently, proteins and fats will not be completely broken down and absorbed in the body. In addition, they ensure the full functioning of the brain. Slow carbohydrates are the main source of energy for the body. Their share of the total calories per day should be at least 40%.

What are slow or complex carbohydrates?

The rate of digestion and processing into glucose divides carbohydrates into two types: slow (or complex) and fast. The rate at which the body receives glucose and saturates the blood with it is called the glycemic index (GI). Fast ones have a GI of more than 70, and slow ones have a GI of less than 40. Complex carbohydrates are classified as polysaccharides. They consist of fructose, glucose and other monosaccharides. They ensure complete breakdown of proteins and fats, provide energy to the body, and improve the function of the liver and brain.

Slow or complex carbohydrates are found in foods containing a lot of fiber. It significantly improves the digestion process and normalizes blood glucose levels. Consuming foods containing complex carbohydrates over a long period of time saturates with energy, improves mood, general health, promotes less calorie consumption. Their molecules contain several thousand monosaccharides, which slowly break down, releasing energy. Let's figure out what this type of carbohydrate is:

  • Starch. This polysaccharide takes a long time to be broken down by the intestines, slowly being processed into glucose. It supports for a long time normal level blood sugar.
  • Glycogen. If it is not supplied enough from food, the body extracts this monosaccharide from fats and proteins. This substance is indispensable for human body, it gives energy to the liver, heart, muscular system.
  • Cellulose. This most important source carbohydrates: effectively cleanses the body of toxins, harmful substances, cholesterol. This happens due to its incomplete digestion by the intestines and stimulation of peristalsis. Eating fiber is a good prevention of intestinal diseases and also prevents the process of rotting.
  • Cellulose. This plant polysaccharide breaks down slowly gastrointestinal tract, releasing large amounts of energy. It has the ability to maintain normal blood sugar levels for a long time.
  • Insulin. Plant insulin is acquired through the breakdown of fructose. Artichoke and chicory contain its maximum vegetable amount. It is used as a safe sugar substitute for diabetics.

Sources of slow carbohydrates

Exist certain products, rich in slow or complex carbohydrates, they are their sources. By consuming such food, you will maintain a feeling of fullness for a long time, and glucose, which gradually enters the blood, will give you energy for a long time. This will allow you to reduce the number of calories you consume, and as a result, will lead to healthy weight loss by burning fat deposits. Their sources include:

  1. Starch.
  2. Cereals.
  3. Cereals, porridge (except semolina).
  4. Legumes (beans, peas, soybeans, lentils, beans).
  5. Pasta made from durum wheat.
  6. Wild rice.
  7. Mushrooms.
  8. Greens (sorrel, spinach, parsley, lettuce).
  9. Vegetables (zucchini, avocado, onion, bell pepper, all types of cabbage, tomatoes, leeks).
  10. Fruits (apples, pears, peaches, cherries, apricots, grapefruits, oranges, kiwis, plums).
  11. Berries.

Slow or complex carbohydrates are most found in porridges - buckwheat, oatmeal, pearl barley. Doctors recommend eating these cereals for breakfast or lunch, so you will be charged with energy and strength for the whole day, and you will not feel hungry for several hours. Have supper better products, having increased content proteins.

The importance of slow carbohydrates for weight loss

If you regularly eat foods rich in slow or complex carbohydrates, you will not only be able to cleanse yourself of toxins and reduce the amount of cholesterol in your blood, but you will also lose significant weight without resorting to grueling diets or hard training.

The process of losing weight occurs due to full use received energy to maintain normal functioning body. Fast carbohydrates immediately release a large amount of energy, which is extremely difficult to use up as quickly, so unused energy is stored in the form of fat accumulation.

There is an opinion that to lose weight you need to exclude from your diet foods that contain many fast sources of energy (complex carbohydrates). However, nutritionists say that for good nutrition you need to get enough of them. In order to lose weight, it is advisable to replace the consumption of fast carbohydrates with slow ones. The body absorbs them at a low rate, gradually gaining energy. This food is ideal for hearty breakfast or lunch. Watch a video about the importance of complex carbohydrates for weight loss:

Table: List of foods with slow carbohydrates

The glycemic index (GI) is an indicator of the rate at which carbohydrates are broken down and converted into glucose, that is, the main source of energy. Knowing this index, you can exclude foods containing fast carbohydrates from your diet, as well as add foods rich in slow ones. Scientists have conducted numerous studies, and based on their results, the glycemic index of some common food products was calculated.

For ease of use, a table was created that contains a list of products with their GI. Products that contain complex carbohydrates, also called slow carbohydrates, have a GI of less than 69, which gives you the opportunity to visually assess which ones are worth including in your diet and which ones are easier to avoid.

Slow carbohydrates are an excellent source of energy for the body, its cleansing, and full functioning. They are absolutely necessary for a complete balanced diet, as well as active, healthy image life. This is the only way to saturate the body for a long time without the risk of fat deposits. By constantly eating food containing these components, you will always be cheerful and healthy, being in excellent physical shape.

Find out more information about what they are and how beneficial they are for the body.



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