How to define overweight. Exercises for overweight people

Today overweight is a fairly common phenomenon. It indicates that the body accumulates more fat than is necessary for normal functioning all organs and systems. As a result, excess weight, which can increase significantly over a short period of time, most often causes various serious diseases. That is why the fight against extra pounds should start as early as possible. It is very important to constantly control your weight, recording daily results.

The main reason why unwanted kilograms most often appear is abundant and malnutrition. For many people increased appetite, forcing to eat more than expected, becomes the cause of excess weight. And it turns out to be quite difficult to control it.

First. You need to eat little, but often. To kill the appetite that reappears after breakfast, lunch or dinner, you can eat dry or fresh fruits, but in any case not a chocolate bar or a bun. Don't eat if you don't feel hungry.

Second. Eat slowly, enjoying every bite of food. The thing is that the signal about saturation enters the brain only twenty minutes after eating. By chewing food for a long time, we will be able to control the moment of saturation.

Third. In the fight against overweight very important The healthiest and healthy food are vegetables. They contain great amount solid and fiber. Green vegetables can be eaten in any quantity, they do not cause excess weight. Avoid large amounts of carbohydrates and consume whole grains.

Fourth. Don't skip breakfast as it is the most important meal of the day. Eating a nutrient-dense meal in the morning will keep your blood sugar levels up, which is responsible for feeling hungry.

Fifth. Being overweight is the result of eating fatty, high-calorie foods. Try to cook food on a steam or grill, but in no case in a pan, and even with the addition of oil. Heat treatment steam will save more vitamins.

Sixth. Drink more fluids. Eat fruits and vegetables containing water (watermelon, cucumbers). In some cases, the lack of fluid can be perceived by the body as hunger. To reduce your appetite, before eating, you can drink a glass of water in small sips. Fluid can be excreted from the body toxic substances and maintain the water-salt balance of the body.

Seventh. Regular execution exercise will achieve maximum effect. You can do them both in a fitness club and at home. It is very important to start your workout with a small warm-up to prepare the muscles for stress. You can spin the exercise bike for a few minutes or jump rope. Pick up exercises that are acceptable to you for just 10-15 minutes, aimed at problem areas, and practice daily. After completing the main complex, do not forget to stretch to relieve tension from the muscles.

Here's another one effective method lose weight. In this difficult matter, skating helps a lot. It improves metabolism, trains all muscle groups and develops locomotor system. Almost every city has an ice palace, where you can skate not only in winter, but also in summer. Doing it active view sports only once a week, you will not only lose extra pounds, but also cheer yourself up.

To those who sports training contraindicated, you can go walking. Moreover, you need to travel at an active energetic pace for at least 30 minutes a day.

Remember that for proper weight loss all of the above methods must be used in combination.

How does being overweight affect sexual function? Being overweight is not only aesthetic problem but, above all, a health problem. Because it contributes to the development of many diseases, such as atherosclerosis, diabetes or arterial hypertension, and may also affect sexual dysfunction. The consequences of being overweight are also a decrease in libido and fertility problems. This type of disorder is observed in both women and men who have problems with overweight.

One of the main causes of decreased libido

For both women and men, being overweight is one of the main causes of decreased libido. People who are fighting overweight or, very often suffer from fatigue, drowsiness, they lack energy. In addition, many of them have low self-esteem, especially in intimate relationships.

The presence of cellulite and stretch marks in women contributes to the appearance of complexes and discomfort in intimate relationships with a partner. All of these factors contribute to a decrease in the desire to have sex, and this problem is exacerbated by the influence of stress.

It should also be mentioned that the result of being overweight is the appearance of many diseases, such as diabetes or hormonal disorders. In men with diabetes and a high BMI, testosterone levels, a hormone needed to maintain proper sex drive, feelings, desire and excitement, drop. A similar effect on the sexual functions of women and men has atherosclerosis or arterial hypertension, which often accompanies overweight and obesity.

Excess body weight affects erection problems

Does excess weight for potency? Overweight body in men significantly affects erection problems. Erectile dysfunction is associated with its absence. Difficulties with erection in men who suffer from obesity are most often the result of:

overweight - a violation of blood flow in the vessels that supply the penis;

atherosclerotic vascular lesions;

a decrease in the level of testosterone necessary for the appearance and maintenance of an erection;

production female hormones in men, because of too high content body fat;

appearance inflammatory processes in the genital area.

Besides, male type obesity, that is abdominal obesity, significantly complicates sexual intercourse, which can further exacerbate erection problems.

Diet for weight loss in disorders of sexual function

The fight against too much body weight will significantly improve well-being in all areas of life, including in the sexual sphere. Reduced libido caused by being overweight can lead to permanent dissatisfaction, worsening mental state and even depression.

In addition, it has been found that in obese people, the ability to conceive is weakened, for example, in men, the quality of sperm deteriorates. Therefore, the fertilization process is much more difficult, which is especially important for couples who want to have children.

It is advisable to use a weight loss diet for disorders of sexual function, aimed at weight loss, respectively, balanced for the presence nutrients and selected by calorie content individually in accordance with human needs. In addition, it is worth adhering to several rules that may further affect the increase in libido.

It is necessary to include food in the diet:

Need to ensure correct dose proteins that, in the case of men, influence the stimulation of testosterone production. Therefore, indispensable components of the menu should be products such as lean meat, fish, eggs, milk and dairy products.

It is necessary to include food in the diet, which is a source of zinc, which has a beneficial effect on sexual function. Zinc can be found in oysters, meat, fish, as well as whole grain cereals and legumes.

Increase your fat intake sea ​​fish containing unsaturated fatty acid, which contribute to an increase in the level of dopamine, which is involved in the occurrence of arousal.

The inclusion of foods rich in folic acid in the diet is recommended. It is present mainly in green vegetables. Folic acid, affects not only the increase sexual activity but also increases fertility.

The introduction to daily menu nuts and seeds, for example, as an addition to meals or snacks between meals. Since they contain many compounds that have a positive effect on libido.

For many years, the normal body weight of an adult was calculated according to the body mass index proposed by the Frenchman Paul Broca: mass \u003d human height (cm) minus 100. Thus, if a person is 180 cm tall, then he should weigh about 80 kg. They speak of ideal body weight if it is less than normal by 10% (for men) and 15% (for women). If people's body weight is estimated following this rule, it turns out that about 60% of the inhabitants of our country are overweight.

The most common causes of obesity are malnutrition and few moving image life. Also, the tendency to obesity is partly due to hereditary predisposition.

Difficulties in defining

Today, most physicians argue that this formula cannot be applied to all people without exception. The body weight of each person largely depends on age, physique, gender and other physiological and biochemical features body and lifestyle. normal mass body is not a guarantee of high life expectancy. According to scientists, a person whose weight exceeds normal by 10% (according to Brock's formula) lives longer on average. In addition, even if the body weight exceeds normal by 10-20%, then this practically does not cause any negative health effects.

AT modern medicine you can determine the presence of excess body weight of a person by BMI - body mass index, calculated by the formula: BMI \u003d weight (kg): height squared (cm square). Normal BMI ranges from 18.5 to 25.

Doctors diagnose overweight when the patient's weight exceeds the normal by more than 20%, and most of the excess weight is fat. Being overweight increases the likelihood of developing various diseases. Obese people are much more likely to suffer from hypertension, gout, cholelithiasis and diabetes. They wear out ligaments, tendons and bones faster. In addition, they are more likely to experience myocardial infarction.

Fat people are ignored in society

In the life of fat people, various difficulties often arise, and not at all because of a few extra pounds, but due to psychological and social problems. The bottom line is that many people consider obesity a vice and a sign of weakness and indiscipline.

Can Diet Help?

For many overweight people, dieting is ineffective. After reaching good results they regained weight, sometimes even more than before the diet. In addition, some diets are unhealthy. Absolute starvation (when a person does not take food at all) is especially dangerous. Application possible starvation diet in medicinal purposes but only under medical supervision. If you want to lose weight, you need to healthy lifestyle life. Weight is regulated by two main means - diet and physical activity. It follows from this that it is necessary to eat less and move more,

An obese person should see a doctor. In addition, you should consult with a psychotherapist. Only a doctor can give advice on how to lose weight and, if necessary, prescribe certain treatment. Some people lose weight more easily by attending physical therapy groups, socializing with other people who are overweight, others feel better alone, following an individual diet and exercising.

Help with overweight:

  • The main assistant of a person with obesity is a qualified doctor.
  • You can also contact a psychologist for help.
  • Effective treatment is carried out in private modern clinics where applied special diets. This treatment is often expensive, but usually leads to long-term results.
  • You can contact a nutritionist who will select a special diet.
  • Addresses of self-help groups can be found in the newspaper, the Internet, or ask your doctor.

Lasciate ogni speranza, voi ch'entrate (from Italian "Abandon hope, everyone who enters here").

Obesity, or, in more broad sense, overweight, is gradually becoming one of the most big problems with health in the 21st century. It causes numerous negative consequences for human health, but also in addition is regarded by many as a vital aesthetic issue.

Obesity is generally considered to be a disease in itself, but it can also be a symptom of other diseases. It follows from this that persons prone to obesity should be necessary research to identify the cause of this disease that needs to be treated. Who should take on this task? Often this pathology is dealt with just by the endocrinologist. Is it correct? Let's see.

Determination of the presence of obesity

Body mass index (BMI, BMI) is used to determine what body weight is normal for each person, it is effective in adults (but does not apply to pregnant women). This index is defined as the ratio of body weight (in kg) to the square of body height (in meters).

To not count quadratic equations, using a calculator, you can divide the weight by the height (in meters, for example 1.76) and then again by the same number. normal value BMI is considered if it is 18-25. If the resulting number is lower, it is underweight, higher, overweight, and a value of more than 30 indicates obesity.

The definition of overweight and obesity based on BMI "works" only if the increase in body weight is due to excess adipose tissue. Sometimes obesity can be due to other causes, and then BMI is not effective: excessive body weight can be caused, for example, by edema due to various diseases, sometimes overdeveloped muscle tissue in exercising people or using pharmacological doping.

Exist various methods for objective measurement of real percentage body fat, however, as a rule, this is not required. Whether the increase in BMI is due to an excess amount of adipose tissue or it happened due to other reasons - in most cases, the doctor can decide after a small examination.

Causes of excess weight and obesity (more precisely, excess body fat)

A patient who has consulted a doctor about excess adipose tissue is counting on help, and, in particular, on identifying immediate causes. The ideal outcome would be if a disorder could be found that causes the patient to experience consequences such as excess adipose tissue. Then, after recovery (elimination of the cause), the weight will decrease to the required level, without forced any changes in habits and in the mode of life. Most patients have such expectations in relation to the work of an endocrinologist, most of them consider their way of eating correct, and at least unchanged. So, why does excess weight appear, if "once" it was not?

Sometimes it is possible to detect such a violation, which leads to this. Most often it is uncompensated (untreated) (compensated is not the cause of obesity), in men (deficiency of sex hormones), less often (Itsenko-Cushing's syndrome), other disorders are extremely rare, the discussion of which is beyond the scope of the patient guide.

However, it should be emphasized that people who develop these diseases do not deal with the usual excess of body fat: in the case of (thyroid insufficiency), weight gain is at least partly due to intercellular edema, and in patients with excessive amounts of adipose tissue trunk is accompanied by atrophy muscle mass limbs.

Most often, however, no methods confirm these violations, and an excess of adipose tissue is the result of an incorrect (excessive calorie content in relation to the required numbers) diet. Such obesity is called alimentary or primary, sometimes also simple (in foreign literature).

primary obesity

As you know, the risk of developing alimentary (primary) obesity:

  • characterized by genetic conditioning;
  • increases with age as caloric requirements decrease.

Why is this happening? Why does excessive appetite, there is an intake of excessive amounts of food in relation to needs, excessive accumulation of adipose tissue and a decrease in calorie requirements with age? These questions are still in the “not known” category. The results of obesity research can be defined by the words: "we see a tree, but we do not see a forest." Many hormones and other regulatory factors are known to influence fat accumulation, metabolism, or appetite. Unfortunately, scientists and doctors do not fully understand their significance in the case of primary obesity.

Among the few exceptions, one should include the one described in another article, and today not fully understood, although this phenomenon explains the problem only partially. In addition, the difficulties of diagnosis, the lack of studies on the effects of long-term replenishment of growth hormone deficiency and high price treatments limit the use of these advances in practice. Anticipating possible questions - diagnostics is not mentioned in contracts and directives of the Ministry of Health regarding endocrinological clinics. Even if this item is entered, the research costs exceed the money spent as a result of current contracts, which makes it impossible to fulfill them.

Thus, obesity is the result of the coexistence of genetic and environmental factors. The latter include, of course, the absence physical activity and bad eating habits:

  • binge eating;
  • meals at any time of the day (the main meal in the evening);
  • eating high-calorie foods(sweets).

Consequences of obesity

To frequent cases include situations in which overweight/obesity is not a consequence, but the cause of other disorders, such as diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension, hyperlipidemia (excessive levels of substances that transport fats and cholesterol in the blood), gout (joint disease caused by excessive deposition of uric acid) and many others. Using lipid-lowering drugs or antihypertensive drugs will not reduce your weight. But by limiting excess weight, you can reduce lipid levels or digital blood pressure readings.

There are also other serious illness, such as polycystic ovary syndrome (), in which this relationship with obesity is not so obvious: it cannot be revealed that excess adipose tissue is the cause of this disease, but the correlation is visible - obesity and are often interconnected. Sometimes, by reducing body weight, it is possible to reduce the manifestations of other disorders.

Procedure for overweight and primary obesity

When overweight/primary obesity is already confirmed, the question arises - what's next? Further difficulties arise. As described above, with one exception, there have been no studies providing the identification of "metabolic defects" that cause alimentary obesity, in order to make a "metabolic correction" on their basis. The effectiveness and safety of any drug that disrupts metabolism and allows you to “burn” extra calories, that is, get rid of excess fat in the body without changing eating habits and lifestyle, has not yet been confirmed.

Therefore, the only way out is to change your eating habits and lifestyle. Here the question arises, can such a tactic be called “treatment of obesity”? There is a psychological trap in this definition, because the very concept of "treatment" usually implies a passive position of the patient, whose only role is to "contemplate" the treatment, which in this case is absolutely unrealistic.

So, how to correct the lifestyle that contributes to obesity and remove the wrong eating habits? Pay attention to the fact that laziness (doing nothing), like food, is pleasant, moreover, it is a manifestation of addiction, because these actions are on the list of mortal sins. Fighting bad habits is absolutely like getting rid of any bad habit and requires the methods used in the case of the fight against drug addiction. The purpose of our event will be to:

  • increasing the level of physical activity;
  • reduction in caloric content (energy value) of food.

Thus, we can imagine a method of dealing with this dependence:

Replacing pleasant with pleasant

There are many ways in which the pleasure associated with eating and doing nothing can be replaced with something even more enjoyable. All kinds of trips to the SPA, active outdoor activities, subscriptions to health and beauty procedures, etc. help in this. The very acquaintance with some of these offers (Nordic walking at sunset, a disco and karaoke in a club with prizes, etc.) nice, not to mention the very participation in this part of the entertainment industry. A variety of proposals, each time new ideas also increase the attractiveness of lifestyle changes and make possible way out from the impasse associated with old habits. It is only important that new habits are “rooted in the blood”, and that such impulses do not end at the very start.

You can’t afford to think that passive activities like massage or lying in the pool are enough to fight excess weight. There are too many passive activities, which from the point of view of health have been introduced into the assortment of enterprises, sanatoriums and entertainment centers, but they are only an addition to active pursuits so that the proposal does not look too cruel, and the person believes that he has a choice (between Thai massage and hot stone massage, etc.).

Social support groups

This is very important method- it is difficult to fight habits on your own, it is easier in a group. There is a significant role to play here sports clubs, annual events, or simply groups of people running, swimming, walking, or riding together. Also, the previously described activities of enterprises, sanatoriums and entertainment centers contribute to the emergence of groups social support and healthy sports rivalry. Thus, if you want to fight excess weight, you should think about joining a social support group.

Traditional methods based on "strong will"

Theoretically, volitional methods should be the most effective, although in practice our "will" is often insufficient to achieve the goal, but why not try. Therefore, you should immediately analyze your eating habits and lifestyle, and then plan changes:

  • Refusal to snack between meals and the fight against "small hunger". Unfortunately, if you want to lose weight, you can't avoid not being hungry for part of the day. In general, snacking between main meals can be considered the main cause of excess weight, since patients, as a rule, neglect their influence and recognize them as insignificant and unimportant, keeping in their minds a false confidence that they do not make mistakes in the diet.
  • Planning the amount of food (the number of slices of bread, desserts, hot, fruit) and strict adherence to these plans, despite the feeling of hunger / satiety. This is an extremely important matter. Many obese people, and especially those at risk of developing diabetes, may suffer from reactive hypoglycemia - a decrease in glucose levels within 2-3 hours after a meal due to excessive secretion of insulin. This pathology perceived as hunger and nervousness - if you hesitate with food, instinctively your hands reach for dessert, coffee with sugar, then fruit, and so on. The only way break the "vicious circle" - abstinence from food. In order to bear this unpleasant feeling, it is worth spending a little time and effort on gymnastic / sports exercises.
  • A change in lifestyle, finally and irrevocably - a clear establishment of the time of eating throughout the day, for gymnastic / sports training. Sometimes you need to adjust/restrict opening hours to find time for these activities. As already mentioned, it is difficult to hope for weight loss without even being hungry during the day. On the other hand, everyone is well aware that it is difficult at this time to count on efficient work, therefore, for the period of such an unpleasant state, one can refuse the most important work e.g. before dinner.


In the treatment of diseases associated with obesity, such as or , this drug is used, the action of which is so complex, and the effects are so numerous, that it can be included in the group of drugs that reduce body weight. So far, this has not been shown to be beneficial in common obesity, and there is no hope that metformin will lead to weight loss without changing eating habits and increasing physical activity. Its effect on weight loss is rather to facilitate adherence to normal eating habits by increasing insulin sensitivity and thus preventing the postprandial hypoglycemia described.

Medical methods - what not to use

There are many different medicines designed to help in the fight against excess weight. But, unfortunately, most of them will not stand the test of time. Below is a concise overview of current and past ineffective and ineffective pharmacological methods:

  • Swelling drugs that fill the stomach - stimuli associated with the presence food products(or substances that swell) in the stomach suppress the appetite center in the brain and stimulate the satiety center. After a promising start, it turned out that the body adapts to these stimuli. These funds even worsened the situation - in order to cause a feeling of satiety, it now takes large quantity food than before "treatment". Therefore, it was taken completely the right decision on the refusal to use this type of funds.
  • Drugs that inhibit the digestion of food (most often fats). The result of the action of these drugs is the excretion undigested food thus reducing its energy value. These drugs did not bring special results in the fight against obesity, since they do not affect the appetite/satiation center, which is key in this process, they do not limit the pleasures associated with food, so their effect cannot be significant. Instead, there is a risk of reinforcing negative habits, that is, lack of control over energy value food product taken: "I'm taking a drug, so why bother with a diet." Currently, there is only one drug from this group: Orlistat (Xenical), a substance that inhibits the digestion of fats.
  • Drugs that depress appetite centers. There is indeed a problem here. Avipron, Mazindol, Isolipan, Meridia (Zelixa) - how many drugs have been tested. The story is always the same ... A drug appears that inhibits the thirst center. Regardless chemical structure, the effect of such drugs should at least partially imitate the effect of psychoactive substances from the amphetamine group, since this is the essence of the effect. Appear positive reviews about the effect of the drug. After some time, it turns out that preliminary observations were too optimistic, in particular due to the fact that the drug does not provide lasting effect. There are also descriptions side effects- after all, it cannot be otherwise if the drug is psychoactive substance, and its use is becoming wider and covers ever larger groups of patients. Thus, a decision is made to recall the drug from the market. Is such a decision correct? The last decision about Meridia (Zelix) can be considered controversial. Many other drugs are known, with unproven or negligible therapeutic effect, and each drug, if abused or thoughtlessly used, can cause side effects.
  • Preparations that "enhance the burning of fats." Once again, I would like to emphasize that there are no such funds today. In the treatment of diseases associated with obesity, such as diabetes mellitus or, a drug is used that could be attributed to this group (metformin), but the expediency of using it in the case of primary obesity has not yet been proven. Sometimes there is weight loss after application various drugs when the described action comes from the psychologically adjusted behavior of the patient: application expensive drugs encourages change, they "treat" by the fact that the patient is interested in what he eats, distributes motor activity. The black market, of course, offers many drugs from this group, which can act as a poison rather than a cure.

Pharmacological methods that may be effective

The European Medicines Agency has registered two drugs that are used in the fight against obesity. The first is Misimba, which contains naltrexone (a partial antagonist of opioids known to be physiologically present in the central nervous system) and Bupropion (used in the treatment nicotine addiction). These drugs resemble drugs used in narcology, and such is their concept of the mechanism of action. Former effects pharmacological treatment addictions were not pleasing, so one cannot expect their amazing effectiveness. It is important to note the analogy between behavior in obesity and behavior in addiction treatment. When using a complex psychological help the remedy described may be a valuable addition.

Surgical methods

Surgery, now referred to as bariatric procedures, is one of the few treatments (in the traditional sense of the word) for obesity with proven efficacy and acceptable risk. Surgery obesity consists in interventions that reduce the volume of the stomach or create a “bypass” shortened food path through gastrointestinal tract. Previous observations are very encouraging. It also describes the effectiveness of these methods in the prevention of diseases associated with obesity (primarily diabetes).

Alternative to iodine treatment

If you have a sense of humor, dear reader, check out what can also be effective for obesity.

Hello everyone, my dear readers. Today we will talk about a topic that will not leave anyone indifferent - what is excess weight, what diseases does it lead to and how to avoid it.

Our conversation will begin with the definition of what is overweight. You will find out what weight is the norm for a person, learn how to correctly calculate your weight norm.

We will also talk about the effect of being overweight on women Health. So, we begin our serious and timely conversation.

According to statistics, every year more and more people are obese and overweight. Despite the fact that a healthy lifestyle is actively promoted, the planet is rapidly “getting fat”.

The World Health Organization has defined overweight as follows:

Overweight is a pathological accumulation excess fat posing a threat to life and health

I think it's short and clear. But how to determine for yourself the presence of this excess weight? For this, there is a formula developed by scientists for calculating the body mass index (BMI).

BMI is calculated using the following formula: the value of weight (kg) divided by the square of the value of height (m).

A woman with a height of 1 meter 66 centimeters, weighs 60 kilograms. Her BMI will be calculated as follows: BMI=60/(1.66*1.66)=21.8.

A value of 21.8 corresponds to normal weight.

In order not to manually calculate BMI and at the same time find out if you are overweight, you can use the help of an online body mass index calculator. On my blog, there is such a calculator at the end of each article. Use on health!

Outward signs of being overweight

Agree that extra pounds did not appear unexpectedly. Have you noticed changes in your body? Being overweight has its clear signs. It is worth sounding the alarm if:

  1. You do not get enough sleep at night or snore;
  2. It is inconvenient for you to lead a mobile lifestyle and play sports.
  3. Do you have cellulite on your body?
  4. haunts you constant feeling hunger;
  5. Your blood pressure often rises;
  6. You experience discomfort and pain in the back, knees;
  7. Your waist size and your weight are constantly increasing.

All these signs indicate the presence of excess weight and diseases associated with it. This is a reason to go to the doctor and get tested.

If overweight is suspected, the following tests should be taken:

  1. Biochemistry of blood with a detailed lipid profile. It will show the level of glucose, cholesterol level, help control the condition of the liver. Indicates problems with the heart and blood vessels.
  2. Hormone analysis. It will help not only to identify the presence of excess weight, but also the causes of deviations in the body.

Reasons for being overweight

It has always been believed that the cause of extra pounds is overeating and a sedentary lifestyle. Yes it is! But there are still a number of reasons contributing to the appearance of excess weight.

  • Diseases of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, ovaries, pituitary gland.
  • hereditary predisposition, wrong eating behavior.
  • Low content of vitamins and minerals in food.

All these reasons for the appearance of excess weight can be presented in each individual person one by one or all together.

So, we have analyzed the signs and causes of excess weight. And now the main question.

How to get rid of excess weight

The most relevant advice: try to prevent the appearance of extra pounds, and if you already have them, shed them!

There are a few effective ways do this:

  1. Diets.
  2. Physical exercises.
  3. Massage.
  4. Homeopathic treatment.
  5. Treatment with medications.
  6. Operational intervention.

I will do small digression about the last one. For overweight - this is an irrelevant procedure. Such an intervention in the body is shown in the third and.

And now more about how to deal with excess weight in less radical ways.

You should adhere to those diets that are carried out under the guidance of an experienced nutritionist and must be taken into account individual characteristics and the health status of the patient.

Several of these diet schemes, I have already given in this blog.

A diet with excess weight, first of all, should exclude foods that contribute to the deposition of fat.

It is necessary to reduce the energy load of food. Exclude fatty meat, smoked meats, muffins. Preference is given to vegetables, greens, boiled lean meat. Grain bread, fish, cottage cheese and other dairy products are allowed.

When following a diet, follow simple rules:

  1. Eat small meals often at the same time.
  2. Eat food slowly, chewing thoroughly.
  3. Do not go to the store and visit hungry.

Exercises for overweight people

Run in the morning, do yoga, dance, go hiking. All these ways of dealing with excess weight are not only useful, but also pleasant.

Even if the situation is critical, in no case do not put off the fight against excess weight for tomorrow. Start today, now!

Fitness yoga classes are useful for reducing excess weight. Have you ever seen a complete yogi. Me not! The lifestyle of people involved in yoga is such that it is simply not possible to gain weight. it vegetarian food, meditation, physical exercise.

By the way, I recently received a question in the mail:

Is it possible to run with a lot of excess weight?

Of course you can, but you should start gradually. When overweight, the heart suffers in the first place, so you need to be careful about heavy physical exertion. Start with walking and short runs. And gradually increase the time of classes and their intensity.

Good results in the fight against unnecessary kilograms are given by simple and available species sports:

  1. Swimming.
  2. Nordic walking.
  3. Badminton.

Massage for overweight

In addition to the usual warming massage, specially developed techniques are used in the fight against excess weight.

Preso- and meso-therapy consists in the impact on certain areas on our body. If such an effect is carried out correctly, then a good result is achieved. local effect in the fight against excess weight.

Diet, exercise and massage, or rather all of these together, give excellent results in the fight against excess weight.

Overweight treatment with homeopathy

To homeopathic remedies weight control includes the use of biologically active additives. Body cleansing. The use of herbal tea. On the pages of my blog, I have repeatedly told how to drink.

Treatment of overweight pills

Overweight is also treated with medication. AT initial stage normalize metabolism. Provide vitamins and nutritional supplements. In more serious cases, excess weight is treated with hormones prescribed by an endocrinologist.

Appetite suppressants are also used. Just do not need to run to the pharmacy right now. First, see a doctor!

Consequences of being overweight

Today, we have learned a lot about being overweight in women. We understood how it arises, studied ways to deal with this disease.

The problem of overweight is not only appearance man, it's even bigger additional load to all organs.

So, what threatens overweight, if you do not fight it.

  1. Diseased heart. He has to work doubly, pumping blood through a body that has doubled in size. As a result - high blood pressure development of hypertension. Excess weight threatens the appearance cholesterol plaques. Which lead to atherosclerosis, strokes and heart attacks.
  2. From being overweight the liver suffers. Eating a lot of fatty and salty foods, we create an unbearable burden for this organ. The liver is full of fats. Steatosis develops - fatty liver.
  3. Intestines too is under attack extra pounds. Constant overloads lead to the development of gastritis, cholecystitis, dysfunction of the bile ducts. Those who are overweight suffer from heartburn and indigestion.
  4. Endocrine system also responds to being overweight. The metabolism slows down. Suffering thyroid. There are hormonal disruptions. Reduced immunity.
  5. turns out to be unbearable. Overweight people are less likely to leave the house, it becomes more difficult for them to lead a normal life.

Excess weight can be a sign of such serious diseases as: kidney disease, hormonal disorders, problems with thyroid gland. It can provoke the most serious diseases, including oncology.

Very important: if you started quickly without special reasons gain extra pounds - be sure to consult a doctor and undergo an examination.

Dear readers, it would not be superfluous to recall the impact of excess weight on our women's health. This is especially important at the time when pregnancy occurs.

In light of this topic, it will be relevant to answer one more question from my reader Marina, 24 years old:

Why is being overweight dangerous during pregnancy?

Firstly, weight gain during pregnancy is imperceptible. After all, there is also a general weight gain due to the growth of the baby.

Secondly, excess weight can provoke such unpleasant diseases, how varicose disease, hemorrhoids, edema, high blood pressure.

Thirdly, overweight mothers often give birth to large children. This complicates childbirth. In addition, pediatricians note that a child born to a mother with extra pounds later suffers from excess weight.

I wish all mothers to always remember that we are the most important example for our children. child with infancy you need to instill proper eating behavior by example.

Try not to overfeed your baby. Watch his weight. If you suspect that your baby is overweight, show it to the doctor.

Concluding, our conversation, I wish you to use all the knowledge gained with benefit. Our conversation is called "overweight - one step to illness." Do not take this step and be healthy. See you soon!

Hugs, your Anna 🙂



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