Orvi and colds are important differences and methods of treatment. What is the difference between a cold and orz and orvi

The most common off-season diseases are acute respiratory infections (ARVI), influenza, often called the common cold. This trinity in the autumn-spring time causes ailments in 90% of the population from mild to severe clinical manifestations with complications. Because colds and flu are both viral infections, they share many of the same symptoms and signs.

  • SARS is the general name for any respiratory viral infection, and influenza is only one of these representatives.
  • Influenza usually causes outbreaks of epidemics and pandemics, and SARS only slightly increases the incidence.
  • Influenza, unlike acute respiratory infections, is more severe with frequent complications.

Orvi includes the following diseases:

  • Flu
  • parainfluenza
  • Rhinovirus and adenovirus infection
  • respiratory syncytial disease

How is the flu different from a cold? The most important difference is that after a cold, a week later, a person fully recovers and begins to lead his usual rhythm of life, not remembering the recent malaise.

And after the flu, the recovery period drags on for a long time, even within the next month a person may experience the consequences of the flu, the body suffers much more, the immune system needs more time to rehabilitate.

Asthenic syndrome or simply a breakdown can manifest itself in a person who has had the flu in the form of drops in blood pressure, dizziness, loss of appetite, a person quickly gets tired, feels weak. Read our article for tips.

Differences orvi from influenza, parainfluenza, adenovirus infection and colds

What is called a cold in everyday life is all the same viral infections or their bacterial complications that flare up against the background of hypothermia and a drop in local and general immunity. So no specialist will undertake to distinguish a cold from SARS.


In a person with good immunity, influenza occurs in mild or moderate severity. Flu is most severe in infants and the elderly, whose immune systems are either underdeveloped or depressed. These groups are also characterized by the obliteration of the main symptoms, for example, the absence of a pronounced temperature reaction.

  • Influenza is characterized by severe intoxication (aching muscles and joints, headaches, pain in the eyeballs, sometimes nausea and vomiting, chills, weakness).
  • The temperature with influenza can range from subfebrile (up to 37.5) to pyretic (up to 41). The average duration of fever is from 2 to 7 days.
  • Against the background of high temperature in children may be.
  • The characteristic manifestations of influenza are laryngotracheitis (, its hoarseness, dry strong cough, rawness when coughing behind the sternum) and a runny nose with mucous discharge.
  • In the future, a bronchitis clinic may join (wet cough with clear sputum, which may turn yellow or green when a bacterial infection is attached).
  • In debilitated patients, influenza can be complicated by pneumonia or cardiopulmonary failure.


Parainfluenza is so named because of its flu-like symptoms. All the same intoxication. Temperature increase, clinic of laryngotracheitis and runny nose. In this case, after a period of mucous discharge from the eyes, the microbial flora may join, and the conjunctivitis will become purulent.

Parainfluenza - its course is not as bright as with influenza, the body temperature is usually not more than 38C, and lasting 1-2 days, in patients with a strong immune system, the temperature can be subfebrile 37 -37.5C. A dry cough and sore throat are common with influenza and parainfluenza, and hoarseness or lack of voice may also be present.

adenovirus infection

  • The acute onset is the same as with influenza, the temperature can be up to 39C for up to 7 days.
  • Intense coryza and sore throat like influenza from the beginning of the illness.
  • Cramps and pain in the eyes may appear on the 4th day - this is how adenoviral conjunctivitis begins. In this case, after a period of mucous discharge from the eyes, the microbial flora may join, and the conjunctivitis will become purulent.
  • Throughout the disease, the lymph nodes are enlarged, and the gastrointestinal tract may also be disturbed, the most formidable complication is pneumonia.

An interesting fact: the influenza virus lives in the air for 2-9 hours, on glass for 10 days, on tissues for 10 hours, on paper products for 12 hours, on human skin for 15 minutes, on plastic and metal objects for 1-2 days, in sputum (if the virus influenza was in it) persists for 7-14 days.

What is the difference between influenza and SARS

Many of us don't know how to tell the flu from a cold. The table provides a list of symptoms that manifest themselves in these diseases in varying degrees, so everyone can try to distinguish the flu from the flu or colds on their own.

The onset of the disease A very sharp, acute onset, literally in an hour a person loses strength, he becomes ill from a sharp rise in temperature Gradually, symptoms appear within 1-2 days
Body temperature Within 1-2 hours, the temperature rises to 39C and up to 40C, it lasts for at least 3 days, it is difficult to reduce With orvi, the temperature does not exceed 38 -38.5 ° C, within 2-3 days it decreases (see)
Other general symptoms Severe headache, especially in the temples, muscle pain, aches all over the body, increased sweating, chills, photosensitivity, pain when moving the eyes Weakness, weakness, but without pronounced pain
Nasal congestion, runny nose Nasal congestion does not happen, only in people with chronic diseases of the nasopharynx, sinusitis, sinusitis, their exacerbation is possible. In other cases, as a rule, a runny nose goes away after 2 days. There may also be sneezing (less commonly) and viral conjunctivitis Often stuffy nose, nasopharyngeal mucosa swells, lacrimation is very increased, severe runny nose and intense sneezing.
Throat condition The back wall of the throat and the soft palate turn red, swell. Red and loose throat all the time.
The condition of the mucous membranes - raids Can not be May be
Cough, chest pain After 2 days, a dry cough appears, which then becomes wet (see). With swine flu, a dry, strong cough can begin from the first hours of the disease. Dry, hacking cough from the very beginning of the disease, may be weak, or may be pronounced (see)
Enlarged lymph nodes Doesn't usually happen May be
Eye redness Happens often Rare, with concomitant bacterial infection
Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract In children, the flu is often accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea; adults may also have nausea, less often diarrhea. Vomiting and bowel problems are rare
Duration of illness High temperature lasts up to 4-5 days. Usually within 7-10 days the flu passes, even after the temperature drops, a person experiences ailments, headaches, weakness for a long time, within 14-21 days after the flu. Orvi usually does not last more than a week, and after an illness, fatigue, weakness, weakness, a person usually does not experience

How to help yourself cope with the flu, colds or colds

Now it becomes clear how the flu differs from an orvi, orz or a banal cold. But, this does not make it easier, orvi, flu and 90% of the common cold are viral diseases and the severity of the course of the disease directly depends on the body's defenses, the immune response to a specific pathogen. To alleviate the inevitable disease, you should adhere to the basic rules of therapy for the virus and the common cold:

  • The pharmaceutical industry is saturated with all kinds of immunomodulators, which today can be dummies or drugs that have significant side effects, so that taking them is not only not effective, but also not safe.
  • Rimantadine and Tamiflu - the effectiveness of these drugs in influenza is considered proven. Therefore, during the epidemic, with the first symptoms of the flu (including swine), take, for adults: Rimantadine (flu A) or Tamiflu (flu A and B), for children: Orvirem (rimantadine), Tamiflu (over 8 years old).
  • If the temperature is up to 38C, and it can be tolerated, then it is better not to bring it down, because at this time the body produces antibodies against the pathogens of the virus, and this is very important so that the virus cannot lead to complications in the future.
  • To relieve the symptoms of intoxication, you should drink as much warm liquid as possible. It sounds trite, but it is a plentiful hot drink with a virus that can quickly remove toxins from the body and recovery is faster. You can drink lightly brewed tea with raspberries, honey, herbal teas, etc.
  • and flu do not differ, so you should gargle as often as possible with various decoctions and ready-made medicinal formulations, and various inhalations are also useful, which help prevent the development of complications in the lower respiratory tract -
  • It is desirable to strengthen the body's defenses with natural vitamin therapy - blackcurrant, raspberry, lemon, cranberry, etc.
  • Taking antibiotics for viral infections, of course, is not advisable (see 11 rules). However, if within 3-4 days a person does not experience relief, or the temperature after the fall has risen to high numbers again, a doctor should be called, as this may indicate the development of complications and the addition of a bacterial infection -, etc.
  • About that, as well as read about in our articles.
  • What to eat and drink if you are sick? There are no "antiviral" drinks or foods, but the following can help boost your immune system:
    • fruit drinks (cranberries, currants, raspberries, lingonberries), but not sweet, because excess sugar interferes with the removal of the virus
    • natural fermented milk products (better than home-made yogurt, curdled milk)
    • citrus fruits (oranges, lemon, lime, grapefruit), as well as kiwi. Vitamin C and pectins, which they are rich in, reduce the risk of congestion and help to remove phlegm from the lungs.
    • easily digestible proteins - fish, rabbit, turkey, chicken breast, eggs.
  • It is not necessary to observe strict bed rest with the flu, “house arrest” is enough. Moreover, prolonged lying can be harmful, since ventilation of the bronchi and lungs is reduced and congestion is possible. Of course, if weakness or dizziness, it is better to lie down. The infection tends to descend from top to bottom down the respiratory tract, so the risk of pneumonia and bronchitis is higher for those who “sit out” the flu without getting out of bed.

The flu virus is contagious for about 7 days after being infected, so even if you don't cough or sneeze, don't show up for work, and kids with the flu should also stay home for at least a week until they're fully recovered.

Call an ambulance immediately if:

  • Body temperature above 40C
  • Fever lasts more than 3 days
  • There is no improvement after 7-10 days of illness, especially if there was a slight relief, a drop in temperature, and then a new wave of fever, cough, etc.
  • If there is shortness of breath and severe pain in the chest when breathing
  • Disorientation, or impaired consciousness
  • Convulsions that developed for the first time or convulsions against the background of temperature.
  • in the form of fresh purple bruises (meningococcus under the guise of SARS)
  • Persistent vomiting and diarrhea, especially dangerous in children (see all)
  • Intense pain in the face and severe headaches (see)
  • Persons over 60 years of age, people with chronic diseases of the kidneys, liver, heart, diabetes, blood diseases, autoimmune or immunodeficiency conditions.

Prevention of flu and SARS

  • During the epidemic, avoid crowded places indoors (children's parties, cinemas, theaters, concerts, etc.).
  • After the street, trips in public transport, wash your hands thoroughly with soap, wash your face, rinse your nose (you can use sprays with sea water and salts). At work, wash your hands as often as possible or wipe with antibacterial wet wipes.
  • Don't forget to disinfect mobile phones and other wearable devices and gadgets. Many people forget about this or don't even think about it, but a cell phone is very often in their hands during the day.
  • Before going outside, lubricate the nasal mucosa with leukinferon or oxolinic ointment, which creates an additional barrier to viruses.
  • Influenza (any, not just swine) is one of the 5 most contagious diseases in the world. Take care of yourself and your loved ones, as well as colleagues - reschedule meetings, do not go to work, visit if you feel that you are getting sick.
  • Gauze bandages do not protect 100%, viruses are so small that they can penetrate through the smallest pores. But masks are suitable as an additional tool if you have to communicate and move around a lot. Since the risk of infection is minimal in the open air, do not torture yourself by walking in the park in a mask, wear it only in crowded places or in transport.
  • Ventilate the room (apartment, office) for 10-15 minutes 2-3 r / day, despite the frost. Influenza does not like cold, it is optimal for it - dry air, heat, lack of ventilation.

Influenza and SARS are the most common infectious diseases in the cold season. Almost 80% of the inhabitants of our country suffer from or colds in winter.

Flu symptoms are often confused with SARS. The similarity of the clinical picture of these diseases is explained by the fact that they are caused by viruses similar in structure and pathogenicity.

SARS is a group of acute respiratory viral infections that affect the upper respiratory tract. This group of diseases includes parainfluenza, rhinovirus infection, adenovirus infection, respiratory syncytial disease, including influenza.

Influenza causes epidemics and pandemics, and SARS slightly increases the incidence of the population. ARVI is often called a cold, meaning that the patient is cold and sick. But we do not get sick from the cold, but from viruses and bacteria.

  • The onset of influenza is always acute, even instantaneous. The pronormal period is often absent. Very attentive patients can name the exact time when their condition worsened. ARVI has a gradual development of the clinical picture. The pronormal period can last 2-4 days.
  • Influenza begins with headaches, especially in the forehead, soreness in the eyeballs, myalgia, arthralgia, body aches, chills, fever up to 39-40 ° C, there is a fear of bright light. An increase in temperature with influenza is poorly corrected. With ARI, the symptoms are not so pronounced. The patient is concerned about the increase in body temperature to a maximum of 38.5 ° C, nasal congestion, perspiration and sore throat, but without pain throughout the body.

Important! Redness of the eyes and watery eyes always accompanies the flu, unlike SARS.

  • Nasal congestion with influenza is not as pronounced as with acute respiratory infections. Most often, nasal breathing is disturbed in those patients with influenza who suffer from sinusitis and other chronic diseases of the nasopharynx.
  • The most common and constant symptom of SARS is sneezing, which is very rare with the flu.
  • Cough with ARVI is dry and staccato, disturbs the patient from the first day. With influenza, this symptom appears only for 2-3 days, along with a runny nose and sore throat. The cough is hacking, debilitating, accompanied by pain behind the sternum.
  • The throat with ARVI is always red and loose with severe pain. Influenza is characterized by slight redness and a “paving stone symptom”.
  • Influenza is characterized by severe intoxication, in contrast to acute respiratory infections. During the flu, performance is completely lost.
  • The course of the flu is much more severe than SARS. Often there are serious complications that can lead to the death of the patient.
  • With influenza, especially in childhood, there are often disorders of the digestive tract - nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, which is not typical for acute respiratory infections.
  • The cold ends without consequences, after 7-10 days the patient can already lead a normal life. After the flu, the patient is weakened, there may be dizziness, poor appetite, a decrease or increase in blood pressure, irritability, and insomnia. The recovery period for influenza lasts about 3-4 weeks and is dangerous with a “second wave” of the disease.

Brief description of influenza and SARS


In persons with good body resistance, influenza occurs in mild or moderate forms. Severe influenza with complications occurs in people over 65 years of age, children and those with reduced immune defenses.

Against the background of immunodeficiency, flu symptoms are mild, blurred, severe intoxication (aches in muscles and joints, headaches, soreness in the eyeballs, sometimes nausea and vomiting, chills, weakness).

Influenza is accompanied by a high temperature from 38 ° C to 40 ° C. The feverish period lasts 3-7 days. Hyperthermia is dangerous for infants and young children with the occurrence of seizures.

Influenza is characterized by inflammation of the trachea and pharynx - laryngotracheitis, and rhinorrhea. On the 3-4th day, the patient develops a dry cough. Influenza is often complicated by influenza or bacterial pneumonia, cardiopulmonary insufficiency.


The disease was called parainfluenza because its clinical picture is similar to the flu. The patient suffers from an intoxication syndrome - fever, cough, nasal congestion, conjunctivitis.

Catarrhal inflammation of the eyes is often accompanied by a bacterial process, which is manifested by purulent discharge. Parainfluenza does not have the same severe symptoms as the flu.

The temperature lasts up to two days, does not rise above 38 ° C. Dry cough. Hoarse voice, and sometimes there may be aphonia (lack of voice).

adenovirus infection

Like the flu, it starts off badly. Prolonged fever up to 39°C for a week. Unlike influenza, the patient is disturbed by severe catarrhal phenomena - rhinorrhea, sore throat, pain in the eyes.

The bacterial flora can accumulate on adenovirus conjunctivitis and the discharge from the eyes will become purulent. The patient's lymph nodes are enlarged. May disturb the violation of the chair in the form of diarrhea. Adenovirus infection, like influenza, is often complicated by pneumonia.

The severity of the symptoms of the first and second diseases depends on how strong the patient's immunity is, and on which pathogen has entered the body.

To quickly overcome these diseases, you should adhere to some principles of treatment:

  • On the pharmaceutical market, there are many different drugs for flu and acute respiratory infections in bright packages and a powerful advertising campaign, but not always with a good effect, as promised, and many adverse reactions. In the treatment of flu and colds, it is better to use drugs with proven effectiveness. Remantadine and Oseltamivir are such. These funds are excellent chemoprophylaxis, they quickly cope with the flu virus, even swine
  • Taking antipyretics. I do not recommend bringing down the temperature up to 38.5 ° C and the normal tolerance of the patient, since interferons are produced during hyperthermia, which actively fight influenza and SARS viruses. If a child or adult does not tolerate fever well, then it is better to take either Ibuprofen or Paracetamol. Adults can take acetylsalicylic acid.
  • Warm plentiful drink perfectly removes intoxication both with influenza and acute respiratory infections, brings recovery closer by removing toxins through the kidneys. Drink warm teas with raspberries, honey, viburnum, mint, rosehip broth, lingonberry or cranberry fruit drinks. If there are edema, then it is better to limit the amount of fluid you drink to 1.5 liters per day.
  • For sore throats, oral antiseptics with analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects are used - Strepsils, Faringosept, Orosept, Lisobakt, Septefril and others. Well relieve inflammation of the throat gargling with decoctions of herbs (chamomile, sage, calendula), solutions of baking soda and furacilin. Inhalation has a positive effect in bronchitis and laryngotracheitis.
  • In the fight against the common cold, vasoconstrictor drops and sprays are used - Nazol, Nok-Spray, Farmazolin, Vibrocil and others.
  • Vitamin therapy strengthens the body's defenses. For this, both multivitamins (Undevit, Pikovit, Multi-tabs, Alphabet and others) and natural sources of vitamins - citrus fruits, black currants, raspberries, rose hips, cranberries, green onions, etc.

Important! Influenza and acute respiratory infections are not treated with antibiotics. Antibacterial agents are prescribed only in case of bacterial flora and complications. The choice of antibiotic should be dealt with only by a doctor.

  • Nutrition for influenza and SARS should be balanced in terms of the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The daily diet should be dominated by dairy and vegetable products. The use of fruit drinks from cranberries, currants, raspberries, lingonberries, with a small amount of sugar, activates your immunity, since excess sugar interferes with the removal of the virus. Yogurt, kefir, cottage cheese, sour cream, citrus fruits (orange, lemon, lime, grapefruit), kiwi also increase the body's immune defenses, reduce the risk of congestion in tissues and help sputum discharge from the lungs.

Easily digestible proteins must be in the diet - fish, rabbit, turkey, chicken breast, eggs.

  • With mild to moderate flu and GRVI, bed rest is not mandatory. But, during the period of temperature increase, it is better to lie down so as not to provoke the development of complications. For the entire period of illness, limit your physical activity.

There are the following when you need to call an ambulance or see a doctor:

  • an increase in body temperature above 40 C;
  • duration of fever for more than three days. Poorly reduced by antipyretic drugs;
  • home treatment does not bring the desired effect for 5-7 days. "Second wave" fever;
  • the occurrence of shortness of breath, suffocation, intense pain in the chest, impaired consciousness, convulsions, rash, uncontrollable vomiting, diarrhea;
  • severe headaches;
  • patients over the age of 60;
  • people with concomitant chronic pathology of the kidneys, liver, heart, diabetes mellitus, blood diseases, autoimmune diseases, acquired or congenital immunodeficiencies.

Measures to prevent influenza and SARS

  • During outbreaks of influenza and increased incidence of SARS, it is better to avoid crowded places, enclosed spaces where a large number of people accumulate (children's parties, cinemas, theaters, concerts, restaurants, shopping and entertainment centers, shops).
  • After coming from the street, public transport and the places mentioned above, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and rinse your nasal passages with a solution of sea salt (Aquamaris, Merimer, Humer).
  • While at work, also wash your hands frequently with soap or use antibacterial gels or antibacterial wipes, although this is less effective than handwashing.
  • A large number of viruses and bacteria accumulate on mobile phones, so you need to wipe it with a damp cloth or swab dipped in alcohol.
  • Before going outside, lubricate the entrance to the nasal passages with Oxolinic ointment, drip Nazoferon into the nose to create an additional barrier to viruses.
  • Gauze masks, unfortunately, do not fully protect against influenza and SARS viruses. Viruses have a very small diameter, so they easily penetrate through the pores of the masks. But, as an additional means of protection, the mask does not hurt. Indoor masks should be changed every 2 hours. It is not advisable to wear a mask on the street, as it is very rare for people to become infected with the flu in the open air through close contact.
  • It is important to carry out frequent wet cleanings in the house and airing for 15-20 minutes 3-4 times a day.
  • For the specific prevention of influenza, various vaccines are used - Influvac, Vaksigripp, Grippovac, Gripol, Begrivak and others. Vaccination is carried out in early autumn before the expected influenza epidemic. During outbreaks, you should not get vaccinated, as immunity will not have time to develop, and you can get sick with the flu. It is impossible to get sick from the influenza vaccine, since it does not contain the whole virus, but only its particles - antigens.
  • A good effect is the intake of immunostimulants for the purpose and acute respiratory infections. Arbidol, Amiksin, Grippferon, Laferon, Remantadine or Tamiflu should be taken in prophylactic doses before or at the beginning of an influenza epidemic.

I think I was able to explain a little to you the differences between influenza and SARS. In any case, if you experience symptoms similar to the flu or a cold, consult a doctor, he will accurately determine the cause of the disease and prescribe an effective and safe treatment.

Flu, SARS and colds. What do these concepts have in common and how to distinguish them correctly? are the reason for going to the doctor, because this disease is dangerous for its complications. Colds are usually milder and often do not even require medication.

Summer is coming to an end and the season will start soon. Children, whose immune systems are not yet able to resist infections, are especially often sick. The first symptoms of respiratory diseases are cough, runny nose, and malaise. The cause of such manifestations may be acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, colds or flu. How to understand what exactly you (or your child) are sick with? How should one act under certain circumstances?

ARI, SARS, colds and flu - we understand the terminology

ARI is an acute respiratory disease, which is popularly called the common cold. If we are talking about the viral etiology of acute respiratory infections, then this is SARS - acute respiratory viral infections.

Over 200 different viruses that can cause the common cold have been identified so far. And this list is constantly updated with new species. Stand apart among all these viruses. That is, it can be argued that influenza is SARS, which is caused by the influenza virus. The reason why influenza is singled out among the entire SARS group is that this disease is characterized by the development of epidemics covering a significant part of the population. In addition, unlike other respiratory diseases, the flu is more severe and can cause serious complications, even death.

Scientists distinguish three main groups of influenza viruses - A, B and C. Influenza A viruses are considered the most insidious, they mutate quite quickly and cause epidemics. Influenza B is most common in children, while influenza C occurs only in children.

Learning to recognize symptoms

The main distinguishing feature of influenza, compared with other acute respiratory diseases, is a sudden onset with pronounced symptoms. At the same time, the symptoms of SARS, as a rule, increase gradually, starting from a slight runny nose or a slight sore throat.

Increase in body temperature

Often, colds occur without an increase in body temperature. And if there is a fever, then the temperature rarely rises above 38 degrees.

A completely different picture is inherent in the flu. In patients, within a few hours, the body temperature may rise to 39-40 degrees and remain so for several days.

Intoxication with colds and flu

Any viral infection is always accompanied by symptoms of intoxication. With influenza, this symptomatology is pronounced, while with other acute respiratory viral infections it is almost not felt.

Symptoms of intoxication with influenza are malaise, fatigue, chills, profuse sweating, severe headache, photophobia, and pain when moving the eyeballs. Aches and pains in the muscles and joints may also be felt.

Other cold and flu symptoms

A runny nose is typical. It is with nasal congestion that ARVI most often begins. However, the flu often occurs without a runny nose. And if it happens, it is insignificant, and, as a rule, begins from 2-3 days of illness.

Almost always, a cold is accompanied by inflammatory processes in the throat, which is expressed by redness and perspiration. At the same time, with the flu, a sore throat is not always noted.

From the very beginning of acute respiratory viral infections, the patient is worried about coughing. Depending on the severity of the infectious process, the cough may be mild, moderate or severe. As for the flu, in this case, the cough becomes painful and is accompanied by pain in the chest and along the trachea.

Finally, I would like to draw the attention of readers to the need to contact a specialist if influenza is suspected. If the symptoms are pronounced and you have it, then immediately consult a doctor, because the flu is dangerous for its complications.

With the onset of cold weather, low temperatures begin to affect the human body, as well as a large number of different viruses. Many people are familiar with colds and flu, since, according to statistics, almost every third person on earth falls ill with ARVI at least once a year. It is important to note the moment that it is quite important to correctly determine the type of SARS, on which the prescribed treatment depends. Sometimes it can be hard to tell a harmless cold from the flu. It should be borne in mind: if acute influenza is not treated, then complications can affect the main organs and systems of the body. Influenza or colds are diseases that all people on earth are familiar with.

Due to the different manifestations of symptoms, as well as the fact that a viral infection of influenza can lead to serious complications, a certain kind of classification has appeared: for doctors, influenza differs from ARVI in many signs and in the prescribed course of treatment. However, many people, with a slight deterioration in their condition, assume they have a cold, which is quite easy to cure and move on their feet. How the flu differs from other viruses, when it is imperative to visit a doctor to prescribe treatment - we will talk about this in more detail later.

The main difference, which the patient himself can determine, lies in the following points:

  1. Influenza in the body develops just lightning fast. In some cases, within an hour, the condition of the carrier of the virus in question worsens significantly. The common cold is characterized by the gradual onset of symptoms that gradually begin to indicate the presence of the disease. For several days, the sore throat, runny nose will intensify, after which the temperature may rise. What is the difference between a cold and flu - the intensity of the increase in symptoms.
  2. With the flu, the first symptoms are a severe headache, muscle and eye pain, chills, excessive sweating, dizziness, and a feeling of weakness. In this case, the main symptom can be called an increase in body temperature to 30 or 40 degrees Celsius. With a common cold, in rare cases, body temperature exceeds 38.5 degrees Celsius. The main difference is the degree of increase in body temperature.
  3. Another point that allows you to establish the type of disease is the manifestation of symptoms associated with frequent sneezing. This symptom is characteristic of the usual ARVI, but with the flu, it practically does not manifest itself.

The common cold is characterized by the gradual onset of symptoms that gradually begin to indicate the presence of the disease. For several days, sore throat, runny nose will increase, after which the temperature may rise

The above points fully describe how to distinguish a cold from the flu. It is worth considering the moment that another important symptom can be called the appearance of a cough. With a cold, such symptoms appear almost immediately. At the same time, it is not very dry, jerky, at first it does not cause many problems. A cough with the flu appears after the onset of other symptoms, for example, high fever. Along with a cough, a sore throat and a severe runny nose can also come. In some cases, with influenza, a cough appears only for 3-4 days, during which other symptoms are already pronounced.

Influenza cough can be characterized by a strong and exhausting effect, due to which severe pain may appear in the chest. This moment is the result of the fact that the causative agent of the disease has settled in the mucous membrane of the trachea. Symptoms of a viral infection depend on the characteristics of the organism.

Also, colds and SARS differ in the following points:

  1. In some cases, the development of influenza occurs intoxication. This is due to the fact that the breakdown of cells leads to the appearance of harmful substances that poison the human body. Therefore, even for the period of cure, the patient may feel unwell.
  2. The classic course of the flu is very severe. At the same time, the consequences of improper treatment are various complications: pneumonia, lesions of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. Recently, doctors are increasingly reminding that untimely treatment of influenza can even lead to death. However, it should be borne in mind that the cause is not the virus itself, but the complications that it caused.
  3. If a person has a cold in store, then he can easily endure it using common medicines. However, one should take into account the fact that a significant manifestation of symptoms is observed quite rarely. After the flu, the recovery period is delayed for a long period, for example, for one month. In this case, the symptoms may include dizziness, loss of appetite, and pressure surges.

Symptoms during the recovery period can cause quite a lot of problems. That is why you should extend the duration of bed rest. If you do not fight the symptoms, then a second wave of the disease may develop, which should be avoided.

The spread of the flu

The flu and the common cold are the most common illnesses. According to the World Health Organization, ARVI, influenza can also be attributed to this category, manifests itself in 90% of all cases of infection. However, such an extensive development does not indicate that the worldwide medical community is not paying attention to this infection. After all, flu and colds have a lot of different complications: otitis, sinusitis, rhinitis, meningitis - this is not a complete list of problems that arise if improper treatment is carried out. Another important effect can be called the undermining of the cardiovascular system. Complications can lead to a serious reduction in a person's lifespan.

The classic course of the flu is very severe. At the same time, the consequences of improper treatment are various complications: pneumonia, lesions of the nervous and cardiovascular systems

The spread of the virus is due to the fact that it is transmitted by airborne droplets, as well as by household contact. At the same time, even the slightest weakening of the immune system leads to the fact that the virus infects the body quickly enough.

Carrying the flu "on the legs"

The modern rhythm of life determines the fact that many do not carry out a full-fledged treatment, which consists in bed rest. It is this moment that determines the development of a large number of complications, since the drugs used do not give the proper result. A familiar situation for many is taking painkillers and going to work, despite weakness, muscle pain and other symptoms. Respiratory transmission of the virus determines the moment that almost all people around are at risk. The patient must understand that the temperature can jump up to 40 degrees Celsius in a matter of minutes, resulting in the appearance of dizziness, weakness, flies before the eyes and other symptoms. Risk-related work should by no means be carried out in this state. An example is drivers who must take sick leave without fail.

In addition, we should not forget that the transfer of the disease "on the legs" leads to a large number of side effects. Only when the body is at rest, the drugs used have the desired effect. An example is damage to the kidneys, the cardiovascular system.

How long does the disease last?

A cold or a viral infection has a significant impact on the human body. That is why timely treatment should be carried out. After deciding how to distinguish a virus from a cold, you should consider the fact that treatment should be carried out immediately. With the right choice of therapy, you can significantly alleviate the course of the disease. Influenza to varying degrees can manifest itself within one or several weeks. It all depends on what kind of treatment is being carried out, whether complete peace and comfort was provided. In severe cases, the problem drags on for more than one month.


In a cold couple of years, the risk of a virus in the body increases significantly due to a significantly weakened immune system. Over the years, research has been conducted to create vaccines that will eliminate the likelihood of the disease. However, there is no universal vaccine yet, to which doctors respond: the virus is constantly mutating, there are many stamps that cause the same symptoms, but at the same time have a different structure. The above information determines that each new epidemic is caused by a new type of virus, which means that the previously used vaccine will not be effective in the new year.

Another important point is that two varieties of the influenza virus enter the human body during infection. After the interaction, the genomes are mixed, as a result of which a new stamp is formed, which was not previously known. Only after an epidemic has begun and passed can doctors develop vaccines that can eliminate the possibility of an epidemic developing. Scientists believe that it was because of the mixing of genomes that the bird flu appeared.

Prevention that is not related to the use of vaccines includes the following points:

The above points should be taken into account in order to exclude the likelihood of a disease at a difficult moment.


Earlier it was said about the need for treatment immediately after the onset of symptoms. Treatment should be carried out by using disinfectants, as well as those that significantly enhance immunity. If the symptoms increase significantly, then medications that reduce specific symptoms should be used. It should be borne in mind that antibiotics have practically no effect on the causative agent of influenza. In addition, antibiotics can kill beneficial microbes that also help the body in difficult times. When using exclusively drugs that consist of antibiotics, you can earn dysbacteriosis.

An important point is that a cold or a virus causes a fever. Don't be in a hurry to knock her down. Measures should only be taken if the temperature rises above 38.5 degrees Celsius. After all, an increase in temperature is a protective reaction of the body, which is aimed at defeating the pathogen of the virus.

In conclusion, we note that with a significant increase in temperature, heating pads and mustard plasters, which also increase body temperature, cannot be used. But you can use hot water.

The cold season is a high point for a full-scale invasion of "monsters" of various stripes, whose army we call the usual abbreviation - SARS (acute respiratory viral infections). But among the two hundred known viruses, there is a particularly aggressive one that doctors single out from the rest of the "company" - this is the flu. Sometimes it is very difficult to distinguish one disease from another. But the difference is fundamental: what forgives a cold - does not forgive the flu!

The Science of Discrimination

For doctors, ARVI and influenza are completely different diseases, but for us, the townsfolk, they are feeling unwell and bed rest. So how do you tell the flu from other viruses?

1. The flu always starts at lightning speed. As a rule, you can name the hour when the disease overtakes and undermines. For ARVI, a gradual increase in symptoms (runny nose, sore throat) is typical.

2. The first symptoms of influenza are pain in the head, eyes, muscles, chills, profuse sweating, weakness, dizziness, body aches, a feeling of weakness and a very sharp rise in temperature (always above 39, sometimes even over 40). SARS begins with nasal congestion and sore throat. The temperature is rarely higher than 38.5.

3. Sneezing is an eternal symptom of SARS, never accompanies the flu.

But with coughing, the situation is different. With a cold, cough appears at the very beginning of the disease. It is staccato, dry and not very strong. With the flu, coughing makes itself felt only on the second or even third day (it usually comes with a runny nose and sore throat). Influenza cough, strong and exhausting, often accompanies chest pain, which occurs due to the fact that the influenza virus has "settled" in the tracheal mucosa.

4. With influenza, intoxication is strongly pronounced, that is, poisoning of the body with harmful substances that appear due to the decay of viruses and defender cells.

5. The classic flu is much more severe than SARS, and often leads to severe complications such as pneumonia and damage to the cardiovascular and nervous systems. By the way, it is not the flu itself that causes numerous deaths, but its complications.

6. With a cold, after lying down for a week, a person can lead a normal life. But after the flu, the recovery period can drag on for a whole month: the head is spinning, the pressure jumps, you don’t feel like eating, your eyes close. This is an "asthenic syndrome" - in other words, a breakdown. Extend your bed rest. Efficient work still will not work, but the "second wave" of the disease may rise.

Trapped in delusion

There are several common misconceptions about the flu.

First, the flu is not as bad as it is made out to be.

According to the World Health Organization, ARVI (including influenza) is the most common illness on the planet (90% of all cases of infectious diseases). A rare disease can "boast" of such a wide range of complications as influenza: rhinitis, sinusitis, otitis, encephalitis, meningitis - this is not a complete list. SARS gradually undermine the cardiovascular system, reducing the average life expectancy of a person by several years.

Second: the flu can be carried "on the legs."

A familiar scenario: overcoming weakness and muscle pain, we swallow a set of medicines on duty and courageously go to work. And the first hours of the disease are the most unpredictable. After a couple of hours, the temperature can rise to forty. Don't think about yourself? Have mercy on those around you, including pregnant women, heart patients and asthmatics, to whom the flu is especially ruthless. So the best way out is to voluntarily put yourself under house arrest.

Third: if the flu is treated, it will pass in a week, if left untreated, in 7 days.

I must say, this statement has become a catchphrase among the people, although initially it referred to the common cold, more prosaic and harmless. With the flu, you need to be more careful and meet it fully armed. If you choose the right therapy, the disease proceeds noticeably easier: you feel less weakness, and complications in the form of pneumonia and bronchitis develop less frequently.

How about prevention?

A logical question may arise: "Why not vaccinate everyone and say goodbye to the flu once and for all ?!" In response, experts say: this is impossible, the virus mutates too often. Each new influenza epidemic is caused by a new strain of the virus, which means that flu vaccination one year may not provide enough protection against it in the next.

Moreover, if two varieties of the influenza virus enter the human body at once, their genomes are "mixed", and a completely new, hitherto unknown virus is obtained, protection against which also does not exist. This, by the way, is the hypothesis of the appearance of bird flu on the planet.

We start to be treated

It is necessary to start taking antiviral drugs already when the first patient appeared in the family or in the team. This will give you a chance not to get sick yourself. Gargle with disinfectant solutions, do not ignore immune boosters. Well, if the disease overcomes, connect drugs that weaken specific symptoms. Just stay away from antibiotics! Influenza viruses are not sensitive to antibiotics. Moreover, antibiotics kill beneficial microbes that protect the body. If the flu that has begun is "treated" with antibiotics, you can at least earn dysbacteriosis.

One more warning - do not lower the degree! Elevated temperature is a protective reaction of the body, reflecting the attack of infection. You need to bring down the temperature when it exceeds 39 degrees.

At elevated temperatures, thermal procedures are prohibited - mustard plasters, heating pads. But there is no need to be afraid of hot water. At the first sign of illness, rush to a hot shower. Wash your entire body with a washcloth and soap, warming up thoroughly, because the flu is "afraid" of hot water. It is especially important to warm up the face, neck and chest.

In the early days of the flu, you will need the following things: warmth, light non-spicy food, vitamins C and group B. One of the dangers that awaits us at elevated temperatures is dehydration. Don't forget to drink plenty of water. Remember that drinks should be warm and sour (an acidic environment will prevent bacteria from multiplying, which are just waiting to attack a body weakened by the flu virus). Kefir and other fermented milk products contain beneficial bacteria that are responsible for immunity and body resistance to various infections.

Grandma's raspberry...

Our grandmothers are still sure that the best remedy against the flu is tea with raspberry jam. It's pointless to deny. Let's add a few more folk recipes to this wise advice and talk about how to use "grandmother's remedies" correctly.

Prepare a multivitamin infusion of wild rose, which has bactericidal, disinfectant properties, acts as a diaphoretic and diuretic, and increases resistance to infections.

Pour 5 tablespoons of crushed rose hips with a liter of boiling water. Wrap the dishes (or pour into a thermos) and infuse for 6-8 hours, then strain the infusion. Take 1 cup (half a cup for children) 2-3 times a day, preferably with honey, jam or sugar.

During an influenza epidemic, to prevent infection, you can chew calamus root (0.5 grams 3-4 times a day).

In the room where the flu patient is located, it is useful to burn small pieces of pine or spruce resin several times a day, which gives a magnificent, persistent resinous smell that disinfects the air in the room.

Also at home, you can apply 3 drops of fir, eucalyptus or sage oil on the fan blades and turn on the device for three minutes. Get a good inhalation. 3-5 drops of the same oils can be dropped onto a hot frying pan - the effect will be the same.

With a strong dry cough, a decoction of raisins is useful (1/2 - 1/3 cup 3-4 times a day). To do this, 100 g of raisins should be simmered for 10 minutes, then cooled and squeezed.

The most effective folk remedy for influenza is blackcurrant in all forms. A decoction of chopped currant twigs is prepared as follows: brew a full handful with 4 glasses of water. Boil for 5 minutes and then steam for 4 hours. Drink at night in bed in a warm form 2 cups with sugar. The next day, repeat - and no longer hurt.

Be healthy!

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