Perioral dermatitis is an effective treatment. Treatment of perioral dermatitis

A dermatological disease called oral dermatitis occurs in 1 percent of the population. The occurrence of the disease contributes to high sensitivity skin to various ointments and cosmetics. Common reasons diseases are long-term use corticosteroid ointments, hormonal imbalance, the use of fluoride toothpastes, changes in climatic conditions, the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation.

Oral dermatitis on the face causes a great aesthetic problem for the sick person. Psychological discomfort from growing and irritating papules on the face around the mouth bothers most patients.

The main symptoms of the disease should be an immediate reason to contact a dermatologist. The doctor will clarify the diagnosis, since skin irritation on the face may appear as a result of other ailments. The main symptoms of oral dermatitis:

  • the appearance of small red pimples around the mouth;
  • severe irritation of the skin around the mouth;
  • the formation of entire colonies of acne;
  • pimples filled with clear liquid inside;
  • skin burning;
  • itching of the affected areas of the skin;
  • the skin on the inflamed area may become covered with scales.

A characteristic feature of oral dermatitis is a clear strip of skin between the lips and the areas affected by red pimples. Healing pimples may leave red marks. The symptoms of oral dermatitis are very similar to those of steroid acne, as well as rosacea, allergic dermatitis, diffuse neurodermatitis. To accurately make a therapeutic diagnosis and determine the causative agent of the disease, bacterial culture of skin rash scrapings is carried out.

Usually the rash is located on areas of the face quite symmetrically. Individual areas of the rash can be grouped into entire colonies of acne. The localization of the disease extends to the chin, skin around the lips, and nasolabial folds. Sometimes inflammation appears on the bridge of the nose and around the eyes.

If not treated correctly, the affected skin may thicken, become rougher, and may cause dark spots and lumpy formations. The symptoms of the disease should not be taken lightly. At the first signs of the disease, you should seek help from a dermatologist. The specialist will prescribe specific treatment of this disease.

Causes of oral dermatitis on the face in adults and children

Violation of activity endocrine system may trigger the onset of the disease. The development of dermatitis is also facilitated by the presence of inflammation and various infections in the human body.

The main causes of oral dermatitis:

  • disruption of proper activities gastrointestinal tract;
  • exposure to active sunlight;
  • weakened and reduced immunity;
  • stress;
  • changes in hormonal levels;
  • climate change.

The use of foundation and cosmetics are also factors that provoke the disease. Oral dermatitis causes severe chapping of the skin, use oral contraceptives, using fluoride toothpaste.

The course of the disease is usually painless, but oral dermatitis can worsen and cause burning and itching in the affected areas of the skin. The disease does not pose a threat to human life, but creates some discomfort.

Drug treatment (ointments, antibiotics)

At the beginning of treatment, first of all, the main factors that contributed to the onset of the disease are excluded. Next, the dermatologist prescribes a specific therapy. The treatment course includes taking drugs such as metronidazole and trichopolum. Antibiotics may be prescribed. Their therapeutic doses depend on the severity of inflammatory processes on the skin and inside the body.

As soon as the desired effect in treating the disease is achieved, the dose of antibiotics is reduced. At the same time, it is recommended to use a similar antibiotic-based ointment for the affected skin. For oral dermatitis, the use of corticosteroids in treatment is contraindicated.

At the same time, antihistamines tavegil, suprastin, diazolin, citrine and a special cream are prescribed. If swelling is severe during the disease, diuretics furosemide or indopamide are prescribed. Sedatives will help you cope well stressful situation, which is one of the reasons for the recognition various types dermatitis. Skin care during illness should be especially gentle. It is necessary to use moisturizing creams and not to use substances that aggravate the symptoms of the disease.

If the rash is concentrated around the eyes, you will need to visit an ophthalmologist for appropriate consultation. This form of oral dermatitis can trigger the development of eye disease. If complications occur, the doctor will prescribe hydrocartisone medicines for eyes.

The final stage of treatment is the active use of a variety of physiotherapeutic procedures. Cryomassage using snow or liquid nitrogen is especially effective in treating the disease. Your doctor may prescribe electrolysis. Do not take during the entire treatment sunbathing and be exposed to active sunlight for a long time.

With proper and timely treatment does not cause the disease dangerous consequences. Typically, the prognosis of oral dermatitis is favorable, and relapses of the disease do not occur.

The first symptom of the disease is redness of the skin around the mouth. If the disease is detected, a variety of folk remedies for the treatment of oral dermatitis can help, effectively combating the disease and eliminating symptoms. It is recommended to wipe the affected areas of the skin with decoctions daily. medicinal herbs. The following herbs are suitable for treating the disease:

  • St. John's wort;
  • sage;
  • calendula flowers;
  • yarrow;
  • celandine;
  • elecampane;
  • pharmaceutical chamomile;
  • plantain.

A special decoction can be taken orally three times a day throughout the treatment of the disease. It is better to prepare a decoction from plantain, sage, elecampane and chamomile.

Traditional recipes for treating the disease
  1. Wipe the affected areas of the skin with a soda solution (1 tsp per 1 glass of water).
  2. Take orally an infusion of birch buds (1 tbsp per 1 tbsp of water).
  3. Prepare a mixture of flaxseed oil, onion juice and honey. Boil the mixture over low heat.
  4. For compresses and lotions, use a decoction of oak bark.
  5. Lubricate the affected skin with aloe or Kalanchoe juice.
  6. Mix propolis with any vegetable oil, heat the mixture in the oven, lubricate the sore skin.
  7. Mix the grated pumpkin pulp with pumpkin juice. Apply to the affected area of ​​skin for a few minutes.
  8. Irrigate the inflamed areas with sea water.
  9. Apply lotions made from an infusion of 1% boric acid and chamomile to the inflamed skin.
  10. In a liter thermos, infuse one tablespoon of walnut leaves. Finely chop the leaves. Then put on low heat for ten minutes. Leave the decoction for two hours. Apply externally as lotions and compresses.
  11. Chop sorrel leaves and pour cold water(400 ml). Leave for two hours, strain. Drink half a glass four times a day.
  12. Pour five teaspoons of blackberries into two glasses of boiling water. Leave to infuse for four hours. Half an hour before meals, drink half a glass three times a day.
  13. Pour boiling water over chopped plantain, bark, celandine, and sage and leave for two hours. Drink 100 ml infusion four times a day.

Dermatitis is an inflammatory process in the skin. The disease is caused by many reasons. An important role in the treatment of oral dermatitis is played by special dietary nutrition in the treatment of the disease. Certain principles healthy eating facilitate and speed up recovery. The most important link successful treatment is a specially designed diet.

Since oral dermatitis can be successfully treated, all curative therapy combined with proper nutrition. From daily diet should be excluded:

A qualified dermatologist will select a the best diet in the presence of oral dermatitis on the face. Oral dermatitis is especially annoying during pregnancy, when drug therapy is excluded. In such a situation, traditional methods of treatment and proper diet will help.

Eating foods necessary for illness will protect the body from the main causes that provoke the development of the disease inside. When following a diet, it is important to use the correct drinking regime. The body must enter a large number of liquids.

Sample menu for oral dermatitis:


  • Fish and corn porridge, cooked in a double boiler. To prepare porridge, the cereal must be placed in a bowl, which is intended for preparing rice. Pour the cereal with water 1:4. Set the timer for 25 minutes.


  • Zucchini soup, buckwheat porridge and green salad.

Afternoon snack:

  • Sandwich made from dried bread with cheese, kefir.


  • Cottage cheese with low-fat sour cream.

Such a diet is rich in calcium and protein and will provide the body with all the substances necessary for the body. You can change it within a week various firsts dishes - vegetable soups, Lenten borscht, wow. Breakfast must include a variety of cereals and dairy products. Be sure to eat fruits, berries and vegetables in your diet. Dietary nutrition is the basis of health in the treatment of many diseases.

Treatment of the disease in children should be carried out under supervision pediatric allergist. The doctor will give necessary recommendations and prescribe the correct therapy. Treatment of the disease includes:

  • use of 2% erythromycin gel;
  • taking antibiotics orally;
  • limited contact with water due to high content chlorine;
  • abolition of corticosteroid and fluoride-containing ointments.

Relieving the symptoms of the disease brings significant relief in the treatment of oral dermatitis in children. Eliminating itching, swelling of the skin, and a feeling of skin tightness will ease the well-being of a sick child. It is advisable to use complex treatment with a combination of various drugs and folk remedies in the fight against the disease.

Treatment with antibiotics is carried out systemically in children - the doctor may prescribe drugs such as doxycycline, tetracycline, minocycline. The medications prescribed by the doctor should be used until the symptoms of the disease completely disappear. Sulfur-containing ointments, azeloic acid and clindamycin are especially effective in the treatment of oral dermatitis.

If left untreated in children, the affected areas of the skin may acquire a bluish tint. Later, painful pustules form on the affected skin. The skin of a sick child becomes too rough and thickened over time. Such a development of the disease has a very bad effect on the child’s well-being; he often cries and rubs irritated skin, so you should not delay treatment of the disease.

Prevention of disease

Preventive measures include complete abstinence from the use of various cosmetic creams and corticosteroid ointments. It is also necessary to change toothpaste and do not use fluoride toothpaste. Any cosmetic and detergents must not contain harmful allergic components.

In summer and winter time dermatologists recommend using cosmetics with a high content protective factor SPF from sun rays. You should only go outside using sunscreen with a high protection factor. Following a certain diet significantly reduces the risk of developing the disease.

In the dietary diet, it is necessary to exclude spicy, salty foods and alcohol consumption. To prevent dermatitis, special powders and certain moisturizing creams are used. It is necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle, which is the key to good health and good health. Correct preventive measures will help prevent recurrence of oral dermatitis.

Skin diseases bring not only physical, but also psychological discomfort. However, the lifestyle modern ecology and other factors contribute to their appearance more and more often. For example, treatment of oral dermatitis is a very important process that should begin immediately after an accurate diagnosis has been established. First you need to understand what this problem is, where it comes from, how it proceeds and whether it can be prevented.

General characteristics of the pathology

Before you figure out how to treat oral dermatitis, you need to know what it is. So, this skin inflammatory disease characterized by specific redness and rash in the mouth and cheeks.

Most often, this pathology occurs in women aged 20 to 40 years. The appearance of a rash is also often observed in children. Naturally, this disease must be treated, since delay can lead to serious consequences.

Features of the development of the disease

It should be noted that this happens quite quickly. At first, you can see single papules on the chin, which spread as they develop. If the disease progresses quickly, the rash may appear all over the face at once.

If dermatitis is not treated, the papules can merge and turn into serious wounds that cause severe pain. Naturally, when the first symptoms appear, you need to consult a dermatologist and therapist. It is these doctors who can make the correct diagnosis and prescribe adequate therapy.

The main causes of the disease

Before you begin treatment for oral dermatitis, you need to understand why it occurs. So, the most common causes of the disease are:

Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, vascular and endocrine systems, and hormonal levels.

Too rapid change in climatic conditions.

Chronic infectious diseases.

Hereditary predisposition to skin problems.

Weakened immunity.

Excessive exposure to sunlight.

Poor nutrition and bad habits.

Insufficient personal hygiene.

Long-term use of steroid medications and ointments.

Incorrect selection of toothpaste, use of several cosmetics at the same time. However, they may contain a large number of synthetic additives and parabens.

Allergic reaction.

As you can see, treatment for oral dermatitis cannot be done on your own. Because this can worsen the condition.


Now let’s consider the question of how pathology manifests itself:

1. Rash and redness around the mouth, chin, cheeks and even the lower eyelids.

2. Peeling, roughening and tightness of the skin.

3. Strong enough painful sensations.

Oral dermatitis (treatment, reviews - all this will be presented in the review) is insidious disease. Incorrect therapy can aggravate the situation and prolong the fight against the problem.

Diagnostic features

In principle, there is nothing complicated here. A simple external examination by a specialist and a description of other symptoms is enough. However, for treatment to be effective, the causes of the disease must be determined. To do this, you may have to undergo additional tests:

Blood and urine.

Allergy test.

Be examined by a therapist, who should take an anamnesis regarding the frequency of occurrence of infectious diseases. Data from a cardiologist and endocrinologist may be required.

If you are diagnosed with oral dermatitis, treatment, reviews of which are mostly positive, will be carried out comprehensively.

Traditional treatment of pathology

It should consist of several stages. Firstly, the patient must stop using corticosteroids and any cosmetics. Do not use scrubs, exfoliate, or scratch the rash. Otherwise, you may introduce additional infection into the wounds, which will complicate treatment.

Next, the traditional and alternative therapy. So, if you have oral dermatitis on the face, treatment should be done using the following means:

- Antihistamines: “Diazolin”, “Citrine”, “Tavegil”.

Antibiotics. If you have oral dermatitis, treatment with metronidazole is carried out for a month according to a special regimen. Gradually, the dose of the drug taken should be reduced. Only a doctor prescribes this medicine.

If the patient has edema, then he must definitely use diuretics: Furasemide.

Since the disease causes serious psychological discomfort, the patient may be prescribed sedative: valerian, motherwort.

To maintain immunity, a person is offered vitamin B6, as well as various multivitamin complexes.

Lotions made from a solution of boric acid will be useful.

To speed up wound healing, you can use special powders and moisturizing creams. Hormonal ointments are considered effective in treatment, but their use is very limited, as they can have negative consequences.

Using unconventional means

If you have oral dermatitis, traditional treatment can also give a good effect. It is especially useful if medications are not allowed for some reason. Among folk recipes There are many simple and very effective remedies. You can use these:

The most commonly used is a decoction of oak bark. The fact is that this product has good antiseptic properties. A solution of baking soda (1 teaspoon of powder per glass of water) has the same effect.

An infusion of birch buds can relieve symptoms and skin irritation. To do this, pour a tablespoon of raw material into a glass of water. You can not only wipe the affected areas with the liquid, but also drink it.

It is good to treat the rash with strong decoctions of chamomile, calendula, St. John's wort or string. This should be done at least 2 times a day.

Fresh aloe and plantain juice have antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. To prepare it, try to twist the leaves in a meat grinder. Add a tablespoon of alcohol and honey to the gruel. Mix all ingredients well. Wipe your face with the resulting porridge several times a day.

At home you can also prepare healing ointment. To do this, melt some butter over low heat and mix it with a teaspoon of propolis. Next, the resulting substance should harden. The ointment can be applied to the affected areas in the evening before bed.

Pumpkin pulp is effective. To do this, chop the fruit using a grater. Do not pour out the juice. The resulting paste should be applied to the affected areas of the face for 10 minutes.

If you have a disease such as oral dermatitis, treatment with folk remedies will quickly help you get rid of the problem.

Course and treatment of the disease in children

So, in adults this disease responds well to treatment. As for children, there are no special features here. The pathology begins to manifest itself as redness around the mouth. However, it becomes more noticeable after eating spicy or hot food.

A peculiarity of treatment for children is that they react more sharply to pain and itching. Naturally, they should be prohibited from scratching the rash. If the baby does not receive proper treatment on time, then pustules quickly appear on the affected areas. Of course, you shouldn’t hope that everything will go away by itself. The child must be shown to a doctor.

If a rash appears around the eyes, you should visit an ophthalmologist. The fact is that the child may have an ophthalmic infection. If oral dermatitis is detected in children, treatment can be carried out using medications and folk remedies, combining them.

Consequences of the disease

Although this problem is not fatal, it does have its consequences. Now they can already be very serious. First of all, a person feels physical pain and psychological discomfort. Against this background, neuroses develop, depressive states. A person is not satisfied with himself, cannot work normally, his mood decreases, and with it his overall ability to work.

It should be taken into account that this pathology very quickly becomes chronic, which means it will recur. Relapses may be more intense and longer lasting. They can be more difficult to deal with.

After the rash disappears, scars and age spots usually remain on the skin, which are clearly visible even without surgical correction don't disappear. Naturally, this changes a person’s attitude towards himself. Self-esteem decreases.

After the pathology is cured, the skin usually remains pale, dry and tight. If previously a person could not use moisturizing creams, then after illness he will have to start doing so.

It is also important to say that skin damage can lead to serious infectious pathologies and even blood poisoning. Therefore, it is important to get rid of this problem in time.

Features of nutrition for dermatitis

It has already been said that oral dermatitis, photos, treatment and other features of which are presented in this article, may appear due to wrong image life. In order to get rid of this disease as quickly as possible, you should adhere to a certain diet. First of all, give up alcohol and tobacco products.

You should not eat the following foods:

Fatty meat and fish, salty and spicy dishes, sweets.

Eggs and soy products.

Coffee, tea, mushrooms.

Fresh fruits, juices and other products that have big amount useful substances, you definitely need to eat. It must be said that food restrictions are quite strict. However, following the rules will allow you to quickly eliminate the disease. After this, you can start eating previously prohibited foods, however, in limited quantities.


Treatment of oral dermatitis (ointment, by the way, in this case will also give good result) better to warn. That is, you need to take some preventive measures:

Avoid using corticosteroids medical supplies. They most often lead to a rash.

Carefully observe the rules of personal hygiene.

Try not to use toothpastes that contain fluoride.

If you have cosmetics that cause allergies, throw them away.

Throughout the year, use creams and gels with increased level protection from sun rays.

Eat properly and nutritiously.

Only in this case can you prevent the occurrence of pathology. But if you have already noticed the first symptoms, then do not self-medicate. Thus, you will simply worsen your condition, because the causes of the problem can be completely unpredictable. Be healthy!

Perioral (around the mouth) dermatitis is a facial skin disease characteristic of women. It occurs in both men and children, but it affects women more often due to the use of cosmetics. The composition of it and some medications can change the local vascular system and destroy collagen and elastin. Side effects are fraught with the development of erythema, expansion small vessels and microcracks of the epidermis.

Other names for this type of dermatitis are steroid-induced, photosensitive, rosacea-like. Essentially, it is a skin irritation with rashes around the mouth. The disease has a social aspect, since actually able-bodied people are forced to undergo long-term treatment and take sick leave.

Doctors cannot reliably determine the cause of perioral dermatitis. But an analysis of numerous patient histories shows a number of factors that can provoke rosacea on the face. These include:

  1. Use of steroid drugs (Prednisolone, Hydrocortisone).
  2. Skin care with cosmetics Bad quality(and foundation is a common culprit).
  3. Use of fluoridated toothpastes.
  4. Impact strong wind and UV rays.
  5. Taking oral contraceptives.
  6. Hormonal fluctuations, incl. before menstruation.
  7. Fungal and bacterial infections.

It has been noticed that perioral dermatitis often bothers people who abuse caring procedures and simultaneously use several creams (day, night, foundation). The development of perioral dermatitis in men is mainly associated with the use of cosmetics. In children - with the use of inhalers and hormonal sprays with glucocorticosteroids. It is noteworthy that during treatment with such agents there is no skin discomfort. Symptoms appear some time after completion of therapy.

Perioral dermatitis during pregnancy

After conception for normal fetal development female body it takes a lot of effort. The appearance of perioral dermatitis during pregnancy is caused by physiological immunodeficiency expectant mother. The disease manifests itself on early stages gestation. Treatment of the patient in the “position” requires individual approach, because in the first trimester of pregnancy the use of antibiotics and other effective medicines contraindicated. From the 2nd trimester they are prescribed in doses, and corticosteroids are not used at all.

In pregnant women, photosensitive dermatitis rashes are red and pale pink color. The areas where the rash was present may become pigmented over time.

Perioral dermatitis in a child

At an early age, perioral dermatitis occurs in different ways - if in one child the papules look pale pink, then in another the spots are strikingly yellow-brown. If there are still irritated lesions on the face, the baby should undergo tests:

  • Scraping the contents of the papules.
  • Bacterial seeding of the disease-affected area.

Often, children's skin responds to treatment with hormonal sprays and inhalers with negative reactions. Severe symptoms appear after discontinuation of the drug. Rashes near the eyes require very careful treatment. In general, perioral dermatitis in young children is painless, but sometimes patients complain of a burning sensation in the area of ​​the rash.

In pediatrics, perioral dermatitis is classified as rosacea, because it is in childhood that the disease takes on a rosacea-like form. For the health and development of the baby skin pathology not dangerous, but without medical care it causes significant discomfort.

Symptoms of the disease

Perioral dermatitis rash occurs on different areas of the face:

  • At the mouth.
  • Cheeks.
  • Chin.
  • Nasolabial folds.
  • Outer corners of the eyelids.
  • Skin around the eyes.

The disease can be perioral (at the mouth) or only periorbital, which affects the periocular area. There is also a mixed type of rosacea, when the forms appear alternately. Mild dermatitis occurs without acne. A person sees only reddened skin and small flat elements.

The rash is a semicircular, cavityless, red lump. Their size is 1–2 mm. The skin near small blisters may peel off. Pathological lesions gradually spread to the neck, arms, and torso.

A clear symptom of perioral dermatitis is a thin, clear strip of skin around the outer edge of the lips. The rest of the space is affected by the disease. At least this occurred in 87% of all patients who applied. Some patients had signs of telangiectasia. Itching is uncharacteristic, the only concern is a burning sensation and a feeling of tightness of the dermis.

Without treatment, the process becomes chronic, but gradually disappears. Cosmetic defect leads to neurotic disorders. Worrying about their appearance, people withdraw into themselves, have conflicts, and quit their jobs.

A detailed examination of the body reveals diseases of the intestines and other parts of the digestive system in patients. 83% of women with signs of dermatitis on the face additionally suffer gynecological diseases. A third of patients have psychoemotional disorders and chronic infectious disorders in the mouth and nasopharynx.

Diagnostic methods

To prescribe adequate treatment, it is necessary to differentiate perioral dermatitis from the following diseases:

  1. Acne.
  2. True rosacea.
  3. Seborrheic dermatitis.
  4. Sarcoidosis of the skin.
  5. Atopic dermatitis.
  6. Contact dermatitis.

Blood tests (general, biochemical) do not show any significant changes. IN in rare cases laboratory assistants record slight increase ESR indicator. This is explained by the presence of concomitant pathology. This happens with prolonged infection of the nasopharynx.

If you suspect PD, it is effective to do a bacterial culture. The technique easily identifies fungal strains responsible for the development of oral thrush. But discover specific pathogens No diagnosis can diagnose rosacea-like dermatitis.

Histological examination of the cover is not carried out. Subacute inflammation and single changes skin lesions are easily confused with similar diseases, so histology is ineffective.

What kind of examination is done for perioral dermatitis:

  • Study of superficial and nail tissue.
  • Ultrasound and examination of the integument and subcutaneous fat.

What tests are taken:

  1. Eosinophils.
  2. General blood analysis.
  3. Immunoglobulin E in the blood.

In the International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision (ICD-10), perioral dermatitis has its own code - L71.0.

How to treat

When starting treatment for perioral dermatitis, hormonal medications, cosmetics and hygiene products are immediately discontinued. Chamomile and sage decoctions are used for washing. In the presence of complex symptoms, the face is cleansed with special oil-based emulsions and treated with naphthalene-tar paste (2%).


External therapy is based on the use of products with metronidazole or trichopolum. The medicine prescribed by the doctor is applied to problem skin in the morning and evening. If there is no good effect, Metronidazole gel and the macrolide Erythromycin are additionally used. Both products are sold at an affordable price.

Protopic is also prescribed for facial treatment. A non-toxic ointment in a concentration of 0.003% is prescribed for children 2–16 years old. An increased concentration is recommended for adult patients - 0.03% and 0.1%. Everyone can treat any dermatitis with Vishnevsky’s balm (liniment).

For the perioral form of the disease, preparations containing zinc demonstrate high effectiveness. It dries the skin and gives an antipruritic effect. Irritation quickly relieves Tsinocap, Tsindol, zinc talker, Skin-Cap

Adapalene is an analogue of retinoic acid, used for anti-inflammatory and camelolytic effects. The drug improves intercellular processes occurring in the epidermis and stimulates the production epithelial tissue. Gel Adapalene is suitable oily skin, cream – dry. It is allowed to combine the medicine with moisturizing medications. In the treatment of perioral dermatitis, it is prohibited to use Sinaflan-Fitopharm ointment (the pathology in question is among the contraindications).

Elidel for perioral dermatitis is prescribed to children from 3 months and adults. Within 6 weeks of treatment, the medication completely relieves inflammation. But it cannot be used for a long time. The drug can be used in short courses in complex therapy.

For steroid dermatitis, the use of Rosamet ointment will be effective. It should not be applied to the mucous membrane of the eyes. After facial treatment, it is recommended to avoid exposure to direct sunlight. The good thing about Rosamet is that it can be used instead of a makeup base. Hormonal ointment Momat-C is not prescribed for perioral dermatitis.

At the first stage of therapy against perioral dermatitis, other groups of agents are used according to indications:

  • Sedatives – Valerian, Novo-Passit.
  • Antihistamines - Zirtec, Telfast, Erius, Suprastin, Parlazin, Claritin (for children - Diazolin, L-cet).
  • Diuretics – Veroshpiron, Furosemide, Spironolactone.

Patients are prescribed courses of cryomassage and acupuncture.


If the first stage of treatment does not give positive dynamics, antibiotics are used against perioral dermatitis:

  1. Isotretinoin.
  2. Tetracycline.
  3. Trichopolum.
  4. Lincomycin.
  5. Doxycycline.
  6. Metronidazole.
  7. Azelaic acid.
  8. Monocycline.

The duration of antibacterial therapy depends on the severity of the disease, but the period is at least one and a half to two months. Most often, patients take Metronidazole or Trichopolum tablets.

To suppress the active pathogen, combination treatment can be carried out. Three drugs are used here: Doxycycline, Clindamycin and Gentamicin. The main medication is taken at a dosage of 100 mg twice a day, and it begins to act 2 hours after administration. This treatment is not suitable for pregnant women.

Other medications may be prescribed in combination with Doxycycline:

  • Monocycline.
  • Pimecrolimus.
  • Tacrolimus.

As necessary, patients with dermatitis take medications to strengthen the nervous system, immunostimulants, folic acid and vitamins.

Traditional methods

Drug treatment of perioral dermatitis in children and adults will pass more effective with the simultaneous use of folk remedies. Over the years, some recipes have taken root among the population and are successfully used in treatment. skin ailments.

How to overcome perioral dermatitis with folk remedies:

  1. Lotions. They are made by moistening a gauze pad in a decoction of string, chamomile, calendula or plantain leaves. Applications are applied 3-4 times a day.
  2. Compress with linseed oil and honey. Take 50 g of both components, heat until completely dissolved and add 25 ml of onion juice. Saturate a clean, soft cloth with the warm mixture and apply to the sore skin.
  3. Decoction of birch buds. The liquid is taken orally and the affected areas are wiped with it.

If you have access to thermal springs, irrigating problem areas of the body will be useful. healing water. Frequent treatments are recommended.

Diet for perioral dermatitis on the face

If there are signs of perioral dermatitis on the face, the patient needs a hypoallergenic diet. If it turns out to be useless, the patient is prescribed individual scheme therapeutic fasting. It is mandatory to limit the consumption of salt and sugar and increase the drinking of clean water to 2 liters per day. A sufficient amount of fluid maintains proper metabolism and improves the absorption of microelements beneficial to tissues.

What can you eat if you have perioral dermatitis?

  • Fruits.
  • Cereals.
  • Green vegetables.
  • Legumes.
  • Boiled lean meat.
  • Fermented milk products.
  • Coarse bread.

Prohibited products include:

  1. Fish.
  2. Carrot.
  3. Mushrooms.
  4. Sweets.
  5. Eggs.
  6. Spices.
  7. Citrus fruits.
  8. Caviar.
  9. Alcoholic drinks, coffee, tea.
  10. Sausage products.

Another name for the disease is perioral or rosacea-like dermatitis. Perioral dermatitis is characterized by the appearance of small papules and pimples on the skin around the mouth.

As the disease progresses, irritation and redness appear, papules grow on larger area. This causes a person considerable discomfort: both physical and psycho-emotional.

Causes of the disease

Perioral dermatitis has been studied by specialists very for a long time, after which they came to the conclusion that the main reason was the decline in basic protective functions the skin, after which it cannot withstand aggressive external influences.

Among the factors that can provoke similar phenomenon, we can highlight:

  1. Too long and frequent use of toothpastes with high concentration fluorine in the composition.
  2. Systematic use of cosmetics that have a harsh effect on the skin, for example, various scrubs.
  3. Undergoing potentially harmful and dangerous cosmetic procedures, primarily this concerns chemical exposure and mechanical peeling.
  4. The use of pharmacological or cosmetic products that contain hormonal components.
  5. Use of corticosteroids for medical reasons.
  6. Presence of seborrhea.
  7. Disruption of the functioning of the digestive, vegetative-vascular or endocrine system.
  8. Frequent exposure to direct sunlight or exposure to excess amounts ultraviolet radiation in other ways.
  9. Change of residence, implying a sharp and radical change in climatic conditions.
  10. Taking contraceptives that lead to hormonal imbalance in the body.
  11. General deterioration of the immune system.

Causes of perioral dermatitis in children

As already mentioned, perioral dermatitis can also occur in children, in which case immediate consultation with a pediatrician is always required.

Reasons similar illness in patients younger age may be the following factors:

The causes of perioral dermatitis are not completely clear.

First symptoms and signs

The first sign by which one can judge the appearance of perioral dermatitis is slight redness of the face. It becomes more pronounced when eating spicy and hot foods.

After some time, it acquires a brighter shade, and the skin becomes covered with small pustules 0.4-2.5 mm, similar to acne. Over time, they turn into crusts and peel off.

During the course of the disease, the color of the rash changes from red-brown to light brown.

The localization of the rash is more or less symmetrical on the chin, nasolabial folds, nearby areas of the lips, cheeks, and does not merge together. Single rashes may be observed on the temples and bridge of the nose.

Diffuse inflammation of the entire face occurs. A specific feature of the disease is a whitish stripe between the labial border and the area of ​​inflammation.

The disease begins with the appearance of pimple-like bumps that are pink or bright red in color.


The clinical picture in each case looks individual, since the main symptoms can be pronounced or appear slightly.

Typically, the presence of perioral dermatitis is indicated by the following signs:

Perioral dermatitis is characterized by rashes in the mouth and chin area. The rash is usually small and resembles small pimples or pinkish bumpy dots. The rash may spread to the forehead, nose and cheeks, but this is uncommon.

The rash is somewhat similar to acne, but in this case we're talking about not about acne. The skin under the papules acquires a reddish tint and becomes rough to the touch. After the acne goes away, pigment spots remain on the skin.

Oral dermatitis is manifested by the following symptoms in which the skin becomes covered:

  • small papules;
  • acne;
  • redness;
  • irritation;
  • the affected area increases;
  • red pimples merge with white heads and form pustules;
  • Transparent scales appear on the inflammation.

Other manifestations of oral dermatitis:

  • burning, itching;
  • pain;
  • feeling of tightness.

Sometimes rashes appear on the bridge of the nose, around the eyes, and even on the surface of the entire face. To make a correct diagnosis, culture of the contents of the rash and scraping are necessary.

Perioral dermatitis, as we have already noted, is characterized by the appearance of a rash in the area around the mouth. This rash is small in size and looks like small pimples or a lumpy type of dot (pink or red).

Such a rash can also appear in the area of ​​the chin, forehead, nose or cheeks, which, however, occurs much less frequently. The rash itself is similar to acne (or acne), but it is not acne.

The skin located directly under the bumps or pimples often also has a pink or red tint; when you feel it, you can detect a pronounced roughness, which is ensured by the appearance of small but multiple bumps along its surface.

Gradually, as the process progresses and the changes that accompany it, pigment spots remain on the skin after such pimples and bumps.

The strip of skin located near the lips itself is, as a rule, not affected; in rare cases, although damage to this area is noted, it is on a much smaller scale than the skin located some distance from the mouth.

This creates a kind of “ring” surrounding the mouth. Sometimes the skin around the eyes, especially in the temple area, is also affected by perioral dermatitis.


Diagnostics and diagnosis is carried out by a specialist dermatologist; the following methods are usually used for this:

To make a diagnosis of perioral dermatitis, a medical history, objective examination and dermatoscopy are performed. In some cases, a histological examination may be required.

If a secondary infection is suspected and there is a need to identify the infectious agent, bacteriological seeding of scrapings from the affected areas of the skin and/or the contents of the rash elements is carried out.

The specific causative agent of perioral dermatitis has not been identified. Patients may be found to have an increased contamination of the skin with microorganisms, as well as fungi of the genus Candida and acne (Demodex folliculorum).

Differential diagnosis of perioral dermatitis with diseases such as sarcoidosis, rosacea, atopic dermatitis, seborrheic dermatitis, acne, eczema, herpes simplex, demodicosis, acne vulgaris.


Let's figure out how to treat oral dermatitis? The duration and effectiveness of treatment depends on the correct selection of drugs and the severity of dermatitis. The course of therapy can last up to 2 months. The sooner measures are taken to eliminate the disease, the more effective the result will be.

Traditional treatment of the disease can be divided into 2 stages: “zero therapy” and medication.

Therapy is prescribed by a specialist, usually the choice of drugs for treatment is made taking into account individual characteristics course of the disease. The duration of the course varies from 2-3 weeks to 2-3 months and depends on many factors, including the stage of the disease at which professional medical help was sought.

In some cases, for example, when climatic conditions change, multiple relapses may occur, so after completion of treatment a course is required preventive measures aimed at maintaining the achieved positive result.

The main methods of getting rid of perioral dermatitis that are practiced today are discussed in detail below in the relevant chapters.

Zero therapy

“Zero therapy” is understood as one of the first stages of treatment, which implies the following conditions must be met:

  1. Buying and using toothpaste that does not contain fluoride.
  2. Stop taking a course of corticosteroid treatment if it was practiced before.
  3. Disclaimer decorative cosmetics on the affected areas of the face.
  4. Using special products for washing that do not cause an allergic reaction even if you are not prone to it.
  5. Compliance with a special dietary complex.

Treatment of any skin disease, including perioral dermatitis, is a long process. The duration of treatment is at least one and a half months. In advanced cases, treatment can last up to three months.

A doctor should treat dermatitis, and the sooner you go to him, the faster a positive result will be obtained.

Treatment, organized according to all the rules and leading to the disappearance of the rash, does not guarantee that perioral dermatitis will not make itself felt again.

Relapses can happen. So, where should you start treating oral dermatitis if your doctor has made this diagnosis?

To begin with, so-called zero therapy is carried out. You need to stop using any cosmetics and medicinal ointments, fluoridated toothpaste.

The rash may get worse after stopping corticosteroids, but things should get better after a few weeks.

Keeping in mind the allergic nature of dermatitis, you can take antihistamines during zero therapy.

If zero therapy does not help, antibiotics are used. For oral dermatitis, antibiotics are sufficient effective measure, they are able to completely cure this disease.

The doctor will prescribe a treatment that includes Minocycline or Doxycycline tablets, as well as Tetracycline or Metronidazole tablets or Metronidazole cream. Instead of Metronidazole cream, Erythromycin gel can be used.

The results of antibiotic treatment can be seen within three weeks. By this time, the skin is noticeably improving, but treatment should not be stopped prematurely.

The first manifestations of this disease can be eliminated in a couple of days, but in order to completely get rid of its progressive form, you will have to spend a couple of months on therapy.

Treatment of perioral dermatitis begins with replacing creams, shampoos and other cosmetics with chemically neutral ones. After this, the doctor waits a couple of days and then prescribes antibiotics, special ointments, sunscreens and antihistamines to the patient.

Gels for psoriasis and acne will not help cure dermatitis.

Rashes in children and adults can be reduced using traditional medicine. Cooled infusion of chamomile, celandine, calendula or St. John's wort is used to treat reddened skin.

If you are allergic to the listed plants, then apply a 1% solution of boric acid to small pimples. In case of oral ailments, special attention is paid to skin care.

You should pat your face lightly after washing. Before leaving the house, you need to apply indifferent powders and neutral cooling gels to your skin.

Ointment for perioral dermatitis

When treating skin ailments, antibiotic-based creams work well. The most famous ointment for oral dermatitis is metronidazole.

It is applied to areas affected by the disease 2 times a day. Similar action has erythromycin.

It is rubbed into the chin and lip area 2-3 times a day. If the inflammatory process does not stop, the doctor prescribes facial gels with pimecrolimus.

The product must be used carefully, because... it reduces local immunity.

Diet for perioral dermatitis

Considered ideal vegetarian food. Products classified as allergenic should be excluded from the menu.

The diet for perioral dermatitis should be balanced, i.e. include boiled meat, porridge with water, vegetables. Fruits are rarely given.

Spicy, fried, fatty and sweet foods should be removed from the diet. If a child under 10 years of age is being treated for an illness, all dairy products are excluded from the menu.

The diet should be followed for 3-4 months after the symptoms of the disease disappear.

When the diagnosis is confirmed, it is first necessary to stop taking medications that contain corticosteroids. In addition, you should avoid using decorative cosmetics and toothpaste containing fluoride.

Treatment of perioral dermatitis is medicinal. If itching is present, antihistamines are indicated, and sedatives may also be required.

For severe swelling, medications may be prescribed diuretic action. Upon joining bacterial infection local or systemic antibiotics are used.

Reception shown vitamin complexes, immunomodulators.

For local treatment for perioral dermatitis, medications with a cooling effect in the form of creams, as well as infusions, are used medicinal plants(calendula, chamomile, celandine, St. John's wort, etc.), lotions from a solution of boric acid.

Treatment of perioral dermatitis lasts from several weeks to several months, depending on the severity of the pathological process. Since the disease is prone to recurrence (especially with the use of cosmetics, decreased immunity and changes in climatic conditions), patients are advised to follow preventive measures.

Treatment of perioral dermatitis is long-term; the duration of therapy can be several months and depends on the severity of symptoms.

Perioral dermatitis should be treated as prescribed by a dermatologist. You need to see a doctor as early as possible, the effectiveness of therapy and the speed of recovery depend on this.

It must be borne in mind that even correct treatment does not exclude the possibility of recurrence of the disease, but there are more mild course and are easily stopped.

Treatment of perioral dermatitis excludes the use of steroid ointments and creams - this must be remembered.

So, how to treat the disease:

  • "Zero" treatment. This is the first step after diagnosis. The patient stops using any ointments, creams and cosmetics, not to mention steroid drugs. Fluoridated toothpaste is replaced with regular toothpaste. After a short deterioration of the condition, improvement soon occurs.
  • Antihistamines. A dermatologist may prescribe anti-allergy medications (Suprastin, Kestin, calcium chloride, sodium thiosulfate, etc.).
  • Antibacterial therapy. Treatment with antibiotics for this diagnosis is quite effective. The progression of the disease is stopped by Metronidazole gel or cream (0.75%), Erythromycin gel (2%). The prescribed drug is applied twice a day until the rash stops. Internal antibiotics Doxycillin or Minocycline can be prescribed. The initial dose is set by the doctor (usually 100 mg twice a day until the rash stops), the maintenance dose is 100 mg once a day for a month and 50 mg once a day for another. Metronidazole and Tetracycline can be administered orally. Improvement in skin condition is observed three weeks after the start of antibacterial therapy.
  • Skin care. Treatment of the disease involves soft, gentle facial care. You should wash your face as usual, moderately. warm water. You cannot rub your face with a towel; you need to lightly blot your skin. On the recommendation of a dermatologist, you can use neutral talcs and powders, moisturizing creams that do not contain substances that can aggravate symptoms.
  • Phytotherapy. In acute cases, lotions with chamomile infusion(if there is no allergy to the plant) or 1% boric acid. Washes and compresses with infusions of celandine, calendula and St. John's wort are effective.
  • Normalization of the functioning of the whole body. If foci of infection are present, concomitant diseases must be treated. Treatment also includes normalization of the endocrine and nervous systems, gastrointestinal tract. The doctor may prescribe general strengthening and immunomodulating medications, drugs to maintain the functioning of the central nervous system. It is recommended to treat perioral dermatitis in conjunction with a course of vitamin therapy (vitamins B, A, C, folic acid).
  • UV protection. Treatment is not compatible with constant exposure of the skin to direct sunlight, since ultraviolet radiation only aggravates the symptoms. In summer, you need to apply sunscreen with a protection factor of 30.

The therapeutic regimen for a child is similar to that for adults

In general, the prognosis is favorable, since perioral dermatitis is not a health-threatening disease and in some cases goes away on its own.

One way or another, in any manifestation characteristic symptoms You need to contact a dermatologist as soon as possible so that he can make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment.

Treatment of oral dermatitis should be carried out comprehensively and in stages. During preparation for treatment, the doctor cancels all hormonal medications, cosmetics and personal hygiene products.

The epidermis must rest. Usage hormonal drugs should be discontinued gradually to avoid exacerbation of the pathology.

Important proper care behind the skin of the face. If the manifestations of oral dermatitis are mild, you can use a decoction of chamomile and sage. For complicated symptoms, it is better to use special emulsions with oil base. For acute manifestations, it is possible to use naphthalene-tar paste 2%.

Antibacterial agents for oral dermatitis are used for about two months. The course of treatment and methods are determined by the doctor individually for each patient.

But additional drugs are also needed:

In the presence of infectious foci, it is necessary to treat accompanying pathologies, as well as normalize the endocrine and nervous systems, and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Immunostimulating drugs are also prescribed to treat oral dermatitis. Monthly courses of vitamins B, C, A, and folic acid will help.

In especially severe cases, therapy is supplemented with physiotherapy, cryomassage and other medical procedures.

Treatment of oral dermatitis during pregnancy

Treatment is certainly necessary for perioral dermatitis, because without it, the rash can remain on the skin for many months or even years.

Meanwhile, adequate therapy addressed to the disease often provides the opportunity to quickly get rid of the rash, and for a long time.

Possible complications and consequences

Due to the fact that this form of dermatitis is quite resistant to treatment, as a result the patient may develop irritability, become depressed, nervous, and depressed.

Aesthetically, the face does not look attractive. This chronic illness, and each subsequent relapse may have more pronounced manifestations.

Face after improper treatment remains with scars and age spots. Areas of skin affected by dermatitis become dry and pale. But in most cases, the prognosis for treatment is favorable, without serious consequences.

There is a separate article on our website about how to treat toenail fungus. All about the reasons for the appearance of moles on the body is at this address.

Perioral dermatitis is characterized by a relapsing course, and with relapses of the disease, more intense rashes and more painful sensations accompanying the appearance of the rash may be observed.

If perioral dermatitis is not adequately treated, pigment spots and scars may remain on the skin.


To prevent the development of perioral dermatitis, the use of glucocorticoid creams for the treatment of seborrheic dermatitis, acne and rosacea should be limited. This especially applies to predisposed patients with chronic infectious diseases or hormonal disorders.

To prevent the development of perioral dermatitis, it is recommended:

  • timely treatment of diseases internal organs, especially the digestive system;
  • avoidance of use medicines for external use (ointments, creams), which contain corticosteroids;
  • refusal to abuse decorative cosmetics;
  • refusal to use low-quality cosmetics;
  • refusal to use fluoride toothpastes;
  • balanced diet (limiting fatty, salty, spicy dishes, alcoholic beverages);
  • compliance with personal hygiene rules.

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Those who have treated oral dermatitis should take the following preventive measures to avoid relapses:

  • stop using corticosteroid ointments and creams to neutralize skin diseases on the face;
  • follow a diet and do not forget about personal hygiene;
  • treat rosacea-like manifestations with drugs without hormones;
  • limit the use of cosmetics with allergic components;
  • use products that protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation;
  • Brush your teeth less often with fluoride toothpastes.

Oral dermatitis is treated comprehensively. The prognosis is favorable if therapeutic measures started on time.


You should avoid drinking tea, coffee, alcoholic beverages, citrus fruits, eggs, mushrooms, fish, sausage products, canned food, yeast dough products, spices, and limit the consumption of salt and sugar.

To normalize metabolism, patients need plenty of fluids.

To eliminate the symptoms of oral dermatitis, the specialist also prescribes hypoallergenic diet. If there is no effect, it is replaced with a short-lived therapeutic fasting. The scheme is selected individually.

Spices, smoked, spicy, fried foods are excluded from the diet. Food should be rich in vitamins.

Preference is given to boiled vegetable foods. Limit mushrooms, carrots, eggs, fish, caviar, soy, salt, sugar.

You can eat wholemeal bread, dairy products, cereals, beans, vegetables, green fruits, boiled lean meat.

The patient should drink two liters of fluid per day to normalize the flow of microelements into the tissues.

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Oral dermatitis - damage to the skin of the perioral area inflammatory in nature. Externally, the symptoms are similar to regular acne rashes, but it cannot be cured with anti-acne medications. Do not put off visiting a dermatologist - if the treatment is incorrect, the disease can become chronic.

External manifestations of the disease and causes

This disease can be called differently - perioral, rosacea-like, steroid, perioral dermatitis. In any case, it manifests itself as redness of the skin around the mouth, with the appearance of pink-red convex papules in this area. The skin becomes dense and rough to the touch. Subsequently, these rashes spread to the chin, nasolabial folds, and cheek area. In advanced cases, the rash can spread to the skin around the eyes and temporal region. The rashes are usually symmetrical, concentrated in different areas, but do not merge. These rashes do not itch and do not physically bother the patient. In rare cases, a slight burning sensation may be felt in areas of redness of the skin.

The following reasons can provoke oral dermatitis:

  • Diseases of the endocrine system, stomach, intestines, vegetative-vascular dystonia.
  • Predisposition to allergic reactions.
  • Infectious diseases, in particular candidiasis.
  • General decrease in immunity.
  • Sensitive facial skin.
  • Creams and ointments containing hydrocortisone or prednisolone. To activate a disease, it is not necessary to use data hormonal drugs on the face, they can be applied to any part of the body.
  • Fluoride toothpastes.
  • Cosmetics – creams and lotions for facial skin care, foundation, powder, which contain paraffin, isopropyl myristate, petroleum jelly, sodium lauryl sulfite.
  • Oral contraceptives. The disease is often provoked by the withdrawal of such drugs.
  • Prolonged exposure to direct sunlight or prolonged exposure to severe frost.

During the period of treatment, you should exclude exposure to provoking factors on the skin: do not use cosmetics and ointments, avoid any hormonal products and fluoride-containing paste, protect your face from the sun or bad weather when going outside, do not visit baths and saunas, and do not steam your skin.

Drug treatment

To select treatment tactics, a dermatologist needs only a visual examination of the patient. To make a diagnosis, a scraping may be prescribed from the affected area (bacteriological culture).

Treatment is carried out with the following pharmacological drugs:

  • Antihistamines – loratadine, suprastin, Zyrtec, citrine.
  • Antibiotics – doxycycline, tetracycline, metronidazole preparations.
  • Diuretics - in the presence of edema.
  • Sedatives – motherwort, valerian.
  • Lotions using boric acid.

During treatment, you should adhere to a certain diet: spicy, salty, cold, hot, fatty foods, coffee, chocolate, alcohol. Your doctor may prescribe vitamin-containing medications ( a nicotinic acid, B6) and means for restoring intestinal microflora.

Folk remedies against oral dermatitis

Traditional methods of treatment can be used as a complement to drug therapy:

  • Herbal tincture for oral administration: mix a tablespoon of flowers and herbs - calendula, chamomile, St. John's wort, plantain, elecampane, horsetail. Brew a liter of boiling water and take 2 tablespoons 3 times a day.
  • Herbal lotions: mix a pinch of string, calendula, plantain and chamomile; pour a glass of hot water, apply compresses 3 times a day.
  • Wipe the affected areas with a decoction of oak bark or freshly cut aloe leaves.
  • Grate fresh pumpkin pulp, wrap in gauze and apply to the rash several times a day for 15 minutes.
  • Spray inflamed areas of your face with thermal or sea water as often as possible.

Facial cryomassage with liquid nitrogen

The essence this method– short-term exposure to cold on the skin of the face. This option treatment has shown its effectiveness in the fight against oral dermatitis. The procedure is absolutely painless and has a pronounced therapeutic effect.

Cryomassage has the following effects on the skin:

  • the secretory function of the sebaceous glands is normalized;
  • pigmentation is removed;
  • inflammatory processes are stopped;
  • the upper layers of the skin peel off;
  • metabolic processes in the body are accelerated;
  • immunity increases.

Exposure to liquid nitrogen enhances the effect of pharmaceuticals.

Operational and competent treatment Perioral dermatitis lasts from a couple of weeks to several months. Don't start the disease until chronic form. Besides aesthetic problems and discomfort, the disease can lead to psychological trauma, neuroses, depression. In case of recurrence of perioral dermatitis, the rash and pain usually intensify.



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