Sulfur ointment: instructions for use, composition, analogues and reviews. Sulfur ointment: use for various skin diseases

Skin diseases are not uncommon, and at times it can be difficult to identify their cause, but the signs can suggest what kind of leprosy has befallen the person. Here you cannot delay treatment, and sulfur ointment will come to the rescue - instructions for use for which and what it helps with are discussed below.

Sulfur ointment - composition

The pharmaceutical industry uses two types of sulfur to produce medications:

  • peeled;
  • besieged.

Purified sulfur is used as a basis for preparing suspensions that are consumed orally, but precipitated sulfur cannot be used for these purposes, since in this case hydrogen sulfide (a very toxic substance) is formed. The beneficial properties of precipitated sulfur have been proven repeatedly, which has made it possible to include it in ointments, powders and other preparations for external application.

The product is represented by different percentages of the active substance, so the composition of sulfur ointment includes:

  • 6, 10 or 33 g of this chemical element;
  • purified water;
  • petrolatum;
  • emulsifier T2.

What does it help with?

Sulfur, which is part of the composition, does not itself have a therapeutic effect on the skin, but by reacting with other substances and forming chemical compounds (acid and sulfides), it successfully fights many skin diseases. Here's what sulfur ointment treats:

  • scabies;
  • psoriasis;
  • burns;
  • skin rash;
  • acne;
  • seborrhea, etc.

Indications for use

Although, according to the instructions, the main purpose of the drug is to combat scabies, the use of sulfur ointment is not limited to this. It can both soften and dry the skin, relieve unbearable itching, fight irritation and activate the protective functions of the skin, promoting its rapid healing. We can assume that the product practically does not harm human skin, the only thing is that sometimes it dries out the epidermis.

The main indication for use is scabies, a disease that can affect a person at any age. Treatment should be carried out in consultation with a specialist. The duration of treatment as indicated in the instructions is from 3 days to a week, and depends on the stage of development of the disease. The medication is applied to previously cleansed skin, and this should be done at night before going to bed, and in the morning you can only remove any remnants of the drug, if any remain. During the treatment period, bathing is contraindicated; it is recommended to constantly change bed linen.

The use of liniment has been confirmed as an effective remedy for fungal infections of nails and skin, although the instructions are silent about this. The drug is effective in combating the fungus that causes seborrheic dermatitis. Surprisingly, the product helps in healing wounds and cracks in hemorrhoids and, judging by the reviews, is very successful. If you dilute it in equal proportions with warm water, then this solution can be used against lice and to combat nits.

How to use sulfur ointment

There are a few small rules to consider when using sulfur ointment. Firstly, before applying it to the body, you must take a shower and wash your skin with soap. After water procedures, you need to wipe yourself dry. Secondly, the drug is applied in a thin layer to the site of the lesion so as not to disrupt the lipid protection of the skin. It is not washed off for 24 hours. The ointment should not be applied under a bandage, since air must always be available to the skin. The shelf life is 2 years.

Instructions for use

According to the recommendations, the ointment should be applied to the skin, avoiding the hairy areas of the head and face. The instructions have certain instructions for use depending on the sulfur content in the composition. Sulfur paste is sold in pharmacies without a prescription and is sold in glass jars or aluminum tubes. Treatment according to the instructions usually lasts five days, but the attending physician may give other instructions. After recovery, you need to change your bed linen.

For acne

Acne, blackheads, and other skin lesions respond well to treatment with the drug. It cleanses skin pores, providing a drying and bactericidal effect. Sulfur ointment for acne on the face is applied in a thin layer to washed skin. Therapy lasts a week and a half. It is important to know that it is impossible to get rid of cystic acne using this medication - other methods are used for this. While using the product, you should lead a healthy lifestyle and adhere to certain dietary rules. The diet must be structured in the following way:

  • exclude flour;
  • refuse heavy food;
  • do not drink carbonated drinks;
  • try to completely switch to a healthy diet.

From depriving

According to the instructions, the drug is an excellent antiseptic, therefore it successfully copes with lichen in the early stages. Sulfur ointment for lichen is applied to clean skin for ten days. Before using the drug, it is recommended to treat the affected areas with salicylic alcohol. This comprehensive approach helps to get rid of the disease in the shortest possible time.

With demodicosis

During pregnancy

Like all drugs, sulfur ointment should be prescribed to pregnant women only by the attending physician. Only he can indicate how to apply liniment. Although the product is considered harmless and is used in the treatment of acne, scabies and other skin diseases (this is confirmed by the instructions), it is imperative to diagnose the absence of allergies to the components of the ointment. To do this, a small amount of medication is applied to the area around the elbow and the body’s reaction is observed throughout the day.

For psoriasis

The disease is characterized by the appearance of keratinized cells on the human skin, and their number is large, and the disease itself has frequent exacerbations. Characteristic signs of the disease are itching and the appearance of cracks in problem areas. The use of sulfur ointment for psoriasis 1-2 times a day at the initial stage can relieve symptoms and alleviate the course of the disease.

Since the drug dries the epidermis, its use should be under the strict supervision of specialists so that further drying of the skin does not occur. The components of the drug, causing irritation, promote a rush of blood to problem areas, forcing cells to regenerate. In advanced stages of the disease, the use of ointment must be combined with other drugs.

Side effects

The drug has been used for a long time, so we can say with confidence that it is safe, and there are practically no side effects of sulfur ointment. With prolonged use, as reviews indicate and the instructions say, it can cause allergic reactions and redness, but on the other hand, its therapeutic effect can cover all these shortcomings. Treatment is allowed in pregnant women and children over three years of age, which is an excellent indicator for using the drug in the fight against skin problems.


All medications have disadvantages. This tool is no exception. There are the following contraindications for sulfur ointment:

  • children under 2 years of age;
  • intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • increased sensitivity.

Analogues of sulfur ointment

At the pharmacy you can purchase alternative drugs used to combat similar diseases:

  • Medifox. A domestic product that is a concentrate for preparing an emulsion. To do this, add a third of the bottle to 100 g of boiled water. Successfully copes with scabies when applied once a day for three days. The emulsion is thoroughly rubbed into the skin, with the exception of the face, neck and scalp. On the fourth day, you should take a shower with soap and change your bed linen. The main difference from sulfur ointment is the absence of a pungent odor.
  • Benzyl benzoate. Produced by both Russian and foreign manufacturers. May take the form of a lotion, emulsion, or ointment. Apply to the surface of the body with the exception of the face and scalp. The ointment is effective for treating scabies in children, and for adults it is recommended to use an emulsion. This ointment does not have a strong odor, and the emulsion does not stain clothes and washes off well.
  • Salicylic acid. To get rid of acne, blackheads and other skin problems, patients are advised to choose the drug in a concentration of 1%, since more saturated drugs can cause peeling of the skin. The face should be wiped with the solution several times a day. This reduces inflammation, removes pigmentation, and destroys bacteria.
  • Magnipsor. An effective ointment against psoriasis (not recommended for use by pregnant and lactating women, children under 7 years of age). Apply a thin layer to all affected areas of the body twice a day; if necessary, rub the product into the hair areas with light movements. Treatment lasts until spots form at the site of the plaques and the skin stops peeling. Unlike sulfur ointment, the remedy is effective at different stages of the disease.
  • Permethrin ointment. An effective remedy against demodicosis, which is often prescribed to patients, with the exception of children under 3 years of age. According to the instructions, the course lasts two weeks, but on the doctor’s recommendation it can be extended. Liniment is rubbed into problem areas twice a day, and in special cases it can be used three times during the day. Unlike sulfur ointment, it does not have a strong unpleasant odor.

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Characteristics of the drug


Indications for use:Fungal infections of the skin and nails, psoriasis, seborrheic dermatitis

Side effects:Possible allergic reaction, manifested by rash and itching

Contraindications:Individual intolerance to sulfur and the age category of children under three years of age

Price: From 40 to 50 rubles

Sulfur ointment has established itself as an excellent remedy in the fight against various skin diseases several centuries ago. Modern medicine continues to use the drug, since its main component provides an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect, promotes skin healing and affects the cause of the disease.

Components of the drug and their effect

Simple sulfur ointment has a yellowish color and a viscous structure. When applied, small grains are felt and a very specific smell is felt. It contains two components: sulfur and an emulsion consisting of water and petroleum jelly.
One package of sulfur ointment contains 25, 30 or 40 g of the drug. The active substance may be present in 10, 20, 33%.

When the components that make up the drug interact with the skin, acids and sulfides are formed. They act on pathogenic microorganisms, stopping their vital activity. In this case, sulfur does not enter the systemic circulation, which ensures a minimal risk of side effects.

What does sulfur ointment help with?

Despite the popularity of this drug, you need to know that it is advisable to use it for treatment after consultation with a doctor, who will draw up an individual regimen for using the drug. In addition, to eliminate many diseases, it helps only in complex treatment.

Contraindications and side effects

Sulfur ointment has few contraindications. These include individual intolerance to sulfur and the age category of children under three years of age.

During drug therapy, side effects in the form of an allergic reaction, manifested by rash and itching, rarely occur. Swelling of the face or throat, dizziness and migraines may occur. If this happens, you need to consult a dermatologist who will decide whether to discontinue the remedy.

Sulfur ointment is approved for use during pregnancy, as it is applied topically and does not affect the fetus. However, expectant mothers and breastfeeding women should consult a doctor before using the drug.

Proper Use

The instructions for using sulfur ointment indicate that the drug should be applied to clean, dry skin. The dosage and amount of the product used depends on the type of disease and its severity.

Let's consider the use of the drug for certain diseases.

Fungal infections

Fungal infections are contagious and very unpleasant diseases that require long-term treatment.

Sulfur ointment for fungus has proven itself to be an effective remedy, however, positive treatment can only be achieved with its help at the very beginning of the disease or in its mild stages. In more complex cases, treatment should be comprehensive, including not only local drugs, but also drugs that fight the disease from the inside.

Quite often, sulfur ointment is used for foot fungus. However, several of its disadvantages in the fight against this disease should be noted:

  • is a strong allergen;
  • active only against some pathogenic fungi;
  • has an unpleasant odor.

Considering these factors, before starting to use the drug, it is necessary to undergo tests to identify the type of fungus that caused the disease. You also need to test for possible allergies. It is done like this: spread a little of the drug on the skin of the inner part of the forearm. If after a few hours no visible changes are noted on the skin, you can safely use the product. Sulfur ointment for nail fungus is also widely used.

However, in order to achieve a good result, you should follow a number of rules during treatment:

  1. Before applying the drug to the nail plate, it is necessary to steam the nails in a bath of warm water to which soda is added. You can use baths based on other ingredients that we have described.
  2. Dry your feet thoroughly with a towel.
  3. The drug is applied to the infected nails in a thin layer, carefully but gently rubbing it in.
  4. The drug is applied for prophylactic purposes to healthy areas of skin that are located around the infected nail.
  5. The nail is treated not only from all sides, but also, if possible, the product is placed under the nail plate.
  6. To keep the product on your nails for as long as possible, after treatment, wear socks made from natural fabrics. If the fungus affects your fingernails, bandage your finger.
  7. Apply the product in the morning and evening.
  8. Treatment should not be interrupted, regardless of its duration.
  9. All tools used to apply the product must be disinfected after each use.

When treating nail fungus, it is important to remember that following the rules of personal hygiene is the key to success in getting rid of pathogenic microorganisms.

Sulfur ointment is more suitable for use in treating skin fungus than nails. In addition, it must be remembered that when prescribing the drug to children from 3 to 12 years of age, treatment should be carried out under strict medical supervision. To treat a child, you can use a product with a lower concentration of sulfur in the ointment.

Considering that sulfur is an excellent antiseptic, it is used in the treatment of lichen. This disease is highly contagious and manifests itself in the form of constantly itchy and flaky spots. Sulfur ointment for lichen is a good remedy, but to achieve maximum effect in therapy it should be combined with other drugs. Treatment is carried out for 10 days. Apply a thin layer of the product to the infected areas of the skin.


You can rub the product for 10 minutes on areas affected by lichen before going to bed for a week. The second method of treatment consists of a specific scheme. So, on the first day of use, the affected areas are treated with the product, and for the next two days the drug is not used. On day 4, the patient uses the ointment again, after washing the entire body with soap.

Sulfur ointment has also proven itself well for the treatment of seborrhea of ​​the scalp. It will also help with seborrhea on the body and face.

The beneficial effect of hair ointment is to protect it from hair loss. It can get rid of dandruff and stimulate rapid growth of healthy hair.

To treat demodicosis, a sulfur-based drug is often used. It is effective, but requires long-term treatment, and the ointment is used 3 times a day


The drug can alleviate the symptoms of the disease at the very beginning of its development. In more advanced forms, this chronic disease requires complex treatment.

The ointment is an indispensable tool for treating problematic facial skin. For its effect to be effective, you must first prepare the skin for the treatment procedure:

Similar means and cost

Sulfur ointment has no analogues that would be identical to its composition, with the exception of the preparations Sulfur, Precipitated Sulfur.
Combination products based on sulfur have become widespread: sulfur-salicylic and sulfur-tar ointments.

Sulfur-salicylic ointment Sulfur-tar ointment

Also, drugs such as Medifox, Benzyl benzoate, Spregal and others have similar effects.
The cost of the medicine is low: the price of the ointment varies from 40 to 50 rubles.

Medifox Benzyl benzoate Spregal

Additional Information

Despite the fact that dermatologists often prescribe the product to pregnant and lactating women, there have been no comprehensive studies on the effect of sulfur on the fetus and the penetration of the substance into breast milk.

Do not allow the product to come into contact with mucous membranes. If this happens, they must be washed with plenty of water.
Sharing the drug with other antiseptics is prohibited: this can cause a chemical burn to the skin.

The product is difficult to wash off clothes and bedding. Moreover, it cannot be washed off the skin with water. For these purposes, use heated vegetable oil, in which a cotton pad is moistened and the remaining ointment is wiped off.

Skin diseases are accompanied by a number of unpleasant sensations, including itching and a burning sensation. For therapeutic purposes, dermatologists recommend the use of external agents that stop the spread of the disease and alleviate the patient’s general condition. These medications include Sulfur Ointment, an inexpensive and effective medicine.

General information about the drug

The domestically produced medicine is recommended for use in case of severe reactions on the patient’s skin. The medication is used as a cosmetic for purulent skin rashes (acne, age-related acne). The use is due to the healing properties of the drug, including antimicrobial.

The product should be used externally only. It is irritating to mucous membranes and may cause additional allergic reactions upon contact. The medication has a number of absolute and relative contraindications. Adverse reactions may occur.

Release form, composition and packaging

The medication is available in the form of a pasty mass, yellowish in color with a specific odor. The consistency is thick, there are no foreign particles. The medicine contains active and additive components. The main element is sulfur, previously purified. The content of the active component should not exceed 33.5 mg.

Auxiliary elements:

  • a mixture of paraffin wax and mineral oil;
  • ester of polymer glycerol and fatty acid;
  • purified liquid.

The product is available in aluminum tubes and dark glass containers. Jars with a volume of 15 to 70 g, hermetically sealed with a plastic lid. The tube is sealed with a thick layer of foil and closed with a lid. On the back of the lid there is a cylindrical rod with which the protective foil is opened. Cans and tubes are placed in cardboard boxes along with annotation. All necessary markings are present on the box.

pharmachologic effect

The active component in the external preparation has a beneficial effect on the skin. The healing properties of sulfur directly depend on the content of the substance in the medicine. 5% and 10% sulfur-based cream has a softening and wound-healing effect. Under the influence of the drug, the process of regeneration and cellular renewal is launched. In diseases caused by an allergen, the dermis is extremely sensitive, so sulfur has a calming effect, relieves burning and itching.

Provided that the sulfur concentration in the product is 33%, when applied, the product increases blood flow and acts as an irritant. The upper layers of the epidermis are dried, the ointment promotes the healing of deep cuts and abrasions. The highly concentrated ointment has an irritating effect, so use must be careful.


After applying the medicine to the affected areas of the skin, the creamy paste penetrates the upper layers of the epidermis and is absorbed into the blood. Through the hematopoietic system, the active component is distributed throughout the body and penetrates into the soft tissues. Cellular receptors involved in the metabolic processes of skin disease, under the influence of the drug, reduce permeability.

Mediators not involved in metabolic processes are not affected by sulfur. Penetrating into cells, the active component in the composition of the dosage form reduces the spread of allergic reactions and reduces the penetrating functions of blood vessels. The drug does not penetrate the internal organs and the cerebral cortex.

Mechanism of action

The mechanism of action of the drug is based on the appearance of a keratolytic effect. Keratinocytes, when inhibited, increase skin exfoliation. Keratolytic sulfur ointment deeply affects the dying layers of the skin, gradually softening and removing dead skin cells.


The medicine is approved for use in a number of dermatological diseases. Diseases and the principle of action of the ointment in each individual case:

The medicine is approved for use for medicinal purposes for pediculosis as an antipruritic medication.


The medication has a number of relative and absolute contraindications. The following are considered absolute:

  • children under 2 years of age;
  • hypersensitivity;
  • individual intolerance of the patient to individual components of the drug.

Relative contraindications:

  • pregnancy;
  • breast-feeding;
  • genetic predisposition to excessive pigmentation.

Taking the drug for relative contraindications is permitted after passing the necessary tests. If there is no danger to the mother and fetus in the womb, the drug should be used carefully.

Instructions for use

The medication is applied topically. The initial treatment period should not exceed 5 days. Step by step guide:

  1. On day 1, skin treatment carried out before bed. Affected skin must be thoroughly disinfected. Before the procedure, you must take a shower using soap or gel. It is recommended to apply the product with clean hands, evenly distributing it over the affected skin (no more than 1 g per 10 cm2). Clothes that have been previously worn (during the day) should not be worn on the body treated with the drug.
  2. For 2-3 days no processing required. It is advisable to refrain from applying the product.
  3. On day 4 it is necessary to carry out the same series of manipulations, as in 1 day.
  4. On the 5th day It is recommended to take a shower to wash off excess unabsorbed ointment.

Treatment of children with medication should be carried out in a gentle manner. A small amount of the product is applied to the skin no more than once every 2 days.

If necessary, the treatment procedure can be repeated after 7 days according to a similar scheme.

When using ointment as a medicine for acne, experts recommend adhering to a number of rules:

  • the skin must first be cleansed with a tonic;
  • the product is applied in a thick layer;
  • It is recommended to remove excess with a napkin.

After treatment, the dermis should not be wetted for 3 hours. Therefore, it is advisable to use the medication in the evening hours.


During the studies, no symptoms of overdose were identified.

Side effects

If patients are hypersensitive, a number of side effects may occur. In most cases, the effects manifest themselves in the form of additional allergic reactions:

  • redness of the skin;
  • rash, including papules.

Side effects go away on their own after 3 days. If symptoms persist for more than 4 days, you must stop using sulfur ointment and seek qualified medical help.

Use during pregnancy

The use of an external local antimicrobial drug for pregnant patients and breastfeeding women is recommended with the permission of a dermatologist. Application should begin with passing the necessary tests. Women who are breastfeeding should stop breastfeeding during treatment.

For children

Drug interactions

There are no data on the interaction of sulfur ointment and other anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial drugs.

special instructions

The active component in the paste-like medicine has an irritating effect on the mucous membranes. When using, it is necessary to prevent the ointment from getting into the eyes, mouth and nasal cavity.

Skin diseases often worry both adults and small children. Despite the variety of existing medications, it is not so easy to get rid of many diseases. Take, for example, seborrhea or scabies. These ailments are very unpleasant and even dangerous, and sulfur ointment is often used to treat them, the instructions for which are extremely simple. Let's consider the main points associated with the use of this effective, time-tested medicine.

Cooking method

Sulfur ointment is a suspended ointment, and therefore its production must be carried out using an emulsion. When producing this product, the precipitated sulfur must be mixed with pork fat or with a special emulsifier. Thus, if there is no indication of an emulsion base in a sulfur ointment, this means that it was produced incorrectly, and therefore it is better not to use it. The ointment is produced and prepared in pharmacies; it is sold in glass jars of 40 and 25 g.

Features of the action


Sulfur ointment is simple, its use is indicated for adults and children. This remedy is used externally to get rid of various skin infections and diseases. This ointment is effective in treating ailments such as:

  • sycosis, which is a pustular infection in the beard and mustache area;
  • seborrhea - a disease of the scalp in which there is increased function of the sebaceous glands;
  • psoriasis is a chronic skin disease characterized by numerous rashes on the skin;
  • pediculosis;
  • scabies;
  • fungal skin infections.


Sulfur ointment, the instructions for which contain indications of contraindications for the use of the product, is not suitable for all people. So, if a person has hypersensitivity to the components from which the drug is made, its use should be abandoned. It is also contraindicated to treat skin diseases with this product in children under 3 years of age. Sulfur ointment during pregnancy and lactation, as well as for the treatment of children from 3 to 5 years old, should be used under the supervision of a doctor and solely on his recommendation.

It is important

Since the causative agents of skin diseases can be both fungal and viral infectious agents, and the most common causes of their occurrence are various types of malfunctions in the functioning of the human body, it is advisable to begin treatment using sulfur ointment only after an accurate diagnosis by a dermatologist.

Rules of application

When treating skin diseases, sulfur ointment must be applied to the affected skin at night or twice a day, vigorously rubbing the product into the skin. It is recommended to start treatment with an ointment whose concentration is no more than 20%, and after a few days, provided the drug is well tolerated, move on to a more concentrated form (33%). On areas of the body with delicate skin (for example, in the genital area), sulfur ointment should be rubbed less lightly so as not to cause irritation. The skin of the face and head should not be lubricated with the drug. It is also prohibited to apply ointment under the bandage.

Course duration

The duration of the course of treatment of skin diseases with sulfur ointment is determined individually and depends on the patient’s health status and the skin disease affecting his body. For example, for pediculosis and scabies, as a rule, experts prescribe a five-day course of treatment, after which the patient must wash thoroughly and change bed linen.

Unpleasant nuances

When using sulfur ointment, you must be prepared that your bed and clothes will be hopelessly dirty. Even several thorough washes will not get rid of the stains left behind and the extremely unpleasant “aroma”. Therefore, it is recommended to prepare in advance and stock up on unnecessary old things that you won’t mind parting with after completing the treatment.

Sulfur ointment, the instructions for which are an integral part of it, is a wonderful remedy that has been successfully used to treat many skin ailments.



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